
Posts Tagged ‘insight’

Taurus 2018 Celestial HighLights 


Taurus, Peace, Strength and Insight

Taurus International Yoga Day

Taurus saves us every day. It’s the sign of body awareness. Ruled by Venus, it seeks grace, beauty that permeates us. Peace comes into our hearts. Wellness makes for radiance and attractiveness. Being centered and grounded bring immediate true simple reactions, sensible solutions. It is humble, admits error, smiles with joy at success of our personal contributions that support all. There is innocence without contrivance or competition. Venus is giving. Taurus stands in patience, kindness.

Such strength is often invisible, a gentle daily action that is relaxing to follow, yet if you stand back, you can see it. There are times when their restraint is their success. It is no sign of weakness to wait until a good time. Physically, Tauruses often have amazing strength and endurance. They can lift extraordinarily heavy objects with no effort at all.

Oh, yes indeed, the same strength for forward motion can also be them standing in front of you with their arms crossed over their chest, immovable as the Oak tree. You can be gentle, rage at them, be clever with your logic to no avail. Maybe they will think on it and get back to you. That might take a short time, a few years, maybe never. You can only admire how they be true to themselves. If they tell you it will be a certain way, you can trust that will be so.

Yoga is known for flexibility, for it’s dedicated breath work, prana, the life force itself. It is known for requiring strength. The United Nations International Yoga Day, recently established in 2015, is June 21, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares special significance in many parts of the world. In the US it correlates with Father’s Day, the third Sunday in June. We expect a lot of our men, to be strong all the time, to have patience beyond measure for mere mortals. We want them to protect us, yet be flexible to grow with us as times change. For Yoga Day to be theirs is suitable for our heroes! And they will have better health and a longer life for us to love them!

The most sacred possession you have is your own body ~ it is the instrument of your Soul’s music. That’s Taurus’s job. A good night’s sleep. Maybe a Salutation to the Sun upon waking up, to see that sunrise. Maybe you love the night time and seeing the beautiful stars and moon. Do what feels good in a good way, be peaceful to your own Self. Get exercise that keeps you on an even keel. A nature walk, taking your doggie or a good friend with you. Eat less, go for quality. It pays off in the long run. You are worth it. Sing with that lovely voice you have and take good care of your throat.

Be touched and give hugs. Do and get massages. Feel the water around your legs, the mud squish between your toes. Hold your face to the sun, let the sun warm your back, the wind ruffle your hair. Hear the crinkle of stepping on fresh snow, breathe deep taking in that snappy cold air. Heady! Lift your chin and let the sights tickle your eyes, the wildflowers in the meadow. Throw back your head and laugh because it’s all so amazing! Dance! Let your worries shape shift into another dimension. When you get back to work they shall have reordered themselves into an unexpected harmony, a doable scenario. You settle down to it.

Tauruses know the intrinsic values of things. Some things are lasting, permanent. Others things are transient, maybe flashy, but go their way shortly. Some become boring. Some we turn our backs on upon sight. Nope, not a step skipped or a moment’s hesitation, decision made. They are natural appraisers of land, people. They can feel you in a handshake, hear you in your voice, see the way you carry your body, or how your feet touch that ground, or as you walk through the door. Ask their advice and do listen.

One of the most valuable things to them is their connection with you. They are loyal to the ones they choose. They will be there for you. Make a point of being there for them too. Keep them in your heart. They are dedicated workers, often work with the land and earth in some way. They will make a stronghold for you, the children, their parents. They are sensuous lovers, love holding hands, snuggling in the flannels. Put your arm around their waist or shoulders. In the world, they make foundations to support important causes, may donate important property.

Thank you for being exactly who you are. Blessed be forever and ever.

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Taurus 2018 Celestial Highlights!

Before dawn, Lyrid meteors in a dark sky Earth Day!

Lyrid Meteors Radiant Sky & Telescope

Thanks to EarthSky’s Bruce McClure for test, Sky & Telescope for image!

