
Posts Tagged ‘Chile’

TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon December 3/4!

Gemini/Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon December 18!

Sagittarius TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon! 

Friday/Saturday December 3/4, 12 Sagittarius 22, at 11:43 PM Pacific!
December 3 Pacific and western zones. December 4 Mountain and eastern zones.
Not visible in US See more

Freedom makes for solidarity! Changes and new channels bring lifesaving connections!

Sagittarius 2021 TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon Atacama Desert Chile Caldera Carlos Fairbairn

Sometimes, the sky mimics the ground. Taken in 2017 May from the Atacama Desert in Chile [Sagittarian country], the foreground of the featured image encompasses the dipping edge of the caldera of an extinct volcano. Poetically echoing the dip below is the arch of our Milky Way Galaxy above. Many famous icons dot this southern nighttime vista, including the center of our Milky Way Galaxy on the far left, the bright orange star Antares also on the left, the constellation of the Southern Cross near the top of the arch, and the red-glowing Gum Nebula on the far right. Just above the horizon and splitting two distant volcanic peaks near the image center is the Large Magellanic Cloud — the largest satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. Image at NASA by Carlos Eduardo Fairbairn

This may be the Last New Moon of 2021, but it potently links through 2022! 2021 Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan 2 and 31, and Mar there are five New Moons at 12 degrees in Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Those of you with chart factors close to 12 degrees will be activated by 7 New Moons from Oct 2021 to March 2022. Jan and March 2022 will have two New Moons in Pacific time zone. There is NO New Moon in February 2022. Set a goal related to the factors at or very near 12 degrees in your chart and approach it progressively from every angle, every sign!

Being a TOTAL ECLIPSE, the New Moon lineup is super strong, straight as a Sagittarian arrow at short distance! The focus is formidable. They can see like lasers at long distance, the outcome! Projects started at this time may fizzle if not in alignment, but if they are, they may be obsessive until finished, and forget the Sagittarian procrastination, they will get done, LOL!

Mars in Scorpio pushes this Bowl Chart while Uranus, also an instigator, leads in Taurus! The planets are spread through all the signs in the Bowl, gathering a potpourri of info as they cross the territories. Sag has three planets, Capricorn and Aquarius both have two, so more than half of the planets are right there! Knowledge, Wisdom and Evolution are to be acquired for the Bowl to peruse, later to spill out when and where needed!  

Mars is strongly engaged, determined to do his duty. Mars in Scorpio sextiles Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, and squares Jupiter in Aquarius, the heist of a lifetime, but the motion sensors were on! Mercury in Sagittarius is overconfident and square Neptune makes some mistaken assumptions. The New Moon thought it could rely on their friend Uranus in Taurus, but the angle is oblique, friend not available. Saturn in Aquarius is squaring Uranus in Taurus and the info was delayed or faulty. Historically, Eclipses, ‘eclipse’ the situation. Either something more dramatic happens and the project is ‘lost’ to other circumstances, or somehow it just becomes unseen. Maybe the friend just doesn’t show up with the needed piece of gear, or the food. Yes, it’s a New Moon, but likely not quite what you expected. Thank goodness Sagittarius rolls with it, is happy and optimistic with whatever discoveries are made! Mars addresses all the issues. Even with some bumps along the way, the healing is achieved due to his strength and perseverance! 

New Moons and Uranus! Virgo’s new Moon trined Uranus at 14 degrees. Libra’s New Moon was inconjunct Uranus at 13 degrees. Last month’s Scorpio New Moon was the same degree opposite the Aquarian planet Uranus by 7 Minutes of space! This month they are inconjunct, oblique at 11 and 12 degrees. March and the March/April New Moons are close and they are conjunct Uranus in April, finishing their sequence!

Uranus is the planet of freedom, evolution, the futurist. It works as an ultimate loner or in behalf of humanity, networking across continents. Genius, research, invention are it’s talents. Awakening and Enlightenment are its invitations. Sagittarius’s Mama Moon and Papa Sun may speed along on their fine motorcycles and love the air breezing by down the road with their remarkable friend. They see the Uranus in Taurus Earth all around them, feel their connection with the totality of the whole climate. They stop to chat along the way. They agree about what differences may be required to heal, maintain and secure what is so precious. Friendships may come and go, but we hope Earth as we know it now is with us lifelong and for our children’s children too.

Uranus steadily leads the Bowl chart but not where the New Moon expected! And Sagittarius loves an exploration! New methods, premises of thought, literal locations, connections, skew the outcome with a richer context. The ground itself sings! Data is stored in super systems, swarms, the diagrams and visuals are wide treasures of learning, broaden our points of view. Venus with Pluto adds an uncanny depth with a Capricorn reality that can’t be denied. Venus has just passed sextile with Neptune and now knows more why the Soul wants what it wants. A difficult reality brings compassion, calls for help. There may be a realization of karmic shades of responsibilities in our relationships. It’s a gift and a blessing to care so deeply, Soul to Soul. 

Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn loves the spice of calculated danger, being on the edge. Can be physical or a dangerous point of view. Venus makes the goal even more seductive! Mars rarely can’t make up his mind, but he is caught between anonymity, a ‘sure’ thing, and Jupiter’s wild enticement to take a different road than what the group usually takes! He might be feeling he has to stand for safety for the women and kids, even to the point of fighting for them, or letting the group split, some following the Aquarian upstart. Jupiter in Aquarius can sound so comfortably confident, others can’t believe his lead could be false. And it could be a breakthrough. Mars might decide to give it a chance with certain caveats. It’s one thing to go cruising with Uranus in Taurus, but entirely different with Jupiter in Aquarius, the Uranus sign!

Scorpio has a similarity to Uranus/Aquarius. Scorpio also wants the freedom to be himself, untampered with. He wants privacy and needs time alone. But they differ other ways. When in relationship, Scorpio wants the deepest intimacy, for life, with meaningful sex, but will do without if not possible. Jealousies, possessiveness are his undoings and the love of his life may leave him. Some say they are too intense, obsessive. Scorpio does shamanic healing from psyche to body, finances too. His own recovery rate from life threatening injuries is phenomenal! They understand taboos, can standby with deathing. Scorpio is a deep thinker, an invincible martial arts spiritual warrior that will give his life to save yours. Or if there is cruelty, he may feel justified in taking yours depending on circumstances. Scorpios powerfully relate with the underworld both for bad and good. They survive on their wits in the most dangerous situations – SEALs, special ops, marines, medics, policemen. Their totems are reptiles – the snake, don’t tread on me, the Eagle, bird of prey that flies higher consciousness. Halloween, Day of the Dead, is their time of connection with the wisdom of the Ancestors.

