
Posts Tagged ‘Sirius’

Special Treat! The Annual Lucky LION’S GATE PORTAL Aug 8!
Leo Celestial HighLights 2023 to June 2024!

It was that Super Sunny Sweet Smile…

2023 Leo Kate Middleton's Smile!

Kate Middleton is a Jan 9, 1982 smart and sharp Capricorn. Her Leo Ascendant packs a splendid smile and plenty of pizzazz!

It was only a sunny smile…that made all the difference! Leo is sometimes all flash, a great smile included. Sometimes they are all heart, a great smile included. Even when it is sad times, that gracious sweet smile, escorted by lots of love, hints at better times to come. 

One smile, a flash of light, can mend years of pain and sorrow, heal an estranged relationship. It signals a remembrance and a reawakening of love in a new way, older and wiser. It brings a blessing that no money can buy.

A smile may be the first time a lonely child may know love, be appreciated just the way s/he is. For an abandoned or abused animal, pup or kitten or old, it can be an opening to being lovingly cared for, homed, comforted. Elder humans may need that smile for keeping depression away, to inspire them to get up and out for a walk, to revitalize in fresh air.   

On the job that precious smile can be by a happy customer at the food cart, appreciation for helping a fellow worker make it, recognition for being there day by day, when the CEO is thanked for a job well done, making a good name for making a donation that blesses many. Women’sHealth says receiving a smile can mean ‘a glum mood is lifted, an apology is accepted, a person’s shaky self-confidence gets a boost, a deal is struck, a physical attraction is communicated.’ Smiles are powerful.

Random smiles often have more significance than you could ever know. It may be by a person in a passing car, yet it starts your day. It could be the one that tipped the scale and prevented a suicide. Sometimes there is no smile back when you give one, it IS a gift, but no strings attached. Sometimes it takes time to process a smile. You have been immersed in your troubles and need to come up for air. You have long term habits like maybe racial differences. Don’t give up giving your smile. It may take time to get to know a person, to trust that smile is going to be there and they are a safe person. The day you get the smile back is a great day!  

Think about your smile, your special body language. There are lots of types of smiles but according to healthline what is known as the Duchenne smile is Golden! Smiles affect our health and much more.

2023 Leo Duchenne Smile is Golden - Healthy, indicates good relationships!

Healthline says: ‘This one [type of smile] is the gold standard. The Duchenne smile is also known as the smile of genuine enjoyment. It’s the one that involves the mouth, the cheeks, and the eyes simultaneously. It’s the one where your whole face seems to light up suddenly. [Take a look back at Kate’s smile!]

Authentic Duchenne smiles make you seem trustworthy, authentic, and friendly. They’ve been found to generate better customer service experiences and better tips. And they’ve been linked to longer life and healthier relationships.

In a 2009 study, researchers looked at the intensity of smiles in college yearbook photos and found that women who had Duchenne smiles in their photos were more likely to be happily married much later.

In another study published in 2010, researchers examined baseball cards from 1952. They found that players whose photos showed intense, authentic smiles had lived much longer than those whose smiles looked less intense.’

Smiles are not only a reaction to something, but generate feelings as well! If you learned as a child to hide your feelings, especially smiles, you had nothing to smile about, practice, practice, practice. Smile even when you don’t feel like it. Just do it. Do you smile with only half your face? Wake that other side up, rebalance your right and left brain! It may take some work, but it can be done. See your therapist, massage specialist, get some acupuncture to loosen up those muscles. Do what works for you, but do it. It matters a lot in your life and is life changing, brings unexpected blessings to your life. 

See a lot more details about Smiles at Women’sHealth, including good smiles/bad smiles, lying smiles, is it true love,  gender differences.

Keep your smile straight from the heart! Leos are smile specialists, LOL!


Annual Lucky LION’S GATE PORTAL Aug 8!

Aug 8 LEO Lion's Gate Portal Sirius

Celebrating the Lion’s Gate -Saturn is the planet of gates! Wonderful Sky Art by amazing artist Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Some consider it to be the most important event of summer! It opens July 26, culminates 8-8-2023, closes Aug 12. Eight is the Infinity Number, the number of wealth and healing, your options are limitless! It acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. Lion is strong, big hearted, magnificent! The Gate is powered by Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky, about 25 times more luminous than our own Sun! It takes place when the Sun in the Leo, the Earth, Orion’s Belt and the star Sirius are lined up, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius. It aligns with the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Per Nina Kahn: Sirius is referred to as the “Spiritual Sun.” It lights up the spirit and illuminates our higher-minded goals and ambitions. Every year, in the middle of Leo season, Sirius rises in the skies and becomes brightly visible over the eastern horizon. BE THERE! The 2023 Aug 1 Lammas Full Sturgeon Moon is during the open gate! Please see more at Nina Kahn’s post! 

Bright blessings is a favorite Leo phrase!


Leo Celestial Highlights 2023 to July 2024!

Leo 2023 Timeline! Happy High Summer! 


22  Venus Retrograde 6:33 PM Pacific
22  Happy Leo! 6:50 PM Pacific


01  Aquarius -Leo FIRST Full Sturgeon Moon of August, is on Lammas!
08  Annual Lion’s Gate Portal – Star Sirius
16  Leo Micro New Moon!
23  Happy Virgo! 2:01 AM Pacific
23  Mercury Retrograde starts the Venus/Mercury Double Retrograde! 12:59 PM Pacific

Leo Overview 2023 to July 2024!

Leo 2023 Discovery Spotlight Modeling & Talent EXPO video!

Did you know there are NATIONAL MODELING & TALENT EXPOS?!  This one is for 4 Days, has 3 Divisions, 5 Workshops, 7 Competitions, 1 Exciting Event! VIDEO! Learn about possibilities, get connected! Discovery Spotlight has extensive services!

Go for the adventure! If you are a senior, per Discovery Spotlight modeling school, It’s never too late to Shine! You don’t have to be a pro, maybe you just want poise and grace, just a little more sophistication, or pizzazz! Be the coach or be the student! Modeling can be done at any age, toddlers to seniors, even with disabilities! Wherever you go, go with all your heart.  ~ Confucius

Leos, do what brings you the greatest happiness! Be your best bright Self! True love is sharing what you’ve got, right to your core! Your health will be better. You are a natural teacher, an inspirational Light. Show them by living your words. Breathe tall. Live deep. Love well. 

Many of you have been tracking Pluto’s sign change into Aquarius. PLUTO made that stupendous 246 year sign change into Aquarius Mar 23, 2023! We need Aquarius to be strong, in working order, integrated and grounded among ourselves, in our communities, internationally. Pluto will be in Aquarius 21 years, until January 2044!

After only 2.5 months in Aquarius, a mini preview, June 11 Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn, will go back to 27 Cap 53. He will return to Aquarius Jan 20, 2024 for seven plus months then again retrograde back into Capricorn for a final checkup and review before reentering Aquarius to stay! See Pluto in Aquarius     Pluto in Capricorn     Pluto’s First Seven Years in Aquarius 2023 to 2029 

Saturn in Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, is a time of reckoning, getting clear with your Soul! It is also maturity and completion. The dreams of all the signs merge and become collective desire, an ultimate responsibility. Saturn can harness those dreams and build them to come true!

Compared with Pisces’ sensitivity, Saturn can seem to be a brutally blunt instrument. Pisces is not used to being limited or channeled or pummeled into submission by someone else’s command. Saturn may bar or protect you from an experience, or demand you to take your responsibility in its behalf or to let go because it’s done now! Either can be a blessing or an ordeal to each other, probably a little of both until they get used to each other. Pisces understands Saturn all too well. Sometimes Saturn simply just loves giving orders; it’s what he does. Pisces wants so much more. Orders without a spiritual cause, without Soul or empathy are short of the mark. Saturn may be a bit shy about that factor. He may be a little intimidated by this limitless wonder who often calls the shots better than any business man Saturn has ever encountered. Respect starts. Pisces realizes Saturn is more deep than anticipated and has good intent though Saturn’s demeanor may belie that at first. 

Saturn is generally in a sign about 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 years, so we aren’t talking about a minor experience. As it traverses ALL your chart factors, you will feel different facets of the experience. Some will be more difficult than others. You might see your astrologer to track its path while in the sign. If you are a Pisces, a super sensitive sign, you especially may find it helpful, collecting your powers and applying them with astute psychic accuracy. When Saturn believes in you, he will do his best to see your dreams built and come true! If your Saturn is in Pisces, at some point during Saturn in Pisces, you will be having your 28/29 year Saturn Return! It may be a profound time of knowing the Dharma of your life, refreshing, updating your outlook on your purpose this life.

Saturn in Pisces is importantly about building empathy. Empathy will be much needed as Pluto goes through Aquarius, retrogrades back into Saturn’s sign Capricorn! Saturn will guard us from having too much empathy too long, being naive and misplacing our empathy. Saturn humbles us to let go of our arrogance, develop a deep caring. With Pluto in Aquarius there will be intense awareness of great differences among the peoples, from hatred to fear, cults to family feuds, simple misunderstanding. We will need to get to know each other and it won’t be overnight. Saturn was new in his sign for only 17 days before Pluto became new in Aquarius! Each will made newbie mistakes, were alternately excited or OMG, what have we gotten into, what have I done?! In the beginning trial and error slowed us down, making for tiring long days for many. Saturn in Pisces holds the visions and though sometimes down, will usually come through steady and doing his best even with tough odds. Some will try to take advantage of vulnerabilities; others will stumble along, while still others will stand back and look for new ways to heal the planet! There will become amazing love of people and things we never expected.

With Saturn in Pisces, there will be reality checks on that wandering Pisces imagination. Saturn figures out how to put it to work! There will be less wandering aimlessly, confirmation of the realities of dreams, daily visible progress, oceanic trade and environmental laws to be made. They will survey the seas and shores, the importance of millions of miles of shorelines, prevention of pollution – debris and chemicals, assurance of abundant long term ocean harvests. Saturn may find himself on an ocean safari while in Pisces, or gone on the wind taking the computers to the surf zone when the surf’s up, whichever continent that may be on! Working from ‘home’ takes on new meaning! Really! Can be done!

On land, Saturn in Pisces may bring a deluge of cold water and ice, more snow. Or there may be no water at all. Water conservation and collection may be undertaken due to new insights as to the severity of conditions. Saturn will then be sextile Capricorn, his own sign. Capricorn may give successful fundamental oversight in guiding these important projects, reviewing and updating, keeping them on track. He tracks to be sure Pisces’ good intentions are carried out! Cold wet OR hot and dry, building secure shelters will be a necessity. In hot times cooling the land, building cool sustainable homes, and air conditioners, may be vital. There is satisfaction at holding an important piece of life in your hands and doing good by it! Any congratulations are well earned. Saturn in Pisces 

JUPITER entered Taurus May 16! What a shift from Aries! It will be a damper for some, while for others a rest and deep organic sense of well being! It will heat up education and advocacy for Earth, our home. Some have been waiting so long for the coming significant changes. Once in Taurus, Jupiter does retrograde, but stays in Taurus until moving into Gemini May 25, 2024.

Jupiter, Sagittarius’s planet, is looking for purpose with integrity! It takes a core truth and educates as many as will listen to why it is meaningful and worthy. Jupiter has a bold and confident way, expands, embellishes, gives extra! It’s edifying, LOL! Jupiter likes to play and tell whopper stories, laughs big laughs with gusto, has a great big dog and rides the winning horse! The sign lucky Jupiter is in, is the sign that succeeds and prospers, the sign that trainings occur in. Major tours are possible and successful impossible dreams come true! It’s time to push the river a bit while the Gateway is open! 

Jupiter in Taurus may be slower, but none the less powerful. In a ‘fixed’ sign, he likely holds strong opinions and possibly a wrestling trophy! His bench presses are phenomenal. He has staying power like long distance truckers. Marathons are no problem. He likes money whether on the hoof, cash in pocket or reliably invested, especially in land and minerals. Taurus loves touch, sex, massage, natural beauty, fine scents, good food and common sense. Calm restfulness, centered peace, being grounded and patient are treasured traits. Jupiter in Taurus simplifies, installs and grounds the successful new projects, makes them sustainable, maintains and upgrades them for posterity. In Taurus he organizes vast estates, recovers the lands’ fertility, stockpiles the finest materials for future use. He has one of the strongest, most healthy beautiful bodies around! See more Jupiter in Taurus

As signs change, talents are commingled, the Path between them becoming a usable channel. Jupiter in Pisces, Aries and Taurus will develop their own smooth channels. In Pisces-Aries, it is super aware, sensitive, instantly reactive! Groups of crusaders are attracting and further developing adept leaders, rich with innovative foresight! The beauty of the Aries to Taurus transition is that Aries passes the baton to Taurus for safekeeping! Taurus holds the precious ideas of Aries until they can take root, are successfully able to maintain their own life. When Pluto entered Aquarius, Jupiter was at 17° Aries in a FIVE planets Aries stellium including Sun and Moon, a double Aries Chart! Aries is THE Action sign! That’s what I call a NEW beginning! See the stunning chart! 
Planetary Aspect Portals Crater Lake Circular Rainbow

Portals are all around us.

Some are temporary, some are always there. Some are annual like the August 8 Lion’s Gate. No two are alike, take us different places. Some are one way, others are two way but perhaps only at certain intervals – you have to be there or… Some lifetimes there are none, others have several passages. And there are the portals into and out of life. In astrology these are sign changes and aspects formed between planets. 2023’s big one is Pluto’s 246 year sign change into Aquarius!

June 19, 2023, Jupiter sextiled Saturn at 7 Pisces 12. It was the last exact aspect of 2023! After that time there are no more sign changes or further aspects! That doesn’t mean YOU won’t have any aspects the rest of the year because the planets are still moving, just not connecting with each other in the sky! See your astrologer about your aspects.

However, in the background… From 1900 through 2032, there is only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. Pluto started in Leo, Neptune in Libra. Pluto has done 7 signs, now in Aquarius. Neptune has also done 7 signs, now in Aries. The sextiles finish when both are in their opposite signs from where they started. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make their first station, then, not missing any, they continue through Feb 29, 2032, from 4 to 14° Aries/Aquarius! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period! This completes the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence. 

As planets travel together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies while Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts! 

♦ 2024!

April 20 is the first of Jupiter’s six different 2024 aspects,  Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus! All the aspects through June 2 happen only once, so that’s it. If they aspect your personal chart factors, be there, don’t miss the opportunities! 

As Jupiter has moved through all the signs year by year, Uranus has also moved forward! Their June 8 2010 conjunction was quite rowdy in Aries. The Pisces conjunctions late 2010, early 2011 were different. This one in Taurus will be comparatively quiet, but have dedicated and determined, solid achievement! The likes of which you have never been seen before is happening! With Pluto now in Aquarius wanting to make his mark, talk about earth changes and the astonishing networks of humanitarian people who bring them to pass, with our new ideas and the advanced technologies to make them come true, are real possibilities! Their time has come. Some may be disasters remediated. Some will be grass roots prevention efforts that take hold with precedent setting immediate unbelievable results! Strong lucky Jupiter in Taurus along with the Aquarian planet Uranus can rumble for change now! Uranus electrifies, awakens all, keeps change rolling. Taurus, strong as an ox, carries the Sun Disk in his horns on into the Promised Land! Hathor and Isis would approve!

The gains of Uranus’ innovative processes will be well guarded, anchored and maintained. For Taurus, it will be one wild aspect! Jupiter and Uranus are both total freedom lovers! You can tell Jupiter many hero stories of travels, but just the same, Taurus will stand his ground and may surprise you by opting to stay home. On the other hand, an unexpected sudden move may happen! Who would have thought?! Uranus takes freedom as far as he can! Jupiter and Uranus are both rather ungovernable. They will find the other way and it will most assuredly be more fun…LOL! Plan something crazy and wonderful! Up the amps on your education opportunity and stick to it! Gather your friends and build an eco friendly earth home! The results might cost more than expected, but in the long term worth every penny! Jupiter is long distance travel, and Uranus is flight, the heavens! Keep your feet on the ground and look UP! 

Jupiter intends to expand AQ matters – support genius kids, improve humanitarian relationships and networks, see unique offerings of different cultures, coordinate meetings worldwide! There may be some extraordinary atmospheric storms and winds. Those who have been ‘abandoned’ may be shocked by someone who shows up on their doorstep. Computers, planes, birds, space travel make repeated news. Publish odd commodities! Air quality is emphasized. Save the Earth! Of its kind, it will likely be an unforgettable show stopper! See more Uranus in Taurus

May 23 Jupiter sextiles Neptune at 29 Taurus/Pisces 30. Jupiter enters Gemini 2 days later, May 25.

Jupiter and Neptune have a religious and spiritual undercurrent. The will take us ‘Home!.’ The 29th degree, called the anaretic degree, the last degree of any sign, has an ending note to it, a finality, maturity, completion, a lasting achievement! Some say fate, final judgement, last chance. Neptune in his own sign Pisces has a maximum finality due to being in the last sign of the zodiac, the end of a 168 year era! Being at the gateway, there are decisions to be made. Some are hesitant; others can’t wait to be gone! There is a crucial tone to the time, now or never! All that is ‘believed’ in will soon be put into action when Neptune enters Aries March 30, 2025!

Jupiter is on a 12 year cycle, will enter Gemini immediately, on May 25! Neptune the second to outmost planet, however, is moving very slowly about to retrograde at that 29th degree on July 22, staying within a degree of the RX point until Sep 5, 3 and a 1/2 months! Due to further RXs Neptune comes back to that degree position in 2025 and ’26! Though no further exact aspects are made the degree is activated. It holds the energy of that sextile with Jupiter for 3 years! It will be more profound and long term that it first appears. Sometimes when we connect well with good aspects, we just have a good time. But if we track it, make notes, we can purposely add to it later when we know even more! If you don’t track it, you may have memories and not quite remember what it was all about.

Jupiter, the preacher and teacher, has opinions, is usually benevolent. If opinionated and judgmental, it’s a lot less fun. In Taurus change may come slowly, but surely! Dedication and patience as a teacher can be phenomenal. Neptune is still powerfully in his own sign, doesn’t move into Aries until Mar 30, 2025! His connection with Spirit is generally through mediation, a dream, a belief he has experienced deeply, uncanny music that calls us, an inner voice, a calling. Compassion and transcendence are basic. The most difficult are addiction factors. Jupiter may be the healer with alternatives that make the difference. Neptune in Pisces may show Jupiter how it is important to connect directly with ‘God’ rather than solely by old scripture, or fanciful humans, spiritual fads. Jupiter’s travels have showed him how many ways there are to get to the mountain top. Pisces has seen the invisible and has psychic perception that defies logic. Sextiles offer opportunities of compatible signs. Taurus is Earth; Pisces is Ocean water. They are the millions of miles of Shorelines of the continents. Critical attention is needed for our land – ocean connections, food and fish, to stop land toxins and debris from flowing into the ocean. It’s symbolically the connection between our body on earth and the oceanic Spirit one can’t touch or see, an ungovernable unknown that we ‘know’ and feel with every molecule of our Being.

May 25 Jupiter into Gemini while the Sun is IN Gemini! Jupiter is the Sagittarius planet; Sagittarius is Gemini’s opposite sign! Essentially we will have a combination with two minds! That’s nothing new to Gemini, but Jupiter, a rambler, is still more one pointed, like the arrow to the bullseye! Yet Gemini is multi minded and Jupiter is generally broadminded! They both have quite a bit of flex, both easily distracted, take off in a moment. But when Jupiter has purpose, he may send Gemini on a data gathering mission. If Jupiter gets a little opinionated, ironically the Gemini part of their combo may deluge him with ideas and facts that get him thinking, may expand and alter his point of view due to his own actions! Gemini also gets bored at times, but may not want to travel as far as Jupiter wants to. He may impress Jupiter that there is plenty to do right here! Jupiter says you need a bigger window to see more and they may try each other’s ways, but both will likely still be restless. They are fathomlessly curious. 

Jupiter might meander, stopping at the local university library, chatting with well known profs, while Gemini darts in for the news bytes at the nearby ever popular students’ coffee house! Students are trendsetters! Jupiter may guide, hold a larger parameter, go for the meaning of things. Gemini gathers and tracks backup data, follows the shifting moods of the people, goes for telling the latest news, giving quick inspiration. Jupiter thinks of publishing a book of the whole story of those times and location, looks for significant trends, how that will affect others later on. Together they can be dynamite as they ride both sides of the fence! 

Stories may be full of huge heroes with meaningful commissions, comic strips abound, joyful exaggerations plentiful! There will be a lot to be said, sorting wheat from chaff will be challenging! Scams, scoundrels, scandal and slander may be a plague. Keep your life clean, be transparent, stay informed, change your passwords. If you get that ‘feeling,’ check it out. Otherwise, do your breathing exercises and live BIG!

 June 2 Jupiter trines Pluto at 1 Gemini/Aquarius 53! This is considered a plentiful financial potential! Time to diversify your portfolio! Jupiter is lucky, abundance minded, is good at gauging future possibilities! Pluto is the planet of wealth, corporations, major inheritances, important insurance, behind the scenes deals! Be on the up and up, well informed, and be safe. Jupiter expands the options, preaches to and gathers the people. He educates them that they can do well too! Aquarius is a networker of renowned capability from causes to concerts! Combined with Pluto, expect phenomenal fundraising! Jupiter’s storytelling is like a magnet. It could be sports oriented or a tricky murder mystery! Jupiter wants well being and Pluto can do shamanic healing. Pluto and Aquarius are both researchers and medical history may be made. Stand up and be a part of this wonderful time! 

Pluto can rather unceremoniously end things. Sometimes, in retrospect, that is the best thing that could have ever happened. Aquarius sets you free. There can be swift recovery when that is meant to be. The unexpected comeback is so much better than what was before! Shoulda done it before ~ Let your strength of mind, faith and optimism carry you well beyond! The past is spent; no looking back. These are not average times. Let Jupiter in Gemini spread the good word. Expect to be intensely busy! Deep friendship may be a bond that could lead to a lasting marriage. 

Aug 19 Gemini Jupiter squares Pisces Saturn, the first of three times. Saturn can be down in the bilge, chronic, so Jupiter may have a hard time getting his attention. Jupiter in Gemini can be annoyingly cheerful and lack empathy to the depth of others’ fears or sorrows. Yet sometimes a distraction is a breath of fresh air. Forgot life could be good. From funny stories to the silliest jokes, a smile may come. Don’t go running away because the lights don’t come on immediately, but take a break if you need to. Saturn in Pisces gives himself to the serious needs of troubled Souls whether it be fear, abuse, addictions, abandonment. Saturn himself can get burned out. Jupiter is an expert getting people out of the zone. Gemini doesn’t usually want to go too far away, and that may be all the time and energy Saturn has, especially if the situation is critical. Make it count. Some place near and special, but not taxing would be perfect. 

Jupiter may see the great need and offer his expertise. Gemini has tons of information and can get much more. Saturn may find himself being offered support he never expected. Many people need to learn how to accept and cope with support, learn how to use it. Saturn rules fathers, bosses, elders. They can be a challenge. Show them how it works, let them adjust. Offer suggestions then let them process, checking in frequently at first. Alternate methods than they are used to take time to absorb. Pisces can be quick to assess, but due to past experiences may not trust. Give it the time it takes. The results may be nothing short of miraculous!

The second opportunity is Dec 24, 2024, followed by a very close aspect June 15, 2025.

Enjoy these powerful awesome times! The possibilities are compelling!


If your changes during 2023, 24, include moving, Jupiter in Taurus chooses land that makes him feel a connection that feels good under his feet! But with Jupiter in Taurus moves are less likely. A trailer is more likely, a home you can take with you. 

If you already moved, take a look at your AstroLocality map and Relocation Charts to see the meaning of your move and its potentials! If you haven’t picked your location yet, or have but not moved yet, you might change your mind. First, take a look at maps that show areas of conflict, drought, disasters. Conflicts take years of recovery; droughts and disasters take years of remediation. Think in terms of sustainability and a clean water supply. See your AstroLocality astrologer for advices on personal locations best for what and the best timing! Depending on your finances, be cautious about moves during retrograde periods, especially double retrogrades. If it is a necessity at a retrograde time, know that there will be further changes and factor in the costs that go with that. If you are buying a home as well, top priority may be that it is a good investment per resale value since you may change your mind about keeping it. Renting is recommended until times are more stable. With sign changes a lot of mind changing happens. The Pluto retrogrades Aquarius, Capricorn, Aquarius will be serious. Capricorn is the sign of real estate, and may give you the important information to make a wise investment.

Particularly note that late summer we are looking at heartful and hardworking Leo/Virgo Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RETROGRADE! The Venus retrograde cycle 12 to 28° Leo starts first, June 19 (the day of the Jupiter sextile Saturn – the last 2023 aspect). Venus finishes Oct 7. It is retrograde July 22 – Sep 3. Mercury starts his cycle Aug 3, finishes Sep 29, 8 to 21° Virgo 49. He is Rx Aug 23 to Sep 15. The DOUBLE RX is at back to school time, off to college, a common time to move, Aug 23 to Sep 3 (Labor Day weekend)! If moves are made then, don’t be surprised if there soon is another housing change… See the complete Timeline!

Returns! Returns are a special time when a planet orbits back to your original birth point. It reminds you of the purity of its purpose in your life. Saturn’s refreshes your outlook on your Dharma, the work of your Soul. Jupiter’s refreshes your gift of how you learn/teach and travel life! If your return is in a degree that will be in retrograde, you will have it three times.

During Leo’s year, Saturn covers 0 to 19 Pisces. Those of you with your Saturns in those degrees will be having your 28/29 year Saturn Return(s)!

If your Jupiter is 12 Taurus to 12 Gemini, you will have your 11/12 year Jupiter Return(s) in Leo’s year. 

Lunar patterns 2023-24!

New Moons: 21 and 20 degrees, Sep 14, 2023 to March 10, 2024. April 8, 2024 at 19 degrees.
Full Moons: 4 and 5 degrees, Oct 28, 2023 to April 23, 2024  

Those of you with factors at or within 3 degrees of these will be activated! Set your goals for these periods and approach them progressively from every angle, every sign! Your project will gain volume and wholeness as you go ~ Lay out your plan per sign then expect to update as you grow with it and more possibilities become apparent, available! 

With Pluto’s new mission in Aquarius, retrograding back to Capricorn then returning to AQ, we will be having an intense year as we get started making significant world changes and personal changes finding our places in this new time! Pluto returning to Capricorn will update Cap and strengthen that foundation. He will bring more of Capricorn’s important worthy work of this last 14 years forward into the new auspice of Aquarius. Cap deserves the recognition. Aquarius is blessed.

Thank you, Dear Leos, for loving us always! 

Updated for each sign annually


Happy Birthdays, Dear Leos!

2023 Leo Doctors Without Borders Kindheartedness

Living in Emergency: Stories of Doctors Without Borders’  Mercury in Leo Buddhist monk Jack Kornfield thinks: Our true power resides in the uncompromising tenderness of the human heart.

May you have a long life, Honey in the Heart!

Be prepared! See the entire Leo Newsletter! Contents:

2023 Leo Full & New Moons!
   Aug 1 Aquarius-Leo FIRST Full Sturgeon Moon of August on Lammas!
   Aug 16 Leo New Micro Moon!

Annual Celestial Highlights!   

Pluto Aquarius Retrograde Returned to Capricorn June 11!
   Pluto in Capricorn 2008 to 2024, 16 Years!
   ♦ Updated, Additions 7.6! Pluto’s First Seven Years in Aquarius 2023 to 2029 

Venus Leo/Virgo Mercury DOUBLE Retrograde Cycle begins June 19!

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♦♦ Here is your 2023 AstroLogicalNow Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Or, check with your favorite astrologer(s) for how the planets do or don’t connect with your personal chart, for your own special personal details! May it go very well with you…. 

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!



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2022 Jupiter Aries Conjunct Chiron Campfire Storytelling!

Storytelling is a form of discovery and revelation. Our imagination takes us to new realms… Many a campfire has brought Light to our Path.

The first planetary aspect of 2023, March 11, at 14 Aries 26, is a super strengthening combination of learning, teaching, being healed, and giving healing! It is the last aspect formed, 12 days before Pluto enters Aquarius March 23, a 246 year event! It will give specific final skills we will need and last minute quickie healings before Pluto emerges like a butterfly out of the dark in its new Aquarian wings! Jupiter makes the only 2023 aspects, three that happen only once each. This one is first, then the May 17 Jupiter square Pluto, and last, the June 19 Jupiter sextile Saturn. 

Not only is the Jupiter-Chiron conjunction the first aspect of 2023, but it is in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac! It is a Fire sign, a sign of Light! It represents a primordial hunger for life, purity. It is the sign of Initiation, to heal and step forward cleanly, inspired with one’s own Soul’s purpose. Leadership is natural.

Conjunctions are as close as any two planets can get, other than an eclipse! The planets merge, function as one. Sometimes the partners are at odds together, but in this case all elements are compatible and Jupiter is the fame and fortune lucky planet! Chiron might be a bit quieter than Jupiter, or they might compete a bit for the limelight, but they both want healing and teaching. If they do fight, big Jupiter might be thought to be the hands down winner, but no Centaur was ever afraid of size! And if he fights, he’s serious about it! Chiron has plenty of kick! Jupiter is the Sagittarius, centaur, planet and Chiron intuitively knows his weaknesses and as a medicine man, knows where to deliver for the most effect! It could be fiercely Aries and loudly Jupiter, but quick and done, onward after all! They certainly get to know each other intimately.

Pluto is the Phoenix that rises from its own ashes, dies to life, has the nature of a shaman. Aries is the Easter sign, Resurrection. Aries fire burns away the dross, specifically heals cuts, stabs, gunshot wounds, bites and head injuries. Also a Shaman, Chiron in Aries heals the same, and in addition works with our thinking and mindfulness, our ability to work with chronic discomforts. My strong feeling is many of these things will have roots in past lives, probably back in the time when Pluto was last in Capricorn/Aquarius making this same transition. The more these things are well and strong, the better the Pluto Aquarian transition will be. It will open on more sure footing and be able to maintain in its new chaotic sign of shocks and surprises. No matter what we expect and how much we prepare, when we get there it won’t be as expected!

Taking healing to a new level! Jupiter is the planet of Sagittarius, the arrow up sign. It is also the planet/sign combination of Iris, the Goddess of rainbows that connect Heaven and Earth! Jupiter, the traveler and teacher, brings information from all over the Earth, in Aries, spreading the latest ideas! It has a keen eye for the very best. Since Pluto is going into Aquarius, r/evolution will be compulsive and obsessive. New levels will be the standard, mandatory. All humans will be taking on a new volume of consciousness. Jupiter loves upping the amps, and Aries is on for anything new! Let’s do it!

A lot of people think of Chiron, the mythological wounded, healer, teacher, as shamanic. Jupiter at one with, in union with, conjunct, Chiron, offers the most mind moving new methods of healing. Chiron also relates with business and marriage. Jupiter expands the wealth and wonder, enjoys bringing quick and easy updates to businesses that are ripe to grow! Looking forward with confidence makes us more bold and able to seek healthier relationships or develop our personal strength on our own apart from old chronic patterns! One way or another, time to move right along! Godspeed! This intensity will be just what is needed with Pluto in AQ.

Jupiter, the fame and fortune planet, big in Spirit, often tall, has the eyes to see long visions, has perspective and faith, seeks Truth! Though both Jupiter and Aries are fast, Jupiter has luck and peripheral vision, while Aries senses quickly, is a superlative newsperson, gets right in front to the point. They fairly fly to the rescue when called! They revel in making quick decisions, saving the day! It’s Hero time! Pluto can be a dark planet, and Aquarius undecipherable, so this quickened insight will help us get though some early OMGs when we don’t know exactly what’s up or what to do!

Jupiter bluffs and plows his way right through! You can imagine the tales told by the campfire or when he blows into town! The teachings are plentiful and everyone is late to bed! When he lights, he may be the editor/publisher. He knows when a story has legs and charms voracious readers! Aries doesn’t want to wait around, but can quickly compose images and film to bring it all alive! Challenges just make him more happy, avid to get the superb material that makes it fresh. Being on the cutting edge is an important piece to documenting Pluto’s stupendous change. Be poised and ready to go.

Aries loves newborns and babies, so somehow, they end up at the children’s ward! Getting a new life off to a rambunctious healthy start of mind and body delights him. Playful Jupiter sees potential, plans for future educational opportunities together and an itinerary everyone will just love! He gets out the backpack and says let’s take that baby biking/hiking! Chiron is sure to give suggestions to new fathers and family about any special care needed. Secretly he wants to teach baby how to be a healer. Later on he will be speaking of business skills with the young ones. Good team! If your baby is born around this time, expect a strong voiced little adventurer teacher healer who has no tolerance for slowpokes and will kick your behind if you don’t get going as soon as prescribed! See more about Jupiter in Aries   Chiron in Aries

By the time Pluto finishes Aquarius in 2044, 21 years, your little one will be all grown up, steeped in Pluto in Aquarius all or most of his/her life! You might decide to see your astrologer(s) to be able to understand more and help well with both difficult and powerful favorable aspects as they happen!

Though Chiron is considered to be the marriage planet by the Magi astrologers, with Jupiter and Chiron both in Aries, both freedom lovers, marriage may not be in the cards around the conjunction time. Be sure you both have innate marriage success factors in your charts, and super compatibility between you. See your astrologer(s) to find if there is a better time. If there is a marriage there might be an itchy footed component and wanting to go off alone throughout the marriage. Loyalty while away depends on each person’s own chart.

Fixed Stars!  14 Aries 26 makes a Grand Cardinal Square with 5 Fixed Stars! Jupiter and Chiron are square Sirius, the brightest star in our sky at 14 Cancer 05 and Canopus. They are square Sirius’s opposites, the Ascella and Vega in Capricorn. They are opposite Algorab in Libra! This is an action square, doesn’t linger on challenges, moves right along! Check these stars out at Astrology King! 

