
Posts Tagged ‘Lunar Eclipse’

Oct 28 is the Taurus-Scorpio LUNAR Eclipse Full Hunter’s Moon!

♦ Special Astronomical Treat! Jupiter is at opposition, closest to Earth, Nov 2, 10:02 PM Pacific! It will be getting brighter and brighter, peaking Nov 2 to 3! On the night of the 2nd/3rd, it will shine all night long!!! With a telescope you can see its four largest moons and the colorful bands of clouds in Jupiter’s atmosphere. EarthSky recommends for precise Sun and Jupiter rising times at your location: Old Farmer’s Almanac (U.S. and Canada)  See more! Beauty be!

Oct 28 Taurus-Scorpio LUNAR Eclipse Full Hunter’s Moon!

Saturday Oct 28 at 1:24 PM Pacific at 5 Taurus-Scorpio 09!

Grateful to be in your LUNAR Eclipse, Taurus and Scorpio, taking a deeper look at life!

2023's Taurus-Scorpio Lunar Eclipse by Morisette Houston Tx 2021!

This fabulous image was by Chris Morisette of the pretty partial lunar eclipse on Nov. 19, 2021, Houston TX! Oct 28 ’23 is also a Partial LUNAR Eclipse. Only the penumbral phase is visible NE US. A Partial has less red than the Total Eclipses, often also called Blood Moons due to their deep orange/red color.

Hope you enjoyed the Oct 14 Eclipse! If you missed it, here is NASA’s Broadcast! I watched the Broadcast because in my area the eclipse was partial and I wanted to see the Ring of Fire!

Both Scorpio Moons, Full and New, have 3 planets in Scorpio! This one technically doesn’t qualify as a stellium because Mercury is always close with Sun, so not counted, but both include Mars! Mercury and Mars are less than a degree apart, Mercury is jumping into the fire! The Eclipse three are in early Scorpio. The New Moon’s are in the early twenty degrees, 2/3s of the way through, a powerful Sun Moon Mars combo!

Our Full Moon chart is an off centered Seesaw. The Scorpio group and Venus, 4 inner planets, are on one side, the rest of the planets and Moon on the other. The one oppositional axis potently has FIVE planets, includes the Full Moon axis! Secret, often silent, Sun, Mercury and Mars are strongly opposite Moon and tell all Jupiter! If you don’t want whatever to get out, do  not  tell  anyone. Remember, Full Moons are about illumination, seeing in the dark, an aha moment… Tell no one and don’t betray yourself or others by your actions.

Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Hunter’s Moon, Sun opposite Moon! Only the penumbral phase is visible NE US.

  • Sun in Scorpio puts Light in a Dark place! Revelation comes from and to an inner place. Out of the dark comes a magical birth. Sometimes there is wild celebration at the emergence, other times there is total silence in awe of the event. There is often a mixture of pain and joy! Birthing can take lifetimes, an accumulation of experiences, to the release. It can take minutes to days! Either way, there is an awakening of Spirit at a new level. Some lives there are many births, others there appear to be none. There is a simple maintenance, a steady heartbeat that calms us to be able to go forward, deeply absorbing, becoming the profound meaning of the knowledge.In daily business, Scorpio is important financial matters, gives long term Love and loyalty – at times jealous, cleans up and does profound healing, instinctively uses herbs and medicine. Scorpios are ninjas that glide invisibly right through the daytime, enjoy danger and using their wits, enjoy their sexuality. Research is prime. They are often involved with the military, police, emergencies, hospice. They often rescue from abuse, slavery, discrimination, drugs. They at times can be on the bad side, be dangerous themselves. Either side, they carry secrets, whether discretion that could save your life, or by being careful pick their own way to survival. They can be inscrutable and be the best poker players, no tells. They may have issues themselves, or have people in their lives who have strong issues. They can be helpers, or may suffer long and deeply due to the extent of a situation. Do give as you can to help the persons with difficulties, and/or the loved ones and caregivers doing their best to help. Burn out is a matter. Support them to get time out and rest.Sun is with Mercury and Mars, more ready to take action than usual! Mercury has a reservoir of ideas carefully scanned and sorted for priority use and timely revelation. He wants to do the journalism, follow the money, looks at the root cause! Mars wants to start a ruckus that gets attention and exposes the misuse of funds, illicit deals, political secrets, sneaky sex. Mercury is concerned, more logical, but Mars is bold and daring. Yet they are so close, mind and action are one! Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio is SPICY! Aromatic and mind boggling! Clever together, they could appear on the front page, arousing further investigation! Mercury has ideas and Mars can’t help but want to play them out. Perfect accomplice, LOL!
  • Moon in Taurus is wiggling her toes in the sand, feeling the creek side mud squish between them… Ah… Feeling the Earth is calming, grounding, centering. She can release her troubles. She loves landscaping, gardening organic veggies for the family right at home. Some stay where they are born their whole life, married to the same person. A strong sturdy peaceful home means a lot. She is generally steadfast, but worries when simple systems are upset, or things get lost or the pantry is low when a storm is expected. Steady income, dependability are important. Body connection, a hug, spa days really help. A food lover, they can be overweight, but physically they can be super strong! Moon in Taurus can be so beautiful, feminine, kind and patient. They think thoroughly, ponder without hurry, feel what they think, allow due process, no snap judgments. They can be a bit possessive…don’t always make changes easily.Mercury is opposite Jupiter at 8:44 PM. Mama Moon catches up with Jupiter 11:37 PM! Mercury sees local while Jupiter, even though in local Taurus, has a longer and broader vision. Mother Moon wants to see our Earth properly tended, and Jupiter had big plans to do just that. Mercury and Mars can see all about that and give financial reason why it is important. They will extract important points from Moon and Jupiter and start mapping out and fill in the details of their story. It will be a giant story with images to prove it! Moon will conjunct genius Uranus the next day at 5:36 PM! There is likely to be an electrifying response!Jupiter in Taurus is still retrograde, but will be coming forward to conjunct Uranus April 20, 2024! WOW! That will be some experience! Do be thinking on what you would like to see happen by then, be preparing for it even now. Allow your mind to sweep the environment, to expand what you aspire to. Jupiter will turn forward Dec 30. A lengthy one degree station will be Dec 6 through Jan 24, 2024. Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 5 and 6 degrees will be activated. In that time, some deeper principles will take root with you, securing a strong foundation, worthy of your continued care as they develop further. Jupiter is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education, perspectives of long term value. Yes, we have seen huge earth events, some not seeming so lucky, but in the long term we will do better with these kinds of events as we plan ahead to use them rather than suffer destruction. One of the things we can do is manage our food production choices in context of coming weather. Another is to mitigate temperature changes. Jupiter rules heat! See more: 2023-24 Aspects and other Sign Changes!Uranus is in the 3 outer planets higher consciousness sequence! Venus in Virgo, the ingénue Virgin, lovely and graceful, has got some elegantly valuable systems lined up and is trine, the most favorable aspect, with Uranus! They will have their facts straight and workable systems, how to do it, easily adjustable to fit specific needs and outcomes! Uranus will dazzle with cutting edge ideas that will keep people thinking for weeks, months, even years! It may not be an obvious new beginning. Several fronts will be getting started at the same time. But it will add up as time goes along. When we total up months later, we will realize what a wellspring this time was! Time to put our heads together.
  • You see how different Sun and Moon are, not just as different signs, but this time with the companions they are traveling with. With Moon next to Jupiter in Taurus, there may not be extensive traveling, more like a ‘staycation, ‘right?! But in thoughts, mind and intention, leaps will be made! Jupiter has farsighted perception. Mercury and Mars with Sun are speeding things up! These ‘fixed’ stable signs are in the mood to get going and Venus is cheering Uranus to let loose his exciting genius!Moon always comes along to support Sun from the opposite sign every month except sometimes February. She may be across the chart from Sun, but she’s his mate and lets him know what’s going on out there when at their greatest distance. He has the least ‘control’ of her then and she is more free to express herself without his influence. She cares, but their difference is more clear then, more pure self expression on both sides. Sun is more independent without her mothering. Doing things himself makes him know his own powers better. He sees Moon for who she is without his wanting to be sure she is ok. And she’s more independent. They realize they need to let go some and let live as is. They miss each other too…
    Taurus – Scorpio is the axis of our bodies, desires and passions. Of the Earth, Taurus is the rich valley soils, alluvial fans and Scorpio the great rivers like the Mississippi and Columbia Rivers that are formed at the bottom of the fans. Taurus-Scorpio both have to do with monies. Taurus is my money, in pocket. Scorpio is our money, more money, shared mortgages, corporations, bank loans, insurances, etc. Taurus would rather own their own business while Scorpio goes the corporate game. Scorpio as a water sign is way more flowing than earthy Taurus. Taurus is more traditional in relationships. Scorpio is more likely to have prenups and an intricate will. Scorpio is more likely to cheat, but is also ’til death do us part.’ Taurus is generally more organically healthy, uses calming, rest, slow indigenous medicinal plants. Scorpio is the fastest self healer of critical injuries on the planet! He hires the most merciless physical therapist along with a remarkable psychotherapist working the often painful twists of mind and psyche that go along with the injuries, PTSD! He’s a Shamanic Psychic.

Saturn at ZERO Pisces is still retrograde, remains in his one degree station that lasts until Dec 8! He comes close to going back into Aquarius, all the way back to 0 Pisces 31, but does not go back into Aquarius! He is standing in place anchoring the essence of Pisces matters, updating, strengthening the primary dream foundation at this zero point. Those of you with chart factors at 28-29 Aquarius or very close to 0 and 1 degrees Pisces will be activated. An arbitrary one degree choice may vary for some of you. Some will feel it sooner, at two or three degrees depending on your personal chart. Stations are significant points in a planet’s voyage, a place of absorbing, focus, learning the depth and meaning deeply, steeping in the doing, developing an alliance with a particular place of perception, anchoring and protecting that point. There is an inception and becoming one with a point of reference. Those are a few ways to see it, you may have additional ideas.

I see Saturn as harnessing the insights and psychic ability of Pisces, the ability to understand something that was unknown, develop a personal form of Spirituality that brings you to your knees and exhilarates your Soul!  At the earth level we have seen swarms of floods and powerful water events. I want to see ways for Saturn to harvest water significantly, to help take care of our oceans, reduce plastic and poisonous pollution, to harvest safely without harming other fish, dolphins and whales, to harvest cleanly and more abundantly. See more!

Chiron is retrograde at 16 Aries the sign of independence. Venus, particular in Virgo, has just passed him inconjunct. She is more quiet in Virgo than he is in Aries. He seems a little pushy, not listening to her much, a bit brusque and a tad loud this time. She is off in her own world, quite busy and has less time than usual. He has urgent things to do. Each was likely to have shared the priority of the time. She told him about working with Uranus. He encouraged her to stay steady with her work and take good care of herself, to call him if needed. She felt a genuine thanks and gave him a hug. Neither one is much into thinking about a relationship right now. Understanding each other, it was a quick brush by and on they both went.

Pluto is back in Capricorn until Jan 20, 2024. See more about this period of the 246 year Capricorn-Aquarius transition. There is great strength in hard won, tried and true knowledge. On that foundation Aquarian r/evolution makes more useful solid advances, securely implemented, maintained by the timeless high standards Capricorn has stood for. Capricorn is the sign of time and knows instinctively when a shift is in progress. Ruling borders and boundaries, he is a Gateway specialist! He is a mentor, always guiding and guarding the newbies. Aquarius is at the cutting edge, on totally new ground and can use all the help he can get. Many Aquarians have their Mercurys in Capricorn and many Capricorns have their Mercurys in Aquarius! They live this transition all their lives. They will be there for us. While the rest of us are scrambling, it’s business as usual for them.


AnchorThe three outmost higher consciousness planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are still in their sextiles/trine pattern. Many events are making world headlines. They are taking it to the next level, meaning these are considered higher consciousness planets! This combination of the three outmost planets aspecting each other this way is quite rare and will continue through 2028.

They are sextiling – opportunities – each other and Uranus in Taurus has moved into trine with Pluto while Pluto is retrograde back in fellow earth sign Capricorn. Jupiter is closer to his conjunction with Uranus, and many are already sensing the amazing possibilities. But for now, Jupiter is in station about to retrograde. They will be exact April 2024. The threesome is holding in earth and water signs until Pluto makes his shift back into Aquarius again Jan 2024. That will leave Uranus and Neptune keeping the dream electric and lively! Neptune evolves just like all the planets do. With Uranus, even Neptune develops a new level of awareness. At first it may seem a bit prickly, but as he gets used to it, it’s more sparkly! In fact, it’s all quite intriguing.

When she first heard about these three together, a friend said OMG, that sounds destabilizing and slightly terrifying! And it can be, depending on your point of view and climate changes. Sometimes destabilizing can be a chosen technique, done on purpose in a good way, like the demolition of an old dangerous building. At the same time space is made to accommodate opening the good gates of the future, an amazing rebuild, making a park, a hospital, library, low income senior housing. With climate disasters, entire areas are devastated. Yet even during anger and grief, there is the seeing of a significant, even profound, choice of rebirth of much better ways. In time, surprisingly, the whole experience brings gratitude. As Rumi says: “Earth turns to Gold in the hands of the Wise.” Here is our big chance to make it so!

Uranus sextile Neptune

Uranus has been within a 5° sextile with Neptune since July ’23, and will be for five months through Dec 16, 2023! Uranus is the last Air planet, the planet of the heavens, flight and electronics – the internet and networking. The Awakener has humanitarian inclinations and collective intent. There is maximum exchange of information, extraordinary invention, as genius is released planet wide! He changes, adds dimension to Neptune’s way of seeing and content of his visions! That Uranus is grounded in Taurus, he keeps the intentions sensible and steady. Things may not be so ‘loud.’ More gets done since undistracted energy is concentrated, applied right where needed, and doesn’t quit until completed.

Neptune, the most adaptable planet, quickly takes on the Uranian continuum of skills, adeptly commingles it with his own psychic seeing! He gives remarkable tips that bypass super logic and gets us there without explanation. Astonishing as always was and will be! There are leaps beyond our ken, but we arrive, suddenly transported, functioning in a way we didn’t know before, but is right as rain. It seems like a miracle, but is really normal. In the face of disasters, Neptune has unexpected resilience, shows the strength of the Soul. Healing knows no bounds.

At times we get lost in the glory and excitement of such transitions. We get enamored with the genius of it all. But Neptune reminds us it’s not just what we can do but the meaning of it all. We take a few still moments to honor our original inspiration, the commandments of our Soul, the depth of caring, need for change that started our pilgrimage.

After Dec 16, 2023 they again pick up their less than 5° sextile June 14, 2024 through Feb 13, 2025! This second set is eight months, making a total of 13 months! Neptune again leaves Uranus behind, entering ARIES Mar 30, 2025, never making the exact sextile while Neptune is in Pisces! Yet all that time, they are functioning together, progressively activating 19 through 28 degree factors in our charts! They are awakening us, establishing a foundation, setting the stage for the exact aspect sets to come.

Aug 28, 2025 they start their two year set of EXACT sextiles. It is the first of five aspects but in Gemini and Aries! See more!

With the outmost planets, this pattern of coming close then moving apart is normal. It gives time to get to know each other in context of the type of aspect and the signs they are in. The can see how to protect themselves if necessary, how to help each other as possible.

Uranus trine Pluto

Uranus trine Pluto are also in a pre exact aspects prelude period. Currently, since Uranus is sextile Neptune, and Neptune is sextile Pluto, Uranus is trine Pluto though technically not quite within the 5° or less zone. Since around the end of July, or earlier, Uranus and Pluto have been considering each other. Uranus slows to his stand still station Aug 28. Pluto is retrograding getting closer by degree with Uranus. They get closest Sep 10/11 then gradually part further. But once aware of each other, they can still watch…plus Neptune, between them, has his eye on both and they are both watching Neptune. It’s a bit intricate and it isn’t done yet.

There are two more close periods, seeding and getting used to the connection. They don’t make the first EXACT trine until July 17, 2026, while Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini! Like Uranus sextile Neptune, this too is a 5 time set of aspects and takes two years to complete on May 9, 2028.

While Neptune is midpoint between them he can act as a buffer. Pluto in Capricorn is set in some of his ways. Uranus is the planet of change and evolution while Capricorn is the guardian of the status quo, elders. Pluto doesn’t want anyone messing with his relationships, especially with money. But, they are nevertheless, trine, likely to find ways to work with each other. Uranus in Taurus is more sensible, but certainly not the same. His advocacy for individual’ rights includes money, but from the opposite side of the table. Pluto is corporate money, the ruler of Scorpio, OUR money. Taurus is MY money. It will take a little doing to bridge this difference. Both are strong and both can be stubborn. Since Neptune in Pisces is known for his empathy and understanding, his long bond with Pluto, he may lean a bit more to Pluto’s side – the fundraiser side.

Neptune sextile Pluto 82 years!

Neptune and Pluto know each other well. From 1900 through 2032, there is only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period completing the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence.

As planets travel for long times together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies from the Kundalini up. Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable, our dreams. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto first entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts!

You can see the potency of this three outer planet grouping. The harmony of these planets draws us past our daily experience. We are encountering great principles working together. Uranus is humanitarian, the Awakener. Neptune is the dreamer of the vastitudes, spiritual Master. Pluto awakens the Kundalini, the fire at the base of the spine, burns away the dross, aligns the chakras and we are ON! When Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus’s sign, the two are combined as one, unimaginable electric life force! Immense possibilities. See more about the approaching April 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus! This aspect alone will jump the group a few light years ahead!

It’s a special time to travel your mind and intention. Mars is adding spice to the occasion, wants us to take dedicated far sighted action! Can do! Time to brainstorm!

Grateful to be in your LUNAR Eclipse, Taurus and Scorpio, taking a deeper look at life!

Oct 28 Taurus-Scorpio LUNAR Eclipse Full Hunter’s Moon Astrology Chart!

2023 Taurus-Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Full Hunter's Moon!



Nov 13 Scorpio New Moon! 

Monday Nov 13, 1:27 AM Pacific at 20 Scorpio 44!

Relationships and Finances are shifting quickly! Mars is activating all the Higher Consciousness Planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the New Moon and Nodes!

2023 Scorpio New Moon ISS Orbital Sunset Crescent Moon 2021 New Z!

What a beauty! A waxing crescent moon is photographed from the International Space Station during an orbital sunset as the station flies 268 miles (431 kilometers) above the Pacific Ocean, east of New Zealand.
See it at NASA

The New Moon has a strongly defined axis made by the Scorpio mini stellium Moon, Sun and Mars at 20 and 22° opposite Uranus at 21°! They are coming along to activate Neptune by trines and sextiles. Neptune in turn is making another of the long term (82 years) sextiles with Pluto! Pluto is Scorpio’s ruler, so in a way, we have come full circle. Pluto in turn is shifting into Aquarius, so our New Moon leads, connects six planets, in finalizing foundations and preparing us to make a smooth transition.

All the planets are to one side of the New Moon axis while Venus is by herself on the other side. But Sagittarius Mercury is sextiling her, so happy to find ways to connect different factions, getting the Word to both and all! Venus in Libra, her own second sign, is keenly observant, intuitively skilled at seeing how social and cultural differences are assets! She puts them together and soon they are signing contracts, even marriage contracts! Venus assesses what is valuable, whether it is intrinsically beautiful – heart and Soul, if there is true love. She can be kind, introduce us to the best of the best, bless us with canny appreciation. She can be wanting this and wanting that, to have a wonderful relationship worth the money, LOL! She can be very  charming and attractive – a model, could be the artist, make beautiful designs, run a fine dating service, yet not want to work. Being pampered may be her goal, and that’s ok. In the opportunity aspect with Mercury in Sagittarius, traveling and education may be her loves. She is culturally social and can get bored with ordinary life. Look further, keep a broad mind! If she gets snobby and judgmental, too spoiled, cleverly opportunistic, oops. There are times a good aspect can be used well for not so nice purposes. Generally, though, this one is a sweetie.

Mercury is often quite persuasive, and in Sagittarius you don’t even realize you have been converted. It is so fun chatting, the big ideas sound so natural! All of a sudden you have learned a lot! Sometimes it is the prof at school, or just a great story of a real experience with a few exaggerations! But still, you got a new perspective and feel ready to go try some for yourself! A trip or a tour may be proposed. The races, a casino, may tempt you! Some super health tips may improve your outlook and you are ready to go! Imports and exports catch your eye and you think you might open a mini roadside motel with a gift shop of exotic treasures. Oh, yes! Who knows what will happen?!

The Scorpio Stellium trines Neptune! Both in water signs there is a comfortable flow between them. Mother Moon is supportive to both Father Sun and Neptune. She brings a deep perception of the inner workings of female and male, children and parents. She heals hurt Spirits, walks in dangerous places with natural confidence, is trusted to keep delicate confidences. Oceanic Neptune is impressed, and lends a tidal hand to help her ebb and rest, flow and flush away the pains of the Soul. Natural cycles are reestablished. There may be financial restitution, a reunion with spiritual principles, release of obsessions like drugs/alcohol, surrender to a more healthy life, self respect. There will be powerful people on this honorable Path.

  • Father Sun, backed by Mama Moon, shines brighter in the darkest places. He feels her intuition and more carefully picks his steps. His courage is commendable. He takes their messages to those who need it most and often want to hear it the least. Each unique case has its own challenges, and Scorpio is adept at assessing how to proceed. They can do superb fundraising that can bring tears to the toughest resistor. They have been there in places of the most pain and suffering. It’s real. Healing is one of the most profound experiences, having it and giving it. You can take care of yourself, can allow and give help. Your life gets into more normal circumstances. Finances and relationships improve. Let it be. And, just because you got healed, it wasn’t always easy. Healing can be hard work.
  • Mars is the hot potato right in the Scorpio ovens! He has been leading the way, but the New Moon has caught up and they are warming in his fire! He has scouted the territory, found the safest paths and places, helped frequently in dangerous conditions, maybe disaster rescue as well as being at the frontline, first responder and investigative work. Mars in Scorpio wants you to be financially and physically strong, independent, a leader! Scorpio is resourceful, can live alone successfully, often leads from within or behind, the secret author using a pseudonym. Time to update your will. His indomitable spirit is inspiring. Some kind of Initiation is likely. His charisma draws a group of loyal followers.Moon’s Nodes? Part of the importance of the Node’s events, Libra-Aries are being able to be independent, a leader, AND work together, each contributing their own strengths. Moon’s Nodes are considered to be somewhat karmic, to connect concepts of mistakes of the past/past lives with making amendments balanced by the opposite principles of the opposite sign, of current times. It is not always easy within ourselves, because the soul has its memories, and we, and others involved, have fears, angers and perversions, chronic behaviors that need to be faced and overcome. Do have patience with each other and yourself. Though you may be ready to make good, the other may not be able to receive your offering yet, and vice versa.The Nodes are always generally retrograde and so is this one. North Node in Aries, independence is being called for to balance old make-everybody-happy ways. This is especially true this time because Mars, the independent Aries planet is inconjunct. Yet, Mars is in Scorpio, a deep relationship sign. It’s a contradiction because Aries/Mars often don’t marry. So a partner has to let them be independent. It won’t be exactly a traditional relationship. Inconjuncts have an awareness of each other that pulls them a bit off center. It’s a little twitchy, itchy, can be yay or nay, provocative or pushes away. Aries generally likes things forthright; Scorpio has his secrets. Aries does love challenges. Aries North Node is trying to figure out whether to approach sacred ground, or skitter away, but their mutuality makes them both curious… Mars is moving forward to meet him too. There are glances, could be a brief encounter of some kind. Mars in Scorpio knows ways to get forward that are not usually known. Could save the North Node some time, make him stronger. NN may encourage Mars to come forward, shed the burden of some of the secrets he has carried so long… We’ll see.Mars is the action planet. The trine with great Neptune gives him a perfect cause he can fight for. Neptune can be astonishing yet still be unknown and the quiet meditator, mentor. Yet they are also believers, have their own kind of charisma leading the Saints! Mars is certain in this case, to lend a hand and raise the goal to glory! However, if the message is a sham, he will be equally determined to bring it all down, exposed for the fraud it is! Mars can lead the fundraising if things pass his specs. New sources will be found and may include international over the ocean assistance. Dreams will come true. As powerful as Mars is, he may be a shy savior not wanting the public light. If you offend him, he may make you feel the consequences, so be careful to do the right thing. He, like us all, needs love and respect. Ask first if introducing him is ok.Mars has been opposite Uranus, igniting a mighty rumbling, advocating further freedoms and change! He’s a potent little devil in Scorpio, no way to ignore him! He pulls the cat’s tail, even the giant’s, and no one sees him do it. If he’s caught, he’s admired for his clever courage and potency. Everyone considers his ideas. Mars in turn is changed merely by viewing the big planet’s broad range. Mars realizes he can reach much further by picking his targets, making connections that have those worldwide partnerships, supporting their efforts. He takes his own power in hand and multiplies its effectiveness. He’s actually rather electrified by this encounter. His synapses are speeded up! Feels good, even a bit giddy! Better than a carnival ride! From Nov 8 through 14, be a little careful. There is a new level of energy we are getting used to. Those of you with chart factors 16 to 23° are likely to feel it the most.Mars is also in aspect with the third of the higher consciousness planets, sextile Pluto! Though they are 6° apart numerically, there is a strong connection already because Mars is in Pluto’s sign Scorpio! They too are drawn to each other like the Node and Mars. The Mars Pluto sextile will be exact Nov 21, the last day of Scorpio and 2 days before ThanksGiving. My guess is holiday preps will be intense, invites and arrivals will have their own challenges but will likely work out. Mars in Scorpio has his own way of pushing the river but not always obvious or easy to read even if questioned, or especially if questioned! He likes to lead from behind. Pluto in Capricorn is busy doing end of year things, working out matters concerning parents, fathers and elders. He may need to deal with real estate, housing if moving, winter repairs, and among all these, needing to be ready for holiday sales plus gifts! He wants things settled. At the personal level, Mars wants to heal psychologically, clean up relationships, establish new sources of income. Pluto in Capricorn wants to clear business relationships, work out financial details, any security matters or building issues regarding weather. He is only too aware of his immanent shift back into Aquarius Jan 20. Scorpio and his planet Pluto are a bit obsessive, all-nighters not uncommon. There is so much to do at this time of year, it may be difficult to get an audience… Sometimes fast mover Mars is hard to pin down.

