
Posts Tagged ‘love’

Cancer 2019-20 Celestial HighLights

Cancer! Timeless Love… 

Cancer Divine Feminine Masque Four Seasons Walter Crane

Universal recognition of Divine Feminine ~ Maiden, Mother, Crone. A Masque for the Four Seasons, by Walter Crane, 1905-1909, oil on canvas

Love that crosses the generations is a precious chain of connection. Mother to daughter; daughter to child, child to their child. Though Cancer is the sign of Women, feminine, there are dear Cancer Men who are sensitive, highly educated, want to provide well, love their families above all else. Father to son, son to child, child to child. That love is cultural, develops genetically. It gets deeper and richer as time goes on. We become experts of our heritage, are proud to pass it on, hope it survives changing times. When we leave the fold, we take it with us and share it, expanding it into other’s hearts, integrating it with their cultural heritage and they share their heritage with us! We prosper together so many ways.

Love that develops as we age crosses our entire lifetime…

The Miracle, the Babe in arms…  There is nothing so deeply precious as birth, and the purity of an innocent newborn. We are touched beyond words. We see the vulnerability and feel our responsibility like never before. One tiny smile and we are melted for life. We take that tiny hand in ours and a profound lifetime bond is formed.

Maidens are full of life’s zest! They have a radiance that shines, are inspiring with their charm. Even the old men are enchanted! They remember when… Maidens have a purity of Spirit, are a bit naive, and that calls us to protect them. They bring new ideas to living and loving, making homes that their mothers didn’t, and mothers may envy. Maidens look for companions of heroic standing. Could be the Hunter, could be the office computer guy, or a leader of our times. These days many a Maiden has her own business and ups the ante. She wants an equal. A strong Father for her children who can secure the finances, get shelter for her family, who loves her Mother and will take her Mother in when Mom becomes a Crone.

Mother! Down deep, few have more power in our lives than our Mother, even if we didn’t get along. We long for a better connection. If she was lost in childbirth, we miss her. If our parents separate, we miss their connection. We unconsciously take on ways, mannerisms we think would be hers/theirs together. This amazing woman carried us in her womb, held our life in her hands. She feeds us, holds us when we have a bad dream, comforts our hurts, shows us how to potty and put on our clothes. We see her give our Pa astute advice as she comforts him too. She teaches us compassion, how to be a good person. If she’s not good at it herself, we somehow know that and if we aren’t too broken, vow to learn on our own. One way or another, she teaches us.

Wise Woman Crone, Council of Elders, Spiritual Caregivers  While strong and experienced, the body is giving way to transition. Some live fragilely, needing help; others rule with an iron fist, as if they will live forever, their own person to the end! They must be right, yes? After all, they lived that long. Yet there are those many roads to the mountain top, the edge of the world. Some are traditional, a 100% authentic basic element. Others are leaders of the new times, still carrying the village torches through the night, leading us through the darkest times! A balance is in progress between the old and new ideas that pass us by. Cancers absorb their lifetimes and have learned so much that at times they are adept at giving council. As elders, they also naturally share the Council of others in their age zone. They see perspectives others will never have, being born long ago in the times they lived. They see the consequences of certain ways and neglected matters. Cancer is the sign of intuitive cycles. They have developed a fine instinct about change and how to do it well. Listen with respect then do what is right for you.

Matriarch.  A Crone may become the Matriarch. The Family looks up to her as the eldest. She prays to do well for them. ‘Tis a great honor to be so blessed. Stand tall. Keep learning. You may roar your message or be exceedingly kind and gentle. It may take many times or be an instant hit. Choose best times to connect. Don’t neglect. We need your voice soonest. Always pray ‘Let the highest be done.’ That’s divine protection that they will take it as is best for them. Your message may simply be for getting them to think, kindling for the fire, a stepping stone to their true need. The higher Spirits, Angels, will guide you always. Thank you.

Cancer Moon Goddess - Artist Josephine WallThese precious cycles happen for men too, though commonly they are not named as such. We call them young men, Fathers, old men – without particular reverence. The Mankind Project helps men celebrate coming of age, provides initiations to the honorable stages of men’s lives, helps them attain self respect, develop givingness to others, and much more. Baby boys are adorable too. They become spirited young men, eager to find their own way, to love, to become good shareholders, contributors to the enterprise, to be active in planetary action. They can become dear husbands, dedicated Fathers to our children, guardians of our society. As wise elder men, mentors, they guide younger men coming along, the next generation. They teach life skills, save us time, get us to think more efficiently. Bless and be grateful to our champions.

Daily Companions  Cancers are treasured companions. They laugh and mourn with us. They tell us when we are really being ridiculous and we listen because we know they care ~ and likely there is a grain of truth in what they are saying. We cook, break bread and give each other recipe books, remodel the kitchen together! It’s really the recipe of Life we are learning. Shopping is terrific, comparing prices, getting important things we will use daily, baby clothes to antique furniture. Buying a home together is ultimate. No nook or cranny is overlooked when a Cancer is around. Art, music and family photos fill our homes and hearts. It’s great to share Meaningful Milestones! First date, prom. Off to college, first job. Marriages, first home, first baby, first teeth, all the graduations! Pictures and albums, mementos are sweet documents. One day you might find yourself mining the genealogy of your ancestors!

Sacred Goddess Gaia, Earth Mother  In the highest sense of the Divine Feminine, we look to taking care of our planet and humanity. Our Planet is our home. She needs care ~ clean air and water, safe living conditions, protected creatures, plants. Motherhood takes on new dimensions as the whole planet gets connected through the internet. We are becoming a world village and realize what affects one, affects us all as it ripples through and around us. We learn from each other. We act collectively as climate changes happen. We realize the talents, values each has to share. Some things will be technological while others will take us back to the simplest basics, like being able to grow our own food.

Blessed be every day of your sweet life…

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Cancer 2019 Celestial Highlights!  

Astronomy 7.12.19 Sun Cancer - Moon Jupiter with Antares

This is going to be pretty! July 12,13,14 Moon with Jupiter and Antares! 

On the evenings of July 12, 13 and 14, 2019, watch for the bright waxing gibbous moon to swing by the giant planet Jupiter. Fortunately, the king planet is so bright that this world can easily withstand the lunar glare. After all, Jupiter is the 4th-brightest light in the heavens, after the sun, moon and planet Venus. Venus is a morning object, virtually lost in the sun’s glare now, so there’s no way to mistake Venus for Jupiter in the July evening sky.

Solstice Facts!

Solstice brings extremes of daylight and darkness
In N. Hemisphere, noontime shadows are shortest at this solstice
Longest day for N. Hemisphere, but not the latest sunset
Shortest day for S. Hemisphere, but not the latest sunrise
The slowest sunsets come around the solstices

Thank you always to Doug McClure at EarthSky!

Cancer 2019-20 Timeline! Summer Eclipses!


20  Mercury Retrograde starts into the three part cycle in Cancer
21  Happy Cancer, Summer Solstice!
26  Mercury into Leo


2    Solar Eclipse New Moon
7    Mercury Retrogrades in Leo
16  Capricorn-Cancer Lunar Eclipse Full Buck Moon
Moon Occults Saturn and Pluto
19  Mercury Retrograde back in Cancer
22  Happy Leo!

Cancer Overview of Year to Come!

Cancer Women of 116th Congress 2018 Midterm Elections

The 116th Congress is the most diverse in history: 126 women take office, including 43 women of color. Yet this new diversity is confined to one party. Let’s build, further diversify. Support your women, ALL women! Here’s why!

June 16 and 18 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune were together again, closely and retrograde this time. The first set was at 14 degrees. They were at 18 degrees. First Jupiter, immediately followed, by, with, Saturn. Jupiter off in the square – yes and no. Saturn said I see the part of this that has value, how can we make that happen? Now they are laying back until fall, but are continuously close in degrees. They finish Sep 21 Jupiter, Nov 8 Saturn. After the Sep aspect they part company, but both the Sep and Nov aspects are at 16 degrees!  So it goes 14, 18, 16 degrees. If you have chart factors at 16 degrees you will be connected to all three sets!

Nov 8 concludes the six aspects with Neptune, all happening while Jupiter is in its own sign Sagittarius! At that time it will be exactly a year ago, Nov 8, 2018, that Jupiter went into his own sign Sagittarius. These aspects with Neptune, the Dreamer, have opened our senses, making us aware of new dreams and beliefs. Times have changed!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter/Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Mercury acted as witness to the Ecliptic event and observer, documentarian of what he saw at that time and the results in the year following. Conjunct the Sun, the Transit of Mercury Eclipse, Mercury will be empowered by solar light, to express himself in the most radiant manner possible! People will listen. Mercury is the information gatherer, messenger. Mercury is strengthened to receive then report on Jupiter at the GALACTIC CENTER! He puts it in perspective, knows the meaning, intention, long term purpose! Mercury is the neighbor you know; Jupiter is, in this case, the galactic traveler, a fascinating impressive stranger!

Pluto was at the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn 58 Rx. The Transit Mercury Eclipse will be sextile (opportunity) at 18 Scorpio 55 Rx. Mercury will move back to 11 SC 43 Rx when at the Galactic Center. Notice these are all retrograde. Retrograde means you have been there before and you will be again afterwards. It’s a 3 part cycle. Three chances. It’s good to get it right!

By November 8, 2019, all SIX of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s 2019’s outer planet aspects shall have been formed with Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. At times we are discouraged, overwhelmed, or Pandora’s box opens and we are over the top with wishes, crazy for believing in such miracles! Yet there it is, we want to try! Be inspired, break free from old fears! Saturn sextile Neptune is a peerless appraiser, even ‘sees’ what is not visible! If he’s behind you, he is determined to get the job done. Inimitable! Forget sleeping in, get up and get going, one step at a time if necessary, but do it! Those SIX aspects finish just before the Nov 11, eleven, eleven, Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter at the Galactic Center. Our Neptune imagination is being primed, tested, found strong and receptive!

These profound events will be during Sun in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The transmissions are taken in deeply, churned like good butter. Since Mercury is mind, Jupiter meaning, we may not witness physical change, especially with such an aspect as exotic and from so far away as the Galactic Center, but our Soul doesn’t miss a trick! Changes will seem to unfold for no reason and one day we realize there has become a difference.

Cancer may be hard pressed to stand strong to lay a balance to the Dec 2 entry of Jupiter into Earth sign Capricorn, it’s opposite sign. With Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn there will be 3 outer planets in Capricorn until Saturn enters Aquarius March 31, 2020! Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn July 1, 2020, and again, there will be 3 in Capricorn until Saturn makes his final shift into Aquarius Dec 16, 2020. Saturn will be in his own, more conservative sign Capricorn for the presidential elections. Jupiter and Saturn are both high mountain lovers, so looks like it’s going to be fun for some! Jupiter will make the travel plans; Cap will build the lodge! Jupiter quickly sees potential, offers encouragement, gathers the backers. Capricorn is ace at putting the right pieces together with terrific timing. Successful champions! The job comes in early, and the results are impressive! See more about Jupiter in Capricorn!

And that brings us to Jan 12, 2020, Saturn conjunct Pluto and Mar 21, The Crown! 

We are building to the 2020 Super Stellium! 3 outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn! New Year Day opens with 5 planets in Capricorn! Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Sun plus Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn! Jan 12 Saturn makes the on average 34 year exact conjunction with Pluto.

The CROWN! March 21 2020 When Saturn is about to leave Capricorn, the three outer planets, along with Mars, are in culmination, as close as they will get, all four in a 7 degree Stellium! Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! Peter Novak has studied outer planet stelliums and found that in the last 2000 years, allowing a 5 degree range, there were only 23 three outer planet stelliums! Yes, if he had allowed 7 degrees, there would be more, but still, they are uncommon. See all about it

There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean.

April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. Whatever demons or glory, tragedies or triumphs formidable Saturn shall have faced, Jupiter will optimistically pick up the pieces, repurpose. Pluto will see the promise of profit financially and spiritually. It will be an explosion of clearing for future works, secrets discovered, major funding attained, ‘keepsakes’ will be in the plans to be built ~ like a mini renaissance, yet more secrets will be made too. Bad will be healed, the rest is hallelujah! LOTS of big news! Super power plays will abound as the Nov 3 Presidential Election approaches.

The opposite pole April 4 through June 29 is it will be mass tragedy. More powerful secrets made, concealment and lies to cover. Be ready to help, protect yourself and others until this period passes after another 5 years. Seriously start making alliances with capable and trusted family, friends and associates now. Keep your emergency kit and supplies up to date for on-the-ground environmental conditions likely in your area, have a plan in mind. The aspects will hold at 24 to 26 Capricorn. If you have factors at or very close to those degrees you may be called into action. Challenges for Aries, Libra and Cancer, Gemini and Leo. More easy for Taurus and Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The third and final Jupiter conjunct Pluto is Nov 12, at 22 Capricorn, the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto! This is the aspect is the last major aspect link of the whole set that started Oct 30, 2018! It carries the experience of the previous two Jupiter/Pluto aspects, is the upcoming aspect when the Presidential Elections are held Nov 3 2020. Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in their own signs up to Dec 2, 2019! See Jupiter in Sagittarius That’s a lot of pure strong energy. Jupiter and Neptune are in malleable signs, in astrological terms, mutable. They are flexible, adaptable. Jupiter goes into Capricorn Dec 2. Saturn in Capricorn stomps his foot and calls for responsibility and to abide by the rules and laws, honor each other, your parents, the boss, elders and ancestors! You have to show him how and why that change you request makes sense. He’s a good balance to those other two wayward wanderers enamored in a moment, sometimes for no good reason. They are enjoying the show while he wants to know what’s real, what is doable. Neptune in Pisces senses our weak spots, and with compassion, converts them to strengths. We become aware of our Soul’s purpose.

Two outer planets change sign during Cancer’s coming year. Jupiter in Sagittarius enters Capricorn Dec 2. Saturn in Capricorn enters Aquarius Mar 21, 2020. Jupiter’s sign is where the good fortune is! Be ready to shift certain investments, adjust projects to new, additional goals. Saturn, quite at home in its own sign, suddenly finds himself in a sign quite unlike himself. Yet, Aquarius carries on the good work for all the world! While Capricorn loves the status and money, be guided by keeping your work in service to all. With earth changes, we will find ourselves working with many others in diverse environments under unusual conditions. Aquarius will expand your business, mission, if you let the change work for you. Blessed be.

Continuing abiding Aspect: Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background until 2021… In Cancer’s coming year they are exact only once in their new signs Aries/Taurus at Valentine’s time, Feb 15! See more about Chiron/Uranus 

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Annual Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

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Outer Planet Transits with Cancer 2019 – June 2020!

Cancer 2019 Oakland CA Painted Ladies Victorian Remodel

Oakland CA’s Painted Ladies! Victorian homes can be transformed inside and out! Maybe you will buy your first home this year or remodel the one you have. Remodeling is quite an adventure that ups that resale value and can make your home a great pleasure to live in!


Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter

Outer planets are the long term movers. Pluto and Neptune move only 3 degrees a year. Uranus orbits at 84 years, and Chiron at 51 years. They are advancing about 4 degrees a year for now. Saturn takes 28/29 years to make its orbit, Jupiter only 12 years, a sign a year! Depending on astrological patterns, some ‘events’ in our lives take many years, where others may happen toot sweet, right on or very near the date the event is exact! Some ‘events’ are not physical, but in our minds or Spirits. No one might ‘see’ them but you. Complex planetary patterns may overlap each other or be singular and direct. Some repeat; others are once in a lifetime. Some people have aspects others never have. Others have had aspects you won’t have until much later. Your astrologer can help you with your personal timing, understanding and strategies.

PLUTO is still in Capricorn but is changed. Oct 30, 2018 it made the rare 248 year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic and is now below the Ecliptic! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path around earth! Pluto’s debris was lighted, declared to be outmoded, cleared away. He was not only cleared, but became free to be charged with energy beyond imagination! His healing powers have increased exponentially! He gave that very energy to Sun and the Light itself is now more clear and radiant! So fresh, this is a powerful time for all of us, but especially Capricorns because this HAPPENED IN THEIR SIGN! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio or Capricorn, have also been cleared and infused! Some will go to the Light, others might need some time out to be able to stand up again. None of these factors, Capricorn, Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested even them.

Pluto is moving from 20 to 25 Capricorn during Cancer’s year to come. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile aspect, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 23 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in these degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, mighty healing and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Pluto in Cap can seem like regular business to Cancers. Pluto is the water planet of Scorpio; Cancer too is a water sign. Cancer and Capricorn rule the home/career signs, the axis of Mother/Father. They coexist, always aware of each other, separate but interdependent. Mom needs Cap’s shelter; Papa needs Cancer’s nurturing. Cap helps keep Cancer from going too emotional. Cancer reminds Cap to be aware of human feelings. Pluto clears, heals, restores the balance. He scans for discrepancies, weak spots, adds love and power at times it is most needed. Pluto’s alliances can be gathered to help Cancer’s community efforts to protect women and children, fund educational projects, preserve basic family mores, raise our standards. Pluto can partner with us, teach us investment techniques until we can fund ourselves!