Pluto was last seen in Aquarius 246 years ago, 1777 to 1799, a period of uproar and change all over the world. There was the American and French Revolutions! Per Wiki ‘…the American Revolution (1765–1783) is usually considered the starting point of the Age of Revolution. It in turn inspired the French Revolution of 1789, which rapidly spread to the rest of Europe.’ And it won’t be any different this time! Guarantee! So get your friends and alliances/networks in order, stand up, get used to acting progressively. This Jupiter-Chiron combination will be getting us into action to make the leap into Aquarius!

Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1781, Neptune was discovered by John Couch Adams in 1846, Pluto was discovered by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 and Chiron by Charles T. Kowal in only 1977! Chiron, on a 51 year cycle won’t complete its first cycle through all the signs until 2028! We truly know little about it. We have nothing written by astrologers about them before their discovery times, about Pluto’s last foray into Aquarius, because we didn’t know about them then. We’ll do Pluto in Aquarius better this time, or certainly differently with the outer planets now in different signs. With jets, the internet, cell phones, we are able to communicate planetarily in an instant. Climate is at the top of the list with 7.9B humans on the planet needing clean water. Transhumanism is in the offing per Sarwant Singh at Forbes five years ago. Pluto in Aquarius

Make the Leap! 

Updated 2.11.23

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

Here is your 2023 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Again, see your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart!  

Be up on the latest! Subscribe on this page to the blog, or here to the entire once a month Newsletter! 

2023 Vibrational Astrology ConferenceTreat yourself! Put this great event on your calendar now! 
All of you are invited to the 5th Vibrational Astrology Conference on March 3 to 5, 2023 in Gainesville, FL!!! This is an in-person event sponsored by Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Software.



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New Moon August 27!
Pisces-Virgo Full Harvest-Corn Moon September 10!.

Virgo New Moon!

Saturday August 27, 1:17 AM Pacific at 4 Virgo 04

Spiritual structure is elemental to our lives! Virgo tends life’s Garden to assure our well being.

2022 Virgo New Moon Galaxy Garden Paleaku Astronomy Center, Kona, Hawaii

The centerpiece of the Paleaku Astronomy Center, Kona, Hawaii, is the 100 ft. diameter model of the Milky Way. The scale is 1000 light years per foot, which is about 83 light years per inch. The Galaxy Garden is set on 1/4 acre of lawn, whose gentle swell suggests the observed warp of the actual galactic disk. Jon Lomberg wanted people to be able to experience a personal understanding of our galaxy as they walked the garden. See the fascinating story, read the intriguing comments! Jon’s personal story about the Garden, more images!

As Above, so Below! Virgos are grand gardeners, designers tuned in to the galaxy herself! Just like with those little bookkeeping boxes of figures on paper, they are super organizers with design plans tuned with exquisite timing. They pay attention. They listen to the Fae and nature’s other little people, tend their plants in cosmic seasonal harmony, by sun and moon, guided by constellations of knowledge of the stars as they appear at night’s eastern threshold throughout the year.

Our New Moon is a union of Sun and Moon. Moon joins Sun, nurturing him and his realm. Children are encouraged to develop their skills. Sun is heartened to express himself with confidence. Moon sees their talents and supports their processes of exploration for the very finest designs. Father Sun gathers Mother Moon into his arms, thanks her, honors her divine capacity for caring, working so hard amongst us all, often taken for granted. Her healing is beyond measure. She gardens the herbs and veggies, nurses without judgment, cleans and organizes, has a gift with pets, studies relentlessly, many a time works until she drops. She has cosmic creds.This union and recognition reaffirms our treasure. We are boosted to renew our pure energy, take heart from our core, strengthen our trust in ourselves, know we aren’t perfect, but growing together. The Universe IS a big place, Evolution is forever! Be the best you can be right this minute in view of the long term. Lay the small things aside; go for the big picture. Love each other kindly.

This New Moon has brought us challenges and blessings! We are in the midst of Mars bringing us news that must be dealt with, a gnat or a bugle, telling us we need to make some changes in our point of view. Mars is strongly and favorably sextile Jupiter, who generally means well.

The New Moon just squared Mars in Gemini, and they are still within three minutes of space at the New Moon moment! Sun squared the night before at 10:27 PM Pacific; Moon squares at 1:11 AM, only 6 minutes before the New Moon at 1:17 AM!!! Virgo is a writer and Mars is a talker, both of Mercury signs!

Sun in Virgo square Mars in Gemini has been happening for a good 5 – 7 days before the New Moon. Tempers have flared, thefts have occurred, people have gotten bad health news. Necessities have been taken care of, losses remedied as possible. New solutions have fixed old problems. Some things are better than they were, others are unsettled, still pending and need further attention.

Mercury is adding a sociable touch in Libra making the links, doing the beautiful calligraphy of life as we get to know each other better. Libra is tracking legal matters, seeking potent relationships, life’s balance, fairness and justice. Due to Mercury slowing to Retrograde Sep 9, he will not trine Mars! Mars is actually moving faster!!! Mercury returns to Virgo Sep 23 after the Moon enters Virgo before the Libra New Moon. That will remind us of things happening now that need updating, a renewed start. Though not in strong connection with the rest of the chart, Mercury is still the lead planet! Though soon to be retrograde, his being in station for 8 days, starting Sep 6, he will hold position, anchoring his gains and connections made, focusing on what the chart needs.

The New Moon square Mars peaks minutes before the New Moon, while Mars sextile Jupiter isn’t exact until Sep 1! Mars is undaunted sextiling Jupiter in Mars’ home sign Aries! Mars in Gemini has multiple smarts and quick about them, has several irons in the fire, fairly dancing with spreading the news! Fiery Jupiter is the adventurous winner, speeding in fire sign Aries, happily fueled with Mars’ ideas! Let’s see, which 8 things we can do today?! And together they do them all well before the day is over! Next!

Both are in leadership positions! In Gemini, Mars presses the fresh news he daringly gathered! Jupiter is teaching the new skills and introducing new business opportunities North, South, East and West! Vast territories are perfect for him. Mars is out hustling down the road on his bike, the wind flying by! Tennis is great. Jupiter may have the skates and skis, be driving the motorcycle, revving the speedboat! Virgo may see they are rather unstoppable and offer exciting ventures for them to gleefully tackle! They can be her champions! Virgo likes being clean, and they don’t mind being sweaty!

Mars may be mouthy, especially with Jupiter and his catchy slang from all countries, so Virgo may have to have her earplugs handy. Mars might be put off by her deliberate, even delicate, ways, attention to ALL the details. He may think she needs more loving, LOL, and maybe she does, but it probably won’t be with him, not that he may even want her! He’s not bound by ordinary jobs, is more a consultant, is quick to find new material. He’s cheeky, sometimes too flashy, pushy, impatient, not always kind or helpful. But he sure is good at what he does when he does it. He’s got courage, is not often intimidated. He can write a whirl, stand up for a cause, or talk a fast circle, keep you distracted, divert your course in an instant! His exuberance alone can be healing!

Jupiter takes it to the bank! He is gathering powerful information soon to be released! He is a planet of perspective, and in Aries, anything that moves has his instant attention. He compares with his vast data bank, decides head swimmingly quickly whether to go or no. Like betting the horses, always put a buck on the longest odds! Jupiter looks for meaning and refuses to invest in unethical prospects. But if he goes to the dark side he will be infamous rather than famous! He looks for Truth, and if he’s the bad guy, plays it upfront and can get away with it. Or, he takes it to church and makes believers out of them, making sure they know the consequences if they fail! He can be a glib storyteller of the tallest tales, or assault your faulty thinking and turn your life around! One way or the other, you are fully entertained, amazed and inspired! Grab the reins and go for it! Word to the wise: invest on a trial basis first, see how it goes!

FATEFUL GRAND FIXED SQUARE! Nodes axis with Uranus over Vertex axis, Venus and Saturn!

At 16 Taurus/Scorpio, the Vertex/Anti-Vertex, a point of fate, and the North-South Node axes are reverse lined up over each other potently at the same degree! The North Node is at the Anti-Vertex and the Vertex is at the South Node! The Vertex axis will change degrees as the latitude of the location the chart is calculated for changes. This is at Santa Barbara CA. The Moon’s North Node’s motion is generally retrograde. She is fading back, away from Uranus and the Vertex axis. Recently she conjuncted Uranus in Taurus, a 19 year event. She is also fading back from squaring Saturn in Aquarius. Venus squared Uranus 9:34 PM Pacific  yesterday, and is opposite Saturn 11:27 AM Pacific tomorrow

The North Node is generally retrograde, traveling 19 years through the signs. Right now it is past Uranus by just under 3 degrees, still close, not entirely finished, not forgotten. The South Node is always in the opposite sign, Scorpio in this case. North and South are working to balance the signs. Scorpio is our monies, all monies involving other entities, like banks, insurance, inheritances, big investments. Taurus is my money, money in pocket, having things for myself, your sense of your own personal worth, your own body and attractiveness, the body of our Earth Mother. With Uranus, there is a questioning of what your values are in context of how others on the planet are doing, how your friends are, what your freedom is worth, what changes you are willing to make, how is Earth herself doing?

Uranus is the leading outer planet for now and this is the North Node’s first encounter with one of the outer planets since when with Jupiter 3 times in 2016. Next will be with Jupiter 2023, then Chiron, Neptune, Saturn, last with Pluto 2027 then back with Jupiter 2030.

This special conjunction, the True North Node with Uranus, is every 15 years! It always skips a sign. This year’s slow moving conjunction is continuous June 7 through Nov 15! It emphasizes the Earth Changes we are experiencing and how our friendships are being organically assessed for long term true values, whether our networks are effective. See the list and more at Cafe Astrology!

  • The last one was Mar 31, 2007, 16 Pisces 07.
  • This one was Jul 31, 2022 (Jun 7 to Nov 15) at 18 Taurus 42
  • The next one will be Oct 20, 2037 at 24 Cancer 09

Uranus has huge plans! In Taurus, he is stepping in neighborly stride with Chiron in Aries! Uranus is freedom, unpredictable r/evolution! Fellow Earth sign Virgo is working in tandem in behalf of the animals, bees and butterflies, plants, trees and seas! Chiron is too old to be bossed, but is also a healer like Virgo. He will muster a listen to her and Taurus just waits him out. Taurus owns his farm, has the food and literally stands his ground. Uranus is the ChangeMaker and Virgo backs him up with the data! Virgo the writer and data keeper often works alone, but as a nurse at the hospital, is part of a huge 24 hour team. She can work skillfully together when called on to do so. Aquarius can be a loner, but has uncanny ability to unite and galvanize huge groups of people. Virgo sees the valiant efforts happening on the cutting edge, looks for plausible shortcuts, systems and experts to make it all come true!

The Vertex exactly lined up with the Nodes in Santa Barbara CA at the time of the New Moon indicates there may be a special event in this area! From around the web, here are a few ways it can unfold:

  • is a sensitive point that can always be found on the right side (western half) of the horoscope between the 5th and 8th houses
  • can indicate a sense of destiny working through another person or outstanding event (Western side of chart)
  • one of those points in our charts signaling events that happen to us through no effort or will of our own
  • in Relationships is one of the key components in two lovers being fated together.
  • generally considered a point of karmic or fated connection, destiny [that doesn’t mean you should marry]
  • AKA Destiny’s Gate, can be a person (and how they affect you), a time when you meet a special person
  • your calling or the Ray energy to be cultivated in this lifetime

For your House and Sign Interpretations see some possibilities at Astrology Answers!

Saturn in Aquarius, separating square Uranus in Taurus, is still close right now but won’t become exact. The square was made three times in 2021, so this now is a reminder to keep processing what was gained then. We experienced a lot of isolation from friends and work shifted for many due to the pandemic. There were breakthroughs due to necessity. There were forever losses as not everyone made it. Many are still grieving even as they go on successfully. At times it is bittersweet. Along with the personal changes, we face political and environmental shifts. Basic responsibilities made important by the time frame, and freedoms of all kinds are being questioned. See more about Saturn Square Uranus.

Venus in Leo separating square Uranus in Taurus. Venus in Leo wants her due, loves individual rights, doesn’t mind a challenge – or be remarkably lazy, LOL. She can be bright and formidable if she takes on the cause, can get in big trouble, and her beauty won’t help her! She can be grace and all heart at other times and that may make all the difference. As one person she can feature the planetary matter and against all odds succeed. She has a following. Uranus in Taurus can be an individual that is misguided, or a great humanitarian planetary group. Venus may be called on to negotiate with kindness or aplomb, be an astonishing fundraiser, a surprising heroine. Values may be shifted on all sides.

Venus in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius! Some of the overtones are similar to her square with Uranus, because Aquarius is Uranus’s sign! Opposites represent separations. Discrimination, acknowledging differences and letting go are aces to be played well and kindly. Negotiating across the table, collaborating, each offering complimentary skills, is well worth it. With Saturn, these can be work related, family matters with Fathers or elders, planetary matters, responsibilities taken or forfeited. There can be grieving, relief, guilt, fear, depression, feeling burdened or thankfulness as the work progresses, things become resolved. Venus lends her ability to make connections. Her appreciation and warmhearted affection may save the day. She can get publicity and financing for what seemed like hopeless causes. She is strong and bright. Saturn must be sure she doesn’t overdo, give her time outs and be sure she eats well. She may be brave and determined, but she is still human, god love her. She may bring famous people or performers into the fold. Get her on media. She glows when inspired!

There are plenty of challenges in this chart, but Virgo’s New Moon chart is a Locomotive, a dynamo with a wide spread of components, plenty of traction! Pluto in Capricorn is the base planet making sure they leave no tracks, the trash is removed. Stragglers are healed, brought up to par, given work they can do in behalf of the tribe, kept moving. Pluto relights their Kundalini fires, trains them with skills, awakens their talents!

In broad terms, Pluto in Capricorn can be rock solid, wants proof and substantial backing before he turns his crew loose to do further building. The world is calling him to be transparent and take care of major things. He’s doing his best to set priorities. Some of the situations are dangerous.

Pluto is making sure things are politically embedded or up rooted as needed. He protects from casualties, insists on you taking your responsibilities or there will be losses. Soil and water toxins, drugs, abuses of people and privileges, gun violence, disasters, the pandemic, are high on our lists. That’s a long list. There may be surprising things done as we ready for Pluto’s shift into Aquarius March 23, 2023. Pluto in Aquarius will need to take drastic action for the reforms required to happen. It will easily take the 21 years Pluto is in Aquarius to make significant lasting changes. But when Pluto was last in AQ, there was the American Revolution, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution in England. We shall see. We will need some powerful leaders for the good. See more Pluto in Capricorn   In Aquarius

Pluto’s strongest current direct connection is sextile Neptune. They are together closely for months at a time. They have a long history, started in 1950! Over the years they have changed signs together! Pluto is a shamanic healer, has to do with life, Kundalini, sex, lifelong relationships, cleansing and detoxing, big money, research, and death. Pluto is not fainthearted. Danger is fascinating and comes in many forms. Dying to life is the game. The Great Mystery and revelation hold their attention. Fathomless Neptune is his friend. Neptune’s imagination and dreams know no bounds. Here is a worthy companion for one as intense as Pluto. Neptune can always read Pluto, but Pluto can’t always read as far as Neptune’s visions go! That is rare, so Pluto is always interested as he tries to decipher the code when there really isn’t one, LOL! Neptune heals the healer and Pluto wants to know how! They are powerful together and are both comfortable and wary of each other at the same time. Neither one knows the entirety of themselves. There is always an unpredictable element and they like it that way. They are elementally creative!  

Pluto is no fool, and if his eyes open, he can make 180 shifts on a dime, making stunning change in record time! All it takes is one turn of the key in the Capricorn lock! We’ll see what happens while he is leaving Capricorn to enter Aquarius March 2023. There are 7+ months to go.

Saturn in Aquarius will soon be at the exact midpoint between Neptune and Pluto!  Might not be the safest place to be, but he is in a position to be a go between and extract valuable knowledge from each. Aquarius is more interested than judgmental, is rarely frightened because AQ is so different it is usually others who are frightened of him! Saturn is not a fainthearted planet either. He wants to harness the talent, takes the best of both and shows them how to use it together. He stands up for his principles against the odds because he has a proven track record of doing the right thing at the right time! The three of them, Pluto, Saturn, and Neptune, are in sequential signs, Capricorn, AQ, Pisces, the last signs of the zodiac. Together they are putting finishing touches on the work at hand, the foundation for the future.

Fixed Stars Summary! There are a lot of connections!

1) Fixed star Sirius at 14 Cancer, and Algorab 13 Libra, travel together, challengingly always square! Sirius is the brightest star, the power light of our night, so has mojo just for being! Algorab’s rep isn’t so good, and Chiron in Aries squares Sirius, is opposite Algorab. Aries has no fear, so some challenging discussions will happen regarding what the best healing methods are. Algorab will bring up some of the pitfalls. Sirius will offer some glimpses that Chiron will ponder and quickly find himself accepting with modifications of his own making. The Taurus North Node is coming into position, sextile Sirius and inconjunct Algorab.

Another of the 15 Behenian stars, Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake! See a lot more at Astrology King!, including ties with famous people!

Chiron and the North Node, 15 and 16 degrees also connect with Canopus, Vega and Rigel.

Fomalhaut, at 3 Pisces 53, is one of the Archangel stars. Mars and the New Moon are less than a degree of it, Mars square and the New Moon opposite. It has a Mercury-Venus character with a blending of Neptune influence. According to tradition, this star is of quite variable effect, either very good or very bad, depending on the overall cosmic structure. It is assumed, however, that the helpful influence is the greater one. See more details at Astrology King!

Follow up with these last stars as you wish at Astrology King! Jamie is a pro! Page down to select the stars of your choice. See how your own planets may be involved!   

Uranus, Venus and Saturn, 18, 19 and 20 degrees, are connected with Castor, Bellatrix, Denebola, and Capella.

Neptune at 24 degrees is connected with Pollux, Spica, Arcturus and Procyon.

Mercury at 1 degree trines Altair.

2) Pluto 26 Capricorn, Fixed Star Algol 26 TAURUS and the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius!

Algol has the baddest rep of all the fixed stars. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more! As an individual event, things may not go well at all. If her feminine power force is called on as an ally, she may save your life or protect the Galactic Center from intruders!  

Algol and the Galactic Center are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 TAURUS and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the sign between Scorpio and Capricorn. I imagine the GC is probably enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories beyond our imagination! The Great Educator sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! The GC is the center of our Milky Way, a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. Sagittarius is the Teacher, traveler of the cosmos across dimensions beyond our understanding, yet it exists and we have access. The GC Stars send Light from aeons away, a subtle light, but perhaps even more potent because we can’t ‘see’ it and so don’t fight it. If your chart factors link up, you may find yourself having insights, both enlightening and perverse. We may know there have been consequences we didn’t realize. Some self forgiveness may be in order, apologies as appropriate. The Galactic Center offers stunning options in the magnitude of billions of stars, galaxies upon galaxies! More on the Galactic Center!

Capricorn is hosting Pluto. Pluto is trine Algol in Taurus and semi sextile The Galactic Center, piloting the whole scenario of these three powerful factors. By nature he is a no nonsense old Master and gives orders, expecting things to get done. All these three have street creds and are impressive. Capricorn has hung out with the best and functions well at this level. He treats them more equally both to himself and each other. It’s his job.

Pluto is now at 26° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

Pluto is an exceptionally powerful planet, so is quite comfy with the great forces! In Capricorn he is with the Masters, ones who rule kingdoms and the planet. Capricorn is a realist and Pluto a profound healer. They, Pluto, Algol, and the Galactic Center, see the times that are coming and are preparing the way for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. For 21 years he will be called to apply his great strength in behalf of humanity.

We are now more aware that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, make it whole, make it known. Select who will work together, and get it rolling! Be relentless! Don’t give up even when it seems bleak. Often much is happening behind the scenes, especially when many people are working for common cause. Collective consciousness is powerful. A lot can be done in a short time.

Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cancer 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with several factors and their signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

3) Connections with other planets, Algol and the GC

Neptune is at 24 Pisces sextile Algol, square the Galactic Center! The divine order is awry, and even a positive sextile with Algol can be a daunting affair. Can you trust her?! If she uses her miraculous feminine super powers some mighty saves may happen. Neptune’s great visions may prove to hold extraordinary keys.

New Moon’s by nature start new cycles. In Virgo, a mutable sign, they can start a new order! Feel the weight of your thinking shift, your attention broaden then focus in for the prime objective! New Moons help us see the seeds of new beginnings, a feeling of their potential, expanding energy. The High Priestess calls her people to focus on divine progress.

Step closely to blend our powers! Let Fate find your way.

Virgo New Moon Astrology Chart!

2022 Virgo New Moon Astrology Chart!


Pisces-Virgo Full Harvest-Corn Moon!

Friday Sep 10, 2:59 AM Pacific at 17 Pisces 41

Spiritual structure is elemental to our lives! Virgo tends life’s Garden to assure our well being.

The Almanac says the full Moon that happens nearest to the fall equinox (September 22 or 23) always takes on the name “Harvest Moon.” Unlike other full Moons, this full Moon rises at nearly the same time—around sunset—for several evenings in a row, giving farmers several extra evenings of moonlight and allowing them to finish their harvests before the frosts of fall arrive. Harvest Moons are famous for appearing very large!

Pisces Virgo Harvest Moon 2022 by Carol Nelson

In honor of the freedom of art, the beauty of color and design! Fine art by Carol Nelson. Mixed Media Collage Landscape Painting, “Harvest Moon” See more of her stunning work and info about her upcoming workshops!  
Venus, Sun and Mercury have ventured away from the main group making a Fall spread. The chart pattern is called a Seesaw with the typical oppositions. The Full Moon axis is emphasized, Moon in Pisces with Neptune, the Pisces planet. Very different than the Leo Full Moon when Moon was in Aquarius with Saturn square Uranus the AQ planet. In comparison that was a hard edged Moon compared with this soft sensing Moon. Sun in Virgo will need to be careful with his criticisms, more expressing his positive assessments.

All the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are now Retrograde as of Aug 24 through Oct 8! They are all in the base group. Each is reconsidering recent events, re-circuiting causes, tinkering with solutions. In short, things are not stable, but in an adjustment phase with more to come when they go over the same degrees a third time after they turn forward, direct. Some will stay in long 1 degree stations when they turn. That gives you the opportunity to focus steadily, absorb, really feel, sort, peaceably relinquish what no longer works, use your new free time to establish the best.

Mercury in Libra is in the 5th day of his RETROGRADE Station, Rx as of yesterday, reassessing his stance, balancing it with his opposite Jupiter in Aries’ super strong push. By nature, Libra is vulnerable to seeing both sides and not wanting to take a stand of his own. Jupiter is like a bucking horse wanting to throw off doubt and inaction. Libra wants to negotiate, and Jupiter in Aries feels the urgency, doesn’t want to miss the window, says there is no time for that, it’s now or never! Mercury is still looking for further options now that things have shifted directions. Jupiter may be furious, possibly later relieved things were delayed. It sure is going to take longer than expected.

Mercury came close to trine Mars in Gemini. They are now acquainted, but Mercury is turning away, retrograde. However, he will remember Mars’ fiery appraisals, take that inspiration with him. They won’t make their exact trine until Oct 26 during Mars’ 1 degree retrograde station Oct 18 to Nov 11. At that time, Mars, practically standing still, will be more able to listen to Mercury’s considerations. Also, Mercury shall have more experience with the current situations and can now see how right Jupiter was about the urgency. Yet it was not fated to have happened then. Other things have changed some of the reasoning and different options will become available.

Venus in specific Virgo is doing her talented nitpicky thing, gathering as much more information as she can to help them. She was just having a productive chat with Jupiter, understands his plight, and is coming up to square Mars in Gemini. She and Mars are each in one of Mercury’s two signs. He gives Venus raw data, she organizes it for purpose. He may have more patience with her if she does the work quickly and it keeps them all from making a big mistake or gives them the base they need to go for it! But with Mercury Rx, there are bound to be some misses, hopefully some quick saves. Moon with Neptune in Pisces is floating a bit and there will be insights and omits not realized until later and maybe too late. Or they will be so out of the box, especially together, and come up with helpful unknowns that have profound effect on their choices! Pisces has an uncanny practically mystical overview and Mother Moon in Pisces, the Mother of Heaven, is super aware of cycles and timing. Just keep them from trying to save everyone, and away from the local pub, LOL!

It’s like having a bunch of scattered cats! Several are venturing off and may need to be gathered back. Someone needs to keep them connected. That just may be Uranus anchored in Taurus! Moon is sextile him and sees how he can be detached yet steadily purposeful for their long term cause! He is an unexpected Gate Keeper! Sun in Virgo, another Earth sign, trines and trusts him mostly. She knows there are wrinkles in his system – unknowns, kinks in his electricity – genius instability that makes him creative and inventive, yet she trusts him and gives him the goods of the group! That means a lot coming from Virgo. She’s generally quite skeptical of eccentrics.

The Saturn in Aquarius, separating square Uranus in Taurus, is still close right now but won’t become exact. The square was made three times in 2021, so this now is a reminder to keep processing what was gained then. We experienced a lot of isolation from friends and work shifted for many due to the pandemic. There were breakthroughs due to necessity. There were forever losses as not everyone made it. Many are still grieving even as they go on successfully. At times it is bittersweet. Along with the personal changes, we face political and environmental shifts. Basic responsibilities made important by the time frame, and freedoms of all kinds are being questioned. See more about Saturn Square Uranus.

Deeply faithful, pitted against Uranus, Saturn still has good intentions. Saturn rules Capricorn, another winter sign. Cap is the sign of high rocky mountains, staunch timbered ski resorts, impeccable professionalism, the wisdom of elders, awards and honors for impressive accomplishments. Saturn works hard and it pays off. When times are slim financially, he is a wizard at surviving. He reuses, uses less, adroitly scavenges, knows how to sacrifice, drives a hard bargain, makes use of shortcuts that save time and money. He often comes out with better skills than when he went in! Remarkable. Shrewd resourcefulness.

Virgo and Pisces are aware of the difficulties Saturn brought to Uranus. They know there have been setbacks and holding steady under fire, Uranus has proven his strength.

Moon in Pisces, the last sign, is a collector of spiritual memory and has the accumulated wisdom of many generations, Souls and lifetimes. Along with her opposite, Sun in Virgo, she will hold us to our spiritual practices. Their connection with Uranus will keep them tuned with their bodies as well as mind. Yoga to stretch and loosen, walking/hiking to move our molecules, swimming to cleanse, meditation to rest our spirit, let the mind flow freely. The archive of the Dreamtime will offer spiritual chatter to guide the daily application of our quests.

Independent healer/teacher and business person, sometimes matchmaker, Chiron in Aries, has recently been connected with several planets and the North Node. He has more import than an immediate glance shows. His imprint is still lingering. He is midpoint semisextile linking Moon and Uranus/North Nod. He has lent his kick and shifted quick information their way. Moon was for only a few hours, but Chiron and Uranus have traveled together for years. Chiron is becoming more humanistic, works with bigger groups, while Uranus has added more shamanic qualities to tending his flock. See more!

  • Virgo Sun has passed the inconjunct with Chiron. Sun was tempted to spend some time with this fellow healer and momentarily s/he wavered in her path. She could see he had some new ideas but their connection at a distance, each busy, was brief though possibly potent. Neither are time wasters, so they got to the point quickly.
  • Saturn has moved on from his sextile with Chiron. Both are old timers in a manner of speaking. They commiserate, savor the memories of work done, compare techniques that have done well, remind each other to keep building and push through nuisance obstacles! They are stalwart experienced champions! See more!

Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn are remaining in close sextile, as they have off and on since 1950. Neptune is Pluto’s psychic dreamer, spiritual guide, a secret power in his background. Pluto brings potent empowerment to Neptune’s wishes, matters of the Soul! Pluto brings material funding as well as the power of the deep within Kundalini flame of life! If there are addictions, Pluto burns away the dross, detoxes and counsels.

Jessica Davidson says:

‘The Neptune Pluto cycle represents the transformation of religion and collective ideas about the divine and our beliefs about reality. These ideas influence how we structure society and build civilisation, so this cycle also coincides with the rise and fall of empires and cultures.

Pluto represents the archetype of transformation and evolution and is associated with the collective shadow, mass movements, and the drive for power. Neptune represents the archetype of transcendence and idealism and is associated with collective dreams, imagination, spirituality, and inspiration.

Neptune spiritualizes and refines Pluto, encouraging reform through osmosis and gradual change. It seeps in slowly and influences through subtle inspiration and visionary shifts in consciousness. But it can also stir up the hidden depths of Pluto, giving voice to dark emotions and taboos and fueling the desire for power. Power is also wielded through the use of images and mass emotion to create change.

This can be a positive process that inspires great faith and hope through uplifting ideas and visions. But it can also involve mass illusions and escapism that can end in death and destruction…’ See more about the Neptune Pluto cycle and Jessica’s thoughts.

This combination will have deep content change when Pluto enters Aquarius March 2023. Pluto does retrograde back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius, giving Neptune, and the rest of us, a chance to adjust. Then in March 2025, Neptune enters ARIES along with Saturn entering Aries as well! Wow! Neptune will retrograde back into Pisces once. There will be further varying adjustments with Pluto! The sextile continues, but will often be what we astrologers call ‘out of sign!’ It will be numerically sextile energy, but the signs may not be ‘compatible.’ The positive offers that sextiles usually bring may be more difficult to enact until we are able to work the disparate signs well together.

The Fixed Stars, Galactic Center/GC, and Pluto!

Neptune 24 Pisces and Pluto, 26 Capricorn 18 continue to activate major fixed star Algol 26 Taurus and the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius 09.

Pluto moves only 3° a year, retrograding back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16. Please see more in the New Moon Fixed Stars Summary above.

The GC is the center of our Milky Way, a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. Sagittarius is the Teacher, traveler of the cosmos across dimensions beyond our understanding, yet it exists and we have access. The GC Stars send Light from aeons away, a subtle light, but perhaps even more potent because we can’t ‘see’ it and don’t fight it. If your chart factors link up, you may find yourself having insights, both enlightening and perverse.

The Galactic Center offers accessing stunning options in the magnitude of billions of stars, galaxies upon galaxies! We may only get inklings, impressions, but go for the most potent long term options you can conceive of. They are stepping stones to even greater options to come. Stretch, reach out of the box! Hang on and pull yourself up! There will be spirits out there reaching to help you along! More on the Galactic Center!

Neptune and Pluto are also connected with quite an array of stars at this time! Spica 23 Libra, Arcturus 24 Libra, Procyon 25 Cancer 47, Algol 26 Taurus, the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius and Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion at 28 Gemini! All these combinations give a complex scenario. Some heads will roll while others may have a spiritual initiation! There may be a renowned profile shot, maybe in black and white, that goes viral and then some. It may be a profound crusade symbol for many years, particularly while Pluto is in Aquarius. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer(s) for further personal details.

This chart has another pantheon of Galactic connections with a LOT of other Fixed Stars! TEN chart factors are involved! Jupiter and Venus are the exceptions. Follow up with these as you wish at Astrology King! Jamie is a pro! Page down to select the stars of your choice. See how your own planets may be involved!   

  • North Node 14 Taurus, Chiron 15 Aries, the Full Moon 17 Virgo/Pisces, Uranus 18 Taurus, and Saturn 20 AQ are connected with Algorab and the Ascella at 13 Libra and Capricorn, Sirius and Canopus at 15 Cancer and Capricorn, Vega at 15 Capricorn, Rigel 16 Gemini 50, Castor, Bellatrix at 20 Cancer and Gemini and Denebola and Capella 21 Gemini and Virgo! These SIX chart factors are activating an entire sequence of TEN stars!
  • Mercury 8 Libra is connected with three 9 degree stars, Antares in Sagittarius, Aldebaran in Gemini, Vindemiatrix in Libra
  • Mars 11 Gemini activates Alphecca (Gemma) 12 Scorpio

March 23, 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius, a 248 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. Right now is the time to be strengthening our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in our own charts!

Spiritual structure is elemental to our lives! Virgo tends life’s Garden to assure our growth.

Pisces-Virgo Full Harvest-Corn Moon Astrology Chart!

2022 Pi-Vi Full Harvest Moon Astrology Chart!


Next up is the Sunday Sep 25 New Moon at 2 Libra 49, 2:55 PM Pacific.

Lunar events will be good for some people, others not. All depends on each of our personal charts. A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance. See the 2022 Eclipse dates! Blessed be…. 

Be prepared! See the entire Virgo Newsletter! Newsletter Topics:

Virgo Annual Celestial Highlights!

Mercury Virgo-Libra Retrograde Cycle
August 20 from 24 Virgo to Oct 16 8 Libra 55 – RETROGRADE Sep 9 to Oct 2

Double Retrograde! Mars in Gemini, Mercury in Capricorn Cycles Overlap!
Mars Sep 3, 2022 to March 16, 2023 – Retrograde Oct 30 to Jan 12
Mercury Dec 12, 2022 to Feb 7, 2023 – Retrograde Dec 29 to Jan 18
Double Retrograde Dec 29, 2022 to Jan 12, 2023

Planet Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol; Algol with Galactic Center! 4th time Aug 29!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! These infos plus a personal reading will contribute to your success! With your calendar in hand….

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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Leo New Moon July 28!
Aquarius-Leo Full Sturgeon Moon August 11!.

Leo New Moon!

Thursday July 28, 10:55 AM Pacific at 5 Leo 39

Focus strongly, act with love and courage, let the good luck roll!

