
Posts Tagged ‘January’

2021-22 Venus Mercury Retrogrades Ronald Reagan Quote Working Together

Said by AQuarian Ronald Reagan. Moon Taurus, Jupiter Scorpio, strong Capricorn, Sagittarius rising. 

Feb 18 Note! Mercury finishes his entire 3-part cycle Feb 23. Venus finishes hers March 1. The entire double rx will be done very soon now.

For your Holiday purchasing and Christmas and New Year plans, know that Venus in Capricorn is retrograde Dec 19 to Jan 29! What you want will change, your travel plans will be mixed up or rerouted, people you usually depend on aren’t available. The gift they have been begging for they don’t want anymore and you can’t find the one they do. Your love life shifts. Your job changes, maybe not so good, maybe better, but either way a stepping stone to the future! It’s a crazy time to move yet perhaps a necessity, but be ready for it not to be a permanent situation. If possible, wait to do major spending. Wait or stall on making ‘permanent’ changes.

Venus’s retrograde cycle starts late 2021, Nov 17, covers 11 to 26 Capricorn! She is retrograde Dec 19 to Jan 29, over Christmas and New Year! Her entire retrograde cycle finishes March 1.

Venus  almost makes it into Aquarius, but turns back at 26 degrees. She is in Capricorn with Mercury and Pluto; Sun joins them the 21st, Winter Solstice, making the 4 planet Capricorn stellium of New Year! Together they are minding Capricorn matters. Venus has special things she wants to achieve, earns hard won success, maintains the momentum. Sun lights up the progress, shows the expertise and excellence, bestows awards! Mercury tells the story, shares the news of successes, sets up meetings for 2022 developments, updates the blog. Pluto looks for further funding, rolls it over and expands the projects into a greater range, links with related backers with  mutual purpose. This can be done for business intentions, planetary remediation, personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Rx digging around in this fertile Earthy Capricorn soil can bring several revelations! It’s merely a template! You can apply it for multiple purposes that are right for you!

Capricorn Mercury starts his retrograde cycle December 29 2021. He previews, advances into Aquarius Jan 2, 2022 through Jan 25. Mercury retrogrades Jan 14 to Feb 3. He returns to reorganize Capricorn Jan 25. Mercury directs, turns forward in Capricorn Feb 3 and finishes the entire 3 part cycle Feb 23!

The world according to Coco Chanel

French, oft quoted, Mademoiselle Cocò Chanel born 8.19.1883 is famous for creating timeless perfumes like the iconic Chanel #5, and popularizing the little black dress and skirt suit, that didn’t require a corset! In my opinion, she had a Capricorn Ascendant, the sign of design, architects and builders!

This is the first of three 2 sign Mercury retrogrades in 2022. This one spans Capricorn – Aquarius. Next is the May/June Taurus – Gemini. Last is the September/October Virgo – Libra. All are bridging to their next sign. There will be overlaps of events and processes involving both signs. The first sign is the foundation for the next sign. In a retrograde, the second sign is previewed. Information and experiences, new ideas of the second sign will be taken back to uplevel the first sign, integrate, coordinate, regroup. When Mercury returns to the second sign he has more solid backup from the first sign, now refreshed and on board with the new potentials the second sign offers! Crossing the bridge between them is now more fluid. Each knows more about what to expect, trust is being built. Difference is an asset! Each is strengthened and the second sign is bolder knowing he has someone who understands him backing him!

When I say cycle, I mean they start into the degrees they will cover that they will go back over when retrograde. The third part of the cycle is when they go forward over the same degrees the third time. Many course changes will be made, skills improved, equipment updated, relationships will be let go or improved as new goals and priorities become apparent. Time will be saved when all is said and done. Production increases for less cost. Capricorn is generally particularly conscientious, and will see the advantages of more sustainable techniques.

2022 starts with this thoughtful Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RETROGRADE Jan 14 – 29! 

Mercury’s 10° Aquarius retrograde Jan 14 2022 is in neighboring sign Aquarius, while Venus is already retrograde at 15 Capricorn. DOUBLE RETROGRADE! The bridge between these neighboring signs is being updated, in the making. From Jan 14 they make a 15 day Double Retrograde until Venus turns direct/forward Jan 29!

Mercury enters Capricorn Jan 25, so they both are in Capricorn the last 4 days. Venus in Capricorn loves to do meaningful work. They can be blessed with a specialty and win respect for their dedication. Retrograde questions their motives, may bring upgrades that take a bit of work to incorporate. People, especially women, may find their work pleasing, more potent, artistic touches making the difference. This may be added to the line as a standard offering. Clients and workers may be sorted, business becomes more streamlined. Many gifts may be shared, blessings assuring a wonderful 2022!

Jan 25 Mercury returns to late Capricorn while Venus has been in early Capricorn preparing the way. Venus is now in her station, just about to turn direct, really focused on improving the attractiveness right where she is. She is the first one people meet while traversing this territory, and she knows her stuff. She shows them the value possible, how blessed and easy it can be. when they get to his area, Mercury chats them up and answers their questions expanding their range of applications!

Venus is things we own and relationships we have. In Capricorn it is the relationships we have with things we own and worked hard for. That can be our relationships, our careers, age and wisdom, what we have built and all the skills that takes. Venus adds a touch of beauty, grace, affection, class, appreciation. Venus adds the touch that makes it all worthwhile. Mechanics and duty are not enough without the love that goes with it. Do what you love and gift others with the opportunity to do it with you. Sharing and kindness are the blessings so honored by and inspirational to your community.

Mercury in Capricorn, thinking may take on a serious tone, want not just entertaining chatter but for what is talked about to get done efficiently and professionally. Getting the information on time and sales made. One’s role as boss, parent, father, responsible worker is called for. It might be a good time to check out the latest models, tools/gear, opportunities, take a refresher course, update your thinking. Capricorn is super clever at renovation, remediation! Take care of mental matters – shame, grief, fear, depression or of what you perceive as disabilities. Rethink your thinking! Get practical help from experts who have earned their rep.

Mercury in Aquarius can be a little nervous, highly wired! But oh how we delight in our own friends, social media, the worldwide networks we build, the electronics that are so much a part of us these days. We are proud to build a better world – quality living space for all, jobs that contribute to community, make unique beauty that holds our spirits high. Our achievements that set us free from mediocrity, boredom, are elegant pointers to our creative virtues and futures. Being different yet in sync, is a standard that is becoming more part of our human fabric. An environment friendly to change, exploration, research, are allowing united efforts that succeed more fully.

Mercury in Aquarius 'sees' way beyond the boundaries...Mercury in Aquarius ‘sees’ way beyond the boundaries…

Mercury, the mind, is considered ‘exalted’ in genius Aquarius! Expect some extraordinary comprehension at light speed, and for it to come and go just as quickly, replaced by an even more remarkable solution! Believe me, stay tuned. This is not even a time to blink or you will miss it! Remember that each perception is a stepping stone to the next, even if you don’t understand it. Your Soul saw it and it is recorded. It will be called on to be used even if you don’t remember consciously!

Multi Dimensional! The collective, the Universe, is a big place, and all our memories of shared experiences are threads to the shared experiences of all those that were with us, link upon link. When they say we are ONE, that is literally true! Aquarius is the body of that collective consciousness. It’s a gigantic memory tank. That’s part of why friends can be so exciting for them. It’s much more than 10 friends having a party! Symbolically some amazing solutions have been known since time began. These threads of ours go back genetically through our ancestors, back in time as well as across the current worldwide laterals! In fact, they can go into the future as well since people have seen them in God encounters, the dreamtime or in belief experiences. What goes on in our minds is so much more than what we are aware of. Open up the gates!

As a result of Mercury’s time in Aquarius, and access to this super consciousness, in the double retrograde, Mercury in Aquarius is brilliant! It will be excited with new ideas, in the process of testing them out by laying them in front of more experts for their opinions! New friendships and associates will come, and some will go as quickly as they came, more or less visitors with a piece of information you needed! Venus may put Capricorn in a more social mode more likely to take a look, be less concerned with Mercury’s unusual demeanor or quickness. Ask for a repeat, a rephrasing. Tell them you want to understand and not miss the importance! Some technical research may be inspired, inventions discovered! Stay steady, keep moving forward!

The end of the Double Retrograde Jan 29 starts a potent 3 day FIVE planet Stellium in Capricorn – Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Pluto! Venus has already stirred desires for achievement, revised designs to make work more timely, productive and valuable. She has improved working conditions, brought more efficient tools to get the work done, hired classy employees and selected an admirable CEO. This 5 planet team will collaborate and so much Capricorn flavored work will be done in these three days it will be amazing! Schedule it now! You could build a greenhouse, do glasswork, build a stonewall, a storage shed, install a freezer, research a project, draw your dream home! Get your team on that project that may have been put aside and let it rip! Prestige and honor follow.


Three planets, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron, are aspected in all 3 phases of both Venus and Mercury’s retrograde cycles.

Venus sextiles Neptune. This is a gifted combination of caring, yearning. This is a Soul Mate, sweet dream, spiritual Love combination. It can be someone who believes and innocently trusts. It can be a chance in a million worth checking out. There could be a lot of forgiveness and learning. The sad choices can be a musician/addict/artist that needs your support. It can be a lifetime high price – suffering in fear of losing that person, giving until the money is all gone, you lose your health – all because you love so much. If your connection is healthy, then the beauty is beyond words. Music of all kinds is possible. Films, theater, in Capricorn and Pisces, business documentaries or for organizations that want to save the world, the oceans, the animals, lost children, those suffering in institutions. In combination with the conjunction with Pluto, enormous funding could be acquired. Dreams and visions may come true!

Venus conjuncts Pluto! That can be really, really bad or stupendously marvelous or both at once! You could make a ton of money, or marry the money holder and love him/her too! Capricorn is forthright and it’s likely there would be a knowing understanding on both partners’ parts, maybe a prenup. Either could scam the other, sweet lies or just greedy lies and seduction. You lose your shirt. There could be the mixed blessing of an inheritance – you lose the person but gain the money, and it may be a sizable fortune or a working operation that continues making money. Self indulgence could make mistakes with what money you have, and as in some retrogrades, it doesn’t come back, never to be seen again. Be super cautious about iffy deals or even ones you can’t imagine could go wrong. Waiting might be the best choice. Probably not a time to elope. If your potential lover/partner is genuine and a strong person, trusts you, waiting will be ok with that person. Otherwise, reconsider your choice? On the high side, there could be a deep loving bond blessed with, um, great sex!

The third conjunction is technically after the complete cycle ends March 1. It occurs March 3 when Venus, Mars and Pluto are all at the 27th degree of Capricorn! I figure that gathering is formidably impressive and a fine group to indicate a culmination and new beginning all at once! It has the experience of both Venus and Mercury’s retrogrades under its belt and is loaded for bear! Venus will give them her sweet smile – enough to light all the local candles; Mars will passionately push forward – he’s her hero! Pluto is witness, will hold it strong, even in the night, and keep the fire going even after they are gone! A mark will be made. Have your own ceremony and symbolically make your own mark! You will be witness too!

Mercury conjuncts Pluto too!!! So Pluto is the pivot, conjunctions the most potent aspect of all! Mercury with Pluto is more like seeing your therapist, looking into causes, talking over your options, finding deeper emotional strength, facing your demons. Mercury is concerned with financial options and Pluto may be the broker that wants you to sign the papers. If you and your broker have a long term relationship and your broker has helped you successfully through thick and thin, then give it a go, but due to the retrograde, no more than you can afford to lose, just in case this is one of the time that don’t work. Somebody else’s broker’s astrology chart may not work for you at all. This may be a time to sort through a troubled partnership. Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn are serious. They want it to work and work well. There may be long term practical matters to discuss that may be about elder parents, parenting choices, financial choices that go along with that. It’s not a time for infidelity. Capricorn is sometimes unforgiving for a few lifetimes, and Pluto may make you know the consequences this lifetime. Keep your slate clean. If you are on your own, there may be a deep bond formed that will never be broken.

Mercury sextiles Chiron, the other shamanic planet besides Pluto! Both the healers are deeply oriented.

Pluto roots out decay and rotten aspects of ourselves, both psychological and physical! It isn’t always pleasant work. But then what healing is? Things have gotten so bad sometimes it takes fire to fight fire and that’s where Pluto’s kundalini, the fire at the base of the spine, comes in. Do we let your fire go out or do we frighten the trouble off and cauterize the weak point?! Lots of questions and answers all along the line there…

When Mercury is in Aquarius, he is sextile with Chiron a more thoughtful Master who wants you to take over your own healing as he did. He’s more with herbs and daily applications, but you must stay steady. Right now he’s in Aries, and right along with the pandemic he’s working quickly for our best collective health. Aries rules needles and vaccines. He’s pushing for significant research in a timely fashion. Mercury in Aquarius will get news out as quickly as possible. A breakthrough may be made. Mercury in Aquarius has the option to become global. Chiron is thought to be an excellent business person and so is Capricorn that Mercury has been in! Aries pushes for new faster techniques, is on the vanguard. The world needs new ways to deal with climate as well as the pandemic. Chiron is considered to be a marriage planet and Mercury signs the papers. But. Aquarius and Aries are sometimes not at all interested in giving up their freedom, and not unhappy to get it back! That’s not to say it can’t be done, but usually a unique arrangement will be needed specific to your relationship. Best.
TWO FIXED STARS at two Stations, 24 and 26 Capricorn! Stations are potent positions when retrograde planets appear to be ‘standing still’ for a number of days.  

Dec 19 Venus at 26 Capricorn is at one of those ‘standing still’ points, turning retrograde. She will be opposite Behenian Fixed Star Procyon at 25 Cancer 47. This star is of the Little Dog, arrives in the night sky before Sirius in Canis Major. Procyon gives activity, violence, sudden and violent malevolence, sudden preferment by exertion, elevation ending in disaster, danger of dog bites and hydrophobia, and makes its natives petulant, saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, unfortunate, proud, easily angered, careless and violent. Challenges. Considered to have the nature of Mercury and Mars it is exaggerative, argumentative, unreliable, unscrupulous, given to invective, mechanical ability, very quick mind, a great talker. It does have some talents! Here we go: As a Behenian star, it gives the favor of the gods, spirits and men, power against witchcraft, and preserves the health. Venus with Procyon: Many benefits from influential friends, associated with the Church, favorable for gain. In opposition, it may take a little negotiation to get these benefits and gains.

Mercury’s Feb 3rd 24 degree Retrograde 8 day Station is opposite Procyon 25°47′ Cancer. Specifically with Mercury, it is said it gives ‘Occult interest, minor position of management under Government, trouble and scandal through opposite sex, favorable for health and gain.’ Yes, an opposition requires some work to make it good for you. Jamie has a lot more fascinating things to say about it! Worth the read.

ALGOL is the baddest Star of all according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! Algol was also one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars, used in medieval times in magic rituals. See more!

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely. During these retrogrades Pluto traverses 24 to 27 Capricorn. Anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022 the Full Wolf Moon, Aug 29, Nov 16.

Algol and the Galactic Center are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag 08 (2021). Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They see peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

The Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories, is not on anyone’s schedule! Paul O. Hewit writes: “it is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.” [Some say the GC IS the strongest factor in our charts!]

ALGOL is also at the same two stations! First is Venus’s Dec 19 retrograde station at 26 Capricorn, like Pluto, also trine Algol! Pluto is fascinated by the deepest relationships and experiences we have, especially the life and death types. Pluto types, Scorpio are gifted Hospice healers. They can be sex workers for people who have been traumatized. Capricorn understands the necessities of life and all its stages. Venus loves the sociality of relationships, the gracious bonds that can be formed with all kinds of people and beings. In Capricorn she often delays judgment, looks for the finest offerings and talents each person has. She queries their knowledge, learns from their seasoned observations, generations of wisdom. She may surprise Algol by her generosity. Venus has a broad experience through art, knows of the Medusa’s phenomenal appearance, is not put off by it. There are more important considerations in this rare encounter. She has a genuine admiration for those who live their difficulties no matter what they may be.

Second, Algol is witnessing Capricorn Mercury’s Feb 3rd 24° Retrograde 8 day Station! As Pluto does, Mercury most favorably trines Algol! Since powerful Pluto has been traveling with Algol for some time, certain channels have likely been opened or made curious. Mercury is an expert communicator, knows when to tread lightly, can run pretty quickly if needed. Venus has just visited and perhaps softened the pain, opened some more doors. Gorgon Medusa may find it easier to hear Mercury now. Sensible Capricorn Mercury, poised in Station, and Algol may have an unprecedented chat! Who knows? Maybe dangerous Algol has longed for someone to hear her story. Maybe you will sit down with your ‘monster’ within and talk it over. See your therapist? Write of remarkable saves!

