
Posts Tagged ‘teacher’

Virgo Shamanic Healer Traditional Smoking Ceremony Saturn Square Chiron

An Aboriginal man performs a traditional “smoking” ceremony as the Asian Cup trophy is carried to the Sydney Opera House for the official draw.  

Late September, this Saturn square was showing up, already in effect at the Sep 19 New Moon. The Nov 2 exact aspect is the day before the Taurus/Scorpio Frosty Full Moon Nov 3. It’s like Saturn hammers the forces into place, if he can get them in his grip. Then the Full Moon spreads the pages apart, Moon opposite Sun, to reveal the valuable inner nut, opens the Gateway!

Saturn square Chiron has run concurrently with the Jupiter set of four that started late October 2016. It is now the next to the last aspect of the entire set. The very last one is Saturn trine Uranus 11.11.17!

Saturn square Chiron blocks or breaks away. Saturn nails them shut for later consideration, or splits them apart to be reassembled with better materials for a finer fit. Small firewood burns faster. Smaller healing steps can be wise, more easily dealt with in difficult situations. Start where you can, adjust as you go.

The Magi astrologers consider this a sad aspect of loss in relationships, wounding, depression. Sometimes neither party is willing, or able, to make changes, rebuild. Too tired, weak, overburdened, survival priorities may take precedence. I have a realistic regard for this one and won’t recommend marriages at this time unless you have way above average compatibility, both of you have super progressions and otherwise fabulous transits, and your astrologer arranges the very best possible date and time for you. But good compatibility can be brought down by a wedding chart fraught with long term difficult aspects. Why pick aspects like this when you can wait and do so much better? Though the aspect is activating 24 Sag/Pisces 47, and that may not activate any factor in your charts, it still would be part of the wedding chartIt will have problems, and that chart is the one for the purpose of your union. If Karma comes calling, and you must do it, then study up on these aspects well. In some ways the tables can be turned; in others, you will do the dance as spelled out.

For some people, the square will actually activate their charts well. The aspect itself will present challenge, but you will deal with it comfortably. If it doesn’t aspect your chart at all, it’s just a go by, hardly noticed.

If it is in difficult conditions with your chart…. If Chiron is a/the wound, and Saturn slows down healing, it just isn’t fun. It can be your love life, your body, your work or business, school, attitude. For centuries we’ve largely ignored the wisdom of those among us who are still directly connected to ancestral ways of knowledge. If you haven’t paid serious attention before and some real work needs to be done, you may make a breakthrough and make a start in the right direction. Find a real teacher/healer, maybe an indigenous shamanic healer. You may get over the fear of making a commitment or taking on something bigger than usual. You might be called on to do it on your own as others may have troubles of their own. Give them any help you can. You may be frustrated with limits, but perhaps they are keeping you safe for the time being. Time may feel like it is standing still. It teaches poise and patience. Just stay steady, stay with it. Make what you’ve got the best it can be.

That said, here are some ideas how to use this square to full advantage. Buckle up. Saturn knows how to prioritize, condense its energy, waste no time, has super focus, puts the right people in the right places to get the job done! Yes! Just like a Surveyor, in Sagittarius, they can locate to the right place within a hairsbreadth, build with confidence! They have the wisdom to pick projects that make sense over time, adding up over the years, future benefits multiplied! Hard work pays off.

Chiron was immortal and suffered a wound that wouldn’t heal. Through that experience he became an adept healer and teacher. In Pisces, there is a wordless compassion, often giving lifelong service to causes to benefit humanity. Chiron is also considered to be an astute business planet. Health spas, hospitals, senior facilities, schools and all their associated functions. Working in these ways, as healers and teachers, express this energy well. Building facilities and housing, working in human resources, providing services to your community, are some of the ways Saturn and Chiron can combine their skills and intentions, work together for the greater good.

At the personal level, Saturn may need to learn when to get down on his knees, take a break, leave the work at the office. In Sagittarius the wild card is wanting to run away, procrastinate some. Maybe that’s good, maybe not. But take a look at it. Take care of things that make you want to run away. Either it’s part of life and you need to man up, or it’s time for a change. If you need it, get some support. If you need support in your relationship, get it sooner than later. Save time down the road and don’t let things get beyond fixing. Be proud of your accomplishments and use that as a springboard to mentoring and teaching. Chiron in Pisces may be challenged by the ‘wounds’ of confusion or addictions, fear and escape. Do your best to keep stress lower, avoid trigger situations, be with knowing and supportive people, go to extra meetings if you need to. Have your responses ready to anticipated difficult questions. Leave stressful situations if you need to. Eat well, get a little exercise, and plenty of rest. Healer heal thyself. It’s ok to be exactly who you are, exactly where you are at. Blessed be.

This aspect is particularly significant after all the recent natural disasters – fires, floods, quakes. Saturn square Chiron has forced us to let go of old wounds, released us from old sacrifices and negligence, acting alone. New communities are being formed, timely new businesses with real bones are being born. Hard times have shown us what really matters, how to help and be helped. We are connecting with one another, really connecting, heart to heart. The Nov 11 Saturn trine Uranus has been traveling concurrently with Saturn square Chiron. It is a perfect time to build with sustainability in mind, upgrading to new and better possibilities for sweeter reasons. It’s a time of re-creation. Saturn the Builder, Father Time, is in harmony, trine, with genius Uranus, the planet of chaos, change, community, R/Evolution. Saturn, a historical genius, now in Sagittarius becomes a practical Futurist with the background to make it so!   