Early risers! April 21 to 23 – start watching late at night, or better yet in the hours before dawn Sunday, EARTH DAY, April 22. The annual Lyrid meteor shower will probably be at its best in the predawn hours, especially as the waxing moon will have set by that time. Assuming you’re in a dark location, you really can’t go wrong getting up in the hours before dawn Sunday and gazing skyward. You might catch some meteors, and you’ll surely see the three morning planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, plus the star Antares! April 23 AM only.

Taurus 2018  Timeline!


19  Happy Taurus!
22  Lyrids Meteors best in predawn AM
29  Full Pink Moon

May 15!
New Moon 4:48 AM Pacific
Uranus into Taurus! 8:23 Am Pacific
Mars into Aquarius, the Uranian sign! 9:55 PM Pacific
25 Jupiter in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces

By far, the most exciting aspect in Taurus 2018 is it hosts the Uranus sign change from Aries to Taurus at the Taurus NEW MOON! Fitting indeed! New beginnings! Mars is the planet of activation, ignition, leadership, action! Uranus is the planet of evolution, dramatic sweeping change! Things just won’t look the same a year from now!

We are in the last part of Mercury’s retrograde cycle, finishing completely May 3. Jupiter trines Neptune May 25, showing up in Full and New Moon charts now.

  1. Three outer planets, Uranus, Chiron, and Jupiter, are changing signs in Tauruses’s year to come. Uranus & Chiron twice, Jupiter once, for a total of 5 times! Expect several maturities, intense endings, primal new beginnings and exciting new intentions with potent new people! There will be reviews as Uranus & Chiron retrograde back into their previous signs, and regroup in context of what they have been forward to see in their next signs. Chiron shifted from Pisces to Aries April 17. Less than a month later, Uranus shifts from Aries to Taurus May 15! They will both be in Aries April 17 to May 15, Uranus passing the baton to Chiron. Late in the year, Jupiter will enter his own sign Sagittarius Nov 8.
  2. RETROGRADES emphasis! July 25 to Aug 18 we have a Mars/Mercury double retrograde. Oct 5 to Dec 6 Venus then Mercury retrograde back to back!

With the multiple sign changes and retrogrades, things will be dug up, soil turned, soups, stews and mixed salads made! We will all be quite different and get used to multiple kinds of change! We will be more comprehensive, more aware and alert to things we never considered before, expanded – to say the least!

Continuing abiding Aspects: 

Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background! More

Oct 30, Pluto crosses the Golden Ecliptic at Pluto’s South Node, going from North to South! This is a once every 248 years event! See more!

See the 2018 Special Edition Annual Newsletter for upcoming Aspects, Patterns, Sign Changes, Retrogrades, Stelliums, Lunar Dates!

Outer Planet Transits with Taurus 2018 – May 2019!

Taurus Skyline Dr Shenandoah National Park Wildflower Weekend

Skyline Drive, 105 miles. This route stretches through Shenandoah National Park, end-to-end, with the surrounding Blue Ridge Mountains and more than 1,300 species of plants. The annual Wildflower Weekend is in early May, featuring special talks and guided nature hikes showcasing local wildlife. Bucket list.

Pluto in Capricorn reached the beginning of the last third of Capricorn Feb 2018 moving from 18 to 23 degrees. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 20 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Taurus is Pluto’s sign Scorpio’s opposite sign. Taurus and Capricorn are both earth signs. Taurus and Pluto both are money signs, Taurus is my money, the money at hand, in your pocket. Scorpio is our money, of couples and corporations, all big monies like insurance, grants, loans, mortgages. A working balance is called for paying what’s owed and some happiness spending money. Taurus is known for common sense, steady attrition. Pluto wants to invest your money, which may be a shrewd move, or scare you to death and you prefer your reserves to possible loss. Pluto may give Taurus the sense they are being manipulated, or used, or with Pluto’s keen observations you may feel like someone finally really understands you. In the face of Pluto’s possible obsessions, stand your ground, stay steady with your considerations. Pluto can be seductive, so give it time. Trust yourself, stay safe. They have their way; you have yours. Way.

