
Posts Tagged ‘Leo’

2024 Pisces Full & New Moons – Four Planets Pisces-Aries Stelliums!!!

Feb 24 Virgo-Pisces Full Snow Micro Moon!
March 9/10 New Moon 108° Chart!

Special notes on the 2024 Pisces Stellium sequence that includes both Pisces Full and New Moons! It is back to back with the April 8 FIVE planets in Aries ECLIPSE Stellium!
Please see the complete current version about the Stelliums! Thanks!

Stelliums Separate yet in Union Goddess Women Dancing!

Stelliums are Potent Gatherings of Planets & Talents composed of Separate Forces in Union! Goddess Women Dancing

Stelliums are magical living planetary systems! They ebb and flow as planets join and leave. There may be a slower moving anchor planet(s) that is key throughout. It maintains the master message as each planet, in turn, contributes their unique wisdom and energy as they enter and leave in divine timing. All the planets merge with each other being of the same sign energy. The whole becomes greater than the parts! Some stelliums have no anchor planet, as if appearing like a cloud then vaporizing altogether. Watch how they change the stellium’s flavors as the planets change positions. A little group of three may become four, then five or more, then one by one, they return to three as planets move along, then they disperse altogether, leaving perhaps only an invisible imprint, a memory. But maybe they gift us with a new talent, special people, new ways of merging expertise. Never underestimate their potency.

The whole event can happen to you alone, and at the same time, you with others combining all your skills! Each planet is separate yet all are blending, merging. Camaraderie, multiplicity, intensity. Stelliums can be a captivating and an encapsulating experience not to be missed! Those of you with planets in these signs will be especially engaged, especially if you have a natal stellium in the same sign! You might enjoy looking up the sequence of your own stellium to see the significance of the moment you stepped into life, the special part that is emphasized for you that you play in the stellium, that you give to us.

Omega – Alpha! As a circle, the Zodiac symbolizes life never ending, the Infinity of the Soul. This Pisces ~ Aries sequence represents the profound time of the last zodiac sign Pisces passing the baton to the first zodiac sign, Aries. Completion, maturity, comprehension, ending, letting go releasing, blessings, to Initiation and New Beginnings, the future dreams made to become true!

Both Pisces Full and New Moons have 4 planet stelliums in Pisces!

This Pisces stellium is anchored by slow moving outer planets Saturn and Neptune. They have been working hard behind the scenes, not making headlines. In the stellium they will be going through change after change as they are visited by all the inner planets – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Moon. They, plus the inner planets having made conjunctions with Pluto, will have potent effect! The Pisces Stellium, back to back with the Aries Stellium, is powerfully including the April 8 FIVE planet Aries Total Solar ECLIPSE setting the stage for and leading to the twelve days later April 20 Jupiter conjunction Uranus!

Pisces specializes in Perception – hearing, seeing, sensitivity, insights, dreams. Music, visions, knowing without seeing or knowledge, super awareness, feeling color, imagination, connection with Spirit, unseen dimensions. Leads to empathy, compassion, understanding, serenity. Can be a pretender, sometimes suffering addiction or chronic disease, or a Savior, one who guides the Soul’s passage from one realm to another. It’s a different kind of intelligence, a wisdom of its own kind, spiritual Grace.

Aries is super charged, has mental and physical prowess! Courageous and fearless, they are first to leap forward, a leader fast on his feet, warrior, protector, defender, rescuer! Front liner, stands up for you, children, animals, policeman, fireman, all round champion. As a life saving first responder, healer, his intuition is instantaneous and amazingly accurate. Nothing stops them. They drive like demons and win the races, do the healing. Their inspiration can’t be beat! Those physical therapists have you back on your feet in no time! You are breathing big! Thank the stars!

The 46 day Pisces Stellium sequence is Feb 22 until April 7! It prepares us for the April 8 Solar Eclipse Stellium! The Eclipse precedes the April 20 mighty Jupiter conjunction with Uranus the Aquarian planet! The Pisces mini conjunction is STILL present for the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction plus through April 30! 

Feb 22 4 in Pisces: Mercury, Sun, Saturn together, Neptune in his own sign following. Feb 24 Full Moon.
Feb 28 Mercury, Sun, Saturn are all at 9°! Neptune then at 26 Pisces!
Moon enters March 85 in Pisces! Mercury leaves March 9, Moon out on 10th, New Moon before leaves, but is replaced by Venus March 11, making 4 again.
Sun leaves the 19th, replaced by Mars the 22nd, 4 again.
Venus leaves April 4 as Moon jumps in April 5, 4 again in Pisces, at which point we now also have 4 in ARIES, TWO four planet stelliums at once!
Early April 7 Moon leaves, back to 3 in Pisces.

The Aries Eclipse Stellium is a 15 Days kicker! It starts April 4. Early April 7 Moon enters Aries. We have 5 in Aries Apr 7-9,which includes the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse! Moon leaves early April 9, leaving 4 in Aries. April 19, Sun leaves Aries, leaving Venus, Mercury and Chiron in a potent 4° conjunction! Some say Aries starts the new year. If so, this year starts off quite potently!

Jupiter conjunct Uranus is the next day, April 20! See more about the chart as a dramatic example of a classic strong Fan Chart! It has FIVE unique features! This conjunction alone will catapult some of us a few light years ahead in a twinkling!

As the planets traverse the degrees every one of us will be called on to contribute in our own special way.

The 2024 stelliums finish early June, so get them noted on your calendar to specially use their potency specific per sign! See more about them! Check in with your astrologer to see what you can glean and give.

Blessed be on your truly amazing journey ~





Feb 24 Virgo-Pisces Full Snow Micro Moon! Moon Bucket, 4 Planets Pisces Stellium!

6:30 AM Pacific Saturday Feb 24 at 5 Virgo 23!

Make new friends, live your charmed best life, walk barefooted on sand, stay well!

Pisces 2024 Beautiful Full Moon image GrandMother Moon by artist Lynda Hoffman-Snodgrass! 
Beautiful Full Moon image GrandMother Moon by artist Lynda Hoffman-Snodgrass! Please see her work at Fine Art America.

Pluto moves slowly, about 3° a year. It will make it to 2 AQ 06 then retrograde May 2, going back into Capricorn Sep 1 briefly staying at 29° until it returns to AQ Nov 19. The important aspect in that time is Jupiter Station Sextile Chiron! See more!

The four planets in Pisces stellium surely points a direction! It’s not just the excellent work you do, the Moon in Virgo, but what it means. Pisces is your Soul, Spirit, what keeps you going. You can be paid well but be owned by the money you make, unhappy, life’s jail. A job you love that pays less may keep you living long, healthy and happy! If everything is by the book, has no art, beauty, or caring for others, it may keep you in dull seclusion among many people, but no real friendships or connection. Being of service to others who need help, animals who can’t speak for themselves, may give you a sweet feeling as you all work together to make amends for what was lost. Spiritually making people accountable for their thinking and actions, makes them experience truths they never knew before. Go gently and caringly.  See all about the Pisces stellium and the back to back Aries ECLIPSE stellium!

Seven planets are in the first 10 degrees. They are fresh, not time worn or weary from experience! They are still eager to learn, meet new people, curious! Yes, them make newbie blunders, but sometimes that is quite entertaining and leads to unexpected discoveries!

Last month was the Leo Full Moon Bucket chart. This one is in Virgo. The Bucket planets are close in only 108°! Base planet Pluto is back in Aquarius again, recharging stragglers, pushing the group along, intriguing them with an unexpected future! He has an intense charisma and they believe in his powers!

Lead planet Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, has camaraderie with Pluto in Aquarius! Being in Taurus, the opposite to planet Pluto’s sign Scorpio, there are across the board differences, but also expansive options for collaboration. AQ is air and temps. Taurus is the Earth and issues of water and soil pollution. AQ is the futurist while PL is destruction but also finds what needs mending and is darn good about resurrection, restoration, remediation. He contacts friends for funding and along with Jupiter in Taurus, they make the long term plans and call on world organizations to put it all into play. This leadership of Uranus, heaven, in Taurus Earth, is inspiring. He takes us all to higher levels. Personal planning becomes world planning! We are raising our sights!

The Virgo sphinx is formidable – head of a human, the body of a lion, and the wings of an eagle. No wonder they are accountants! Smart, they guard the company’s funds, keep everything running smoothly, knows where the bodies are buried, LOL! Better off not to mess with them!

As the Bucket chart handle, she is in an untouchable position away from the main group. She is free to do as she needs. She trines successful Jupiter in steadfast sensible Taurus, manages lands and territories. She is opposite Mercury in PISCES who brings her intuitive information as well as what he uncovers from listening around. He senses when things are cloaked and reports in detail.

Next Moon will be opposite Sun himself in PISCES. She always knows him better than he knows himself. He brightens her day, keeps the magic flowing. He reads her and she trusts his judgment. She in turn keeps him informed of financial turnings, watches over his health, keeps his system going like a well oiled machine! He is grateful. Listens deeply when she speaks.

Mars is next in the queue. Moon will inconjunct him. No matter how fast or airy he gets in Aquarius, she has him in her sights. She notices if things are askew in the valence. Which means she watches him a lot and can tell when he’s going to get out of sync with the ‘proscribed’ pattern. She impresses him since she knows him before he knows himself. He knows she wants to help, the best for all. She recognizes his fiery brilliance in AQ, his exceptional intelligence, responsiveness! He does her requests first and quickly. She appreciates his special touch, quick smile, and tip of his cap to her, Milady, with a little bow.

Moon is opposite Saturn in PISCES, Moon’s ‘opposite’ planet, Moon ruling Cancer, Saturn ruling Capricorn, opposite signs. Moon is generally softer and holds the children in her arms and helps the most vulnerable. In Virgo she is a bit more skeptical and will check your track record, has work to do. Saturn is the Captain, gives orders, often lives by the book, is demanding, tough and not always very flexible. But together these two will produce impeccable results and on time to boot! Virgo looks for quality, efficiency; Capricorn wants durability and sustainability at good prices.

This brings us back to Moon’s trine with lucky Jupiter. Virgo likes to write and Jupiter wants education and publishing. Documentaries may be in order. Demonstrations prove it works. Venus and Mars in Aquarius can bring booming sales for new and exciting electronics devices. Virgo shows the customers how clean it is to use and easy to learn, how much it can do! Great team! They may take some quick trips to gather information or do book sales/signings.

Mars and Venus in Aquarius are both square Jupiter so there may be big differences about how this is all done. They are excited and ahead of their times in AQ, while Jupiter in Taurus won’t be pushed ahead of HIS time! Foot down, heels in. There may be some questions about ethics regarding how the components affect the earth or habitats, the necessity for ‘right’ periods of trials. Mercury and Sun are Sextile Jupiter, so may have helpful ideas for adjustments that save the day. These ideas may be what lead us to super successes in time. Jot them down and review them to see how things are coming along. Make periodic adjustments and keep going better than before!

Heavenly bright jewel Aquarian Venus is leaving Mars. Aquarians are freedom lovers, so they may become friends, but no long term romance. She spiced up Mars; he was flattered by such a butterfly as she. Rarely is he impressed, but she was smart and unique. He wanted to impress her! He paid attention. She rarely finds anyone who can keep up with her. He did, but she still prefers her independence. She didn’t figure him for someone to settle down with but they sure had fun! They sure could work together on a cause! She’s a fantastic fundraiser and he is a terrific front man! He has attractive spirited energy; she has the kindness and beauty. Both are unique in their styles.

Probably the toughest aspect in this chart is Mercury and Sun in conjunction with Saturn. Saturn can be like a brick wall, a barrier that can’t be denied, hard to breech. It could be that little gets done as denial sets in. There could be depression, doubt, grief for losses, dreams ended, loss of self esteem, real or imagined guilt, simple fear of not succeeding and subsequent embarrassment. Sun in Pisces is an empath. It’s hard to watch what can be the downfall of ones who were once so strong, to see yourself fail your own dreams. Could lead to a long standing chronic standstill. If you can’t do it on your own, there is no shame in getting some outside help. As Ram Dass said, We are all just walking each other home.

If support and understanding come along, a long time life pattern can be turned around. It can happen in a moment, just a few words spoken, maybe overheard spoken to someone else, and the veil is dropped. You can see again. It can take the sum, the tipping point, of many years of work that finally turns the tide. Be kind. To yourself, to others struggling to overcome the remnants of childhood frightenings, harsh experiences, life’s traumas.

The powerfulness of Mercury/Sun conjunct Saturn is the strength of exceptional production, being the boss, CEO or president, having a law oriented career, seeking a working justice. Capricorn, Saturn’s sign, works for what’s real. They will take the time to make sure of the facts. Time, timing, are important, make a difference. Saturn/Cap can be strict parents, but also make their kids think about what is honorable, respectful, bottom line and why. They often are blessed caregivers of elders, discover life saving ways of living more comfortably whether retirement or end of life conditions. They often get stronger as they get older, enjoying their old age! Many outlive their offspring. They make sure you take your meds on time. Hats off to them!

The North Node and Chiron are conjunct at the same degree in Aries! The Moon’s Node is generally in retrograde, an 18.6 year cycle through the signs. Because it is going backward through the signs, and Chiron goes forward through the signs, they meet more frequently than you would expect. The next years are ’38/9, ’49, ’63, ’79, ’92, irregularly, a variance of 10 to 16 years.

The South Node is thought of as our past, for better or worse, usually something that was overdone to out of balance. The work at the North Node is to continue to use the skills of the past, which can be formidable. They are tempting to use because they are so second nature, but habitually chronically used without additional considerations has drawbacks and consequences at times. We have all met people who have a hard time changing. At the same time, while using past skills judiciously, we can integrate the skills of the signs of the North. They are completely opposite, forcing us to see across the table, a little more work, but promising a breath of fresh air.

In this case, Libra was the past, perhaps a person too nice and gets walked on, an aggressive lawyer with no compassionate limits, love of a soft life, a social butterfly with no deep care for others or self awareness, gigolos and gold diggers, being pretty but no guts. Clearly Aries is not a people pleaser. They think for themselves, go where and when they want with who they want if anyone at all. They don’t worry about sweating when they exercise. No chocolates for them, and they usually don’t drink! They fend for themselves, don’t prefer being beholden to anyone, owned by drugs or alcohol. They have ethics and will go to jail for their cause! Not perfect, but taking action.

Neptune is the Pisces planet in PISCES! This Moon he is in out-of-sign sextile with Pluto. For the time being, Pluto is leaving him behind. See about their remarkable 82 year connection! At 26°, he is in the last degree of the chart and in the last degrees of Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. Through Pluto’s new ways of seeing, he gives Neptune glimpses of times to come. Neptune is already in progress helping the masses understand. Collective advances, access to improving perception are being put in place. Pluto has lead the way into Aquarius. Neptune will lead into Aries March of 2025. Each are taking us to more independence and freedom, thinking more creatively. That sign shift will mark the first of four outer planets sign changes in 100 Days in 2025! New times, fresh starts.

Importantly, LUNAR PATTERNS often hold for months, one sign after the other. You with chart factors at or within a degree or two of these patterns that repeat, will be activated from each different sign sequentially. This Full Moon is part of the  Full Moon Cycle! 5° Oct 28, 2023 to March 25 2024. April 23 at 4°.  7 moons! We have two more to go, March and April – Libra, Scorpio. Beauty, Healing. Relationships, Finances.

Important for your Planning! Lucky Jupiter will be coming forward to conjunct Uranus April 20, 2024! WOW! That will be some experience! Jupiter turned forward Dec 30. He has been having a lengthy one degree station Dec 6 through Jan 24, 2024. Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 5 and 6 degrees were activated and are again now with this Full Moon! In that time, some deeper principles took root with you, securing a strong foundation, worthy of your continued care as they develop further. Jupiter is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education, perspectives of long term value. Do be thinking on what you would like to see happen by the time of the conjunction. Be preparing for it even now. Allow your mind to sweep the environment, to expand what you aspire to. Jupiter is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education, perspectives of long term value.

Yes, we have seen huge earth events, some not seeming so lucky, but in the long term we will do better with these kinds of events as we plan ahead to use them rather than suffer destruction. One of the things we can do is manage our food production choices in context of coming weather. Another is to mitigate temperature changes. Save our water. Jupiter rules heat! Choose locations more wisely. See more: 2023-24 Aspects and other Sign Changes! See more about the approaching April 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus!

This aspect alone will catapult some of us a few light years ahead in a twinkling!

Make new friends, live your charmed best life, walk barefooted on sand, stay well!

Feb 24 Virgo-Pisces Full Snow Micro Moon Astrology Chart!

2024 Virgo-Pisces Full Snow Moon Astrology Chart Bucket Four Planets in Pisces!



1 AM Pacific Mar 9/10 Pisces 4 Planets Stellium New Moon!

1 AM Pacific Sunday March 10 at 20 Pisces 17! Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 AM!
1 AM here is 11 PM on the 9th in Hawaii.  

This tightly woven living Bundle chart is holding the Dreams and Spiritual components of the New Moon, Saturn and Neptune.

2024 Pisces astonishing New Moon Milky Way-Bioluminescence Uruguay by Fefo Bouvier!

Some photographs are so good it’s hard to believe they’re real!  June 27, 2014 Fefo Bouvier captured an incredible image of the Milky Way above a glowing Noctiluca bioluminescence in the Atlantic Ocean at Barra de Valizas, Uruguay in one of the darkest skies in the world. This phenomenon occurs occasionally along the Uruguayan coast, but it’s rarely captured with such brilliance as is displayed here. See it full size thanks to Sheldon Strickland! AstroPhotographer Bouvier’s website, a treat!

Our very focused New Moon is a Four Sign Bundle chart,the rarest chart pattern, with all planets in only 108°! Like the Full Moon, four of those planets are in a Pisces Stellium. They are nestled between outer planet guardians, Saturn and Neptune here in late mature, wise degrees of Pisces, his own sign! Stelliums bring exceptional talents! This one has four kinds of astute perceptions and ways to use Pisces: Saturn the Earth Master, Mothering Moon’s instincts, Sun at the Heart of Soul position with her, Neptune the Spirit Master. Surrender, observe with a calm breath, merge. You will ‘see’ how to use these powers in a good way though no words may be spoken.

No more Bundle charts will be formed after Jupiter gets into mid Leo 2026 for a  v e r y  long time. It is common that they have stelliums, and this one does, with the four in Pisces. With Pluto at 1 Aquarius, Mercury at 0 Aries, peppery Mars at 20 Aquarius semisextile the New Moon at 20 which sextiles the Uranian Aquarius planet, I suspect some spicy, zesty happenings! Aquarius being the genius sign, the resulting gifts will be off the charts!Again, like the Full Moon, Pluto in AQ is base planet and Uranus in Taurus is the lead planet. See about them above please.

The chart has one challenging aspect.

Mars Aquarius separating square Uranus Taurus. This can be dynamite and danger, hot tempers, illicit sex or breaking away from old patterns, finally! Maybe that friend is better gone – no longer a healthy combo or one of you or both outgrows the connection. Mars in AQ is totally unpredictable, unique, so it  may be none of the above, some other thing entirely. Oddly, there may be a standoff. Aquarius is actually a fixed sign, has its opinions and won’t give an inch. Taurus too, but is likely to be more quiet about it, until he isn’t. If he loses his temper, just get out of the way. Mars isn’t noted for holding grudges and AQ is likely to think about things. So if you wanna keep your friend, excuse yourself before things get out of hand. Give a genuine promise you will be back, then be there when you said you would be.

In the world there may be a couple of quakes but no tsunami. If storms, possibly a lot of damage. If you feel hesitant to get on the plane, just don’t go. Shocking news, even shocking good news. Since so many of the aspects of this chart are already passed, could be some of these exciting things happen the day before, now the results need tending.

There is a possibility there will be an unexpected breakthrough to your favor! You tried and tried and at the last minute, it pops! But don’t count on it.

There are 6 sextiles and semisextiles; 5 of the 6 are separating. Separating means the combination has passed its exact point of connection. Therefore, the peak has been made, now it’s resolution is being processed, integrated per it’s conclusions. This is not a chart that by aspects favors new beginnings as we think of with New Moons. Contrarily, 0 and 1 degree factors and the sign Aries and Mars, its planet, do favor new beginnings. Aquarius favors changes and awakenings. Start new projects related to those two signs. Because most of the aspects have already come to peak, likely the projects are already started and it’s simply time to continue!

Most astrologers don’t give much power to a semisextile aspect. I have seen them work astoundingly in corporate charts. It depends on which planets are involved. Most commonly the combinations of Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter work the best.

New Moon is separating sextile Uranus. With 3 planets in Aquarius and Uranus the planet of Aquarius the lead planet, networking will be key. Pisces and Taurus can be super patient, gradually gathering the Souls that are in league with the purpose they propose. It will be important to keep the network clean, check references and financial history. It will matter that they have the spirit and passion to do the crucial work we need, whether personal or planetary. The support of friends will make a difference. Some will be flexible and keep us informed, while others will be dependable anchors that keep things steadily in progress even when there are setbacks.

New Moon is barely separating semisextile Mars. Mars is a leader, and free minded in Aquarius, comes across unique new solutions to try. He is creative and progressive, not afraid to discuss wild possibilities! Pisces Moon can lend good business applications. Sun is bright spirited and sees the heart of spirituality at work. The Divine is present! While the Pisces pair is in trance at the Aquarium, learning from the freedom of the fish, Mars can’t decide whether to run a few miles, bike through the foothills or hang glide over the ocean! They keep themselves relaxed and receptive. And who knows who you will meet?! Making space movies, using drones across the ocean may bring awareness of planetary changes, make it real to many people. Moon and Sun are so grateful to Mars for his exciting ways, picking up the pace, having the zoomies of life! Mars is cheered by their acceptance and insights they have that come out of the blue!

Only active aspect: At 0 Aries, first degree of a sign, first degree of the zodiac, Mercury is sextile Pluto. Mercury won’t wait a minute and is happily obsessed with the possibilities Pluto has proposed. Mercury is fearless at 0 Aries and will take on the world! No secrets, get the money going and clean up the place! Let’s tackle climate heat, issues of fuels and pollution. Time to boldly try out new options. We will find out what doesn’t work and can move right along. We will undoubtedly stumble on new ideas as we brainstorm and inquire in other places with groups that have had previous success facing our same issues! The Ram will breakthrough! Pluto is delighted by this clever speedy wonder! His folders are filling up with data that will be used in context in all the right places. Mercury in Aries gets bored. NEXT! So he loves the intensity of the continuing new assignments. It challenges all his wits to succeed at each mission! Pluto is thoroughly impressed. Not even his own extensive sources come up with the fresh info Mercury ferrets out so quickly!

Venus in Aquarius is separating semisextile Neptune in Pisces. She sweetly admires his ancient skills of navigating the depth and confusions of life, coming up with canny perspectives. He knows when people are Soul happy. He knows when people who have ‘everything’ are not aligned with or faithful to their core. He tells her of visions that may start her thinking for a long time, but she in Aquarius, thinks pretty fast and may instantly come up with her own canny perspectives, LOL! She has some good friends and allies she introduces to him. They love his stories and he loves having a ‘look’ at them. The stories are specially for them. They are all changed, even him. Enlightenment is a 2 way street!

Mars is separating sextile Aries North Node and Chiron. Feisty unpredictable Mars in Aquarius, was tuned in with Moon’s North Node and Chiron in Aries, Mars’ own sign! Chiron is still close, offering fabulous innovative healing and business skills. He is not in a marrying mood, and neither is Mars in AQ. They enjoy just talking about anything that comes up. Random is good. Independence with no commitments. the North Node might have a little problem with that. He was at the Libra side of the nodes in past lives, relationships his very life. Now he is trying to balance that with being able to be on his own, think for himself. He may see the value Mars and Chiron relish, but they may be a little much for him still. Have mercy with the company you keep. We aren’t always ready for what is so exciting for you. It’s ok. We all get there ‘on God’s time.’

Taurus Jupiter is separating sextile Saturn Pisces. But this separation has been going on for a long time, in fact since their sextile June 19, 2023! Since then they have traveled closely together at times, almost sextile, as Jupiter retrograded and Saturn almost caught up, but they won’t make another sextile this time. So they have been neighborly, but nothing specific comes of it. Each carries their own messages. The messages float in the ethers, people pick them up, but is up to their own individual aspects if something transpires. As we have spoken, Jupiter is at work for Earth in Taurus. Part of Saturn’s work is to harness the magical talents of Pisces! Since Pisces is a water sign, a slip through your fingers type, that is no small feat, LOL!    Jupiter is in Taurus    Saturn in Pisces

Jupiter’s time with Saturn has been no waste. He can see how much work it is to bring spiritual insights to the mainstream. He sees the time saving necessity to build a better model rather than fight over what not to have anymore. Just do it. Jupiter in Taurus holds steady, knows that experience is the best teacher for many. The experience, touching it for real, is not words, but knowing for yourself.

Some of you see that Black Moon Lilith connects with several factors, including strongly with the New Moon. Those of you who know a bit of astrology can look these up online or check your references.

Just like Full Moons, New Moon LUNAR PATTERNS often hold for months, one sign after the other. You with chart factors at or within a degree or two of these patterns that repeat, will be activated from each different sign sequentially. Our New Moon is part of the 20° New Moon cycle! 21 and 20° are active Sep 14, 2023 to March 10 2024. April 8 Total SOLAR ECLIPSE at 19°. 8 Moons! We have one more to go. This month’s Pisces the dreamer, intuitive, spiritualist, savior! Then is the Eclipse!

The Pisces and Aries stelliums we are processing, the Aries FIVE planet stellium April 8 ECLIPSE are preparing us for Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Uranus April 20, 2024! WOW! That will be some experience! Do be thinking on what you would like to see happen by then, be preparing for it even now. Allow your mind to sweep the environment, to expand what you aspire to. Jupiter is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education, perspectives of long term value. Yes, we have seen huge earth events, some not seeming so lucky, but in the long term we will do better with these kinds of events as we plan ahead to use them rather than suffer destruction. One of the things we can do is manage our food production choices in context of coming weather. Another is to mitigate temperature changes. Jupiter rules heat! Save our water. Choose locations more wisely. See more: 2023-24 Aspects and other Sign Changes! Immense possibilities are coming! See more about Jupiter conjunct Uranus! This aspect alone will catapult some of us a few light years ahead in a twinkling!

This tightly woven living Bundle chart is holding the Dreams and Spiritual components of the New Moon, Saturn and Neptune.

March 9/10 Four Planets Aquarius Stellium New Moon 108° Bundle Astrology Chart! 

2024 Pisces New Moon Astrology Chart Bundle Four Planets in Pisces!


Next up is 2024’s first Eclipse! Monday March 25 Full Worm Micro Moon at 12 AM, midnight, Pacific at 5 Libra-Aries 07! 12 Midnight here is 10 and 11 PM on the 24th in Hawaii and Alaska.

Lunar events! A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. It will be good, not so good, mixed for us depending on how it connects with our personal charts. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance to see how it is for you. See the 2024 Eclipse dates!

Be prepared! See the entire Pisces Newsletter!    Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

Here is your 2024 AstroLogicalNow Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Or, check with your favorite astrologer(s) for how the planets do or don’t connect with your personal chart, for your own special personal details! May it go very well with you…. 

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, for Birthdays, or anytime needed! Email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com


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Jan 25 Leo-Aquarius Full Wolf Moon!


Jan 25 Leo-Aquarius Full Wolf Moon!

Thursday Jan 25 at 9:54 AM Pacific at 5 Leo-Aquarius 15!

When you want a change, build a new model that is indisputably better! We will move in!

Aquarius 2024 Midtown Manhattan Full Moon Gary Hershorn!

A full Harvest Moon graced Midtown Manhattan September 20, 2021, 7:55 PM Eastern. Gary Hershorn/Getty Images

Aquarius is the sign of Humanity – friends, apartment dwellings to commercial families in towers, the masses of giant urban cities, to the world’s people! To the left is One Vanderbilt; on the right is the Empire State Building. The building ‘touching’ the Moon is The Edge, 30 Hudson Yards, the highest outdoor sky deck in the Western Hemisphere with 360-degree views of New York City, a thrilling glass floor experience!

Our first Full Moon of 2024! Only 5 days ago Sun entered Aquarius 6:07 AM Pacific followed by Pluto 4:50 PM! This is Pluto’s second time in Aquarius. It will briefly return to Capricorn Sep 1 through Nov 19, the final time! The important aspect of that time is Jupiter Station Sextile Chiron!

The Wolf Moon might bite! The Moon is in Leo, the Lion! Or you might get a big hearted happy kitty hug! That Moon is strong as the Bucket chart handle. But s/he isn’t far from the main group and is the loose cannon of a tightly aspected fixed sign T Square! A Bucket chart often has just one planet off by itself. When it is just beyond the main group of the planets’ lead planet, it is still close in Spirit. It may be a reluctant leader, tentatively getting out into the world carefully. But, in no fear Leo, he likes fanfare, is a Light! He is a strong athletic sign, with a ready handshake. Moon is the Mother and nobody messes with Mom, especially a Leo! She is nurturing and protective. If young, s/he may be shy, but older, she is ready to go, leads with a brilliant smile and an air of authority!

In early degrees! S/he stands strongly on her own, well aware of Pluto and Sun (Leo’s ruler!) in combined forces opposite in Aquarius. Leo can be very helpful making connections with generous large groups that AQ would love to have in his network. The humanitarian work needs a lot of funding for international assistance and teaching. Pluto knows their very existence may rest on Leo Moon’s work. Women are important too. Leo is intrigued by the unusual work Pluto and Sun do. Some of it is behind the scenes in a major way, lives may depend on the utmost discretion. There can be an element of sacrifice. At the right times, Leo is the promoter, stage manager.

The TSquare is made by the Full Moon axis in a one degree square, potent midpoint, with Jupiter in Taurus! All of these are what we call fixed signs. Each powerful. Leo makes the show, the drama! Free thinker Aquarius can’t be bought or caught. He’s too far ahead in time and is the genius too clever to be conned. Taurus can out wait you. He’s incredibly thoughtful and simple. Can’t be pushed around for long. It has to be useful and cost doesn’t impress him either. These are three Guardian signs that in the old days represented the four royal stars of the Archangels that marked the seasons. They are gateway signs that are always there for us.

Moon Square Jupiter springboards off the lucky Jupiter, blessed Taurus ideas for our future expansion during the generations. Jupiter’s athletics in Taurus, ie weight lifting and a buff body, inspires Leo. Jupiter in Taurus may have a bed and breakfast with visitors from all over the world. Leo loves all these special cultural insights and values, talents. Promoting is one of his talents that takes them to the bank. And he loves to spend lots of money! Sure, they can disagree at times, like Taurus wants to keep the money. But there are usually some ways to work it out and collaborate for greater purpose.

Since Jupiter is at the midpoint of the TSquare, he is perhaps as important as Moon is as the handle planet. He coordinates equally between the Full Moon parties. He listens to Pluto’s secrets, knows the healings that are taking place, financial needs. He sees the importance of all the futures of Aquarius Sun, the heartful humanitarian, the Awakener – how excited and how bored he can get. Everyone hears Leo’s wishes for a better life for all, what it can mean for each person. Jupiter and Leo are both educators with a flair, so there is a bit of camaraderie between them. Leo does theatre; Jupiter publishes.

Importantly, LUNAR PATTERNS often hold for months, one sign after the other. You with chart factors at or within a degree or two of these patterns that repeat, will be activated from each different sign sequentially. This Full Moon is part of the  Full Moon Cycle! 5° Oct 28, 2023 to March 25 2024. April 23 at 4°.  7 moons! We have three more to go, Feb, March and April – Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. Health, Beauty, Healing. Service, Relationships, Finances.

Venus is the base planet! She is proudly placed in Capricorn wanting to bring work you love! She wants to do it with a special beauty that is both artistic and useful, with enduring meaning to the generations. She honors the skills of parents, Fathers, the contributions of elders, hard work and sacrifices endured in behalf of loving others. She loves to work. It’s her gift to us. Sometimes she marries money and her gift is funding others. As the base planet she is inspirational, encouraging all to keep going in a good way. She helps them when they are down. She has had hard times herself.

Venus, Saturn and Jupiter! The almost sextile of Jupiter and Saturn! Mars was productive in the sextile set with Saturn and Jupiter January 4 – 13. Mercury came in Jan 14 – 20. Venus comes in Jan 23 – 29. On Jan 28 all three are at the 6th degree, but Jupiter is ever so slightly ahead of Saturn, moving faster. Saturn never precisely catches up and their exact sextile is not made. BUT. Venus connects them! In Horary astrology, that counts. It’s called Translation of Light. She sextiles Saturn the 17th, then immediately trines Jupiter the 18th! A lot of valuable work will get done.

They are in early degrees. At the New Moon, Venus at 2 Capricorn, Saturn’s sign, sextiles Saturn at 5 Pisces. It is super productive, and Pisces offers a spiritual component. Could bring a religious career, non-profit work, emphasis on historical teachings, learning more about compassion/empathy, how to work caringly with others, giving appreciation, improving connections with young/old, living your best life versus expectations of others, especially Fathers. She lives the Treasures of Life. In addition, Saturn is strongly tied with the Full Moon axis, in their same degree! He is offering the wisdom of the ages. Capricorn/Saturn are Fathers, authority figures, career, age, wisdom, responsibilities, timing. Together they can bring meaningful mentoring, lifework, awards, successful retirement.

A wonderful expansion of all these precious possibilities is likely since Venus trines Jupiter 6° Taurus as well! They are the two most blessed planets in the best zodiacal aspect! Venus is love, beauty, money, principles we hold dear. Venus will stand to her full height! They all may travel overland, across the seas on stalwart vessels. Watch your diets, stay with the most healthy foods. Jupiter may want to publish the stories of their adventures, be it business, romance, spirituality, or a combo of the three! Hands on training and mentoring by masters will be worth every penny and your sacred time! Get laws changed, be mindful of ethics. Make the road sturdy for others to follow the Hope you give. Give gratitude for how far you have come.

At the mid degrees the Mercury Mars conjunction in Capricorn is challenging Chiron and the North Node in Aries. Mercury Mars might bite verbally or pinch you! Sassy. Mars is the Aries planet, so understands the push and wanting changes right now that Chiron and NN are demanding. They know that timing is everything, and so does Capricorn, the sign of time. They may get a little annoyed with each other, but all are working hard doing their best. Mercury and Mars may be grumpy with each other and others from outside who interrupt when they are trying to make the deadline. When in accord with no interruptions, they are like a zip line of progress! They might be well advised to delegate what they can to Chiron and NN! Checking in time to time to see if Chiron and NN need any supplies, etc, would be greatly appreciated to keep things going smoothly. They in turn may offer snappy ideas to Mercury and Mars that improve speed instantly, and do quickie healings so keep things going and boost their spirits to let new ideas flourish! Don’t miss a minute! Square or no square, this is an action packed combo worth the effort!

In addition, this feisty conjunction is trining Uranus the Aquarian planet in Taurus. Heaven and Earth! Uranus is delighted with the new peppery ideas Mercury and Mars bring! They are timely, useful and wise in Capricorn. Their presentation is exciting, like a breath of fresh air! They can laugh together at our human foibles. They bounce ideas back and forth, Uranus taking them to higher levels. He adds the ideas to his networks’ blogs, getting others’ feedback and starting them going on the new ideas as well. Those ideas are already inspiring others’ to more new ideas! It’s like a flower blooming! Mercury and Mars are inspired by Uranus’s reaction and a fine alliance is made. There is good reason why Uranus is the lead planet!

Neptune is now the planet at the latest degree. Pluto has changed signs, now zero Aquarius, the earliest degree. Due to the number of sextiles they have made since 1942, they are still sensitive to each other. Neptune in his own sign Pisces has exceptional sensitivity. He knows Pluto will be busy getting used to his new position in the world. Pluto needs Neptune’s spiritual guidance at this time more than ever. Their channel is altered, but Neptune knows how to bridge the gap and get a new link secured. Pluto knows his old friend is there. Through his new ways of seeing, he gives him glimpses of times to come. Neptune is already in progress helping the masses understand. Collective advances, access to improving perception are being put in place.

Important for your Planning! Lucky Jupiter will be coming forward to conjunct Uranus April 20, 2024! WOW! That will be some experience! Jupiter turned forward Dec 30. He has been having a lengthy one degree station Dec 6 through Jan 24, 2024. Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 5 and 6 degrees were activated and are again now with this Full Moon! In that time, some deeper principles took root with you, securing a strong foundation, worthy of your continued care as they develop further. Jupiter is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education, perspectives of long term value. Do be thinking on what you would like to see happen by then, be preparing for it even now. Allow your mind to sweep the environment, to expand what you aspire to. Jupiter is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education, perspectives of long term value.