Leo 2022 New Moon Goddess Lilies Purple Moon Tamara Adams

Sacred Feminine divine art, Lotus Goddess by Tamara Adams Purple is the color of the Lion King’s regal robes! Though a New Moon is a dark night, the Sun is always shining. Let your loving Lotus heart shine through no matter who you are or where or when you are…
This is our second New Moon of summer. In Leo it may be a lazy one, like big cats laying out on a dark night on an African savanna… It feels so good to see the sweep of the diamond stars. At times a roar breaks the silence; other times you can hear the cats purring, humming through the night, communing with each other, a mother to her kitten…Leo Sun with Moon has a Cancer feel to it since Cancer is Moon’s natural sign. They are like fraternal peas side by side in a pod! They may not look alike, can be different sexes, yet are born at the same time or closely together and are very much alike, having much of their astrology chart planets the same! Born at sign changes, in different signs, they can look and act very differently. But here, we have Moon and Sun in the same place at the same time. There is a profound merger, especially when they are lined up at eclipses!

Moon with Sun in his sign, gives Mother Moon a strong Leo feel! She’s not going to stay home, wants to party with him, and she can do it well, LOL! Moon doesn’t always cut loose, she takes care of people who do, but there are times she deserves a good show and lets someone else do the caring and feeding! If they do stay home, the neighbors will be invited and the food will be delish, exciting yarns and gossip will be enjoyed by all! Moon is delighted by Sun’s bright self and he feels like the hero of her sweet heart! You can almost see a bright light over their house!

Not only is Mama not staying home, but Moon and Sun are in a marvelous trine with magnificent Jupiter! He is in Aries and unabashedly leads the way to new territory! They are a fearless trio, and all know when they have arrived! They do great theater, brighten the lights, bring colorful Spirit to their engagements! New fads in hair and clothing appear, newborns are named for them! Many are inspired to give them a hand. Grand projects are started and quickly accomplished! Races are won, professors are pleased, new maps are made, books are published, faith and perspective are restored! Solomon himself would be happy with the heart to heart justice.

Jupiter takes it to the bank! He is gathering powerful information soon to be released! He is a planet of perspective, and in Aries, anything that moves has his instant attention. He compares with his vast data bank, decides head swimmingly quickly whether to go or no. Like betting the horses, always put a buck on the longest odds! Jupiter looks for meaning and refuses to invest in unethical prospects. But if he goes to the dark side he will be infamous rather than famous! He looks for Truth, and if he’s the bad guy, plays it upfront and can get away with it. Or, he takes it to church and makes believers out of them, making sure they know the consequences if they fail! He can be a glib storyteller of the tallest tales, or assault your faulty thinking and turn your life around! One way or the other, you are fully entertained, amazed and inspired! Grab the reins and go for it! Word to the wise: invest on a trial basis first, see how it goes!

For you Fixed Star followers, Jupiter is one degree of three stars at nine degrees, Aldebaran, Vindemiatrix, and Antares! Jupiter is favorably sextile/trine the opposition of Aldebaran – constellation Taurus’s star and Antares – constellation Scorpio’s star. Collaborating with their offerings may bring great blessings. He must take Vindemiatrix, who is opposite, into account, possibly make peace, collaborate if possible.

The New Moon chart is a broad Bowl chart, a wide spread of components. Pluto in Capricorn is the base planet making sure they leave no tracks, the trash is removed. Stragglers are healed, brought up to par, given work they can do in behalf of the tribe, kept moving. Pluto relights their Kundalini fires, trains them with skills, awakens their talents!

In broad terms, Pluto in Capricorn can be rock solid, wants proof and substantial backing before he turns his crew loose to do further building. The world is calling him to be transparent and take care of major things. He’s doing his best to set priorities. Some of the situations are dangerous.

Pluto is making sure things are politically embedded or up rooted as needed. He protects from casualties, insists on you taking your responsibilities or there will be losses. Soil and water toxins, drugs, abuses of people and privileges, gun violence, disasters, the pandemic, are high on our lists. That’s a long list. There may be surprising things done as we ready for Pluto’s shift into Aquarius March 23, 2023. Pluto in Aquarius will need to take drastic action for the reforms required to happen. It will easily take the 21 years Pluto is in Aquarius to make significant lasting changes. But when Pluto was last in AQ, there was the American Revolution, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution in England. We shall see. We will need some powerful leaders for the good. See more Pluto in Capricorn   In Aquarius

Pluto’s strongest current direct connection is sextile Neptune. They are together closely for months at a time. They have a long history, started in 1950! Over the years they have changed signs together! Pluto is a shamanic healer, has to do with life, Kundalini, sex, lifelong relationships, cleansing and detoxing, big money, research, and death. Pluto is not fainthearted. Danger is fascinating and comes in many forms. Dying to life is the game. The Great Mystery and revelation hold their attention. Fathomless Neptune is his friend. Neptune’s imagination and dreams know no bounds. Here is a worthy companion for one as intense as Pluto. Neptune can always read Pluto, but Pluto can’t always read as far as Neptune’s visions go! That is rare, so Pluto is always interested as he tries to decipher the code when there really isn’t one, LOL! Neptune heals the healer and Pluto wants to know how! They are powerful together and are both comfortable and wary of each other at the same time. Neither one knows the entirety of themselves. There is always an unpredictable element and they like it that way. They are elementally creative!  

Pluto is no fool, and if his eyes open, he can make 180 shifts on a dime, making stunning change in record time! All it takes is one turn of the key in the Capricorn lock! We’ll see what happens while he is leaving Capricorn to enter Aquarius March 2023. There are 7+ months to go.

Saturn in Aquarius will soon be at the exact midpoint between them!  Might not be the safest place to be, but he is in a position to be a go between and extract valuable knowledge from each. Aquarius is more interested than judgmental, is rarely frightened because AQ is so different it is usually others who are frightened of him! Saturn is not a fainthearted planet either. He wants to harness the talent, takes the best of both and shows them how to use it together. He stands up for his principles against the odds because he has a proven track record of doing the right thing at the right time! The three of them, Pluto, Saturn, and Neptune, are in sequential signs, Capricorn, AQ, Pisces, the last signs of the zodiac. Together they are putting finishing touches on the work at hand, the foundation for the future.

Mercury, also in Leo, is the lead planet, dancing under the Moonbeams! He thinks as he connects with one, then another, observing their quality of Being as he goes. He passes on messages and insights, both to the group, and to visitors, others, who will now know the group’s purpose and needs! He receives more information than many realize, good information, because he is charming and people want to bring him their best to please him. They recognize his power. He’s fast and at times formidable. He has many talents! He mimics people and pets adroitly, good at charades, may be on his knees proposing or giving a speech that makes you laugh or brings you to tears! Memorable for sure! It is talked about for weeks. It goes around town!

Mercury is connecting with Saturn, Chiron, Mars/Uranus/North Node at mid-degrees, 23, 15, 16 and 18. Mercury is opposite Saturn in Aquarius, the planet that will soon be midpoint Pluto and Neptune. As Saturn picks up solid information, he will pass it to Mercury the Talker in dramatic Leo! That will suit Aquarius the Networker to a T! Mercury knows how serious Saturn can be, so will use some of that research based info in an inspiring framework and people will be ready to work for it!

Mercury was recently trine Chiron in leader Aries, another fire sign! Healer Chiron, relationship specialist, money front man, and Mercury had a lot to exchange! Leo is always up for the best health. Mental prowess is as important as physical prowess! Leo is a total romantic, loves to spend money! Chiron was probably glad when all the questions were done, LOL! Yet it is good to be appreciated and Leo will spread the word! Leo loves sharing and teaching, so will incorporate what he learned in his letters and blogs! Leo will be better for it, and Chiron will be so happy he was heard so dearly and his work is paying off for many. In Aries, more of a consultant, Chiron will leave things for Taurus and Capricorn to take care of, follow up!

Gifted Venus will be squaring Chiron the 31st. She is in Cancer with Lilith, challenging Chiron’s new ideas in Aries. Though traditional to feminine forces, Venus and Chiron may talk it over and each prosper from the other’s insights. Chiron may realize he can’t just blast in and he will be instantly accepted. Consideration, respect of the feminine and finesse, empathy are also needed. Venus must see almost all old ways will always work, but certain new techniques may be more speedy or precise to the problem.

Taurus brings three challenges to Mercury. Mercury recently squared Mars, the Aries planet. Though more patient in Taurus, Mars, can get under your skin, either not making a move or not giving an inch! Mercury in Leo is sure he’s right, and Mars won’t even listen, or so it seems. Mercury needs to not be self righteous and hang onto his temper. Mars can be just as provocative slowly or quickly, but don’t get the bull too mad… Things they do agree on, Mars will back Mercury steadfastly, offer grassroots solidarity. Mars may be inspired to change by some of Mercury’s truly bright ideas! Shoulda thought of that myself!

Mercury is right IN the square with Uranus and the North Node in Taurus! First, here is some info about the Uranus/North Node conjunction!

The North Node is always generally retrograde, traveling 19 years through the signs. Right now it is headed back to Uranus, while Uranus is gradually moving forward to meet it. The South Node is always in the opposite sign, Scorpio in this case. North and South are working to balance the signs. Scorpio is our monies, all monies involving other entities, like banks, insurance, inheritances, big investments. Taurus is my money, money in pocket, having things for myself, your sense of your own personal worth, your own body and attractiveness, the body of our Earth Mother. With Uranus, there is a questioning of what your values are in context of how others on the planet are doing, how your friends are, what your freedom is worth, what changes you are willing to make, how is Earth herself doing?

The Moon’s North Node’s motion is generally retrograde. Uranus is the leading outer planet for now and the North Node is retrograding back to meet him. It will be the nodes’ first encounter with one of the outer planets since with Jupiter 3 times in 2016. Next will be with Jupiter 2023, Chiron, Neptune, Saturn, last with Pluto 2027 then back with Jupiter 2030.

This special conjunction, the True North Node with Uranus, is every 15 years! It always skips a sign. This year’s slow moving conjunction is continuous June 7 through Nov 15! It emphasizes the Earth Changes we are experiencing and how our friendships are being organically assessed for long term true values, whether our networks are effective. See the list and more at Cafe Astrology!

  • The last one was Mar 31, 2007, 16 Pisces 07.
  • The second was Jul 31, 2022 (Jun 7 to Nov 15) at 18 Taurus 42
  • The next one will be Oct 20, 2037 at 24 Cancer 09

Uranus has huge plans! In Taurus, he is stepping in neighborly stride with Chiron in Aries! Uranus is freedom, unpredictable r/evolution! Aries never could be told what to do! Chiron is too old to be bossed, and Taurus just waits him out. He owns his farm, has the food and literally stands his ground. Uranus is the ChangeMaker and Aries is the front man! He carries the first Light of the Zodiac, the torch, and Aries and Uranus inspire each other! Both are fast, so their exchanges go quickly. The huge difference between them is Aries is an independent, while Aquarius can be a loner, but has uncanny ability to unite huge groups of people. If his network is on the cutting edge, the Aries contingency will be more likely to add their skills, take the campaign to new heights in new territories!

Mercury square Uranus and the North Node is perhaps up against formidable objections or just being able to get an audience. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, Leo’s opposite sign, and Taurus is rarely pushed around. Aquarius is rarely impressed by Leo’s antics because AQ is pretty wild himself, and he’s a genius. Mercury may be given short shrift, yet he can be pretty loud, and dramatic in his own rite! Harrumph. Leo doesn’t give up that easy either. Might just happen. Mercury in Leo has done cosmic duty and gathered a ton of information from various generally quality sources and it is strong in its volume. It has to be heard. Mars and Uranus are trekking along pretty independently and both are on a roll in Taurus. Mercury may have to run alongside to be with them! It seems undignified, yet when the information is important, you do what it takes! If the breakthrough is made, it will be like opening a floodgate! Uranus and Mars will quickly take things in and alter their hell bent course just as quickly! Good luck, Mercury! You are the chart leader; we need your success!

Venus in Cancer may be of great help facilitating the encounter to happen, then provide a space for them all to settle in, even break bread together. She is sextile the Mars, Uranus, North Node group. Taurus likes being comfortable and Leo loves being treated kindly. The very luckiest sweetest day for love and friendship, networking, is Aug 2 when Venus and all 3 Taurus factors are at the same degree, 18 degrees, making exact sextiles! Venus has her own agenda. She wants to get some things done that require a steady champion, like Mars in Taurus. She might have been wanting to meet him anyway, smile! She knows the value of community and networking to take on projects you can’t do by yourself. She has a few things in mind. Some of these things may require some solid funding that Taurus may have at hand. Perhaps open the gateway at the Full Moon, keep building up to what you want, make your final presentation Aug 2. There is a delay factor Aug 7, but don’t let that stop you. Work around it, bring food, stay with it.

With a lot of heart, courage and steady determination we will do much more than expected!

Fixed Stars Summary!

1) Fixed star Sirius at 14 Cancer, and Algorab 13 Libra, travel together, challengingly always square! Sirius is the brightest star, the power light of our night, so has mojo just for being! Algorab’s rep isn’t so good, and Chiron in Aries squares Sirius, is opposite Algorab. Aries has no fear, so some challenging discussions will happen regarding what the best healing methods are. Algorab will bring up some of the pitfalls. Sirius will offer some glimpses that Chiron will ponder and quickly find himself accepting with modifications of his own.

Another of the 15 Behenian stars, Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake! See a lot more at Astrology King!, including ties with famous people!

Venus is in close square with Algorab and is conjunct Sirius! Since Venus is the planet of Libra, Algorab’s sign, there is some commonality in regard to relationships, a sense of justice, and balance. Yet, with Venus in Cancer, there may be some family upsets to work out before things settle. Venus will likely come out better than expected, because she has Sirius’ power and strength on call! Go with strength, but honor and share with those less fortunate.

Mars is in this picture as well! He is separating from a super sextile with Sirius! In Taurus, usually impetuous Mars will keep things steadily rolling inaugurating new potent programs remediating long held old ways. Yes!

2) Pluto 27 Capricorn, Fixed Star Algol 26 TAURUS and the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius!

Algol has the baddest rep of all the fixed stars. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more! As an individual event, things may not go well at all. If her feminine power force is called on as an ally, she may save your life or protect the Galactic Center from intruders!  

Algol and the Galactic Center are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 TAURUS and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the sign between Scorpio and Capricorn. I imagine the GC is probably enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories beyond our imagination! The Great Educator sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! The GC is the center of our Milky Way, a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. Sagittarius is the Teacher, traveler of the cosmos across dimensions beyond our understanding, yet it exists and we have access. The GC Stars send Light from aeons away, a subtle light, but perhaps even more potent because we can’t ‘see’ it and so don’t fight it. If your chart factors link up, you may find yourself having insights, both enlightening and perverse. We may know there have been consequences we didn’t realize. Some self forgiveness may be in order, apologies as appropriate. The Galactic Center offers stunning options in the magnitude of billions of stars, galaxies upon galaxies! More on the Galactic Center!

Capricorn is hosting Pluto. Pluto is trine Algol in Taurus and semi sextile The Galactic Center, piloting the whole scenario of these three powerful factors. By nature he is a no nonsense old Master and gives orders, expecting things to get done. All these three have street creds and are impressive. Capricorn has hung out with the best and functions well at this level. He treats them more equally both to himself and each other. It’s his job.

Pluto is now at 27° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

Pluto is an exceptionally powerful planet, so is quite comfy with the great forces! In Capricorn he is with the Masters, ones who rule kingdoms and the planet. Capricorn is a realist and Pluto a profound healer. They, Pluto, Algol, and the Galactic Center, see the times that are coming and are preparing the way for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. For 21 years he will be called to apply his great strength in behalf of humanity.

We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, make it whole, make it known. Select who will work together, and get it rolling! Be relentless! Don’t give up even when it seems bleak. Often much is happening behind the scenes, especially when many people are working for common cause. A lot can be done in a short time.

Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cancer 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

3) Connections with the other planets and Algol and the GC

Neptune is at 25 Pisces sextile Algol, square the Galactic Center! The divine order is awry, and even a positive sextile with Algol can be a daunting affair. Can you trust her?! If she uses her miraculous feminine super powers some mighty saves may happen. Neptune’s great visions may prove to hold extraordinary keys.

New Moon’s by nature start new cycles. In Leo, a fixed sign, plenty of compliments will help move things along. When Leo is inspired, he gives it his whole heart. Mama Moon and her intuitiveness by his side gives him a sense of security and he gives things more of a chance than usual. New Moons help us see the seeds of new beginnings, a feeling of their potential. It is the king’s right, the champion’s honor, to inaugurate mythical changes!  

Focus strongly, act with love and courage, let the good luck roll!

Leo New Moon Astrology Chart!

2022 Leo New Moon Astrology Chart!


Aquarius-Leo Full Sturgeon Moon!

Thursday Aug 11, 6:36 PM Pacific at 19 Aquarius 21

Dancing in the Light, Serious in the Night, It All comes out Right!

Aquarius-Leo Full Sturgeon Moon Cat Faery

Summer Leo Lion Cat Magic is still happening! Have you seen it?! It’s the Faeries that make them sparkle so and make them twitch their whiskers!

This is for some a hybrid chart pattern. It qualifies as a Locomotive pattern, with an empty trine from Mercury to Pluto. Locomotives with their lineup of planets are dynamos, the invincible engine, getting things done. But there is a gap in the group from Mars to Venus, more than a sextile apart. There is a ‘hiccup,’ a hesitation, maybe an interruption? There is enough distance some would call this a Seesaw chart, two groupings on other sides of the chart. This one would not be centered, not directly opposite, but laid back, Venus, Sun and Mercury just springing forth from the main group. The intention is headed toward a Seesaw. Sep 10’s next Full Moon will definitely be a Seesaw chart. For now, maybe count it to be a bit of both patterns?

Either way, when you stand back, Pluto in Capricorn is the base planet. With all his might, he is pushing the cosmic machine forward with all its inhabitants. They know he is guarding the rear, keeping them all safe, and not letting stragglers fall behind. They are reminded of their responsibilities, patched up and sent back to hold their places in the pack, where they are much needed to fulfill their destiny.

  • Neptune and Pluto are remaining in close sextile, as they have off and on since 1950. Neptune is Pluto’s psychic dreamer, spiritual guide, like a secret power in his background.
  • Mars in Taurus has just sextiled Neptune and Neptune has regaled him with hero stories that will keep Mars charmed until they meet again. Neptune has showed him the dreams and Mars sees more ways to get others going as well. In hopeless moments, Mars will recall the possibilities and what a difference a small action, a pivot point, can make. Never give up! Use that Taurus shoulder and move the immovable, lift that weight!
  • Mars is taking this kindly to Pluto the Ninja behind the scenes. It’s kinda like Mars the Flame relighting, upping the Pluto Kundalini flame at the base of the spine. Pluto will be strengthened by Mars backing him steadily, no extremes, just pushing calming common sense. Pluto will bestow Mars with an aura others will not question, but will ask how can I help. Sometimes, in Taurus, Mars can move so slowly they can’t see you, just like you are wearing a stealth cloak. Mars still has his speed, he’s just using his gears! Mars plants seeds; Pluto brings them to life, makes them grow and prosper.

Mercury in Virgo, Mercury’s second sign, is the lead planet. She is picking her way along carefully. She organizes the forward trek so all can make it and the most possible will be accomplished. She makes sure the group is financially sound, checking in with Pluto time to time to be sure the backup funds are in place and funding is coming in regularly. She lets the tribe know how to best take care of themselves as they traverse different seasons and lands.

For now it is still warm summer, heading to fall as the land dries, birds are eating more seeds. Moon has slipped on over to Sun’s opposite, Aquarius. Time to share harvests, make trades, start making friends and alliances for winter survival. Aquarius is a winter sign, so has always known instinctively why friends are so important. In summer it is an honor to have fun together, grow the crops, put our different types of genius together while we gather to secure our buildings, habitat, harvest, make safe housing for our pets and animals. Knowing school is soon, days are shortening, we take our last minute vacations to soak in the last fat light, have our family reunions in some grand place! Our hearts are full and ready to go off to school, meet any challenges to come, the inevitable shorter days and weather.

This time old faithful Saturn is a part of the scenario. Saturn rules Capricorn, another winter sign. Cap is the sign of high rocky mountains, staunch timbered ski resorts, impeccable professionalism, the wisdom of elders, awards and honors for impressive accomplishments. Saturn works hard and it pays off. When times are slim financially, he is a wizard at surviving. He reuses, uses less, adroitly scavenges, drives a hard bargain, makes use of shortcuts that save time and money. He often comes out with better skills than what he went in with! Remarkable. Shrewd resourcefulness.

Sun in Leo, opposite Saturn, notes all this and at times is asked by Saturn to curtail his expenses. That is tough for a Leo because it crimps his style, and Leo figures there is always more where that came from anyway, LOL! But, yes, there are times when Leo is so glad Saturn is there! Saturn can save the day! Saturn notes Leo’s great heart and intention, and also knows there are times the Lion needs to take time out. It’s ok to lay down and snore a bit, maybe on the beach getting tan. If Leo is too frivolous, Saturn may feel put upon and that all his hard work, sacrifices and sometimes scrimping, is not appreciated. Chronic gambling is bad news. If Leo is a fake, Saturn sees this immediately. Leo may feel censored. He may feel Saturn is a stick in the mud downer. Leo may fire him or Saturn may quit, or vice versa! Not always an easy mix. If they collaborate, Leo may be glad for more monies Saturn provides or saves that Leo may happily spend!

Moon in Aquarius conjunct Saturn is generally also a tough combination. But if Saturn is your realtor and finds the best sustainable home for the best money and the greatest resale value, who’s complaining?! If not, it can be the worst deal you ever made. Please be extra cautious. At the personal level, Moon is always sensitive to other’s feelings. If Saturn in Aquarius is feeling friendless and too strange, estranged, to ever be loved, his genius too ahead of his time to ever be appreciated, Moon will feel sad. She may feel so sad, she shuts down until the time is over. In Aquarius they may become understanding friends. Aquarius isn’t always thought of as a feeling sign, but it is. They just feel differently, feel about different things in ways others don’t understand.

Saturn tends to be the boss and an experienced master type, so would be telling Moon what needs doing. Moon with Saturn nurtures, fluffs the pillows, brings the right food. To his chagrin, she may easily ‘read’ his weaknesses, yet he is grateful for someone safe to talk with. He is grateful for her care, whether he says so or not, and a deeper relationship is formed. She gets the family there for a visit. Saturn may be busy and brush it all off, yet may find himself glad to see them not really realizing he missed them. Oh. Saturn may be strong and solid, and Moon feels comforted and secure, grateful for Saturn’s loyalty and dependability. Saturn always reminds us of the moral of the story, so we are inspired once again to take our responsibility.

Moon and Saturn are opposite by the nature of their natural signs. Moon is Cancer; Saturn is Capricorn. Cancer is home, children, women, nurturing Mother. Capricorn is career, the Father provider, the patriarchy, common sense. They make a clever balance, each providing their talents to make the family work. In Aquarius, it may be in common cause for humanity! Each may be skilled with making connections, Cancer in the organic grassroots home town to Saturn perusing the internet researching international groups that are successful in causes that have collective meaning! Where to live, does it have clean water, what is the purpose of the community, are there collaborative progressive thinkers, supportive universities for our young people? There are new priorities in the world today.

Uranian T Square with Full Moon axis! By the Full Moon we are barely past these squares. Sun squared Uranus 5:53 AM Pacific time this morning, active a good 5 days preceding and 2-3 days following. Moon squared Uranus 5:45 PM, less than an hour before the Full Moon at 6:36 PM Pacific! This is important because the Moon is in Aquarius, Uranus’ sign! Uranus in Taurus is in a significant 15 year conjunction with the Moon’s North Node! See more above

Sun in Leo square Uranus can be a free for all, crazy mix ups, the wild card, loss of a friend, bizarre accidents, extraordinary sheer genius breakthroughs, wake ups, a shocking new friend, a whole group of unusual people, lightning on a clear day! In spite of some nervous fear, depending on circumstances, it is all very entertaining, most certainly not boring or hum drum. Great material for the next book or play! Leo might make a perfect fool of himself or be called to the rescue! The fiery part of himself will drop everything and do everything he can to help!

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus is not so surprised. She has been around and is a little crazy genius herself. Moon herself can at the same time be conservative. She may not always show her more wild self, keeps it well hidden. Once you get to know her, you find she has some wild opinions and done things you never would have expected. She may be in the background cheering it all on, thinking ah, they took the bait, freedom at last! If it is a friend in trouble, she will bring fast food for everyone, share stories of past adventures and odd foibles that may have led to an event like this. Others may open up and a whole new round of friendships formed!

Healings have been worked to help the squares with Uranus. On the 8th the Full Moon Sun trined Chiron in Aries and on this day, Moon sextiled Chiron at 1:33 PM. More independence has been instilled, more courage. When we lose or may lose friendships or freedom, shocking things may have happened, even when we have sudden good times, we may momentarily not have our usual attention or strength. Chiron calls us to have fast reflexes – see it, feel it, take care of it! It quickens our perceptions and responses in relationships. We will tolerate less delays in business and in our own actions. We will be glad for stepping up the pace and find we handle it better now. Our Spirits and health are better, feels good to be up in front!

Mercury, our leading planet in Virgo, spices all the tales with pertinent details! Mercury is about to favorably trine Uranus in Taurus, another earth sign, the 16th. Mercury’s order of presentation intrigues Uranus who usually operates on whim in a moment even surprising himself! But in Taurus, he has come to know there is a natural order that is indelible. Uranus may flash a lightning bolt here and there, but the natural order miraculously restores itself and soon you can’t tell it happened! Mercury in Virgo is a genius of her own kind and Uranus may be taking a real look at her for the first time, and he’s not easily or often impressed. She may be able to help him with the multitude of data he needs, and she may be perfect to oversee all his projects! Mercy! How fabulous that would be! His health would improve with less worries and her recommended better eats, and having a sweet new pet!

It’s quite a day! Venus enters Leo 11:30 AM Pacific, will trine fame and fortune Jupiter the 18th – allow the 3 days before the 18th to take action! She’s a sweetie love and Leo is the most romantic lover! When he can afford it, there’s nothing too good for his Love – the best eateries, wines, jewelry, flowers, the best high end vacations, a fine home or whatever his sweetheart wants! Venus is either a selfish little brute, or a gracious blessing. She makes people know they are the best and makes them smile when they didn’t know they had one left in them. Venus in Leo can be a natural matchmaker. She is gifted with a refined sense of color magic and heals with it whether adorning their home, selecting colors for the wedding, designing clothes or jewelry! She can do hair to change your life, make you a model or a star, or be the star herself! In Leo she can make money of her own, and plenty of it! Sugars and carbs may be her downfall, especially chocolates! Take it easy and put more emphasis on exercise you love. Do it with someone that is a good friend or dear to you! Dancing is excellent! Nothing like having your own fine style! Lead the class, make videos!

The Fixed Stars, Galactic Center/GC, and Pluto!

Planets at 24 to 29 degrees, continue to activate fixed star Algol 26 Taurus and the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius 09 and Pluto 26 Capricorn connections. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cancer 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer(s) for further personal details.

Pluto is now at 26° Capricorn 49 Rx and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16. Please see more in the New Moon Fixed Stars Summary above.

The GC is the center of our Milky Way, a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. Sagittarius is the Teacher, traveler of the cosmos across dimensions beyond our understanding, yet it exists and we have access. The GC Stars send Light from aeons away, a subtle light, but perhaps even more potent because we can’t ‘see’ it and don’t fight it. If your chart factors link up, you may find yourself having insights, both enlightening and perverse.

The Galactic Center offers accessing stunning options in the magnitude of billions of stars, galaxies upon galaxies! We may only get inklings, impressions, but go for the most potent long term options you can conceive of. They are stepping stones to even greater options to come. Stretch, reach out of the box! Hang on and pull yourself up! There will be spirits out there reaching to help you along! More on the Galactic Center!

This chart has another pantheon of Galactic connections with a LOT of Fixed Stars! NINE of the planets are involved, Uranus the exception! Follow up with these as you wish at Astrology King! Jamie is a pro! Page down to select the stars of your choice. See how your own planets may be involved!   

  • The Full Moon 19 AQ/Leo activates Castor 20 Cancer and Bellatrix 20 Gemini 57.
  • Venus 0 Leo is making a fresh start with Alcyone 0 Gemini, one of the Seven Sisters.
  • Jupiter 8 Aries is trine Antares 9 Sagittarius, sextile Aldebaran 9 Gemini, opposite Vindemiatrix 9 Libra,
  • Mercury 12 Virgo is sextile Alphecca (Gemma) 12 Scorpio
  • Chiron 16 Aries and Moon’s North Node 17 Taurus connect with Vega 15 Capricorn and Rigel 16 Gemini 50.
  • Saturn 22 Aquarius connects with Denebola 21 Virgo 34, Capella 21 Gemini 51, Pollux 23 Cancer/Spica 23 Libra 50. He is Midpoint a Grand Air Trine between Capella and Spica!
  • Neptune 24 Pisces, Mars 25 Taurus and Pluto, 26 Capricorn 49, are connected with Spica 23 Libra, Arcturus 24 Libra, Procyon 25 Cancer 47, Algol 26 Taurus, the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius! Pluto is in a same degree trine Algol and Mars is in his every 2 year conjunction with Algol! Some heads will roll while others may have a spiritual initiation! There may be a renowned profile shot, maybe in black and white, that goes viral and then some. It may be a profound crusade symbol for many years, particularly while Pluto is in Aquarius.

March 23, 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius, a 248 year event! Now through 2044 there will be significant world changes. Right now is the time to be strengthening our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in our own charts!

Some down, some UP! Challenges AND great times! Make changes count!

Aquarius-Leo Full Sturgeon Moon Astrology Chart!

2022 AQ-Leo Full Sturgeon Moon Astrology Chart!


Next up is the Saturday Aug 27 New Moon at 4 Virgo 04, 1:17 AM Pacific.

See the entire Leo Newsletter! Newsletter Topics:

Leo Annual Celestial Highlights!

Mercury Virgo-Libra Retrograde Cycle
August 20 from 24 Virgo to Oct 16 8 Libra 55 – RETROGRADE Sep 9 to Oct 2

Planet Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol; Algol with Galactic Center!
Pluto in Capricorn 2008 to 2024, 16 Years!
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044 – 248 Years!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! These infos plus a personal reading will contribute to your success! With your calendar in hand….

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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Taurus Solar Eclipse New Moon April 30!

Scorpio/Taurus Lunar Eclipse Full Flower Moon May 15/16!.

Taurus Solar Eclipse New Moon!

Saturday April 30 Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon, not visible in US, at 1:28 PM Pacific. It is a Black Moon in Mountain, Central and Eastern zones, the 2nd New Moon in their month. It’s at 10 Taurus 28.

Wild card, sweet surprises! Explorations continue ~ the beyond within! Several escapes in progress, LOL may lead to a miracle or two!

Taurus 2022 New Moon Solar Eclipse Milky Way Lubbock Tx Vince Shank

Stunning image of Milky Way and Lightning over Lubbock TX by Vince Shank!

Driving to Lubbock, Texas after doing several gas processing station #environmentalcompliance #inspections, I made my buddy pull over when I saw lightning in the distance. Setup the tripod off in the field off I-27 and took this one 30 second exposure capturing the Milky Way rising over Lubbock and lightning in the distance. To see more of my travels, you can follow me on Instagram @adamkylejackson

2022’s first Eclipse of four, a Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon, is sadly, not visible in US, boo hoo. We’ll make up for it with the Sunday May 15/16 Total Lunar Eclipse Full Flower Moon at 9:14 PM Pacific, 25 Scorpio/Taurus 18. 4 Hrs 4 M duration, visible in US! Put it on your calendar!

This is a 6 sign, 2 stellium, bundle New Moon chart with two degree planetary systems! The New Moon is at 10, Mars 11, Chiron and Uranus at 14, with the New Moon conjunct Uranus, giving a distinct Aquarian flavor!

The second degree set is in late degrees, the Moon’s North Node at 22, Saturn and Neptune at 24, and Venus conjunct Jupiter at 27. These factors will be finishing the projects.

Bundle Charts are potent, call for focus, emphasize and integrate special talents. Stelliums, gatherings of planets in a sign are common to them, indicating the nature of the bundle’s intent. This one is with Soul longing Pisces visions and Taurus Earth to ground them.

Degree Set One

New Moons are new beginnings, in this case powered by the visions of four planets in Pisces, the first planet Mars of first sign Aries, last planet Jupiter sweeping the territories with his long distance perception, looking for people of like Spirit to fulfill the dreams! The second stellium is the New Moon in Taurus with Uranus the Evolutionist Changemaker! Taurus is looking for elemental sustainability, steady food sources to hold us organically clean and strong. Clean water keeps us fluid and moving. Global equity, a re/balanced usage of materials, helps maintain our climate. Taurus is determined to establish a network of guardians and networkers to protect and encourage indigenous principles that still serve.

The base planet of the bundle chart is still Pluto, the planet of life and death, remediation and the Easter of all life, rebirth. Spring is not the only time of rebirth. It happens in the cocoon of winter, at any time the Soul is ready. Each season brings its own kind of remediation. We are no longer looking for renovation. We want thorough deep seated internal resurrection, that takes us beyond the old causes and ways that we have outgrown. Pluto cleans up accumulated messes that have tarnished our previous good intentions. We are liberated from our own daily death. We are witnessing others making significant changes. We know we can do it too!

The lead planet is so utterly different, Mercury at zero Gemini, feet no longer held to the ground, a new beginning position! Pluto in Capricorn is mostly Serious! Money and retirement, funding for crucial purposes. Mercury is in one of its own signs, exploring how our mind works. It’s not just that we think, but how we think, how we pay attention and what we choose to think! What’s serious is how we function in our neighborhood, with our siblings, how we listen and share. If Gemini is twins, then we are all a part of one another. We all breathe. We breathe in, sort and sift, breathe out, release and let go. We breathe out what isn’t ours, speak out what uplifts, ideas that spread the good Word. We touch with our voice, the healing laying on of hands. As the leader of the chart, Gemini lets the community know what we need, gathers information that is needed four or various projects.   

This New Moon at 10 Taurus is looking right at the Uranian genius up close in person.