If you are well and safe, do some special volunteer work. Get on the road and give some tenderness to others in need. Share your expertise. Serve dinners, scope out the soup line for a mentoree! See how your company can serve the community with its profits. Make those tax deductible donations! What goes around comes around. Plant your seeds well.

Shortly after our Nov 2 Saturn square Chiron, Nov 11 the entire 2016-17 set finishes with Saturn trine Uranus! This aspect starts a series of only positive aspects through Nov 1, 2018!!!! That’s a go ahead!

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See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming last of the year Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Jupiter Sextile Saturn opens many doors, gateways, thresholds....

A time of many thresholds….

Jupiter came within a 5 degree range of Saturn Oct 15, the very day of the Aries/Libra Full Moon! Many astrologers allow that range. Others, due to this aspect being a sextile only allow a 3 degree range. But if you feel it, even before the 5 degrees, it’s active for you! The three degree range starts Nov 2. This aspect is important because though it doesn’t become exact until Aug 27, and then only once, it is continuously close from now until March 6 when Jupiter retrogrades out of the 5 degree range. They don’t get that close again until July 29 through when it’s exact Aug 27. They are quite close 3 1/2 months then another month, so a total of 4 1/2 months they travel closely together in the background. It lasts so long because Jupiter retrogrades Feb 5, 2017, moving very slowly. Their closest connection before Aug 27 was a 2 day period when Jupiter was at 12.5 minutes of Saturn, very less than a degree December 28 (NEW MOON) and 29! That was just after Saturn trined Uranus December 24, Christmas Eve, and Jupiter opposes Uranus December 26! Please see the Holiday Four!

Jupiter may come knocking at your door, take you on a useful journey, opening many more doors, of all kinds, right and left! Saturn is the King of Thresholds, and is an adept keymaker! And when needed, a great locksmith, guardian of the goods!

Jupiter in Libra may increase Saturn’s workload, much to Saturn’s happiness! Successful building, artistic renovation can change the demeanor of an entire neighborhood, up property values. Saturn may be inspired by Jupiter’s far reaching ideas and open a new branch. Business may increase through new partnerships. There may be some sad moments as Saturn realizes what they missed, what has held them back. Knowing they don’t need to do that anymore is a great relief. Forgiveness may be given for mistaken thinking as the truth comes out. Time for healing. Health may get better with age, and respect and recognition given for long term well done work. Jupiter sees the benefits of Saturn’s bedrock solidarity.

Saturn offers Jupiter the consideration of right timing, being able to wait to right action. Jupiter is the valiant hero, but Saturn shows it is sometimes so better to let another have the spotlight and cheer them on! Just because you can, or even because you can do it better, isn’t always the reason to do it! Jupiter is full of vim and vigor, but again, restraint and focus pay off as you do what you do best and do your own appropriate responsibilities. Spreading too thin sometimes depletes our energy. Showing timely accomplishment, dedication, rather than running off for fun, is a good teaching. Doesn’t mean you can’t run off later!!! Or take your career on the road! Saturn has the wisdom of proven experience. At times the smallest achievement is profound.

Fatherhood, mentoring, being a Grandpa to child and grandchild, coaching from sports, career, to life, may take on special meaning. Discovery of new teaching principles may open doors of precious fulfillment! Both teacher as well as recipient will be delighted by their mutual revelations!

Spiritual teachings could be the basis for a turn in your Path. It could come in casual conversation, a scene that comes before you and the Lights go on! Church may call you, or you may be called to go on a Mission – Peace Corps to environmental. It may be a special person that inspires you, or you do the same skills but for a company that serves the world or makes health better for humans or animals.

Students, this is a time you can make good headway. It’s a good combination for both work and play. Take courses taught by Beings you respect and admire for the results of their ways, who inspire you, that make you proud that you have learned so much. It may be a way of life more than the things you have learned, how to live rather than what you live, that is most important. Whether one special thing or many, be grateful for the lifeway given that will carry you forward.

Your Dharma, your mission this life may become joyfully apparent, finally, and a profound step taken in its direction. Might go back to school, a specialty school! You have until the end of next August with this aspect! Make it count!

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Please, always remember these planetary combinations, transits, are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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Jupiter Inconjunct Neptune Transmutation Fork in the Road John Jolly
I love this image at John Jolly’s site. Please see his page on Agility….

6.20.17 Note: Happy Cancer and Summer Solstice! Jupiter is now direct, going forward to its concluding third aspect July 4! That day, Venus leaves Taurus, and enters Gemini, the Word. Speak with grace of your insights and adjustments of your Soul. Blessings go with you as you continue to learn and teach. July 8, the Transmutation is still very present, carried forward by the Full Buck/Hay Moon.

6.9.17 Note: Happy Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon everyone! Today Jupiter is midpoint its inconjunct Neptune! It is going direct/forward, to complete its final lap of its 1 degree station that started March 10 and goes through the Full Buck-Hay Moon July 8!

