
Posts Tagged ‘horary’

2021 Jupiter Aquarius Sextile the Mighty Galactic Center GCI Set the Sky on Fire by Czech fractal artist Eli Vokounová / Eliška Voko
Nov 21, 2021 Note! 12:12, Dec 12, is the big day, the last of the sextiles!

In the late 1960’s, astronomers finally honed in on the GC (Galactic Center) with radio and infrared instruments. They were astounded by the immense energies to be found there. We now know there is a huge Black Hole called Sagittarius A-star at the center, about the size of a large star, containing the mass of four million suns. The staggering amount of material being drawn into the black hole radiates energy at many frequencies.

According to “Astrophysical Directions” by Michael and Margaret Erlewine, energy emerges from the GC over 2 entire degrees of longitude near the last degrees of Sagittarius. Perhaps it is even more than that.

Some interesting observations have come to light about the late degrees of Sagittarius. Famed Horary astrologer William Lilly, 1602-1681, is the source of our observations on the Void-of-Course Moon. He observed that the Moon is not really Void-of-Course in late Sagittarius. Prior to the discovery of the Galactic Center, 27 Sagittarius 08, no astrologer would have known why.

THE special event of 2021! Interspersed with the Jupiter and Saturn sextiles with Chiron, squares to Uranus, Jupiter in Aquarius stunningly makes three sextiles with the GALACTIC CENTER in fiery Sagittarius! Including these three galactic aspects, there will be ELEVEN major outer planet Aquarian, the stars, aspects in 2021 alone! And there will be 4 aspects to the Aquarian planet! All these are acting sequentially teaching us about Aquarius. This is essential to strengthen Aquarius and Aquarians before Pluto enters Aquarius March 23, 2023! See Pluto into Aquarius   The most exciting aspect of 2021 happens three times: Earth Day, April 22, retrograde Aug 20 and Dec 12, Twelve Twelve. Jupiter will consult with the gods and goddesses of the heavens! The GC is the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. Jupiter, the far traveler, has no problem with such a journey, especially while in Aquarius, the very sign of the heavens, stars and flight! Lucky Jupiter is the planet of Sagittarius, the home of the GC! Perfect combination, and how apropos to the Aquarian emphasis at this time! Jupiter will be our emissary, a generally broadminded sign with a huge perspective, has a gift to discover possibilities of the future! The GC will not fail to transmit, infuse, present magnificent infinite consciousness stirring insights and instruction. We have three chances to take it in, grow with it.The Galactic Center is at 27 Sagittarius 09. If you have factors in your chart that match up to within 5 degrees of that 27th degree, you will be called. Unlike with fixed stars, only 1 degree allowed, the Galactic Center is HUGE! If you are involved with meditation, circles, consciousness raising groups, if ever there was a time to tune in, it is NOW! Factors in your Birth chart within 5 degrees of your natal Galactic Center position will be activated by this profound point your whole life. You may be a sci fi fan, love fantasy! Relative to Earth the GC moves a degree every 72 years, just like the stars. Here are some excerpts about the GC:

  • Kim at Galactic Center Astrology: Some say it’s an opportunity to ‘download’ new information, divinely inspired insights from higher guidance. Others say it opens the subconscious mind and lets us release blocks and limiting beliefs.
  • Phil Sedgwick is less poetic: [The GC] blasts open the root chakra in the energy system. This chakra releases the old, regenerates our energy, and lifts us off our duffs with renewed inspiration and a sense of real progress.” And: “The Galactic Center acts like a satellite dish, directing divinely inspired information straight to the potentially receptive gray matter of our brains. If you believe in God, this might be the voice you hear. Regardless, within this connection you have the ability to pull down wild information which you would otherwise have no way of knowing.”
  • Paul O. Hewit writes: “it is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.” [Some say the GC IS the strongest factor in our charts!]

The GC, Algol and Pluto!

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center! Fixed star ALGOL and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. From the point of view of Earth, Fixed star Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, so is the other. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They see peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Algol’s bad rep, strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! They have an askew, inconjunct relationship, on opposite sides of the chart but off center. It’s the road less followed, so to speak. There is a draw to explore. Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most. 

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan wisely astrologically. Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If in neighboring signs, only 3 or less degrees might be used. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Dec 12, Pluto is at 25° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Since Pluto is an outer planet, some might only allow a 3° range for it to be in connection with Algol. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Anytime it is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol. That period started Feb 2020 and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16. 

Pluto has been having the Algol experience, and is one of the few who can stand up under this trial. Very luckily, the trine is the most favorable angle, so though not unscathed, he survives. Both Pluto and Algol are respected and incur life and death situations. One hopes the trine bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

The Three Special days…Heaven and Earth! April 19 the Sun enters Taurus, Earth’s sign. Earth Day, April 22, Jupiter AQ sextiles GC 27 Sagittarius 09 the first time. Venus conjuncts Uranus in Taurus that same day. There is a profound love of Earth. While you are traveling high in the sky, take a look and see how Mama Earth is doing, what she needs. Take a few moments to absorb free floating thoughts from the GC! Travel to a high mountain with a 360° mega view. Do a complete panoramic. Take a virtual tour later! Have patience and peace, like the Buddhists, do no harm.August 20 is the second sextile, second chance, a review and adjust. Uranus, planet of the stars, is in retrograde station, standstill, the 19th and Sun is in his own sign Leo opposite Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius. The Aquarius – Leo seasonal Full BLUE Moon is the 22nd – the second Full Moon in Aquarius this year, the first one occurs July 23, 2021! Leo is the sign of our Sun, our own star. Lot of galactic energy. The retrograde sextile is a second chance at the same item from a different angle. Fire sign Leo, the Heart of Light, trines, most favorably aspects the GC. He puts a personal stamp on the situation and brightens the odds! Dec 12, Twelve Twelve, is the last chance, the opportunity to polish it up, secure the gains. It establishes a platform for the work to come. The Sun is in Sagittarius, the GC’s sign, Mercury our planet of communications is conjunct the GC, and Venus blesses Pluto, who is currently connected with the GC, and there’s more! Sag is the sign of learning our trade, University, perspective and long term planning. Ethics are important, being true to your Spirit, sharing opportunities. Have faith and trust. Sun makes his Annual GC Conjunction the 18th, carrying enormous Light to Winter Solstice, Dec 21 and the New Year. Both are times of special new beginnings. Carry them forward!These three aspects will continue to root around in our consciousness. Once we have been open to seeing, there is no going back. The channel happened once; it can be done again! There is no unseeing it, and we will probably soon want more! Sometimes we will remember a particular moment, refocus, regather our friends, update our process. Feels good. 