As Jupiter is fame and fortune, Uranus also shows up in charts of famous people with huge followings and fan clubs! Uranus is the planet of Aquarius the Networker! Fame depends on numbers and if it’s good, it’s good and the word spreads! Uranus in Taurus, Venus’s sign, gains fame for beauty, unique style, the most valuable things, like Earth herself. There is a simplicity and appealing common sense, a grassroots quality everyone innately understands. Change is steadily paced, with a few dramatic boosts that keep it interesting!

With Uranus backed by strong-as-a-bull Taurus valuable changes, both simple and complex, will be inevitable. Lead planet Uranus in Taurus has a genius simplicity to it and things go much faster than expected with Uranus finessing it. Uranus, the prime networker, is getting the word out to people worldwide. It’s not just the functionality of networking, but the meaningful content, essential human rights, the ecological humanitarian efforts. The territory being covered has great range and lasting alliances are being formed, loopholes being closed to prevent future losses.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, evolution, the futurist. It works as an ultimate loner or in behalf of humanity, networking across continents. Genius, research, invention are it’s talents. Awakening and Enlightenment are its invitations. We see the Uranus in Taurus Earth all around us, feel the connection with the totality of the whole climate. We stop to chat along the way, agree about what differences may be required to heal, maintain and secure what is so precious. Friendships may come and go, but we hope Earth as we know it now is with us lifelong and for our children’s children too.

Moon’s scrutiny of Uranus is penetrating. She wants to know about security, the intent, common sense changes she can’t believe have taken this long. They may have a ‘fusion’ experience, each talking at the same time anticipating each other. Uranus in Taurus is more than half electric, so Moon feels the zings, and admirably stands her ground. She’s quick in her responses though she may not show it. Uranus senses her, sees her skepticism, her strength. She is, after all, the Mother. If she doesn’t approve, it will be tough to win her over. She may just walk off and it’s over. Later maybe, when her time is right, but she’s not going to let this odd person date her daughter. On the other hand, she may be calculating her own escape from daily ordinary goings on, lol! Hat’s off!

Sun is of the sign Leo, opposite Uranus’ sign Aquarius. Sun in Taurus is pretty staunch and not as reactive as Moon. Sun is always a bit dramatic, his natural sign being Leo. He is less impressed by genius or insanity, and may find usefulness in querying Uranus. They are in the same sign with similar purposes, so this time may just right. After they talk awhile they get used to each other’s style. Uranus is honored Sun takes his time to process what he told Sun. Sun finds the intelligence refreshing and some things he has long thought about are confirmed and embellished. Time to get those projects going. They are good brainstorming together and Uranus finds Sun is able to bridge the gaps in some of his thinking, Sun pointing out what’s missing as far as the person on the street is thinking. They might become long term fast friends. Sun may find himself already out the door to meet his new friend’s friends!

No matter how well or not they all behave themselves, this is a wildcard combination, especially with Uranus in Taurus and Chiron in Aries both at 14 degrees! Aries loves surprises, new and different! He himself is full of ideas he wants to put into action. Chiron the teacher healer couldn’t be more happy to be in alliance with Uranus, researcher and inventor. There are chances to put new techniques into the world, in new places in the world! This flavor of Uranian thinking will also be passed on to Sun. Sun wants our lights to shine, our bodies to be well, and Mercury is tinkering away, darting around gathering more ideas, filling them all with exuberant excitement of the possibilities!

Mars, pushing the Pisces group, is at 11 degrees, the New Moon sextile him! In spite of Taurus thought to be a slow sign, this chart isn’t! Mars sees the spirit of the Pisces visions and its time to ride the waves! Sun is light waves, Taurus is the earth waves, Uranus is lightning and electrical waves! Aries is rock and roll drum waves calling the heart! I encourage you to share your best ideas, inspiration, wishes, with people who want the best for our planet! We just had the 166 yr Jupiter conjunct Neptune aspect April 12 and many people are hoping to get connected and get going. Just your mentioning what you would like may open their floodgates they didn’t realize they had! Options and opportunities come out into the open and off you all go!

Let’s talk about the rest of the Pisces Stellium! 

Since the 166 yr April 12 conjunction, Venus has moved forward, crossed Neptune, Hi, Honey, and is in a 1 minute conjunction with Jupiter! Venus with Neptune is Soul love, especially in Pisces, Neptune’s sign. This is either a dangerous addictive combination or an annual blessingway of love beyond words. If you are vulnerable, stay in good company until the situation passes. Old Zen phrase ‘When the bullet comes, don’t be there.’ Do things that you love more than your pain loves you. Make music, art, take a cruise that has a purpose, go fishing with friends. Do some fundraising for causes that make you forget about yourself, that make you want to be well so you can help. Go to the Temple, Church, the Ashram. Study up on the lives of heroes and heroines, brave animals. Donate some time. Give some of that love of yours even when others ‘don’t deserve it.’

In old astrology, Jupiter stood for fame and fortune! He is still considered to be happy go lucky, the traveler teacher, delights in storytelling and gambling, especially the horses – he was a Centaur, half man, half horse! Jupiter expands our business, land, plans, length of journey! Sports are natural and keep him healthy! In Pisces, just add the ocean component! Your sailboat wins the race, you get the shipping contract, take the magnificent enchanting cruise, scuba the coral reefs! You may teach marine biology, especially of the big denizens of the seas, the whales. And your career may turn toward protecting the plants of the sea as well. Why not have a splendid oceanside restaurant, sports shop, museum?! Buy a kayak, a sailboat! Jupiter is like an oracle and Pisces is psychic! Foretelling the successes of maritime investments could bring your portfolio to new highs!

Venus with Jupiter! The good and bad of Jupiter is it expands, magnifies. If it’s money, make it bigger. If it is sorrow, oh dear. Jupiter lies and tells the truth. Lies and slander can hurt and sometimes end situations irreparably. Maybe we are meant to move along, change course. Truth, with a capital T, might be Enlightenment or an epiphany. Venus on this spiritual journey of Jupiter’s may be the blessing we need to look for the Beauty. Rather than suffering, it might be time to really feel love, to know we are lovable. Jupiter loves to tell stories, in Pisces, videos with uncanny music and lighting, characters with touching depth, meaningfulness. Venus makes for values and possibly profits. Fabulous finances make it possible to expand and continue our causes. Dreams really can come true.

Degree Set Two

The Moon’s North Node is always in retrograde as it circles the zodiac in its 19 years. At 22 degrees, it is leaving the planets in later degrees behind…

Saturn in Aquarius sits right between Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces! Saturn is Capricorn’s planet so specially links with Pluto. Saturn in Aquarius is now toying with the Uranian sector, no longer so conservative, in fact, backing new global changes. Pluto is coming to his final power in Capricorn, anchoring the foundation it has worked hard to establish. That might even include options for changes that are observed to be coming. Capricorn is the sign of time and knows when it is smart to be a part of or even on the forefront of change.

Saturn is in the same degree as Neptune in Pisces. Neptune senses Saturn’s new unpredictability, conversion to working more with the internet, global humanitarian endeavors. Saturn is quite skilled as an organizer at top levels, an Pisces is seeing hope that some of his dreams will become reality in time to come. Saturn is famous for gathering the woolies into a productive project whether it is crazy seeming Aquarius or uncapturable dreams of invisible Pisces on a foggy night. Saturn’s job has always been to set working boundaries, extracting the bottom line to start with. What do you want?! Neither AQ nor Pisces are famous for their ease of expression of hard facts to other average citizens. But that’s exactly why they are so amazing. They are loose and let the ethers of the Universe guide them to uncanny combinations!

Venus and Jupiter finish the late degree planet set. Please see the Pisces stellium above.

As the last sign, Pisces is a sign of maturity, a collection of the wisdom of all the signs before him. He is well steeped in and well founded by his deeper kind of intelligence. He has the capacity to see, even be, the helpless sufferers, know how they actually can change. He sees the fortitude to sustain in hard times. He notes the celebrations of success as countless falls were overcome against the odds. The old hymn says ‘Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen…’ Do be kind. The ‘visions’ Pisces often sees are his compassionate wishes, the collective dream for many Souls. Some dreams may be but a whisper in the night, or a glimmer upon awakening, but they are the seeds of new beginnings that they pass along.

Pisces will never be entirely definable. That’s part of what it’s all about. Things you can’t see that change you. Knowing without knowing why. Psychic perception. Discovery because all you really had to do was go there. You were drawn because you sensed someone needed help. The dreamtime is mostly ungovernable. Imagination is a huge option. When you are at sea, with no land in sight, that requires a trust you will get somewhere…There is a letting go and an infinite merging.

Fixed Stars Summary!

1) Alphecca, one of the 15 Behenian Stars! This star is sometimes called Gemma, the jewel of the crown. A brilliant white star, it is also called the Pearl of the Crown. It is the Alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, at 12 Scorpio 35 (2021Alphecca marks the loop, or knot, of the ribbon along which are fastened the buds, flowers, or leaves of the wreath shown in early drawings with two long out-streaming ends. Corona Borealis represents the garland given by Venus to Ariadne on the occasion of her marriage to Bacchus after she had been forsaken by Theseus. Manilius said it ‘sparkles in the mid forehead. He was quite taken with the Crown. See his eloquent thoughts about its relationship with Virgo! Jamie at Astrology King says: it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent). It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability.

The New Moon and Uranus in Taurus are opposite, Mars trines it, Chiron in Aries, Mars’ sign, is inconjunct. Taurus is an earthy sign, loves flowers, exchanges ideas for possibilities for healing the lands. Mars, more gentle in Pisces, is nonetheless an avid spiritual warrior! He calls for subtly placed action, is a tie breaker always remembering the long term purpose, tries first with love and beauty. Mars lines up with Chiron knowing that healing along the way, minute by minute, will move things along. We must show the beauty in what we propose. See more at Astrology King!

2) Fixed Stars Algorab 13 Libra ties closely in the other Venus sign Taurus, inconjunct Uranus, and is opposite Chiron in Aries. Adjustments will be made between these three! Balance will be sought, new beginnings trialed, attempts made to anchor positive change. I imagine few of you have done much work with or even heard of Algorab! It is on the right wing of the Raven, in the constellation Corvus, the Crow. If you love the intelligent Corvids this may bode well for you, if not, all the nasties you hear of them may be part of the Truth. But some modern astrologers concur that it shows up in terrorism events! See the details at Astrology King, Jamie’s site! Don’t ‘terrorize’ yourself or provoke others; help others and yourself to be safe. Be aware of triggers and danger signals and leave; talk later if possible. Use your intelligence in a good way.     

3) Fixed star Sirius at 14 Cancer, and Algorab, travel together, challengingly always square! Sirius is the brightest star, so has mojo just for being! Though Algorab’s rep isn’t so good, Uranus sextiles fortunate Sirius, the power light of our night! Chiron squares Sirius, and Aries has no fear, so some challenging discussions will happen regarding what the best healing methods are. Just the same, Sirius will offer some glimpses that Chiron will ponder and find himself accepting with modifications of his own.

Another of the 15 Behenian stars. Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake! See a lot more at Astrology King!, including ties with famous people!

Sirius in Cancer wants family harmony. Sirius in Cancer is in a way in kinship with Uranus, the planet of humanity, the family of humans. Sextiles offer opportunities and could expand business considerably! Astrology King says: Gain and prominence in Uranian matters, help from influential friends, gain through harmonious marriage, especially if male, sudden death.

4) Pluto 28 Capricorn, Fixed Star Algol 26 TAURUS and the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius!

Algol has the baddest rep of all the fixed stars. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more! As an individual event, things may not go well at all. If her feminine power force is called on as an ally, She may save your life or protect the Galactic Center from intruders!  

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 TAURUS and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the sign between Scorpio and Capricorn. I imagine the GC is probably enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories beyond our imagination! The Great Educator sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! The GC is the center of our Milky Way, a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. Sagittarius is the Teacher, traveler of the cosmos across dimensions beyond our understanding, yet it exists and we have access. The GC Stars send Light from aeons away, a subtle light, but perhaps even more potent because we can’t ‘see’ it and don’t fight it. If your chart factors link up, you may find yourself having insights, both enlightening and perverse. We may know there have been consequences we didn’t realize. Some self forgiveness may be in order, apologies as appropriate. The Galactic Center offers stunning options in the magnitude of billions of stars, galaxies upon galaxies! More on the Galactic Center!

Capricorn is hosting Pluto. Pluto is trine Algol in Taurus and semi sextile The Galactic Center, piloting the whole scenario of these three powerful factors. By nature he is a no nonsense old Master and gives orders, expecting things to get done. All these three have street creds and are impressive. Capricorn has hung out with the best and functions well at this level. He treats them more equally both to himself and each other. It’s his job.

Those of you with Birthdays May 16/17 have your Sun conjunct Algol! Algol in Taurus, the first Venus sign, has a sensual touch, loves earthy beauty, sculpts her own existence! Maybe you feel her fierce strength at times, along with the incredible power of the Galactic Center! You may feel so strongly you are right and you may well be – your sources are powerful! Some may recognize you and are careful in your presence. Your leadership will be called on.

Pluto is now at 28° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

Pluto is an exceptionally powerful planet, so is quite comfy with the great forces! In Capricorn he is with the Masters, ones who rule kingdoms and the planet. Capricorn is a realist and Pluto a profound healer. They, Pluto, Algol, and the Galactic Center, see the times that are coming and are preparing the way for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. For 21 years he will be called to apply his great strength in behalf of humanity. Many 2021 factors had an Aquarian component, as have also all the 2022 New Moons through now. This New Moon is conjunct the Aquarian planet Uranus! We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, make it whole. Select who will work together, and get it rolling! Be relentless! A lot can be done in a short time.

New Moon’s by nature start new cycles. Taurus builds the secure foundation both on the ground and in our body. We get used to the rhythm of this new work, we bond with it, it becomes a natural part of ourselves. Taurus touches it with his hands; it comforts us to see it come to life. This particular ‘new’ in our life charms us with its peace and simplicity. We sit with it, ground ourselves, are calm. There’s a certain pride that we are part of it, that we saw it being born. We are starting to reap the rewards of April 12’s 166 year legacy!

Let the gifts unfold! Blessed be!

Taurus Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart!

2022 Taurus Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart!


Scorpio-Taurus TOTAL Lunar Eclipse Full Flower Moon!

Sunday May 15/16 at 9:14 PM Pacific, 25 Scorpio/Taurus 18. 4Hrs 4 M, visible in US!

Super Sextiles, Gemini Mercury RX sextile mighty Jupiter in Aries! Communicating about communicating! Saturn harnessing the power of groups and possessive/obsessive Scorpio & Taurus!

2022 Scorpio-Taurus Total Lunar Eclipse Full Flower Moon

Lunar Eclipse Monday August 7, 2017 at 11:11 AM Pacific, 15 Aquarius 25! The Independent UK (AP)

Our Full Flower Moon is unusual in several ways!

This Eclipse is the First Lunar Event during Jupiter in Aries! Jupiter is sizzling in Aries and this resultant Full Moon is enjoying the intensity! Taurus, the earthy absorbent observer, has never seen the like, and Scorpio is in his element, the secrets eclipses bring and bare, the fierce revelations in this new territory! The Gateway is open!

Somewhere off in spirit lands, the Buddha is laughing and celebrating the work his life brought to the planet! It’s his Birthday! He thinks, all the ‘great’ ones have been men, but the feminine Taurus side of him is wondering if it is time for a female Buddha or Christ! That would shake things up! Birds of prey are ruled by Scorpio – female Eagles are 25% larger than the males!

Super Sextiles, Gemini Mercury Retrograde sextile mighty Jupiter in Aries! Communicating about communicating! 

Sextiles are communications connections favorably linking alternate elements, in this case water and earth in a sequence of five sextiles! In addition, there is the Mercury retrograde sextile with Jupiter in air and fire! Mercury is the planet of Gemini, sign of communications at the local level. He’s thinking about thinking! Mercury retrograde stirs the brew and goes back over what has already been done, revisions made, updates added – further communications! Jupiter in Aries is practically explosive with enthusiasm and brings multitudes of new and cutting edge material adding to the excitement!

If you include the Vertex, the May 15/16 Taurus Full Moon has numerous connected Sextiles (60°), the green lines, spanning more than half the chart! One more factor midway between the Vertex and Moon would make a Grand Sextile, a very rare pattern! With linked sextiles like this, your connections are connected!!! Plus, the Vertex, a point of fate, is trine Moon, the fastest planet, the instigator, in fact, Grand Trine with Moon and Mars/Neptune! Make those phone calls, send the invitations, get the news out!

What this means, is a whole lotta late degree factors are linked! It’s a finishing scenario in Earth and Water signs, happy together! Moon is 25 Scorpio. She sextiles Pluto 28 Capricorn, trines Mars/Neptune 23/24 Pisces. Pluto sextiles Mars/Neptune, Sun 25 Taurus trines Pluto. Mars/Neptune just were sextiled by the retrograde North Node 22 Taurus. Vertex 28 Cancer just sextiled the Sun! Count ’em up – that’s seven factors in sextiles and trines. Add Saturn at 24 Aquarius and you have 8 factors in late degrees. Unravel the unremitting emotions of Scorpio Moon and Sun’s selfish feelings of entitlement he gets sometimes, and let the sextiles cleverly rebuild the web. Sextile webs can bring a sense of safety within its bounds, and open to opportunities never considered before.

Moon has her secrets and secret powers of healing. She, herself, is the handle of the Bucket chart, the channel from the chart into the world at large, sharing revelation, and she is the scanner/receiver/retriever of valuable current informations often on the threshold of discovery. If the group wants/needs anonymity, she can cloak them almost to invisibility. If they want to invest and merge, she can find the most powerful offerings. If they are looking for healing, she can find the Shaman even if he is hiding! Moon is also the base planet of this chart, making sure everyone gets where they are going. She pushes relentlessly knowing how important their work is.

Full Moons reach as far across the table as possible, reaching out, spreading and collecting the news, collaborating with the other side, letting them know our thoughts in person. Yes, there are separations for a while, but separately, uninfluenced, we gain the perspective of other points of view, the best of which we can take home to our tribe.

Moon and her across-the-table partner Sun in Taurus can also have come into a bit of trouble. They are just past T Square Saturn in Aquarius. Some research may have vanished, a key friend left town, the option was missed or too old, job lost, the community building or network were disbanded, broken bones, the power goes out. At the personal level, Saturn can bring fear, grief, loneliness, shame, a sense of failure and guilt. Not easy. Moon can be comforting in the most dire situations in spite of obstacles and huge differences of opinion. In Scorpio she loves renovation, removing emotional and environmental toxic waste, the new found excellence of remediation! She may resurrect us when we thought we had died. T Square or not, Saturn, the planet of Capricorn, lends wisdom and dedication, steadies the obsessions Scorpio is prey to. Saturn is no fool. He knows his own weak spot of hanging on too long and learns how to welcome new ways, keep his work clean and up with the times. He reminds us all it takes the time it takes. Thoughtful Sun may offer some simple temp fixes that will set up everything for long term rewards. He stays calm and sees the golden lining! Stubbornly, things might not get back to normal right away, but through his Taurus strength, necessary steps are in progress.

Saturn in Aquarius is a once every 29 year affair. He is now the purveyor of Aquarian genius, harnessing its power, anchoring many futuristic ideas for long term growth. He is learning more about how to get a team working well. He has become more of a philosopher, humanitarian, sees the climate changes and factors them in. Friends mean ever so much more to him these days. Collaboration, not just skills, or being on time, gets a lot more done. Parenting is changing, methods of learning are changing. Aging is changing. Careers are changing. It’s like a whole new world, and it is! In some ways we are vitally more responsible. In other ways we are more free than ever before through electronics, the internet, drones and self driving vehicles. More on Saturn in Aquarius

The Sextiles Connected with Each Other!

  • Moon Scorpio sextile Pluto Capricorn, Scorpio’s planet! Definitely well kept secrets, personally, with the kids, at home and in Capricorn business! Some painful moments of truth at times, but also deep regard, protection and healing. Financial extremes yet still an upward trend with attention to a healthy retirement.
  • Mars/Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto Capricorn. Mars with Neptune senses the spiritual battle. It’s more than a musical, but also signifies new visions to be built. Pluto is called on for funding and building. Mars may need to get Neptune up out of the dreamtime into proclaiming the possibilities. The nuances of primal interactions with the Soul are called for. Pluto may trade in old obsessions for updated planetary cleanup!
  • Sun Taurus has just sextiled Mars and Neptune, and there was LIGHT, LOL! Mars can get excited because there’s excitement! If it moves, he follows! Neptune can be enjoying his own dream movies. Sun in Taurus says ‘Wake UP!! We need you here and now! Look, look through my eyes! Earthy Sun sees the environmental changes, sustainability called for. He asks Mars to inspire Neptune to put his dreamtime to work for solutions, compassion, how we can work together for the greatest good for all of us! Mars has a few dreams of his hero self working shoulder to shoulder with the Bull. He feels the power and says ‘Let’s do it!’
  • The Vertex Cancer has passed sextile with Sun! Vertex fate; Cancer, the Great Mother, Mother Earth, the Goddess Mother of the World, Gaia, one of the Greek primordial deities. Earth needs taking care of. In our homes, we need Mother Love for our children, our hearts, to be loved. She shows up within us when our love needs to be given. Could be a homeless person on the street, a pet, someone else’s child at school. We are called. Taurus Sun sees it as part of himself that he be Steady in the Light. There is no false hurry, that we miss each other. There is Being that we are fully aware of each other, that we touch each other heart to heart. It’s the same with us to Mother Earth.

And that leaves only two other chart factors!

1) Chiron and Venus in Aries semisextile Uranus in neighboring Taurus. Small aspects like this can mean a lot. Chiron and Uranus have been traveling together off and on since 2008, changing signs along the way. Over the years, Uranus has become more Shamanic in his humanitarian concerns. Chiron is more on the cutting edge, especially now that he is in Aries! He has become more electric and is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. He is networking his teaching far and wide. See more!

Venus has just conjuncted Chiron, blessing him with her grace and gifts of love and beauty. Chiron is a hard worker and in Aries it is moment to moment, even emergencies, the pandemic. But for her, he will take some time out. He needs it. She has news an new ways to tell him about. She’s quick and he appreciates it because work is calling him. There is a quick affection, but neither has time for it now…and both are quite independent.

She too is semisextile Uranus, and independent planet. He is strange and fascinating. She is fast and fascinating! He’s amazed she can keep up with him at top speed. They go so fast together, that they can keep up! She sees the values of his work, what he needs to let others know about, perhaps to find a media specialist that can translate his work to the general public. He is immediate in sizing people up an sees that sometimes she misses a connection because she can’t sit still quite long enough, LOL! He has paid that price in his life too, so gives her an example how he handles that when it comes up. She can take it or leave it, but she admires him and listens.

2) Another Sextile! Mercury’s first aspect with Jupiter in Aries! Mercury Retrograde in one of his own signs, Gemini will retrograde back to his first sextile with Jupiter at 1 Aries May 19! The second sextile will be a month later, June 20 at 6 Gemini/Aries. Gemini is full of ideas, curious, loves going back and turning the ethers for more points of view! Jupiter rules perspective and in Aries that will be a change a minute! Gemini does marketing and advertising, the news/letters, and Jupiter in Aries writes cutting edge educational materials, narrates sports events, makes big deals fast and it’s fun! Stay poised for quick responses! One way or the other, good or bad, there will be plenty of big news! Gemini wants to learn how to learn. Jupiter wants to know what it means, what its purpose and future are. Hot to trot! Place a bet or two on the horses. With an aspect like this, know that the favorite usually comes in. Retrograde can mean a repeat winner or an upset. Sign up for the drawing, the lotto. But, always be realistic about your finances, ok? More on Jupiter in Aries!

Though retrograde, Mercury is the chart’s lead planet! He is perfect for the job! He reminds everyone what we are here to do, gives us the whole story and keeps us updated! His trumpeting our progress inspires our continued successes and the Full Flower Moon Eclipse blossoms!

The Fixed Stars, Galactic Center, and Pluto!

The Full Moons at 24 to 29 degrees, continue to activate fixed star Algol 26 Taurus and the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius and Pluto 28 Capricorn connections strongly 8 times Sep 2021 to May 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

Pluto is now at 28° Capricorn 32 and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

The Eclipse makes great connections with Pluto. Moon sextiles Pluto, Sun trines Pluto. These can be healing, personal successes, financial gains, retirement comfort. Just watch out for the residuals of the Saturn T Square discussed above. The Sun is conjunct fixed star Algol, purported to be the baddest of them all, right up to death by strangulation! Saturn is coming to square Algol, so Algol matters aren’t over yet. It could seem like a battle for your life, or certainly important matters to what you consider your personal sense of identity. You might feel stripped naked. Take good care of your credit cards and IDs. But Taurus is strong, and if Algol lives up to her other rep, as your ally, she may be your fierce feminine protectoress! If you have ignored or reneged on your responsibilities you may be called on to stop neglecting your commitments.

The Moon and Pluto straddle the Galactic Center. The midpoint factor conducts energy equally to both factors at its sides, links them, facilitates their connection to each other, gives them common cause. The GC is the center of our Milky Way, a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. Sagittarius is the Teacher, traveler of the cosmos across dimensions beyond our understanding, yet it exists and we have access. The Moon Scorpio and Pluto Capricorn are associated with one of our dark signs, Scorpio. The GC Stars send Light from aeons away, a subtle light, but perhaps even more potent because we can’t ‘see’ it and don’t fight it. If your chart factors link up, you may find yourself having insights, both enlightening and perverse. We may know there have been consequences we didn’t realize. Some self forgiveness may be in order, apologies as appropriate.

The Galactic Center offers stunning options in the magnitude of billions of stars, galaxies upon galaxies! We may only get inklings, impressions, but go for the most potent long term options you can conceive of. They are stepping stones to even greater options to come. Stretch, reach out of the box! Hang on and pull yourself up! There will be spirits out there reaching to help you along! More on the Galactic Center!

This chart has a pantheon of Galactic connections with a LOT of Fixed Stars! Follow up with these as you wish at Astrology King! Jamie is a pro! Page down to select the stars of your choice.   

  • Jupiter 1 Aries sextile Alcyone 0 Gemini
  • Mercury Rx 3 Gemini 38 square Fomalhaut 3 Pisces 52
  • Chiron/Venus 14/15 Aries and Uranus 15 Taurus connect with Algorab 13 Libra, Sirius/Canopus 14 Cancer, Vega 15 Capricorn, Rigel 16 Gemini 50
  • North Node 22 Taurus, Saturn 24 Aquarius/Mars and Neptune 23/24 Pisces, Full Moon 25 Scorpio/Taurus with Capella/Denebola, 21 Gemini 51/21 Virgo, Pollux 23 and Procyon 25 Cancer 47, Spica/Arcturus 23/24 Libra
  • Pluto, 28 Capricorn 32, is same degree with Polaris/Betelgeuse 28 Gemini, Markeb 28 Virgo 54, and close with Algol 26 Taurus, Alrisha 29 Aries, Regulus 29 Leo/0 Virgo, Sheat 29 Pisces.

March 23, 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius, a 248 year event! Now through 2044 there will be significant world changes. Right now is the time to be strengthening our Aquarian and Uranian people, factors in our own charts! Pay attention to this Full Moon’s Mercury (how we think and communicate) conjunction with Uranus, and aspects to Uranus, our current lead planet!

May your Circle be Earthy and Unbroken, filled with Deep Beauty!

Scorpio-Taurus Lunar Eclipse, Full Flower Moon Astrology Chart!

2022 Ta-Sc Lunar Eclipse Full Flower Moon Astrology Chart!


Next up is the Monday May 30, New Moon at 9 Gemini 3, 4:30 AM Pacific. It’s the first New Moon during Jupiter in Aries! 

See the entire Taurus Newsletter! Newsletter Topics:

Taurus Annual Celestial Highlights!

Jupiter Sextile Pluto once May 3!
May 10 Jupiter in ARIES 2022-23!
2022 Mercury Two Sign Retrograde Cycle Taurus-Gemini!
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044 – 248 Years! Revision, Addition & UPdates 12.14.21!

Be up on the latest!SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! These infos plus a personal reading will contribute to your success! With your calendar in hand….

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

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Aries Lucky New Moon March 31/April 1!

Libra/Aries Full Pink Moon April 16!.

Aries New Moon!

Thursday 11 Aries 31 March 31/April 1 New Moon at 11:24 PM Pacific. In HI, AK and Pacific zone it is a Black Moon, the second New Moon in a month. East of Pacific, it is NOT a Black Moon. INSTEAD, they have their second New Moon of the month, Black Moon, on April 30.

Getting ready for April 12’s once in a Lifetime event, Jupiter conjunct Neptune LUCK!

2022 Aries New Moon Arches Natl Park Ranger Star Party!

Arches National Park is an International Dark Sky Park. Ranger led Star Party participants use red flashlights pointed to the ground so you won’t harm your night vision as much.

This is a 5 sign, 2 stellium tight 105° bundle New Moon chart! Not only are New Moons new beginnings, but especially a New Moon in first sign of the zodiac Aries, and having 4 planets in Aries!!!

This New Moon at 11 degrees, but conjunct Chiron in Aries at 12 degrees, and semisextile Uranus at 12 degrees, still links with the 12 degree New Moons of 2021-22! 2021 Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan 2 and 31/Feb 1, and Mar 2 there were five New Moons that have linked in Scorpio, Sag, Cap, AQ and Pisces. Those of you with chart factors close to 12 degrees have been and will be activated by 7 New Moons from Oct 2021 to March 2022. Jan and March 2022 will have two New Black Moons in HI, AK and Pacific time zones. There was NO New Moon in February 2022. Finish up your goal you set related to the factors at or very near 12 degrees in your chart! This one is the true believer, Jupiter conjunct Neptune, four planets in Aries action stellium version!

All the planets within 105 degrees are quite focused! The bundle starts with Elder Shaman Pluto in Guardian Capricorn. As base planet, he protects the ones at the back, heals their weak points, teaches them life tools, scans those who approach from behind to see if they are friend or a thief of time. Some join, others are not let through. His position, his gut strength in believing in their purpose, is crucial to the successful progress of the team ahead. He has expectations and they loyally want to get it done for him.

Next comes the 3 planets in Aquarius in a mini but potent stellium! Saturn, of the past, Capricorn’s planet, is between Mars and Venus! While Saturn is linking to the base planet Pluto, all three are in relationship with Uranus, the lead planet, the Aquarian planet! Venus is in a special relationship, being in mutual reception with Uranus! Venus is in Uranus’s sign Aquarius and Uranus is in Venus’s sign Taurus! They have a rapport. Mars the planet of the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, is behind both Saturn and Venus kickin’ up the Aquarian stardust, sprinkling them with cosmic light particles that keep reminding them of their work to be done rather than looking back over their shoulders! Mars wants to do new and different now! He has great courage against heavy odds, but Saturn will help him use his energy succinctly in a timely fashion. Mars’s inspiration in Aquarius is phenomenal! Venus is a bit etheric, but she shows the way with beauty and an admirable unique style. She is kind with a light touch, and with aplomb, reassures all it is valuable, worth the effort.

With Saturn you can be super depressed, boo hoo, I have no friends and nobody to love, OR working your butt off saving the world! That, of course, is a formidable task, and you are allowed a few dark moments, but Saturn is demanding, Aquarius changes in a flash; Venus may miss some of her amenities. If you are nervous and frightened, get help. That’s what friends are for. If you really don’t have friends, get some other help and see about making some friends. Uranus, that friend planet, is over there in Taurus. Taurus can be gentle, supportive, just sit with you. But don’t abuse the privilege either. Ask for simple comfortable ways to get moving again without ignoring your inner needs.

A once in a Lifetime event! The Promise of 2022, the True Believers, and Dreams Come True aspect, the 166 year Jupiter conjunct Neptune aspect in Pisces, Neptune’s sign, is now close by only 2 degrees! We are now steeping in it, body and Soul! It will be exact April 12, only a dozen days away! This New Moon of Spirit is opening our Hearts to embrace the actions that make the difference. It’s an Initiation of sorts, that makes us realize the importance of our life choices, to recognize our own. To see that working with others on a mutual goal is as important as the independence we hold when we work all alone. To choose working together is independent. It is our choice!

The compassionate beliefs and visions of Pisces need to be made true and whole. Aries is the champion who can do it! Saturn, the Builder, is at 22 degrees, in semisextile with Jupiter and Neptune at 21 and 23! Semisextiles can have plenty of strength. Saturn is no weakling, and Jupiter is big even, maybe especially so, in Pisces! Mars is the Aries action planet and he will be joining Saturn at 22 April 4 when Jupiter gets to 22! Anything Saturn has been hesitating on, Mars may push over the top! Their combined powers of new and old will immortalize some of the facets of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction! See more about Jupiter with Neptune!

Pisces will never be entirely definable. That’s part of what it’s all about. Things you can’t see that change you. Knowing without knowing why. Psychic perception. Discovery because all you really had to do was go there. You were drawn because you sensed someone needed help. The dreamtime is mostly ungovernable. Imagination is a huge option. When you are at sea, with no land in sight, that requires a trust you will get somewhere…There is a letting go and an infinite merging.

In old astrology, Jupiter stood for fame and fortune! He is still considered to be happy go lucky, the traveler teacher, delights in storytelling and gambling, especially the horses – he was a Centaur, half man, half horse! Jupiter expands our business, land, plans, length of journey! Sports are natural and keep him healthy! In Pisces, just add the ocean component! Your sailboat wins the race, you get the shipping contract, take the magnificent enchanting cruise, scuba the coral reefs! You may teach marine biology, especially of the big denizens of the seas, the whales. And your career may turn toward protecting the plants of the sea as well. Why not have a splendid oceanside restaurant, sports shop, museum?! Buy a kayak, a sailboat! Jupiter is like an oracle and Pisces is psychic! Foretelling the successes of maritime investments could bring your portfolio to new highs!

And this may be the time to do it! Outer planet events like this have a 3-day hot period. This one occurs 7:42 AM Pacific, so in this zone count back 11, 10, 9. Those three days and the early am of the 12th are the most powerful. Do something each day. Do some inquiring, go by your intuition. Inquire well in advance and be ready for it!

