
Posts Tagged ‘inspire’

Uranus Square Pluto, Royal Wedding Chart, William & Kate!

Uranus square Pluto is starting, now 5 degrees in orb.  That will keep things shaking!  Oops, maybe I shouldn’t say that.  Uranus in Aries is the rebellious young upstart compared to the wizened Pluto burrowing the depths of corporate Capricorn.  Yet Pluto is associated with journalism, follows the money, a trouble maker of a different ilk.  Power will be questioned.  Put them together and things that were thought to be impermeable may be disturbed at the deepest foundations, shaken to thunder!  Long standing old schools will have cracks in their armor, new conduits able to be begun.  Some will fall of their own finished weight, to be replaced for better benefit, or simply let go – no need to go further, job done.  Strange and wonderful new alliances will be tried and some will work and break through to whole new types of community models, building codes, laws.  Businesses once thought to be ridiculous will begin to prove themselves as the needs of the times and hidden technology comes to light to make them feasible.  Those who ride the snorty horse will fly!  Let those pawing hooves make fiery sparks! 

Another take on Uranus into Aries, square Pluto.  This aspect is unique because it happens 7 times!  It will be exact for the first time June 23, 2012, finishing Mar 17, 2015, in effect for five years!

I wrote the above with no thought of the Royal Wedding, William & Kate, in mind.  Yet this is the most powerful aspect of the out most planets, longest in duration, in their wedding chart.  It will always be in their wedding chart, but the actual aspect in the sky will culminate Mar 17, 2015.  At that point it shall have made 7 exact connections at varying but close degrees.  If their marriage is surviving at that time, they will probably make it.  So much is being said about how their marriage is giving hope in hard economic times and following the years of sadnesses around Charles, Diana, and Camilla.  Perhaps this symbolizes breaking through old patterns of the monarchy, British financial reform.

Some are using the 11 AM start of the wedding for the wedding chart;  I am using the 11:20 AM pronouncement moment – the intent of the event before your peers.  If you really want to get technical about it, use the chart when the last person signed the papers for official records after the ceremony.  The 11 AM chart has Venus of love and beauty at the top of the chart, and the wedding did start on time, and was a lovely ceremony that went off without a hitch though William did have a hard time getting the ring on Kate’s finger (Saturn opposite Mercury). 

Royal Wedding Chart, Prince William & Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge

The most unique feature of the wedding chart is that simplistically, the Moon is Void of Course in Pisces square the Galactic Center.  Void of Course, VOC, is the time period from when the Moon makes its last connection with any planet and the time it enters a new sign.  There are extreme opposing points of view of what this period brings.  The traditional view is nothing will come of it, it won’t come out as expected, somewhat unpredictable.  This is great if your question is ‘Will I go to jail?’!  Rarely would a VOC Moon be chosen for a wedding chart.  Since the Moon has directly to do with fertility and a royal heir is usually wanted, this would be doubly so in this case.  It is said, ‘…the moon relating to the mother, will give a mother who was ‘not there’ so to speak. she may not have been there physically, emotionally, or she may have been even neglectful.’  Will’s mother Diana, ‘not there,’ is an important facet of their lives together.  The other view is there is nothing to stop it, nothing to stand in its way.  Hilary Clinton’s Moon (women) is VOC in Pisces in her 10th house of career and authority!  First Lady.   There are exceptions to the VOC rule, and this chart has them.  The Moon is said to ‘perform’ in Pisces – Pisces lives to osmose!  When it changes signs it will conjunct Uranus at 2 degrees Aries – free to act! Mercury and Jupiter are in an angular house, the 10th – a place determined to accomplish.  Jupiter with Mars is lucky to act!  How to resist?!!!

