
Posts Tagged ‘truth’

Jupiter Scorpio Sagittarius Kangerlussuaq Airport Signs Greenland

Kangerlussuaq Airport at Kangerlussuaq, Greenland! Greenland is a massive island and autonomous Danish territory between the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans. 

Jupiter is in Scorpio most of 2018, can get a little obsessed, ventures easily going on into the night, Scorpio’s favorite time. Saturn, newly in his own sign Capricorn, takes charge, sets limits, helps with timing and designating responsibilities! It’s time to get down to business. If Scorpio is on board, they can get huge amounts done, will have tremendous personal satisfaction. And it multiplies and goes faster as we get used to it, find our rhythm!

Now is the time to go places that have long been on your bucket list. If you are well traveled, it’s time to go places a little more obscure, adventurous, and possibly a tad dangerous! Puts a keen edge on things! But do take care of yourself too, please. Scorpio likes something with a deeper meaning, maybe underwater or underground! Islands and molten lava might do. A place with a remarkable history as a sacred place. If you live at such a place you may receive more visitors than usual, and they will be more intense. Make things safe for them and yourself.

Jupiter likes doing international business and Scorpio likes corporate, or maintains strong integrity and won’t be bought. That combo has the ability to merge forces and do things a single person couldn’t do alone. There may be new branches established in unexpected places, franchises formed.

There are likely to be some secret alliances, and some long term marriages made. Keep very clear about your intent and appraisals of what’s up. Sometimes a permanent residence change is the right choice to keep away from temptation, live in peace, until you are strong in yourself.

As of Nov 8, Jupiter finishes 2018 in his own sign Sagittarius, is in Sag most of 2019! Be ready to travel for travel’s sake!! Jupiter just wants to SEE! One place leads to another. Sagittarius is a ‘mutable’ sign, 100% adaptable! Every place had special knowledge, wisdom of its own. There are adventures everywhere. Just think of the multitudes of extraordinary places there are in the US – every country, continent has their own as well! The learning curve just angled UP! How much can you take in during one year?!

Fiery and spirited Jupiter and Sag call for honesty. They seek the big Truth and that often includes religion. The purpose of Life is important. Big smiles and playfulness often show us the way. Faith and hope often get us places that seemed impossible. But Jupiter has a lucky component personally and financially, often enjoying a long healthy life! If you have offers, seriously consider trying them.

Sometimes Jupiter and Sagittarians get caught up in their self-righteous opinions. No! Yep. It especially happens when they have just come across some new brilliant piece of information, or person! It can happen when they get scared and feel the need to protect themselves, or a favored mentor, a lifestyle, culture. If we agree, it’s fine with us. If we think there is a better idea, not so much. If they are on center stage, catch them at a quieter time and don’t embarrass them. Ask them questions. Ask them the pros and cons of their ideas. Ask them about their opinions of some alternatives. Give them a bit of time to think. They are generally always interested. They truly want to do right; it’s part of their basic fabric. If what they are saying is inappropriate somehow, do what you must do if it is damaging to someone. Sometimes they can be really blunt and not realize their effect.

Babies born in this Jupiter in Sag time will most certainly have some big opinions later on! They are supposed to. Sometimes these important, fresh innocent opinions, make them the fine teachers they become!

All those journeys and fascinating perceptions and perspectives can easily lead to a blog or a book, thrilling reading! You can tell when people are bluffing, have the experience or not, and you could be an astute publisher! Universities, schools would love to hear you talk, give entertaining programs. If you don’t get to travel, attend these events, festivals, be a promoter, own the bed and breakfast and meet the travelers every day!

Sagittarians are fun, but not necessarily marriage minded, especially this year! They love their freedom and get bored easily. After all, they have seen so many things! When they get twitchy and start losing attention, they are just about to go again. Traveling together is your best bet. Business together with lots of buying trips, imports & exports, travel businesses, international tour guides, lecture tours, information sellers. Gambling addictions might be their worst sin, or just plain running away. They aren’t exactly procrastinators or lazy, not even irresponsible. There are just other things to do… They love the horses, polo, races of all kinds, games. Skating! Surfing in summer, skiing in winter, above or below the equator!

Philosophy, a just cause, may catch your heart now. You may travel like a missionary or read up on the intricacies of what needs to be done. It may feel like the time has come to step up. And you will be glad you did. It may be a once in a lifetime experience, or become your life!

Jupiter in Sag is great for fire signs, and air signs Libra and Aquarius. The rest may have some challenges of one kind or another when Jupiter arrives near those factors in their charts.