Yes, we have seen huge earth events, some not seeming so lucky, but in the long term we will do better with these kinds of events as we plan ahead to use them rather than suffer destruction. One of the things we can do is manage our food production choices in context of coming weather. Another is to mitigate temperature changes. Save our water. Jupiter rules heat! See more: 2023-24 Aspects and other Sign Changes! See more about the approaching April 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus! This aspect alone will catapult us a few light years ahead!

When you want a change, build a new model that is indisputably better! We will move in!

Jan 25 Leo-Aquarius Full Wolf Moon Astrology Chart!

2024 Leo-AQ Full Wolf Moon Astrology Chart!



Feb 9 Four Planets Aquarius Stellium New Moon Bundle Chart!

Friday Feb 9, 2:59 PM Pacific at 20 Aquarius 41! Asian Lunar New Year Dec 10!

Aquarius is the sign of Enlightenment! We are building a stairway to Heaven!

VLT’s lasers and the stunning dark skies of the Atacama Desert

This photograph captures the Unit Telescope 4 of ESO’s Very Large Telescope, located in Chile’s Atacama Desert, and its four-laser system, which is used to excite sodium atoms in the atmosphere. The atoms excited by the lasers emit light that is affected by the atmosphere in the same way as the light emitted by real stars. The emitted light is collected by the telescope and can be used by the adaptive-optics system to measure the distortions introduced by the atmosphere and then to correct for them. This advanced system, combined with the excellent dark-sky conditions of the Atacama Desert, ensure the telescope can obtain extremely sharp images. Credit: ESO Used with permission.

This is the Lunar Year New Moon! Gong xi fa cai! In the U.S. Feb 10, 2024 begins the Yang-Wood Dragon Lunar Year! Yang-Wood is connected to green, the tall trees, forest, or wooden posts – growth. The Dragon is a supernatural being with no parallel for talent and excellence. The most revered animal, the magical Dragon, represents power, nobleness, success, honor, luck, vigor, and charm! It is equivalent to the Western zodiac sign, Aries, leadership and independence! If your Dragon is born during the sign Aries, look it up! It’s a potent combination! In the sum number of 2024 = 8, the priority is practicality and material wealth, infinity! The year of the Wood Dragon occurs only every 60 years, last were 1904 and 1964. Famous Wood Dragons are René Lacoste, Lenny Kravitz, Sandra Bullock, Jack Ma, Keanu Reeves, Kamala Harris.

Importantly, LUNAR PATTERNS often hold for months, one sign after the other. You with chart factors at or within a degree or two of these patterns that repeat, will be activated from each different sign sequentially. Our New Moon is part of the 20° New Moon cycle! 21 and 20° are active Sep 14, 2023 to March 10 2024. April 8 Total SOLAR Eclipse at 19°. 8 Moons! We have one more to go, Pisces the dreamer, intuitive, spiritualist, savior! Then is the Eclipse. This Feb one is stellar because it is also the Lunar New Year of the Dragon! Feb 08-10 has a 4 planets Aquarian Stellium, Pluto, Mercury, Moon, Sun!

We have a span of 118° Bundle Chart, the rarest chart pattern. No more will be formed after Jupiter gets into mid Leo 2026 for a  v e r y  long time. It is common that they have stelliums, and this one does, with four in Aquarius. Pluto at 0 AQ, Mercury at 7, the New Moon at 20! Stelliums bring exceptional talents! Aquarius being the genius sign, the gifts will be off the charts! This one has 5 signs with two or more important factors in each sign.

The late mid degrees and late degrees are emphasized and linked!

  • Chiron/North Node 16 and 17 Aries.
  • Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, 19 Taurus.
  • The New Moon 20 AQ.
  • Venus 21 Capricorn brings in Neptune 26 Pisces with her sextile to him, and Mars 27 Capricorn with her conjunction with him!!
  • Mars conjuncts Pluto Feb 13, Mardi Gras, the day before Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday. Since their conjunction will be a Zero AQ, it’s like we are back to the beginning, a time of Initiation.

NINE planets are linked! And it’s not just a chain of links, but most of them are linked to several other planets! It’s a vibrant chart, humming right along. Aquarius is a hummer, singer, plays electric instruments! Aquarius is the networker, computers and the internet! Perfect!

Btw, fyi, Aquarius rules flight and birds. Birds are miracles, from the smallest gentle delicate wood birds, fierce tiny hummingbirds to powerful birds of prey, to albatross with a 12′ wingspan that fly 10,000 miles in a single journey and circumnavigate the earth in 46 days. They can fly for years without touching ground, but do land and feed on water. Reuters Think on this.

I’ll start with the New Moon. They have recently sextiled Chiron and Moon’s North Node in Aries! Sextiles and the signs Aries and Aquarius are frisky! Sextiles enjoy the advantage of mixed compatible signs! Aries is action minded, athletic. Aquarius has frisky planet changing thinking! R/evolution, easily bored, so find ways of expressing the possibilities of infinite change! Computer games, writing exotic fiction, dealing with large sums of money at banks can all be exciting, involving millions or people or funds. Chiron was an old Centaur back in the day and is still a bit smelly. In Aries he wants his way right now. NEW. Has to be new. He’s an amazing healer and teacher, doesn’t stand around waiting. You either get with the program or get left behind. Next! The North Node is a bit ‘karmic’ at times, deals with balancing one’s outlook and skills. Used to be a little too nice in Libra, now is going for matter of fact independence. Great negotiators, but now learning a bit of bite! Pretty is not enough. You have to be able to back it up.

So, the New Moon is watching the play. Composing it into his work as fast as he can. Aquarians can be so exotic and ahead of their times, they can forget real life is happening too. If they are humanitarians, working with humans requires some compassion and caring. Aries is willing to fight, enjoys a good fair free for all, so AQ is especially interested in how that’s done and you still come out friends! He is inspired by the passion of differences and collaborating anyway! Chiron and NN are watching the New Moon combo of Mother Moon and Father Sun in such a wild minded combo. They take care of each other, making huge interesting exchanges. There is a fascinating strength while still allowing nurturing. Chiron sees that independence isn’t the only game. It’s useful to have friends and backup.

Of all the challenging aspects to have, the New Moon is square the planet of its own sign, Uranus in Taurus. Moon is more willing to change, but the rest are somewhat liking things just the way they are. Sometimes even Aquarius as well. AQ is so far out, genius, he is rarely challenged, sometimes resigning himself to his self! But he and his planet are still wild cards. They can instantly be interested in the slightest twitch in the Universe! Each of these triggers the other since they involve the same principles. Taurus is the watcher, the bovine in the field, chewing on things, letting them be digested, assimilated. Change is just on a different tempo. Sun and Moon have things to do. Mom does all the signs in 27 days, Sun changes signs once a month. Uranus takes about seven years per sign and Taurus won’t be rushed. He sees things others don’t, distilling them into strong steady purpose. He sees he can trust and things will change. The New Moon is counting on this solidarity. They can slow down and offer all they can. They can pick best times and the right people.

Most astrologers don’t give much power to a semisextile aspect. I have seen them work astoundingly in corporate charts, especially with Venus and Sun/Moon like we have here! Venus in Capricorn can be a serious professional, CEO, be in charge of monies. She can be super matter of fact, follows the figures, computer stats. She doesn’t waste time and doesn’t miss a trick. Aquarius can be a bit scattered, distracted by the volume of incoming data, the follow up research needed to make the best choices, all the people involved in worldwide organizations. He needs Venus, a trusted one he can consult with for honest and realistic answers. She appreciates him and tells him when he does good, things are going well. She is honored to do the work for such far ranging purposes, see that it is funded and well managed. It’s a rather profound combination.

Venus lends a hand to keep Chiron and the North Node happy. She checks in on them periodically to see what their needs might be. They can be really excited to be listened to; she needs to keep priorities, LOL! They are touched by her consideration, but wish she was faster with the goods and disappointed with certain refusals. Oops. She may be able to explain certain delays, but the Aries team was born to be impatient! Their right-now demon secretly makes her happy that they care so much and are working as fast as they can! Would that all her teams were like that!

Venus makes two quite opposite connections with Neptune and Mars! She sextiles the old Master Neptune. He can be sleepy, meditating, super sensitive, psychic, compassionate, looking lazy or unconcerned. She likes things in order and that’s not in his vocabulary. He’s on God’s time. Yet he can get there first, skip several steps and save her tons of time. Sigh. She doesn’t always understand, but it works well, so she surrenders. Her presence is well intended, so he gives her some powers from time to time. She’s a pretty clever human, so learns quickly and it pleases his Soul. She helps him be a bit more real. She has a grace he admires. He tries to live up to what she explains are priorities. He can help her get there more gently. Sometimes he sees she needs rest and gives her tips to the Dreamtime…

Mars in Capricorn sextiled Neptune the 7th and the connection is still lingering. Mars might have thought he was going to give orders, but with Neptune you can request and if the purpose is enough, Neptune of the Mists might listen, maybe comply. Unless it is an emergency, you will do better if you use a softer tone. Mars likes to be independent, Neptune is unconquerable innately. Intuition is his mode. He looks to higher meanings, outcomes per the Soul. When he is tuned in, his powers are on, insights and visions 100% efficient. Mars can sometimes get glimpses and experience feelings that go with this. He sees how it works and lets go, tries it for himself. Neptune is impressed with Mars being right there and into it, a quick learner. Mars has fraction of a second responses and self corrects immediately. At first Neptune guides him without his knowing. He shows Mars the value of being empathic. Most leaders call it lucky hunches, but Mars soon knows this ability can be learned and honed. Powerful choices are taking place.

Venus is conjunct Mars but they won’t make the conjunction while in Capricorn! She gives him well earned appreciation, understands some of what Mars experienced. Mars enters AQ the 12th, she follows him into AQ the 16th. They conjunct in AQ on the 21st! The Capricorn matters will be left behind, no juice. But, wow, what an exciting unpredictable, even shocking connection they will make in AQ! A hot electric attraction! New and unusual friends, fiery passionate new projects, an Initiation of sorts! Could be a flight to freedom! Whatever it is, it will be fast action and foremost!

Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter are having an early degree set all their own.

Mercury is in one of those surprisingly powerful semisextiles. He is at 7 Aquarius, the sign before Saturn at 7 Pisces! They have a bit of rapport because the both AQ and Saturn are scientifically inclined, as well as AQ and Pisces both being a bit other worldly! They are both quick, AQ like lightning, Pisces with psychic insight. Both of them just ‘know.’ AQ is in a split second. Pisces is more precognizant and in tune throughout. Mercury is considered to have ‘exalted’ intelligence in Aquarius. He can tell you things that surpass average perception. Saturn in Pisces wants to put that intuition of Pisces to work, harness spiritual awareness. He wants to know the meaning of things, find ways to help prevent suffering, to develop compassion for all. Aquarius the humanitarian, will easily sacrifice and lead organizations to distribute ideas for better ways.

Along with this ‘wee’ semisextile is the ‘almost’ Jupiter sextile Saturn. Jupiter’s time with Saturn was no waste. He can see how much work it is to bring spiritual insights to the mainstream. He sees the time saving necessity to build a better model rather than fight over what not to have anymore. Just do it. Jupiter in Taurus holds steady, knows that experience is the best teacher for many. The experience, touching it for real, is not words, but knowing for yourself.

Base planet Venus in Capricorn, the Sign of the Builder, gives her love to this concept. She loves architecture, building and real estate. With so much weather destruction, this is a mighty chance to rebuild with new ways to live in mind! New choices of land, sustainable living structures, neighborhoods that are more supportive, less expenses and shared resources, perhaps smaller homes/work at home – less transportation costs are all possibilities. More social time, time with kids and elders, time for enjoyment, hobbies.

This goes hand in hand with Venus in the best aspect with the lead planet Uranus the AQ planet, in Taurus. From first to last! She has the most brilliant futuristic planet as her ally. He is ahead of his time but she as a Capricorn can modify that and show the public the value of what he proposes. As a genius, he can use Taurus to simplify his amazing ideas to every day practical use. We are going to be very pleased and happy to pay.

Jupiter in Taurus is coming forward to conjunct Uranus April 20, 2024! WOW! That will be some experience! Do be thinking on what you would like to see happen by then, be preparing for it even now. Allow your mind to sweep the environment, to expand what you aspire to. Jupiter is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education, perspectives of long term value. Yes, we have seen huge earth events, some not seeming so lucky, but in the long term we will do better with these kinds of events as we plan ahead to use them rather than suffer destruction. One of the things we can do is manage our food production choices in context of coming weather. Another is to mitigate temperature changes. Jupiter rules heat! Save our water. See more: 2023-24 Aspects and other Sign Changes! Immense possibilities are coming! See more about Jupiter conjunct Uranus! This aspect alone will catapult us a few light years ahead!

Aquarius is the sign of Enlightenment! We are building a stairway to Heaven!

Feb 9 Four Planets Aquarius Stellium New Moon Bundle Astrology Chart!  

2024 Aquarius Stellium New Moon Astrology Chart!


Next up is Saturday Feb 24 Micro Full Snow Moon at 4:30 AM Pacific 5 Virgo-Pisces 23!

Lunar events! A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. It will be good, not so good, mixed for us depending on how it connects with our personal charts. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance to see how it is for you. See the 2024 Eclipse dates! Blessed be…. 

Be prepared! See the entire Aquarius Newsletter!  Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

Here is your 2024 AstroLogicalNow Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Or, check with your favorite astrologer(s) for how the planets do or don’t connect with your personal chart, for your own special personal details! May it go very well with you…. 

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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Sep 29 is the Glorious Full Harvest Moon spanning Aries-Libra!

Oct 14 Annular Solar ECLIPSE New Moon!

Upcoming Oct. 14, 2023 Ring of Fire Eclipse Watch! Got your reservations yet? Won’t happen again until 2039!  What a fantastic experience! SEE all about it here, including the maps!.

Sep 29 is the Glorious Full Harvest Moon spanning Aries-Libra!

Friday Sep 29 at 2:58 AM Pacific at 6 Aries-Libra 00!

Freedom, Change and Golden Beauty are leading the way at this fine time!

2023 Aries-Libra Full Harvest Moon Venus Leo!

A fiery Aries Full Harvest Moon and luxurious Venus in Leo! Take a front seat and take your time in the Moonlight contemplating the magnificent beauty of the Universe! The Planets are engaging higher consciousness. See this amazing image at Word Wool – 35 Mystical Poems!

This beautiful Harvest Moon spans Aries-Libra and is on the final day of the Venus-Mercury double retrograde cycle! All done, and a new beginning at the same time! Congratulations and onward! Aries is ready to turn a new leaf and Libra to make new connections like never before! Aries knows how to make alliances that support rather than dilute or distract his efforts. The Aries Moon will start us well informed, strong and fresh! Libra is instinctive about introducing excellent new contributors into the ranks!

Three inner planets are aspecting Uranus sequentially from Leo, Virgo and Libra!

1)  Venus in Leo is same degree square Uranus in Taurus. Though very different, there is also a strong tie since Venus is Taurus’s planet! Recent dramatic shocking earth events, Maui, Hurricanes, Quakes, have caused massive permanent loss of shelter, loved ones. With Venus trine the Moon’s North Node in Aries, there is a karmic element. We each face a part of ourselves that stands alone, can happen in a moment. Despite major losses, Venus in Leo is ever kind and generous, offers what she has. Besides her jacket, she is there to offer a warm and bright heart, even a smile. We are all helping each other as we can.

At the local level, Venus may have some expensive ideas for beautification. Taurus says keep it simple and is ever mindful of keeping money, LOL! But knowing, Venus in Leo, she may bring her own backers! They love her! Be prepared for a new project that may take a little persuading. If you are lucky, Uranus will have some genius ideas that will make it all work neatly. Listen carefully, think it over, meet again… Give it a chance.

2)  Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus. Clever Mercury offers every caring detail of help possible. He has stood at the side of first responders, stays with us, holds our hand calling our name to stay with us through the pain. Sees that we have food and water. Makes connections with our family and friends for us and contacts helpful organizations. He even helps find our pets and that they get care too. He gets us to shelter, gives us directions for when we get home. Mercury and Uranus are both planets of the Mind. They clear old mental debris, lighten the load. They are sharing practical information and making sure it gets well distributed to all who need it.

Mercury in his own sign Virgo, is also opposite Neptune, in his own sign Pisces! What a power combo! Each is  playing his very best hand. Virgo is famous for brass tacks critiques and analysis. Pisces permeates and is permeated by the entirety of anything, anytime, anywhere. There are no literal boundaries of Spirit and Soul other than being Spirit and Soul. Both are known for service in the trenches. Virgo works until they drop, cleaning you up, putting on bandages, making sure you eat the right food. Pisces has psychic compassion and will sing a song, give you a dream, that will heal your entire being.

3)  Mars in Libra is in strong inconjunct with Uranus. Mars in Libra is initiating new connections, different ways of balancing, pushing for peace in our sharing, confirming our goodness to each other. Quickly he mediates difficulties. Mars is ultra smart in Libra, as is Uranus in Taurus. Taurus and Libra are both Venus Signs. Uranus is dynamite at making changes while at the very same time, Taurus is grounding them right from the beginning! Libra is looking for harmony, fairness and justice every moment. Inconjunct indicates there are some oblique informations received and sent to offset locations, from/to unexpected and unusual sources and destinations. They may lead us to further changes that make a surprising difference. Widen your parameters.

Mars is about to be at Moon’s South Node. The South is always directly opposite the North. The North Node is in Aries, Mars’ sign, so there is a harmony of getting things started, moving forward, on both sides. They are rooting out troubles from the past, using skills learned long ago, looking forward to new blessings with spirited companions! Having just passed opposition with Chiron, Mars has found some new quickie healing techniques too! That handshake was more than a formality. It carried some healing energy with it with no explanation! Kindness can be swift and more caring than you may ever know, even from an ‘enemy.’

Since Aug 13, Venus has been traveling 3 degrees or less sextile with Mars! They are still in cahoots but never make the exact aspect, so share but don’t 100% connect! Venus is also Libra’s planet, so is double connected with both Uranus and Mars too, just in different ways. With Mars in Libra, the connection emphasizes people things, person to person – celebrations, parties, working together on projects! The connections they made together with others has speeded up and enhanced their collaborations community wide. Venus has opened doors to see just what a difference beauty and an attractive Spirit can make. Mars has encouraged her to get it going soonest while people are excited by the new and latest venture! They may have considered a close romantic adventure of their own, but it will not likely be long term though it really looked like it would!

In the big picture, the spiritual playing field is being leveled. Compassion is becoming more equalized. The need for treating our earth more realistically is being demonstrated. By coming together, we are learning how to care for Mother Earth more wisely. It can be done well and quickly. Instead of simply living on Her, we are learning how to live with Her! Options are no longer the same with 7.9B people now on the planet. We are seeking a new balance. Funding disasters will reach a financial limit. Funding prevention will be called for as monies get low…

Please, a CAUTION: At least 2 days before and Oct 8, Mars in Libra squares Pluto at 27/28 degrees. When Mars has bad behavior in Libra, societal rules can be broken. Relationship boundaries over stepped, sexual abuse can happen. With Pluto in Capricorn there could be revenge, rebellion, scandal, serious danger. Be sure your insurances cover current needs, be sure your security is up to date. At the very personal level, please be cautious about casual or ‘extreme’ or controlling sex, sex with complete strangers, being in an isolated party or place even with a friend. Depending on the situation, seduction can be flattering or abusive. This time err on the side of caution. Be safe in all ways.

The good side of the square is Pluto in Capricorn may be intrigued by Mars’ innovative new ideas, introductions to new alliances, possible partners. Mars may become part of the team, but isn’t always happy with taking orders. Give him some leeway for initiative, yet set some deadlines and check on his work from time to time – he can get distracted by emergencies or new passions! Know that Mars is a fast learner and be grateful for the training! But also know that he may take what he learns from you and start his own business. He is independent by nature. Keep your client list secure.

It’s not so easy or wise to push this old master Pluto around, especially when he is in Capricorn the sign of Masters! But when Mars is in Scorpio may still try. The matters of Oct 8 time may still sting. He may have lost face, been put in jail. He can be an adept martial artist type who just happens to hate being told what to do. But, on the good side, Scorpio and Capricorn are compatible and so are Mars and Pluto to an extent. In normal business, Mars can just be glad he is nimble and sneaky, LOL! He can dart in with his ideas, then vanish to let Pluto think it over. Respectfully might work best, but sometimes you just need to bust the old patterns wide open just to get an audience. Approval may be a bit more work. But, get started if you see it will take some time.

Unusually, the Full Moon axis stands alone! Moon in Aries will be just fine with that! She is uniquely independent in Aries, likes making up her own mind. She wants the kids to think for themselves, and sometimes they are rebellious with her, which she is proud of and admires! She has things to do and has no fear to step out in front, the first to get there! She can be a bit pushy, surprising some, but they listen because they have seen her intuition work before. In Aries it is even faster! She is likely to be adventurous, and more athletic, the leader of her community. Be ready to defend yourself if there is a disagreement. See if what she has to offer can be modified and incorporated. She will be on your side and perhaps become a terrific consultant!

Sun in Libra wants things to be nice, but will give you a good by-the-book battle in court! He has a super talent to be able to see both sides at once. This can be tough in family matters, not taking a stand for one person or another. But as a mediator it can bring a grateful solution to both parties. Social events are often business and/or politically minded or bring good friends together and a lot of plans be made, or just have a good-to-see-you reunion! Glad-to-meet-you events can bring new friends, alliances, love relationships! Community improvements, museums, galleries, plays and symphonies might be on the table.

Moon gets excited and says let’s do it now! If Moon is suggesting a new project, Sun instantly sees the value, will negotiate the way as possible! If her project is ahead of the times, much as they want it now, they may have to wait a bit.

Jupiter in Taurus is retrograde now, but will be coming forward to conjunct Uranus April 20, 2024! WOW! That will be some experience! Do be thinking on what you would like to see happen by then, be preparing for it even now. Allow your mind to sweep the environment, to expand what you aspire to. Jupiter will turn forward Dec 30. A lengthy one degree station will be Dec 6 through Jan 24, 2024. Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 5 and 6 degrees will be activated. In that time, some deeper principles will take root with you, securing a strong foundation, worthy of your continued care as they develop further. Jupiter is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education, perspectives of long term value. Yes, we have seen huge earth events, some not seeming so lucky, but in the long term we will do better with these kinds of events as we plan ahead to use them rather than suffer destruction. One of the things we can do is manage our food production choices in context of coming weather. Another is to mitigate temperature changes. Jupiter rules heat! See more: 2023-24 Aspects and other Sign Changes!

Chiron is in Aries the sign of independence, is also standing alone, but not for long! He is rooting for Moon in Aries and she is about to meet up with him at 10:45 PM Pacific! He is glad to see her feisty self and the changes she has been promoting, the first! He’s delighted to hear the latest! For the time being, neither is very marriage minded though Sun in Libra may be thinking of hooking each up with someone special. Chiron does think of marriage, but it’s far more likely for Moon than for himself. What’s more likely is they may discuss new cures, health improvements, new athletic options! A good fast walk or bike ride may happen. Moon in turn might tell all her woman friends, and the exercise class his new findings! She is doing well and that lifts Chiron’s spirits.

This very day, Saturn in Pisces starts his one degree station that lasts until Dec 8! He comes close, all the way back to 0 Pisces 31, but does not go back into Aquarius! He is standing in place anchoring the essence of Pisces matters, updating the dream foundation at this point. Those of you with chart factors at 28-29 Aquarius or very close to 0 and 1 degrees Pisces will be activated. An arbitrary one degree choice may vary for some of you. Some will feel it sooner, at two or three degrees depending on your personal chart. Stations are significant points in a planet’s voyage, a place of absorbing, focus, learning the depth and meaning deeply, steeping in the doing, developing an alliance with a particular place of perception. There is an inception and becoming one with a point of reference. Those are a few ways to see it, you may have additional ideas.

I see Saturn as harnessing the insights and psychic ability of Pisces, the ability to understand something that was unknown, develop a personal form of Spirituality that brings you to your knees and exhilarates your Soul!  At the earth level we have seen swarms of floods and powerful water events. I want to see ways for Saturn to harvest water significantly, to help take care of our oceans, reduce plastic and poisonous pollution, to harvest safely without harming other fish, dolphins and whales, to harvest clean and more abundantly.

Pluto is back in Capricorn until Jan 20, 2024. See more about this period of the 246 year Capricorn-Aquarius transition. There is great strength in hard won, tried and true knowledge. On that foundation Aquarian r/evolution makes more useful solid advances, securely implemented, maintained by the timeless high standards Capricorn has stood for. Capricorn is the sign of time and knows instinctively when a shift is in progress. Ruling borders and boundaries, he is a Gateway specialist! He is a mentor, always guiding and guarding the newbies. Aquarius is at the cutting edge, on totally new ground and can use all the help he can get. Many Aquarians have their Mercurys in Capricorn and many Capricorns have their Mercurys in Aquarius! They live this transition all their lives. They will be there for us. While the rest of us are scrambling, it’s business as usual for them.


While the three inner planets are at work, the three outmost higher consciousness planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto,
are still in their sextiles/trine pattern. Many events are making world headlines. They are taking it to the next level, meaning these are considered higher consciousness planets! This combination of the three outmost planets aspecting each other this way is quite rare and will continue through 2028.

They are sextiling – opportunities – each other and Uranus in Taurus has moved into trine with Pluto while Pluto is retrograde back in fellow earth sign Capricorn. Jupiter is closer to his conjunction with Uranus, and many are already sensing the amazing possibilities. But for now, Jupiter is in station about to retrograde. They will be exact April 2024. The threesome is holding in earth and water signs until Pluto makes his shift back into Aquarius again Jan 2024. That will leave Uranus and Neptune keeping the dream electric and lively! Neptune evolves just like all the planets do. With Uranus, even Neptune develops a new level of awareness. At first it may seem a bit prickly, but as he gets used to it, it’s more sparkly! In fact, it’s all quite intriguing.

When she first heard about these three together, a friend said OMG, that sounds destabilizing and slightly terrifying! And it can be, depending on your point of view and climate changes. Sometimes destabilizing can be a chosen technique, done on purpose in a good way, like the demolition of an old dangerous building. At the same time space is made to accommodate opening the good gates of the future, an amazing rebuild, making a park, a hospital, library, low income senior housing. With climate disasters, entire areas are devastated. Yet even during anger and grief, there is the seeing of a significant, even profound, choice of rebirth of much better ways. In time, surprisingly, the whole experience brings gratitude. As Rumi says: “Earth turns to Gold in the hands of the Wise.” Here is our big chance to make it so!

Uranus sextile Neptune

Uranus has been within a 5° sextile with Neptune since July ’23, and will be for five months through Dec 16, 2023! Uranus is the last Air planet, the planet of the heavens, flight and electronics – the internet and networking. The Awakener has humanitarian inclinations and collective intent. There is maximum exchange of information, extraordinary invention, as genius is released planet wide! He changes, adds dimension to Neptune’s way of seeing and content of his visions! That Uranus is grounded in Taurus, he keeps the intentions sensible and steady. Things may not be so ‘loud.’ More gets done since undistracted energy is concentrated, applied right where needed, and doesn’t quit until completed.

Neptune, the most adaptable planet, quickly takes on the Uranian continuum of skills, adeptly commingles it with his own psychic seeing! He gives remarkable tips that bypass super logic and gets us there without explanation. Astonishing as always was and will be! There are leaps beyond our ken, but we arrive, suddenly transported, functioning in a way we didn’t know before, but is right as rain. It seems like a miracle, but is really normal. In the face of disasters, Neptune has unexpected resilience, shows the strength of the Soul. Healing knows no bounds.

At times we get lost in the glory and excitement of such transitions. We get enamored with the genius of it all. But Neptune reminds us it’s not just what we can do but the meaning of it all. We take a few still moments to honor our original inspiration, the commandments of our Soul, the depth of caring, need for change that started our pilgrimage.

After Dec 16, 2023 they again pick up their less than 5° sextile June 14, 2024 through Feb 13, 2025! This second set is eight months, making a total of 13 months! Neptune again leaves Uranus behind, entering ARIES Mar 30, 2025, never making the exact sextile while Neptune is in Pisces! Yet all that time, they are functioning together, progressively activating 19 through 28 degree factors in our charts! They are awakening us, establishing a foundation, setting the stage for the exact aspect sets to come.

Aug 28, 2025 they start their two year set of EXACT sextiles. It is the first of five aspects but in Gemini and Aries! See more!

With the outmost planets, this pattern of coming close then moving apart is normal. It gives time to get to know each other in context of the type of aspect and the signs they are in. The can see how to protect themselves if necessary, how to help each other as possible.

Uranus trine Pluto

Uranus trine Pluto are also in a pre exact aspects prelude period. Currently, since Uranus is sextile Neptune, and Neptune is sextile Pluto, Uranus is trine Pluto though technically not quite within the 5° or less zone. Since around the end of July, or earlier, Uranus and Pluto have been considering each other. Uranus slows to his stand still station Aug 28. Pluto is retrograding getting closer by degree with Uranus. They get closest Sep 10/11 then gradually part further. But once aware of each other, they can still watch…plus Neptune, between them, has his eye on both and they are both watching Neptune. It’s a bit intricate and it isn’t done yet.

There are two more close periods, seeding and getting used to the connection. They don’t make the first EXACT trine until July 17, 2026, while Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini! Like Uranus sextile Neptune, this too is a 5 time set of aspects and takes two years to complete on May 9, 2028.

While Neptune is midpoint between them he can act as a buffer. Pluto in Capricorn is set in some of his ways. Uranus is the planet of change and evolution while Capricorn is the guardian of the status quo, elders. Pluto doesn’t want anyone messing with his relationships, especially with money. But, they are nevertheless, trine, likely to find ways to work with each other. Uranus in Taurus is more sensible, but certainly not the same. His advocacy for individual’ rights includes money, but from the opposite side of the table. Pluto is corporate money, the ruler of Scorpio, OUR money. Taurus is MY money. It will take a little doing to bridge this difference. Both are strong and both can be stubborn. Since Neptune in Pisces is known for his empathy and understanding, his long bond with Pluto, he may lean a bit more to Pluto’s side – the fundraiser side.

Neptune sextile Pluto 82 years!

Neptune and Pluto know each other well. From 1900 through 2032, there is only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period completing the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence.

As planets travel for long times together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies from the Kundalini up. Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable, our dreams. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto first entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts!

You can see the potency of this three outer planet grouping. The harmony of these planets draws us past our daily experience. We are encountering great principles working together. Uranus is humanitarian, the Awakener. Neptune is the dreamer of the vastitudes, spiritual Master. Pluto awakens the Kundalini, the fire at the base of the spine, burns away the dross, aligns the chakras and we are ON! When Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus’s sign, the two are combined as one, unimaginable electric life force! Immense possibilities. See more about the approaching April 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus! This aspect alone will jump the group a few light years ahead!


Aries – Libra is the elemental axis of Astrology. It is the axis of the New Dawn, Enlightenment, to Sunset, the time of coming home to share with our close ones. Dawn and Dusk are sacred times. Babies and Initiation to day’s work done, Farewells to the Soul’s completion of an incarnation. The stars begin the Spirit’s journey home.

This profound combination calls, even commands us, to full spiritual honor, integrity, courage, to share completely, to live and love every moment with every molecule at attention in total respect.

Thank you, Aries and Libra for guiding us along this exciting Path of Life with each other.

Sep 29 is the Glorious Full Harvest Moon spanning Aries-Libra Astrology Chart!

2023 Aries-Libra Full Harvest Moon Astrology Chart!


Oct 14 Libra Annular Solar ECLIPSE New Moon!

Saturday Oct 14, 10:55 AM Pacific at 21 Libra 08!

Relationships are taking new turns as shifts are happening due to our strong connections with the Higher Consciousness Planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto!

Oct 14 2023 Libra Annular Solar Eclipse New Moon Ring of Fire!

Happy Solar Eclipse everyone! Nearly all of North America will be able to witness a partial solar eclipse on Oct. 14, but to see the annular eclipse, skywatchers, eclipse chasers, will need to travel to a narrow path that stretches from southern Oregon through southern Texas.

Our current Annular SOLAR Eclipse will be visible in West in Africa, (SW) North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic. Oregon to Texas will see an annular (“ring”) eclipse! SEE the map where it crosses the 2024 Eclipse! This eclipse crosses the path of the April 8 2024 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in Texas! While the 2024 Eclipse crosses the 2017 Eclipse in Carbondale IL AGAIN! What are the odds of that?!?!

Special Eclipse Reminder! April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: this path will stretch from central Texas to northern New England. The duration of totality will average just under 4 minutes (4 minutes 27 seconds in Texas). Interestingly, the path of totality will again encompass the 2017 Carbondale, Illinois. Carbondale is on the center-line of the path of totality and will see 4 minutes and 9 seconds of totality for eclipse 2024, nearly double what was seen in 2017, and IT was wonderful! Many locations were booked for the 2024 eclipse in 2017! Whether you pick Texas or Carbondale, make your reservations ASAP!

 Upcoming Oct. 14, 2023 Ring of Fire Eclipse Watch! Got your reservations yet? Won’t happen again until 2039! What a fantastic experience! SEE all about it here, including MORE MAPS! DON’T FORGET YOUR SAFETY GLASSES, AND SPECIAL CAMERA GEAR LIKE SOLAR FILM! See How to photograph a solar eclipse at Space.com!

This ECLIPSE New Moon is the second of a series of New Moons at 20 and 21 degrees. They started Sep 14, 2023, continue to March 10, 2024. April 8, 2024 is at 19 degrees. The energy of this eclipse will be renewed and carried through these 7 to 8 months! If you have factors in your chart at or very close to these degrees, especially if they are part of network, pay close attention. Plan your intentions as they are activated at each sign. Each will have specific different information to offer and your method of working them will change each time with an additional quality added. Congratulate yourself in March/April 2024! Review the Virgo New Moon, the starting point. It will be different for all of you since your charts differ widely.

Eclipses are magical mergers of the human mind and the light shows of the heavens. Be there!

All the inner planets are now moving forward. Venus and Mercury completed both their entire retrograde cycles as of Oct 7. We’re free and clear, now living what we learned into their achievements! All the outer planets are now retrograde through Oct 10 when Pluto turns forward to release his findings, build updated, more solid and efficiently!

The chart planetary geometry is a Seesaw making the classic oppositions. The Libra Eclipse itself is making the prime opposition, s/he is at the South Lunar Node opposite the North in Aries. The nodes are always generally in retrograde going backward numerically to make exact oppositions with Moon 7:09 PM Pacific the same day, and with Sun Oct 18 at 5:43 PM. At the South Node, the Eclipse is picking up talents from past/past lives, and righting old wrongs. Libra is seeking a more true balance, justice, respect. Some old comrades from the past may make a karmic/dharmic check in. Make it count in a good way.

Part of the importance of the Node’s events, Libra-Aries are being able to be independent, a leader, AND work together, each contributing their own strengths. Moon’s Nodes are considered to be somewhat karmic, to connect concepts of mistakes of the past/past lives with making amendments balanced by the opposite principles of the opposite sign, of current times. It is not always easy within ourselves, because the soul has its memories, and we, and others involved, have fears, angers and perversions, chronic behaviors that need to be faced and overcome. Do have patience with each other and yourself. Though you may be ready to make good, the other may not be able to receive your offering yet, and vice versa.

The Eclipse will open channels not usually available as Earth, Moon and Sun are precisely lined up. Moon receives Sun’s full energy, channels it on to Earth. Libra, though the very sign of oppositions, balances the energy, as it is transferred, makes it more in alignment with the planetary collective at this time as earth beings are able to receive it. Their relationships, with the planet herself and with each other, will be played like a spiritual chess game as their attention shifts en masse. New options will be opened for consciousness. With Sun as the prime source, some will perceive a personal kind of enlightenment. The Eclipse is at 21° Libra, the oppositions with the Node are at 25°. You with chart factors at or very close to these degrees will have the option to connect significantly.

