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The magnificent multidimensional Aquarian mind at work during retrograde! Image: Andrew Ostrovsky  

Gerd Meyring says ‘Quantum computers do not process one possible solution after the other, but rather represent all possible solutions at the same time.’ 

Daniel S. Frank, MD says ‘Once photons are entangled, they become related in a way that defies classical physics.’ Is that any surprise?! That’s just about how an Aquarian’s mind works!

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius is 2021’s first Mercury Retrograde! Aquarius is the sign of change, and retrograde sure does do that! It will either be insane, or exactly what the Dr ordered, probably a bit of both, LOL! Wearing mismatched socks will be no surprise. They are a delightful indicator things are perfectly on course.

2021 has the Three Standard Mercury Retrogrades in air signs. The last time this happened was 2015.

Air is the element this year! Aquarius, Gemini, then Libra!

  • Jan 30 Aquarius can be genius crazy loners more safely by themselves, both for them and for us, LOL! Loners can be rights fighters, meditators, mensches that get the job done. Or, these electric geniuses can partner up with the multitudes, draw magnificent gatherings and change the entire planet beyond belief! Wisdom reigns! What you can’t do alone, you can sure do together – friend to friend, group to group, invention, computers, awakening, worldwide!  
  • May 29 Gemini spreads the good word! They listen keenly, and because of the volume of data they process, may come to a conclusion that merits our attention. And nothing stops anywhere! They are a living walking processor, no stopping their learning and sharing! They keep a neighborhood watch and offer the news, keep things ticking! Keep it clean ~ avoid gossip, keep judgements out of it. No news revealed before its time, no unkind slander. Gemini can help reveal the flaws in communications. Gemini is how you think, mind to mind, handshake to handshake, neighbors and sibs, local errands.
  • Sep 6 Libra tests the balance we keep while riding with the deepest waters of life, often at great risk. In equality they walk beside us, cross the abyss on the tightrope steadying the way. Libra reaches forward to connect with the peoples we meet when we might still be too shy to chat them up ourselves. There is less judgement, kindness shown to all they can. Business makes terrific alliances and good progress is made. Libra is poetic, a deadly chess player, works partner to partner in both business and pleasure, with our peers, social, political and legal.

In context of the greater outer planet events, this Jan/Feb 2021 Mercury Rx is especially important because of the amazing emphasis on Aquarius this year. See the Aquarius 2021 Celestial Highlights! Plus, the only repeated aspect Mercury makes during the cycle is it’s conjunction with Jupiter in AQ!

Here is the event list:

1.11 First Mercury conjunct Jupiter in AQ
1.15 Mercury starts Retrograde cycle
1.17 Jupiter in AQ square the AQ planet Uranus in Taurus
1.28 Full Snow Moon
1.30 Mercury RX at 26 AQ 29

2.09 Saturn in AQ sextile Chiron in Aries
2.11 SIX planet New Moon Aquarian Stellium
2.12 Lunar New Year of the Metal/Gold OX
2.14 Mercury RX conjunct Jupiter in AQ
2.17 Saturn in AQ square AQ planet Uranus in Taurus
2.20 Mercury Direct/forward at 11 AQ 01

3.04 Last Mercury conjunct Jupiter in AQ
3.14 Entire cycle finishes

Mercury rules two signs to this day, Gemini and Virgo, both signs of the mind. Gemini is a communicator data gatherer and Virgo organizes and puts it to use. Mercury in Aquarius is looking for the keys to change, how people can have freedom and difference, yet act in consensus when needed. 

The state of the world, our local friends, personal and professional associations will matter. Freedom is at stake. Change is evolution, inevitable. Even what seems bad, stirs the collective, heads are put together, new healing ways found. In moments of genius, profound need, we will find the words to say that people will hear. 

Oddly, Aquarius is a ‘fixed’ sign, but a sign of profound sweeping change. It’s spread is from eccentrically stubborn thinking, no thinking at all, to remarkable invention and the exploration of electric enlightenment! And that can vary from topic to topic. Their glitz is unpredictability, can change course in a flash! When dedicated to a greater cause, they gather all the troops and the tsunami of tumblers in the locks are loosed, no going back! 

AQ loves change, freedom, scientific exploration – especially electrical or flight related. Computers and networking delight them. Humanitarian causes can be theirraison d’ĂȘtre! Air sports and birds delight them. They make great bankers and bartenders due to their detachment!

At the daily level we question our friendships, the electronics in our lives, how we do or don’t network, whether or how we care about humanity. Importantly is how we fear or embrace change. Do we lose personal control or stay steady while the process is unfolding, asking pertinent questions to facilitate the best results? Are we stubborn about some things, yet readily accept new and different about others? Friendships will be shifted. Alliances will morph, new associates will sparkle, change will be lively. Expect some old friends to reappear, but don’t expect to keep them. Consider what groups you might join, but wait to do it. You will find out more. Keep an open mind that something even better will come along.

Be sure your computer and electronics in your life, in your car, are as up to par as possible well before the RX. During RXs is usually not a time to make purchases. Get the guarantee. Have backup parts and supplies handy to tide you over until after Mercury goes direct Feb 20. Wait four more days for Mercury to leave his station. Do daily backups or have an auto backup system that does that. Copyright your writings, inventions. Hand deliver your important papers. Oh, and don’t ‘hide’ them in a ‘safe place.’ It might be another few retrogrades before you find them again, LOL! In general, Mercury retrogrades are not times to change jobs, start a new job, move, buy new wardrobes or furniture, buy a vehicle, get married. Stall to sign papers – see your astrologer to get your best dates. Of course, life is. You may have to do what you have to do. Just know it won’t come out the way it is originally intended. If you have a job review, schedule another again after Mercury is well forward again if you are not pleased with the results. 