Galactic Center 2009 NASA

NASA image of the Galactic Center

Jupiter, in its own sign Sagittarius, is the host of the Galactic Center! That means Jupiter will be right AT the Galactic Center at one point while it is in Sagittarius! Jupiter will get very close to it April 2019 when it goes stationary retrograde at 25 Sag, and then the doors are wide open at the exact conjunction about 7 AM Pacific November 19 2019 at 27 Sag 07! 

Per the Cosmic Intelligence Agency (chuckle): The Galactic Centre is the point around which our whole galaxy, The Milky Way turns. It was discovered in Feb 1974, fittingly with the [Moon’s] North Node at 27° Sagittarius and Saturn at the South Node. The Galactic centre moves like a fixed star at the rate of precession through the zodiac at 1° every 72 years, forward in the tropical zodiac (as the Aries point moves backward) and is currently [was] at 26°59′ Sagittarius. At this centre is a super massive black hole [4 light years wide], a galactic gravitational centre, a huge cosmic womb of sorts. What we know of black holes is that they are massive forces of energy sucking in everything around them, yet full of power, potential and creation. The core and key of the birth of the galaxy itself.  It is as big as 4 million suns. It is 25,000 light years away. To give you an idea of how far away that is, Alpha Centauri our closest star is 4.3 light years away, with mega giant star Betelgeuse 642 light years away.

The 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic, and 2019’s Mercury across the face of the Sun – Transit of Mercury, are strictly local by comparison! Both are related to our one Sun, whereas the GC is the center of billions of star systems! Yet, by closeness of dates and degrees, the Transit of Mercury Nov 11, eleven, eleven, and Jupiter at the GC Nov 19 are very much related, virtually happening together! At the Transit, Jupiter is at 25 degrees Sag, less than two degrees of the GC conjunction. The Transit of Mercury is closely linked with the Ecliptic event and the GC event! It is perhaps pivotal between them. It is the observer of the year following the Ecliptic event, transmits to the Sun and the Sun to him, then Jupiter is the go between of Earth and the Galaxy! Mercury is considered the neighborhood planet, where Jupiter, his ‘opposite’ planet, is the traveler spreading the good word far and wide, giving meaning to Mercury’s data and incorporating it in his big plans! This is a BIG party! 

It feels like you have the whole Galaxy at your fingertips! You reach out so far you can forget where you came from! And it doesn’t matter. You just be the best you can be everywhere you are. The Galactic Center, GC, is a monumental point of infusion of collected Light of all the stars, not just our Galaxy but other star systems as well. Open your mind and Spirit as much as you possibly can. Don’t bother about articulating or judging it; absorb it. You can sort it out later. If you, as one person, want to be heard, when there are events at this point in the zodiac, be sure to vote! We are heard collectively. Humanity progresses as it can; joining up with the Galactic Beings can boost the process.

Those of you born Dec 17, 18, 19 are potently connected with the Galactic Center by birthright, always tuned in to its frequency. You are lifelong channels for the rest of us. Some of you are conscious of this connection, for others it is yet to be discovered. The rest of us, with chart factors at 26, 27 and 28 degrees of any sign, don’t forget your midpoints, are connected as well, but we receive, translate and disseminate information from our own signs – all of us components of the whole cosmic web.

Jupiter’s sign change into Sagittarius is preceded by an eventful NINE days started by that Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! Pay special attention to Nov 6, 7, 8!

Oct 30 Pluto conjuncts the Golden Ecliptic, is at its South Node – a 248 year event! See more!!!
Oct 31 Halloween. Always magical to try on different roles, acknowledge the ancestors and their wisdom.
Nov 1 Jupiter trine Chiron one time in water signs. Maximum learning, healing, opportunity, possible marriage – but don’t do it yet!
Nov 6 Uranus back into Aries. No sleeping dogs! Champions and leaders are back on call! Time to rethink ideas.
Nov 7 Scorpio New Moon! Jupiter inconjunct Uranus. It never was meant to be a straight path! Deviate with the best of them!
Nov 8 Jupiter in own sign Sagittarius! The pleasure is your purpose!

Pluto will bring more Light than ever thought possible! Light on Light, Light in the Dark! Jupiter with Chiron further opens the gates of healing and teaching in water signs Scorpio and Pisces. Uranus back in Aries restores unions of leaders of leaders! We WILL proceed. The Scorpio New Moon finds the deepest re-solutions. Jupiter inconjunct Uranus finds an alternate Path to skirt the blocks, open new territory. PathFinder Jupiter in Sagittarius knows just where to go and keeps the Faith!

Over the Rainbow, we see above all, through all the colors. Knowledge expands infinitely, never a moment the same. Wisdom is elegant.