The New Moon is oblique, inconjunct Uranus, the Aquarian planet. Unusual planetary happenings will be creating a broader awareness, of environmental changes. Important land purchases may be under negotiation. Friends will come and go, they will change their opinions about many things very quickly, be significantly more dedicated to stepping up prevention. Electronic devices, electric vehicles, will figure in but not necessarily make immediate headlines. Discoveries about our brains may help with better care, repairs. Non traditional relationships will become more available and valuable as they prove their worth.

Mercury, also in Libra, is at same degree opposition with Chiron in Aries! Mercury can be a skilled negotiator in Libra, dealing with opposite sides in families, couple’s relationships, business, at court, politically. Chiron calls in the medical component, with Mercury, healing minds, medical or mental. Chiron impresses us to do it now, whether medical, business, personal relationships. Really, we have urgent needs on the planet today. We need to work more together, both on remediation and prevention. Mercury knows there are times when things can’t be rushed or the option to connect may may be lost. Sometimes you have to take the chance, if you lose, you lose, but you tried. You must move on to more fertile grounds. Other times, your good intent is seen and surprisingly it works against the odds and everyone is blessed, thankful, finally! The future has some wonderful possibilities.

The inner planets have changed signs. Mercury in Libra is submitting data to show us how things can prosper when we share our best with each other.

Venus has left Leo, stronger in her sense of Self! She carries that on into Virgo now, with intelligence that gets things organized and done with high regard for quality, less expense and more quickly! She is creating jobs, taking care of living conditions, opting for better health for humans and pets too. Relationships are being tended more graciously, more specific appreciations given.

Mars is in no-fooling-around Scorpio since Oct 11 until he’s in Sagittarius Nov 24, the day after ThanksGiving! He’s been trine with Saturn the last week, exact yesterday, obsessed with getting things cleaned up, funded, done, in record time! Saturn in Pisces has been doing his best to build that dream! He needed that help and was so grateful for the push over the top! Good job!

Oct 8 while Mars was in Libra, he squared Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler at 27/28 degrees. When Mars has bad behavior in Libra, societal rules can be broken. Relationship boundaries over stepped, sexual abuse, with Pluto in Capricorn there could be revenge, rebellion, scandal, serious danger. I cautioned: Be sure your insurances cover current needs, be sure your security is up to date. At the very personal level, please be cautious about casual or ‘extreme’ or controlling sex, sex with complete strangers, being in an isolated party or place even with a friend. Depending on the situation, seduction can be flattering or abusive. This time err on the side of caution. Be safe in all ways.

If things worked out well: The good side is Pluto in Capricorn may be intrigued by Mars’ innovative new ideas, introductions to new alliances, possible partners. Mars may become part of the team, but isn’t always happy with taking orders. Give him some leeway for initiative, yet set some deadlines and check on his work from time to time – he can get distracted by emergencies or new passions! Know that Mars is a fast learner and be grateful for the training! But, know that he may take what he learns from you and start his own business. Keep your client list secure.

If things didn’t go well: It’s not so easy or wise to push this old master Pluto around, especially when he is Capricorn the sign of Masters! But Mars in Scorpio may still try. The matters of Oct 8 time may still sting. He may have lost face, put in jail. He can be an adept martial artist type who just happens to hate being told what to do. But, on the good side, Scorpio and Capricorn are compatible and so are Mars and Pluto to an extent. In normal business, Mars can just be glad he is nimble and sneaky, LOL! He can dart in with his ideas, then vanish to let Pluto think it over. Respectfully, might work best, but sometimes you just need to bust the old patterns wide open just to get an audience. Approval may be a bit more work. But, get started if you see it will take some time.

Venus is leaving Mars behind. Due to their speed variances over the next months, they don’t connect until Feb 21, 2024 in an Aquarian conjunction – not a classic favorable wedding combo, but it will be an exciting and exotic few days for some!

Jupiter in Taurus is still retrograde, but will be coming forward to conjunct Uranus April 20, 2024! WOW! That will be some experience! Do be thinking on what you would like to see happen by then, be preparing for it even now. Allow your mind to sweep the environment, to expand what you aspire to. Jupiter will turn forward Dec 30. A lengthy one degree station will be Dec 6 through Jan 24, 2024. Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 5 and 6 degrees will be activated. In that time, some deeper principles will take root with you, securing a strong foundation, worthy of your continued care as they develop further. Jupiter is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education, perspectives of long term value. Yes, we have seen huge earth events, some not seeming so lucky, but in the long term we will do better with these kinds of events as we plan ahead to use them rather than suffer destruction. One of the things we can do is manage our food production choices in context of coming weather. Another is to mitigate temperature changes. Jupiter rules heat! See more: 2023-24 Aspects and other Sign Changes!


The three outmost planets, the higher consciousness planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are still in their sextiles/trine pattern. Many events are making world headlines. They are taking it to the next level, meaning these are considered higher consciousness planets! This combination of the three outmost planets aspecting each other this way is quite rare and will continue through 2028.

They are sextiling – opportunities – each other and Uranus in Taurus has moved into trine with Pluto while Pluto is retrograde back in fellow earth sign Capricorn. Jupiter is closer to his conjunction with Uranus, and many are already sensing the amazing possibilities. But for now, Jupiter is in station about to retrograde. They will be exact April 2024. The threesome is holding in earth and water signs until Pluto makes his shift back into Aquarius again Jan 2024. That will leave Uranus and Neptune keeping the dream electric and lively! Neptune evolves just like all the planets do. With Uranus, even Neptune develops a new level of awareness. At first it may seem a bit prickly, but as he gets used to it, it’s more sparkly! In fact, it’s all quite intriguing.

When she first heard about these three together, a friend said OMG, that sounds destabilizing and slightly terrifying! And it can be, depending on your point of view and climate changes. Sometimes destabilizing can be a chosen technique, done on purpose in a good way, like the demolition of an old dangerous building. At the same time space is made to accommodate opening the good gates of the future, an amazing rebuild, making a park, a hospital, library, low income senior housing. With climate disasters, entire areas are devastated. Yet even during anger and grief, there is the seeing of a significant, even profound, choice of rebirth of much better ways. In time, surprisingly, the whole experience brings gratitude. As Rumi says: “Earth turns to Gold in the hands of the Wise.” Here is our big chance to make it so!

Uranus sextile Neptune

Uranus has been within a 5° sextile with Neptune since July ’23, and will be for five months through Dec 16, 2023! Uranus is the last Air planet, the planet of the heavens, flight and electronics – the internet and networking. The Awakener has humanitarian inclinations and collective intent. There is maximum exchange of information, extraordinary invention, as genius is released planet wide! He changes, adds dimension to Neptune’s way of seeing and content of his visions! That Uranus is grounded in Taurus, he keeps the intentions sensible and steady. Things may not be so ‘loud.’ More gets done since undistracted energy is concentrated, applied right where needed, and doesn’t quit until completed.

Neptune, the most adaptable planet, quickly takes on the Uranian continuum of skills, adeptly commingles it with his own psychic seeing! He gives remarkable tips that bypass super logic and gets us there without explanation. Astonishing as always was and will be! There are leaps beyond our ken, but we arrive, suddenly transported, functioning in a way we didn’t know before, but is right as rain. It seems like a miracle, but is really normal. In the face of disasters, Neptune has unexpected resilience, shows the strength of the Soul. Healing knows no bounds.

At times we get lost in the glory and excitement of such transitions. We get enamored with the genius of it all. But Neptune reminds us it’s not just what we can do but the meaning of it all. We take a few still moments to honor our original inspiration, the commandments of our Soul, the depth of caring, need for change that started our pilgrimage.

After Dec 16, 2023 they again pick up their less than 5° sextile June 14, 2024 through Feb 13, 2025! This second set is eight months, making a total of 13 months! Neptune again leaves Uranus behind, entering ARIES Mar 30, 2025, never making the exact sextile while Neptune is in Pisces! Yet all that time, they are functioning together, progressively activating 19 through 28 degree factors in our charts! They are awakening us, establishing a foundation, setting the stage for the exact aspect sets to come.

Aug 28, 2025 they start their two year set of EXACT sextiles. It is the first of five aspects but in Gemini and Aries! See more!

With the outmost planets, this pattern of coming close then moving apart is normal. It gives time to get to know each other in context of the type of aspect and the signs they are in. The can see how to protect themselves if necessary, how to help each other as possible.

Uranus trine Pluto

Uranus trine Pluto are also in a pre exact aspects prelude period. Currently, since Uranus is sextile Neptune, and Neptune is sextile Pluto, Uranus is trine Pluto though technically not quite within the 5° or less zone. Since around the end of July, or earlier, Uranus and Pluto have been considering each other. Uranus slows to his stand still station Aug 28. Pluto is retrograding getting closer by degree with Uranus. They get closest Sep 10/11 then gradually part further. But once aware of each other, they can still watch…plus Neptune, between them, has his eye on both and they are both watching Neptune. It’s a bit intricate and it isn’t done yet.

There are two more close periods, seeding and getting used to the connection. They don’t make the first EXACT trine until July 17, 2026, while Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini! Like Uranus sextile Neptune, this too is a 5 time set of aspects and takes two years to complete on May 9, 2028.

While Neptune is midpoint between them he can act as a buffer. Pluto in Capricorn is set in some of his ways. Uranus is the planet of change and evolution while Capricorn is the guardian of the status quo, elders. Pluto doesn’t want anyone messing with his relationships, especially with money. But, they are nevertheless, trine, likely to find ways to work with each other. Uranus in Taurus is more sensible, but certainly not the same. His advocacy for individual’ rights includes money, but from the opposite side of the table. Pluto is corporate money, the ruler of Scorpio, OUR money. Taurus is MY money. It will take a little doing to bridge this difference. Both are strong and both can be stubborn. Since Neptune in Pisces is known for his empathy and understanding, his long bond with Pluto, he may lean a bit more to Pluto’s side – the fundraiser side.

Neptune sextile Pluto 82 years!

Neptune and Pluto know each other well. From 1900 through 2032, there is only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period completing the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence.

As planets travel for long times together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies from the Kundalini up. Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable, our dreams. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto first entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts!

You can see the potency of this three outer planet grouping. The harmony of these planets draws us past our daily experience. We are encountering great principles working together. Uranus is humanitarian, the Awakener. Neptune is the dreamer of the vastitudes, spiritual Master. Pluto awakens the Kundalini, the fire at the base of the spine, burns away the dross, aligns the chakras and we are ON! When Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus’s sign, the two are combined as one, unimaginable electric life force! Immense possibilities. See more about the approaching April 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus! This aspect alone will jump the group a few light years ahead!


Relationships are taking new turns as shifts are happening due to our strong connections with the Higher Consciousness Planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto!

Libra Solar ECLIPSE New Moon Astrology Chart!

Next is the Saturday Oct 28 Lunar Eclipse Full Hunter’s Moon at 1:24 PM Pacific 5 Taurus/Scorpio 09!

Lunar events! A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. It will be good, not so good, mixed for us depending on how it connects with our personal charts. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance to see how it is for you. See the 2023 Eclipse dates! Blessed be…. 

Be prepared! See the entire Libra Newsletter! Contents:

Libra, the Artists of Grace and Beauty!
Annual Celestial Highlights!

About the 2023 Environmental Disasters…
Saturn Pisces, Pluto late Capricorn, early Aquarius, Jupiter Aries – Taurus
Links to Ongoing Major Affairs!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

Here is your 2023 AstroLogicalNow Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Or, check with your favorite astrologer(s) for how the planets do or don’t connect with your personal chart, for your own special personal details! May it go very well with you…. 

The 2024 Edition is soon to be published!

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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Aug 30 is the SECOND Aug Full Moon, in Pisces-Virgo, a BLUE Full Sturgeon SuperMoon, the closest of 2023!

Sep 14 Virgo New Moon!

Upcoming Oct. 14, 2023 Ring of Fire Eclipse Watch! Got your reservations yet? Won’t happen again until 2039! Dear Nevada Starwatchers and others! We from CA, OR and WA can get to this one! What a fantastic experience! SEE all about it here, including the maps!.

Aug 30 is the SECOND Aug Full Moon, in Pisces-Virgo, a BLUE Full Sturgeon SuperMoon, the closest of 2023!

Wednesday August 30 at 6:36 PM Pacific at 7 Pisces-Virgo 25!

Virgo applies ancient Piscean teachings! Outmost planets bring us new consciousness!

2023 Aug 30 Blue Moon Portal Danielle Winter Art!

Blue moon art piece by intuitive world citizen Danielle ‘Bhavya’ Winter, a New Zealander living in Bonn, Germany. Feel the intensity as you slip through the Magic Portal…

Pisces Artist’s Moon is soft as it gets, but this one established a perimeter as it passed Saturn just hours ago, and Virgo is crisp and orderly. Now the portal is protected and 100% pure. Moon herself has passed Saturn’s test and is acting in immediate response to her orders and reminders of her responsibilities. Saturn in Pisces has been acting as guardian of the dreams, builder of sacred beliefs. Moon, his ‘opposite,’ (rulers of Capricorn and Cancer) is the one who nurtures the projects on their way, sensing their most tender and subtle needs, vulnerabilities and powerful intent.

Sun in Virgo, Moon’s Full Moon opposite, makes sure things are in order for her passage. He lights the dark, looks to the details, clears away old debris, organizes materials in the order they will be needed. Sun makes sure there will be rest areas with nutritious snacks, good drinking water. Changes of comfortable clean clothes and bed sheets will be laid out. S/he Moon will be pampered in the Spirit of her true dedication. Sun knows when to listen, when to give orders to keep the Mother at her best service to humankind. He knows her work is life saving and that she gives her all.

Sometimes the Savior needs saving. Sun knows about imperfection, disappointments. He keeps Moon’s spirits up and outward, able to hear the calls so she will not be overwhelmed, depressed, tempted by addictions, hiding out in monasteries. He keeps her track record to remind her what she has already achieved, her amazing capacity, resilience. It has taken a lot of hard work. Sometimes good spiritual work takes more out of us than any other due to the immensity of what is needed, the intensity of our unceasing devotion. It seems like it’s never done, yet we mustn’t quit. We see the hope. Times and people do change.

This chart formation, helps because there is air space between the two groups across the chart, another seesaw. We have the opportunity to see across, know that there are other options, extensions of the principles we have been living. It makes us think and create some of our own. Thank goodness there are others out there who can do things we can’t! At times we shake hands across the table. Bonded mergers are formed as we meet at the middle, share our bests.

Pluto is back in Capricorn until Jan 20, 2024. See more about this period of the 246 year Capricorn-Aquarius transition. There is great strength in hard won, tried and true knowledge. On that foundation Aquarian r/evolution makes more useful solid advances, securely implemented, maintained by the timeless high standards Capricorn has stood for. Capricorn is the sign of time and knows instinctively when a shift is in progress. Ruling borders and boundaries, he is a Gateway specialist! He is a mentor, always guiding and guarding the newbies. Aquarius is at the cutting edge, on totally new ground and can use all the help he can get. Many Aquarians have their Mercurys in Capricorn and many Capricorns have their Mercurys in Aquarius! They live this transition all their lives. They will be there for us. While the rest of us are scrambling, it’s business as usual for them.


The three outmost planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, take it to the next level, meaning these are considered higher consciousness planets! This combination of the three outmost planets aspecting each other is quite rare and will continue through 2028.

They are sextiling – opportunities – each other and Uranus in Taurus has moved into trine with Pluto while Pluto is retrograde back in fellow earth sign Capricorn. Jupiter is closer to his conjunction with Uranus, and many are already sensing the amazing possibilities. But for now, Jupiter is in station about to retrograde. They will be exact April 2024. The threesome are holding in earth and water signs until Pluto makes his shift back into Aquarius again Jan 2024. That will leave Uranus and Neptune keeping the dream electric and lively! Neptune evolves just like all the planets do. With Uranus, even Neptune develops a new level of awareness. At first it may seem a bit prickly, but as he gets used to it, it’s more sparkly! In fact, it’s all quite intriguing.

When she first heard about these three together, a friend said OMG, that sounds destabilizing and slightly terrifying! And it can be, depending on your point of view and climate changes. Sometimes destabilizing can be a chosen technique, done on purpose in a good way, like the demolition of an old dangerous building. At the same time space is made to accommodate opening the good gates of the future, an amazing rebuild, making a park, a hospital, library, low income senior housing. With climate disasters, entire areas are devastated. Yet even during anger and grief, there is the seeing of a significant, even profound, choice of rebirth of much better ways. In time, surprisingly, the whole experience brings gratitude. As Rumi says: “Earth turns to Gold in the hands of the Wise.” Here is our big chance to make it so!

Uranus sextile Neptune

Uranus has been within a 5° sextile with Neptune since July ’23, and will be for five months through Dec 16, 2023! Uranus is the last Air planet, the planet of the heavens, flight and electronics – the internet and networking. The Awakener has humanitarian inclinations and collective intent. There is maximum exchange of information, extraordinary invention, as genius is released planet wide! He changes, adds dimension to Neptune’s way of seeing and content of his visions! That Uranus is grounded in Taurus, he keeps the intentions sensible and steady. Things may not be so ‘loud.’ More gets done since undistracted energy is concentrated, applied right where needed, and doesn’t quit until completed.

Neptune, the most adaptable planet, quickly takes on the Uranian continuum of skills, adeptly commingles it with his own psychic seeing! He gives remarkable tips that bypass super logic and gets us there without explanation. Astonishing as always was and will be! There are leaps beyond our ken, but we arrive, suddenly transported, functioning in a way we didn’t know before, but is right as rain. It seems like a miracle, but is really normal. In the face of disasters, Neptune has unexpected resilience, shows the strength of the Soul. Healing knows no bounds.

At times we get lost in the glory and excitement of such transitions. We get enamored with the genius of it all. But Neptune reminds us it’s not just what we can do but the meaning of it all. We take a few still moments to honor our original inspiration, the commandments of our Soul, the depth of caring, need for change, that started our pilgrimage.

After Dec 16, 2023 they again pick up their less than 5° sextile June 14, 2024 through Feb 13, 2025! This second set is eight months, making a total of 13 months! Neptune again leaves Uranus behind, entering ARIES Mar 30, 2025, never making the exact sextile while Neptune is in Pisces! Yet all that time, they are functioning together, progressively activating 19 through 28 degree factors in our charts! They are awakening us, establishing a foundation, setting the stage for the exact aspect sets to come.

Aug 28, 2025 they start their two year set of EXACT sextiles. It is the first of five aspects but in Gemini and Aries! See more!

With the outmost planets, this pattern of coming close then moving apart is normal. It gives time to get to know each other in context of the type of aspect and the signs they are in. The can see how to protect themselves if necessary, how to help each other as possible.

Uranus trine Pluto

Uranus trine Pluto are also in a pre exact aspects prelude period. Currently, since Uranus is sextile Neptune, and Neptune is sextile Pluto, Uranus is trine Pluto though technically not quite within the 5° or less zone. Since around the end of July, or earlier, Uranus and Pluto have been considering each other. Uranus slows to his stand still station Aug 28. Pluto is retrograding getting closer by degree with Uranus. They get closest Sep 10/11 then gradually part further. But once aware of each other, they can still watch…plus Neptune, between them, has his eye on both and they are both watching Neptune. It’s a bit intricate and it isn’t done yet.

There are two more close periods, seeding and getting used to the connection. They don’t make the first EXACT trine until July 17, 2026, while Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini! Like Uranus sextile Neptune, this too is a 5 time set of aspects and takes two years to complete on May 9, 2028.

While Neptune is midpoint between them he can act as a buffer. Pluto in Capricorn is set in some of his ways. Uranus is the planet of change and evolution while Capricorn is the guardian of the status quo, elders. Pluto doesn’t want anyone messing with his relationships, especially with money. But, they are nevertheless, trine, likely to find ways to work with each other. Uranus in Taurus is more sensible, but certainly not the same. His advocacy for individual’ rights includes money, but from the opposite side of the table. Pluto is corporate money, the ruler of Scorpio, OUR money. Taurus is MY money. It will take a little doing to bridge this difference. Both are strong and both can be stubborn. Since Neptune in Pisces is known for his empathy and understanding, his long bond with Pluto, he may lean a bit more to Pluto’s side – the fundraiser side.

Neptune sextile Pluto 82 years!

Neptune and Pluto know each other well. From 1900 through 2032, there is only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period completing the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence.

As planets travel for long times together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies from the Kundalini up. Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable, our dreams. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto first entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts!

You can see the potency of this three outer planet grouping. The harmony of these planets draws us past our daily experience. We are encountering great principles working together. Uranus is humanitarian, the Awakener. Neptune is the dreamer of the vastitudes, spiritual Master. Pluto awakens the Kundalini, the fire at the base of the spine, burns away the dross, aligns the chakras and we are ON! When Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus’s sign, the two are combined as one, unimaginable electric life force! Immense possibilities. See more about the approaching April 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus! This aspect alone will jump the group a few light years ahead!


Back to our Full Moon Chart

Mars was opposite Neptune for a bit. In Virgo he may have been pretty demanding, wanted the details. He kept Neptune the Wanderer on his toes. Now Mars is in Libra, more social than on the job. He may be less decided, considers more options, than before. He is a bit more brisk and brusque than a Sun in Libra, may get to the point with little to no small talk. He is still independent, you can bet, but he also now is forming some alliances. They can help him with negotiating, bring outside powers into action in his behalf. He may go back and renegotiate with Neptune….? Or, not having forgotten, impressed by Neptune’s insights, he may ask Neptune to update him with the current dreamtime images and possibilities. This is another breather combination that opens some gateways.

Mars is strongly inconjunct Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Saturn is reminding him it’s isn’t just the new Libra pretties, being charming, but learning how to integrate them with attracting help for the needs of the poor, ones who are suffering, to help release us from addictions and fears, to give love, not abandon the less attractive. Part of our personal action is to give ourselves credit for how far we have come. We need to let others know how they can too. It is good to give an accounting of our achievements to our bosses and leaders. There are some twitches in the valence as we are both young Mars hot and old Saturn cold. Saturn may be fully inspired as he is led off to an entirely different territory! Nothing like getting up and going to chase the blues away! Mars uses his energy more wisely as he watches Capricorn’s collected way of working.

Mercury and Venus are in DOUBLE RETROGRADE on Sun’s side of the group. Mercury is in his own second sign Virgo, hammering out the procedures, going back to tune up health matters, reorganizing finances and everything else, including Venus in LEO’s love life, LOL! Mercury just consulted with Chiron in Aries and is ready to try some new ideas on health, love and money!

Sep 3 Venus ends the DOUBLE RX by turning direct/forward! Sep 4 Mercury trines Jupiter the 2nd time! Plans are changing again. Venus has gone back as far as she can. Venus being in station, standing still, Mercury will be having his way. Trine Jupiter he has big ideas and plans and Venus can’t stop him.

Venus in Leo knows big ideas when she sees them since she has her own. Also, she has been in a close 3 degree square with Jupiter since Aug 17, made the square with him herself Aug 22, remained in close square with him due to her slowing to turn forward, being in her 1° station 14 days at 12/13 Leo. She makes her second square with him Sep 16 and it will be Sep 23 when she is 3° past the square. She has had this hard aspect with Jupiter over a month and seen that not all his hopes and promises come true. Or, he won’t make promises. Venus wants to be the queen, and Jupiter in Taurus simply is who he is, no particular airs. He has important long term Earth work, things he does and gave his word to do, has obligations to others that won’t change. Venus admires him, but has brighter lights to follow? With all this retrograde, with love and contracts planets, better to wait to marry. At the very least, it won’t come out as it was thought it would. But, who knows, it may turn out better!!! It depends a lot on your personal astrology. Do see your astrologer before embarking on a permanent intention.

Right now Jupiter’s big plans look good to Mercury because Mercury and Jupiter are in positive trine, and the ideas stem from usually lucky Jupiter, but Mercury is stillllll RX, and Jupiter is delayed in station, to RX Sep 4. Maybe the ideas will be stepping stones to something even better, but one way or another, they won’t finish as currently proposed if they even get started. Mercury is a staunch ethical guardian, but with all the loosening type aspects afoot, she’s a little less starchy, using her adaptive molecules to advantage she may find another way!

It looks like Jupiter is about to conjunct Uranus in Taurus, but no, not yet! Jupiter is in station at 15°. It started Aug 16, retrogrades Sep 4, finishes the station Sep 22. It holds the 15th degree for 38 days. Time to ponder. Due to this retrograde they don’t conjunct until April 20, 2024! See more!

Supermoons are full moon or new moons that nearly coincide with perigee—the closest that Moon comes to Earth in its elliptic orbit—resulting in a slightly larger-than-usual apparent size of the lunar disk as viewed from Earth and tides are bigger! This one is the closest of 2023! Enjoy!

Virgo applies ancient Piscean teachings! Outmost planets bring us new consciousness!

Aug 30 is the SECOND Aug Full Moon, in Pisces-Virgo, a BLUE Full Sturgeon SuperMoon, the closest of 2023!

2023 Pisces-Virgo 2nd Aug Full Blue Sturgeon Moon Astrology Chart!


Sep 14 Virgo New Moon!

Wednesday Sep 14, 6:40 PM Pacific at 21 Virgo 59! 

Our precise, wonderful Virgo New Moon is schmoozing with the Higher Consciousness Planets in an earthy Grand Trine, Neptune Kite formation! Awesome opportunities!

2023 Pisces-Virgo Full Moon Jervis Bay Aus Bioluminescent Plankton by Mrs JoAnn Paquette!

On a beautiful night in Jervis Bay, New South Wales Australia, Vincentia resident JoAnne Paquette took this amazing angelic image of bioluminescent plankton! It appears in National Geographic’s book Rarely Seen! You can see more of Mrs Paquette’s photography at her Facebook page. Daily Telegraph post about her!

Happy New Moon everyone! Venus in Leo is no longer retrograde, the double Retrograde is over, Venus completes her entire passage Oct 7! For the time being, Venus is still adjusting beauty and body, love life decisions. Mercury continues retro through Sep 15, while all the outer planets are now retrograde through Nov 4 when Saturn turns forward! Mercury and the New Moon are all in Virgo, Mercury’s second sign, ticking the list, tallying the results! Mercury will be revising his efforts depending on how the numbers turn out and change or don’t.

The three outmost planets are still in their sextiles and trine connections plus, like our Aug 16 Leo New Moon, they are in another Earth Grand Trine/Kite Pattern, this time the New Moon itself is the instigator of the entire Kite pattern, involving FIVE planets again! With all the outer planets between late Capricorn, early Aquarius, and Taurus, anytime other planets cross the late Virgo area, we will have this Kite pattern again! When planets are opposite, in this case with only Leo to Libra distinctly on one side of the chart, we have another seesaw formation. We are noting differences and possibilities of partnerships and mergers. It itself performs the function of Libra, opposites. Please read or review the three outmost planets aspects! (In the Full Moon section)

See the blue triangle?! That is a Grand Trine in earth signs, Taurus, Virgo (NEW MOON!) and Capricorn, keeping peace and getting things done! Taurus gathers materials, moves and shapes the land to fit our needs. Virgo organizes, designs, fits the pieces and parcels together. Capricorn decides structural placements, sets the timing, gets the architect onboard, frames and builds the structure. They are an enterprising team, working like clockwork! The two connected green lines at the left, link Uranus and Pluto to Neptune in Pisces between them – the three outer planets! Neptune at their Midpoint has the insights of both initial flaws and potential. The Grand Trine with the Neptune links form the special and lucky Kite Pattern! Neptune, the planet of dreams, spirituality and Soul, points the way. The New Moon at the back, fuels the Virgo new beginnings – better health, meaningful work, literally physically caring for others in myriads of ways – Service!

1) This time the New Moon involvement suggests important new beginnings since Sun and Moon, our prime planets, planets of Light, so strongly aspect the three higher consciousness planets! Sun and Moon are in Virgo, a sign of deep caring, essential health, nutrition, having the skills to work, keeping our lives organized and flowing smoothly to avoid worry. Trine Uranus is their very first stop, they at 21 Virgo, Uranus at 22 Taurus. Virgo is a natural gardener, researcher. Uranus is a researcher and is investigating how to do the best for our land for nutritious farming. Uranus is building solid networks in behalf of the people and Virgo organizes the staff and participants to get the most efficient results. Taurus is our bodies; Virgo is supplying the best organic sustenance possible. Taurus wants sensible, Virgo wants efficiency and time saving, Uranus is the humanitarian, Awakener, electronics genius – computers, internet, drones, robotics. They will get phenomenal work done in the shortest time for the most people.

2) Sun and Moon next engage the opposition with Neptune in Pisces. Virgo and Pisces have always known each other, been in opposition. They have always worked for impossible goals and often succeeded! Virgo is picky and Pisces guides her right through the eye of the needle! He tips her off psychically. She’s so busy and dedicated, she sometimes doesn’t even notice his input, but you can bet she is grateful for the grace. She in turn, makes sure Neptune is on course, not wandering the neverlands. She makes sure he is well fed and stays hydrated. That is ever so important for water signs. Virgo’s praise means a lot and she gives it most freely to Neptune. Though Neptune’s work is often behind the scenes, Virgo is quite aware of those details getting done. At times Neptune calms Virgo, helps her get the rest she needs so much. He reminds her it seems like miracles, she can be a skeptic, but they pull it off anyway! Bless them both.

3) Last they will trine Master Pluto in Capricorn. He has the pressure of time on his heels, Capricorn demanding perfection for public demands, money and politics. It isn’t easy. As a Father he has wife, family and children, with the needs for a quality lifetime. Capricorn is a hard worker, concerned for reputation, to fulfill commitments, to live up to his word. Pluto is obsessed with the finances, behind the scene relationships, healing that must happen, but quietly achieved. He walks between the worlds of his own needs and everyone else’s! New Moon in Virgo can help tremendously. They may need a housekeeper, bookkeeper, good grounds person, nanny, experienced caregiver.

Sun and Moon walk in fresh, and in a short time have assessed the priorities, and are getting to work without being told. It is their nature to just care and do a good job. Moon knows when to give a pep talk. She’s the Mother and can get away with saying things no one else would be allowed to say! She’s intuitive and, in Virgo, is specifically educated, knows her stuff. She may arrange regular meals per their dietary needs, and Pluto is back on his feet. Moon in Virgo is smarter than some doctors. Sun has an air of authority about him, plus he lights them up as he updates the systems, better results immediately. Moon takes care of feelings; Sun takes charge with the latest improvements. They give Pluto a much needed break. Pluto says they are keepers. And they are! Maybe a mascot is needed, so they give him a pet!

Mars is taking the lead in Libra, clearing the vapors, opening channels for new relationships! He is buffering for Virgo’s unspoken but sensed criticisms, sometimes brusque demands. He is quick to explain the urgency of her needs, and has others offering their help. It looks like he will sextile Venus, Libra’s planet, but it doesn’t happen. They have been traveling closely but haven’t made an exact aspect since 3.11.23 and won’t again until 2.21.24 when Venus conjuncts Mars in Aquarius. They are, at times, close with each other, but it’s only a spicy flirtation, nice to have met you, a wink, and off he goes.

Venus in Leo knows big ideas when she sees them since she has her own. She admires Jupiter’s, but the square indicates caution, especially about love and money. Venus has been in a close 3 degree square with Jupiter since Aug 17, made the first square with him Aug 22, remained in close square with him due to her slowing to turn forward, being in her 1° station 14 days at 12/13 Leo. She makes her second square with him Sep 16, two days after our New Moon, and it will be Sep 23 before she is 3° past the square. She has had this hard aspect with Jupiter over a month and seen that not all his hopes and promises come true. Or, he won’t make promises. Venus wants to be the queen, and Jupiter in Taurus simply is who he is, no particular airs. He has important long term Earth work, things he does and gave his word to do, has obligations to others that won’t change. Venus admires him, but has brighter lights to follow? With love in square and Mercury the contract planet picky in retrograde, better to wait to marry. At the very least, it won’t come out as it was thought it would. But, who knows, it may turn out better!!! It depends a lot on your personal astrology. Do see your astrologer before embarking on a permanent intention.

Regardless of the square, Jupiter is in Taurus making steady gains. Jupiter teaches, leads, travels overland to the organic sources of information, absorbs the most basic possibilities right up through his bare feet! He carries ideas like a torch wherever he goes. He lights the fires of people wanting changes. It spreads further and faster than anyone expected. There are likely some exaggerations, but even those are inspiring as we see hope expanding! Learning is good, then you can spread the good word too! Jupiter and Taurus are generally of good will and a sensible spirit.

Learn how to be an advocate for change! Be the change you want to see happen! Do some online searching. You may be surprised by what you find even on obscure topics that mean a lot to you! Have fun as only you can!

Venus is again to trine Chiron, the marriage and business planet! But Chiron is in Aries the sign of independence. If that is what is needed by either partner, maybe it is the right time, but it may be the love and leave ’em type of independence. The trine is the best aspect that forms! Personally, it can mean that Chiron gets Venus out the gate and inspires her to do all she can soonest! He has new healing ideas and wants everyone to try them! Venus in Leo wants Chiron to admire her, so she might surprise him with what she is getting done, including how she has healed herself per his instructions! He is so happy she is doing so well! Lifts his spirits! Their third and last trine is exact Sep 23.

Aug 1 on the Lammas Full Moon, Mercury was opposite Saturn in Pisces. At that time I said: ‘…put out containers for recycling at the party, but Saturn in Pisces got tipsy and tired and stopped tracking at some point. Uh oh, he’s in trouble now. But Saturn is usually the boss, and he may be censoring Mercury, changing the topic after all her work, upsetting her flow, interrupting her with timely demands, withholding information, not happy with how long it takes or the amount of detail she thinks is ethical to finesse. She feels blocked or misused. Maybe she does need to take a self appraisal. She may have a thing or two to say to him, why what she does is important, how he’s a might grinchy, remind him money isn’t everything, how he’s a dreamer out of touch with reality. They might talk it through, very carefully, both being sensitive to criticism. Or they may quit each other. A proofreading job or working for herself may make her more happy. It may be a tough depressing time. Get back to work as you can. One way or another, it will pass.’

I hope if any of that was going on for you, things have been adjusted, revisions made. This time Mercury is retrograde in station, at 8°, is very close to that previous point, but is station at 8°, turns forward tomorrow, Sep 15! She doesn’t go any closer to Saturn. There may be reminders, they may reminisce, think about what’s been done since Aug 1 through the end of the station Sep 18/19, but essentially they were done before. The opposition is spent. Move on.

This leaves Saturn in Pisces pretty much on his own. He’s hovering in the background and many people can feel sadnesses more these days. There is more sensitivity to the failures of humankind, climate disasters. Some have hopelessness. Be kind to each other. Be with people who help you stay stable. No matter how small they are, do good things to keep demonstrating living well. Keep balance and do fun things. Pet your pet. Ultimately Saturn in Pisces wants to build the dream, the Vision. One step at a time, no matter how humble, matter and count. In the tough times, volunteer meaningfully. Take a break when you need to, but stay steady in the Light. That also means stop negative thinking when you slip into it. Lift your chin, look around you. Call a friend. Stand up. Open the door. Breathe and take a little walk.

Our precise, wonderful Virgo New Moon is schmoozing with the Higher Consciousness Planets in this earthy Grand Trine, Neptune Kite formation! Awesome opportunities!!

Virgo New Moon Astrology Chart!

Next up is the Friday Sep 29 Harvest Moon at 2:58 AM Pacific 6 Aries 0!
Upcoming Oct. 14,2023 Ring of Fire Eclipse Watch! Got your reservations yet? Won’t happen again until 2039! Dear Nevada Starwatchers and others! We from CA, OR and WA can get to this one! What a fantastic experience! SEE all about it here, including the maps!.

Lunar events! A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. It will be good, not so good, mixed for us depending on how it connects with our personal charts. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance to see how it is for you. See the 2023 Eclipse dates! Blessed be…. 

Be prepared! See the entire Virgo Newsletter! Contents:

Virgo, the Gardeners of Life!

Annual Celestial Highlights!   

Pluto Aquarius Retrograde Returned to Capricorn June 11!
Pluto in Capricorn 2008 to 2024, 16 Years!
Updated 8.21! Pluto’s First Seven Years in Aquarius 2023 to 2029 

Venus Leo/Virgo Mercury DOUBLE Retrograde Aug 23 to Sep 3!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

Here is your 2023 AstroLogicalNow Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Or, check with your favorite astrologer(s) for how the planets do or don’t connect with your personal chart, for your own special personal details! May it go very well with you…. 

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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Special Treat! The Annual Lucky LION’S GATE PORTAL Aug 8!
Leo Celestial HighLights 2023 to June 2024!