Going to be different for each person, but here it is like a Wave of new Consciousness shifting us to a greater vantage point! Some will not ‘feel’ it at all, it is a lot etheric, and it may not activate their personal chart. Others may be a bit dizzy with almost overwhelming awareness, bedazzled by the brilliance, breathless with excitement, not enough time to put it all into play! When Jupiter conjuncted the Galactic Center 12.19.19, I wrote: ‘It feels like you have the whole Galaxy at your fingertips! You reach out so far you can forget where you came from! And it doesn’t matter. You just be the best you can be everywhere you are. The Galactic Center, GC, is a monumental point of infusion of collected Light of all the stars, not just our Galaxy but other star systems as well [it is a gigantic black hole!]. Open your mind and Spirit as much as you possibly can. Don’t bother about articulating or judging it; absorb it. You can sort it out later. If you, as one person, want to be heard, when there are events at this point in the zodiac, be sure to vote, speak for what you want! We are heard collectively. Humanity progresses as it can; joining up with the Galactic Beings can boost the process.’ Now it is time to vote again – three times!Be prepared for the ride through the stars! Pack your jammies and your best dress, tux! Jupiter loves long trips and this is the big one in this Galaxy! Jupiter is very good at BIG! Get all your molecules 100% clean to absorb every amazing bit! Allow the infinite synapses to coalesce as you go! Be prepared to witness things you didn’t know existed. Try not to make judgments, just witness. Your heart will feel so free and generous. Just let go and move on. You will feel such a plenitude of being, having a capacity you didn’t know could happen. Sharing and teaching will take on new meaning. Tune in at all three events. If you can organize a spiritual Circle, all the better. Blessed be.

‘Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder.’ ~ E.B. White
Known for children’s book Charlotte’s Web (1952, film 1973 and 2006). He was awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom (1963) and a Pulitzer Prize special citation (1978).HAVE A FABULOUS JOURNEY!

Updated 12.6.21

For more details see your 2021 and 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans and changes potent and well timed!  

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. See your astrologer for how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Retrograde Eclipse across the SUN, 8:12 AM Pacific at 19 Taurus 25!
See the Astrological Chart below!

Transit of Mercury 2006
The 2006 Eclipse as seen from Earth! Credit: ESA/NASA/SOHO

May 20 note: This is worth reviewing because June 3 Mercury is again at the TRANSIT of MERCURY degree, 19 Taurus, the third and last time, the day before our Gemini New Moon June 4!

Be there! The entire transit will be visible in the western part of Europe and Africa, as well as in the east of North America, and in South America! Western Africa has the best weather in May. It lasts 7 1/2 hours, crossing retrograde, East to West.

On the average, there are only 13 transits of Mercury each century. The last planetary Solar Eclipse we had was Venus Retrograde in Gemini June 5, 2012. The last Mercury eclipse was Nov 8, 2006 at 16 Scorpio. The May Mercury eclipses are about half as frequent as November transits, but are bigger because Mercury is Aphelion, farthest from the sun. They occur at Mercury’s South Node. The next TRANSIT of Mercury will be Nov 11, 2019. After that, it’s 2032!

Mercury moved into Taurus April 5, 2016, the day Venus, Taurus’s planet, went into Aries. The Moon occulted (eclipsed) Venus, Taurus’s planet, April 6 and the Sun squared Pluto. Mercury went deep into the New Moon April 7 at 18 Aries. Several deep aspects together. Mercury’s entrance into Taurus has some weight.

In Taurus, Mercury the Messenger is sitting with the Buddha, with Mother Earth. He is content in his skin, loves animals and their beautiful fur. Slowing down in Taurus, coming out of Aries, is quite a pace change, at first impatient, but soon adapting to the rest, being able to observe more of the periphery, the framing, perspective, centering, peacefulness. There is absorbing in addition to seeing. It’s a richer experience that way, though it can also make Mercury feel heavy when he is usually a skimmer and a butterfly flit about. Passing information along is more his venue rather than everyday common sense. But once there, he lends considerable intelligence to simple things, speeds up the processes, links and integrates them for further benefit! He’s a natural liaison. Seeing the Taurus values he becomes an appreciative spokesman.

Mars retrograded April 17, is way slow, taking his time going back from 8 Sagittarius to 23 Scorpio. Action takes a decided turn, the point man suddenly changes, possibly no longer interested. A project is left undone or up for serious revision. Or, Mars steeps himself in the depths of his intention to find the purity of his purpose, the internal strength and resources needed to get past a threshold. The teaching schedule and topics are shifted, the destination is uncertain. Philosophies are being challenged. Mars turns Direct, forward, in Scorpio June 29. May 9, the Transit of Mercury, occurs early in the retrograde when Mars is at 5 Sagittarius, pondering the options, confident of the possibilities. At the time of the Transit of Mercury, he is making no aspects to any other planets, so at that time he stands alone, unfettered, free and clear.

The TRANSIT Eclipse happens during the concurrent Mercury and Mars Retrograde! See Mars Retrograde! See Mercury Retrograde!

Mercury direct in Taurus was first over the Transit point April 19, the day the Sun entered Taurus and 3 days before Earth Day. Taurus is the sign of Earth. Clean up your antennae! Make sure the link to your channel is ready. Write out your thoughts, what you would like to receive, your intentions, what you will do in preparation. If you meditate, seek access to a sacred communion symbol, a centered Peace. Find a still place that will trigger your ability to receive as much as possible. Let go of fears. You will be graced perfectly as you can be. You are perfect just the way you are.

