
Posts Tagged ‘consultant’

Aries 2018 Celestial HighLights 


Aries, Bright Blessings

Aries Bicycle Transit System Hardwicke

Toronto Architect Chris Hardwicke wants to do something about it! In 2006 he proposed “a high speed, all season, pollution free, ultra-quiet transit system that makes people healthier. Using an infrastructure of elevated cycle tracks, velo-city creates a network across the City.” It saves transportation costs. No flood, no mud! No ice! Safety from cars. Details! Current comparisons

Lead the way, Aries! We are happy to follow! If it’s new, let’s do it! Take a quick breath, a happy shout, and off we go! Alone or together! To work or for pleasure!

No sitting around; if you think it, do it! Aries are often lean and strong. They eat less and are more active, or eat more and are even more active! Envy.

Aries are quick to create solutions, especially if they are mechanical. They easily fix their own bikes on the road. They are the first to help and the first there! Because they are first, they learn a lot about how to be there in any and all conditions. They are swift to assess, adjust quickly as things change. Emergencies are their specialty whether in the boardroom or on the road.

They are downright brilliant and inspirational! Your only spiritual duty is to keep up or let them go! They need to be physical. Independent. That all can be tough on relationships. There needs to be a ton of respect that goes both ways. Better to have that 6 month engagement than the impetuous marriage that imprisons one or both of you. Yes they are impressive, but that doesn’t mean you can have one. But if you can, what a ride! They will get you on your feet in no time!

Sometimes they can get there faster on their bike than you can drive there! In this world today, sustainability is essential. Less pollution. Lower costs – no auto insurance, gas costs, expensive auto maintenance. Lower cost of living for greater numbers of elders. Much better health for active people with less health costs, more productive time. Get clean air up your nose, oxygenate your brain, get your blood moving! Or gear up on that stationary bike at home! There are so many kinds of bikes these days! Lightweight, skinny tires/fat tires, shopping bikes with carrying devices for groceries, kids, grandkids! Fold-up space savers to take traveling, treadles, tricycles for elders, electric! Many cities now have networks of safe bike lanes, bike stations with showers and storage for commuters with repair services available. Ride your bike!

Financially, Aries may be here and gone, a crack consultant! They come in with fresh eyes and because they get around and are experienced, they have solutions that work, adjusted perfectly to your needs, and can be implemented quickly, often for low cost. They may instantly see the value of startups and get in on the ground floor. Innovative businesses catch their eye; they may be starting one themselves! If you are following their lead but are more conservative, put in a trial amount to see how it goes. If it’s on, add more! Some Aries like heat and call the shots as fine chefs – baking, amazing meals, truly one of a kind. Or you might see them delivering freight or compost on their special freight bike, or racing at top speed as a city bicycle messenger or taking people on astonishing bike tours all over the world! Awesome!

Yes, I’ve said a lot about bikes here. Just take this healthy template and pop yourself or your dear Aries into it and change the scenario a bit. Main things are being energetic and innovative! Being the leader! Using your intelligence quickly!

Prevention and protests may show the courage an Aries brings to bear. They see the need to keep some things from happening, or assure the progress of others. They are no strangers to the front line. They are clever and innovative with slogans and posters.

Now if we do talk about health matters when things go south, I recommend wearing safe clothing and a helmet! Bumping your head is an Aries matter. Don’t take chances with your Aries kids! Yes, you have to wear a helmet. I love you. Headaches do happen, high fevers can come quickly. Blood may be involved, cuts, road rash, scrapes. Carry bandages. Safety glasses for fiery or dangerous work like soldering fine jewelry. Treat your eyes well when outdoors, maybe good shades. Avoid stimulants, hot spicy foods and alcohol. You already have high energy and at times a temper. Get rest, eat more slowly. Carry that water bottle and stay hydrated!

The worst malaise is if they lose their Spirit. That’s sad to see. Give them some time, get them out when you can. Take them places where things that might inspire them are happening. They will usually be back pretty quickly. Could be time for a new bike or off road vehicle. You see, they are generally not people who go chronic. It’s quick, fierce, and over, back on their feet. Good to know that few Aries are into addictions. Who has time?

Aries can be extraordinarily romantic, and sometimes it’s quick! Exciting to say the least! You may be swept off your feet by your hero/heroine! It is so worth the adventure!

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Aries 2018 Celestial Highlights!

April 2 Mars conjunct Saturn!

4.2.18 Mars conjunct Saturn, Antares Jupiter Moon

Thanks to EarthSky’s Bruce McClure!