Neptune is in its own sign, a water planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors between 13 and 18 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Pisces sees and dreams the vision, has empathy for those who suffer. Sometimes they need rescuing themselves, from being overwhelmed by what they see, from sadness that brings them down. Taurus helps steady that unbridled flow. Neptune symbolizes the flow of the land and seasons with its vast seasonal ocean currents. Taurus’s territory is what’s under his feet. Neptune swirls him to new shores. Neptune softens the deep consideration of Taurus’s ruminations, introduces a less obvious mystical sense into the mix. Though a bit unsettling, it removes that stubborn edge if you surrender. Things go a little faster, energy is released. Barefoot is best.

Uranus covers 28 Aries to 4 Taurus! Uranus enters Taurus May 15, 2018! Those of you with factors in these last degrees of Aries will be accomplishing the maturity of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future that Taurus will build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network, cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, effortlessly carried on.

Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is automatic. In fire sign Aries, it’s the First of everything, truly awakening! Aries is pretty unflappable, but this really shakes your space! Aries loves a challenge and new things. Rarely are they outdone in that dept, but Uranus has a bigger platform. It rules humanity, and although Aries is only one person, they step up because they know the value of key positions that make the difference! Uranus replaces some Aries circuits and the game is bigger yet! Can’t get enough! Young people have been fired up. The Awakener has opened their eyes! What powerful times we are in!

In Aries, the spark may be a bit bright for Taurus. Taurus is the sign of rumination, the Bull and his 4 stomachs, digesting, absorbing, moving information from one dimension to the next, the ability to be still while doing so. There truly is progress, it just isn’t always visible. But conclusions are well thought out. Uranus electrifies, brings ideas ahead of their times, that mortify or magnetize! Intriguing show to say the least. We find ourselves thinking of them, questioning, even if we thought we disagreed. Maybe it is the manner of presentation rather than the ideas themselves. Maybe it’s time to kick up our heels and make a run for it!

Uranus in Taurus invents simple. Now in Taurus’s sign it will specialize in Taurus topics! It either feels too close for comfort, or it’s the most fun you’ve had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! You may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away. But it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it!

Chiron, like Neptune is also in Pisces, but covers different degrees, 27 Pisces to 4 Aries, the same degrees but different signs than Uranus! These are the last and first of the zodiacal signs! Pisces believes; Aries takes action! Chiron entered Aries April 17 2018! Chiron will activate any factors you have in those degrees. If you have Chiron in those degrees and signs, you will be having your Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces, and the head, brain and eyes when in Aries. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too!

Chiron the Healer is fluid in Pisces, takes only a moment to assess a situation. Pisces is the Dreamer visionary spiritualist musician, while Chiron is seeking healing, teaching, right relationships and good business. Chiron may approach it from Neptune’s point of view, however because they are both in Pisces, Neptune’s sign! Taurus is pretty steady, but Chiron in Pisces is psychic at seeing what ails you. Might be food  – breads, cheese, sweets. Your body may be enormously physically strong, but too much of the wrong foods can trip you up, slow you down, cause tummy and other issues. Chiron looks at how that all can affect your attractiveness, self esteem, financial acuity, relationships – both lovers and children, your ability to take care of elders you love.

On a 51 year cycle, when Chiron goes into Aries for 9 years. through 2027, Taurus may be surprised to find ways to exercise that pleases them! Could be a bike ride, a ground covering walk in the woods! With Chiron in Aries, healing will speed up at an enormous rate! We will process many challenges with at times unproven but successful results. Yes, there will be some rash attempts, but quickly remedied as the leaders push on. In some ways it will be like a renaissance! Aries intends to get right to it and Aries will be happily lead the way with innovative physical therapy, exercise techniques, movement businesses will flourish. Taurus may find himself opening a gym with weights, competitive sports – boxing, martial arts. Chiron will show him new ways to do business, how to have relationships best suited to his Spirit, how to teach on the fly! 9 Years! They will congratulate each other for all the accomplishments – if they have time, LOL!