NEPTUNE is in his own sign Pisces. He is a water planet in the last water sign, the last sign, seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors 15 to 20 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Neptune and Cancer are both artists, music lovers, ones who help others. Neptune adds to Cancer’s already strong ‘psychic’ ability, showing us the greater dreams of all humanity. Cancers can be very focused on their own culture and family, yet find a lot can be shared with people of other cultures. Cultural difference may present no danger at all! That difference can be a blessed asset each gives. Neptune shows Cancers how amazing and wonderful the nutrition Cancers can teach is. It can heal people with various disorders, drug problems, how prevention is so valuable. Neptune knows how valuable safe comfortable shelter is that Cancer can help provide. So many are suffering without basic clean water… And Neptune’s dreams and visions are so very personal we are inspired beyond what we ever thought could be. How could we have forgotten what we once longed for so dearly?

URANUS, Aquarius’s planet, covers 2 to 9 Taurus! In Taurus it will anchor and build on change worthy ideas that need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network. They need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on. A lot of earth changes we are witnessing are massive, coming suddenly, hot and heavy. The very land is changing, affecting food supplies and location choices about where to live. There is a lot of instability financially. We need to have backup funds, supplies, stay flexible. See more about the Aries to Taurus sign change.

Taurus invents simple. To freedom lover Uranus, being in Taurus may feel too slow, too close for comfort, so unexciting. Yet to Taurus, Uranus being in his sign may be the most fun he’s had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Uranus himself is shocked to find walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! It’s a whole new dimension compared to that desk chair in the still dead-air plastics scented office! Taurus may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Supercharged divine body electric!

Cancer is hawk-eye watching things unfold in every direction. Change isn’t always welcome at first. Traditions we relied on as givens are fading quickly. In many situations there will be little time to think it over, fewer choices. Good thing Cancers are intuitive and fast on their feet. Cancer is quick to see an opportunity, be first to sign up for the new class, get the new instructor! Foods are taking on new meaning, whether you grow it yourself, learn how it affects your body, is a natural remedy. Fresh and organic are worth it. Farsighted choices of land areas, could mean buying before prices rise. What you choose as an investment now may become quite valuable later on for personal use. Water will be a #1 factor. Children will ever be important. Uranus may make remarkable electronics available. Uranian genius may find new ways to live basic skills. Being well connected with Earth may save our lives.

CHIRON will be in Aries through 2027. In Cancer’s year, he will cover 1 to 9 Aries, activating any factors you have in those degrees. Chiron has been and will be traveling very closely to the same degrees as Uranus, the Aquarian planet, but in different signs! This has been going on since 2008 and continues through 2021, 13 years. Chiron has become more future minded and Uranus has taken on some shamanistic qualities. There is a subtle camaraderie with Aquarius. See more Aries is the first of the zodiacal signs, takes action! Uranus’s sign change into Taurus is making a shift in the foundation, now starting to hold steady.

If you have Chiron in these degrees, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about the head, brain and eyes. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too! In Aries, may start his own business and, loving independence, may be reluctant to marry…

Chiron in Aries may come in good will, but be a little too pushy for Mom sign Cancer! Harrumph. Chiron is feeling his oats. He has often held the back seat, and it’s his turn now to stand up! Chiron is trying on some new healing ingredients and techniques. Cancer’s Mom told her the healing practices her mother’s mother’s mother told her. So listen, maybe give the new stuff a try, you can always go back, or, hey, maybe show Chiron how they might be integrated. Some of those old remedies have worked for centuries, you know. Don’t let yourself be rushed. Pay attention to the new business skills offered. Chiron, quick in Aries, may be long gone, but you find the best of what he had to offer does work. Be cautious of marriage offers. Cancer wants security. Aries may promise, but not be able to do it. In Aries, Chiron can do a successful startup so quickly you can hardly believe it! If he remains in leadership, it can be challenging enough for him to hold and stay, opening branches, a franchise. That could work for Cancer. But don’t be surprised if he opens further and different types of businesses!

SATURN builds from 13 Capricorn to 1 Aquarius!

Saturn is working the last half of his own sign Capricorn! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. Many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better, or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! Now, in its own sign, it is truly full height! Those of you with Saturn 13 to 29 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns now through March 21, 2020! There will be more traditional endeavors.

  1. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!
  3. Around age 87, many are now experiencing their 3rd Saturn Return! Things don’t bother them as much. They enjoy what they want to, sometimes something they always wanted to do! They say what they think. There are losses of friends and loved ones. Health matters more – they are often quite brave. Family can mean a lot or if alone, friends do. Age can mean honors, even just for making it that long! Capricorn is the sign of time, elder hood. This is generally a strong time for them.

Saturn in its own sign, Earth sign Capricorn, is a force! Young people conduct themselves seriously and old people are more healthy, younger than others their age, strong and cheerful! Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the time, being on time, are all assets. They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand science and structures – concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation – more done with less effort, use less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost, build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves. As seniors they don’t quit. They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are truly golden – art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids!

Cancer has always been Capricorn’s equal no matter how women’s voting and property rights have been legally. Capricorn can’t do without the woman in their lives to care for them and their children. Capricorn essentially works for Cancer. And she needs his provision of shelter, earnings for upkeep, especially while she is having the babies. Though they have different demeanors, Cancer soft, Capricorn no nonsense, they have the same goals. It’s hard to preach to a Cancer about being frugal when they are already secretly putting grocery $ aside for the kids, a new coat, college education. Capricorn really already knows he depends on Cancer’s intuitive feelings, so he says one thing to her while wanting her to help him anyway. Raising kids can be a challenge between them. Capricorn wants his boys to be strong, a credit to the community and Father’s standing. Too much ‘coddling’ makes him afraid, at heart, that his boy will be bullied, not able to stand up for himself, do life’s business, and that’s generally not a good thing. And for girls to be be Daddy’s girl is not always a good thing either. Cancers, do your best. Learn more about these matters. Otherwise, if you are out in the business world yourself, a good mentor is always a blessing. Watch how the successful ones do things. Be sure they are good people, not in it for greed and lost their Souls. Stay in your heart. It matters to your children.

Returns March 20 to July 1, 2020 are at 0 and 1 Aquarius! Saturn/Capricorn are of the sign just before Aquarius. Saturn can set the mark. If the goal is amazing enough, all-encompassing enough to challenge Aquarius’s talents, AQ will be on board! He will make computer diagrams, research materials, legends, why it can work now, for years, even centuries, it has not been possible before. Aquarians are delighted to learn new techniques and learn so quickly, you lose little time while they do. In fact, your results may become 10-fold in a lot less time than usual! If you are working on challenging new sustainable options, Aquarius will love this new humanitarian effort. Being on the same page, whatever it is for the two of you, makes for a healthy Spirit and union. Many amazing like minded friendships may come, or if you are overwhelmed or need time to recenter, you may take time away and enjoy being on your own. If you are in business or want to spread the word about a project, your networking can go worldwide through social media! Concentrate on humanitarian and sustainability facets of your ventures and investments.

Cancer still feels the Saturn hand in things, but in Aquarius it is more progressive, lighter and at times Saturn laughs and it’s a frolic! Who would have thought?! Saturn can be a real comedian! He’s been there and knows the problems. Aquarius is off in space or kinky crazy, usually a bit of both. If the humanitarian side comes through, it’s big potatoes time! Guided by Saturn’s business skills, it’s networking to the max. Cancer is totally onboard with this, an excellent business person themselves! Watching the big guys do their stuff is impressive and Cancer, quick on the uptake, uses their model quite well! Saturn in Aquarius works planetary media; Cancer get the story to the community, the women. Saturn takes charge of current evolution, the science of gathering Souls to make necessary change just as fast as possible. The climate isn’t waiting for anyone, and Cancer understands the gravity of sudden land changes. It isn’t a time to be too old fashioned. Data is checked and rechecked. Important connections are made at local levels, arranging exchanges and discussions of techniques. Aquarius introduces Cancer to history makers! Wanting to serve them well and personally make history, Cancer improves his skills, seeks the most potent media places to plant their stories that the information can spread quickly. It invites others to keep the stories and sharing going. It’s a great life recipe!

JUPITER moves from 14 Sagittarius to 27 Capricorn

Jupiter stays in Sag until moving into Capricorn Dec 2. Jupiter/Sagittarius never fail to impress. It can be a hero, and there are plenty of those at this time. It can be a knowledge or wisdom of an exalted teacher and that might be your local high school teacher. It can be a journey of great beauty or a maximum athletic achievement. A boundless love, a loving kindness, a gift, sharing. All these touch our hearts and make a story to remember. Fortunes gained and lost, wagers won and lost, starting from nothing to making it to the top of the mountain! And if it’s bad, it can be really bad. No thieving or robbing. While traveling and your money is low, no taking something because you need it ‘more than they do.’ Big stories yes, cons no. No ‘accidental’ slander, bearing false witness, prejudice. Stay with respectful truth and honesty. Keep the long term in mind. Keep your higher ethics in place, morality intact; visit the sacred place when you need to. Keep learning in every direction.

Jupiter in Sag and Cancer both highly value education. Jupiter is university level education; Cancer is a lifelong learner, course after course. Jupiter travels worldwide while Cancer is a homebody. Jupiter does imports/exports, publishes travel guides, while Cancer runs the restaurant, buys and sells real estate, runs community services businesses. Jupiter often doesn’t marry; Cancer has kids of their own and adoptees too! Jupiter seeks meaning while Cancer trusts tradition. So Jupiter may tease Cancer into thinking more about why what ‘truth’ is these days, who to get it from, check its integrity. The info might go public, into a textbook, guide life’s travelers. Is it for time out entertainment or timely to save the planet, our children and homes? Accuracy could be crucial. Does it have a spark of the exotic that catches our attention, is it funny even if serious? If Cancer thinks an update is important, they can draw siblings, neighbors, community into united action in as little as a few days! Cancer intuits the most effective links, introduces then around the table.

Jupiter in Capricorn fairly streaks through Capricorn, getting to the 27th degree, almost completely through Cap, by May 20, 2020! At that point it retrogrades and continues in Capricorn until Dec 2020. It makes work the most fun it ever was! You could be the visitor who is remembered for all the work you did! You might be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. Jupiter will help you jazz up your home, give you such good advice you can’t help doing it! They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference. Don’t keep your lucky Jupiter charm. They need to travel, check out the territories. If you hire them, send them to the training seminars furthest away or send them to teach it! If they have too much routine, they will run away. Poof. Gone. Import/exports they are involved with might work well for you too. Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits and don’t invest in great sounding whims. Check things out. If you have had doldrums, Jupiter can cheer you up like a champ. You are encouraged because they act like you can do it, and it’s truth! See more 

Jupiter in Capricorn can exaggerate the rules, but he and Cancer, who wants security, will likely work something out reasonably. Jupiter has big ideas, could be a bit demanding and feel it is his right to demand hard work for important purposes. Cancer knows her priorities. Children, home first, then we’ll talk. Jupiter has that great big smile, you know – happy to know you, and people can’t resist doing what they can for him. Jupiter often has great success, so it’s worth the effort, and Jupiter is working for more to come! This is just the foundation investment for the future. Cancer remains cautious, not generally taken in by merely a pretty face, especially a stranger’s. Cancer may at times have a ‘baby’ face, but she raises kids, you know! She’s rulemaker and taskmaster, so you better worth your salt! But if Cancer feels to go ahead, will give it his all. Cancer has community connections and an All American 4th of July appeal. Jupiter in Capricorn may bring that to a greater height yet! Cancer will stay loyal as long as everyone’s highest good is the order of the day. Jupiter does need to travel. He may be back or perhaps it may be wiser to hire him as a consultant…one who comes and goes. Jupiter needs to have plenty of air space or the butterfly will be gone and no matter how impressive, you will be forgotten. Cancer, ever the understanding Mother, is kind. Jupiter did get a lot done in a short time, Cancer treasures the new expertise, will long remember how that it was done, the exciting time together.

If you have factors in Sagittarius and/or Capricorn in your chart at these degrees, this could be prime time to visit the positive areas on your AstroLocality map. See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length, some are positive appearing but have other hidden factors.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. The experience you have depends on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible.

Happy Birthdays, Cancers! We are ever grateful for your care!

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Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….   

See the entire Cancer 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.


Happy Birthdays, Cancers!

Cancer 2019 Áine Irish Goddess of Summer

Áine (ON-ya) is an Irish Goddess of summer, love, protection, fertility, wealth and sovereignty. In her role as Sun Goddess, she could take the form of ‘Lair Derg’, a red mare that no one could outrun, in order to walk among her people. She was both a Goddess and a Faerie Queen. She has been known by other names, such as the Lady of the Lake, the Goddess of the Earth and Nature, and the Goddess of Luck and Magick. 

Wishing you a Sweet & Wonderful Magical Midsummer!

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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Pisces 2019 Celestial HighLights

Pisces ~ We need a Revolution and it starts with Falling in Love with the Earth  

Pisces Boy Shell Communion Gregory Colbert

So says UpliftConnect.com This image is by famed filmmaker and photographer Gregory Colbert, the Creator of Ashes and Snow. As of 2010, Ashes and Snow attracted over 10 million visitors, making it the most attended exhibition by a living artist in history. In Venice…

Communion is a colossal word. It’s a form of Grace. We merge, we share. It may be here before our eyes, or the awareness of a profound presence. It may be holy or desecrated. It is a form of phychism that tunes us to save another from their pain, or make us run for our lives and save ourselves. It becomes loving kindness beyond words. It’s a form of blessingway. Some are born to it, others of us are working on it, others are yet to have the experience.

Pisces brings us the gift of Understanding. It’s a stepping stone to Communion. When we understand, we can forgive and let go. When others understand us, we feel acknowledged, sometimes validated. This precious connection encourages us all, both giver and receiver, to continue to live, in harmony, with our fellow beings. Our Spirits are enhanced to do the love work of the world, to learn, to heal. When we feel safe enough, our understanding is great enough, there will be Communion. It goes beyond observation and bestowment. There is a union. We become one in Heart.

Pisceans show us how. Gregory Colbert, and so many artists of the Soul, sweetly illustrate this process. Musicians bring Spirit through sound, whether calling us to action with rousing rock and roll, a melody that makes us cry – either for happy or deep longing, sadness, a symphony that blends hundreds of sounds, myriads of delicate moments, or a single flute playing poignantly in the desert canyon calling the Ancestors to us.

Pisceans take us to sea, way out to nowhere. Ocean sports require us to meet the elements, to adjust moment to moment to tidal shifts. We are in training to humbly accept not knowing. We BE with ourselves at our greatest personal depths. We see there are powers far greater than one human being. Being a human doesn’t save our lives, but how we be a human can.

We go to the ashram, to take silence so we may hear what else there is besides ourselves and our own mind. We sit so we may feel, know our own heart beating, the earth’s own breath. There is divine music, divine Soul. We learn that nothing is something.

Surrender in a good way marks an open heart. We have to feel safe with ourselves to get there, otherwise we are always holding the weight of the protective Shield. Part of us is in distraction, not able to fully engage in what comes our way. Check in with yourself and see what it is that scares you, learn how you can deal with it in a good way. Doors will open. Spiritual health brings redemption, raises us up to be able to fulfill our dreams.

Accepting the great finality may be the ultimate Communion. Our connection with Earth literally feeds us – she grows our food. We come to know her creatures and our part as one of them, our connections with each other human to human. We learn of great beings, Spirit, tall trees, long lived stones, that witness our journeys life after life. We sense Humanity as a great collective in progress, evolution. When we come to the ‘end’ of this existence often so much becomes clear, what is really important. Love is often the final answer.

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Pisces 2019 Celestial Highlights!  

Feb Mar 2019 Astronomy Moon with Jupiter Saturn Venus

Bruce McClure is calling it Moon, 3 planets spectacular before dawn! February summary: Mars shines in the evening sky all month long, whereas Venus, Jupiter and Saturn adorn the morning sky. Mercury comes into view in the evening sky in the second half of the month. Click here for recommended almanacs; they can help you know when the planets rise and set in your sky. Thanks to Bruce and Earthsky for the info and image!

Pisces 2019 Timeline!


18   Happy Pisces!
Chiron into Aries!
First day of Pisces Mercury Retrograde Cycle
19   Full Snow SuperMoon


5   Mardi Gras
6   Uranus into Taurus! 0:35 AM Pacific

New Moon 8:04 AM Pacific
10  DST begins
17  Happy St Patrick’s Day!
20  Happy Aries & Spring Equinox!

Pisces Overview of Year to Come!