Still, as compelling as those aspects are, organically, the Moon, back at 26 degrees, four to go to change Signs, I would give the VOC read precedence, attending to reading the Moon for herself.  Pisces does move, but it can be ever so cleverly quietly, miniscule motion, practically invisible.  The VOC Moon is like a pause.  Preceding matters have been concluded, we’re in the done-deal zone, with perhaps a sense that it was all fated.  This is like a thoughtful, perhaps resting, reset period, in internal adjustment readying for the next Sign, the Gateway.  It is a step in a process.  A chart with lots of upcoming Lunar aspects in a Sign has many unfolding options, a rich future if favorable, is busy.  In traditional successful wedding charts, the Moon is chosen to be in trine or sextile with the Sun, Mother and Father, the Lights in harmony for fertility, full of life!  This chart has no upcoming Lunar aspects, no classic Sun/Moon, male/female connection. 

Pisces, the Moon’s Sign, is also an ending symbol, finishing symbol of maturity, being the last Sign of the Zodiac.  It too has to do with rest, contemplation, the unknown, unknowable, visioning.  To the negative side, it can be addictions, the victim/martyr, hidden agendas, fantasy versus reality.  For Kate going from commoner to Queen, it can be the dream come true, fairy tales.  Moon nurtures unconditionally; Pisces is the ultimate compassion.  It gives a dramatic counterpoint to the 5 planet Aries stellium (cluster – see below)!  Aries is noted for action, can be courageous first responders, but is not noted for ongoing care with deep sensitivity.  The Moon rules mothers, children, women in general, and Diana, the Goddess of the Hunt, in particular.  And Mother Diana was missing.  Pisces also rules being in Spirit form.  In the Abbey, closest to where William and Kate stood to take their vows, there were five chairs. Four of them were taken, by the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Camilla … and then there was an empty chair. Was that chair for Diana?

Some are saying this ‘lost’ Moon in ‘lost Pisces’ is symbolically a way of putting away Diana’s influence. Maybe so, but she was William’s mother. That concept doesn’t work for me. This Void of Course position is akin to an ‘escape’ planet, a planet that has no connections formed to it or by it. It is in a separate state, unhindered, but ineffective, sometimes a loose cannon since there is nothing to censor its choices, no outlets to siphon off energy. It’s behavior often seems inappropriate.  It’s one thing to ‘put away’ a matter, it’s quite another to not get any benefit from the Moon other than the Sign it is in. 

Being on the brink of the Mayan calendar ending 2012, that event quite close to being at the Galactic Center, the Moon being a degree of square the Galactic Center seems significant!  Perhaps they will never take their kingdom or their kingdom, the monarchy system, will be ended, or it will be fraught with difficulties throughout their time.

Their Sun is in Taurus, a sign of fertility and stability, loyalty forever!  And there were earthy Pagan elements to the wedding.  Trees brought into the Abbey.  It was near Beltane – May Day celebration of fertility.  They had a hand wrapping – called handfasting in Pagan circles.  The archbishop who married them is a Druid!  And William’s full name is William Arthur Philip Louis, Arthur being the King of old mythical legends.

Leo Rising, the Ascendant, is a romantic Sign of Kings & Queens, great powers!  As Taurus, it is another fixed sign, cherishes its mate and takes a long time before it gives up.  It is generous, loves to teach, is thought to be selfish at times, is great fun to be around, has boundless energy!  Trine Venus, is kind, loves glorious beauty and color.  Their wedding was bright – William’s red uniform (Aries’ color).   

FIVE planets in Aries!  Aries is not famous for finishing projects nor fertility, but is a splendid champion, passionate leader!  Both Leo and Aries are athletic.  The group of five starts with Uranus of community, international connections, freedom.  Then there is Venus, love of independence, heroes, celebrities, art by fire.  The MidHeaven in Aries decides to try new things in government, laws, status.  Mercury is next, with inspiring things to say, fresh insights.  Mars and Jupiter conclude together.  Mars here is in its own Sign, racy super action, with Jupiter is legendary!  Jupiter is what we think is righteous, good luck, horses and big dogs, expansion, future plans, travel, publishing, education!  Expect these two to broaden and brighten Britain!  Aries is less famous for stopping to make agreements, more famous for spontaneous action, sometimes fiery fights, but quickly over!  One way or another, this couple will make a lot of news! 