Mercury in Sagittarius is with the New Moon, thinking his way across the sky, intrigued by the sweeping mind stretching vistas! There are impressive bodies of knowledge, some are tabulated for the taking, some need sorting. His square with Neptune shows him the worm holes, channels around corners, taking him deeper, higher on the waves of consciousness than ever before! It can spin your world, dizzy your perception, loosen your beliefs that are dropped along the way like they were nothing, with no substance any longer. You feel lighter, gravity has no hold. Sagittarius is happier than at the carnival rides! It may be scary at moments ~ will you ever be able to go home? Yes, but you won’t be the same, and that’s ok. You will connect with new people who ride at your new level. They can show you how to regroup! What a trip!

If people ask you if you are confused, heartily say Yes! Thank goodness you have the ability to experience such a state! Your awareness increases, your options expand. Confusion shows a questioning mind in progress! Invite them along!  

Mercury naturally collects data every existing moment. There is such a divine spread of material it starts to sort itself into categories as we see the gist of things! Mercury hums along, singing it all into place, the missionary of mental order. Sagittarius has perspective that helps us collaborate on the toughest world topics on the plate today. Vaccines, climate/water, political matters of all kinds – indigenous, racial, sexual, women/children, housing. 

Sometimes Sag just blurts out what he thinks at the time. What he thinks is so exciting to him and Sag is a fire sign, generally lucky, often impetuous. At times, truth telling needs treading lightly, skillfully. We’re not always talking with a person who wants to respond, reciprocate or likes our opinion no matter how well intended. Putting yourself in the other person’s place can’t always be done because you don’t know their story, and they don’t always want to tell it and may be pretty bristly if you invade their privacy. They just want what they want, may have lots of emotion, are not ready to share. Yet there are times when we get busted. Time to give it up. Mercury in Sag has a certain innocence. You may be intelligently forthright and tell it like it is right to their face! People are so surprised they actually listen! In that moment they get it and there is no argument. 

Saturn is finishing his last two 2021 aspects, the day after ThanksGiving and 2 days before Christmas!

Nov 26 Saturn sextiled Chiron successfully bonded and are now carrying on their work. Saturn may be unpredictable in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries is quick on his feet. Each may travel along a more or less parallel track, fruitfully checking in with each other time to time. Each like their freedom and independence. And that is what keeps them interested in the other, their new ideas. Each needs to be in a separate section, but may be collaborating toward a mutual goal. They are both interested in marriage, but the AQ-Aries part skitters away. It is more a reaction to what they are rather than any specific person. It’s more what they sense than what they are thinking about. Friendship is fine. See more

Dec 23 Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, can be confusing. There is camaraderie and being at odds in the oddest ways! You what?! Saturn having been in AQ, has been trying to ride with the unpredictable creature. It’s somewhere between a bucking bronco and surfing! He’s now used to knowing he no longer knows. Life used to be so what it was. Now it is compounded by pandemic, climate and politics gone wild. Financial winds keep zig zagging! Friends and family are changing. Oddly, the planet of change, is also a genius at work, and in Taurus of stabilizing, making things more sensible and grounded. Self reliance and the most elemental feed-ourselves vegetable gardening has thrived during the pandemic. At a time when things are so up in the air (Aquarius), we are becoming more sensible, even more simple. Being at home, many have cleaned out years of debris from their lives, gotten literally lighter. They are getting work that is more in tune with their core. Might be less money, but the happiness factor brings a smile and better health. See more

4 Behenian FIXED STARS! 

Wiki says: The Behenian fixed stars, [used by alchemists,] are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, “root,” as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star’s influence (e.g., into a talisman). When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong.

Erik Roth reminds us: The Behenian stars are stars that have been shared as magical but it is really all stars and planets have their own magic and can be utilized through symbolic, psychic, spiritual and otherwise magical purposes in our lives.  The near-infinite sky dome is a part of our lives and has been since our very distant ancestors hundreds of thousands of years looked upon them and not only wondered what they were but also from a place of seeking, of finding meaning and seeing something beyond themselves. 

Alphecca, one of the 15 Behenian Stars! This star is sometimes called Gemma, the jewel of the crown. A brilliant white star, it is also called the Pearl of the Crown. It is the Alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, at 12 Scorpio 35 (2021) is semi sextile the New Moon! 

Alphecca marks the loop, or knot, of the ribbon along which are fastened the buds, flowers, or leaves of the wreath shown in early drawings with two long out-streaming ends. Corona Borealis represents the garland given by Venus to Ariadne on the occasion of her marriage to Bacchus after she had been forsaken by Theseus. Manilius said it ‘sparkles in the mid forehead. He was quite taken with the Crown. See his eloquent thoughts about it’s relationship with Virgo! Jamie at Astrology King says: it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent). It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability. 

With Moon: Public honor and dignity, suffers through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings of enemies but eventual triumph over them, bad for love affairs, some faithful friends, greatly esteemed by Venus and Mercury people. (Robson) Honors and preferment.

With Sun: Active and brilliant mind, self-seeking, subject to scandal that does not affect the position. Honors and preferment.

Alphecca is opposite Uranus, which is inconjunct the New Moon! With Uranus Robson says: Selfish, mental affliction and violence at end of life, psychic power, suffering through occultism, deceptive, many false friends, small inheritance obtained with difficulty, losses by law, enemies and mercurial affairs, sorrow through children or an adopted child, domestic trouble through own acts, danger of a violent death. 

We have come a long way in our thinking about Uranus than when it was first discovered. Think in modern terms of the benefits of this planet and combine that with the issues Robson perceived. Uranus rules electronics and computers, networking of all kinds, humanitarian efforts, freedom, awakening, change, evolution. Alphecca’s charm and intelligence work well with so many opportunities!

Aquarian Abraham Lincoln 0°03′, J. Paul Getty 1°36′ had Alphecca with Uranus.

Fixed Stars Algorab 13 Libra – sextiles the New Moon and Mercury, Sirius 14 Cancer – is inconjunct the New Moon and Mercury! I imagine few of you have done much work with or even heard of Algorab! It is on the right wing of the Raven, in the constellation Corvus, the Crow.  If you love the intelligent Corvids this may bode well for you, if not, all the nasties you hear of them may be part of the Truth.