Like the Aquarian symbol, double zig zags, lightning bolts, frequently and quickly explore your perimeters while keeping a steady forward course! Others may be excited or be put off center by your variable dizzying pace! Shake ’em loose! Be free! You may lose some in your past as you out distance them. Bullets may be dodged. Intriguing fringe input may enhance your astounding flight!

Retrogrades in the sky are passing periods. Retrogrades in a birth chart are life long, a living entity. As a place that is reprocessed over and over, fantastic skills are developed per planet and sign, along with the other chart factors that may be linked to it. Many top world businesses have many retrogrades in their charts! They have super expertise and it is still growing with the times! Retrogrades keep us mindful and present. In humans about 25% of the population has Mercury Retrograde, and that includes celebrities, LOL! Fun read: 5 Fascinating Facts About Being Born During Mercury Retrograde

Sometimes our lives need retrograde adjusting. We get ahead of ourselves, need to re-regulate the flow, take time to absorb the treasure that is right in front of us. We get a little heady at times, either scattered, or packed too tight, our thoughts blocked. 

Take advantage of these retrograde linkages, learn how to make transitions well for optimum results. Not a time to be nervous and hold back. Stay aboard! Like on a ship at sea, get your sea legs! Flex with the flow. It may seem like a mess, but the magic will happen. Guaranteed!

The beauty of retrograde patterns is they are an S shaped, forward, back, forward, but it happens while time moves forward, the other planets have moved. Each direction change is from a new vantage point. Nothing is really ever the same again even though planets cover the same degrees three times! We get three chances! Clever that. Saturated, empowered, we change, gain confidence, get excited to move on!

Mercury Rx with Major Planetary Events!

1.17 Jupiter in AQ square the AQ planet Uranus in Taurus at 6 AQ 43. This aspect occurs at the very beginning of the Mercury Rx Cycle, is 3 days before President Biden’s Inauguration, which will likely be a turbulent time. The energy will carry throughout the Cycle. Some of our actions will be reactive to this period.

2.09 Saturn in AQ sextile Chiron in Aries at 6 AQ 16. Mercury is retrograde now, so new templates will be turned, but no finality will come until sometime after the four days after the direct Station, Feb 24. This is the first of these three sextiles.

2.11 SIX planet New Moon Aquarian Stellium Mercury Rx at 16 AQ 28 is at the center of the Stellium collecting data from all 5 other planets! Heaven!

2.17 Saturn in AQ square AQ planet Uranus in Taurus at 7 AQ 13. First of the three of these squares, and first day of Mercury Direct 8 day Station. Some serious things to consider. Careful with friendships and connections. Could be some dark stormy days around this time.

Pay special attention to Stations! Stations bring special emphasis! That’s when a planet is turning backward or forward from the point of view of Earth. Mercury spends 8 days in each station, four days before and four days after the turning date. Venus is about the same and Mars takes quite longer. The longer the station the more its strength. Stations help us slow down. They are a pause when we are able to be still to receive, focus, take time to think, absorb and anchor important ideas we want to keep. A wise person takes advantage of this opportunity. You can schedule some time by yourself for it each day. Dedicate your walks to it. What is it that has been on your mind? Ask questions wherever you go to whomever you meet, about the subjects on your mind. Then just listen. Try not to interrupt or ‘tell your story,’ hear what they have to say cleanly. You will learn a lot and be blessed for it!

FIVE Fixed Stars and the Galactic Center! The Retrograde Station at 26 AQ 29 same degree squares the Fixed Star Algol at 26 Taurus 10. Algol has a baaaad rep, but is also thought to be a powerful feminine force. Per Astrology King: The Bad? It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. Good? It gives success to petitions, makes the wearer bold and magnanimous, preserves the body, protects against witchcraft, and turns evil and spells back upon those who work them. Rules diamond. Please see Astrology King for very informative read.

Mercury is noted to be a neutral observer. As he stakes out his stationary position, he takes in Algol for better and worse. Aquarius is not noted for fear, but scientific scrutiny. Perhaps some of Algol’s Behenian power will be used for greater purpose. Taurus has stood for ages, Earth herself, a foundation for Algol’s mischief and might, perhaps be a calming agent.

Anytime Algol is connected, so is the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius 09! The 26 AQ 29 Mercury Retrograde Station is SEXTILE the GC! That can amplify perceptions of all matters at stake. Sextiles are aspects of blends and opportunities of compatible elements, in this case air and fire! One spark and the whole thing blows, bigger than ever expected! Sagittarius is Jupiter’s lucky sign and Aquarius is beyond unique, the heavens are alight! Change, we didn’t even know we were waiting for, occurs, perhaps quite suddenly!

Now remember, Algol is still there in the background, concurrent. There will be bad, trouble, along with the good. Don’t let that stop you. The vision, the hope, is still there. Sagittarius and the GC are super PathFinders! We will step across a threshold of some sort. BE there. Also remember Mercury stations are an 8 day affair. Feel it, be it. Give it the time it takes. Expect change after change as the information is downloaded, each day a step further forward. Steady on.

Mercury will trine Capella at 21 Gemini 51, get very close to trining Polaris, the Pole Star/North Star at 28 Gemini 34. He will trine Spica at 23 Libra 50 and Arcturus at 24 Libra 14! That’s a super Grand Trine of all three air signs, Mercury with FOUR Air sign Fixed Stars and Algol! The trines will ease the way, each contributing literally heavenly wisdom. Algol’s aspect at the station is potent and the Galactic Center will add memorable input.