The North Node is 23 Taurus in combination with Saturn and Jupiter and Neptune. The Moon’s Node, retrograde on an 18 year cycle, is already past sextile Neptune, the old man of the sea, but still potently in the same degree. Neptune has been in his own sign Pisces, so is extra aware, perceptive, insightful. The North Node will be filled with dreams and beauty, longings for more than ever was. Moon’s node is leaning to the Taurus sustainable earthy side of things, more patience, personal ownership, body consciousness. Jupiter will bring a broader bigger perspective. Learning more, learning how to teach the principles, having joyful time out away will bring a more worldly experience and status. Clarity of judgement, faith and trust, knowing you deserve those good things will bring joy.

The Moon’s North and South Nodes in Taurus/Scorpio are square Saturn in Aquarius through April 11, the day before the Jupiter conjunct Neptune! The South Node is said to represent our past, something we have over done, or where we made mistakes. They represent a balance being sought, our needing to bring the North Node sign into equal strength. Scorpio is our $;Taurus is my $. Scorpio can be obsessive and intense, wants to merge; Taurus is patient and instinctively his own person. All of us are working this balance through July 2023. Saturn standing equally between them in a T Square is calling for a disciplined change, a karmic freedom these fixed signs have held for a long time. It may involve your father, being a father or the boss, career, your age, retirement. There could be fears or old griefs that have held you up. Sometimes there is a humbling and a need to start right where you are at, like it or not, and build from your hands and knees. It is honorable Soul work. Just do it and congratulate yourself for the smallest changes. You are turning the soil of your very being.

Do as much of this work as you can to clear yourself for April 12’s 166 year aspect! As that aspect approaches, concurrently, it will surely help you! It will help you understand addictive patterns, give you things more blessed to think about than what has kept you where you have been. You will have refreshing freedom and feel safe and be comfortable to have it. Aries will literally help you move through it.

Now comes the four planets ARIES stellium! It is a powerful fiery Mercury with hot breath, LOL, Sun in all his bright spring, shall I say it, horny glory, Moon as feisty as femininity can get, and Chiron demanding they hurry up! Mercury is quick and alert, shouting marching cadence, leading and telling them why. Sun says I’ll do it! Moon is making food for the troops as fast as she can while keeping the kids in a semblance of order, putting the oldest in charge. Chiron says you need to take care of that now, let me see it, be still. You will be better, and if nothing else, more enthusiastic than you have been in a long time. It may be a Thursday, but this is a shaker and roller party! Ideas are spinning around at light force! Go roller skating after the meeting to blow off some of the energy! Take a bike ride uphill, LOL!

Chiron in Aries is especially powerful with the New Moon. Chiron is on a 51 year cycle. Only once a year would a New Moon be conjunct with him and this is it! Chiron in Aries is awesome. As a healer, he is picking up the fallen on life’s marathon, the leaders with burnout, those with accidents, emergencies along the way, interferes with obsessive behaviors and addictions. Many of his clients are having unique issues in these new times. His immediate specific responses are filled with intuitive insights. It’s time for healers to heal just not themselves and their clients, but each other. Learning of one person’s experiences can help many others. Gather up and share even if you are, or maybe because, you are so independent.

These 4 are totally linked with the lead planet Uranus, the Aquarian planet in the sign Taurus! He is at 12 degrees, they are at 9, 11, and 11, and 12! It’s another semisextile connection of neighboring signs. They know each other. One is a foundation for the next. Aries is the first, fights for what should be, takes the risk, others follow because he looks good for it! Uranus is a lead planet always, in his own way, because he is an inventor, futurist for humanity, key networker. But these days he is the leader of all the outer planets as well! As the Aquarian planet he is known for his unpredictability, seemingly being a bit crazy because he is so far ahead he can’t always explain his own genius; his need for freedom often takes him away from what others see as crucial moments. Being in Taurus has helped him be more steady, to understand what is necessarily common everyday living, basic needs of the people, how to touch base now and again. You can see how it might take the exuberance of Aries to keep him on task. He is deep in his creative work, and always leads by his long term perceptions, light years of insights. Aries keeps knocking on his door, reminding him that we the people need a few translations, guidance along the way.

Uranus is glad to see the inspired leaders of the four, especially Chiron, coming his way! Uranus sweeps them under his great wings (Uranus rules birds and airplanes), talks them up with his futuristic humanitarian, planetary plans, then swoops them all forward around the world! It’s magic, moving and marvelous!

As Jupiter is fame and fortune, Uranus also shows up in charts of famous people with huge followings and fan clubs! Uranus is the planet of Aquarius the Networker! Fame depends on numbers and if it’s good, it’s good and the word spreads! Uranus in Taurus, Venus’s sign, gains fame for beauty, unique style, the most valuable things, like Earth herself. There is a simplicity and appealing common sense, a grassroots quality everyone innately understands. Change is steadily paced, with a few dramatic boosts that keep it interesting!

With Uranus backed by strong-as-a-bull Taurus valuable changes, both simple and complex, will be inevitable. Lead planet Uranus in Taurus has a genius simplicity to it and things go much faster than expected with Uranus finessing it. Uranus, the prime networker, is getting the word out to people worldwide. It’s not just the functionality of networking, but the meaningful content, essential human rights, the ecological humanitarian efforts. The territory being covered has great range and lasting alliances are being formed, loopholes being closed to prevent future losses.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, evolution, the futurist. It works as an ultimate loner or in behalf of humanity, networking across continents. Genius, research, invention are it’s talents. Awakening and Enlightenment are its invitations. We see the Uranus in Taurus Earth all around us, feel the connection with the totality of the whole climate. We stop to chat along the way, agree about what differences may be required to heal, maintain and secure what is so precious. Friendships may come and go, but we hope Earth as we know it now is with us lifelong and for our children’s children too.

Many 2021 factors had an Aquarian component, as does also all the 2022 New Moons through now. This New Moon is closely connected with the Aquarian planet Uranus and Mars, Saturn and Venus are in Aquarius! We are preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, make it whole. Select who will work together, and get it rolling! Be relentless! A lot can be done in a short time.

New Moon’s by nature start new cycles. Pisces is the last sign, but inspires the first sign, Aries, with his visions. As the last sign, Pisces is a sign of maturity, a collection of the wisdom of all the signs before him. He is well steeped in and well founded by his deeper kind of intelligence. He has the capacity to see, even be, the helpless sufferers, know how they actually can change. He sees the fortitude to sustain in hard times. He notes the celebrations of success as countless falls were overcome against the odds. The old hymn says ‘Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen…’ Do be kind. The ‘visions’ Pisces often sees are his compassionate wishes, the collective dream for many Souls. Some dreams may be but a whisper in the night, or a glimmer upon awakening, but they are the seeds of new beginnings. Aries, the very sign of new beginnings, so ingeniously takes it from there!

We are getting ready for April 12’s once in a Lifetime event, Jupiter conjunct Neptune! Wishing you LUCK!


4 Behenian FIXED STARS! 

Wiki says: The Behenian fixed stars, used by alchemists, are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, “root,” as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star’s influence (e.g., into a talisman). When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong.

Erik Roth reminds us: The Behenian stars are stars that have been shared as magical but it is really all stars and planets have their own magic and can be utilized through symbolic, psychic, spiritual and otherwise magical purposes in our lives.  The near-infinite sky dome is a part of our lives and has been since our very distant ancestors hundreds of thousands of years looked upon them and not only wondered what they were but also from a place of seeking, of finding meaning and seeing something beyond themselves.

Alphecca, one of the 15 Behenian Stars! This star is sometimes called Gemma, the jewel of the crown. A brilliant white star, it is also called the Pearl of the Crown. It is the Alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, at 12 Scorpio 35 (2021) is inconjunct the New Moon and Chiron! The Pisces Sun and Moon are making magic with fellow water sign deep Scorpio, sign of the Underworld. Healing secrets are revealed, shared, likely long lasting special partnerships formed. Scorpio’s treasures may fund Pisces causes. What may have seemed futile, finds a supportive response and Pisces carries it on into the world beyond expectations. Rising from our own ashes, Pisces washes us clean. We our liberated to make our wishes known.

Alphecca marks the loop, or knot, of the ribbon along which are fastened the buds, flowers, or leaves of the wreath shown in early drawings with two long out-streaming ends. Corona Borealis represents the garland given by Venus to Ariadne on the occasion of her marriage to Bacchus after she had been forsaken by Theseus. Manilius said it ‘sparkles in the mid forehead. He was quite taken with the Crown. See his eloquent thoughts about its relationship with Virgo! Jamie at Astrology King says: it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent). It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability.

With Moon: Public honor and dignity, suffers through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings of enemies but eventual triumph over them, bad for love affairs, some faithful friends, greatly esteemed by Venus and Mercury people. (Robson) Honors and preferment.

With Sun: Active and brilliant mind, self-seeking, subject to scandal that does not affect the position. Honors and preferment.

Alphecca is opposite Uranus, who is semisextile the New Moon, rich with opportunities! With Uranus Robson says: Selfish, mental affliction and violence at end of life, psychic power, suffering through occultism, deceptive, many false friends, small inheritance obtained with difficulty, losses by law, enemies and mercurial affairs, sorrow through children or an adopted child, domestic trouble through own acts, danger of a violent death.

We have come a long way in our thinking about Uranus than when it was first discovered. Think in modern terms of the benefits of this planet and combine that with the issues Robson perceived. Uranus rules electronics and computers, networking of all kinds, humanitarian efforts, freedom, awakening, change, evolution. Alphecca’s charm and intelligence work well with so many opportunities!

Aquarian Abraham Lincoln 0°03′, and J. Paul Getty 1°36′, had Alphecca with Uranus. See more at Astrology King!

Fixed Stars Algorab 13 Libra – is opposite the New Moon and Chiron, inconjunct Uranus in. Adjustments will be made between these four planets! Balance will be sought, new beginnings trialed, attempts made to anchor positive change. I imagine few of you have done much work with or even heard of Algorab! It is on the right wing of the Raven, in the constellation Corvus, the Crow. If you love the intelligent Corvids this may bode well for you, if not, all the nasties you hear of them may be part of the Truth.

Fixed star Sirius at 14 Cancer, and Algorab, travel together, challengingly always square! Sirius is the brightest star, so has mojo just for being! Family and relationships may be at odds.

  • In the US Algorab’s rep is not so good. Astrologer Jamie Partridge summarizes: Algorab is one of the 15 magic related Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the malice of men and devils. – Whew! That’s impressive! If you sense those things in advance it can be a blessed forewarning.
  • Quite differently he also states the 28th Chinese Xiù – 軫 (Zhěn) Chariot thinks:  This is the celestial Carriage and it represents the transport of tributes from foreign lands to the Emperor, thus the accumulation of wealth. It also presides over travel of all kinds and vehicles. It also presaged favorable winds and an end to storms. Events in business bring great profit and everything done heralds fortunate returns. Paying homage to ancestors will honor one with a “Dragon Child”. It is also a great day for marriages and births.
  • But some modern astrologers concur that it shows up in terrorism events! See the details at Astrology King, Jamie’s site! Don’t ‘terrorize’ yourself or provoke others; help others and yourself to be safe. Be aware of triggers and danger signals and leave; talk later if possible. Use your intelligence in a good way.
  • Chiron squares Sirius, so includes the New Moon. Uranus sextiles Sirius!Besides being the night sky’s brightest star, Sirius enjoys a terrific reputation for the most part, but also called the Dog Star, watch out for dog bites, LOL! It is another of the 15 Behenian stars. Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake! See a lot more at Astrology King!, including ties with famous people!Sirius in Cancer wants family harmony. Aries wants independence from parents and family expectations. Challenges are likely unless the family honors him and cheers him on! Sirius in Cancer is in a way in kinship with Uranus, the planet of humanity, the family of humans. Sextiles offer opportunities and could expand business considerably!
  • Sun with Sirius: Success in business, occupation connected with metals or other martial affairs, domestic harmony.Moon with Sirius: Success in business, influential friends of opposite sex, favorable for the father, good health, beneficial changes in home or business.
  • Uranus conjunct Sirius: Gain and prominence in Uranian matters, help from influential friends, gain through harmonious marriage, especially if male, sudden death.

Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol. Pluto trines her at 26 Taurus 27  2020-24!

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto in Capricorn trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely.

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 27° Capricorn 49 and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Freedom is still at issue. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place. Pluto understands much of this.

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center!

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of formidable Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Algol is in Taurus, the first Venus sign, has a sensual touch, loves earthy beauty, sculpts her own existence! The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the sign between Scorpio and Capricorn. The GC is enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories, sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! Capricorn is hosting Pluto, is trine Algol in Taurus and semi sextile The Galactic Center, piloting the whole scenario of these three powerful factors. By nature he is a no nonsense old Master and gives orders, expecting things to get done. All these three have street creds and are impressive, but Capricorn has hung out with the best and functions well at this level. He treats them more equally both to himself and each other. It’s his job.

On a fine New Moon night, things are blended, no Moonlight or shadows. There is a certain equality as the playing field is equalized. It seems more quiet, even subdued. Without the daylight contrasts and sharp edges we are more receptive… Even if there is a breeze, there are no moving shadows… Sleep can be deeper.
Our dreams are more real and we merge with them more completely… Sometimes we feel different when we wake up and don’t always know why. But a New Moon in Aries may want to get up and take a nighttime walkabout, stay up late dancing, watch the dawn! If you need your sleep to get up well rested, get some good exercise sometime during the day, or exercise twice, both am and early evening?

Be a True Believer and take potent action in behalf of the world!

Aries Lucky New Moon Astrology Chart!
♦♦ Black Moon in HI, AK and Pacific Zones

2022 Aries New Moon Astrology Chart!


Libra/Aries Full Pink Moon!

Day before Easter, Saturday April 16, 11:55 AM Pacific, 26 Libra/Aries 46

Praying for Peaceful and Loving New Beginnings.

2022 Libra-Aries Full Moon Ostara Entranced by the Moon Hare Wendy Andrews

Beautiful limited edition print celebrating Spring by Wendy Andrew called Entranced by the Moon.The Libra Mother Moon prays for Peace. Aries Sun is her champion.

This Libra/Aries Full Pink Moon has softer tones than you would expect. It has a 4 planet Pisces stellium, Mercury sextile Venus in gentle signs Taurus and Pisces. When not at war or in court, Libra Moon prefers gentility though the mischievous rogue sometimes wrinkles his nose with a twitch and things change in a moment! Sometimes people are caught off guard, and several eyebrows are lifted with quick glances cast about the room. Naughty or funny, no one is quite the same afterwards, LOL! And sometimes surprise solutions are snatched out of the ethers right before your eyes! Aries and Libra are always looking for answers among the people, something that brings a working start when it was thought all was lost. They are Magicians in their own right!

Last Full Moon we were at the last Full Moon in a SIX months 27 Degree Sequence! They started in 2021. Oct, Nov, Dec, continued in 2022 Jan, Feb, and March, at 27 degrees Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. The Full Moons at 24 to 29 degrees, continue to activate fixed star Algol 26 Taurus and the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius and their Pluto connections strongly 8 times Sep 2021 to April 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

The Full Pink Moon is traveling in late Aries/Libra 26 degrees, along with Pluto at 28, linking with Algol and the Galactic Center. The Full Moon action signs are T Square Pluto in Capricorn, challenging some of his recent decisions, bringing up fears of betrayals, theft. Blocks to growth are cleaned up, new foundations for secure growth are established. Capricorn can stand for the tried and true old ways, but there come tipping points when times must move forward as we grow. People are stepping up, legalities are being pressed, public opinion is front and center having effect! The signs are cardinal action signs calling for changes right now.

The Full Moon has just passed strong positive aspects with Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn, the planet of Capricorn lends wisdom and dedication, steadies the obsessions Pluto is prey to. Aries easily gets ahead of himself, but is the leader of discovery, first on the scene. Saturn can remind him how vital this is and to rest reasonably, drink water! Saturn is no fool. He knows his own weak spot of hanging on too long and learns how to welcome new ways, keep his work clean and up with the times. Saturn in Aquarius reminds Libra there is more power in group action but it is based in good old fashioned grass roots groundwork. He reminds us all it takes the time it takes, and each person has valuable points of view that contribute to the whole!

Saturn in Aquarius is a once every 29 year affair. He is now the purveyor of Aquarian genius, harnessing its power, anchoring many futuristic ideas for long term growth. He is learning more about how to get a team working well. He has become more of a philosopher, humanitarian, sees the climate changes and factors them in. Friends mean ever so much more to him these days. Collaboration, not just skills, or being on time, gets a lot more done. Parenting is changing, methods of learning are changing. Aging is changing. Careers are changing. It’s like a whole new world, and it is! In some ways we are vitally more responsible. In other ways we are more free than ever before through electronics, the internet, drones and self driving vehicles.

The connections with the great fierce feminine force Algol are seeking a deeper point of view, trusting more elemental organic adjustments, calling on the collective feminine. Jupiter and Neptune, just having made their 166 year conjunction in Pisces, are standing sextile midpoint between Pluto and Algol. They are interpreting what these two powers have to say, proposing some remarkable alternatives. Algol

In trine/sextile with the Galactic Center, the Full Moon offers stunning options in the magnitude of billions of stars, galaxies upon galaxies! We may only get inklings, impressions, but go for the most potent long term options you can conceive of. They are stepping stones to even greater options to come. Stretch, reach out of the box! Hang on and pull yourself up! There will be spirits out there reaching to help you along! The Galactic Center is the center of our galaxy. It is a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. More on the Galactic Center!

Full Moons reach as far across the table as possible, reaching out, spreading and collecting the news, collaborating with the other side, letting them know our thoughts in person. Yes, there are separations for a while, but separately, uninfluenced, we gain the perspective of other points of view, the best of which we can take home to our tribe. It’s only 2 weeks or so until we are back together at the New Moon.

Moon herself, in pastel lover Libra, combines the red and white of her opposite, Aries, making Pink! She leads with this love color of a gentle heart as the handle of another 105 degree tight grouping of the other planets. As with the Jan, Feb and March Full Moons, Mama Moon is the Handle of the last Bucket chart of four, all the other planets on the other side of the chart! This is the last one of this consecutive four. As the Bucket chart handle planet, she becomes the focus point, the liaison to the world at large both for dispersal of and gathering/receiving incoming information. She is the honorable seeker, representative, negotiator, shares the goods. She funnels valuable information home, strengthens our people. In Libra it concerns negotiations, nurturing relationships of all kinds, balancing factors in the Bucket and with the world at large. She empties the bucket when it gets too full, removes what no longer works, shares good things and scoops up more nurturing materials for current workings.

Since she and Sun T square Pluto, he the group’s base planet, Pluto is surely the 2nd planet of power in the chart. It is due to his additional motivation that the group is kundalini charged, energy from the life force base of the spine and there are few quitters! He heals, teases, threatens, bribes, LOL, whatever it takes to get the important business done. As base planet. He cleans up messes, keeps people moving forward, focused and working at things that please their spirits. He knows their secrets and gets them through their fears and resistance. His financial instincts are a blessing. Pluto is the shaman of internal and psychological healings. Messy relationships can be cleared, death and endings are normalized so we remain functional. Letting go lightens our path.

Moon is in an out of sign trine with Sun’s ruler Mars in Pisces. He is base planet for the 4 planet Pisces stellium! Though in dreamer Pisces, he is in a spunky sextile with Full Moon Sun in Mars’s sign Aries! Activated by Pisces’s amazing visions, charged with Sun’s pure vitality in the first sign, do not underestimate what Mars in Pisces can do! He has that giant fish hook, takes on the powers of the tiniest fish seeking hidden answers and tiniest openings, takes on the cloaks of the giant denizens of the ocean, uses the huge tides of the continental currents. Never underestimate a Pisces with a purpose! Moon is there negotiating relationships, rites of passage, legalities of necessity, perhaps establishing new laws about how crucial the oceans’ roles are to our survival.

Moon is just past the inconjunct with ocean planet Neptune in his own sign Pisces, and Jupiter with Neptune! This makes the Full Moon directly connected with 3 of the 4 Pisces planets! Moon in Libra is very sensitive about the nature of your relationships. Aries is sensitive about motion. If you twitch or your face or body language move, it’s a tell. They know your cards. Pisces is all encompassing. They sense your beingness, your intent, your Soul. They know how you feel about your life. We’re looking for something greater than what used to be. Ordinary routine is no longer enough. Jupiter leads us astray into Pisces magical perceptions. Some are inexplicable yet seem ok. Sometimes the only way is to jump in! All of these signs have psychic talents. You will adjust and learn quickly.

2022’s Promise, the astonishing 166 year Jupiter conjunct Neptune is April 12, just 4 days before this Full Moon! Jupiter is now at the same degree as Neptune! This Full Moon will max out stories we have been exploring! Jupiter amps up the magic, the mystic, mythical! Jupiter is with the compassionate saviors, traveling with sufferers and saints! His Luck will help dreams come true around the world. Intuition will be rampant with many insightful epiphanies. Big news will bring awareness of plights, successes, important Truths, discoveries. The waters of the world will take on further importance, whether temperatures, pollution affecting food chains, natural disasters. How we travel the seas, oceanic shipping factors will be addressed. Ocean sports, seaside businesses, spas and retreats will bring unprecedented numbers.

Jupiter can be broad minded; Neptune is infinite, a rainbow of inspiration! There are plenty of wandering, sometimes lost, Souls in the galaxy. Jupiter is funny, lucky, optimistic, sees the Great Plan for the future! He can cheer Neptune up when needed. Neptune entices Jupiter, so easy to do, to sweep into the world of spiritualism, psychic perception. This dimension is bigger than anything Jupiter ever imagined! Jupiter may go to church, but Neptune is the Universe! Jupiter is filled with ideas. Jupiter, the horse lover, wants to harness that Neptune energy, make it more accessible, incorporate it into our world plans. The implication of the insights are enormous. It’s a dream and a vision. The insights include ways to do it well and in a timely fashion, so it may be much closer to happening than we think! There will be a boost with their 166 year conjunction April 12! Set some special time aside to be with it and pick a special location too! See your AstroLocality astrologer!

On a daily basis, Jupiter is having the time of his life! He thinks of the old schooners, undersea reefs, taking a cruise, visiting the peoples of the world, starting a maritime museum of natural history, teaching about seaweeds and marine animals! Uranus in Taurus has his toes in the sand at the beach, feeling the rush of the waves, appreciating the vast sunrises and sunsets. He loves how the land animals come to the inlets, river banks, the edges of the bays for water at night and dawn, how birds nest at water’s edge, migrators seasonally come and go. He considers himself to be their friend and vows for them to be safe and free. He sees the land changes and more coming. Preserves will be set up, and as we plant milkweed for Monarchs and see their population recovery, so can we do more for others as we learn more about creatures we share our planet with. We are engaging in modern Noah’s Ark work. Supporting the land, establishing naturally fruitful habitat, including for ourselves, is essential.

Venus is the 4th of the Pisces stellium. She and Mercury in Taurus, one of Venus’s two signs, are sextile. Venus’s other sign is Libra! Their sea and land combination assures a blessed communication because Libra is social and negotiable, Venus is spiritually gracious in Pisces, can be very giving. Mercury is the planet of neighborly connections, down home chats, laying on of hands, especially in sensible patient Taurus. Give it a chance. Talk it over. Listen a lot, don’t necessarily make immediate decisions. Think it over, get together again in a couple days if possible.

Mercury has the additional importance of being with genius Uranus, the planet of Aquarius. This component carries the communications past the ‘hood! Their specialty is an Earth communications intelligence around the world. Uranus is the planetary networker as well as representing your best friend! From one friend to the next, to people everywhere coming to realize earth’s plight and what it takes to wake people up. And we see it happening via the internet, social media. It’s takes only minutes to learn what is happening around us, boycott, let people know what we think and why, people we don’t know, may never meet, but we have the same beliefs!

Generally, Uranus in Taurus doesn’t miss a moment. He’s quick as lightning, takes in the entire landscape of earth in juxtaposition with the magnificent oceans Jupiter is currently sailing! Earth and Ocean are so intricately related. Earth changes 100% impinge on the Ocean, the receptor of rich organic materials as well as trash and poisons. Fish and humans are so dependent on each other. Harm to one harms all. Jupiter is educating about and defending the ocean and great bodies of water. Uranus is working to implement justifiable, doable, financially feasible programs to keep us all safe from toxins, degradation of soil, to establish clean water flow everywhere. See more!

Chiron in Aries is buzzing like a bee, midpoint between Venus and Mercury/Uranus! He wants healing and teaching now! What do we do to have the most effect in the shortest time?! He wants special new relationships of people with skills who are not afraid to use them. True leaders. He wants people who will do innovative business, who will show us how it can be done! Change right here and now, spreads quickly when people see it happen! Try some new options!

This chart has a pantheon of Galactic connections with a LOT of Fixed Stars! Follow up with these as you wish at Astrology King! Jamie is a pro! Page down to select the stars of your choice.  

  • Mercury is at 11 Taurus, Venus at 12 Pisces, Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus at 13 degrees. They are connected with several Fixed Stars! At 9 degrees, Aldebaran Gemini, Vindemiatrix Libra and Antares Sagittarius. Alphecca at 12 Scorpio. At 13, the Ascella in Capricorn, Algorab in Libra. At 14 degrees, Sirius in Cancer, and Canopus.
  • Jupiter/Neptune 24 Pisces with Pollux 23 and Procyon 25 Cancer 47, Spica 23 Libra, Arcturus 24 Libra
  • Saturn 23 Aquarius is same degree trine Spica at 23 Libra.
  • Pluto, 28 Capricorn 33, is same degree with Polaris Gemini, Betelgeuse Gemini, Markeb Virgo, and close with Algol 26 Taurus, Alrisha 29 Aries, Regulus 29 Leo/0 Virgo, Sheat 29 Pisces.
Pluto, Algol, Galactic Center! Pluto is now at 28° Capricorn 33 and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

March 23, 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius, a 248 year event! Now through 2044 there will be significant world changes. Right now is the time to be strengthening our Aquarian and Uranian people, factors in our own charts! Pay attention to this Full Moon’s Mercury (how we think and communicate) conjunction with Uranus, and aspects to Uranus, our current lead planet! 

It’s Aries’ time to kick up the Galactic dust!

Libra/Aries Full Pink Moon Astrology Chart!

2022 Libra-Aries Full Pink Moon Astrology Chart!


Next up is the Saturday April 30 Solar Eclipse New Moon at 1:28 PM Pacific. It is a Black Moon in Mountain, Central and Eastern zones, the 2nd New Moon in their month. It’s at 10 Taurus 28.

See the entire Aries Newsletter! Newsletter Topics:

Jupiter in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces 166 Years April 12!
Jupiter Sextile Pluto once May 3!
May 10 Jupiter in ARIES 2022-23!
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044 – 248 Years! Revision, Addition & UPdates 12.14.21!

Be up on the latest!SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! These infos plus a personal reading will contribute to your success! With your calendar in hand….

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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Pisces Lucky New Moon March 2!

Virgo/Pisces Full Worm Moon March 18!

Lucky Pisces New Moon!

Ash Wednesday 12 Pisces 04 March 2 New Moon at 9:35 AM Pacific

Potent 104° Bundle Chart strongly focused on Career, LOVE, and has extraordinary LUCK!

Pisces 2022 New Moon 'Bioluminescence' - Josh Beames Victoria Australia

‘Bioluminescence’ – Josh Beames, taken in Victoria, Australia. Picture 7 of 25 most beautiful Milky Way photos in 2020 ‘Early Summer Night’s Dream’  Life came from the sea…

Thi is the last New Moon that has potently linked at 12 degrees through 2021-22! 2021 Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan 2 and 31/Feb 1, and Mar there are five New Moons that have linked in Scorpio, Sag, Cap, AQ and Pisces. Those of you with chart factors close to 12 degrees will be activated by 7 New Moons from Oct 2021 to March 2022. Jan and March 2022 will have two New Black Moons in HI, AK and Pacific time zones. There is NO New Moon in February 2022. Finish up your goal you set related to the factors at or very near 12 degrees in your chart! This one is the Pisces plum, conjunct Lucky Jupiter!

We have a tight 5 signs 104° New Moon Bundle chart with two stelliums again!!!! There are 3 planets, Venus, Mars and Pluto, all at 27 Capricorn!  FOUR planets, the New Moon conjunct Jupiter, then Neptune, all in PISCES!

Rarely is the base ‘planet’ actually three planets in one degree, a united triple force acting as one! Three principles are acting at once. Those of you with factors in your charts at or a couple of degrees from 27 will definitely feel this! In Capricorn, Father, career, age, retirement, building, structures, laws, will be considered. Cap is the boss and things will get done, celebrate maturity, end and renew with a flourish!  

  • Venus technically is the first. Grace and desire, beauty and gratitude, blessings encourage our action. She’s gifted in Capricorn. Things long sought will be in the works. She is classy and respected for her talent. She has appeal and is good negotiating various diverse factions to working agreements. She enjoys ancient artifacts, adores elders, seeks their comfort. She has a way with enticing those who would give up to rest but not give up, assures funding.
  • Mars is her feisty cohort, partner in crime! He is an up front leader, rights fighter, rescuer! If part of the team is distracted or waylaid, he is there to bring them home. Problem solving for mechanical items, bicycles are his forte. Independence is encouraged no matter the odds. If there is a task requiring quick action, he is fearless and capable. He can work within guidelines and out of the box as needed. Powerful intuition! A fresh start, new beginnings with even historic old tools still doing quite well.
  • Pluto is the fixer. Where Mars is up front, Pluto is the silent partner. He can wheel and deal, make huge sums. He is an adept healer of the deepest wounds. You have to have a deep power of your own to be his mate. Part of his talent is shamanic clearing. In everyday language that translates to removing trash, recycling, remediation. And no job is too small or too big. He works from microscopic research to massive world projects. Extremes and obsessions are natural.Putting it mildly, Venus conjunct Pluto is intense! Venus is attractive whatever sign she is in. Pluto is charismatic no matter what sign or how he looks. There is an inner animal that is simply irresistible, LOL! Pluto may be surprised to find himself enamored with Venus. She touches a chord in him that few do! Imagine the God of Death kneeling at her feet! Venus may long for him, sometimes for years, and he may not give her the time of day. She’s not used to that. They may still have a platonic relationship. Scorpio and Capricorn can honor boundaries, do what’s proper, wait, or never consummate the relationship. So close but so far. They can cheat. Been known to happen. Or they can have an arrangement.What an intense grouping! Sweetie lovey Venus, hot and sexy Mars, charismatic hypnotic tantric Pluto! And Capricorn is at times considered to be the rutty goat, oh my! Keep yourself in a safe place. If you are with a good person, good people, let this inspiring combo carry you with it! Good chance these people will get their way! After all, much has been planned and worked for well before now. They may partner to do powerful knock ’em dead business together! Pluto has the ideas, powerful connections, Mars has the moxie and get it done action, Venus attracts clients and buyers, gathers funds! You may want to sign agreements this New Moon day!

The North Node in Taurus is going to sextile Neptune, the old man of the sea. Neptune has been in his own sign Pisces, so is extra aware, perceptive, insightful. The North Node will be filled with dreams and beauty, longings for more than ever was. Moon’s node is leaning to the Taurus sustainable earthy side of things, and the Capricorn planets want to build with strength, by natural means that will be enduring, simple and cost effective. There’s harmony all around.

The LUCKY FOUR planets Pisces New Moon Stellium! 

Pisces will never be entirely definable. That’s part of what it’s all about. Things you can’t see that change you. Knowing without knowing why. Psychic perception. Discovery because all you really had to do was go there. You were drawn because you sensed someone needed help. The dreamtime is mostly ungovernable. Imagination is a huge option. When you are at sea, with no land in sight, that requires a trust you will get somewhere…There is a letting go and an infinite merging.

Mother Moon and Father Sun are bonded in this spiritual union. She knows his Soul, his whims and fantasies. His loving heart, personal addictions, how much he has given. She admires his remarkable poise when people are frightened. His stupendous drama when making a film or music. It can be touching or resounds loudly cross planet, waking the sleeping from their isolation!

Father Sun knows her, the phenomenal depth of her sensitivity. She sees the Souls of the children, their mothers, the thread of their ancestry, their spiritual path. She can be tender or tough if she sees us ignoring our responsibilities. Small things often make a life and death difference. A glance, a smile, a touch, the gift of a single street side wild flower. Where we live has so much more importance than many realize. We can take on the nature of our surroundings, so choose carefully. That goes for choosing the people in our lives as well. Choose people who are able to support you as a person. She listens to our dreams, gives insights to help us get to our next step, or when to take a leap of Faith!

These two in turn are conjunct LUCKY Jupiter! In old astrology, Jupiter stood for fame and fortune! He is still considered to be happy go lucky, the traveler teacher, delights in storytelling and gambling, especially the horses – he was a Centaur, half man, half horse! Jupiter expands our business, land, plans, length of journey! Sports are natural and keep him healthy! In Pisces, just add the ocean component! Your sailboat wins the race, you get the shipping contract, take the magnificent enchanting cruise, scuba the coral reefs! You may teach marine biology, especially of the big denizens of the seas, the whales. And your career may turn toward protecting the plants of the sea as well. Why not have a splendid oceanside restaurant, sports shop, museum?! Buy a kayak, a sailboat! Jupiter is like an oracle and Pisces is psychic! Foretelling the successes of maritime investments could bring your portfolio to new highs!

And this may be the time to do it! April 12, Jupiter will conjunct Neptune, he in his own sign Pisces! It’s a 166 year event! Once in a lifetime! Outer planet events like this have a 3-day hot period. This one occurs 7:42 AM Pacific, so in this zone count back 11, 10, 9. Those three days and the early am of the 12th are the most powerful. Do something each day. Do some enquiring, go by your intuition. Enquire well in advance and be ready for it! See more!

The lead chart planet is Uranus, the Aquarian planet!