First, and ‘right now,’ Pisces hosts the Chiron and Uranus final sign changes! Chiron enters Aries on the first day of Pisces, Feb 18! Uranus enters Taurus March 6 on the New Moon! We have 16 days of both of them together in Aries, collaborating on Uranus’s 7 years of experience, and Chiron’s new plans! Uranus worked so hard to give Chiron a good head start, to open and pave the way for Chiron’s success. Chiron will follow up on what Uranus has started, bringing some favorable outcomes. After those initial 16 days, Uranus will then go on into Taurus until April 2026.   

While Chiron finished Pisces, we reviewed our choices and remembered why some things are so important to our Spirits, how healing of subtle factors can be as crucial as getting your bricks in row. Uranus in Aries brought plenty of drought and fires in the western US, with floods in the East. Hopefully, in Taurus, fertility will be naturalized and balance restored. There are a lot of earth changes ahead. Chiron takes 51 years to orbit and Uranus 84 years. It will be that long before they will be in Pisces and Aries again!

An impressive sequence of unusual aspects started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter/Saturn with Neptune are at 18 Pisces. The coming nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! Saturn conjunct Pluto is precisely linked to the the powerful aspect, same degree and sign, most close to the 2020 Presidential Elections. Some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Mercury acted as witness to the Ecliptic event and observer, documentarian of what he saw at that time and the results in the year following. Conjunct the Sun, the Transit of Mercury Eclipse, Mercury will be empowered by solar light, to express himself in the most radiant manner possible! People will listen. Mercury is the information gatherer, messenger. Mercury is strengthened to receive then report on Jupiter at the GALACTIC CENTER! He puts it in perspective, knows the meaning, intention, long term purpose! Mercury is the neighbor you know; Jupiter is, in this case, the galactic traveler, a fascinating impressive stranger!

Pluto was at the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn 58 Rx. The Transit Mercury Eclipse will be sextile (opportunity) at 18 Scorpio 55 Rx. Mercury will move back to 11 SC 43 Rx when at the Galactic Center. Notice these are all Rx, retrograde. Retrograde means you have been there before and you will be again afterwards. It’s a 3 part cycle. Three chances. It’s good to get it right!

By November 8, 2019, all SIX of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s 2019’s outer planet aspects shall have been formed with Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. At times we are discouraged, overwhelmed, or Pandora’s box opens and we are over the top with wishes, crazy for believing in such miracles! Yet there it is, we want to try! Be inspired, break free from old fears! Saturn sextile Neptune is a peerless appraiser, even ‘sees’ what is not visible! If he’s behind you, he is determined to get the job done. Inimitable! Forget sleeping in, get up and get going, one step at a time if necessary, but do it! Those SIX aspects finish just before the Nov 11, eleven, eleven Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse and it’s sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter at the Galactic Center. Our Neptune imagination is being primed, tested, found strong and receptive!

These profound events will be during Sun in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The transmissions are taken in deeply, churned like good butter. Since Mercury is mind, Jupiter meaning, we may not witness physical change, especially with such an aspect as exotic and from so far away as the Galactic Center, but our Soul doesn’t miss a trick! Changes will seem to unfold for no reason and one day we realize there has become a difference.

Pisces, ever sensitive to change, notices the Dec 2 entry of Jupiter into Capricorn is different this time. There is a more serious note, even an urgency. Education becomes a prime agenda, immigration not far behind. With Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn there will be 3 outer planets in Capricorn until Saturn enters Aquarius March 31, 2020! Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn July 1, 2020, and again, there will be 3 in Capricorn until Saturn makes his final shift into Aquarius Dec 16, 2020. Saturn will be in his own, more conservative sign Capricorn for the presidential elections. Jupiter and Saturn are both high mountain lovers, so looks like it’s going to be fun! Jupiter will make the travel plans; Cap will build the lodge! Jupiter quickly sees potential, offers encouragement, gathers the backers. Capricorn is ace at putting the right pieces together with terrific timing. Successful champions! The job comes in early, and the results are impressive! See more about Jupiter in Capricorn!

And that brings us to Jan 12, 2020, Saturn conjunct Pluto and Mar 21, The Crown!

We are building to the 2020 Super Stellium! 3 outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn! New Year Day opens with 5 planets in Capricorn! Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Sun plus Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn! Jan 12 Saturn makes the exact 34 year conjunction with Pluto.

The CROWN! March 21 2020 When Saturn is about to leave Capricorn, the three outer planets, along with Mars, are in culmination, as close as they will get, all four in a 7 degree Stellium! Peter Novak has studied outer planet stelliums and found that in the last 2000 years, allowing a 5 degree range, there were only 23 three outer planet stelliums! Yes, if he had allowed 7 degrees, there would be more, but still, they are uncommon. See all about it

Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in their own signs most of Pisces new year! See Jupiter in Sagittarius That’s a lot of pure strong energy. Jupiter and Neptune are malleable signs, in astrological terms, mutable. They are flexible, adaptable. He goes into Capricorn Dec 2. Saturn in Capricorn stomps his foot and calls for responsibility and to abide by the rules and laws, honor each other, your parents, the boss, elders and ancestors! You have to show him how and why that change makes sense. He’s a good balance to those other two wayward wanderers enamored in a moment, sometimes for no good reason. They are enjoying the show and while he wants to know what’s real, what is doable. Neptune in Pisces senses our weak spots, and with compassion, converts them to strengths. We become aware of our Soul’s purpose.

Continuing abiding Aspect: Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background… In Pisces’s coming year they are exact twice in their new signs Aries/Taurus – June 30, 2019 and Feb 15, 2020 – at Valentine’s time!  See more about Chiron/Uranus  

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Annual Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

Outer Planet Transits with Pisces 2019 – Feb 2020!

Pisces Miracle Being Born Danielle Bhavya Winter

A luminous miracle being born…by mystic Artist Danielle Winter of Bonn, Germany

OUTER PLANETS WITH PISCES – Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter

Outer planets are the long term movers. Pluto and Neptune move only 3 degrees a year. Uranus at 84 years, and Chiron at 51 years, are advancing about 4 degrees a year for now. Saturn takes 28/29 years to make its orbit, Jupiter only 12 years, a sign a year! Depending on astrological patterns, some ‘events’ in our lives take many years, where others may happen toot sweet, right on or very near the date the event is exact! Some ‘events’ are not physical, but in our minds or Spirits. No one might ‘see’ them but you. Complex planetary patterns may overlap each other or be singular and direct. Some repeat; others are once in a lifetime. Some people have aspects others never have. Others have had aspects you won’t have until much later while others have them late and yours happened while you were young. Your astrologer can help you with your personal timing, understanding and strategies, compare your chart with another’s.

PLUTO is still in Capricorn but is changed and still changing! Oct 30, 2018 it made the rare 248 year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic and is now below the Ecliptic! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path around earth! Pluto’s debris was lighted, declared to be outmoded, cleared away. He was not only cleared, but became free to be charged with energy beyond imagination! His healing powers have increased exponentially! He gave that very energy to Sun and the Light itself is now more clear and radiant! So fresh, this is a powerful time for all of us, but especially Capricorns because this HAPPENED IN THEIR SIGN! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio or Capricorn, have also been cleared and infused! Some will go to the Light, others might need some time out to be able to stand up again. None of these factors, Capricorn, Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested even them.

Pluto is now moving from 20 to 24 degrees. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile aspect, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 20 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, mighty healing and miraculous survival.  Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Pluto is deep and internal, protective, the Underworld. Pisces is the primordial sea of creation of Humanity. It is loose, but if you don’t pay attention to its warning signs, it takes you back. It is every bit as powerful as Pluto, Scorpio’s planet. Pluto heals your body, Capricorn your skin, bones and business. Pisces heals your spirit. Pisces understands Pluto Capricorn requests, but can ignore them, and Pisces can be hard to pin down. Yet if your request is about Soul work, a saving cause, an art or music event, Pisces will shapeshift into take-care-of-it mode. Don’t expect them to stay that way all the time. They need musing time, time away alone, time in the sea if possible. They come back with insights and visions. They may need rescuing or to be gathered back, but that time away is precious and worthwhile, even sacred.

NEPTUNE is in his own sign Pisces! He is a water planet in the last water sign, seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors 15 to 18 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Perfect for Pisces! It is so like him he may barely notice. Or he feels validated even if others don’t understand. He is strong, more aware than ever of his unique abilities to ‘see’ in many dimensions, to merge and learn what another way of life can be, how others feel. There are limits to compassion. He needs to guard himself from tempting seductions of any kind, to remain true to his own heart. Perhaps he needs to know how to limit time with negative influences, when to get help to stay clean. Curiosity isn’t always a reason to proceed. Keeping in a creative mode, working to heal ourselves and others, can keep our Spirit on course.

URANUS, Aquarius’s planet, will cover 29 Aries to 6 Taurus! Uranus entered Taurus May 15, 2018 the first time! Those of you with factors in the last couple degrees of Aries will be accomplishing the maturity of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future ideas that Taurus will anchor and build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network. They need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on. See more about the sign change.

Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is automatic. In fiery Aries, it’s been the First of everything, truly awakening! Aries is pretty unflappable, but this really shakes your space! Aries loves a challenge and new things. Rarely are they outdone in that dept, but Uranus has a bigger platform. It rules humanity, and although Aries is only one person, they step up because they know the value of key positions that make the difference! Uranus replaces some Aries circuits and the game is bigger yet! Can’t get enough! Young people have been fired up. The Awakener has opened their eyes! What powerful times we are in!

Uranus in Aries traversing Pisces has stirred every particle of Pisces through and through. Uranus is thunder and lightning; Aries is the fires of Initiation! It has not exactly been a comfort zone for Pisces that sleeps and dreams, likes time alone. Uranus is the collective of Humanity, the infernal Internet, LOL, and Aries is first responders and soldiers on the front line. Pisces doesn’t know whether to watch it like a movie, get out of the way for a few years or join up in self defense! Yet there are profound things being done and it often takes many to carry Light of such magnitude. Uranus is also loners, whether genius or antisocial or both. Aries is another wildcard independent. And Pisces loves time alone. We find that at times a single person stands up as a Voice, even children and young people (Aries). A Pisces martyr or savior can make a huge difference. Time to make alliances and pull together in behalf of these gallant people giving their lives. Pisces does most poignantly hear that call.

March 6, 2019 Uranus enters Taurus the final time. Taurus invents simple. It either feels too close for comfort, or it’s the most fun you’ve had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! You may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Divine body electric!

Taurus is a much more temperate comfy zone for Pisces. It helps Pisces ground, find a center of Peace. Taurus is aware of natural cycles and sees Pisces’s need for those yoga, meditation breaths. He may sit there too. When Taurus gains momentum, Pisces can easily keep up. Taurus asks them to come along and they go. Pisces can sense the deliberation, adds insights of his own. Though Taurus is earth, Pisces is not unfamiliar with the flora and fauna of the sea, the seabeds, the shifting sands at the tideline. They have always been coastal companions. Ebb and flow. Pisces absorbs all, remixes the percentages! Taurus wants to make beauty and Pisces has always wanted Divine Perfection. In quiet times these two could steal from the bank so slowly no one knows what happened. In stormy times, Taurus finds the lady may sweep him off his feet.

CHIRON, like Neptune has also been in Pisces, first entered Aries April 17 2018! After taking a foray into Aries, he is now back in Pisces until TODAY, Feb 18, 2019, first day of Sun in Pisces! He will cover 0 to 6 Aries, activating any factors you have in or very close to those degrees. See more Chiron has been and will be traveling very closely to the same degrees as Uranus, the Aquarian planet, but in different signs! This has been going on since 2008 and continues through 2021. Chiron has become more Aquarian-like and Uranus has taken on some shamanistic qualities. See more Pisces and Aries are the last and first of the zodiacal signs! Pisces believes; Aries takes action! There will be added flavor as Uranus enters Taurus, first a shift in the foundation, then, in time, a holding steady.

If you have Chiron in those degrees of Aries, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too!

Chiron is finished  with Pisces, but not forgotten. He has strengthened as the Shaman Healer, fluid in Pisces, taking only a moment to assess a situation. Pisces is the Dreamer visionary spiritualist musician. Chiron has been adding further healing and teaching abilities, updated right relationship counseling and current good business practices. Things are a lot different than they were 51 years ago! Chiron may approach it from Neptune’s point of view because they are both in Pisces, Neptune’s sign!

As Uranus leaves Aries, Chiron goes into Aries Feb 18 for 9 years, through 2027. Time to get more used to Aries. Chiron is well intended, and in Aries, wants you to have a better life right now! He commiserates all too well since he also carries a wound that won’t heal. Considering conditions in the world today, we will likely be grateful for some push from Aries. Aries inspires, leads us into immediate action! Chiron looks for ways to help make the new ways acceptable. Pisces may be thrilled to pick up the pace in view of the possibilities – so many things, people need a boost, to know that someone is taking point and they can gather, have hope! There are some refreshing ideas worth standing up for. Pisces has held visions for a long time. Steps are taking place to help those dreams come true! It’s a spiritual tide.

SATURN builds from 13 to 27 Capricorn.

Saturn entered his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. Many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better, or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! Now, in its own sign, it is truly full height! Those of you with Saturn 13 to 27 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns now through February 20, 2020! There will be more traditional endeavors.
  1. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!
  3. Around age 87, many are now experiencing their 3rd Saturn Return! Things don’t bother them as much. They enjoy what they want to, sometimes something they always wanted to do! There are losses of friends and loved ones. Health matters more – they are often quite brave. Family can mean a lot or if alone, friends do. Age can mean honors, even just for making it that long! Capricorn is the sign of time, elderhood. This is generally a strong time for them.

Saturn in it’s own sign, Earth sign Capricorn, is a force! Young people conduct themselves seriously and old people are more healthy, younger than others their age, strong and cheerful! Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the time, being on time, are all assets. They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand science and structures – concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation – more done with less effort, use less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost, build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves. As seniors they don’t quit. They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are truly golden – art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids!

Saturn/Capricorn are earth to Pisces ocean water! Saturn likes things that hold admirable power, but Pisces is rather ungovernable by anyone, and Saturn is earthly laws. If he can harness the sea in a good way, that works. Pisces may feel stifled on first encounter, since Pisces is a timeless free roving Soul of the Dreamtime Kingdom. Saturn is telling him what to do, and that time and timing make a difference. As empathic as Pisces is he can tell if Cap just wants his way or what’s best for us all. He’s willing to go with the time factor if the cause is more important than his immediate comfort. But Saturn must allow his Pisces guide to float and flitter a bit. That’s how Pisces snags those ideas, insights out of the ethers. You have to be relaxed enough to go with the flow, be one with what’s happening to see it wholly. Working together, Saturn can build those dreams that Pisces cherishes.

JUPITER moves from 14 Sagittarius to 17 Capricorn

Jupiter is a big fire planet, entered his own fire sign Sagittarius as of Nov 8 2018! Jupiter went into Sag at 4:38 AM Pacific. The huge Camp Fire in Paradise, California started that morning, first calls at 6:33 AM. Jupiter changing signs was preceded by an eventful NINE days started by the important 248 year aspect Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! I had written ‘Pay special attention to Nov 6, 7, 8!’ The Camp Fire took the lives of 85 people. Nov 15 nearby Chico CA had an AQI, Air Quality Index, of 350 at one point.

Jupiter stays in Sag the majority of 2019, until moving into Capricorn Dec 2. Jupiter/Sagittarius never fails to impress. It can be a hero, and there are plenty of those at this time. It can be a knowledge or wisdom of an exalted teacher and that might be your local high school teacher. It can be a journey of great beauty or a maximum athletic achievement. A boundless love, a loving kindness, a gift, sharing. All these touch our hearts and make a story to remember. Fortunes gained and lost, wagers won and lost, starting from nothing to making it to the top of the mountain! And if it’s bad, it can be really bad. No thieving or robbing. While traveling and your money is low, no taking something because you need it ‘more than they do.’ Big stories yes, cons no. No ‘accidental’ slander, bearing false witness, prejudice. Stay with respectful truth and honesty. Keep the long term in mind. Keep your higher ethics in place, morality intact; visit the sacred place when you need to. Keep learning in every direction.

Jupiter in Sag, double fire, can be a bit much for ocean water Pisces. Yet both can be runaways! Jupiter travels forever, and Pisces comes from where life from the sea was incubated and people have always sailed into the Forever. Jupiter is always learning and Pisces has shown people the most exotic places. Even now, air travelers cross the oceans, see the sunrises, sunsets of glory! If Pisces is swishing around happily, he doesn’t necessarily mind someone jumping in with him, and absorbs what is shared. Pisces is quick to tell if it is lies and scam or information that will make a blessed difference. If Pisces is quietly at meditation or the ashram a few months, he may find Jupiter to be too noisy, nosy, newbie opinionated, or oldie arrogant, one way or another without respect. They may not hit it off. If Pisces is hiding out, Jupiter will jump in his space and haul him off with him! Wow, forgot the world is such a big place and so many things need to be done! Jupiter has big plans and when the cause is right, Pisces will teach Jupiter a thing or two, LOL!