SATURN builds from 2 to 20 Capricorn. Saturn entered his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. In his own sign, many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! Now, in its own sign, it is truly full height! Those of you with Saturn 2 to 20 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns now through May 2019! There will be more traditional endeavors. On your first Return – 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have! It’s a time to honor, be honored!

Saturn in Earth sign Capricorn feels the support of fellow Earth sign Taurus. Taurus may be pushed by take-it-on Capricorn, but their intents are harmonious. Taurus wants a safe and comfortable home with good organic food in the kitchen. It knows the value of feeling well and having quality fare. Saturn will make demands and Taurus is willing to step up to the plate. Saturn realizes the value of experience and being steady under fire and is well pleased with Taurus’s contribution. Taurus may find themselves comfortably picking up the pace, especially with Capricorn’s expert time saving expertise. Saturn is grateful for Taurus’s dependability and loyalty. On both sides, be sure wages are fair and equitable for these benefits. 

JUPITER moves from 13 Scorpio to 24 Sagittarius!

Jupiter in Scorpio! Scorpio wants you to heal, to heal your relationship and be healed by them, and increase your financial potential! Scorpio charisma is compelling, and has nothing to do with beauty. It is from a wellspring within. Scorpio is doctor hood, from cleansing your personal plumbing, purging toxins, to forensics. Scorpio often has extraordinary personal healing capacity, and can save your life too! They want to know how things work, do research. Jupiter may take Scorpio worldwide to seek investments, study shamanistic skills, find answers to lifesaving questions. Old remedies the midwives knew may come back into use. Through journalistic research justice may come for those who have suffered long extreme abuse – land grabs, sexual abuse, calculated theft, slavery/human trafficking, murdering of children and animals. Secret factions may unite for prevention, education, exposé and social justice. Be safe. If you aren’t up to par, take time out. Let your Ninja 6th sense and stealth protect you.

Jupiter is a fire planet ready to inspire Taurus with its long vision. Taurus is Scorpio’s opposite sign. Taurus prefers their steady routine, so Jupiter needs to place it’s ideas in Taurus territory with a little care. Bring it to them bit by bit so they get used to it. Expect it to take a little extra time as you honor your friend’s needs to think things through. It’s not for anyone to win, but to do what works in your hearts. It can be a relief that you don’t expect everything to happen all at once. Early on, introduce your plan and make those steps realistic to the person at hand. If you try to be clever and trick your Taurus, that might work for awhile, but there is a core person in Taurus that won’t be used or abused. You might end up losing more than you ventured. On the other hand, let’s say it’s a plan you both can get behind, no matter how long it takes. They like your invitation and put heart and hoof into it! They offer steady support, telling key people how it makes fundamental good sense, and right behind them, you can do the fundraising.

Jupiter, Sagittarius’ planet, in Sagittarius, wants to share knowledge! Taurus believes in schooling, the more sensible the better. You may have to take them on a few journeys to see other ways of living, techniques of teaching at other schools. If they are pleased, they may fund the hospital teaching wing, or the church classrooms with daycare provided. If you travel, make your Taurus comfy and bring their favorite foods and blankies. Trains are lovely, the land is soothing to see. Get off the train, out of the car for walk breaks. Jupiter is always wanting to raise standards, are more all encompassing. It’s important to show your Taurus how this personally affects them and their loved ones. Programs for a cleaner planet, better land use, protecting pristine land and resources will go well with them. Ethics are important to Jupiter, the greater truth, higher meaning. Talk philosophy, sustainability. You may be surprised by the exchange. Jupiter helps us stretch, has robust health, generally lives long and prospers! Taurus may be impressed, or just not even notice. So point it out how they can translate that into their own lives, or to someone they love. Sometimes Tauruses are working with such dedication you have to open the door yourself.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundant and better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and marriages are quite possible.