2021 Jupiter Aquarius Sextile the Mighty Galactic Center GC

Factors in your Birth chart within 5 degrees of your natal Galactic Center position will be activated by this profound point your whole life.

Venus and Mercury’s connections with Procyon, Algol and the Galactic Center, and Pluto are especially important because starting with Libra’s 2021 Full Moon, our Full Moons will be in a 27 Degree Sequence for SIX months in SIX different signs! 2021 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan, Feb, and Mar start a ‘season’ of six Full Moons at 27 degrees Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cancer 47 will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Those of you with chart factors 26 to 29 will be engaged.

The Venus Cycle ends March 1. The next day is the Pisces New Moon. March 3 Venus, Mars, Pluto are all at 27° degrees Capricorn, the very degrees involved with the fixed stars Algol and Procyon, the Galactic Center, their connections with Pluto and the six months sequence with the 27° Full Moons! Venus conjuncts Pluto! What an intense ending and new beginning!!! Venus wants what she wants and is more than delighted Mars is working hard at her side, fighting for it too! Pluto takes care of behind the scenes financing and getting the CEOs organized, curing and doing shamanic healing! Profound and powerful!

And this is just the beginning!!! In 2022 with all three inner planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, there is a strong resonance with SIX stations, including retrograde and direct, repeatedly formed at 24, 25 and 26 degrees. All those factors above are maintained in development. If you have chart factors at those degrees they will have Mercury and Venus 8 day stations activating them from Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo, the three Earth signs, and from Mars in Gemini!

Capricorn/Aquarius Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RETROGRADE Timeline – Pacific Zone


17 Venus Cycle starts
19 Taurus/Scorpio Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver MicroMoon!
26 Saturn sextile Chiron – 3
30 Venus sextile Neptune – 1


3/4 Sagittarius Total Solar Eclipse New Moon
11 Venus conjunct Pluto – 1
12 Jupiter sextile Galactic Center -3
18 Full Cold MicroMoon
19 VENUS  26 Capricorn RETROGRADE, opposite fixed star Procyon, trine Algol.
23 Saturn square Uranus – 3
25 Merry Christmas! Venus conjunct Pluto – 2
28 Jupiter into Pisces – 2
29 Mercury Cycle starts in Capricorn
30 Mercury conjunct Pluto – 1


01 Happy New Year! Mercury sextile Chiron – 1
1/2 Mercury into Aquarius
02 New Year Capricorn New SuperMoon
05 Venus sextile Neptune – 2
17 Cancer/Capricorn Full Wolf Moon, first 2022 Full Moon
25 Mercury sextile Chiron, then Mercury Rx back into Capricorn,
28 Mercury conjunct Pluto – 2
31 Second New Moon of January, called a Black Moon, is in Aquarius. In Eastern zone it is on Feb 1, not a Black Moon.


01 Eastern Time Zone Aquarius New Moon. Chinese Lunar New Year of the Tiger!
03 MERCURY 24 Capricorn DIRECT/FORWARD, opposite fixed star Procyon, trine Algol
11 Mercury conjunct Pluto – 3
14 Valentine’s Day! Mercury sextile Chiron – 3
16 Leo/Aquarius Full Snow Moon
17 Jupiter sextile Uranus once
23 Mercury Cycle ends at 10 Aquarius
24 Venus sextile Neptune – 3


01 Venus Cycle ends at 26 Capricorn
02 Pisces New Moon
03 Venus, Mars, Pluto at 27 Capricorn! Venus conjunct Pluto – 3

ALL ABOUT RETROGRADES! Some of you are old hands. Others have never heard of Retrograde before. New lingo: Retrograde, Direct, Station and more… 

Retrogrades are fascinatingly complex! The wild dynamics of retrograde cycles are, as viewed from Earth, it happens when a faster planet passes a slower planet. Mercury is faster than Earth, while Earth is slower than Mars. The planet appears to go forward, backward, then forward over the same ground three times, and if outer planets sometime five times in two years! Of course that doesn’t happen in reality. It is visual because of the perspective from Earth. During that time, all the other planets are moving too, so even when a retrograde planet is going ‘backward’ over the same area, they are ALL going forward, even the retrograde planet! It’s ‘illogical,’ but that’s what happens.

Venus retrogrades about every 19 months for only about 40 days. Only 7–8% of the population has it in their natal chart. Mercury retrogrades 3 times a year, once every 6 years it’s 4 times that year. Mercury actually spends little time retrograde. Mars retrogrades every 25/26 months for 60-80 days.

Retrogrades in the sky are passing periods. Retrogrades in a birth chart are life long, a living entity. As a place that is reprocessed over and over, fantastic skills are developed per planet and sign, along with the other chart factors that may be linked to it. Many top world businesses have many retrogrades in their charts! They have super expertise and it is still growing with the times! Retrogrades keep us mindful and present. In humans about 25% of the population has Mercury Retrograde, and that includes celebrities, LOL!  Fun read: 5 Fascinating Facts About Being Born During Mercury Retrograde

The type of special communication skills of Mercury retrograde depend on which sign, house and planets Mercury connects with in your chart and what type of connections are made. Check out the planets of your own chart, your besties, and track the charts of babies born during retrogrades! Take advantage of these retrograde linkages, learn how to make transitions well for optimum results. Not a time to be nervous and hold back. Stay aboard! Like on a ship at sea, get your sea legs! Flex with the flow. It may seem like a mess, but the magic will happen. Guaranteed!

We hear about Mercury Retrograde the most because it retrogrades 3 to 4 times a year, 3 to 4 weeks a time.

Mercury is the planet of the Mind, thinking, our attention, our breath and lungs, how we learn to learn, communication skills, gathering data, paperwork, signing contracts, a hand shake, the laying on of hands. All of these are essential.

Mercury is heady, there is little that isn’t interesting and little escapes its attention. Gemini is Mercury’s first sign, and Earthy Virgo is Mercury’s other sign that focuses on details, looks for perfection, expertly organizes and applies the data Gemini secures, is semi grounded! Both are known to be ultra busy! Gemini listens fast, often replies while you are still speaking! Virgo writes the book, organizes the finances, won’t go home, just has one more detail to finesse, worries about her and your health. They are quite different, you see.

Mercury Rx is don’t sign those papers about issues of the sign(s) Mercury is retrograde in! Or, do everything to make it possible so it doesn’t fall through. Escrows can fall through. Use experienced brokers who can get it done no matter what. People don’t return your calls. The dog ate it. Your computer has a snit. Or you do, LOL! You lose your cell. You get lost, turned around. Rule is be sure purchases are from reputable firms that have reliable returns/guarantees/warranties. Be sure the company is legitimate before you deal. Date and sign any contract changes and make sure they do too. Get/make copies, save and backup. Generally, you avoid making significant purchases/decisions especially of matters specific to the sign/s involved. If possible, don’t move or change or start jobs until you wait 4 days after Mercury turns Direct/forward.

The house/s where Mercury falls in your chart while it is retrograde is the area of your life that will be specially affected. Briefly: If it is in your 4th, it is home and family matters. If in your 2nd or 8th, financial adjustments will be made. 6th can be work environment, skills, coworkers, your health regime. 5/7/8 houses can be important relationships. 3/9 is educational, class requirements may shift. 9 is long term plans, travels. 10 may be career, 11 career associations/associates, friendships. 12 may be your spiritual beliefs, perceptions. So for example, if in your 10th, be cautious about signing professional documents. If in your 4th, you may opt to wait to buy the new refrigerator – a better deal or fridge may come along. In the 1st or 3rd you might wait to purchase a new vehicle. In 2 or 7, wait for the facelift. If you need help with this, see your astrologer!

Inner planet – Mercury, Venus, Mars – retrogrades have three phase cycles. Sometimes outer planets have five and take 3 years! Sun and Moon have none. Astrologers use different names for the 3 phases. Basically they are:

  1. Covering the initial ground, degrees that the retrograde will go back over when the planet ‘turns’ retrograde.
  2. Retrograde covers the same degrees as Phase 1, only in the reverse direction, so your perspective takes a 180 shift while other planets continue on in their own patterns, many of them moving forward. While retrograde the planet checks on previous actions, improving on, updating choices made as it goes back.
  3. The planet turns ‘forward,’ and goes over the same degrees a third time, adds finishing touches, makes experienced final adjustments before it moves on.

Stations bring special emphasis! A Station is when a planet literally appears to stand still in the sky at the retrograde and direct, forward turning points. Stations help us slow down. A Mercury station holds consciousness at a certain point for 8 days. They are a pause when we are able to be still to receive, focus, take time to think, steep in our thinking. We make things the best we can, anchor important ideas we want to keep. The longer the station the more its strength. Mercury sometimes likes to think things over, draw as much from a valuable experience as possible, or get to know a special person more deeply. More often, it is likely to go crazy waiting for more things to happen and wants to be the first to deliver the news! They may need to rest at the station because a lot has been changing. It can be a relief to take a breather from the rigors of speeding here and there so they don’t miss a morsel!

Planets at different speeds hold station different lengths of time. Mercury stations are about 8 days – four days before and four days after the turns. Prepare for retrogrades as best you can before the Retrograde Station starts! When Mercury turns forward, wait for the Direct Station to finish before turning yourself loose to go ahead.

Every Retrograde is unique by sign, aspects, and where it happens in your chart! As time goes on the planetary backdrop changes. Context shifts. Retrogrades, like any other astro phenomena, evolve. Each planet has its own matters. The sign(s) it is in while in retrograde, are how those matters are applied, what matters are processed.

For example: We were talking about purging, letting things go. During this time it will be specific to Venus in Capricorn. It will either be another stage or an addition to something already going on in your personal chart. Also, the degrees of this retrograde have to be in connection with your personal chart or it will have little to no effect. Venus is things of love, beauty, possessions, money, how you care for your body, and your relationships with others and to those things in your life! Capricorn is traditional items/values – identity, fathers, profession and its relationships, aging, retirement, responsibilities. Not only is it things, but how we feel about them, the unseen aspect of retrogrades! Capricorn often has to do with old things, renovation, or things we have had a long time that have deep meaningful memories and sentimental value. Can be subtle and harder to release, like old habits, indulgences or deprivation, now letting ourselves have things we never had but always wanted. There can be a turning away from things we are done with that we never thought we would change about, yet here it happens…old rigid ideas are simply abandoned.

Sometimes retrogrades cross Portals, where sign changes happen! As they go forward, retrograde, then recross forward, we learn how to make that particular crossing. Gradually we see how those two signs are linked, work together, support each other. We see the contribution of each sign, how they each are part of the Zodiacal Great Circle. Be mindful of your own talent, offer it. Be mindful of what others have to offer, be grateful. You may not like them, but we can’t do without their part of the divine tapestry, the Light they hold at that crossroads.

What a journey! When you are traveling, what amazing beauty lies around each new bend. Different directions, different views. Maybe what’s behind is out of sight, a memory; what’s ahead is a mystery! Inward turns, like retrograde, give us time to pause, hold steady, slow down. Outward bends like turning forward/Direct, extend our vision of potentials. Each turn, that Station, gives us time to think, recalibrate, prepare for the next stretch. It’s important that there are changes, reversals, old ideas that clogged things up are left behind, revelations have room to occur, new ideas are teased into action! Potential is remembered and we are rededicated.

Clearly life doesn’t stop during retrogrades, and not all people’s charts are connected to all retrogrades. If your chart is connected to any given one, you will need to do your best and what you can. You can’t explain this astrological stuff to all people, maybe not your boss or even a good friend. Astrology? You’re nuts! Ok, so there are times to find ways to stall or not connect, delay. You can estimate the possibilities of others not bringing certain papers to the meeting and bring them yourself, save the day! You can ask for a review of the current decisions 4 days or more after Mercury goes Direct/forward. If there are important must do meetings, Dr and Veterinarian appts, call in advance to verify that the date and right time are on their calendars AND yours! Verify that part you ordered IS ordered, being sent to the correct address, the expected arrival date! Know that it might be late. Keep track of keys, wallets/purses, phones.

Document your work and events daily, save ALL emails and backup safely off the premises. No giving your passwords or copies of keys to anyone. If all goes well, fine. If not, all the pertinent information you need is available.

If you have other favorable prevailing aspects, especially with outer planets, it is likely changes will ultimately be to your benefit. Do check with your astrologer for your good dates and times of day to make the best of it! And pray their chart isn’t affected by the retrograde, LOL!

With a transiting Retrograde, if you have factors in your chart at or very close to those degrees, especially at the station degrees, you will be activated. Check in with your astrologer if you have significant plans at those times. Plan ahead for what you want to get done, as much as possible, well before those times, and line up what you can do during those times!

This DOUBLE RETROGRADE set emphasizes Capricorn, the work of your life, and Aquarius, your friends and the people you work with!

Be blessed and the best to you! Keep the kinks in your links well oiled!

Updated 12.4.21

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For more details see your 2021 and 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they connect with your personal chart!

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….     

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Capricorn 2018 Celestial HighLights

Capricorn ~ Stones, Castles & Labyrinths! 

Capricorn Dunure Castle Labyrinth Scotland Michelini

Magical place, Dunure Castle and Labyrinth, Scotland. Beautiful photo by Stefano Michelini!

Capricorns have a Spirit as ancient as the rocks they befriend.

Rocks have been known throughout time as sacred guardians – protectors from marauders, cave, castle or stone home shelter. Capricorn does this as naturally as breathing. They can be fierce to the bone and give you the evil Mephistopheles eye that makes you backup and shiver if you dare to threaten or intrude! Capricorns are loyal and dependable. You want them on your side, LOL, because they are clever as all get out!

Rocks used in retaining walls, as dams for water, irrigation, surrounds for fire pits on a cold windy night, are invaluable – can save your life! Capricorn gets the most from the land sustainably and safely. They work easily with scientists and engineers, responding creatively to their ideas. They may even be the scientist, researcher!

Stones can make cheap fences. In areas with little wood and lotsa rocks, at high altitudes, or like in the British isles, they are perfect for boundary lines between farms. It’s important to know your place, to respect and let others live their lives their way. Gates, keys, thresholds, stone archway entrances, are all part of the flow ways between. Use your dowsing rod to find exactly where they should be installed.

Those same walls can keep us in a safe place, the sheep and goats in a safe place. Capricorns know sometimes it’s better to be right where you are until things have changed, or you are strong enough to go beyond on your own natural boundaries. Thank the walls that save you from yourself!

Foundations that will last forever might be essential. They are our roots, the abiding principles in our lives that are time tested. Caps are master Builders. Consult with them to understand weaknesses, how to get stronger. Just like people have dogs and gardens that mimic themselves, so does your structure, starting with the foundation, mimic your life choices, only this one might be long term. Look ahead as a Capricorn would from his high mountain vantage point. Think about the truest meanings, the deepest values you want to live for. Give that a strong foothold.

Gravel! The everyday gravel in the paths of our lives, gravel as mulch in a Zuni waffle garden. From round to natural ragged footpath stones. Square, retangular, dovetailing in grand patterns. We are always wearing things down to a fine texture. What was so big yesterday, a few months ago, years ago, has less presence now. It’s been divided and worked in the increments we can handle. Bits of it have been fitted into our being, other parts have been let go, we have changed, grown and no longer need them. This new ‘soil’ is the fertile ground that new parts of ourselves can grow in.

The magnificent wheel grinding the grain to flour is akin to that gravel. Capricorn is aware of the finality of transformation when it gets to a certain point. Capricorn Builders don’t always build up, sometimes they reduce to fit, like those corner stones in a stone paved driveway or patio, or the pieces made to fit in a rock wall. There are times we need to surrender to fit with life. We intelligently shape shift to make the best of it at the time. Because it is our choice, we don’t mind. Sometimes we can shift back later; other times what’s done is done. We are literally a chip off the old block.

Capricorn Wheel Meeting Place Durango Dry Stone

As Durango Dry Stone says: Partnering with Gravity to make beautiful functional art! 

ART Sculptures, ornate stone buildings and temples, sacred gardens, meeting places. Capricorn beauty is often geometric, long lasting. Sculptings often are symbolic of timeless principles, people of great honor. Technical skills give Capricorns an artistic edge, miraculous to the rest of us. Gardens are a blend of land, prestigious and pedigreed plants, stonework that presents them without taking away from them. Intricate and handsome enrichment. Meeting places, like the one in the image, can be inspiring, calling us to be in our higher Spirit. Doesn’t matter what the surroundings are, the meeting place is powerful in its own right. It makes you want to be counted.