Jupiter in Capricorn makes work the most fun it ever was! You could be the visitor who is remembered for all the work you did! You might be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. Jupiter will help you jazz up your home, give you such good advice you can’t help doing it! They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference. Don’t keep your lucky Jupiter charm. They need to travel, check out the territories. If you hire them, send them to the training seminars furthest away or send them to teach it! If they have too much routine, they will run away. Poof. Gone. Import/exports they are involved with might work well for you too. Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits. If you have had doldrums, Jupiter can cheer you up like a champ. You are encouraged because they act like you can do it, and it’s truth! See more

Jupiter in Capricorn can exaggerate the rules, and Pisces can blissfully get away with saying ‘Rules? What rules?!’ Jupiter can laugh and applaud, he himself another runaway, but Capricorn doesn’t find that half funny! There’s are deadlines to be met, orders to get out. Depending on your Pisces, conformity may not be a reasonable expectation. If you still want them, the rules may have to bend a bit. But Jupiter and Pisces want good things for people and our earth, and Capricorn and Pisces have an agreement about laws of nature and Spirit. Jupiter working with Cap is having fun and Pisces likes what they are doing. Capricorn is practical, so listens to artful ideas Pisces has. Things go more smoothly as they all get used to each other. They all have a tad of spiritual flavor. Jupiter believes in temples, meeting places. Capricorn is the High Priest at times. Pisces is the Universal Guide. They may not use these words, but there is an unspoken knowing.

If you have factors in Sagittarius and/or Capricorn in your chart at these degrees, this could be prime time to visit the positive areas where they are on your AstroLocality map. See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length, some are positive appearing but have other hidden factors. They may be favorable at one time and not another.

If your Jupiter is in 14 Sag to 17 Capricorn, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. The experience you have will depend on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible.

Happy Birthdays, Dear Pisceans! May every day be filled with Magic & Miracles!  


Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….  

See the entire Pisces 2019 Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.


Happy Birthdays, Pisceans!

Pisces 2019 Tropical Beach Shell Philippines

Exquisite tropical Beach in the Philippines

May beauty fill your Soul forever.

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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Virgo 2018 Celestial HighLights 


Virgos ~ Smart, Hardworking, Dedicated!

Virgo 4 Planets Robert B Parker Author Office

4 Planets in Virgo, Sun, Mercury, Neptune & Jupiter, Robert B Parker was a 10-page-a-day hardworking mystery novelist, 65 novels, died at his desk. He made his dog Pearl famous as one of his ‘characters.’ Married 53 years to Joan, read more about their unusual marriage.

Smart, hardworking, dedicated and Magical! As writers Virgos make music and magic of all kinds, a sublime symphony of life! They take us all over the world in our minds. Among the pages we meet people we would have never met, learn about things we didn’t even know existed. Creation was never more wonderful! Our imagination is stirred beyond casual limits. We develop a broader instinct and stronger expectations! As with many crafts, Authors, bloggers, ad makers, carefully hone their talents to a fine art! As I sat down to write this, I was given two books about the White Lions of South Africa! I’m ready for the adventure…the next time you see me, I won’t be exactly the same as when you saw me before.

Virgos are adored for their helpfulness and commonsense. Maybe one of the things they do is write a how-to that gets you there and back, saves so much time! Could be on nursing, weaving, pets, growing veggies, with lots of images and a video so you can really see how it’s done by a pro. They do have intricate mind crevices, that work through layer after layer, and leave bread crumb links as they go so others can follow! They are experiential. They learn by doing. They can feel the texture and know if the connections are smooth.

Health is a complex matter. Virgo are devoted to health and wellbeing. They counsel your attitude, question your motives. There is sometimes a long ago mystery in your life that needs resolving before progress can be made in real time. Virgos research important details about quality of food, actual nutrition, natural herbal cures, factors that chemically cancel each other out or block success. They consider many viewpoints to get to a comprehensive holistic solution. That’s work. They add in an exercise regime that makes you so happy you actually do it! And they arrange groups or friends to do it with, so your life is humming, well integrated socially. You feel fully alive and ready for life! They are super caregivers.

Daily life is compelling for your Virgo. Every moment they want the best, a well organized and effortless flow. Cleaning up, giving away unused stuff is natural. They likely have a polished presentation that is well worth your time. They are always upgrading with the latest information. Many of the good things they do we take for granted – landscaping, house cleaning, at the library, accounting, technical assistance. When things don’t work, your Virgo can readily fix them and save the day! They are succinct at explaining the matter, the cause, the best gear for the job, where to get it, how to do better, prevention of future troubles. They follow up and recommend when to check back. They appreciate any extra training offered, learn it well. Don’t hesitate to send them to the best schools. Don’t be surprised if they become the instructor!

Workaholic? Don’t do it. Do what you love. If you do what you love, you want to be able to do it with verve! You keep your own health better so you can! If you do work out of false obligation, you get more tired more quickly. Your decisions aren’t up to par. You get dull and dry spirited. Definitely bored, maybe chronically depressed. You float rather than engage. You might get downright grumpy. Time to stand back and get back on center. Let someone else who would love that work do it. They will do better than you ever would or could because it is in their Spirit to do it. You be happy somewhere else!

If a Virgo loves you, you know you deserve it and they really do love you. They can be picky. If they don’t find anyone to the quality of their standards, they will live alone. Not necessarily lonely, because there is always so much to do. But if you are interested, you may need to find a way to get their attention without annoying them. They can even be a bit intimidating because they are so knowledgeable and to them, whatever they are doing is important! It may take a few times to get through. A note might work to start…’I know you are quite busy. When will you have a few minutes to talk? I need to ask you a question.’ At that time, get right to the point. Would you like to go for coffee, tea? Take them up on the window they offer, even if it is brief. They will appreciate your respect of their time. If things go well, they will make more time for you.

Virgos are not famous for their passionate love life, yet it is the sign of the Virgin. Ahem. Fresh as a daisy might have been said about them. Keep it clean, pay attention to your Virgo’s intimate requests. Take them away from work, turn off the phones, hire a well qualified assistant to take care of  the pets, water the plants. Late morning to mid afternoon is good timing. Let them get plenty of rest and do your most special things before they get tired. Feed them what they want. Overnights and mini vacations might be a perfect start or a way of life together. If they start worrying about things at home or their job, it’s time to honor that and get back.

Remind these good dear Souls that they are good! They are susceptible to criticism and are their own worst critics. That’s part of why they are so good at their work. And, ironically their ability at criticism is also one of their best talents as well. They can be excellent editors, book critics, write amazingly insightful letters to the editor, scan the production line to make needed updates. They can be excellent appraisers, and make dead on assessments. It often just takes a glance. They see an array of classic factors, and sure enough, it is as they suspected. They can save you a lot of time and money.

Virgos are often at the sides of professionals like lawyers, organizing, researching. Models almost always have Virgo in their charts. That is the pure clean virginal sweet look they can have. It becomes innocent to buy the most sexy offering at the fashion show! Teachers, Leos, often have Virgo in their charts. They back up what they say with impressive stats and details, show their students how to do it for themselves. Virgos are pros at how-to demonstrations. Stars and CEOs often have Virgo personal assistants. Stars and CEOS have a lot on their plates and need the best care because of the intensity of their work. It is taxing. They need help right down to having someone be sure you get a good meal and make sure you get to your appointments. Sometimes the assistant is brighter than the employer…but the assistant is smart to pick an employer with something extra special about them! When you interview a Virgo, you are being interviewed as well!

You Virgos are invaluable. We just couldn’t do it without you.

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Virgo 2018 Celestial Highlights!

Astronomy 9.10.18 Young Moon Crescent

VERY Young Moon (barely visible crescent) Sep 10/11! 

For some sky watchers, it’s great sport to try to catch a young moon that may – or may not – fleetingly show itself as a pale, skinny crescent in the western evening twilight. The chances of catching the young moon after sunset on September 10, 2018, vary greatly around the globe. South America is especially favored. It’s usually quite difficult to see any moon that’s less than one day (24 hours) old, and nearly impossible to spot any moon that’s less than 3/4th of a day (18 hours) old. Of course, it’s to your advantage to have binoculars handy and an unobstructed horizon in the direction of sunset, and a very clear sky, for seeking the young moon. Good luck! (Thank you Bruce McClure at EarthSky)

Virgo 2018 Timeline! 

2018 Virgo! Get out your calculators! If the Sep 11 & 12 aspects, on an increasing Moon, connect well with your chart, they could bring you some great results! (SEE your astrologer for your personal timing!)

22 Happy Virgo!
26 Full Moon
27 Mars forward out of Retrograde!

3 Labor Day
9 New Moon
10 Mars Aquarius
11 Sun sextile Jupiter, trine Pluto
25 Chiron in Aries retrogrades back into Pisces

October 30 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic!

Three outer planets, Uranus, Chiron, and Jupiter, are changing signs in Virgo’s year to come. Uranus & Chiron twice, Jupiter once, for a total of 5 times! Expect several maturities, intense endings, primal new beginnings and exciting new intentions with potent new people! There will be reviews as Uranus & Chiron retrograde back into their previous signs, and regroup in context of what they have been forward to see in their next signs. Chiron shifted from Pisces to Aries April 17. Less than a month later, Uranus shifted from Aries to Taurus May 15! Late in 2018 Jupiter will enter his own sign Sagittarius Nov 8.

Chiron and Uranus have both made their first sign changes. It has been Chiron at 51 years and Uranus at 84 years, since they were last in these signs! Uranus has been in Aries, fire, and shifted into Taurus, earth, May 15. No surprise Tutu Pele, Hawaiian Goddess of Fire, is venting, making lava fire of molten earth, changing the shape of Earth ~ both creator and destroyer! Volcán de Fuego in Guatemala was next. The next outer planet sign change will be Chiron. Now in Aries, Chiron will retrograde back into Pisces September 25. We will review our choices and remember why some things are so important to our Spirits, how healing of subtle factors can be as crucial as getting your bricks in row.

RETROGRADES emphasis! As of May 12, we started into the Mars/Mercury Double Retrograde sequence. See the Timetable please. That is complete now, and Mars directs Aug 27, finishes the cycle Oct 8! Oct 5 to Dec 6 Venus then Mercury retrograde back to back! Literally months of retrograde in 2018!

With the multiple sign changes and months of retrogrades, things will be dug up, soil turned, soups, stews and mixed salads made! We will all be quite different and get used to multiple kinds of change! We will be more comprehensive, more aware and alert to things we never considered before, expanded – to say the least!By September 2019, FIVE of 2019’s six outer planet aspects shall have been formed with Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. At times we are discouraged, overwhelmed, or Pandora’s box opens and we are over the top with wishes, crazy for believing in such miracles! Yet there it is, we want to try! Be inspired, break free from old fears! Saturn sextile Neptune, is a peerless appraiser, if behind us, is determined to get the job done. Inimitable! Forget the sleeping, get up and get going, one step at a time if necessary, but do it!

Oct 30, Pluto crosses the Golden Ecliptic at Pluto’s South Node, going from North to South! This is a once every 248 years event! See more!

Continuing abiding Aspect: Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background… In Virgo’s year they are exact twice – Jan 19 Pisces/Aries and June 30 Aries/Taurus of 2019! More

See the 2018 Special Edition Annual Newsletter! See the Aspects, Patterns, Sign Changes, Retrogrades, Stelliums, Lunar Dates as we finish the year!

Outer Planet Transits with Virgo 2018 – August 2019!

Virgo Health Strong Stride Couple Nordic Walking

Virgo in a healthy strong stride! Walking is free – fresh air, healthy heart, relaxing!

Pluto in Capricorn reached the beginning of the last third of Capricorn Feb 2018 moving from 18 to 23 degrees. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 21 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in these degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Pluto has been in trine with Virgo since 2008, gradually making its way along the degrees, now 2/3rds through, finishing Jan 2024. Something special may have started back then, taking years to comprehend fully. Virgo is thankful for the scrutiny of Pluto, another perfectionist, and is glad for Capricorn’s get-it-done encouragement. Yes there may be some gnashing of teeth when pet details must be left behind, or some quality sacrificed. They may sneak in unpaid at night to put on the final finishing details. It’s the principle of the matter, and their name is on it. You loved that project, but, sigh, it’s time to move on. There are even more glorious ones on the way and you will handle them well. Ultimately there will be a reasonable blend between your expertise and the timeline Pluto calls for. Yes, there is some pressure to perform, but you find you are better for it, and can do it. You too want the world to be a better place sooner than later.

Neptune is in its own sign, a water planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors between 13 and 18 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Pisces and Virgo are opposite and it is so apparent. Neptune sleeps and dreams, makes music, knows without knowing why or how, has addictions and sometimes illogical misty visions. Virgo is up and at it, exercise, shower, health food smoothie starts the day, clean machine! They are technically good at music, but not crazy at concerts. If anything, they would be the performer at the concert! Virgos are steady workers, sleep in their own bed. Neptune may blur their facts, drives Virgo crazy, but just the same gets them thinking and out of their rut. Neptune helps them understand why life is so different for the other person, so softens Virgo’s critique. The world becomes more than just the facts, sometimes even another dimension when Pisces’s visions prove true! Other times hard work and the facts really help the dream come true!

Uranus covers 28 Aries to 6 Taurus! Uranus entered Taurus May 15, 2018! Those of you with factors in these last two degrees of Aries will be accomplishing the maturity of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future that Taurus will build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network, cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, effortlessly carried on.

Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is automatic. In fiery Aries, it’s the First of everything, truly awakening! Aries is pretty unflappable, but this really shakes your space! Aries loves a challenge and new things. Rarely are they outdone in that dept, but Uranus has a bigger platform. It rules humanity, and although Aries is only one person, they step up because they know the value of key positions that make the difference! Uranus replaces some Aries circuits and the game is bigger yet! Can’t get enough! Young people have been fired up. The Awakener has opened their eyes! What powerful times we are in!

No matter what sign Uranus is in, Virgo finds themselves blinking rapidly! When Uranus is in Aries, Virgo in the ER grabs the patient from the emergency personnel and starts the stabilization process. Virgo tallies everyone’s hours and makes sure they get paid, taking care of these people who don’t have time and can be quite tired after fighting the fires of the land day and night. She may be tired herself. Important to get rest and take care of yourself as well. New ideas are coming in at light speed and Virgos are the perfect people to adjust, make the shifts. It may be annoying and unsettling when your routine is changed, but Virgos always want to do a good job, so they take it in hand as quickly as possible. Be sure to thank these Virgos for keeping things together.

Uranus in Taurus invents simple. Now in Taurus’s sign it will specialize in Taurus topics! It either feels too close for comfort, or it’s the most fun you’ve had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! You may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Divine body electric!

Earth signs Taurus and Virgo have simple and common sense. Though a little crazy with Uranus being in Taurus’s sign, the unexpected happening right and left, it can still be comforting to nervous Virgo. Virgo is a famed worrier, meeting one expectation after another. That can be exhausting. So the odd shocker is when Taurus says slow down, things will work out in the right time. Virgo can see they know of what they speak, so with a deep breath, an abiding patience and perseverance can come over them in a good way. They get it done on God’s time instead of other bleating beggars, and people come to see it’s just right after all! Trust. There will be a lot of support from Uranus’s friends, and working together smoothly, the job gets done sooner than planned and it looks good too!

Chiron, like Neptune has also been in Pisces, but now is in Aries, and covers different degrees, 27 Pisces to 5 Aries. It’s also close to the same degrees as Uranus, but in different signs! Chiron will retrograde back into Pisces for a while later on. See more. These are the last and first of the zodiacal signs! Pisces believes; Aries takes action! Chiron entered Aries April 17 2018! Chiron will activate any factors you have in those degrees.

If you have Chiron in those degrees of PIsces/Aries, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces, and the head, brain and eyes when in Aries. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too!

Chiron the Healer is fluid in Pisces, takes only a moment to assess a situation. Pisces is the Dreamer visionary spiritualist musician, while Chiron is seeking healing, teaching, right relationships and good business. Chiron may approach it from Neptune’s point of view, however because they are both in Pisces, Neptune’s sign! Virgo is the village healer with the medicine basket of herbs from way back. She knows her stuff. Chiron looks into how deep the wound is, back in the psyche as well as the body. He looks to see if it is chronic and needs a longer unraveling spell. Virgo will stay bedside as long as it takes. She’s clever and offers little things to do that intrigue the patient beyond the smaller world they have been living in. Sometimes Chiron helps her know how this has affected the patient’s relationships and business. Virgo calms with her herbs while Chiron introduces some new ideas.