Early risers! 90 minutes before dawn will do it! Mars conjuncts Saturn on April 2, Mars passes a rather scant 1.3o south of Saturn. Find the Moon, draw a line through bright Jupiter, to find reddish Mars and golden Saturn. You will see them with the Constellation Scorpio, Antares its brightest star. Look to the left in Scorpio to see the Cat eyes, Shaula and Lesath!

Aries 2018  Timeline!

Note the close sequence in April as Chiron changes signs! 14, Jup/Pl, 15 Mer Direct & New Moon, 17 Chiron from Pisces to Aries!


20  Spring Equinox, Happy Aries!
22  Mercury Retrograde 16 Aries 54
31  Full Blue Moon!


1  Happy Easter
14  Jupiter sextile Pluto 2nd time
15  Mercury Direct
New Moon
17  Chiron into Aries!
19  Happy Taurus!

May 15  Uranus into Taurus!

Continuing abiding Aspect: 
Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background! More

See the 2018 Special Edition Annual Newsletter!  Aspects, Patterns, Sign Changes, Retrogrades, Stelliums, Lunar Dates!

Outer Planet Transits with Aries 2018 – April 2019!

Aries Road Trip National Parks Utah Spectacular Rt 12

What is more better than a spring road trip to start your new year?! Take Utah Route 12 winding between Capitol Reef and Bryce Canyon national parks. The 124-mile strip has funky small towns, steep sandstone canyons and bluffs of purple sage. Tackle the narrow cliff-hanging ridgeline road called The Hogback. Stop at Hell’s Backbone Grill, which has its own organic farm!

We are now, since Nov 11, on our way to the fourth aspect of a string of astrologically positive aspects that adventure through Nov 1 2018! Jupiter sextile Pluto has a strong focus since they are traveling closely together now through April!

  1. Three outer planets, Uranus, Chiron, and Jupiter, are changing signs in Aries’s year to come. Uranus & Chiron twice, Jupiter once, for a total of 5 times! Expect several maturities, intense endings, primal new beginnings and exciting new intentions with potent new people! There will be reviews as Uranus & Chiron retrograde and regroup in context of what they have been forward to see in their next signs. Chiron shifts from Pisces to Aries April 17. Less than a month later, Uranus shifts from Aries to Taurus May 15! They will both be in Aries April 17 to May 15, Uranus passing the baton to Chiron. Jupiter will enter his own sign Sagittarius Nov 8.
  2. RETROGRADES emphasis! July 25 to Aug 18 we have a Mars/Mercury double retrograde. Oct 5 to Dec 6 Venus then Mercury retrograde back to back!

With the multiple sign changes and retrogrades, things will be dug up, soil turned, soups, stews and mixed salads made! We will all be quite different and get used to multiple kinds of change! We will be more comprehensive, more aware and alert to things we never considered before, expanded – to say the least!

Things are HOT this Aries mid April as Chiron makes the first sign change, into ARIES!  Jupiter sextiles Pluto April 14. The next day Mercury in ARIES turns forward from retrograde, the New Moon is in ARIES the same day! Chiron makes its switch April 17! Not only is it hot, but it is an intense closely spaced sequence! Put on your dancing shoes! Let’s roll! And this is only the beginning! Apropos for Aries!

Pluto in Capricorn reached the beginning of the last third of Capricorn Feb 2018 moving from 18 to 23 degrees. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 20 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Aries is generally no whiner. They may complain when they are slowed down or something gets in their way. But they can quickly sidestep an dodge. But Pluto in Capricorn may entirely anticipate that. Aries and Capricorn don’t always get along smoothly. The project has to be more important than their egos. Aries and Pluto can be at odds. Aries generally does not sneak around and Pluto is the best at it. However, if you want to catch ’em coming and going, this pair can do it! Aries is the baby, the initiate, a younger with the freshest Spirit. Fuddy duddy elder behavior dampens their innovative adventures. And Cappies want to get the job done on time, mostly by the book. Ok. Ok. If Capricorn’s mentoring can help Aries get that adventure going smoothly and successfully, Aries is grateful. Give your Aries plenty of praise! After all, you couldn’t get those new things added to your repertoire and done without them! Together they can bring it home, well done, in jig time!

Neptune is in its own sign, a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors between 13 and 17 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Pisces sees and dreams the vision, has empathy for those who suffer. Sometimes they need rescuing themselves, from being overwhelmed by what they see, from sadness that brings them down. If anyone can call them back, here comes Aries, with infectious Light, a keen spirited way, undaunted. Up on your feet, try this, let’s go here, and has one idea after another worth pursuing. If nothing else, it’s entertaining! But next thing you know you are happy to go with them. Natural leaders! What you dream, they find a way to DO! Neptune/Pisces can dampen things, and that’s not always bad. Too fiery and people feel blasted or burned and back away, of course. Neptune is so sensitive, use them like a canary in the coal mine. Adjust your volume to a more gentle level. If Neptune can step up with you, you can step down a bit. More syncopatic.