  • In the US their rep is not so good. Astrologer Jamie Partridge summarizes: Algorab is one of the 15 magic related Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the malice of men and devils. – Whew! That’s impressive! If you sense those things in advance it can be a blessed forewarning.
  • He also states the 28th Chinese Xiù – 軫 (Zhěn) Chariot thinks:  This is the celestial Carriage and it represents the transport of tributes from foreign lands to the Emperor, thus the accumulation of wealth. It also presides over travel of all kinds and vehicles. It also presaged favorable winds and an end to storms. Events in business bring great profit and everything done heralds fortunate returns. Paying homage to ancestors will honor one with a “Dragon Child”. It is also a great day for marriages and births. – Quite different!
  • But some modern astrologers concur that it shows up in terrorism events! See the details at Astrology King, Jamie’s site! Don’t ‘terrorize’ yourself or provoke others; help others and yourself to be safe. Be aware of triggers and danger signals and leave; talk later if possible. Use your intelligence in a good way.
  • The New Moon is oblique to the potent, brightest star of the night, Sirius! Sirius enjoys a terrific reputation for the most part, but also called the Dog Star, watch out for dog bites, LOL! It is another of the 15 Behenian stars. Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake. See a lot more at Astrology King! 

Many 2021 factors have had an Aquarian component, including this New Moon within a degree of the Aquarian planet Uranus! We are preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, select who will work together, and get it rolling! See Saturn in Aquarius Saturn is open to new areas of responsibility. Chiron in leader Aries is livening us with the latest healing and teaching ideas! Jupiter is back in Aquarius jazzing up Saturn’s prospects!

Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol 26 Taurus 27 in 2020 – 2024

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto Capricorn trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely. 

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 25° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Freedom is still at issue. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

Pluto understands much of this. Capricorn often has working answers to bring us back together in common cause. Be safe and be well. Tread gently. Get all the facts before you pass judgment. Steady in the Light.  

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center!

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Algol is in Taurus, the first Venus sign, has a sensual touch, loves earthy beauty, sculpts its own existence! Libra, the second Venus sign is an air sign. Venus may love perfumes and dance, more sophisticated styles. The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the next sign after Scorpio. The GC is enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories, sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! Though ‘compatible’ signs, Libra generally prefers a more gentile pace, more quiet conversation over tea, and formal by invitation or appointment meetings, tête-à-têtes. Libra will find themselves being pressed to use their negotiating skills – tact and diplomacy, and loosening up in spite of themselves! They don’t want to miss anything! They will be blessed with more freedom, delighted by the bucking bronco! 

Mars at 23 Scorpio is opposition Algol. The old time predictions are it is difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries, can be an untimely ending. Scorpio is one of the ‘death’ signs, are often Hospice workers and healers, enjoy dangerous sports. Please just be a little more careful and aware of your surroundings. Be kind to yourself and others. 

Jupiter at 25 Aquarius is right in the square with Algol! Jupiter is a crazy lucky planet and can face ‘evil’ without even realizing it. Fascinating conversation, extraordinary points of view! Algol has nothing to hide, and no need to fear, so is free to share openly. Sagittarius has, at times, exceptional broadmindedness with no judgments, so doesn’t offend, yet, those two have reps as different as night and day. 

At this special time, Jupiter is about to make his final 2021 sextile, an aspect of opportunity, with the Galactic Center Dec 12! The New Moon is opening the Gateway; Mercury is right there as witness and translator. Jupiter is basking in the Light of billions of stars, in Aquarius, the sign of the heavens! I’m thinking there is some protection and a camaraderie since Algol is always in connection with the GC. The learning potential from both, their synergy, is phenomenal. Jupiter, the Sagittarian planet Centaur, has winning strong legs, a laugh that shakes the earth, and is in Aquarius, the light speed sign of the zodiac, in case there is an emergency! With an arrow over the shoulder and a flash of the tail, gone! See more about Jupiter sextile the GC!

On a fine New Moon night, things are blended, no Moonlight or shadows. There is a certain equality as the playing field is equalized. It seems more quiet, even subdued. Without the contrasts and sharp edges we are more receptive… Even if there is a breeze, there are no moving shadows… Sleep can be deeper.

This New Moon is a potent WalkAbout! Blessed be on your travels ~

Sagittarius TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart Dec 3/4!
December 3
Pacific and western zones. December 4 Mountain and eastern zones.

2021 Sagittarius New Moon Astrology Chart!

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Gemini/Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon Dec 18!

Saturday December 18, 27 Gemini/Sagittarius 29, 8:36 PM Pacific!

Full Moon Galactic Magic! Venus Retrograde the 19th, Relationship & Financial intensity!

Gemini Sagittarius 2021 Full Moon Thomas McKnight Barbados Art

If you were traveling in Barbados at 13° North, a Sagittarian island, on this Full Cold MicroMoon, it might be much warmer than where you live! This lovely serigraph is by famed artist Thomas McKnight, 1.1.41, a New Year Capricorn with Venus in Sagittarius, Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Taurus.

This may be the Last Lunar event, last Full Moon of 2021, but it links through 2022! We are in a 27 Degree Sequence for SIX months! 2021 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan, Feb, and Mar start a ‘season’ of six Full Moons at 27 degrees Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. The Full Moons at 24 to 29 degrees, will activate Algol and the Galactic Center at 26 and 27 and their Pluto connections strongly 8 times Sep 2021 to April 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of  your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

This is a Bowl chart too, with Mars also now in Sagittarius pushing the Sun. He blusters, teases, tells them why it’s all good, of the Promised Land! He trines Chiron in Aries, Aries is Mars’ own sign! They get along and Chiron is quick, with him, instantly as needed. Time to start new projects and businesses! He is sextile Saturn in Aquarius, determined to get them there! He told them he would and he will!

The nature of the Full Moon is to span the width of the zodiac! Opposites in unity! Sagittarius Father Sun is relying on Mother Moon’s scanners out there on the perimeter, and she being in Gemini, there is quite an array to be channeled. The mood of the people, the information currently circulating, makes a potent backdrop to Sun’s planning and current choices of directions. He wants to know the directions of their thinking and the maps to back it up! Mother Moon will indicate where the blockages are, where intervention and rerouting would make sense. Where things are smooth, the flows can be joined for more powerful results. Similar channels can merge their efforts to advantage. 