On a 51 year cycle, Chiron goes into Aries for 9 years, through 2027. Time to get more used to Aries. Chiron is well intended, wants you to have a better life, commiserates all too well since he himself carries a wound that won’t heal. Considering conditions in some aspects of the world today, we will likely be grateful for some push from Aries. Aries inspires, leads us into the action! Virgo watches, takes the best ideas forward, integrates them into our daily living! Virgo’s pace is much more careful; she insists on learning the details for replication. Aries won’t stay long, but it was so worth the encounter! Once the seeds of these new ideas are planted, ‘Next!’ It’s imperative to continue the mission. Virgo tends the seeds and carries on in Chiron’s behalf. Steady on.

SATURN builds from 2 to 20 Capricorn. Saturn entered his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. In his own sign, many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! Now, in its own sign, it is truly full height! Those of you with Saturn 2 to 20 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns now through August 2019! There will be more traditional endeavors. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!

Saturn in Earth sign Capricorn can be a staunch advisor, mentor to apprentice Virgo. Saturn can tune up your timing, reputation, finances, how you build your relationships. It can arrange steady funding, a scholarship, or a job that suits your fine Virgo talents. Your work may be more demanding, and you may be honored by being asked to take charge of the project or the company. Your family may be expanding, your responsibilities along with that. Elders or children may need more of your time and care. A well qualified caregiver may arrive and become part of your family. It takes time to master your talents and hone them, but awards may come for the beautiful craftsmanship you have achieved. Document and register your work. Saturn helps you be timely, see what the priorities are, apply your attention to the right details that make the difference. It’s time for you to make a do-it-yourself video or speak to people that can use your help. Long term relationships, both personal and in business may be formed and marriages find more ways to work well.

JUPITER moves from 13 Scorpio to 24 Sagittarius!

Jupiter in Scorpio wants you to heal, to heal your relationship and be healed by them, and increase your financial potential while you do it! Scorpio charisma is compelling, and has nothing to do with beauty. It is from a wellspring within. Scorpio is doctor hood, from cleansing your personal plumbing, purging toxins, to forensics. Scorpio often has extraordinary personal healing capacity, and can save your life too! They want to know how things work, do research. Jupiter may take Scorpio worldwide to seek investments, study shamanistic skills, find answers to lifesaving questions. Old remedies the midwives knew may come back into use. Through journalistic research justice may come for those who have suffered long extreme abuse – land grabs, sexual abuse, calculated theft, slavery/human trafficking, murdering of children and animals. Secret factions may unite for prevention, education, exposé and social justice. Be safe. If you aren’t up to par, take time out. Let your Ninja 6th sense and stealth protect you.

Jupiter is the cheerful funny lucky traveler. While in Scorpio there is a deeper note and the journey might be more as an observer behind the scenes. Virgo and Scorpio have a lot in common. There are matters about sexuality, financial privacy, both are healers. Scorpio is the #1 sign of psycho therapists working at the deep levels. They help you sort out the underpinnings of your motives, the old, old wounds you didn’t know you had yet influence you to this day. Virgo keeps you in good health so Scorpio can do his work. Jupiter always has another plot to go somewhere, plus adventurous spontaneous options. He’s confident all will go well. Virgo might need a break, but it’s hard to get them going. The trip may be too much for Virgo, so listen to their objections well and don’t neglect them, or the objections, or it may be a one off. Virgos love to improve their knowledge, but Jupiter Scorpio intensity may be over the top for them. Take it easy and let them take things in at their own pace or give them time off. It’s a mixed combination.

Jupiter is a fire planet in his own fire sign Sagittarius as of Nov 8 2018! Oh, Gawd! It’s a trip of a lifetime and Virgo doesn’t know whether to go or stay! Is there enough money, what if things don’t get done the right way, what will I eat?! Start planning and saving NOW! This may not be the time to be so frugal and virtuous! But a business trip on a budget might be just the ticket! Jupiter has big ideas; Virgo has several stockpiles of ideas that probably add up to Jupiter’s en total! It will either be a challenge to integrate, or they will ping off each other. Jupiter may give the bits and pieces Virgo carries a greater meaning! Virgo may be disappointed that Jupiter may be leaving so soon and might not be back. When he landed, he inspired everyone with his broad knowledge and well intended projects, confidence and optimism, but now Virgo could feel Jupiter is irresponsible. Nevertheless, she has been touched. She may engage in more courses, take some trips of her own in her own way. Her thinking may have more poise as she finds her ideas have more importance than she thought. She had underestimated herself! Get away from the computer and up on your feet, LOL!

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and marriages are quite possible.

Here’s the Outer Planet Sign Changes Timetable:


Apr 17 Chiron from Pisces to Aries
May 15 Uranus from Aries to Taurus
Sep  25 Chiron Retrograde from Aries back into Pisces
[Oct 30 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic!]
Nov  6  Uranus retrograde back into Aries
Nov  8  Jupiter from Scorpio into its own sign Sagittarius!


Feb 18 Chiron into Aries the next 7/8 years
Mar  6  Uranus into Taurus the next 6/7 years
Jun 16  Jupiter square Neptune
Jun 18  Saturn sextile Neptune

Happy Birthdays, Virgos! To your great Happiness, may many good things get done! 


Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Virgo 2018 Newsletter!

See the 2018 Special Edition Annual Newsletter! See the Aspects, Patterns, Sign Changes, Retrogrades, Stelliums, Lunar Dates as we finish the year! Make your changes count!

Happy Birthdays Virgos!

Virgo Dog Hero Loukanikos Athens Mural

In Athens, a tribute to folk hero street dog Loukanikos (Sausage) on Riga Palamidou St., Psyrri. Work by Billy Gee, Alex Martinez & N_Grams. Greece is considered a Virgo country. Virgo loves pets. All dogs go to Heaven.

Never stop loving!


2 Hours, $196, for your Annual Reading, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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Leo 2017 – 2018 Celestial HighLights

Leo Sunbeams & Lightbearers!


Happy Birthdays, Leos!

Leo Chris Hemsworth Australian Actor Thor Hero

Aug 11 Leo Chris Hemsworth, Australian Actor, is best known for portraying the ‘Marvel Comics’ superhero, Thor, in the American flick ‘Thor’, a blockbuster that gave him international fame. No surprise since he has the Jupiter conjunct Uranus super fame aspect in Sagittarius. He’s not just famous in his own country, but worldwide! Chris’s Venus, Mercury and Moon in Virgo give him a bank of skills that are remarkably talented, plus tremendous charm! He has a way with words and demands excellence.

The 2012 American superhero film ‘The Avengers’ not only came out as the highest-grosser of the year but also peaked as the third highest-grosser worldwide.

2013 he voiceovered as George Kirk in ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’, sequel to 2009’s ‘Star Trek’; and portraying real-life character of James Hunt, the 1976 Formula 1 World Champion, in sports drama film ‘Rush’.

In 2015, he played a convicted computer hacker, Nicholas Hathaway, in action thriller mystery film ‘Blackhat’; tickled the funny bones as Stone Crandall in the comedy flick ‘Vacation’; and played Owen Chase in adventure drama ‘In the Heart of the Sea’ apart from playing Thor in ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’.

We don’t have a birthtime for him, but it would surely show how he has such versatility!

7.15.17 For you followers, CinemaBlend says: The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been on fire lately. Their two most recent releases, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Spider-Man: Homecoming, have been met with universal critical acclaim and made some serious cash at the box office. The next installment in the shared universe is highly anticipated, as Thor: Ragnarokwill bring Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk into the Thor franchise for an intergalactic buddy movie. The two heroes are the most powerful members of The Avengers, and now Ruffalo has teased that one of the most hotly debated aspects of Marvel lore will finally be answered: who would win a in a fight, Thor or The Hulk?

A lot of training goes into being this particular super hero! Food, exercise, and, of course, how that engages his kids! Interview

Being a Leo, the sign of children, he has three of his own, including twins! His Moon in Virgo calls him to take good care of them. He is closely associated with ‘The Australian Childhood Foundation’ and supports children facing neglect and abuse. He is a dedicated supporter and spends both time and money in protecting children. He’s a true champion and hero.

Be the Hero of your own life!

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Leo 2017 – 2018 Celestial Highlights!

Perseids Meteor Shower Radiant

Thank you to Bruce McClure and EarthSky.org!

August 12 – 13 – Perseids Meteor Shower. In the Northern Hemisphere, the annual August Perseid meteor shower probably ranks as the all-time favorite meteor shower of the year. Up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by comet Swift-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1862. The Perseids are famous for producing a large number of bright meteors. The shower runs annually from July 17 to August 24. It peaks this year on the night of August 12 and the morning of August 13. The waning gibbous moon will block out many of the fainter meteors this year, but the Perseids are so bright and numerous that it should still be a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Perseus, but can appear anywhere in the sky.

Don’t rule out early evenings, either. As a general rule, the Perseid meteors tend to be few and far between at nightfall and early evening. Yet, if fortune smiles upon you, you could catch an earthgrazer – a looooong, slow, colorful meteor traveling horizontally across the evening sky. Earthgrazer meteors are rare but memorable. Perseid earthgrazers can only appear at early to mid-evening, when the radiant point of the shower is close to the horizon.

Don’t forget to make special arrangements for viewing the August 21 Eclipse! Get your Eclipse glasses!

Leo 2017 TimeLine!

Leo has the honor of hosting the amazing Aug 21 US Total Solar Eclipse! The upcoming 5 part Lunar sequence associated with the Mercury Retrograde cycle is profound! There are two new Moons in LEO, the second is the ECLIPSE!

October 23 2016 started a whole new round of SIX aspects through Dec 31 that are the primary aspects of 2017! We have had Jupiter inconjunct Neptune, Jupiter square Pluto ThanksGiving Day, Nov 24! The ‘Holiday Four, plus the very close Jupiter sextile Saturn, happened the last 8 days of 2016.

The first outer planets aspect of 2017, the Valentine’s Day Jupiter inconjunct Chiron, started the 2017 retrograde set of the SIX aspects in reverse order through May 18. The last aspect, Jupiter inconjunct Neptune has been and is in a one degree station May 17, retrograde, to July 4, direct/forward! The final set of six starts with this July 4 aspect. Next is the Aug 4 Jupiter square Pluto. It is the next last aspect of the now forward set of six that started Oct 2016. The two late September aspects, Jupiter inconjunct Chiron and opposite Uranus will finish the set 11/11!

Jupiter is in its final 2+ months of Libra, enters Scorpio Oct 10! Time to find good footing and balance to weather your relationships, make alliances that will hold through times to come, go places that will make a difference. Learn how to equalize the elements at hand, exchange wisely.

Saturn will be in Sagittarius until Dec 19, 2017, then in its own sign Capricorn!

July  22  Happy LEO
xxxxx23  New Moon – first of two in LEO!
xxxxx24  Leo/Virgo Mercury Retrograde cycle starts. Rx starts Aug 12 
Aug    4  Third Jupiter Square Pluto
xxxxxx7  Lunar Eclipse Full Green Corn Moon
xxxxx12  Mercury Retrograde in Virgo/Leo

Continuing abiding Aspect: Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background…. July 29 is one of the two 2017 days it is exact! More

Outer Planet Transit Aspects Leo 2017 – Aug 2018!

Leo Woman Traveler Luggage Heels

Traveling in style into the next year, Leos bring something for every occasion!

Four outer planets, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter, are changing signs in Leo’s year to come. Expect several maturities, endings, new beginnings and exciting new intentions!

Pluto in Capricorn reaches the beginning of the last third of Capricorn May 2018 moving from 16 to 21 degrees. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Pluto is inconjunct Leo. Leo enjoys being watched, but usually not negative reviews, and if anyone can find the secrets, Pluto in Capricorn has the inclination and means. If necessary fess up, no blackmail! If it is your manager, they have practical advice for your progress, but you may need to be your Self to your fullest to get where your Spirit leads you. It may be challenging to find the right balance. Pluto can bring financial indiscretion or obsessions with illegal relationships, but also may call for you to avoid some self indulgence, detox, save your own life!

Neptune is in its own sign, moves from 11 to 16 Pisces. It is a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors between 11 and 16 degrees will be activated with this pure energy. Though inconjunct, Neptune/Pisces and Leo work well for night time productions and bright lights, music that permeates your Being! Leo is sensitized to quiet stillness when in meditation. There is a letting go of personas that no longer speak true to the heart. It can be confusing at first, then a relief. A call to serve may prevail guided by a transcendent intuition, dreams, a Light that glows. Go to sea! Swim like a dolphin!

Uranus covers 24 Aries to 2 Taurus! Uranus enters Taurus May 15, 2018! Those of you with factors in these last degrees will be accomplishing the last year of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future that Taurus will build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network, cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, effortlessly carried on.

Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is a automatic. In Aries, the First of everything, it is kin to Aquarius the Awakener! Aquarius is way ahead of its time; Aries is the first to DO it! Fire and electricity make the world go around! Leo is a fixed sign, strong in itSelf. Uranus has no time for people who are stuck or stubborn. It will seek more fertile soil. That is especially true in Aries, the spontaneous responder, the fastest to see. If you find yourself getting left behind, shake yourself, open your eyes wide and make a run to catch up, fly if you have to – but you will have to update your ways! Disconcerting at first, delightful later! In spite of these two being in trine, a most favorable aspect, this may be the one who gets away. Once they transfer the data, they are off again. You are left to distribute it further. Maybe better as friends – electric and eclectic, part of a like minded community network. No worry. It was fun while it lasted. Console yourself with a new computer!

Uranus in Taurus gives Leo a good challenge. It’s mixed. Both love beauty but in different styles. Taurus likes earth tone comfort, a barefoot walk; Leo likes the latest dramatic fashion, bright enthusiastic colors! Taurus can make a ton of money and hang onto it, but Leo likes to spend it. Leo may find Uranus too fast and Taurus too slow! Uranus wants change, gets bored. Leo is always giving, a show, fundraiser, being a teacher. If Leo celebrates Uranian ideas, more sensible in Taurus, there can be an integration that works. They may not be friends, but there can be an appraisal that changes organic values. Leo may find they can take time out where nothing is expected of them.

Chiron, like Neptune is also in Pisces, covers 24 Pisces to 2 Aries, entering Aries April 17 2018! Chiron will conjunct any factors you have in those degrees. If you have Chiron in those degrees, you will be having your Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces, and the head and eyes when in Aries. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business.

Chiron the Healer is fluid in Pisces, takes only a moment to assess a situation. Leo may need special attention to their hearts – love life, spine and hair. If they are feeling droopy, the healing may be to do what makes them happy not money, to get some exercise, be with people who celebrate them and have gratitude! Chiron in Pisces is askew, inconjunct Leo, inviting them to take a look off to the side, adjust their direction, possibly take some time to rest and refocus. Time to have some sweeter music, gentle the Lion. Less work, get more done. Relationships need healing clarity, gentle consideration, mutual support.

When Chiron goes into Aries for 9 years. through 2027, it will speed up healing at an enormous rate! We will process many challenges with unproven but successful results. Yes, there will be some rash attempts, but quickly remedied as the leaders push on. In some ways it will be like a renaissance! Aries and Leo are both high spirited, sometimes competitive. Aries is a sprinter and pusher! Leo, a fixed sign, is more an endurance runner and doesn’t like being pushed off course or before they are ready, which may never happen; they are often late! Leos are not always the athlete, sometimes they are the Lion lazing on the savanna. Aries wants to heal them quickly, refresh them with new ideas that get them up! Aries wants them to have relationships that inspire them and businesses or life work that they can’t wait to get up to do!

Saturn builds from 21 Sagittarius to 9 Capricorn now through August 2018. Saturn goes into his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020.

In Sagittarius Saturn trines Leo. Leo finds themselves getting neglected things done! Planning ahead helps. Working more in advance, and doing a bit more frequently rather than all at once makes for less stress! There may be some awards, recognition for your good work.Presentations are masterful, right to the point, and brightly illustrated.

Saturn Returns, every 28 to 29 years, can make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! If you are on your first Return, you may be having substantial career success, marry, have your first child, buy a home! If you are on your second Return, about age 58, you may be thinking of retirement plans, be called to take care of aging parents. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from experienced experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive.

Those with Saturn 21 to 29 degree Sagittarius will be having their Sagittarian Saturn Returns. Sagittarians are seers, looking across the mountains, over the rainbow, keenly to the arrow’s target far, far away. Saturn knows so much is doable. One step, one board, a brick at a time, the framework will go up. Sagittarius will have their learning place, teaching hope itself. They are optimistic and faithful to the cause. When that one is built, on to the next!

When Saturn goes into his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017, many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing when you get work that suits you better or you start your own business! Capricorn and Leo make a surprisingly good combination. Each likes having a good reputation and a partner they admire. Leos are up there and Capricorns often work hard and long, excel in their fields. Saturn is realistic, has a history of success, and Leo’s feelings aren’t hurt when suggestions are made. Leo wishes they weren’t lazy at times, and is glad for Capricorn’s boot! Kinda fatherly. Saturn understands age, and won’t abandon you as you age together. You just keep on working together.