Markers – cairns along the trail for wilderness wanderers, monuments, and tombstones that show respect that we existed in whatever way our Spirit intended. Honor and remembrance are deep in the Capricorn Soul. None of us may completely understand. We just know there are many things in progress. Though Capricorn is a solid rock earth sign, they are wise Beings that by default also understand what’s unspoken or invisible. They may seem super sober, by the book, as rigid as those rocks, but don’t judge them entirely by their cover. They are realists, and it doesn’t get more ‘psychic’ than that. As far as that reference to being rigid goes, maybe they were undependable in past lives and now they are making up for lost time to a fault!

Capricorn Stone Crinkle Crankle Wall by Dutch Engineers in the 17th Century - Pie Crusts?!

Stones can be born, forged by volcanic fire, pressed into existence by Earth Herself. At times, in the high country, we hear them crackle as they freeze, then scream and split – rock fall causing mini quakes as they roll, tumble, crush to a resting place. Canyons form, with creeks and rivers that grind the rocks round to sand and silt. In all time, they become soil on the floodplains. Fertility, minerals for our food plants depend on them. This tremendous process is at times what our Capricorns go through. They can feel compressed and potent to the point of being almost explosive. They can be content, being completely who they are a whole lifetime with no questions. There are times they bust loose, like the maker of the fence at left! It is a ‘crinkle crankle’ wall built by Dutch engineers in the 17th century! There may be a lot more wiggle room than we thought! We are so surprised and often they are too! Not the same person! No map could do it justice!

Some stones are so old our ancestors remembered them; some of us remember them as places we were at in past lives – they remember us! That’s why we are so attracted to some crystals or certain stones in jewelry. Stones were the first wheels! The Stone People have been witnesses throughout the ages. They have witnessed births, marriages, baptisms, sacrifices, deaths, whole lives, generations. Priests and the High Priestesses know these places intuitively. Some are sacred, some need a little cleansing to revive their well being. Know that stones are living entities. It is just that they function a little differently than we do.

A stone Labyrinth is symbolic of a life story unfolding, how we walk our lives. Purification prayer, a gift to the Labyrinth at the entrance, maybe a pause at the turns, approach the center. Stand still in Peace and gratitude. Return, refreshed, into your day. Let all be well with you.

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Capricorn 2018/19 Celestial Highlights!  

Here’s how to start your New Year! Moon & Venus!

Here's how to start your New Year! Moon & Venus! New Year 2018 Waning Crescent Moon Venus Jupiter Mercury!

New Year 2018 Waning Crescent Moon visits Venus, Jupiter, & Mercury! Thanks to Doug McClure and EarthSky!

Capricorn 2018/19 Timeline!


21 Happy Winter Solstice – Yule, Capricorn!
21 to Jan 23! Solstice starts the longest stellium of 2019. Dec 21 to Jan 4 there are three planets, the Solstice Sun, Saturn and Pluto in CAPRICORN! Jan 4-6 Moon and Mercury join to make FIVE in Cap. Jan 7 to 20, FOUR planets in Capricorn. Jan 20 to 23 back to three planets in Cap. It includes the Dec 22 Full Cold Moon, the Jan 5 Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn, the Jan 20 Lunar Eclipse Full Wolf SuperMoon Leo/Aquarius!
22 Full Cold Moon
25 Merry Christmas!
26  A blessed Kwanzaa!


Happy New Year!
New Moon, Solar Eclipse!
13 Jupiter square Neptune
20 Happy Aquarius!
20 Lunar Eclipse, Full Wolf SuperMoon

Capricorn Overview of Year to Come!

We start Capricorn’s new year with Venus and Mercury both direct (no longer retrograde) finishing their complete retrograde cycles. For some it was a long 4 months. See Venus/Mercury Rx! 

Jupiter, Sagittarius’s planet, entering Sagittarius was the last of a 10 day series of events that started when Pluto crossed the Golden Ecliptic Oct 30 2018! These events occurred during Venus Retrograde that was followed back to back with Mercury Retrograde Nov 16! Sagittarius got us on the Path, Capricorn will lead us through the most treacherous parts. They have nerves of steel and are as fearless as those mountain goats!

The potent Ecliptic event links with the Nov 11, 2019 Transit of Mercury Eclipse!  As Pluto was purified in the Sun’s path, the Ecliptic, for many days, now, Mercury, in Pluto’s sign Scorpio, crosses the face of the Scorpio Sun, being purified for hours! The Sun burns away the dross. Pluto is the great internal purifier that works in the dark from within! This is where the Kundalini life fire emerges, and the Phoenix rises from its own ashes! Resurrection! What a powerful combination. Clearly Mercury can take it, being in Scorpio, a powerfully strong sign. On the average, there are only 13 transits of Mercury each century. The next will be 2032. Only a few days later, Nov 19, Jupiter, in his own sign Sagittarius, conjuncts the GALACTIC CENTER! At this level we’re talking a whole different kind of purification, the light of many stars/suns, galaxies. Though it is only on a 12 year cycle, this and the Transit of Mercury are potent as sister aspects, essentially happening concurrently! And they could see the Light…….

Mercury acted as witness to the Ecliptic event and observer, documentarian of what he saw at that time and the results in the year following. Conjunct the Sun, the Transit of Mercury Eclipse, Mercury will be empowered by solar light, to express himself in the most radiant manner possible! People will listen. Mercury is the information gatherer, messenger. Mercury is strengthened to receive then report on Jupiter at the GALACTIC CENTER! He puts it in perspective, knows the meaning, intention, long term purpose! Mercury is the neighbor you know; Jupiter is, in this case, the galactic traveler, a fascinating impressive stranger!

Pluto was at the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn 58 Rx. The Transit Mercury Eclipse will be sextile (opportunity) at 18 Scorpio 55 Rx. Mercury will move back to 11 SC 43 Rx when at the Galactic Center. Notice these are all Rx, retrograde. Retrograde means you have been there before and you will be again afterwards. It’s a 3 part cycle. Three chances. It’s good to get it right!

Capricorn starts with Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in their own signs! See Jupiter in Sagittarius That’s a lot of pure strong energy. Jupiter and Neptune are malleable signs, in astrological terms, mutable. They are flexible, adaptable. Saturn stomps his foot and calls for responsibility and to abide by the rules and laws, honor your parents, the boss, elders and ancestors! You have to show him how and why that change makes sense. He’s a good balance to those wayward wanderers enamored in a moment, sometimes for no good reason. They are enjoying the show and he wants to know what’s real, is it doable.

During Cap’s year, Uranus and Chiron are making their final sign changes. Feb 18 Chiron returns to Aries. While he is still in Pisces, we will review our choices and remember why some things are so important to our Spirits, how healing of subtle factors can be as crucial as getting your bricks in row. Mar 6 Uranus to Taurus. Uranus in Aries brought plenty of drought and fires in the western US, with floods in the East. Hopefully, in Taurus fertility will be naturalized and balance restored. Chiron takes 51 years per sign and Uranus 84 years. It will be that long before they will be in Pisces and Aries again!

By November 8, 2019, all SIX of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s 2019’s outer planet aspects shall have been formed with Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. At times we are discouraged, overwhelmed, or Pandora’s box opens and we are over the top with wishes, crazy for believing in such miracles! Yet there it is, we want to try! Be inspired, break free from old fears! Saturn sextile Neptune is a peerless appraiser, even ‘sees’ what is not visible! If he’s behind you, he is determined to get the job done. Inimitable! Forget sleeping in, get up and get going, one step at a time if necessary, but do it! Those SIX aspects finish just before the Nov 11, eleven, eleven Transit of Mercury Eclipse and Nov 19 Jupiter at the Galactic Center. Our Neptune imagination is being primed, tested, found strong and receptive!

These profound events were during Sun in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The transmissions were taken in deeply, churned like good butter. Since Mercury is mind, Jupiter meaning, we may not witness physical change,  especially with such an aspect as exotic and from so far as the Galactic Center, our Soul didn’t miss a trick! Changes will seem to unfold for no reason and one day we realize there has become a difference.

Sun in Sagittarius thinks them over and the entry of Jupiter into Capricorn is different this time. These special aspects have prepared the way for Jupiter moving into Capricorn Dec 2! That will make 3 outer planets in Capricorn until Saturn enters Aquarius March 31, 2020! Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn July 1, again, 3 in Capricorn until Saturn goes forward into AQ Dec 16! Jupiter will become a bit cautious, but his robust nature will speed Capricorn up! They are both high mountain lovers, so looks like it’s going to be fun! Jupiter will make the travel plans; Cap will build the lodge! Jupiter quickly sees potential, offers encouragement, gathers the backers. Capricorn is ace at putting the right pieces together with terrific timing. Successful champions! The job comes in early, and the results are impressive! See more about Jupiter in Capricorn!

And that brings us to Jan 12, 2020, Saturn conjunct Pluto! See all about it!

We are building to the 2020 Super Stellium! 3 outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn! New Year Day opens with 5 planets in Capricorn! Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Sun plus Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn! Jan 12 Saturn makes the exact conjunction.

The CROWN! March 21 2020 Saturn is about to leave Capricorn, the three outer planets are in culmination, as close as they will get, in a 7 degree Stellium! Peter Novak as studied outer planet stelliums and found that in the last 2000 years, allowing a 5 degree range, there were only 23 three outer planet stelliums! Yes, if he had allowed 7 degrees, there would be more, but still, they are uncommon. See more about Saturn with Pluto!

Continuing abiding Aspect: Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background… In Sagittarius’s coming year they are exact twice – Jan 19 Pisces/Aries and June 30 Aries/Taurus of 2019! More

See the entire Capricorn 2018/19 Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.


Outer Planet Transits with Capricorn 2018 – January 2020!

Capricorn Patagonia Torres del Paine National Park Trekkers Mountains

Trekkers enjoying the fierce conditions at Patagonia’s Torres del Paine National Park! Stuplendous, for a fact! Put Patagonia, Machu Picchu, Nepal, the high altitude head-clearing places on your list this year! 

OUTER PLANETS WITH CAPRICORN – Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter

Outer planets are the long term movers. Pluto and Neptune move only 3 degrees a year. Uranus at 84 years, and Chiron at 51 years, are advancing about 4 degrees a year for now. Saturn takes 28/29 years to make its orbit, Jupiter only 12 years, a sign a year! Depending on astrological patterns, some ‘events’ in our lives take many years, where others may happen toot sweet, right on or very near the date the event is exact! Some ‘events’ are not physical, but in our minds or Spirits. No one might ‘see’ them but you. Complex planetary patterns may overlap each other or be singular and direct. Some repeat; others are once in a lifetime. Some people have aspects others never have. Others have had aspects you won’t have until much later. Your astrologer can help you with your personal timing, understanding and strategies.

PLUTO is still in Capricorn but is changed. Oct 30, 2018 it made the rare 248 year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic and is now below it! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path around earth! Pluto’s debris was lighted, declared to be outmoded, to be cleared away. He was not only cleared, but became clean, freed to be charged with energy beyond imagination! His healing powers have increased exponentially! He will gave that very energy to Sun and the Light itself is now more clear and radiant! So fresh, this is a powerful time for all of us, but especially Capricorns because this HAPPENED IN THEIR SIGN! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio or Capricorn, have also been cleared and infused! Some will go to the Light, others might need some time out to be able to stand up again. None of these factors, Capricorn, Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested even them.

Pluto reached the beginning of the last third of Capricorn Feb 2018, now moving from 20 to 23 degrees. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile aspect, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 21 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in these degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, mighty healing and miraculous survival.  Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Pluto continues to clear Capricorn, making projects effective and viable. Timely features accounting for climate changes, up to date materials, employing the latest experts bring Capricorn’s work right into the news! The work has a special feel to it, charismatic! Capricorn is still the responsible, quality craftsman, and it shows! He applies these principles to new ideas, and it works! Pluto knows where to get the funding, so when there was nothing before, all of a sudden unexpected backing happens! Pluto has gut feelings when there is danger and will help Cap sidestep the pitfalls and pick more trustworthy business partners. He spices up Cappie’s love choices. It pays to have both love and money, LOL! Live fully with a juicy partner who loves you the way you are, but also wants more for you than you do, believes in you in a good way! Pluto insists on paying attention to your health. No neglect or abandoning yourself. Keep your teeth, LOL! Capricorn may doggedly stick to some of his ideas, but doesn’t have obsessions as Pluto can. Pluto will be gifted to be in Cap’s presence and find he too can let go at times.

NEPTUNE is in his own sign Pisces. He is a water planet in the last water sign, seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors betweenn 13 and 18 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Though they are so different, Neptune is quite helpful to Capricorn. Neptune dissolves some of the Capricorn crust, inspires him with elegant visions, shows him ways to ride through the storm. Capricorn survives against long odds, and holds awards for his service. Tidal Neptune always has a song of the sea, rises and falls, carries the great ships to far places. Often weaker in childhood, Capricorn finds his own sacred rhythm, his own special place in our world, an honored master of his craft. Neptune shows him there is more than what we do, are known for. We have Soul as well. That’s the magic part of the Capricorn Magician, High Priest/ess, Wizard/Witch!

URANUS covers 28 Aries to 6 Taurus! Uranus entered Taurus May 15, 2018! Those of you with factors in the last two degrees of Aries will be accomplishing the maturity of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future ideas that Taurus will anchor and build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network. They need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on. See more about the sign change.

Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is automatic. In fiery Aries, it’s the First of everything, truly awakening! Aries is pretty unflappable, but this really shakes your space! Aries loves a challenge and new things. Rarely are they outdone in that dept, but Uranus has a bigger platform. It rules humanity, and although Aries is only one person, they step up because they know the value of key positions that make the difference! Uranus replaces some Aries circuits and the game is bigger yet! Can’t get enough! Young people have been fired up. The Awakener has opened their eyes! What powerful times we are in!

Uranus in Aries, and Capricorn may vie for position, but it won’t last long. Aries quickly sees what can be done then like lightning takes of for the next venture. Capricorn may swat at him like a fly, take a good look at his ideas, ask him to leave or stay! Whatever you do, you will be changed! Cap will think about him after he’s gone, but Cap is always working onward, so will forget him in time. Meanwhile the ideas live on as Capricorn figures out how to get them to work and tests them. Capricorn is tested to just listen a bit, not judge that not all people live by routines, are on time, or live to please them, LOL! Ah, and so it is. Those few days or moments together can mean a lot, be quite valuable, so take it in. Use what you can, let the rest go, but archive the ideas – they may become useful later. Uranus in Aries is innovative, fresh, ahead of their time! Don’t miss the clue!

March 6, 2019 Uranus enters Taurus the final time. Taurus invents simple! It either feels too close for comfort, or it’s the most fun you’ve had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! You may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Divine body electric!

Taurus is an Earth sign and so is Capricorn! Their connections with Earth are different. Taurus is thought of as the fertile food growing fields, while Capricorn is the high mountain peaks the soil comes from. Taurus is barefooted in his tank top; Capricorn has gear for all kinds of weather and strong mountain boots. Taurus can be lazy warm, the cows and their cuds, while Capricorn is bone numbing cold, with only enough vegetation for goats! You could die. Taurus shows Capricorn how to relax, use the comfort to heal and release what was held tight. Capricorn, to his surprise, feels lighter and gets twice as much done with all that old stuff gone. Taurus helps Capricorn assess his own body, find more beauty, to nibble the flowers in the highlands, eat those alpine strawberries. They both love sex! Taurus is super sensual. Rutty goat Capricorn has never had flower petals in the sheets before…but how yummy it is in front of that beautiful big fireplace when winter comes! Uranus in Taurus is people of the land, indigenous as well as many of us. He wants the land to be free, natural, to be used sustainably. He calls on Capricorn law to preserve and regulate, restore. He calls on Capricorn scientists to show historical change, predict what can be done.

CHIRON, like Neptune has also been in Pisces, entered Aries April 17 2018! After taking a foray into Aries, he is now back in Pisces until Feb 18. He will cover 28 Pisces to almost 6 Aries, activating any factors you have in those degrees. See more Chiron travels very close to the same degrees as Uranus, but in different signs! Pisces and Aries are the last and first of the zodiacal signs! Pisces believes; Aries takes action!

If you have Chiron in those degrees of Pisces/Aries, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces, and the head, brain and eyes when in Aries. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too!