Mother Moon is potently in the Bowl’s lead position! Jupiter, Sag’s planet, sextiled the phenomenal Galactic Center Dec 12; Sun is in annual conjunction the Galactic Center on the 18th just before the Full Moon! With his Heart of Light he is refreshing our memories of the Dec 12 sextile, putting new Light on our intent and progress. With Sun bursting with fresh divine plans, optimism, maximum hopefulness, plus Mother Moon’s intuition, there will be a leap! She will be spreading the news just as fast as she can. Use blogs, newsletters. Place the information with people who will spread the word soonest to their people too! Contact your best most progressive friends. Nothing like fresh food for the Soul! Significant good news changes our molecules, updates our DNA! Make sure your circuits are clear and able to carry the load! Be ready to take action.

Jupiter, so recently sextile the GC, still excited, most fortunately sextiles Sun and trines Mama Moon! Sextiles and trines are astrology’s best aspects. Jupiter is the good luck, have fun, planet of faith and hope, truth and future planner! Thinks big, plays bigger! Travels just as far as it can get! Sun in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s sign, is already packed! Moon in Gemini can get bored, so buzzes happily at the idea of getting into a new neighborhood and meeting the new kinfolk, visiting brethren. This is the time for businesses and nonprofits to plan a big campaign. This is not a time to sit and wait! If you work your options, it will be a Full Moon to remember! 

During this time of Galactic contact, Venus conjuncted Pluto Dec 11th, the day before Jupiter sextiled the Galactic Center! She was set deep with Pluto in Capricorn to receive all she could. Pluto is charismatic compared to Venus’s beauty. He is a treasure hunter of significant people, deep relationships, fortunes. He saves people, like Drs Without Borders. Capricorn is historical chronicles, the Guardian of the Elder Councils, military, the Father of the Tribe, has responsibilities to his career, apprentices and family. Venus’s retrograde station is Dec 8 to 27. 19 days she holds the 24 to 26 degree position which includes the conjunction with Pluto. Venus retrogrades the 19th, the day after the Full Moon! She conjuncts Pluto the second time Christmas day, bringing back her perceptions of Dec 11. She sees how we have done, lived up to the possibilities. Venus was close with Pluto at the New Moon and is now just past Pluto at the Full Moon about to make her second conjunction with him. Some of the Christmas seating arrangements will be changed…

At the New Moon Venus sits semisextile between Sun and Jupiter, much a part of their Galactic connections. She witnesses their excitement, the values of historical worth being transmitted, the beauty and awesome possibilities of times to come, the future history we will make to leave for others after us. Venus, in her deep relationship with Pluto, will see the profound effects this will have on our financial relationships, our motives, sharing, the power of meaningful lifetime commitments. She knows it is better if some are broken, left behind, to allow changes that will multiply our success as humans by many fold. Clearly, for some it will be difficult times of transition, but worth it for the Soul’s progress. We will be cleaner, be able to give so much more than we could have known. Wishing you strength and to be steady in the Light. Clean up.

Venus isn’t done yet. See the Double Retrograde! She makes the last conjunction with Pluto March 3, two days after her retrograde cycle is done. Venus, Mars, Pluto are potently all at the same degree, 27 Capricorn! 

Mercury is also in Capricorn, so is documenting the happenings. They are happening more quickly than expected because of the Galactic connections, and because Mercury is square Chiron in Aries, fast surprises, quick imperative demands backed by the old master’s play! He wants change and wants it now! Also, Mercury trines Uranus in Taurus, Uranus the lightning planet. Who would have expected such sudden changes in Taurus? But the planet is changing right in front of our eyes and people are seeing the need for change asap! Mercury has speed of his own, and Capricorn is known for persistent action, facing reality, wanting an workable long lasting solution that ultimately saves time and money. Mercury is Gemini’s planet, so there is an accord with Mother Moon. She will help get the stories out, call on the troops.

Two days before Christmas, Dec 23, Saturn in Aquarius finalizes his 2021 squares with Uranus, the planet of Aquarius. It can be confusing. There is camaraderie and being at odds in the oddest ways! You what?! Saturn having been in AQ, has been trying to ride with the unpredictable creature. It’s somewhere between a bucking bronco and surfing! He’s now used to knowing he no longer knows. Life used to be so what it was. Now it is compounded by pandemic, climate and politics gone wild. Financial winds keep zig zagging! Friends and family are changing. Oddly, the planet of change is also a genius at work, and in Taurus of stabilizing, making things more sensible and grounded. Self reliance and the most elemental feed-ourselves vegetable gardening has thrived during the pandemic. At a time when things are so up in the air (Aquarius), we are becoming more sensible, even more simple. Being at home, many have cleaned out years of debris from their lives, gotten literally lighter. They are getting work that is more in tune with their core. Might be less money, but the happiness factor brings a smile and better health. Time for breakthroughs! See more 

Neptune in Pisces stands alone but he might lend a rainbow of inspiration! Jupiter will be re-entering Pisces again on Dec 28, and Neptune is waiting for their reunion! They have a super special aspect April 12, so have a lot to do in preparation for this once in 166 years celebration! See more about and the Astrology Chart of the 166 year Conjunction!

Pluto, Algol, Galactic Center! Pluto 25 Capricorn is trine fixed star Algol 26 Taurus 10. Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius is lock step with Algol. See all about them above in the New Moon, Fixed Stars section. The Full Moon axis is at 27 Gemini/Sagittarius 29, fully connected with them all, but most powerfully with the Galactic Center! 

Be strong and honorable in your purpose, blessed in your progress!

Gemini/Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon Astrology Chart!

2021 Gemini-Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon Astrology Chart!

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Happy 2022! Next up is the first lunar event of 2022, the Sunday January 2, 12 Capricorn 20, New Moon at 10:33 AM Pacific!

See the entire Sagittarius Newsletter! We have a lot happening now through the New Year! Topics:

    Saturn in Aquarius Sextile Chiron in Aries!
    Jupiter Aquarius Sextile the Galactic Center!
    Holiday Venus Retrograde + Jan Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RX!
    Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus
    Jupiter in Magical Pisces!
    Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

For more details see your 2021 and 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you…. 

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Lunar Eclipse Full Wolf SuperMoon! 

5 in Fire, 3 in Capricorn, Saturn sextile Neptune

New Moon!

First Bundle Chart! 15° Tipping Points, Potent New Moon Midpoint, 3 STARS! 


Lunar Eclipse Full Wolf SuperMoon!