However, if by nature you are an exuberant fiery spirited person, quickly clear your channels, ask for guidance to be given your part. I’m all for jumping up and meeting it halfway, arms open wide, laughing all the way! Whichever you are, if your birthday is May 9, we are especially counting on you!

  • Mercury retrogrades April 28 at 23 Taurus, makes the May 9 Transit at 19 Taurus, turns Direct/forward May 22 at 14 Taurus. Mercury is well placed in Taurus for this event. Taurus, an Atlas, is a super stable strong sign. The Sun bathing Mercury is in total Light, being infused with a mega message, requires a sturdy vessel, one that can hold and sustain that Light, keep it safe. Taurus, the sculptor, the ceramic bowl maker, looks for the natural fit. Steady in the Light is a perfect phrase for this event. Jupiter goes Direct, turns forward, just 3 hours before the conjunction of Mercury and Sun! Jupiter is the planet of Sagittarius, the sign opposite Mercury’s maiden sign Gemini. While Mercury is information gathering and communication techniques, Sagittarius gives it meaning, direction and purpose. Sagittarius travels and carries the best with it place to place. It teaches wherever it lands. Considered a friendly optimistic lucky sign of fame and good fortune, we are so blessed to have it’s planet moving forward and carrying the messages of the TRANSIT of MERCURY far and wide in a positive frame of reference! Jupiter in Virgo, Mercury’s other sign, will strive to keep the insights unblemished, pure and accurate, send them out where they will be well tended, spread further.
  • June 3 Mercury moves forward across the Transit position the third and last time. If you were tuned in, your chart aligned with the Transit, there has been a lot to think about. Taurus has to do with your Body, our most precious possessions, Earth herself. Perhaps now you have more words to express your comprehension of what happened. Taurus being a fixed sign, an earth anchor, a sign of fertility, will hold these thoughts in safekeeping for a long time to come. They will be cherished, guarded and grown. Save the seeds and keep on sharing.

Mercury and Sun are at Mercury’s South Node (not the Moon’s South Node). It’s sometimes thought that South Nodes are where a bad was in past lives. Mercury in Taurus could have been a selfish thinker, all about possession, a pickpocket. But some also think that what we did, we did so bad, we did it good, and have a super talent to use when now used in a good way. Instead, they could be a grant writer, a museum curator, a clever organic farmer who talks to the plants and animals. So for Mercury, in this case, perhaps the specialty is holding consciousness, the link to, the messages of Sun, Sol, Soul. Because Taurus takes possession, things will be slowed down to a pace people can stand. New ideas will be less frightening, we can get used to them. They will be given with patience and kindness. We will be graced with gentle gifts as we grow, soon ready to handle more. Mercury is keen about estimating current capacity, and makes sweeps of the territory to see what’s changing and what’s up next. Truly a useful talent. The May 9 super infusion, will be a wellspring, giving us a synthesis of valuable inspiration for our world today.

Not only is Mercury at his South Node, but the Mercury eclipse Sun is trine the Moon’s North Node at 19 Virgo. Things from Mercury’s past of many life times will do a rubber band snap into present tense, just like in a time machine, now in the cloak of current times! The organization of life and good business are offered updates that transform us from mundane procedures to extraordinary services and production. Virgo irresistible! Time to let go the old, soup up the new! The Virgo North Node steps up, sees that quality nutrients, regular care are provided, that all is well maintained in top form.

What about that 19 degrees?! 19 Taurus, the degree of the Eclipse, is opposite 19 Scorpio. In old Horary astrology, 19 Scorpio was called the ‘dread degree’ of the entire zodiac! Many are born on 19 Scorpio and do fine. Clearly there are not terrible world traumatizing events that day every year. Yet, there are times, and for some people, it indicates severe challenge, possibly life long. One 19 Scorpio Moon woman never knew her mother, was in 13 foster homes and known for her volatile emotions. Events may be defined quite differently. Is it carnage or should we call it regeneration? Shall we hire the wrecking crew for things that completed their usefulness, clear the path for repurposing? Taurus is a sign of fertility and growth, and Scorpio is known for healing and regeneration! Both are known for strength – one for the power of life, the other for the power of rebirth. Taurus says mine; Scorpio says ours. They can strongly clash neither giving an inch, yet often, with help of a third party, make peace and work powerfully together for common cause.

Children born on this day during the Eclipse will have magical Solar linkage called Cazimi. Their birthdays will hold a meaningful part of our lives. In old horary astrology, when Mercury conjuncts the Sun exactly like this, it was considered unfortunate, burned out, combust. But I am with David Coleman‘s camp. For your perspective, he explains it this way:

  • Cazimi, [within 0° 17′ of the Sun] then, leads to the most enchanted state wherein the essential meaning of the planet becomes truly inseparable from our spirit. A cazimi Venus, for example, could easily be a nymphomaniac or ‘sex addict’, for example. It could also be a person with near supernatural charm, grace or insight into the world of feelings. Under the sunbeams a planet [8° to 17° of the Sun] is warmed and vitalised and somewhat or completely invisible, meaning it is commanding and infused with our inner light but somehow ‘on the fringes’, lacking in conventional status. It becomes ethereal, alluring, unusual and dreamy. Combust planets [8° of the Sun] are unorthodox and often willfully defy external direction because they are confident in their own inner unique grasp of the planets essential meaning. They are either aloof from or disinterested in the material agenda of the planet concerned but will still display its power radiantly and forcefully but somewhat enigmatically and individually.
  • Short answer: when a planet becomes non-visible because of the Sun’s light it becomes less physical and more astral in focus.

Since Cazimi is within all three of these definitions, I say ALL apply! Look at your own chart to see if you are in any of these categories and if you think they apply.

Expect these Cazimi children to have extraordinary things to say, an exceptionally clever mind in some way, some form of remarkable dexterity, an unusual voice, a way of speaking about a special talent that holds our attention even when it’s not our subject! In certain topics they will be intelligent ahead of their age expectancy, and will surpass common thinking.