May your travels be guided and blessed!

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See the 2019 Special Edition Newsletter for the Planetary Patterns of the coming year!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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The day before Chinese New Year, we have our Aquarian New Moon Jan 22 at 2 Aquarius 42, 11:39 PM Pacific.  This airy Moon activates 2 planets within one degree.  It reminds Aquarius’s planet Uranus that change is in the wind, to be unique, to make friends and be with groups of people who celebrate your choices!  The square Jupiter challenge is to have the confidence of your future, tell yourself the truth, let go of plans that lack life, make plans further ahead than usual!  If it aspects your chart well, you have a lucky chart and are in a lucky location for you, you just might have some winnings! 

Full Moon Feb 7 at 18 Leo 32, 1:54 PM Pacific.  Widen your choices of friends and personal performance.  Venus is at the last degree of Pisces, the last degree of the zodiac!  Complete your image, whether personal appearance, art/music, your project cover page, your home page, your list of dreams to come true.  Put some color on your palette, be the pretty bird!  Knowing Venus goes into Aries 10:01 PM, hold off on permanent change for a couple days.  Some things you suddenly won’t want anymore, there will be additions, new ideas!  Aries loves new and exciting, takes the chance, finally gets rolling!  The Sun is at the same degree as Mercury, the Messenger, so get the good word out, write the letter, place the ad!  Tell people what you want.  Check your melodramatic attitude.  Though entertaining, being demanding or pretentious, critical or contemptuous, mindless tantrums, aren’t going to cut it.  Give tons of appreciation and affection to yourself, and in glory to others!  Dance and sing!  Things are going to be ok.  Or not.  But you can handle it, and very well, too!

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Lights on, heads up!  Get out your Jupiter thunderbolts and let’s dance!

July 2, Dec 6, and Feb 14, Valentine’s Day 2012, Jupiter in Taurus sextiles Chiron in Pisces! This one will be while Chiron is at 5 Pisces, the first of the three times. July 2 is the last day of the Sun Grand Square, so the build up to this sextile will be challenging, and the challenge will be helped by the teaching healing perspectives the sextile brings. In addition, the Grand Square will be helped by the concurrently building first-time July 7 Jupiter trine Pluto in Capricorn only 5 days later! That will bring phenomenal growth, power, possible wealth, and potential teaching healing, intensify complex situations. I doubt solutions will be simple or immediate, but they will certainly be fascinating! July 7 is the first day of the Venus Grand Square through the 13th, so the follow through needs a bit of finesse. Let love soften the obstacles even, perhaps especially, when the going already seems good. This will be like a little super challenge. Make a point of loving it uP!

Chiron and Pluto are both thought to be healers. Chiron is concerned with teaching, marriage and business, all partnerships of a kind. Teacher/Student, you and your mate, your business/customers – clients/partners.  In Pisces, they need to be magical!  Fiery spirited Jupiter likes teaching too. It travels about, goes to college, gathers a plethora of knowledge, stories, experience, inter cultural sharing, and brings it to the table for exchange. Jupiter is not so often interested in marriage, can be hard to catch. They are off to another adventure. They can be truth tellers, having points of view acquired on the road.  They see you well because they don’t know you, yet are astute observers since their survival depends on instant appraisals. Whether it be about you, your attitude, or the dynamics in your relationship, they likely have at least a part of the truth. True, they can project, seeing through their own lens, but still, what in you called that up in them? Jupiter is not as interested in money as Chiron and Pluto are. They make do as they go. They laugh and love, have fun, are offered shelter for their stories, do an odd job or two here or there, just enough for food maybe. They have expansive ideas, can see further beyond, since they must anticipate the weather, the temp of the locals, where it’s safe or not. Often their suggestions pan out, quite worth your hospitality, let alone the entertainment value!

Pluto is a no fool-around planet.  It seeks the Great Mystery, unabashedly looks at sex, wants to know how money works, and how it is we come to live and die.  It especially doesn’t fool around in Capricorn, that wants the job done toot sweet.  If things are not working, good, you find that out, done with it.  If you are going up the mountain at a steady pace, good, progress.  Cut losses when it makes sense, less whining, more doing.  It’s all ok.  Focus, use good timing, don’t give up.  Seek coaches and mentors right now!  Jupiter will laugh with you all the way to the bank because it has big ideas and is a great direction finder!  It just knows where the good stuff is!

Both these aspects are positive in classical astrology, so invite a teacher, traveler, soothsayer, to your table. Then listen. Learn about healing – of body, mind, Spirit. Plan a clever party, and laugh because you can and it’s even fun when you are on your knees!  Be free and thankful!