Here’s the Outer Planet Sign Changes Timetable:


Apr 17 Chiron from Pisces to Aries
May 15 Uranus from Aries to Taurus
Sep  25 Chiron Retrograde from Aries back into Pisces
Nov  6  Uranus retrograde back into Aries
Nov  8  Jupiter from Scorpio into own sign Sagittarius!


Feb 18 Chiron into Aries the next 7/8 years
Mar  6  Uranus into Taurus the next 6/7 years

Happy Birthdays, Taurus! May the Seasons go well with you! 


Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Taurus 2018 Newsletter!

See the 2018 Special Edition Annual Newsletter! Make your changes count!

Happy Birthdays, Taurus!

Taurus Beltane May Day Pole

Beltane Fertility Blessings! May your love be luscious and your Circle be Unbroken. Affectionately called the Witches’ Pole Dance!

May beauty surround you always!



Still only $147 for your Annual Reading, 1 ½ hours, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $176 for 1 ½ hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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The Aries Fire Stellium is OVER.  Now as we enter Taurus, the sign of loyalty and steadfastness, what was new, or did you start, during that Aries stellium, that you would like to continue to have in your life?  What value did you bring in that you are happy to maintain?  I have a new student who is new to astrology, and she is taking in the principles amazingly quickly!  I started sharing some more garden space with another community gardener, and intend to grow crops I will harvest to store for winter food.

Wise old Saturn is holding the fort at his 10 degree Libra station (appears to be stationary, still, in the sky) from May 18 to July 8, turning direct (forward) June 12.  Those of you with planets at 8 through 12 degrees will feel the need to enforce or question the rules, make or break commitments, let go or take responsibility, respond to age issues, make career choices, engage in father/ing matters, build for a stable future.  Being overwhelmed burdens the Soul; timing that fits the deed and your needs and your Spirit makes all the difference.  Focus and do your best.  Make yourself proud!

Jupiter is making his last stand in Aries until entering earthy Taurus June 4, starting off a fine Saturday!  That will leave only Uranus in Aries, the lone wolf on its own again, but happily so in a sign of its same spirit, both Uranus and Aries loving freedom and independence!  Jupiter in Aries gives a last chance these 14 days to start what we will, get educated to be encouraged, have confidence, to lead the way, or follow someone we trust well.  It could be more fun than you have ever had before!  Frolicking is good!  Roller skate, hike, ride your bike!  Continue it with Jupiter in Taurus exercise; do the fun kind!  Long horseback rides, mountain walks, walk your dog!  Endurance and strength sports are satisfying.  Long distance and heavy weight.

Jupiter, good luck, fame, huge growth, in attractive Venus ruled Taurus can attract more money than God – they call it a BULL MARKET when the stock market is going UP!  Jupiter in Taurus can keep that money, hordes of it, may travel to the ashram for an extended stay, found a non-profit organic farm, raise horses, buy fine art, start an imported cosmetics franchise, do melting massages at the spa on the train, drive a huge moving truck, give sculpting seminars!  It may get off to a slow start, but once rolling, it just keeps going.  Dedicated, determined, loyal.  Simple, common sense solutions.  Luxurious hair, earthy beauty, natural fabrics, furs.  It looks further ahead than its own two feet, so makes ‘lucky’ choices.  Well grounded, centered, satisfied, peaceful.  Smooth jazz.