5.20.17 Note: May 17 was the Retrograde aspect. Jupiter is still Rx, goes direct June 9 on the Full Strawberry Moon. In this period from May 17 to July 4, this aspect is in a 1 degree station at 14 Libra. Every New and Full Moon through the July 8 Full Buck Moon will have this aspect strongly. It gives us time to consider, adjust, stretch forward into magical new realms! The process can be IN the Dreamtime, awake and dreaming, eyes wide open and straight ahead!

4.19.17 Note: This 2nd, retrograde aspect happens the day before the 2nd, retrograde Saturn trine Uranus, May 18, the same day Venus finishes her entire retrograde cycle! There most assuredly will be an unusual release of energy in those days! It could be lost, an escape or a leak – one way or another it gets free…

This aspect was the one immediately preceding the Nov 8 Presidential Elections, and initiated a set of SIX aspects late 2016 that were spread throughout 2016, finishing Nov 11, 2017.

Classically, Jupiter in undecided Libra, with Neptune in Pisces, who goes from one who doesn’t care, to one who can see opportunities in all options let alone one or the other, confusion reigns! Jupiter throws new possibilities on the table and Jupiter and Neptune are believers, sometimes optimism and hopeful dreams carry the way, whether the truth is known or not! Or truths are unveiled as Jupiter in Libra keeps turning the tables to see what shakes out! Neptune rides the waves, sometimes  in the trough, other times on the wave tops, but clear with insight from the rise and fall of those vantage points, and goes with eloquent intuition. Together they can give the ultimate perspective. Jupiter travels the planet; Neptune is the Soul Traveler. It’s in your hands.

The first inconjunct was at 9 Libra 27; the second is at 14 Libra 01. Inconjuncts are at either side of oppositions, so they are across the table but off center, nagging at your attention, a bend in the Path. Jupiter usually won’t let them lie, and will seek out any adventure to the side, even both sides! They don’t want to miss anything. And rightly so. It may seem like a detour or a waste of time, just a looksee, but often there is good reason for it to happen even if we can’t see it clearly just yet. We learn more about the guides along the main road, go back with new depth and perspective that makes the central purpose more powerful. OR. We may simply decide we like that side road better and there is a turn in the road we never dreamed was available and we don’t go back! Being slightly askew fits our nature like a fine silk glove.

In this case it is the Neptune glove holding the trident! It may be the ship crossing the sea, playing magical music in the moonlight, the call of being with spiritual seekers at the ashram holding stillness and balance. We may be enchanted by art, artists, poets, a roadside shrine with profound words. Or it could be an Alice in Wonderland foray that seems nonsensical and we laugh and laugh just because if feels great to cut loose. Needed that! Gasp. Need to do that more often! Or, heck, we just got lost! Getting lost is a mission all its own and often brings lots of other questions as well! Nothing like a good getting lost in time, and space! It reminds us to slow down and see around corners, look down the rabbit hole!

Jupiter is moving faster, coming to Neptune. Jupiter is noted for it cheerfulness, optimism, faith and well being, that expands our sense of potential and just about everything else too! Jupiter travels, especially in social Libra, and brings news from everywhere it has been. Neptune is in Pisces, oceanic, so has been a few places itself. Jupiter and Neptune can share stories, the tallest tales of their encounters, freely exaggerating and making things up as they go! That charms Neptune and reminds him of the good old days when they used to be adventurers, unfettered and free at sea! Sometimes Neptune forgets what a magical devil may care being he is and gets bogged down in the daily hum drum. Thank God for visitors!

Jupiter is in Libra, the end of summer sign, Fall Equinox. Neptune is of Pisces, the sign that ends the entire zodiac and ends winter at Spring Equinox! Both mark opposite seasonal sign changes, passages. Libra is knowing it is time for alliances and strong winter partnerships. Jupiter gives optimism to get through the dark times with trustworthy companions. Pisces rules sleep and dreams, intuits the pitfalls, mends the Soul with its compassion and commiserating. Pisces guides the tribe, often with no one knowing, including themselves. They just be who they are. They can hum a lullaby, dance with magic in their feet, play music that lifts Spirits no matter what has happened. Kokopelli leads.

Jupiter’s wise justice is well known. Pisces recognizes this primordial state of consciousness. There is an elegance in their caring teachings. A casual conversation over a companionable meal, an important business decision meant to heal not harm, reassessing going back to/or to school, sharing different points of view in a relationship that needs some adjusting, special details about personal balance and health can be shuffled and all can stand back to see a bigger picture, the importance of a longer plan. Generous sensitivity may bring an understanding, forgiveness. It doesn’t mean everything will be solved, or a union will continue, or the patient will take your advice, but there will perhaps be some peace even if there is sadness and loss too. Letting go is a life skill we humbly need to acquire and apply with grace.

Jupiter in Libra sees the magician and artist in Neptune/Pisces. Jupiter begs us to let that beauty to come forward. We keep busy and sometimes forget that pay the rent/commercial part of life isn’t everything. Be with people who share your skills that let us take time out. Take time to be with friends, make music, paint, meditate, go for an afternoon walk in the woods, at the beach, under the stars, do nothing.

Jupiter wants to know about Matters of the Soul, and Pisces knows. They want to know if you are a True Believer and what that means. Should you go to the Church, read the good books? Which teachers are the best? In Libra, with Neptune in Pisces, the quest goes far and wide, through many dimensions. Many people seem to have a lot of good answers. Or you may be charmed by one in particular and find yourself dedicating yourself to them for a time, maybe the rest of your life. But, indeed, times change, teachers change, you change. There may be no single answer, just a potpourri of Evolutions.