Sunday January 20 at 9:16 PM Pacific, 0 Leo/Aquarius 52 

5 in Fire, 3 in Capricorn, Saturn sextile Neptune!

Aquarius 2019 Lunar Eclipse, Full Wolf SuperMoon!

The Leo/Aquarius Lunar Eclipse starts Aquarius in bodacious style! It is a glorious SuperMoon befitting Leo’s big heart and has a wolfy bite to it you won’t forget! Apropos to fiery Leo, during the eclipse the Moon will glow orange like a giant ember burning bright! 

At 0°, the Eclipse is fresh and frisky! Leo is athletic and Aquarius can invent things to do spontaneously that will make your spirit sizzle! It’s bright, and it’s electric, neon! Leo brings their love and Aquarius scatters it like a lightning rainbow! Though very different, Leo and AQ are both show stoppers. Leos toss their manes, dance dramatically, romance you until there is no resistance! Aquarius can make you want him to care because he doesn’t pay you any mind at all. He’s seen it all. He doesn’t necessarily try to get attention, but is so unique people simply stop and stare. Or he’s so intelligent with such amazing ideas, that people are astounded. From Harley to inventor! He can be bad, bad, bad, or so ahead of his time people don’t have a clue and write him off after a brief initial encounter. When they understand, they know he’s a treasure beyond words!

What Leo and AQ do have in common is an uncommon sense of Self. At first, for Leo, it may be awkward teenage discovery. But Leo on his own, is an individual in full bloom, very self aware, has a mighty presence and plenty of prowess! AQ is exotically himself with a lot of detachment, often not caring what others think, living in his own world. If he has found a niche with others of his kind, community is formed, with passion for the cause. If the desire for freedom overrides all else, he may always be ok alone. Leo is leaders on stage. Aquarius is getting it all on the computer, the Internet. Aquarians can always use a good Leo front person in the mix. A good Leo is proud to have such a saucy and high ranking Aquarian to showcase, a glorious cause to speak for!

We have a pretty little configuration with Saturn sextile Neptune at 13 and 14°. They are sweetly snuggled within the Mars trine Venus/Jupiter! This Full Moon Eclipse follows the Jan 13 Jupiter square Neptune, and precedes Saturn sextile Neptune, the first two aspects of 2019. The dreams we opened to when Jupiter was with Neptune, we are now weighing in the Full Moon scales, in preparation for making them come true as Saturn is with Neptune. An impressive sequence of unusual aspects started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the ecliptic. The coming 10 months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19, Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! Those in turn prepare us for the Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and Mar 21 The Crown! 

Saturn Sextile Neptune is the Master of Dreams combination! Saturn is scientist and Neptune is the shaman Dreamer. Both are in their own signs, practical Earth and sensitive psychic Water. Saturn builds the dreams; the Dreamer guides the Builder, the master of time and wisdom. The sextile will be exact January 31!

Mars in Aries is the 4th planet in this chart that is in his own sign! Jupiter in Sag, Saturn in Cap, and Neptune in Pisces! All four are pure and in essence, have greater potency than usual. Add the bigger and brighter SuperMoon Eclipse to this and it’s almost surreal! 

Mars in Aries is in the same sign with Uranus, adding sparkle to Uranus’s last fire light before Uranus goes into earthy Taurus March 6! Mars is clearing the path, lighting the way, for Chiron who will go into Aries Feb 18. Chiron and Uranus will then both be in Aries for 16 days!

Mars trines Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius. With the Moon in Leo, all 3 fire signs will be tenanted. Venus trined Mars the 17th and 18th. She soothed him to consider sweetening his approach, have more finesse, more fun. He inspired her to be forthright, more independent and not delay. He encouraged her to teach, make the story of her adventures tempting, that others would have courage to do theirs! She will conjunct Jupiter, the Oracle, the 21st/22nd, appreciating his style and fearless perspective. He may publish her work. She may decide to go in with him on his next venture. Mars trines Jupiter the 25th, and Jupiter, already in motion 98% of the time, rarely feels a nudge from behind or gets circled, but Mars in Aries has plenty of punch and lots of zoomies! Even the big lucky guys can get a bit complacent or burned out at times. A newcomer upstart, younger, can be so enthusiastic we remember that used to be us. We stand up and straighten our spines! Their new ideas are perfectly spot on and inspiring! Jupiter is famous for leaving, but Mars is even quicker – only a few days – but wow! A lot can happen in a short time!       
Mars squares Saturn Jan 20/21 at 13° within that trine too! It can be like running into a Saturn brick wall! But Mars is in Aries, it’s own sign, and rams know how to butt heads with the Capricorn goat! Cap will feel it and have to check out the disturbance in the valence, LOL! Sometimes Mars gets away with a bit too much just because he’s fast. But Cap is the law and he’s aware of trouble makers and generally knows what to do with them. Mars has options. Slow down, approach in a crafty off side manner. Give it up. Bring your credentials and impress him. Call him out and ask for a sit down. Cap may be annoyed, afraid, surprised, pleased at Mars’s courage. Saturn, please, at least give a quick listen. Don’t miss the boat for the possibly rough manner of presentation. Could be someone you think is too young or just rebels for their own sake. But there may be more to it than that. Why did they work so hard to get your attention? The interruption, delay, may be well worth it.

Couple the Saturn/Neptune at 13/14°, the Mars-Venus/Jupiter at 13, 14, 15, and we’re talking getting some things done! Mars square Saturn calls for a more careful presentation, emphasizing the value of new ideas. Those of you with factors in your charts from 11 to 16 will find yourselves to be a part of this scenario. Jupiter squared Neptune January 13th, and there is still some confusion, things being sorted through the 31st. The brew will then be on simmer until June 16/18. 

Chiron and Uranus have been carrying on in a semisextile since November 2008 and will through September 2021, 13 years! Though it is a minor aspect per most astrologers, it becomes important through its enduring connection and repetition. One of its two 2019 exact aspects will be/was Jan 19, the day before the Eclipse! Chiron is considered by many to be a shamanic healer, and Uranus is the humanitarian well ahead of his time. With the Internet these days, that healing is going through the ethers to every Soul. Chiron heals what’s strange in us, more a matter of kinks in our etheric web. Uranus gives old Chiron a little more juice to motate, to see more dimensions of the world web!  See more

Pluto and Mercury are in Capricorn along with Saturn, a powerful Stellium. Mercury conjuncted Pluto the 18th, so ideas Mercury got are still feeling important, maybe a little dangerous, but vital. Our thoughts with one another need to be clean and healing. We need to be careful with what we share, when, and with whom. Pluto carries a lot of deep information that is likely key to our life force. We need to tap that wellspring then learn what it means, how it works, before we put it out mainstream.