Jupiter may, at this time, be even a bit more languid than just the easy-go-flow of Taurus because it is sextile Neptune (only this one time, not the usual 3 times) upon entry into Taurus, makes the exact aspect June 8!  Both are ‘religious’ in that Jupiter rules churches and sets the tenets of faith; Neptune is the Pisces planet, Pisces being the sign of spiritualism, meditation, meeting God on your own terms, often religious diversity.  Jupiter usually calls for adherence to the church’s philosophy, though can be open-minded and take up religious studies.  Pisces, is perhaps more Buddhism oriented, compassionate, yet can believe so passionately as to give one’s life for the cause, a devotee who lives in silence and service in the spiritual abode 24/7.  This aspect offers what works for you, the best of both, in your everyday life.  Jupiter in Taurus loves the armchair more than the airfare.  There better be a good reason to take that trip.  Probably chooses to make oms at home!  Neptune is now in Pisces, its own sign.  It, like Taurus, is usually gentle.  But don’t let this fool you.  Being gentle is one of the greatest powers on earth.  A good teacher can ask clever questions, sneak right up on you and let you think you thought of it yourself!  Feeling and being safe, opens all the gateways for learning.  Your eyes open right up wide with the happiness of the leap – insights, epiphanies, are the order of the day!  Let it be!  Make music!

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Sai Baba – Astrological Birth and Death Charts

Scorpio - Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Easter.  Today, that day of Resurrection, is the day the Great Master, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, chose to leave his earthly body.  What a message.  We are born again.

Here is the chart of his birth.  What is most unique is that he never left India to bring his message to the world.  At 84, he was revered by millions worldwide, with ashrams in over 126 countries.  Devotees included high-placed politicians, movie stars, world-class athletes and industrialists.  Over my lifetime, I have had friends who were with him when he performed some of his miracles.  I am a believer, and am sad at his passing, blessed that he lived, for my friends’ miracles were real to me and changed me too.

Sai Baba – Scorpio Sun & Ascendant, Moon Cancer

Saturn was next to his Sun in Scorpio when he was born, made him like a Capricorn as well as a Scorpio.  One of Saturn/Capricorn, abilities is apporting – the ability to materialize things out of thin air.  My friends saw him make roses appear in his hands, and the sacred ritual ash, Vibuthi, for their foreheads.  With Saturn at Baba’s Ascendant and Sun, he was a hard worker, and likely life was not always easy.  He never married or had children.  They say we teach what we need to learn.  Baba’s Venus and Mercury were in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Aquarius, a love of spiritual teaching and people of all places.  His Mars was in Taurus, an enduring warrior devoted to his purpose, a founder.  His Moon in Cancer gave him a love of home, so he built an ashram, a spiritual home for people to come live and learn with him.  Crowning his chart is Neptune in Leo, at 26 degrees in a positive exact trine with wth Galactic Center, 26 Sagittarius!  Spirituality fit for a king, major fame, though most Scorpios like to operate from behind the scenes.  Another thing that brought this man forward was that four of his planets, Saturn, Sun, Venus and Mercury were all in his first house, the Aries house, making him sacrifice his privacy for leadership!  Or you could say he led from behind since his medium was meditation and spirituality, both invisible!

Baba’s Death Chart, Easter April 24, 2011, Puttaparthy, India at 7.40 AM

It is thought by many that the sign you die in is the one you reincarnate in!  So here he went with Sun and Ascendant in Taurus, the opposite sign of his Sun and Ascendant he had this life, Scorpio!  Pluto and Moon are in Capricorn, the opposite sign they were in this life, Cancer!  In both instances, he has gone the maximum distance, reach, across the zodiac!  He leaves us during a 5 planet Aries Stellium (cluster of 3 or more planets in the same sign), a champion even in death.  The Ascendant of his death chart is 29 degrees Taurus, a classic degree in horary astrology of something to weep about, the degree of the 7 Sisters, the Pleiades.  Indeed.