It is in an advantageous Sextile the New Moon and Jupiter! As Jupiter is fame and fortune, Uranus also shows up in charts of famous people with followings and fan clubs! Uranus is the planet of Aquarius the Networker! Fame depends on numbers and if it’s good, it’s good and the word spreads! Uranus in Taurus, Venus’s sign, gains fame for beauty, unique style, the most valuable things, like Earth herself. There is a simplicity and appealing common sense, a grassroots quality everyone innately understands. Change is steadily paced, with a few dramatic boosts that keep it interesting!

Mother Moon in Pisces can see it unfolding. She is comforted by the progress and is steadied herself. She lends her visions, helps when leaders falter, the fallen to remember their cause. She knows the specialness of children and Mothers, the Matriarchy in the network of time. Housing is crucial and Uranus aims to help entire groups at a time. City infrastructures are changing. Moon is wanting food and shelter, for people unable to provide for themselves. Uranus is reaching out with community wide services to keep them off the streets, to be free again, to become their better selves.     

Father Sun lends his Light to show us the spiritual component in every being, each offered in his different way. Uranus recognizes this unique organic gift, draws them like a magnet to a perfect space where that talent is needed. Uranus is the planet of diversity, no judgements! Some say we all have arrived at this point in time by divine agreement to fulfill dreams when their time has come. The Father in Pisces is relieved and delighted to see his inspirations leading the way! 

Chiron in Aries is awesome. As a healer, he is picking up the fallen on life’s marathon, the leaders with burnout, those with accidents, emergencies along the way, interferes with obsessive behaviors. Many of his clients are having unique issues in these new times. His immediate responses are filled with intuitive insights. It’s time for healers to heal just not themselves and their clients, but each other. Learning of one person’s experiences can help many others. Gather up and share even if you are, or maybe because, you are so independent.
Chiron in Aries is midpoint SemiSextile New Moon and Uranus! He has always fought for what is better, but now has fiery Aries to back him. If they slow down he lights up and shows them what to remember of the past that got them here, the Path in front of them. If he can make leaps, so can they! Pisces is happy with Chiron’s leadership, taking his vision to heart! Uranus is glad to see the leaders Chiron inspires coming his way! Uranus sweeps them under his great wings, talks them up with his futuristic humanitarian, planetary plans, then swoops them all forward around the world! It’s magic, moving and marvelous!

Uranus is related with Saturn and Mercury because they are in his sign, Aquarius! Mercury is WITH Saturn at the SAME degree, within 3 minutes of space! That’s TIGHT! They are ONE, MERGED! You can be super depressed, boo hoo, I have no friends and nothing to love for, OR working you butt off saving the world! That, of course, is a formidable task, and you are allowed a few dark moments, but Saturn is demanding, Aquarius changes in a flash; Mercury gets bored and is inquisitive, so I don’t think your case will last long. Lift your face, splash water on your face, stand up and breathe. You got this. Now, it you are nervous and frightened, get help. That’s what friends are for. If you really don’t have friends, get some other help and see about making some friends. Uranus, that friend planet, is over there in Taurus. Taurus can be gentle, supportive, just sit with you. But don’t abuse the privilege either. Ask for simple comfortable ways to get moving again without ignoring your inner needs.

Mercury in Aquarius is greased lightning intelligence. With Saturn it may seem stunted, or exceptionally research oriented, fast to find profound solutions. It may be resonant with building sustainable collaborative communities with extraordinary efficiency. Elders with experience may find super niches well suited to their talents. Leadership may take surprising turns in favor of humanitarian projects, take on genius consultants, implement methods ahead of their time, take the lead, be the first!

Uranus IS the lead planet! He is a wild card planet in generally steady Taurus! With Uranus backed by strong-as-a-bull Taurus valuable changes, both simple and complex, will be inevitable. Lead planet Uranus in Taurus has a genius simplicity to it and things go much faster than expected with Uranus finessing it. Uranus, the prime networker, is getting the word out to people worldwide. It’s not just the functionality of networking, but the meaningful content, essential human rights, the ecological humanitarian efforts. The territory being covered has great range and lasting alliances are being formed, loopholes being closed to prevent future losses.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, evolution, the futurist. It works as an ultimate loner or in behalf of humanity, networking across continents. Genius, research, invention are it’s talents. Awakening and Enlightenment are its invitations. We see the Uranus in Taurus Earth all around us, feel the connection with the totality of the whole climate. We stop to chat along the way, agree about what differences may be required to heal, maintain and secure what is so precious. Friendships may come and go, but we hope Earth as we know it now is with us lifelong and for our children’s children too.

Many 2021 factors had an Aquarian component, as does also this 2022 New Moon closely connected with the Aquarian planet Uranus and Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius! We are preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, make it whole. Select who will work together, and get it rolling!

New Moon’s by nature start new cycles. Pisces is the last sign, but inspires the first sign, Aries, with his visions. As the last sign, Pisces is a sign of maturity, a collection of the wisdom of all the signs before him. He is well steeped in and well founded by his deeper kind of intelligence. He has the capacity to see, even be, the helpless sufferers, how they actually can change. He sees the fortitude to sustain in hard times. He notes the celebrations of success as countless falls were overcome against the odds. The old hymn says ‘Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen…’ Do be kind. The ‘visions’ Pisces often sees are his compassionate wishes, the collective dream for many Souls. Some dreams may be but a whisper in the night, or a glimmer upon awakening, but they are the seeds of new beginnings.

We don’t always think of Pisces, sign of the seas, as a sign of Light. But, do notice the beauty of the bioluminescence in the image above. Think of the amazing brilliant colors of fishes, animals, shells, seaweeds and plants, coral reefs. The powerful black and white of the orcas! There are soft subtle quiet gray days, huge clouds, stunning sky spanning sunrises and sunsets, the beauty of the fathomless blue sky to the deep green seas. With no city lights, millions of shockingly bright night stars show the way on moonless nights! Starlight shimmers across the sea to forever. Pisces is so magnificently alive!

We thank you for your beauty and our deeper connections with each other. Blessed be.


4 Behenian FIXED STARS! 

Wiki says: The Behenian fixed stars, used by alchemists, are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, “root,” as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star’s influence (e.g., into a talisman). When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong.

Erik Roth reminds us: The Behenian stars are stars that have been shared as magical but it is really all stars and planets have their own magic and can be utilized through symbolic, psychic, spiritual and otherwise magical purposes in our lives.  The near-infinite sky dome is a part of our lives and has been since our very distant ancestors hundreds of thousands of years looked upon them and not only wondered what they were but also from a place of seeking, of finding meaning and seeing something beyond themselves.

Alphecca, one of the 15 Behenian Stars! This star is sometimes called Gemma, the jewel of the crown. A brilliant white star, it is also called the Pearl of the Crown. It is the Alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, at 12 Scorpio 35 (2021) is trine the New Moon! The Pisces Sun and Moon are making magic with fellow water sign deep Scorpio, sign of the Underworld. Healing secrets are revealed, shared, likely long lasting special partnerships formed. Scorpio’s treasures may fund Pisces causes. What may have seemed futile, finds a supportive response and Pisces carries it on into the world beyond expectations. Rising from our own ashes, Pisces washes us clean. We our liberated to make our wishes known.

Alphecca marks the loop, or knot, of the ribbon along which are fastened the buds, flowers, or leaves of the wreath shown in early drawings with two long out-streaming ends. Corona Borealis represents the garland given by Venus to Ariadne on the occasion of her marriage to Bacchus after she had been forsaken by Theseus. Manilius said it ‘sparkles in the mid forehead. He was quite taken with the Crown. See his eloquent thoughts about its relationship with Virgo! Jamie at Astrology King says: it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent). It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability.

With Moon: Public honor and dignity, suffers through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings of enemies but eventual triumph over them, bad for love affairs, some faithful friends, greatly esteemed by Venus and Mercury people. (Robson) Honors and preferment.

With Sun: Active and brilliant mind, self-seeking, subject to scandal that does not affect the position. Honors and preferment.

Alphecca is opposite Uranus, who is in further good aspect, sextile the New Moon, rich with opportunities! With Uranus Robson says: Selfish, mental affliction and violence at end of life, psychic power, suffering through occultism, deceptive, many false friends, small inheritance obtained with difficulty, losses by law, enemies and mercurial affairs, sorrow through children or an adopted child, domestic trouble through own acts, danger of a violent death.

We have come a long way in our thinking about Uranus than when it was first discovered. Think in modern terms of the benefits of this planet and combine that with the issues Robson perceived. Uranus rules electronics and computers, networking of all kinds, humanitarian efforts, freedom, awakening, change, evolution. Alphecca’s charm and intelligence work well with so many opportunities!

Aquarian Abraham Lincoln 0°03′, and J. Paul Getty 1°36′, had Alphecca with Uranus. See more at Astrology King!

Fixed Stars Algorab 13 Libra – is YOD, inconjunct the New Moon and Jupiter in Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus. Adjustments will be made between these three signs and three planets! Beliefs, the manner of serving people are assessed. Should they be mothered, counseled to help each other, stand up on their own? Education can help, perhaps, and choosing supportive friendships an connections can make a marked difference. Planning and pre prepping helps sort out the kinks.

There may be delays of delivery, a loss of value or someone important missing. I imagine few of you have done much work with or even heard of Algorab! It is on the right wing of the Raven, in the constellation Corvus, the Crow. If you love the intelligent Corvids this may bode well for you, if not, all the nasties you hear of them may be part of the Truth.

Fixed star Sirius at 14 Cancer, and Algorab, travel together, challengingly always square! Sirius is the brightest star, so has mojo just for being! Family and relationships may be at odds.

  • In the US Algorab’s rep is not so good. Astrologer Jamie Partridge summarizes: Algorab is one of the 15 magic related Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the malice of men and devils. – Whew! That’s impressive! If you sense those things in advance it can be a blessed forewarning.
  • Quite differently he also states the 28th Chinese Xiù – 軫 (Zhěn) Chariot thinks:  This is the celestial Carriage and it represents the transport of tributes from foreign lands to the Emperor, thus the accumulation of wealth. It also presides over travel of all kinds and vehicles. It also presaged favorable winds and an end to storms. Events in business bring great profit and everything done heralds fortunate returns. Paying homage to ancestors will honor one with a “Dragon Child”. It is also a great day for marriages and births.
  • But some modern astrologers concur that it shows up in terrorism events! See the details at Astrology King, Jamie’s site! Don’t ‘terrorize’ yourself or provoke others; help others and yourself to be safe. Be aware of triggers and danger signals and leave; talk later if possible. Use your intelligence in a good way.
  • Jupiter exactly trines Sirius, the New Moon is very close! By the old star lovers, this would be considered a major plus! Besides being the night sky’s brightest star, Sirius enjoys a terrific reputation for the most part, but also called the Dog Star, watch out for dog bites, LOL! It is another of the 15 Behenian stars. Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake! See a lot more at Astrology King!, including ties with famous people!Jupiter with Sirius: Business success, journeys, help from relatives, ecclesiastical preferment. [1]This point develops large family ties for these individuals. It keeps them tied to the family circle, including all the relatives. They are generally born into a large family, and all those in the family circle are also interested in the large families themselves. Great emotional ties are developed so that whatever happens to one affects them all, and all respond with exaggerated emotions.Sun with Sirius: Success in business, occupation connected with metals or other martial affairs, domestic harmony.Moon with Sirius: Success in business, influential friends of opposite sex, favorable for the father, good health, beneficial changes in home or business.

Venus, Mars and Pluto all Trine Fixed Star Algol. Pluto trines her at 26 Taurus 27  2020-24!

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto in Capricorn trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely.

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 27° Capricorn 49 and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Freedom is still at issue. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place. Pluto understands much of this.

Venus and Mars will currently, briefly activate and bless Algol. She may not be used to this and ignore or rebuff these minor planets with a swift cuff. But if it works, the old one may show them a thing or two. Don’t crowd her or be put off by her manner. Listen cleanly even if you are scared. Take it easy and don’t escalate or think she loves you. Go by your instinct, not wishful thinking.

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center!

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of formidable Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Algol is in Taurus, the first Venus sign, has a sensual touch, loves earthy beauty, sculpts her own existence! The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the sign between Scorpio and Capricorn. The GC is enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories, sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! Capricorn is hosting Pluto, is trine Algol in Taurus and semi sextile The Galactic Center, piloting the whole scenario of these three powerful factors. By nature he is a no nonsense old Master and gives orders, expecting things to get done. All these three have street creds and are impressive, but Capricorn has hung out with the best and functions well at this level. He treats them more equally both to himself and each other. It’s his job.

Ordinarily, astrologers pay little attention to semisextiles, but 3 planets semisextile the Galactic center at the same degree is worth noting! The GC in Sagittarius is in the sign behind the Capricorn Venus, Mars, Pluto stellium. The semisextile can bring health challenges, but also favorable finances!

On a fine New Moon night, things are blended, no Moonlight or shadows. There is a certain equality as the playing field is equalized. It seems more quiet, even subdued. Without the daylight contrasts and sharp edges we are more receptive… Even if there is a breeze, there are no moving shadows… Sleep can be deeper.
Our dreams are more real and we merge with them more completely… Sometimes we feel different when we wake up and don’t always know why. New Moons in Pisces are mystical. The magic happens.

So many magical connections with stars and planets! Much Love and Be well.

Pisces Lucky New Moon Astrology Chart!

Pisces 2022 New Moon Astrology Chart!


Virgo/Pisces Full Worm Moon March 18!

Thursday March 18, 12:18 AM Pacific, 27 Virgo/Pisces 40

Spiritual healing, organizing and good business!

Virgo-Pisces 2022 Full Worm Moon Cosmos
Full Moon and Waterside Cosmos Flowers Light the Night!

Playful spring celebration Saint Patrick’s Day March 17, Virgo/Pisces Full Moon March 18! Up early Virgo plants the earliest veggie plants, while Pisces may be sleeping in after last night’s frolicking!

We are at the last Full Moon in a SIX months 27 Degree Sequence! They started in 2021. Oct, Nov, Dec, continued in 2022 Jan, Feb, and March, now concludes a ‘season’ of six Full Moons at 27 degrees Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. The Full Moons at 24 to 29 degrees, continue to activate fixed star Algol and the Galactic Center at 26 and 27 and their Pluto connections strongly 8 times Sep 2021 to April 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

The Full Moon at 27 Virgo is engaged with them all! She is the potent handle of a 104 degree bucket chart that has two stelliums, 3 planets in Aquarius and 4 in Pisces! She makes a grand earth trine with powerful Pluto, in maturity at 28 Capricorn, and Algol in Taurus!

As with the Jan and Feb Full Moons, Mama Moon is the Handle of another Bucket chart, all the other planets on the other side of the chart! April will be the last one of this consecutive four. Buckets can scoop or pour, receive or send forth. Planets that stand alone, called Singletons, like this are emphasized.

Full Moons reach as far across the table as possible, reaching out, spreading the news, collaborating with the other side, letting them know our thoughts in person. Yes, there are separations for a while, but separately, uninfluenced, we gain perspective of other points of view, the best of which we can take home to our tribe. It’s only 2 weeks or so until we are back together at the New Moon. As the handle to a bucket chart, we are the honorable seeker, representative, negotiator, share the goods. We funnel valuable information home, strengthen our people. Virgo is discriminatory, so we get only the best, what’s clean and true, what’s ready to use.

Sun in Pisces is precisely opposite, the primary receiver. He filters even more specifically with his super senses, not only the data but its intentional implications. What will it do for the group, what will be needed to incorporate it. Will the group remain in balance. Is it too early, need to be held for later integration. Does it have more value than at first perceived?! The group is watching keenly to see if it meets his specs and what their part is if approved.

In this case, Pluto in Capricorn is standing capably at the sidelines between them smoothing the hand off, subsequent transitions. He has financial prowess, looks for what undermines success or brings it to flourish. Some things can be remediated beyond belief! Fix it/don’t waste Virgo may have stumbled on just such an opportunity! The accountant probably also paid a low price for it and the venture is well worth following up on. Documents are secured, Pisces imagines the process and possible images and it gets done. Pluto may secure long term contacts and relationships, both business and personal. Virgo carries the medicine basket. Pluto is the shaman of internal and psychological healings. Pisces’s meaningful dreams take the people past their troubles to inspiration that fills their Souls!

Pluto is doubly important because he is the Bucket’s base planet. He cleans up messes, keeps people moving forward, focused and working at things that please their spirits. He knows their secrets and gets them through their fears and resistance. His financial instincts are a blessing. Messy relationships can be cleared, death and endings are normalized so we remain functional. Letting go lightens our path.

On the other side, Moon is trine the great fierce feminine force Algol. Moon, Pluto and Algol are all feminine, and respected powers. Moon in Virgo loves it when her bookkeeping tallies up on the plus side. Moon in Virgo believes in herself. Investors like Pluto come to her for the truth and financial parameters for their most important investments. She is careful with Algol but admires her as well for her no nonsense ways. She’s careful because she senses the danger like that of a wounded animal. She knows some of the old hurts can be healed, but the pain has been long endured and can be triggered to cause lashing out. Go gently; be ready to move far enough away quickly. If you can’t do that, don’t approach.

Sun in adaptable Pisces is midpoint sextile between Pluto and Algol! He senses how the tides are flowing, advises Pluto regarding current trends, future likelihoods. He may surprise Algol and help her see herself in his reflection as he merges with her. He is aware of her story without her telling him and she is disarmed by his sense of genuine caring. Algol

Sextiles are aspects of opportunity. There may be a letting down of the guard among them all, Moon, Sun, Pluto, Algol. She, the unseeable one, may have their back. She may ‘push’ them to more powerful places than they had thought of, even Pluto, the old Power Master in Father Capricorn!

Moon and Sun are T Square the Galactic Center. Moon in Virgo may be having none of that Galactic glitz. She’s practical and likes her routine she has worked hard to have. The GC has no conception of her doings. The Sun, a star himself, in Pisces is the more likely recipient. He dances to enchantment! He is 100% curious though caring causes do call him and he may dedicate his life to them. He in turn will pass helpful bits on to Mother Moon at moments he thinks she will listen. The Galactic Center is the center of our galaxy. It is a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. More on the Galactic Center! (Note, Jupiter is now in Pisces.)

The Stelliums are like little engines that keep the interior of the Bucket moving. They define our purposes. The Aquarian one starts with Mars and Venus. Mars in Aquarius is about as fast as it gets. His intelligence is lightning quick and seems to surpass intuition! Maybe it does! He is eager beyond words to get into action, change things, try new things. He leads no matter where he is! Venus was just with him and still feels his hot glance! Inspired by his courage and zest, she doesn’t slow down one bit! She tells people of his talents and calls back to him for advice when the people need to hear more details about how it all works. He is quite an unusual type, and she is an exotic beauty! It’s easy for her to get in and out of trouble, LOL! We forgive her because she is smart and knows why those things have infinite value.

Mars and Venus at 9 and 11 Aquarius are sextile Chiron in speedy Aries! Mars is the planet of Aries, and both Mars and Venus are in light speed Aquarius! No problem keeping up! They bring their friends and Chiron is delightedly healing and teaching them right and left! Chiron’s ideas give inspiration. He laughs and shouts at them,  laughed t wake them up further, and right sharp sends them on their ways! He wants them to know more about how to help themselves and carry on without him! Burnout is a symptom of these times needing so much dedication. Mars and Venus in Aquarius intrigue Chiron to think about a master application where many can be helped at once. A zoom of zoom groups around the world with many leaders and topics sounds good!

Mars and Venus also square Uranus the Aquarian planet. Friendships are more likely than relationships, though relationships are likely to cross their minds. But there is so much happening so quickly! That square is a classic divorce aspect, fascinating but no binding ties. Love ’em and leave ’em, forgotten. In the name of freedom, they move on. As friends they can discuss things more easily, but still, even the friendships may not be long lasting. Just too different.

Their rebellious little wildcard Aquarian square may interfere with Uranus’s position as the Bucket’s lead planet. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so they might delight in giving him a hard time. They ‘know’ him. In Taurus he has patience, but if you push the Bull too far, you may regret it and be sat on. He’s ‘knows’ them too. If they decide to be helpful, they may bring him the latest alerts of protection needed, opportunities. They push him to act in a timely fashion.

Generally, Uranus in Taurus doesn’t miss a moment. He’s quick as lightning, takes in the entire landscape of earth in juxtaposition with the magnificent oceans Jupiter is currently sailing! Earth and Ocean are so intricately related. Earth changes 100% impinge on the Ocean, the receptor of rich organic materials as well as trash and poisons. Fish and humans are so dependent on each other. Harm to one harms all. Jupiter is educating about and defending the ocean and great bodies of water. Uranus is working to implement justifiable, doable, financially feasible programs to keep us all safe from toxins, degradation of soil, to establish clean water flow everywhere. See more!

Saturn in Aquarius is a 29 year affair. He is now the purveyor of Aquarian genius, harnessing its power, anchoring many futuristic ideas for long term growth. He is learning more about how to get a team working well. He has become more of a philosopher, humanitarian, sees the climate changes and factors them in. Friends mean ever so much more to him these days. Collaboration, not just skills, or being on time, gets a lot more done. Parenting is changing, methods of learning are changing. Aging is changing. Careers are changing. It’s like a whole new world, and it is! In some ways we are vitally more responsible. In other ways we are more free than ever before through electronics, the internet, drones and self driving vehicles.

The Second Stellium, in Pisces, has changed since the New Moon! Mercury is now with Jupiter; the Sun has moved on to the end of Pisces. Mercury has a lot to say generally, but with Jupiter it will bring many things to light because Jupiter has even more to say!!! Jupiter has big ideas, is translating Pisces music and visions into words a mile a minute literally as he travels the seas and sands, the spirits of time! Logical Mercury in intuitive Pisces is doing some translating himself. Jupiter and Pisces are both storytellers, so Mercury best quickly record those yarns and stories of glorious exploits, bets and shameless lies! Jupiter, an adept educator, may know history through myths that haven’t yet been written down, that are important to be passed on.

Mercury has also just been sextile with Uranus in Taurus. While Mars and Venus may have caused trouble, Mercury can have cleared the air. In Pisces he may have watched that little scenario. He may have distracted them and shown them some images to clarify what Uranus is up against and caused them to decide to help. Mercury likely understood more about Uranus than Uranus thought, so can reword some of his vague futuristic ideas into daily palaver and make it sound sensibly idealistic, doable after all! Mercury was likely inspired by the remarkable insights and scope of the Uranian mantle, from environmental to organic human rights. Uranus might do well to put Mercury on his payroll!

On a daily basis, Jupiter is having the time of his life! He thinks of the old schooners, undersea reefs, taking a cruise, visiting the peoples of the world, starting a maritime museum of natural history, teaching about seaweeds and marine animals! Uranus in Taurus has his toes in the sand at the beach, feeling the rush of the waves, appreciating the vast sunrises and sunsets. He loves how the land animals come to the inlets, river banks, the edges of the bays for water at night and dawn, how birds nest at water’s edge, migrators seasonally come and go. He considers himself to be their friend and vows for them to be safe and free. He sees the land changes and more coming. Preserves will be set up, and as we plant milkweed for Monarchs and see their population recovery, so can we do more for others as we learn more about creatures we share our planet with. We are engaging in modern Noah’s Ark work. Supporting the land, establishing naturally fruitful habitat, including for ourselves, is essential.

2022’s Promise, the astonishing 166 year Jupiter conjunct Neptune April 12! Jupiter is now only 5 degrees of Neptune definitely in active connection! Stories started now will max out around April 12! Jupiter amps up the magic, the mystic, mythical! Jupiter is with the compassionate saviors, traveling with sufferers and saints! His Luck will help dreams come true around the world. Intuition will be rampant with many insightful epiphanies. Big news will bring awareness of plights, successes, important Truths, discoveries. The waters of the world will take on further importance, whether temperatures, pollution affecting food chains, natural disasters. How we travel the seas, oceanic shipping factors will be addressed. Ocean sports, seaside businesses, spas and retreats will bring unprecedented numbers.

Jupiter can be broad minded; Neptune is infinite, a rainbow of inspiration! There are plenty of wandering, sometimes lost, Souls in the galaxy. Jupiter is funny, lucky, optimistic, sees the Great Plan for the future! He can cheer Neptune up when needed. Neptune entices Jupiter, so easy to do, to sweep into the world of spiritualism, psychic perception. This dimension is bigger than anything Jupiter ever imagined! Jupiter may go to church, but Neptune is the Universe! Jupiter is filled with ideas. Jupiter, the horse lover, wants to harness that Neptune energy, make it more accessible, incorporate it into our world plans. The implication of the insights are enormous. It’s a dream and a vision. The insights include ways to do it well and in a timely fashion, so it may be much closer to happening than we think! There will be a boost with their 166 year conjunction April 12! Set some special time aside to be with it and pick a special location too! See your AstroLocality astrologer!

Neptune is sextile/trine the Taurus/Scorpio Moon’s Nodes. The Nodes move in a retrograde direction so will cross Neptune’s degrees imminently. The North represents our ascension. In Taurus, there is a personal condition of value to be fulfilled. The past is when we shared love and monies with others. This time we need to take some in a good way for ourselves. We were in the dark, a good place – the Great Mystery, but now it’s time for the light of day, the sunlight that grows crops, makes beauty we can see and touch. This combination of nodes are working with money and values. Scorpio South Nodes was the sign before this life, worked powerfully for better or worse with others in financial situations. There could have been thievery, greed, or poverty and death. This time Taurus is the goal. Time to value your body, your personal assets, make money, stand up for yourself, not necessarily for others. Just be sure to get your basic fair share in pocket. Take care of yourself, your own family. Make sure you own your possessions, that they don’t own you. Neptune makes us know what we have missed, senses an omit we can remedy. Helps us see our fears, address them. If you can see them, you can heal them.

Pluto, Algol, Galactic Center! Pluto is now at 28° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

March 23, 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius, a 248 year event! Then through 2044 there will be significant world changes. Right now is the time to be strengthening our Aquarian and Uranian people, factors in our own charts! Pay attention to charts like this Full Moon’s Aquarian planets, and aspects to the Aquarian planet Uranus, our current lead planet!

Get your tickets! It’s time to kick up the Galactic dust!

Virgo/Pisces Full Worm Moon Astrology Chart!

Virgo-Pisces 2022 Full Worm Moon Astrology Chart!


Next up is the Thursday 11 Aries 31 March 31/April 1 New Moon at 11:24 PM Pacific. In HI, AK and Pacific zone it is a Black Moon, the second New Moon in a month. East of Pacific, it is NOT a Black Moon. INSTEAD, they have their second New Moon of the month, Black Moon, on April 30!

Vibrational Astrology Conference 2022 March 4 – 6, 2022, Gainesville, FL Sponsored by AstroSoftware, David Cochrane one of the speakers! Register! If you can’t go in person, recordings will be available!

See the entire Pisces Newsletter! Newsletter Topics:

Feb 17 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus!
Holiday Venus Retrograde + Jan Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RX finishes!
Jupiter in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces 166 Years
Jupiter in ARIES 2022-23!
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044 – 248 Years! Revision, Addition & UPdates 12.14.21!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! These infos plus a personal reading will contribute to your success! With your calendar in hand….

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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New Moon Jan 31/Feb 1!

Leo/Aquarius Full Snow Moon February 16!

Aquarius New Moon!

2022s first Black Moon is at 12 Aquarius 20 on January 31 but only in time zones west of Eastern! It’s 9:45 PM Pacific, so in Eastern, it is 12:45 AM (after Midnight) on FEB 1, not a Black Moon there!

Calling for Freedom and Necessities, Building Substantial Change, Alone or Together!

2022 Aquarius New Moon Sierras Leslie Wells!

Milky Way over snowy Eastern Sierra Mountains in Lone Pine, CA. Photo by Leslie Wells at Fine Art America!

This is the second New Moon of 2022, first Black Moon of 2022 in Pacific, Mountain and Central zones! 

Like the Blue Moon being the 2nd Full Moon in a calendar month, the Black Moon is the second New Moon in a calendar month. In this case, though there is New Moon emphasis, they are not in the same signs. If they were the second in a Sun Sign, they would be in the same sign! That would have more emphasis for an astrologer. Neither this one or the April 30th one are in the same sign twice. Because this one is only in Pacific and zones west of here, it isn’t listed on many sites that are based in Eastern time.

This New Moon potently links through 2022! 2021 Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan 2 and 31/Feb 1, and Mar there are five New Moons at 12 degrees in Scorpio, Sag, Cap, AQ and Pisces. Those of you with chart factors close to 12 degrees will be activated by 7 New Moons from Oct 2021 to March 2022. Jan and March 2022 will have two New Moons in Pacific time zone. There is NO New Moon in February 2022. Set a goal related to the factors at or very near 12 degrees in your chart and approach it progressively from every angle, every sign!

We have a tight 5 signs 125° New Moon Bundle chart with two stelliums!

There is a 3 planet Aquarian group including the New Moon, Sun, Moon and Saturn in close degrees, bonded in their search for freedom. We will build new human infrastructure as well as buildings and highways. Saturn is currently in Aquarius, an unpredictable sign of genius that Saturn is trying to harness to good use!

Preceding that is the two conjunction 4-planet stellium in Capricorn. The base planet, guardian of the chart and the stellium, is get-the-job-done Mars in dedicated Capricorn. He is with Venus, now going forward since the 29th, sociably making solid deals. Mercury, still retrograde until the 14th, is powerfully with Pluto, spreading the word of his wishes, also making deals, getting papers signed, masterminding funding. All this while searching out his own psychological underpinnings. Pluto is avidly listening to all the juicy information Mercury is bringing his way.

The lead planet is Uranus, a wild card planet in generally steady Taurus! With Uranus backed by strong-as-a-bull Taurus valuable changes, both simple and complex, will be inevitable. Lead planet Uranus in Taurus has a genius simplicity to it and things go much faster than expected with Uranus finessing it. Uranus, the prime networker, is getting the word out to people worldwide. It’s not just the functionality of networking, but the meaningful content, essential human rights, the ecological humanitarian efforts. The territory being covered has great range and lasting alliances are being formed, loopholes being closed to prevent future losses.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, evolution, the futurist. It works as an ultimate loner or in behalf of humanity, networking across continents. Genius, research, invention are it’s talents. Awakening and Enlightenment are its invitations. We see the Uranus in Taurus Earth all around us, feel the connection with the totality of the whole climate. We stop to chat along the way, agree about what differences may be required to heal, maintain and secure what is so precious. Friendships may come and go, but we hope Earth as we know it now is with us lifelong and for our children’s children too.

New Moons and Uranus! Since Virgo 2021’s New Moon all the New Moons have been strongly connected with Uranus! There is no New Moon in February. March and the March/April New Moons are close and they are conjunct Uranus in April, finishing their sequence! Each New Moon is touched by the Aquarian planet, contributing to the preparation for Pluto’s 248 year 2023 move into Aquarius. The planetary connections with Uranus at each New Moon indicate the particular piece it plays at that time. Uranus, the Aquarian planet, the lead outer planet, steadily leads but not where even the New Moon in Aquarius expects!

This Aquarian New Moon has just passed a square, a challenging astrological aspect, with Uranus! There are differences of opinion regarding humanitarian networking, priorities of what to invent, who is responsible. There is question about whether to go for the long shot, or help the local people, children, friends in immediate need. Let’s do both! Some discussions will fail, but do meet again. Think things over, but don’t delay either. Keep the connections live. Singly or collectively, the interaction will bring new ideas. Some will be more difficult to put into action, but there will be breakthroughs too! Aquarius is another cold month in many places. Friendships and working together are appreciated and warm our hearts.

From high places, symbolic mountain tabernacles, the Capricorn grouping is watching, standing ready to build what is needed, smooth the production. Those mountain goats often stand on the brink, in dangerous places, yet they victoriously proceed! Mars and Venus are in trine with Uranus! They are encouraging Uranus, the key New Moon planet and chart leader, to keep moving forward, even when it is only inch by inch. Taurus winter soils rest but still breathe, they have seeds waiting to be birthed, soil is still alive, brewing it’s natural next moves… Mars is seeds of new beginnings and has the chutzpah to get them going! Venus is blessed and has the grace that inspires and welcomes us all to our places, each important and necessary. She wants improvements, renovation, remediation of land, buildings, business, investments. They may pay off handsomely long term, but some are immediately costly.

Mars is sextile lucky and charming Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion of territory. Though Jupiter is rarely hesitant, in Pisces, there is a vast territory of being at sea in your spirit and there are multitudes of crossing spirits. Jupiter is especially tuned to pathways and may find himself standing at the crossroads a little overwhelmed. Standing still is confusing in itself, not the usual Jupiter mo. Mars in Capricorn is slightly more cautious than usual, and may find himself chatting with this, amazing, possibly forlorn stranger. Together they get a perspective that helps. Mars may be up against a wall in his spirit, While Jupiter sees a vastitude of possibilities, purposes to be fulfilled. He knows Mars can do it. He got this far already, right?! Mars sees the huge capacity of perception Jupiter offers, and encourages him to take the boat to the place that makes Jupiter smile and want to teach, share stories, add to his repertoire! Mars sizes him up in his shrewd Capricorn way. He watches the nuances of Jupiter’s body talk and gives him a little shove off in the right direction, cheering him on! He chooses his own path and carries on, steadfast and faithful.

Chiron in Aries is awesome. As a healer, he is picking up the fallen on life’s marathon, the leaders with burnout, those with accidents, emergencies along the way, interferes with obsessive behaviors. Many of his clients are having unique issues in these new times. His immediate responses are filled with intuitive insights. It’s time for healers to heal just not themselves and their clients, but each other. Learning of one person’s experiences can help many others. Gather up and share even if you are, or maybe because, you are so independent.

Mars and Venus both are square heroic Chiron the planet of wounds, healing and teaching, marriage and business. Chiron is in Mars’ sign Aries, and though they may disagree on how to proceed, there is a common let’s get it done now feeling between them. Yet, in Capricorn, Mars and Venus are both more cautious than usual and want some of the facts first. Chiron is simply on fire and operating on instinct! Not the best time to be choosing marriage mates. Even Mars/Venus in a good trine with Uranus points to freedom, as does the New Moon in Aquarius, Uranus’s sign. At the very minimum wait until 5 days after Mercury goes direct/forward! At best, give it the full 6 months consideration before even thinking of marriage. And it won’t be a commonly structured marriage, but one of a kind!