Uranus covers 26 Aries to 2 Taurus! Uranus enters Taurus May 15, 2018! Those of you with factors in these last degrees of Aries will be accomplishing the maturity of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future that Taurus will build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network, cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, effortlessly carried on.

Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is a automatic. In fire sign Aries, it’s the First of everything, truly awakening! Aries is pretty unflappable, but this really shakes your space! Aries loves a challenge and new things. Rarely are they outdone in that dept, but Uranus has a bigger platform. It rules humanity, and although Aries is only one person, they step up because they know the value of key positions that make the difference! Uranus replaces some Aries circuits and the game is bigger yet! Can’t get enough! Young people have been fired up. The Awakener has opened their eyes! What powerful times we are in!

Uranus in Taurus invents simple. Air sign Aquarius may find Taurus earth a little heavy. The Bull is big and on the ground. Earth as a medium is perhaps more a collector of goods than Aquarius flying lightly over the land. Earth is dense compared to air. It’s a slowdown, a filter. But soil organisms need oxygen to function. AQ is about as complex as it gets, multileveled. Taurus will call for usefulness in daily living. Mother Earth will need her champions, for land, water, the trees that breathe for us, and rare exotic animals. AQ can do the job, plying the computer, organizing banking and funds, gathering groups of groups for the greater good. Temps may lower a bit, but be earthquake prepared. Pick safe places to live and do business.

Aries is fascinated by these shifts. A more independent lifestyle may be in the offing. Farmers, foodies, have always been independent. More new ways will be found on how to feed people. Protecting sacred Earth places and her resources will call Aries to stand for her. Aries will be letting people know more about living in harmony with earth changes, and how to place structures, build sustainably will be a perfect challenge. Young people today will see the possibilities. Elders will be swept along and be glad for it!

Chiron, like Neptune is also in Pisces, but covers different degrees, 28 Pisces to 2 Aries, the same degrees but different signs than Uranus! These are the last and first of the zodiacal signs! Pisces believes; Aries initiates. Chiron enters Aries April 17 2018! Chiron will activate any factors you have in those degrees. If you have Chiron in those degrees and signs, you will be having your Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces, and the head and eyes when in Aries. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too!

Chiron the Healer is fluid in Pisces, takes only a moment to assess a situation. Pisces is the Dreamer visionary spiritualist musician, while Chiron is seeking healing, teaching, right relationships and good business. Chiron may approach it from Neptune’s point of view, however because they are both in Pisces, Neptune’s sign! Aries can be impatient with the Chiron concerns, Pisces fears or sensitivities. Or inspired with the healer’s visions and ready to fight for them! Aries may call upon the intuitive insights, be guided by them. Aries may realize there is value in observation and contemplation, but Aries quick action in the moment is what we count on!

When Chiron goes into Aries for 9 years. through 2027, it will be Aries’ turn to be happy there is a Dr in the house! With Chiron in Aries, healing will speed up at an enormous rate! We will process many challenges with unproven but successful results. Yes, there will be some rash attempts, but quickly remedied as the leaders push on. In some ways it will be like a renaissance! The Doctor is coming and Aries is right beside him or leading the way! They are in instant harmony. If Aries needs healing, they will get right too it and Aries will be happily on his way. Innovative physical therapy, exercise techniques, movement businesses will flourish. Chiron will show him new ways to do business, how to have relationships best suited to his Spirit, how to teach on the fly! 9 Years! They will congratulate each other for all the accomplishments – if they have time, LOL!

SATURN builds from 2 to 20 Capricorn now through April 2019. Saturn entered his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. In his own sign, many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! Now, in its own sign, it is truly full height! Those of you with Saturn 2 to 20 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns now through April 2019! There will be more traditional endeavors. On your first Return – 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have! It’s a time to honor, be honored!

Saturn in earth sign Capricorn challenges and is challenged by fiery Aries! But then Aries loves a challenge, though this one is more than five minutes! Saturn is the old guard, the elders, the ones in authority. Aries, however, just keeps coming back, not especially afraid of seemingly invincible powers, not taking ‘No’ for an answer! Saturn does have some time tested working points that Aries comes to appreciate and respect. If Saturn’s goals are ones Aries can get behind, Aries will lead the way, clear the path, make connections to bring it through. If Saturn controls too much, a younger Aries’ spirit may be crushed. There are limits. Guidance, to let them do as they need to be themselves, to do it well, to support rather than block, has sweet results. And Aries too needs to learn working limits. Pushing the right amount, in the right places, at the right time pays off, and Saturn is the Master!