Those of you with Saturn 0 to 9 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns! There will be more traditional endeavors. Take good care of yourself, keep your networks alive. Housing, parenting, care of elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age may become a factor, retirement. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have! It’s a time to honor, be honored!

Jupiter moves from 13 Libra to 23 Scorpio, entering Scorpio Oct 10.

Jupiter in Libra is a volatile Fire and Air combination, loves to carry on getting to know you. Jupiter in Libra can be well traveled and curious wherever it goes, giving suggestions and making comparisons right and left. Leo says I’ll go, take me with you! Jupiter tells loves stories, about magical alchemy, far away places. Leo loves acting out these tales, giving full voice and heart that makes you feel them as if you were there. Jupiter is blunt at times and in Libra suggests ways that your presentation or demeanor would do better, to consider how other people react. It has ideas how your teaching can be more balanced, opinions to be considered rather than said to be the only and right way. Some of your work may need publishing and it’s time now! Make the connections needed to get that done! At first you may make some mistakes, but you will learn and get better at it.

Jupiter in Scorpio may clash with Leo. Leo senses a judgement, possibly feels they could be undermined, gossiped about so cruelly they might lose their jobs. Ironically, there may be truth to it, things to learn in many ways. A clean Jupiter in Scorpio wants to heal the deeper wounds, all the harder to do because Leo is a fixed sign and resists. Leos are interested and want to learn in spite of themselves, but are shy too in spite of their showy appearance. Scorpio is a fixed sign too and Jupiter is optimistic, so they don’t give up. Examples and options ease the way. Jupiter in Scorpio can make tons of money! Leo doesn’t mind that at all. Jupiter can be the backstage man; Leo out front and loving it! If they trust each other they can be mates for a lifetime.

If your Jupiter is in these Libra or Scorpio degrees, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 12 years. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it wildly abundant! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and marriages are quite possible.

Here’s the Outer Planet Sign Changes Timetable:

Oct 10  Jupiter from Libra to Scorpio
Dec 19 Saturn from Sagittarius to Capricorn!

Apr 17 Chiron from Pisces to Aries
May 15 Uranus from Aries to Taurus

Happy Birthdays, Leos! Light the Way! 

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Leo 2017 Newsletter!

See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns! Make your changes count!

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Leo Sunbeams & Lightbearers!

Leo Woman Sunbeams LightBearers

Sunrise and Sunset are often a time of day you love! At a shore, the mountain top, where energy has volume suits your Spirit well, you are the Sign of the Sun! Sunrise energy is absorbed, and given out during the day. In the evening there is thanks and a sunset recharge before sleep. Dreams may be vivid.

That energy may be an affectionate hug, a smile, words of encouragement. When you walk into a room things just seem to get bigger! It’s no surprise Leos are terrific athletes. They glory in their bodies, and as the Sun’s fire sign, have energy to burn! The Prowess of the Lion gives them strength and the flow of the run! It is a Pride of Lions, of course!

Leo hair is their trademark! It connects the link between spine, heart, mind and cosmos. It is their feelers that sense what’s going on, people’s reactions to them. It attracts people to share and discuss. It brings lovers and relationships. Their hair tells a story about them. Ask them about their hair evolutions.

The Sunbeams may come from center stage! Leos spend a lifetime finding themselves, seeking a purity of personification. They may need to shrug off family and cultural expectations, sexist ideas. They may try out several religions, play many roles to see how that sits with them. They may perform through art and music, tonal qualities of colors, lighting. Being teachers in classrooms with students from many backgrounds is another way of seeing the Self in themselves and others. They can start out arrogant, even bullying, and become wise and accepting of the many precious Paths to the mountain top.

Teen times are especially Leo! Relationships and romance are super important and they often mimic their favorite characters as they explore. Dating holds many questions. Should it be the flashy one, the leader, the most intelligent, the one who has the money, the most athletic, the teacher??!! Hormones may be rampant! Summer jobs can be life changing. Summer camp has its ups and downs. If they have been lazing about, away from their friends, they may be the first to want to go back to school!

Whatever work they do, you can bet they play a leadership role – either up front, or the one that is listened to behind the scenes. They can be keen observers while telling their enthralling stories! They want to be at the top, no amateurs them! There is a part of them that can be fixed in their ideas. If that matches your goals, they can be determined to get you there! Leos can excel at many things, but it is what is in their heart that matters. You can make tons of money and have fame beyond measure, but does it make you happy?

Leos do well running businesses; they are in charge and steady. They like having money to spend, lots of money, so they are willing to work for it! Being a scientist has too many rules and Leos didn’t make them, so why bother?! Bah. Being a psychiatrist is behind the scenes, no natural position for most Leos. They like the showmanship of being lawyers and clergymen, on their feet, in charge, and excel as labor leaders, schoolteachers and doctors! Heroes! They are in a greater arena as political scientists, community leaders and government officials.

It may be night, it may be cloudy and raining, but that golden Sun IS shining! Leo is the sign that is ‘steady in the Light!’ Lightbearers are always on the job. They know there are dark times, dark corners where the frighteners have been. They will be the Light when it’s dark. They will illuminate the dark corners that scare you and they will show you who you can be. They Light the Path before you so you can make your way. They will give you a talisman to carry with you when you are on your own, for when you become a Lightbearer!

Blessed be to all you Radiant Hearts! 

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Happy Birthdays, Dearheart Leos!

Leo Lammas Goddess Woman Rabbit Earth Grain

Wishing everyone a Happy Lammas July 31st – August 1st  ~

May Golden Love be with you always!


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Comparison Reading $176 for 1 ½ hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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New Moon!   Four Planets Capricorn, Three in Pisces! Midpoints, Two T Squares!

Full Wolf Moon!   Grand Cardinal Square, 4 Planets in Pisces 4 at 22°!

New Moon!  Four Planets Capricorn, Three in Pisces! Midpoints, Two T Squares!

Wednesday Dec 28, 10:53 PM Pacific at 7 Capricorn 59, the last one of 2016!

Capricorn 2016 New Moon Teton Milky Way Royce Bair

Grand Teton Range, Milky Way, Standing Tree People by amazing photographer Royce Bair

This is our last Moon of 2016, and potent it is! It ends one cycle, begins anew as our year ends and another is immanent. It has two planetary groupings – Capricorn and Pisces, and is nested in the four major aspects ending 2016 that are in only an eight day timeframe on the very day of Saturn square Chiron!

Four planets in Capricorn celebrate our achievements! The New Moon merger of Mother Moon with Father Sun are in the sign of Father Capricorn. This time of year we need Mother Moon’s nurturing at a time she’s really busy and maybe a bit tired. Know she loves you. Take some time out together. Our heavenly Feminine and Masculine forces are united. Practice that unity. Moon is there to nurture and comfort. Sun lights the way. Though days are short for the time being, he is a stalwart champion through many a dark hour.

Mercury at 6° is right with the New Moon at 7°! In Capricorn it calls for respect, long term commitment, a pledge to work honorably for meaningful goals, to hold honor. Paying attention is a prized skill, so potent moments are noted, synthesized, stabilized for continued use. Stillness, a pause, is like frozen magic! It lets us see, hear, in a profound way, to know the true abiding values that take us forward through time. Sign the papers.

Pluto, in Capricorn since 2008, now midway through Capricorn, has cleared many personal faults, changed our economic and political stances, opened doors to many new careers, taken a lot of new looks at parenting and aging. Planetary temperature shifts have brought new thought about agriculture, construction and sustainability. There is a mixture of fate and futility with gathering facts, doing research, and steadily working to turn things around, adopt new potentials!

Three planets in Pisces! From Capricorn Unicorns to SeaGoats to Mermaids this is a magical New Moon!! Mercury Moon and Sun sextile Mars and the Pisces planet Neptune! A five planet earth and water sextile! You can see the ocean from the mystical heights of Capricorn! The mountains guide Piscean sailors along the beautiful coast. Mars in Pisces can be still as a mirror at sea, swoons with waves, rocks in the cradle. Other times he roars, tsunamis to shore, pounding the rocks into grains of sand! He is enchanted by Neptune’s insights as he slithers like a seal through the seaweed, surfs like a dolphin, breaches like a whale! The ocean is like a giant prism, with glimpses of tiny creatures in dappled sunlight slanting down or gliding, guiding up like through a cathedral.

Ah, did I get carried away? Just wanted you to feel it as it lives. Mar in Pisces with Neptune. Pisces is so all seamlessly encompassing we really can feel that all are one. The ocean is a salty cleaning machine. It is mystical on a foggy night. We can sit in the temple so still we hear our breath and heartbeat, feel our life’s pulse. It is humbling to be a part of all Souls. We see what needs doing. Capricorn is the last of the Earth signs, the ultimate pragmatist. Mars will lean his shoulder to the timber of Capricorn’s project, guiding it with his very body to intuitively place it exactly as needed. Miracles really happen and dreams do come true. The high five is a salutation of gratitude.

The Holiday Four

  1. This New Moon follows the Christmas Eve Saturn trine Uranus. They are still quite close by numbers and actively integrating new alignments! Saturn is Capricorn’s planet and Uranus is the planet of the next sign Aquarius. Trines are considered to be the best linkage between planets. Saturn and Uranus are so opposite they often aren’t friends. Saturn is perhaps the most conservative of all the signs. Uranus has no such constraints, cares for no party in particular and doesn’t care what YOU think. Yet scientific Capricorn is likely to be one of the first who supports Aquarian inventions, and sees the value of Aquarian community goals, the internet, and certain philanthropies. Change can become fact.
  2. Jupiter was opposite Uranus only two days before on the 26th! Another major aspect still active! Jupiter in Libra is quite lively lining up the Souls either to oppose you or shake hands across the table! Uranus in Aries couldn’t be more independent spirited, but also is the leader of reform groups or instigators of united efforts of several groups together! Jupiter in Libra pulls in law and justice, speaks widely socially, compares peoples and times anthropologically. The gap may be huge, but so is the reach across the chasm! Mergers for solidarity make sense.
  3. On this very day of our New Moon, Saturn Squares Chiron at 3:06 PM Pacific. There may be, or have been, losses or perceived potential losses of love, life, money, career, health. This aspect has been close for some time, so we already have inklings what needs attention, propping up, to be let go of, worked for. Each thing you take care of is a step, something you won’t need to deal with later. Keep focus on your priorities. Maybe get  plans on your calendar. Saturn in Sagittarius can see a worthy future worth the work. Do it!
  4. The last aspect of 2016! The remaining aspect the what I’m calling the Holiday Four is Jupiter inconjunct Chiron the 31st!  An inconjunct is often a stretch, an off balance reach to the side. It is seductive to those who are curious. It may take you off track, yet give you vital information. You may decide to keep on going on that new road! Jupiter in Libra has met many on their travels, some even intriguing to Chiron, an old Master, in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, not impressed by much. Jupiter, however, ups the ante, smart in Libra, thinks of combinations that change the pace! And likely the place too! Social venues are adjusted, financial options are altered, health is adapted to new circumstances. Stay calm, eyes open, flexible. Check with experts, take your time when you can.

See more about the Holiday Four! Are all big aspects, outer planet to outer planet. It is unusual to have 4 of them happen so closely in time, the 24th, 26, 28 & 31st!

Give yourself credit for all you have achieved in 2016! Thank you for every step you have taken.

Capricorn New Moon Astrology Chart

Capricorn 2016 New Moon Astrology Chart! Last Moon of 2016!

x x

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Full Wolf Moon! – Grand Cardinal Square, 4 Planets in Pisces 4 at 22°!

Thursday January 12, 3:34 AM Pacific, at 22 Cancer 27 

Capricorn, First Full Moon of 2017, Wolf

And we’re off! The first Moon of 2017! Another Capricorn – Pisces time of miracles and magic!

Moon is in her own sign Cancer, tender but strong. She births. She tenderly cares for loved ones and finds ways to feed the multitudes. It is an honor to be her mate. Father Sun is ultimate Father in Capricorn, Father Time. He builds the shelter, protects, works, teaches responsibilities and a moral code.

Full Moons are of opposite signs, major differences, yet as dynamic contributors to a mutual cause, they can work together. Cancer is known for its sensitive emotionalism. It is a bell bellwether to the possibility of upcoming trouble. Capricorn has less sympathy, is more a get it done type, especially in challenging times. Each helps the other. Cancer helps guide through what can be illogical. Capricorn takes charge and gives great hope through its efforts, the smallest steps meaningful. Five days previously, Sun made his annual conjunction with Pluto. The five days previous to that conjunction, Sun intensely considered financial matters, the state of relationships, matters of life, death and healing.

Grand Cardinal Square! Our Full Moon is crossed by Jupiter opposite Uranus spanning Aries to Libra! Aries is fiery Spirit leader; Uranus is an air planet, the Awakener and ChangeMaker! This combination can be sudden, a bit shocking, intriguing, here and gone in a flash, to pop up unexpectedly quickly somewhere else! Jupiter in Libra is fascinated, doesn’t mind the trip, meets these extraordinary Beings along life’s Path. Aries is willing to fight for it, while Libra can be the lawyer, seeking peaceful resolution, but will do what it takes if their back is against the wall. Be cautious of exaggerations, but step up to the plate if it appears to be well founded and you are needed.

Our Cancer Moon might rather stay at home, but if home, or women and children are the issue, it will stand up too. They will take food to the marchers, blankets to the homeless. Capricorn prefers law and order, so has pals at the courthouse and in the police force, but here again, if people are in dire need, they will build those emergency shelters. Having had their own hard times, they have empathy, will teach others how to care for themselves. It’s good for our staunch Cancers and Cappies to meet new people, make extended liaisons community wide, be more informed. It can be a little scary when the new ones are dressed differently, their demeanors are fierce or they appear quickly. It may take awhile to adjust. At times Cancers or Caps may appear slow, but not so, they are taking it in, thoughtfully processing. It’s safer at times to slow things down. All four signs have special things to offer and to integrate can mean a more comprehensive solution!

Three of the Grand Square planets are at 22°, plus Saturn! Chiron is at 21 Pisces, and Uranus is at 20 Aries. That’s a tight pack of six planets! Jupiter inconjuncts Chiron Dec 31, 2016, the last aspect of 2016. Jupiter upps the amps on Chiron’s attention, bringing new insights on how to balance all types of systems in our bodies, minds and Spirit. New types of relationships are offered extending our network beyond what we thought possible! This aspect stays alive while Mars conjuncts Chiron Jan 16, then inconjuncts Jupiter Jan 17.Saturn trines Uranus Christmas Eve, Dec 24th. Working friendships have been a blessing. Support has come from surprising places. Keep these connections alive and well. Saturn is same degree sextile Jupiter, very, very close Dec 28 and 29, yet doesn’t make the exact aspect until Aug 27! This is a great planning aspect, and it’s a pleasure to get things done! Saturn in Sagittarius squares Chiron Dec 28, has been taking its toll – many Souls taking the Long Journey. Grieving is still fresh for many. See the Holiday Four.

FOUR planets in Pisces, two pairings! Moon is leaving a trine with Mars and Chiron. Moon has leant her nurturing to further rouse Mars’ compassion in Pisces, Chiron’s dedication to teaching and healing. Mars left sextile Pluto on the 10th, steadied and productive by Pluto in Capricorn’s strength and focus. Mars conjuncts Chiron Jan 16. This will perhaps cause wounds to our feet or our Soul. But Mars also may also give new insights that quicken healing! Fevers or fighting, cuts or rashes, punctures, stings. If you are seaside or on a boat, in the spa or bathtub, be a tad cautious. You may be inspired to take up art, magic, a special new line of work may come involving teaching. A soulful relationship may come your way, especially with Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces!

Venus and Neptune in Pisces make love and beauty. They can be comforting when your Soul is in danger. Self indulgence, addiction, is a danger if extreme, and holidays can bring up deep rooted family issues that need soothing. Be wise with your time. Know your limits, others’ limits. Be safe emotionally, stay away from hot topics, leave before regretful escalation, make visits brief. Eat right, be well rested. Take good care of yourself, be wise to getting support for yourself, make that call. Love may win, but sometimes it takes time, and you may not even be the one to bring changes to fruition. Teachers and healers know you can’t heal everyone every time. Often there is no failure at all. Turn your Spirit to creating music, going to sea, swimming, serving in kindness, spirituality. When you are up, support others in their time of need.

Venus conjuncts Neptune at 1:54 PM Pacific. That would be a gentile time to have a warmer daytime gathering, a Circle, to celebrate the Full Moon.

Mental transition! Mercury leaves Sagittarius, enters Capricorn at 6:04 AM Pacific, 2.5 hours after the Full Moon! While in Sagittarius, raise your eyes to see as far as you can see. Lift up your plans, expand your ideas. For some of us that will be pre Sunrise, for others of you it will be later on in the morning. You can be present for this shift. In Capricorn, our minds will twitch into gear and choices will be made how to expeditiously make those plans come true! Make notes, get goals down on your calendar!