In this chart of the eclipse, the Moon is in Gemini, one of Mercury’s signs! As you receive info, share it, disseminate, placing it where it can grow well and be shared on and on, putting the full breath of life into it! In astrology parlance, the Moon is Void of Course, making no aspects with other planets while it is still in Gemini. It is mature in its sign, unhindered, undistracted, free to receive, free to channel what it perceives! Perfect.

Two major outer planet aspects are part of the chart, both squares!

  • Jupiter is squaring Saturn, exact May 26. Jupiter in Virgo is always sniffing like a skeptic, sorting out what goes where, seeing if it really has use. Many things are interesting, but they have their own time and place along the road of life. Saturn in Sagittarius is not so interested in saving everything, may simply want space, yet sometimes instinctively puts it in the ‘Later’ category until its time has come. Together they may reframe certain information so others can get a glimpse of the potential and get on board with them. Jupiter loosens Saturn’s grip on old opinions with new data offered.  Jupiter is hopeful. Saturn is glad for more tools, the Builder at work.
  • Saturn is squaring Neptune, exact June 17. Saturn doesn’t know whether to consult the Mystic or throw him out! Neptune has intuited subtle guiding ideas, knows a lot about people that you would never guess. But there are those unpredictable artist or addicted moments as well ~ often ‘addicted’ to loved ones. Sigh. Insisting on expert specific counseling, programs can be costly, but the results may be well worth it. Saturn sometimes needs to learn when demands and stomping its feet will just never work. Some situations are not in our control. Some are broken beyond repair, or simply spent, done, over. Giving up and reasonable surrender are time saving talents. However, the new Light coming through Mercury may offer alternative possibilities. It will be wise to filter and integrate with current options as well. And sometimes when we all, one time or another, hit our personal bottom, we listen better. Humility and surrender are key. The viewpoint is different, and sometimes enlightening, from our knees. Getting to work may be the better choice versus dwelling in past sorrows, imagined tragedies. Onward.

Venus, also in Taurus, one of her own signs, has just sextiled that Neptune both still closely at 11 degrees! She has sweetened Neptune’s appearance and seen the values of his compassionate ways. Being pretty, strong, stubborn, adored and selfish at times, is not enough. It’s more than money or status. The Soul has to be happy. And working forever for things we want, needs restful Neptune breakaways to reassess where we have come to be. Big messages from the Sun God are cool, but they might need a little talking up. Neptune can help Venus shape the words with love, make new insights treasured.

Venus in this sextile with Neptune makes the Grand Earth Trine (blue triangle) a Kite formation, easing some of the stress aspects. Venus trines Jupiter, hallelujah, and Jupiter trines Pluto! That’s a money maker if I ever saw one! The messages of the Transit of Mercury, Eclipse of the Sun, will be blessed and grounded. Messages will come in at high spiritual levels as well as at the earthly how tos! The TRANSIT lasts 7.5 hours! Why not take the day off and truly Be There?!

Though the mythological Mercury is a man, Mercury is considered an asexual neutral planet, servant and messenger of the Gods, as such, simply a logical Vulcan-like channel. It is at times more interested in the function of gathering and transmitting information than the information itself. Each of us will put the spin of our own chart filter on the information we receive, yet try to keep your transmission of what you receive as neutral as possible. Go for the clean abiding principles rather than judgements of it. Since Mercury is of Gemini the Twins, think of it as our masculine Solar twin being seamlessly in Union with our Earthly feminine mind. When we are at one, there are no misunderstandings, no omits. We are complete, the merger Divine.

VISIBILITY! Find out if an astronomy group is setting up near you. Get tickets to the observatory! Find or get your viewing glasses now and put them in a place where you can easily find them! Clean up your old telescope. Check out the viewing times for your area. Find your favorite live stream channel!

The whole transit will be visible from most of Western Europe, S. America and Eastern N. America. Partial visibility everywhere else except Australia and far eastern Asia.

This is a profound exchange of information between us and the Heart of Light! Each person is linked to this chart in their own way, or not at all, though that isn’t likely since the many factors involved are across so many degrees. Each of us has a part in some way. Thank you for you and your part.

Steady in the Light Forever!

2016 TRANSIT OF MERCURY Astrology Chart

2016 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Sun Taurus Astrology Chart

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See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for the Planetary Patterns of the coming year!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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FULL Hunter’s Moon – WESAK!
NEW Moon – Jupiter is the Key Outer Planet!

Full Hunter’s Moon, WESAK – 7 Planet Pattern, 17 Degrees!
Tuesday Oct 27, 5:05 AM Pacific, at 3 Taurus 45

Full Moon Shamanic Hunter Wesak

Our Scorpio Full Moon celebrates the Shamanic Hunter and opposite Wesak, the celebration of the Buddha’s birthday in May! In some people’s minds the Hunt is for the shamanic life we subconsciously long for, to be One with Spirit. This time of year, days getting shorter and cooler, is a time to ready our winter supplies, make good connections with those who might help us if we need it. Halloween, a time of Magic, redressing ourselves, is just days after this Full Moon. Who we want to be, unresolved matters in our life, may show in our costume. These are times of deepening.

♦♦ Jupiter opposite Chiron, inconjunct Uranus are concurrent with the Full Moon, exact Nov 3 and 5!These aspects are the first of 3 sets, two more in 2016. The Full Moon opens the gateway wide to expand our range of embrace. Jupiter in Virgo is the consummate dietician/nurse. Uranus in Aries brings non traditional methods into play. Chiron in Pisces sees the needs of the people and may set up a clinic for them. See more!

The Sun/Moon axis is at three degrees Scorpio/Taurus. These are fixed signs, meant to keep the status quo or return it to its organic core. Opposite they consider different values. Moon in Taurus isn’t about to give up her shopping money. Scorpio wants to invest it leaving some there to continue investing, only taking a percentage off the top occasionally. Venus ruled Taurus loves sensuality, fertile earthy gardens. Scorpio wants deep relationships, meaningful sex, and to be sure the garden irrigation system is working sustainably. Taurus will be sure you are well cared for, found an organization for you. Scorpio wants to heal your Soul and provides the physical and relationship therapy. Though opposite, they can make a great team.