Make your appointment for a reading to see which areas of your chart these and other factors are activating!

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Sai Baba – Astrological Birth and Death Charts

Scorpio - Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Easter.  Today, that day of Resurrection, is the day the Great Master, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, chose to leave his earthly body.  What a message.  We are born again.

Here is the chart of his birth.  What is most unique is that he never left India to bring his message to the world.  At 84, he was revered by millions worldwide, with ashrams in over 126 countries.  Devotees included high-placed politicians, movie stars, world-class athletes and industrialists.  Over my lifetime, I have had friends who were with him when he performed some of his miracles.  I am a believer, and am sad at his passing, blessed that he lived, for my friends’ miracles were real to me and changed me too.

Sai Baba – Scorpio Sun & Ascendant, Moon Cancer

Saturn was next to his Sun in Scorpio when he was born, made him like a Capricorn as well as a Scorpio.  One of Saturn/Capricorn, abilities is apporting – the ability to materialize things out of thin air.  My friends saw him make roses appear in his hands, and the sacred ritual ash, Vibuthi, for their foreheads.  With Saturn at Baba’s Ascendant and Sun, he was a hard worker, and likely life was not always easy.  He never married or had children.  They say we teach what we need to learn.  Baba’s Venus and Mercury were in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Aquarius, a love of spiritual teaching and people of all places.  His Mars was in Taurus, an enduring warrior devoted to his purpose, a founder.  His Moon in Cancer gave him a love of home, so he built an ashram, a spiritual home for people to come live and learn with him.  Crowning his chart is Neptune in Leo, at 26 degrees in a positive exact trine with wth Galactic Center, 26 Sagittarius!  Spirituality fit for a king, major fame, though most Scorpios like to operate from behind the scenes.  Another thing that brought this man forward was that four of his planets, Saturn, Sun, Venus and Mercury were all in his first house, the Aries house, making him sacrifice his privacy for leadership!  Or you could say he led from behind since his medium was meditation and spirituality, both invisible!

Baba’s Death Chart, Easter April 24, 2011, Puttaparthy, India at 7.40 AM

It is thought by many that the sign you die in is the one you reincarnate in!  So here he went with Sun and Ascendant in Taurus, the opposite sign of his Sun and Ascendant he had this life, Scorpio!  Pluto and Moon are in Capricorn, the opposite sign they were in this life, Cancer!  In both instances, he has gone the maximum distance, reach, across the zodiac!  He leaves us during a 5 planet Aries Stellium (cluster of 3 or more planets in the same sign), a champion even in death.  The Ascendant of his death chart is 29 degrees Taurus, a classic degree in horary astrology of something to weep about, the degree of the 7 Sisters, the Pleiades.  Indeed.

Death Chart around Birth Chart 

Difficult Aspects
Pluto in Capricorn at his natal South Node – controversy over past leadership/authority/integrity
Neptune/Chiron Pisces square natal Venus/Mercury Sagittarius – unsurety over management of the Satya Sai Central Trust, estimated to be worth over $8.9 billion, or much more, and issues of fake miracles.  No successor has been named to run the trust.  Venus and Mercury are money and naming.  Neptune and Chiron are spiritual business, the unknowable, miracles.
Saturn in Libra and Mercury/Mars/Jupiter in Aries forming a T square natal North Node, Moon, Pluto in Cancer – controversy over sexual abuse of devotees, fake miracles, the June 1993 killings in his bedroom.  Oops.  Saturn can be rather merciless, wants an accounting.  Mercury/Mars/Jupiter search for the truth.  Moon is bedrooms/at home, Pluto is vast sums of $, death, mysteries.

Positive Aspects
Neptune/Chiron Pisces sextile natal Mars in Taurus
– hopefully things will be worked out with the Trust leadership and the good works will continue
Uranus/Venus in Aries trine natal Venus/Mercury in Sagittarius – world love and leadership will network to carry on teaching the message, helping to focus for the June 5, 2012 Venus Transit and Mayan Crossroads/Sacred Tree Dec 21, 2012
Jupiter in Aries sextile natal Jupiter in Aquarius – Jupiter rules fame, orthodox religion, state ceremonies, funeral rituals, truth, teaching, expansion.  Perhaps much more will come to light about Baba’s life in the next few years.  However that may shake out, he brought millions of people planet wide to spiritual insights and practice.  Millions of people in conscious practice are needed to keep the balance in a frightened world.  They will carry the power of the tipping point to a better life.

Steady in the Light and your Practice.  In Love, Cerena

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Aries rules your head, and red, and hats!  The Aries Jupiter super charged Stellium is still ON!