It was that Super Sunny Sweet Smile…

2023 Leo Kate Middleton's Smile!

Kate Middleton is a Jan 9, 1982 smart and sharp Capricorn. Her Leo Ascendant packs a splendid smile and plenty of pizzazz!

It was only a sunny smile…that made all the difference! Leo is sometimes all flash, a great smile included. Sometimes they are all heart, a great smile included. Even when it is sad times, that gracious sweet smile, escorted by lots of love, hints at better times to come. 

One smile, a flash of light, can mend years of pain and sorrow, heal an estranged relationship. It signals a remembrance and a reawakening of love in a new way, older and wiser. It brings a blessing that no money can buy.

A smile may be the first time a lonely child may know love, be appreciated just the way s/he is. For an abandoned or abused animal, pup or kitten or old, it can be an opening to being lovingly cared for, homed, comforted. Elder humans may need that smile for keeping depression away, to inspire them to get up and out for a walk, to revitalize in fresh air.   

On the job that precious smile can be by a happy customer at the food cart, appreciation for helping a fellow worker make it, recognition for being there day by day, when the CEO is thanked for a job well done, making a good name for making a donation that blesses many. Women’sHealth says receiving a smile can mean ‘a glum mood is lifted, an apology is accepted, a person’s shaky self-confidence gets a boost, a deal is struck, a physical attraction is communicated.’ Smiles are powerful.

Random smiles often have more significance than you could ever know. It may be by a person in a passing car, yet it starts your day. It could be the one that tipped the scale and prevented a suicide. Sometimes there is no smile back when you give one, it IS a gift, but no strings attached. Sometimes it takes time to process a smile. You have been immersed in your troubles and need to come up for air. You have long term habits like maybe racial differences. Don’t give up giving your smile. It may take time to get to know a person, to trust that smile is going to be there and they are a safe person. The day you get the smile back is a great day!  

Think about your smile, your special body language. There are lots of types of smiles but according to healthline what is known as the Duchenne smile is Golden! Smiles affect our health and much more.

2023 Leo Duchenne Smile is Golden - Healthy, indicates good relationships!

Healthline says: ‘This one [type of smile] is the gold standard. The Duchenne smile is also known as the smile of genuine enjoyment. It’s the one that involves the mouth, the cheeks, and the eyes simultaneously. It’s the one where your whole face seems to light up suddenly. [Take a look back at Kate’s smile!]

Authentic Duchenne smiles make you seem trustworthy, authentic, and friendly. They’ve been found to generate better customer service experiences and better tips. And they’ve been linked to longer life and healthier relationships.

In a 2009 study, researchers looked at the intensity of smiles in college yearbook photos and found that women who had Duchenne smiles in their photos were more likely to be happily married much later.

In another study published in 2010, researchers examined baseball cards from 1952. They found that players whose photos showed intense, authentic smiles had lived much longer than those whose smiles looked less intense.’

Smiles are not only a reaction to something, but generate feelings as well! If you learned as a child to hide your feelings, especially smiles, you had nothing to smile about, practice, practice, practice. Smile even when you don’t feel like it. Just do it. Do you smile with only half your face? Wake that other side up, rebalance your right and left brain! It may take some work, but it can be done. See your therapist, massage specialist, get some acupuncture to loosen up those muscles. Do what works for you, but do it. It matters a lot in your life and is life changing, brings unexpected blessings to your life. 

See a lot more details about Smiles at Women’sHealth, including good smiles/bad smiles, lying smiles, is it true love,  gender differences.

Keep your smile straight from the heart! Leos are smile specialists, LOL!


Annual Lucky LION’S GATE PORTAL Aug 8!

Aug 8 LEO Lion's Gate Portal Sirius

Celebrating the Lion’s Gate -Saturn is the planet of gates! Wonderful Sky Art by amazing artist Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Some consider it to be the most important event of summer! It opens July 26, culminates 8-8-2023, closes Aug 12. Eight is the Infinity Number, the number of wealth and healing, your options are limitless! It acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. Lion is strong, big hearted, magnificent! The Gate is powered by Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky, about 25 times more luminous than our own Sun! It takes place when the Sun in the Leo, the Earth, Orion’s Belt and the star Sirius are lined up, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius. It aligns with the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Per Nina Kahn: Sirius is referred to as the “Spiritual Sun.” It lights up the spirit and illuminates our higher-minded goals and ambitions. Every year, in the middle of Leo season, Sirius rises in the skies and becomes brightly visible over the eastern horizon. BE THERE! The 2023 Aug 1 Lammas Full Sturgeon Moon is during the open gate! Please see more at Nina Kahn’s post! 

Bright blessings is a favorite Leo phrase!


Leo Celestial Highlights 2023 to July 2024!

Leo 2023 Timeline! Happy High Summer! 


22  Venus Retrograde 6:33 PM Pacific
22  Happy Leo! 6:50 PM Pacific


01  Aquarius -Leo FIRST Full Sturgeon Moon of August, is on Lammas!
08  Annual Lion’s Gate Portal – Star Sirius
16  Leo Micro New Moon!
23  Happy Virgo! 2:01 AM Pacific
23  Mercury Retrograde starts the Venus/Mercury Double Retrograde! 12:59 PM Pacific

Leo Overview 2023 to July 2024!

Leo 2023 Discovery Spotlight Modeling & Talent EXPO video!

Did you know there are NATIONAL MODELING & TALENT EXPOS?!  This one is for 4 Days, has 3 Divisions, 5 Workshops, 7 Competitions, 1 Exciting Event! VIDEO! Learn about possibilities, get connected! Discovery Spotlight has extensive services!

Go for the adventure! If you are a senior, per Discovery Spotlight modeling school, It’s never too late to Shine! You don’t have to be a pro, maybe you just want poise and grace, just a little more sophistication, or pizzazz! Be the coach or be the student! Modeling can be done at any age, toddlers to seniors, even with disabilities! Wherever you go, go with all your heart.  ~ Confucius

Leos, do what brings you the greatest happiness! Be your best bright Self! True love is sharing what you’ve got, right to your core! Your health will be better. You are a natural teacher, an inspirational Light. Show them by living your words. Breathe tall. Live deep. Love well. 

Many of you have been tracking Pluto’s sign change into Aquarius. PLUTO made that stupendous 246 year sign change into Aquarius Mar 23, 2023! We need Aquarius to be strong, in working order, integrated and grounded among ourselves, in our communities, internationally. Pluto will be in Aquarius 21 years, until January 2044!

After only 2.5 months in Aquarius, a mini preview, June 11 Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn, will go back to 27 Cap 53. He will return to Aquarius Jan 20, 2024 for seven plus months then again retrograde back into Capricorn for a final checkup and review before reentering Aquarius to stay! See Pluto in Aquarius     Pluto in Capricorn     Pluto’s First Seven Years in Aquarius 2023 to 2029 

Saturn in Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, is a time of reckoning, getting clear with your Soul! It is also maturity and completion. The dreams of all the signs merge and become collective desire, an ultimate responsibility. Saturn can harness those dreams and build them to come true!

Compared with Pisces’ sensitivity, Saturn can seem to be a brutally blunt instrument. Pisces is not used to being limited or channeled or pummeled into submission by someone else’s command. Saturn may bar or protect you from an experience, or demand you to take your responsibility in its behalf or to let go because it’s done now! Either can be a blessing or an ordeal to each other, probably a little of both until they get used to each other. Pisces understands Saturn all too well. Sometimes Saturn simply just loves giving orders; it’s what he does. Pisces wants so much more. Orders without a spiritual cause, without Soul or empathy are short of the mark. Saturn may be a bit shy about that factor. He may be a little intimidated by this limitless wonder who often calls the shots better than any business man Saturn has ever encountered. Respect starts. Pisces realizes Saturn is more deep than anticipated and has good intent though Saturn’s demeanor may belie that at first. 

Saturn is generally in a sign about 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 years, so we aren’t talking about a minor experience. As it traverses ALL your chart factors, you will feel different facets of the experience. Some will be more difficult than others. You might see your astrologer to track its path while in the sign. If you are a Pisces, a super sensitive sign, you especially may find it helpful, collecting your powers and applying them with astute psychic accuracy. When Saturn believes in you, he will do his best to see your dreams built and come true! If your Saturn is in Pisces, at some point during Saturn in Pisces, you will be having your 28/29 year Saturn Return! It may be a profound time of knowing the Dharma of your life, refreshing, updating your outlook on your purpose this life.

Saturn in Pisces is importantly about building empathy. Empathy will be much needed as Pluto goes through Aquarius, retrogrades back into Saturn’s sign Capricorn! Saturn will guard us from having too much empathy too long, being naive and misplacing our empathy. Saturn humbles us to let go of our arrogance, develop a deep caring. With Pluto in Aquarius there will be intense awareness of great differences among the peoples, from hatred to fear, cults to family feuds, simple misunderstanding. We will need to get to know each other and it won’t be overnight. Saturn was new in his sign for only 17 days before Pluto became new in Aquarius! Each will made newbie mistakes, were alternately excited or OMG, what have we gotten into, what have I done?! In the beginning trial and error slowed us down, making for tiring long days for many. Saturn in Pisces holds the visions and though sometimes down, will usually come through steady and doing his best even with tough odds. Some will try to take advantage of vulnerabilities; others will stumble along, while still others will stand back and look for new ways to heal the planet! There will become amazing love of people and things we never expected.

With Saturn in Pisces, there will be reality checks on that wandering Pisces imagination. Saturn figures out how to put it to work! There will be less wandering aimlessly, confirmation of the realities of dreams, daily visible progress, oceanic trade and environmental laws to be made. They will survey the seas and shores, the importance of millions of miles of shorelines, prevention of pollution – debris and chemicals, assurance of abundant long term ocean harvests. Saturn may find himself on an ocean safari while in Pisces, or gone on the wind taking the computers to the surf zone when the surf’s up, whichever continent that may be on! Working from ‘home’ takes on new meaning! Really! Can be done!

On land, Saturn in Pisces may bring a deluge of cold water and ice, more snow. Or there may be no water at all. Water conservation and collection may be undertaken due to new insights as to the severity of conditions. Saturn will then be sextile Capricorn, his own sign. Capricorn may give successful fundamental oversight in guiding these important projects, reviewing and updating, keeping them on track. He tracks to be sure Pisces’ good intentions are carried out! Cold wet OR hot and dry, building secure shelters will be a necessity. In hot times cooling the land, building cool sustainable homes, and air conditioners, may be vital. There is satisfaction at holding an important piece of life in your hands and doing good by it! Any congratulations are well earned. Saturn in Pisces 

JUPITER entered Taurus May 16! What a shift from Aries! It will be a damper for some, while for others a rest and deep organic sense of well being! It will heat up education and advocacy for Earth, our home. Some have been waiting so long for the coming significant changes. Once in Taurus, Jupiter does retrograde, but stays in Taurus until moving into Gemini May 25, 2024.

Jupiter, Sagittarius’s planet, is looking for purpose with integrity! It takes a core truth and educates as many as will listen to why it is meaningful and worthy. Jupiter has a bold and confident way, expands, embellishes, gives extra! It’s edifying, LOL! Jupiter likes to play and tell whopper stories, laughs big laughs with gusto, has a great big dog and rides the winning horse! The sign lucky Jupiter is in, is the sign that succeeds and prospers, the sign that trainings occur in. Major tours are possible and successful impossible dreams come true! It’s time to push the river a bit while the Gateway is open! 

Jupiter in Taurus may be slower, but none the less powerful. In a ‘fixed’ sign, he likely holds strong opinions and possibly a wrestling trophy! His bench presses are phenomenal. He has staying power like long distance truckers. Marathons are no problem. He likes money whether on the hoof, cash in pocket or reliably invested, especially in land and minerals. Taurus loves touch, sex, massage, natural beauty, fine scents, good food and common sense. Calm restfulness, centered peace, being grounded and patient are treasured traits. Jupiter in Taurus simplifies, installs and grounds the successful new projects, makes them sustainable, maintains and upgrades them for posterity. In Taurus he organizes vast estates, recovers the lands’ fertility, stockpiles the finest materials for future use. He has one of the strongest, most healthy beautiful bodies around! See more Jupiter in Taurus

As signs change, talents are commingled, the Path between them becoming a usable channel. Jupiter in Pisces, Aries and Taurus will develop their own smooth channels. In Pisces-Aries, it is super aware, sensitive, instantly reactive! Groups of crusaders are attracting and further developing adept leaders, rich with innovative foresight! The beauty of the Aries to Taurus transition is that Aries passes the baton to Taurus for safekeeping! Taurus holds the precious ideas of Aries until they can take root, are successfully able to maintain their own life. When Pluto entered Aquarius, Jupiter was at 17° Aries in a FIVE planets Aries stellium including Sun and Moon, a double Aries Chart! Aries is THE Action sign! That’s what I call a NEW beginning! See the stunning chart! 
Planetary Aspect Portals Crater Lake Circular Rainbow

Portals are all around us.

Some are temporary, some are always there. Some are annual like the August 8 Lion’s Gate. No two are alike, take us different places. Some are one way, others are two way but perhaps only at certain intervals – you have to be there or… Some lifetimes there are none, others have several passages. And there are the portals into and out of life. In astrology these are sign changes and aspects formed between planets. 2023’s big one is Pluto’s 246 year sign change into Aquarius!

June 19, 2023, Jupiter sextiled Saturn at 7 Pisces 12. It was the last exact aspect of 2023! After that time there are no more sign changes or further aspects! That doesn’t mean YOU won’t have any aspects the rest of the year because the planets are still moving, just not connecting with each other in the sky! See your astrologer about your aspects.

However, in the background… From 1900 through 2032, there is only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. Pluto started in Leo, Neptune in Libra. Pluto has done 7 signs, now in Aquarius. Neptune has also done 7 signs, now in Aries. The sextiles finish when both are in their opposite signs from where they started. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make their first station, then, not missing any, they continue through Feb 29, 2032, from 4 to 14° Aries/Aquarius! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period! This completes the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence. 

As planets travel together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies while Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts! 

♦ 2024!

April 20 is the first of Jupiter’s six different 2024 aspects,  Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus! All the aspects through June 2 happen only once, so that’s it. If they aspect your personal chart factors, be there, don’t miss the opportunities! 

As Jupiter has moved through all the signs year by year, Uranus has also moved forward! Their June 8 2010 conjunction was quite rowdy in Aries. The Pisces conjunctions late 2010, early 2011 were different. This one in Taurus will be comparatively quiet, but have dedicated and determined, solid achievement! The likes of which you have never been seen before is happening! With Pluto now in Aquarius wanting to make his mark, talk about earth changes and the astonishing networks of humanitarian people who bring them to pass, with our new ideas and the advanced technologies to make them come true, are real possibilities! Their time has come. Some may be disasters remediated. Some will be grass roots prevention efforts that take hold with precedent setting immediate unbelievable results! Strong lucky Jupiter in Taurus along with the Aquarian planet Uranus can rumble for change now! Uranus electrifies, awakens all, keeps change rolling. Taurus, strong as an ox, carries the Sun Disk in his horns on into the Promised Land! Hathor and Isis would approve!

The gains of Uranus’ innovative processes will be well guarded, anchored and maintained. For Taurus, it will be one wild aspect! Jupiter and Uranus are both total freedom lovers! You can tell Jupiter many hero stories of travels, but just the same, Taurus will stand his ground and may surprise you by opting to stay home. On the other hand, an unexpected sudden move may happen! Who would have thought?! Uranus takes freedom as far as he can! Jupiter and Uranus are both rather ungovernable. They will find the other way and it will most assuredly be more fun…LOL! Plan something crazy and wonderful! Up the amps on your education opportunity and stick to it! Gather your friends and build an eco friendly earth home! The results might cost more than expected, but in the long term worth every penny! Jupiter is long distance travel, and Uranus is flight, the heavens! Keep your feet on the ground and look UP! 

Jupiter intends to expand AQ matters – support genius kids, improve humanitarian relationships and networks, see unique offerings of different cultures, coordinate meetings worldwide! There may be some extraordinary atmospheric storms and winds. Those who have been ‘abandoned’ may be shocked by someone who shows up on their doorstep. Computers, planes, birds, space travel make repeated news. Publish odd commodities! Air quality is emphasized. Save the Earth! Of its kind, it will likely be an unforgettable show stopper! See more Uranus in Taurus

May 23 Jupiter sextiles Neptune at 29 Taurus/Pisces 30. Jupiter enters Gemini 2 days later, May 25.

Jupiter and Neptune have a religious and spiritual undercurrent. The will take us ‘Home!.’ The 29th degree, called the anaretic degree, the last degree of any sign, has an ending note to it, a finality, maturity, completion, a lasting achievement! Some say fate, final judgement, last chance. Neptune in his own sign Pisces has a maximum finality due to being in the last sign of the zodiac, the end of a 168 year era! Being at the gateway, there are decisions to be made. Some are hesitant; others can’t wait to be gone! There is a crucial tone to the time, now or never! All that is ‘believed’ in will soon be put into action when Neptune enters Aries March 30, 2025!

Jupiter is on a 12 year cycle, will enter Gemini immediately, on May 25! Neptune the second to outmost planet, however, is moving very slowly about to retrograde at that 29th degree on July 22, staying within a degree of the RX point until Sep 5, 3 and a 1/2 months! Due to further RXs Neptune comes back to that degree position in 2025 and ’26! Though no further exact aspects are made the degree is activated. It holds the energy of that sextile with Jupiter for 3 years! It will be more profound and long term that it first appears. Sometimes when we connect well with good aspects, we just have a good time. But if we track it, make notes, we can purposely add to it later when we know even more! If you don’t track it, you may have memories and not quite remember what it was all about.

Jupiter, the preacher and teacher, has opinions, is usually benevolent. If opinionated and judgmental, it’s a lot less fun. In Taurus change may come slowly, but surely! Dedication and patience as a teacher can be phenomenal. Neptune is still powerfully in his own sign, doesn’t move into Aries until Mar 30, 2025! His connection with Spirit is generally through mediation, a dream, a belief he has experienced deeply, uncanny music that calls us, an inner voice, a calling. Compassion and transcendence are basic. The most difficult are addiction factors. Jupiter may be the healer with alternatives that make the difference. Neptune in Pisces may show Jupiter how it is important to connect directly with ‘God’ rather than solely by old scripture, or fanciful humans, spiritual fads. Jupiter’s travels have showed him how many ways there are to get to the mountain top. Pisces has seen the invisible and has psychic perception that defies logic. Sextiles offer opportunities of compatible signs. Taurus is Earth; Pisces is Ocean water. They are the millions of miles of Shorelines of the continents. Critical attention is needed for our land – ocean connections, food and fish, to stop land toxins and debris from flowing into the ocean. It’s symbolically the connection between our body on earth and the oceanic Spirit one can’t touch or see, an ungovernable unknown that we ‘know’ and feel with every molecule of our Being.

May 25 Jupiter into Gemini while the Sun is IN Gemini! Jupiter is the Sagittarius planet; Sagittarius is Gemini’s opposite sign! Essentially we will have a combination with two minds! That’s nothing new to Gemini, but Jupiter, a rambler, is still more one pointed, like the arrow to the bullseye! Yet Gemini is multi minded and Jupiter is generally broadminded! They both have quite a bit of flex, both easily distracted, take off in a moment. But when Jupiter has purpose, he may send Gemini on a data gathering mission. If Jupiter gets a little opinionated, ironically the Gemini part of their combo may deluge him with ideas and facts that get him thinking, may expand and alter his point of view due to his own actions! Gemini also gets bored at times, but may not want to travel as far as Jupiter wants to. He may impress Jupiter that there is plenty to do right here! Jupiter says you need a bigger window to see more and they may try each other’s ways, but both will likely still be restless. They are fathomlessly curious. 

Jupiter might meander, stopping at the local university library, chatting with well known profs, while Gemini darts in for the news bytes at the nearby ever popular students’ coffee house! Students are trendsetters! Jupiter may guide, hold a larger parameter, go for the meaning of things. Gemini gathers and tracks backup data, follows the shifting moods of the people, goes for telling the latest news, giving quick inspiration. Jupiter thinks of publishing a book of the whole story of those times and location, looks for significant trends, how that will affect others later on. Together they can be dynamite as they ride both sides of the fence! 

Stories may be full of huge heroes with meaningful commissions, comic strips abound, joyful exaggerations plentiful! There will be a lot to be said, sorting wheat from chaff will be challenging! Scams, scoundrels, scandal and slander may be a plague. Keep your life clean, be transparent, stay informed, change your passwords. If you get that ‘feeling,’ check it out. Otherwise, do your breathing exercises and live BIG!

 June 2 Jupiter trines Pluto at 1 Gemini/Aquarius 53! This is considered a plentiful financial potential! Time to diversify your portfolio! Jupiter is lucky, abundance minded, is good at gauging future possibilities! Pluto is the planet of wealth, corporations, major inheritances, important insurance, behind the scenes deals! Be on the up and up, well informed, and be safe. Jupiter expands the options, preaches to and gathers the people. He educates them that they can do well too! Aquarius is a networker of renowned capability from causes to concerts! Combined with Pluto, expect phenomenal fundraising! Jupiter’s storytelling is like a magnet. It could be sports oriented or a tricky murder mystery! Jupiter wants well being and Pluto can do shamanic healing. Pluto and Aquarius are both researchers and medical history may be made. Stand up and be a part of this wonderful time! 

Pluto can rather unceremoniously end things. Sometimes, in retrospect, that is the best thing that could have ever happened. Aquarius sets you free. There can be swift recovery when that is meant to be. The unexpected comeback is so much better than what was before! Shoulda done it before ~ Let your strength of mind, faith and optimism carry you well beyond! The past is spent; no looking back. These are not average times. Let Jupiter in Gemini spread the good word. Expect to be intensely busy! Deep friendship may be a bond that could lead to a lasting marriage. 

Aug 19 Gemini Jupiter squares Pisces Saturn, the first of three times. Saturn can be down in the bilge, chronic, so Jupiter may have a hard time getting his attention. Jupiter in Gemini can be annoyingly cheerful and lack empathy to the depth of others’ fears or sorrows. Yet sometimes a distraction is a breath of fresh air. Forgot life could be good. From funny stories to the silliest jokes, a smile may come. Don’t go running away because the lights don’t come on immediately, but take a break if you need to. Saturn in Pisces gives himself to the serious needs of troubled Souls whether it be fear, abuse, addictions, abandonment. Saturn himself can get burned out. Jupiter is an expert getting people out of the zone. Gemini doesn’t usually want to go too far away, and that may be all the time and energy Saturn has, especially if the situation is critical. Make it count. Some place near and special, but not taxing would be perfect. 

Jupiter may see the great need and offer his expertise. Gemini has tons of information and can get much more. Saturn may find himself being offered support he never expected. Many people need to learn how to accept and cope with support, learn how to use it. Saturn rules fathers, bosses, elders. They can be a challenge. Show them how it works, let them adjust. Offer suggestions then let them process, checking in frequently at first. Alternate methods than they are used to take time to absorb. Pisces can be quick to assess, but due to past experiences may not trust. Give it the time it takes. The results may be nothing short of miraculous!

The second opportunity is Dec 24, 2024, followed by a very close aspect June 15, 2025.

Enjoy these powerful awesome times! The possibilities are compelling!


If your changes during 2023, 24, include moving, Jupiter in Taurus chooses land that makes him feel a connection that feels good under his feet! But with Jupiter in Taurus moves are less likely. A trailer is more likely, a home you can take with you. 

If you already moved, take a look at your AstroLocality map and Relocation Charts to see the meaning of your move and its potentials! If you haven’t picked your location yet, or have but not moved yet, you might change your mind. First, take a look at maps that show areas of conflict, drought, disasters. Conflicts take years of recovery; droughts and disasters take years of remediation. Think in terms of sustainability and a clean water supply. See your AstroLocality astrologer for advices on personal locations best for what and the best timing! Depending on your finances, be cautious about moves during retrograde periods, especially double retrogrades. If it is a necessity at a retrograde time, know that there will be further changes and factor in the costs that go with that. If you are buying a home as well, top priority may be that it is a good investment per resale value since you may change your mind about keeping it. Renting is recommended until times are more stable. With sign changes a lot of mind changing happens. The Pluto retrogrades Aquarius, Capricorn, Aquarius will be serious. Capricorn is the sign of real estate, and may give you the important information to make a wise investment.

Particularly note that late summer we are looking at heartful and hardworking Leo/Virgo Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RETROGRADE! The Venus retrograde cycle 12 to 28° Leo starts first, June 19 (the day of the Jupiter sextile Saturn – the last 2023 aspect). Venus finishes Oct 7. It is retrograde July 22 – Sep 3. Mercury starts his cycle Aug 3, finishes Sep 29, 8 to 21° Virgo 49. He is Rx Aug 23 to Sep 15. The DOUBLE RX is at back to school time, off to college, a common time to move, Aug 23 to Sep 3 (Labor Day weekend)! If moves are made then, don’t be surprised if there soon is another housing change… See the complete Timeline!

Returns! Returns are a special time when a planet orbits back to your original birth point. It reminds you of the purity of its purpose in your life. Saturn’s refreshes your outlook on your Dharma, the work of your Soul. Jupiter’s refreshes your gift of how you learn/teach and travel life! If your return is in a degree that will be in retrograde, you will have it three times.

During Leo’s year, Saturn covers 0 to 19 Pisces. Those of you with your Saturns in those degrees will be having your 28/29 year Saturn Return(s)!

If your Jupiter is 12 Taurus to 12 Gemini, you will have your 11/12 year Jupiter Return(s) in Leo’s year. 

Lunar patterns 2023-24!

New Moons: 21 and 20 degrees, Sep 14, 2023 to March 10, 2024. April 8, 2024 at 19 degrees.
Full Moons: 4 and 5 degrees, Oct 28, 2023 to April 23, 2024  

Those of you with factors at or within 3 degrees of these will be activated! Set your goals for these periods and approach them progressively from every angle, every sign! Your project will gain volume and wholeness as you go ~ Lay out your plan per sign then expect to update as you grow with it and more possibilities become apparent, available! 

With Pluto’s new mission in Aquarius, retrograding back to Capricorn then returning to AQ, we will be having an intense year as we get started making significant world changes and personal changes finding our places in this new time! Pluto returning to Capricorn will update Cap and strengthen that foundation. He will bring more of Capricorn’s important worthy work of this last 14 years forward into the new auspice of Aquarius. Cap deserves the recognition. Aquarius is blessed.

Thank you, Dear Leos, for loving us always! 

Updated for each sign annually


Happy Birthdays, Dear Leos!

2023 Leo Doctors Without Borders Kindheartedness

Living in Emergency: Stories of Doctors Without Borders’  Mercury in Leo Buddhist monk Jack Kornfield thinks: Our true power resides in the uncompromising tenderness of the human heart.

May you have a long life, Honey in the Heart!

Be prepared! See the entire Leo Newsletter! Contents:

2023 Leo Full & New Moons!
   Aug 1 Aquarius-Leo FIRST Full Sturgeon Moon of August on Lammas!
   Aug 16 Leo New Micro Moon!

Annual Celestial Highlights!   

Pluto Aquarius Retrograde Returned to Capricorn June 11!
   Pluto in Capricorn 2008 to 2024, 16 Years!
   ♦ Updated, Additions 7.6! Pluto’s First Seven Years in Aquarius 2023 to 2029 

Venus Leo/Virgo Mercury DOUBLE Retrograde Cycle begins June 19!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ Here is your 2023 AstroLogicalNow Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Or, check with your favorite astrologer(s) for how the planets do or don’t connect with your personal chart, for your own special personal details! May it go very well with you…. 

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!



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August 1 Aquarius – Leo 1ST Full Sturgeon Moon of August, Lammas!

August 16 Leo New Micro Moon!

Aug 30 is the SECOND Aug Full Moon, in Pisces-Virgo, a BLUE Full Sturgeon SuperMoon, the closest of 2023! 


August 1 Aquarius – Leo FIRST Full Sturgeon Moon of August on  Lammas! 

Tuesday August 1 at 11:32 AM Pacific at 9 AQ/Leo 16!

Jupiter T Square new projects are being born! Pluto in Capricorn’s are being reborn! 

Scottish commemorative Lammastide stamp! Featured at Butterscotch & Thistles!

Depending on your point of view, we are starting Fall on this day. Lammas is half way between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. Since the Leo constellation is shaped like a scythe, that was the main tool of harvesting fall grains, the constellation is often called The Scythe!

Native Americans harvested the magnificent sturgeons at this time of year. They are an elegant ancient looking fish that has a 50 to 60 years lifespan, and their first spawn does not occur until they are around 15 to 20 years old. You can see why some Sturgeon are endangered due to over fishing and taking the bigger ones. They need stronger protection.

Not only is the Full Moon on Lammas but it is during the lucky Lion’s Gate Portal time! The bright Star Sirius opened the Gate July 26, is xact 8-8-2023, closes Aug 12. The Full Moon spreads his wings and clears the Gateway.

Pluto is back in Capricorn until Jan 20, 2024. See more about this period of the Capricorn/Aquarius transition. There is great strength in hard won, tried and true knowledge. On that foundation Aquarian r/evolution makes more useful solid advances, securely implemented, maintained by the timeless high standards Capricorn has stood for. Capricorn is the sign of time and knows instinctively when a shift is in progress. Ruling borders and boundaries, he is a Gateway specialist! He is a mentor, always guiding and guarding the newbies. Aquarius is at the cutting edge, on totally new ground and can use all the help he can get. Many Aquarians have their Mercurys in Capricorn and many Capricorns have their Mercurys in Aquarius! They live this transition all their lives. They will be there for us. While the rest of us are scrambling, it’s business as usual for them.

Venus is retrograding away from her Yod, a Y formation of inconjuncts with Pluto and Neptune, and her trine with Moon’s North Node. Pluto has reminded her of old responsibilities, things her Father might have said or she wished he had said. She may miss him, want release from old rules, would want to create cleanly from her own heartfelt expression, be more colorful. Neptune in Pisces, a born sensitive, could see her dilemmas, gave her some dreams to entice her forward. He showed her how sensitivity can guide you well. We don’t always understand, but can move forward anyway. Trust yourself. Tradition has its own merits, organic roots that stood the test of time. A Father’s role is considered one to be respected, so it takes a certain bravery to respect what was and still forge your own life. We have vulnerabilities of doubt and crazy moments of impetuous insanity! Sometimes we make mistakes and we are glad we did! Steady on.

Venus in Leo is triggering the 82 year Neptune sextile Pluto. She offers love from the heart to Neptune who can doubt himself at times, is sometimes lonely. She assures him he is special as the giver of dreams, the spiritual team leader. Though he may enjoy solitude, she brings him out to play, make music of the spheres for wandering Souls! What a party! Venus brings light to sometimes dark Pluto in sometimes dark Capricorn. Pluto sometimes has bitter memories; Saturn can get depressed. He tries so hard, and for what?! Venus sneaks up on him and takes his hand. The Formidable One needs some love right now. He is a bit shocked, such audacity, but he sees the sincerity and his heart reopens. She’s kind, feels safe, so he shrugs off the bads and she wins him over. They might talk about monies, financial adjustments. Being productive lets the blues fall away. Protective armor is released.

With Pluto back in Capricorn he is again sextile Neptune from a compatible sign.  They have an amazing story spanning past and future!

From 1900 through 2032, there is only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period completing the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence.

As planets travel together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies while Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts! 

Not only is Venus reconsidering her wants and needs, but Moon’s North Node is now in independent Aries since immediately after the July 17 Cancer New Moon, and will be until Jan 11 2025. With Venus in fire sign Leo and Moon’s Node in fiery first sign Aries, things may happen sooner than expected. The North Node leads us onto new ground, balancing our efforts of our Libra South Node past to keep harmony. Harmony can be overrated! People pleasing can keep you dead in the water and bored as hell, disgusted because you have lost yourself and aren’t standing up. Time to turn a new leaf! Also Moon’s North Node is leaving his square with Pluto in Capricorn behind. He’s making a breakaway from traditional powers, and Venus is her royal self, thinking for and being herself with no apology! Due to her retrograde she is in Leo longer than usual, four months! She is glorying in discovering more of what makes her unique, how she has special charisma, what makes her light shine! Put your crown on, lower your head, snort and charge like the Ram! The Ram may be small, but he’s a little tank and the Leo Lion admiringly says OK, let’s do it! Getting in trouble was never more fun!

Venus has been and is retrograding back to square Uranus again. She is feeling a need to be free or has recently divorced or it is on her mind. She may be sad, disappointed. She has broken from her past and some friends too. For some it has been a long time coming. There is still some unfinished business. She makes 2 more squares, Aug 9 and Oct 2. You see? It’s going to take some time. Missing partners and friends makes for life changes as new space opens up to do different things, making new connections, or just spend some time alone in healing and discovery of who you are now. It may take something as shocking as the Uranian experience to move you forward. Venus is smart enough, scared but excited, but may feel overwhelmed by Uranus brilliance. They simply may be unable to communicate. In Taurus genius Uranus may have incredible patience, but it may not help. What was flashy and attractive at first may be over the top in short time, and that’s ok. It got us moving. Later, settling into your more natural pace, it may bring a working friendship in behalf of mutual causes.

The Full Moon is T Squaring, Jupiter, all in fixed signs, Moon Aquarius, Jupiter Taurus, Sun in his own bright sign LEO! Fixed signs can be unmovable, slow to respond, thoughtful, distill the information, determined, anchor the most important, stand their ground, never give up, hard to let go, have strong focus and make it the best. They may give you a big reaction that seems favorable, but are not really pushovers either.

Jupiter sits at the midpoint between Moon and Sun’s opposition! Moon is twitchy in Aquarius. She likes her 28/9 day gig doing all the signs, but Aquarius is especially electric. When she’s here she feels like running away from home, eloping, blowing off her duties, goes a little crazy, her intuition is off the map! She’s able to understand light years’ worth of constructs and may stumble on an invention of her own! She alternates between friends and friendless, may join an organization of futurists! She may impetuously get a new top of the line computer or phone. Definitely unpredictable.

Opposite Sun in his own sign Leo happens every year. He recognizes her symptoms, LOL! She’s skittish, undependable, but fascinating and forgiven! He’s ready to rock and roll so enjoys her wild time! She doesn’t mind that he is a bit flamboyant, loves his entertainment! She brings the electronic gear, her crowd of friends; he brings the flashy clothes! He feels good to be fully himself and outdoes himself! On the home front, new friendships are formed at the apartments; Sun invites everyone to the shore to soak up the rays! At work or at the electronics biz, the latest projects or gear are being uploaded! Everyone is excited with the new toys! It’s like Christmas in the summer! Mostly everyone is healthy, just be a bit careful in all that exuberance!

Jupiter is lazily laying on the Earth, walking a fine trail, publishing stories of projects on foreign lands, ecological heroes of our planet, of Doctors Without Borders, getting his outlines in order for fall classes – maybe religious studies. Taurus is amazingly productive humming in the background, taking things in that others don’t see. No hurry, no mistakes, saves time. Tortoise wins.

Even though square, he can calm Mother Moon down. She may rely on him to help her keep step. He has sensible ideas that she is plenty bright and quick to see even when she is her most outlying self! She is functioning at fractions of seconds! Taurus may move more slowly, but he senses the valence and sees her reactions while he is standing entirely still. Don’t underestimate him. And he doesn’t stampede easily, nor does he like being disrespected by those who don’t know him trying to push him around. Don’t bully the Bull – one way or another you will lose time in the long run! Moon does bring him some unique food, and exotic ideas, so he listens. He can use her eccentric concepts to wake up his students. She is pleased he enjoys how expansive her thoughts are, and uses them to grow his projects to grand new levels. What a combo!

Jupiter and Sun are both fire planets, both love big! Jupiter has a big smile and what he touches multiplies! In Taurus that may be good for finances and land ownership. It’s not just a home, but an entire ranch! Sun in his own sign Leo is Big everything – big hearted, the brightest Light, gives performances that change you – is strongly athletic, loves concerts, teachings that touch your Soul! Both of them love a gamble and the horses! They win enough to do it again! Rolling stone Jupiter is more love ’em and leave ’em while Sun Leo is a LOVER, quite romantic, a party person that flirts like a bandit, can be a wonderful father and husband! He will often select the most good looking wealthiest partner, loves living like the King or Queen. Jupiter in Taurus has purpose and places to go, teachings to deliver, is sensible. In Taurus there may be fewer travels, but sharing wisdom happens. Leo definitely takes center stage, the podium, pulpit. Jupiter will but is often more spontaneous. Sharing, he draws a crowd as he passes through town or at the campfire. Sun offers glory to Jupiter, but it may seem too brash for him in Taurus. It has to have substance and long lasting value. If they talk it through, Leo may find a meaningful heart matter that Taurus feels good about. They can do that show together.