Let your Wolf come out to play! Take a good bite of life in your New Year!


Capricorn Full Wolf Moon Astrology Chart!

xCapricorn 2017 First Moon of the New Year, Full Wolf Moon Astrology Chart!


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The first New Moon of 2017 is Friday January 27, 4:07 PM Pacific at 8 Aquarius 15

See the entire Capricorn 2016/17 Newsletter!
See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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Pisces HighLights 2016
Pisces ~ Magical Dimensions, Landscapes of Nether!


Happy Birthdays, Pisceans!

Pisces Joanne Woodward YoungPisces Joanne Woodward Senior

2.27.1930 Pisces, Joanne Gignilliat Trimmier Woodward! Numerologist’s delight! LOOK at all those double letters and three letters twice in her last name! Doing the Three Faces of Eve was an easy feat for her! That and being a Pisces chameleon!

Pisces is a sweet lovely sign, though even when Pisceans smile there is a wee bit of a sad cast to their eyes. Their empathy is far more than for any one person; they see the sorrows of the world. But with Venus conjunct her Sun, Joanne was and is a standout beauty! From starlet to white haired senior, she has worn her age well. Capricorn rising didn’t give her and old look, but a wise look. Though considered an ‘old’ sign, they often soften and look younger than their age in elder times. Her Jupiter is in Gemini in good aspect with her Sun. Jupiter is a warm spirited teacher. Gemini scintillates, has instant perception, the gift of an array of voices, is forever young!

Jupiter in Gemini also has an uncanny intelligence to see the outcomes of several futures and picks the one that gives the best return. She sure did with Paul Newman! They were married 50 years, and you can believe they had sympatico charts! Both have Capricorn Ascendants. Her Moon and other factors are in his Sun sign Aquarius; his Moon is right with her Sun Pisces! What bonds. There are other great aspects as well, plus favorable declination combinations to back it all up!

Ever learning, in 1990, Woodward graduated from Sarah Lawrence College, along with her daughter Clea! Newman delivered the commencement address, during which he said he dreamed that a woman had asked, “How dare you accept this invitation to give the commencement address when you are merely hanging on to the coattails of the accomplishments of your wife?”

Philanthropy is a strong suit for savior Pisceans and humanitarian Aquarians. In 1988, Newman and Woodward established the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, a nonprofit residential summer camp, and year-round center named after the Wyoming mountain hideaway of the outlaws in Newman’s film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The camp, located in Ashford, Connecticut, provides services to 20,000 children and their families coping with cancer, and other serious illnesses and conditions, free of charge.

Joanne has won Best Actress at the Academy Awards, at the Cannes Film Festival, and two Emmys as well! Quite a woman. Wishing her continued successes.

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Pisces 2016 Highlights!

Astronomy February March 2016 Moon Mars Saturn Antares

Use the moon to find the planets Mars and Saturn, and the star Antares in late February and early March. The green line depicts the ecliptic. Mars will eventually catch up with Saturn on August 25, 2016. As EarthSky.org says: May you be blessed with clear skies!

Pisces TimeLine!

  • December, January, most of Feb, that is Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, there were no exact outer planet combinations, but now there are FOUR in 30 days! Feb 23, Mar 6, 16 and 23, with the one on Mar 23rd holding continuously through May 26!Feb 22 Full Snow Moon 5:46 PM Pacific at 3 Leo 29.
    Feb 23 Second Jupiter Rx opposite Chiron, 20 degrees. FIRST outer planet aspect of 2016!Feb 29 Leap Day! Babies born on 29 February are known as “leapers” or “leaplings”.Mar 6 Second Jupiter Rx inconjunct Uranus. The Jupiter/Chiron/ Uranus threesome continues through September 2017! See more
    Mar 8 First 2016 Eclipse, Solar Eclipse Pisces New MoonMar 16 Second JUPITER TRINE PLUTO at 1:26 PM Pacific!
    Mar 17 Saint Patrick’s Day
    Mar 19 Spring Equinox! Sun into Aries!

    Mar 23 Jupiter square Saturn, first of two times, holding closely through May 26!

    • Uranus and Pluto continue in a close range square. Though no exact aspect will be formed again, the reminder of happenings since 2010 remain with us, many taking years to work through.
    • Chiron & Uranus continue in their many years long journey closely together in the background. More….

2016 Outer Planet Transit Aspects with Pisces! 

Pluto is in mid Capricorn through 2017. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and Capricorn, is a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. Pisces is a couple of signs beyond, as sensitive and flowing as Pluto in Cap is intense and sharp! That doesn’t mean Pisces doesn’t get things done. It is so intuitive it saves time, so Capricorn loves that guidance. When Pisces needs a leg up, Pluto senses the need for an overhaul, and Capricorn lends a hand step by step. They have all seen their share of difficulties and are powerful in their responses. Sometimes Pluto and Cap get lost in their moneys and reputation, but Pisces reminds them it has to mean something more or the Soul left behind gets dim. When they all team up, Spirit prevails.

Neptune is in its own sign, still in the first third of Pisces. It is a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. The Sun’s annual course lends Light to subtle places, our vision is brightened. We stand a little taller, think of ourselves as a beacon in the storms, a master of the tides of Being. Neptune’s immersion makes us know we are all a part of each other. Neptune’s rise on a sea swell lifts us to see glimpses of the possibilities. As we rise and fall, we carry the understanding among us, as natural cycles unfold and at the same time, we are carried further and further into realms we never knew existed. We can be a tidal torrent or in silent suspension. When the Sea is calm, there is a peace beyond anything, anywhere, anytime. We are so still, we can feel ourselves, who and what we truly are.

Neptune brings a pure fusion of choate being. What you denied before becomes apparent. Old seams unravel as the tides of spirit rift the veils. The whole truth seeps in, then pours through us. We are washed clean, freed from residues of what even an old Soul thinks is true. Revelation becomes a verb, and we forevermore know now how to use this technique of evolution. The awakening of Aquarius becomes the seeing of Pisces. Some of this happens gradually over years of time, water over stone; other times it is the Miracle in a moment.

Uranus is just past the mid of Aries, moving into the final half of the degrees. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius and Pisces is the next sign. Aries is the sign after Pisces. Uranus makes the bold proposal. Pisces is not really surprised, but may miss a beat with the wild lightening approach! It absorbs and records the frequency, the vibration, noting its instinctual preliminary reaction. Some think of Pisces as a pushover wimp, but I would respect them. Though generally kindly, if they feel abused, back to the wall, you may find yourself at the bottom of a wave being pounded, or subtly undermined and you never find out where from…. Word to the wise. If your ideas are understood and appreciated, they will give you everything they have got to help save the world!

Chiron is also in Pisces, starting the last third of the sign. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business. Pisceans are feeling the old mythological pains, of body or psyche. They are being called to learn how to heal, often in difficult seemingly hopeless situations. Teaching often entails the healer learning when to let go, move on to plant seeds in fertile ground. Business depends on whether it is Soul inspiring. Otherwise it is a drudgery to Spirit and escapism prevails. Sensitive Pisceans usually do better with partners who are in supportive and encouraging accord, in clean and gentle surroundings, rather than dark confrontive situations requiring constant recovery. Chiron can knock you down, pick you up, and bring a remarkable life!

Saturn is a third to half way through Sagittarius in 2016 as it retrogrades from 16 degrees back to 9 degrees. Factors in your chart from 9 to 16 degrees will be activated one after the other, the 2nd and 3rd times! Saturn is Capricorn’s planet, expecting seeable results on time. It can have a harsh manner, be cool and aloof. In Sagittarius it is more flexible, but still wants a good job done. Sagittarius squares Pisces, a challenge. Pisces can be elusive and illusive while Saturn wants conclusive. Pisces can see right through Saturn’s insecurities, why they need to be so in control. It may take awhile, but Saturn sees that the world doesn’t come to a halt when things, people, don’t go as planned. A little leeway opens doors! Sag likes traveling anywhere and Pisces doesn’t mind. If Pisces needs to get a grip, Saturn is the perfect character builder type to help. Sagittarius reminds them the purpose of the game and encourages them to stop whining and get going! LOL! This combo calls for Pisces to be most understanding in the beliefs department. Saturn in Sag likes to build churches for the true believers, do it by the good book. Pisces meditates and claims to have talked with God.

Jupiter in Virgo is opposite Pisces, and in a manner of speaking is a pseudo T Square, Jupiter representing Sagittarius. Sag is the sign at the midpoint between Virgo and Pisces. All are what we call Mutable signs – changeable, adaptable, moving. Virgo adjusts the schedule to financial standing, health needs. Jupiter seeks a greater range, changes direction when it discovers a more promising opportunity. Being opposite, Pisces may sense this is not for them and widens the gap. Jupiter and Virgo are way too picky, too busy for solitude loving Pisces and they can’t agree on the purpose of the venture anyway. Or, Pisces is drawn along by Virgo’s impeccable data and Jupiter’s generous intention. They may offer Pisces funding to help teach the disadvantaged, save lives with health programs. It may be time for Pisces to hire an assistant to manage events, chauffeur, write their scripts!

Jupiter in Libra (Sep 9) is a Fire and Air combination, SO social and Pisces is so not! But what is an artist, a musician, without their attorney or media manager?! It’s good to open our Spirits more to others around us. Balancing our inner world with the world as it is, scary, amazing, rich, is a maximum fulfillment. We feel more alive. We find ways to buffer our sensitivity while among our fellows. We are glad to offer our perceptions to help others through the nuances of their relationships. We see similarly to Libra in that we can put ourselves in another’s place, be more forgiving and understanding. Teaching is more eloquent, even poetic. Opinions, though often disparate, find ways to coexist as all learn from each other. Jupiter in Libra offers beautiful and inspiring invitations. We feel honored to be among the chosen.

Any of these factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologer for the whole picture!

See the 2016 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns! Make your changes count.

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Pisces ~

Magical Dimensions, Landscapes of Nether! 

Pisces Ocean Fantasy Mermaid Unicorn Fairy Castle

To many Pisceans fantasy is an elemental part of life, all is blended, merged, connected. At the edge of the worlds, beyond within, moving to stillness. No molecule is left behind. We are swept in the tides of all being, shuffled and polished in the tides of life. We merge wholly with some for a time, wave as others pass by. Part of us is part of them, goes with them yet we are still here. Pisces is all and entirely nothing.

Being in love with a Pisces is a union well beyond words. Twin Flames, Soul Mates are terms we often hear. There is knowing with no thinking. Spirits are swirled like a teasing ice cream, the eddies in the tide pool. There are times when each IS the other. Other times there is a disconnect as one or the other wanders into another fascinating world. They may be gone a few moments, years, or simply never return, vanish. It is speculated the Soul takes them where they are needed most. Sometimes there is a need for solitude, to find one’s own center again, then they are back.

Pisceans may be mystifying, no discernable hard facts. They certainly aren’t bookkeepers like their opposite sign Virgo. Earthly organization is not their need, they are on Divine schedule. Definitions are in the moment and depend on who you are with. Time is irrelevant. Money isn’t a matter. Sexuality may be ambiguous.

If Venus is in Capricorn, perhaps there are more standard mores, gritty work accomplished, a platform built for the entertainment, future outcomes levied in. Musicians, composers of excellence.

If in Aquarius, and with Mercury there too, life and sexuality are likely to be different. And that’s putting it mildly. We don’t usually think of Pisces as rebellious, but in this case, watch your mismatched socks! Don’t be too surprised if they are spiritually radical – that can be dedicated to atheist! Either way, those beliefs are super important to them. Oh can they play and sing! Melodious or off key, bizarre to exceptional, they are enchanting. Bright colored birds of many iridescent colors.

If Venus and Mercury are in Pisces with their Sun, they will more truly please themselves, be the most unpredictable as they morph to whomever passes by and catches their fancy, experimenting with the nuances of life. Early in life they may be very vulnerable and naïve, and when older you can never fool them. They know before you do. This combo is most susceptible to sorrows and addictions. It’s important to keep company with people who love who you are, celebrate and encourage you. This magical mix loves the night and has phenomenal dreamtime!

If Venus and Mercury are in Aries, you might never guess them to be Pisces! Aries is blink-of-the-eye fast, first and furious! Of course, Pisces helps with that because their intuition responds before Aries senses the need to act! Double time quick! In Aries any meditation or sitting still, being dreamy and wondering, doesn’t last long! Aries wants to DO, be there, get things rolling, lead the troops! Pisces believes in the cause, Aries puts it into action. A walking, or better yet, running meditation suits.

If Venus is in Taurus, things are steady and true blue. There’s a slower pace, flowers and danger of wine and chocolates. Sweet voices, an elfin face, whimsical Spirits. They may have a garden by the sea, harvest the seaweed at the shoreline, sit at the foot of a tree, spend hours lost in contemplation of nature. Sometimes money matters more. Touch may calm them. Beauty pleases them.

And, of course there can be mixes of the above that give different flavors and talents. There are flavors with Pisces, and with any sign. Venus is up to 47 degrees from the Sun, within the same sign or up to two either side. Mercury only up to 28 degrees, in the same Sun sign or its neighboring sign. Go to Astro.com, Free Horoscopes, to find where your planets are. If you don’t know your birth time, use 12 PM, midday.

Doing business with a Pisces is not by the book. Imagination takes them and you on amazing rides. If it’s a serious gotta sign these papers, a deadline, keep sessions short and focused in an undistracting place. If they are bored, they simply change the channel and they escape! If it’s a brainstorming session you’re in luck! Open the doors and windows, cater the lunch, record, put your feet up on footstools, go to the beach! If it’s bookkeeping, report simply and get to the point. Human Resources are always a challenge. Pisceans forgive and understand, want to help, and be sure to give a good severance if we must let them go. You may have to do a takeover and offer to do it for them.

Pisceans do better with work that helps others – charities, saving animals and people, the planet. Many of them have been down themselves, and with their empathy at high volume, see the needs. They see the future as it could be if change isn’t made. Prevention is a key part. Some of them are down on their knees, one on one with children. Some are in great hardship at disaster sites doing recovery work. Others are in research labs tinkering with tiny things that mean a lot. Others are on stage blasting the message through story and poetic songs, both heartbreakers and inspiration that moves hearts of stone!

Health matters are sometimes obscure, hard to define. Other times, if obvious weight, drug or alcohol addictions, who needs a doctor?! It’s self evident. Feet, the part of the body that stands under, understanding, are Pisces’ domain. Swelling, allergies, sleep, dream disorders can be concerns. If you are a sensitive, you may be psychosomatically susceptible to other people’s illnesses. Since Pisceans have such acute hearing, are so sensitive to music and sounds, hearing and ear issues may happen at one time or another. Pisces is considered visionary, and that applies to your eyesight as well. It can be both psychologically or physically. We can be blinded, in denial. In astrology, people with important or many factors in the 12th (Pisces) House, Neptune with Moon, Sun, or at the Ascendant or Moon or Sun in the 12 House may have these issues as well. Get some good grounded help from reliable healers with a proven record of success.

Meditation, rest, music are helpful healers. Hydrotherapy, negative Ions by the sea, swimming, floating take you away. Doing service, volunteer work, the ‘Mission,’ takes your mind off things, and builds an aura of confidence as dream becomes reality.

Psychic Pisceans can be anybody’s twin. They know you, have many talents. Clairaudience is clear hearing. They can be clairvoyant, have clear vision as they view the sweep of life or location around you as events unfold. Their dreams are often predictive. Clear guidance is given in the ideas upon awaking. Levitation is not unheard of. Shapeshifting is common. It’s pretty funny when Pisceans are looking for a psychic. They have a hard time finding someone who sees more than they do themselves!

Neptune, the Pisces planet, will be IN Pisces until 2026, another 10 years! You might say, oh I have plenty of time, but it depends on what the degrees are in your personal chart. It will activate different factors as it goes along, or if your factors are in the first third of the degrees, it will be done with yours this year!

It is magical to have your planet in your sign! The romance of the ages dances before your very eyes! Neptune takes 168 years in its orbit, so it will be a long time before it is in Pisces again! Really take it in, be alive to it, ask for it to be in your dreams, in the mist of the surf you breath on the incoming tide! Feel the salt on your skin. Take a cruise to a sacred site. Open a seaside restaurant or sport business. Spend time at the beach, listen to the waves. Try windsailing, paddle boarding, or get a kayak. Walk under the starry heavens at night….

It’s an elemental embrace. And you are part of it.

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Happy Birthdays, Pisceans!

Pisces Coral Idaho Grape Montipora capricornio
coral polyp is an invertebrate animal! This is Idaho Grape, Montipora Capricornis.

You are the Beauty of our Souls!


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See the entire Pisces 2016 Newsletter!