Mercury Retrograde is about to turn forward Jan 31 at 24 Capricorn. He will not make it back to sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces. There is a wave as they pass, but no strong connection. Neptune is on his own. He is an especially sensitive observant spirit in the background. His turn at revelation will come. His special aspect April 12 2022, the Promise of 2022, is coming! Jupiter conjunct Neptune!

New Moon’s by nature start new cycles. Aquarius, the sign of invention, collective factors that are causing dissatisfaction, unrest, inquisitiveness, is bringing a yearning for change even if you don’t know what change to make. Capricorn wants to protect and maintain, but also knows when the system is at a breaking point. Making change in time, before it becomes critical, wisely guided by people who have been there before, can make all the difference, give a smooth transition. Just do something even if you don’t know how. Discovery, correction and attracting like minded Souls will happen. You won’t end up exactly as intended, but that’s evolution! Actually you have always been doing that! You are perhaps just more conscious of it now in these times of major changes having become necessary soonest.

Many 2021 factors had an Aquarian component, as does this 2022 New Moon closely connected with the Aquarian planet Uranus and IN Aquarius! We are preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, make it whole. Select who will work together, and get it rolling!


4 Behenian FIXED STARS! 

Wiki says: The Behenian fixed stars, [used by alchemists,] are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, “root,” as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star’s influence (e.g., into a talisman). When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong.

Erik Roth reminds us: The Behenian stars are stars that have been shared as magical but it is really all stars and planets have their own magic and can be utilized through symbolic, psychic, spiritual and otherwise magical purposes in our lives.  The near-infinite sky dome is a part of our lives and has been since our very distant ancestors hundreds of thousands of years looked upon them and not only wondered what they were but also from a place of seeking, of finding meaning and seeing something beyond themselves.

Alphecca, one of the 15 Behenian Stars! This star is sometimes called Gemma, the jewel of the crown. A brilliant white star, it is also called the Pearl of the Crown. It is the Alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, at 12 Scorpio 35 (2021) is square the New Moon! The Aquarian Sun and Moon are meeting a challenge of looking not only from a great height, but into the abyss of the hidden underworld and magic of Scorpio’s treasures. There is facing a seeming futility yet great healing and rising from our own ashes is strongly available in our subconscious! The depths balance the heights!

Alphecca marks the loop, or knot, of the ribbon along which are fastened the buds, flowers, or leaves of the wreath shown in early drawings with two long out-streaming ends. Corona Borealis represents the garland given by Venus to Ariadne on the occasion of her marriage to Bacchus after she had been forsaken by Theseus. Manilius said it ‘sparkles in the mid forehead. He was quite taken with the Crown. See his eloquent thoughts about it’s relationship with Virgo! Jamie at Astrology King says: it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent). It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability.

With Moon: Public honor and dignity, suffers through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings of enemies but eventual triumph over them, bad for love affairs, some faithful friends, greatly esteemed by Venus and Mercury people. (Robson) Honors and preferment.

With Sun: Active and brilliant mind, self-seeking, subject to scandal that does not affect the position. Honors and preferment.

Alphecca is opposite Uranus, which is inconjunct the New Moon! With Uranus Robson says: Selfish, mental affliction and violence at end of life, psychic power, suffering through occultism, deceptive, many false friends, small inheritance obtained with difficulty, losses by law, enemies and mercurial affairs, sorrow through children or an adopted child, domestic trouble through own acts, danger of a violent death.

We have come a long way in our thinking about Uranus than when it was first discovered. Think in modern terms of the benefits of this planet and combine that with the issues Robson perceived. Uranus rules electronics and computers, networking of all kinds, humanitarian efforts, freedom, awakening, change, evolution. Alphecca’s charm and intelligence work well with so many opportunities!

Aquarian Abraham Lincoln 0°03′, and J. Paul Getty 1°36′, had Alphecca with Uranus. See more at Astrology King!

Venus in Capricorn is sextile Alphecca, posing some pretty opportunities, so apropos to further adorn the jewel of the crown! Capricorn rules cut stones and Scorpio is things of great value! Venus gives the blessing and beauty! She brings some of Alphecca’s talents into further use that makes Scorpio glad to share. Robson, usually a pessimistic star interpreter, amazingly says: Favorable for love affairs, benefits from friends, artistic and musical tastes. YES!

Fixed Stars Algorab 13 Libra – favorably trines the New Moon in Aquarius, and squares Venus in Capricorn and fixed star Sirius 14 Cancer! Looks like a good news/bad news mix. Global good news or aid to many. There may be delays of delivery, a loss of value or someone important missing. I imagine few of you have done much work with or even heard of Algorab! It is on the right wing of the Raven, in the constellation Corvus, the Crow. If you love the intelligent Corvids this may bode well for you, if not, all the nasties you hear of them may be part of the Truth.

  • In the US Algorab’s rep is not so good. Astrologer Jamie Partridge summarizes: Algorab is one of the 15 magic related Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the malice of men and devils. – Whew! That’s impressive! If you sense those things in advance it can be a blessed forewarning.
  • Quite differently he also states the 28th Chinese Xiù – 軫 (Zhěn) Chariot thinks:  This is the celestial Carriage and it represents the transport of tributes from foreign lands to the Emperor, thus the accumulation of wealth. It also presides over travel of all kinds and vehicles. It also presaged favorable winds and an end to storms. Events in business bring great profit and everything done heralds fortunate returns. Paying homage to ancestors will honor one with a “Dragon Child”. It is also a great day for marriages and births.
  • But some modern astrologers concur that it shows up in terrorism events! See the details at Astrology King, Jamie’s site! Don’t ‘terrorize’ yourself or provoke others; help others and yourself to be safe. Be aware of triggers and danger signals and leave; talk later if possible. Use your intelligence in a good way.
  • Saturn, with the New Moon in Aquarius, is inconjunct, askew the potent, brightest star of the night, Sirius in Cancer! Saturn may stubbornly want to take the new route, now that he is converted, and Sirius in Cancer, a traditional sign, doesn’t wanna go, no, no, no! If he can make Sirius feel safe, they will explore, Sirius lending all his talents, documenting for historical reference. Sirius will take good care of the entourage.The New Moon is powerfully conjunct Sirius but Sirius is closer to Saturn! Besides being the night sky’s brightest star, Sirius enjoys a terrific reputation for the most part, but also called the Dog Star, watch out for dog bites, LOL! It is another of the 15 Behenian stars. Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake. Saturn wields the Light and all energy sources as he builds our future. This potent StarLight shows him the way during the night along with Sun during the day! It’s a Masters’ event! They all may be up working all night the 31st! See a lot more at Astrology King!

Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol 26 Taurus 27 in 2020 – 2024

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto in Capricorn trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely.

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 26° Capricorn 57 and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Freedom is still at issue. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place. Pluto understands much of this.

Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, near Pluto, was conjunct Jan 28 the 2nd time. He will conjunct Pluto the 3rd and last time Feb 11. He with Pluto is also trining Algol. Trine or no trine, Algol makes us aware of consequences if we don’t make changes. Mercury has Pluto’s ear and Mercury has been listening to Pluto’s deep insights about skills needed! Mercury is lending his communication skills to getting the word out about the necessities of Capricorn’s keen desire to build strong and differently in view of climate, and safely for the long term. Capricorn often has working answers to bring us back together in common cause. Be safe and be well. Tread gently. Get all the facts then wait before you pass judgment. Trial and error, corrections, practice. Steady in the Light.

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center!

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of formidable Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Algol is in Taurus, the first Venus sign, has a sensual touch, loves earthy beauty, sculpts her own existence! The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the sign between Scorpio and Capricorn. The GC is enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories, sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! Capricorn is hosting Pluto, is trine Algol in Taurus and semi sextile The Galactic Center, piloting the whole scenario of these three powerful factors. By nature he is a no nonsense old Master and gives orders, expecting things to get done. All these three have street creds and are impressive, but Capricorn has hung out with the best and functions well at this level. He treats them more equally both to himself and each other. It’s his job.

On a fine New Moon night, things are blended, no Moonlight or shadows. There is a certain equality as the playing field is equalized. It seems more quiet, even subdued. Without the daylight contrasts and sharp edges we are more receptive… Even if there is a breeze, there are no moving shadows… Sleep can be deeper. Our dreams are more real and we merge with them more completely… Sometimes we feel different when we wake up and don’t always know why. The magic happened.

The New Year has set in. We are called to work our resolutions, even if you didn’t make a list. It’s time for renewed commitment. Much Love and Be well.  

Aquarius Black New Moon Astrology Chart Jan 31, not Black New Moon Feb 1!

2022 Aquarius Black New Moon Astrology Chart!


Leo/Aquarius Full Snow Moon Feb 16!

Wednesday February 16, 8:56 AM Pacific, 27 Leo/Aquarius 59

Get your tickets! It’s time to kick up the Galactic dust!

2022 Leo-Aquarius Full Snow Moon Cabin Tree People!

The Tree People are in the beautiful silent light of winter’s Leo/Aquarius Full Snow Moon…

We are in a Full Moon 27 Degree Sequence for SIX months! 2021 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan, Feb, and Mar continue to be a ‘season’ of six Full Moons at 27 degrees Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. The Full Moons at 24 to 29 degrees, continue to activate Algol and the Galactic Center at 26 and 27 and their Pluto connections strongly 8 times Sep 2021 to April 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

The Full Moon at 27 Aquarius is engaged with them all!

Sun has just passed a semisextile with Pluto, a money planet, and is in the money position, while Pluto is behind in the health position, Pluto also being a healer! Sun in Aquarius wants to strike up an investment in the future with Pluto’s backing and expertise from his long years of experience and concise Capricorn assessments. Friendships and practical relationships are hoped for. Mother Moon hopes he makes good because she is in Leo and loves spending that money! She is inconjunct, at an oblique angle with Pluto watching the discussions from afar. She’s not very quiet though, and she has a big presence, so they know she is there. Pluto may find her a bit presuming, but if he prospers from her gambits, ok. Sun knows what she wants. She has told him and he knows her tastes. She wants the best and brightest. He likes neon colors himself, so he’s just fine with that.

And bright is the word! Moon favorably trines the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius 09! Doesn’t get much brighter! Leo and Sagittarius are teaching signs. The word Enlightenment comes to mind. Moon has a photographic ability for things of the sign she is in. Leo is a generous giver and a heartful lover of all beings as possible. Leo is warm spirited and a strong athlete. Sagittarians are fast sports minded Souls, love the horses, betting, and travel forever! The potent Galactic Center ups the percentages on an already growth oriented sign! Moon is in the sign of the Sun, Sun himself is seeing all kinds of options! Aquarius rules the heavens, Sun is a star himself! He feels right at home! Aquarius rules electricity, lightning. The potential charge of this threesome is huge!

This threesome also connected with the Moon’s nodes at 26° 59′ Taurus/Scorpio! These signs trine and sextile Pluto in Capricorn. This combination of nodes are working with money and values. Scorpio was the sign before this life, worked powerfully for better or worse with others in financial situations. There could have been thievery, greed, or poverty and death. This time Taurus is the goal. Time to value your body, your personal assets, make money, stand up for yourself, not necessarily for others. Just be sure to get your basic fair share in pocket. Take care of yourself, your own family. Make sure you own your possessions, that they don’t own you.

The South Node in Scorpio is in Pluto’s sign sextile Pluto. Good chance a good healing and balance will occur. The old days of prey and predator are fading. The North Node in Taurus favorably trines Pluto the Scorpio planet in Capricorn, another sensible earth sign. Likely details will be worked out, arrangements for better percentages for Taurus.

Moon is at right angles with her Nodes. She is presiding like the Queen Mother, hoping to be of help, helping whether they want it or not, LOL! She watches things swing back and forth wanting each to do well. She knows how hard the South worked to get to the high places financially. As a fire sign mama, she sees only too clearly when North Taurus is more patient and sharing than he should be. Sometimes they let her support them; other times they tell her to get out so they can see for themselves. Do your best.

As with the Jan 17 2022 Full Wolf Moon, Mama Moon is the Handle of another Bucket chart. The handle position is laying slightly back. When you hold a bucket in this position, you can scoop or pour, receive or send forth. Planets that stand alone like this are emphasized. In Leo she is potent, in the lead position that naturally fits her! Leo Mothers are not to be messed with and you learn to keep up! As well as leading her chart, Moon is seeking a safe home, food for her children and the mothers of the world, leads the matriarchy. In collaboration with Sun in Aquarius, she runs a good business – dept store, is maybe a stunning designer, owns the team, runs a gym, is a wedding planner, heads up campaigns, coaches CEOs, teaches at the university!

You will notice Mercury and Venus are no longer retrograde! They are finishing their entire cycles Feb 23 and March 16 respectively. Already things are untangling and we are back into forward motion. Mercury is at 1 Aquarius, putting new connections to work, gathering information that has been developed. New friends are being made, ideas sprouting.

Venus is mid Capricorn within a minute of Mars!!! That’s close!!! In Capricorn they are hovering at the starting gate waiting for the GO signal! There are super glorious things to be done, built, celebrated! There are others waiting as well and the team will be the best ever! They are one degree of Saturn in Aquarius. He is so aware of where this all fits in community, is guiding the form, style, new techniques and timing. This project is one among many going for long term sustainable success. Venus and Mars are in turn, sextiling Neptune in Pisces. Venus is showing the values; Mars is showing how it works and why it’s worth the time. Dreams really are coming true. Water situations are showing possibilities and promise. Fisheries and ocean cleanup are slated for improvement. Water sports are to be safer. Schools are making places for music and art, films and video, de stressing and meditation. For a while it was doubtful, but we are making visible headway now. Congratulations!

Jupiter in Pisces is coming right up on the first aspect of 2022, his sextile with Uranus in Taurus Feb 17! This aspect is fully a part of the Full Moon, happening the day after!!! Full Moon discovery will add flair and potency to last minute perceptions Jupiter and Uranus will carry forward! Broadminded Jupiter is unimaginably even greater so in Pisces! Jupiter is used to running the horses on earth like the Centaurs of old, but in Pisces he is also taking in everything possible within the visionary mythical realms of Pisces,  swimming with the dolphins and whales at top speed and grace! He calls us to stand taller, see with each other, speak of whims and wonders we have always sensed there could be. Time to put all our cards on the table and contribute to the mind of the world in this time when they are so needed! Jupiter is the preacher/teacher through story. Magnificent Pisces illustrations enchant our consciousness to begin to get an inkling, to start to believe the enormity of what we can do. The world’s people are longing to see our planet cared for, to care well for each other, for discovery how to live better lives. We can do this.

Uranus in Taurus doesn’t miss a moment. He’s quick as lightning, takes in the entire landscape of earth in juxtaposition with the magnificent oceans Jupiter is currently sailing! Earth and Ocean are so intricately related. Earth changes 100% impinge on the Ocean, the receptor of rich organic materials as well as trash and poisons. Fish and humans are so dependent on each other. Harm to one harms all. Jupiter is educating about and defending the ocean and great bodies of water. Uranus is working to implement justifiable, doable, financially feasible programs to keep us all safe from toxins, degradation of soil, to establish clean water flow everywhere. See More

On a daily basis, Jupiter is having the time of his life! He thinks of the old schooners, undersea reefs, taking a cruise, visiting the peoples of the world, starting a maritime museum of natural history, teaching about seaweeds and marine animals! Uranus in Taurus has his toes in the sand at the beach, feeling the rush of the waves, appreciating the vast sunrises and sunsets. He loves how the land animals come to the inlets, river banks, the edges of the bays for water at night and dawn, how birds nest at water’s edge, migrators seasonally come and go. He considers himself to be their friend and vows for them to be safe and free. He sees the land changes and more coming. Preserves will be set up, and as we plant milkweed for Monarchs and see their population recovery, so can we do more for others as we learn more about creatures we share our planet with. We are engaging in modern Noah’s Ark work. Supporting the land, establishing naturally fruitful habitat, including for ourselves, is essential.

2022’s Promise, the 166 year Jupiter conjunct Neptune follows April 12!  Jupiter can be broadminded; Neptune is infinite, a rainbow of inspiration! There are plenty of wandering, sometimes lost, Souls in the galaxy. Jupiter is funny, lucky, optimistic, sees the Great Plan for the future! He can cheer Neptune up when needed. Neptune entices Jupiter, so easy to do, to sweep into the world of spiritualism, psychic perception. This dimension is bigger than anything Jupiter ever imagined! Jupiter may go to church, but Neptune is the Universe! Jupiter is filled with ideas. Jupiter, the horse lover, wants to harness that Neptune energy, make it more accessible, incorporate it into our world plans. The implication of the insights are enormous. It’s a dream and a vision. The insights include ways to do it well and in a timely fashion, so it may be much closer to happening than we think! There will be a boost with their 166 year conjunction April 12! Set some special time aside and pick a special location too!

Chiron in Aries stands midpoint between Jupiter and Uranus, they having left him behind for now. He gave them ideas, inspiration, laughed and shouted at them, woke them up further, and right sharp sent them on their ways! They know he is there, and they can go back, but he also taught them more about how to help themselves and carry on without him! Jupiter inspires Chiron to sing and dance as well as working like a banshee with no tomorrow! Burnout, however, is no good. Uranus intrigues Chiron to think about a master application where many can be helped at once. A zoom of zoom groups around the world with many leaders and topics sounds good!

Pluto, Algol, Galactic Center! Pluto is now at 27° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

The Moon is just past inconjunct Pluto and square Algol, Algol considered by some to be an incredible feminine force! Moon in Leo recognizes a fellow force and pays respect. She’s careful because she senses the danger like that of a wounded animal. She knows some of the old hurts can be healed, but the pain has been long endured and can be triggered to cause lashing out. Go gently; be ready to move far enough away quickly. If you can’t do that, don’t approach. Moon in Leo is no coward, wants to help, but being squared may be only a time to exchange names. Another time perhaps.

Moon’s North Node in Taurus is in the same degree as Algol! We talked about the Nodes above, saying things should go well, but Algol gives an undercurrent that will either undermine the efforts entirely, or both the powerful feminine forces of Algol and Leo Moon will finally bust through to freedom from the old ways. Be careful that each step is secure. You don’t have to succeed.

Algol is lockstep with the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius. Sun in Aquarius, the sign of the stars and heavens and they both in fine aspects with the GC is and invitation to the ride of a lifetime! Here’s to the winners! They are certainly being given the invitation to explore the Vastitudes! See all about them above in the New Moon, Fixed Stars section.

Get your tickets! It’s time to kick up the Galactic dust!

Leo/Aquarius Full Snow Moon Astrology Chart!

2022 Leo-Aquarius Full Snow Moon Astrology Chart!


Next up is the Ash Wednesday 12 Pisces 04 Feb March 2 New Moon at 9:35 AM.

See the entire Aquarian Newsletter! We have a lot happening as we begin the New Year! 

Vibrational Astrology Conference 2022 March 4 – 6, 2022, Gainesville, FL Sponsored by AstroSoftware, David Cochrane one of the speakers! Register! If you can’t go in person, recordings will be available!

Newsletter Topics:

Feb 17 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus!
Holiday Venus Retrograde + Jan Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RX!
Jupiter in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces 166 Years
Jupiter in ARIES 2022-23!
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044 – 248 Years! Revision, Addition & UPdates 12.14.21!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! These infos plus a personal reading will contribute to your success! With your calendar in hand….

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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New Year New SuperMoon Jan 2 2022!

Cancer/Capricorn Full Wolf Moon January 17!

Capricorn New Year New SuperMoon 2022! 

Sunday Jan 2 at 10:33 AM Pacific, 12 Capricorn 20!

This is an unpredictable New SuperMoon! Be alert, flexible, look for the openings!

2022 Capricorn New SuperMoon Cathedral Rock Sedona

Heber Lopez’s phenomenal Sedona image of the Milky Way and Cathedral Rock speaks to the Winter Solstice return of the Light! See it and other remarkable images at his page on Fine Art America!

This is the first lunar event after Winter Solstice, first 2022 lunar event, first New Moon! Now the days are getting longer, there is a natural response as days lengthen, an inkling of warming. We want to try our new ideas!! Maybe you have a goal this year, to have a career, business or service that more fits your Spirit, takes all your molecules to do it and you love every minute! Building in some form, architecture, working with elders, historical endeavors, mountaineering, renovation, remediation, rescues. Restructuring, micro sizing, science, research, the function of time. Matters of dignity and respect, fear or shame, losses of loved ones. Perhaps you would like to become an apprentice, or the Master. 

This New Moon potently links through 2022! 2021 Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan 2 and 31, and Mar there are five New Moons at 12 degrees in Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Those of you with chart factors close to 12 degrees will be activated by 7 New Moons from Oct 2021 to March 2022. Jan and March 2022 will have two New Moons in Pacific time zone. There is NO New Moon in February 2022. Set a goal related to the factors at or very near 12 degrees in your chart and approach it progressively from every angle, every sign!

This is an unpredictable New SuperMoon! Be alert, flexible, look for the openings! 

We have a loose 147° New Moon Bundle chart with a two conjunction 4-planet stellium in Capricorn. The base planet is Mars in rambunctious Sagittarius; the lead planet is Uranus, a wild card in generally steady Taurus! Venus, though dependable Capricorn, is retrograde working revisions and updates. Mercury and Jupiter have just changed signs, at 0 degrees, on new tracks. New signs bring a change of focus. It’s not like either of them has never been in these new signs before, it’s that the outer planets aren’t where they used to be.   

Bundle charts, concentrated in a small slice of the wheel, in few signs around the wheel, are often super focused. This one has six signs because of its spread. The focus it does have is the Capricorn stellium, cluster of planets. And within the stellium, the New SuperMoon Capricorn conjunction is united at 12° sextile in a same degree semi sextile Saturn, Capricorn’s planet. We will build new human infrastructure as well as buildings and highways. Saturn is currently in Aquarius, an unpredictable sign of genius that Saturn is trying to harness to good use! The SuperMoon has just passed a trine, the most favorable astrological aspect, with Uranus, the Aquarian planet, humanitarian networker, evolutionist, inventor! They have seen the new Uranian plans, talked over how remarkable and sensible they will be to implement. Capricorn is impressed. Sun gives his approval to work together. Mother Moon loves to see the community being taken care of and hopes the children will get on board too.

The second Capricorn conjunction is Venus Rx with Pluto. We will get things done that are worth the money, sweet rewards! Venus is retrograding away, but she is carrying Pluto’s mark! Pluto’s intensity and life and death perspective is not forgotten. Venus wants improvements, renovation, remediation of land, buildings, business, investments. They may pay off handsomely long term, but be immediately costly. Some fundraising is called for. In personal matters, relationships, Venus with Pluto adds an uncanny depth with a Capricorn reality that can’t be denied. Sometimes we need to accept being loved. Other times, it really never was love, or is ending. Venus grace and kindness will be needed.

Jan 5 Venus Rx will sextile Neptune again and knows more why the Soul wants what it wants. A difficult reality brings compassion, calls for help. There may be a realization of karmic shades of responsibilities in our relationships. It’s a gift and a blessing to care so deeply, sometimes soulmates, Soul to Soul. Artistic creators may be astounded by what they channel to this dimension. Neptune the dreamer is in his own sign Pisces, the realm of faeries, angels, mermaids, the seas of the world! Neptune is nuances, being swept by the tides, spiritual capacity, the music of the Soul. Neptune is immersion and invisibility, immense and nothing, lost in the nighttime fog, addiction, daytime bliss, ecstasy, humility. Neptune is unity, sacred sacrifice.

In addition to Venus Rx, Jan 14 Mercury retrogrades in Aquarius and their 15 day DOUBLE RETROGRADE begins. Mercury in AQ is pure genius, but also purely unpredictable as electrifying ideas cross their mind! Venus goes direct/forward, Jan 29, ending the double retrograde.

The base planet Mars in Sagittarius is instigator and optimist! He loves new beginnings and enjoys Sagittarian perspectives, to encourage them to happen. Consulting abroad brings knowledge, even blueprints! Planning goes quickly and it’s a joy, progress inspiring!

New Moons and Uranus! Since Virgo’s New Moon all the New Moons have been strongly connected with Uranus! There is no New Moon in February. March and the March/April New Moons are close and they are conjunct Uranus in April, finishing their sequence! Each New Moon is touched by the Aquarian planet, contributing to the preparation for Pluto’s 2023 move into Aquarius. The planetary connections with Uranus at each New Moon indicate the particular piece it plays that time. Uranus, the lead outer planet, steadily leads but not where the New Moon expects!

Lead planet Uranus in Taurus has a genius simplicity to it and things go much faster than expected. People are pretty surprised at the breakthroughs brought by the recent Saturn square Uranus! Everyone is rooting out what was holding them back! Mercury just into Aquarius, Uranus’s sign is taking up the thread of connections, getting the word out to the people worldwide. It’s not just the functionality of networking, but the meaningful content, essential human rights, the ecological humanitarian efforts. The territory being covered has great range and lasting alliances are being formed.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, evolution, the futurist. It works as an ultimate loner or in behalf of humanity, networking across continents. Genius, research, invention are it’s talents. Awakening and Enlightenment are its invitations. We see the Uranus in Taurus Earth all around us, feel the connection with the totality of the whole climate. We stop to chat along the way, agree about what differences may be required to heal, maintain and secure what is so precious. Friendships may come and go, but we hope Earth as we know it now is with us lifelong and for our children’s children too.

This is the first lunar event with Jupiter back in transcendent Pisces. Jupiter is in Pisces every 12 years. Jupiter previewed Pisces May to July 2021. This time, starting Dec 28, does the whole sign super quickly by May 10! It will then retrograde and return to Pisces about seven weeks Nov and Dec. Get to work, give now, that dreams will come true then!

Mercury is potently semi sextile Jupiter, with both at 0 degrees! Zero is the opening to the future with no limitations! With Mercury in Aquarius, the futurist, and Jupiter the Seer, they survey the possibilities, plenty of amazing new ideas in the offing! Jupiter expands Mercury’s perception even more! Mercury and Jupiter rule opposite signs, Gemini and Sagittarius, the facts and what they mean! Mercury in Aquarius is super scientific, ultra-logical, has remarkable insights, is wickedly beyond the range of normal thinking. It’s a form of psychic intelligence, some call ‘Knowing.’ Jupiter has far vision, lucky instincts, and in Pisces brings in the psychic arena of things that don’t make sense or aren’t ‘sensible’ experiences – dreams, epiphanies, visions, but often indicate the truth. It’s common ground to artists and musicians. Jupiter, the epic traveler, takes in the range of all points and fits them together for common purpose, makes a step by step plan that they all can freely update as they try it out! Totally dynamic! Mercury puts words to all this magic and relays their progress to the world, sometimes making headlines!  

Chiron in Aries is active on his own. As a healer, he is picking up the fallen on the marathon, the leaders with burnout, those with accidents, emergencies along the way, interferes with obsessive behaviors. Many of his clients are having unique issues in these new times. His immediate responses are filled with intuitive insights. It’s time for healers to heal just not themselves, but each other. Learning of one person’s experiences can help many others. Gather up and share even if you are, or maybe because, you are so independent. 

New Moon’s by nature start new cycles. Though in an old sign, traditional Capricorn, the collective factors are causing dissatisfaction, unrest, inquisitiveness, a yearning for change even if you don’t know what change to make. Capricorn wants to protect and maintain, but also knows when the system is at a breaking point. Making change in time, before it become critical, wisely guided by people who have been there before, can make all the difference, give a smooth transition. 

Many 2021 factors have had an Aquarian component, including this New Moon closely connected with the Aquarian planet Uranus! We are preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, select who will work together, and get it rolling! .

4 Behenian FIXED STARS! 


Wiki says: The Behenian fixed stars, [used by alchemists,] are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, “root,” as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star’s influence (e.g., into a talisman). When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong.

Erik Roth reminds us: The Behenian stars are stars that have been shared as magical but it is really all stars and planets have their own magic and can be utilized through symbolic, psychic, spiritual and otherwise magical purposes in our lives.  The near-infinite sky dome is a part of our lives and has been since our very distant ancestors hundreds of thousands of years looked upon them and not only wondered what they were but also from a place of seeking, of finding meaning and seeing something beyond themselves. 

Alphecca, one of the 15 Behenian Stars! This star is sometimes called Gemma, the jewel of the crown. A brilliant white star, it is also called the Pearl of the Crown. It is the Alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, at 12 Scorpio 35 (2021) is sextile the New Moon! Some hitherto unknown opportunities may emerge.

Alphecca marks the loop, or knot, of the ribbon along which are fastened the buds, flowers, or leaves of the wreath shown in early drawings with two long out-streaming ends. Corona Borealis represents the garland given by Venus to Ariadne on the occasion of her marriage to Bacchus after she had been forsaken by Theseus. Manilius said it ‘sparkles in the mid forehead. He was quite taken with the Crown. See his eloquent thoughts about it’s relationship with Virgo! Jamie at Astrology King says: it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent). It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability. 

With Moon: Public honor and dignity, suffers through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings of enemies but eventual triumph over them, bad for love affairs, some faithful friends, greatly esteemed by Venus and Mercury people. (Robson) Honors and preferment.

With Sun: Active and brilliant mind, self-seeking, subject to scandal that does not affect the position. Honors and preferment.

Alphecca is opposite Uranus, which is inconjunct the New Moon! With Uranus Robson says: Selfish, mental affliction and violence at end of life, psychic power, suffering through occultism, deceptive, many false friends, small inheritance obtained with difficulty, losses by law, enemies and mercurial affairs, sorrow through children or an adopted child, domestic trouble through own acts, danger of a violent death. 

We have come a long way in our thinking about Uranus than when it was first discovered. Think in modern terms of the benefits of this planet and combine that with the issues Robson perceived. Uranus rules electronics and computers, networking of all kinds, humanitarian efforts, freedom, awakening, change, evolution. Alphecca’s charm and intelligence work well with so many opportunities!

Aquarian Abraham Lincoln 0°03′, and J. Paul Getty 1°36′, had Alphecca with Uranus. See more at Astrology King!

Fixed Stars Algorab 13 Libra – squares the New Moon, and Sirius 14 Cancer – is opposite the New Moon! I imagine few of you have done much work with or even heard of Algorab! It is on the right wing of the Raven, in the constellation Corvus, the Crow.  If you love the intelligent Corvids this may bode well for you, if not, all the nasties you hear of them may be part of the Truth.

  • In the US Algorab’s rep is not so good. Astrologer Jamie Partridge summarizes: Algorab is one of the 15 magic related Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the malice of men and devils. – Whew! That’s impressive! If you sense those things in advance it can be a blessed forewarning.
  • Quite differently he also states the 28th Chinese Xiù – 軫 (Zhěn) Chariot thinks:  This is the celestial Carriage and it represents the transport of tributes from foreign lands to the Emperor, thus the accumulation of wealth. It also presides over travel of all kinds and vehicles. It also presaged favorable winds and an end to storms. Events in business bring great profit and everything done heralds fortunate returns. Paying homage to ancestors will honor one with a “Dragon Child”. It is also a great day for marriages and births.
  • But some modern astrologers concur that it shows up in terrorism events! See the details at Astrology King, Jamie’s site! Don’t ‘terrorize’ yourself or provoke others; help others and yourself to be safe. Be aware of triggers and danger signals and leave; talk later if possible. Use your intelligence in a good way.
  • The New Moon is opposite the potent, brightest star of the night, Sirius! Sirius enjoys a terrific reputation for the most part, but also called the Dog Star, watch out for dog bites, LOL! It is another of the 15 Behenian stars. Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake. See a lot more at Astrology King! 

Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol 26 Taurus 27 in 2020 – 2024

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto in Capricorn trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely. 

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 25° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Freedom is still at issue. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

Pluto understands much of this. Capricorn often has working answers to bring us back together in common cause. Be safe and be well. Tread gently. Get all the facts then wait before you pass judgment. Steady in the Light.  

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center!

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Algol is in Taurus, the first Venus sign, has a sensual touch, loves earthy beauty, sculpts her own existence! The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the sign between Scorpio and Capricorn. The GC is enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories, sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! Capricorn is hosting Pluto, is trine Algol in Taurus and semi sextile The Galactic Center, piloting the whole scenario of these three powerful factors. By nature he is a no nonsense old Master and gives orders, expecting things to get done. All these three have street creds and are impressive, but Capricorn has hung out with the best and functions well at this level. He treats them more equally both to himself and each other. It’s his job. 

On a fine New Moon night, things are blended, no Moonlight or shadows. There is a certain equality as the playing field is equalized. It seems more quiet, even subdued. Without the daylight contrasts and sharp edges we are more receptive… Even if there is a breeze, there are no moving shadows… Sleep can be deeper.

Our New SuperMoon is an exciting game changer! It celebrates the New Year! Happy 2022!

Capricorn New Year New SuperMoon Astrology Chart Jan 2, 2022!

2022 New Year New SuperMoon Capricorn Astrology Chart! 



Cancer/Capricorn Full Wolf Moon Jan 17!

Monday January 17, 3:48 PM Pacific, 27 Cancer 51 

Family! Working the old and the new are the challenge! Value both, combine wisely.


2022 Cancer-Capricorn Full Wolf Moon Cathedral Rock Sedona

Magical moonrise at Cathedral Rock in Sedona! Nothing Like a Night hike under the Full Moon at Red Rocks State Park, Arizona! Superb photo by Heber Lopez (via Arizona Nature Lovers). See your options at Pixels.com


This is the first Full Moon after Winter Solstice and in 2022!