Whether you return to the trail you first started on, or take the new trail you find yourself on, either way, you are not the person you used to be. You have seen some mysteries, there has been doubt, delving and wonderings, questions that will take lifetimes to answer. Sometimes it’s only the turn of your head, a moment’s glimpse, a singular flash of insight that leads you to a new vision. Right on spiritual compass, the transmutation happens.

See also Nov 24 Jupiter Square Pluto in FIVE Planet T Square! the aspect that followed the 2016 Presidential Election.

This aspect and it’s companion Saturn trine Uranus, May 17/18 are the prominent aspects of 2017’s May 10 Full Flower Moon, Wesak – Buddha’s Birthday chart!

For the May 18 second, retrograde, Saturn trine Uranus, see Saturn, Jupiter with Chiron & Uranus Foursome! Aspect #1

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Please, always remember these planetary combinations, transits, are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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Saturn Sagittarius Path Wisdom

This is the time of the Scholar. Sagittarius rules university level education and Saturn believes in betterment and credibility. Worthy hard work will be done to achieve long term goals. There may be delays, short funds from time to time, but stay with it! Saturn is also knowledge gained through experience, mentors, elders, ancient sacred Beings. Saturn is Sacred Rules, respect, authority, the rigors of science, laws of Nature. Boundaries, keys, thresholds. Saturn takes Sagittarian ideas, focuses all the options, protects their integrity. This combo establishes a moral compass, code of ethics.

Saturn in Sagittarius is also Master Teachers here to make their mark! They consider the daily work ethic, as well as profound ethics that stand the test of time. We learn in every level we work at, sometimes humbly on our very knees no matter how high ranking we think we are. Our children teach us. Religion and source of life, where our Souls are traveling to and how we do it, are important. Some philosophies will be rigid, perhaps challenged and crumble, to our great fear, devastation, humiliation. At times, Saturn in Sagittarius can be faithless, while at others have a rock of Gibraltar missionary or disciple faith. Sometimes it will be built brick by brick, true and respected, prove its worth. Saturn chisels out the faults, a Master Craftsman at work. Let go and get light. What needs protection will be guarded. Where keys and a gate are needed, they will be installed.

Saturn is the Builder. From the desire for more knowledge comes construction. It is time to build the Temple for the Teachers, churches, schools, with stone steps that never fail, that we may learn more together. There may be cold times, there could be slippery ice, but regardless of challenging tests, we go up the mountain of Time. Saturn rules the knees we bend with every one of those steps. At times we are humbled to get down on our knees to pray for strength, guidance to make it, ever so grateful when we do.

Sagittarius likes to play as much as Saturn loves to work! Sagittarius is exploration, determining one’s focus, perusing the principles of all Faiths. It speeds along in races, autos, skiing, horses and gambles it will win, ever optimistic! It travels from ashrams in Spirit to mountain tops with forever views! Without these infusions, Saturn might merely plod along. But with this spice, it is enlivened and even tempted to tag along at times! Besides, it’s like herding kittens! Though Saturn can harness runaway Sag energy and guide it well, Sag will never be entirely contained! At the drop of their hat, they may be off to surf on another continent or take off on a surprise vacation they just won! Lower travel rates may make travel quite accessible to low budget travelers though there may be delays. Travel in the line of business makes excellent sense.

Saturn rules the next sign, Capricorn! Once our purpose is sorted, the meaning of our life apparent, Capricorn wants to build it a home! Capricorn/Saturn loves views from the top, glass, like ice, is one of its mediums! There may be cathedral type stained glass beauty, or skylights or both! There will be an ample well stocked workshop stocked with marvelous tools, have great lighting. Sag might want to build big; Saturn might build compact and sustainably for low cost and maintenance. What is built will have staying power and suit the times to come. Housing for elders will be exceptional, ie the small home communities time has come!

Money considerations will blow hot and cold. Sagittarius is optimistic, Saturn not. Sag wants to buy the big one, and thinks more money can come anytime, and sometimes that’s true, no need to worry. Saturn cautiously tries to keep things on schedule as planned. And that can work too. Keep a basic bank balance; stay connected to supporters. Gambling will be curtailed. Saturn is expert at finding the lowest common denominator, honing to the bone, getting the most return for the least expense. Be cautious about imports, though experienced Sagittarius importers may bring in the goods at a great price; Saturn knows exactly where to market them, the perfect projects to use them in.

Work that has been carried on beyond it’s time will likely be let go. Certain bothersome fragments will be let go; the time tending them will be better spent. Other work will be satisfactorily completed against the odds through sheer perseverance and righteous optimism. The tower is completed, the summit reached. The structure is strong. On the other hand, do periodic checkups to watch for use of cheap shoddy materials, unsafe shortcuts. Funding needs to be adequate to the time and materials rightfully needed.

Sagittarius rules hips and thighs and your liver. Your hips may suffer, or you may lose weight and be sleek as a fast footed Gazelle on the savanna! Thankfully, Saturn is a conscientious monitor, good at keeping vows. Eat less kibble is what my Vet says to me about my dog. More veggies, less fatty foods, candy, chocolate, alcohol. Sag loves to get outdoors and exercise. Hopefully that will help your hips and thighs too.