Chiron the Healer is fluid in Pisces, takes only a moment to assess a situation. Pisces is the Dreamer visionary spiritualist musician, while Chiron is seeking healing, teaching, right relationships and good business. Chiron may approach it from Neptune’s point of view, however because they are both in Pisces, Neptune’s sign! Chiron, the Shaman, will stand beside Capricorn. Healing will go through Capricorn directly to Capricorn’s people – his family, coworkers, employees, friends in official positions. Chiron will up Capricorn’s sense if now is the time to change the system, update old rules and laws, open a new business. A long lasting marriage may be on the table. It may be more of a practical business partnership than romantic, and that would likely be ok with both partners. It would be healing to both of them to succeed.

As Uranus leaves Aries, Chiron goes into Aries Feb 18 for 9 years, through 2027. Time to get more used to Aries. Chiron is well intended, wants you to have a better life now! He commiserates all too well since he himself carries a wound that won’t heal. Considering conditions in the world today, we will likely be grateful for some push from Aries. Aries inspires, leads us into immediate action! Capricorn may be nonplussed or saying it’s about time! Working together may be a challenge. Personal relationships, marriages may not happen. Do check with your astrologer! Cappies are likely working hard as they always do. Then this wild fiery Aries Shaman type comes in, unasked even, and makes plausible suggestions, groan. Things need updating, new things added, and there is an official deadline. Ye, Gods, now to do that too?! Yes, it will be better, safer, more productive, but it’s gonna take time and less sleep. There might be a few implications about changing some personal things too. Well, if they improve your health, ok. But even that takes dedicated attention. Stay with it, and give that Shaman a little sass! Tell him if he wants it done, to send some special energies your way! Hmpf! And maybe some funds to hire a helper!

SATURN builds from 10 to 21 Capricorn.

Saturn entered his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. In his own sign! Many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better, or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! Now, in its own sign, it is truly full height! Those of you with Saturn 11 to 23 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns now through January 20, 2020! There will be more traditional endeavors.

  1. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!
  3. Around age 87, many are now experiencing their 3rd Saturn Return! Things don’t bother them as much. They enjoy what they want to, sometimes something they always wanted to do! There are losses of friends and loved ones. Health matters more – they are often quite brave. Family can mean a lot or if alone, friends do. Age can mean honors, even just for making it that long! Capricorn is the sign of time, elderhood. This is generally a strong time for them.

Saturn in it’s own sign, Earth sign Capricorn, is a force! It makes young people old and old people more healthy,  younger than others their age, and strong! Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the time, being on time, are all assets. They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand structures – concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation – more done with less effort, use less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost, build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves. As seniors they don’t quit. They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are just golden – art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids!

JUPITER moves from 11 Sagittarius to 6 Capricorn

Jupiter is a big fire planet, entered his own fire sign Sagittarius as of Nov 8 2018! Jupiter went into Sag at 4:38 AM Pacific. The huge Camp Fire in Paradise, California started that morning, first calls at 6:33 AM. Jupiter changing signs was preceded by an eventful NINE days started by the important 248 year aspect Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! I had written ‘Pay special attention to Nov 6, 7, 8!’ The Camp Fire took the lives of 88 people, 25 still missing as of Dec 2. Nov 15 nearby Chico CA had an AQI, Air Quality Index, of 350 at one point.

Jupiter stays in Sag the majority of 2019, until moving into Capricorn Dec 2. Jupiter/Sagittarius never fails to impress. It can be a hero, and there are plenty of those at this time. It can be a knowledge or wisdom of an exalted teacher and that might be your local high school teacher. It can be a journey of great beauty or a maximum athletic achievement. A boundless love, a loving kindness, a gift, sharing. All these touch our hearts and make a story to remember. Fortunes gained and lost, wagers won and lost, starting from nothing to making it to the top of the mountain! And, as spoken above, if it’s bad, it can be really bad. No thieving or robbing. While traveling and your money is low, no taking something because you need it ‘more than they do.’ Big stories yes, cons no. No ‘accidental’ slander, bearing false witness, prejudice. Stay with respectful truth and honesty. Keep the long term in mind. Keep your higher ethics in place, morality intact; visit the sacred place when you need to. Keep learning in every direction.

Jupiter in Capricorn makes work the most fun it ever was! You could be the visitor who is remembered for all the work you did! You might be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. Jupiter will help you jazz up your home, give you such good advice you can’t help doing it! They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference. Don’t keep your lucky Jupiter charm. They need to travel, check out the territories. If you hire them, send them to the training seminars furthest away or send them to teach it! If they have too much routine, they will run away. Poof. Gone. Import/exports they are involved with might work well for you too. Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits. If you have had doldrums, Jupiter can cheer you up like a champ. You are encouraged because they act like you can do it, and it’s truth! See more 

If you have factors in Sagittarius and/or Capricorn in your chart at these degrees, this could be prime time to visit the positive areas where they are on your AstroLocality map. See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. The experience you have will depend on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how current planetary positions apply to your chart. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible.

Happy Birthdays, Capricorns from your forever grateful fans! 


Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….  

See the entire Capricorn 2018/19 Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

Happy Birthdays, Capricorns!

Capricorn Stone Fireplace Lake Placid Lodge Lobby NY

Lake Placid Lodge, listed as one of 9 impressive fireplaces in Upstate New York! Courtesy of Ocean Properties, Ltd.

Be well, well loved, may you prosper, all your good works be blessed!



2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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Total Lunar ECLIPSE Full Blue SuperMoon!
150 Years! Moon’s Nodes, Venus, Mercury & Jupiter!  

Partial Solar ECLIPSE New Moon!
Chinese New Year, Fixed Star Algol, Venus, Mars & Jupiter!


Total Lunar ECLIPSE Full Blue SuperMoon!
150 Years! Moon’s Nodes, Venus, Mercury & Jupiter!  

Wednesday Jan 31, 5:27 AM Pacific at 11 Leo/AQ 34!

2018 Total Lunar Eclipse Blue Blood SuperMoon

First time in 150 years!!! Being the Second Full Moon of January, makes it a Blue Moon! And, it is the FIRST ECLIPSE of 2018! The Moon turns a rusty blood red as it passes through Earth’s shadow. Annnd, it will be visible in most of western North America! At 5:27 AM Pacific, we Westies will be getting up early!

Being a SuperMoon, our Eclipse will be closer to Earth, just a little bigger and brighter! Leo Moon loves it that way! Praying for a clear early morning sky! Snug in your down jacket, warm boots, and bring the hot chocolate!

The Eclipse group closely spans the Moon’s nodes, Moon at the North node ascending! Time to light up the night! Leo warms the heart, creates a generous space, shares volumes! Moon cares about and Leo dotes on loved ones and they both love being sweeted and treated! Bring the kids, both children and adult kids, that is. In fact, why not gather in the field or on the mountaintop for Eclipse viewing?! Leo calls us to stand tall in ourselves, calls our bodies and Spirits to be champions. Leo IS the sign of our sun, LIGHT.

At the other side of our Full Moon, Sun and Venus are together in Aquarius! Sun in AQ loves the heavenly view, could even be on a flight and watching the Eclipse from altitude! Sun is a great friend in Aquarius, and he and Venus love the blessings of their friends. There is such beauty in each unique Soul, gifts beyond measure. They offer a loving kindness, a grace to all. The gathering, their unity, is so much greater than one alone.

Collaborating is a grand tactic! Leo offers the fire of inspiration, enthusiastically their entire selves, to the cause. Aquarius gathers the Souls. Aquarius can be a loner at times, contemplating the astonishing possibilities of change and evolution! And there are times they just need to be free. Just free. They drift away. Sometimes they don’t come back. But if, when, they do, they are supercharged and things get delegated and done!

The Eclipse is at 11 degrees. Neptune neighbors the Sun at 12 Pisces, and inconjuncts the Moon. Neptune adds mystery, an unknown dose of magic, invisibilities like dreams, ideals, Spirit of the Soul. It seeks to heal the causes of addictions, as well as to make music and art. It calls for compassion and empathy as well as thoughtful humanitarianism. Neptune reflects Moon’s light that shimmers on the waves and waters, that she may see many more facets of life and creation. Leo can be stubborn sometimes, enjoying things just the way they were, but Moon has her cycles and Neptune dissolves us into future fate, gives an invitation to an even bigger life! Imagination is key!

Caution. Venus is soon to square Jupiter, Feb 3 at 10:07 PM Pacific. In Aquarius she wants the world or doesn’t care at all, about anything! Jupiter thinks she should have it if she wants it, but in Scorpio, the question is how much and who pays for it?! Is she being greedy or selfish? If it’s a fundraiser there may be trouble getting started, the donor reneges or has left the country, or wants too much control of the operation. Venus may want something people don’t understand, too exotic, ahead of its time. Lot of explaining/demonstrating to do or they just don’t get it. Break it down into smaller bites and start with what can be done at this time. Pay attention to security matters and keep tabs on existing accounts. Principles matter. If the donor is unethical, you may decide not to accept the offer. Check the contract carefully. Oh, and this is not the One, at least not at this time.

Mercury is at the very brink of Aquarius, carries the Full Moon information forward! The Eclipse is 5:27 AM Pacific; Mercury goes into AQ 13 minutes later, 5:40 AM! Capricorn work is so finished! Mission accomplished, feather in our caps! Mercury’s best sign is considered to be Aquarius, the sign of genius! There is a whole Universe out there to explore, playground of the Gods! There is often a little bit of delightfully giddy chaos! Connections are made at light speed, a streak through the heavens! Networks come together. Phones and internet are too slow. Astonishing ideas. Research is on the cutting edge. And this is only the beginning! It’s a brief flare as Mercury rides the lightning so do it NOW! He goes into Pisces Feb 17, but what a ride! The word is out and the lights are ON!

Though it was exact Jan 15, the day before the New Moon, the powerful long term background aspect Jupiter sextile Pluto is still strong! And it will continue to be! Jupiter and Pluto travel less than 3 degrees of each other for FOUR months to the retrograde aspect April 14.

Jupiter will come close to its trine with Chiron, but retrogrades 2 degrees before it completes. Very close, but won’t complete that trine until Nov 1, and then only once. There is a strong desire for deep healing, healing of the cause, at the source. There is a longing to do business that matters in a good way. We whisper of eternal love, set a greater standard, wait for the right timing.

With Jupiter & Pluto, expect further shifts in educational status. Divorce, custody and inheritances could be favorably resolved. Be ultra-kind and keep long term healing in mind. Favorable marriages could be made, both for love and money! Sex could knock your socks off! Try out new investments. Invest more later if it goes well. Buy the home if you have the opportunity. Careful timing is required this year due to some complex and lengthy inner planet retrograde sequences. See your astrologer to see if it is a good time for you and when your personal exact best timing is. Resolve to be of service to your community.

Literally, keep the future in mind and take action accordingly. 2020 and 2021 are very soon. Keep climate in mind. Seek higher, safer ground with good water and sustainability. Be with people making the world a better place.

Happy SuperMoon Eclipse viewing!

Total Lunar ECLIPSE Full Blue SuperMoon Leo/Aquarius Astrology Chart!

Aquarius 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse Full Snow SuperMoon Astrology Chartx x

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Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon!
Chinese New Year, Fixed Star Algol, Venus, Mars & Jupiter!

Thursday Feb 15 at 1:05 PM Pacific, 27 AQ 08!

Aquarius 2018 New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse

The day after Valentine’s Day, a partial Solar Eclipse, the Moon cookie bites the Sun! Not visible in North America.

In the US, Friday Feb 16, the day of the second New Moon after Winter Solstice in China, Chinese New Year 2018 is celebrated! In addition to the New Moon, there are two occultations, mini eclipses, so it’s like a triple eclipse! Feb 15 the Moon occults Mercury at 10:05 AM Pacific, before the New Moon here. The Moon acts as a perfect channel for Mercury to Earth, filtering Mercury’s data and logic through Moon’s feelings. We may have a softened expression, more care, about what we think, how we say it. We may have a lot of feelings about what we hear or say. Feb 16, Chinese New Year in the US, the Moon occults Venus in Pisces at 8:36 AM Pacific! The Moon channels Venus grace through the veils of Pisces the sign of compassion and mercy. Think of the Chinese Bodhisattva, Kuan Yin, the beautiful Buddha. She will hold love and beauty, peaceful kindness, as we follow the mandates of the year of the brown Earth dog. See more about the Brown Earth Dog year!

Moon aligns and merges with Sun, an essence of the two Lights in Aquarius. At a late degree, 27, it is a mature Sun. In the last 27 days much has happened and been accomplished. An annual recentering and affirmation has brought Aquarians back to their extraordinary Light Body selves. They are at their final charging for their year to come. It takes energy to awaken humanity, to introduce changes, to gather such diverse Souls for collaborative group work. Hats off to these Beings. Sun literally lights the way; Moon nurtures the clan, the mothers and children, the weak and tired. She retrieves those who are lost.

Moon and Sun have both also been charged by Uranus, their own planet! They just sextiled Uranus. Uranus in Aries is like a fire breathing dragon! There is no missing its wild electric scent! There’s fire in the forge. Time to give a little shove in the right direction. Throw down the gauntlet and see who comes. One person, one act, is all it takes to start it going. Aries is ignition and initiation! Aquarius is the Awakener! Feel that tingle of excitement! Once up and out, you can still go back, but it’s not the same old, same old. Nope.

To add to it, Mercury in Aquarius just sextiled red hot and spicy Uranus in Aries! That’s potent for two reasons. Mercury’s best sign is considered to be Aquarius, genius! And Uranus is the Aquarian planet! Crazy, amazing, odd and exotic ideas zip through our minds! We go from just wanting our freedom to wanting to join the most fabulous exciting organization to ramrod our project that never seemed possible before, but here it is now! We make super friends in an instant. The world is awakening and it’s time for meaningful change! Seeds are being planted. Mercury carries these ideas right to the heart of the Sun Feb 17! He jumps right into the LIGHT! He receives the infusion, the charge, the batteries are stoked for the next run! He goes right into Pisces that night, so it may be a bit murky for a while, but he has the torch! It’s not dark for long though – the Sun follows into Pisces the next day!

Venus is sextiling Saturn to make sure it all gets done. Saturn is in his own sign Capricorn. That equals getting the job done by definition! Capricorns are efficient and dedicated. Saturn carries the mission to completion. Venus in Pisces has the dream and Capricorn is her valiant ally and guardian. She admires his work, gives thanks for what he builds brick by brick, board by board. She sweetens Saturn’s day.

Chiron also in Pisces, but at a much later degree, is square the Galactic Center. He vows to make the breakthroughs required to make it all possible, be so much more than expected!

Adventurer Mars in Sagittarius loves a challenge and in Sag is the champion of the greater Truth! He doesn’t publish stories, he IS the story! At this point he is square Neptune, the Pisces planet in Pisces! He is poised to put the whammy on Neptune’s fears and addictions, release the Princess from her prison of her own making! The New Moon gets right to the center of things, so Mars is perfectly placed. Aquarius puts an air of detachment on things, allows less emotionalism, more clarity. These breakthroughs may be shocking at the moment of the breaking, but there is kind of an Ah…. about it too. Finally, released. We had been waiting. The Eclipse first also helps. It gives some quieter moments yet the channel is intense. The message comes through. Mars makes the exact square the 17th 3:21 AM Pacific, so essentially, the 16th is the active day.

‘Fixed Stars’ is an old astrological term referring to stars rather than planets that move along the backdrop of the stars. Our last New Moon trined Algol, but this time it squares Algol, 26 Taurus. Algol is thought of as bad, the baddest. If you are born at 26 Taurus or have factors at 26 degrees, you may have some potent personal insights. It’s the head of the Gorgon – hangings, losing your head. Algol can be the dark, painful rage of the feminine – Lilith, sexuality. There can be intensity or ruthlessness, or an outpouring of creative work! Algol holds the unique factor of being a binary star. It ‘blinks’ when its sister star crosses it! When she’s dark, she’s bad. The detached aspect of Aquarius, unafraid, sees problems squarely and shockingly may tell all out loud. That bald assessment may cause the outer shell to be shattered, we then be free to heal a long held layer of agony. That sounds melodramatic perhaps, but it can make all the difference whether we stay in chains or move forward with our lives.

Jupiter sextile Pluto in Capricorn continues in the background. Wealth, super health, possibly the mate of a lifetime!

Jupiter is in Scorpio, Pluto’s sign, so the link is in sync! Scorpio and Capricorn are pros. Scorpio makes the money that funds Capricorn’s goal! Capricorn uses it precisely, no time wasted, so the money goes further than expected. Good chance the project makes money before it is even finished! Scorpio makes astute relationships, whether personal or business. Capricorn places people well along the way, competently assessing their abilities, leading them to higher places they never knew they could get to. Health improves with happiness, and being in that right place at the right time can make us forget we ever had troubles. Think improvements, modernizing, sustainability! Good job!