  • They are in exact aspect, at the same degree, with Saturn and in close degrees with Neptune in its own sign Pisces. Sun is semi sextile Saturn and Moon is inconjunct Saturn. Both Scorpio and Taurus get along well with Saturn the Capricorn builder planet, but are pushed a bit by it being in Sagittarius, a more playful, even frivolous sign, by their standards. Sagittarius livens up the mix with good fun, ideas, an eye to the future. Saturn takes the spin off it and makes it credible.
  • Sun and Saturn may have bones to pick. Sun is himself, very himself, in private Scorpio. Saturn thinks he’s the boss and in Sag wants the Truth, capital T! But no mere stamping of feet is going to get Sun to lose it, and if pushed too hard, may level the playing field. Canny Saturn might be ready for that and quickly back off, headed for greener pastures, or call in the troops for a little peer pressure. Scorpio might be wise to let selected information be revealed, in a timely fashion, of course, just enough to move things along. If they are in alignment, a lot of funding may be achieved and projects completed, future plans laid. Be good to yourself. Depression, grief, being tired may slow you down some. Could be something that happened a long time ago, yet there are memories. If you need it, get a little more rest. Open the curtains, get some fresh air. You can do it.
  • Moon and Saturn are rulers of opposite signs, so in effect are having a little side Full Moon of their own! Moon naturally rules Cancer, and Saturn naturally rules Capricorn, signs of the Mother and Father, home and profession. Moon in Taurus has feelings about the land, sustainability, security, endurance, values, our bodies, personal ownership. Saturn in Sagittarius is concerned with the Mission, teachings, where we should live, migration, stories with a moral, the Temple, building and long term planning.
  • Sun & Moon with Neptune is juicy! Sun in water sign Scorpio, Moon a water planet, Neptune a water planet in a water sign! Let’s go down to the harbor, or sleep on the houseboat at the lagoon tonight, snorkel tomorrow! Scorpio, Moon and Taurus all want financial stability. Neptune would like to fund the concert or a marine institute, but is more intuitive and mystical than financial. Dreams and visions are its trade. It adds compassion and empathy for causes.

♦♦ Prominent Seven-Planet Pattern! It is an Equidistant pattern, equidistant said by the Magi Society to be powerful, especially when in the same degree! This one has three planets in Virgo, two in Libra, both sets inconjuncting other planets in Pisces and Aries. That further translates to those pairs of planets each opposite the other two planets! FOUR of those six factors, one at each point, are at 17 degrees, so the formation is tight and immediate! The anchor aspects are formed by slow moving planets Jupiter opposite Chiron, exact Nov 3, and Jupiter inconjunct Uranus, exact Nov 5. The other aspects are come-and-goes emphasizing, stirring up interest, enriching the learnings, drawing from them! See the pattern? Two purple lines horizontally linked by two sets of double red lines across the chart corner to corner.

  • Jupiter & Venus in Virgo inconjunct Uranus in Aries. The 25th Venus just made the 3rd/last conjunction of its Rx pattern with Jupiter. Such a blessing! Venus gives her love, makes beauty, brings Grace. Jupiter can be an untidy but amiable guy, doing his best to get things in order in Virgo. Venus whispers tips to him, admiring his personal style, and he is so happy. Jupiter gives tickets and some special publicity to her, sponsoring her poetry. They enjoy working together, each giving full measure, sharing ideas.
  • Jupiter & Venus opposite Chiron. Chiron in Pisces is a tad otherworldly, not as concerned about earthly order, but happy if it mirrors Divine order. Chiron images the vision, and Venus, seeing a value there, looks back over her shoulder to see if Jupiter got it too. Together they can flesh it out. Sometimes Jupiter and Venus may get all into themselves plus have a little workaholism. They need the reminder why they are here. Chiron sees their beautiful painstaking work, is heartened by their progress and offers rest for the weary. It is good.
  • Lilith and Mercury are inconjunct Chiron, opposite Uranus.They are in the reverse positions that Jupiter and Venus are having with Chiron and Uranus. The opposition with Uranus was also the 25th, a provocative day! The 24th and 25th were days to be a little careful, give plenty of space for instant course corrections. Keep track of inspirational ideas, put them on the books for further contemplation. Step out of the box to include someone new and brilliant! Chiron in Pisces plays counter position to too much logic versus empathy, offering time out to be alone, and imagination for the miracles.

FOUR planets at 17 degrees, Venus and Lilith, Chiron and Uranus, are also strongly semi sextile each other. Semi sextiles can be potent. I usually don’t bring Lilith into things, though I do show her, but this time she is in relationship with three planets!

Venus and Lilith both represent forms of the Feminine. Venus is depicted as the placid, compliant standard of beauty; Lilith stories are quite opposite, the grim child eater, man raper and hater, killer. Huge differences representing patriarchal preference and fear. That has been changed by modern women to Lilith the independent woman. Venus in Virgo the Virgin would be a compliant worker woman type. In more modern terms, a woman who loves her work, has a specialty, and is paid well. Venus was with Jupiter the 25th, so I hope she is in superlative health and beauty, asked for a raise and won the trip! She has blessings to bring to this Full Moon! Lilith in Libra is looking for independence in a well balanced relationship, socially celebrated equally for who she is. Now, clearly, this can be in men’s charts, and babies born at this time will have the aspect. Men may have some gender questions, of themselves, of the women in their lives about women! Babies need the strong positive feminine role model from their Mum, and the respectful of women role model from their Papa.

Opposite and inconjunct them, Chiron is semi sextile Uranus. This aspect has been in effect since 2008 and will continue through 2021! See more! This adds compassion from Chiron in Pisces, and a brilliant light-the-sky spark from Uranus in Aries! Changes by the minute, no going back, only integration, fitting new people and pieces together! Uranus in Aries fresh innovations, Venus’s beauty touch, Lilith in the lead for women, Chiron keeping the dreams alive! Surprises and prodigies! Heros & heroines at every corner!