The entire Rx cycle ends Mar 14 in this square with Algol and sextile with the Galactic Center on that day! If you have continuous factors in your chart 21 through 28, you will be activated the entire time as Mercury traverses Aquarius at those degrees, one star after another and the GC! Whatever factors you have, those will be activated a couple days unless you have a factor at that 26th degree. If at that degree, the Station factor kicks in for 8 days. Algol is allowed a 1 -5 degree range per the astrologer and your personal sensitivity! The minimum, however, due to Mercury at station, is EIGHT days, Jan 26 to Feb 2!

Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, the aspect that Mercury makes three times, is a success story! Jan 11, retrograde Feb 14 Valentine’s Day and March 4! Though lucky and blessed, many will not choose to marry on Valentine’s Day this year because Mercury rules contracts and retrograde often breaks them! See your astrologer. Mercury is fascinated by the wealth of ideas Jupiter has! Some will happen, others are speculation, hopes, a mix of truth and faith, but they are most assuredly indicators of possibilities! Some mighty tales will be told and top notch fun had! Travel and escape plans will be made! You may decide to go back to school but this time to study about what makes your spirit soar! Wellness is a key topic these days. Mercury mind will make plenty of queries, while Jupiter puts it in perspective, is inspired with purpose and bigger meaning! Jupiter will get plenty of exercise to keep the molecules humming, keep you in super condition with few doubts! We can do this!

Jan 11 is before the Retrograde cycle starts, points the direction. Jupiter is excited to be heard!
Feb 14 we review, toss the salad, see what comes up and keep questing. 
March 4, or sometime soon after, see your astrologer for a good date and time, launch that baby! It will be one of the most fun satisfying projects you have worked on in a long time!   

Collect, collate, collaborate! This is a big one with wild potential!

Updated 1.21.21

See the entire Aquarius Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2021 Annual Planning Special Edition! to make your plans potent and well timed!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you

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Aquarius 2018 Celestial HighLights 


Aquarius, I know a change gonna come….

Aquarius Sam Cooke Singer Change is Gonna Come

Jan 22, 1931 Aquarian Sam Cooke wrote it, composed and sings it still. A Change Is Gonna Come, oh yes it will… Know is the keyword of Aquarius. It may take some time, but, oh yes it will. His life was short, but his message powerful. See his chart. See the Change video. Listen carefully. It was uniquely performed. Each verse is a different movement, with the horns carrying the first, the strings the second, and the timpani carrying the bridge. The French horn present in the recording was intended to convey a sense of melancholy. The Song has quite a history. For 40 years it was not performed. Since then it has been performed by numerous artists including BeyoncĂ©.

Aquarians work for freedom of all Souls. Civil rights, women’s rights, sexual choice, economic, religious, cultural, immigration, health care, veterans, disabled, elders, animal rights, environmental care – water. The list is long. As our awareness has grown with the times, the list has lengthened. Since 1964, when Sam died, we are still hard at work.

Working together is an amazing grace. Aquarians are extraordinary at calling people to the cause, getting them to work together. Whether an Aquarian is out in front, or working alone, one way or another, we move forward. Of course there are seeming setbacks, but with the glimpse of the future, we know what can be done and we find an even better way.

Many Aquarians are singers. Aquarians specialize in frequency and layers just like their symbol represents. It can be light waves, or a lightning bolt! It can be electricity that expresses itself as light. That same symbol is used in architectural renderings to represent electrical conduits. And a lively link it is! It is the symbol of sound waves – can be the music we hear, the voice of a singer moving the air! And there are the mighty ocean waves, water waves, from Tsunami to ripples on a pond reflecting afternoon light. It might be the air waves, from storm to gentle breezes caressing our skin as we lay in the park, or at the beach. Aquarius makes us know we are alive in so many ways. They are ever with us, raising our awareness, sometimes by death, the ultimate price, other times so gently we don’t realize we changed.

If it isn’t revolution, it might be research, a bona fide kind of revolution of its own. Old stories are revised. New ways are found. Opportunities change. The electronics of computers, the internet and cell phones have appeared. We easily circle the globe in air, vehicles can drive themselves. Health is undergoing a huge evolution! Forget the cures, go for the genes! Let the stem cells work. And we’ve only just begun. Robotics.

Boredom? World order is being shifted. That is the volume that Aquarius revels in. Give them a real challenge to use the full range of their genius! Climate is changing whether you believe in it or not. Living situations are changing. Sustainability is being considered on a broad scale. How to feed the increasing population or limit population. There are more elders and they are more fit.

Marriage and parenting are not always the Aquarian choice. They need their freedom to be where they are needed next. Their intricacies of being busy consumes them. It’s not exactly absent mindedness. Let them do these things so many others won’t do. Let them represent us. Aquarians have held the presidential office more than any other sign and by far have won the most repeated elections. But Leos, the opposite sign, have won three of the last six presidential races! Maybe that will be another shift of the times.

Personally, under the guise of unruffled detachment, I love it that the Aquarian ‘holiday’ is Valentine’s Day! Right here at home, it’s flowers and chocolates! Funny that VDay isn’t in Leo, the sign of the heart. But no, it’s in the sign of the love of your fellow being, the sign of groupies, community service groups, and world organizations! Humanity. Think of those flowers as celebrating world action, international super heroes.

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Aquarius 2018 Celestial Highlights!

Aquarius  2018  Timeline!

Jan 19  Happy AQUARIUS!
31  This Full Blue SuperMoon is the second Full Moon in January, the third in a series of three successive full SuperMoons occurring on December 3, 2017, January 2 Capricorn/Cancer and Jan 31 Aquarius/Leo, 2018. It is the FIRST ECLIPSE of 2018, a Total Lunar Eclipse, visible in Pacific zone US! This combination is the first since 150 years ago!

Feb   2   Candlemas, Groundhog Day
14   Valentine’s Day
15   New Moon, FIRST Solar Eclipse of 2018. It’s a partial, not visible in US.
16   Chinese New Year, Brown Earth Dog!
18   Happy PISCES!