April 20/21, the Sun enters Taurus as Venus enters Aries, and the amazing 5 Planet Aries stellium continues!
April 29, the Moon joins making it SIX, again!!!!
May 1, we’re back to 5 as the Moon enters Taurus, leaving the 5 planets in Aries until May 10, when Mars enters Taurus.

Aries is like the hot pepper in your cuisine! Spice of Life, invigorating, inspiring, lights your fire, leads the way, no questions asked! New is most excellent! How can we not talk in superlatives?! See both last month’s Aries Stellium write-up and December’s 2011 Super Jupiter Charged, Aries Stellium post!

April 20 on, Mars will be in close conjunction with Jupiter until it is exact April 30 at 9:26 PM! This is record setting energy to the power of ten! There is a strong desire to teach through experience/action, travel, exercise, ride bikes, know the TRUTH, be free and independent! Assert your rights in a clear manner, say what you would like to see happen. Ahem, you may feel more sexual than usual. Ummmm. Fix things up, let no sleeping dogs lie. Clear your closet, do that spring cleaning you have put off for years. Replace guilt with action! Just get started. Sometimes that will carry you right on through the entire project! Just do what you can, perhaps delegate the rest? Let’s roll! The 30th, go to the Farmers’ Market for fresh flowers – you will need them next morning, May Day, celebration of fertility!

As mentioned before in the Sagittarius 2010 Sneak Preview, on April 29th through May 1st, 2011, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus, 6 planets, will all be ON FIRE in Aries! Unbelievable passion, magic of Spirit! Your Mother is impatient, your pen is pissed and potent, your Lover is sweet HOT, careful not to run the red light, exercise is a no-brainer, the mighty Truth stands on its hind legs and bites, change is electrifying and defying, a challenge to be alone together!!!!

April 29, the Moon starts with a conjunction with Uranus, a wildcard that can bring family, independence and community together as one!
April 30, Moon conjuncts Venus, then Mercury, while Venus opposes Saturn. Values imperative, brought back to basics. Losses versus accomplishment, love and family aligned across the table with business. Clear-the-air valuable exchange of ideas.
April 30, Mars conjunct Jupiter – see above please
May 1, 7:51 AM, to top it all off, Moon conjuncts Jupiter, then only 30 minutes later, conjuncts Mars ruler of Aries, all at the same degree! That’s a Sunday, May Day, BELTANE! Off for AM bagels and flowers! Better yet, plan for bagels in bed, crumbs and all, who cares, it’s going to be HOT boundless energy! If it goes awry, you could be angry, defensive, or the defender of all helpless women and children! One way or another, it will be a marvel! No running red lights in front of that officer no matter how lucky you feel! But GO! Go somewhere new and fun that you have never been to before! It’s a shot in broad daylight! A great chance of success! Make the launch!

The stellium (3 or more planets in a sign, not including Sun & Mercury) will cover the whole range of Aries, where will this energy spike be in your chart?! Let me pick the best chart for you! The 30th will be better for some of you, May 1 for others!

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We are now on the threshold of Chiron entering Pisces for 7 years!

SEVEN years! Those 7 years will be in the same time Neptune is in its own sign Pisces, which starts April 4 for 15 years!  That happens only every 168 years, and WE get to live it!!!!  Double, even triple , magic of misty watery Pisces!  And Neptune enters Pisces during the super charged firey Aries Stellium!  It’s going to be off to a tremendous start!  What it dreams, it does!  Complete and perfect intuition inspires instant responsive positive action!  Pisces can be shy, even timid, until it gets a cause to live for!  Then, by God and Great Spirit, things happen with bells on!  I hope you are graced with inspiration like none other, that fills your Whole Soul!

Jupiter left Pisces Jan 22, now passing the baton to Chiron.  Jupiter was the precursor, looking for truth (Wikileaks), opening up then focusing on the point of selection, looking for the good in all ways.  Chiron is considered to be a wound that happens, or a wound that needs healing.  And, is considered to be a healer; it knows how because it has been there.  Which begets the teacher! If you know how to heal, you can show others.  Pisces loves being the savior or being saved, so it looks like a good fit. Spiritual business will be done.

Healings may be more subtle, invisible, invincible in Spirit.  Spiritual wounds of feeling forsaken, misuse of spiritual power or powers, fear to step out of the shadows of past life ‘mistakes’ or punishments, living without mission, or matters of mercy, may be kinds of healings that occur both to oneself, and, or in behalf of others.  They may somehow find mending, a quelling of misspent imagination, an inner reweaving of the strings of life as twined with others’ hearts, in a sensitive moment of seeing from a different facet or vantage point of compassion long-awaited.  There is a gentling, and yet a tsunami of merging, not just looking at a person or situation, but seeing it as if you were the other person!