Mercury in Capricorn is a little conservative, so it is with skepticism, even a little cynicism that he squares revolutionary Uranus in Aries the 22nd/23rd. Mercury is forever curious. Being logical, in straight thinking Capricorn, to see a wild card up front in person is an intriguing, if a tad scary, experience! It is the last days of it’s being in Capricorn, so is feeling strong in his own thinking, wants to preserve and uphold principles hard won. Yet, sensibly Mercury here knows it is also proven that keeping up with the times and being innovative has rewards too. A keen eye and a realistic open mind can make judgments, selections, that initiate progress that serves well.     

Be strong in your lead, true to your heart, take the high road!
Leo/Aquarius Full Wolf SuperMoon Leo/Aquarius Astrology Chart
Lunar Eclipse Full Wolf SuperMoon Leo/Aquarius Astrology Chart!x

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Aquarius New Moon! 

Monday February 4 at 1:04 PM Pacific, 15 AQ 45

First Lunar Bundle Chart! 15° Tipping Points, Potent New Moon Midpoint, 3 STARS!

2019 Aquarius New Moon Chile's Atacama Desert Astro-Tourists Telescopes Observatories!

Nowhere on Earth is better for stargazing than Chile’s Atacama Desert, where super-observatories have opened up to a wave of astro-tourists seeking unpolluted skies.

It’s the first Lunar Bundle chart! All the planets are in just over a 1/3 of the chart! It’s the first in a long time. It spans from Jupiter to Uranus. [In this chart you can see it – Jupiter is the planet furthest right at the horizontal line across the chart. Go up to the left to red Mars/purple Uranus concludes the group. The three not in the group are items of interest but are not planets.] Truthseeker Jupiter is potently in his own sign Sagittarius! He is the Traveler/Teacher sees the Path, makes plans for the future, holds the principles of integrity, the caliber of the endeavor. He tells grand stories that have led many to greener pastures! It’s playful, loves sports, is optimistic, loves a good gamble! What a wellspring to push the whole program forward! See more about Bundle charts!

Uranus, at the bundle’s leading edge, is the electric sizzle of humanity! Fiery inspirational Mars is right behind him, keeping that cosmic computer crazy intelligence going at top speed! It’s so easy to get distracted by brilliant ideas along the way. Jot those down and get them in divine order so they can help each other as they go – one leading to the next! This Jupiter/Uranian combination is quite a gift. Uranus is always remarkable, well ahead of our times. Jupiter can make the extraordinary seem like everyday fun, cloaking the changes to good avail. We see the benefits and we are making excellent progress! 

Jupiter won’t make the exact trine to Uranus until they have both moved into Earth signs. This prelude in Fire signs, Sagittarius and Aries is inspiring and will keep ideas flowing and wheels turning! Uranus goes into Taurus March 6. Jupiter goes into Capricorn Dec 2. They will make the exact trine late this year, Dec 15! Get long term projects started now. Know that they will change complexion when the sign changes happen. Taurus’s job is to simplify, center, ground and stabilize, maintain, be steady in the Light. Get things working now, make the process workable, before those sign changes happen. Then we maintain and wait. Jupiter will still be working his magic, new learnings shared, some of it from ‘foreign’ places. When Jupiter goes into Capricorn, at first there may be a lull as things are reprocessed. But soon as that happens, things will happen fast. Cappies mean business! They do more than simplify; they condense and their process is potent! The most happens for the least effort.  

Look at all those 15°! The 15th degree is the mid degree of a sign, the tipping point, halfway there! Perhaps what has been in discovery, is put into practice.

STARS! Besides engaging each other in the New Moon chart, all those 15s are also aligned with three prominent fixed stars! Saturn opposes the Star Sirius at 14 Cancer! The New Moon inconjuncts it, and Neptune trines it! It is the Dogstar in Canis Major, the brightest star in the heavens. Saturn is currently at the same degree as Vega, Lyra’s bright star, and Neptune sextiles it! Saturn in Capricorn with Vega, opposite Sirius in Cancer highlights the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the Mother and Father, our commitments to kin, basic functions in life, food and shelter. Vega puts music and arts in our life and Sirius is Orion’s loyal hunt dog. This is so brief. Look more online at their histories, lore, data! Go to spiritual sites for deeper discussions.  

Not only is the dog involved, but so is the hunter himself! The New Moon is trine Orion’s star Rigel at 16 Gemini, while Neptune squares it. Rigel has mixed reviews. Mythologically it was thought to be where the scorpion stung Orion causing Orion’s death. Oops. A trine is a favorable aspect in astrology, so I’m leaning toward more favorable thinkings. About Rigel and the Sun, Robson says: Bold, courageous, insolent, unruly temper, hasty actions, bloodshed, many enemies, great good fortune, military success. Elsbeth Ebertin noted a connection of Rigel to the Sun and Moon, in charts of several world record pilots, leading to sudden difficulties in the carrying out of planned enterprises resulting in failures to reach the set target. The Neptune square could add to that…

Within the bundle, from Jupiter to Neptune, the planets are closely knit by degrees. With the four at 15°, including the New Moon, plus Jupiter at 18°, Mercury at 19° – that’s six planets all aspecting each other closely and they all in less than 90°, a square! Jupiter leaving his square with Neptune defines the square, they now being only 87 degrees apart! That Jupiter aspect has recently opened a lot of channels to mystical places, given purpose to ideas we didn’t understand before. 

Fittingly the New Moon sextiles the bundle starting planet, Jupiter! Sextiles offer a blend of harmonious signs, prosperous affiliations. They are good for informations exchange, in this case fire and air ideas. The New Moon in Aquarius is a merger of the Lights, a communion of Father Sun, Mother Moon – men and women, self within family. In Aquarius it is fulfilled by the union of Humanity. Jupiter offers expansion and growth, success, thinks big, bigger! Cultivate limitless thinking!