At 20 degrees each, Mars in Virgo is semi sextile Mercury in Libra. Mars isn’t famous for major physical energy in Virgo, sexual or sports energy, nor is Mercury (Virgo’s planet) in Libra. Sonnets are more likely, but Mars is Mars. With data in folder, Mars will stimulate the debate, insert the key winning points for Mercury’s case! If Mercury was fence sitting, Mars will champion, encourage Mercury to take a firm fair stand.

In addition, Mars conjuncted Jupiter Oct 17, Venus did Oct 25 only two days before! Mars got excited to see Jupiter again after 2 years, this time getting ideas how to more wisely organize his time. Though Jupiter is often a procrastinator or the traveler who abandons projects, and Mars usually a starter not a finisher, they even complete a couple projects! Venus will join Mars Nov 2 blessing her handsome champion! Venus brings her folder too, prettier, filled with sketches and poetic observations. She has ideas who to share with, bring into the project. She and Mars put their ideas together, they get it done and the results are pure grace!

Is there a planet I haven’t mentioned?! Yes, Pluto, because the planets have passed it by or aren’t close enough to spark it’s energy right now. Some of you are wiping your brow. Whew. But even without it, this Full Moon is plenty complex, intense, intricate, busy! Relationships, finances, work matters, kids and spirituality will fully claim your attention!

Scorpio 2015 Full Hunter's Blood Moon Astrology Chart

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Scorpio New Moon – Jupiter is the Key Outer Planet!
Wednesday Nov 11, at 9:47 AM Pacific – 19 Scorpio 01

Scorpio Yoga Cobra Pose
The Cobra Yoga pose, very suitable for Scorpios ~

The awakened Kundalini, the life force energy at the base of our spines, releases a primordial power that wields impressive strength and healing. Some healer/teachers operate low key, one on one. Others are ecstatic charismatics that attract millions. You may have a taste of that experience with this 19 degree Scorpio New Moon. 

The NUMBERS! 19 Scorpio, in old Horary astrology, was called the ‘dread degree’ of the entire zodiac! Many are born on 19 Scorpio and do fine. Clearly there are not terrible world traumatizing events that day every year. Yet, there are times, and for some people, it indicates severe challenge, possibly life long. One 19 Scorpio Moon woman never knew her mother, was in 13 foster homes, and was known for her volatile emotions. Events may be defined quite differently. Is it carnage – or should we call it regeneration? Shall we hire the wrecking crew for things that completed their usefulness, clear the path for repurposing?

11th month, 11th day! And in numerology, 19 is a number you subtract 9 (completions and endings) from and it reduces to 1! Elevens are double ones and add up to two! Double numbers are considered Master numbers, and we have double doubles for this New Moon! Ones, Aries, are considered to be the number of Initiation, new beginnings! One stands alone, a leader at the point. Two Ones could be two leaders side by side, perhaps like the Gemini symbol of the Twins, male and female! Two Ones could indicate the doubling of power, or a unity of like minded Beings. Two Ones could be a Duality, of any or many kinds. Classic dualities are body and Spirit, as above so below – a figure 8 of coexistence.

Twos, like Taurus, the Venus ruled the 2nd sign, are thought of as solid, stable, dependable, loyal. There is the possibility of mutual support, each offering its gifts. Got your back. It’s not just what you do, but how you do it. Patience, Grace and charm bless Twos.

NEW MOONS end, and begin. Scorpio cleans more than your house and it purges! So when the end is here, leftovers are repurposed or tossed, excess redistributed. Your body is keenly surveyed – better food, more intense exercise, safer resting place. Your mental accumulation is gleaned for the best ideas and those are refocused on, prioritized. Upon completion, the gold is celebrated! A clean spiritual anchor is sought and placed at the best current vantage point. New beginnings, decisions can now be made from a clear core.

Mercury is coming upon the Sun/Moon union. He is following up, perceptively using his logic, is informative, refining what grabs his attention. In Scorpio he chats on the down low, listening carefully about important private matters, relationships, sexuality, finances, health. Wills, insurances, prenups, may be on your mind. Matters will take a little time. Mercury catches up with Sun on Nov 17 at 6:53 AM Pacific. Since that is early Pacific time, meetings may need to be the day before. Contracts can be signed anytime you choose. Use Astro*Locality/relocation charts to select the perfect timing at each of your locations to sign and fax.

Recently our Sun and Moon made several potent aspects that contributed to the success of this New Moon!

  • First they trined Chiron in Pisces! They gave and received insights of healing, sharing Light and Spirit. Expertise flowed and business alliances selected showed special potential.
  • Next, also at 17 degrees, they inconjuncted Uranus. Possible dissention and a jolt of shocking ideas. Maybe unwanted awareness, but nevertheless stimulating and now under consideration. Might not be ready for these changes yet, but progress bit by bit can happen.
  • Most successfully, they sextiled lucky generous Jupiter!!! Redirecting the budget, refinancing, seeing actual costs, re sourcing the materials is quite helpful. It seems most possible personally. Confidence and optimism, common sense, a bit of a getaway trip restores health, refreshes Spirit. Women and children in your life are doing well. Might consider a little homestead renovation to increase values and sustainability, give more spacious living!

Like Neptune has been in his own sign Pisces, Venus is now in one of her own signs, Libra. She is communing with Saturn in Sagittarius, inviting him to her villa on the Grecian Mediterranean! He is interested in ancient classic art, feels appreciated, so accepts the invitation, makes time to travel. He has long term purposes, and perhaps buys some lovely imports to take home for museum or sale, which also pays for the trip and entertainment. The exchange is pleasing. Venus is honored by this respected appraiser’s observations. They may form a lasting alliance, in fact, their relationship may become romantic as well.

Mars, at the last degree of Virgo, is readying to go into Libra the next day! In truth, he is frantically tidying up at the last minute, feels the need to finish up projects right and left! Take a deep breath, prioritize, and you’ll be happy knowing you did what was most important. Tomorrow is another day, and, of course, Libra, from that point of view, will likely reassess anyway! Changes will be made in view of important relationships that can assist and promote. Legal matters may come into play. In addition to Virgo quality, attractive touches will be added.

Start consciously preparing for this New Moon a week or more before. Open the gateways. Take advantage of those preceding aspects to make this one a deeply rich reward. Be a living part of it, creating as much as receiving.