The Scorpio Stellium is not trifling when opposite Uranus the ChangeMaker! Uranus in Taurus will be there long after the New Moon, so as feisty a set as they may be, a little arrogance won’t do them any favors. But it’s fun to see what might happen, LOL. A little wild party may be just what the Dr ordered! They will be changed by visiting the Awakener Uranus. Scorpio can brew up a mess, but Uranus is thunder, lightning, earthquakes, plane disasters, that can affect the lifetimes of many more. 84 year cycle Planetary Networker Uranus sees them and Mars as a passing phenomena. They remind him its not just his money, though in Taurus he thinks of money as the money of the Collective, he being the Aquarian banker planet. But, Scorpio really is about our money, big money – the great banks, grants, loans, insurances, real estate, corporations. They are the underpinnings to collective money for world causes/disasters, remediation. Mergers can be potent. If things get out of hand and the finances are abused, never forget David and Goliath. Mars can be a small fighter by comparison, but one shot to the bull’s eye changes everything. If they work together for the planet, a few well placed viral words on the Aquarian internet can shift billions of people’s thinking in hours.

Already we have two of the three outer planets involved. Next is about Uranus sextile Neptune and Neptune sextile Pluto! This sequence is important because Pluto is making his 246 year shift from Capricorn to Aquarius! Here is all about it!


The three outmost planets, the higher consciousness planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are still in their sextiles/trine pattern. Many events are making world headlines. They are taking it to the next level, meaning these are considered higher consciousness planets! This combination of the three outmost planets aspecting each other this way is quite rare and will continue through 2028.

They are sextiling – opportunities – each other and Uranus in Taurus has moved into trine with Pluto while Pluto is retrograde back in fellow earth sign Capricorn. Jupiter is closer to his conjunction with Uranus, and many are already sensing the amazing possibilities. But for now, Jupiter is in station about to retrograde. They will be exact April 2024. The threesome is holding in earth and water signs until Pluto makes his shift back into Aquarius again Jan 2024. That will leave Uranus and Neptune keeping the dream electric and lively! Neptune evolves just like all the planets do. With Uranus, even Neptune develops a new level of awareness. At first it may seem a bit prickly, but as he gets used to it, it’s more sparkly! In fact, it’s all quite intriguing.

When she first heard about these three together, a friend said OMG, that sounds destabilizing and slightly terrifying! And it can be, depending on your point of view and climate changes. Sometimes destabilizing can be a chosen technique, done on purpose in a good way, like the demolition of an old dangerous building. At the same time space is made to accommodate opening the good gates of the future, an amazing rebuild, making a park, a hospital, library, low income senior housing. With climate disasters, entire areas are devastated. Yet even during anger and grief, there is the seeing of a significant, even profound, choice of rebirth of much better ways. In time, surprisingly, the whole experience brings gratitude. As Rumi says: “Earth turns to Gold in the hands of the Wise.” Here is our big chance to make it so!

Uranus sextile Neptune

Uranus has been within a 5° sextile with Neptune since July ’23, and will be for five months through Dec 16, 2023! Uranus is the last Air planet, the planet of the heavens, flight and electronics – the internet and networking. The Awakener has humanitarian inclinations and collective intent. There is maximum exchange of information, extraordinary invention, as genius is released planet wide! He changes, adds dimension to Neptune’s way of seeing and content of his visions! That Uranus is grounded in Taurus, he keeps the intentions sensible and steady. Things may not be so ‘loud.’ More gets done since undistracted energy is concentrated, applied right where needed, and doesn’t quit until completed.

Neptune, the most adaptable planet, quickly takes on the Uranian continuum of skills, adeptly commingles it with his own psychic seeing! He gives remarkable tips that bypass super logic and gets us there without explanation. Astonishing as always was and will be! There are leaps beyond our ken, but we arrive, suddenly transported, functioning in a way we didn’t know before, but is right as rain. It seems like a miracle, but is really normal. In the face of disasters, Neptune has unexpected resilience, shows the strength of the Soul. Healing knows no bounds.

At times we get lost in the glory and excitement of such transitions. We get enamored with the genius of it all. But Neptune reminds us it’s not just what we can do but the meaning of it all. We take a few still moments to honor our original inspiration, the commandments of our Soul, the depth of caring, need for change that started our pilgrimage.

After Dec 16, 2023 they again pick up their less than 5° sextile June 14, 2024 through Feb 13, 2025! This second set is eight months, making a total of 13 months! Neptune again leaves Uranus behind, entering ARIES Mar 30, 2025, never making the exact sextile while Neptune is in Pisces! Yet all that time, they are functioning together, progressively activating 19 through 28 degree factors in our charts! They are awakening us, establishing a foundation, setting the stage for the exact aspect sets to come.

Aug 28, 2025 they start their two year set of EXACT sextiles. It is the first of five aspects but in Gemini and Aries! See more!

With the outmost planets, this pattern of coming close then moving apart is normal. It gives time to get to know each other in context of the type of aspect and the signs they are in. The can see how to protect themselves if necessary, how to help each other as possible.

Uranus trine Pluto

Uranus trine Pluto are also in a pre exact aspects prelude period. Currently, since Uranus is sextile Neptune, and Neptune is sextile Pluto, Uranus is trine Pluto though technically not quite within the 5° or less zone. Since around the end of July, or earlier, Uranus and Pluto have been considering each other. Uranus slows to his stand still station Aug 28. Pluto is retrograding getting closer by degree with Uranus. They get closest Sep 10/11 then gradually part further. But once aware of each other, they can still watch…plus Neptune, between them, has his eye on both and they are both watching Neptune. It’s a bit intricate and it isn’t done yet.

There are two more close periods, seeding and getting used to the connection. They don’t make the first EXACT trine until July 17, 2026, while Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini! Like Uranus sextile Neptune, this too is a 5 time set of aspects and takes two years to complete on May 9, 2028.

While Neptune is midpoint between them he can act as a buffer. Pluto in Capricorn is set in some of his ways. Uranus is the planet of change and evolution while Capricorn is the guardian of the status quo, elders. Pluto doesn’t want anyone messing with his relationships, especially with money. But, they are nevertheless, trine, likely to find ways to work with each other. Uranus in Taurus is more sensible, but certainly not the same. His advocacy for individual’ rights includes money, but from the opposite side of the table. Pluto is corporate money, the ruler of Scorpio, OUR money. Taurus is MY money. It will take a little doing to bridge this difference. Both are strong and both can be stubborn. Since Neptune in Pisces is known for his empathy and understanding, his long bond with Pluto, he may lean a bit more to Pluto’s side – the fundraiser side.

Neptune sextile Pluto 82 years!

Neptune and Pluto know each other well. From 1900 through 2032, there is only one aspect made between Neptune and Pluto! It came within effective range in the midst of World War II during 1942. Neptune sextile Pluto has a profound and exotic history! Jamie Partridge refers to it as an ‘inter-generational’ planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032! In those years there are 49 exact aspects over three to four generations! Both planets have changed signs multiple times in that period. At this part of their orbits they have been traveling at speeds that have allowed them to keep the sextile aspect for 82 years! Though their last exact sextile was June 9, 1986, they have stayed in sextile, sometimes closer, sometimes further apart, until now! July 24 to Sep 15, 2026 they start exact aspects again! They make 13 additional exact aspects in this period completing the 82 years! Chart factors you have in or very close to those degrees will tap you into this sequence.

As planets travel for long times together, they become more like each other. Neptune and Pluto are both water planets (Pisces and Scorpio) and both have to do with transformation. Pluto transforms our bodies from the Kundalini up. Neptune transforms our Spirit. Pluto goes deep to cure the cause. Neptune pulls us to believe in the unseeable, our dreams. Neptune calls Pluto to compassion. Pluto says face the facts. There is the physical doctor and if the patient doesn’t believe, they can die no matter how great the Dr is. If there is no great Dr, the patient may die no matter what he believes. Truly, we need these two to work together. We/they, have been getting better at it!

This connection is more significant now because March 23, 2023 Pluto first entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. ’26 to ’32 the remaining 13 exact sextiles with Neptune happen while Neptune is in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in your own charts!

You can see the potency of this three outer planet grouping. The harmony of these planets draws us past our daily experience. We are encountering great principles working together. Uranus is humanitarian, the Awakener. Neptune is the dreamer of the vastitudes, spiritual Master. Pluto awakens the Kundalini, the fire at the base of the spine, burns away the dross, aligns the chakras and we are ON! When Pluto is in Aquarius, Uranus’s sign, the two are combined as one, unimaginable electric life force! Immense possibilities. See more about the approaching April 2024 Jupiter conjunct Uranus! This aspect alone will jump the group a few light years ahead!


Saturn is now finishing his station, turned forward at 0 Pisces. His one degree station that lasts until Dec 8! He retrograded all the way back to the beginning of Pisces. Saturn is reviewing the very foundation of Pisces to be sure Pisces is weathering the storms, able to stand true to his karmic and dharmic intentions. Saturn knows how to help when there are disenchantments, remediation needed after disasters. He knows how to walk you back to the organic bedrock of the Soul and connect you with others who are dedicated and will shelter you when you need it. Saturn has had a few tough times of his own. He has learned his building skills by experience and is efficient, often wise. Pisces enjoys wandering, but there are times we need him to be present and realistically leading our Spirits. Saturn reminds him of his priorities. Pisces has lived the aeons, but there are timely concerns as significant changes like Pluto into Aquarius happen.

I see Saturn as harnessing the insights and psychic ability of Pisces, the ability to understand something that was unknown, develop a personal form of Spirituality that brings you to your knees and exhilarates your Soul!  At the earth level we have seen swarms of floods and powerful water events. I want to see ways for Saturn to harvest water significantly, to help take care of our oceans, reduce plastic and poisonous pollution, to harvest safely without harming other fish, dolphins and whales, to harvest cleanly and more abundantly. See more!

Chiron is fast at 16 Aries. He’s leading the way and even while retrograde, he’s still faster than average! New, the latest, remedies are being delivered. He gives you the information on how to use them, but jot it down quickly and ask your questions because he’s already gone on to the next client/patient! He’s racing against time because so many critical things are happening. We must be well to contribute our part. He’s a rights fighter for a strong mind and body to represent our Spirit/Soul. Chiron is ready for Initiation, exploration, quick learning! He goes places no one has gone before. Courage is impressive. Stand tall! Independence, thinking for yourself, quickly tracking reality, is a strong plus!

In Taurus Jupiter is strong as a Bull, an oxen, a fabulous draft horse! They are good natured, steady, capable. Jupiter has faith and confidence that carries him through long term projects, to meaningful successes. Taurus is no quitter. Just don’t get in their way! Jupiter is well partnered with Taurus. Taurus is not afraid of hard work, is loyal and dedicated. Jupiter is a strong student and teacher looking for perspective and a useful broader truth. Taurus would rather stay home, but will take Jupiter on his back cross country, the tractor to the remote area needing checking on, or on the train overland far away. He sees through Jupiter’s big wide eyes and changes some of his opinions. Taurus has such patience and common sense that Jupiter can calm down, take the time it takes, and feel safe right where he stands. No need to run away. If the two of them together get too stubborn for words, it may take a powerful event to get them to shake it off, let go, consider other possibilities. Just show them how it is better, especially the consequences and losses if not taken advantage of. Be ready to prove your point. If Taurus looks at you sideways, you know you still have some work to do.

Jupiter in Taurus is still retrograde, but will be coming forward to conjunct Uranus April 20, 2024! WOW! That will be some experience! Do be thinking on what you would like to see happen by then, be preparing for it even now. Allow your mind to sweep the environment, to expand what you aspire to. Jupiter will turn forward Dec 30. A lengthy one degree station will be Dec 6 through Jan 24, 2024. Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 5 and 6 degrees will be activated. In that time, some deeper principles will take root with you, securing a strong foundation, worthy of your continued care as they develop further. Jupiter is lucky for Earth, expands earth events, education, perspectives of long term value. Yes, we have seen huge earth events, some not seeming so lucky, but in the long term we will do better with these kinds of events as we plan ahead to use them rather than suffer destruction. One of the things we can do is manage our food production choices in context of coming weather. Another is to mitigate temperature changes. Jupiter rules heat! See more: 2023-24 Aspects and other Sign Changes!

Relationships and Finances are shifting quickly! Mars is activating all the Higher Consciousness Planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the New Moon and Nodes! 

Nov 13 Scorpio New Moon Astrology Chart!  

2023 Scorpio New Moon Astrology Chart!


Next up is the Monday Nov 27 Full Beaver Moon at 1:16 AM Pacific 4 Gemini – Sagittarius 51!  

Lunar events! A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. It will be good, not so good, mixed for us depending on how it connects with our personal charts. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance to see how it is for you. See the 2023 Eclipse dates! Blessed be…. 

Be prepared! See the entire Scorpio Newsletter! Contents:

Scorpio, the Passion of Living Life Fully!
Annual Celestial Highlights!

About the 2023 Environmental Disasters…
Saturn Pisces, Pluto late Capricorn, early Aquarius, Jupiter Aries – Taurus
Links to Ongoing Major Affairs!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

Here is your 2023 AstroLogicalNow Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. Or, check with your favorite astrologer(s) for how the planets do or don’t connect with your personal chart, for your own special personal details! May it go very well with you…. 

The 2024 Edition is soon to be published!

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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April 19/20 RARE HYBRID Solar Eclipse, SECOND Aries New Black Moon!
May 5 Lunar Eclipse Scorpio-Taurus Full Flower Moon!

May 19 Taurus New Black Moon!.

April 19/20 RARE HYBRID Solar Eclipse, SECOND Aries New Black Moon!

Wednesday April 19, 9:13 P Pacific, 29 Aries 50, Sun in Taurus 1:14 A
In Eastern Zone it is Thursday April 20, 12:13 A, Sun enters Taurus 4:14 A

My gratitude to you all for your victories of every kind, every day! 

2023 RARE HYBRID Solar Eclipse, SECOND Aries New Black Moon!

4.20.23 NOTE: This may be the 3rd lunar event of ARIES, but it happens in less than 24 hours of Sun’s entry into Taurus. It carries the power at the Taurus threshold, passes the baton in person!

April 19 Pacific, 20th in Eastern time, RARE HYBRID Solar Eclipse, SECOND Aries New Black Moon! Only 3.1% of solar eclipses in the 21st century, are hybrid eclipses, fewer yet in Taurus! Pluto 0 Aquarius!
Here is a brief summary of when it was the 3rd lunar event in Aries:

  • FOUR Planets Aries Stellium! Aries Stelliums were common to all three Aries Lunar events with an additional emphasis in Taurus. Emphasis on NEW BEGINNINGS!
  • Jupiter, Chiron, then New Moon at 29 Degrees finishes the set on the last day of Aries. The special 29th/anaretic degree has a complex set of possible conditions. As the last degree of a sign, it represents finality, no more can be done, endings, Fate is made, sometimes fatality. It can be celebrations, completion, finally! I like that it has maturity! It often has fear of making mistakes as we start the new sign to come, but also has excited anticipation of going forward into new territory!
  • Saturn 4° Pisces
  • Venus now in Gemini
  • Mercury is in retrograde station at 15 Taurus, retrogrades in Taurus April 21 at 15 Taurus!
  • Pluto 0 AQ and Mars 13° Cancer are base and lead planets of the Bowl Chart
  • No planets are retrograde and won’t be until Taurus Mercury’s April 21. The first outer planet retrogrades May 1, Beltane! We are free to move forward!
  • Pluto made the Aquarian shift March 23

Dear SkyLovers! This is a RARE HYBRID Solar Eclipse! Per NASA: Because Earth’s surface is curved, sometimes an eclipse can shift between annular and total as the Moon’s shadow moves across the globe. This is called a hybrid solar eclipse. Wiki further explains: Totality occurs in a narrow path across the surface of the Earth, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometres wide. Hybrid solar eclipses are extremely rare with only 3.1% of solar eclipses in the 21st century, hybrid eclipses.

[Boo hoo. It will not be visible in the US.] Totality for this eclipse will be visible in the North West Cape peninsula and Barrow Island in Western Australia, eastern parts of East Timor, as well as Damar Island and parts of the province of Papua in Indonesia.

It is a hybrid eclipse, with portions of its path near sunrise and sunset as annular. An annular solar eclipse occurs when it is a new moon, and the moon is near or at a lunar node. During this eclipse, the moon is usually far from the earth and is near a point called the moon’s apogee. Time and Date says: An annular solar eclipse happens when the Moon covers the Sun’s center, leaving the Sun’s visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire” or annulus around the Moon. If it is like the image above, it is called a Diamond Ring effect! The first painting of one was by Cosmas Damian Asam: Vision of St. Benedict (1735)!

To me, Eclipses are like an eye to/through the sky! As Moon and Sun are aligned, we have access to both their energies united, a powerful merger whether apart/opposite or conjunct! As we see their Light, we are catapulted beyond them into greater realms as our hearts are drawn to seek their mysteries of both time and space at once. Moon and Sun have meetings twice a month, in every sign of the zodiac through the year, unfolding their knowledge sequentially. Moon is our guardian Mother. Father Sun lights our way as even in the dark he still shines his inspiration! Keep open, give thanks. With Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of the Heavens, we will find these excursions to be more intense and we will be raised up.

What an exciting 2023 Aries Lunar sequence we are having, topped by this rare Eclipse! This is the Third Aries Lunar event, the Second New Moon, a Black Moon, a Solar Eclipse! It is the first New Moon in Pluto in Aquarius, and Pluto starts with this RARE HYBRID Solar Eclipse! This final Aries lunar event has a FOUR planet Aries Stellium! Taurus Mercury is in retrograde station, retrogrades April 21! No outer planets will retrograde until May 1, Beltane!

Aries, with its potent Stelliums, remains the primary sign in all 3 Lunar Charts! Pluto in Aquarius is well launched, we are in the mood for NEW and we’ve got it! Aquarius is not only r/evolutionary, NEW, but ahead of its time! Aquarius is genius thinkers, finding ways through the dark! Pluto is a dark planet, behind the scenes but intense, compulsive and obsessive! By contrast, Aquarius is an air sign, free and unattached, detached. So ironically, Pluto can be obsessed about detachment?! As a healer, he will strive to help people become free in a good way. Pluto can be possessive in relationships, but Aquarius is the sign of humanity, relationships with, by, in behalf of all. Pluto may provide Security to be different yet work side by side, all contributing their own special gifts.

The Aries Four are in the belly of the Bowl Chart. Bowls often have a cluster of planets giving the core nature of the Bowl its purpose for being. Bowls are unique charts. They gather water and food, cradle the children, gather groups of people. They take up collections, money and memories. Sometimes they capture and keep. The Bowl may be empty, but when full they pour forth their blessings. It isn’t always peaceful in a Bowl, but usually a certain amount of tolerance and acceptance is acquired when living that closely. It doesn’t even mean we come to like it, but there is sometimes an unspoken understanding, and love anyway. We get to know each other more deeply. So this Bowl, that by nature protects the inhabitants, contains a LOT of Aries, an independent, a troublemaker! What can we say? They say, but he’s our troublemaker and they protect him, and furthermore, encourage him…to do it well! Independence has its merits. You can be independent together, as a tribe!

Pluto, the base planet, brings his new order in Aquarius to serve them. He takes care of the laggers, inspiring them with long term hopes that keep them going. Mars, the very Aries planet himself, now in Cancer, leads them on with courage in his heart, in behalf of his own and the family of man. An independent planet, Mars of Aries, leads the way, giving his unique gifts of the Bowl as no one else can. He visits homes and businesses, senses their needs, shares the news and new techniques they have learned. He asks for help with what his own people need that he can take home with him. Excellent treaties can be made; everyone prospers.

The influence of the March 11 Jupiter Chiron conjunction is still in the air. We are using our new gifts of healing, continuing to learn in the context of Pluto newly in Aquarius. We are alone together working for greater cause than ever before. Jupiter sees the immediate need to educate the most people ever, especially the Leaders that carry the seeds of times to come.

Venus 10 Gemini is sending blessings to Chiron 16 Aries! He may need them because Mars coming to square him might give him trouble! Meanwhile, Venus has lovely ideas for connections to spread the good word about Chiron’s healings and teachings. She can promote his business and may introduce him to some of her fetching friends! He is watching her, thinking she will be fun to know better and tell her some of his tales he got from Jupiter! Venus picks the most charming and may post them along with some of her artwork on her blog or in the newsletter. Chiron is somewhat precocious, eager in Aries. He’s a little heady with the new turns things are taking. The challenges are worthy of his consideration. Maybe Venus can be his press person or set up a quick campaign for him.

Mars, ruling planet of Aries, is about to square Chiron in Aries! He may call Chiron to task and suggest some updates. He may encourage Chiron to remember Chiron’s leading new premises and treatises on healing and teaching! Some people will need to clear old patterns but use new techniques! Mars in Cancer knows how old cultural ways of our family have held some back. Others are simply afraid of what’s new or suggested by someone they don’t know. Mars offers to go with Chiron to new territories and speak to the women of the community, for their children and families. In Cancer Mars can be more conservative and want proper testing done before he recommends new meds or techniques. Likely he and Chiron will inspire people to help at every location they visit.

Mercury 15 Taurus makes a sniffing distance 2 degree conjunction of Uranus at almost 18 Taurus. Mercury picks up a lot of incredible ideas from the planet of Aquarius, and Mars is about to sextile Uranus! Though Mars is in conservative Cancer, still Mercury and Taurus are logical and practical, Uranus is inventive and up on the research. He’s had a few years in Taurus now, so has experience. Earth changing projects and contracts are in the wind!

Running in the background, adding spice, Chiron and Uranus are in their famous semisextile again! Please see more about this remarkable 13 year aspect. Over the years, Uranus has become more Shamanic in his humanitarian concerns. Chiron is more on the cutting edge, especially now that he is in Aries! He has become more electric and is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. He is networking his teaching far and wide.

Taurus Mercury, however, has lost momentum, is in station (an eight day standstill), about to Retrograde the 21st! He has been sextile Mars. Since around April 7 they have been talking of the opportunities. But things have confusingly slowed down. Both of them are a bit grumpy and impatient now as Mercury already slow in Taurus may not even be returning calls. They may have a last talk on or about April 23rd, but then it’s over. They will each be going in different directions. Mars will leave Mercury behind. Their ideas are excellent; hopefully he will carry them forward with Uranus! The potential will be even greater since Uranus has groups of friends working for greater causes! Mars may have whole team working for his ideas! Mercury will retreat, hopefully wishing them well. See more about the Taurus Mercury Retrograde!

Moon and Sun are now at the last degree of Aries. They are finishing Aries. It is a bit sad to leave all this glory behind, a bit scary but exciting to get on new ground. They are at the mature point, taking care of last minute details of their remarkable process welcoming Pluto to Aquarius. They have been developing a system of how to do this, doing their own thing as well as being sensitive to how others meet the same challenge, to Pluto’s own sensitivities. Pluto is a powerful planet in his own right, but all planets and signs have their own vulnerabilities, especially on new territory. Pluto and Aquarius are not exactly ‘compatible,’ so there will be some initial working things out. It’s a 21 year passage, so the sooner the better.

At this last degree, the type of eclipse, they are close to Moon’s North Node, they in Aries, the Node in Taurus. The Nodes have to do with Past and Current times. Some think the nodes are a bit fateful, the South of past life over/under doings, the North how we balance that talent or lack with current opposite skills. The Moon/Sun merger is powerfully at the North Node, the one that needs strengthening! There is an automatic time component of lifetimes involved. Sometimes we sense a need to make amends, or emphasize our current needs, to simply do better. Old talents keep people calling for them, so it is confusing and sometimes we are delayed if we go back to them. No matter how good we may be, our Spirit calls us forward, sooner or later, to new things we aren’t as skilled at, yet want to learn. With the hybrid eclipse, an eclipse that changes forms, it is like a shimmering of light and attention as it changes, shaking us loose to new positions and vantage points. Allow a time for not knowing, reserve judgement, to be able to observe without the interference of our own mind’s preconceived ideas. Just ride the Light!

The Nodes are sextile/trine, favorable aspects with Saturn in Pisces. He/they will sort things out in a very workable fashion with Soul satisfaction. Dreams of good to come are stronger than past fears of things that haunt us from long ago. It’s time to shake the crust loose, drop the burden. Saturn is awesome in Pisces! He watches the swirls in the dreamtime, the daily stream of consciousness. His ability to harness the powers that be, the dharma of each person, all of us together, is uncanny. Our fate may be of well being, every day building strong Spirit for profound causes. There are setbacks, the worst may be addictions, but compassion comes. Sometimes for ourselves, sometimes for others, we come to understand the links between us more deeply. Time is literally a tool that carries us along our lifetimes, this one, ones before, ones to come. At alone times we are free to be ourselves, to discover on our own terms, integrate at our own pace. Treasure this precious sacred space.

Mother Moon is the first to venture forth, to greet Pluto in his new sign. Her instincts may warn her to give a little room at first. Pluto by nature likes his privacy, and Moon in Aries can be pushy and nosy, even, maybe especially, in her caring. Good thing she’s fast on her feet and can back up quickly if needed. Sun in Aries doesn’t need the details, but he would like Pluto to be for them. He has courage, is not afraid of bullies. Truth told, he’s been one himself from time to time. He understands. Pluto may put Sun on some of the toughest tasks that require a quick response. Instant ChangeMaker Aquarius knows like Souls when he sees them. Moon will insist on feeding Pluto better quality food, secure shelter even when they are on the move. Sun will point out places needing significant change the most and how to divvy up the work force, putting people with applicable and compatible skills together. Moon knows the history, both culturally and recent conditions, has helpful pros and cons. They are all excited to work together.

All this is essential, because, Moon and Sun will start squaring Pluto in minutes, as they go into Taurus!!! The Full Moon is 9:13 PM Pacific time the 19th. Moon enters Taurus 9:30 PM, squares Pluto 10:04 PM, only 51 minutes after the Full Moon! Sun enters Taurus 1:14 AM the 20th Pacific, squares Pluto 9:27 AM Pacific. Things are moving fast and changing dramatically!

Moon probably senses the urgency while she is still in Aries. Their combination from Aries is brief and last minute, no time to lose. Sun has a bit more time, but while he’s still in Aries, Mother Moon has left him and facing Pluto on her own. At least Pluto is ‘forewarned.’ At 0°, he may be a bit shocked, though doesn’t show it. Moon in Taurus may disagree, but can be ‘stubborn’ and hold her ground, but she is certainly quieter about it than when she was in Aries. She may quiet Aries a bit, but Aries saw no reason to surrender his/her position either! Pluto may not quite know what to do. This is the start of only his second round of Moon through the signs and he’s been in Capricorn a long time. This new platform is just not the same! In Capricorn he was used to her shenanigans, but now, she seems really fast and has his head spinning. In time he may be happier with her because Aquarius was born for change. But for now, give him some time. Or, who knows?! Maybe he has been champing at the bit and is SO ready for these changes, LOL!