We are in a 27 Degree Sequence for SIX months! 2021 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan, Feb, and Mar start a ‘season’ of six Full Moons at 27 degrees Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. The Full Moons at 24 to 29 degrees, will activate Algol and the Galactic Center at 26 and 27 and their Pluto connections strongly 8 times Sep 2021 to April 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of  your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

With Mama Moon at this distance from Uranus, and the rest of the planets near each other, this is a Moon Handle Bucket chart. The handle position is laying back. When you hold a bucket in this position, you can scoop or pour, receive or send forth. Planets that stand alone like this are emphasized, the access point for all the planets! Moon is in her own sign Cancer, so she is doubly potent, also in the lead position! Mothers are not to be messed with! They let us know what they have to give, what they want and what they will take home with them! Moon is seeking a safe home, food for her children and the mothers of the world. She runs a good business, distributes the goods, connects the community, its cultures and the matriarchy! Moon with her photographic memory, is a data bank! She takes meaningful information in its entirety back to her planets.

Two interesting features…

  1. Moon has passed all the planetary connections except the Full Moon opposition with Sun. This means that immediately after the Full Moon, Moon will be in a condition astrologers call Void of Course. She has no further ‘course’ until she changes signs. Things in this sign are done. Generally it isn’t recommended to start new projects in this window. Nothing will come of it though the opposite philosophy is there is nothing to hinder it. But. Moon now is decreasing. If you are gardening the roots are growing. On the increase the above ground foliage grows. Depending on what the project is, or if you are opening a business, you may decide to wait for good aspects when Moon is on the increase after the next New Moon.
  2. This is all happening while Venus and Mercury are in their DOUBLE RETROGRADE! Retrogrades used wisely are change makers. They re-sort and use a finer mesh for sifting what to keep. They make adjustments, can be a nuisance, but in the long run the system functions better with healthier returns. Moon can go with this. She makes the rounds through all the signs every 27 days and is always helping people upgrade! She sees it work! The length of the time is the prime consideration. Sometimes you want changes so you jump on the retrograde. If you are starting a long term business the continual changes may drain your profits. But, if you stay up with the times, you may find yourself to be the leader of your kind, up on the latest and capitalizing on it! We’re not just talking money. Stay up on how to take good care of yourself and your kids, what foods you eat. 
Opposite Sun in Capricorn, Moon directly feeds him. Capricorn puts her findings to work. He is a leader in his own right, the Man of the Family, the Patriarch, CEO, president, grand master. Capricorn rules elders, people of authority in the tribe. Capricorn’s job is to provide shelter, be father to the children, uphold the family reputation. He can be taskmaster, lawmaker, builder. 


Sun has just passed his annual conjunction with Pluto, Scorpio’s planet. Pluto is finishing Capricorn; will enter Aquarius March 23. 2023. This will be the 2nd to last time Sun will make this conjunction, giving Pluto needed strength and lighting his heart. Then for 21 years, their annual conjunction will be in Aquarius. Pluto looks for depth in relationships, at finances, shamanic healing, detoxing, death and rebirth! Capricorn wants dedication, professional success, traditional long term commitments, to be a good husband and parent. Sun sees Pluto’s deepest passions, the charisma, extremes and a lot behind the scenes. There are good and bads, but Capricorn understands failure, often surprisingly compromises, does what he can to help. 

Moon observes from the other side and offers what she can without invading privacy. She is impressed by both the danger and devilry, and the shamanic healing side of both Pluto and Capricorn Sun. While Pluto is the psychological therapist, one of the powers of Capricorn is doctoring the structures of our thinking and the skin and bones of our bodies. Chiropractors know how changing our mental and physical patterns can change our whole life! Moon sees their attitudes about women and may drop a few pithy points that may interfere with old careless thinking. She can see what scares them, their childlike facets. Her praise for small changes can go a long way… 

Mars in Sagittarius is pretty feisty! He expresses his opinions, tells moral stories to make his point! He is in strong semi sextile with Pluto, dares to be pushy, sure he himself is invincible! So Pluto takes a long look at Mars, assessing Mars’s core strength and credibility, whether he should listen to this new upstart on the scene. Mars could help Pluto by taking the story where it needs to be heard and Pluto’s privacy is preserved. Mars could try blackmail or slander, but he might regret it. Pluto has plenty of allies. Mars may be trying to pry Pluto loose, open his mind to broader perspectives. Hmmm… Mars is semi sextile Sun and Sun is with Pluto! There is a chance this fire planet might be up on things and amenable to the big ideas Mars is touting! Sun is ever courageous and may urge Pluto to take the chance. There are moments when breakthroughs just happen! Moon is watching the show from across the room. Pluto may call on her to take a look at Mars too. She can usually tell sincerity, truth and if the options are good. Mars wants to teach, and will travel, so they need to get with it or miss out! He’s a terrific first responder type, so if they need mental first aid, he’s the one! Listen, make notes, and let him go!

Venus at 13 Capricorn has retrograded almost back to her 12 degree station, a position she will hold for 14 days, Jan 22 to Feb 5! Right now she is semi Sextile Capricorn planet Saturn at 13 degrees. She is in conservative Capricorn while he is in avant-garde Aquarius. Old Saturn is pointing out how she can open channels and the reasons to do it. Time to build differently now due to planetary changes. He will inspire her to raise her sights in partnerships. Mercury retrograde has been with him, cueing him to shift his thinking too. Mercury in Aquarius has been squaring the Aquarian planet Uranus, challenging concepts of friendship and evolution. Relationships are taking on a new tone. Now part of the reason is to have relationships is to have working relationships, uniting for causes as well as classic reasons of home together, comfort and kids.  

Venus won’t Rx back far enough to get strong in the square with Chiron in Aries, but he is back there. As Chiron, he is thought by some to be the marriage planet. In Aries, he is an independent healer! Thinking of him, Venus is reinforced to stay strong and true with her choices. 

Aquarius Mercury Rx does sextile Chiron, exact Jan 25, just before she returns to Capricorn! Mercury in AQ is certainly spicy and spiky! New and different, odd and brilliant! Chiron has been tracking him. In Aries he is attracted to Mercury’s speed of thought, is enjoying the panoply of his thinking. Chiron wants to infuse healing ideas into Mercury’s humanitarian thinking, how to heal entire groups at a time by pinpointing change points that trigger and release their attention to a world of the latest ideas! Mercury thinks that is exciting and that it will save time, speed up evolution! He invites Chiron to join up at times, spend time with other healers, make broad plans for priorities planetarily. That will establish valuable connections Chiron can consult with, open up steady access to the latest ideas in his own field!

Jupiter and Neptune stand alone for now. Jupiter is just back in Pisces, Neptune’s sign. Jupiter can be broadminded; Neptune is infinite, a rainbow of inspiration! There are plenty of wandering, sometimes lost, Souls in the galaxy. Jupiter is funny, lucky, optimistic, sees the Great Plan for the future! He can cheer Neptune up when needed. Neptune entices Jupiter, so easy to do, to sweep into the world of spiritualism, psychic perception. This dimension is bigger than anything Jupiter ever imagined! Jupiter may go to church, but Neptune is the Universe! Jupiter is filled with ideas. Jupiter, the horse lover, wants to harness that Neptune energy, make it more accessible, incorporate it into our world plans. The implication of the insights are enormous. It’s a dream and a vision. The insights include ways to do it well and in a timely fashion, so it may be much closer to happening than we think! There will be a boost with their 166 year conjunction April 12! Set some special time aside and pick a special location too!

Pluto, Algol, Galactic Center! Pluto is now at 26° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022 THIS FULL MOON, Aug 29, Nov 16. Jan 17, the 3rd trine, is a turning point of the five of them. 

Since Pluto trines Algol at 26 Taurus, a potent formation is made! The Moon is just past opposition Pluto and sextile Algol, considered by some to be an incredible feminine force!. In her own sign, Moon can fully understand Algol, feel the distress, be like a ‘Mother’ to her. She can cradle her close, heal some of the old hurts, the pain that has been long endured. Ultra feminine Moon, mature in late degrees of her own sign Cancer, has feelings many times more deep than usual. Women, children and home will be significant.

The Full Moon Capricorn Sun is just over a degree past his annual conjunction with Pluto! Such a Sun can be read as Scorpio (Pluto’s sign) as much as Capricorn! Nothing has been forgotten! Sun with Pluto then also trines Algol, so there is a sense of personal identity with Algol, our own demons. Pluto and Capricorn are also feminine factors, so be prepared for a lot of intuitive perception, revelations, epiphanies. Some may be fairly distasteful yet need to be dealt with, even if you decide to put them aside. But the majority of the signs/planets involved are action oriented, so sooner action is more likely than later.

Algol is lockstep with the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius. Pluto, Sun and Moon are all connected! Sun is semi sextile the GC, while Moon is inconjunct the GC! They are being swept along with this potent combination. Cancer and Capricorn often like things just the way they are, at work and at home, but they are certainly being given the invitation to explore the Vastitudes! See all about them above in the New Moon, Fixed Stars section.

Family! Working the old and the new are the challenge! Value both, combine wisely.

Cancer/Capricorn Full Wolf Moon Astrology Chart!


2022 Cancer-Capricorn Full Wolf Moon Astrology Chart!


2022s first Black Moon is January 31 but only in time zones west of Eastern! It’s 9:45 PM Pacific, so in Eastern, it is 12:45 AM on FEB 1, not a Black Moon there! New Moon 12 Aquarius 20.

See the entire Capricorn Holiday Newsletter! We have a lot happening now through the New Year! Topics:

     Holiday Venus Retrograde + Jan Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RX!
     Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus
     Jupiter in Magical Pisces!
     Jupiter in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces 166 Years
     Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044 – 248 Years! Revision, Addition & UPdates 12.14.21!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

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TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon December 3/4!

Gemini/Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon December 18!

Sagittarius TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon! 

Friday/Saturday December 3/4, 12 Sagittarius 22, at 11:43 PM Pacific!
December 3 Pacific and western zones. December 4 Mountain and eastern zones.
Not visible in US See more

Freedom makes for solidarity! Changes and new channels bring lifesaving connections!

Sagittarius 2021 TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon Atacama Desert Chile Caldera Carlos Fairbairn

Sometimes, the sky mimics the ground. Taken in 2017 May from the Atacama Desert in Chile [Sagittarian country], the foreground of the featured image encompasses the dipping edge of the caldera of an extinct volcano. Poetically echoing the dip below is the arch of our Milky Way Galaxy above. Many famous icons dot this southern nighttime vista, including the center of our Milky Way Galaxy on the far left, the bright orange star Antares also on the left, the constellation of the Southern Cross near the top of the arch, and the red-glowing Gum Nebula on the far right. Just above the horizon and splitting two distant volcanic peaks near the image center is the Large Magellanic Cloud — the largest satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. Image at NASA by Carlos Eduardo Fairbairn

This may be the Last New Moon of 2021, but it potently links through 2022! 2021 Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan 2 and 31, and Mar there are five New Moons at 12 degrees in Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Those of you with chart factors close to 12 degrees will be activated by 7 New Moons from Oct 2021 to March 2022. Jan and March 2022 will have two New Moons in Pacific time zone. There is NO New Moon in February 2022. Set a goal related to the factors at or very near 12 degrees in your chart and approach it progressively from every angle, every sign!

Being a TOTAL ECLIPSE, the New Moon lineup is super strong, straight as a Sagittarian arrow at short distance! The focus is formidable. They can see like lasers at long distance, the outcome! Projects started at this time may fizzle if not in alignment, but if they are, they may be obsessive until finished, and forget the Sagittarian procrastination, they will get done, LOL!

Mars in Scorpio pushes this Bowl Chart while Uranus, also an instigator, leads in Taurus! The planets are spread through all the signs in the Bowl, gathering a potpourri of info as they cross the territories. Sag has three planets, Capricorn and Aquarius both have two, so more than half of the planets are right there! Knowledge, Wisdom and Evolution are to be acquired for the Bowl to peruse, later to spill out when and where needed!  

Mars is strongly engaged, determined to do his duty. Mars in Scorpio sextiles Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, and squares Jupiter in Aquarius, the heist of a lifetime, but the motion sensors were on! Mercury in Sagittarius is overconfident and square Neptune makes some mistaken assumptions. The New Moon thought it could rely on their friend Uranus in Taurus, but the angle is oblique, friend not available. Saturn in Aquarius is squaring Uranus in Taurus and the info was delayed or faulty. Historically, Eclipses, ‘eclipse’ the situation. Either something more dramatic happens and the project is ‘lost’ to other circumstances, or somehow it just becomes unseen. Maybe the friend just doesn’t show up with the needed piece of gear, or the food. Yes, it’s a New Moon, but likely not quite what you expected. Thank goodness Sagittarius rolls with it, is happy and optimistic with whatever discoveries are made! Mars addresses all the issues. Even with some bumps along the way, the healing is achieved due to his strength and perseverance! 

New Moons and Uranus! Virgo’s new Moon trined Uranus at 14 degrees. Libra’s New Moon was inconjunct Uranus at 13 degrees. Last month’s Scorpio New Moon was the same degree opposite the Aquarian planet Uranus by 7 Minutes of space! This month they are inconjunct, oblique at 11 and 12 degrees. March and the March/April New Moons are close and they are conjunct Uranus in April, finishing their sequence!

Uranus is the planet of freedom, evolution, the futurist. It works as an ultimate loner or in behalf of humanity, networking across continents. Genius, research, invention are it’s talents. Awakening and Enlightenment are its invitations. Sagittarius’s Mama Moon and Papa Sun may speed along on their fine motorcycles and love the air breezing by down the road with their remarkable friend. They see the Uranus in Taurus Earth all around them, feel their connection with the totality of the whole climate. They stop to chat along the way. They agree about what differences may be required to heal, maintain and secure what is so precious. Friendships may come and go, but we hope Earth as we know it now is with us lifelong and for our children’s children too.

Uranus steadily leads the Bowl chart but not where the New Moon expected! And Sagittarius loves an exploration! New methods, premises of thought, literal locations, connections, skew the outcome with a richer context. The ground itself sings! Data is stored in super systems, swarms, the diagrams and visuals are wide treasures of learning, broaden our points of view. Venus with Pluto adds an uncanny depth with a Capricorn reality that can’t be denied. Venus has just passed sextile with Neptune and now knows more why the Soul wants what it wants. A difficult reality brings compassion, calls for help. There may be a realization of karmic shades of responsibilities in our relationships. It’s a gift and a blessing to care so deeply, Soul to Soul. 

Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn loves the spice of calculated danger, being on the edge. Can be physical or a dangerous point of view. Venus makes the goal even more seductive! Mars rarely can’t make up his mind, but he is caught between anonymity, a ‘sure’ thing, and Jupiter’s wild enticement to take a different road than what the group usually takes! He might be feeling he has to stand for safety for the women and kids, even to the point of fighting for them, or letting the group split, some following the Aquarian upstart. Jupiter in Aquarius can sound so comfortably confident, others can’t believe his lead could be false. And it could be a breakthrough. Mars might decide to give it a chance with certain caveats. It’s one thing to go cruising with Uranus in Taurus, but entirely different with Jupiter in Aquarius, the Uranus sign!

Scorpio has a similarity to Uranus/Aquarius. Scorpio also wants the freedom to be himself, untampered with. He wants privacy and needs time alone. But they differ other ways. When in relationship, Scorpio wants the deepest intimacy, for life, with meaningful sex, but will do without if not possible. Jealousies, possessiveness are his undoings and the love of his life may leave him. Some say they are too intense, obsessive. Scorpio does shamanic healing from psyche to body, finances too. His own recovery rate from life threatening injuries is phenomenal! They understand taboos, can standby with deathing. Scorpio is a deep thinker, an invincible martial arts spiritual warrior that will give his life to save yours. Or if there is cruelty, he may feel justified in taking yours depending on circumstances. Scorpios powerfully relate with the underworld both for bad and good. They survive on their wits in the most dangerous situations – SEALs, special ops, marines, medics, policemen. Their totems are reptiles – the snake, don’t tread on me, the Eagle, bird of prey that flies higher consciousness. Halloween, Day of the Dead, is their time of connection with the wisdom of the Ancestors.

Mercury in Sagittarius is with the New Moon, thinking his way across the sky, intrigued by the sweeping mind stretching vistas! There are impressive bodies of knowledge, some are tabulated for the taking, some need sorting. His square with Neptune shows him the worm holes, channels around corners, taking him deeper, higher on the waves of consciousness than ever before! It can spin your world, dizzy your perception, loosen your beliefs that are dropped along the way like they were nothing, with no substance any longer. You feel lighter, gravity has no hold. Sagittarius is happier than at the carnival rides! It may be scary at moments ~ will you ever be able to go home? Yes, but you won’t be the same, and that’s ok. You will connect with new people who ride at your new level. They can show you how to regroup! What a trip!

If people ask you if you are confused, heartily say Yes! Thank goodness you have the ability to experience such a state! Your awareness increases, your options expand. Confusion shows a questioning mind in progress! Invite them along!  

Mercury naturally collects data every existing moment. There is such a divine spread of material it starts to sort itself into categories as we see the gist of things! Mercury hums along, singing it all into place, the missionary of mental order. Sagittarius has perspective that helps us collaborate on the toughest world topics on the plate today. Vaccines, climate/water, political matters of all kinds – indigenous, racial, sexual, women/children, housing. 

Sometimes Sag just blurts out what he thinks at the time. What he thinks is so exciting to him and Sag is a fire sign, generally lucky, often impetuous. At times, truth telling needs treading lightly, skillfully. We’re not always talking with a person who wants to respond, reciprocate or likes our opinion no matter how well intended. Putting yourself in the other person’s place can’t always be done because you don’t know their story, and they don’t always want to tell it and may be pretty bristly if you invade their privacy. They just want what they want, may have lots of emotion, are not ready to share. Yet there are times when we get busted. Time to give it up. Mercury in Sag has a certain innocence. You may be intelligently forthright and tell it like it is right to their face! People are so surprised they actually listen! In that moment they get it and there is no argument. 

Saturn is finishing his last two 2021 aspects, the day after ThanksGiving and 2 days before Christmas!

Nov 26 Saturn sextiled Chiron successfully bonded and are now carrying on their work. Saturn may be unpredictable in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries is quick on his feet. Each may travel along a more or less parallel track, fruitfully checking in with each other time to time. Each like their freedom and independence. And that is what keeps them interested in the other, their new ideas. Each needs to be in a separate section, but may be collaborating toward a mutual goal. They are both interested in marriage, but the AQ-Aries part skitters away. It is more a reaction to what they are rather than any specific person. It’s more what they sense than what they are thinking about. Friendship is fine. See more

Dec 23 Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, can be confusing. There is camaraderie and being at odds in the oddest ways! You what?! Saturn having been in AQ, has been trying to ride with the unpredictable creature. It’s somewhere between a bucking bronco and surfing! He’s now used to knowing he no longer knows. Life used to be so what it was. Now it is compounded by pandemic, climate and politics gone wild. Financial winds keep zig zagging! Friends and family are changing. Oddly, the planet of change, is also a genius at work, and in Taurus of stabilizing, making things more sensible and grounded. Self reliance and the most elemental feed-ourselves vegetable gardening has thrived during the pandemic. At a time when things are so up in the air (Aquarius), we are becoming more sensible, even more simple. Being at home, many have cleaned out years of debris from their lives, gotten literally lighter. They are getting work that is more in tune with their core. Might be less money, but the happiness factor brings a smile and better health. See more

4 Behenian FIXED STARS! 

Wiki says: The Behenian fixed stars, [used by alchemists,] are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, “root,” as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star’s influence (e.g., into a talisman). When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong.

Erik Roth reminds us: The Behenian stars are stars that have been shared as magical but it is really all stars and planets have their own magic and can be utilized through symbolic, psychic, spiritual and otherwise magical purposes in our lives.  The near-infinite sky dome is a part of our lives and has been since our very distant ancestors hundreds of thousands of years looked upon them and not only wondered what they were but also from a place of seeking, of finding meaning and seeing something beyond themselves. 

Alphecca, one of the 15 Behenian Stars! This star is sometimes called Gemma, the jewel of the crown. A brilliant white star, it is also called the Pearl of the Crown. It is the Alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, at 12 Scorpio 35 (2021) is semi sextile the New Moon! 

Alphecca marks the loop, or knot, of the ribbon along which are fastened the buds, flowers, or leaves of the wreath shown in early drawings with two long out-streaming ends. Corona Borealis represents the garland given by Venus to Ariadne on the occasion of her marriage to Bacchus after she had been forsaken by Theseus. Manilius said it ‘sparkles in the mid forehead. He was quite taken with the Crown. See his eloquent thoughts about it’s relationship with Virgo! Jamie at Astrology King says: it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent). It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability. 

With Moon: Public honor and dignity, suffers through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings of enemies but eventual triumph over them, bad for love affairs, some faithful friends, greatly esteemed by Venus and Mercury people. (Robson) Honors and preferment.

With Sun: Active and brilliant mind, self-seeking, subject to scandal that does not affect the position. Honors and preferment.

Alphecca is opposite Uranus, which is inconjunct the New Moon! With Uranus Robson says: Selfish, mental affliction and violence at end of life, psychic power, suffering through occultism, deceptive, many false friends, small inheritance obtained with difficulty, losses by law, enemies and mercurial affairs, sorrow through children or an adopted child, domestic trouble through own acts, danger of a violent death. 

We have come a long way in our thinking about Uranus than when it was first discovered. Think in modern terms of the benefits of this planet and combine that with the issues Robson perceived. Uranus rules electronics and computers, networking of all kinds, humanitarian efforts, freedom, awakening, change, evolution. Alphecca’s charm and intelligence work well with so many opportunities!

Aquarian Abraham Lincoln 0°03′, J. Paul Getty 1°36′ had Alphecca with Uranus.

Fixed Stars Algorab 13 Libra – sextiles the New Moon and Mercury, Sirius 14 Cancer – is inconjunct the New Moon and Mercury! I imagine few of you have done much work with or even heard of Algorab! It is on the right wing of the Raven, in the constellation Corvus, the Crow.  If you love the intelligent Corvids this may bode well for you, if not, all the nasties you hear of them may be part of the Truth.

  • In the US their rep is not so good. Astrologer Jamie Partridge summarizes: Algorab is one of the 15 magic related Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the malice of men and devils. – Whew! That’s impressive! If you sense those things in advance it can be a blessed forewarning.
  • He also states the 28th Chinese Xiù – 軫 (Zhěn) Chariot thinks:  This is the celestial Carriage and it represents the transport of tributes from foreign lands to the Emperor, thus the accumulation of wealth. It also presides over travel of all kinds and vehicles. It also presaged favorable winds and an end to storms. Events in business bring great profit and everything done heralds fortunate returns. Paying homage to ancestors will honor one with a “Dragon Child”. It is also a great day for marriages and births. – Quite different!
  • But some modern astrologers concur that it shows up in terrorism events! See the details at Astrology King, Jamie’s site! Don’t ‘terrorize’ yourself or provoke others; help others and yourself to be safe. Be aware of triggers and danger signals and leave; talk later if possible. Use your intelligence in a good way.
  • The New Moon is oblique to the potent, brightest star of the night, Sirius! Sirius enjoys a terrific reputation for the most part, but also called the Dog Star, watch out for dog bites, LOL! It is another of the 15 Behenian stars. Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake. See a lot more at Astrology King! 

Many 2021 factors have had an Aquarian component, including this New Moon within a degree of the Aquarian planet Uranus! We are preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, select who will work together, and get it rolling! See Saturn in Aquarius Saturn is open to new areas of responsibility. Chiron in leader Aries is livening us with the latest healing and teaching ideas! Jupiter is back in Aquarius jazzing up Saturn’s prospects!

Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol 26 Taurus 27 in 2020 – 2024

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto Capricorn trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely. 

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 25° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Freedom is still at issue. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

Pluto understands much of this. Capricorn often has working answers to bring us back together in common cause. Be safe and be well. Tread gently. Get all the facts before you pass judgment. Steady in the Light.  

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center!

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Algol is in Taurus, the first Venus sign, has a sensual touch, loves earthy beauty, sculpts its own existence! Libra, the second Venus sign is an air sign. Venus may love perfumes and dance, more sophisticated styles. The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the next sign after Scorpio. The GC is enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories, sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! Though ‘compatible’ signs, Libra generally prefers a more gentile pace, more quiet conversation over tea, and formal by invitation or appointment meetings, tête-à-têtes. Libra will find themselves being pressed to use their negotiating skills – tact and diplomacy, and loosening up in spite of themselves! They don’t want to miss anything! They will be blessed with more freedom, delighted by the bucking bronco! 

Mars at 23 Scorpio is opposition Algol. The old time predictions are it is difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries, can be an untimely ending. Scorpio is one of the ‘death’ signs, are often Hospice workers and healers, enjoy dangerous sports. Please just be a little more careful and aware of your surroundings. Be kind to yourself and others. 

Jupiter at 25 Aquarius is right in the square with Algol! Jupiter is a crazy lucky planet and can face ‘evil’ without even realizing it. Fascinating conversation, extraordinary points of view! Algol has nothing to hide, and no need to fear, so is free to share openly. Sagittarius has, at times, exceptional broadmindedness with no judgments, so doesn’t offend, yet, those two have reps as different as night and day. 

At this special time, Jupiter is about to make his final 2021 sextile, an aspect of opportunity, with the Galactic Center Dec 12! The New Moon is opening the Gateway; Mercury is right there as witness and translator. Jupiter is basking in the Light of billions of stars, in Aquarius, the sign of the heavens! I’m thinking there is some protection and a camaraderie since Algol is always in connection with the GC. The learning potential from both, their synergy, is phenomenal. Jupiter, the Sagittarian planet Centaur, has winning strong legs, a laugh that shakes the earth, and is in Aquarius, the light speed sign of the zodiac, in case there is an emergency! With an arrow over the shoulder and a flash of the tail, gone! See more about Jupiter sextile the GC!

On a fine New Moon night, things are blended, no Moonlight or shadows. There is a certain equality as the playing field is equalized. It seems more quiet, even subdued. Without the contrasts and sharp edges we are more receptive… Even if there is a breeze, there are no moving shadows… Sleep can be deeper.

This New Moon is a potent WalkAbout! Blessed be on your travels ~

Sagittarius TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart Dec 3/4!
December 3
Pacific and western zones. December 4 Mountain and eastern zones.

2021 Sagittarius New Moon Astrology Chart!

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Gemini/Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon Dec 18!

Saturday December 18, 27 Gemini/Sagittarius 29, 8:36 PM Pacific!

Full Moon Galactic Magic! Venus Retrograde the 19th, Relationship & Financial intensity!

Gemini Sagittarius 2021 Full Moon Thomas McKnight Barbados Art

If you were traveling in Barbados at 13° North, a Sagittarian island, on this Full Cold MicroMoon, it might be much warmer than where you live! This lovely serigraph is by famed artist Thomas McKnight, 1.1.41, a New Year Capricorn with Venus in Sagittarius, Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Taurus.

This may be the Last Lunar event, last Full Moon of 2021, but it links through 2022! We are in a 27 Degree Sequence for SIX months! 2021 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan, Feb, and Mar start a ‘season’ of six Full Moons at 27 degrees Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. The Full Moons at 24 to 29 degrees, will activate Algol and the Galactic Center at 26 and 27 and their Pluto connections strongly 8 times Sep 2021 to April 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of  your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

This is a Bowl chart too, with Mars also now in Sagittarius pushing the Sun. He blusters, teases, tells them why it’s all good, of the Promised Land! He trines Chiron in Aries, Aries is Mars’ own sign! They get along and Chiron is quick, with him, instantly as needed. Time to start new projects and businesses! He is sextile Saturn in Aquarius, determined to get them there! He told them he would and he will!

The nature of the Full Moon is to span the width of the zodiac! Opposites in unity! Sagittarius Father Sun is relying on Mother Moon’s scanners out there on the perimeter, and she being in Gemini, there is quite an array to be channeled. The mood of the people, the information currently circulating, makes a potent backdrop to Sun’s planning and current choices of directions. He wants to know the directions of their thinking and the maps to back it up! Mother Moon will indicate where the blockages are, where intervention and rerouting would make sense. Where things are smooth, the flows can be joined for more powerful results. Similar channels can merge their efforts to advantage. 

Mother Moon is potently in the Bowl’s lead position! Jupiter, Sag’s planet, sextiled the phenomenal Galactic Center Dec 12; Sun is in annual conjunction the Galactic Center on the 18th just before the Full Moon! With his Heart of Light he is refreshing our memories of the Dec 12 sextile, putting new Light on our intent and progress. With Sun bursting with fresh divine plans, optimism, maximum hopefulness, plus Mother Moon’s intuition, there will be a leap! She will be spreading the news just as fast as she can. Use blogs, newsletters. Place the information with people who will spread the word soonest to their people too! Contact your best most progressive friends. Nothing like fresh food for the Soul! Significant good news changes our molecules, updates our DNA! Make sure your circuits are clear and able to carry the load! Be ready to take action.

Jupiter, so recently sextile the GC, still excited, most fortunately sextiles Sun and trines Mama Moon! Sextiles and trines are astrology’s best aspects. Jupiter is the good luck, have fun, planet of faith and hope, truth and future planner! Thinks big, plays bigger! Travels just as far as it can get! Sun in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s sign, is already packed! Moon in Gemini can get bored, so buzzes happily at the idea of getting into a new neighborhood and meeting the new kinfolk, visiting brethren. This is the time for businesses and nonprofits to plan a big campaign. This is not a time to sit and wait! If you work your options, it will be a Full Moon to remember! 

During this time of Galactic contact, Venus conjuncted Pluto Dec 11th, the day before Jupiter sextiled the Galactic Center! She was set deep with Pluto in Capricorn to receive all she could. Pluto is charismatic compared to Venus’s beauty. He is a treasure hunter of significant people, deep relationships, fortunes. He saves people, like Drs Without Borders. Capricorn is historical chronicles, the Guardian of the Elder Councils, military, the Father of the Tribe, has responsibilities to his career, apprentices and family. Venus’s retrograde station is Dec 8 to 27. 19 days she holds the 24 to 26 degree position which includes the conjunction with Pluto. Venus retrogrades the 19th, the day after the Full Moon! She conjuncts Pluto the second time Christmas day, bringing back her perceptions of Dec 11. She sees how we have done, lived up to the possibilities. Venus was close with Pluto at the New Moon and is now just past Pluto at the Full Moon about to make her second conjunction with him. Some of the Christmas seating arrangements will be changed…

At the New Moon Venus sits semisextile between Sun and Jupiter, much a part of their Galactic connections. She witnesses their excitement, the values of historical worth being transmitted, the beauty and awesome possibilities of times to come, the future history we will make to leave for others after us. Venus, in her deep relationship with Pluto, will see the profound effects this will have on our financial relationships, our motives, sharing, the power of meaningful lifetime commitments. She knows it is better if some are broken, left behind, to allow changes that will multiply our success as humans by many fold. Clearly, for some it will be difficult times of transition, but worth it for the Soul’s progress. We will be cleaner, be able to give so much more than we could have known. Wishing you strength and to be steady in the Light. Clean up.

Venus isn’t done yet. See the Double Retrograde! She makes the last conjunction with Pluto March 3, two days after her retrograde cycle is done. Venus, Mars, Pluto are potently all at the same degree, 27 Capricorn! 

Mercury is also in Capricorn, so is documenting the happenings. They are happening more quickly than expected because of the Galactic connections, and because Mercury is square Chiron in Aries, fast surprises, quick imperative demands backed by the old master’s play! He wants change and wants it now! Also, Mercury trines Uranus in Taurus, Uranus the lightning planet. Who would have expected such sudden changes in Taurus? But the planet is changing right in front of our eyes and people are seeing the need for change asap! Mercury has speed of his own, and Capricorn is known for persistent action, facing reality, wanting an workable long lasting solution that ultimately saves time and money. Mercury is Gemini’s planet, so there is an accord with Mother Moon. She will help get the stories out, call on the troops.

Two days before Christmas, Dec 23, Saturn in Aquarius finalizes his 2021 squares with Uranus, the planet of Aquarius. It can be confusing. There is camaraderie and being at odds in the oddest ways! You what?! Saturn having been in AQ, has been trying to ride with the unpredictable creature. It’s somewhere between a bucking bronco and surfing! He’s now used to knowing he no longer knows. Life used to be so what it was. Now it is compounded by pandemic, climate and politics gone wild. Financial winds keep zig zagging! Friends and family are changing. Oddly, the planet of change is also a genius at work, and in Taurus of stabilizing, making things more sensible and grounded. Self reliance and the most elemental feed-ourselves vegetable gardening has thrived during the pandemic. At a time when things are so up in the air (Aquarius), we are becoming more sensible, even more simple. Being at home, many have cleaned out years of debris from their lives, gotten literally lighter. They are getting work that is more in tune with their core. Might be less money, but the happiness factor brings a smile and better health. Time for breakthroughs! See more 

Neptune in Pisces stands alone but he might lend a rainbow of inspiration! Jupiter will be re-entering Pisces again on Dec 28, and Neptune is waiting for their reunion! They have a super special aspect April 12, so have a lot to do in preparation for this once in 166 years celebration! See more about and the Astrology Chart of the 166 year Conjunction!

Pluto, Algol, Galactic Center! Pluto 25 Capricorn is trine fixed star Algol 26 Taurus 10. Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius is lock step with Algol. See all about them above in the New Moon, Fixed Stars section. The Full Moon axis is at 27 Gemini/Sagittarius 29, fully connected with them all, but most powerfully with the Galactic Center! 

Be strong and honorable in your purpose, blessed in your progress!

Gemini/Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon Astrology Chart!

2021 Gemini-Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon Astrology Chart!

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Happy 2022! Next up is the first lunar event of 2022, the Sunday January 2, 12 Capricorn 20, New Moon at 10:33 AM Pacific!

See the entire Sagittarius Newsletter! We have a lot happening now through the New Year! Topics:

    Saturn in Aquarius Sextile Chiron in Aries!
    Jupiter Aquarius Sextile the Galactic Center!
    Holiday Venus Retrograde + Jan Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RX!
    Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus
    Jupiter in Magical Pisces!
    Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

For more details see your 2021 and 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you…. 

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