JUPITER moves from 13 Scorpio to 24 Sagittarius!Jupiter in Scorpio! Scorpio wants you to heal, to heal your relationship and be healed by them, and increase your financial potential! Scorpio charisma is compelling, and has nothing to do with beauty. It is from a wellspring within. Scorpio is doctor hood, from cleansing your personal plumbing, purging toxins, to forensics. Scorpio often has extraordinary personal healing capacity, and can save your life too! They want to know how things work, do research. Jupiter may take Scorpio worldwide to seek investments, study shamanistic skills, find answers to lifesaving questions. Old remedies the midwives knew may come back into use. Through journalistic research justice may come for those who have suffered long extreme abuse – land grabs, sexual abuse, calculated theft, slavery/human trafficking, murdering of children and animals. Secret factions may unite for prevention, education, exposé and social justice. Be safe. If you aren’t up to par, take time out. Let your Ninja 6th sense and stealth protect you.

Jupiter is a fire planet friendly to fire sign Aries. Aries is upfront; Scorpio usually works more behind the scenes unless they in their boardroom! Aries can be their point man, one they can count on for a quick rescue, or the one they silently groan about when they see, that battles them every inch of the way. Aries may think of Jupiter in Scorpio as the big shadow that could steal their life, or know that teaching and healing are available where you might have least expected it. If Jupiter hits a mean streak in Scorpio, it might be wise to avoid them, stand back, wait for change to come from another direction. Sometimes you just can’t do it all yourself. If your causes are the same, see how you can fit in to help. Jupiter sees the benefit of many fronts and resources. An innocent Aries may be shocked and inspired at the same time when they see how things work behind the scenes. It’s a bigger world than we thought! Their toolbox is expanded.

Jupiter, Sagittarius’ planet, in Sagittarius, and Aries can have a great time! They can travel together, Jupiter taking Aries further afield! Jupiter may take the train, Aries brings their bikes to use at the destinations! Spontaneous play and Aries may lead the way! Aries is into prowess while Jupiter figures out what things mean, where they fit in the world, enriching Aries’ point of view, raising their standards. They may travel in behalf of a philosophy they mutually support, or to a remote temple. Jupiter loves to teach and Aries does by showing how it’s done! Each are generally quite healthy. Any dangers and Jupiter’s luck comes into play while Aries dashes safely out of the way. Relationships come and go like the flash fire signs have! Sagittarius wants to be free to go, and Aries loves their independence. Love these handsome and beautiful people while you can. You will be inspired and find more time to frolic! Oh, yes.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundant and better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and marriages are quite possible.

Here’s the Outer Planet Sign Changes Timetable:


Apr 17 Chiron from Pisces to Aries
May 15 Uranus from Aries to Taurus
Sep  25 Chiron Retrograde from Aries back into Pisces
Nov  6  Uranus retrograde back into Aries
Nov  8  Jupiter from Scorpio into own sign Sagittarius!


Feb 18 Chiron into Aries the next 7/8 years
Mar  6  Uranus into Taurus the next 6/7 years

Happy Birthdays, Aries! May Spring always be in your heart! 


Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Aries 2018 Newsletter!

See the 2018 Special Edition Annual Newsletter! Make your changes count!

Happy Birthdays, Aries!

Aries Woman Dancing Colors Neijman Deviant Art 2

Dancing Colors by Henrik Neijman of Sweden, Deviant Art!

The Fire of Life is Yours!



Still only $147 for your Annual Reading, 1 ½ hours, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $176 for 1 ½ hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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We are now on the threshold of Chiron entering Pisces for 7 years!

SEVEN years! Those 7 years will be in the same time Neptune is in its own sign Pisces, which starts April 4 for 15 years!  That happens only every 168 years, and WE get to live it!!!!  Double, even triple , magic of misty watery Pisces!  And Neptune enters Pisces during the super charged firey Aries Stellium!  It’s going to be off to a tremendous start!  What it dreams, it does!  Complete and perfect intuition inspires instant responsive positive action!  Pisces can be shy, even timid, until it gets a cause to live for!  Then, by God and Great Spirit, things happen with bells on!  I hope you are graced with inspiration like none other, that fills your Whole Soul!

Jupiter left Pisces Jan 22, now passing the baton to Chiron.  Jupiter was the precursor, looking for truth (Wikileaks), opening up then focusing on the point of selection, looking for the good in all ways.  Chiron is considered to be a wound that happens, or a wound that needs healing.  And, is considered to be a healer; it knows how because it has been there.  Which begets the teacher! If you know how to heal, you can show others.  Pisces loves being the savior or being saved, so it looks like a good fit. Spiritual business will be done.