See the 2016 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

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Jupiter square Saturn Hurdler Leo Rollins, Virgo Pearson

Jupiter may heroically burst over Saturn’s hurdles with flying colors! 2013 Moscow hurdler winners Aug 18, 1991 Brianna Rollins and Sep 19, 1986 Sally Pearson!

September 25 to Nov 30, 2014 Jupiter and Saturn traveled in a close square together but the aspect never became exact. Read Now the exact aspect is finally formed!

This is Jupiter’s last aspect while Jupiter is in Leo. While Saturn is retrograding back in Scorpio, Jupiter has advanced in Leo to make this once only square. Singletons like this are usually checkpoints. How are things going?

Oddly, though Jupiter is a cheerful planet, it may bring, amplify, melancholy with Saturn. Saturn in Scorpio knows where the bodies are buried. Jupiter is just too darn happy in the face of what Saturn knows are its own weak points. It generally guards them carefully, but Jupiter is just too big spirited and not noticing the signs, crashes right though the gates. Jupiter wants the truth. The more Saturn holds back, Jupiter in Leo thrives on drama, and just has to know. Besides, they want to help. Saturn may have to let a little water over the dam to keep the wolves at bay. Saturn may just have to pull the ‘none of your business’ card, lay down the privacy law. Sometimes its just plain better not to smoke ’em out. Scorpio has reasons for secrets. The secret they might be forced to reveal could be about you! But, what will out, will out. If so, may it be the best for everyone in the long term.

Jupiter may be stymied by Saturn’s refusal to fund this venture. Jupiter in Leo is super optimistic, ready to roll, inspired by its own steam! Saturn looks askance at this unseasoned newcomer. It quickly, steadfastly, defends the funds, wants proof this is going to work and not be a financial drain. Just because it looks good, Saturn well knows all that glitters is not gold, and won’t be rushed. Saturn in Scorpio looks behind the scenes and under the covers to see what lurks there. This wise combo can out con the cons sometimes, make a recovery if a mistake is made. It is true, some opportunities may be missed due to Saturn’s heel dragging caution. Other times, whew, what a relief they saved you, that you didn’t do it.

Get to work! Jupiter in Leo is education; Saturn in Scorpio builds and hones skills to a fine potent level. Leo style, show people what you can do. Saturn style, start humble right where you are at. One on one, one day at a time, take another step forward. Jupiter in Leo makes plans. Write yours down, including a date to update the plan! Saturn in Scorpio is a hard worker and loves an uphill mountain climb! See yourself leaning into it!

School may have to wait. If the funds just aren’t there, if the scholarship isn’t awarded, work and put your money aside. Reapply at a more auspicious time. You may not get the work you want just yet either. Do you need some more training, qualifications? Knuckle down and do what’s needed. Sometimes a delay is perfect as another, even better opportunity comes instead! Who would have thought?!

Fire and Ice! Leo and Scorpio both have love on their minds. Leo is the romantic, Scorpio mates for life. Leo is even flamboyant, while Scorpio generally prefers a quieter private venue. But either way, their love is intense. Jupiter cleans up well, but both Jupiter and Leo are athletic so may be quite casual more of the time. Saturn is certain you should be respectful and in Scorpio, particularly, a power dresser. However, there are some times when Saturn doesn’t care at all. Why should you pay for something fancy when this old one still has wearable miles in it?!

Leo is romantic, a warm hearted lover. Saturn wants to know about the dowry, and isn’t easily swept off its feet. It wants a true value, both financial and in the integrity of the mate. Leo is impressed by great teachers, status, fame. They may see more in you than you see in yourself. Maybe their love is what you have been waiting for. A bit of hero worship may be good, but if the gap is too much, tiresome wide eyed innocence, it may be boring soon. One day, one outgrows the other, and off they go. Leos like to be admired too. If Saturn in Scorpio is secretly pleased, but undemonstrative, Leos may need more, an equality of shared exuberance just to make their day sweet and feel good about themselves. These two are quite different in this respect. Know if you can really give the goods. When admired, Jupiter in Leo may feel quite honored by Saturn’s high regard that Saturn doesn’t confer casually.

So, Love is a dance. Different as we are, we love each other, we help each other. Being loved makes us feel safe, let’s us clear away old hurts, let go of chronic patterns we forgot how we got. We spend money; we covet and hoard money, afraid to lose it, bound in a long term spiritual attitude of poverty. Sometimes you just have to send yourself a message all will be well, trust yourself, you are a valuable worthy person, spend it and the money you need will come.

If Saturn has been down, fearful in the shadows, Jupiter may be just the breath of Light needed to get out the door, over the hurdle! It’s going to take some courage, and Jupiter in Leo, fearless their middle name, makes a swath wide and bright enough to follow! If they can do it, you can do it! The challenge is set and won! Saturn goats are remarkably agile, and more often than not, land on their feet! Once going, there’s no standing still! Congratulations!

Keep fit, stay strong in your training, conquer your goals! You can do it!

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SCOTUS Gay Marriage US Legal Couple
HISTORIC! Many thought it would never happen in our lifetime, but it did! I like The Guardian’s title: Anthony Kennedy: how one man’s evolution legalized marriage for millions [The Guardian was a 2014 Pulitzer Prize Public Service award winner].

See that pretty big blue solid line triangle in the astrology chart below?! That’s what’s doing the job! Venus is LOVE and blessings, the pink one. Jupiter, the orange one next to it maximizes those blessings, gives faith and hope for future planning, major LUCK along with plenty of fame! They are in the 12th section of the chart, the place of dreams come true. They are both in lucky harmony with Uranus, the purple planet, the planet of ‘different’ persuasions. The black circle with the diagonal cross, aka the Part of Fortune, makes the third point, a Grand Fire Trine! Fire is purification, inspiration, initiation ~ new beginnings!

The Moon is in maturity at the second to last degree of Libra of relationships, fairness and justice, legal matters. She is what we astrologers call Void of Course, meaning she will make no more major aspects before leaving the sign she is in. To some that is fear things will fall through. To others it means there is nothing to stop it, it’s a done deal. I’m going with the latter since the axes of the chart, horizontal and vertical cross lines, are in ‘fixed,’ stable signs, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus!

Plus, Moon is semi sextile Saturn, the planet of Elders, mentors and maturity and is at maturity at 29 degrees, the last degree, of Scorpio. This is like the Hermit, wise observer, holding the Light for others on the Path. It is calm and settled at the crossroads, symbolizes that the time has come! Take responsibility and do it, or let it go and move on. Though a minor aspect, it is linked with Pluto, death and healing, because Saturn and Pluto are mutual reception, in each others signs. It is serious, as proven by the magnitude of the Law and President Obama giving a special eulogy the same day.

Newsy Mercury, in one of its own signs, newsy Gemini, is in a 7 minute parallel with Arcturus! Guardian of the Bear, Arcturus is a golden red star, considered one of the two most fortunate stars in the sky, Spica being the other. Currently Arcturis is at 24 Libra 23, the Moon passed over it only seven hours before. Arcturus has a reputation of achieving justice through power as well as riches, honors, high renown, self-determination and prosperity by navigation and voyages.

Mercury was also inconjunct, across the chart, but aside from, Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is Death and Resurrection. It is sharing, cleansing, power, mergers. Capricorn focuses and builds, uses time to advantage, is dependable. It rules elders and authority, laws. They were so profoundly in play. The gay marriage announcement happened the same day President Obama gave the Charleston eulogy for state Senator Rev. Clementa Pinckney, victim of a racial shooting, shot only days before along with eight other people.

The Midheaven, MC, is sextile Chiron the wounded Healer teacher. Chiron in Pisces calls for compassion, a form of spiritual enlightenment. There is a blending, a bonding, that transcends poor behavior of people who are afraid. The honor is won and it is up to those who are happy now to prove themselves, the value of what they have won, and be kind to others yet to understand. In the name of what is won, keep the peace, respect others who have differing opinions, as we have wanted them to respect ours.

Leo Ascendant/Rising Sign is the sign of LIGHT, ruled by the Sun! It is also the sign of the Heart, courage, the rainbow of colors, giving generously, our prowess and performance as a unique individual, and PRIDE! It has exceptional potency because it exactly trines the degree of the GALACTIC CENTER, 26 Sagittarius! It was a time of infusion of the Universe. The ASC also sextiles the Libra (relationships) Moon (the People), linking Past and Present, the greater purpose and it’s history. The history and hearts, small legal battles, state by state, city by city, brought us to the tipping point.

Aquarius is the sign at the Descendant, the place of relationships and equality. Aquarius is how we are so different that we stand out from others. It is genius to eccentric, from loner to the most dedicated community worker/advocate. It brings suit when necessary though prefers unity when possible.

Mars and the Sun are in Cancer, the sign of the People of a nation, culture, our families. And isn’t this what it is all about? Jim Obergefell, the main plaintiff, exited the Supreme Court on Friday in tears. All he wanted was to be recognized as one of the family of his beloved partner of 22 years. Mars is leadership, a fighter, hero. Jim was that human. Mars and the Sun are trining Neptune in Pisces, compassion, dreams, saviors. It was more than a simple win for Jim, it was a spiritual victory too. His partner had died, but not in vain. Love won.

In grateful honor of Jim Obergefell and his 22 year partner John Arthur for their caring bravery.

Astrolgy Chart SCOTUS Legalizes Gay Marriage in US
The chart is for the earliest post I could find, Associated Press, at 10:04 AM Eastern! There were probably others, but this was the earliest I came across. If any of you come across one earlier, please let me know, I’ll revise the chart. In the few possible minutes that could be, so little would change, miniscule at that, I felt comfortable to go ahead with this chart.

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Scorpio – Fires Within

Wednesday Oct 26 | 12.56 PM Pacific | Super New Moon | 3 Degrees Scorpio   This is the 5th of 2011’s 6 Super Moons.  Super Moons are when the Moon is 90% or greater of its closest approach to Earth.  When it is a full moon, it appears as much as 15% bigger!  They indicate more intensity, higher tides, strong storms if there is one, higher seismic activity.  This is a NEW MOON, and Scorpio is noted for intensity of the deep dark water variety!  Records could be set, relationships could start or crumble, there could be revelations about money sources, resurrection of old alliances, brushes with death, healing through saturation/immersion, miracles!  Time alone may be deeply needed and appreciated, a transfixion of quietness.  This is happening midday, so you may need to get away, take a bit later lunch, to meditate or have a private meeting.  Being a new moon, perhaps it is small beginnings, let things grow in their natural way.  The temptation is to use force, but avoid pushing at it, causing a distortionate break or growth ahead of its time.  Being only two days before the Jupiter trine Pluto puts it in that aspect’s hot zone!  There may be an ebb then a leap!  Read on….

Thursday Oct 27:  Occultations are Eclipses too, not just Moon/Sun Combos! They occur when planets are lined up both horizontally and vertically, exactly in the line of sight! Some years they happen again and again, often to the same planet. 2011 there are only 3, all formed by the Moon to different planets – 6.30 Venus, 7.27 Mars, 10.27 Mercury.  Oct 27’s Moon occultation Mercury is our last of the year.  Moon is emotional, Mercury is logical, and they are making a merger!  Feel what you think, say what you feel, but be really careful because this one is in Scorpio.  You can’t take back what you have said, and it may cut deep.  If a conversation even hints at turning South, let it go, NOW.  There may be an unanticipated price down the road, even revenge.  And it takes a lot of effort to repair, sometimes can’t be repaired.  The other side is someone may tell you something more valuable than you even realize at the time.  You may be healed or given a key piece of information that transforms you, your situation, relationship.  And it may be a blessing in disguise.  There could be an ending that serves you well in the long-term, and actually has been overdue.  Be able to engage, listen big, disengage if needed.  It’s a life skill worth having.  This is especially true this occultation because first Mercury is activated by its direct alignment with the Moon at 22 Scorpio at 7:08 PM, then the Moon passes over Venus at 23 Scorpio at 9:23 PM, just a little over 2 hours later!

First the New Moon quiets us, making us thoughtful in behind-the-scenes observant Scorpio, on the 26th.  Then the Moon, Mercury, Venus combination makes us extra aware of home and family, about love, the 27th.  It opens our capacity to attune, speak our love and affection, to kindly and potently tell what we want, both personally and in business, to see more clearly how we can make the money to support ourselves, loved ones, do things we naturally love.  These are the catalysts and a poignant part of the forming Jupiter trine Pluto, exact the very next day, the 28th, at 9:46 AM Pacific!

Friday Oct 28 Second Jupiter trine Pluto at 5 degrees Taurus and Capricorn.  This and the Jupiter sextile Chiron (the next one will be Dec 6) have been the aspects that have kept the Stock Market up this year.  Jupiter is expansionary, lucky, wise, foresees the directions things will take, is optimistic, will take long odds and win!  It has an extraordinary ability with perspective, watches the big picture, is playful.  Can’t keep a good Sag/Jupiterian down!   Pluto is the planet of wealth and Chiron of business!  Pluto cleans up messes, is expert at rebuilding after losses, recovery from illness, never says die!  When in top order, it is a clean machine!  Deep and internal cleansing, firing people who are not able to make the returns needed, are its forte.  Though at times painful for the recipient, in the long-term, the move is usually the best and reform and transformation happen.  Jupiter wants space; Pluto wants mergers and deep intimacy.  So, if a merger happens, it is probably a better deal than usual.  There has to be a real attraction for Jupiter to see a future in it and accept the transaction.  It will likely be a long-term value.  See more at last month’s pre Jupiter trine Pluto post.

Jupiter is fame, fiery, education, and speed sports; Pluto is death and healing, charisma, power.  The first trine was July 7 – on  July 8 we lost Betty Ford, died at the age of 93. She was known primarily for her work post-whitehouse and for founding one of the most famous rehabilitation facilities (The Betty Ford clinic) in the world. Widow of former president Gerald Ford.  Coming into this second trine, we have lost two.  1) Steve Jobs Oct 5 (4 degree trine): Chairman and Co-Founder of Apple, died due to  complications from pancreatic cancer. He was 56. Jobs was known for his keynote speeches that were given each year to update the loyal Apple followers, as well as his enlightening interview style.  2) Oct 16 (2 degree trine): IndyCar driver Dan Wheldon died after suffering severe injuries in a spectacular 15-car wreck at the Las Vegas Indy 300. He was 33 years old. The two-time Indianapolis 500 winner (including this year’s event) was critically hurt when his car sailed over the top of another during a massive, fiery wreck on Lap 11.  Ironically he had been driving test cars to avoid exactly that.

All of these people made powerful contributions, each in their own way.  May they rest in Peace.  And may we LIVE this aspect well, and carry on its teachings with Grace.

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About.com says: Lions are the only cat species that forms social groups, called prides. A pride of lions typically includes about five females and two males and their young.  Prides are often described as matriarchal because more females belong to a pride.  They remain long-term members of the pride because they live longer than male lions.

Though we think of Leo as a creature of hot summer, lions/Leos, don’t start their hunting until dusk, enjoying the cooler time of day.  After all, they do have their fur coats on, and like to sleep 20 out of 24 hours.  Lazy?  No, good.  They are great hunters, and take care of business powerfully and swiftly!  They work efficiently in teams, and, indeed, enjoy great social play time whether it’s daytime or a nighttime party!  They do take pride in their looks, their fab hair especially, and their finery whether it be the latest fashion or a fine home with a sweeping view.  Often Leo homes will be on a bit higher ground, or have a balcony of sorts, for them to hold court from!

Leo women love receiving little gifts, or big gifts, being courted and cared for tenderly and romantically.  But make no mistake, they can call the shots with no qualms, be in charge, be teachers, physicians, lead with their athletic prowess!  Treat your handsome Leo guy like the prince he is, and he will roll over and purr!  He is grateful for your recognition and appreciation!  He may flirt, can’t help it, but you’re his one and only!

Leo children need lots of praise and affection, be let to try out their capabilities.  Give them lots to do interspersed with play and snuggly quiet rest time.  They need cheerful playmates and examples of positive social skills.  They can be selfish if fearful, generous if they have good self esteem, trust their own abilities, feel well-loved.

Big hearted, it is grand to be loved by a fiery Leo!

Now for some odd Leo stats from Britain, Security Gripes:

Leos total 19% of the imprisoned population for crimes of violence.  (Woops)
Leos total 9% of the population in mental institutes.
Leos total 17% of the armed forces.
Leos are the least represented sign in the world of art.  (How can that be?)
Leos are more represented in the security world than any other sign.
Leos are least prone to blackmail than any other sign.

Happy Birthdays, Leos!

Leo’s heroine this year is from the past!

She is the fabulous Aug 7, 1884 Billie Burke, who performed Glinda, the good witch of the North, Wizard of OZ (also Leo, premiered Aug 15, 1939)! She said: I am constantly amazed when I talk to young people to learn how much they know about sex and how little about soap. :) She was Ziegfeld’s (Follies) wife, and has a filmography list like you wouldn’t believe!  See her chart and a bit about it!

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