Continuing abiding Aspect: 
Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background! More

See the 2018 Special Edition Annual Newsletter!  Aspects, Patterns, Sign Changes, Retrogrades, Stelliums, Lunar Dates!

Outer Planet Transits with Aquarius 2018 – Feb 2019!

Aquarius Women Pilots Tigresses

Your life may be complicated, but there is no other like it! Let’s fly in 2018!

Virgin Galactic, Galactic Unite Flying Tigresses. Female Pilots Pursuing Careers in Aerospace!

We are now, since Nov 11, on our way to the fourth aspect of a string of astrologically positive aspects that adventure through Nov 1 2018! Jupiter sextile Pluto has a strong focus since they are traveling closely together now through April!

  1. Three outer planets, Uranus, Chiron, and Jupiter, are changing signs in Aquarius’s year to come. Uranus & Chiron twice, Jupiter once, for a total of 5 times! Expect several maturities, intense endings, primal new beginnings and exciting new intentions with potent new people! There will be reviews as Uranus & Chiron retrograde and regroup in context of what they have been forward to see in their next signs. Uranus shifts from Aries to Taurus. Chiron shifts from Pisces to Aries. They will both be in Aries April 17 to May 15, Uranus passing the baton to Chiron. Jupiter will enter his own sign Sagittarius Nov 8.
  2. RETROGRADES emphasis! July 25 to Aug 18 we have a Mars/Mercury double retrograde. Oct 5 to Dec 6 Venus then Mercury retrograde back to back!

With the multiple sign changes and retrogrades, things will be dug up, soil turned, soups, stews and mixed salads made! We will all be quite different and get used to multiple kinds of change! We will be more comprehensive, more aware and alert to things we never considered before, expanded – to say the least!

PLUTO in Capricorn reaches the beginning of the last third of Capricorn May 2018 moving from 18 to 22 degrees. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with Sun and other factors in Capricorn from 0 to 19 degrees already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several planets in Capricorn. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials so show it. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Hang on!

Aquarius needs plenty of space. Pluto and AQ both like to be alone, but when AQ comes out to play, they like a lot of friends. Scorpio has allies, but prefers boardrooms to gatherings. Capricorn is conservative, but AQ is anything but! Yet, Aquarius can use the funding they can bring to the cause and needs their assistance getting laws adjusted. Aquarius can unwittingly put themselves in danger, and Pluto can come to the rescue! Capricorn may find Aquarius to be unfocused and not always understand them, but admires their remarkable intelligence.

NEPTUNE is in its own sign, a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors between 12 and 16 degrees will be activated with this pure energy. Aquarius sings, and Neptune plays their music. Aquarius is the ethers above the water. They can be lost together, yet miraculously arrive at the right location on time. Neptune softens and flows, mutes. Aquarius can relax and thoughts flow smoothly. Aquarius is not famous for empathy, nor is it necessarily bothered by empaths like Neptune. But there is a certain seepage. Neptune mist gets into the crevices of our minds, sometimes obscures certainty, and melts away hard edges. Logic and intelligence are not the only tools in the box… We may be rested, subtly cleared, let go of some ideas that held us enchanted, find the perfect way for others!

URANUS covers 24 Aries to 2 Taurus! Uranus enters Taurus May 15, 2018! Those of you with factors in these last degrees of Aries will be accomplishing the maturity of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future that Taurus will build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network, cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, effortlessly carried on.

Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is a automatic. In fire sign Aries, it’s the First of everything! That’s perfect for Aquarians! They are r/evolutionists with an eye to as far as they can see, craving for more! Aries excites them to inspire the many Souls they meet. They love to see people get free and spread the good word! Random to synchronicity works for them! From the computer to hang gliding! Airplanes to galactic travel! Sci-Fi heroes! Three friends with a cause to instigating international organizations! Aquarians have a great wingspan!

Uranus in Taurus invents simple. Aquarius finds Taurus a little heavy. The Bull is big and on the ground. Earth as a medium is perhaps more a collector of goods than Aquarius flying lightly over the land. Earth is dense compared to air. It’s a slowdown, a filter. But soil organisms need oxygen to function. AQ is about as complex as it gets, multileveled. Taurus will call for usefulness in daily living. Mother Earth will need her champions, for land, water, the trees that breathe for us, and rare exotic animals. AQ can do the job, plying the computer, organizing banking and funds, gathering groups of groups for the greater good. Temps may lower a bit, but be earthquake prepared. Pick safe places to live and do business.

CHIRON, like Neptune is also in Pisces, covers 25 Pisces to 2 Aries, the same degrees but different signs than Uranus! These are the last and first of the zodiacal signs! Pisces believes; Aries initiates. Chiron enters Aries April 17 2018! Chiron will activate any factors you have in those degrees. If you have Chiron in those degrees and signs, you will be having your Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces, and the head and eyes when in Aries. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too!

Chiron the Healer is fluid in Pisces, takes only a moment to assess a situation. Though also in Pisces, Neptune is between 12 and 17 degrees while Chiron is in the last degrees, 25 to 29. Your chart factors need to match up with these degrees for them to have effect. Neptune is the Dreamer visionary spiritualist musician, while Chiron is seeking healing, teaching, right relationships and good business. Chiron may approach it from Neptune’s point of view, however because they are both in Pisces, Neptune’s sign! It’s a good thing Pisces is instantly intuitive because Aquarius has a speed of light mind. It may be a challenge to submit to Chiron’s queries, or to even take time to think what might need healing. Art is intriguing though, and so is music magic. Chiron inspires Aquarius to find a way to put their inventions into the world in a way that funds future work.