As to your liver, it is a sacred organ. You must have something to live FOR. Saturn is the planet of Karma and Dharma. What you do must express your divine commitment, the Mission of your life, the work of your Soul. With Saturn in Sagittarius, the Path of your life, all our lives, is being tuned up. We are dropping the chaff, the inconsequential. We are finding the true purpose of our existence and stepping up to the plate. At times we think we do what we must, but are surprised to find it eloquently satisfying. And we learn how to teach our Mission, a further satisfying sharing.

Don’t tax your system with overeating, too many things to do, other people’s business. Being generous has its limits. Your true responsibility is to do what YOU do best; let others do theirs! You can’t fool yourself when your body talks. Be true to yourself, be real, mind your own business first. You are the one who lives in your body and you can’t help others when your body is down.

Saturn is on a 29 year cycle and the adventure of this one is just beginning! Together Saturn and Sag can plan a potent future that the gears may mesh in a smooth steadily forward pace. It can be fearful or secure the potential that Sagittarius offers! If you are able to prevail, stay steady in the Light toward your successes. Together we will work hard for the rights for education for all, the poor, immigrants, women, the children of the world.

Finish up that writing that you started long ago. Do the publishing. Share your ideas, prophecy. Take your sweet place along the road of Life.

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In view of the current Uranus, planet of Freedom, in Aries, square with Pluto in Capricorn, I choose this talk if you would like to hear him.

Thich Nhat Hanh is now in hospital. The Sisters ask that you sit, peacefully for Thay, as they are doing, and send him your love. Also, that you might like to chant for him (you could do it along with the monks and nuns) this Avalokiteshvara Chant: The clip is 3 minutes long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNfaXNGJiUc. He was said to be in a coma/unconscious state, but a later post says he is responsive! Please see more details and future announcements at www.plumvillage.org

He was born October 11, 1926 in Tha Tien, Quang Ngai province, Vietnam. Now 88 years, he became a Buddhist monk at 16. Saturn in Scorpio, a planet and sign of endings and healings combination, is just past its third return in his chart. 8 is the number of Scorpio, 88 is a Master number. He has served an honorable lifetime, healing, changing, teaching, guiding, mastering how to be a Master.

Thay, as he is affectionately called, has his Moon in Sagittarius I believe. It could be in Scorpio, but Sag fits him. He is a teacher, a traveler, spiritualist. We think of the Moon as a place we have come from in past lives, an accumulation of talent per the sign it is in. He is an adept. The moon shows what our home is like and where it is. His is far from where he was born, now at Plum Village in France, a teaching community he founded.

His Sun is Libra, seeking a balance of cultures, beings, within oneself. His Venus is there too, looking for grace in all places, beauty in all souls, sweetness, kindness.

We don’t know his Ascendant or which houses his planets are in because his birth time is unknown.

Jupiter in Aquarius indicates his world travel, the sharing of wisdom planet wide. It points to the wide range of his thinking. Personally I enjoy his walking meditation concept since in time it became difficult for me to sit. Jupiter in Aquarius trine (the most favorable aspect) his Sun also shows his fame.

Mercury in Scorpio shows a depth of thought beyond average, acute perception. His Mercury is opposite Chiron in Taurus, wounded healer teacher. He requests mindfulness, unstinting awareness that results in seeing one’s own and the needs of others in context of each other.

Mars is in Taurus, a combination of being Steady in the Light, continued good works, divine patience, a strength beyond what is expected, peace in motion. It is square Jupiter, simplicity taking on Goliath, the glorified perversities of a commercial world. Maybe he doesn’t enjoy flying. Powerfully, it sextiles Pluto in Cancer, the planet of finances, the deepest relationships of all, in the sign of nurturing unconditionally. Plum Village has been internationally funded, giving shelter, safety, solitude, to people from all over the world.

Saturn trines Uranus in Pisces and squares the ruler of Pisces, Neptune. He has the support of so many people and challenges the world’s spiritualism. A small nonthreatening man, but powerful nonetheless. It is not always easy for him seeing the blind cruelties that exist. He takes on mere mortal complacency.

1.22.2022 Note: In these years since I wrote this, I have come to use the Fixed Stars more. Thích Nhất Hạnh has many connections with them, including Grand Trine of his natal Sun in Libra, Jupiter in Aquarius with Rigel, of constellation Orion, in Gemini! Three planets connect with Algol and Procyon. His Pluto conjuncts, Sirius the brightest star, and Canopus and is opposite Vega! Saturn, the work of the Soul, connects with five! Pollux, Spica, Arcturus, Procyon and Algol! That is a lot, many in powerful aspects, and there are more! If you are a Fixed Star follower, I highly recommend Jamie’s interpretation, information, connections of the stars in famous people’s and in event charts. Astrology King Just click on the star that is of interest to you.

With love, we always learn from the charts of others, especially those whose lives are documented. May you be inspired.

Sagittarius Oct 11, 1926 Thich Nhat Hahn, Spiritual Master

We salute you, bow in Spirit, thank you for your service on this planet, Thich Nhat Hanh. Please hold him peacefully in your good thoughts.