Mercury and Mars in Virgo are another matter! Compared to Venus making her lengthy time in Leo, and possibly getting stuck a bit in her fixed sign Leo, Virgo never stops doing the daily maintenance support. Mercury in his own second sign Virgo, makes the appointments, keeps the place clean, feeds everyone well, watches their health, shops the list, banks and keeps the books, and in her ‘spare time’ continues to write her book, engage in some special crafts. S/he may be a right fair cabinet maker, makes her own wool and weaves superb intricate tapestries or rugs. Work is as natural for her as breathing. She doesn’t need to be told, she is who she is, and darn smart about it. Generally she has her own systems and prefers no interference. And who would interfere? She gets it done and wins awards!

Mercury opposite Saturn in Pisces, put out containers for recycling at the party, but Saturn in Pisces got tipsy and tired and stopped tracking at some point. Uh oh, he’s in trouble now. But Saturn is usually the boss, and he may be censoring Mercury, changing the topic after all her work, upsetting her flow, interrupting her with timely demands, withholding information, not happy with how long it takes or the amount of detail she thinks is ethical to finesse. She feels blocked or misused. Maybe she does need to take a self appraisal. She may have a thing or two to say to him, why what she does is important, how he’s a might grinchy, remind him money isn’t everything, how he’s a dreamer out of touch with reality. They might talk it through, very carefully, both being sensitive to criticism. Or they may quit each other. A proofreading job or working for herself may make her more happy. It may be a tough depressing time. Get back to work as you can. One way or another, it will pass.

Mars in Virgo is trine Jupiter, ready to carry away the debris left from the partying of the T square. Mars is rather different in Virgo. He tinkers with the finest repairs, re designs until it all works. If he writes, it may be faster than what some people would think of Mercury in Virgo’s tenacious, dedicated, tedious pace. He might let her do the proofing. Either way, it will be quality! He’s great at those cabinets and hanging doors! He can be a great caregiver, especially as a physical therapist, livening up his clients, getting them back on their feet! He doesn’t always do as told, but he is adventurous, likely to try new remedies and improve on standard procedures! Worth his salt.

Trine Jupiter makes Mars lucky. He has probably had some grand projects lately. The projects have called for all his skills and it has been exhilarating using them! In earth signs it could involve landscaping, farming, earth moving – making bioswales, building strong structures, mining, animal rescues, moving animals, horses, cattle. Virgo is a classic mentor, teaching the most important details, systems. She wants organic food and excellent health. She has opted for quality materials at the right prices. Jupiter teaches the sweep of philosophy, ethics, religion, cultural considerations, makes foreign connections possible. Taurus wants solidarity, endurance, sustainability, sensible shelter, dependability. Mars delivers!

Mars 13 Virgo, will inconjunct Chiron retrograde Aug 11. Mars is the Aries planet, so is as quick as Chiron in Aries! A little me first competition may come up. Working together with health matters, Mars the first responder and Chiron the old Master in a sign that emphasizes new, may be delighted with each other’s responsiveness. Chiron may by nature try to pull rank time to time, but Mars in know-it-all Virgo, tried and field tested, holds his own quite well. Mars may offer Chiron some herbal remedies for his medicine kit. Chiron is reminded and pulls up further details from his memories to round out Mars’ skills. Inconjuncts are famous at making adjustments, having a psychic peripheral element, drawing us to the side, a tad off center to see from a different angle – changed by going down the road less traveled. It’s worth the trip!

Jupiter T Square new Projects are being born! Pluto in Capricorn’s Projects are being reborn! 

Aquarius-Leo FIRST Full Sturgeon Moon of August on Lammas ~ Astrology Chart!

2023 AQ-LE Full Sturgeon Moon Astrology Chart!


Aug 16 Leo New Micro Moon!

Wednesday Aug 16, 2:38 AM Pacific at 23 Leo 17!

The New Moon is holding tight, and knowing great changes are in process with its Grand Earth Trine in a favorable five planet Kite Pattern!

2023 Leo New Moon MagnificentAurora Australis from the Tasman Bridge in Mount Cook National Park by Igor Hoogerwerf!

On dark New Moon nights we can see the magnificence of the heavens! Leo, sign of the Sun rules Color and Light – Yellow for the Sun, Pink for the Heart of Love! Beautiful aurorae in the Southern Hemisphere are also called the Southern Lights. A timelapse photo showcases the majestic aurora australis from the Tasman Bridge in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, New Zealand. Fantastic photo by Igor Hoogerwerf

Fiery New Moon square Uranus, Grand Earth Trine in favorable five planet Kite Pattern! 

Our New Moon and Venus are in Leo next to Mercury and Mars in Virgo. They are on the other side of the chart from the Capricorn through Taurus trine of planets. This type of chart formation is called a seesaw, often having several oppositions, considering other points of view. This chart has only one and it is part of what is called a favorable five planets kite pattern! Kites have a trine with an additional planet(s) midpoint at one trine.

See the blue triangle?! That is a Grand Trine in earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, keeping peace and getting things done! Taurus gathers materials, moves and shapes the land to fit our needs. Virgo organizes, designs, fits the pieces and parcels together. Capricorn decides structural placements, sets the timing, gets the architect onboard, frames and builds the structure. They are an enterprising team, working like clockwork!

Mercury and Mars in Virgo are opposite Neptune in his own sign Pisces, the long red line. Mercury is in one of his own signs too, Virgo, logic and duty. Mars is there, making sure the details get done. Pisces likes that they are workers tending the dream, but he IS the dreamer! He doesn’t function on deadlines, but drifts with the tides, intuiting the shifts of consciousness, guiding the flow as it unfolds.

At the top of the chart, notice the green lines, sextiles with Neptune, linking the span from Pluto in Capricorn to Uranus in Taurus. Once one section is built, they add to it or start another. Now that they have a model, it’s smooth as silk. Uranus is the genius with common sense, humanity and environment in mind, sustainability at heart. He is on the cutting edge and Pluto has never seen the like. Capricorn sees the long term value. This combination of the three outmost planets aspecting each other is quite rare and will continue through 2028.

Neptune at their Midpoint has the insights of both initial flaws and potential. 1) Through 2027, Sextile Uranus corrections are quickly made. There is an amazing connection between Neptune’s psychic receptivity and the Uranian electricity. They have combinatory thinking. No words are needed. Uranus is more detached, but through this alliance he sees what others experience through Neptune’s spiritual vision. He feels the needs as much as the technical challenge! He’s more excited than ever, in fact, impassioned! Believe it! Neptune in turn is reminded the multitudes that depend on these vital changes are real people. He is reawakened by the Uranian sparks, the symbols of life itself, the many that comprise the collective! Perhaps as he slipped through eternity he lost the thread for a while. Now he’s back.

2) With Pluto back in Capricorn he is again sextile Neptune from a compatible sign. They have an amazing story spanning past and future!

From 1900 through 2032, there is only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period completing the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence.

As planets travel together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies while Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts! 

As you can see, at this point, as Neptune reaches out to both of his neighboring outer planets, and they to him, it’s not just another project. Neptune shows them the symbology, the ancient mythology, the sacred meaning of this work of our Souls. It’s poignant and exhilarating all at once!

Mercury and Mars are off by themselves, watching the whole affair! Though they are close to each other, they don’t make an exact conjunction because Mercury is slowing to start the Double Retrograde with Venus Aug 23. Mercury is excited about Mars’ forays, but senses he won’t be there to help. He sees the possibilities for the future and tucks them in for future consideration. Mars may be a bit disappointed, but carries on by himself. He has a clean shot with no interference.

They are making two of the three of the grand trines! 1) They are trining Uranus, picking up all the snappy changes from the Taurus area, spreading the word and have the proof in their actions to prove it, step by step. Mars will bring terrific working ideas and word of research that delights Uranus. People believe what they see happening right now in front of their eyes! Natural friendships and networks are forming automatically. 2) They are also trining Master Pluto in Capricorn. He has the mojo. He is both Captain and financier! He is chief of the new tribe. Mars loves talking up with the ones a the top! They can help him get his job done. Pluto has been in Aquarius and has seen the inklings of what true power can do, not just big money, jobs, but bringing people together to make significant change as part of the changes they want!

It’s kinda like the ‘New Deal’ of Roosevelt’s time only with a different purpose. On March 4 1933 Roosevelt was elected President when Uranus was same degree squaring Pluto, Aries to Cancer. People needed the breakthrough changes. They still do. At this time Uranus and Pluto are starting their trine, Taurus to Capricorn. We’re looking for a more peaceful recovery. The exact trines will be fully at work July 2026 through May 2028. Specific ventures starting now will fully mature then. That trine will be the last of the three outmost planet aspects that happen together.


The New Moon has just given Venus retrograde in Leo hugs, maybe shared a meal, and lots of good cheer from Sun, the planet of her sign Leo! They might have chatted about romance, her colorful creative artwork, a new wardrobe, school. Things aren’t settled because she is retrograde now through Sep 3, plus allow five more days after that. Several matters will go through changes. Let them. You will arrive at better choices you aren’t thinking of now or don’t know about yet!

Venus has been trine with Chiron, the best aspect that forms! Chiron is in Aries! No time to do her nails just now. Chiron got her out the gate and inspired her to do all she can soonest! He has new healing ideas and wants everyone to try them! Venus in Leo wants Chiron to admire her, so she might surprise him with what she is getting done, including how she has healed herself per his instructions! He is so happy she is doing so well! Lifts his spirits!

Venus has also been square Uranus. She is feeling a need to be free or has recently divorced or it is on her mind. She may be sad, disappointed. She has broken from her past and some friends too. It was a long time coming. Chiron, independent in Aries, has helped. But in retrograde, there is still some unfinished business. She makes 2 more squares, Aug 9 and Oct 2. You see? It’s going to take some time.

During those squares with Uranus, you may be on your own at times, plus partings as friends and children who have graduated, scattered off to new places. You may be having the Empty Nest Blues. There will undoubtedly be changes of class choices and instructors, job expectations, finances. Some will be parting from loved ones, dear friends, boy/girl friends and mates. Some have been so bored and can’t wait; others will be scared to go off into strange territory alone but determined anyway! You can do this. Stay connected with your support people. What you want will change. Be of good grace. See how the change can benefit you.

With Venus retrograde and Uranus in Taurus, Venus a money planet and Taurus a money sign, finances may take a quick shift. An unexpected expense, stock value change. Leo can be a big spender, but go easy for a good seven days before this square and a day or two afterwards. Even then, during the retrograde, do business with only reputable dependable firms, get receipts, reliable return policies, warranties. Get project shifts in writing and signed. Be cautious about job shifts, moves, a new vehicle, redecorating, a new wardrobe, face lifts or ‘permanent’ changes.

The New Moon, Sun and Moon, are right at same degree square with Uranus! Shocking events may have very recently shifted your sense of who you are, and you certainly were surprised to find some others not exactly as you had thought! Leo is ever romantic, but be cautious about new relationships, especially throughout Venus in Leo retrograde until Sep 3, plus allow five more days. Your personal changes may require a serious self appraisal with attendant things to do to update your life. You may lose some friends as your choices change, you leaving them, they leaving you. Likely some sadness but also some burdens lifted. You may feel lighter and it’s easier to move on now. In fact, it may open gateways to do things more true to your Spirit and you are soon to be having a great time!

Saturn in Pisces is on his own. He’s hovering in the background and many people can feel the sadnesses more these days. There is more sensitivity to the failures of humankind. Some have hopelessness. Be kind to each other. Be with people who help you stay stable. Do good things to keep demonstrating living well. Keep balance and do fun things. Pet your pet. Ultimately Saturn in Pisces wants to build the dream, the Vision. One step at a time, no matter how humble, matter and count. In the tough times, volunteer meaningfully. Take a break when you need to, but stay steady in the Light. That also means stop negative thinking when you slip into it. Lift your chin, look around you. Call a friend. Stand up. Open the door. Take a little walk.

Some of you have no idea about beavers and how they affect our environment for the better! Saturn is architecture, Beavers qualify. Pisces is saviors and these little ones qualify! This just came across my desk this morning (7.7.23):

‘Hi everyone, the Santa Barbara Beaver Brigade is getting active! [Beaver Brigade?! You laughed?!]

We (Santa Barbara Permaculture Network) are starting monthly meetings organized in a fun but serious study circle model where we will look into ways of being beaver advocates, with knowledge of policy, legislation, and studying the many useful materials from organizations like the Occidental Arts & Ecology Center’s Water Institute (OAEC) in Sonoma, CA. OAEC has a long history of advocating for salmon, beaver, and healthy waterways.’ See more on Facebook!

The point is to learn how to be an advocate for change that will cheer you up. Be the change you want to see happen! Do some online searching. You may be surprised by what you find even on such an obscure topic as beavers and ecology! Have fun as only you can!

Jupiter is in Taurus making steady gains, also on his own. Jupiter teaches, leads, travels overland to the organic sources of information, absorbs the most basic possibilities right up through his bare feet! He carries ideas like a torch wherever he goes. He lights the fires of people wanting changes. It spreads further and faster than anyone expected. There are likely some exaggerations, but even those are inspiring as we see hope expanding! Learning is good, then you can spread the good word too! Jupiter and Taurus are generally of good will and a sensible spirit.

The New Moon is holding tight, and knowing great changes are in process with its Grand Earth Trine in a favorable five planet Kite Pattern!

Leo New Micro Moon Astrology Chart!

Next up is the SECOND August Full Moon, this time in Pisces-Virgo, on Aug 30, called a Blue Moon, also is the closest Super Moon of 2023!

Lunar events! A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. It will be good, not so good, mixed for us depending on how it connects with our personal charts. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance to see how it is for you. See the 2023 Eclipse dates! Blessed be…. 

Be prepared! See the entire Leo Newsletter! Contents:

Leo! It was only a Sunny Smile…
Special Treat! The Annual Lucky LION’S GATE PORTAL Aug 8!

2023 Leo Full & New Moons!
Aug 1 Aquarius-Leo FIRST Full Sturgeon Moon of August on Lammas!
Aug 16 Leo New Micro Moon!

Annual Celestial Highlights!   

Pluto Aquarius Retrograde Returned to Capricorn June 11!
Pluto in Capricorn 2008 to 2024, 16 Years!
Updated 7.6! Pluto’s First Seven Years in Aquarius 2023 to 2029 

Venus Leo/Virgo Mercury DOUBLE Retrograde Cycle begins June 19!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

Here is your 2023 AstroLogicalNow Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Or, check with your favorite astrologer(s) for how the planets do or don’t connect with your personal chart, for your own special personal details! May it go very well with you…. 

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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This is a benefic image of Pluto. We are in different times now, with knowledge and some understanding of the sources of discord and harm. There are known choices for healing, help available for those who are able to seek it.  Marble Roman sculpture From Gortyna Mid. 2nd cent. AD, Heraklion, Archaeological Museum

8.23.23 Update Note: July started the prelude aspects of the 3 outmost planets. See that section for details. 2025-29  Three outmost planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto aspect each other

See MAJOR PERIODS of Pluto in Aquarius first 7 of 21 years – Contents and Links.
PreRead Notes: For those of you with businesses, education considerations, career choices and plans and shifts, retirement choices to make, long term plans needed, marriage in mind, elders to care for, health matters, the following information is invaluable to help you make the best happen in a timely fashion! This is a lengthy read. Take it slowly; make notes if you want to. Sleep on it, read it again. You don’t have to read it all at once, or to the end. And, of course, as the planets move along, parts of it will activate your chart and some parts won’t! It will certainly affect all of us in general as we all observe the collective experience. It makes sense to sit down with your astrologer to see how it coordinates or doesn’t with your personal astro chart. Your astrologer will give you further and more specific ideas of the potentials it has for you personally!Not all aspects are covered. I have selected the ones most relevant to Pluto and Aquarius.

Some mythological history from Ancient History Lists: 

‘The three sons of Saturn, namely Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto, divided the world up between them. The sky and the sea went to Jupiter and Neptune respectively [they didn’t know about Uranus then]; the underworld was handed to Pluto. He is monogamous and is not believed to have had a child. He represents the positive aspect of the god who presides over the afterlife and his Greek counterpart is Hades.

The name Pluto is a cognate of the Greek word Ploutos, the name for the god of wealth. The Romans considered Pluto to be the giver of gold, silver, and other subterranean substances. Because these minerals were mined, Pluto was soon recognized as the god of the physical underworld. This led to him become the god of the spiritual underworld and therefore death.’In context of the AstroLogical world today, what we know about Pluto is changing! It went through being taken out of Planet status. However those of us who have seen it in action, still use it with respect. The James Webb Space Telescope is giving us extensive information about how Pluto functions and comparisons with Earth and other planets! For you astronomy lovers, deep thinkers, and Pluto followers, especially now at its sign change into Aquarius, here is a 41 min video James Webb Telescope Just Announced The Clearest Image Of Pluto Seen In History! that will fascinate and likely surprise you, change some of your long held ideas about Pluto!

Pluto is 246 years of when it was last in Aquarius for a period of 22 years. In those years there was the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution in England. There were an estimated 603M then, today 7.9B! There are no frontiers left to escape to. We have airplanes, electronics of all kinds, urban living, climate change, are finishing a pandemic, contemplating space travel… We have sex education, therapists for everything, birth to hospice, financial wizards, computer empires, sophisticated cars and guns, epic entertainment. We still have shamans and medical care that changes lives.Pluto is a shamanic planet. Plutonians are our spiritual plumbers that purge our Soul, clean up messes, detox us to clear the way for healing. Pluto is astute with financial matters. He loves deeply, the phrase ’til death do us part,’ is 100% meaningful. Pluto is ruler of birds of prey, Eagles that mate for life. Yes. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, can be wicked. It is important to have respect or there may be memorable consequences.As much as Pluto is known for possessiveness, obsession, compulsiveness, Aquarius, last of the air signs, is noted for detachment, even thought to be uncaring at times! Pluto may have met his master! Aquarius is the genius sign and wastes no time on unproductive behavior. Pluto will change, as Aquarius will also by being scoured by Pluto’s look within him. Both will be changed by ‘seeing’ each other. However, when they are working on mutual humanitarian causes, as they get to know each other, they will get better at merging forces and give it their all! Aquarius is famed for networking, whether a million people at a concert, a class action suit, protesting in the streets, media educational news, even of the daily weather! The entire planet has major news in seconds! It’s not the same as 246 years ago.Aquarius is so much more. It’s about change, evolution forever, freedom, contribution each in our own gifted way. Sometimes Evolution brings Revolution. AQ is often thought of being a genius sign way ahead of its time. As ideas swell they often come to have a life of their own. A tipping point is reached and the masses act as one! Consciousness merges worldwide. The same discovery is made in separate places by different people at nearly the same time! Protests in behalf of others spring up supporting each other in different countries! Whether they seem successful or not, momentum is built. People think about not just the protest, but the matter at hand. The powers that be see which way the wind is blowing and start making changes in their rhetoric and intents. Maybe they have already been wanting to go that way and the situation helps them take the first steps. We ARE collective beings.March 23, 2023 Pluto entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will again be significant world changes. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts! Please see Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044!   And   Pluto in Capricorn 2008 to 2024, 16 Years!

MAJOR PERIODS of Pluto in Aquarius first 7 of 21 years.The 21 Years: Stations, About Aspects with Pluto, Signs2023-24  Initial Aquarius/Capricorn Retrogrades
2023-24 Aspects and other Sign Changes
…….April 20 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus
…….May 25 2024 Jupiter into Gemini!
2025  Four Signs Changes, Aspects2025-29  Three outmost higher consciousness planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto aspect each other……July ’26, June ’27 and June/July 28 are notable periods
……See the amazing July 15 to 24 2026 period!
See about the remarkable 82 year Neptune sextile Pluto2026-28  Background Aspects and Sign Changes, Rare Saturn conjunct Chiron!

STATIONS, ASPECTS TO PLUTO, SIGNS TRAVERSED IN PLUTO’S 21 YEARS IN AQUARIUS STATIONS! I’ll be using this term. Stations bring special emphasis! A Station is when a planet literally appears to stand still in the sky at the retrograde and direct/forward turning points. Stations help us slow down. Example: A Mercury station holds consciousness at a certain point for 8 days. They are a pause when we are able to be still to receive, focus, take time to think, steep in our thinking. We make things the best we can, anchor important ideas we want to keep. The longer the station, the more its strength. Mercury sometimes likes to think things over, draw as much from a valuable experience as possible, or get to know a special person more deeply. More often, it is likely to go crazy waiting for more things to happen and wants to be the first to deliver the news! They may need to rest at the station because a lot has been changing. It can be a relief to take a breather from the rigors of speeding here and there so they don’t miss a morsel!Outer planet (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) stations have the same principles but are often months long. Outer planet aspects can happen at stations. The outmost planets, Neptune and Pluto take the longest. The station varies in duration by how close in degrees and minutes it is to the retrograde or direct point. Generally a ONE degree range is allowed. Two or more planets can be involved in aspects, making more facets affecting the signs involved. If the planets change sign, then there is more complexity. Sign changes emphasize the ability to transition from one to the next, how necessary a strong foundation in the first one is to the next sign’s stability and its ability to forge ahead onto new ground. When retrograde, the next sign revisits the previous sign, tells it what it needs and upgrades it. If an aspect is super close or at the retro/direct point, it is at the core of the directional shift, at its most intimate point. There is a pure exchange, the aspect being infused, the sign receiving the latest news of the world, being enhanced by the planetary energies of the aspect. If it is a difficult aspect, the sign may bring the planets back to clarity or strengthen them to keep going. Outer planets, Chiron, Neptune and  Pluto, sometimes Uranus, can make the aspect five times, taking almost two years. That means a first station – direct, then retro, a lapse of time then one direct again, the final mature station – retro then direct. The sign(s) will perceive the changes and progress that has happened, what needs further adjusting, setting their intentions for the future. If the aspect is a same degree conjunction, two planets at the same degree, the station has maximum potency and potential!ASPECTS WITH PLUTOSince Pluto is the slowest planet, IT rarely makes aspects. All the other faster planets form connections to it with Two exceptions! 1) Due to their elliptical orbits, sometimes Pluto is actually faster than Neptune and will form an aspect to Neptune! 2) When Neptune and other planets are at station, retrograde or direct, and Pluto isn’t at a station, Pluto can be faster! SIGNS TRAVERSED IN PLUTO’S 21 YEARS IN AQUARIUSJupiter’s 11 to 12 year cycle means it changes sign about every year. In the coming 21 years, Pluto will see most of Jupiter’s signs twice. Jupiter starts in Aries. In 2044, when Pluto starts into Pisces, Jupiter will be in Capricorn. Jupiter makes four powerful aspects while in Taurus; the first two are in 2023! See Jupiter in TaurusSaturn takes 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 years per sign, is on a 28 to 29 year cycle. It goes through 9 signs, starts in Pisces, ends in Scorpio. The initial 2 years of Pluto in Aquarius will have Saturn in Pisces! Hang onto your Soul and be very clear! There will be seismic changes right under your feet! Have your to go bag handy (including seeds)! See Saturn in PiscesChiron, on a 51 year cycle, does about four years per sign. It covers six signs, starts with Aries. 2044 it is in Virgo but does some retrograding back into Leo a couple more years.Uranus’s 84 year cycle, averages seven years per sign. It starts in Taurus, does 4 signs, ends dramatically in Leo.Neptune is on a long 168 year cycle. It starts in its own sign Pisces, does three signs, ends in Taurus. Its last aspect with Pluto is the 2032 thirteenth sextile! See more below!Because the two outmost planets, Neptune and Pluto, move so slowly, only certain Souls experience various signs in a lifetime. It takes several lifetimes to experience them all, with our current lifespan. When on a faster part of their elliptical orbit, some people experience more signs. For example, people born in the 40s have experienced Pluto through SEVEN signs, Leo through Aquarius during its 248 year cycle! At other parts of its cycle, people born at the beginning of that time experience fewer signs.

Major Periods Links   ^Top

First are the CAPRICORN TO AQUARIUS TRANSITIONS – Retrogrades back into Capricorn two times

2024 Tarantula Nebula R136 Mosaic! James Webb NASA!

The Universe was righteously celebrated in 2022 by the incredible James Webb images! This is the magnificent Tarantula Nebula R136 as seen by JWST’s Near-Infrared Camera NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI Webb ERO Production Team

2023-24 Are Pluto tasting Aquarius, retrograding back into Capricorn two times, getting the gist of what the transition is all about, getting Capricorn and AQ to work well together.The first foray into Aquarius is only 2.5 months, a bare peek, and inkling of what’s to come! That is from Mar 23, 2023 to June 11. He retrograded May 1, Beltane, at 0 AQ 21, that’s less than half a degree! Pluto carries the seeds of AQ with him when retrogrades back into Capricorn, to 27 Cap 53 for almost six months. Capricorn, the builder, can see what structures are now needed and gets the support going. The changes are challenging, but exciting! He is updating his goals to meet the coming needs. This is an important cross sign retrograde.Now that Pluto has debuted and taken a look at the new Aquarius landscape, he sees the huge job needed ahead. There are updates needed in structures, getting people to meet new urban requirements for climate safety, new laws made to accommodate what is to come. New skills need to be put in place, updates made to bring current standards up to meet new needs. It is a lot to do in such a short time, now through Jan 20, 2024. The things he is doing are crucial He needs to encourage all to do their part to keep from lagging behind. He needs to not only support and educate individuals but run the projects as well. It’s an immense task.  Pluto returns to Aquarius Jan 20, 2024 for a much longer time, seven plus months! He returns with updated Capricorn skills with him and makes sure AQ is well connected with the new stronger position he now has! Capricorn knows how to save time, get talented professionals on board, ease the way for AQ! Pluto returns to Capricorn a second and last time quite briefly Sep 1 2024 to Nov 19. He only activates the last part of the last degree, back to 29 Capricorn 38. 29 is considered a degree of finality, last chance, maturity. Pluto gives final updates to Capricorn of Aquarian intentions and needs, broadens Capricorn’s range. Procedures and projects already going are further upgraded with AQ genius ideas, inventions. They practically take flight! The potential is significant and Cap is delighted! This quickie visit tops off Capricorn’s valuable place in this important transition. It goes well because Cap was ready for Pluto this time. They make their farewells. Well grounded, Pluto is off into the ethers of the new time. In addition, Jupiter stations in a favorable sextile with Chiron, great for business and marriage, Oct 12 through Nov 2!

These transfers of energy, exchanges and improvements, will improve both signs, establish a well working bridge. And so it is. 

See Pluto in Capricorn   Pluto in Aquarius


ASPECTS AND SIGN CHANGES DURING MARCH 23 2023 TO NOV 11 2024May 16, 2023 Jupiter into Taurus, May 17 square Pluto!The first sign change and aspect that happens after a planet enters a new sign can set the tone for a period of time. For Pluto in Aquarius it happens May 16, Jupiter changes sign too, into Taurus, and immediately squares Pluto the very next day, at 0 degrees! Taurus challenges Pluto, the planet of Scorpio, Taurus’s opposite! Taurus squares Aquarius. He is Earthy; Aquarius is boundless air! Jupiter thinks everyone needs an education, some perspective, and faith no matter what!Of Pluto in Aquarius, Aquarius is high in the sky, rules the heavens. AQ sees more than Jupiter the traveler and all of Taurus’s Earth. Taurus is Earth, quite grounded. This may not be a comfy combination for Pluto newly in AQ, but Jupiter is progressive and calm in Taurus. It may be the perfect pace, a balance for such intensity as Pluto in the new fast as lightning sign AQ delivers! Just because Jupiter is ‘slow’ in Taurus, Jupiter is not to be underestimated. It has steady crushing power like a grain mill until all the wheat is pulverized. Like the Bull in the field, don’t provoke them. Jupiter always has allies. Taurus says my money, while Pluto says our money. Taurus says convince me, and can read hustlers pretty well. Jupiter, can too. They can put the light on any misappropriation of funds. Taurus and Pluto are owner and possessor. They each like to keep their own.Jupiter rules truth-teller Sagittarius; Pluto’s sign’s secretive Scorpio is a very different neighboring sign. Pluto doesn’t usually like tell all Jupiter, but sometimes will plant a leak so what he wants to get out, gets out. Though Pluto appears not to listen, believe me, he wants to know what he’s up against, and now in Aquarius almost 2 months, he’s been waiting for Jupiter’s 2¢! He knows Jupiter is a seer, intuits the future. The potency of squares is sometimes what we need to be made aware of what’s up, especially at this first sign change. If there are losses, scandals, slander, they will be big, the Truth will out, shame and blame. Yet even if in a challenge or catastrophe, Jupiter usually wants the best for everyone though it may take some doing. So, clear the debris, mend the fallout. Off to the races we go! Aquarius stands by, to quickly assess greater possibilities. There will be some remarkable breakthroughs and revelations due to the shifts! This aspect happens only once. Don’t miss the opportunity for a tuneup! Listening to each other will free us to open doors!Jupiter square Pluto was immediate upon Jupiter’s arrival in Taurus. Financial matters are important and both  Pluto and Jupiter have really different opinions in their new signs. AQ rules banking; Pluto is the controller. Jupiter could have had trouble getting a loan, big expenses, business not as usual. Tough beginning for Jupiter into Taurus and not great for Pluto’s first aspect, but due to the issues, breakthroughs can now be made. The necessary challenges will help clear the way for progress to come.June 11 2023 Pluto back in Capricorn. June 19 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces could make up for some of those matters! Good work, job ops, real estate ops, solid business expansion, enjoyable travel for business, excellent skills training. Saturn is Capricorn’s planet, so this is especially good while Pluto is back in Cap!

April 20 is the first of Jupiter’s six different 2024 aspects. All the aspects through June 2 happen only once, so that’s it, no second chances. If they aspect your personal chart factors, be there, don’t miss the opportunities! 

►  April 20, 2024 Jupiter in Taurus makes a once every 14 years conjunction with Uranus, the AQ planet!2024 Jupiter Conjunct Uranus NASA solar electric propulsion thruster Caswell 2017!

7 years ago… NASA: We’re testing a high-power solar electric propulsion thruster, which has three times greater power than existing systems, in a vacuum chamber that simulates the environment in space. The challenge is getting into space, then having enough ‘fuel’ to take a long trip and return. Image credit: NASA Bridget Caswell, Alcyon Technical Services

Jan 20, 2024 Pluto entering Aquarius the second time was the first sign change of the year! As the first astro event, it sets the tone for the year! The Jupiter Uranus conjunction happens only once every 14 years, so isn’t exactly common. It is the first aspect of 2024, but we kinda can’t really say a late April aspect sets the tone for the year! Pluto is having free rein before this happens; he gets anchored. The conjunction is significant since Uranus is the planet of Aquarius and Jupiter conjunct gives an especially big boost to the Aquarian energy! Aquarius is the sign of change, and Jupiter going into Gemini May 25, will add a plethora of possibilities! Jupiter makes FIVE aspects during the year, adding up to a lot more change. We find ourselves in a chain of infinite transformations! We have an Aquarian year! 

The conjunction is however the first of Jupiter’s six different 2024 aspects, so it does set the tone for all the aspects to come! All the aspects through June 2 happen only once, so that’s it, no second chances. If they aspect your personal chart factors, be there, don’t miss the opportunities! The last two aspects, Jupiter square Saturn and sextile Chiron happen three times each, so they are in a process that takes time. 

As Jupiter has moved through all the signs year by year, Uranus has also moved forward! Their June 8 2010 conjunction was quite rowdy at 0 Aries. The Pisces conjunctions Sep 2010, Jan 2011 were very different. This one in Taurus will be quietish, but have dedicated and determined solid achievement! Worldwide big weather the likes of which you have never been seen before is happening! If there is a rumpus, it will be an explosion, major earthquake! When they catapult forward, there will be major advances in electronics, robotics, space craft!

The high energy April 8 Total Solar Eclipse has FIVE planets in Aries! The amazing exact lineup of Earth, Moon, Chiron and Sun will give healing, a pure direct connection with Sun, the Heart of Light! We are having an update, a reset, and mojo increase! We are preparing for this high energy upcoming conjunction! Jupiter rules expansion; Uranus is the Heavens, higher consciousness, humanitarian, the cutting edge of evolution! Jupiter’s Conjunction with Uranus will be like the thruster in the rocket! It will be shocking yet expected. Suddenly we are in new space, tagging along with Pluto in Aquarius! The Eclipse takes place during the April 4 to 19° Aries fifteen day Stellium; the conjunction is the day after! There is no standing still. The mood is do it now!

ALSO, these events in change making signs, are during our change making ARIES Mercury Retrograde! Retrogrades get out the shovel and turn the soil, from profound collective events to our daily affairs! Mercury is always curious, and Aries doesn’t care which direction he’s going as long as it’s quickly! Even corrections, adjustments, transformation are speeded up! New is New!!! Revelation is ALWAYS happening. Discoveries are always in progress! He will find them. He races to make room for them since as first responder/leader, he senses what’s coming!

Important followup! The day after the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, April 21, Mercury starts his Direct/Forward 8 day station. It is a time to ponder the retrograde happenings, the important Jupiter/Uranus discoveries, how to disperse the findings. Sun in Taurus has been in a week long challenging square with Pluto dealing with vital matters. Love/divorce, costs of elder care, losses/gains, what to live for, rebirth/death! The pondering proceeds past Mercury Direct the 25th, on through the 28th. Keeper ideas are selected and anchored in place for the long haul. Mercury in Aries will cover the ground in a short time. This station encompasses Earth Day 22nd, the Scorpio/Taurus Full PINK Moon the 23rd.

Not only is this an amazing conjunction, but it is changing the outer planets’ pattern! Uranus has been the lead outer planet, but when Jupiter gets supercharged by Uranus and catapults past him, there is a whole new tone to our planetary purpose and we have a brilliant bold new leader! New networks will leap into being. In Taurus, he will bring further programs forward regarding Earth changes, grounding their progress every step of the way!

At the April 20, 2024 conjunction, Uranus will powerfully pass the baton to Jupiter. Jupiter will be the lead outer planet until his opposition with Pluto July 20, 2026. At that time in 2026, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter will all be at the 4th degree, at the same time, in a lucky Bow Pattern of sextiles and trines! It’s a truly rare combination. The higher consciousness planets are lined up! Pluto can be life/death, wealth. Neptune is the potential dreams come true spiritual Master! Uranus we are getting to know better and better, both rogue internet games player and skilled humanitarian networker. In old astrology, Jupiter was referred to as fame and fortune, now teacher and has longevity! The aspect is favorable, but see your astrologer to see how it interacts or not with your chart!

Jupiter in Taurus is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education about big weather/quakes. We have gained perspectives of long term value. Yes, we have seen huge earth events, some not seeming so lucky, but we will do better as we plan ahead to use them rather than suffer destruction. One of the things we can do is manage our food production choices in context of coming weather. Another is to mitigate temperature changes. Jupiter rules heat!

With Pluto now in Aquarius, the Uranian sign, he wants to make his mark, talk about earth changes and the astonishing networks of humanitarian people who bring them to pass. With our new ideas and the advanced technologies to make them come true, there are real possibilities! Their time has come. Some may be disasters remediated. Some will be grass roots prevention efforts that take hold with precedent setting immediate unbelievable results! Strong lucky Jupiter in Taurus along with the Aquarian planet Uranus can rumble for change now! Uranus electrifies, awakens all, keeps change rolling. Taurus, strong as an ox, carries the Sun Disk in his horns on into the Promised Land! Hathor and Isis would approve!

The gains of Uranus’ innovative processes will be well guarded, anchored and maintained. For Taurus, it will be one wild aspect! Jupiter and Uranus are both total freedom lovers! You can tell Jupiter many hero stories of travels, but just the same, Taurus will stand his ground and may surprise you by opting to stay home. On the other hand, an unexpected sudden move may happen! Who would have thought?! Uranus takes freedom as far and fast as he can! Jupiter and Uranus are both rather ungovernable. They will find the other way and it will most assuredly be more fun, at the very least, exciting…LOL, and likely super beneficial! Keep space available in your plans for something crazy, a bit wicked, and wonderful! Up the amps on your educational opportunity and stick to it! Publish your findings so others can use and improve them. Gather your friends and build an ecofriendly earth home! The results might cost more than expected, but in the long term worth every penny! Jupiter is long distance travel, and Uranus is flight, the heavens! Keep your feet on the ground and look UP!