Death Chart around Birth Chart 

Difficult Aspects
Pluto in Capricorn at his natal South Node – controversy over past leadership/authority/integrity
Neptune/Chiron Pisces square natal Venus/Mercury Sagittarius – unsurety over management of the Satya Sai Central Trust, estimated to be worth over $8.9 billion, or much more, and issues of fake miracles.  No successor has been named to run the trust.  Venus and Mercury are money and naming.  Neptune and Chiron are spiritual business, the unknowable, miracles.
Saturn in Libra and Mercury/Mars/Jupiter in Aries forming a T square natal North Node, Moon, Pluto in Cancer – controversy over sexual abuse of devotees, fake miracles, the June 1993 killings in his bedroom.  Oops.  Saturn can be rather merciless, wants an accounting.  Mercury/Mars/Jupiter search for the truth.  Moon is bedrooms/at home, Pluto is vast sums of $, death, mysteries.

Positive Aspects
Neptune/Chiron Pisces sextile natal Mars in Taurus
– hopefully things will be worked out with the Trust leadership and the good works will continue
Uranus/Venus in Aries trine natal Venus/Mercury in Sagittarius – world love and leadership will network to carry on teaching the message, helping to focus for the June 5, 2012 Venus Transit and Mayan Crossroads/Sacred Tree Dec 21, 2012
Jupiter in Aries sextile natal Jupiter in Aquarius – Jupiter rules fame, orthodox religion, state ceremonies, funeral rituals, truth, teaching, expansion.  Perhaps much more will come to light about Baba’s life in the next few years.  However that may shake out, he brought millions of people planet wide to spiritual insights and practice.  Millions of people in conscious practice are needed to keep the balance in a frightened world.  They will carry the power of the tipping point to a better life.

Steady in the Light and your Practice.  In Love, Cerena

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What a difference that will be from Jupiter in oceanic watery Pisces! Pisces, known to be magical, meditational, artistic especially with visionary art and all kinds of music, intuitive with computer software, a spiritual fisherman, a traveler upon the waves of ocean and mind, sadly a magician of denial, also has boundless compassion and dedication, giving life and Soul for their beliefs.

Jupiter will be our first planet into Aries this year. It’s been 12 years since it was there before, and this time, since it is also Perihelion (nearest the Sun in its orbit), it makes a swift sweep through, in a breathtaking 4 months, 13 days, Jan 22 to June 4! Usually it takes a whole year through a sign!

Aries – Breath of the Fire of Life!

Aries doesn’t make moods, they make motion! Instant perception, immediate response, uncannily right. Like first responders, they can save your life! They are great consultants. Bring them in, record the insights, let them go on to the next. They just gave you their gift. Passion and fire are their mediums.

Jupiter, planet of Sagittarius, loves to travel, the faster the better! Skiing, skating, racing, hiking to far high places suits. In Aries they can’t wait to get started and want to get there first! If you see them coming, step aside! Jupiter has a great sense of direction, purpose, a taller long view, that can take Aries more potently into its future. Aries is independent and Jupiter likes freedom to roam. Great combo for them, might not make their lovers or family so happy.  Promotions, publicity and publishing will be red hot! Aries has just the spark to push it over the threshold!

Jupiter thinks it is right, and Aries is willing to defend or apply the principle. If there are anger issues, this may be the time to get a grip, learn how to use your energy in a good way. There needs to be care here. Jupiter can be too blunt, feelings can get way hurt. It may be costly in time to repair, or heartbreakingly irreparable. Not good. The axis Aries challenges is Cancer/Capricorn, Mother, Father, children, people of tender connections. The other side of Aries is Libra, our marriage mates, partners in business, legal proceedings. Be smart, savvy. If you don’t know how to hold yourself in battle, get a go between, a counselor, an attorney, whatever makes sense. The instinct of Aries is to do it all yourself. A wise person can do both, get help, and do it yourself.

Think of children born with this placement of Jupiter! Natural born leaders, fearless teachers, but you better grab the info quickly, because they already see another possibility! Keep them entertained, give them challenges they can achieve so their Spirit won’t be broken. When they are doing what they love, they will have broad minds, and a tremendous focus!

Jupiter, the WayShower, makes the Pilgrimage; Aries lights the Way -torch and candle! 

On Point, Blessings on your Journey!