1.22.22 Thay waited until now. Take a few moments…
1.22.2022 Thích Nhất Hạnh has passed
The International Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism announces that our beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh has passed away peacefully at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế, Vietnam, at 00:00 hrs on 22nd January, 2022, at the age of 95. We invite our global spiritual family to take a few moments to be still, to come back to our mindful breathing, as we together hold Thay in our hearts in peace and loving gratitude for all he has offered the world.
More official news will be coming shortly.
Please sign up for email updates here: https://bit.ly/3fJx7pd
So many touching and admiring words about him across the web. Well loved. Engaged Buddhism. Softly spoken wisdom. Peace activist against Vietnam war.  He worked with Martin Luther King, who nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. So many life changing experiences shared due to Thay’s insights.

Thay: A Vietnamese term (thầy) for “teacher” often applied to Thích Nhất Hạnh (born 1926), Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist.

Here are his Birth chart (time unknown, so 0 Aries Ascendant selected) and the astrology chart of his passing…  For your convenience I lay these charts above and below each other.


Sagittarius Oct 11, 1926 Thich Nhat Hahn, Spiritual Master

Astrology Chart Aquarius 1.22.2022 Thich Nhat Hanh Passing
Commenter LJ below put Thay’s quote in his Father’s obituary in 2014:

This body is not me. I am not limited by this body. I am life without boundaries. I have never been born, and I have never died. Look at the ocean and the sky filled with stars, manifestations from my wondrous true mind. Since before time, I have been free. Birth and death are only doors through which we pass, sacred thresholds on our journey. Birth and death are a game of hide- and seek. So laugh with me, hold my hand, let us say good-bye, say good-bye, to meet again soon. We meet today. We will meet again tomorrow. We will meet at the source every moment. We meet each other in all forms of life.

With deep Gratitude, Bless his holy Soul…

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About.com says: Lions are the only cat species that forms social groups, called prides. A pride of lions typically includes about five females and two males and their young.  Prides are often described as matriarchal because more females belong to a pride.  They remain long-term members of the pride because they live longer than male lions.

Though we think of Leo as a creature of hot summer, lions/Leos, don’t start their hunting until dusk, enjoying the cooler time of day.  After all, they do have their fur coats on, and like to sleep 20 out of 24 hours.  Lazy?  No, good.  They are great hunters, and take care of business powerfully and swiftly!  They work efficiently in teams, and, indeed, enjoy great social play time whether it’s daytime or a nighttime party!  They do take pride in their looks, their fab hair especially, and their finery whether it be the latest fashion or a fine home with a sweeping view.  Often Leo homes will be on a bit higher ground, or have a balcony of sorts, for them to hold court from!

Leo women love receiving little gifts, or big gifts, being courted and cared for tenderly and romantically.  But make no mistake, they can call the shots with no qualms, be in charge, be teachers, physicians, lead with their athletic prowess!  Treat your handsome Leo guy like the prince he is, and he will roll over and purr!  He is grateful for your recognition and appreciation!  He may flirt, can’t help it, but you’re his one and only!

Leo children need lots of praise and affection, be let to try out their capabilities.  Give them lots to do interspersed with play and snuggly quiet rest time.  They need cheerful playmates and examples of positive social skills.  They can be selfish if fearful, generous if they have good self esteem, trust their own abilities, feel well-loved.

Big hearted, it is grand to be loved by a fiery Leo!

Now for some odd Leo stats from Britain, Security Gripes:

Leos total 19% of the imprisoned population for crimes of violence.  (Woops)
Leos total 9% of the population in mental institutes.
Leos total 17% of the armed forces.
Leos are the least represented sign in the world of art.  (How can that be?)
Leos are more represented in the security world than any other sign.
Leos are least prone to blackmail than any other sign.

Happy Birthdays, Leos!

Leo’s heroine this year is from the past!

She is the fabulous Aug 7, 1884 Billie Burke, who performed Glinda, the good witch of the North, Wizard of OZ (also Leo, premiered Aug 15, 1939)! She said: I am constantly amazed when I talk to young people to learn how much they know about sex and how little about soap. :) She was Ziegfeld’s (Follies) wife, and has a filmography list like you wouldn’t believe!  See her chart and a bit about it!

It’s a great time for a summer read!
Only $147 for your Annual Reading, a 1 ½ hours, a life changing value!

Comparison Readings $176 for 1 ½ hours Appointments as possible at your convenience.
Call 805-898-7888 For Birthdays, or anytime needed!
Gift Certificates always.

Need to find your BIRTH TIME?! Vital Records US & international!

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Aries is the ram and lamb; Taurus is the bull, cattle for meat, cows for milk.  Gemini is the first ‘human’ sign, the Twins, an air sign ruling the lungs, our very breath of life, the same breath we use to communicate the Word.  Gemini is also the hands we reach out with to touch heal one another, a handshake, an honoring acknowledgement.  Without communication we wither.  Feeling unheard, unaccepted, so alone, we can just die.  At the least, we stop talking.

In some ways we are all ‘Another yourself.’  We all have all the signs, planets and houses.  There is a harmonic, an understanding, if we know where to look for it.  I believe it is true that Souls are at different levels, making communications impossible if the gap is too large, yet the harmonic is still there.  One of the two can see it, perhaps lay a path of opportunity.  I believe sometimes spirits can be so broken as to be irreparable.  A seasoned teacher/healer learns when to let go and move on to help who can be helped.  We are called because we sense the harmonic, a place in our self that needed a similar healing, even just a simple recognition of suffering, that makes us yearn to put in a seed of change, a comforting touch.  Such it is when we perceive ‘I am another yourself.’