Moon has already breached Pluto’s stronghold, and Sun is right behind her. He may bring some light to matters, but certainly has more staying power. Taurus has always been the sign opposite Pluto’s sign Scorpio. They are not exactly strangers. Taurus knows he can out wait Pluto. Pluto knows he can threaten money problems or interfere with Taurus relationships. They both know that can be costly in time and money, so have figured out ways to talk with each other. That will come in handy now. They can help each other. Taurus can calm Pluto. He can steady down Aquarius, because he has seen the Aquarian planet Uranus in Taurus for several years now. Pluto too has seen the changes Uranus has made in Taurus and may decide those new openings will be fine and he and Taurus could do quite well together now with a little adjusting. It’s important now not to make quick judgments, but to see what can be done. Make proposals and give them time to be sorted out in their new contexts.

My gratitude to you for all your victories of every kind, every day! 

RARE HYBRID Solar Eclipse, 2nd Aries New Black Moon Astrology Chart! 

2023 Aries New Moon #2 Astrology Chart!

Updated 4.18.23

For your viewing pleasure! In 2023, the best time to see earthshine, also known as Da Vinci glow, is a few days before and after the New Moons on April 20 and May 19! If you missed April, try this one coming up!

Special Eclipse Reminder! April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: this path will stretch from central Texas to northern New England. The duration of totality will average just under 4 minutes (4 minutes 27 seconds in Texas). Interestingly, the path of totality will again encompass Carbondale, Illinois. Carbondale is on the center-line of the path of totality and will see 4 minutes and 9 seconds of totality for eclipse 2024, nearly double what was seen in 2017. Many locations were booked for the 2024 eclipse in 2017! Make your reservations ASAP!


May 5 Lunar Eclipse, Scorpio/Taurus Full Flower Moon!

Friday May 5, Cinco de Mayo, 10:34 AM Pacific at 14 Scorpio-Taurus 58 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse not visible in North America. Is visible in Asia and Australia. 

Exchanges of wisdoms are a divine gift among us! Keep them flowing… 

Beautiful painting by ANNETTE S. LEE | Artist | Astronomer | Indigenous | PhD | MFA!

Since the beginning of time Native Skywatchers all over the world have had profound stories to tell, teachings to share. Join this team to discuss ideas, strategies, and projects relevant to Indigenous Education, revitalization of Indigenous STEM, and community-based work at the intersection of art-science-and culture. Led by Annette S. Lee since 2007, Native Skywatchers has been working for equity in education, social transformation, and wellness for the past 15 years… building community around Indigenous Sky and Earth Knowledge.

May 1, May Day, and Cinco de Mayo both have a taste of Spring in their hearts! Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican Heritage Day, celebrated in Mexico and throughout the US, especially in Los Angeles! This year it is on the Full Flower Moon! Dance, celebrate your freedom, feast, and enjoy!
The 2nd Eclipse of 2023 has changed flavors entirely! The April 19 Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse New Moon was fiery very Aries! This Lunar Eclipse is a wings wide open Scorpio-Taurus Full Flower Moon! From fire to flowers, from totally out front to secrets and time to smell the flowers. From fast to slo mo, observing and taking your time. Aries operates on instant instinct. Taurus/Scorpio won’t be rushed. Period.
In our US time, 10:34 AM Pacific, it is a daytime eclipse and we won’t see it here. It will sweep across Asia and Australia. Though we won’t see the eclipse, Moon and Sun are still lined up! They aren’t exactly lined up. Moon is in the Penumbra, the shadow of Earth. Shadows are right up Scorpio’s ally. There is a sense of presence, but a degree of invisibility as well. Scorpio functions well privately, and has secrets to protect. You might get his scent and still not be sure he is there.

The nature of Full Moons is a broadening of perspective between the two signs, in this case Moon in Scorpio, Sun in Taurus. There is always a revelation factor when factors are opposite, wings spread wide open. There is expansion and some vulnerability too. Through being maximum distance apart, there is a clarity that can’t be read when they are closer. For some the separation is safer. For others, separation is loss. For yet others it is restful, with potential to collaborate beneficial options across the table of negotiation, each side contributing their valuable part. Scorpio Moon may bring in her corporation or nonprofit while Taurus Sun contributes steady production, a reliable experienced work force. Mother Moon may make sure your psyche is in good working order as Father Sun tunes up your body. There are many possibilities.

Intense Moon in Scorpio stands alone from the other planets, the ‘handle’ of the Bucket chart. She is in a water sign, closing the gap on her trine to Mars in fellow water sign Cancer. Mars is the lead planet of the group behind Moon. Moon is closer to Pluto in Aquarius, Pluto Scorpio’s planet. They are not yet connected by degree, but they are aware of each other’s presence.

Pluto is the base planet of the group separate from Moon. He has been merely taking a peek into Aquarius as his first venture in his new sign. He has already retrograded as of May 1, Beltane, at 0 AQ 21, that’s less than half a degree into AQ! He is returning to Capricorn June 11 just a tad over a month from now. He carries the seeds of AQ with him, goes back to Capricorn to review, update in context of Aquarian findings, and brings the appropriate Cap benefits forward into AQ now that he knows more about Aquarius. This is an important cross sign retrograde.

As base planet, Pluto makes sure all are connected and collected moving forward, motivating, reminding each how important the humanitarian/planetary work is. He heals the stragglers and checks their electrical synapses. Since he is retrograde, he goes even further back than usual to find the ones who got lost or distracted by the marvels of their new sign. Mars motivates at the front, braves the Cancerian Mothers of the world, penetrates past old cultural throwbacks. He makes us aware how important it is to make good safe futures for our children and how to get them there safely!

Moon’s job is to gather all that the group has to share and roll it out where it will be well placed for success. Her concurrent job is to sweep the environment for useful information and connections to take back to the group. Scorpio Moon makes terrific deals, confidentially heals wherever she goes, is a good ninja and in return may get much more than many others could.

Her opposite, Taurus Sun is well pleased. He has a sixth sense for enduring and sensible values, knows exactly the natural place they will fit. Soon Moon’s gifts will be consumed and incorporated. Sun is with the Aquarian planet Uranus, so Sun will go for far reaching more long term than average solutions and advocate in their behalf. Many partners could be brought together solving planetary conditions with their cutting edge team. Sun is also sextile the lead planet Mars! What Moon brings, Sun will automatically receive first by their being in exact degrees with each other. He will pass that on to Uranus fully by May 9 since they are next to each other, then gradually to Mars as the sextile continues. However, the transfer may not be fully completed since they both change signs before the sextile is exact May 21!

Nevertheless, seeing the phenomenal results, Moon is well pleased too. She’s opposite Uranus at 5:13 PM Pacific the same day, so is quite aware of the coming changes that need funding alliances as well. She knows what to do and who to contact.

Running in the background, adding spice, Chiron and Uranus are in their famous semisextile again! Please see more about this remarkable 13 year aspect. Over the years, Uranus has become more Shamanic in his humanitarian concerns. Chiron is more on the cutting edge, especially now that he is in Aries! He has become more electric and is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. He is networking his teaching far and wide.

With Mercury Retrograde and Moon’s North Node, who generally travels Rx, there is further Taurus emphasis. Mercury Rx is turning the soil of Taurus, changing directions, plowing some things under, revealing others. Drives a Taurus nuts. They like their life to be steady. Taurus has to do with money, love, long standing values, food, our appearance, our bodies, the land we claim – our homestead. We need to be at peace so we can do our best work. One at a time, take care of these necessities. See more about Mercury Rx!

May 14 Mercury retrogrades back to 5 Taurus, in a less than a degree station (for 8 days) with the North Node. The North Node takes 19 years to circle the Zodiac. The South Node is thought to represent things we over or under did in past times/lives. The North is where we need to step up to the plate, get out of our comfort zone, make a better balance in our lives. We have talents at the South, but at a cost if out of balance. Address them squarely, sensibly. Life will be better.

Mercury will also station less than a degree sextile with Saturn when he is at 6 Pisces! Saturn is bedrock; Pisces can make whimsical/spiritually intelligent changes of enormous proportion in moments! Mercury in Taurus doesn’t usually move as quickly, but when they do make up their mind, just get out of the Bull’s way! Taurus likes Saturn, the practical Earth planet of Capricorn. Capricorn is a superb builder, and crackerjack realtor, so things could go super quickly. In Pisces he follows his instincts and the timing is perfect! They are sextile, an aspect of opportunity. Even though Mercury is currently retrograde, they are making careful preparatory forays into what they will do. They may decide to take action a few days after Mercury goes forward. The 18th might work quite well.

Venus and Mars are making reverse aspects:
Venus was square Neptune; Mars is trine Neptune! Venus sextiles Jupiter, Mars squares!

Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces isn’t sure what she wants. She wants it all; she wants nothing. She loves data, but Neptune doesn’t care. He goes straight for what his intuition tells him. Venus gets glimpses of this in action. She’s fascinated and may try to harness the information, but it shimmers and is lost in a fraction of a moment, or she grabs it quickly and starts to build a fantastic file! She knows facts are good, but so is the spiritual connection with our soul! There are many voices and ways to the Center. Venus sings, speaks a couple languages, sometimes interprets. The Soul is invisible, so it may be harder to sing the Neptune messages… But Neptune is the Music Magician, and it is an invaluable gift to be able to translate the dreams and visions, insights, wisdom. Sometimes it’s best to give up, but Venus doesn’t want to. There can be a charm too sweet to miss.

Mars trine Neptune! Venus knows what she loves and wants; Mars knows what to do. In Cancer, he is like a Mom in action taking care of the kids! He’s in a water sign with mortal matriarchal memories, like Neptune with his Soul memories, so has an easier channel to the old Master Neptune than Venus does. Mars knows how to gently prod and request, or insist because he needs it right away to help someone! Pisces was born to help. Venus may look like she’s all in her head, just wants it for herself and that can put him off. Venus must go in true from her heart with love. Between Mars and Venus, they may get the favor. Mars would be willing to fight for Neptune’s cause.

Venus’s plus is she is sextile lucky Jupiter in Aries! She’s interested in education and Jupiter is leading the way with extraordinary perspectives gathered from around the world. People are making new plans right and left! Though things are happening quickly, there is a lot of trust. Venus is spreading the good word just as fast as she can! Neptune may be more impressed by this than anything else Venus tells him. He’s an old one, and loves a good yarn. This one promises grand potential in short time and is right on schedule with Pluto’s shift into world changing Aquarius!

Mars is square Jupiter. Venus can help him with this one! Mars may seriously disagree with Jupiter’s opinions and vice versa. It’s not that things need doing, but the timing and how it’s done and why. Jupiter is in Mars’ sign Aries, so they can tangle. Mars in Cancer always feels like the defender of women and children so is righteous in his cause. Jupiter is bigger, and may have some good points, sometimes thinks religion is his right reason. Each will do better if they can take turns and just listen with no comments then come back soon for another session. Mars and Aries both want what they want right now! It’s going to take some careful dancing… Each is going to have to adjust a bit. Maybe Venus could be mediator.

Along with Jupiter, Chiron is also in Aries. Moon is coming along to inconjunct him, probably siphon off some heat and also get a shot of inspiration! Chiron is an old Shaman and Scorpio is a Shaman of his own kind, but not so old. Chiron was the leader of the Centaurs, got in trouble and the Gods were not happy, gave him an incurable wound. Scorpio was not around then and is famous for his love of danger, and miraculous healing when in accidents. Mama Moon is more cautious if she has family. If not, she has instincts that often get her through scary circumstances unscathed. Scorpio often functions behind the scenes. In contrast, Chiron became a famous medicine teacher. He taught Aesculapius the art of healing, which became the source of all divine medical knowledge among the Greeks and Romans! Moon will be healing Chiron; Chiron will be healing and teaching Moon how to teach.

March 23, 2023 Pluto entered Aquarius, a 246 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. Please continue to strengthen our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in our own charts! 

Exchanges of wisdoms are a divine gift among us! Keep them flowing.

Scorpio-Taurus Lunar Eclipse, Full Flower Moon Astrology Chart!

2023 Scorpio-Taurus Lunar Eclipse Full Flower Moon Astrology Chart!


May 19 Taurus New Black Moon!

Friday May 19, 8:53 AM Pacific at 28 Taurus 25

Grounding, seeking change and giving leadership are perfect for these new times! Steady on! 

2023 Taurus New Black Moon Katahdin Woods Waters Natl Monument ME Dark Skies US

Glorious silken Milky Way at beautiful Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument ME – Dark Skies US. Exquisite photo by the Press Herald’s Gregory Rec.

For your viewing pleasure! In 2023, the best time to see earthshine, also known as the Da Vinci glow, is a few days before and after the New Moons on April 20 and May 19! If you missed April, try this one coming up!

Another definition of a black moon says that it is the third new moon in a season of four new moons, according to Space.com. This is a black moon by that definition!

Mercury Direct Mother’s Day, Jupiter in Taurus, 4 and 5 planet stelliums, square with Pluto retrograde, New Black Moon! Things are moving right along!

  • May 14, Mother’s Day, Mercury Direct/forward in Taurus, gaining speed
  • Jupiter entered Taurus May 16 at 10:20 AM Pacific making a four planet stellium in Taurus, including Mercury, still in station, and Uranus and Sun!
  • May 17 Mother Moon joins them at 5:28 AM making it a FIVE planet Taurus Stellium! Jupiter immediately squares PLUTO at 6:11 PM Pacific! This is significant because PLUTO entered Aquarius March 23 and is still at 0 degree, newly to its post!
  • Our New Black Moon, Jupiter’s first lunar event in Taurus, is in late Taurus, 28°, May 19 at 8:53 AM Pacific! We are brought to solidarity and new beginnings as the Lights merge and join forces in behalf of simple solutions to long standing personal and planetary matters. Taurus is a calming influence, helps us stand still, observe, have patience and let the blessings come. When necessary there is a mighty charge!

Jupiter is on an 11-12 year cycle and in the sign Taurus will have plenty of push, won’t be ignored. Right away he will seek for Pluto to stand true to his new humanitarian potential, financial matters of all kinds, climate and sustainability. Pluto has a lot on his plate involving billions of people, from the most isolated indigenous to the most sophisticated computer intellects, financiers. Jupiter may be ready to lend a supportive shoulder. He’s letting Pluto know where he stands.

Mother Moon in Taurus is food provider, farmer, and her cows provide milk for our families and children. Father Sun warms the fertile soil of spring for plants to get their best starts, for super summer production. This basic element alone is 100% significant to peace, to feed our souls and keep us on an even keel, thinking clearly. This is the only New Moon of the whole year like this. Gratitude. In return, we need to improve earth functions like water distribution, insure clean water. Appreciation is another word we need to use more about Earth’s trees, animals, birds, stones, our water.

This Bowl Chart is cleanly defined by the base and lead planets! Pluto is base planet, retrograde at 0 Aquarius 17. Pluto, the base planet, brings his new order in Aquarius to serve them. He takes care of the laggers, inspiring them with long term hopes that keep them going. Retrograde, and on a new path in Aquarius, he goes further back to retrieve any lost along the way. Pluto is excellent at cleanup and recycling – leave no trace, leave it better than when you arrived! Pluto is the silent ninja, fights with money, is the therapist behind the scenes who fights for your life!

Pluto has been merely taking a peek into Aquarius as his first venture in his new sign. He has already retrograded as of May 1, Beltane, at 0 AQ 21, that’s less than half a degree into AQ! He returns to Capricorn June 11, less than a month from now. He carries the seeds of AQ with him, goes back to Capricorn to review, update in context of Aquarian findings, and bring the appropriate Cap benefits forward into AQ now that he knows more about Aquarius. This is an important cross sign retrograde.

The lead planet is Mars, a leadership planet, is opposite Pluto, proactive at 29 Cancer 26! Cancer fiercely protects her home/land, women and children. Mars is the courageous front line soldier taking up the immediate causes of necessity for the underdogs and in Cancer, especially the women and children! Mars leads them on with courage in his heart, in behalf of his own and the family of man. An independent planet, Mars of Aries, leads the way, giving his unique gifts of the Bowl as no one else can. He visits homes and businesses, senses their needs, shares the news and new techniques they have learned. He asks for help with what his own people need that he can take home with him. Excellent treaties can be made; new businesses started, Pluto may offer funding. Everyone prospers.

The combination of Jupiter square Pluto at 0 degrees, plus Mars opposite Pluto and Mars square Jupiter, is called a T Square. Since Mars is at 29°, the anaretic degree, it hasn’t made its sign change, it’s called an out of sign T Square. Jupiter in Taurus would usually be sextile Mars’ sign Cancer, but they are 89 degrees (square) in the sky, a challenging angle. Mars and Jupiter are both fire planets so both want action, but in Taurus at a slower pace avoiding losing time by mistakes, breakdowns/repairs. In Cancer, more conservative, being more careful so there is no unnecessary jeopardy to community, homes or people. They surely may have some differences of opinion, but for the good of all, may put their hearts into exploration and resolution modes.

The special 29th/anaretic degree has a complex set of possible conditions. As the last degree of a sign, it represents finality, no more can be done, endings, Fate is made, sometimes fatality. It can be celebrations, completion, finally! I like that it has maturity! It often has fear of making mistakes as we start the new sign to come, but also excited anticipation of going forward into new territory!

The opposition between our base and lead planets is in some ways more compatible than at first glance. Pluto and Mars are both fighters, true. They may fight with each other as well as for or with their people. But Pluto in Aquarius is mindful he fights for all. Mars fights for his homies in Cancer. Fighting amongst ourselves, feuds and rivalry, are costly and waste time that could be applied to greater goals. Mars, at the mature anaretic 29th degree, is quick to see what can be changed; Aquarius IS the change maker sign! Pluto and Cancer may carry on, a little grumbly yet, but as they see what works well they let go and get on with things! We are so blessed to have advocates like Mars and Aquarius for us!

Also, Sun and Moon, the New Moon in Taurus, are just about to make terrific sextiles with Mars! Moon is the ruler of Mars’ sign Cancer. She is community minded, there is great rapport and she offers steady support – useful natural simple ideas are passed along to Mars. Sun, another fire planet like Mars, is cheering Mars on in his proposals. Taurus has common sense; Sun lights the way, introduces Mars to fellow advocates! Mars’ leadership is well favored.

Venus is also in Cancer and Taurus is one of her signs. She sees they are all on a good track. She wants to add comfortability and touches of class and beauty. She offers to be a go between, assesses the values at stake, if a raise of value is likely. She’s a blessed business woman catering to household and personal needs. Lovely adornments, clothing and cosmetics, art for your home, old fashioned furniture come her way. She may have the best neighborhood shop with a sweets and coffee bar for morning treats with a side of hugs!

Since Mercury is in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces, ocean side real estate may be in the works. Mercury, steady and sensible in Taurus, is quick to see intrinsic value, not just the money, but the spiritual/magical qualities of a property, or person, for that matter. He is genius at making solid connections that last, good clients that say with you for years. The special time he takes with them means a lot. Mercury is moving forward now, gaining speed, ready for more!

Chiron and Uranus are still tracking each other in their famous semisextile again! Please see more about this remarkable 13 year aspect. Over the years, Uranus has become more Shamanic in his humanitarian concerns. Chiron is more on the cutting edge, especially now that he is in Aries! He has become more electric and is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. He is networking his teaching far and wide.

Grounding, seeking change and giving leadership are perfect for these new times! Steady on!

Taurus New Black Moon Astrology Chart!

2023 Taurus New Moon Astrology Chart!

Special Eclipse Reminder! April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: this path will stretch from central Texas to northern New England. The duration of totality will average just under 4 minutes (4 minutes 27 seconds in Texas). Interestingly, the path of totality will again encompass Carbondale, Illinois. Carbondale is on the center-line of the path of totality and will see 4 minutes and 9 seconds of totality for eclipse 2024, nearly double what was seen in 2017. Many locations were booked for the 2024 eclipse in 2017! Make your reservations ASAP!

Next up is Saturday June 3, 8:42 PM Sagittarius-Gemini Full Moon at 13 Sagittarius 18! .

Lunar events! A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. It will be good, not so good, mixed for us depending on how it connects with our personal charts. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance to see how it is for you. See the 2023 Eclipse dates! Blessed be….

Be prepared! See the entire Taurus Newsletter!

Taurus! Keep Your Feet on the Ground, Your Spirit in the Sky!
Annual Celestial Highlights!

Pluto in AQUARIUS 2023 to 2044 started March 23!
SEE the FIVE planets in ARIES, Double Aries Sun and Moon Chart!
5 to 15° Earthy Taurus MERCURY RETROGRADE 2023
Jupiter in Taurus May 16 2023 to May 25 2024!
Jupiter Taurus Square Pluto Aquarius Once May 17!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ Here is your 2023 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. See your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon October 25!
Total Taurus-Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver Moon November 8!.

Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon!

Tuesday Oct 25 Solar Eclipse New Moon at 2 Scorpio 00, 3:45 AM Pacific 

Challenges, Breakthroughs, Healings and Blessings!

Scorpio 2022 Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon!

The solar eclipse of October 25, 2022 is a partial solar eclipse not visible in the US! Depending on where you are, it can be a bite, a ‘Diamond ring,’ or if total, a perfect halo!  Use Eclipse glasses for viewing safely!Since the Solar Eclipse New Moon is not visible in the US, that locally leaves us with a super dark Moonless night, Moon new at only 2 Scorpio! It is the Great Mystery setting the scene for Jupiter retrograde returning briefly to mystic Pisces the sign of Dreams, Oct 27 to Dec 20! Jupiter has been in Aries, the action sign, now going back to get more dream inspiration, to be sure the dreams are being faithfully inaugurated, update to the latest visions. Jupiter Aries   Jupiter Pisces

Jupiter, planet of education, perspective and international travel, is offering boundless choices, calling on faith and trust to carry them onward. In Aries he has insisted on new adventures, pushing aside antiquated thinking in favor of fresh solutions that bring exciting change for better living. In Pisces he draws us to spiritual considerations, living for cause, being more musical and artistic, making films to inspire our dreams! So retrograde back into Pisces for a Soul battery charge, then back into Aries to make the dreams come true!

Moon, Sun and Venus, ALL at 2°, have just passed an inconjunct with Jupiter, so we are all tuned in to the adventure! Scorpio may be just a little more peppy and out the Truth, a rare thing for the SecretKeeper to do! But it is time, apparently. Feminine Moon and Venus are conjunct, exact only 3 hours later. Moon has her blessing. Sun is slower than Venus and though they travel very closely for several days no conjunction is made with Venus until in Leo August 2023! Sun is influenced, and charmed, of course, but they don’t personally connect. She is faster, leaves him.

Mercury is in Libra, Venus’s second sign, so there may be some papers to be signed, legal and contractual, regarding Scorpio matters. With Mercury also recently being trine Saturn in Aquarius, they want to formalize the agreements among all concerned. The next day Mercury will trine fast Mars in Gemini, papers and signing contracts, so there is a sense of urgency. It’s not just chat, but relationships, possibly custody matters, and business involved.

Mars recently squared Neptune and stumbled on some ‘hidden’ information that matters. It needs to be brought up, resolved, put to bed. Mercury is inconjunct Neptune, so has been obliquely interested in related information. Mars is about to Retrograde, closely inconjunct Pluto, but they don’t make the exact aspect as Mars turns back. He has been tracking Pluto, was about to come to some conclusions, but the data is left in the archives for now. In Gemini, Mars is as quick and quiet as a butterfly, snatching glances of goings on. He gets away with learning things no one else could. He has to think it over. Mercury is about to square Pluto, Scorpio’s planet. It is hard to avoid Mercury in Libra’s curiosity about relationships, personal or monetary. Pluto in Capricorn has a formidable financial structure, long time politically powerful people around him, likely including his own Father. Mess with him? He resents his privacy being invaded. As an investigative reporter, Mercury may need to be a little more cautious than usual and a lot respectful, or may be in trouble himself! Sadly, unforgivable bitter hate resulting in a long term modern feud could be instigated, each one feeling justified.

Now, on the other hand, if such a thing has been happening, there is a possibility, through Mercury’s mediation skills, some clarity could come to pass, the feud unraveled after a long time, a remarkable renewal of kinship achieved. Be careful for everyone’s safety, emotionally and otherwise, especially for the children.

If there are kindly secrets you are keeping, keep them. No gossiping with anyone. No impressing anyone with things you know. Some things are better left to quietly fade into the past with no harm done.

There is a Grand Air trine with Saturn, Mercury and Mars, but it is passing. The only part of it still upcoming is Mercury trining Mars! This may be the link that saves the day from their two squares, with Neptune, with Pluto. Mercury has the information, tries to be polite, which may not be comforting if he is the opposing lawyer. Mars in Gemini has the latest info. He just busts in and tells it like it is. Here are the facts, get over it and get going! Sometimes that is what it takes. Get to the point. It comes out so cleanly, people just get it.

The last part of this configuration, the anchor aspect, is the Neptune sextile Pluto. They are closely sextile, as they have been, off and on for many years and will be still for another 10 years! Jamie Partridge refers to them as ‘an inter-generational planetary aspect lasting from 1950 to 2032.’ They are the planets of Scorpio and Pisces, both psychic, and have been reading each other continuously. In fact we could almost read them as one planet. It’s like the long Chiron connection that happened with Uranus. Uranus has become more shamanistic at a humanitarian scale. Chiron has become more humanistic in his healing and teaching. So Pluto has become more empathic, not just the observer shaman, but Soul worker. Neptune has become more aware it’s not just spiritual principles, sitting in meditation, but real human suffering needs to be addressed specifically, person by person. We need a name for special years long aspects like this, having such duration and depth of passage.

Over the years Neptune and Pluto have changed signs together! Pluto is a shamanic healer, has to do with life, Kundalini, sex, lifelong relationships, cleansing and detoxing, big money, research, and death. Pluto is not fainthearted. Danger is fascinating and comes in many forms. Dying to life is the game. The Great Mystery and revelation hold their attention. Fathomless Neptune is his friend. Neptune’s imagination and dreams know no bounds. Here is a worthy companion for one as intense as Pluto. Neptune can always read Pluto, but Pluto can’t always read as far as Neptune’s visions go! That is rare, so Pluto is always interested as he tries to decipher the code when there really isn’t one, LOL! Neptune heals the healer and Pluto wants to know how! They are powerful together and are both comfortable and wary of each other at the same time. Neither one knows the entirety of themselves. There is always an unpredictable element and they like it that way. They are elementally creative!

The formation among Mercury, Mars and Neptune, Pluto, is a Trapezoid, called by some an Iron Butterfly. Iron Butterfly is an American rock band, formed in San Diego, California in 1966. They are best known for the 1968 hit “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida”, providing a dramatic sound that led the way towards the development of hard rock and heavy metal music. There was a short version and a 17 minute long version that was often played on the radio at the time. The music, name and singing were unique.

An iron butterfly is a uniquely financially complicated options trade. It uses four different contracts as part of a strategy to benefit from stocks or futures prices that move within a defined range. The trade is also constructed to benefit from a decline in implied volatility.