When Chiron goes into Aries for 9 years, through 2027, it will speed up healing at an enormous rate! We will process many challenges with unproven but successful results. Yes, there will be some rash attempts, but quickly remedied as the leaders push on. In some ways it will be like a renaissance! During those years, Chiron will be inviting Aquarius to up his pace. What?! How could that be possible – AQ is already so fast! Yet, Chiron sees the need and knows AQ can broaden the scope, quickly pinpoint successful advances and support them. It will be overwhelming, exciting, entertaining, and through and through rewarding. Chiron may take over for a while, lead the group, then leave them once they are established.

SATURN builds from 3 to 16 Capricorn now through Feb 2019. Saturn entered his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. In his own sign, many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! In its own sign, it is truly full height! Those of you with Saturn 3 to 14 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns now through Feb 2019! There will be more traditional endeavors. On your first Return – 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have! It’s a time to honor, be honored!

Saturn in Capricorn is in the sign preceding Aquarius. It makes the foundation strong for Aquarius. Saturn knows what needs to be weathered because they were born in the winter. Baby, it’s cold outside! Saturn feels responsible to make a safe place, well stocked, with low utilities and maintenance, sustainable. Aquarius may not totally appreciate how that all happened, they were busy at their computers, being with comrades, solving world problems perhaps. But what many of them do is lead their community, introduce progressive measures that help us function at top quality. Aquarius may shy away from the structure Saturn enjoys, but they may still appreciate the amazing platform that was created when it is pointed out. Or, Aquarius sees what a builder Saturn is and may call upon them, collaborate to create that model again, even better this time, and to consult on unique future structures needed. In some circumstances they may find themselves thinking in a more sequential pattern that Saturn uses with great results!

JUPITER moves from 19 Scorpio to 20 Sagittarius! Jupiter in Scorpio! Scorpio wants you to heal, to heal your relationship and be healed by them, and increase your financial potential! Scorpio charisma is compelling, and has nothing to do with beauty. It is from a wellspring within. Scorpio is doctorhood, from cleansing your personal plumbing, purging toxins, to forensics. Scorpio often has extraordinary personal healing capacity, and can save your life too! They want to know how things work, do research. Jupiter may take Scorpio worldwide to seek investments, study shamanistic skills, find answers to lifesaving questions. Old remedies the midwives knew may come back into use. Through journalistic research justice may come for those who have suffered long extreme abuse – land grabs, sexual abuse, calculated theft, slavery/human trafficking, murdering of children and animals. Secret factions may unite for prevention, education, exposĂ© and social justice. Be safe. If you aren’t up to par, take time out. Let your Ninja 6th sense and stealth protect you.

Aquarius may at times feel the Jupiter inquisitiveness and the Scorpio credit check on their life. Either one can feel invasive to them if they are around long enough to be scanned. Things from their past may be brought up when they thought that was over long ago. If that area of their life needs a deeper level of cleaning up or to be reframed in their thinking, though not comfortable, it may be a relief to get it done. Jupiter usually means well, but with the urge to tell tall stories, the unique qualities of Aquarius may be gossiped about and harmfully exaggerated. Scorpio could take that to extremes. Keep your life clean. Let your wild self shine at appropriate times and places with people who understand. And you story tellers, make it into a novel rather than hurting a fellow human being you might not even know. Keep your life clean too. In another scenario Jupiter, a seer, may see the invaluable work Aquarius is doing, and may have to convince them they would like to offer funding, no strings attached. Jupiter can set up publicity, and educate people about the amazing possibilities! All the Aquarian has to do is keep doing what they love most! See your lawyers to set it up in a good way.

‘Learning is never cumulative; it is a movement of knowing which has no beginning and no end.’  Bruce Lee – double Sagittarius, Sun conjunct Ascendant + 4 planets stellium in Scorpio. See his phenomenal Chart

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundant and better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and marriages are quite possible.

Here’s the 2018 Outer Planet Sign Changes Timetable:

Apr 17 Chiron from Pisces to Aries
May 15 Uranus from Aries to Taurus
Sep  25 Chiron Retrograde from Aries back into Pisces
Nov  6  Uranus retrograde back into Aries
Nov  8  Jupiter from Scorpio into own sign Sagittarius! 

Happy Birthdays, Aquarians! Keep your sights high! 


Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you

See the entire Aquarius 2018 Newsletter!

See the 2018 Special Edition Annual Newsletter! Make your changes count!

Happy Birthdays, Aquarians!

Aquarius Dr. Liara T'Soni asari researcher

Dr. Liara T’Soni is an asari researcher

BE the Special Being you are!



Still only $147 for your Annual Reading, 1 œ hours, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $176 for 1 œ hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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Total Lunar ECLIPSE Full Blue SuperMoon!
150 Years! Moon’s Nodes, Venus, Mercury & Jupiter!  

Partial Solar ECLIPSE New Moon!
Chinese New Year, Fixed Star Algol, Venus, Mars & Jupiter!


Total Lunar ECLIPSE Full Blue SuperMoon!
150 Years! Moon’s Nodes, Venus, Mercury & Jupiter!  

Wednesday Jan 31, 5:27 AM Pacific at 11 Leo/AQ 34!

2018 Total Lunar Eclipse Blue Blood SuperMoon

First time in 150 years!!! Being the Second Full Moon of January, makes it a Blue Moon! And, it is the FIRST ECLIPSE of 2018! The Moon turns a rusty blood red as it passes through Earth’s shadow. Annnd, it will be visible in most of western North America! At 5:27 AM Pacific, we Westies will be getting up early!

Being a SuperMoon, our Eclipse will be closer to Earth, just a little bigger and brighter! Leo Moon loves it that way! Praying for a clear early morning sky! Snug in your down jacket, warm boots, and bring the hot chocolate!