Scorpio 2015 New Moon Astrology Chart  x

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The next FULL MOON, the Beaver/Frosty Moon, is on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis Wednesday November 25, 2:44 PM Pacific, at 3 Gemini 20.

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Sai(nts) Baba Gone and Sinners, Osama bin Laden Death Chart

Sathya Sai Baba is gone, tornadoes came to Alabama, William & Kate had their Royal Wedding, and the beatification of John Paul II happened! 

Bin Laden’s assassination has brought extremes of thinking and further stirred an already boiling world-wide pot!  Pluto in Capricorn has brought changes in long time regimes, and isn’t quitting.  Though  bin Laden didn’t ‘rule’ for a long time, he made world-wide impact as being thought to be the power behind the 911 attack, being so immune to capture, and simply being tall among men, confirmed 6′ 4″ tall.  Uranus, planet of surprises, in fiery Aries, is coming closer and closer into its square (challenge) with Pluto, of death and healing, and will continue to be in this square until Mar 16, 2015, making 7 exact aspects!  This aspect will continue to topple governments and powerful leaders.  And, the Phoenix will rise from its own ashes.

Deciphering the moment of death is a challenge in this kind of situation.  LivingMoonAstrology.com says ‘The American commando stormed the suburban home where Bin Laden was living on May 2, 2011, at around 1 am local time, according to a witness [Sohaib Athar] twitting the events in real time.’  Wikipedia says ‘ At approximately 1:00 a.m. local time (20:00, May 1 UTC), the SEALs breached the compound’s walls using explosives and attacked the compound’s structures and the compound’s guards opened fire.’  Also, ‘”The encounter with bin Laden lasted only seconds,” according to Politico, and took place during “the last five or 10 minutes” of the raid.’  CNN reported ‘A firefight was under way for most of the 40 [38] minutes that U.S. Special Operations forces were in the compound, as the team encountered resistance from bin Laden and three other men, a senior defense official said.  The official said the forces had to fight their way through the first floor of the three-story building, where two adult males lived.  Bin Laden and his family lived on the second and third floors, and they were cleared last, with bin Laden killed in the last five or 10 minutes of the siege, the official said.’  But, the  HeraldNews.SunTime.com says ‘But bin Laden refused to give himself up. That’s when he was shot in a bedroom — only minutes into the raid — ending a 10-year manhunt.’   Wiki further says ‘The raid was intended to take 30 minutes. All told, the time between the team’s entry in and exit from the compound was 38 minutes.  Time in the compound was split into exchanging gunfire with the defenders and searching the compound for information.’

Maybe it took them 10 minutes to have his wife ID him, do the photo ID comparisons, body bag him and transport him to the helicopter and leave?  That puts us back to 1:28 AM.  I put up a chart for May 2, 2011, at 1:28 AM in Abbottabud, Pakistan.

Death of Osama bin Laden Astrology Chart

Bin Laden’s death chart Moon is at 25 Aries.  It connects with 4 factors in bin Laden’s Mar 10, 1957 sunrise birth chart [birth time unknown].  1) It same degree semi sextiles his sunrise Mars (with South Node) at 25 Taurus – didn’t surrender.  Mars is the planet of Aries, so this is a stronger semi sextile than usual.  2) The Moon trines his Pluto at 28 Leo, forming a Grand Trine – smooth flowing, with the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius!  He was a man connected with the destinies of nations, even when he was in a cave!  Perhaps it was good it went quickly.  I think there will be more to the story in time.  Perhaps good will come of it in as yet unforeseeable ways.  3) It inconjuncts his Jupiter 27 Virgo that squares the Galactic Center, schisms between religions, family and funerals – he was hated by many, ‘buried’ at sea, and his son was killed.  4) It sextiles his sunrise Moon 27 Gemini, which was opposite the Galactic Center.  It was through his courier, Gemini, to his home, Moon, that revealed his location.  In some charts the Moon rules the People, in others it is the women and children, your family and home.  Certainly, we are hearing amazing points of view about the event.  The Moon is a fast moving factor, so it wouldn’t be expected, but in both charts, the Royal Wedding and this one, the Moons are connected with the Galactic Center, making international news.  Both of these events then, are connected with the Mayan Sacred Tree/Crossroads of Dec 21, 2012 calendar end/turnover, since the Sacred Tree center occurs only 6 degrees of the Galactic Center!

The six planet Aries stellium is formidable.  This is not a peacemaking combination, but a charging war!  Osama was shot twice, and it was done.  The whole operation took only 38 minutes.  The Aries Moon is Void of Course like in William & Kate’s Royal Wedding chart!  Astrologers would rarely choose a VOC Moon for an event, yet here again, we have a successful enterprise.  None of the horary astrology ‘exception’ rules apply to this chart as they did in William & Kate’s, but six planets in Aries?!  That could ram through just about anything!  And once a Taurus gets moving….  True, there is the other Void of Course caveat.  Compared to ‘nothing will come of it’ – that would be good if there are no further attacks/retaliations on America, ‘there’s nothing to stop it’ was exactly what happened!  Perhaps it’s a bit like the retrograde rule – if you are experienced with a matter, you will usually succeed during a retrograde.

Specifically, Mars doubly powerful in its own sign, conjunct lucky Jupiter, is like a powerhouse!  Mars is fast, fervent, focused, loves machines and weapons and fights, is especially courageous if the underdog.  They did lose that helicopter though.  Uranus of flight in a breaking square with Pluto endings.  Then they killed the helicopter with an explosion, Uranus, to obliterate it for security reasons, Pluto and Pluto.  That Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Aries has only happened two times before since 1900, Jan 6, 1940, and June 16, 1975.  This one was the day after the Royal Wedding, and the day of bin Laden’s assassination!