Iron Butterfly also refers to a strong business woman, a type of sex act, a rock climbing route on Windtower, a mountain in Alberta, Canada, more! The band chose the name because it was ‘weighty and happy-go-lucky, and came up with a contradiction in terms.’ Take your pick or choose them all, but know that one symbolic intent is to cover your losses!

Saturn square Uranus is still operating and kind of is an Iron Butterfly all its own! Generally conservative Saturn has a weighty rep even in airy Aquarius and you can’t tame Aquarius’ air planet Uranus even though it is in earthy Taurus! It’s a challenge to manage these two. But it has worked climate change and Saturn is doing his best to get the troops onboard for major world causes. He is harnessing the power of group action and groups collaboration. Only Master Saturn could successfully coordinate them. He has unsurpassed efficiency and an extraordinary sense of timing, recognizes the signs of the times. Uranus/Aquarius are famed for genius of all kinds – research of all kinds including medical, mental, invention, space travel, mass weather patterns, electronics, the Internet, robotics, self driving vehicles, eBikes, mobile phones, clones and on and on.

Saturn and Uranus have been working out challenges of timing and infrastructures to make major changes possible. Things as simple as eBikes have been up for perusal. The pandemic has brought lower incomes for many. There have been high gas prices and global warming, so eBikes can be part of the answer. But what about those batteries?! They have started fires and now people are thinking ahead, what about recycling the batteries?! It’s good to see people thinking ahead. People have been at home a lot, have had time to research and think in the course of searching for new jobs. New jobs have been created! Uranus is on the cutting edge, Saturn wants to be ultimately useful! Both are scientifically and research inclined; Uranus is inventive! Old patterns are being broken. We are waking up! See more about Saturn square Uranus

Chiron and Moon’s North Node are in neighboring Aries and Taurus. North Node and Uranus will soon be parting company as the Node always retrogrades through the signs on a 19 year cycle. Per Meghan Rose the conjunction happens approximately every 15 years, but it happens in the sign of Taurus only once in a lifetime—the next occurrence isn’t until 2357! Chiron is spicy hot in Aries, wanting healing solutions NOW for everything. There are people in labs all over the world working for cures and researching healing techniques, diets, herbal and chemical re balancing, DNA, genetics…whatever they can! The NN in Taurus is calling for a natural earthy component like finding out there are things in soil that stimulate our bodies to heal ~ so garden! Touching the earth, hugs, massage, exercise, yoga, breathing clean air, drinking clean water, having and loving pets, simple things, all matter. Taking time for friendship and Peace every day restores our well being and we sleep contentedly.

Pluto, Fixed Star Algol and the Galactic Center!

Pluto 26 Capricorn, Fixed Star Algol 26 TAURUS and the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius!

Algol has the baddest rep of all the fixed stars. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more! As an individual event, things may not go well at all. If her feminine power force is called on as an ally, she may save your life or protect the Galactic Center from intruders!  

Algol and the Galactic Center are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 TAURUS and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the sign between Scorpio and Capricorn. I imagine the GC is probably enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories beyond our imagination! The Great Educator sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! The GC is the center of our Milky Way, a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. Sagittarius is the Teacher, traveler of the cosmos across dimensions beyond our understanding, yet it exists and we have access. The GC Stars send Light from aeons away, a subtle light, but perhaps even more potent because we can’t ‘see’ it and so don’t fight it. If your chart factors link up, you may find yourself having insights, both enlightening and perverse. We may know there have been consequences we didn’t realize. Some self forgiveness may be in order, apologies as appropriate. The Galactic Center offers stunning options in the magnitude of billions of stars, galaxies upon galaxies! More on the Galactic Center!

Capricorn is hosting Pluto. Pluto is trine Algol in Taurus and semi sextile The Galactic Center, piloting the whole scenario of these three powerful factors. By nature he is a no nonsense old Master and gives orders, expecting things to get done. All these three have street creds and are impressive. Capricorn has hung out with the best and functions well at this level. He treats them more equally both to himself and each other. It’s his job.

Pluto is now at 26° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16. Pluto trine Algol

Pluto is an exceptionally powerful planet, so is quite comfy with the great forces! In Capricorn he is with the Masters, ones who rule kingdoms and the planet. Capricorn is a realist and Pluto a profound healer. They, Pluto, Algol, and the Galactic Center, see the times that are coming and are preparing the way for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. For 21 years he will be called to apply his great strength in behalf of humanity.

Since Mars is 25 Gemini he is semisextile Algol and opposite the Galactic Center! A semisextile is not usually considered much, but Mars is in step with Algol, leading out information gleaned. Sign to sign always has a special step by step component. They know each other. He has ideas that Algol can’t do himself. Mars can shelter powerful concepts in the Gemini butterfly valence, express them in a varied way, flexibly to match the attention and capacity of the listener. He has a light touch in air sign Gemini.

Opposite the Galactic Center, Mars might still feel a little too close, his wings singed! Yet he has a huge capacity to take in information and he tells the stories tirelessly, his ‘wings’ fanning them right out into the ethers where anyone can listen! The GC laughs with happiness and mercilessly keeps sending anything and everything! This full blown grand barrage puts a lot of things into perspective for Mars and he is even more intrigued! It’s not just information this time, but is meaningful!

Neptune is at 23 Pisces sextile Algol, square the Galactic Center! The divine order is awry, and even a positive sextile with Algol can be a daunting affair. Can you trust her?! If she uses her miraculous feminine super powers some mighty saves may happen. Square the GC, Neptune, generally an open channel, may be overwhelmed, a rare thing to happen to Neptune, but the Dreamtime will be well stocked for a long time to come! With Neptune’s sextile to Pluto, there will be powerful releases from time to time that will influence Pluto’s phenomenal expression in Aquarius starting March 2023! Neptune’s great visions may prove to hold extraordinary keys.

Special Eclipse Reminder! April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: this path will stretch from central Texas to northern New England. The duration of totality will average just under 4 minutes (4 minutes 27 seconds in Texas). Interestingly, the path of totality will again encompass Carbondale, Illinois. Carbondale is on the center-line of the path of totality and will see 4 minutes and 9 seconds of totality for eclipse 2024, nearly double what was seen in 2017. Many locations were booked for the 2024 eclipse in 2017! Make your reservations ASAP! 

Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart!

2022 Scorpio Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart!


Total Taurus – Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver Moon!

Total Lunar Eclipse near Mars, Pleiades, Aldebaran! Duration: 5 hours, 54 minutes! Visible in North America!
In Santa Barbara CA the Maximum Eclipse will be at 2:59 AM PACIFIC
See this site for the timeanddate for your location. Set your location.

Tuesday Nov 8, 3:02 AM Pacific at 16 Taurus 01

We are emerging from the Halloween connections with the Ancestors. Use their Wisdom!

2022 Taurus - Scorpio Total Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver Moon! Shaun Tarpley in League City, Texas

Shaun Tarpley in League City, Texas, captured an incredibly vibrant shot of the lunar eclipse on May 15, 2022! In a total lunar eclipse, the Earth’s shadow completely covers the Moon, turning it a coppery shade of red, sometimes known as a “Blood Moon.

Jupiter is setting a new tone now that he is back in Pisces! Forget the Aries push, we’re back in the Dreamtime! This is only a brief review, Oct 27 to Dec 20. Jupiter spends only less than 2 degrees in Pisces, but they are potently the last 2 degrees of Pisces, 28 and 29, the most mature degrees! The conclusions of Jupiter’s last stay in Pisces are reconsidered. We are being certain not to neglect, but to truly follow their mandates. Time to re experience, live Pisces’ deepest intent. Jupiter loves Pisces sports, the open seas, gallant schooners, mighty cruise ships and all their games and entertainment, seaside businesses, and storytelling with a pint or two! Soul pleasing causes of great merit, faithfully restoring the reefs, saving seaweed, otters whales and dolphins and mermaids makes natural harmony. They are treasures of connection. The magic, an underwater temple, spiritual understanding draw them to higher solace, meaningful encounters, life changing music and films, your very Soul, dharma, the work of your life, make a profound difference. Remember. Jupiter Pisces

Just a little intensity! Full Moons are always Moon opposite Sun, but this time Moon is conjunct, SAME DEGREE wild card Uranus in Taurus. Not exactly peace in the valley, but there is some unity of purpose and it is a bit karmic with Moon and Uranus just past Moon’s own North Node! This special connection, the True North Node with Uranus, is every 15 years! It always skips a sign. This year’s slow moving conjunction is continuous June 7 through Nov 15! It emphasizes the Earth Changes we are experiencing and how our friendships are being organically assessed for long term true values, whether our networks are effective. See the list and more at Cafe Astrology! Uranus wants to break free, but is retrograde, can’t leave yet, and in Taurus, there is an earthy connection that tends to keep even the greatest freedom lovers in place.

Opposite, Mercury is immanently to conjunct Sun in Scorpio and he is still close with Venus! They are closely confiding with each other. Taurus and Scorpio are what we astrologers call fixed signs. Their matters often go on for years. They are determined. Yet Uranus is unpredictable no matter what sign he is in, and so changeable that plans better be flexible in spite of dedication!

Full Moon axis, Five planet fixed T Square! Moon, Uranus and Mercury, Sun, all four, are square Saturn, and Venus just was! Saturn, may be the surprising mediator! He wants all to take their appropriate responsibility for their contributions. But he is in Aquarius, Uranus’s sign, the genius networker and change maker, so he hankers for a little freedom too! Saturn is a smart builder, wants to put all those Souls together, their ideas, talents, and get it on in a timely fashion! He is a bit scientific, just like inventive Aquarius, so understands why Aquarius is unpredictable as discoveries emerge!

Squares have a rep for being challenging, and with this many involved, Saturn will have to be on his toes every minute! All of them in fixed signs can be stubborn, each in his own way. It’s going to take some delicate navigation. Taurus can be patient, but he believes what is his, is his, no discussion. Scorpio can be revengeful if he feels wronged, and he won’t share some important details, or the money!  Aquarius can be maddeningly unaccountable, simply forgetting appointments, not remembering your birthday or other important dates. The ultimate positive of Fixed Signs is stabilizing and anchoring the best they have to give!

  • Moon of Cancer is opposite Saturn of Capricorn! Moon is nurturing, intuitive. Saturn is hard edged and busy working, no time for family! Moon is considering a fling with a friend. She or the kids are moving to a more remote location or a city. Housing is changing. Moon square Saturn is more likely to break through. Moon and Aquarius both rule community, just different sizes, local to planetary! Taurus and Saturn are both earthy, Simple and practical. There may be just enough mutuality to bring them to a long standing favorable agreement.
  • Uranus wants freedom and Saturn calls him to task. Scorpio is unsettled by sudden Aquarius/Uranian shifts to unknown territories. Mercury is intrigued, maybe a little worried. No matter how cleverly he lines up the gang, things are happening fast and adaptability is not the trademark of this T Square.
  • Mercury is chatty, but in Scorpio won’t gossip and listens keenly, every sense alert. Saturn wants to know what’s going on and how much it will cost, how long it will take. They may not be inclined to be friendly, but mutual purpose may bring them together.
  • Sun in Scorpio wants his privacy, has his personal agenda. Saturn says but you have to tell ME so I can keep the group’s purpose in a good way. Saturn wants Sun to meet with the group and at first, Sun says no, no, no! He needs some oil for his social hinges.
  • Venus tries to pave the way for Sun, might work. She has the grace and knows how to negotiate dangerous waters, to save both Saturn and Pluto any embarrassments. Venus is shrewd in Scorpio and sees Saturn’s need to bring them together. She may have to school him in how to make his ‘requests’ more palatable. She is the planet of Taurus, so reminding of common values may serve to keep everyone calm and listening. The other feminine force, Moon, may unhurriedly serve a homemade meal of fresh organic food in ample amounts, special tasty desert to follow.

The North Node is near Mother Moon and Uranus, but the Node’s motion is always retrograde in general. They are all parting with a memory. Most important may be the needs of children. The NN has reminded them of Taurus earth/climate matters, their own body’s needs, long term values, making beauty as you go.

Offsetting the T Square, the Scorpio trio is trine Master Neptune! They bring their best to honor him. He is the Magician, Spirit Master, Soul See-er, in his own sign Pisces. Mercury comes to query, help heal, clear the Mind. Sun offers his treasured Light, tempered by the tests he has met and survived at the deepest dark levels. He comes to heal and cleanse the emotions and tempers of pain. Venus brings a heart of beauty that glows radiantly within her. She gives an ecstatic pure love that softens our very Being. Neptune has eternally  worked so hard, is so grateful.

Neptune receives them all. He is the summary of all the signs and their related planets. He absorbs them, mercifully knows them and bestows a gift to each, and his blessings that will sustain them as needed. He honors their vision quests, each with a special Dream best suited at this time to their divine Path.

Still at 25° in Retrograde Station, Mars is now Retrograde in Gemini, in pause, focus, reviewing his thoughts and actions. He breathes the Word, his most important findings will be upgraded as he approaches them from this new direction. Some is frustrating, while having to re do things, yet better options may be offered. This time he has some of Pluto’s power glow with him. Pluto in Capricorn says dig deeper, know that it takes the time it takes. It’s not just facts, but facts about people that affect their lives. Lives can be healed by what you know and what you do about it.

Mars will retrograde back to his second square with Neptune Nov 19. There will be times of being lost and happily so, wandering freely, seeing a great variety of unplanned things, both fearful and delighted! The imagination has free play and Neptune can insert magical thoughts in vulnerable moments or moments when our mind is open! The amazing interplay makes Mars even more curious in Gemini! Gemini is usually logical, but a lot more than logic is discovered! There is level on level, directions not known to a mere compass! Mars easily gets bored, loves what’s new. Bring it on, just give me a moment to get used to it!

Of the first Mars square Neptune I wrote: Mars may seem to have moments of confusion due to his immanent square with Neptune in Pisces Tuesday the 11th. He could get lost. Mars is already spread pretty thin at times with the myriads of possibilities in Gemini. He needs to stop and re prioritize to keep the cause in mind. Neptune is the infinite of the dreamtime, the collective of all being. Some is real, some imaginative, creative! The spiritual cause is to develop empathy, compassion. And that takes a few moments to get the kitten out of the road, the child safely home to mum. Mars can be racing along and have an insight that stops him in his tracks and all of a sudden his direction is changed, maybe even his life, forever! We may never see him again. Or, the whole thing becomes real, when before it was simply exciting. Now it is personally encompassing!

Chiron in Aries has a small complex set. He is in Mars’ sign, so they have scent of each other and watch to see what and how the other is doing. The North Node is semisextile, neighboring signs with Chiron. The NN in Taurus has been with Uranus, making sweeping changes, pushing progress and innovation! Chiron in Aries has been arousing interest in new kinds of medicine, innovative teaching. They like these new times! Mercury is just past an inconjunct with Chiron and because Mercury is right with Sun, Sun is included too. Mercury wanted a word, and Chiron in Aries is more than obliging! In Scorpio, Mercury and Sun can both see the super potential Chiron is offering! They and the Uranus/North Node combination are making Chiron think about how to get the word out to more right places, get funding and the research going out further.

The Saturn square Uranus is separating now. They are leaving an intense legacy behind. As said before, they have been working out challenges of timing and infrastructures to make major changes possible. Things as simple as eBikes have been up for perusal. The pandemic has brought lower incomes for many. There have been high gas prices and global warming, so eBikes can be part of the answer. But what about those batteries?! They have started fires and now people are thinking ahead, what about recycling the batteries?! It’s good to see people thinking ahead. People have been at home a lot, have had time to research and think in the course of searching for new jobs. New jobs have been created! Uranus is on the cutting edge; Saturn wants to be ultimately useful! Both are scientifically and research inclined; Uranus is inventive! Old patterns are being broken. We are waking up! See more about Saturn square Uranus

The Fixed Stars, Galactic Center/GC, and Pluto!

Neptune 22 Pisces and Pluto, 26 Capricorn continue to activate major fixed star Algol 26 Taurus and the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius.

Pluto moves only 3° a year, retrograding back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16. Pluto trine Algol

The GC is the center of our Milky Way, a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. Sagittarius is the Teacher, traveler of the cosmos across dimensions beyond our understanding, yet it exists and we have access. The GC Stars send Light from aeons away, a subtle light, but perhaps even more potent because we can’t ‘see’ it and don’t fight or try to analyze it. If your chart factors link up, you may find yourself having insights, both enlightening and perverse.

The Galactic Center offers accessing stunning options in the magnitude of billions of stars, galaxies upon galaxies! We may only get inklings, impressions, but go for the most potent long term options you can conceive of. They are stepping stones to even greater options to come. Stretch, reach out of the box! Hang on and pull yourself up! There will be spirits out there reaching to help you along! More on the Galactic Center!

Mars, still in station at 25 Gemini, is semisextile Algol and opposite the Galactic Center! A semisextile is not usually considered much, but Mars is about to be in step with Algol, and lead out information gleaned. Sign to sign always has a special step by step component. They know each other. He has ideas that Algol can’t do himself. Mars can shelter powerful concepts in the Gemini butterfly valence, express them in a varied way, flexibly to match the attention and capacity of the listener. He has a light touch in air sign Gemini.

Opposite the Galactic Center, Mars might still feel a little too close, his wings singed! Yet he has a huge capacity to take in information and he tells the stories tirelessly, his ‘wings’ fanning them right out into the ethers where anyone can listen! The GC laughs with happiness and mercilessly keeps sending anything and everything! This full blown grand barrage puts a lot of things into perspective for Mars and he is even more intrigued! It’s not just information this time, but is meaningful!

Neptune is at 23 Pisces sextile Algol, square the Galactic Center! The divine order is awry, and even a positive sextile with Algol can be a daunting affair. Can you trust her?! If she uses her miraculous feminine super powers some mighty saves may happen. Square the GC, Neptune, generally an open channel, may be overwhelmed, a rare thing to happen to Neptune, but the Dreamtime will be well stocked for a long time to come! With Neptune’s sextile to Pluto, there will be powerful releases from time to time that will influence Pluto’s phenomenal expression in Aquarius starting March 2023! Neptune’s great visions may prove to hold extraordinary keys.

March 23, 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius, a 248 year event! Now through 2044, 21 years, there will be significant world changes. Right now is the time to be strengthening our Aquarian and Uranian people, those factors in our own charts!

Special Eclipse Reminder! April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: this path will stretch from central Texas to northern New England. The duration of totality will average just under 4 minutes (4 minutes 27 seconds in Texas). Interestingly, the path of totality will again encompass Carbondale, Illinois. Carbondale is on the center-line of the path of totality and will see 4 minutes and 9 seconds of totality for eclipse 2024, nearly double what was seen in 2017. Many locations were booked for the 2024 eclipse in 2017! Make your reservations ASAP!

We are emerging from the Halloween connections with the Ancestors. Use their Wisdom!

Total Taurus – Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver Moon Astrology Chart!

2022 Taurus-Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver Moon Astrology Chart!


Next up is the Wednesday Nov 23 New Moon at 1 Sagittarius 38, 2:57 PM Pacific.

Lunar events will be good for some people, others not. All depends on each of our personal charts. A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance. See the 2022   2023 Eclipse dates! Blessed be…. 

Be prepared! See the entire Scorpio Newsletter! Newsletter Topics:

Scorpio Annual Celestial Highlights!
Jupiter Back in Magical Pisces Oct 27!
Jupiter in Aries 2022-23
Double Retrograde! Mars in Gemini, Mercury in Capricorn Cycles Overlap!
Mars Sep 3, 2022 to March 16, 2023 – Retrograde Oct 30 to Jan 12
Mercury Dec 12, 2022 to Feb 7, 2023 – Retrograde Dec 29 to Jan 18
Double Retrograde Dec 29, 2022 to Jan 12, 2023
Planet Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol; Algol with Galactic Center! 5th time Nov 16!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ Here are your 2022 and 2023 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. See your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon December 3/4!

Gemini/Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon December 18!

Sagittarius TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon! 

Friday/Saturday December 3/4, 12 Sagittarius 22, at 11:43 PM Pacific!
December 3 Pacific and western zones. December 4 Mountain and eastern zones.
Not visible in US See more

Freedom makes for solidarity! Changes and new channels bring lifesaving connections!

Sagittarius 2021 TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon Atacama Desert Chile Caldera Carlos Fairbairn

Sometimes, the sky mimics the ground. Taken in 2017 May from the Atacama Desert in Chile [Sagittarian country], the foreground of the featured image encompasses the dipping edge of the caldera of an extinct volcano. Poetically echoing the dip below is the arch of our Milky Way Galaxy above. Many famous icons dot this southern nighttime vista, including the center of our Milky Way Galaxy on the far left, the bright orange star Antares also on the left, the constellation of the Southern Cross near the top of the arch, and the red-glowing Gum Nebula on the far right. Just above the horizon and splitting two distant volcanic peaks near the image center is the Large Magellanic Cloud — the largest satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. Image at NASA by Carlos Eduardo Fairbairn

This may be the Last New Moon of 2021, but it potently links through 2022! 2021 Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan 2 and 31, and Mar there are five New Moons at 12 degrees in Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Those of you with chart factors close to 12 degrees will be activated by 7 New Moons from Oct 2021 to March 2022. Jan and March 2022 will have two New Moons in Pacific time zone. There is NO New Moon in February 2022. Set a goal related to the factors at or very near 12 degrees in your chart and approach it progressively from every angle, every sign!

Being a TOTAL ECLIPSE, the New Moon lineup is super strong, straight as a Sagittarian arrow at short distance! The focus is formidable. They can see like lasers at long distance, the outcome! Projects started at this time may fizzle if not in alignment, but if they are, they may be obsessive until finished, and forget the Sagittarian procrastination, they will get done, LOL!

Mars in Scorpio pushes this Bowl Chart while Uranus, also an instigator, leads in Taurus! The planets are spread through all the signs in the Bowl, gathering a potpourri of info as they cross the territories. Sag has three planets, Capricorn and Aquarius both have two, so more than half of the planets are right there! Knowledge, Wisdom and Evolution are to be acquired for the Bowl to peruse, later to spill out when and where needed!  

Mars is strongly engaged, determined to do his duty. Mars in Scorpio sextiles Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, and squares Jupiter in Aquarius, the heist of a lifetime, but the motion sensors were on! Mercury in Sagittarius is overconfident and square Neptune makes some mistaken assumptions. The New Moon thought it could rely on their friend Uranus in Taurus, but the angle is oblique, friend not available. Saturn in Aquarius is squaring Uranus in Taurus and the info was delayed or faulty. Historically, Eclipses, ‘eclipse’ the situation. Either something more dramatic happens and the project is ‘lost’ to other circumstances, or somehow it just becomes unseen. Maybe the friend just doesn’t show up with the needed piece of gear, or the food. Yes, it’s a New Moon, but likely not quite what you expected. Thank goodness Sagittarius rolls with it, is happy and optimistic with whatever discoveries are made! Mars addresses all the issues. Even with some bumps along the way, the healing is achieved due to his strength and perseverance! 

New Moons and Uranus! Virgo’s new Moon trined Uranus at 14 degrees. Libra’s New Moon was inconjunct Uranus at 13 degrees. Last month’s Scorpio New Moon was the same degree opposite the Aquarian planet Uranus by 7 Minutes of space! This month they are inconjunct, oblique at 11 and 12 degrees. March and the March/April New Moons are close and they are conjunct Uranus in April, finishing their sequence!

Uranus is the planet of freedom, evolution, the futurist. It works as an ultimate loner or in behalf of humanity, networking across continents. Genius, research, invention are it’s talents. Awakening and Enlightenment are its invitations. Sagittarius’s Mama Moon and Papa Sun may speed along on their fine motorcycles and love the air breezing by down the road with their remarkable friend. They see the Uranus in Taurus Earth all around them, feel their connection with the totality of the whole climate. They stop to chat along the way. They agree about what differences may be required to heal, maintain and secure what is so precious. Friendships may come and go, but we hope Earth as we know it now is with us lifelong and for our children’s children too.

Uranus steadily leads the Bowl chart but not where the New Moon expected! And Sagittarius loves an exploration! New methods, premises of thought, literal locations, connections, skew the outcome with a richer context. The ground itself sings! Data is stored in super systems, swarms, the diagrams and visuals are wide treasures of learning, broaden our points of view. Venus with Pluto adds an uncanny depth with a Capricorn reality that can’t be denied. Venus has just passed sextile with Neptune and now knows more why the Soul wants what it wants. A difficult reality brings compassion, calls for help. There may be a realization of karmic shades of responsibilities in our relationships. It’s a gift and a blessing to care so deeply, Soul to Soul. 

Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn loves the spice of calculated danger, being on the edge. Can be physical or a dangerous point of view. Venus makes the goal even more seductive! Mars rarely can’t make up his mind, but he is caught between anonymity, a ‘sure’ thing, and Jupiter’s wild enticement to take a different road than what the group usually takes! He might be feeling he has to stand for safety for the women and kids, even to the point of fighting for them, or letting the group split, some following the Aquarian upstart. Jupiter in Aquarius can sound so comfortably confident, others can’t believe his lead could be false. And it could be a breakthrough. Mars might decide to give it a chance with certain caveats. It’s one thing to go cruising with Uranus in Taurus, but entirely different with Jupiter in Aquarius, the Uranus sign!

Scorpio has a similarity to Uranus/Aquarius. Scorpio also wants the freedom to be himself, untampered with. He wants privacy and needs time alone. But they differ other ways. When in relationship, Scorpio wants the deepest intimacy, for life, with meaningful sex, but will do without if not possible. Jealousies, possessiveness are his undoings and the love of his life may leave him. Some say they are too intense, obsessive. Scorpio does shamanic healing from psyche to body, finances too. His own recovery rate from life threatening injuries is phenomenal! They understand taboos, can standby with deathing. Scorpio is a deep thinker, an invincible martial arts spiritual warrior that will give his life to save yours. Or if there is cruelty, he may feel justified in taking yours depending on circumstances. Scorpios powerfully relate with the underworld both for bad and good. They survive on their wits in the most dangerous situations – SEALs, special ops, marines, medics, policemen. Their totems are reptiles – the snake, don’t tread on me, the Eagle, bird of prey that flies higher consciousness. Halloween, Day of the Dead, is their time of connection with the wisdom of the Ancestors.

Mercury in Sagittarius is with the New Moon, thinking his way across the sky, intrigued by the sweeping mind stretching vistas! There are impressive bodies of knowledge, some are tabulated for the taking, some need sorting. His square with Neptune shows him the worm holes, channels around corners, taking him deeper, higher on the waves of consciousness than ever before! It can spin your world, dizzy your perception, loosen your beliefs that are dropped along the way like they were nothing, with no substance any longer. You feel lighter, gravity has no hold. Sagittarius is happier than at the carnival rides! It may be scary at moments ~ will you ever be able to go home? Yes, but you won’t be the same, and that’s ok. You will connect with new people who ride at your new level. They can show you how to regroup! What a trip!