The Magi astrologers tell a different, or perhaps an additional story.  They say Chiron is the #1 marriage factor in charts, love heals, and is a great business planet!  Partners make more money!  Marrying in Pisces is a cautions affair however.  The worst is just plain denial, then the words ‘I just can’t believe it!’ If your friends say you are missing the signals, I would get the credit check and give it some time to prove out.  The other side is marriage made in heaven.  In surety.  A gift of union Spirit-made.  May you walk in Beauty.

Businesses that are of a Pisces nature may flourish!  Anything ocean related, musics and arts, dancing Spiritually, retreats, magic and intuition, fine wines to feet treatments, computer programming, films, theatre, visionary repertoire, tending eyes and how we see, conscious dreaming!  Throw in the spice of Chiron, and we are adding a business of curing whats needed in any of those fields, a marriage blend of any of those elements, the consultant, coach, seminars that uplift our goals and ideals!  Blessed be.

Chiron enters Pisces Feb 8, Neptune April 4!  Marriages, healing, business, magic!  It will be a spiritual renaissance for those willing, ready, and able! Music and art will fill new dimensions.  Compassion and insight will be called for as the world tussles with resurrection after Pluto in Capricorn topples the old ways to the ground!  Stand tall, Live deep, LOVE well!

Please refer back to Chiron from Pisces, back into Aquarius, July 20 to Feb 8, 2011!

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2011 Starts with the Solar Eclipse/New Moon, Jan 4 AND the Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction at 27 Pisces, 4:52 AM Pacific!

Every 14 years we get this Jupiter/Uranus conjunction – 1969, 1983, 1997 and now, 2010-11. Jan 4 is the last of the 2010-11 set of three. The first was June 8, 2010, the second Sep 18, 2010 Jupiter and Uranus alone are explosive, wanting to be free, but with Pluto in Capricorn soberly and relentlessly cleaning house – we are clearing any unused, not likely to ever use again stuff, having freecycle giveaway fever – we are literally seeing our way clearly, making room for new things to come, and doing it!  Many people are feeling lighter, freer, bigger spirited, proud they let go, and are finally off on new ventures they can hardly believe were possible!  This extraordinary aspect brings far reaching opportunities, major multiplying of connections, magical technological breakthroughs, surprises, spiritual limitlessness!  Teaching, promotions, travel, publishing are magical!  Truth becomes more complete.  Pisces gives us what Eugene Gendlin calls a ‘felt-sense’ of things, what is known to be truest for us personally right now.  From that authentic place, comfortable because it is true and is our current potent position, we are on point!  Talk about internal combustion!  Yet, there will be challenges for people born in the late days of Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius or with planets in those degrees.  They may be pushed out of their comfort zone, both in mind and Spirit.  And that may go better than expected, as new explorations are made, opportunities perceived, potentials expanded!  Even the challenges of this aspect are more likely lucky than not!

The last two times this conjunction occurred in PISCES was in 1251, the first Shepherd’s Crusade, an unsuccessful campaign to rescue a popular French king, and 1334, no recorded events near the time of the conjunction.  That was 677 and 760 years ago!  Not so common a combo, our conjunction in Pisces.  On the previous conjunction in Pisces, Sep 18, 2010, there was no extraordinary news.  We will see what Jan 4 brings.

2010 Events during Jupiter in Pisces? Yes, some quite unique.
• Two world record art at auction sales, the topper Picasso’s Nude at $106 million!
• Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil spill
• Copiapo Chile 33 miners return to surface after record 69 days!
• International Space Station record time for continuously inhabited since Nov 2, 2000
• WikiLeaks releases diplomatic cables

Jupiter rules the biggest, massive, travel, long distance, Truth vs diplomacy!
Water sign Pisces rules art, oceans, places of solitude, miracles!

Not only is this conjunction a major aspect bringing in our NEW YEAR, but it is sweetened by an exact trine, that’s the best, from VENUS in Scorpio!  That means love, beauty, art, power, healing, money, and if well done, a potential more than you can imagine!  We like that, a lot!

Jan 4 Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 1:03 AM Pacific, 13 Capricorn!

This eclipse Moon squares Capricorn’s ruler Saturn 7 AM, then conjuncts Mars 3:49 PM!  The square could bring things to a standstill or there be delays.  With Mars, things can be hot – sexy, angry, on fire getting things done!  Ask how can we do it to move things along.  Career matters and reputation may figure strongly, fathers, your spiritual commitments, a mission.  Have a Plan B, and maybe a C!  Rather than dwell, have a planned distraction in mind.  Could be a related topic. 