Mercury, Mind, with the New Moon, is considered exalted in airy Aquarius, the sign of the highest intelligence. It is electronic, fast as lightning. Internet networking. Mercury listens, spreads the Word among brethren, both at the local level and internationally! It awakens our mental function, opens our awareness. Words are quickly succinctly placed where they will have the most potency! Mercury conjuncted the Aquarius Sun Jan 29, infused with the Light of Change! His communications are brighter, stronger, galactically intelligent. Mercury was sextile Jupiter the day before, so all those plans for spreading the good word planetarily are fresh in mind. There is a lot to be said to many people. There is a sense of how we are all connected in myriads of ways. Ideas that seemed odd are now finding their niche. Things we thought we couldn’t do before are happening now! We are no longer ordinary mortals! 

Saturn sextiled Neptune Jan 31, just days before our New Moon! His job is to take the best most workable ideas of the Jupiter square Neptune and parlay them into use. These three will aspect each other, two more exact times each, through Nov 8. They are preparing us for the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19, Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! Those in turn prepare us for the Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and Mar 21 The Crown! 

Potently, all at the SAME DEGREE, the New Moon is semisextile Midpoint, equidistantly, between Saturn in his sign Capricorn and Neptune in his sign Pisces! The Aquarian New Moon is radiating energy of evolutionairy (no typo) change equally to Saturn, the planet of holding time, archaeology, and Neptune the planet of compassion and mergence. Air sign Aquarius literally lightens, uplifts, their perceptions. Saturn’s construction becomes in behalf of a saving grace, starting with planetary sustainability. 

Saturn and Neptune equally impinge on the New Moon! Saturn requests a spiritual architect’s rendering so not to miss any crucial part of this new kind of structure. Aquarius must use his genius and foresight to anticipate not only what is needed now but what in turn will be needed as a result of the changes made now. Aquarius is lightning fast, from one idea to another, crossing miles and millennia faster than you can blink! Saturn has to stop that for a few moments so they can make a connection here and now for the purpose at hand. AQ understands that, but it’s hard to ‘slow’ down when you are at warp speed. Not his nature. Neptune is the guardian of non logic, psychic perception. He keeps us aware that clever minds are only valuable in behalf of the feeling, at times illogical, humans they serve. Aquarians have a built in air/don’t care function that saves them from feelings that don’t make sense. Yet, we must do our best to balance both needs. Sometimes we have to sacrifice some of what would be the ultimate best. Sometimes we must bully our way through and pray for acceptance later. It may be a critical turning point that must be put in place.

Three outer planets are potently in their own signs! Purity prevails. Jupiter is frolicking in Sagittarius. Saturn is steadfast in Capricorn. Neptune is apperceptive in Pisces. Mars was in Aries at the Full Moon and is still in Aries, his own sign, offering spirited leadership, Initiation. 

Mars is now only 5° from Uranus, will conjunct him Feb 12! Mars is having a great time propagating excitement in his own sign Aries! No stopping! He squared Pluto on the first, looked danger right in the eye! That glimpse, was a combination of mortification, purification, and staying alive to tell the story! His dedicated leadership is more fearless than ever, and he, as one individual, takes on the Goliath of humanity’s foibles! Uranus often has vast connections, so Mars, bringing the fire to the feet, can have more effect than anyone ever expected. Uranus admires a tough advocate who has something of potency to share! He admires rebels who shake things up! Uranus gets bored with the everyday drivel, is used to going for huge gateways, but there has to be something fresh now and again to wake up the customers! This will be their last meeting in Aries for 84 years!  

Venus stands on her own at 1° Capricorn, just starting her work. She just recently squared Chiron, he at the last degree of the entire zodiac, 29° Pisces! He is finishing a 51 year stint around the entire zodiac and is about to start another! His sign change into Aries is only days away, making the shift Feb 18! His accumulation of healing and spiritual wisdom is enormous. He has an understanding of wounds, both receiving and inflicting. He has become a shaman teacher. Some say he is the planet of marriage, business partnerships. Venus in Capricorn has respect for such accomplishment, appreciates what he stands for. She may have been uncomfortably challenged by him to put Soul before earthly goods and good looks, that she is wonderful just the way she is, God made. That can be hard to accept at times. She may not at this time agree with all he said, but she feels encouraged anyway. What she does approve of, she will work for, lending it her particular touch of beauty and timelessness.  

Gather your energy, go for the tipping point! Use your limitless thinking!

Aquarius New Moon Astrology Chart!

2019 Aquarius New Moon Astrology Chart

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Next is the Tuesday February 19 Full Snow SuperMoon at 7:54 AM, 0 Virgo/Pisces 42. 

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter
 for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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2011 Starts with the Solar Eclipse/New Moon, Jan 4 AND the Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction at 27 Pisces, 4:52 AM Pacific!

Every 14 years we get this Jupiter/Uranus conjunction – 1969, 1983, 1997 and now, 2010-11. Jan 4 is the last of the 2010-11 set of three. The first was June 8, 2010, the second Sep 18, 2010 Jupiter and Uranus alone are explosive, wanting to be free, but with Pluto in Capricorn soberly and relentlessly cleaning house – we are clearing any unused, not likely to ever use again stuff, having freecycle giveaway fever – we are literally seeing our way clearly, making room for new things to come, and doing it!  Many people are feeling lighter, freer, bigger spirited, proud they let go, and are finally off on new ventures they can hardly believe were possible!  This extraordinary aspect brings far reaching opportunities, major multiplying of connections, magical technological breakthroughs, surprises, spiritual limitlessness!  Teaching, promotions, travel, publishing are magical!  Truth becomes more complete.  Pisces gives us what Eugene Gendlin calls a ‘felt-sense’ of things, what is known to be truest for us personally right now.  From that authentic place, comfortable because it is true and is our current potent position, we are on point!  Talk about internal combustion!  Yet, there will be challenges for people born in the late days of Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius or with planets in those degrees.  They may be pushed out of their comfort zone, both in mind and Spirit.  And that may go better than expected, as new explorations are made, opportunities perceived, potentials expanded!  Even the challenges of this aspect are more likely lucky than not!

The last two times this conjunction occurred in PISCES was in 1251, the first Shepherd’s Crusade, an unsuccessful campaign to rescue a popular French king, and 1334, no recorded events near the time of the conjunction.  That was 677 and 760 years ago!  Not so common a combo, our conjunction in Pisces.  On the previous conjunction in Pisces, Sep 18, 2010, there was no extraordinary news.  We will see what Jan 4 brings.

2010 Events during Jupiter in Pisces? Yes, some quite unique.
• Two world record art at auction sales, the topper Picasso’s Nude at $106 million!
• Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil spill
• Copiapo Chile 33 miners return to surface after record 69 days!
• International Space Station record time for continuously inhabited since Nov 2, 2000
• WikiLeaks releases diplomatic cables

Jupiter rules the biggest, massive, travel, long distance, Truth vs diplomacy!
Water sign Pisces rules art, oceans, places of solitude, miracles!