The Sun is at 11 degrees Taurus, in a life force breaking square with the Ascendant 15 degrees Aquarius.  In a manner, the bird is set free.  Taurus may be too slow and low in the chart to recover from this rift in the organization.  The Royal Wedding chart Sun also squares the Ascendant but in different signs!  The Ascendant/Descendants are reversed!  Theirs is 5 Leo Ascending while bin Laden’s death chart is 15 Aquarius Ascending.  I said, ‘With the Sun square the Ascendant, how you appear to others, they may not always look good.’   The Sun is leaving the sextile with Chiron, marriage, and the trine with Pluto, wealth.  No more.  And the Sun has moved up to inconjunct Saturn, another kind of life force weakening/breaking aspect, often not good for your health.  I said, ‘Sun inconjunct Saturn, can be sad news at times.’

Venus and Mercury have moved just beyond the opposition with Saturn in Libra that was in the Royal Wedding chart making communications an issue, or perhaps creating and keeping a bridge of connection.  In this case it is good there was no connection; he never saw them coming!  Mercury has moved into conjunction with Jupiter, so the news is BIG!

Why the burial at sea?  Neptune the planet of the sea is in its own sign Pisces now, the sign of the sea.  29 Pisces is on the 2nd cusp, the part of the chart that has to do with one’s body.  29 Pisces is the last degree of the last sign of the Zodiac, conjunct the 7 Weeping Sisters, the Pleiades.  The End.  Osama, himself a Pisces, has gone ‘home.’  Saturn is in the 8th of death, and rules the 12th of end of Spirit.  The usual options were blocked.  The ritual performed was probably the best they could do to show respect to a formidable warrior, stop further damage.  Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn’s sign, suggests a death of necessity, to end the past with a significant message.  Perhaps enough time has passed that he won’t be made a martyr.

Wishing you peace and healing no matter what your circumstances are. I had a friend who was in the towers, survived 911, but her Spirit was struck. I pray, in time, losses and revenge will dissolve to forgiveness. Blessed be.

April 1998 in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden, Pisces born March 10, 1957

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Sai Baba – Astrological Birth and Death Charts

Scorpio - Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Easter.  Today, that day of Resurrection, is the day the Great Master, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, chose to leave his earthly body.  What a message.  We are born again.

Here is the chart of his birth.  What is most unique is that he never left India to bring his message to the world.  At 84, he was revered by millions worldwide, with ashrams in over 126 countries.  Devotees included high-placed politicians, movie stars, world-class athletes and industrialists.  Over my lifetime, I have had friends who were with him when he performed some of his miracles.  I am a believer, and am sad at his passing, blessed that he lived, for my friends’ miracles were real to me and changed me too.

Sai Baba – Scorpio Sun & Ascendant, Moon Cancer

Saturn was next to his Sun in Scorpio when he was born, made him like a Capricorn as well as a Scorpio.  One of Saturn/Capricorn, abilities is apporting – the ability to materialize things out of thin air.  My friends saw him make roses appear in his hands, and the sacred ritual ash, Vibuthi, for their foreheads.  With Saturn at Baba’s Ascendant and Sun, he was a hard worker, and likely life was not always easy.  He never married or had children.  They say we teach what we need to learn.  Baba’s Venus and Mercury were in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Aquarius, a love of spiritual teaching and people of all places.  His Mars was in Taurus, an enduring warrior devoted to his purpose, a founder.  His Moon in Cancer gave him a love of home, so he built an ashram, a spiritual home for people to come live and learn with him.  Crowning his chart is Neptune in Leo, at 26 degrees in a positive exact trine with wth Galactic Center, 26 Sagittarius!  Spirituality fit for a king, major fame, though most Scorpios like to operate from behind the scenes.  Another thing that brought this man forward was that four of his planets, Saturn, Sun, Venus and Mercury were all in his first house, the Aries house, making him sacrifice his privacy for leadership!  Or you could say he led from behind since his medium was meditation and spirituality, both invisible!

Baba’s Death Chart, Easter April 24, 2011, Puttaparthy, India at 7.40 AM

It is thought by many that the sign you die in is the one you reincarnate in!  So here he went with Sun and Ascendant in Taurus, the opposite sign of his Sun and Ascendant he had this life, Scorpio!  Pluto and Moon are in Capricorn, the opposite sign they were in this life, Cancer!  In both instances, he has gone the maximum distance, reach, across the zodiac!  He leaves us during a 5 planet Aries Stellium (cluster of 3 or more planets in the same sign), a champion even in death.  The Ascendant of his death chart is 29 degrees Taurus, a classic degree in horary astrology of something to weep about, the degree of the 7 Sisters, the Pleiades.  Indeed.

Death Chart around Birth Chart 

Difficult Aspects
Pluto in Capricorn at his natal South Node – controversy over past leadership/authority/integrity
Neptune/Chiron Pisces square natal Venus/Mercury Sagittarius – unsurety over management of the Satya Sai Central Trust, estimated to be worth over $8.9 billion, or much more, and issues of fake miracles.  No successor has been named to run the trust.  Venus and Mercury are money and naming.  Neptune and Chiron are spiritual business, the unknowable, miracles.
Saturn in Libra and Mercury/Mars/Jupiter in Aries forming a T square natal North Node, Moon, Pluto in Cancer – controversy over sexual abuse of devotees, fake miracles, the June 1993 killings in his bedroom.  Oops.  Saturn can be rather merciless, wants an accounting.  Mercury/Mars/Jupiter search for the truth.  Moon is bedrooms/at home, Pluto is vast sums of $, death, mysteries.

Positive Aspects
Neptune/Chiron Pisces sextile natal Mars in Taurus
– hopefully things will be worked out with the Trust leadership and the good works will continue
Uranus/Venus in Aries trine natal Venus/Mercury in Sagittarius – world love and leadership will network to carry on teaching the message, helping to focus for the June 5, 2012 Venus Transit and Mayan Crossroads/Sacred Tree Dec 21, 2012
Jupiter in Aries sextile natal Jupiter in Aquarius – Jupiter rules fame, orthodox religion, state ceremonies, funeral rituals, truth, teaching, expansion.  Perhaps much more will come to light about Baba’s life in the next few years.  However that may shake out, he brought millions of people planet wide to spiritual insights and practice.  Millions of people in conscious practice are needed to keep the balance in a frightened world.  They will carry the power of the tipping point to a better life.

Steady in the Light and your Practice.  In Love, Cerena

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