Jupiter wants to educate, and Scorpio doesn’t spare the depth, perfecting every detail from inside to out! Jupiter sees the long term, so Scorpio opens his eyes below, above and beyond! This inner and outer vision at once opens all kinds of corridors. Old debris is carted away, energy is freed. Jupiter shouts the glory with a mighty song, perhaps not unlike the mischievous opera singer Cecilia Bartoli! (She has Jupiter in Cancer mutual reception Moon in Sagittarius!) Jupiter feels the huge support Scorpio offers with his strength and inner knowing. Scorpio is impassioned by the potential Jupiter sees and knows is within reach! See more

Jupiter is slowing to retrograde March 9 at 23 degrees Scorpio. He almost trines Chiron, inconjuncts Uranus. Those aspects will come Nov 1 and 7. With Chiron we see the potential for alternative healing and business methods, the possibility of personal and financial partnerships. Head in those directions. The inconjunct with Uranus will take us new directions; we will consider some unusual options. Keep looking. We have hints of what’s to come, we start getting ready. We may be disappointed when it doesn’t happen yet. Seeds have been planted. Nurture them for as far as they have gotten. Some may be slumbering; keep them alive. Enhance their habitat so they can do good work when it’s their time.

Aquarius is an air sign. Do some breath work. Sing your Om shanti. Make your call to the brethren. They will come.

Partial Solar ECLIPSE New Moon Astrology Chart

Aquarius 2018 Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart

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This year is unusual! In 2018, full Moons rise on January 31 and again on March 1, meaning there will be no full Moon in the month of February. The next Full Moon is Mar 1, 4:51 PM at 11 Virgo/Pisces 23! 


See the entire Aquarius 2018 Newsletter!

See the 2018 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns of the year!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Capricorn 2017 – 2018 Celestial HighLights 


Capricorn, Beyond Amazing!

Capricorn Bukkane Goats Capra Hircus Ireland

Fantastic wild Bukkane Goats (Capra Hircus), at the Cliffs of Moher, Co. Clare, Ireland. Not native to Ireland, these animals were once domesticated, but over the hundreds of years since their introduction have established themselves as a wild population.

“Very naughty goats [not the ones above].” The [Exmoor UK] villagers have tried shooting and poisoning. They have paid for modified cattle grids and ambitious mass relocations. Still their washing lines are raided, their cricket greens are destroyed. Now they are trying contraceptives!

Worldwide, domestic goats are well loved and a nuisance at times! Wild or domestic, they are utterly amazing! They have strength beyond comprehension. Unbelievable surefootedness. Their tenacity knows no bounds. They are used as pack animals because they survive well in remote isolated places. Smart and clever beyond words. They utilize rocky harsh sparse spaces others couldn’t begin to. Wherever they are they find food, anything and everything. Intrepid.

You know, you will never really domesticate your Capricorn. There is an untamable Spirit that shows through no matter how proper, sometime stuffy, seemingly obedient they are. There is always a tiny twinkle of perversity that often pays off when they find a better way no one expected! They are supreme scientists and researchers. They make do with little and even that is done potently, no moment or material wasted. Ultimate sustainability experts that reuse everything. They have endurance that defies natural law.

And don’t mess with them too much. Even human goats have those horns, a hard head to butt with and butt back with. They can come after you or defend you. If they defend you, you have a true champion, otherwise evacuate now, LOL! Since that strength is there, they may be difficult to reason with at times. They can just get away with it because they are so smart otherwise. They are valued and respected in most regards, and the rest is allowed. Happens both in relationships and business. So if you are the Cappie, be aware of this foible and kindly listen and moderate your behavior as makes sense.

Human goats need to watch their bones and skin and hair and nails and teeth. But especially their knees. Clearly an uphill fight is no problem in your mind. With those knees, concentrated strength and agility, scaling the heights is a natural. Mountainous terrain, snow and ice or local business challenges, accruing professional degrees, being the CEO are no problem. Sometimes though Capricorns need to reasonably take the soft side – surrender, be humble, ask for help, get down to the same level as children and shorter beings. Some things just can’t be ordered to happen. Your knees are your sacred barometer.

Capricorns are generally stronger as they get older. They pay keen attention as they move through life. Experience and wisdom play important roles. Timing is one of their special talents. They know when to pause, stand completely still, make a move, rest, charge and get it done now and don’t stop until it’s done! They excel at self-control and dedication. They work hard and expect you to also. They are grand mentors and it’s so worth it to work with them. They love you loyal.

Younger and some Caps can be fearful, mainly afraid of what people think. That’s a tough one. Sometimes it just takes some living to get through it. Other times, talk it through with friends, with an experienced other person you trust, a good counselor. Hang out with people who have a good track record and hold strong ethics. Just being in their company shows you how they operate and without realizing it, you will come by some good behavior by simple transference. Be your best natural Self. Failure, mistakes and being wrong are forgivable and can be changed soon as you find out how! You can do it.

Not only do Capricorns build people, but are masters of construction, real estate, and are impressive architects. What they build lasts forever for the least price and the best materials. They are only too aware of hardship and danger. Strong timbers, stonework that won’t fail, insulated glass to reduce living costs. Sustainability makes sense to them. They are at their best fitting the building to the lay of the land and local resources. Some of their lodges, corporate headquarters, temples, are works of art.

Magician or High Priestess, Capricorns can be stumbly funny or ruthless! Sometimes they don’t even know what they are capable of!

You are in good company! David Bowie, Denzel Washington, Stephen Hawking, Michelle Obama, Kate Middleton, John Legend, Ellen DeGeneres and so many more! Many have come from nothing and nowhere to somewhere! We are so proud of you all!

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Capricorn 2017 – 2018 Celestial Highlights!

Capricorn Dec 2017 – Jan 2018 Timeline!

The big news is Saturn is now in his own sign Capricorn for the first time in 28/29 years since Dec 19, 2017!  

Dec 21  Happy Capricorn, Winter Solstice!
22  RETROGRADE ends! Mercury turns forward, Direct 5:51 PM Pacific
25  Merry Christmas!
26  A blessed Kwanzaa!

Jan     1  Happy New Year! First Full Moon, Wolf Moon, of January and 2018! And it is the closest – and thereby the largest SuperMoon of 2018! This full moon is the second in a series of three successive full SuperMoons occurring on December 3, 2017, January 2 Capricorn/Cancer and Jan 31 Aquarius/Leo, 2018.
10  Mercury retrograde cycle finishes
15  Jupiter Sextile Pluto – first of three
16  Happy first New Moon of 2018

Continuing abiding Aspect: 
Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background! More

Outer Planet Transits with Capricorn 2017 – Jan 2019!

Capricorn Woman Hiking Angels Landing, Zion National Park, Utah

May you enjoy many treks or road trips with superb scenic views! Hiking Angels Landing, Zion National Park, Utah

We are now, since Nov 11, at the third aspect of a string of astrologically positive aspects that adventure through Nov 1 2018! Two of those aspects will have a strong focus since they will be traveling closely together several months at a time.

  1. Three outer planets, Uranus, Chiron, and Jupiter, are changing signs in Capricorn’s year to come. Uranus & Chiron twice, Jupiter once, for a total of 5 times! Expect several maturities, intense endings, primal new beginnings and exciting new intentions with potent new people! There will be reviews as Uranus & Chiron retrograde and regroup in context of what they have been forward to see. Uranus shifts from Aries to Taurus. Chiron shifts from Pisces to Aries. They will both be in Aries April 17 to May 15, Uranus passing the baton to Chiron. Jupiter will enter his own sign Sagittarius Nov 8. 
  2. RETROGRADES emphasis! July 25 to Aug 18 we have a Mars/Mercury double retrograde. Oct 5 to Dec 6 Venus then Mercury retrograde back to back!.

With the multiple sign changes and retrogrades, things will be dug up, soil turned, soups, stews and mixed salads made! We will all be quite different and get used to multiple kinds of change! We will be more comprehensive, more aware and alert to things we never considered before, expanded – to say the least!

Pluto in Capricorn reaches the beginning of the last third of Capricorn May 2018 moving from 18 to 21 degrees. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with Sun and other factors in Capricorn from 0 to 19 degrees already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several planets in Capricorn. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials so show it. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Hang on!

Neptune is in its own sign, a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors between 11 and 16 degrees will be activated with this pure energy. Capricorns often surprise people with their spirituality. They are the sign of Ceremonial Magic, the Magician. Since they are realists, they often ‘see’ absolutely accurately, psychically. Cap is the composter, Neptune plays their music back to them to get the sound of life. Neptune softens and flows, Capricorn’s abilities refine, whether it is interactions with people, loved ones, or doing business. At some times their responses seem muted, but watch and listen carefully. Good chance it’s important.

Uranus covers 24 Aries to 2 Taurus! Uranus enters Taurus May 15, 2018! Those of you with factors in these last degrees will be accomplishing the maturity of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future that Taurus will build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network, cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, effortlessly carried on.

Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is a automatic. In fire sign Aries, the First of everything, Capricorn is sometimes shocked! That could be scared or awaken an inspiring new chance. Sometimes Capricorns forget the zest they once had. Uranus the ChangeMaker loves to see that spark come back to life! One ember will do the job. At times Cappies can feel so all alone, keeping integrity in spite of taunts or scorn. Uranus has a crew of hotshot warriors/warrioresses ready to stand at your side, hold you in a Circle of Light, burn away the dross and raise you up to the next level. At first you aren’t sure about these upstarts, but you will find your way. They are glad they invited you!

Uranus in Taurus invents simple. Another earth sign, Capricorn, likes common sense and practical. Uranus, though perhaps slowed a bit in Taurus, nevertheless likes change, and Taurus doesn’t give up. They have the horses and the plow, that soil will be turned. This Taurus pace is more comfortable for Capricorn. They have protected principles for centuries, so hold strong, but in the gentle caring face of Taurus they feel more safe to consider additional options. Taurus knows value, Uranus assesses instantly. They see the good in you that is worthy of their support. Uranus in Taurus makes the land fertile, is innovative in sustainable matters. It will make your properties more valuable in the long term. Step up now.

Chiron, like Neptune is also in Pisces, covers 24 Pisces to 2 Aries, the same degrees but different signs than Uranus! These are the last and first of the zodiacal signs! Pisces believes, Aries initiates. Chiron enters Aries April 17 2018! Chiron will activate any factors you have in those degrees. If you have Chiron in those degrees and signs, you will be having your Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces, and the head and eyes when in Aries. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too!

Chiron the Healer is fluid in Pisces, takes only a moment to assess a situation. Though also in Pisces, Neptune is between 11 and 17 degrees while Chiron is in the last degrees, 24 to 29. Your chart factors need to match up with these degrees for them to have effect. Neptune is the Dreamer visionary spiritualist musician, while Chiron is seeking healing, teaching, right relationships and good business. Chiron may approach it from Neptune’s point of view, however because they are both in Pisces, Neptune’s sign! Like with Neptune, Chiron plays Capricorn’s music! Somewhat like Capricorn, Chiron was a loner for a long time, but did amazing work as a healer and teacher. Chiron has natural skills this way and passes them along to Capricorn for personal use, to give to loved ones, and use in business. Marriage could be in the offing.

When Chiron goes into Aries for 9 years. through 2027, it will speed up healing at an enormous rate! We will process many challenges with unproven but successful results. Yes, there will be some rash attempts, but quickly remedied as the leaders push on. In some ways it will be like a renaissance! During those years, Chiron will be challenging Capricorn to stand up to his full height, no drooping shoulders. Some old ways will be abandoned, Cappies sad for the losses, yet knowing it’s time to try out what’s on the cutting edge. At times they will resist, and thankfully preserve what remains valuable. It will take some dancing to decide when to do which. Chiron in Aries wants to heal our Spirits. Spirit being invisible, it may be a little difficult to prove your point to Capricorn. They want the facts. So go for visible effects, results, to make your point.

builds from 0 to 13 Capricorn now through Jan 2018. Saturn entered his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. In his own sign, many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! In its own sign, it is truly full height! Those of you with Saturn 0 to 13 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns now through 2018! There will be more traditional endeavors. On your first Return – 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have! It’s a time to honor, be honored!

Capricorn has no problem with his own planet! Saturn reinforces all that Capricorn stands for. Being the best Father/parent possible, being responsible, known for doing reliable work, keeping commitments realistically, being on time. If Saturn finds shortcomings, Capricorn accepts that, always wanting to be the best he can be. If there are emotional or physical changes that need making, it can be scary to make the changes, what if I fail or what I try doesn’t work? But Caps a worker, so even if it is a small beginning, he does what he can to get started. If the first way doesn’t work, find out more, try another. Do it as you can, a bit at a time if necessary. You may be on your knees now and again, but you can do it! Hats off, kudos! Such courage, so very proud of you.

moves from 15 Scorpio to 19 Sagittarius!

Jupiter in Scorpio! Scorpio wants you to heal, to heal your relationship and be healed by them, and increase your financial potential! Scorpio charisma is compelling, and has nothing to do with beauty. It is from a wellspring within. Scorpio is doctorhood, from cleansing your personal plumbing, purging toxins, to forensics. Scorpio often has extraordinary personal healing capacity, and can save your life too! They want to know how things work, do research. Jupiter may take Scorpio worldwide to seek investments, study shamanistic skills, find answers to lifesaving questions. Old remedies the midwives knew may come back into use. Through journalistic research justice may come for those who have suffered long extreme abuse – land grabs, sexual abuse, calculated theft, slavery/human trafficking, murdering of children and animals. Secret factions may unite for prevention, education, exposé and social justice. Be safe. If you aren’t up to par, take time out. Let your Ninja 6th sense and stealth protect you.

Capricorn is sextile Scorpio and finds opportunities in all that Scorpio brings! Lucky Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the sign that precedes Capricorn. Jupiter wants to set Capricorn up with big ideas, a plan to match them, a goal that takes them to the top! Education makes a difference. Incorporating ideas from many cultures enhances the whole operation, broadens its scope and success can come from many directions. Capricorn can be skeptical, and Jupiter can sometimes seem runaway, but the ideas are there to be explored. Jupiter and his ideas have excellent longevity. They may not be wholly feasible at once, but Capricorn is great at timing, and can find his way along the chain of command! Yes!

‘Learning is never cumulative, it is a movement of knowing which has no beginning and no end.’  Bruce Lee – double Sagittarius, Sun conjunct Ascendant + 4 planets stellium in Scorpio. See his phenomenal Chart

If your Jupiter is in these degrees, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundant! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and marriages are quite possible.

Here’s the 2018 Outer Planet Sign Changes Timetable:

Apr 17 Chiron from Pisces to Aries
May 15 Uranus from Aries to Taurus
Sep  25 Chiron Retrograde from Aries back into Pisces
Nov  6  Uranus retrograde back into Aries
Nov  8  Jupiter from Scorpio into own sign Sagittarius!

Happy Birthdays, Capricorns! Be blessed and best!

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Capricorn 2017/18 Newsletter!

See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for the very last of the year Planetary Patterns! Make your changes count!

Happy Birthdays, Capricorn Heroes!

Capricorn 2017 Thomas Fire FireFighters

Above, firefighters on the front line.
Below gives you an idea how massive and dangerous the Thomas Fire was…

Capricorn Dec 2017 Thomas Fire Massive Cloud Greg Vitalich

Viral Photo by Greg Vitalich, looking west from Newbury Park, California

In tribute to FireFighters everywhere, but especially to the service of the Thomas FireFighters! If not for them, I wouldn’t be writing to you today! [Santa Barbara CA]

Wishing you a safe Christmas and Happy New Year! Grateful. 



Still only $147 for your Annual Reading, 1 ½ hours, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $176 for 1 ½ hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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New Moon!   Four Planets in Pisces, Mercury Cardinal T Square, Venus!

Full Snow Moon, LUNAR ECLIPSE!  LUCKY Grand Fire Trine Sun KITE, Mystic Rectangle, Chiron Yod, Two Midpoints!


New Moon!  Four Planets in Pisces, Mercury Cardinal T Square, Venus!

First New Moon of 2017 is Friday January 27, 4:07 PM Pacific at 8 Aquarius 15!


View larger  Milky Way over Arecibo, Puerto Rico by Ferdinand Arroyo. From its completion in 1963 until July 2016 Arecibo Observatory’s 1,000-foot (305-meter) radio telescope was the world’s largest single-aperture telescope.