Chatting  you up is often so not casual or frivolous as many think.  It’s a fine diversion, an invitation to change your focus, a time placeholder until your thoughts get in order.  It’s often quite calming.

Geminis are fabulous at keeping us informed moment to moment, current affairs right here in the ‘hood!  Magazines, blogs, the news, newsletters, the letter from your GrandMa, over your fence to the neighbors,  coupons in the mail, your local errands!  Get tickets for two!

Sibs, of course.  Another form of ‘twins’ ‘cause they are in your tribe.  Even though they don’t agree with you, they came from where you came from, and they ‘get’ it.

Sports involving twosomes – tennis is a favorite, an on your feet whole body exchange.  Just like a twin, you must mirror, can even anticipate, the other’s action to do well in the game.  Twins in practice!

Pets come in twosomes – they need someone of their kind to talk/play with, to fully grow.

Contracts are one of Gemini’s specialties.  And calligraphy.  Might as well pretty it up, written words flow just like a living voice!

Wherever Gemini is, there will be curiosity and change as ideas are explored!  Diversity is their gift, adaptability their Ace!  Offer your Gemini children many
opportunities to strengthen their mind muscle to make good choices!  They are not your clone, their planets have moved further ahead than where yours were when you were born, but they still have all those same signs, planets and houses, just in different places.  That crosses all generations.  Take special time with them to understand, for they are the latest version of another yourself.

On another note, how Gemini can a day get?!

Last night, May 19, I went to see the Premiere of Identical, a movie about identical twin boys, one sweet spirited, the other ‘evil’ – a killer who kills to ‘protect’ his twin.  Earlier in the day I had a client who has recently had a facelift.  Isn’t she still ‘identical’ to herself?  Yet, she is ‘facing’ a difficult family situation where she is about to set lifelong needed boundaries, is putting a new ‘face’ on her affairs in other realms of her life as well, including doing some remodeling!  Got me to thinking.  Gemini, to its great credit and advantage, is two-faced, two people, male/female.  Gemini has double the options, and keeps multiplying!  We can be face to face, face off, or have your back, eyes in the back of your head, aware of the many facets of a situation!

Gemini Donald Trump

Gemini, June 14, 1946, Donald Trump, has been in the news lately as a presidential candidate who dropped out!  Trump is a TV Celebrity, real estate mogul.  Bill Gates is at $56B, Warren Buffett at $50B, DT a mere $2.7B per Forbes!  The announcement occurred with Jupiter square his natal Venus, Sun moving in to square his Mars, Chiron with Mars moving in to Yod his natal Neptune, hence the mysteries regarding his dealings, and a lost dream.  Trump has a mixed financial reputation as does June 5, 1951 Suze Orman, another famous Gemini in the money world.

Happy Birthdays, Geminis!

It’s only $147 for your Annual Reading, 1 ½  life changing hours!  More time if you wish, and that’s often the case.

Comparison Readings $176 for 1 ½ hours

Appointments as possible at your convenience.  Call 805-898-7888  For Birthdays, or anytime needed!  Gift Certificates always.

Need to find your BIRTH TIME?!  Vital Records US & international!

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We are now on the threshold of Chiron entering Pisces for 7 years!

SEVEN years! Those 7 years will be in the same time Neptune is in its own sign Pisces, which starts April 4 for 15 years!  That happens only every 168 years, and WE get to live it!!!!  Double, even triple , magic of misty watery Pisces!  And Neptune enters Pisces during the super charged firey Aries Stellium!  It’s going to be off to a tremendous start!  What it dreams, it does!  Complete and perfect intuition inspires instant responsive positive action!  Pisces can be shy, even timid, until it gets a cause to live for!  Then, by God and Great Spirit, things happen with bells on!  I hope you are graced with inspiration like none other, that fills your Whole Soul!

Jupiter left Pisces Jan 22, now passing the baton to Chiron.  Jupiter was the precursor, looking for truth (Wikileaks), opening up then focusing on the point of selection, looking for the good in all ways.  Chiron is considered to be a wound that happens, or a wound that needs healing.  And, is considered to be a healer; it knows how because it has been there.  Which begets the teacher! If you know how to heal, you can show others.  Pisces loves being the savior or being saved, so it looks like a good fit. Spiritual business will be done.

Healings may be more subtle, invisible, invincible in Spirit.  Spiritual wounds of feeling forsaken, misuse of spiritual power or powers, fear to step out of the shadows of past life ‘mistakes’ or punishments, living without mission, or matters of mercy, may be kinds of healings that occur both to oneself, and, or in behalf of others.  They may somehow find mending, a quelling of misspent imagination, an inner reweaving of the strings of life as twined with others’ hearts, in a sensitive moment of seeing from a different facet or vantage point of compassion long-awaited.  There is a gentling, and yet a tsunami of merging, not just looking at a person or situation, but seeing it as if you were the other person!

The Magi astrologers tell a different, or perhaps an additional story.  They say Chiron is the #1 marriage factor in charts, love heals, and is a great business planet!  Partners make more money!  Marrying in Pisces is a cautions affair however.  The worst is just plain denial, then the words ‘I just can’t believe it!’ If your friends say you are missing the signals, I would get the credit check and give it some time to prove out.  The other side is marriage made in heaven.  In surety.  A gift of union Spirit-made.  May you walk in Beauty.