If people ask you if you are confused, heartily say Yes! Thank goodness you have the ability to experience such a state! Your awareness increases, your options expand. Confusion shows a questioning mind in progress! Invite them along!  

Mercury naturally collects data every existing moment. There is such a divine spread of material it starts to sort itself into categories as we see the gist of things! Mercury hums along, singing it all into place, the missionary of mental order. Sagittarius has perspective that helps us collaborate on the toughest world topics on the plate today. Vaccines, climate/water, political matters of all kinds – indigenous, racial, sexual, women/children, housing. 

Sometimes Sag just blurts out what he thinks at the time. What he thinks is so exciting to him and Sag is a fire sign, generally lucky, often impetuous. At times, truth telling needs treading lightly, skillfully. We’re not always talking with a person who wants to respond, reciprocate or likes our opinion no matter how well intended. Putting yourself in the other person’s place can’t always be done because you don’t know their story, and they don’t always want to tell it and may be pretty bristly if you invade their privacy. They just want what they want, may have lots of emotion, are not ready to share. Yet there are times when we get busted. Time to give it up. Mercury in Sag has a certain innocence. You may be intelligently forthright and tell it like it is right to their face! People are so surprised they actually listen! In that moment they get it and there is no argument. 

Saturn is finishing his last two 2021 aspects, the day after ThanksGiving and 2 days before Christmas!

Nov 26 Saturn sextiled Chiron successfully bonded and are now carrying on their work. Saturn may be unpredictable in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries is quick on his feet. Each may travel along a more or less parallel track, fruitfully checking in with each other time to time. Each like their freedom and independence. And that is what keeps them interested in the other, their new ideas. Each needs to be in a separate section, but may be collaborating toward a mutual goal. They are both interested in marriage, but the AQ-Aries part skitters away. It is more a reaction to what they are rather than any specific person. It’s more what they sense than what they are thinking about. Friendship is fine. See more

Dec 23 Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, can be confusing. There is camaraderie and being at odds in the oddest ways! You what?! Saturn having been in AQ, has been trying to ride with the unpredictable creature. It’s somewhere between a bucking bronco and surfing! He’s now used to knowing he no longer knows. Life used to be so what it was. Now it is compounded by pandemic, climate and politics gone wild. Financial winds keep zig zagging! Friends and family are changing. Oddly, the planet of change, is also a genius at work, and in Taurus of stabilizing, making things more sensible and grounded. Self reliance and the most elemental feed-ourselves vegetable gardening has thrived during the pandemic. At a time when things are so up in the air (Aquarius), we are becoming more sensible, even more simple. Being at home, many have cleaned out years of debris from their lives, gotten literally lighter. They are getting work that is more in tune with their core. Might be less money, but the happiness factor brings a smile and better health. See more

4 Behenian FIXED STARS! 

Wiki says: The Behenian fixed stars, [used by alchemists,] are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, “root,” as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star’s influence (e.g., into a talisman). When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong.

Erik Roth reminds us: The Behenian stars are stars that have been shared as magical but it is really all stars and planets have their own magic and can be utilized through symbolic, psychic, spiritual and otherwise magical purposes in our lives.  The near-infinite sky dome is a part of our lives and has been since our very distant ancestors hundreds of thousands of years looked upon them and not only wondered what they were but also from a place of seeking, of finding meaning and seeing something beyond themselves. 

Alphecca, one of the 15 Behenian Stars! This star is sometimes called Gemma, the jewel of the crown. A brilliant white star, it is also called the Pearl of the Crown. It is the Alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, at 12 Scorpio 35 (2021) is semi sextile the New Moon! 

Alphecca marks the loop, or knot, of the ribbon along which are fastened the buds, flowers, or leaves of the wreath shown in early drawings with two long out-streaming ends. Corona Borealis represents the garland given by Venus to Ariadne on the occasion of her marriage to Bacchus after she had been forsaken by Theseus. Manilius said it ‘sparkles in the mid forehead. He was quite taken with the Crown. See his eloquent thoughts about it’s relationship with Virgo! Jamie at Astrology King says: it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent). It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability. 

With Moon: Public honor and dignity, suffers through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings of enemies but eventual triumph over them, bad for love affairs, some faithful friends, greatly esteemed by Venus and Mercury people. (Robson) Honors and preferment.

With Sun: Active and brilliant mind, self-seeking, subject to scandal that does not affect the position. Honors and preferment.

Alphecca is opposite Uranus, which is inconjunct the New Moon! With Uranus Robson says: Selfish, mental affliction and violence at end of life, psychic power, suffering through occultism, deceptive, many false friends, small inheritance obtained with difficulty, losses by law, enemies and mercurial affairs, sorrow through children or an adopted child, domestic trouble through own acts, danger of a violent death. 

We have come a long way in our thinking about Uranus than when it was first discovered. Think in modern terms of the benefits of this planet and combine that with the issues Robson perceived. Uranus rules electronics and computers, networking of all kinds, humanitarian efforts, freedom, awakening, change, evolution. Alphecca’s charm and intelligence work well with so many opportunities!

Aquarian Abraham Lincoln 0°03′, J. Paul Getty 1°36′ had Alphecca with Uranus.

Fixed Stars Algorab 13 Libra – sextiles the New Moon and Mercury, Sirius 14 Cancer – is inconjunct the New Moon and Mercury! I imagine few of you have done much work with or even heard of Algorab! It is on the right wing of the Raven, in the constellation Corvus, the Crow.  If you love the intelligent Corvids this may bode well for you, if not, all the nasties you hear of them may be part of the Truth.

  • In the US their rep is not so good. Astrologer Jamie Partridge summarizes: Algorab is one of the 15 magic related Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the malice of men and devils. – Whew! That’s impressive! If you sense those things in advance it can be a blessed forewarning.
  • He also states the 28th Chinese Xiù – 軫 (Zhěn) Chariot thinks:  This is the celestial Carriage and it represents the transport of tributes from foreign lands to the Emperor, thus the accumulation of wealth. It also presides over travel of all kinds and vehicles. It also presaged favorable winds and an end to storms. Events in business bring great profit and everything done heralds fortunate returns. Paying homage to ancestors will honor one with a “Dragon Child”. It is also a great day for marriages and births. – Quite different!
  • But some modern astrologers concur that it shows up in terrorism events! See the details at Astrology King, Jamie’s site! Don’t ‘terrorize’ yourself or provoke others; help others and yourself to be safe. Be aware of triggers and danger signals and leave; talk later if possible. Use your intelligence in a good way.
  • The New Moon is oblique to the potent, brightest star of the night, Sirius! Sirius enjoys a terrific reputation for the most part, but also called the Dog Star, watch out for dog bites, LOL! It is another of the 15 Behenian stars. Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake. See a lot more at Astrology King! 

Many 2021 factors have had an Aquarian component, including this New Moon within a degree of the Aquarian planet Uranus! We are preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, select who will work together, and get it rolling! See Saturn in Aquarius Saturn is open to new areas of responsibility. Chiron in leader Aries is livening us with the latest healing and teaching ideas! Jupiter is back in Aquarius jazzing up Saturn’s prospects!

Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol 26 Taurus 27 in 2020 – 2024

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto Capricorn trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely. 

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 25° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Freedom is still at issue. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

Pluto understands much of this. Capricorn often has working answers to bring us back together in common cause. Be safe and be well. Tread gently. Get all the facts before you pass judgment. Steady in the Light.  

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center!

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Algol is in Taurus, the first Venus sign, has a sensual touch, loves earthy beauty, sculpts its own existence! Libra, the second Venus sign is an air sign. Venus may love perfumes and dance, more sophisticated styles. The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the next sign after Scorpio. The GC is enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories, sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! Though ‘compatible’ signs, Libra generally prefers a more gentile pace, more quiet conversation over tea, and formal by invitation or appointment meetings, tête-à-têtes. Libra will find themselves being pressed to use their negotiating skills – tact and diplomacy, and loosening up in spite of themselves! They don’t want to miss anything! They will be blessed with more freedom, delighted by the bucking bronco! 

Mars at 23 Scorpio is opposition Algol. The old time predictions are it is difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries, can be an untimely ending. Scorpio is one of the ‘death’ signs, are often Hospice workers and healers, enjoy dangerous sports. Please just be a little more careful and aware of your surroundings. Be kind to yourself and others. 

Jupiter at 25 Aquarius is right in the square with Algol! Jupiter is a crazy lucky planet and can face ‘evil’ without even realizing it. Fascinating conversation, extraordinary points of view! Algol has nothing to hide, and no need to fear, so is free to share openly. Sagittarius has, at times, exceptional broadmindedness with no judgments, so doesn’t offend, yet, those two have reps as different as night and day. 

At this special time, Jupiter is about to make his final 2021 sextile, an aspect of opportunity, with the Galactic Center Dec 12! The New Moon is opening the Gateway; Mercury is right there as witness and translator. Jupiter is basking in the Light of billions of stars, in Aquarius, the sign of the heavens! I’m thinking there is some protection and a camaraderie since Algol is always in connection with the GC. The learning potential from both, their synergy, is phenomenal. Jupiter, the Sagittarian planet Centaur, has winning strong legs, a laugh that shakes the earth, and is in Aquarius, the light speed sign of the zodiac, in case there is an emergency! With an arrow over the shoulder and a flash of the tail, gone! See more about Jupiter sextile the GC!

On a fine New Moon night, things are blended, no Moonlight or shadows. There is a certain equality as the playing field is equalized. It seems more quiet, even subdued. Without the contrasts and sharp edges we are more receptive… Even if there is a breeze, there are no moving shadows… Sleep can be deeper.

This New Moon is a potent WalkAbout! Blessed be on your travels ~

Sagittarius TOTAL Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart Dec 3/4!
December 3
Pacific and western zones. December 4 Mountain and eastern zones.

2021 Sagittarius New Moon Astrology Chart!

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Gemini/Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon Dec 18!

Saturday December 18, 27 Gemini/Sagittarius 29, 8:36 PM Pacific!

Full Moon Galactic Magic! Venus Retrograde the 19th, Relationship & Financial intensity!

Gemini Sagittarius 2021 Full Moon Thomas McKnight Barbados Art

If you were traveling in Barbados at 13° North, a Sagittarian island, on this Full Cold MicroMoon, it might be much warmer than where you live! This lovely serigraph is by famed artist Thomas McKnight, 1.1.41, a New Year Capricorn with Venus in Sagittarius, Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Taurus.

This may be the Last Lunar event, last Full Moon of 2021, but it links through 2022! We are in a 27 Degree Sequence for SIX months! 2021 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan, Feb, and Mar start a ‘season’ of six Full Moons at 27 degrees Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. The Full Moons at 24 to 29 degrees, will activate Algol and the Galactic Center at 26 and 27 and their Pluto connections strongly 8 times Sep 2021 to April 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of  your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

This is a Bowl chart too, with Mars also now in Sagittarius pushing the Sun. He blusters, teases, tells them why it’s all good, of the Promised Land! He trines Chiron in Aries, Aries is Mars’ own sign! They get along and Chiron is quick, with him, instantly as needed. Time to start new projects and businesses! He is sextile Saturn in Aquarius, determined to get them there! He told them he would and he will!

The nature of the Full Moon is to span the width of the zodiac! Opposites in unity! Sagittarius Father Sun is relying on Mother Moon’s scanners out there on the perimeter, and she being in Gemini, there is quite an array to be channeled. The mood of the people, the information currently circulating, makes a potent backdrop to Sun’s planning and current choices of directions. He wants to know the directions of their thinking and the maps to back it up! Mother Moon will indicate where the blockages are, where intervention and rerouting would make sense. Where things are smooth, the flows can be joined for more powerful results. Similar channels can merge their efforts to advantage. 

Mother Moon is potently in the Bowl’s lead position! Jupiter, Sag’s planet, sextiled the phenomenal Galactic Center Dec 12; Sun is in annual conjunction the Galactic Center on the 18th just before the Full Moon! With his Heart of Light he is refreshing our memories of the Dec 12 sextile, putting new Light on our intent and progress. With Sun bursting with fresh divine plans, optimism, maximum hopefulness, plus Mother Moon’s intuition, there will be a leap! She will be spreading the news just as fast as she can. Use blogs, newsletters. Place the information with people who will spread the word soonest to their people too! Contact your best most progressive friends. Nothing like fresh food for the Soul! Significant good news changes our molecules, updates our DNA! Make sure your circuits are clear and able to carry the load! Be ready to take action.

Jupiter, so recently sextile the GC, still excited, most fortunately sextiles Sun and trines Mama Moon! Sextiles and trines are astrology’s best aspects. Jupiter is the good luck, have fun, planet of faith and hope, truth and future planner! Thinks big, plays bigger! Travels just as far as it can get! Sun in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s sign, is already packed! Moon in Gemini can get bored, so buzzes happily at the idea of getting into a new neighborhood and meeting the new kinfolk, visiting brethren. This is the time for businesses and nonprofits to plan a big campaign. This is not a time to sit and wait! If you work your options, it will be a Full Moon to remember! 

During this time of Galactic contact, Venus conjuncted Pluto Dec 11th, the day before Jupiter sextiled the Galactic Center! She was set deep with Pluto in Capricorn to receive all she could. Pluto is charismatic compared to Venus’s beauty. He is a treasure hunter of significant people, deep relationships, fortunes. He saves people, like Drs Without Borders. Capricorn is historical chronicles, the Guardian of the Elder Councils, military, the Father of the Tribe, has responsibilities to his career, apprentices and family. Venus’s retrograde station is Dec 8 to 27. 19 days she holds the 24 to 26 degree position which includes the conjunction with Pluto. Venus retrogrades the 19th, the day after the Full Moon! She conjuncts Pluto the second time Christmas day, bringing back her perceptions of Dec 11. She sees how we have done, lived up to the possibilities. Venus was close with Pluto at the New Moon and is now just past Pluto at the Full Moon about to make her second conjunction with him. Some of the Christmas seating arrangements will be changed…

At the New Moon Venus sits semisextile between Sun and Jupiter, much a part of their Galactic connections. She witnesses their excitement, the values of historical worth being transmitted, the beauty and awesome possibilities of times to come, the future history we will make to leave for others after us. Venus, in her deep relationship with Pluto, will see the profound effects this will have on our financial relationships, our motives, sharing, the power of meaningful lifetime commitments. She knows it is better if some are broken, left behind, to allow changes that will multiply our success as humans by many fold. Clearly, for some it will be difficult times of transition, but worth it for the Soul’s progress. We will be cleaner, be able to give so much more than we could have known. Wishing you strength and to be steady in the Light. Clean up.

Venus isn’t done yet. See the Double Retrograde! She makes the last conjunction with Pluto March 3, two days after her retrograde cycle is done. Venus, Mars, Pluto are potently all at the same degree, 27 Capricorn! 

Mercury is also in Capricorn, so is documenting the happenings. They are happening more quickly than expected because of the Galactic connections, and because Mercury is square Chiron in Aries, fast surprises, quick imperative demands backed by the old master’s play! He wants change and wants it now! Also, Mercury trines Uranus in Taurus, Uranus the lightning planet. Who would have expected such sudden changes in Taurus? But the planet is changing right in front of our eyes and people are seeing the need for change asap! Mercury has speed of his own, and Capricorn is known for persistent action, facing reality, wanting an workable long lasting solution that ultimately saves time and money. Mercury is Gemini’s planet, so there is an accord with Mother Moon. She will help get the stories out, call on the troops.

Two days before Christmas, Dec 23, Saturn in Aquarius finalizes his 2021 squares with Uranus, the planet of Aquarius. It can be confusing. There is camaraderie and being at odds in the oddest ways! You what?! Saturn having been in AQ, has been trying to ride with the unpredictable creature. It’s somewhere between a bucking bronco and surfing! He’s now used to knowing he no longer knows. Life used to be so what it was. Now it is compounded by pandemic, climate and politics gone wild. Financial winds keep zig zagging! Friends and family are changing. Oddly, the planet of change is also a genius at work, and in Taurus of stabilizing, making things more sensible and grounded. Self reliance and the most elemental feed-ourselves vegetable gardening has thrived during the pandemic. At a time when things are so up in the air (Aquarius), we are becoming more sensible, even more simple. Being at home, many have cleaned out years of debris from their lives, gotten literally lighter. They are getting work that is more in tune with their core. Might be less money, but the happiness factor brings a smile and better health. Time for breakthroughs! See more 

Neptune in Pisces stands alone but he might lend a rainbow of inspiration! Jupiter will be re-entering Pisces again on Dec 28, and Neptune is waiting for their reunion! They have a super special aspect April 12, so have a lot to do in preparation for this once in 166 years celebration! See more about and the Astrology Chart of the 166 year Conjunction!

Pluto, Algol, Galactic Center! Pluto 25 Capricorn is trine fixed star Algol 26 Taurus 10. Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius is lock step with Algol. See all about them above in the New Moon, Fixed Stars section. The Full Moon axis is at 27 Gemini/Sagittarius 29, fully connected with them all, but most powerfully with the Galactic Center! 

Be strong and honorable in your purpose, blessed in your progress!

Gemini/Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon Astrology Chart!

2021 Gemini-Sagittarius Full Cold MicroMoon Astrology Chart!

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Happy 2022! Next up is the first lunar event of 2022, the Sunday January 2, 12 Capricorn 20, New Moon at 10:33 AM Pacific!

See the entire Sagittarius Newsletter! We have a lot happening now through the New Year! Topics:

    Saturn in Aquarius Sextile Chiron in Aries!
    Jupiter Aquarius Sextile the Galactic Center!
    Holiday Venus Retrograde + Jan Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RX!
    Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus
    Jupiter in Magical Pisces!
    Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

For more details see your 2021 and 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you…. 

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New SuperMoon November 4!

Taurus/Scorpio Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver MicroMoon November 19!

Scorpio New SuperMoon! 

Thursday November 4, 12 Scorpio 40, New SuperMoon at 2:15 PM Pacific!

Note subtle changes, tune in to many channels, seek lifesaving connections!

Scorpio 2021 New SuperMoon Colorado Dark-Sky Friends Mike Pach

NIGHT CLUB Westcliffe/Silver Cliff in Colorado is an officially designated International Dark-Sky Community. Wondrous photo by Mike Pach. The Wall Street Journal title is The New Pandemic Hobby: Gazing at the Stars. Scorpio loves sharing the Night.

2021 Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan 2 and 31, and Mar there are five New Moons at 12 degrees in Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Those of you with chart factors close to 12 degrees will be activated by 7 New Moons from Oct 2021 to March 2022. Jan and March 2022 will have two New Moons in Pacific time zone. There is NO New Moon in February 2022. Set a goal and approach it progressively from every angle, every sign!

Bowl charts usually have more continuity of planetary connections closely held, but not this one. The New Moon is exactly opposite Uranus, planet of sudden changes in a fixed sign that doesn’t commonly like being disturbed! This chart has important aspects that have already happened, Mercury and Venus change signs before making their sextile in Scorpio and Capricorn the 6th, Venus sextiles Mars by, at this point, what is called an ‘out-of-sign aspect, signs that are not easily compatible. Since Venus is slowing to retrograde Dec 19, the promise of their connection doesn’t happen. Feisty Mars, in Scorpio with the New Moon is square, challenging old man Saturn, there are no active major aspects to Pluto, Jupiter or Neptune. Even the only classic settling aspect, Saturn sextile Chiron, is to Chiron in Aries, new beginnings, no standing still! To further emphasize that, Saturn squares, challenges Uranus the planet of change and awakenings, which brings us right back to the New Moon exactly opposite Uranus, the chart’s lead planet!

Uranus is the planet of freedom, evolution, the futurist. It works as an ultimate loner or in behalf of humanity, networking across the continents. Genius, research, invention are it’s talents. Awakening and Enlightenment are its invitations. On a bad day Scorpio says bah, humbug if he says anything at all. On a good day Scorpio is more than intrigued! He could become obsessed with the possibilities both as an individual and as an investor! The potential is enormous! There are days when Scorpio Mama Moon and Papa Sun speed along on their fine motorcycles and love the air breezing by. They see the Uranus in Taurus Earth all around them, feels their connection with the totality of the whole climate. They agree about what differences may be required to heal, maintain and secure what is so precious. Friendships may come and go, but we hope Earth as we know it now is with us lifelong and for our children’s children too.

Scorpio has a similarity to Uranus. Scorpio also wants the freedom to be himself, untampered with. He wants privacy and needs time alone. But they differ other ways. When in relationship, Scorpio wants the deepest intimacy, for life, with meaningful sex, but will do without if not possible. Jealousies, possessiveness are his undoings and the love of his life may leave him. Some say they are too intense, obsessive. Scorpio does shamanic healing from psyche to body, finances too. His own recovery rate from life threatening injuries is phenomenal! They understand taboos, can standby with deathing. Scorpio is a deep thinker, an invincible martial arts spiritual warrior that will give his life to save yours. Or if there is cruelty, he may feel justified in taking yours depending on circumstances. Scorpios powerfully relate with the underworld both for bad and good. They survive on their wits in the most dangerous situations – SEALs, special ops, marines, medics, policemen. Their totems are reptiles – the snake, don’t tread on me, the Eagle, bird of prey that flies higher consciousness. Halloween, Day of the Dead, is their time of connection with the wisdom of the Ancestors.

Mercury in Libra is the base planet of the Bowl chart, the one pushing the chart forward. His intent is to negotiate, collaborate, mediate, bring us to a working agreement. Many items on the table these days have extreme and passionate differences. Vaccines, climate/water, political matters of all kinds – indigenous, racial, sexual, women/children, housing. It’s not so easy to advise warrior Mars in Scorpio, the next planet he meets. Treading lightly, very skillfully, is a prime skill. We’re not always talking with a person who wants to respond, reciprocate. Putting yourself in the other person’s place can’t always be done because you don’t know their story, and they don’t always want to tell it and may be pretty bristly. Balance, being fair, may not be what they want either. They just want what they want. Lots of emotion. Libra is himself not always able to decide what he believes or wants. That’s ok. Person in progress. Yet, with Mercury close to Mars, you may find yourself in an unusual temper. You may be intelligently forthright and tell it like it is right to their face! People are so surprised they actually listen! In that moment they get it and there is no argument.

In some ways this is a ‘loose’ chart. New Moon is same degree opposite the Aquarian planet Uranus by 7 Minutes of space! In addition Saturn and Jupiter are both in Aquarius! Aspects that have already happened are free to move forward now. The New Moon is past their squares, difficulties, blocks with Saturn’s expectations. They didn’t like his friends or him either. Maybe they worked out their issues, maybe they didn’t and there are probably lingering mistrusts. Saturn might have thought he could cloud the issues by overwhelming them with big ideas, masses of research data. Hard to fool Scorpio though. If you try, it’s insulting and he knows that too. However, Saturn may have updated a lot of his thinking now that he is in Aquarius, so may have offered shocking ideas that brought you to your feet! Moon, generally more flexible than Sun, may have saved the day and accepted, at least a trial!

Mars is still square Saturn! Saturn has wiry experience on his side. He has dealt with young upstarts before. But it is a new Moon and he may listen this time, intrigued by the Scorpio savvy and persistence, financial insights. Times are indeed changing. Sometimes it takes a force like Mars in Scorpio to pierce the Saturn stone wall, and it isn’t always possible. But Saturn in Aquarius may have some air space between some crevices and the oxygen lets Mars start the fire! Scorpio loves molten lava and witches brews that shapeshifters sometimes depend on! Escape is possible! It may be a tight passage, but the discoveries and possibilities last more than a lifetime! Saturn has wisdom worth acquiring! Aquarius may be hard to pin down, but Mars in Scorpio is supremely quick and often invisible. He can just sit unmovingly nearby and absorb the many revelations. Saturn may be smarter than he looks. Mars may be caught, mesmerized by the Aquarian net of humanity and its resonant consciousness. Mars may have started with intent for himself and find himself working a supreme challenge, for the greater good of all. Scorpio knows how to bond champions together and gather the support of untold wealth in behalf of the new cause! On a very personal note, if your chart factors are connected with these degrees, say 2 to 9, there may be a dry spell in the sex department, or you may make a breakthrough of some kind you can hardly believe!

Mercury was square Pluto, a bitter taste, perhaps attempted blackmail. Usually Mercury in Libra is socially gracious, but if you are in court, there might be a strength and consequences you didn’t expect. If things go your way there could be an astounding breakthrough from long held beliefs. Collective change and the tides of time have shown the advantages of new ways. 

Though not in major aspects, Jupiter sits in a semi-sextile midpoint between Pluto and Neptune. He’s always the big thinker, ahead of his time in Aquarius. Pluto feels him nearby, how could you not, and is both strong in late Capricorn, but ready to batten down the hatches if he feels like it might be a takeover. Pluto is always curious, even in Capricorn that says don’t bother me, I’m busy! He could cause his own demise and get swept off his feet and to his chagrin have a great time. The old ways are lost, just like that, at that come hither snap of Jupiter’s fingers! They have outrageous conversations, Pluto revealing things he hasn’t even said to himself before! Extraordinary options may crisscross their dialogues. Quite heady, and possibly some outstanding results emerge!

Recently Jupiter was just dancing at Neptune’s wild party. Neptune, infinite knowledge, is fascinated with all beings from all galaxies and Jupiter in Aquarius, the sign of space, was one of the most entrancing! Profound exchanges can be made in all guises. It may have been the most fun any of them had in a long time! Spiritual crusades may have been planned involving psychics to Spock logic! Costumes were worth it, videos taken. 

The Pluto side was more privacy, secrets and responsibilities, serious commitments, uh, or cheating. The Neptune side is more wide open dreamtime, but 100% dedication of your life in spite of what the outer garments might make you think.

Saturn sextile Chiron is the only upcoming outer planet aspect, a potentially successful bonding aspect. Saturn may be unpredictable in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries is quick on his feet. Each may travel along a more or less parallel track, fruitfully checking in with each other time to time. Each like their freedom and independence. And that is what keeps each interested in the other, their new ideas. Each needs to be in a separate section, but maybe collaborating toward a mutual goal. They are both interested in marriage, but the AQ-Aries part skitters away. It is more a reaction to what they are rather than a specific person. It’s more what they sense than what they are thinking about. Friendship is fine.

Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, can be confusing. There is camaraderie and being at odds in the oddest ways! You what?! Saturn having been in AQ, has been trying to ride the unpredictable creature. It’s somewhere between a bucking bronco and surfing! He’s now used to knowing he no longer knows. Life used to be so what it was. Now it is compounded by pandemic, climate and politics gone wild. Financial winds keep zig zagging! Friends and family are changing. Oddly, the planet of change, is also genius at work, and in Taurus of stabilizing, making things more sensible and grounded. Self reliance and the most elemental feed-ourselves vegetable gardening has thrived during the pandemic. At a time when things are so up in the air (Aquarius), we are becoming more sensible, even more simple. Being at home, many have cleaned out years of debris from their lives, gotten literally lighter. They are getting work that is more in tune with their core. Might be less money, but the happiness factor brings a smile and better health.