With the Sun square the Ascendant, how you appear to others, they may not always look good.  Sun inconjunct Saturn, can be sad news at times. 

Saturn at 12 Libra is at a midpoint opposition with Venus 10 Aries, MidHeaven 12 Aries and Mercury 14 Aries!  Sometimes duty will dominate, love and simply doing what you want to do will seem far, far away.  There may not always be time to talk, so many responsibilities.  And at times, it will just be good to be apart, a little room to navigate freely. 

The Sun sextile Chiron of Marriage, and semi sextile Venus of love and affection, will soften and protect them, give a sweetness.   

Sun trine Pluto is the number one US corporate wealth aspect!  If it works well in Britain too, their fortunes together are likely assured!  Saturn though square Pluto, and is going back, retrograde, to 10 degrees, never makes the exact square to Pluto at 7 degrees.  There will be financial scares, close calls, perhaps, but will never quite happen.  The issues of their country’s economics will always be of concern.

Spiritually speaking, whether by chance or chosen, a wedding chart is always perfect.  The couple has the ultimate final choice of date, time and place.  Whatever is the Soul’s agreement, agenda, the chart will show the way and be lived in all its intricacy. 

If you didn’t see it and would like to, here is a link to watch the ceremony.  At the very beginning, note the lovely greenery in the abbey!

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We are now on the threshold of Chiron entering Pisces for 7 years!

SEVEN years! Those 7 years will be in the same time Neptune is in its own sign Pisces, which starts April 4 for 15 years!  That happens only every 168 years, and WE get to live it!!!!  Double, even triple , magic of misty watery Pisces!  And Neptune enters Pisces during the super charged firey Aries Stellium!  It’s going to be off to a tremendous start!  What it dreams, it does!  Complete and perfect intuition inspires instant responsive positive action!  Pisces can be shy, even timid, until it gets a cause to live for!  Then, by God and Great Spirit, things happen with bells on!  I hope you are graced with inspiration like none other, that fills your Whole Soul!

Jupiter left Pisces Jan 22, now passing the baton to Chiron.  Jupiter was the precursor, looking for truth (Wikileaks), opening up then focusing on the point of selection, looking for the good in all ways.  Chiron is considered to be a wound that happens, or a wound that needs healing.  And, is considered to be a healer; it knows how because it has been there.  Which begets the teacher! If you know how to heal, you can show others.  Pisces loves being the savior or being saved, so it looks like a good fit. Spiritual business will be done.

Healings may be more subtle, invisible, invincible in Spirit.  Spiritual wounds of feeling forsaken, misuse of spiritual power or powers, fear to step out of the shadows of past life ‘mistakes’ or punishments, living without mission, or matters of mercy, may be kinds of healings that occur both to oneself, and, or in behalf of others.  They may somehow find mending, a quelling of misspent imagination, an inner reweaving of the strings of life as twined with others’ hearts, in a sensitive moment of seeing from a different facet or vantage point of compassion long-awaited.  There is a gentling, and yet a tsunami of merging, not just looking at a person or situation, but seeing it as if you were the other person!

The Magi astrologers tell a different, or perhaps an additional story.  They say Chiron is the #1 marriage factor in charts, love heals, and is a great business planet!  Partners make more money!  Marrying in Pisces is a cautions affair however.  The worst is just plain denial, then the words ‘I just can’t believe it!’ If your friends say you are missing the signals, I would get the credit check and give it some time to prove out.  The other side is marriage made in heaven.  In surety.  A gift of union Spirit-made.  May you walk in Beauty.

Businesses that are of a Pisces nature may flourish!  Anything ocean related, musics and arts, dancing Spiritually, retreats, magic and intuition, fine wines to feet treatments, computer programming, films, theatre, visionary repertoire, tending eyes and how we see, conscious dreaming!  Throw in the spice of Chiron, and we are adding a business of curing whats needed in any of those fields, a marriage blend of any of those elements, the consultant, coach, seminars that uplift our goals and ideals!  Blessed be.