Jupiter intends to expand AQ matters – support genius kids, improve humanitarian relationships, and expand networks exponentially, offer entirely earthshaking new careers, see unique offerings of different cultures, coordinate meetings worldwide! There may be some extraordinary atmospheric storms and winds. Those who have been ‘abandoned’ may be shocked by someone who shows up on their doorstep. Major changes will be made in behalf of all wildlife. Already, Fish and Game is now being called Fish and Wildlife in many areas. Agriculture will have historical updates. Computers, planes, space travel make repeated news. Publish odd commodities! Air quality is emphasized. Save the Earth! This conjunction will likely be an unforgettable show stopper! See more Jupiter in Taurus   Uranus in Taurus

On the home front, few relationships connected with this aspect will be totally calm. Taurus may endure, but will also be changed, with new objectives afoot! Relationship styles will be regenerated, transformed. If you marry, it won’t become exactly what you expected. You may separate or be happier than in your wildest dreams! Some may do better to wait until after this event, well after. Check with your astrologer(s) please.

All aspects, planets and signs have their goods and bads. Jupiter big can be bad, like exceptional heat or being overweight, being malefically opinionated, slandering, scamming, lies to a loved one, gambling. In Taurus it can be a medical problem with your neck, overdoing your exercise/weight gain, or a train crash, damaged land, big earthquakes. Uranus is planetary air quality, flights with sudden endings, electrical power grid overloads or damage, electronic snafus, or even internet events like the Union Square Aug 5, 2023 riot over alleged give away by Kai Carlo Cenat. Jupiter can be well meaningly too truthful and it can still be a sad disaster. Please be thoughtful and kind. Be aware of consequences. Be careful, even cautious. Use your instincts to be safe. Pay attention to what your body tells you.

On the plus side, this aspect alone can catapult your life a few light years ahead in a twinkling!

The April 20, 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus Chart, see below, is a dramatic example of a classic strong [Bucket/]Fan formation with FIVE unique features!

1) The Base planets span an amazing only 109°!
2) Mother Moon, potent at 29°, the last degree (anaretic) of Virgo, is the handle opposite Neptune.
3) The fan planets are uniquely representing their signs placed in THREE mini stelliums in a row, three planets per sign! The mini stelliums are all in semisextile sequence, in neighboring signs. Saturn, Mars, Neptune in Pisces. Mercury, Venus, and Chiron in Aries. Sun, Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus
4) Mercury, Venus and Chiron are in a tight four-five degree conjunction in Aries.
5) Five planets 19 to 22° degrees. Venus and Chiron 19 and 20° Aries are MIDPOINT, semisextile Mars at 22° Pisces, and semisextile Jupiter and Uranus at 21° Taurus! The three planet Chiron conjunction in Aries will bring information and blessed healings. Strong Aries comes up again! There will be new and very independent beginnings.

Pisces has insight and compassion; Aries is an impatient gutsy leader; Taurus grounds the keepers, making steady progress. From ancient spiritual Pisces, to right-this-minute Aries, to Taurus, loyal and steadfast forever. Mother Moon, powerful at the last degree of her sign, is using her solid experience. She is out of sign favorably trine Pluto in Aquarius! She helps Sun 1° Taurus weather his challenging finances, love and life square with Pluto at 2° Aquarius. They are new in their signs and are in fixed signs that don’t always adjust easily, but Virgo, and Moon going into Libra in a half hour, make excellent adjustments, quickly negotiate with surprising results!

For your further consideration, the Asteroid 55 Pandora is now at 20 Taurus 33 Just before the Jupiter Uranus conjunction at 21 Taurus 50! Pandora and Uranus are famous for surprises! Perhaps extraordinary mysteries will be revealed?!

What an extraordinarily unique Chart! See more about Bucket/Fan & Seesaw Charts for Making Connections!

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus Astrology Chart!

2024 Jupiter Conjunct Uranus Taurus Astrology Bucket Chart!


May 23 Jupiter sextiles Neptune at 29 Taurus/Pisces 30. Jupiter enters Gemini 2 days later, May 25.

2024 Jupiter Taurus sextile Neptune 29 Pisces! Open Your Eyes...

Jupiter and Neptune have a religious and spiritual undercurrent. The will take us ‘Home!’ The 29th degree, called the anaretic degree, the last degree of any sign, has an ending note to it, a finality, maturity, completion, a lasting achievement! Some say last chance, too late to change, final judgement, fate. Neptune in his own sign Pisces has a maximum finality due to being in the last sign of the entire zodiac, at the end of a 168 year era! Being at the gateway, there are decisions to be made. Some are hesitant; others can’t wait to go! There is a crucial tone to the time, now or never! All that is ‘believed’ in will soon be put into action, tested, when Neptune enters Aries, the sign of Purity, March 30, 2025!

Jupiter is on a 12 year cycle, will enter Gemini only two days later, on May 25! Neptune the second to outmost planet, however, is moving very slowly about to retrograde at that 29th degree on July 22, staying within a degree of the RX point until Sep 5, 3 and a 1/2 months! Due to further RXs Neptune comes back to that degree position in 2025 and ’26! Though no further exact aspects are made the degree is activated. It holds the energy of that sextile with Jupiter for 3 years! It will be more profound and long term than it first appears. Sometimes when we connect well with good aspects, we just have a good time. But if we track it, make notes, we can purposely add to it later when we know even more! If you don’t track it, you may have memories and not quite remember what it was all about.

Jupiter, the preacher teacher, has opinions, usually benevolent. If opinionated and judgmental, it’s a lot less fun. In Taurus change may come slowly, but surely! Dedication and patience as a teacher can be phenomenal. Neptune is still powerfully in his own sign Pisces, doesn’t move into Aries until Mar 30, 2025! His connection with Spirit is generally through meditation, a dream, a belief he has experienced deeply, uncanny music that calls us, an inner voice, a calling. Compassion and transcendence are basic. The most difficult are addiction factors. Jupiter may be the healer with alternatives that make the difference. Neptune in Pisces may show Jupiter how it is important to connect directly with ‘God’ rather than solely by old scripture, or fanciful humans, spiritual fads. Jupiter’s travels have showed him how many ways there are to get to the mountain top. Pisces has seen the invisible and has psychic perception that defies logic. Sextiles offer opportunities of compatible signs. Taurus is Earth; Pisces is Ocean water. In combination they are the millions of miles of Shorelines of the continents. Critical attention is needed for our land – ocean connections, food and fish, to stop land toxins and debris from flowing into the ocean. It’s symbolically the connection between our body on earth and the oceanic Spirit one can’t touch or see, an ungovernable unknown that we ‘know’ and feel with every molecule of our Being.

Jupiter in Taurus may enjoy substantially challenging long distance ocean sports, sports of super prowess, endurance. Could be short distance rowing a skiff, or Kayaking with your amazing new cruiser, or racing your yacht! Seaside running or cycling is an aerobic treat that improves your flexibility, balance, and agility.. Open air beach yoga builds strength, relaxes, brings peace…and you get negative ions!

May 25 Jupiter in Gemini can’t wait to share the knowledge and revelations of his recent discoveries while in Taurus with wise and magical Neptune! This Jupiter Gemini holy encounter is waking them both up all over again! Neptune has more hope with such an eager curious Jupiter! Sometimes Neptune just sleeps and waits, nor is he always impressed when they arrive. Jupiter, who usually gives everyone a chance, is astounded by some of what he hears. Some of it is over the top even for him, and usually it is him that tells the tall tales! He will translate these visions into many languages, blanketing the world with the insights and plans of change, how-tos, important predictions. Authentic essence is 100% inspiring.

See more Jupiter in Gemini!


May 25 Jupiter into Gemini while the Sun is IN Gemini! 

2024 May 25 Jupiter in Gemini Rainbow Ryders Albuquerque!

Rainbow Ryders, Albuquerque 40 year old hot air balloon ride company earns global recognition! Interview Video with founder Scott Appleman at Yahoo Finance!

Once every 11 to 12 years we are blessed with Jupiter in Gemini! Jupiter is the Sagittarius planet; Sagittarius is Gemini’s opposite sign! It’s a two for one because it is like having the two opposite signs united! Essentially we will have a combination with two minds! That’s nothing new to Gemini, but Jupiter, a rambler, is still more one pointed, like the arrow to the bullseye! Each covers a lot of ground in their own way. Often, ambidextrous, Gemini is multi minded and Jupiter is generally broadminded! They both have quite a bit of flex, both easily distracted, take off in a moment. But when Jupiter has purpose, he may send Gemini on a data gathering mission. If Jupiter gets a little opinionated, ironically the Gemini part of their combo may quickly deluge him with ideas and facts that get him thinking, may expand and alter his point of view due to his own thoughts and actions! Gemini also gets bored at times, but may not want to travel as far as Jupiter wants to. He may impress Jupiter that there is plenty to do right here! Jupiter says you need a bigger window to see more and they may try each other’s ways, but both will likely still be restless. They are fathomlessly curious.

This combination is like a Burst of Supercharged info! Bigger bits and more of them! Some will be lively threads of astonishing comments. Some will be aggregates, knowledge banks, big business. You can bet they will be humming. Info banks will be linked with other info banks! There will be abundant brilliant diversity that spurs genius creativity as links automatically form due to natural magnetic attraction that works faster than our minds! Threads will broaden as well as lengthen. More links will be shared as we all gain improved and updated sources.

Gemini is your mind’s mechanisms, how you learn hands on through touch as well as by breath – the way you breathe, the scent on the breeze. It’s how you are connected locally, how you make your forays into your community and do your errands, your daily trade, advertise yourself letting us know what you can contribute, the information you spread as you go along your Path. It has great diversity and ability to adapt in the moment. Jupiter looks near and far, here and over the rainbow, for the possibilities of what it all means, how far you can go. It develops strong purpose, advocates when it finds goodness and adventure, emphasizes through expansion. Because it can see longer cycles it has faith, hope in the future, makes current best choices focusing toward that better outcome. Very lucky it seems. As time goes on, there is great learning.

Gemini has a keen eye and hearing for what moves, has a valence that indicates life in action! He has across the board awareness. Jupiter sees far ahead, practically propels them forward! He wants to know what it all means and how it fits in the big picture so it will thrive to perfection. While Gemini is bees flitting to the flower, Jupiter, in his hunger for perspective, will take you across the entire field in two shakes! Both like to share their info and stories so they stop to chat with the locals and suss out what they have observed. They enjoy their visits, but are ready to move on. They are easily distracted and attracted, LOL!

Jupiter might meander, stopping at the local university library, chatting with well known profs, then afterwards the Gemini part of him darts in for the news bytes at the nearby ever popular students’ coffee house! Students are trendsetters! Jupiter may guide, hold a larger parameter, go for the meaning of things. Gemini gathers and tracks backup data, follows the shifting moods of the people, goes for telling the latest news, giving quick inspiration. Jupiter thinks of publishing a book, series of books, of the whole story of those times and location, looks for significant trends, how that will affect others later on. Together they can be dynamite as they ride and combine both sides of the fence!

Stories may be full of huge heroes with meaningful commissions, comic strips abound, joyful exaggerations plentiful! There will be a lot to be said, sorting wheat from chaff will be challenging due to sheer volume! Scams, scoundrels, scandal and slander may be a plague. Keep your life clean, be transparent, stay informed, change your passwords. If you get that ‘feeling,’ check it out. Otherwise, do your breathing exercises and live BIG!

Business has a lot of irons in the fire! Income comes from various sources, and that includes international! Connections may include many races, cultures, languages. When one area isn’t doing well, others will. Changes made in a timely fashion may save the day. Fast moving commodities may do well for investors that do their research and keep watch. Communications industries can be right up your ally! Arrange events! Tour guiding could be super! Jupiter and Gemini both do well with complexity, myriads and crowds!

Relationships may meander too, or be confusing. You may adore your new friend, and they seem to feel the same way, but there is no talk of a steady relationship or of plans together. Jupiter loves freedom to roam, so if you don’t have roaming credentials and keep talking about picket fences and babies, you may have a runner! This combo is flirty, but if they do make a sincere dedication due to other things in their chart, that flirting is simply happy chatting. But do make sure if you have doubts. Better to find out now than later. Be warned that they sometimes want to please you and make ‘promises’ they can’t keep. Just love them and move on. If they are a keeper, lucky you! If you are the Jupiter Gemini, be transparent and tell if you have doubts about yourself to be able to make this kind of commitment, or be honest and tell them you can’t as soon as you know that is true. If traveling together makes sense, it may work…

Time to write and write, chapter after chapter, serials, personal or commercial blogs. You can write fascinating scripts and attract scores of buyers with your clever advertising lines! You might become a delightful storyteller, pro publisher! Expand local systems to be more encompassing. Have a few laughs, less gossip. Try some new classes, maybe a new language. See if you like that new church. Sign up for religious studies. Start a blog, put up your website – check with your astrologer for launch date and time. Do some volunteer work in behalf of a cause that more needs to be known about. Take a meaningful trip! Have summer fun at a dude ranch or doing volunteer habitat work! Watch birds. Get out in clean air and try ballooning, hang gliding, skydiving! Enjoy gymnastics, play tennis with vigor, make time for your first marathon, go riding bike or horse!

Health is generally prime, exercise a pleasure! Life is a basket of gifts! Words lead you to the best things in life! You can hold your breath underwater longer than anyone! However, at times and certain seasons, you need to take a bit more better care of yourself. Burnout may dog you. Your lungs need time to rest or see the Dr. Your brain is overloaded. Seasonal friggin’ allergies may deplete your attention and energy. Pneumonia is not so fun and it’s time to change something important in your life. You probably know some great health specialists or know people who make great referrals!

This sign change is between 2 other important Jupiter events!

May 23, just two days before, Jupiter at the end of Taurus sextiles Neptune, the planet of Pisces, at 29 Taurus/Pisces 30. The last degree of a sign is called an Anaretic degree. It indicates mastery, endings, immanent new beginnings. Spiritual growth will be given a solid boost, emphasizing patience and empathy.  Travels along shores may bring more attention to land/water pollution, habitat cleanup, habitat preservation. Teachers may have broad instincts to awaken their students, study the most profound masters of their specialty in our times. It indicates a legacy to be left, a foundation for the next sign to be solidly be founded on. Pisceans may find this an especially inspirational time of precious hope.

June 2, eight days after Jupiter starts Gemini, Jupiter’s first aspect in Gemini will be his trine with Pluto AND the first aspect inaugurating Pluto’s second entry into Aquarius! First aspects set the tone of the new time, and wonderfully so when it’s a super potentially prosperous trine!

In fact, this is also a significant aspect being the very first favorable aspect formed to Pluto since he entered Aquarius March 2023 while he is in AQ! Jupiter is good luck, fame and fortune, growth, expansion, and Pluto can be untold wealth! Jupiter is learning/teaching; Pluto is deep healing. In many ways it will be a profound time, discovering meaningful perspectives that are changing us all. Gemini is the Word; Aquarius is the master Networker. The world will have new Faith, establishing unbelievable possibilities.  What one could not do alone, will be accomplished through collectives that find their way together. One will lead to another. Stay clear and steady on in the Light. Remember, simply move forward. Build the new ways, people will come because it’s better.

Jupiter into Gemini is a power packed chart! 

Jupiter is conjunct lovely Venus and heart of light Sun! Venus is SO attractive and her words in Gemini are pure Grace and gold! Sun is so creatively expressive and charming too! He’s quick and personally inspiring! The team can make sales, do terrific marketing, sell the teachings. Jupiter has a plan in mind and it’s bigger than they expected, plus the territory is increased!  With Venus and Sun’s recent trines with Pluto, and Jupiter’s trine immanent, WOW!

There are steadying aspects, like Moon in Capricorn and Mercury sextile Saturn, neither fooled by fast talking. But, let me tell you, Mars in Aries, his own eager, first one, sign, wants to go for it right NOW! If you are hesitant, listen to that, do trial investments. Things will develop quickly, and Gemini is famous for many options at once so be prepared to have enough $ for all! Just don’t spread yourself too thin, ok? Talk with your accountant and set your limits and timing. But, don’t miss the boat! This could be an incredible investment that just keeps on spreading!

If it’s all too much, see your therapist, LOL! Jupiter will be in Gemini until June 9 2025. Gemini is usually out and about. When Jupiter goes into Cancer, many will be quite happy to synthesize their discoveries and stay home or build a new one! Gemini will have brought all kinds of new ideas for home improvement, indoors and out! Family relationships will change too. Meanwhile, enjoy all your new connections! Keep the threads of Life clean and shining!

The Windows of the Mind are getting a bracing workout! 


June 2 Jupiter in Gemini trines Pluto at 1 Gemini/AQ 53!

Can money buy happiness? Scientists say it can. Adela Suliman reports for the Washington Post! Daniel Kahneman and Matthew Killingsworth tell you the details of their studies!

This is Jupiter’s FIRST aspect in Gemini AND the first aspect inaugurating Pluto’s second entry into Aquarius! First aspects set the tone of the new time, and wonderfully so when it’s a super potentially prosperous trine!

This aspect is considered to have a plentiful financial potential! Time to diversify your portfolio! Jupiter in Gemini is lucky with fame and fortune, growth, expansion, abundance minded, is good at gauging future possibilities! Pluto can have untold wealth, corporations, major inheritances, important insurance, behind the scenes deals! Be on the up and up, well informed, and be safe. Jupiter expands the options, preaches to and gathers the people. He educates them that they can do well too! Aquarius is a networker of renowned capability from causes to concerts, rules banking too! Combined with Pluto, expect phenomenal fundraising! Jupiter’s storytelling is like a magnet. It could be sports oriented or a tricky murder mystery! Jupiter wants well being and Pluto can do shamanic healing. Pluto and Aquarius are both researchers and medical history may be made. Stand up and be a part of this wonderful time!

Jupiter is learning/teaching; Pluto is deep healing. In many ways it will be a profound time, discovering meaningful perspectives that are changing us all. Gemini is the Word; Aquarius is the master Networker. The world will have new Faith, establishing unbelievable possibilities.  What one could not do alone, will be accomplished through collectives that find their way together. One will lead to another. Stay clear and steady on in the Light. Remember, simply move forward. Build the new ways, people will come because it’s better.

Sometimes Jupiter’s major trustfulness makes him vulnerable to the deals of a lifetime. Jupiter in Gemini may be too busy chatting or storytelling to check things out. Even people with trusted reputations can make mistaken offerings. Though there is big promise, there can also be huge scams. Jupiter is vulnerable to large scale deals, deals from/in foreign countries. Back up and listen. If 3 of your usual trusted advisors warn you, maybe do a small trial investment or don’t at all. Wait and see if possible. If you are hyped because it’s an ‘only now opportunity,’ be especially cautious. They say salesmen are the most vulnerable to sales by others!

Deep friendship may be a bond that could lead to a lasting prosperous marriage. At times, Pluto can rather unceremoniously end things – marriages, out of marriage relationships, business partnerships or contracts. Sometimes, in retrospect, that is the best thing that could have ever happened. Aquarius sets you free. There can be swift recovery when that is meant to be. The unexpected comeback is so much better than what was before! Shoulda done it before ~ Let your strength of mind, faith and optimism carry you well beyond! The past is spent; no looking back. These are not average times. Let Jupiter in Gemini spread the good word. Expect to be intensely busy!
Travel into the Underworld, the caves and crevasses of your deepest Self! A new fuel source is found. Health revelations. Learn about, publish wealth tips. Sourcing finances from Soul purpose work changes your entire future! Words bring us right out into the Light, astonishing new connections are made – intense and healing! You breathe into dark places and they are restored to clean and fervent hope! Be there, don’t miss it! Make a trial investment! Keep tabs on it through Aug 19. Be ready to back out or shift your position before then.

Since this is a onetime aspect, plan ahead, do your research and be there!


Aug 19 Gemini Jupiter squares Pisces Saturn, the first of three times. Saturn can be down in the bilge, chronic, so Jupiter may have a hard time getting his attention. Well meaning Jupiter in Gemini can actually exacerbate matters by being annoyingly cheerful, having a lack of empathy to the depth of others’ fears, discomforts or sorrows. Yet sometimes a distraction is a breath of fresh air. Forgot life could be good. From funny stories to the silliest jokes, a smile may come. Don’t go running away because the lights don’t come on immediately, but take a break if you need to. Saturn in Pisces gives himself to the serious needs of troubled Souls whether it be fear, abuse, addictions, abandonment. Saturn himself can get burned out by ‘compassionate catastrophes.’ Jupiter is an expert getting people out of the zone. Gemini doesn’t usually want to go too far away, and that may be all the time and energy Saturn has, especially if the situation is critical. Make what time you do have count. To meet someplace near and special, but not taxing would be perfect.

Jupiter may see the great need and offer his expertise. Gemini has tons of information and can get much more. Saturn may find himself being offered support he never expected. Many people need to learn how to accept and cope with support, learn how to use it. Saturn rules fathers, bosses, elders. They can be a challenge. Show them how it works, let them adjust. Offer suggestions then let them process, checking in frequently for short times at first. Alternate methods than they are used to take time to absorb. Pisces can be quick to assess, but due to past experiences may not trust. Give it the time it takes. The results may be nothing short of miraculous!

Jupiter is generally not used to being rebuffed or not trusted. If Saturn is up and strong, he may test Jupiter, check out the facts, general track record, credit rating, demand a realistic demonstration, note how long it takes, think over what could be improved, then make a decision. You are thinking Saturn in Pisces would do that?! You betcha! If he’s a pro in the music business, has a cause to support, a non profit to run, it’s crucial.

If he backs you or takes your offer, that can be considered quite a compliment. If you are too arrogant or flippant, he won’t think you are a hard worker. Saturn in Pisces is instinctively the old Master. He’s been around the block and your disrespect won’t work. Saturn in Pisces has a deep quality of wanting to help. If you don’t, he will find someone else. If your differences are workable, Jupiter can be Saturn’s right hand person! It could be Jupiter is in charge, but Saturn is usually the boss. Maybe Jupiter is the traveling owner. Jupiter can bring the data and the greater ideas for opportunities of the future. Saturn will sense their excellent value. Saturn’s cautions may protect and preserve their ventures, get the patents. They could break the mold and work together for years!

The second opportunity is Christmas Eve, Dec 24, 2024, followed by a very close aspect, a reminder, June 15, 2025.


Oct 12 starts the three time Jupiter STATION Sextile Chiron Gemini/Aries

2024 Jupiter sextile Chiron Station Pluto Capricorn Healing in Action!

Make a joyful sound! Jupiter in Gemini talks, whispers, hums, chants, claps, sings! Chiron in Aries runs, jumps, races, dances, shouts for happiness, exercises the dog, scrambles up mountains quickly, is first! Do what you can, where you can, whenever you can! Join hands and make the circle, connect the whole! Hallelujah! Please see Healing to Action’s wonderful healing site.

Sep 1 to Nov 19 is the final time for Pluto in Capricorn, brief but concentrated. The strong feature of this period is the Jupiter in Gemini sextile station with Chiron in Aries! Healing is speeded up as final updates are incorporated, last foundations are strengthened, cemented, secured.

Their exact aspects are Oct 12, Nov 2 and May 18 2025
Their Oct-Nov aspects are very close together. The 1° STATION starts Sep 25 and ends Nov 18, 54 days! The sextile’s last station day during this pair of aspects is the day before Pluto enters Aquarius its final time! 20 years to go now! The sextile gives Pluto important last minute information and a healing send off. 

An outer planet station can be as long as an entire Mercury retrograde cycle! A station is usually measured by the number of days a planet is within one degree of the exact retro or direct turning point. This outer planet station sextile matches that criteria! Those of you with chart factors near or at 20 and 21 degrees will very likely feel this energy, have or induce related events!

Stations bring special emphasis! The planet literally appears to stand still in the sky, a pause when we are able to be still to receive, focus, take time to think, steep in our thinking. We make things the best we can, anchor important ideas we want to keep. The longer the station, the more its strength. We draw as much from a valuable experience as possible, or get to know a special person more deeply. It may be a rest after a lot has been changing. It can be a relief to take a breather.

The sextile is in Air and Fire signs, Jupiter in Gemini, Chiron in Aries, very chatty and quite exciting! Time to learn, study something that inspires you! Jupiter in Gemini has loads to share. Put it all together your way! You will have a good time and be surprised at the terrific results! Jupiter is wholesomeness, confidence, fun, has faith! It’s a time of learning, growth, healing. Jupiter wants perspective, the whole truth, and staying on point but, in this case, with a lot of Gemini diversity, LOL! Make better bigger goals, work the good one you already have with new ideas.

It’s true that water and earth signs may not be as pleased with all this glee and frivolity! They often enjoy peace and quiet, but maybe it’s time to interrupt everyday business in favor of some worthy exploration and new offerings! Some of us may need to turn down our volume and overwhelming quantity, upon first contact until they get to see our good intent and get a bit used to us. For earthlings that have their own pace, do record or take notes to be researched or prodded and poked at in our own time and way. There will undoubtedly be some excellent points made and you may find them easy to adapt to your situation.

Chiron in Aries is a hero in shamanic action! He’s on fire, ready to rescue whether your health, an emergency, or your business needs a kick up! Jupiter will cheer your way, learn while doing. Chiron wants superlative health! Move it. Get vigorous exercise in behalf of your best purposes! He wants you to eat well, pay attention to new relationships, incorporate some new business skills and techniques, expand your territory and offerings!

Jupiter wants to publish the best and may want to interview you. It is so heady, you may need to get a hold of yourself and not divulge what you would later regret. Jupiter in Gemini can exaggerate out of sheer excitement, make impossible promises, and not use what you would consider discretion. If you want your story or advertisement to get out, this is prime time, but check the text a couple of times before it goes public! They may be excited and publish earlier than the promised date! Things are going to be moving swiftly.   

The third and final aspect will be May 18, 2025.

Further, here is notice of a unique happening! In preview, prelude, for preparation, May 10 we had Jupiter conjunct Behenian fixed star Algol! It was 3 days after the May 7 FIVE Planets Stellium Taurus New Moon! It cleared pathways and thinking before the May 23 Jupiter sextile Neptune. Whether good or bad, it was big! One thing leads to another. The major conjunction follows! We had the exceptional Uranus conjunct ALGOL July 20! In old fashioned terms, all hell could have broken loose! The pot had been simmering and spells may have caused both curses and blessings to come true! The next day was Sunday, the July 21 Full Buck Moon 29 Cap/Cancer! There were some endings. It now conjuncts retrograde Oct 14/15, right now during Jupiter’s healing sextile station with Chiron, during Pluto’s final time in Capricorn! The final time Uranus connects with Algol is May 3/4 2025!

The last time it happened was 1941/42, when the US entered WW2. Please see Astrology King for Algol info, how it relates to your chart factors, famous people with Algol placements including Trump. Note that Algol’s current position is 26 Taurus 30! Darkstar Astrology has some additional information and alternative thinking about Algol! Uranus is noted for being ahead of its time, shaking things up, invention, networking. He would have no qualms about befriending and putting Algol to work. Algol, surprised, may just accept the offer! Algol will blast the ways open for us all! Keep your eyes on the high road!

Remember, Presidential Elections are November 5!



Enjoy these powerful awesome times! The possibilities are compelling!

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2025 OPENS GATEWAYS AS FOUR PLANETS CHANGE SIGNS in 100 Days!Time to cross thresholds, broaden your chances! We will be adding four new ways of living, doing our business of life! Time for the next steps!

In 100 Days FOUR Outer Planets sign changes in 2025! Be ready to make many adjustments throughout 2025! There are a LOT of aspects in 2025! No matter what you plan for each of them, as the signs change, so will your plans! Three of those sign changes are more long term and are the backdrop for the planets aspecting each other. Two of the planets and Pluto are higher consciousness planets.  Some changes will just happen – no previous thought, as part of the ungovernable sweeping collective consciousness proceeding at its own level.

What we need to do now is finish up what we have going. Get ready for being able to be flexible, standing strong on our foundation.

What we want now will quickly be the past as new beginnings of all kinds require our full attention! With Pluto already having been in Aquarius, intense with new ideas, new perspectives are bursting forward inspiring us to fresh freedoms never had before or even anticipated. Genius ideas are worth doing, no going back! The old will be replaced by the new with no apologies. There will be fumbles, but no stopping. Things will go forward!

They will most strongly be felt by those of you with planets in the last 3 degrees of signs and the 0, 1, 2 and 3 degrees of a sign. In late degrees, you always live on the brink, bringing things to maturity, readying and setting the foundation for the leap into new territory. Those of you in those three earliest degrees are always eager for inspiring new beginnings, living on chances and exploration, being the first, sometimes pure and innocent! We will be trialing new ground. Give it a chance. Nothing will be settled right away. Creation is in full swing! Evolution continues.

Mar 30 Neptune, on its 168 year cycle, arrives in Aries, stays through March 2039!
May 24 Saturn goes into Aries too, a 29 year change, 2¼ to 2½ year stay!
June 9 Jupiter goes home into Cancer. Sign per year.
July 7 Uranus zips out of Taurus into Gemini,
 on an 84 year cycle, a 7 year sign shift.

With these planets on such differing lengths of cycles, how rare for them all to change signs in only 100 Days! If you thought things were popping with Pluto at only 2, 3 degrees Aquarius, wait until these change all at once and activate him more! Keep your eyes open and hang onto your sox! 

Three positive launch combinations support Aquarius in these early new times. Neptune and Saturn will be sextile from Aries. Uranus will be trine from Gemini. Jupiter is skeptical from traditional Cancer, but sees the others doing well and soon feels safe to join in. After all, someone has to mind the store and the kids, keep everyone fed, give hugs to the hard workers, no matter how old they are, LOL! Besides, Cancer is a great business person, especially with successful, fame and fortune Jupiter in her sign! Fun too!


Mar 30 Neptune, on its 168 year cycle, arrives in Aries, stays through March 2039! The planet of the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces, goes into the first sign of the zodiac! By this act alone, Initiation happens! Neptune is dreams, spirituality, beliefs, compassion, music, some of the best things in life! Aries is the first responder, reacting instantly to the insights we gain! Neptune may be the savior, saint, victim or addict, but Aries says get active and try on new options. If one cape doesn’t fit, get another one! Ta-da!

Ha, then May 24 Saturn goes Aries too! He retrogrades back into Pisces, but after that stays in Aries until April 12, 2028. Saturn gathers the energy, compacts it, meters its use, applies it to the points that most need it in an amazingly effective way, no time or motion wasted! With the restraints, Aries may go a bit crazy at first, but is delighted with the outcome and has more time to do saves and other things!June 9 Jupiter goes home into Cancer or leaves home and goes to college, or travels the planet to his homes away from home! He may become a renowned chef, write a book on international cuisine, open a divine restaurant, a bed and breakfast! At the very least, he takes his home away from home – his camper on a summer road trip! The families and customs, children of the world and how they live, what their homes and communities are like, are totally intriguing. Feelings can run high with observations, perceptions, awareness like never before, ecstatic or not. Intuition soars. Some will experience more about how their parents came to be, what ingrained culture and roots mean organically, the role of women and femininity. If in a disaster area, the Cancerian care-giving ability helps organize shelter, feed and comfort all. The Mother comes into play. Jupiter helps gather all of what’s needed trip after trip. They are super commendable business people and are excellent investors, particularly in commodities.July 7 Uranus zips out of Taurus into Gemini, a 7 year sign shift, into his own air element! The grounded patience practiced while in Taurus has done him well; now it is chat time to spread the word! Fast with mind and feet, there will be a lot of exuberant over talking! Jupiter in Cancer will be all ears, always wondering what’s going on in the tribe. She may be a bit shocked at times but is happy they are happy! Jupiter was in Gemini, so is already in practice! Jupiter will want the whole community to be in on it! What a scoop! There may be a temporary lack of focus as Uranus hears the babel of the people, but brilliant as he is, things will be sorted quickly. Everything will be enhanced tenfold and more by all the latest input! One by one, the new networks connect, the Lights going on round the world for the next eight years! This is the kind of year that you make plans but expect to change them! Have purpose, priorities, and stay flexible to incoming possibilities you couldn’t have known of in advance. It’s a blessing. Neptune is shifting into a more active mode, looking for what’s new, insights that keep things smooth. Saturn wants it to happen NOW! Get the team, materials and let’s build!Uranus in Gemini spreads the news and the whole community shows up for the barn raising! He oversees the project offering great tips that make a significant difference! Jupiter in Cancer wants everyone to feel at home. She sets up sleeping quarters, the townies bring food and water. The kids will be taken care of and be safe. All those people will be contributing and making for a rich experience. If you do it once, it can be done again! This is a fabulous model. 2025 ASPECTS

March 28, two days before Neptune moves into Aries, a potent mini stellium, grouping of 3 planets, arrives at the 29th degree of Pisces together! The 29th degree is endings, maturity, success, last chance, no going back – what’s done is done. Be planning ahead for this one. Tidy up your affairs to make the transition a clean one and be ready to step into new beginnings in Aries! This few hours stellium is putting its sweet blessings stamp of approval on your efforts. Moon is with Venus, both feminine, and they are loving Neptune up to his full beauty! Mercury has been in Aries already, leading the way, but is now at 0 Aries retrograding to 29 Pisces (!) bringing the latest back for pure inspiration! She will give them high fives as Moon and Venus pass by forward. Thoughts will be potent and quick between Mercury’s cutting edge logic and Moon and Venus’s so comprehensive instant intuition! What took weeks takes seconds. No outer planets are retrograde, Saturn in Pisces sextiles genius Uranus in Taurus April 4! They will put all that information right where it is needed, know just what to do with it, and build on it. Another piece of the puzzle slips into place! Good for career. At Noon Pacific time in Santa Barbara March 28, there are SEVEN planets in the 10th house, the Father and career house! Time to brainstorm, make plans, network! (Have your astrologer adjust this timing for your location.)April 4 Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus the first of three times! This is a mythological Father – Son combination. Saturn ousted his Father Uranus. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, the heavens, the sign Pluto is now in during 2025 to 2044. In Taurus he is well grounded. Taurus, THE Earth sign, is concerned for our planet and its people. Saturn in Pisces is concerned for all beings, suffering Souls, is working hard to gather the psychic and spiritual insights, to put them to work, make a safe place for them to build themselves into strong beings. This is no small task. The Uranian networks will be needed and appreciated so much.The retrograde aspect is Aug 11 – they have both changed signs, to Aries and Gemini, and retrograded in those new signs making the Rx sextile before returning to Pisces and Taurus! The energy shift is to action, removing or empowering personal rights, important dialogue. Precision expression is mixed with the wild Uranian mind blowing ideas. There is a leaning to a calculated technical revolution, an invention that takes us to a significant new level. Robotics?! The final aspect is Jan 19, 2026, back in Pisces and Taurus! They retrograded back, turned forward and are making their sextile the third time. This time it is the completion though it is in earlier signs and degrees than the retrograde! This can happen in transits to transits, but not with retrogrades to natal planets that don’t move. These two finish their updating, copy and share the updated specs, go their separate ways. The ‘r/evolution’ and fantastic invention may be buried, left where they were. Saturn and Uranus don’t make the sextile again as they move forward. It may be the right thing – the world not quite ready for it yet. This is Saturn’s last aspect in Pisces and he would like to do it proud. He knows where it is all buried and may come back for it one day… June 9 is the Jupiter into Cancer, the Super Mom sign change! When not escaping, running away from home, going away to school again, obsessing on vacations, Jupiter in Cancer is Super Mom, from home school to folding your underwear! Now, believe me, Pluto in Aquarius would not want his personal life snooped in or molested! AQ is so brilliant they don’t want someone to try to do their thinking for them! Pluto likes privacy and AQ wants freedom. Cancer feels the ‘good Person’ right to do for you. Nope. They tell you what to eat, when, and they fix it for you their way. What?! You don’t appreciate it? Now their feelings are hurt and you and everyone else has to go through that too! Ok, let’s turn the tables. To have all that privacy and freedom Pluto in Aquarius prefers, find the right Jupiter in Cancer type and let them do for you. Let them set up a comfy home for you, a convenient kitchen, arrange home delivery meals and YOU make the choices of what food you want! Your personal space is off limits. Give them ‘away’ projects so they can do for you but not be underfoot. Let them learn about facets of your projects and help you with historical perspective and research, keep a record of proceedings with text and photos. Who knows, it could become a book! They can be publicists and have keen attention to growth and current community thinking! They are ace at that! They know things about cultures and ages, babes to elders, sometimes they are great about architectural styles of the times. Put them to work at their fullest capacity.  Also see the 2025 Four Sign Changes above.Very soon Jupiter, barely in Cancer, makes three challenging aspects in close order. June 15 Jupiter in Cancer squares Saturn in Aries. You do and you don’t want it! June 18 Jupiter squares Neptune – who knows what to think?! Lost again. June 23 Jupiter inconjuncts Pluto in Aquarius. Oops. More than you want to know or pay. The aspects are very early Cancer at 1, 2 and 3 degrees.Neptune and Saturn have just moved into Aries and are not entirely patient. They are not fiery planets, so it may take getting used to being in the first fire sign Aries, which is not a patient sign! Aries is not shy, while Neptune is famous for ducking into the temple to pray. Saturn can give orders, but also be concerned about being brash or brazen and offending the boss or anyone, or making a fool of himself with rash or impulsive behavior. Polite is good, by the book is good and don’t break the law. You see the struggle. However, both Neptune and Saturn can defend righteous causes like when abuse is happening, someone is endangering others or their kids, a crucial ethic of life is ignored. They might even give their lives. Amazing people.This pair, Jupiter square Saturn then Neptune, is followed by Jupiter inconjunct Pluto! Jupiter in Cancer is sometimes quite conservative. They can have organic ancestral tenets, not impressed by that Pluto rapscallion of wildness and unpredictability in AQ! So, Cancer may be the tamer or give unconditional support when she perceives a sincere hearted need. It will take some adjusting. Jupiter in Cancer could generously give you a house cleaning like never before. Although Pluto opts for cleanliness, he doesn’t like his private space messed with. Pluto in freedom loving AQ doesn’t usually want a super Mom! Cancer had no idea anyone could possibly object. Feelings may be hurt. But go gently, please. Shared purpose will become apparent.