4 Behenian FIXED STARS! 

Wiki says: The Behenian fixed stars, [used by alchemists,] are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, “root,” as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star’s influence (e.g., into a talisman). When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong.

Erik Roth reminds us: The Behenian stars are stars that have been shared as magical but it is really all stars and planets have their own magic and can be utilized through symbolic, psychic, spiritual and otherwise magical purposes in our lives.  The near-infinite sky dome is a part of our lives and has been since our very distant ancestors hundreds of thousands of years looked upon them and not only wondered what they were but also from a place of seeking, of finding meaning and seeing something beyond themselves. 

Alphecca, one of the 15 Behenian Stars! This star is sometimes called Gemma, the jewel of the crown. A brilliant white star, it is also called the Pearl of the Crown. It is the Alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, at 12 Scorpio 35 (2021) only 5 minutes of space from the New Moon! Nov 4 is the annual Sun to Alphecca return!

Alphecca marks the loop, or knot, of the ribbon along which are fastened the buds, flowers, or leaves of the wreath shown in early drawings with two long out-streaming ends. Corona Borealis represents the garland given by Venus to Ariadne on the occasion of her marriage to Bacchus after she had been forsaken by Theseus. Manilius said it ‘sparkles in the mid forehead. He was quite taken with the Crown. See his eloquent thoughts about it’s relationship with Virgo! Jamie at Astrology King says: it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent). It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability. 

With Moon: Public honor and dignity, suffers through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings of enemies but eventual triumph over them, bad for love affairs, some faithful friends, greatly esteemed by Venus and Mercury people. (Robson) Honors and preferment.

With Sun: Active and brilliant mind, self-seeking, subject to scandal that does not affect the position. Honors and preferment.

This all then is opposite Uranus, which is opposite the New Moon! With Uranus Robson says: Selfish, mental affliction and violence at end of life, psychic power, suffering through occultism, deceptive, many false friends, small inheritance obtained with difficulty, losses by law, enemies and mercurial affairs, sorrow through children or an adopted child, domestic trouble through own acts, danger of a violent death. 

We have come a long way in our thinking about Uranus than when it was first discovered. Think in modern terms of the benefits of this planet and combine that with the issues Robson perceived. Uranus rules electronics and computers, networking of all kinds, humanitarian efforts, freedom, awakening, change, evolution. Alphecca’s charm and intelligence work well with so many opportunities!

Aquarian Abraham Lincoln 0°03′, J. Paul Getty 1°36′ had it with Uranus.

Fixed Stars Algorab 13 Libra – Scorpio’s neighbor signs, Sirius 14 Cancer – Scorpio’s earlier water sign, are in a most favorable trine!!! I imagine few of you have done much work with or even heard of Algorab! It is on the right wing of the Raven, in the constellation Corvus, the Crow.  If you love the intelligent Corvids this may bode well for you, if not, all the nasties you hear of them may be part of the Truth.

  • In the US their rep is not so good. Astrologer Jamie Partridge summarizes: Algorab is one of the 15 magic related Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the malice of men and devils. – Whew! That’s impressive! If you sense those things in advance it can be a blessed forewarning.
  • He also states the 28th Chinese Xiù – 軫 (Zhěn) Chariot thinks:  This is the celestial Carriage and it represents the transport of tributes from foreign lands to the Emperor, thus the accumulation of wealth. It also presides over travel of all kinds and vehicles. It also presaged favorable winds and an end to storms. Events in business bring great profit and everything done heralds fortunate returns. Paying homage to ancestors will honor one with a “Dragon Child”. It is also a great day for marriages and births. – Quite different!
  • But some modern astrologers concur that it shows up in terrorism events! See the details at Astrology King, Jamie’s site! Don’t ‘terrorize’ yourself or provoke others; help others and yourself to be safe. Be aware of triggers and danger signals and leave; talk later if possible. Use your intelligence in a good way.
  • The New Moon most favorably trines the potent, brightest star of the night, Sirius! Sirius enjoys a terrific reputation for the most part, but also called the Dog Star, watch out for dog bites, LOL! It is another of the 15 Behenian stars. Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake. See a lot more at Astrology King!

    Uranus in Taurus then is also in top good fortune sextiling Sirius! It’s adventures, research, local and international companions will lead to stunning opportunities. If you aren’t at the forefront, put your efforts with those who support their efforts! Work with companies who sponsor the world being a better place for all, starting with climate, safety, good quality water sustainably collected. Changes will be meaningful, keep your eye on the goal! The long term effects will have lasting results, honorable and sustainable.

Many 2021 factors have had an Aquarian component, including this New Moon being precisely in the same degree as the Aquarian planet Uranus! We are preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, select who will work together, and get it rolling! See Saturn in Aquarius Saturn is open to new areas of responsibility. Chiron in leader Aries is livening us with the latest healing and teaching ideas! Jupiter is back in Aquarius jazzing up Saturn’s prospects!

Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol 26 Taurus 27 in 2020 – 2024

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto Capricorn trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely. 

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 24° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Freedom is still at issue. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

Pluto understands much of this. Capricorn often has working answers to bring us back together in common cause. Be safe and be well. Tread gently. Get all the facts before you pass judgment. Steady in the Light.  

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center!

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Pluto rules Scorpio. Mercury sits in matchmaker Libra, one sign behind Scorpio, wanting to talk, mediate, be an ambassador! Libra is looking at laws of man and natural planetary laws. Libra is light, Scorpio is dark. Libra understands opposites, complements. Pluto is in Capricorn a challenging square sign to Libra. They both want certain proprieties but Libra can be nervous of Capricorn’s demands, at worst quashed. Capricorn may feel shy, that he doesn’t measure up to Libra’s natural sense of refinement. Libra loves the arts; Capricorn is more practical. Cap can help Libra get up into business, while Libra can help him polish his manners and make his products more attractive.

Algol is in Taurus, the first Venus sign, has a sensual touch, loves earthy beauty, sculpts its own existence! Libra, the second Venus sign is an air sign. Venus may love perfumes and dance, more sophisticated styles. The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the next sign after Scorpio. The GC is enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories, sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! Though ‘compatible’ signs, Libra generally prefers a more gentile pace, more quiet conversation over tea, and formal by invitation or appointment meetings, tête-à-têtes. Libra will find themselves being pressed to use their negotiating skills – tact and diplomacy, and loosening up in spite of themselves! They don’t want to miss anything! They will be blessed with more freedom, delighted by the bucking bronco! 

On a fine New Moon night, things are blended, no Moonlight or shadows. There is a certain equality as the playing field is equalized. It seems more quiet, even subdued. Without the contrasts and sharp edges we are more receptive… Even if there is a breeze, there are no moving shadows… Sleep can be deeper.

Note subtle changes, tune in to many channels, seek lifesaving connections!

Scorpio New SuperMoon Astrology Chart!

Scorpio 2021 New Moon Astrology Chart


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Taurus/Scorpio Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver MicroMoon! 

Friday November 19, 27 Taurus-Scorpio 14, 12:57 AM Pacific!

On a Mission! Have a good water source, root deep, line up your powers, fly high, get it done!


Taurus-Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Capitol Marine Helicopter NASA Bill Ingalls

A United States Marine Corps helicopter is seen flying through this scene of the full moon and the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012, from Arlington National Cemetery. (NASA/Bill Ingalls) Water sign Scorpio rules SEALs and Marines.

Times have changed since President George Washington, signed the bill for the creation of a national capital on the Potomac River into law on July 16 1790, in the sign Cancer. Some consider Washington DC to be a Scorpio city because Congress held its first session there on November 17, 1800, 10 years later. It’s birthday falls just 2 days before this year’s Nov 19 Partial Lunar Eclipse spanning Taurus – Scorpio!

I’m voting with Scorpio for many reasons, here are a few. Cancer would have brought more women into power. Scorpio is a natural ninja, money master, and many of our founding fathers were wealthy. A lot of our politics is scrapping about money. Scorpio runs corporations, lobbies and has international connections with networks of hidden alliances. Politically so much happens behind the scenes – right up Scorpio’s ally! Scorpio rules large rivers like the Potomac. 

Get out your cameras! When the Full Moon is low, it looks bigger and brighter than when it’s higher up in the sky. This is called the Moon illusion, and actually makes more of a difference to what it looks like than the real boost you get from it being a bit closer to Earth, a SuperMoon! Though this is a MicroMoon, it will still look a little bigger. Time and Date says ‘Because a MicroMoon is further away, it looks approximately 14% smaller than a Supermoon. In addition, the illuminated area appears 30% smaller, so it might look a little less bright.’

ECLIPSE! EarthSky’s content partner Fred Espenak explains: The November 19, 2021, eclipse is an exceptionally deep partial lunar eclipse. With a just thin sliver of the moon exposed to direct sun at maximum eclipse, the rest of the moon should take on the characteristically ruddy colors of a total lunar eclipse [Blood Moon]. 

The eclipse will darken the moon for much of the globe. Most locations will see up to 97% of the moon slip into Earth’s shadow. North America has the best location to see the entirety of the eclipse. Find maps and timing for the eclipse below, and remember to convert UTC to your time. You can visit timeanddate.com to get an exact timing of the eclipse from your location.

How exciting, an Eclipse! Mother Moon will be ‘protected’ from Sun’s light, instead be in in that special Lunar Eclipse glow! She will be free for some time to dance her own special way. In Taurus it will be with Mother Nature ~ with the Faeries in the meadow. Take some sage/ light if it is safe to do so. In your warm wraps, lie on the ground. Feel your body on the ground, sinking into the ground to become one with Mother Earth…breathe together. Feel the night air on your eyelids. Your heartbeat. Listen to the silence – the leaves, the night birds, animals calling, searching for food. You may slip into the Dreamtime… If you are one to do it, make prayers as suits you. Give gratitude.   Have a sip of that warm cider, Lunar tea, hot chocolate. Blessed be.

At this time of year beavers begin taking shelter in their lodges after storing enough food for the winter. Beavers are now taking on greater significance because they create much needed wetlands, improve water quality, store water during droughts, minimize flood risk and mitigate flooding peaks, increase biodiversity. Scorpio is a water sign, rules storage, underwater treasure recovery, so Beaver is an excellent choice zodiacally for this time. 

27 Degree Sequence for SIX months! 2021 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan, Feb, and Mar start a ‘season’ of six Full Moons at 27 degrees Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. The Full Moons at the 24 to 29 degrees, will activate Algol and the Galactic Center at 26 and 27 and their Pluto connections strongly 8 times Sep 2021 to April 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of  your life that they activate.

This is a Bowl chart, with the Full Moon signs at beginning and end! Mars in the base position pushes from Scorpio. It may be a subtle nudge or a shove you can’t ignore! Mars wants movement now, Scorpio may be obsessed with dedication. With Mercury there, it’s all he thinks about. Sun will get results one way or another. He may call on associates, or conserve his powers and is a force to be reckoned with when he releases the dogs.

Moon leads in steady Taurus! Taurus and Scorpio can persevere through enormous resistance. They can use silence, seduction, Taurus’s weight, a pace so slow they hypnotize you and you didn’t realize until it already happened. They can walk straight up to you and tell you why what you are doing isn’t going to happen and what’s actually better, and you just listen. Check. Scorpio is quite psychic and Taurus is sensibly grounded. Taurus can know by touch where the weaknesses are. Scorpio can heal what needs it. 

Saturn and Jupiter are in Aquarius, the sign squarely between Taurus and Scorpio! Mars and Uranus, Trouble and Blink, are leaving Saturn behind. Saturn has been organizing the odd mélange of Aquarian/Uranian accumulation only to find the genius in it the way it is! He encouraged Uranus to keep seeking, make the changes that will inevitably cause more changes like dominoes! Saturn advised Mars to focus and not waver or leave if it gets tough. Mars looks for what’s new, how to get started. Uranus in Taurus has been steadily plowing humanity’s thoughts for ways to make the biggest changes possible in the shortest time. Many people are being called on, and like in a barn raising, will get phenomenal things done together no one person could do alone. But Mars in Scorpio is like 10 people! He has super intensity, charisma to charm them all, and he can lead several teams at once! Miracles! He carries an Eagle on his shoulder, snakes in his hands, the fire of the Phoenix at his root! He’s somewhat scary, perhaps a bit ruthless, but impressive and inspiring! We’re on a mission, right?!

Mars in Scorpio is being sextiled by Venus in Capricorn! That’s a sweet combination of lovely and handsome. Scorpio and Capricorn, the rutty goat, both love sex. One can be the Master. There can be a long term relationship or a relationship of mutual convenience. It is a terrific business combination and may involve love related businesses. It would be fortunate for contractors and building, interior design for the rich and famous, designer clothing! The CEO may be a woman, a superior museum may be refurbished or started, antiquities bought and sold. Medical businesses for the aging, bonded services and security are options. These are all thoughts in your mind. Venus comes really close to Mars, but she is slowing to retrograde and never makes the exact aspect. Their favorable near encounter shows the possibilities that are likely to prove to have value, have influence over the gist of your decisions. Good luck! 

This also means Venus in Capricorn is trine Uranus in Taurus, a good earthy combination that just happened the day before! Capricorn likes to keep things moving and Uranus is electric, always pondering the environment with synapses faster than the speed of light! Taurus is Venus’s first sign, and both love comfy clothes and furnishings, fine textures, relaxing massages. Yet in this case, no one can sit still. So be comfy as you go. Take frequent breaks, do things you love to do so you enjoy staying engaged. Exciting friendships are likely. Doing things to make living better are satisfying. More productive land use in today’s climate, building attractive sustainable, money saving homes and commercial quarters feels good and people like being there. Groups form more naturally and a strong kinship develops.

Mercury in Scorpio has just been trine Neptune in his own sign Pisces. Both signs are psychic. Scorpio is shamanic; Neptune is the spiritual mystic. They don’t always need words to communicate, they simply commune. Neptune carries the dreams of all the signs, speaks of how Scorpio’s dreams have a necessary place in the zodiacal sequence. It’s where a deepening of the Soul occurs, where we let go, detox from old hurts, heal the suffering of ourselves and others. Scorpio helps Souls transition from this plain. Mercury recognizes and deeply feels what the old Master is saying. Being logical he can put words to their shared experiences, to Neptune’s perceptions that others don’t yet understand. It’s a gift, so others need to know how to do it too.  

Mercury is finding his way to Pluto’s gate. Pluto is Scorpio’s ruler and in Capricorn he has laws in mind, age, building and housing, parenting. Mercury is sextile, in a position to find opportunities, bring Pluto up-to-date and current news and new ways of getting connected safely. Some are doing quite well while others are suffering too much to lift their heads any longer. Human remediation is in order. Mercury gather’s so much information, it commingles in his head in infinite patterns, creating natural channels, stumbling on heretofore unknown possibilities! The intensity is phenomenal! Capricorn sees the logic at work as Mercury incorporates Caps ideas too, and likes the comprehensive results. No one else could do this the way a Scorpio mind can! They can’t stop talking, up all night! In a short time they are deeply bonded. 

Scorpio Mercury is squaring fiery Jupiter in wild Aquarius! Scorpio likes behind the scenes, and Jupiter AQ is anything but! In fact, if Mercury has secrets, they may be outed. Mercury may not like him, but can’t help be entertained and intrigued, but might be glad when it is all over. It’s a bit unnerving being out thought by this unpredictable being! Rarely would Mercury find anyone more intense than he could tolerate, but this is a likely time. Small doses at a time will do well. Many of Jupiter’s suggestions will be costly, maybe no one yet knows how to do them, ways may be found that will pay the costs as they go – they pay for themselves! Mercury in Scorpio is no shrinking violet. He has met major challenges before and done well. Jupiter may do well to watch his back side, LOL. If Mercury is seriously offended, revenge may be in the forecast. Both need to be respectful.

Jupiter is being left by the Full Moon axis! TruthSeeker Jupiter speaks plainly, even shockingly to Mercury and did with  Sun in Scorpio also! His perspectives opened a lot of conduits of thinking that will be taking them another 3 months at the least to process. There will be certain identity shifts that will in turn wake up others. New purposes will be found that are needed for future successes. Jupiter had a personal session with Moon in her kitchen. He especially liked her heavenly banana cream pie dessert! He told her of his travels, how the families and women of the world are doing, how the lands are being used, which animals are threatened or mistreated and what is being done. He is interested in her situation, what she needs for her comfort and peace. She gave him a place to rest on his journey, listened about the challenges he encountered and offered sensible advice about cycles, how to be steady in a storm. Blessings.

Moon and Sun are also leaving Pluto behind! In positive aspects, Moon trined; Sun sextiled. Moon and Pluto are water sign planets, both in earth signs. Taurus is opposite Pluto’s sign Scorpio, the same signs as the Full Moon! Water factors are sensitive and quite psychic. Moon is empathetic and mothering, but she can give mother orders too! Earth signs prefer grounding and sensible behavior and endeavors. Taurus is known for working with the land, body building, while Capricorn builds the home and business. Taurus is sensual while Pluto/Scorpio are sexual. Taurus ponders while Scorpio delves behind the scenes into the life force that makes things live or let go. Through touch Taurus discovers anomalies that Scorpio can heal at their root cause. Both these signs love money. Taurus likes it in his hands, in his pocket. Scorpio runs the corporation and all its subsidiaries, his fortune multiplying in his many accounts and further investments. Where Taurus and Scorpio investments may overlap is in mineral and oil wealth, water rights versus pollution. Scorpio can be a polluter or run a clean house, in fact, be in the business of remediation. Mother Moon may seem childish, at times even simple, but only a fool would underestimate her. Mothers always have the power to bring others to obedience. Father Sun may find himself blackmailed, Scorpio always has his secrets, or Moon knows him too well and tells him what’s what. 

Father Sun sextile Pluto were more easy together. Scorpio is Pluto’s sign. They speak the same language and know when to be careful of each other, to keep confidences without even saying so. Pluto is in Capricorn, the Father sign. There is a knowing respect of each other. Sun wants his due, his strengths to be noted. Capricorn has the rulebook and let there be no mistakes or wasting time. When Scorpio is on the same page, he is obsessed to get that job done. Capricorn is like the cat that swallowed the canary! He scored when this connection happened and things are finally getting done at the rate he prefers! They have each learned from the other. Sun knows more about what he is suited for and being appreciated for his obsession! Capricorn sees Scorpio’s heart light burning deeply from within and knows the warmth of that passion. He finds himself giving more now too and sees how it affects the people around him. They are more loyal and willing. It is more than getting a job done, it’s a sharing.

The most important outer planet combination right now is Saturn in AQ sextile Chiron in Aries Nov 26! At 8 AQ 40, this will be the last of the three aspects. Saturn has worked against the odds of changes the pandemic, and climate, have brought to harness energies from all over the planet, to help as many as he can. For those of you affected, we can only humbly thank you for all the work you have done, the hours put in nobody knows about but you. Some of you even lost your lives in our behalf. This has been a race against time, with Chiron, the old Centaur healer, in Aries, trying to be the first to help. It has been a challenge saving lives, inaugurating new vaccines, getting people through their various fears. Many of us will have learned a lot about responsible self care, letting go of criticisms and expectations.

In spite of all the health matters, for some, new businesses will be thriving. New jobs will save us from boredom extinction! Saturn in Aquarius is seeing new opportunities that have emerged. Chiron knows that is a healing, that some old ways must be left behind. It’s not the same world anymore. Aries loves challenges from the ground floor up, being the first! Though business may thrive, romantic relationships may not be so successful. Aquarius and Aries aren’t marriage minded though Chiron is. Give those a lot of time before signing any papers. Six months minimum, a year would be better. It is possible that new ways of having relationships will come into use as the times have changed. See more please

Pluto, Algol, Galactic Center! Pluto 24 Capricorn is trine fixed star Algol 26 Taurus 10. Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius is lock step with Algol. See all about them above in the New Moon, Fixed Stars section. The Full Moon axis is at 27 Scorpio-Taurus 14, fully connected with them all, but most powerfully with Algol! The Moon herself has just been conjunct Algol! Taurus is a strong sign and Moon is strongly intuitive. As the myths go, Algol had a hard time, yet she is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. Maybe Mother Moon will show herself to be of steady good faith and be trusted to sooth the suffering beast within us. The odds are long in this situation.  

Of Moon conjunct Algol Robson says ‘Violent death or extreme sickness.’ Ebertin a more recent astrological researcher says ‘Very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries.’ Yet here at 78 is the long time performer, invincible 4-planets-in-Leo, Mick Jagger, whose Taurus Moon is 1°24′ from Algol! Be the Tiger of your own Spirit and take Algol on the ride with you! She will enjoy the sights and forget her old sorrows and shames! Moon is a healer in her own right, and Taurus never gives up!

Be strong and honorable in your purpose, blessed in your progress!

Taurus/Scorpio Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver MicroMoon Astrology Chart!


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Next up is the Friday/Saturday December 3/4, 12 Sagittarius 22, Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 11:43 PM Pacific!

See the entire Scorpio Newsletter! Topics:

Scorpio New SuperMoon and Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver MicroMoon
Libra Mercury Retrograde Cycle, Rx Sep 26/27 to Oct 18

Saturn in Aquarius Sextile Chiron in Aries!
Holiday Venus Retrograde + Jan Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RX!
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See your 2021 and 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they connect with your personal chart!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse, Summer Solstice June 20/21!

Venus Gemini/Mercury Cancer, both in Station, are plowing through the piles of information for what it all means and what to keep!

Capricorn – Cancer Full Buck Moon Lunar Eclipse!

This is a working Moon activated by the brightest star in the Heavens!

Second Cancer New Moon July 20
Hard work is showing rewards, Venus/Mercury are moving forward, time to move on!


Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse, Summer Solstice/Father’s Day June 20/21!!

Saturday June 20 Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse New Moon at 11:41 PM Pacific, 0 Cancer 21! Heads up: The New Moon will be on Sunday the 21st in Mountain, Central and Eastern Zones, on Father’s Day!

Venus Gemini and Mercury Cancer, both in Station, are plowing through the piles of information for what it all means and what to keep!

Cancer 2020 New Moon Canyonlands Cave Milky Way

The cave where the tribe used to meet… The False Kiva archaeological site is located near the Upheaval Dome area of Canyonlands National Park in Utah. By Christopher E Herbert. Finished shooting the Milky Way at 2:00 am before hiking back out with my friend and two other photographers.

This is the second eclipse this season, not visible in the US. Viewing: Partial Eclipse: Africa, southeast Europe, Asia  Annular Eclipse: central Africa, south Asia, China, Pacific. 

We start with the first Cancer new Moon at ZERO degrees, totally fresh! It’s a time for new ways of caring. Cancer is our family at home, our home in the world today. New Moon is seriously engaged with Saturn, the planet of Cancer’s opposite sign Capricorn, also at ZERO degrees! Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius, about to return to his own sign. They are askew by angle and Saturn is in an unpredictable sign not always comfortable to Moon, the 27 day planet who tends the hearth fires. Yet she herself changes a lot every 27 days, keeps her fingers on the pulse of the people, so, in a way, there is always something new afoot, and both Cancer and Aquarius are community minded. In AQ Saturn is making required changes to things that were anchors to our ethics, laws, necessities. We have had two ‘pandemics’ to face recently, COVID-19 and the worldwide George Floyd protests.

Cancer is not just your Mom, but our community, our culture. Cancer is the number one sign of business and they are terrific stock traders, sensing the nuances of the mood of the people. They 100% understand commodities, the daily household supplies we all need. They know when we are troubled and bring that casserole over to help us get through it. They wait until we are ready to talk or give us a talking to! Femininity is key. Our matriarchal lineage affects us more than we realize. We are our mother’s children, yet they nurture us, their instinct hoping we will surpass them.

Jupiter’s June 29 retrograde conjunction with Pluto will bring more deaths from both COVID and residual protests. At the same time people are stepping up to heal each other. As with environmental disasters, the playing field is leveled. We come to stand up to a common threat, and when you are drowning, you are glad for help from anyone no matter their skin color. We make new unlikely friendships and allies. These matters open us to interact more widely, get to know each other in different ways. Our new goal is not to restore, but to excel to new levels long overdue. Saturn’s preview in Aquarius sees potential that will cost a lot less. When it retrogrades back into Capricorn July 1, serious work will be done to implement significant changes. 

Both of 2020 Cancer’s New Moons are in Bowl charts.

This Bowl chart is less than 180°, planets spread across 7 signs with grouping and pairings! The first group is Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn, the base planets of the Bowl, close with Saturn, Capricorn’s planet. Saturn is now in Aquarius, to retrograde back into Capricorn July 1! He is previewing Aquarius then will return to revamp and solidify Capricorn’s techniques before Saturn’s final entry into Aquarius and prepare for Pluto into Aquarius March 2023! The transition from traditional building to evolutionary humanitarian planetary work is so apparent with pandemic COVID-19 changes and worldwide protests for freedom.

Jupiter with Pluto was first exact April 4. It is now retrograding back to make its second/retrograde conjunction with Pluto June 29. They have been close since March 12, shifting perceptions back and forth, tweaking Capricorn structures, laws, responsibilities, extreme economic twists, environmental and human rights, COVID-19 concerns. There are secrets, revelations, lies and truths, bald faced power jockeying, greed, fear, deaths and saves. Many are seeing the potentials of incredible new options.

Jupiter makes things best, bigger or exaggerated, the worst – like C-19. Pluto is at his microscope looking for that vaccine. Pluto can resurrect or save your life, make money or take your life and all your money, bankruptcy. It can bond your relationship for a lifetime, or there you are filing divorce papers against that cheater! Jupiter can be schooling, trips, publishing, truth and the consequences if you have been a liar no longer getting away with it. Jupiter is so much the traveler, but with the Virus, and Jupiter in Capricorn, the sign of limitations, necessities only, no such luck for now. Pluto can be the scandal, fighting over inheritances, funding, or fund the most amazing healing research and a center with exceptional care for victims. We have been seeing amazing caring and people stepping up to the plate. You see this aspect has a great range, extremes. And both can happen at once. Keep your life clean or Jupiter in Capricorn the law, Pluto the Police, will be knocking on your door. If you have the means, do what you can to help survivors, heal the environment long term, provide significant education. Apply for help if you need it. Sometimes we just can’t do it all alone. One day you will be the one that’s doing the giving. Bless you and keep you. When you can, pay it forward.

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto will continue in their close conjunction through July 30! The third and final aspect is Nov 12, THE aspect of the Nov 3 Presidential Election. You can see how crucial this aspect is. In Capricorn there is much long term work of necessity. Set your goals and stick with them, revising and updating as you go. DO what makes a difference.