Chiron enters Pisces Feb 8, Neptune April 4!  Marriages, healing, business, magic!  It will be a spiritual renaissance for those willing, ready, and able! Music and art will fill new dimensions.  Compassion and insight will be called for as the world tussles with resurrection after Pluto in Capricorn topples the old ways to the ground!  Stand tall, Live deep, LOVE well!

Please refer back to Chiron from Pisces, back into Aquarius, July 20 to Feb 8, 2011!

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April 12, Saturn inconjuncted Chiron the 4th of 5 times, now Saturn is about to inconjunct Neptune the 2nd of 3 times – this pattern will be finishing late June, and late July.  Chiron and Neptune have been traveling withing 5 degrees of each other since March 2008!  Saturn joined them August 2009, requesting them to do the work of their complaints, even an inch at a time, grounding the etheric, our thinking, into living our dreams every day.  One solution might be sustainable business with several of its parts contributing different cash flows as the ‘waste’ of one product of one part of the system becomes another product!?       

Because Uranus and Pluto are traveling in close degrees with Chiron & Neptune, all four of these planets have been and are activated by Saturn as Saturn goes through the late degrees of Virgo, and first two degrees of Libra.  The entire pattern is in its last 4 months:      

  • May 2 Saturn inconjunct Neptune
  • June 27 third Saturn inconjunct Neptune, of dreams and ideals
  • July 20 5th of 5 Saturn inconjunct Chiron, the healer, of wounded dreams, then teacher of the cures – then, within a few days,
  • July 26 5th of 5 Saturn opposite Uranus, changer of the way we make connections, creator of teams, from local to global
  • August 21 Saturn square Pluto, for the last aspect of the pattern, and grand finale!  Perhaps ’tis only fitting the last aspect is to Pluto, our furthest planet out; Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth!

Pay special attention to the July 20 and July 26 aspects because they are part of the July 20 through August 3 aspects that promise intensity because we have two sign changes into air signs, six outer planet factors one right after the other, and the intense eleven day Jupiter station square Pluto with the last Saturn opposition Uranus between them!  Believe me, for those of you with charts activated by these aspects, there will be endings and beginnings, mighty house cleanings for a clean new start!!  This is all a very natural part of life.  Sometimes we have been drowning in our own debris and didn’t even know it, or sometimes it takes this much intensity, especially for us fixed sign people (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), to break us free from our patterns.  It gives us a little kick start that tips us over our resistance.  To heck with fears of incompetency, we will flounder forward if necessary!  It’s not like we are all alone; there are a lot of others breaking new ground right there beside us!      

  • July 20 Chiron retrograde re-enters Aquarius
  • July 20 the 5th of 5 Saturn inconjunct Chiron
  • July 21 Saturn enters Libra the first time
  • July 24 Jupiter square Pluto 2nd time
  • July 26 5th of 5 Saturn opposite Uranus
  • August 3 Jupiter square Pluto 3rd time

Back to our current Saturn inconjunct Chiron/Neptune pattern – Chiron, healer and teacher, often has had no training on how to be the healer/teacher.  Neptune is famous for no structures at all.  Saturn is.  Saturn is the architect, the builder, the order of things, both in time, and space, the constructor of constructive thinking!  So first is deciding what the goal is, then prioritizing which parts and when to do first.  If any skills need to be learned, off to school with you, which Chiron doesn’t usually mind.  Neptune gets happy after all since its dreams do come true!  It really gets good when all the pieces start falling in place and you can see not only the fruits of your labor, but others doing it too as you share and show them the way, kinda like a spiritual barn raising, or a prefab going up right before your eyes!  Now that’s working smart!  Let dreamtime desire inspire, then create healing, teach how to build.  Rather than teaching how to build a boat, inspire someone to sail!      

Saturn will do another activation of these four, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, in 2013 but in 4 to 11 degrees of Scorpio!  The next such Saturn combo won’t be until 12 years later, 2025, in all different signs!  Check out the July 22, 2025 chart!  I used 2:45 PM, Santa Barbara CA.

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