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For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….


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Wishing you a Magical Yule, Winter Solstice!

Magic is afoot!  This Winter Solstice moment, 3:39 PM Pacific, is preceded by the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon at 0:13 AM! 

TOTAL Lunar Eclipse VISIBLE just after midnight on the US westcoast – are you going to stay up to see it and wish the new year in?!  Many Earth Religion peoples will be doing just that!  Rain is forecast for some areas, but celebrate as you will – meditation, hot chocolate and a fire….  The Eclipse will be at 29 Gemini 21 with the Sun opposite in Sagittarius, an axis of mind and purpose.  How we think, what we think, what we pay attention to, how we gather information, how we express it, all affect outcome!  How we are able to learn limits or expands our range of effectiveness and sharing with others.  Without enough information and exchange of ideas, right on down the line, everyone loses.  If our attention wanders, we lose connection.  People feel that loss and wonder about your or their self esteem.  Our style of idea gathering taints or tantalizes, making people not or want to share with us again.  Our sharing style chokes the network, or invites joy and excitement of exchange!  You see?  And this is only the Gemini side of the Eclipse!

Sagittarius needs to know, so much, to have a fully informed, broad perspective, to choose the Living Truth, that changes as we grow!  Faith can be a fickle feature, because she too is a living thing!  Faith doesn’t just happen.  Faith is experienced, a product of a history of good choices, some your own, some of the people you trust.  Good choices may not make you wealthy, but they are true to you and your heart and Soul.  How you stand with you matters.  Without all the information, one makes choices that are short of the mark, never quite satisfying because something always feels awry, can’t quite put your finger on it.  So put those Geminis, or the Gemini part of yourself, to work.  Listen to them intently, help them focus where you need the info.  If it doesn’t feel like you have enough yet to make your decisions, send them out to bird dog more!  Then make wise choices for the Path you are traveling, the message you choose to publish.  Be continually wise, change when the input changes.  Expansion and growth are a powerful postures of a fully living Sagittarian!  It seems like luck, but forever the scanning observer in their far reaching adventures, it’s their kind of brilliance that saves them!

Yule, Winter Solstice is a grand time to snuggle, but keep your eyes wide open for the possibilities that grow from the root dark in Winter’s Night.  Many a profound insight springs from the eternal internal, a mere candle flicker only glimpsed, sometimes during a whimper.  We might be sad, we might feel like steel, but it comes.  The underworld has always been well respected, often feared, a testing place of Spirit, yet we come back more powerful, even if only quietly.  Power may be barking or whispering, yet it works.  This year, as since 2008, Pluto is near the 0 Capricorn Winter Solstice degree.  Pluto is the God of the Underworld, so this life and death, sharing and healing planet makes it all the more meaningful.  As many are suffering from financial losses, a time of sharing and creative healing springs, as the serpents on the Physician’s staff of Life, raising the Phoenix from its own ashes!   The Sun is always there, it’s just short days.  It may seem thinner, the light laid low across our skies, but still, it is there.  Never been anything wrong with slowing down, resting, noticing more of what is between the molecules.

The last degrees of a sign are always endings and beginnings.  The Eclipse is at 29 degrees, the last, and Solstice is 0 degrees, the first.  May your endings end well and beginnings be even better!  I wish you peaceful days.  I pray you take time to tell your love, appreciate the special in others, what’s good in you.  Happy Yule, Winter Solstice – Mama Earth’s New Year, and Eclipse!

Winter Solstice Day, Dec 21, I will post an overview of 2011!  There is much to come!

Sneak Preview! On April 29th through May 1st, 2011, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus, 6 planets, will all be ON FIRE in Aries!  Unbelievable passion, magic of Spirit!  Your Mother is impatient, your pen is pissed and potent, your Lover is sweet HOT, careful not to run the red light, exercise is a no-brainer, the mighty Truth stands on its hind legs and bites, change is electrifying and defying, a challenge to be alone together!!!!

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