Healings may be more subtle, invisible, invincible in Spirit.  Spiritual wounds of feeling forsaken, misuse of spiritual power or powers, fear to step out of the shadows of past life ‘mistakes’ or punishments, living without mission, or matters of mercy, may be kinds of healings that occur both to oneself, and, or in behalf of others.  They may somehow find mending, a quelling of misspent imagination, an inner reweaving of the strings of life as twined with others’ hearts, in a sensitive moment of seeing from a different facet or vantage point of compassion long-awaited.  There is a gentling, and yet a tsunami of merging, not just looking at a person or situation, but seeing it as if you were the other person!

The Magi astrologers tell a different, or perhaps an additional story.  They say Chiron is the #1 marriage factor in charts, love heals, and is a great business planet!  Partners make more money!  Marrying in Pisces is a cautions affair however.  The worst is just plain denial, then the words ‘I just can’t believe it!’ If your friends say you are missing the signals, I would get the credit check and give it some time to prove out.  The other side is marriage made in heaven.  In surety.  A gift of union Spirit-made.  May you walk in Beauty.

Businesses that are of a Pisces nature may flourish!  Anything ocean related, musics and arts, dancing Spiritually, retreats, magic and intuition, fine wines to feet treatments, computer programming, films, theatre, visionary repertoire, tending eyes and how we see, conscious dreaming!  Throw in the spice of Chiron, and we are adding a business of curing whats needed in any of those fields, a marriage blend of any of those elements, the consultant, coach, seminars that uplift our goals and ideals!  Blessed be.

Chiron enters Pisces Feb 8, Neptune April 4!  Marriages, healing, business, magic!  It will be a spiritual renaissance for those willing, ready, and able! Music and art will fill new dimensions.  Compassion and insight will be called for as the world tussles with resurrection after Pluto in Capricorn topples the old ways to the ground!  Stand tall, Live deep, LOVE well!

Please refer back to Chiron from Pisces, back into Aquarius, July 20 to Feb 8, 2011!

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What a difference that will be from Jupiter in oceanic watery Pisces! Pisces, known to be magical, meditational, artistic especially with visionary art and all kinds of music, intuitive with computer software, a spiritual fisherman, a traveler upon the waves of ocean and mind, sadly a magician of denial, also has boundless compassion and dedication, giving life and Soul for their beliefs.

Jupiter will be our first planet into Aries this year. It’s been 12 years since it was there before, and this time, since it is also Perihelion (nearest the Sun in its orbit), it makes a swift sweep through, in a breathtaking 4 months, 13 days, Jan 22 to June 4! Usually it takes a whole year through a sign!

Aries – Breath of the Fire of Life!

Aries doesn’t make moods, they make motion! Instant perception, immediate response, uncannily right. Like first responders, they can save your life! They are great consultants. Bring them in, record the insights, let them go on to the next. They just gave you their gift. Passion and fire are their mediums.

Jupiter, planet of Sagittarius, loves to travel, the faster the better! Skiing, skating, racing, hiking to far high places suits. In Aries they can’t wait to get started and want to get there first! If you see them coming, step aside! Jupiter has a great sense of direction, purpose, a taller long view, that can take Aries more potently into its future. Aries is independent and Jupiter likes freedom to roam. Great combo for them, might not make their lovers or family so happy.  Promotions, publicity and publishing will be red hot! Aries has just the spark to push it over the threshold!

Jupiter thinks it is right, and Aries is willing to defend or apply the principle. If there are anger issues, this may be the time to get a grip, learn how to use your energy in a good way. There needs to be care here. Jupiter can be too blunt, feelings can get way hurt. It may be costly in time to repair, or heartbreakingly irreparable. Not good. The axis Aries challenges is Cancer/Capricorn, Mother, Father, children, people of tender connections. The other side of Aries is Libra, our marriage mates, partners in business, legal proceedings. Be smart, savvy. If you don’t know how to hold yourself in battle, get a go between, a counselor, an attorney, whatever makes sense. The instinct of Aries is to do it all yourself. A wise person can do both, get help, and do it yourself.

Think of children born with this placement of Jupiter! Natural born leaders, fearless teachers, but you better grab the info quickly, because they already see another possibility! Keep them entertained, give them challenges they can achieve so their Spirit won’t be broken. When they are doing what they love, they will have broad minds, and a tremendous focus!

Jupiter, the WayShower, makes the Pilgrimage; Aries lights the Way -torch and candle! 

On Point, Blessings on your Journey!

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For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….


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