With Mercury’s retrograde that started June 17, we are in a week of the double retrograde with Venus until Venus turns forward June 24! Both are in Station! Station is when a planet appears to be standing still in the sky. A Station offers a pause, a focus, deepened perception, emphasis. Venus is in one of Mercury’s signs Gemini. Together they are whirling with thoughts, ideas. The word is getting spread by social media at the speed of light!

Mercury Retrograde is going back to sextile Uranus again. As some say, Friends (Uranus) are the family we choose! Uranus in Taurus is Earth herself, organic. Our Networks are vital to the new works we need to do among our people and for peaceful sustainability. 

Though retrograde, ‘going backward,’ Mercury in Cancer is leading the Bowl chart! This form of leadership gives you pause to consider just how that is done! Sometimes a leader has to take a few steps back, wisely retreat from a position that instinctively doesn’t feel right or the advance has not quite hit the time to move forward. Go back, strengthen your position, double check your information. If things need changing, update your approach tactics. Use that retrograde well. 

Moon is in her own sign! She feels the feelings, her patterns and passages. She is in Sun’s Heart Light, feeling stronger with his support. He in her sign understands her better, sees how important her nurturing is, not just to children and family, but to all of us. She is a model of that unconditional givingness. It’s like a Mother’s caress wherever she goes. Moon will quickly bring her feelings, insights, awareness of cycles to Mercury for his consideration. Sun will meet up with Mercury on the 30th, illuminating Mercury’s thinking processes. Mercury will see what can stand the scrutiny and pass muster. He will be charged with getting the information to all the right places as soon as possible. 

Mercury is conjunct the amazing fixed Star Sirius! This is important because the July 4/5 Full Buck Moon Lunar Eclipse SUN is conjunct Sirius too! What Mercury gleans from Sirius now will be spread widely by the Full Moon, springing from their positive relationship with Uranus, the evolutionary Networker, who unites Humanity for the greatest well being possible! The Sun in Cancer is all for it! Robson say of Mercury conjunct Sirius: ‘Great business success, help through influential people, worries unnecessarily, associated with the Church, physical defect through accident.’ Please see more about Sirius in the Full Moon section.

Venus squares Neptune three times during her retrograde cycle. It is a significant aspect because Neptune is activated NINE times during the Venus retrograde cycle! One of the cycle’s most important aspects is the Jupiter conjunct Pluto’s companion aspect Jupiter’s RX sextile Neptune! It is July 27, the day of Venus’ last square to Neptune, the day before Venus’ RX cycle ends! It is the goal of the entire cycle! Being an outer planet sextile, it is likely to prevail beyond passing doubts with great promise. But happening three times, those small niggly doubts will be remembered for a while and double checks will be made to be sure progress is better than it was feared it wouldn’t be.

Neptune, in his own sign Pisces, represents a psychic/spiritual dimension beyond average, is the Great Guardian of Spirituality. He is of a very different element, water with no definite form. Gemini, Venus, nor Mercury in Gemini, one of his own signs, are immersed the same way as water, but they are heady in air, logical. Water and air have currents and winds, flow that carries you along their streams, but the view sure is different! At worst Neptune in Pisces is the suffering out of control addict. At best Neptune has empathy, extraordinary visions, does magic and Soul Saving miracles!

Venus is adding her Grace. Neptune hardly notices because he is focused on the intensity of his work. Jupiter in Capricorn sees the special value Neptune offers and give Neptune as much support as possible. Jupiter may publish essential historical documents to record changes and how various decisions were made at any given time. Some of it will be hard despairing news to look at. Some will be hopeful and inspiring as long term changes are finally possible and come true. There will be fumbles and fuming, but Jupiter what is good and best for all. Education will figure in prominently to open people to what could be better ways and show them the benefits. Trust may come quickly or need to be babied along. Do what you can. Keep an open heart; keep empathy handy.

Mars in Pisces recently swam with Neptune, Pisces’ planet, senses the currents, the easiest ways to get where he is going. He is immersing every molecule in the Dream that he may function wholly in its initiation when he gets into Aries, his own sign. In Aries he is the leader, the first responder, consultant, inspires others to take action. If he can do it, they can do it! He will start in Aries June 27 and step up the pace! Mars in Pisces is now leading from behind and within in behalf of the underdog, to help their suffering. He wants us to remember we were once there too. He’s encouraging them to call their formidable talents together to help themselves significantly change this planet.

Mars in Pisces is super sensitive to pivot points that can be used as springboards to areas that need attention to speed progress in a good way. Neptune in his own sign Pisces is a powerful visionary! Music, art, dreams, movies, seeing each other on our cell phones, are all potent ways of seeing, inspiration! Just seeing the sea, ocean sports, ships, seeing the magic of oceanic weather and creatures of the reefs, the depth, not seeing land, gives a broadening perspective that requires a certain faith in the unknowable, unconquerable. We can see further, forever, not know and still continue. Mars can be a silent partner in Pisces, but make no mistake, he is always a leader, even if from behind, no name given. The vision is bigger than any one of us and it will carry itself by its own Spirit!

Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are neighboring, only 15 mins apart! June 10 as they made their third from the last semisextile of their 13 yearlong sets of aspects that completes in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

If you use Chiron and Lilith in your interpretations, they make a wild pair. In Aries, Mars’ sign, they have their own power of Leadership. Chiron as healer never promised healing would be easy. In fact, you really have to want to live, to heal and have to step up to the plate. You are not the only person on the planet and at the same time we need you to do your special part. People you don’t even know are counting on you! Lilith says Amen! She can be a tough old bird or a formidable innocent, strong at minimum. She brings women to power that never expected to be there! Some have been so trained to think they aren’t strong it is a shock for them to find out what they can do. What’s even crazier is when they realize they always could have done it!

Cancer is such a deliciously personal sign as well as the sweet neighborhood busybody who looks after everyone.
Thank you, Dear Cancers! We are so blessed by you.

Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse, Summer Solstice Astrology Chart!

Cancer 2020 New Moon Solar Eclipse Summer Solstice Father's Day

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Capricorn – Cancer Full Buck Moon Lunar Eclipse!

Saturday/Sunday July 4 at 9:44 PM Pacific, July 5 Eastern 13 Capricorn/Cancer 38

This is a working Moon activated by the brightest star in the Heavens!

2020 Cancer Mother Moon Woman laying on ground before her

Feeling the July hot Summertime Eclipse, own the night……!

4th of July in Pacific, Mountain and Central, on the 5th in Eastern, but all on the same night! This is the third eclipse this season: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse  Barely perceptible…

Our July Full Moon axis defines a perfect 180° Bowl Chart, Cancer the sign of Bowls! The Full Moon axis is past the Chiron midpoint at 9 Aries. Nevertheless, with Mars now in his own sign activating Chiron, Chiron is still a potent factor in the time frame! Chiron is considered to be the wounded healer/teacher. We learn from our troubles, take a look at our mortality, vow to be a better person and help others, especially children, when we can. Chiron can be great in business, in Aries a leader to new goals and new ways of getting there. Some think Chiron is the number one marriage factor in our charts. Cancer and Capricorn want security, trust and support. Aries is holding the position that your backup Ace is always to be able to support yourself by yourself. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The base of the Bowl is Mother Moon in a potent four planet Capricorn Stellium including Jupiter at the same degree as Pluto – just past their June 29 conjunction, and last, Saturn newly returned into his own sign Capricorn July 1! This puts us back into a three outer planet Capricorn stellium until Saturn makes his final entry into Aquarius Dec 16! We are standing in Jupiter/Pluto’s companion aspect Jupiter retrograde sextile Neptune July 27 through the third one, October 12, before the Presidential Election. This grouping carries awareness of great responsibilities, takes a hard look at the past, wants a realistic working system. We can learn wisely from the past. Sadly, some we are sorry for. Other we have outgrown, are done with it! Gladly we have hope for building changes together, collaboratively to make important and timely upgrades. Remodeling and sustainability factor strongly. Capricorn is ace at rebuilding better! Some we keep, some we let go and joyfully replace! 
Sun in Cancer in its annual conjunction with powerful fixed Star Sirius leads the Bowl, lighting the way. Father Sun in Mother Moon’s Sign is a blend of their energies. Cancer is strengthened, noting where to clear the cobwebs, proud of her successes. She shares her blessings with Sun and his heart expands! Mercury in Cancer is assisting, going back over the ideas that have been deep within, helping to bring them to the surface for updating. Things and people need extra care these days. Sun is generous and Mercury tells the stories that connect us. 

SIRIUS, the Dog Star in the constellation Canis Major is the brightest star in Earth’s Night Sky. The name means “glowing” in Greek. For the Egyptians, Sirius was revered as the Nile Star, or Star of Isis. In mythology the dog Sirius is one of the watchmen, celestial guardians of the Heavens. It is fixed in one place at the bridge of the Milky Way, keeping guard over the abyss into incarnation or in other beliefs, it guarded the dead and guided them to the afterlife. 

  • Space.com:  …the actual Dog Days, or “Canicular” days as they’re known, are defined as the period from July 3 through Aug. 11 when the Dog Star, Sirius, rises in conjunction (or nearly so) with the sun. As a result, the classical Greek and Roman belief was that the combination of the brightest luminary of the day (the sun) and the brightest star of night (Sirius) were responsible for the extreme heat that is experienced during the middle of the northern summer. Other effects, according to the ancients, were droughts, plagues and madness.
  • Researcher Elsbeth Ebertin says: ‘Sirius in conjunction with the Sun and well placed in the chart will be found to be the case with numerous important and famous personalities. Possibly, the rise in station is made possible by protection from people of influence.’ If you have this Eclipse’s conjunction in good relationship with your chart factors, or have it so in your birth chart, wonderful! See more about it with other factors.

Sun is in Moon’s sign Cancer, warming Cancer’s heart, giving her strength to do all the caring she is want to do, forever and ever. She makes us the best shelter within her means, raises/teaches children – makes sure we get the best education, homeschooling to college, feeds us from body to Spirit, loves us no matter what from sorrows to success! She may be an artist, a skill sharing business person, a community and cultural leader, an advocate for women and children’s rights, volunteering at the local safe house. She makes sure we have good water.

Moon herself is in her opposite sign, Capricorn. She is an excellent community organizer, has an exceptional instinct for business. Capricorn works hard to build what our families and community needs, to gain respect by professional excellence, often has an outstanding reputation. He excels in law and order, dependability. Cancer brings feelings to him, that law is law, humans are human. She shows him how important background is, how to help rather than only categorize and dispense with. Humans need time to learn and time to grow, often to overcome their past. They need to be shown what can be done and how to do it. One who can be costly to us in our communities can become one of our greatest contributors given a chance. Yes, it usually takes time. They are an investment and it is our part to learn how to be an effective teacher, guide.

Venus now direct is semisextile Mercury in Cancer still Retrograde. Mercury is still perusing and turning mental soil about how we feel about the world today and what to do. We have the Virus, civil unrest, environmental discord. Cancer is all about security, nurturing those who suffer for any reason. Our environment is our ultimate home. Taking care of it is a big job. Mercury was sextile Uranus June 5 and 30, will again July 22. Sun also sextiled Uranus the 30th and Moon trined earlier today at 3:19 PM Pacific. Though past, they are all still close, carrying the messages of innovation, humanitarian efforts, the value of networking and philanthropy. Many have new friends, are looking to places in the world family where proven and productive changes have been made.       

Venus never made that sextile with Mars! She turned forward at five Gemini while Mars was still in Pisces and left Mars behind. They have been traveling closely however… They were within 5 degrees of each other when Mars shifted into Aries. July 4 they become 3°, and stay 3° or less through July 21! There is a side by side effect, sharing ideas. Venus gives grace and longing that spurs Mars to action! Venus tells of how heroic Mars is, inspiring people to take his lead!

Venus does sextile Chiron July 10, Mars makes the conjunction to Chiron July 14! In horary astrology this constitutes a connection of all three, Chiron ‘collects’ the light of Venus and Mars. Venus sweetens Chiron’s leadership, enhances his healing and teaching skills with her gracious ways of saying things and brings valued information. She praises him and he takes a greater stride forward! Mars energizes Chiron to stay true to his cause, not be influenced by distractions or payoffs. Mars is a pro at new beginnings and Chiron has to be medically careful with the healing aspect of his work, but new ways are being called for with the Virus, and even with political and police matters. It is important not to be stopped at important junctures of your work or to be ill, injured or disabled yourself. Stay safe and be well. Take care of yourself first that you may serve.

Mercury Rx in Cancer is leaving his July 1 square to Chiron in Aries, retrograding back to square Mars July 8. Mercury shared updated information with Chiron alerting him to current changes in needs and setting new priorities. Cancer is traditional, but a sign quick to make sensible adjustments. Aries can be so full of straight ahead fire that you have to get his attention first, quickly impart your three liner to-the-point info then see how that goes. If needed, check in again to be sure the whole thing got taken in. If it is an emergency, do your best, but be big about it! Mercury will make the third square to Chiron July 21 the day after the second New Moon in Cancer! By then there will be more news to share. Stay progressive.

Mercury in Cancer can seem like drip to Aries who can quickly dodge raindrops, and there could be some heated words. Ask if there is a better time to talk. Even if there is disagreement and a seeming blow off, know that Mars in Aries is hella fast at taking things in, possibly especially if they make him feel to fight, LOL! He loves challenges! So don’t be surprised if you find him doing what you asked when you thought he didn’t hear! Give it a little time… Caring communications, checking in are essential.

Chiron in Aries semisextile Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs less than a degree apart! Those of you with chart factors at 8, 9, 10 & 11, especially in Aries or Taurus, will feel the touch. Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, phenomenal networking, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…a small but potent 13 year aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto are still in close connection since their second conjunction June 29 and will be on through July 30! The third and final aspect is Nov 12, THE aspect leading up to the Nov 3 Presidential Election. You can see how crucial this aspect is. In Capricorn there is much long term work of necessity. Set your goals and stick with them, revising and updating as you go. DO what makes a difference. Team up with people who are making a difference. Learn from them.

Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn is the most powerful aspect of 2020 after the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Saturn and Capricorn have brought the wrecking ball. Pluto brought the Virus and Jupiter is prejudice, but also outing the truth of the violence of racial injustice. Pluto in Capricorn is the Police, both good and bad, and hired killers. Jupiter often exaggerates conditions in initial situations not much is known about. We keep learning as different perspectives are considered. In Capricorn historical situations and what other governments have done can be profitably compared. Tradition is being reassessed. Old icons are tumbled. Jupiter looks for what works better at less cost. Sustainability is a strong factor now due to environmental concerns. Time to make a clean sweep and build much, much better.

Jupiter makes things best, bigger or exaggerated, the worst – like C-19. Pluto is at his microscope looking for that vaccine. Pluto can resurrect or save your life, make money or take your life and all your money, bankruptcy. It can bond your relationship for a lifetime, or there you are filing divorce papers against that cheater! Jupiter can be schooling, trips, publishing, truth and the consequences if you have been a liar no longer getting away with it. Jupiter is so much the traveler, but with the Virus, and Jupiter in Capricorn, the sign of limitations, necessities only, no such luck for now. Pluto can be the scandal, fighting over inheritances, funding, or fund the most amazing healing research and a center with exceptional care for victims. We have been seeing amazing caring and people stepping up to the plate. You see this aspect has a great range, extremes. And both can happen at once. Keep your life clean or Jupiter in Capricorn the law, Pluto the Police, will be knocking on your door. If you have the means, do what you can to help survivors, heal the environment long term, provide significant education. Apply for help if you need it. Sometimes we just can’t do it all alone. One day you will be the one that’s doing the giving. Bless you and keep you. When you can, pay it forward.

Jupiter RX sextile Neptune Jupiter’s companion aspect to its conjunction with Pluto soothes the waters, yet keeps the dream alive! Jupiter is publishing and that’s the video, Neptune, of George Floyd, a clearly suffering (Neptune) human at the unkindness of bullies. Jupiter can be bullies – opinionated, condescending and prejudiced. A sextile represents an opportunity. Jupiter also wants the truth and Neptune is what’s hidden. Though a very sad circumstance, Mr Floyd becoming a martyr at the cost of his life, good will come from this man giving his life. Neptune is Spirit. Jupiter is Justice. It’s about time for some Spiritual Justice. Worldwide people are rising. Jupiter is retrograding back to meet Neptune again July 27 and will be in close continuous connection through the third aspect Oct 12. This isn’t over yet. And it all will affect the elections. Do your part. Be kind. Above all, help your mates to register and VOTE.

Seek visionary thinkers with sensible long term plans! We can do this!

Capricorn – Cancer Full Buck Moon Lunar Eclipse Astrology Chart!

Cancer 2020 Full Buck Moon Lunar Eclipse 4th of July

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SECOND Cancer New Moon! 

Monday July 20 at 10:33 AM Pacific 28 Cancer 27

Hard work is showing rewards, Venus/Mercury are moving forward, time to move on!

Cancer 2020 Second New Moon Double Moons, Majestic Mountains Clouds!

Some call it a Double New Moon. If there are two New Moons in a month the second is called a Black Moon. Maybe this too, in the same sign, could be called a Black Moon?

We started with the first new Moon at ZERO degrees, totally fresh! It was seriously engaged with Saturn, the planet of Cancer’s opposite sign Capricorn. Saturn was retrograde at ZERO degrees Aquarius, about to return to Capricorn, his own sign. They were askew by angle and Saturn was in an unpredictable sign not always comfortable to Moon, the 27 day planet who tends the hearth fires. Yet she herself changes a lot every 27 days, so, in a way, always something new afoot, and both Cancer and Aquarius are community minded.

This second Cancer New Moon is at 28°, very close to the end of Cancer, experienced. Moon and Sun are imminently exactly opposite Saturn now IN his own sign at 28° Capricorn! Moon is in her own sign, so both are potently in their places of power. Cancer is not always considered a ‘powerful’ sign, but personally I wouldn’t mess with her. She can call the tribe and all her ancestors! Sun is right there with her, and he is the Man! Cancer is food, home and family while Capricorn works in the world, provides protection and shelter. He carries the law while Cancer nurtures with feelings. He makes her aware of their responsibilities, the need for children to grow up successfully. Cancer makes him know how people/children are different, have different timing than his. Both are excellent at business. Cap is a hard worker, takes care of necessities. Cancer broods, at times like a broody hen maybe, but has her finger on the pulse of the people! She knows what people need, and when they will want it, the best emphasis for business.  

With Saturn back in his sign Capricorn we again have a 3 Outer Planet Stellium! Jupiter/Pluto are still at the Bowl chart base, still close after their June 29 retrograde conjunction. Saturn will remain in Capricorn until his final change into Aquarius Dec 16. For the moment, all three are retrograde, but Saturn is now within 5° of Pluto putting all three in working distance of each other. Saturn goes back to 25°, traveling closely within 3° of Pluto until they turn forward. Saturn turns Sep 28/29; Pluto turns Oct 4. Saturn travels more quickly and soon leaves Pluto behind. Jupiter, however, has already turned Sep 12 at 17° and quickly catches up with Pluto for their final Nov 12 conjunction! While together the threesome have many similar ideas but tend to work toward them separately until Pluto and Jupiter get close. Then there is a perhaps a surprising merger, unexpected funding tips the scales. Whatever it is, Jupiter will make it famous. It can be very bad or very good, likely both. 

Important matters will continue to include what’s already on the table: learning, careers, healing/vaccine, free speech, laws and enforcement, justice, human rights, sexuality and gender, money and defunding or funding, boycotting harmful people or businesses, finding new ways to long held matters that have needed changing. Please be kind to each other and do what you can in a good way. Step up to the plate. Sometimes we marvel that such a simple solution wasn’t seen before. Just takes one person to say it, but it might have taken a lot of ideas to make that one finally pop up! 

Another Bowl chart!

New Moon, Moon in her own sign Cancer are leading! Mercury is with them in Cancer following along behind, acting as the sweep. His duty is to help other followers, keep the trail clean behind them. There may be joiners that want to know what’s happening and what they can do. Mercury is logical and credible, while in Cancer more personally concerned, combines thoughts and feelings making nurturing connections. The newcomers join in. They become a family of a kind. 

Mercury and Venus are both now moving forward after their double retrograde June 17 to 24. They complete their entire retrograde cycles July 25 and 28 with the Jupiter RX Sextile Neptune, Venus square Neptune right between them on the 27th! Mercury and Venus retrograde sorted and sifted, thought and talked, smelled the roses and baked bread. So much has changed we are all adjusting and it isn’t done. But they moving forward are putting their ideas into action, exploring new ground in today’s world. Working together is comforting and we can all contribute in our own special way. New alliances are being made as we find certain people want more of the same things we want than what we knew about them before. Circumstances have leveled the playing field and we have the blessing of more mutual goals.  

Jupiter RX Sextile Neptune and Venus square Neptune are making the vision of major planetary changes apparent to many. It will be how we treat our Earth and her beings, including each other. Jupiter wants the whole TRUTH, draws deep from Neptune’s dreams, the fathomless well of Spirit. There are lies, scams, prejudice, judgments, but many will be revealed. Jupiter ultimately wants the long term best for all. This is a time to teach through parables. We can’t all be there, but a well told story makes us feel like we are. Venus is questioning the dream, picks out what she deems worthy. She knows how to ‘dress up’ ideas that at first may appear unpalatable or impossible. She gleans important points that many overlook. That’s one of her special graces. She gets to know people through her appreciation of them and so much more is revealed. Even if you don’t understand, you can appreciate someone’s effort. See also the Full Moon’s last paragraph above.

As with the Full Moon, though still close, Venus never made that sextile with Mars! She turned forward at five Gemini while Mars was still in Pisces and left Mars behind. They have been traveling closely however… They were within 5 degrees of each other when Mars shifted into Aries. July 4th they became within 3°, and stay 3° or less through July 21! They exchanged glances, there was a side by side effect, sharing ideas, but they didn’t collaborate. Venus gives grace and spurs Mars to action! Venus tells of how heroic Mars is, inspiring people to take his lead! Mars liked her, so he is sad to see her go even though he’s very independent.

Mercury does square Mars now and exactly on the Jupiter sextile Neptune the 27th. Mars is now in his own sign Aries! Impatience is likely. Mercury may be going about grumbling under his breath. He tries to be nurturing in Cancer, but Mars may be too pushy or too personal too quick. Mars may prod relentlessly, noisily. He wants new now, but Cancer is traditional. My Mother always did it that way. He likely means well, but Cancer is a more tender sort. She may be looking for security and she intuitively knows he can be gone in a minute to an enticing new opportunity. Mercury may be a little confused at some news and not in the mood, tired and worried, yet has to deal with events as they come. There could be an accident, an upset tummy. Mars just wants to get going! He thinks Cancers just need to make up their mind and get over it! Well, that could be true, but there is a human in there doing the best they can. Take it easy – you don’t want to have words. If you push too hard you may lose their friendship forever.

So Mercury, get your rest, talk when you feel up to par. Mars, just know everyone isn’t like you. You are terrific, but we are all here together. If you are saving a life, then do what you do. Mercury, appreciate what a leader this person is. Hear them out, then per the time frame available, let them know where you stand. Your intuition will serve you precisely for the circumstances at that time. Things can change later. You can too if that’s your choice. Mars, keep standing tall and proud! We couldn’t do it without you!

Mercury is about to sextile Uranus and square Chiron for the third of three times! Sextile Uranus is good connections with friends, such great strange but genius ideas! Good Sci Fi! Square Chiron, it may not sell right away, if ever. Oh well, it was fun. Or, unapologetically write it and keep writing. Get past the business hurdles. Save and keep each version as you go. What doesn’t fit here may be the lead for a second episode, be part of a series, or stand well alone on its own! Give it some time. Work out any publishing problems. The retrogrades undoubtedly brought some new options! Check in with friends, face your business/employment/financial security matters. Check in with proven advisors. Develop a more sustainable outlook about your future. The world is changing as we speak. Some old ways are being rooted out, some new ones are having growing pains. Goes with the territory. Smart networking makes a huge difference. We can put our heads together ~ as they say, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts!

The continuing Chiron in Aries semisextile Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs less than a degree apart! Those of you with chart factors at 8, 9, 10 & 11, especially in Aries or Taurus, will feel the touch. Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, phenomenal networking, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…a small but potent 13 year aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

This concludes the Saga of the Three Cancer 2020 Lunar Events! Read them carefully, note their differences and the underlying ongoing aspects they ride on. Set your long term goals, then fill in with the steps you will be taking to complete or sustain your Mission.  

Good luck, be safe and be well. Thank you for your good work.

SECOND Cancer New Moon Astrology Chart!

SECOND Cancer 2020 New Moon Astrology Chart!

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Next is the August 3 Full Sturgeon Moon 8:59 AM Pacific at 11 Aquarius/Leo 46!

See the entire Cancer Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2020 Annual Special Edition! Make your plans and make your changes count!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Gemini New Moon May 22!

Bowl Chart with Groups and Pairs, Venus Retrograde! Jupiter conjunct Pluto, sextile Neptune!

Sagittarius – Gemini Full Strawberry Moon Lunar Eclipse!

Full Moon MARS/Neptune TSquare! Moon to Mercury Bowl Chart, 5 Pairs! Venus Retrograde.


Gemini New Moon!

Friday May 22 New Moon at 10:39 AM Pacific, 2 Gemini 05!

Bowl Chart with Groups and Pairs, Venus Retrograde! Jupiter conjunct Pluto, sextile Neptune!

Gemini 2020 New Moon Animated Spirit Twins by James R Eads & Chris McDaniel

Illustrator James R. Eads collaborated with animator Chris McDaniel aka The Glitch! See this image ‘live’ Just click on it when you get to the site ~ James is a super lucky famous June 6, 1989 Gemini, Sun conjunct Jupiter! He is prolific in a variety of styles! James & his crew.

In the dark of a starlit night or in a dream in the ethers of all being, magic happens. We are all connected, one to another, body and Spirit, Earth to the Galaxies.

This chart is unique because it is a Bowl with 5 pairings! The Bowl is in less than 180°, planets spread across all 6 signs but there are groupings and pairings! The first group is Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn, the base planets of the Bowl, close with Saturn, Capricorn’s planet. Saturn is now in Aquarius, to retrograde back into Capricorn July 1! He is previewing Aquarius then will return to revamp and solidify Capricorn’s techniques before Saturn’s final entry into Aquarius and prepare for Pluto into Aquarius March 2023! The transition from traditional building to evolutionary humanitarian planetary work is so apparent with pandemic COVID-19 changes.

Jupiter with Pluto was first exact April 4. It is now retrograding back to make its second/retrograde conjunction with Pluto June 29. They have been close since March 12, shifting perceptions back and forth, tweaking Capricorn structures, laws, responsibilities, economic twists, environmental and human rights. There are secrets, revelations, lies and truths, bald faced power jockeying, greed, fear, deaths and saves. Many are seeing the potentials of incredible new options.