The Eclipse group closely spans the Moon’s nodes, Moon at the North node ascending! Time to light up the night! Leo warms the heart, creates a generous space, shares volumes! Moon cares about and Leo dotes on loved ones and they both love being sweeted and treated! Bring the kids, both children and adult kids, that is. In fact, why not gather in the field or on the mountaintop for Eclipse viewing?! Leo calls us to stand tall in ourselves, calls our bodies and Spirits to be champions. Leo IS the sign of our sun, LIGHT.

At the other side of our Full Moon, Sun and Venus are together in Aquarius! Sun in AQ loves the heavenly view, could even be on a flight and watching the Eclipse from altitude! Sun is a great friend in Aquarius, and he and Venus love the blessings of their friends. There is such beauty in each unique Soul, gifts beyond measure. They offer a loving kindness, a grace to all. The gathering, their unity, is so much greater than one alone.

Collaborating is a grand tactic! Leo offers the fire of inspiration, enthusiastically their entire selves, to the cause. Aquarius gathers the Souls. Aquarius can be a loner at times, contemplating the astonishing possibilities of change and evolution! And there are times they just need to be free. Just free. They drift away. Sometimes they don’t come back. But if, when, they do, they are supercharged and things get delegated and done!

The Eclipse is at 11 degrees. Neptune neighbors the Sun at 12 Pisces, and inconjuncts the Moon. Neptune adds mystery, an unknown dose of magic, invisibilities like dreams, ideals, Spirit of the Soul. It seeks to heal the causes of addictions, as well as to make music and art. It calls for compassion and empathy as well as thoughtful humanitarianism. Neptune reflects Moon’s light that shimmers on the waves and waters, that she may see many more facets of life and creation. Leo can be stubborn sometimes, enjoying things just the way they were, but Moon has her cycles and Neptune dissolves us into future fate, gives an invitation to an even bigger life! Imagination is key!

Caution. Venus is soon to square Jupiter, Feb 3 at 10:07 PM Pacific. In Aquarius she wants the world or doesn’t care at all, about anything! Jupiter thinks she should have it if she wants it, but in Scorpio, the question is how much and who pays for it?! Is she being greedy or selfish? If it’s a fundraiser there may be trouble getting started, the donor reneges or has left the country, or wants too much control of the operation. Venus may want something people don’t understand, too exotic, ahead of its time. Lot of explaining/demonstrating to do or they just don’t get it. Break it down into smaller bites and start with what can be done at this time. Pay attention to security matters and keep tabs on existing accounts. Principles matter. If the donor is unethical, you may decide not to accept the offer. Check the contract carefully. Oh, and this is not the One, at least not at this time.

Mercury is at the very brink of Aquarius, carries the Full Moon information forward! The Eclipse is 5:27 AM Pacific; Mercury goes into AQ 13 minutes later, 5:40 AM! Capricorn work is so finished! Mission accomplished, feather in our caps! Mercury’s best sign is considered to be Aquarius, the sign of genius! There is a whole Universe out there to explore, playground of the Gods! There is often a little bit of delightfully giddy chaos! Connections are made at light speed, a streak through the heavens! Networks come together. Phones and internet are too slow. Astonishing ideas. Research is on the cutting edge. And this is only the beginning! It’s a brief flare as Mercury rides the lightning so do it NOW! He goes into Pisces Feb 17, but what a ride! The word is out and the lights are ON!

Though it was exact Jan 15, the day before the New Moon, the powerful long term background aspect Jupiter sextile Pluto is still strong! And it will continue to be! Jupiter and Pluto travel less than 3 degrees of each other for FOUR months to the retrograde aspect April 14.

Jupiter will come close to its trine with Chiron, but retrogrades 2 degrees before it completes. Very close, but won’t complete that trine until Nov 1, and then only once. There is a strong desire for deep healing, healing of the cause, at the source. There is a longing to do business that matters in a good way. We whisper of eternal love, set a greater standard, wait for the right timing.

With Jupiter & Pluto, expect further shifts in educational status. Divorce, custody and inheritances could be favorably resolved. Be ultra-kind and keep long term healing in mind. Favorable marriages could be made, both for love and money! Sex could knock your socks off! Try out new investments. Invest more later if it goes well. Buy the home if you have the opportunity. Careful timing is required this year due to some complex and lengthy inner planet retrograde sequences. See your astrologer to see if it is a good time for you and when your personal exact best timing is. Resolve to be of service to your community.

Literally, keep the future in mind and take action accordingly. 2020 and 2021 are very soon. Keep climate in mind. Seek higher, safer ground with good water and sustainability. Be with people making the world a better place.

Happy SuperMoon Eclipse viewing!

Total Lunar ECLIPSE Full Blue SuperMoon Leo/Aquarius Astrology Chart!

Aquarius 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse Full Snow SuperMoon Astrology Chartx x

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Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon!
Chinese New Year, Fixed Star Algol, Venus, Mars & Jupiter!

Thursday Feb 15 at 1:05 PM Pacific, 27 AQ 08!

Aquarius 2018 New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse

The day after Valentine’s Day, a partial Solar Eclipse, the Moon cookie bites the Sun! Not visible in North America.

In the US, Friday Feb 16, the day of the second New Moon after Winter Solstice in China, Chinese New Year 2018 is celebrated! In addition to the New Moon, there are two occultations, mini eclipses, so it’s like a triple eclipse! Feb 15 the Moon occults Mercury at 10:05 AM Pacific, before the New Moon here. The Moon acts as a perfect channel for Mercury to Earth, filtering Mercury’s data and logic through Moon’s feelings. We may have a softened expression, more care, about what we think, how we say it. We may have a lot of feelings about what we hear or say. Feb 16, Chinese New Year in the US, the Moon occults Venus in Pisces at 8:36 AM Pacific! The Moon channels Venus grace through the veils of Pisces the sign of compassion and mercy. Think of the Chinese Bodhisattva, Kuan Yin, the beautiful Buddha. She will hold love and beauty, peaceful kindness, as we follow the mandates of the year of the brown Earth dog. See more about the Brown Earth Dog year!