Aquarius is a fantastic sign! Aquarians have amazing minds, from scrambled to genius, bodies unlike no other, have been to the wildest places, have friends beyond your ken. With both the Moon and Sun in the same place at the same moment it’s like high wires sizzling! Don’t expect the usual blather or time to stand still. It’s like twins with their own language, only these Beings are tuned in to the Galactic Center, the hub of our galaxy that connects with other galaxies! If your chart has factors at or very close to 8 degrees, you will be on the Grid with them and catch some of the Universal News! New Moons end one cycle, begin another. Aquarius makes it snappy!

The semi sextile with Neptune, in its own sign Pisces, will catch rare bits of script that will cast a spell over passages, some becoming illuminated like a lightning bolt, alive to the point of making you think you will leave your body! Other parts will be placed in the denial category to be sifted later by the subconscious into tolerable proportions. Insights and visions of the semi sextile, and the three other planets in Pisces, will be as vivid dreams that seem so real you don’t believe they didn’t happen, and when they do, you WILL remember!

Venus in Pisces

The preceding Jupiter inconjunct Chiron in Pisces of Dec 31 feathers out its new ideas about healing, spreads the word among colleagues and contacts, polishes the local artifacts, draws out beauty and charity. They are steadily in their inconjunct until they do it again exact on Valentine’s Day! Venus just went by Chiron in her gypsy veils, gave Chiron a sweet kiss. Been awhile since someone noticed him that way. So he is warmed and charmed, gave her a gift. She told Jupiter about it and he, in her sign Libra, thinks the information can be taught, maybe published!

As she squares Saturn, she makes him remember his square with Chiron Dec 28, what sorrows that may have brought, perhaps bittersweet breakthroughs too that still may need some repairs and integration. Venus may have doubts, moments of hesitation, need to comfort or lend a hand. She assures him there are dear Soulmates out there and his time will come. He assesses how well she is doing, reminds her of the long term goals and how important they are. She straightens, yet we know she will do it her way in Pisces, as she must. She is even more a believer in Pisces, but good old Saturn is the task master and he knows being on time can make or break our progress. We know he is right, so we get back on course with renewed focus.

Venus is then on her way to bless Mars in Pisces, but he quickly changes into his own sign Aries! He changes the same day as the New Moon, at 9:39 PM Pacific! The next day is Chinese New Year, the year of the Red Fire Rooster! How apropo that Mars, the red fire planet, is in Aries, the red sign, right on time for that day! He leaves Venus behind while she begins to slow to retrograde, so the connection isn’t made. They may converse about Piscean matters, but he has to carry her wishes on without her. Likely he will because she asked him so kindly and in Aries he takes action! He is, after all, the Champion, the Hero!

Jupiter sextile Saturn in Sagittarius has been and is still quite close, but Jupiter is backing away, stilling to retrograde Feb 5. So they discuss the projects, but for the time being Saturn will need to carry the building forward while Jupiter thinks things over in Libra. Jupiter will think on who does which work best, proportions – how much of this and that, beauty versus necessity. They will come back together, make their exact connection, complete their project Aug 27.

Cardinal T Square! Mercury potently conjunct Pluto, Square Uranus and Jupiter! Cardinal signs gets things started! Mercury is very earthly logical, practical in Capricorn, and looks at the extremes with Pluto. From birth to death, poverty to billionaires, cheating to ’til death do us part, impotent to charismatic! Uranus in Aries lights the Spirit afire, may have burnout, leave outgrown friends behind only to find ones with ideas far ahead of their times. It may be alone or working on an international project that uses every minute fraction of their mental physics, consumed with creation! All this calls Jupiter in Libra to record the story, recode it for the lay person. Jupiter is not afraid of far reaching effects, expands the territory with alacrity! It requires Jupiter’s ability to grasp the magnitude of the perceptions then balance them cleverly in Libra so there is a stunning play of wholeness achieved! The Aquarian overtone adds the innate need for it to work as above, so below, as in nature, air over Earth.

Amongst all the unpredictable Aquarius New Moon, Jupiter loving switching sides in Libra, Venus sashaying about, all that mutable morphing Pisces, and Mercury stirring the Pluto point of the cardinal get-things-started brew, know that you don’t know! It may take months to decipher what happened! It will be computers and beyond computers. It will be the most pristine data but put together in a way that defies what most people think and will even make Aquarians wonder!

It is a perfect first New Moon for 2017! Earth, Science, and Heavenly Magic!

 Aquarius New Moon Astrology Chart

Aquarius 2017 New Moon Astrology Chart

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Full Snow Moon! LUNAR ECLIPSE!

LUCKY Grand Fire Trine Sun KITE, Mystic Rectangle, Chiron Yod, Two Midpoints!

Friday February 10, 4:33 PM Pacific at 22 Leo 28

Moon Setting Eclipse Patrick Cullis Indian Peaks Boulder Colorado

A big eclipsed Moon setting in the early morning hours of December 10, 2011. The Indian Peaks are a series of peaks on the continental divide near Boulder, Colorado. By amazing photographer Patrick Cullis

The First Eclipse of 2017 has a complex bouquet, is laden with opportunities!

This is a rare total Penumbral Eclipse! The Moon moves through the faint, outer part of the Earth’s shadow. It is often hard to differentiate between a normal full Moon and a penumbral eclipse of the Moon, but watch closely, at the time, for deep penumbral shading on the north half of the lunar disk! The apparent diameter of this Moon is larger than average since the eclipse occurs 4.4 days after perigee (nearest Earth).

It is still a line up, Sun, Earth, Moon. Aquarius Sun will shine on the part of Earth facing the Sun, infusing his Light. In light wave fashion, Sun moves the molecules, Earth transmits and filters this energy to Mother Moon waiting in the Shadow. Moon in Leo is receptive, absorbent, generously cradling, nurturing. She returns her own Light of the heart, delicately mingling, intertwining like DNA flowing both directions, with the incoming Light, through Earth, back to Sun, giving her support, showing how much we care. She has a lot of Love to give.

Full Moon at 22 degrees is most closely tied with Chiron at 22 Pisces. Sun semi sextiles its neighbor. Moon is inconjunct, an aspect of peripheral awareness and adjustment. What might have started as a nuisance, a sense of being misaligned, becomes an adjunct factor that invites and enriches. It is less directly involved, so has less bias. It could even become the next branch, or the new main direction! Moon is a nurturer and senses Chiron’s needs though in Pisces they can seem more whimsical than real. If there are debilitating addictions, it is more serious. Moon is experienced and sees the nuances of value, and in Leo is uplifting. Moon in Leo may always be concerned to do its best, be on. Chiron sees any weaknesses and subtly advises reasonable moderation and self care. Chiron may be able to do some oblique healing from that off center angle.

Chiron YOD! With Chiron’s inconjunct Moon, it is also inconjunct Jupiter, a more long term aspect, forming a ‘Y’! The inconjunct with Jupiter is strong, because as Chiron moves forward into it, Jupiter is retrograding back to meet it! Their first exact aspect was Dec 31, 2016, the last aspect of 2016. It is holding now closely until it makes the second exact aspect on Valentine’s Day! The adjustment this inconjunct requires is a fine tuning of our beliefs, acknowledging healing needed, updating how we teach and speak, our life work and relationship choices. Those are big topics. One alone would be big, but now they are unifying as a whole! Jupiter wants you to look further ahead, to add good will, trust you will do ok, to connect you higher up the food chain in a good way. Allow that!

Chiron is at the semi sextile MIDPOINT between Sun and Uranus. The amazing astronomical geometry about the Chiron/Uranus combination is that it started Nov 2008 and continues through Sep 2021, a total of THIRTEEN years!  See more The Sun of this Eclipse lights it right up! Sun semisextiles Chiron, sextiles Uranus, the Aquarian planet! Chiron watches, perhaps silently, in Pisces, noticing the beauty of their bringing the masses to a new level of awakening, how our differences are our contributions. New songs are written in a flash, an acceptable unique style arises! A penumbral Eclipse is a subtle wellspring. Sun/Uranus will use blatant excitement and wild word cues that spark curiosity that had lain dormant but is now eager! Chiron may whisper a caution here or there, or lean forward when the cues are perfectly unzipped!

LUCKY Grand Fire Trine Sun KITE, Mystic Rectangle!

Only one point is missing, the Gemini position, to make a Grand Sextile! See all those connected green lines in the chart?! Moon bases a Grand FIRE Trine KITE pattern!

The Mystic Rectangle is composed of two parallel trines, Moon trine Uranus and Sun trine Jupiter! The Rectangle is completed by sextiles, Moon sextile Jupiter, and Sun sextile Uranus! SO many lucky aspects! Read on….

The Grand trine Kite is the Moon, Saturn, Uranus Grand trine with the Sun midpoint between Saturn and Uranus is the KITE!

  • Moon trines Saturn in Sagittarius, a Mother to Father Time arrangement. There is harmony with the softness of women and the sweetness of children. Saturn is the Father, securing shelter, working for a long good life. Leo and Sagittarius are both teachers, so educational choices are blessed. Leo is a creator sign, of expression like performance, and through color and lighting. Saturn in Sagittarius so wants their project to excel, have a long life, contribute meaningfully. Their collaboration potential is exceptional.
  • Moon trines Uranus in Aries, the planet of friendship, awareness, awakening, international community! Moon is your neighborhood, local community. Uranus is friends and world community! Moon is commodities of daily living, Uranus is the inventor that makes daily life more comfortable and fun. Moon has the memory banks of the matriarchy, history, an intuition that can’t be beat! Uranus is the holder of a hub of insights of future possibilities. Together there is a blessed alliance, rich progress!
  • Saturn trine Uranus is a long term aspect, first happened Christmas Eve, Dec 24. It will retrograde soon and return to the trine, but not until May 18. It is within 4 degrees now, still mulling over how it will fold good changes into working living, how to repair any damages or difficulties that change has brought. Saturn is persistent, wants to put things to good use. Though it is moving away for the time being, that doesn’t mean it is giving up, not coming back. In Sagittarius it will have a good look about and discover more successful ways of making changes that bring better living, to broaden our range of possibilities.
  • Sun in Aquarius is sextile MIDPOINT right between Saturn and Uranus making the KITE pattern! Saturn was the old ruler of Aquarius, Uranus is the current ruler of Aquarius! Earthy Saturn rules ancient things, archaeology, while airy Uranus rules inventions, planes, computers, the Internet! Times are bound by Saturnian Earth laws that will always be, by Karma and Dharma, what we have done and our mission each life. Uranus explores the outer reaches, keeps calling us forward in evolution, offers new ways to align disparate beliefs, awakens whole groups of people to their potentials! The Sun, Leo’s planet, puts warmth in this process, lights the way with love and heart that gives us the courage to step up! Strong friendships and community and world networks will figure in prominently.

Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries knits this lucky pattern even further! Jupiter offers the blessings of connections both local and foreign, education, abundance possibly through grants and scholarships. Jupiter trine Sun, is a hella lucky, fame & fortune aspect! It gives an exemplary sense of personal confidence and trustworthiness, far reaching vision, enjoyable potential. Jupiter sextile Moon is another lucky prosperous aspect! Moon intuitively knows cycles, excellent for stock trades and investments. Moon gives Mother love, is strong and protective, while Jupiter supports relationships with peoples of different cultures, economic standing, faiths, ages.

Saturn sextiles Sun and trines Moon! Saturn is a grounding planet though now in Sagittarius is its more flexible in its demands. It may be more opinionated, but if a better way is demonstrated, it will make the change. Sun in Aquarius wants to be free and is easily bored, but Saturn in Sag can be wise enough to favorably gain their attention and contribute to the Sun’s research and international work. Saturn is at times a little old fashioned and stuffy and that is something Aquarius will never be! Saturn has to come up to speed in modern terms sometimes so things can progress in context of our current times. Yep, ok, understand, will do. See Moon trines Saturn above.

Another long term aspect is Saturn square Chiron. This one was exact the first time Dec 28. For some it brought sorrows and losses of all kinds depending on how it was with their personal charts. We lost Zsa Zsa Gabor, George Michael, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds and William Christopher in that period. The next exact aspect is April 30, and the last Nov 2. Saturn are things we are held responsible for, in Sagittarius it has to do with faith, learning, promoting, being ethical, truth without exaggeration or omits. Chiron in Pisces can be fragile or a powerful believer with profound visions. Saturn is a hard worker and will expect them to measure up, find ways to get the job done. Chiron invites Saturn to let go of chronic matters, rigid boundaries, harsh expectations. Some things are just bigger than we are and we must let go and grow with them, time changes the parameters. Sometimes a gentle approach with encouragement tips the scales.

Jupiter sextiles Saturn in Jupiter’s sign Sagittarius! Jupiter is still close though retrograding away. They have been together for months, so the considerations their combination brings is gradually seeping into our consciousness. It’s a working arrangement fueled by legal and amazing design advice, plus Saturn’s expertise at building structures that suit the environment. Work is a pleasure, education pays off, travel is a welcome component!

Apart from all the aspect network above, Mercury, also in Aquarius, is sextile Venus in Aries at the same degree, and Mars in its own sign Aries! This is a combination of brilliant intelligence! Mercury with Venus is the blessing of kind words, words that show love, are spoken like poetry, give appreciation! Aquarius and Mars and Aries are looking for freedom and independence. They can act potently alone, but paradoxically once they are free enough, mature in their Spirits, they are are free to choose to work together and in groups when it makes sense. There is that phrase, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Venus is slowing to retrograde March 4, so it doesn’t make the conjunction with Mars. She’s close enough to give Mars the current information, the inspiration of her gratitude! He will fight in her behalf, loves being the instigator, first one there, the fearless chief! He rises to challenge with super vitality!

Though Full Moons are oppositions, Moon opposite Sun, this one is laced with favorable connections. And if we think of planets opposite each other that doesn’t have to mean they are against each other. Think incorporation, collaboration! Each has their gift to give. In this case, Leo is the sign of the heart of Light, lovers! Valentine’s Day is the Aquarius holiday! Aquarius is the philanthropist, distributes wealth, has planet wide connections and projects for people, initiates environmental healing and maintenance. It is brotherly love, just a different dimension of the possibility of love in its wholeness!

With all my praises of these aspects, all those positive blue and green lines in the chart, they won’t be good for everyone, or will have no effect at all. They will only be good for those whose charts they activate in a good way. Please see your astrologer to find how they are situated per your personal chart. Also, the time of day events are initiated makes a huge difference and those times of day are not the same for every person. Please. See your astrologer.

That said, I wish you great success!


Aquarius Full Snow Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE Astrology Chart

xAquarius Full Snow Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE Astrology Chart!


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The next New Moon is the Sunday February 26 ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE! 6:58 AM Pacific at 8 Pisces 12!

See the entire Aquarius 2017 Newsletter!
See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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Capricorn HighLights 2016/17
Capricorn, the Winter Magician!


Happy Birthdays, Capricorns!


Though many of you have never heard of Jan 8, 1968 Capricorn Bruce Kirkby, he is well known and accomplished in his field!

Per TravelChannel.com, in the world of travel, Canadian Bruce Kirkby is a jack-of-all-trades: adventurer, guide, writer and photographer. His journeys have taken him to more than 80 countries, including the wildest and most remote corners of the planet. He has crossed Iceland by foot, traveled through Mongolia by horse, been shot at in Borneo, and been taken hostage in Ethiopia.

Bruce is a weekly travel columnist for The Globe and Mail. He is the author of 2 best-selling books, Sand Dance: By Camel Across Arabia’s Great Southern Desert (2001) and The Dolphin’s Tooth: A Decade in Search of Adventure (2007).

Bruce’s work also appears regularly in publications including The New York Times, EnRoute and Time magazine, and National Geographic selected his images to be among the best adventure photography of the decade. Previously, Bruce hosted CBC’s prime-time reality show No Opportunity Wasted, for which his mission was to help regular people overcome personal fears and accomplish the seemingly impossible.

Quite a resume!

You may have seen him and his family on the Travel Channel’s series Big Crazy Family Adventure. It follows the family as they travel from British Columbia to Ladakh, India (more than 13,000 miles), by every mode of transportation except planes.

Bruce is a dedicated family man, and backpacks with GOATS – the Capricorn animal! Amid the clatter of hooves and tiny bleats, we were under way. In the 100 mile pack trip with his 4 year old son Bodi, one of the goats he selected for the trip, the snowy white one, was named Capricorn! Each carried about 30 pounds of gear. Their lightweight fabric saddles were held in place by plastic buckles, the panniers slung using Velcro and hooks. Son’s questions? Will the goats miss home? Where will they sleep? Where will we sleep? When is snack time? Read more about this precious adventure!