The eclipse Sun squares Saturn right away on Jan 7.  But, it doesn’t conjunct Mars until it enters a close 5 degree conjunction with Mars starting Jan 14.   Still in conjunction though in different signs, Mars enters Aquarius Jan 15, then Sun Jan 20, now in a same sign again, Aquarius.  Traveling closely together, Mars moving fast, keeping ahead of the Sun, the exact conjunction is finally made a month after our eclipse on FEB 4th!!!!

New ventures started at this time will have mixed results.  Sun square Saturn is generally not a good launch combo – a lot of uphill work, too tired, blocked, broken, tedious, not enough money to do it justice, late, finally gives up.  I know for some the challenge is the glory, and some succeed against all odds, but it’s not for all of us.  Used well, Master Saturn puts the brakes on, waits for it, puts the finishing touches on the launching pad.  Capricorn is very careful, the instinctive goat, skirting danger, but sure footed!  The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is incredibly lucky, and we don’t want to miss it!  It will depend on how your personal chart combines with these aspects whether you go ahead or wait.  The expression of the eclipse energy may not get going until the Sun carries it to Mars!  Once there, Mars surges forward, leading the race, doesn’t miss a step!  The exact conjunction, or very close to it, may be the culmination. 

Plus Two Perihelions!

Jupiter Perihelion May 17/18  Another reason this Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is super charged is because this is Jupiter’s Perihelion year!  It is closest to the Sun in its 12 year cycle, moving its fastest This is why it sweeps through Aries so quickly!  

Specific spice to our conjunction is that  Jan 3 at 10 AM Pacific, the day before the Eclipse, Earth will be PerihelionAnd our days are literally shorter!  In spite of winter’s slower pace, there is still survival’s urgency, the need to make our actions count.  Some believe the Perihelion moment is the true New Year chart!  Here is the chart for Santa Barbara CA:

Earth Perihelion, True New Year?

Happy Eclipse, Conjunction, and Perihelion! 


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Wishing you a Magical Yule, Winter Solstice!

Magic is afoot!  This Winter Solstice moment, 3:39 PM Pacific, is preceded by the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon at 0:13 AM! 

TOTAL Lunar Eclipse VISIBLE just after midnight on the US westcoast – are you going to stay up to see it and wish the new year in?!  Many Earth Religion peoples will be doing just that!  Rain is forecast for some areas, but celebrate as you will – meditation, hot chocolate and a fire….  The Eclipse will be at 29 Gemini 21 with the Sun opposite in Sagittarius, an axis of mind and purpose.  How we think, what we think, what we pay attention to, how we gather information, how we express it, all affect outcome!  How we are able to learn limits or expands our range of effectiveness and sharing with others.  Without enough information and exchange of ideas, right on down the line, everyone loses.  If our attention wanders, we lose connection.  People feel that loss and wonder about your or their self esteem.  Our style of idea gathering taints or tantalizes, making people not or want to share with us again.  Our sharing style chokes the network, or invites joy and excitement of exchange!  You see?  And this is only the Gemini side of the Eclipse!

Sagittarius needs to know, so much, to have a fully informed, broad perspective, to choose the Living Truth, that changes as we grow!  Faith can be a fickle feature, because she too is a living thing!  Faith doesn’t just happen.  Faith is experienced, a product of a history of good choices, some your own, some of the people you trust.  Good choices may not make you wealthy, but they are true to you and your heart and Soul.  How you stand with you matters.  Without all the information, one makes choices that are short of the mark, never quite satisfying because something always feels awry, can’t quite put your finger on it.  So put those Geminis, or the Gemini part of yourself, to work.  Listen to them intently, help them focus where you need the info.  If it doesn’t feel like you have enough yet to make your decisions, send them out to bird dog more!  Then make wise choices for the Path you are traveling, the message you choose to publish.  Be continually wise, change when the input changes.  Expansion and growth are a powerful postures of a fully living Sagittarian!  It seems like luck, but forever the scanning observer in their far reaching adventures, it’s their kind of brilliance that saves them!