Moon aligns and merges with Sun, an essence of the two Lights in Aquarius. At a late degree, 27, it is a mature Sun. In the last 27 days much has happened and been accomplished. An annual recentering and affirmation has brought Aquarians back to their extraordinary Light Body selves. They are at their final charging for their year to come. It takes energy to awaken humanity, to introduce changes, to gather such diverse Souls for collaborative group work. Hats off to these Beings. Sun literally lights the way; Moon nurtures the clan, the mothers and children, the weak and tired. She retrieves those who are lost.

Moon and Sun have both also been charged by Uranus, their own planet! They just sextiled Uranus. Uranus in Aries is like a fire breathing dragon! There is no missing its wild electric scent! There’s fire in the forge. Time to give a little shove in the right direction. Throw down the gauntlet and see who comes. One person, one act, is all it takes to start it going. Aries is ignition and initiation! Aquarius is the Awakener! Feel that tingle of excitement! Once up and out, you can still go back, but it’s not the same old, same old. Nope.

To add to it, Mercury in Aquarius just sextiled red hot and spicy Uranus in Aries! That’s potent for two reasons. Mercury’s best sign is considered to be Aquarius, genius! And Uranus is the Aquarian planet! Crazy, amazing, odd and exotic ideas zip through our minds! We go from just wanting our freedom to wanting to join the most fabulous exciting organization to ramrod our project that never seemed possible before, but here it is now! We make super friends in an instant. The world is awakening and it’s time for meaningful change! Seeds are being planted. Mercury carries these ideas right to the heart of the Sun Feb 17! He jumps right into the LIGHT! He receives the infusion, the charge, the batteries are stoked for the next run! He goes right into Pisces that night, so it may be a bit murky for a while, but he has the torch! It’s not dark for long though – the Sun follows into Pisces the next day!

Venus is sextiling Saturn to make sure it all gets done. Saturn is in his own sign Capricorn. That equals getting the job done by definition! Capricorns are efficient and dedicated. Saturn carries the mission to completion. Venus in Pisces has the dream and Capricorn is her valiant ally and guardian. She admires his work, gives thanks for what he builds brick by brick, board by board. She sweetens Saturn’s day.

Chiron also in Pisces, but at a much later degree, is square the Galactic Center. He vows to make the breakthroughs required to make it all possible, be so much more than expected!

Adventurer Mars in Sagittarius loves a challenge and in Sag is the champion of the greater Truth! He doesn’t publish stories, he IS the story! At this point he is square Neptune, the Pisces planet in Pisces! He is poised to put the whammy on Neptune’s fears and addictions, release the Princess from her prison of her own making! The New Moon gets right to the center of things, so Mars is perfectly placed. Aquarius puts an air of detachment on things, allows less emotionalism, more clarity. These breakthroughs may be shocking at the moment of the breaking, but there is kind of an Ah…. about it too. Finally, released. We had been waiting. The Eclipse first also helps. It gives some quieter moments yet the channel is intense. The message comes through. Mars makes the exact square the 17th 3:21 AM Pacific, so essentially, the 16th is the active day.

‘Fixed Stars’ is an old astrological term referring to stars rather than planets that move along the backdrop of the stars. Our last New Moon trined Algol, but this time it squares Algol, 26 Taurus. Algol is thought of as bad, the baddest. If you are born at 26 Taurus or have factors at 26 degrees, you may have some potent personal insights. It’s the head of the Gorgon – hangings, losing your head. Algol can be the dark, painful rage of the feminine – Lilith, sexuality. There can be intensity or ruthlessness, or an outpouring of creative work! Algol holds the unique factor of being a binary star. It ‘blinks’ when its sister star crosses it! When she’s dark, she’s bad. The detached aspect of Aquarius, unafraid, sees problems squarely and shockingly may tell all out loud. That bald assessment may cause the outer shell to be shattered, we then be free to heal a long held layer of agony. That sounds melodramatic perhaps, but it can make all the difference whether we stay in chains or move forward with our lives.

Jupiter sextile Pluto in Capricorn continues in the background. Wealth, super health, possibly the mate of a lifetime!

Jupiter is in Scorpio, Pluto’s sign, so the link is in sync! Scorpio and Capricorn are pros. Scorpio makes the money that funds Capricorn’s goal! Capricorn uses it precisely, no time wasted, so the money goes further than expected. Good chance the project makes money before it is even finished! Scorpio makes astute relationships, whether personal or business. Capricorn places people well along the way, competently assessing their abilities, leading them to higher places they never knew they could get to. Health improves with happiness, and being in that right place at the right time can make us forget we ever had troubles. Think improvements, modernizing, sustainability! Good job!

Jupiter wants to educate, and Scorpio doesn’t spare the depth, perfecting every detail from inside to out! Jupiter sees the long term, so Scorpio opens his eyes below, above and beyond! This inner and outer vision at once opens all kinds of corridors. Old debris is carted away, energy is freed. Jupiter shouts the glory with a mighty song, perhaps not unlike the mischievous opera singer Cecilia Bartoli! (She has Jupiter in Cancer mutual reception Moon in Sagittarius!) Jupiter feels the huge support Scorpio offers with his strength and inner knowing. Scorpio is impassioned by the potential Jupiter sees and knows is within reach! See more

Jupiter is slowing to retrograde March 9 at 23 degrees Scorpio. He almost trines Chiron, inconjuncts Uranus. Those aspects will come Nov 1 and 7. With Chiron we see the potential for alternative healing and business methods, the possibility of personal and financial partnerships. Head in those directions. The inconjunct with Uranus will take us new directions; we will consider some unusual options. Keep looking. We have hints of what’s to come, we start getting ready. We may be disappointed when it doesn’t happen yet. Seeds have been planted. Nurture them for as far as they have gotten. Some may be slumbering; keep them alive. Enhance their habitat so they can do good work when it’s their time.