Yep, their families worry, but Bruce says:  Heck, I’m trying to get the grandmothers to come on more adventures with us!

Capricorn Bruce Kirkby Adventurer Goats Backpack

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Celestial Highlights!

Jan 1 to 3 2017 Moon Venus Mars Astronomy

New Year 2017 special! Jan 1 through 3, our waxing crescent Moon, Venus and Mars, will be lined up in our early evening sky! Look above the Moon and Venus for the red planet Mars. Although Venus is some one hundred times brighter than Mars, you should be able to view Mars with the eye alone in a dark sky. Thank you, Bruce McClure at EarthSky!

Capricorn 2016/17 TimeLine!

October 23 started a whole new round of SIX aspects through Dec 31 that will be the primary aspects of 2017! We have had Jupiter inconjunct Neptune, Jupiter square Pluto ThanksGiving Day, Nov 24! Now for the ‘Holiday Four,’ four aspects in 8 days, plus the very close Jupiter sextile Saturn! The Christmas Eve aspect, Saturn trine Uranus, is nominally astrologically positive, calming, but has a serious tone nonetheless. The following three bring some challenges that finish 2016! It will be a complex and exciting holiday season!

Jupiter will be in Libra until Oct 10, 2017. We are now in a period of adjustments, rebalancing with our new President. It will be a challenging time for many of us through Nov 2, 2017. Do your best with these six aspects. 2017 depends on it. Choose your battles, stay long term intentional, stay focused and don’t forget who you are.

Oct 23 Started SIX NEW aspects through Dec 31 that will be the primary aspects of 2017!
Dec 19  Mercury Retrograde!
xxxx21  Happy Capricorn! Merry Yule, Winter Solstice!
xxxx24  Saturn trine Uranus 
xxxx25  Merry Chirstmas!
xxxx26  Jupiter opposite Uranus
xxxx28  Saturn square Chiron 3:06 PM, NEW MOON 10:53 PM Pacific
x28, 29  Jupiter 12.5 Minutes close Sextile Saturn
xxxx31  Jupiter inconjunct Chiron
Jan  x1  Happy New Year!
xxx x
8  Mercury Direct (forward)
xxxx12  FULL WOLF MOON 3:34 AM Pacific

Continuing abiding Aspects

  • The long time Uranus square Pluto is finally finishing! It started its first of seven exact aspects in 2010! It is in the final 5 degree close range 11.29.16 to 4.13.17 and doesn’t go back! See more.
  • Chiron & Uranus continue in their many years long journey closely together in the background…. More

2016/17 Outer Planet Transit Aspects with Capricorn!

Capricorn Builders Working Smart

Building a great New Year working smart and working together!

Pluto is in mid Capricorn through 2017. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Perfect! Time now to roll up our sleeves, join forces, build for a sustainable future! Mid degree Capricorns will find their old debris being hauled away. Overburdened, they became forgeries of their former selves. At core, they are molten steel, reformed in strength, meeting their destiny with an exceptional resolve. Some relationships will undoubtedly be fated, debts were and are made, some paid. Healing may be hard work but worth it. Some healing will be of past painful experiences, some of skin and bones. A therapist for mind and a physical therapist for body could be worth their salt. Step through the fear.

Neptune is in its own sign, at the first third of Pisces. It is a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! In their office Capricorn is looking over the time sheets, the return on investment. It knows how precious our efforts are, how our cumulative work adds up. Lost time affects us all as others wait for us. It learns values from those ROI sheets, what’s real. Neptune dreams a vision for Capricorn. Sensible or not, it’s a template. Capricorn builds Neptunes’ dream, magically joining studs and artfully building in stone, a gift, a diamond forever. Might be a temple, an archway through the garden, a divine wall to keep us safe, dividing local from wild, a set of keys for your new home!

Uranus is just past the mid of Aries, moving into the final half of the degrees. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is a given. Capricorn’s planet is Saturn, and they are so unlike Uranus, Aquarius. Saturn was Uranus’ son, and Saturn was the bad boy – killed his Father! Usually we think of Uranus as the heretic, perhaps unkempt, unruly unpredictable. The amazing part of the story is: The period in which Cronus [Saturn] ruled was called the Golden Age, as the people of the time had no need for laws or rules; everyone did the right thing, and immorality was absent. Capricorn in today’s astrology is still the one in charge. Uranus is the inventor, networker, internet, flight, electronics expert! Capricorn is earth; Uranus rules the heavens, and in Aries is fiery, challenging every moment! Uranus leads Capricorn the scientist into unexplored realms, in the company of super leaders. Capricorn keeps their feet on the ground, incorporating extraordinary concepts into daily life!

Chiron, like Neptune is also in Pisces, starting the last third of the sign. It goes into Aries 2018-19. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business. Traditional business and a good marriage are just right for most Capricorns. They are willing to work. Chiron in Pisces helps them see the inner workings of things, understand more subtle relationship structures, let go when necessary. Chiron calls on them to heal from deep past wounds, to teach what they learned. Chiron in Neptune principles may be idealized, but Capricorn expertly converts them to useful ways of living anyone can do while still keeping them magical!

Saturn travels from 16 to 27 degrees of Sagittarius now through Nov 2017. Capricorn is Saturn’s sign, but Sagittarius is one of those quite different neighboring signs. Saturn and Capricorn are Earth. Sagittarius is easily sidetracked fire. Sag is far vision personified while Saturn has a steady unblinking here and now focus! Of course, if Sagittarius shows Capricorn the easiest path, and promises a bonus, who wouldn’t keep that focus?! Saturn in Sagittarius shows that even having fun can BE the business! Two for the price of one! Paid to play! Sag is always looking out ahead. Early course corrections can really pay off. Capricorn holds Sagittarius accountable for his grand ideas, and asks him to stick around until the project is well established.

Jupiter in Libra is a volatile Fire and Air combination, loves to carry on getting to know you. Capricorn is not seduced by cute or merely pretty; intelligence makes a difference. They aren’t as social. Your words need to carry weight. They are not so impressed by who you know, as they are by who you introduce them too. If you represent them successfully in court they are happy to pay. Capricorns love classic art, historical documents, structures by adept artisans. Jupiter can artfully expand Capricorn’s business, and may have just the right ways of making suggestions. Capricorn needs to listen carefully and kindly because Jupiter in Libra can have good intentions and excellent advice. Jupiter in Libra has a finely tuned sense of balance, perspectives that incorporate the best of both sides. Jupiter may be a bit overblown at times in his enthusiasm, but look at the backbone of what they are saying! That’s your framework to start from!

Happy Birthdays, Capricorns! May your new year be productive and rewarding in every way!

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Capricorn 2016/17 Newsletter!

See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns! Make your changes count.

Make your changes count.

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Capricorn, the Winter Magicians!

Capricorn the Mountain Goat at home in the rocks!

Capricorns, Goats, are devilishly and delightfully capricious. As youngsters, tails up, they run and leap and play at full tilt along the rock tops! They are impulsive and make unpredictable zig zag turns and twists in mid air! If you aren’t watching, it could seem devious when they sneak up on you! They are not afraid of mingling, nor easily led. They have a keen sense for BS, and will go contrary if there is a problem with morality.

Though generally obedient children and law abiding adults, there is an inbred independence, a need to be free to lead! As leaders they are free! Walking sure footedly, wherever footing is available, takes them places others never go. No wonder at times they seem to be ‘above’ us, aloof, maybe even intimidating.

With their high intelligence, command and leadership are natural. And they can back it up! They can lower their goat horns and butt their way through difficult obstacles. They can push forward past or chase off competitors and predators, defend their own! They may be exhausted, get down on their knees from time to time, but hard work is something they can do. It carries them through.

Winter Magicians! They are keen survivors that can thrive in sparse conditions, hostile or negligent situations. They make do with what is there, get through hard times. They have courage born of necessity. Perseverance and stamina are incredible, bringing successes beyond their humble beginnings. Yet, at times, remembrances and fear of falling back may bring seeming greed. Really it is their reaction to fear of starvation.

Loyal. Parents and family are important, whether their parents, particularly their Father, was there for them or for some reason couldn’t be. Many vow to be the best parents they can be, knowing what loss feels like. Being overprotective or demanding with rigid rules, implies to the child that there is much to be feared or that your child is, will not be capable, so go a little easier. Let them make a few errors and learn how to recover – another good old fashioned life skill. No shame or embarrassment necessary for an honest effort. Your children will understand the goodness of discipline, how being given responsibilities is a trust.

Cappies are generally healthy, even more so as they get older! Skeleton and bones, the knees, joints, teeth, skin, nails and scalp are your points of concern. Arthritis, rheumatism, tooth decay, crooked teeth and skin problems may plague you. Talk with vibrant experts excited about their specialty, who keep up in their field and aren’t afraid to explore alternative possibilities! See a sports doctor who is interested in more than day to day surviving and maintenance at a tolerable level! See someone who wants your above average, even exceptional health no matter what age you are! Look for experts that want to heal the cause and never have to see you again! LOL!

Capricorn works can be earth sciences and discovery, is the revered CEO, are well known stone mason artisans and remarkable builders. Working with the aged, retirement services, senior communities. Law and law enforcement. Rock and ice climbers, winter sports champions! Historical preservation, environmentalists that use natural primitive ways, low cost utilities, sustainability.

Interesting that the neighboring signs, Sagittarius and Capricorn both have 1/2 and 1/2 symbols. Sagittarius is the Centaur, half human, half horse. Capricorn is the Seagoat, half goat, half fish. Since ancient times, Capricorn was also associated with Mephistopheles, a demon featured in German folklore. And at Christmas, Capricorn’s time, we have Krampus, who scares away evil winter ghosts. He is half goat (Capricorn), half demon. These signs belong to two or more dimensions, both often quite psychic. Capricorn is a most complex sign, perhaps even the most complicated sign. It takes a special person to befriend a Capricorn or be befriended by one.

Time comes when age is an honor with wisdom and a softening. We do what we can. We do our best at the time. Super professionalism, a career, mentoring, melts into time for ourselves perhaps. A staunch by the book religion may become more personally intuitive. Black and white patterns with squares are still there, but it becomes an inner expression, a merger of the art of an adept and motivation for the engine of life.

There are so many famous Capricorns in all walks of life! Here are just a very few: Michelle Obama, Justin Trudeau, Kate Middleton, Khalil Gibran, Elvis Presley, Kevin Costner, Stephen Hawking and Nostradamus!

Blessed be! See you on the mountain!

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Happy Birthdays, Capricorns!

Capricorn Anchorage Alaska Holiday Star Chugach Mountains

The Anchorage Star is 14 miles away, stretches 300 feet across the slopes of the Chugach Mountains. Alaska is a Capricorn state. Anchorage has Capricorn’s planet Saturn conjunct its Sun in Sagittarius.

Capricorn may be a dark time of year, but you are the Light in our Hearts.

Happy Winter Solstice, Yule, to All!


Still only $147 for your Annual Reading, 1 ½ hours, a life changing value!
Comparison Reading $176 for 1 ½ hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

Need to find your BIRTH TIME?!  Vital Records US & International

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New Moon!   Four Planets Capricorn, Three in Pisces! Midpoints, Two T Squares!

Full Wolf Moon!   Grand Cardinal Square, 4 Planets in Pisces 4 at 22°!

New Moon!  Four Planets Capricorn, Three in Pisces! Midpoints, Two T Squares!

Wednesday Dec 28, 10:53 PM Pacific at 7 Capricorn 59, the last one of 2016!

Capricorn 2016 New Moon Teton Milky Way Royce Bair

Grand Teton Range, Milky Way, Standing Tree People by amazing photographer Royce Bair

This is our last Moon of 2016, and potent it is! It ends one cycle, begins anew as our year ends and another is immanent. It has two planetary groupings – Capricorn and Pisces, and is nested in the four major aspects ending 2016 that are in only an eight day timeframe on the very day of Saturn square Chiron!

Four planets in Capricorn celebrate our achievements! The New Moon merger of Mother Moon with Father Sun are in the sign of Father Capricorn. This time of year we need Mother Moon’s nurturing at a time she’s really busy and maybe a bit tired. Know she loves you. Take some time out together. Our heavenly Feminine and Masculine forces are united. Practice that unity. Moon is there to nurture and comfort. Sun lights the way. Though days are short for the time being, he is a stalwart champion through many a dark hour.

Mercury at 6° is right with the New Moon at 7°! In Capricorn it calls for respect, long term commitment, a pledge to work honorably for meaningful goals, to hold honor. Paying attention is a prized skill, so potent moments are noted, synthesized, stabilized for continued use. Stillness, a pause, is like frozen magic! It lets us see, hear, in a profound way, to know the true abiding values that take us forward through time. Sign the papers.

Pluto, in Capricorn since 2008, now midway through Capricorn, has cleared many personal faults, changed our economic and political stances, opened doors to many new careers, taken a lot of new looks at parenting and aging. Planetary temperature shifts have brought new thought about agriculture, construction and sustainability. There is a mixture of fate and futility with gathering facts, doing research, and steadily working to turn things around, adopt new potentials!

Three planets in Pisces! From Capricorn Unicorns to SeaGoats to Mermaids this is a magical New Moon!! Mercury Moon and Sun sextile Mars and the Pisces planet Neptune! A five planet earth and water sextile! You can see the ocean from the mystical heights of Capricorn! The mountains guide Piscean sailors along the beautiful coast. Mars in Pisces can be still as a mirror at sea, swoons with waves, rocks in the cradle. Other times he roars, tsunamis to shore, pounding the rocks into grains of sand! He is enchanted by Neptune’s insights as he slithers like a seal through the seaweed, surfs like a dolphin, breaches like a whale! The ocean is like a giant prism, with glimpses of tiny creatures in dappled sunlight slanting down or gliding, guiding up like through a cathedral.

Ah, did I get carried away? Just wanted you to feel it as it lives. Mar in Pisces with Neptune. Pisces is so all seamlessly encompassing we really can feel that all are one. The ocean is a salty cleaning machine. It is mystical on a foggy night. We can sit in the temple so still we hear our breath and heartbeat, feel our life’s pulse. It is humbling to be a part of all Souls. We see what needs doing. Capricorn is the last of the Earth signs, the ultimate pragmatist. Mars will lean his shoulder to the timber of Capricorn’s project, guiding it with his very body to intuitively place it exactly as needed. Miracles really happen and dreams do come true. The high five is a salutation of gratitude.

The Holiday Four

  1. This New Moon follows the Christmas Eve Saturn trine Uranus. They are still quite close by numbers and actively integrating new alignments! Saturn is Capricorn’s planet and Uranus is the planet of the next sign Aquarius. Trines are considered to be the best linkage between planets. Saturn and Uranus are so opposite they often aren’t friends. Saturn is perhaps the most conservative of all the signs. Uranus has no such constraints, cares for no party in particular and doesn’t care what YOU think. Yet scientific Capricorn is likely to be one of the first who supports Aquarian inventions, and sees the value of Aquarian community goals, the internet, and certain philanthropies. Change can become fact.
  2. Jupiter was opposite Uranus only two days before on the 26th! Another major aspect still active! Jupiter in Libra is quite lively lining up the Souls either to oppose you or shake hands across the table! Uranus in Aries couldn’t be more independent spirited, but also is the leader of reform groups or instigators of united efforts of several groups together! Jupiter in Libra pulls in law and justice, speaks widely socially, compares peoples and times anthropologically. The gap may be huge, but so is the reach across the chasm! Mergers for solidarity make sense.
  3. On this very day of our New Moon, Saturn Squares Chiron at 3:06 PM Pacific. There may be, or have been, losses or perceived potential losses of love, life, money, career, health. This aspect has been close for some time, so we already have inklings what needs attention, propping up, to be let go of, worked for. Each thing you take care of is a step, something you won’t need to deal with later. Keep focus on your priorities. Maybe get  plans on your calendar. Saturn in Sagittarius can see a worthy future worth the work. Do it!
  4. The last aspect of 2016! The remaining aspect the what I’m calling the Holiday Four is Jupiter inconjunct Chiron the 31st!  An inconjunct is often a stretch, an off balance reach to the side. It is seductive to those who are curious. It may take you off track, yet give you vital information. You may decide to keep on going on that new road! Jupiter in Libra has met many on their travels, some even intriguing to Chiron, an old Master, in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, not impressed by much. Jupiter, however, ups the ante, smart in Libra, thinks of combinations that change the pace! And likely the place too! Social venues are adjusted, financial options are altered, health is adapted to new circumstances. Stay calm, eyes open, flexible. Check with experts, take your time when you can.