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2025-29  THREE OUTMOST HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS PLANETS, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto aspect each other.     July 2026, June 2027 and June/July 2028 are notable periods      See about the remarkable 82 year Neptune sextile Pluto
In this 2025-29 period, Uranus and Neptune both aspect Pluto as well as each other, ALL FAVORABLY! Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus’s sign, so they all are tied with Pluto in Aquarius! The three outmost planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, take it to the next level, meaning these are considered higher consciousness planets!

When she first heard about these three together, a friend said OMG, that sounds destabilizing and slightly terrifying! And it can be, depending on your point of view and climate changes. Sometimes destabilizing can be a chosen technique, done on purpose in a good way, like the demolition of an old dangerous building. At the same time space is made to accommodate opening the good gates of the future, an amazing rebuild, making a park, a hospital, library, low income senior housing. With climate disasters, entire areas are devastated. Yet even during anger and grief, there is the seeing of a significant, even profound, choice of rebirth of much better ways. In time, surprisingly, the whole experience brings gratitude. As Rumi says: “Earth turns to Gold in the hands of the Wise.” Here is our big chance to make it so!

The Uranus sextile Neptune prelude periods July to Dec ’23, June ’24 to Feb ’25 before the exact aspects Aug ’25 to June 2027!  

Uranus and Neptune are sextiling – opportunities – each other and Uranus has moved into trine with Pluto while Pluto is retrograded back in Capricorn. At the first of this period, Jupiter is closer to his conjunction with Uranus, and many are already sensing the amazing possibilities. They will be exact April 2024. The threesome are holding in earth and water signs until Pluto makes his shift back into Aquarius again Jan 2024. That will leave Uranus and Neptune keeping the dream electric and lively! Neptune evolves just like all the planets do. With Uranus, even he develops a new level of awareness. At first it may seem a bit prickly, but as he gets used to it, it’s more sparkly! In fact, it’s all quite intriguing.

Uranus has been within a 5° sextile with Neptune since July ’23, and will be for five months through Dec 16, 2023! Uranus is the last Air planet, the planet of the heavens, flight and electronics – the internet and networking. The Awakener has humanitarian inclinations and collective intent. There is maximum exchange of information, extraordinary invention, as genius is released planet wide! He changes, adds dimension to Neptune’s way of seeing and content of his visions! That Uranus is grounded in Taurus, he keeps the intentions sensible and steady. Things may not be so ‘loud.’ More gets done since undistracted energy is concentrated, applied right where needed, and doesn’t quit until completed.

Neptune, the most adaptable planet, quickly takes on the Uranian continuum of skills, adeptly commingles it with his own psychic seeing! He gives remarkable tips that bypass super logic and gets us there without explanation. Astonishing as always was and will be! There are leaps beyond our ken, but we arrive, suddenly transported, functioning in a way we didn’t know before, but is right as rain. It seems like a miracle, but is really normal.

At times we get lost in the glory and excitement of such transitions. We get enamored with the genius of it all. But Neptune reminds us it’s not just what we can do but the meaning of it all. We take a few still moments to honor our original inspiration, the commandments of our Soul, the depth of caring, need for change, that started our pilgrimage.

After Dec 16, 2023 they again pick up their less than 5° sextile June 14, 2024 through Feb 13, 2025! This second set is eight months, making a total of 13 months! Neptune again leaves Uranus behind, entering ARIES Mar 30, 2025, never making the exact sextile while Neptune is in Pisces! Yet all this prelude period, they are functioning together, progressively activating 19 through 28 degree factors in our charts! They are awakening us, setting the stage, making a foundation for the exact aspect sets to come.

During their periods of not being closer than 5°, the three outer planets are not all closely connected.

With the outmost planets, this pattern of coming close then moving apart is normal. It gives time to get to know each other in context of the type of aspect and the signs they are in. The can see how to protect themselves if necessary, how to help each other as possible.

The James Webb Space Telescope is making magic in the Heavens, here with Uranus and its rings! Corey Ford/Stocktrek Images/Getty Images

The EXACT Uranus/Neptune Sextiles

Aug 28, 2025 the first of the five EXACT sextiles is formed, but in Gemini and Aries! Their two year set finishes June 6, 2027! 

The energy starts before the exact aspect happens; outer slow moving planets start and end months before and after. There is a 3 Day rule that many find to be the most potent stage. Some of us are more sensitive and feel things sooner. Some are more sensitive to certain things than others. A difficult aspect may be felt more than one that flows easily. If the aspect activates your chart, if that facet of your life needs attention or an update, you may be activated strongly. Some aspects and sign changes, like Pluto on such a long cycle, are certainly a collective experience as well as personal. In the 21 years of Pluto in Aquarius, Pluto will aspect every single factor in your chart as it traverses all the degrees. And that is true for every single person on the planet. Also, note that every country, city, business, and your pet have their own charts too.

1) Aug 28, starts the most long term aspect of 2025, Uranus in Gemini sextile Neptune in Aries! Not only are Uranus and Neptune slow moving, but the aspect occurs five times over almost two years! This initial aspect is in station through Nov 20. By that time both planets have retrograded back to Taurus and Pisces so the second sextile has an entirely different flavor. Taurus and Pisces want to ground the dreams, bring them into common use. Uranus and Neptune have peeked into Gemini and Aries, are taking the news back to these previous signs for upgrades, setting a stronger support for new ways to come. The rest of the sextiles are all in Gemini and Aries. Uranus is jazzed, while Neptune may be a bit overwhelmed, but he’s very adaptable! They willingly step up their pace. Fascinating!Uranus is considered to be the higher mind planet, the genius ruler of the last Air sign Aquarius. It is happy in in fellow air sign Gemini, has a mindful of trillions of ideas, all connecting with lightning synapses, begetting more! In dramatic comparison, Neptune can be deeply thoughtless. No insult. Neptune has intuition and visions, spiritual music that divines without thought. Silence is as potent, maybe even more potent, than a million chaotic clamoring thoughts. It certainly can be faster with a lot less effort. In two seconds it can arrive at the point the thinking person takes years to figure out. But, Uranus has the advantages of being a lightning thinker. He can snatch matching sequences of thoughts while they sizzle by, making the inventions he is known for! AQ is ahead of his times, an inventive futurist! What we call news is passé to him. Neptune is not bored! Neptune instantly understands, imagines the magic that goes with it, which delights Uranus no end! He is not bored either, LOL! In Aries, Neptune wants to see it all happen right now, to be the leader of his people, the first! Uranus is avant-garde and loves the challenge; Aries is at the cutting edge! What a fruitful combination!Uranus often hides his light because people can’t understand what he says. He’s gotten used to living in the background, a loner, even laughed at. But now in Gemini, how can he be quiet?! Gemini needs to be heard. He has so much to tell and it just keeps coming! Uranus is super perceptive and links things together in strings of consciousness, quickly makes new connections! He learns every second! Neptune can be overwhelmed and needs time out, or just falls asleep. Uranus will soon find that out and learns to give Neptune a break. Neptune needs to let Uranus know when he needs time to go into his own zone, give the dreamtime the time to do its work. Neptune is empathic and compassionate. Uranus begins to see how paying attention to other’s needs will work better for him. Sleepy Neptune may have played the away card more than needed. Uranus can wake him up again! Neptune learns he may need to step up the quality of his companions. He finds people are more exciting than he realized. When you are with the right people you enjoy being awake and enlightened! Sextiles mingle forces, bring opportunities! Electronics and music and films. Air travel and Soul travel. Friendships with higher meaningful purpose. Freedom with magic and joining with supportive others of like mind. Invention with psychic insight is so effortless and time saving. Uranian air and Neptunian water make miraculous clouds that hover between heaven and earth. Sometimes they make a mist, no distractions, so we can see without confusion. They connect:  First Station Aug 28 and Nov 20 of 2025. Turning point July 15, 2026.  Second station Jan 15 and June 6, 2027.


2) July 15 to 24 2026 brings SIX aspects, the most exciting combination in these first seven years of Pluto in Aquarius! The July 20, 2026 Jupiter opposite Pluto chart is phenomenal! Four outer planets at the FOURTH degree! Uranus trines Pluto while Jupiter trines Neptune! All of them are same degree sextile each other! The aspect pattern is called a Bow. It’s an unpredictable event with Jupiter opposition Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in the mix. It could be astoundingly good or bad, even both at once, but the sextiles will lean it toward the positive side. A trial ‘investment’ is certainly worth the chance! Do check with your astrologer and plan this one well in advance! See the aspects below, one by one, to get the details.

Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol 2021 2022

New Horizons Reveals Dunes Made of Tiny Grains of Solid Methane on Pluto

The prelude periods of Uranus trine Pluto

Since Uranus is sextile Neptune, and Neptune is sextile Pluto, in 2023 Uranus is trine Pluto though technically not quite within the 5° or less zone. Since around the end of July, or earlier, Uranus and Pluto have been considering each other. Uranus slows to his stand still station Aug 28. Pluto is retrograding getting closer by degree with Uranus. They get closest Sep 10/11 then gradually part further. But once aware of each other, they can still watch…plus Neptune has his eye on both and they are both watching Neptune. It’s a bit intricate and it isn’t done yet.

Though Pluto goes into Aquarius, Uranus is still following and catches up to within that 5° July 11, 2024. They track each other closely in the Pluto, then while Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn the second and last time,  through Nov 22, 2024. Uranus is undoubtedly loosening the last of the Capricorn crusts and defenses.

June 8, 2025 Uranus has gained speed and they make a third close encounter, with Pluto now back in AQ. Uranus enters Gemini July 7, 2025, and almost exactly catches the exact trine Sep 5, 2025! Pluto is 1 AQ 42; Uranus gets to 1 GE 28! SO close! They stay close through Jan 4, 2026.

They don’t make the first EXACT trine until July 17, 2026! Like Uranus sextile Neptune, this too is a 5 time set of aspects and takes two years to complete on May 9, 2028.

While Neptune is midpoint between them he can act as a buffer. Pluto in Capricorn is set in some of his ways. Uranus is the planet of change and evolution while Capricorn is the guardian of the status quo, elders. Pluto doesn’t want anyone messing with his relationships, especially with money. But, they are nevertheless, trine, likely to find ways to work with each other. Uranus in Taurus is more sensible, but certainly not the same. His advocacy for individual’ rights includes money, but from the opposite side of the table. Pluto is corporate money, the ruler of Scorpio. Taurus is MY money. It will take a little doing to bridge this difference. Both are strong and both can be stubborn. Neptune in Pisces is known for his empathy and understanding, but he has long been bonded with Pluto, so may lean a bit more to Pluto’s side.

The EXACT Uranus Pluto Trines

July 2026, 15 and 17! Uranus sextile Neptune’s third of five aspects happens. Two days later Uranus starts another almost two year set of five aspects, Uranus trines Pluto himself! It’s first of five aspects! Uranus rules what’s extraordinary! Pluto rules wealth. Uranus is networking and banking and Pluto brings the behind-the-scenes money brokers to the meet. Both will bring advocates and lobbyists. Uranus is the planet of the sign Pluto is in. There will be strong camaraderie, change expected. New cutting edge techniques and consortiums will be put into play. Some of it will be business as usual, but some will be in planetary behalf, for the people, for climate. All will be in play, deals will be made. Make your voice heard to your representatives. A trine is considered the most beneficial of all aspects. Even if there are breakaways, that will be for the best. People standing for their freedom will be an important piece.Uranus is genius technical, electronic and inventive. Pluto the healer will call for medical assistance to be upped, the medical community’s services to be updated, new cures to be supported, emphasized and released. Friendships and relationships will heal, be left behind as we all grow, be more intimate not just sexually, but at the Soul level, have new purpose. They will be many times more supportive, profoundly effective.Uranus and Pluto connect: First Station July 17 and Nov 19, 2026. Turning point June 15, 2027. Second station Jan 12 and May 9, 2028.

You can see the potency of this three outer planet grouping. The harmony of these planets draws us past our daily experience. We are encountering great principles working together. Uranus is humanitarian, the Awakener. Neptune is the dreamer of the vastitudes, spiritual Master. Pluto awakens the Kundalini, the fire at the base of the spine, burns away the dross, aligns the chakras and we are ON! When Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus’s sign, the two are combined as one, unimaginable electric life force! Immense possibilities. See more about the approaching April 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus! This aspect alone will jump the group a few light years ahead!Jupiter finishes the set of SIX!July 20 Jupiter in heartful Leo trines Neptune in Aries! Fiery and dramatic, dreams can come true! Spiritual growth and expansion. Perspective of Faith. Broadening of beliefs and trust. Take a sentimental journey.Same day is Jupiter opposite Pluto! Neptune and Pluto are traveling in really close degrees. They are about to sextile! The opposition brings differences of opinions, and neither wants to back off, yet, as opposites, there is a certain understanding. Jupiter has needs for himself and his travels and teaching. Pluto can salt the monies away, but Aquarius says ‘What about the people?’ Jupiter wants to take it to the people while Pluto may be holding back but doesn’t yet reveal why. Jupiter appears to be the good right person but Pluto in AQ may seem a bit odd and not to be trusted, when he may have a really long term good goal in the works. Give it some time or call the cops!July 21 Leo Jupiter sextiles Gemini Uranus! Elope?! OMG! Most fun in a long time! Funny, quick short journey, friends join! Seminar, conference, excitement for new projects! Time to publish, blog, write! Change is inevitable – like minds.


3) In that July 15 to 24 period there are SIX aspects, the second aspect is formed to Pluto! 

Etheric Neptune and its rings Look Out of This World in Latest James Webb Telescope Image – Wall Street Journal!

From 1900 through 2032, there is only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. Pluto started in Leo, Neptune in Libra. Pluto has done 7 signs, now in Aquarius. Neptune has also done 7 signs, now in Aries. The sextiles finish when both are in their opposite signs from where they started. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make their first station, then, not missing any, they continue through Feb 29, 2032, from 4 to 14° Aries/Aquarius! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period! This completes the 82 Years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence. As planets travel together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies while Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!Pluto now in Aquarius is important because it will last through 2044 and has significant history – American and French Revolutions and the Industrial Revolution in England. See more about Pluto in Aquarius! At this time, the Spiritual Mandate is called into its final play! Humanitarian Aquarius wants human rights and good treatment for Earth herself. Neptune now in Aries is fighting to reduce suffering of all beings, to help people stand on their own two feet, for our human and spiritual rights, compassion for humans who are brilliant, mentally disabled, unable to socialize very well, are shockingly different than ourselves, for glory – for our very Souls. Neptune doesn’t care about the money itself, generally, but sure appreciates the funds for a dear cause. Pluto is a superlative fundraiser!82+ years has brought a lot of changes! Human rights, computers into common use, the Internet, medical advancements, container ships, decolonization, women as heads of government, fall of the Berlin Wall, climate change awareness, Nelson Mandela, 911, electric vehicles, covid pandemic, space flight! Clearly, there are so many more. The world population in 1942 we had 135M. Today we have 7.9B! Times have changed during this sextile.Since the sextile stemmed from WWII, Astrology.com organically writes ‘…that we collectively strive to balance the passions of war with the compassion of peacekeeping. …a commitment to angle toward a peaceful resolution and robust discussion, then the power of this aspect can be felt at global, societal, and personal levels. …you’re experiencing a powerful reminder to keep a sacred promise that human beings should be a bridge to each other, rather than a burden. …you can bridge the gap between wasteful wishing and apocalyptic thinking through a persistent faith that things can—and, with no alternative, must—work out. Balance your passion with compassion, and you’ll be off to a good start.’Neptune is the closest planet to Pluto. They have been working hard for a long time. With their long history, Neptune has no fear of taking his case right to Master Pluto himself! Together they may surprise all and conduct a blow-your-mind concert that funds a miraculous cause for years! Who knows what could happen with those two?! We have seen miracles and they aren’t done yet!4) The two five aspect sets and Neptune sextile Pluto overlap each other but gather potently during June 2027! They even happen in the order they started! During June, it’s time to review, update, make future plans. I hope many of you have family reunions, extended gatherings to contemplate together and make special plans for yourselves in our world today. What is your part? June 6 Uranus sextiles Neptune the last of their five aspects. June 15 Uranus trines Pluto at the turning point third of five aspects.June 28 Neptune sextiles Pluto, also at the turning point third of five aspects.The Uranus/Neptune combo share their last findings and achievements, making proposals per their experiences. Uranus and Neptune are still working with Pluto. Uranus is still getting networks organized and changing with progress and additional information gained. Neptune is keeping the pulse of world needs and people’s abilities to carry out the changes happening. Uranus and Neptune will finish their last aspect May 9, 2028. Neptune with Pluto carries their information forward, finishes in 2032!Remember, the first of a five aspect set starts at minimum a two year time span. Many allow the year before for preparation and the following year for integration of what is learned into their life. There are going to be learning curves, stages, remeets as new things come to light, participants change positions with more experience. Honor the time it takes. Things may not go as quickly as you hope, but stay Steady in the Light. Sometimes ‘setbacks’ are the best thing that ever happened! Uranus sextile Neptune will make the call for compassion. Uranus trine Pluto is smart enough to get a great audience with Pluto, calling for changes that wake Pluto right up! Wow! Later, Neptune in Aries will sextile Pluto and makes his compassion call directly to Pluto. He will tell him the advantages of leading the work, making a strong difference. In Aquarius, the evolutionist, Pluto will resonate with the potency of the requests. Pluto is intense and once he makes up his mind, you can count on him to his last breath! Pluto is the Kundalini, the Prince of Transformation, so he will keep at it through its many levels, skillfully adjusting through the chakras.

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BACKGROUND ASPECTS AND SIGN CHANGES 2026 -2028, Rare Saturn conjunct Chiron

Aquarius is the sign of flight, and Pluto in Aquarius will take us higher than ever before! Wilbur and Orville Wright didn’t give up. Together we all will do so much more! Library of Congress image.

2026 Saturn conjunct Neptune, Two sign changes in June, Jupiter into Leo!

Jan 17, two days before the final Saturn sextile Uranus we have another stellium! Their first sextile was poised with a stellium too. This time we have FIVE planets in Capricorn, Saturn’s sign! Four of them, inner planets Mercury, Mars, Sun and Venus, are trine that genius humanitarian, networking planet Uranus! Mercury is full of ideas, Mars wants to do them now, Sun hopes for a rising star of glory, and Venus wants some more money to spend, great clothes, the comforts of life, lovely art, a long lasting meaningful relationship, work where she feels useful and appreciated. They are in a tight span from 24 to 29 degrees sextile Saturn and Neptune! Venus and Neptune are both at 29, the end degree of any sign, knowing that this chapter is soon to be over. Venus gives a quick blessing, Neptune is touched, and she passes him by. He sees what she wants, the beauty of her wishes and gives her quick insight. This is a precious connection, that both Saturn and Uranus will also be incorporating into their good works. There will be some fast scrambling, a little uphill, but so satisfying finishing up. Neptune enters Aries Jan 26, Saturn on Feb 13, virtually together, and make their conjunction Feb 20! No time to lose. They need a strong foundation before launching their new work. There will be initiations and spiritual callings.8:52 AM Pacific, Feb 20 Saturn conjunct Neptune at 0 ARIES 45! That’s the ZERO degree of the first sign of the zodiac! This Initiation happens only once, so get your location lined up well in advance! Decide on your witnesses, plan the special time, the words or allow spontaneous contributions from all present. You may not think you have anything to celebrate, but being there may be the key! Your insight may be the what that happens! It only occurs approximately every 36-37 years; the last time was in 1989-1990 in Saturn’s own sign Capricorn. Something potent was to be built, cherished. You may have profound spiritual insights, find your spiritual path, surrender to the dharmic work of your lifetime. The witnesses are there to keep you on track and support you through the next 36-7 years! They too will have some kind of experience whether they realize it at the time or not, but it will come. It will be a collective experience of presence and support, a ‘marriage,’ if you will, no matter how independent you feel. There may be some group function that you will all initiate together…a unity. A bond and an unspoken pledge perhaps…  June 19  On a 51 year cycle, Chiron shuffles into Taurus stabilizes earthy matters, puts the Earth in business – food, minerals, lumber, quarries. Old Shaman Chiron takes his time showing us in person how healing works over time. With common sense simple organic techniques, our bodies will show long term improvement as he gets to work. In Taurus he’s practical at business and some marriages may show us how to stand the test of time, love and kindly patience.June 29 Jupiter into Leo may show us some grand scale gala marriages with generous gifts! Super health will make for magnificent races; kind and loving  walks will be made for causes, famous trails will be trekked! Summer water sports will be a joy! Winter will bring some extraordinary waves and surfing! Have some indulgences but take care of your prowess. Travel businesses, self betterment, teaching, public speaking, heartfelt spiritual gatherings – places like Esalen, will heighten our spirits! ‘The Esalen Institute, commonly called Esalen, is a non-profit American retreat center and intentional community in Big Sur, California, which focuses on humanistic alternative education. The institute played a key role in the Human Potential Movement beginning in the 1960s.’ Wikipedia

2027 Last Uranus sextile Neptune Station, June – 3 Outer Planets gathering, Jupiter Virgo  Jan 15 to June 6 is the last Uranus sextile Neptune Station. They make their final exchanges of combining planetary communications with Spiritual insights. They set up guidelines for merging networks, holding the inspiration of Neptune high for all to see! June 6, 15 and 28 gathering of the aspects of the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Networking, Spiritual Guidance, Power!JUNE 8 June 6 Uranus sextiles Neptune the last of their five aspects. Two days later it’s celebration time! During the Gathering of the Three, Chiron, discovered Nov 1, 1977, returns to its discovery position for the first time! Now we shall have seen it in all it’s signs and degrees! We have a complete first 51/52 year cycle history recorded by current methods with the accompanying current history! July 25 Jupiter into Virgo! Accountability, reorg., just and meaningful taxation. Employer/employee relationships. Improving health care, daily living amenities. Educational techniques and systems, useful symposiums. Playing and getting paid for it! Blue Ribbon home crafts, winning pets! Uncanny details make the difference!

2028 Uranus/Pluto Final Station, Saturn into Taurus rare conjunction with Chiron, challenges June/July through 2029, Jupiter Libra

Jan 26, 7:12 AM Pacific time, during this Station, we have an impressive Aquarius Annular Solar Eclipse New Moon stellium including FIVE planets, the north node, Part of Fortune, and Lilith! The planets include the Moon, Sun, PLUTO conjunction and the Mars, Mercury conjunction! Pluto is the sly ninja; Mars is the front line man, defender and first responder! It’s an action packed chart! But Pluto is the planet we are talking about. The New Moon and he are all at the SIXth degree! They in turn are trine Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, at SIX Gemini! We have four planets at SIX! Trines can be lazy, in air signs more chat that doing, but Mars Mercury together can be instigators with lightning intelligence, and split second re/action! Be a bit careful! The tales that will be told! Or WRITE one or two or three yourself! Be outrageous! Aquarius is the number two sign of authors! You who have chart factors from 4 to 7 degrees will be bored, fretting, curious, can’t stand still. You will likely be more interested in the planet and its peoples at large, cutting edge of anything and everything. Shake the box and see what comes up. It’s the New Year! Try something different.Jan 12 to May 9 Uranus trine Pluto last station! Blessed financial changes; get advice from the best and most experienced! It’s worth it! Friends have awesome skills. Old problems surface to be rooted out. Odd relationships, but they work!April 12 Saturn into Taurus. Climate responsibilities, land and creatures preservation. Dependable sustainable shelter – clean water. Skin and bones, bodily strength.June 8, 23 and July 8  A difficult set. Get ready. If it affects your chart factors, no overspending before hand – you will be needing that money, not a time to start a new business, make new investments, or marry. June 8 Saturn conjuncts Chiron at 6 Taurus 51! This is a rare aspect. Previously it happened in 1883 in Taurus, prediscovery April 12 1966 at 23 Pisces 51. It is happening in Taurus again in 2028 for the first time since Chiron’s discovery! The next will be 2111 in Aquarius/Pisces! In Taurus it may concern matters of long standing. Taurus hangs on to things, but has common sense and may understand the need for timely release, opening the gateways to change, welcome the good it brings. Saturn/Chiron combinations are usually tough on relationships, business, career, health issues. Calls for profound business changes, realignment with true purpose, better timing, more real commitment in relationships or breaking away from one. There may be deep sorrow, but independence needed desperately. Hopeless stress may affect your health. it could feel like the weight of the world is on you. Have your support team lined up well ahead of time. Saturn will probably set boundaries and time limits, finally. Certain protocols well end. They are spent. It may be time that a new commitment happens that has long been hoped for. Took a lot of work to get there.   June 28 Saturn square Pluto starts three aspects ’28-29 – Sexual rights, abortion. Business and relationship challenges, delays, defaults, theft, cheating, kidnapping. Dec 2019 Saturn was conjuncting Pluto in Capricorn when the pandemic started. It happens approximately every 33–38 years, but obviously we don’t have a pandemic each time. But when they are in challenge aspects with each other, there is a weakness in the system. Sometimes that is good, root out the source or fix it, and don’t delay doing it! Businesses may have bankruptcy yet start over with good adjustments and be better than ever before! Careers may be lost only to find one that suits the Soul! Doors go both ways – close and open, outgoing, incoming! Watch the exits and entrances, back door and front! Make sure you have good security. Be safe. Detox your life and keep it clean. Pluto rules viruses. Up-level your health. Make or update your Will BEFORE this aspect occurs, and revise if needed afterwards. July 8 Pluto square Chiron starts a two year set of five aspects 2028/29. Tough times for business and relationships. Not recommending marriages unless you personally have terrific marriage aspects, your partner does, your comparison wins awards, both of your personal timing is exceptionally positive! Who can help when you fall in love?! But you can choose when you marry!!! If you fall in love at a difficult time, wait for a good marriage chart to make it better! If that can’t be done, have your astrologer pick the best chart at the time, including the time of day! It makes a huge difference even on the same day. With three aspects in a row indicating tough times, pay attention. With Saturn in Taurus, it will tend to make matters linger and be hard to repair or change, be costly. Aug 23 Jupiter in Libra! Thank goodness! We will need some peacemaking after those tough aspects, even with yourself! We will need it to negotiate what we can! There may be a plethora of new relationships commiserating, keeping further peace, working for new judgments for racial, cultural and sexual rights! Balance and fair justice is called for. Fine art and beauty, symphonies and plays, cultural emphasis helps sooth and bring us back to center. But don’t be confused. Jupiter in Libra is usually wonderful for relationships, and they may look nice in public. But after three seriously Saturn, Chiron, Pluto difficult aspects running concurrently, for relationships formed during that time, take the whole six months trial time seriously, even extend it a little longer than usual! This time really do check with your astrologer. Please.

Pluto Aquarius 2023 Robotic Handshake Greenhouse

Our world is entering a fourth agricultural revolution… Image Getty by Jiraroj Praditcharoenkul
This merger of the three outer planets will have profound results over the coming years. Uranus provides the technology and the electronic spark of life. Pluto goes deep for motives and holds awareness of the Kundalini, the source of life that spirals upward through the chakras, keeps things in order, has the power of life and death. Neptune is etheric, the Soul Keeper, Spirit, Dreamer, sometimes Savior. He holds the ultimate sensitivity to life itself. We will find ourselves involved with different kinds of humans, understanding more than we ever thought could be. By 2044 we may find ourselves having non human connections Star Wars style, R2D2, C-3PO and Yoda will be a commonplace experience! Keep your mind open! Exchanges of wisdoms are a divine gift among us! Keep them flowing.Finishing notes: Much will be added as we go through the years. Many thoughts will change as the years unfold, perspectives change. What we are experiencing now will likely not be on our minds the same way as we hold it now. Much of it may even be forgotten as Pluto shifts the Aquarian airways, awareness and plateaus of our consciousness! Consciousness itself will morph… The lens we look through won’t be the same.

Blessings on these seven coming years! Do your own good part! Thank you… To 2044!

Updated 11.26.23 

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Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

Here is your 2023 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Again, see your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart!

Be up on the latest! Subscribe on this page for the blog, or here for the entire once a month AstroLogicalNow Newsletter!

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Cancer Celestial HighLights 2023 to June 2024!.

Cancer! Moms are Everywhere, Thank Goodness!

Cancer 2023 Mom!

No matter what species you are, what race or culture you are, how old you are, a refugee or in a war zone, if you are a Mom or DaddyMama, you know that Motherhood is vital, and so do we! It is generally a lifelong mission, LOL! 

Cancers are top business people and it’s a good thing they have these skills naturally! Being a Mother is an intricate piece of machinery, sometimes more difficult than being a CEO. People you love are at stake. You can’t give orders to a helpless baby. You gotta be there no matter how they or you feel. And Cancers feel a lot! It’s not just good or bad, but a deeper psychic sensitivity as well, true organic being to being core LOVE, wanting the other’s well being from your Soul level.

Because of their intuition, they often do well in situations where communications are otherwise failing. Health is foremost, one of the toughest. Babies can’t talk, and some young kids don’t know how to explain or don’t find communications easy in strange or emergency situations. Cancers can save the day. Same with other family members that may have troubles, or elders. Your empathy and comfort alone may make things tolerable and taking action doable.  

From cradle to college you learn as much as they do. Helping with homework, library trips, keeping the computer/laptop/phone in order has become essential to keep up. Now you have to be a genius too! You can only do your best. Teens are finding their own way and some are champing at the bit wanting to grow UP NOW! Empty nest comes way too soon. Cancers are very sensitive about family and their homes. They really miss their kids. Yet part of you too can’t wait and are so proud of them! And a little scared ~ will they be ok? Did you do good enough? Please call me when you arrive…

Being a Mom is clearly not just keeping house and keeping the troops fed and clean, laundry! Cancers learn multiple tricks to save time to drive to events, attend sports practices, dance/music/arts, having overnights and visiting, vacations, and get medical care! Cancers might enjoy staying home, but they are rarely sit-still-people for long! They have initiative. Their boss knows they would take over the company if they were let to!

Single moms are true Wizards! They are residential maintenance managers, tend their vehicles, do the banking and bills, pet care, and take pictures along the way for the family album! They are multi talented and have terrific memories! Being a Mother takes a special person. They take care of emergencies and additionally mother the occasional nomad that appears by happenchance. 

Being super security minded, and often exceptionally frugal, Cancer’s finances are likely to be at the top of their list! Family inter dependencies are often tested. Who works and how much do they earn? What is done with that money? Many Cancers are lifelong scholars, so they put a good percentage in the kids’ higher education account. You may become a working Mom or run your own business, from home or be public. Insurances will have importance, for you, your home, your business. Be sure to have your Will in order for the sake of your kids. 

Burnout and exhaustion can happen. Do your best, and take some time for yourself, or see that the Cancer you love does get that rest time. You probably owe them, LOL, so do your part! They need time with other mother’s to kick back without the kids – trade time to take each other’s kids for a while, trade off driving days. Get a massage, you deserve. Read a book, visit the museum, antique shop, make some music, go to a concert or symphony! In the middle of chaos just take a deep, deep breath. 

And our kids, though they may need to go through some uppity periods, love us. Down deep, they love us. Yes, they do need to learn how to make decisions for themselves even if they are wrong. LET them find out for themselves. We want so much to protect them, but smother mothering doesn’t make them strong, just resentful. If their life is in danger, that is another matter. But start letting them find out the consequences of their decisions on the little things first, as they grow up. Let them know you trust them and that they can recover from their mistakes. Later they will listen to you more, be more thoughtful, make better decisions!

Cancers are exceptional, Mothers to all, children or no children. Their comforting, crying with you, fixing your owie, getting you through that headache, bringing you some food, is standard operating procedure for them. They have instinct that puts them there right when you need them. And they check up later to see if you need anything else, how you are doing. Sweet, right?

Blessed be to all you Cancer Super Moms, women and men! We have so much to be grateful for!


Cancer Celestial Highlights 2023 to June 2024!

Cancer 2023 Timeline! Happy Summer! 

11  Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn! See Pluto in Capricorn

  June 19, 2023, Jupiter sextiled Saturn at 7 Pisces 12. It was the last aspect of 2023! After that time there are no more sign changes or further aspects! That doesn’t mean YOU won’t have any aspects the rest of the year because the planets are still moving, just not connecting with each other in the sky! See your astrologer about your aspects.
19  Leo Venus/Mercury Virgo Double Retrograde Cycle Started!

21  Happy Summer Solstice/Lithia, Happy Sun in Cancer!

03  Capricorn-Cancer Full Buck Moon
17  Cancer New Moon

Cancer Overview 2023 to June 2024!

2023 Cancer Kitchen by bead artist Liza Lou

Maybe this year you will take up painting or your own unique art! This treasure is by Liza Lou! She currently has a nomadic practice, working mostly outdoors in the Mojave Desert in southern California. Born in 1969, NYC.

In 1996, Liza Lou launched a highly successful international career with her exhibition of Kitchen (1991-95) at the New Museum in New York, a laboriously detailed, tongue-in-cheek re-creation of a kitchen, every inch of it covered in shimmering glass beads. Like Kitchen, much of Lou’s work is about work, and all of her sculptures, installations, and wall pieces are covered with glass beads. She explores darker themes, like endurance and the division of labor between the sexes, races, and classes, and lighter ones, like the pleasure of looking, in her work. “You are drawn in by the sheer volume of material and form and care and love,” she explains. “My work almost argues that the pleasure of looking is part of what it is to be alive.” See Liza Lou’s “Kitchen!” but do your art your way! 

Many of you have been tracking Pluto’s sign change into Aquarius. PLUTO made that stupendous 246 year sign change into Aquarius Mar 23, 2023! We need Aquarius to be strong, in working order, integrated and grounded among ourselves, in our communities, internationally. Pluto will be in Aquarius 21 years, until January 2044! See more!

After only 2.5 months in Aquarius, a mini preview, June 11 Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn, will go back to 27 Cap 53. He will return to Aquarius Jan 20, 2024 for seven plus months then again retrograde back into Capricorn for a final checkup and review before reentering Aquarius to stay! See Pluto in Aquarius     Pluto in Capricorn     Pluto’s First Six Years in Aquarius 2023 to 2028 

Saturn in Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, is a time of reckoning, getting clear with your Soul! It is also maturity and completion. The dreams of all the signs merge and become collective desire, an ultimate responsibility. Saturn can harness those dreams and build them to come true!