Not only is this conjunction a major aspect bringing in our NEW YEAR, but it is sweetened by an exact trine, that’s the best, from VENUS in Scorpio!  That means love, beauty, art, power, healing, money, and if well done, a potential more than you can imagine!  We like that, a lot!

Jan 4 Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 1:03 AM Pacific, 13 Capricorn!

This eclipse Moon squares Capricorn’s ruler Saturn 7 AM, then conjuncts Mars 3:49 PM!  The square could bring things to a standstill or there be delays.  With Mars, things can be hot – sexy, angry, on fire getting things done!  Ask how can we do it to move things along.  Career matters and reputation may figure strongly, fathers, your spiritual commitments, a mission.  Have a Plan B, and maybe a C!  Rather than dwell, have a planned distraction in mind.  Could be a related topic. 

The eclipse Sun squares Saturn right away on Jan 7.  But, it doesn’t conjunct Mars until it enters a close 5 degree conjunction with Mars starting Jan 14.   Still in conjunction though in different signs, Mars enters Aquarius Jan 15, then Sun Jan 20, now in a same sign again, Aquarius.  Traveling closely together, Mars moving fast, keeping ahead of the Sun, the exact conjunction is finally made a month after our eclipse on FEB 4th!!!!

New ventures started at this time will have mixed results.  Sun square Saturn is generally not a good launch combo – a lot of uphill work, too tired, blocked, broken, tedious, not enough money to do it justice, late, finally gives up.  I know for some the challenge is the glory, and some succeed against all odds, but it’s not for all of us.  Used well, Master Saturn puts the brakes on, waits for it, puts the finishing touches on the launching pad.  Capricorn is very careful, the instinctive goat, skirting danger, but sure footed!  The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is incredibly lucky, and we don’t want to miss it!  It will depend on how your personal chart combines with these aspects whether you go ahead or wait.  The expression of the eclipse energy may not get going until the Sun carries it to Mars!  Once there, Mars surges forward, leading the race, doesn’t miss a step!  The exact conjunction, or very close to it, may be the culmination. 

Plus Two Perihelions!

Jupiter Perihelion May 17/18  Another reason this Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is super charged is because this is Jupiter’s Perihelion year!  It is closest to the Sun in its 12 year cycle, moving its fastest This is why it sweeps through Aries so quickly!  

Specific spice to our conjunction is that  Jan 3 at 10 AM Pacific, the day before the Eclipse, Earth will be PerihelionAnd our days are literally shorter!  In spite of winter’s slower pace, there is still survival’s urgency, the need to make our actions count.  Some believe the Perihelion moment is the true New Year chart!  Here is the chart for Santa Barbara CA:

Earth Perihelion, True New Year?

Happy Eclipse, Conjunction, and Perihelion! 


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From La Tercera Newspaper, Chile – Last Miner of 33 Rescued!

Aug 5, 2010, was just 2 days after the Aug 3 exact Jupiter square Pluto.  Jupiter rules funerals; Pluto rules death, the underworld, and resurrection, the Phoenix rising from its own ashes!  For 33 miners, the lights went out at 2 PM.   Edison Pena, the 12th miner to the surface, said in a letter to his girlfriend he wanted to ‘see the sun’

The coordinates of the San Jose Mine are 27 S 09 37, 70 W 29 48.   

Today, 69 days later, the miners are incredibly returned to the surface, into the LIGHT, by their rescue capsule, the Fenix, in English, the Phoenix!  Many of the rescue techniques were the same as used by NASA in space, and were brought by NASA, combining heaven and earth.  Oct 13, 2010, the first miner to the surface was Florencio Avalos, at 00:11 AM CLDT/AST.

Some highlights of the Aug 5 chart
The Aug 5 chart had a mighty configuration, 6 planets in a T square.  Venus, Saturn and Mars are in Virgo and Libra on one side.  Saturn and Mars together are pressures.  In Aries on the other side, were Jupiter and Uranus.  Both of them are motion planets, Uranus like a humming frequency, Jupiter amplifying it.  At the point of the T was Pluto, planet of extremes, dark, death, underworld/healing, resurrection!  Jupiter and Uranus, indicate luck, publicity, worldwide.  They were in the 4th house of the chart, the place of outcomes.  Uranus rules surprises!  Five of the outmost planets and Chiron were retrograde, indicating going back, again and again, not giving up, returning.  Mother Moon’s final aspect, in Gemini (communications), was a trine (flow) with Chiron, the wounded healer/teacher, at 29 degrees, the final degree of a sign, in Aquarius.  Aquarius rules flight and freedom.  Aquarius is Uranus’s sign, Uranus the planet of the unexpected!  What seemed apparent tragedy became a miracle.

August 5, 2010 Chile - San Jose Mine Collapse

Important points in the chart of the first miner safely surfacing
As the first miner, Florencio Avalos, surfaced, Mama Moon was at 29 degrees Sagittarius, the point exactly sextile (opportunities), the 29 Aquarius where Chiron was on Aug 5!   And Mama Moon was only 3 degrees from Pluto, the planet of death and resurrection, the one at the point of the T square in the Aug 5 chart!  Pluto was right at the Descendant, the place of relationships in our charts, in this case, being restored!  The Ascendant was 0 degrees, new beginnings, Cancer, the sign of home and family, nurturing emotions.  Their story becomes all our story as Mama Earth held them in her womb, then gave them up to live, as if reincarnated.  “I have changed, I am a different man,” said Mario Gomez, the ninth to be rescued and, at 63, the oldest of the group.  Undoubtedly, they, ones close to them, all of us who live their new glory with them, will let go of some of our petty choices, be cleansed of toxic debris in our lives, live on in cleaner awareness, make more of a difference.

Chile, San Jose Mine, First Miner, Florencio Avalos, at Surface!

NBC said:  ‘The foreman who held the group together when they were feared lost was the last man out. Luis Alberto Urzua was hoisted to safety [9:55 PM] in a joyous climax to a flawless rescue that captivated the world.’

Though they have their lives, medics say some of the men are psychologically fragile and may struggle with stress for a long time after their rescue.  Please continue to send your prayers for them and their loved ones.  These men have lived for us.

God bless you all.

The 33 Chilean Miners

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