See more about the Holiday Four! Are all big aspects, outer planet to outer planet. It is unusual to have 4 of them happen so closely in time, the 24th, 26, 28 & 31st!

Give yourself credit for all you have achieved in 2016! Thank you for every step you have taken.

Capricorn New Moon Astrology Chart

Capricorn 2016 New Moon Astrology Chart! Last Moon of 2016!

x x

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Full Wolf Moon! – Grand Cardinal Square, 4 Planets in Pisces 4 at 22°!

Thursday January 12, 3:34 AM Pacific, at 22 Cancer 27 

Capricorn, First Full Moon of 2017, Wolf

And we’re off! The first Moon of 2017! Another Capricorn – Pisces time of miracles and magic!

Moon is in her own sign Cancer, tender but strong. She births. She tenderly cares for loved ones and finds ways to feed the multitudes. It is an honor to be her mate. Father Sun is ultimate Father in Capricorn, Father Time. He builds the shelter, protects, works, teaches responsibilities and a moral code.

Full Moons are of opposite signs, major differences, yet as dynamic contributors to a mutual cause, they can work together. Cancer is known for its sensitive emotionalism. It is a bell bellwether to the possibility of upcoming trouble. Capricorn has less sympathy, is more a get it done type, especially in challenging times. Each helps the other. Cancer helps guide through what can be illogical. Capricorn takes charge and gives great hope through its efforts, the smallest steps meaningful. Five days previously, Sun made his annual conjunction with Pluto. The five days previous to that conjunction, Sun intensely considered financial matters, the state of relationships, matters of life, death and healing.

Grand Cardinal Square! Our Full Moon is crossed by Jupiter opposite Uranus spanning Aries to Libra! Aries is fiery Spirit leader; Uranus is an air planet, the Awakener and ChangeMaker! This combination can be sudden, a bit shocking, intriguing, here and gone in a flash, to pop up unexpectedly quickly somewhere else! Jupiter in Libra is fascinated, doesn’t mind the trip, meets these extraordinary Beings along life’s Path. Aries is willing to fight for it, while Libra can be the lawyer, seeking peaceful resolution, but will do what it takes if their back is against the wall. Be cautious of exaggerations, but step up to the plate if it appears to be well founded and you are needed.

Our Cancer Moon might rather stay at home, but if home, or women and children are the issue, it will stand up too. They will take food to the marchers, blankets to the homeless. Capricorn prefers law and order, so has pals at the courthouse and in the police force, but here again, if people are in dire need, they will build those emergency shelters. Having had their own hard times, they have empathy, will teach others how to care for themselves. It’s good for our staunch Cancers and Cappies to meet new people, make extended liaisons community wide, be more informed. It can be a little scary when the new ones are dressed differently, their demeanors are fierce or they appear quickly. It may take awhile to adjust. At times Cancers or Caps may appear slow, but not so, they are taking it in, thoughtfully processing. It’s safer at times to slow things down. All four signs have special things to offer and to integrate can mean a more comprehensive solution!

Three of the Grand Square planets are at 22°, plus Saturn! Chiron is at 21 Pisces, and Uranus is at 20 Aries. That’s a tight pack of six planets! Jupiter inconjuncts Chiron Dec 31, 2016, the last aspect of 2016. Jupiter upps the amps on Chiron’s attention, bringing new insights on how to balance all types of systems in our bodies, minds and Spirit. New types of relationships are offered extending our network beyond what we thought possible! This aspect stays alive while Mars conjuncts Chiron Jan 16, then inconjuncts Jupiter Jan 17.Saturn trines Uranus Christmas Eve, Dec 24th. Working friendships have been a blessing. Support has come from surprising places. Keep these connections alive and well. Saturn is same degree sextile Jupiter, very, very close Dec 28 and 29, yet doesn’t make the exact aspect until Aug 27! This is a great planning aspect, and it’s a pleasure to get things done! Saturn in Sagittarius squares Chiron Dec 28, has been taking its toll – many Souls taking the Long Journey. Grieving is still fresh for many. See the Holiday Four.

FOUR planets in Pisces, two pairings! Moon is leaving a trine with Mars and Chiron. Moon has leant her nurturing to further rouse Mars’ compassion in Pisces, Chiron’s dedication to teaching and healing. Mars left sextile Pluto on the 10th, steadied and productive by Pluto in Capricorn’s strength and focus. Mars conjuncts Chiron Jan 16. This will perhaps cause wounds to our feet or our Soul. But Mars also may also give new insights that quicken healing! Fevers or fighting, cuts or rashes, punctures, stings. If you are seaside or on a boat, in the spa or bathtub, be a tad cautious. You may be inspired to take up art, magic, a special new line of work may come involving teaching. A soulful relationship may come your way, especially with Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces!

Venus and Neptune in Pisces make love and beauty. They can be comforting when your Soul is in danger. Self indulgence, addiction, is a danger if extreme, and holidays can bring up deep rooted family issues that need soothing. Be wise with your time. Know your limits, others’ limits. Be safe emotionally, stay away from hot topics, leave before regretful escalation, make visits brief. Eat right, be well rested. Take good care of yourself, be wise to getting support for yourself, make that call. Love may win, but sometimes it takes time, and you may not even be the one to bring changes to fruition. Teachers and healers know you can’t heal everyone every time. Often there is no failure at all. Turn your Spirit to creating music, going to sea, swimming, serving in kindness, spirituality. When you are up, support others in their time of need.

Venus conjuncts Neptune at 1:54 PM Pacific. That would be a gentile time to have a warmer daytime gathering, a Circle, to celebrate the Full Moon.

Mental transition! Mercury leaves Sagittarius, enters Capricorn at 6:04 AM Pacific, 2.5 hours after the Full Moon! While in Sagittarius, raise your eyes to see as far as you can see. Lift up your plans, expand your ideas. For some of us that will be pre Sunrise, for others of you it will be later on in the morning. You can be present for this shift. In Capricorn, our minds will twitch into gear and choices will be made how to expeditiously make those plans come true! Make notes, get goals down on your calendar!

Let your Wolf come out to play! Take a good bite of life in your New Year!


Capricorn Full Wolf Moon Astrology Chart!

xCapricorn 2017 First Moon of the New Year, Full Wolf Moon Astrology Chart!


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The first New Moon of 2017 is Friday January 27, 4:07 PM Pacific at 8 Aquarius 15

See the entire Capricorn 2016/17 Newsletter!
See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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Aquarian HighLights 2015   Aquarius!

Happy Birthdays, Aquarians!

Jan 26, 1958 Aquarian Ellen DeGeneres

There are some truly remarkable Aquarians – Oprah Winfrey, Vanessa Redgrave, Justin Timberlake, Bob Marley, John Travolta, Rosa Parks. My pick this year is Aquarian of merit, Ellen DeGeneres!

As a comedian, actor, voice actor, TV producer, screenwriter, TV presenter, and film producer, her net worth is estimated at $285M. A college drop-out, she is #5 on the Forbes Celebrity 100 list, #21 in Money, earns $70M/year! She is daytime’s most likable TV personality averaging 4M viewers/episode. She has won numerous awards and 13 Grammys! She set a record when the now-famous ‘selfie’ photo she took with a handful of A-list celebs as she hosted the Oscars became the most re-tweeted Twitter post in history — a record previously held by President Obama.

Ellen has a Sun/Venus conjunction and Jupiter sextile Pluto, aspects of wealth, beauty, luck and fame! See her chart! Her ascendant and Saturn/Mars are in Sagittarius. Due to transit Saturn’s retrograde, it won’t conjunct her ASC until Dec 2015. Her second Saturn Return begins Jan 2017, perhaps starting a serious turn of events, her reputation suffers, through Nov 2017.

Her Aries Moon gives her plenty of courage, including going public as a lesbian and fighting for animal rights. She and her Sweetie, also Aquarian, Portia de Rossi, born the same day as Justin Timberlake, are both Vegan. Uniquely, Ellen has raised funds to bring Transcendental Meditation to at-risk populations suffering from epidemic levels of chronic stress and stress-related disorders.

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Aquarius 2015 Highlights!  

Aquarius opens with a NEW MOON at 5:14 AM Pacific, the fourth of five in a row that start their signs, 2014 Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, and 2015 Aquarius and Pisces, all at ZERO degrees! The NEXT DAY, MERCURY in Aquarius RETROGRADES at 7:54 AM Pacific!  

A potent four planet pattern, Jupiter inconjunct Pluto and Chiron YOD while super trine Uranus is happening both before and after the Uranus square Pluto culmination, in continuous connection throughout!

Saturn is now in Sagittarius until it retrogrades back into Scorpio June 14. We are still in the first pass of Saturn square Neptune until April 18.

The last day of the since 2010 Uranus square Pluto is 55 days and counting! Since it is in a retrograde to direct station, the aspect is held closely at about 1 degree, continuously until the final seventh aspect March 16, 2015! It will literally take years to integrate the happenings of these last years. Stay steady in the Light.

See the entire Aquarius Newsletter!

See the 2015 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

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Aquarian Clairsentience ~ They Just Know! 

Aquarius, Foot Wash, Anoint with Oil

Capricorn has trudged and climbed to the mountain peaks. Feet are pretty worn and dirty, so a tender Aquarian foot washing, oiling and rub, anointing, are perfect. That gets our hero ready to enter the Pisces sacred territory with clear Spirit.

Aquarius lives on a high frequency, fairly humming, tuned in not just here and now, but forever. We impatiently call them absent minded, but actually their mind is simply elsewhere, monitoring, metering their surroundings whether consciously or subconsciously, considering what the next thing is to do, and who to do it with.

Connections, sometimes mind melds, with others requires a free flowing openness that includes being a part of another person’s troubles as well as their goodness. So Aquarians often get exhausted, jaded, even bored with all that clatter. Taking time out to restore their connection to the planet with that great foot soaking, relaxation, releases static, reopens the channels in a good way. It clears them to reground, fully connect, when they step on Mother Earth again. A full body massage is often way too much. Lots of Aquarians don’t even like hugs. Freedom is all encompassing for them. Being ‘over touched’ is both confining and invasive, sometimes manipulative, all against their Spirit.

Clearly, just ‘knowing,’ the clairsentience they have, exists in the local framework of their body and mind. Though they seem emotionless at times, it’s not true. They have more of an etheric emotion, not as demonstrative as glamming Leos, crying Cancers, snorting pawing bull Tauruses. They need not to do all that because they ARE so sensitive! They need to keep an equanimity so they can be the logical Spock!

Seeming aloof, even unfriendly, is a close cousin. If they have heard it all before, countless times with no change, if they have nothing further to offer, or if it is not something of interest at their level for them, in a way, it is a form of honesty to simply not engage. When you are ready for change or they or you have some new information, they will share or listen keenly.

The Space they hold for us, is not just human to human, among friends, but to the Soul’s Akashic records and back. That is crucial information necessary for right spiritual development, compelling us along our way, on course. Clarity, accuracy, is singularly critical to that download.

With such gratitude I salute Aquarians. They often don’t take time to boringly explain themselves over and over, wouldn’t be understood anyway. So what people see is what they think of as Aquarian’s eccentricities and dismiss them as not credible. Such a loss. Some Aquarians end up Solitary Practitioners. Others collaborate with like-minded leaders, find ways to express themselves, or have others speak on their behalf! They use their genius to team up for change-making satisfaction!

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Happy Birthdays Aquarians!

Aquarius Sunrise Sunset Above Clouds Infinite
May infinite beauty fill your Soul!


Sweet blessings: 
Always love your writing Cerena; I just adore how you personify the planets. So fun to read!!! Your writing is poetry to me :-)  [Thank you!]

Still only $147 for your Annual Reading, 1 ½ hours, a life changing value!
Comparison Reading $176 for 1 ½ hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed! Gift Certificates always.

Need to find your BIRTH TIME?!  Vital Records US & International

See the entire Aquarius 2015 Newsletter!

See the 2015 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

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Mercury Retrograde Switchbacks of Mind & Spirit. Tomlinson/Harding
Grand Canyon, Bright Angel Trail switchbacks. Photo by Ruth Tomlinson / Robert Harding

Intricately laid trails of Mind and Spirit wind their way, switchbacking, through our lives. They let us ascend or descend where it would otherwise be too steep and the journey never made. Retrogrades are like that.

The beauty of retrograde patterns is they are an S shaped, forward, back, forward, but it happens while time moves forward, the other planets have moved. Nothing is really ever the same again even though Mercury covers the same degrees three times! Clever, that. Saturated, empowered, we change, can’t wait to move on! In air signs, we can’t actually see that mental process, but there is evidence due to our actions.

Mercury 2015 has the standard 3 Mercury RXs, in all the Air signs, Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Airs signs are thinkers, ones who make connections.

  • Aquarius is friend to friend, group to group, invention, computers, awakening, worldwide!
  • Gemini is how you think, mind to mind, handshake to handshake, neighbors and sibs, local errands.
  • Libra is poetic, partner to partner, both business and pleasure, with our peers, social, political and legal.

The first part of our first 2015 Mercury Rx pattern started Jan 5 at 1 AQ 18. From that point it moves on up to 17 AQ 5 on Jan 21, where it RXs back to the Jan 5 position on Feb 11. At that point it turns Direct, forward, completely finishing the pattern March 3. The matters that occur in this rich three-part process may be considered several times before you settle. Takes the time it takes. That can be a blessing as we absorb new perspectives, adjust them into our lives. And Aquarius isn’t boring!

Oddly, Aquarius is a ‘fixed’ sign, and also a sign of profound sweeping change. It’s spread is from eccentrically stubborn thinking, no thinking at all, to remarkable invention and the exploration of electric enlightenment! And that can vary from topic to topic. Their glitz is unpredictability, can change course in a flash! When dedicated to a greater cause, they gather all the troops and a tsunami of tumblers in the locks are loosed, no going back!

Friendships will be shifted. Alliances will morph, new associates will sparkle, change will be lively. Expect some old friends to reappear. Consider what groups you might join, but wait to do it. You will find out more. Keep an open mind that something even better will come along.

Computer and electronics in your life, in your car, are likely to need some attention, especially if you weren’t able to have them checked out before the Rx started. During RXs is usually not a time to make major electronic purchases. Get the guarantee/warranty if you do. Have backup parts and supplies handy to tide you over until after Mercury goes direct on Feb 11. Do daily backups or have an auto backup system that does that. Copyright your writings, inventions. Hand deliver your important papers. Oh, and don’t ‘hide’ them in a ‘safe place.’ It might be another few retrogrades before you find them again!

Like the Aquarian symbol, double zig zags, lightning bolts, frequently and quickly explore your perimeters while keeping a steady forward course! Others may be excited and gather ’round, or be put off center by your variable dizzying pace! Shake ’em loose! Be free! You may lose some in your past as you out distance them. Bullets may be dodged. Intriguing fringe input may enhance your astounding flight!

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Aug 20 Virgo Mercury Retrograde until Sep 12

Mercury, Communications

Time for changes in your system, your health practices, services you render, pet care, arrangements with your landlord/tenants.  Try some new things in your garden, clean up your life.  Be gentle about keeping appointments by keeping people informed when there is a change of schedule.  Don’t be surprised when there are mix ups!  Don’t move unless you have to.  If you do, have options for further change.  Buy returnable items or ones with hefty guarantees.  Get second opinions and if possible, wait until 5 days after Mercury goes direct Sep 12 to make up your mind.   Please see About Mercury Retrograde.

Aug 21 Saturn square Pluto 3rd of three 

All three of these have occurred with Saturn in Libra.  Many will be happy this aspect is done since one of its most difficult possibilities is bankruptcy.  Wise use of funds, applying time to earning income, apprenticing to learn financially rewarding skills, building steadily, protecting oneself from cheats, accepting the reality of what we don’t want to see, extending oneself into relationships that bring power in a good way, are intense challenges.  Achieved feels darn good.  

Please also see Nov 15, 2009 and Jan 31, 2010 

Hooray!!!!  This aspect marks the last of the difficult 2010 aspects that have been associated with major economic shifts that have caused many changes in related issues.  Since there is not a series of easy, classically favorable, aspects until mid 2011, other than personal excellent aspects, change for more easy living is going to take some more time.  All you do now to forward those changes will pay off, so even if the pay off isn’t immediate, stack the deck.  Chance favors the prepared mind – Louis Pasteur.  

That’s why I love astrology!

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