Jupiter makes things best, bigger or exaggerated, the worst – like C-19. Pluto is at his microscope looking for that vaccine. Pluto can save your life, make money or take your life and all your money, bankruptcy. It can bond your relationship for a lifetime, or there you are over filing divorce papers against that cheater! Jupiter can be schooling, trips, publishing, truth and the consequences if you have been a liar no longer getting away with it.  Jupiter is so much the traveler, but with the Virus, and Jupiter in Capricorn, the sign of limitations, necessities only, no such luck for now. Pluto can be the scandal, fighting over inheritances, funding, or fund the most amazing healing research and a center with exceptional care for victims. We have been seeing amazing caring and people stepping up to the plate. You see this aspect has a great range, extremes. And both can happen at once. Keep your life clean or Jupiter in Capricorn the law, Pluto the Police will be knocking on your door. If you have the means, do what you can to help survivors, heal the environment long term, provide significant education. Apply for help if you need it. Sometimes we just can’t do it all alone. One day you will be the one that’s doing the giving. Bless you and keep you. When you can, pay it forward.

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto will continue on in their close conjunction on through July 30! The third and final aspect is Nov 12, THE aspect of the Nov 3 Presidential Election. You can see how crucial this aspect is. In Capricorn there is much long term work of necessity. Set your goals and stick with them, revising and updating as you go. DO what makes a difference.

The other group is at the other end of the Bowl! A FOUR planets stellium in air sign Gemini! It is the second of two 2020 four planet stelliums not in Capricorn. Within Gemini are two pairs! First is our New Moon! Mama Moon brings Sun news of the world right on down to the neighbors and Gemini’s siblings! Moon feels the breezes, breathes deeply, listens with her Spirit. Sun puts his Light on the information, infuses it with warmth and the ability to see it as it is. He gives heart to the matter, adds his creative colors, makes it personal, his spiritual logo! Together he and Moon dance their link, communications that inspire us! 

The last two planets are at the same degree, Miss Venus retrograde and Sir Mercury soon to be starting their June 17 seven day DOUBLE RETROGRADE! For now they are sharing sweet nothings and somethings, soothing and cooing. Venus has told Mercury what she wanted when they conjuncted earlier in the day. Since Mercury is leaving while Venus is going back, he will take her messages with him and lead the Bowl, deliver hers and its messages.

There will be some revisions because they have both been square Neptune. This is Mercury’s only square to Neptune and only conjunction with Venus in the double retrograde sequence. He wants to help Venus, but she is at odds herself and that puts him at odds too. She has felt a bit confused, not sure what to believe anymore. She watches, wonders. Is tempted to buy treats, but doesn’t want them either, or binges. The usual choices are not working. She wants more than fun; she wants something that means something. Yet Neptune is not as readable as usual and she is left on her own to work it out. Feeling a bit lost is not a Gemini M. O., not logical, yet it is observably interesting. She may find a treasure at an obscure location…? It calls her somewhere she has never been before. It may be more Spirit than visible or touchable. 

Venus squares Neptune three times during her retrograde cycle, this is the retrograde square. It is a significant aspect because Neptune is activated NINE times during the Venus retrograde cycle! One of the cycle’s most important aspects is the Jupiter conjunct Pluto’s companion aspect Jupiter’s RX sextile to Neptune! It is July 27, the day of Venus’ last square to Neptune, the day before Venus’ RX cycle ends! It is the goal of the entire cycle! Being an outer planet sextile, it is likely to prevail beyond passing doubts with great promise. But happening three times, those small niggly doubts will be remembered for a while and double checks will be made to be sure progress is better than it was feared it wouldn’t be.

Neptune, in his own sign Pisces, represents a psychic/spiritual dimension beyond average, is the Great Guardian of Spirituality. He is of a very different element, water with no definite form. Gemini, Venus, nor Mercury in Gemini, one of his own signs, are immersed the same way as water, but they are heady in air, logical. Water and air have currents and winds, flow that carries you along their streams, but the view sure is different! At worst Neptune in Pisces is the suffering out of control addict. At best Neptune has empathy, extraordinary visions, does magic and Soul Saving!

Within the Bowl are Mars 6 Pisces, Chiron 8 Aries and Uranus 8 Taurus. Mars in Pisces is spurring them to take more action! 

Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are neighboring, only 18 mins apart! Tune in June 10 as they make their third from the last semisextile of their 13 yearlong sets of aspects that completes in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Mars wants them to act in behalf of the underdog, to help their suffering, remember they were once there too. He’s encouraging them to call their formidable talents together to significantly change this planet. Mars in Pisces is super sensitive to pivot points that can be used, that need attention to speed progress in a good way. Mars makes a pairing with Neptune by sign. Neptune in his own sign Pisces is a powerful visionary! Music, art, dreams, movies, seeing each other on our cell phones, are all potent ways of seeing, inspiration! Just seeing the sea, ocean sports, ships, seeing the magic of oceanic weather and creatures of the reefs, the depth, not seeing land, gives a broadening perspective that requires a certain faith in the unknowable, unconquerable. We can see further, forever, not know and still continue. Mars can be a silent partner in Pisces, but make no mistake, he is always a leader.  

If you use Chiron and Lilith in your interpretations, they make a sixth pair. In Aries, Mars’ sign, they have their own power of Leadership. Chiron as healer never promised healing would be easy. In fact, you really have to want to live, to heal and have to step up to the plate. You are not the only person on the planet and at the same time we need you to do your special part. People you don’t even know are counting on you! Lilith says Amen! She can be a tough old bird or a formidable innocent, strong at minimum. She brings women to power that never expected to be there! Some have been so trained to think they aren’t strong it is a shock for them to find out what they can do. What’s even crazier is when they realize they always could have done it!

Use all these points of grouped or paired power consciously. When you have a problem, review these potentials and apply them…even after this chart has passed! Its imprint will still be with you.  

Spirit knows these are not easy times…  “The best thing for being sad,” replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, “is to learn something. That’s the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn.”
― by May 29, 1906 Gemini T.H. White, The Once and Future King   His chart!
Learning it is! Gather it in this beautiful Bowl chart, in your life!

Gemini New Moon Astrology Chart!

Gemini 2020 New Moon Astrology Chart!

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Sagittarius – Gemini Full Strawberry Moon Lunar Eclipse!

Friday June 5 at 12:12 PM Pacific 15 Sagittarius/Gemini 34 Full Moon MARS/Neptune TSquare!

Moon to Mercury Bowl Chart, 5 Pairs! Venus Retrograde.

Gemini 2020 Full Moon Adorable Art Journal Script!This adorable journal page is by Jenna about her daughter with the forest guardian Totoro. Studio Ghibli! Maybe Jenna is a Gemini; maybe her daughter is a Gemini… Jenna has twin letter Ns in her name. Double letters and many Jims are Gemini. G and J sound alike and Ms are like conjoined Ns. 

2020 Eclipses! This penumbral eclipse starts the summer season! It will be visible in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, but so sorry, not visible in the US! 
Second eclipse this season: June 20, 21, 2020 — Annular Solar Eclipse also not visible in the US.
Third eclipse this season: July 5, 2020 — Penumbral Lunar Eclipse  Barely perceptible…
This fall we will have only two, Nov 30 and Dec 14.

This is another Bowl chart with groupings and pairings. Gemini starts a sequence of 3 Full Moon Bowl Charts, Gemini, Cancer and Cancer – two New Moons in Cancer! This one is a little over the 180 from side to side, but is within the rule to be a Bowl chart. The base planet is Moon, and she is making a run for it in Sagittarius! Opposite Venus and Sun she knows what is wanted and pushing the planets to find the way. She wants to take us home, travel a path of learning, keep us all well and in good spirits! She signals to Sun that she is on the outskirts now, but will be there again when he is in her sign Cancer. That will be some homecoming!

She may be feeling a bit impatient squaring Mars in Pisces. Usually Mars does the prodding, but he is midway through Pisces in the depths of Spirit. He is searching the archives for visions that need updating, put back into action, visions that are most pertinent to our times. Not only is he IN Pisces, but conjunct the Pisces planet, the old man of the sea, Neptune! Together they can dive to the deepest realms, or whip up a storm in no time!

This position is important for two reasons. 1) Mars and Neptune are at the exact midpoint between Moon and Sun, Mars EXACT at 15°! In squares like this it is called a T Square, Mars at the T point! He is equally influencing and being influenced by both Moon and Venus/Sun. Moon offers big ideas, fun, confidence and encouragement. She lends a far sighted perspective, potential broad minded cover-the-bases purpose. Mars inspires her to take a deep look, renew her faith, push further than she has ever been before! Venus Rx and Sun in Gemini are full of frisky ideas, between them, trillions a mile a minute! They are getting the word out to people just as fast as they can go! Mars in Pisces is adept at psychic perception and not only keeps up but tells them what it means and why we should get to work! They go and print that! Mars in Pisces is no stranger to having collective perception! Venus helps Mars by showing him the keepers, the loves of life, reminds him to swim in beauty. She squared Mars June 2. They may have flirted or been a little annoyed with each other, but no matter, they are going opposite directions…he forward, she backing up. Sun lights their Souls to the fathoms of being. Enlightenment not only shows the lighted Path, but how not to stumble or doubt. The Lights are ON like a lighthouse beacon! 

In addition, Sun is outrageously in his annual conjunction with fixed star Rigel 16 Gemini 50! With Sun, according to Robson, who is usually pretty glum, ‘It gives benevolence, honor, riches, happiness, glory, renown and inventive or mechanical ability.’ In another excerpt, author uncited, ‘…a quick rise in life is promised on account of a strong, inherent will power, love of action, and a lucky hand in enterprise. A continuous battle to retain an acquired position has to be waged. This fight at the same time stimulates an increase in vigor. Even in spite of unhelpful aspects, success and reaching the set aim can be secured by this powerful concentration. If however the native is not cautious or has an attack of weakness, failure and disappointments, a fall from success will follow. Tradition regarding the influence of Rigel is quite contradictory, implying again that the cosmogram must be fully analyzed. After the first world war, at the time of the first transatlantic flights, Elsbeth Ebertin noted a connection of Rigel to the Sun and Moon, in charts of several world record pilots, leading to sudden difficulties in the carrying out of planned enterprises resulting in failures to reach the set target.’ 

2) The other super important reason is Mars is getting his mojo in Pisces. He is immersing every molecule in the Dream that he may function wholly in its initiation when he gets into Aries, his own sign. There he is the leader, the first responder, consultant, inspires others to take action. If he can do it, they can do it! He will start in Aries  June 27, retrogrades Sep 9, directs Nov 13, enters Taurus Jan 6. He is in Aries 6+ months! During his retrograde, Mercury makes his third 2020 retrograde concurrently from Oct 13 to Nov 3, Election Day! You can see why what is discovered in this time is so important. What happens now leads directly to then! Not only does Mars lead, but the retrogrades give him 2nd chances, reviewing and better options than he started with! He stirs the brew for change! Mercury’s Rx in Scorpio/Libra, recalibrates relationships of all kinds! Mercury is more deep in communications, and finding more ways to communicate. Mars sees that happening right before his eyes and instantly incorporates it in his new skill sets, passing it on to others immediately! It is not meant to necessarily be a peaceful or easy time. Have a firm grip on your purpose and establish a strong support team. Expect change. Be flexible with how things get done. This will be both during and after certain Virus conditions. Some will be amped to make new beginnings, others will still be in recovery, grief. Please be kind.

By position in the Bowl Chart, Mars, a planet of leadership, is powerful at the Midpoint between Moon and Venus/Sun. Mercury, as we see is strongly associated with Mars, and is technically the leading planet of the Bowl. He is now in Cancer, slowing to Retrograde. He is trine Mars, but doesn’t make the exact trine as Mars goes forward faster and leaves him. Ideas were exchanged, He wished him well and to take good care of himself. As the Bowl leading planet and in Cancer, Mercury has more family and nurturing work to do during Venus Retrograde. DOUBLE RETROGRADE! He has a lot on his mind. Many are especially needing that unconditional love now. Eating right, tending our feelings, home and employment security, home schooling, are at the tops of many lists. Caring communications, checking in are essential.

Mercury sextiled Uranus and squared Chiron for the first of three times this very morning! Sextile Uranus was some good connections with friends, such great strange but genius ideas! Good Sci Fi! Square Chiron, it may not sell right away, if ever. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Or, unapologetically write it and keep writing. Save and keep each version as you go. What doesn’t fit here may be the lead for a second episode! Give it some time. Work out any publishing problems. The upcoming retrogrades may open up some options! Check in with friends, face your business/employment/financial security matters. Check in with proven advisors. Develop a more sustainable outlook about your future. The world is changing as we speak. Some old ways are being rooted out, some new ones are having growing pains. Goes with the territory. Smart networking makes a huge difference. We can put our heads together ~ as they say, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts!

Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are neighboring, only 5 mins apart, make their aspect exactly at 9°! Those of you with chart factors at 8, 9, 10, especially in Aries or Taurus, will feel the touch. Tune in 0:26 AM Pacific June 10 as they will make their third from the last semisextile of their 13 yearlong sets of aspects that completes in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, phenomenal networking, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn are still watching out for them all! Sustainability is at their fingertips! They are less than 2° apart now! Jupiter makes things best, bigger or exaggerated, the worst – like C-19. Pluto is at his microscope looking for that vaccine. Pluto can resurrect or save your life, make money or take your life and all your money, bankruptcy. It can bond your relationship for a lifetime, or there you are filing divorce papers against that cheater! Jupiter can be schooling, trips, publishing, truth and the consequences if you have been a liar no longer getting away with it.  Jupiter is so much the traveler, but with the Virus, and Jupiter in Capricorn, the sign of limitations, necessities only, no such luck for now. Pluto can be the scandal, fighting over inheritances, funding, or fund the most amazing healing research and a center with exceptional care for victims. We have been seeing amazing caring and people stepping up to the plate. You see this aspect has a great range, extremes. And both can happen at once. Keep your life clean or Jupiter in Capricorn the law, Pluto the Police, will be knocking on your door. If you have the means, do what you can to help survivors, heal the environment long term, provide significant education. Apply for help if you need it. Sometimes we just can’t do it all alone. One day you will be the one that’s doing the giving. Bless you and keep you. When you can, pay it forward. 

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto are in close connection now through their second conjunction June 29 and on through July 30! The third and final aspect is Nov 12, THE aspect of the Nov 3 Presidential Election. You can see how crucial this aspect is. In Capricorn there is much long term work of necessity. Set your goals and stick with them, revising and updating as you go. DO what makes a difference. 

Seek visionary thinkers with long term plans! We are on the threshold, we can do this!

Sagittarius – Gemini Full Strawberry Moon Lunar Eclipse Astrology Chart!

Gemini 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Astrology Chart!

Next is the Saturday June 20 Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse New Moon at 11:41 PM Pacific, 0 Cancer 21! Heads up: 
The New Moon will be on Sunday the 21st in Mountain, Central and Eastern Zones, on Father’s Day! Viewing: Partial Eclipse: Africa, southeast Europe, Asia  Annular Eclipse: central Africa, south Asia, China, Pacific.

The July 20 New Moon is also in Cancer, at 28 Cancer 27, some call it a Double New Moon. If there are two New Moons in a month the second is called a Black Moon. Maybe this too could be called a Black Moon?

See the entire Gemini Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2020 Annual Special Edition! Make your plans and make your changes count!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Mercury Retrograde Cancer Leo 2019 Trollstigen, Troll's Ladder Norway

Norway’s west coast – the Trollstigen Pass Road, Troll’s Ladder, famous with 11 hairpin bends! Thank goodness Mercury RXs have only two hairpins!

Some retrogrades are more dangerous than others. If you like fast driving like some Leos do, it’s by choice, exhilarating. Cancers prefer comfort rather than fear. They will be saving money driving the camper while the Leos are deliciously extravagantly in the convertible Jaguar or traveling in a humongous luxury motor home!

2019’s second of 3 retrogrades starts in Cancer, retrogrades in Leo – Mother Moon and Father Sun’s signs. It goes back into Cancer then into Leo for the final lap. Cancer might drive like their mothers, while Leo drives for the prize money! Well, this time we get a double drive in two signs. They will definitely feel different. The transition from one to the other may be the actual challenge. We are left in the sign of our Self, our own radiance, Leo, the sign of the Heart. They are lovers, creative, generous. They intend to be teachers, whether the musician in the spotlight or in the classroom. The Cancers will allow themselves a little more spice! All said and done, the Leos will be glad to go home and be fed. Showing off is hard work, LOL!

About Retrogrades!  

Whether hiking or driving magnificent mountain switchbacks, what a journey! What amazing beauty lies around each new bend. Different directions, different views. What’s behind is out of sight, a memory; what’s ahead is a mystery! Inward bends give us time to pause, hold steady, slow down. Promontories give us visions of the future, longings for more! Each gives us time to think, recalibrate, prepare for the next stretch. It’s important that there are changes, reversals, old ideas that clogged things up are left behind, revelations occur, new ideas teased into action! Cancers like the new stove; Leos like their new buggy.

Every Retrograde is unique, per the signs, their planets, the connections made with other planets during their retrograde cycle, and, of course, the connections it makes, or doesn’t, with your personal chart! Mercury Retrogrades have three part cycles. First is the part leading up to the Retrograde station. We’re on fresh ground, curious. Second is the Rx period when it goes ‘back’ over the part leading up to the Rx. We see things from an opposite point of view and the planets around us are moving to new positions, people are changing. Adjustments are made. Third and last is the part when Mercury turns Direct, ‘forward’ again, covering that same ground the third time! We get three chances. At first we get all things in order we possibly can. Second changes and revisions are made. Third, we tidy up, polish things up, complete and present it to the world!

Cancers need to build their courage. Paired with Leo ups the odds of bravery! Cancer, a cardinal get started sign, is a bit conservative, protecting home and hearth, but can be quick to get things moving when they make up their mind. Leos are what is called a fixed sign, accused of being stubborn, and they are full of Light, so people admire them. They get away with keeping the old show that has always worked before. But times do change. They need at least three times to take it in. Letting go of the good old times is tough. But show them better and they are good to go! They will tell you it was their idea. And it was! They thought it over and decided to accept it! Just give them a little time, a lot of appreciation, and they will be with you shortly!

Cancer matters include food, where and how you live, your family, how you are feeling these days. All the daily goods, clothing, how the car works, whether you have enough money, a job that you like. It can be corporate or at the local Ma & Pa. How the kids are doing, or your parents, are high on your list, if not the highest. Food availability may change, the house may need some immediate fixing during a retrograde, Rx. Your route to work shifts. The stock market goes up and down; you may decide to shift your investments, but know that they will shift again after the Rx. The family may go through some ups and downs, especially with a mother or daughter. A surprise pregnancy and then you aren’t? Wait to propose or choose a wedding date or place. The choice of a school may get strong priority, or whether to go at all. Studying. Where to live and with whom.

Mercury in Cancer is a bit at odds with itself. Mercury is logical; Cancer is intuitive. But Mercury helps Cancer put their experiences into words, explain what happened, tell what they ‘saw,’ have amazing recall or remember from long ago. Could be time to write a memoir, discuss feminine family mores, talk/listen with your teenage child, tell people what you have been wanting and why. Cancers sometimes don’t speak up for themselves because how can they tell us where they got those ideas? Parents told them to stop telling stories about imaginary playmates when they were little, yet they could have sold millions of their writings! As it is, being acutely aware of cycles, they are great stock traders, especially of commodities, life’s daily goods. A lot of famous people have Mercury in Cancer – it is their link to the people!

Leo is teenage time, becoming your full glorious Self! Love is always in their heart, from little children to oneself, a romantic relationship that may not result in marriage. Cancer has children, but sometimes Leos spend their life as a step parent teaching other people’s children, and/or at school. Leos are bigger than life and have the hair to prove it! Performance, on stage, or that grand car, their athletic prowess, showing their colors, are part of their fabric. They work hard to be the best. They have a natural attractive presence, a big smile, are generously spirited. You know when they walk in the room. Are they happy? This retrograde will sort out some of the answers. It’s grand to be admired, but are you loved? Do you have the money to support your lifestyle. Shall you accept that position of status or do you long to do what is in your heart? Is there some more learning to be done to make you feel good about your own expertise. Should you take over and open your own shop? It likely won’t be a finger snap, but you will get headed to what’s better for you. Could be a great stepping stone.

Mercury in Leo likes it there! Leo loves being brilliant and mesmerizing their audience! They have a lot to say anywhere, anytime, to anyone who will listen! They are inspirational and people really listen. Leo will tell them how they got started, from nothing to somewhere. They will offer help and connections, ideas. They use colorful phrases and their body language is vibrant, their hair gleams and their spirits soar. You can tell they are passionate and they want you to have the glow too! They are wizards at teaching. They urge you to do it your way, do what’s in your heart with your own natural talents and assets! Success! They are profound lovers and can tell you stories that make you cry then clap your hands for happy! Just go easy while Mercury is retrograde, LOL!

The Stations! A Station is the pause at the retrograde and direct turns. Mercury literally appears to stand still for 8 days! We mull it over, focus, anchor what we want to keep. The Rx, turn back station is early at 4 Leo on July 7. It is the point furthest forward, a Leo preview of things possible to come! Four days before and after, we will mull over money, love, learning and giving, what’s in our heart to do. Mercury returns to Cancer July 19. Cancer sees what Leo has to offer, prepares for that potential. It sees what Leo needs to have stable support for his work and starts making adjustments so he won’t fail. The Direct, turn forward station is back at 23 Cancer 56 July 31. Four days before and after, Cancer will steady up matters at that point, making ready to embark on the journey to offer Leo what she can – cookies, cribs, her family’s expertise, the reservoirs of her extensive memory, plenty of hugs.

Look in your own chart to see where 23 Cancer to 4 Leo span, what house/s it is in. The matters of that/those houses are the place/s the Mercury Cancer/Leo apply to.

Mercury itself is communications, logic. It speaks/listens, is quicksilver distracted, yet intent when interested. It has to do with our lungs and breath, how we touch one another’s Spirits either with hands or words. We can be angry, comforting, whisper, hypnotize, sing lullabies to the baby, chat the neighborhood gossip, share vital life changing information.

Classic Mercury Rx is don’t sign those papers, or do everything to make it possible for that to happen so it doesn’t fall through. Escrows can fall through. Use experienced brokers. People don’t return your calls. The dog ate it. Your computer has a snit. Or you do, LOL! You lose your cell. Rule is be sure purchases are from reputable firms that have reliable returns/guarantees/warranties. Be sure the company is legitimate before you deal. Sign any contract changes and make sure they do too. Get/make copies, save and backup. Generally, you avoid making significant purchases/decisions especially of matters specific to the sign/s involved. In this case, Cancer rules homes, so you might wait to buy/sell a home. Leos might wait to buy a luxury car. Oh, and things get lost, sometimes found at the next retrograde! Do check with your astrologer for your good dates and times of day to make the best of it!

Aspects formed during Mercury in Cancer/Leo Retrograde. See the Timetable below.

There are only 3 and they each are formed only once.

  1. July 8 Mercury retrograde in Leo station conjuncts mighty Mars! Three days before, three days after! Could win the award, even several! Great show, grand performance, great race! Take your mind for a walk! See what is special about the love you see in action, how first responders save the day – an accident, a fire, a weather disaster, a lost pet, a heroic wilderness rescue. How are you the hero of your own life?! The heart we have is so very special. Love is beyond understanding at times. It’s sacred, reverent, almost hurts! The love for a child, the teacher for her students, precious performances as we learn to sing or make music, fresh starts taking pure courage, the 75 year marriage, an elder person holding our hand as they leave this dimension. We are phenomenal creatures. Superb leadership will always be in Love, a cat with nine lives!
  2. July 24 Mercury retrograde in Cancer conjuncts delectable Venus! Tasty, but don’t expect the meal to be precisely what you ordered, or the recipe to work out perfectly. Could be better the way it happens! No proposals with this one. A profession of love maybe, but it’s not likely to be a permanent thing you hoped for or would like long term. Still can be sweet. Give appreciations. If you are an artist, play with your medium, your colors. See if there is a message in your work. Write some music. Talk with your family, but expect everything to change. It’s not a time of stability; let go of expectations. Shift your thinking into exploration mode. Venus and Cancer are both feminine, so call a woman you haven’t spoken with for a while. Take a good look at your kitchen and the food you eat. See if you can do some updating so your meals are easier and more to your liking. Revise your diet a tad. If you have any doubts about your health, consider who you would like to see about that. If it’s cosmetic or not urgent, do wait until Mercury goes direct. You may have some good ideas about financial matters. See your astrologer for your best times.
  3. August 16 Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus! This aspect is exact the day after the whole retrograde cycle ends, but will be in effect the 14th and 15th. Be careful. Mercury gets impatient and Uranus can be fast while Taurus gets in your way. Just when you thought you passed them, they pass you, again, speeding! Maybe just get off the road and wait for a while or take another route. Better than getting in an accident or stuck in traffic brought to a standstill because they did. Be careful when you are backing up. Now, Mercury is a clever planet, and Leo has so much light he sees what others can’t! Uranus is impressed by this unusual phenomena, so may be very curious about it. It won’t be normal business. Either there will be a breakthrough or no amount of communicating will get the job done. Leo feels darn bad when they can’t do it. Or Uranus may miss the fact that Leo, though flamboyant at times, self-aggrandizing in manner, usually really wants to share something valuable. It may be just Leo’s style or he’s a bit unsure, so covers with distracting behavior. Try to listen to what is being said, versus how it’s said. Leo and Uranus are kinda opposite because Uranus is the planet of Leo’s opposite, Aquarius. Just stand a little further apart. This can be done – carefully. If Uranus pulls back too much it looks like he doesn’t care; Leo will pack up and leave thinking Uranus isn’t interested. Keep eye contact and tell Leo you are wanting to hear the rest.


20  Mercury Retrograde starts into the three part cycle in Cancer
21  Happy Cancer, Summer Solstice!
26  Mercury in Leo


2    Solar Eclipse New Moon
7    Mercury Retrogrades in Leo
16  Capricorn-Cancer Lunar Eclipse Full Buck Moon
Moon Occults Saturn and Pluto
19  Mercury Retrograde back in Cancer
22  Happy Sun in Leo!
31 Mercury Direct – turns forward


11  Mercury back in Leo
15  Mercury finishes entire cycle!

The Mercury Retrograde Part 1 hosts the Solar Eclipse New Moon. It is Retrograde during the entire important Capricorn-Cancer Lunar Triple Eclipse Full Buck Moon sequence. See all about that!

Cancer and Leo are both proactive signs! Make notes, find the best connections and ways! You got this!

See the entire Cancer 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count. 

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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