Yule, Winter Solstice is a grand time to snuggle, but keep your eyes wide open for the possibilities that grow from the root dark in Winter’s Night.  Many a profound insight springs from the eternal internal, a mere candle flicker only glimpsed, sometimes during a whimper.  We might be sad, we might feel like steel, but it comes.  The underworld has always been well respected, often feared, a testing place of Spirit, yet we come back more powerful, even if only quietly.  Power may be barking or whispering, yet it works.  This year, as since 2008, Pluto is near the 0 Capricorn Winter Solstice degree.  Pluto is the God of the Underworld, so this life and death, sharing and healing planet makes it all the more meaningful.  As many are suffering from financial losses, a time of sharing and creative healing springs, as the serpents on the Physician’s staff of Life, raising the Phoenix from its own ashes!   The Sun is always there, it’s just short days.  It may seem thinner, the light laid low across our skies, but still, it is there.  Never been anything wrong with slowing down, resting, noticing more of what is between the molecules.

The last degrees of a sign are always endings and beginnings.  The Eclipse is at 29 degrees, the last, and Solstice is 0 degrees, the first.  May your endings end well and beginnings be even better!  I wish you peaceful days.  I pray you take time to tell your love, appreciate the special in others, what’s good in you.  Happy Yule, Winter Solstice – Mama Earth’s New Year, and Eclipse!

Winter Solstice Day, Dec 21, I will post an overview of 2011!  There is much to come!

Sneak Preview! On April 29th through May 1st, 2011, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus, 6 planets, will all be ON FIRE in Aries!  Unbelievable passion, magic of Spirit!  Your Mother is impatient, your pen is pissed and potent, your Lover is sweet HOT, careful not to run the red light, exercise is a no-brainer, the mighty Truth stands on its hind legs and bites, change is electrifying and defying, a challenge to be alone together!!!!

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NEWS!  I am now on twitter at SB_Astrology!  I would love it if you would like to follow me there! 

Mars is freshly into Sagittarius!  Take a longer walk, from one end of the rainbow to the other!  Mars in Sag is a truth seeker who likes to play along the Path and is willing to leap tall buildings!  It is the hero of cowboy poetry, hair streaming behind you explorer of fine adventures, mapmaker of new territories!  Time for vitamins with more verve, exercise with more vigor!   Maybe that grass really is greener! 

Until a little more practice, truth may be a blunt force.  A good leader can take  you beyond your fears, whether it is a gentle shove or looking you straight in the eye and saying it out loud.  Finally, let’s get all your cards on the table.  

Excellence in education!  Go for the right things to learn, things that will serve you well for the fit in your life, for the long term value.  Choose a potent first step that points to your intention.  As one of my friends says, 1, 2, 6!  That means, skip all the steps in the middle, make the leap.  When you are hot on spot, it works like that!  Focus is part of the power!

You have until Dec 7 to launch, to achieve a learning segment, to get where you are going.  Make your steps count.  Get to a vantage point, top of the mountain, chin up, take in the wide view.  Check all four directions, above and below, then focus, focus, focus!  There’s a lot of power in that horse with blinders!  Don’t let those blinders fool you; they aren’t for being blind!

Nov 1, Mars is at the Venus/Pluto midpoint, 3 degrees Sagittarius, with Venus at 3 degrees Scorpio, Pluto at 3 degrees Capricorn.

At 12:16 PM PDT, the Moon in Virgo exactly sextiles the Sun as the midpoint is also exact!  This midpoint is a passionate, creative combination, able to make very beautiful things.  Mars in Sag is frisky, ready to go!  It’s willing to stand up for the course it takes!  That could be a new relationship, new business!  Venus and Pluto can make a LOT of money!  Moon in Virgo is production oriented.  It is in harmony with the Sun in Scorpio, who can acquire the equipment and materials needed at a great price!  Even with Venus retrograde, ideas at this time may pan out with excellent returns given some adjustments through Dec 20th!

BOWL from Nov 2 to Nov 17, because of the way the planets are situated, all the planets are on one side of the Zodiac in the signs Virgo through Pisces, gradually shifting along into Libra through Aries!  That’s Virgo/Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap, Aquarius, Pisces/Aries.  This means there is a ‘Bowl’ effect, an ingathering, or a holding, nurturing.  Sometimes It may get a bit stuffy in there, but that can feel very comfy and safe.  If most of your planets are in those signs, you may feel vindicated, things are going your way.  You may feel energized, more aware than usual, focused on what you were meant to be!  These signs are primarily ones of being out in the world, so you may find yourself more out there than ever, or out there for the first time, or thinking about doing that.  Paradoxically, the ingathering effect may be just what you need to feel safe to come out to play!  Those of you with most of your planets in the signs on the other side of the Zodiac may feel a pull to go forth, to stretch, to extend your hands, to reach further, to explore!  Retain your true self, but try on the new.  Let your world get bigger!  Since you are not used to it, temporarily it may not feel so comfortable, but may be well worth the effort for the treasures you bring home!  We will get to know you better and there is a world to share!

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