Businesses that are of a Pisces nature may flourish!  Anything ocean related, musics and arts, dancing Spiritually, retreats, magic and intuition, fine wines to feet treatments, computer programming, films, theatre, visionary repertoire, tending eyes and how we see, conscious dreaming!  Throw in the spice of Chiron, and we are adding a business of curing whats needed in any of those fields, a marriage blend of any of those elements, the consultant, coach, seminars that uplift our goals and ideals!  Blessed be.

Chiron enters Pisces Feb 8, Neptune April 4!  Marriages, healing, business, magic!  It will be a spiritual renaissance for those willing, ready, and able! Music and art will fill new dimensions.  Compassion and insight will be called for as the world tussles with resurrection after Pluto in Capricorn topples the old ways to the ground!  Stand tall, Live deep, LOVE well!

Please refer back to Chiron from Pisces, back into Aquarius, July 20 to Feb 8, 2011!

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What a difference that will be from Jupiter in oceanic watery Pisces! Pisces, known to be magical, meditational, artistic especially with visionary art and all kinds of music, intuitive with computer software, a spiritual fisherman, a traveler upon the waves of ocean and mind, sadly a magician of denial, also has boundless compassion and dedication, giving life and Soul for their beliefs.

Jupiter will be our first planet into Aries this year. It’s been 12 years since it was there before, and this time, since it is also Perihelion (nearest the Sun in its orbit), it makes a swift sweep through, in a breathtaking 4 months, 13 days, Jan 22 to June 4! Usually it takes a whole year through a sign!

Aries – Breath of the Fire of Life!

Aries doesn’t make moods, they make motion! Instant perception, immediate response, uncannily right. Like first responders, they can save your life! They are great consultants. Bring them in, record the insights, let them go on to the next. They just gave you their gift. Passion and fire are their mediums.

Jupiter, planet of Sagittarius, loves to travel, the faster the better! Skiing, skating, racing, hiking to far high places suits. In Aries they can’t wait to get started and want to get there first! If you see them coming, step aside! Jupiter has a great sense of direction, purpose, a taller long view, that can take Aries more potently into its future. Aries is independent and Jupiter likes freedom to roam. Great combo for them, might not make their lovers or family so happy.  Promotions, publicity and publishing will be red hot! Aries has just the spark to push it over the threshold!

Jupiter thinks it is right, and Aries is willing to defend or apply the principle. If there are anger issues, this may be the time to get a grip, learn how to use your energy in a good way. There needs to be care here. Jupiter can be too blunt, feelings can get way hurt. It may be costly in time to repair, or heartbreakingly irreparable. Not good. The axis Aries challenges is Cancer/Capricorn, Mother, Father, children, people of tender connections. The other side of Aries is Libra, our marriage mates, partners in business, legal proceedings. Be smart, savvy. If you don’t know how to hold yourself in battle, get a go between, a counselor, an attorney, whatever makes sense. The instinct of Aries is to do it all yourself. A wise person can do both, get help, and do it yourself.

Think of children born with this placement of Jupiter! Natural born leaders, fearless teachers, but you better grab the info quickly, because they already see another possibility! Keep them entertained, give them challenges they can achieve so their Spirit won’t be broken. When they are doing what they love, they will have broad minds, and a tremendous focus!

Jupiter, the WayShower, makes the Pilgrimage; Aries lights the Way -torch and candle! 

On Point, Blessings on your Journey!

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For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….


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Another kind of rainbow…. See the adventure at Cosley & Houston Alpine Guides

Prayer flags and Cholatse from the moraines above Gokyo, Nepal














May your Journey bring you Home!

The water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, are wellsprings. Fire signs, leaders, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, follow water!

Cancer, chalice of home, begets Leo teens, confident self expression.
Scorpio empowerment through worthy sharing with partners, leads to Sagittarian confidence to promote, to travel Life’s Path.
Pisces, keeper of Spirit and Soul, makes the music that makes an Aries’s feet dance into places that were once only dreams!

Now, here we are in the last fire sign, Sagittarius, teacher, way shower. From Scorpio molten depths, to Sagittarius flaming arrows! Sagittarius is the Spirit in travel mode, finding the Path of Life, making the maps for the Soul to see, to explore, to Infinity Within, the greatest height of the rainbow arc! The greatest trip you will ever take is the one right between your own eyes, your Life! Space like you wouldn’t believe. For a Sagittarian, it’s never too big in there, and it’s always too long in one place! Not restless exactly, just a bigger curiosity quotient, motion is the name of the game! There is SO much to learn!

The more we travel, the more we learn, the greater the perspective, the knowing of the meaning of the whole. Sag wants to know what it all means, and continues to learn for the sake of learning! Traveling the inner world is a metaphor for traveling the external physical world, and vice versa! What we see that we love on the outside we need to create within, always have it in our hearts. We can travel so far, yet we are still our self.

Being far, far away, sometimes is so good. It loosens the bonds of our burdens, lets us rest, gather strength, restores our Spirit. Other times, the troubles go right along with us, dampening our Spirit. No matter which, distance helps us see so many things, a new vantage point, like rays on a wheel seeing back to the Center. And love? A woman with Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius says: All the miles in the world will never stop me from caring about you! Distance may be nothing at all.

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