Compared with Pisces’ sensitivity, Saturn can seem to be a brutally blunt instrument. Pisces is not used to being limited or channeled or pummeled into submission by someone else’s command. Saturn may bar or protect you from an experience, or demand you to take your responsibility in its behalf or to let go because it’s done now! Either can be a blessing or an ordeal to each other, probably a little of both until they get used to each other. Pisces understands Saturn all too well. Sometimes Saturn simply just loves giving orders; it’s what he does. Pisces wants so much more. Orders without a spiritual cause, without Soul or empathy are short of the mark. Saturn may be a bit shy about that factor. He may be a little intimidated by this limitless wonder who often calls the shots better than any business man Saturn has ever encountered. Respect starts. Pisces realizes Saturn is more deep than anticipated and has good intent though Saturn’s demeanor may belie that at first. 

Saturn is generally in a sign about 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 years, so we aren’t talking about a minor experience. As it traverses ALL your chart factors, you will feel different facets of the experience. Some will be more difficult than others. You might see your astrologer to track its path while in the sign. If you are a Pisces, a super sensitive sign, you especially may find it helpful, collecting your powers and applying them with astute psychic accuracy. When Saturn believes in you, he will do his best to see your dreams built and come true! If your Saturn is in Pisces, at some point during Saturn in Pisces, you will be having your 28/29 year Saturn Return! It may be a profound time of knowing the Dharma of your life, refreshing, updating your outlook on your purpose this life.

Saturn in Pisces is importantly about building empathy. Empathy will be much needed as Pluto goes through Aquarius, retrogrades back into Saturn’s sign Capricorn! Saturn will guard us from having too much empathy too long, being naive and misplacing our empathy. Saturn humbles us to let go of our arrogance, develop a deep caring. With Pluto in Aquarius there will be intense awareness of great differences among the peoples, from hatred to fear, cults to family feuds, simple misunderstanding. We will need to get to know each other and it won’t be overnight. Saturn will be new in his sign for only 17 days before Pluto becomes new in Aquarius! Each will make newbie mistakes, be alternately excited or OMG, what have we gotten into, what have I done?! In the beginning trial and error will slow us down, making for tiring long days for many. Saturn in Pisces holds the visions and though sometimes down, will usually come through steady and doing his best even with tough odds. Some will try to take advantage of vulnerabilities; others will stumble along, while still others will stand back and look for new ways to heal the planet! There will become amazing love of people and things we never expected.

With Saturn in Pisces, there will be reality checks on that wandering Pisces imagination. Saturn figures out how to put it to work! There will be less wandering aimlessly, confirmation of the realities of dreams, daily visible progress, oceanic trade and environmental laws to be made. They will survey the seas and shores, the importance of millions of miles of shorelines, prevention of pollution – debris and chemicals, assurance of abundant long term ocean harvests. Saturn may find himself on an ocean safari while in Pisces, or gone on the wind taking the computers to the surf zone when the surf’s up, whichever continent that may be on! Working from ‘home’ takes on new meaning! Really! Can be done!

On land, Saturn in Pisces may bring a deluge of cold water and ice, more snow. Or there may be no water at all. Water conservation and collection may be undertaken due to new insights as to the severity of conditions. Saturn will then be sextile Capricorn, his own sign. Capricorn may give successful fundamental oversight in guiding these important projects, reviewing and updating, keeping them on track. He tracks to be sure Pisces’ good intentions are carried out! Cold wet OR hot and dry, building secure shelters will be a necessity. In hot times cooling the land, building cool sustainable homes, and air conditioners, may be vital. There is satisfaction at holding an important piece of life in your hands and doing good by it! Any congratulations are well earned. Saturn in Pisces 

JUPITER entered Taurus May 16! What a shift from Aries! It will be a damper for some, while for others a rest and deep organic sense of well being! It will heat up education and advocacy for Earth, our home. Some have been waiting so long for the coming significant changes. Once in Taurus, Jupiter does retrograde, but stays in Taurus until moving into Gemini May 25, 2024.

Jupiter, Sagittarius’s planet, is looking for purpose with integrity! It takes a core truth and educates as many as will listen to why it is meaningful and worthy. Jupiter has a bold and confident way, expands, embellishes, gives extra! It’s edifying, LOL! Jupiter likes to play and tell whopper stories, laughs big laughs with gusto, has a great big dog and rides the winning horse! The sign lucky Jupiter is in, is the sign that succeeds and prospers, the sign that trainings occur in. Major tours are possible and successful impossible dreams come true! It’s time to push the river a bit while the Gateway is open! 

Jupiter in Taurus may be slower, but none the less powerful. In a ‘fixed’ sign, he likely holds strong opinions and possibly a wrestling trophy! His bench presses are phenomenal. He has staying power like long distance truckers. Marathons are no problem. He likes money whether on the hoof, cash in pocket or reliably invested, especially in land and minerals. Taurus loves touch, sex, massage, natural beauty, fine scents, good food and common sense. Calm restfulness, centered peace, being grounded and patient are treasured traits. Jupiter in Taurus simplifies, installs and grounds the successful new projects, makes them sustainable, maintains and upgrades them for posterity. In Taurus he organizes vast estates, recovers the lands’ fertility, stockpiles the finest materials for future use. He has one of the strongest, most healthy beautiful bodies around! See more Jupiter in Taurus

As signs change, talents are commingled, the Path between them becoming a usable channel. Jupiter in Pisces, Aries and Taurus will develop their own smooth channels. In Pisces-Aries, it is super aware, sensitive, instantly reactive! Groups of crusaders are attracting and further developing adept leaders, rich with innovative foresight! The beauty of the Aries to Taurus transition is that Aries passes the baton to Taurus for safekeeping! Taurus holds the precious ideas of Aries until they can take root, maintain their own life. When Pluto entered Aquarius, Jupiter was at 17° Aries in a FIVE planets Aries stellium including Sun and Moon, a double Aries Chart! Aries is THE Action sign! That’s what I call a NEW beginning! See the stunning chart! 

Planetary Aspect Portals Crater Lake Circular Rainbow

Portals are all around us.

Some are temporary, some are always there. Some are annual like the August 8 Lion’s Gate. No two are alike, take us different places. Some are one way, others are two way but perhaps only at certain intervals – you have to be there or… Some lifetimes there are none, others have several passages. And there are the portals into and out of life. In astrology these are sign changes and aspects formed between planets. 2023’s big one is Pluto’s 246 year sign change into Aquarius!

 June 19, 2023, Jupiter sextiled Saturn at 7 Pisces 12. It was the last exact aspect of 2023! After that time there are no more sign changes or further aspects! That doesn’t mean YOU won’t have any aspects the rest of the year because the planets are still moving, just not connecting with each other in the sky! See your astrologer about your aspects.

However, in the background… From 1900 through 2032, there has been only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. Pluto started in Leo, Neptune in Libra. Pluto has done 7 signs, now in Aquarius. Neptune has also done 7 signs, now in Aries. The sextiles finish when both are in their opposite signs from where they started. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make their first station, then, not missing any, they continue trough Feb 29, 2032, from 4 to 14° Aries/Aquarius! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period! This completes the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence. 

As planets travel together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies while Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts! 

♦ 2024!

April 20 is the first of Jupiter’s six different 2024 aspects, Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus! All the aspects through June 2 happen only once, so that’s it. If they aspect your personal chart factors, be there, don’t miss the opportunities! 

As Jupiter has moved through all the signs year by year, Uranus has also moved forward! Their June 8 2010 conjunction was quite rowdy in Aries. The Pisces conjunctions late 2010, early 2011 were different. This one in Taurus will be comparatively quiet, but have dedicated and determined, solid achievement! The likes of which you have never been seen before is happening! With Pluto now in Aquarius wanting to make his mark, talk about earth changes and the astonishing networks of humanitarian people who bring them to pass, with our new ideas and the advanced technologies to make them come true, are real possibilities! Their time has come. Some may be disasters remediated. Some will be grass roots prevention efforts that take hold with precedent setting immediate unbelievable results! Strong lucky Jupiter in Taurus along with the Aquarian planet Uranus can rumble for change now! Uranus electrifies, awakens all, keeps change rolling. Taurus, strong as an ox, carries the Sun Disk in his horns on into the promised land! Hathor and Isis would approve!

The gains of Uranus’ innovative processes will be well guarded, anchored and maintained. For Taurus, it will be one wild aspect! Jupiter and Uranus are both total freedom lovers! You can tell Jupiter many hero stories of travels, but just the same, Taurus will stand his ground and may surprise you by opting to stay home. On the other hand, an unexpected sudden move may happen! Who would have thought?! Uranus takes freedom as far as he can! Jupiter and Uranus are both rather ungovernable. They will find the other way and it will most assuredly be more fun…LOL! Plan something crazy and wonderful! Up the amps on your education opportunity and stick to it! Gather your friends and build an eco friendly earth home! The results might cost more than expected, but in the long term worth every penny! Jupiter is long distance travel, and Uranus is flight, the heavens! Keep your feet on the ground and look UP! 

Jupiter intends to expand AQ matters – support genius kids, improve humanitarian relationships and networks, see unique offerings of different cultures, coordinate meetings worldwide! There may be some extraordinary atmospheric storms and winds. Those who have been ‘abandoned’ may be shocked by someone who shows up on their doorstep. Computers, planes, birds, space travel make repeated news. Publish odd commodities! Air quality is emphasized. Save the Earth! Of its kind, it will likely be an unforgettable show stopper! See more Uranus in Taurus

May 23 Jupiter sextiles Neptune at 29 Taurus/Pisces 30. Jupiter enters Gemini 2 days later, May 25.

Jupiter and Neptune have a religious and spiritual undercurrent. The will take us ‘Home!.’ The 29th degree, called the anaretic degree, the last degree of any sign, has an ending note to it, a finality, maturity, completion, a lasting achievement! Some say fate, final judgement. Neptune in his own sign Pisces has a maximum finality due to being in the last sign of the zodiac, the end of an era! Being at the gateway, there are decisions to be made. Some are hesitant; others can’t wait to be gone! There is a crucial tone to the time, now or never!

Jupiter is on a 12 year cycle while Neptune is considerably different at 168 years! Jupiter will enter Gemini immediately. Neptune however, is moving very slowly about to retrograde at that 29th degree on July 22, staying within a degree of the RX point until Sep 5, 3 and a 1/2 months! Due to further RXs Neptune comes back to that degree position in 2025 and ’26! Those times no further aspect is made with Jupiter, but the degree is activated. It holds the energy of that sextile with Jupiter for 3 years! It will be more profound and long term that it first appears. Sometimes when we connect well with good aspects, we just have a good time. But if we track it, make notes, we can purposely add to it later when we know even more! If you don’t track it, you may have memories and not quite remember what it was all about.

Jupiter, the preacher and teacher, has opinions, is usually benevolent. If opinionated and judgmental, it’s a lot less fun. In Taurus change may come slowly, but surely! Dedication and patience as a teacher can be phenomenal. Neptune is still powerfully in his own sign, doesn’t move into Aries until Mar 30, 2025! His connection with Spirit is generally through mediation, a dream, a belief he has experienced deeply, uncanny music that calls us, an inner voice. Compassion and transcendence are basic. The most difficult are addiction factors. Jupiter may be the healer with alternatives that make the difference. Neptune in Pisces may show Jupiter how it is important to connect directly with ‘God’ rather than solely by old scripture, or fanciful humans. Jupiter’s travels have showed him how many ways there are to get to the mountain top. Pisces has seen the invisible and has psychic perception that defies logic. Sextiles offer opportunities of compatible signs. Taurus is Earth; Pisces is Ocean water. They are the millions of miles of Shorelines of the continents. Critical attention is needed for our land – ocean connections, food and fish, to stop land toxins and debris from flowing into the ocean. It’s symbolically the connection between our body on earth and the oceanic Spirit one can’t touch or see, an ungovernable unknown that we ‘know’ and feel with every molecule of our Being.

May 25 Jupiter into Gemini while the Sun is IN Gemini! Jupiter is the Sagittarius planet; Sagittarius is Gemini’s opposite sign! Essentially we will have a combination with two minds! That’s nothing new to Gemini, but Jupiter, a rambler, is still more one pointed, like the arrow to the bullseye! Yet Gemini is multi minded and Jupiter is generally broadminded! They both have quite a bit of flex, both easily distracted, take off in a moment. But when Jupiter has purpose, he may send Gemini on a data gathering mission. If Jupiter gets a little opinionated, ironically the Gemini part of their combo may deluge him with ideas and facts that get him thinking, may expand and alter his point of view due to his own actions! Gemini also gets bored at times, but may not want to travel as far as Jupiter wants to. He may impress Jupiter that there is plenty to do right here! Jupiter says you need a bigger window to see more and they may try each other’s ways, but both will likely still be restless. They are fathomlessly curious. 

Jupiter might meander, stopping at the local university library, chatting with well known profs, while Gemini darts in for the news bites at the nearby ever popular students’ coffee house! Students are trendsetters! Jupiter may guide, hold a larger parameter, go for the meaning of things. Gemini gathers and tracks backup data, follows the shifting moods of the people, goes for telling the latest news, giving quick inspiration. Jupiter thinks of publishing a book of the whole story of those times and location, looks for significant trends, how that will affect others later on. Together they can be dynamite as they ride both sides of the fence! 

June 2 Jupiter trines Pluto at 1 Gemini/Aquarius 53! This is considered a plentiful financial potential! Jupiter is lucky, abundance minded, is good at gauging future possibilities! Pluto is the planet of wealth, corporations, major inheritances, important insurance, behind the scenes deals! Be on the up and up, be safe. Jupiter expands the options, preaches to and gathers the people. He educates them that they can do well too! Aquarius is a networker of renowned capability from causes to concerts! Combined with Pluto, expect phenomenal fundraising! Jupiter’s storytelling is like a magnet. It could be sports oriented. Jupiter wants well being and Pluto can do shamanic healing. Pluto and Aquarius are both researchers and medical history may be made. Stand up and be a part of this wonderful time! 

Pluto can rather unceremoniously end things. Sometimes, in retrospect, that is the best thing that could have ever happened. Aquarius sets you free. There can be swift recovery when that is meant to be. The unexpected comeback is so much better than what was before! Shoulda done it before ~ Let your strength of mind, faith and optimism carry you well beyond! These are not average times. Let Jupiter in Gemini spread the good word. Expect to be intensely busy! Deep friendship may be a bond that could lead to a lasting marriage.

Enjoy these powerful awesome times! The possibilities are compelling!


If your changes during 2023, 24, include moving, Jupiter in Taurus chooses land that makes him feel a connection that feels good under his feet! But with Jupiter in Taurus moves are less likely. A trailer is more likely, a home you can take with you. 

If you already moved, take a look at your AstroLocality map and Relocation Charts to see the meaning of your move and its potentials! If you haven’t picked your location yet, or have but not moved yet, you might change your mind. First, take a look at maps that show areas of conflict, drought, disasters. Conflicts take years of recovery; droughts and disasters take years of remediation. Think in terms of sustainability and a clean water supply. See your AstroLocality astrologer for advices on personal locations best for what and the best timing! Depending on your finances, be cautious about moves during retrograde periods, especially double retrogrades. If it is a necessity at a retrograde time, know that there will be further changes and factor in the costs that go with that. If you are buying a home as well, top priority may be that it is a good investment per resale value since you may change your mind about keeping it. Renting is recommended until times are more stable. With sign changes a lot of mind changing happens. The Pluto retrogrades Aquarius, Capricorn, Aquarius will be serious. Capricorn is the sign of real estate, and may give you the important information to make a wise investment.

Particularly note that late summer we are looking at heartful and hardworking Leo/Virgo Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RETROGRADE! The Venus retrograde cycle 12 to 28° Leo starts first, June 19 (the day of the Jupiter sextile Saturn – the last 2023 aspect). Venus finishes Oct 7. It is retrograde July 22 – Sep 3. Mercury starts his cycleAug 3, finishes Sep 29, 8 to 21° Virgo 49. He is Rx Aug 23 to Sep 15. The DOUBLE RX is at back to school time, off to college, a common time to move, Aug 23 to Sep 3 (Labor Day weekend)! If moves are made then, don’t be surprised if there soon is another housing change…See the complete Timeline!

Returns! Returns are a special time when a planet orbits back to your original birth point. It reminds you of the purity of its purpose in your life. Saturn’s refreshes your outlook on your Dharma, the work of your Soul. Jupiter’s refreshes your gift of how you learn/teach and travel life! If your return is in a degree that will be in retrograde, you will have it three times.

During Cancer’s year, Saturn covers 0 to 19 Pisces. Those of you with your Saturns in those degrees will be having your 28/29 year Saturn Return(s)!

If your Jupiter is 5 Taurus to 6 Gemini, you will have your 11/12 year Jupiter Return(s) in Cancer’s year. 

Lunar patterns 2023-24!

New Moons: 21 and 20 degrees, Sep 14, 2023 to March 10, 2024. April 8, 2024 at 19 degrees.
Full Moons: 4 and 5 degrees, Oct 28, 2023 to April 23, 2024  

Those of you with factors at or within 3 degrees of these will be activated! Set your goals for these periods and approach them progressively from every angle, every sign! Your project will gain volume and wholeness as you go ~ Lay out your plan per sign then expect to update as you grow with it and more possibilities become apparent, available! 

With Pluto’s new mission in Aquarius, retrograding back to Capricorn then returning to AQ, we will be having an intense year as we get started making significant world changes and personal changes finding our places in this new time! Pluto returning to Capricorn will update Cap and strengthen that foundation. He will bring more of Capricorn’s important worthy work of this last 14 years forward into the new auspice of Aquarius. Cap deserves the recognition. Aquarius is blessed.

Thank you, Dear Cancers, for loving us always! 

Updated for each sign annually


Happy Birthdays, Dear Cancers!

2023 Cancer - superb Manhattan Vintage Show!

Will you be in New York October 20 & 21?! Manhattan Vintage Show 2023 info is here! This is a must see page! Remarkably, there will be on-site custom tailoring services by Alternew, dealers focused on upcycling vintage fashions into new designs, and one-of-a-kind pieces from museum collections and estate sales. 90+ dealers! Photo credit: Manhattan Vintage Show

Vintage Love happens at all ages! Cancers almost always have a collection of something! Vintage treasures, photo albums, traditional art, cooking utensils, recipes and cookbooks, sewing machines, you name it! Start your own, or start a business!

Cancer’s love tradition & remembrance! They keep us close in their hearts.

Be prepared! See the entire Cancer Newsletter! Contents:

 2023 Cancer Full & New Moons!
      July 3 Capricorn-Cancer Full Independence Buck Moon!
     July 17 Cancer New Moon!
Annual Celestial Highlights!   
Pluto Aquarius Retrograde Returns to Capricorn June 11!
          Pluto in Capricorn 2008 to 2024, 16 Years!
        New! Pluto’s First Six Years in Aquarius 2023 to 2028 
Venus Leo/Virgo Mercury DOUBLE Retrograde Cycle begins June 19!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ Here is your 2023 AstroLogicalNow Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Or, check with your favorite astrologer(s) for how the planets do or don’t connect with your personal chart, for your own special personal details! May it go very well with you…. 

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!



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July 3 Capricorn/Cancer Full Independence Buck Moon!
July 17 Cancer New Moon!


July 3 Capricorn/Cancer Full Independence Buck Moon!

Monday July 3, 4:39 AM Pacific at 11 Capricorn/Cancer 19 

Communications are buzzing with this super productive combination!

2023 Cap-Cancer Full Moon Star of Honolulu Dinner Cruise Independence!

Take your Cancer on the Waikiki Star of Honolulu dinner cruise this Independence July 3 or 4! Order up something special, be pampered! See beautiful traditional dancing. Sign up at Hawaii Activities. com

We don’t usually think of Cancers as revolutionaries, but the 4th of July sign is Cancer! They do stand up for their homes, families and especially children! If they are refugees, the family doggie goes with them, no one is left behind.

Pluto is retrograde back in Capricorn, the full Moon’s sign, Sun in Cancer’s opposite. Moon’s last aspect will be with Pluto. There may be intensity, a powerful farewell, ending, surrender. Pluto as healer may salute her as she passes by, for her unconditional caring, the timeless building she does when helping others grow or elders are old or tired beyond words. Pluto takes her in with him, heals old griefs, sends her on her way with a secret she holds dear. Finances, business, may go very up or very down or both. She may need some help herself. Pluto may negotiate in her behalf. She may need some protection or to set bounders. Timing, deadlines may be crucial.

Sun in Cancer is conjunct Mercury, sensing a need for more communications, perhaps that a paper needs signing, a bill to be paid without fail. There may be a security matter that needs tending. Women can likely help.

Mercury does square Chiron, Sun will follow. Though ordinarily quite logical, in Cancer, Mercury is more intuitive. Chiron in Aries is pushing for the latest health changes, but Cancer is generally more old fashioned, using the herbal remedies of the GrandMother. Yet, she senses Chiron’s fervent genuine concern so may carefully try some of his ideas. He has ideas for new ways of relating, business. Some sound clever and worthy. Again, she is cautious but intrigued. If they work well she may be the leader of several new ways. Cancer is an excellent business person, using cycles to advantage! Chiron will learn from tradition and quickly revise, include, merge their findings together. He will learn better how to speak respectfully and kindly with traditionals and sensitives.

Bow Formation! The Sun and Moon, Full Moon axis, have been making good sextile aspects with Saturn, Capricorn’s planet, and Jupiter. Those two, recently sextiled each other, are well informed. Saturn knows how to do business, building, is professional. Jupiter is the planner and has ideas for growth, education and is making big plans. It is a super productive combination! Moon and Sun can fall back on this lucky information.

Venus in Leo has been trine with Chiron, the best aspect! She is with Mars the Aries planet and Chiron is in Aries! Fiery signs and fiery Mars make things happen pdq, pretty darn quick! Mars in Leo is the hero! If Venus isn’t doing her nails, she is quite generous and Mars wants to please her! Chiron wants to get out of the gate and inspire them all to do what they can soonest! He has new healing ideas and wants to try them! Venus in Leo wants Chiron to admire her, so she might surprise him with her quick response. She’s got the pom poms and Mars has the Muscle!

This, Venus making a conjunction with Mars, is one of those aspects that don’t get made. Venus is usually faster than Mars, but she is slowing to retrograde and they don’t connect. Close enough to see each other, but not close enough to connect. It’s a spicy flirtation, nice to have met you, a wink, and off he goes. They connect months later, but in different signs. It’s not the same as in Leo, the lovers’ sign. Wait to get a better marriage chart.

Venus has also been square Uranus. She is feeling a need to be free or has recently divorced or it is on her mind. She may be sad, disappointed. She has broken from her past and some friends too. It was a long time coming. Being close to Mars makes her hot to get to new ground, but that she is slowing to retrograde, looks like there is still some unfinished business. She makes 2 more squares, Aug 9 and Oct 2. You see? It’s going to take some time.

Pluto in Capricorn is indeed square the Moon’s North Node. At this point, they are in what’s called an out of sign square – in compatible signs Capricorn and Taurus, but close to 90°. The 90° factor usually wins. It’s a challenge, an abrupt direction change. When the Node moves into Aries, they will square by signs as well as degrees. The nodes are now spanning Taurus/Scorpio, Scorpio being Pluto’s sign. It is as if Pluto/Scorpio is at odds within himself. There can be a camaraderie, or a blocking oneself. Capricorn generally operates on the old trusted way. Taurus is working to loosen this lock among them in the system, trying to get them to look forward.

With Pluto back in Capricorn he is again sextile Neptune from a compatible sign.  They have an amazing story spanning past and future!

From 1900 through 2032, there has been only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. Pluto started in Leo, Neptune in Libra. Pluto has done 7 signs, now in Aquarius. Neptune has also done 7 signs, now in Aries. The sextiles finish when both are in their opposite signs from where they started. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make their first station, then, not missing any, they continue through Feb 29, 2032, from 4 to 14° Aries/Aquarius! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period! This completes the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence.

As planets travel together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies while Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and the if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts!

Communications are buzzing with this super productive combination!

Capricorn-Cancer Full Buck Moon Astrology Chart!

2023 Capricorn-Cancer Full Buck Moon Astrology Chart!


July 17 Cancer New Moon!

Monday July 17, 11:32 AM Pacific at 24 Cancer 56!

The New Moon, Sun and Moon, are holding tight, yet knowing changes are in process.

2023 Cancer New Moon Southwest Glamping!

Summer Glamping can be this much fun under the Milky Way! No cursing balky tents and gear, no heavy backpack to carry, no bugs, king size beds, midnight snacks, and you get all the views ~ at Grand Canyon! See The Best Southwest Glamping Road Trip

Shelter, nesting, are some of Cancer’s favorite things. Some glamp, some backpack with their tent, others take their camper on wheels with them! Venus in Leo loves pampering! She is at 28 Leo, almost at the end, but retrogrades July 22 just before Sun enters Leo, his own sign! Right now she is in her one degree station that started July 15; that will complete July 29, 2 weeks. Factors in your chart that line up with Venus now will be on hold for a few days. Time to pause, think, anchor the keepers, steep in what’s important. Take a good look at your love life, finances, beauty, art, your body and health, what you appreciate more than anything. Teach what matters, respect unique culture and customs. Give yourself credit, love yourself! Share the charm and glamour. It’s sweet and special. Put your portfolio together, advertise your performance. Have a summer party! Go to the lake for sun bathing and water sports!

Venus will be having two more squares with Uranus, so you may be on your own at times, plus partings as friends and children who have graduated scatter off to new places. You Cancers may be having the Empty Nest Blues. There will undoubtedly be changes of class choices and instructors, job expectations, finances. Some will be parting from loved ones, dear friends, boy/girl friends and mates. Some have been so bored and can’t wait; others will be scared to go off into strange territory alone. You can do this. Stay connected with your support people. What you want will change. Be of good grace. See how the change can benefit you.

The New Moon, Sun and Moon, are holding tight, yet knowing changes are in process. They have just sextiled, opportunities, with Uranus, the planet of humanity. Uranus is in Taurus wanting a dependable future with valuable long term changes proving their worth. Cancers are natural born citizens of their communities and like to see everyone teaming up just like a working family. They are proponents of their children’s needs, wanting clean water and climate safe living. Cancers are wise at looking at cycles, food sources, secure sustainable housing. They can bring whole neighborhoods and communities, the Mothers of America, to a sensible cause. They can be excellent lobbyists and reps to court and the White House! And they are bonded with their mates who share their passion for their children’s futures. Their mate brings their following as well! It’s a movement!

Sun and Moon have been square Old Teacher Chiron. He’s in new fiery Aries these days, sometimes cranky and impatient! But he is mostly right and wants the best NOW for all, LOL! Cancers can be SO tolerant. They like tradition and Chiron is ‘newly’ bringing back some old ways! He is so knowledgeable you just have to listen! At least he is quick about it. They talk about him and tell their family and close others. More often than not, Chiron heals the problem and teaches people how to take care of themselves, prevention skills included.

Jupiter is in Taurus making steady gains. Jupiter teaches, leads, travels overland to the organic sources of information, absorbs the most basic possibilities right up through his bare feet! Mercury in Leo has just squared him. In spite of their differences, Mercury is likely convinced, is carrying the ideas like a torch wherever he goes. He lights the fires of people wanting changes. It spreads further and faster than anyone expected. There are likely some exaggerations on both their parts, but it is still inspiring! If there are major disagreements, Mercury could leave in a huff. But he will be thinking as he goes. Jupiter and Taurus are generally of good will and sensible. It might not be the material that is the problem, but the manner in which it is processed and used. Leo might want a lot more flair. I hope they stay with it and work it out. Mercury in Leo can do it proud!

Particular Mars in Virgo is facing off Saturn the hammer in the velvet glove Pisces! Mars here is an excellent craftsman with a quick style. He may team up with Saturn and use the Pisces intuition to guide his hand. Mars is fire, Virgo wood; Saturn is stone (jewels) and Pisces is shimmering oceanic music (opals?). Welding, cutting, carving, cleaving? It will be exceptionally beautiful and intricate whatever it is.

Mars may be concerned for the health of very young women or especially elder men. Mars pushes for taking care of ourselves better, eating less, working more at things we deeply believe in. Saturn preserves the past and may bring ancient wisdoms into play, possibly knowledge from past life times. How did he do that so easily with no training?! He’s a natural. Saturn may block our efforts at times to save us from ourselves. If necessary, he may call in the law. Or Mars may leave no stone unturned to help us kick an addiction, come back from the lost. This may be a time of trial as new techniques are tried to loosen the grip of old ways. Mars may want us to stand up to invalid unjust spiritual ‘authorities,’ to function even when we are in sorrow, when a victim, have disability. It’s a tough call and requires all the courage we have. In time, Virgo knows when things are just not, never were or no longer are a working truth, and they care.

At times the roles are reversed. Saturn has the intuition to recognize a skilled Soul. He may want to help Mars polish his techniques and bring him into his business! Virgo can be self critical – it’s not good enough and never will be. Wrong. It often takes an experienced master to have the perspective to see. In Pisces, Saturn knows just the things to point out, and how to tell Mars so he will be more interested than feel put down. Changes can happen quickly and Mars is practically reborn!

With Pluto back in Capricorn he is again sextile Neptune from a compatible sign. They have an amazing story spanning past and future!

From 1900 through 2032, there has been only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. Pluto started in Leo, Neptune in Libra. Pluto has done 7 signs, now in Aquarius. Neptune has also done 7 signs, now in Aries. The sextiles finish when both are in their opposite signs from where they started. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make their first station, then, not missing any, they continue through Feb 29, 2032, from 4 to 14° Aries/Aquarius! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period! This completes the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence.

As planets travel together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies while Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts! 

The New Moon, Sun and Moon, are holding tight, yet knowing changes are in process.

Cancer New Moon Astrology Chart!

Next up is the Tuesday August 1 first Full Moon of August! It is on Lammas in Aquarius-Leo! The SECOND August Full Moon is on Aug 30, called a Blue Moon, also is the closest Super Moon of 2023! It is in Pisces-Virgo!

Lunar events! A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. It will be good, not so good, mixed for us depending on how it connects with our personal charts. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance to see how it is for you. See the 2023 Eclipse dates! Blessed be…. 

Be prepared! See the entire Cancer Newsletter! Contents:

 2023 Cancer Full & New Moons!
July 3 Capricorn-Cancer Full Independence Buck Moon!
July 17 Cancer New Moon!

Annual Celestial Highlights!

Pluto Aquarius Retrograde Returns to Capricorn June 11!
Pluto in Capricorn 2008 to 2024, 16 Years!
New! Pluto’s First Six Years in Aquarius 2023 to 2028
Venus Leo/Virgo Mercury DOUBLE Retrograde Cycle begins June 19!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ Here is your 2023 AstroLogicalNow Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Or, check with your favorite astrologer(s) for how the planets do or don’t connect with your personal chart, for your own special personal details! May it go very well with you…. 

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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2022 Jupiter Taurus sextile Saturn Pisces Candlelight Massage!

Jupiter in Taurus loves sublime full treatment body care, and Saturn in Pisces needs special treatment for your dear feet! You can get all this and more at the Sea Spa Salon in Edgartown’s Nevin Square, Martha’s Vineyard! Call ahead (508) 627-8953

June 19 Jupiter sextiles Saturn at 7 Pisces 12! It is the last aspect of 2023! After that time there are no more sign changes or further aspects! That doesn’t mean YOU won’t have any aspects the rest of the year because the planets are still moving, just not connecting with each other in the sky! See your astrologer about your aspects.

Sextiles are signs at their sixths of the circle, known for compatible elements, excellent communications, and delightful opportunities. In this sextile Taurus has the patience while sometimes shy Pisces presents his vision. Pisces intuits Taurus’s wishes and intent, reads between the lines.

However, this is the same day Leo Venus starts its 3-part Double Retrograde cycle with Virgo Mercury! Venus is Taurus’ planet, so is harmonic as Jupiter proceeds through Taurus. What is learned and absorbed when Venus is at her Stations, Jupiter will carry forward. Her retrograde Station 28 Leo; direct station 12 Leo. Jupiter RXs to 12 Taurus Oct 21, again March 5 2024. It will be May 19 2024 when Jupiter reaches that 28 Leo point. Each time some memories may be brought up, an opportunity to rethink, update, finish what happened 10 months ago. See more for late summer/fall planning!

Believe me, projects started at or just before Jupiter’s sextile with Saturn have worldwide resources and get done with amazing potency! What was only dreamed of comes into remarkable being! Businesses with meaningful purpose will set strong foundations and prosper as leaders of our time. Check with your astrologer(s) for your personal timing.

Jupiter will speed up Taurus. Taurus will likely absorb some of Jupiter’s action and translate it to more solid application, actually getting more done. There will be less time for running around, running away. Taurus will be intrigued with some of Jupiter’s thinking and broader perspectives. In Taurus, Jupiter may find a longing to return to the land of his forbears. It is a natural homing instinct for grounding and centering. Ley Lines may take on an unexpected significance. A journey may be made along a path that many have taken. As each travels over the ground, a fraction of their scent is left, added to all the others of before, compelling the Pilgrim to follow. The content of the scent shifts and the purpose of the destination changes with the times as the content is altered. The collective scent alters the collective consciousness of the most recent travelers. We all are walking through time together.

With Saturn, the Capricorn planet, the changes will be put to use and tempered through time. Saturn in Pisces will ‘read’ the Pisces dreamtime and Pisces will lead him through these remarkable channels, incorporating the wisdom of Saturn elders on the Path and the infinite Pisces insights to beyond the Jupiter destination! Karmic remnants will be cleared, marked paid in full. Dharmic invitations will be cast; the work of the Soul comes to the fore. It will be more productive than ever expected!

Saturn in Pisces does have some spiritual work to do. It may be past harms, even as deep as Soul damage, that need to be healed, salvaged. If you were frightened, or died at sea, there may be special care needed. If you are unable to work your dream, have chronic severe depression or drug damage, get expert help as you can and avoid putting yourself in jeopardy. Being vulnerable, be with people who understand and help you stay strong on an even keel. If you have karmic dues to pay, get to it. Get off the guilt. Ignorant, innocent or not, we all have made mistakes. Forgive yourself and those who have harmed you. You don’t have to keep company with them, just understand them. They have had problems too.

Due to this Saturn in Pisces factor, marriage at this time may seriously not be recommended by many astrologers. It may be deemed a ‘karmic’ marriage, yet one that for the Soul’s sake must be undertaken. One or both partners may ‘owe’ each other. It may be troubled with depression, grief, addiction. It may be a marriage of necessity for any number of reasons, including to attain citizenship or social standing. It would be no surprise to hear it called a ‘learning experience.’  If you know someone who is marrying at this time, standby to be called on, or be ready to help as you can. There is a wanting to make promises, but know they will need adjusting or might be delayed. This all may apply to business partnerships as well. Be cautious and have a good tight professional, but kind, contract.

Ocean side travel businesses, like resorts, may flourish. Taurus feet on seaside ground, serve great food, comfy places to sleep, provide flowers, lovely wedding venues, yoga peace. Jupiter world travelers stop for a taste of culture, profound religious discovery, celebration! Meaningful far sighted plans make sense. Saturn storm-withstanding buildings are impressive. Doing what you love is the Business! Pisces artists, dreamers, film makers, musicians provide entertainment and magical inspiration! Take me to the temple! No one who visits goes away without an enlivening spiritual encounter though they may not call it that! Who knows? You may go back year after year, or decide to stay!

Definitely time for more options and opportunities. Jupiter’s manner may be a bit big for Taurus’s peaceful style, but the ideas are intriguing. Whether stock or plants, the two can work out what breeds and varieties make sense. Taurus will need to hear how the ideas can be implemented. Saturn and Taurus, both earthy, work well together. Taurus grows the food, landscapes. Saturn looks for workable shelter and building locations, and in Pisces, secures the water situation. Business can improve steadily. With Pisces visions and sensitivity, they are guided gently to open up to working well together. Jupiter is good at teaching and the whole crew will be on board, especially as the results start coming in. See more about Jupiter in Taurus   Saturn in Pisces

Remember! Jupiter in Taurus loves sublime full treatment body care! Get a massage, some smooth oils and lovely scented healing lotions for your skin. Buy sweet textured comfortable clothes for travel all year, a nice robe, have an easy care hair style. For Pisces, get lovely long draping Pashmina shawls. And heavenly seaside walking shoes, and slippers that pamper your feet!

Enjoy these powerful intense times! The possibilities are compelling!

Updated 6.16.23


Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

Here is your 2023 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Again, see your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart!

Be up on the latest! Subscribe on this page to the blog, or here to the entire once a month Newsletter!

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