Aquarius is an air sign. Do some breath work. Sing your Om shanti. Make your call to the brethren. They will come.

Partial Solar ECLIPSE New Moon Astrology Chart

Aquarius 2018 Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart

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This year is unusual! In 2018, full Moons rise on January 31 and again on March 1, meaning there will be no full Moon in the month of February. The next Full Moon is Mar 1, 4:51 PM at 11 Virgo/Pisces 23! 


See the entire Aquarius 2018 Newsletter!

See the 2018 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns of the year!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you

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Aquarius, HighLights 2017
Aquarius, the Flight of a Lifetime!


Happy Birthdays, Aquarians!

Aquarius Oprah Winfrey Air Sign at Grand Canyon!

Oprah at Grand Canyon ~ magnificent, majestic and sacred! She has dubbed 2017 the YearOfAdventure, so she’s exploring the great wide open and inviting you to do the same!

Jan 29, 1954 Oprah Winfrey arrived on the planet and has become a known part of the planet. From obscure small beginnings she has risen, become the first woman in history to both own and produce her own talk show. Many of you know much of her achievements – influential book critic, an Academy Award-nominated actress, magazine publisher. She is also, according to several assessments, the most influential woman in the world.

What many don’t know is Aquarians are great bankers! And Aquarius is the sign that follows Capricorn, the sign of career, making Aquarius the receiver of the spoils! Having that wealth gives the opportunity for sponsoring community work and international organizations. Oprah holds the distinctions of being the richest African American of the 20th century, the most philanthropic African American of all time, and the world’s only black billionaire for three straight years! 2.9 billion USD (2017) Forbes

Venus conjunct her Sun gives beauty and money! They and her Mercury in Aquarius trine her Jupiter in Gemini give her super intelligence, a quick wit, a broad view and more money! The Moon in Sagittarius was born to go places, cross cultural gaps, be a natural teacher! Jupiter and its sign Sagittarius are optimistic, see far ahead, are lucky in their pursuits! And it’s fun! Aquarius and Sagittarius are in combination, signs that need freedom and often don’t marry. She has been with her boyfriend Stedman Graham since 1986; they spend a lot of time apart and have never married.

Venus with the Sun gives self indulgence, a love of sweets and carbs. Aquarians aren’t famous for calorie burning exercise, nor is Venus unless it is dance. Her Mars in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo can block exercise through embarrassment, need for privacy, physical discomfort. She has been a brave woman publicly facing these challenges that so many scorn. Yet these same placements have also helped her break many financial barriers!

Oprah’s latest book Food, Health And Happiness is now available at Amazon: ‘Oprah Winfrey will be the first to tell you, she has had a complicated relationship with food. It’s been both a source of delight and comfort for her, but also the cause of an ongoing struggle with her weight. In Food, Health, and Happiness, Oprah shares the recipes that have allowed eating to finally be joyful for her. With dishes created and prepared alongside her favorite chefs, paired with personal essays and memories from Oprah herself, this cookbook offers a candid, behind-the-scenes look into the life (and kitchen!) of one of the most influential and respected celebrities in the world. Delicious, healthy, and easy to prepare, these are the recipes Oprah most loves to make at home and share with friends and family…a taste of happiness, a ritual to be shared, a toast to life!’

Remember, she has proclaimed 2017 the Year of Adventure. She says ‘Try different restaurants. Take a class on something new. Be challenged. Get stimulated. Have some fun! And redefine what fun means for you.’


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Celestial Highlights!

Astronomy Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Feb 10, 11 2017

Thanks to Sky & Telescope for this image!

Per Sky & Telescope: ‘The beginning and end of a penumbral eclipse are not visible to the eye. In fact, no shading can be detected until about 2/3 of the Moon’s disk is immersed in the penumbra. This would place the period of eclipse visibility within about 3/4 hours of greatest eclipse (about 00:00 to 01:30 UT1). Keep in mind that this is only an estimate. Atmospheric conditions and the observer’s visual acuity are important factors to consider.’

It is often hard to differentiate between a normal full Moon and a penumbral eclipse of the Moon, but watch closely at mid eclipse for deep penumbral shading on the northern half of the Moon closest to the Umbra!

The Pacific time for the Eclipse is 4:33 PM, but best viewing times are different!

Penumbral eclipse begins: 2:34 p.m. (on February 10)
Greatest eclipse (nearest umbra): 3:44 p.m. (on February 10)
Penumbral eclipse ends: 6:53 p.m. (on February 10)

For how to convert UT to your own local time, see Time Zones and Universal Time.

Enjoy watching!

Aquarius 2017 TimeLine!

Mercury is Direct, moving forward now finishing its third and last phase January 27! See more

October 23 started a whole new round of SIX aspects through Dec 31 that are the primary aspects of 2017! We have had Jupiter inconjunct Neptune, Jupiter square Pluto ThanksGiving Day, Nov 24! The ‘Holiday Four, plus the very close Jupiter sextile Saturn, happened the last 8 days of 2016. 

The next and first outer planets aspect of 2017, Jupiter inconjunct Chiron, starts the 2017 retrograde set of the SIX aspects in reverse order through May 18.

Jupiter will be in Libra until Oct 10, 2017. We are now in a period of adjustments, rebalancing with our new President. It will be a challenging time for many of us through Nov 2, 2017. Choose your battles, stay long term intentional, stay focused and don’t forget who you are.

Oct 23, 2016 Started SIX NEW aspects through Dec 31 that are the primary aspects of 2017!
Jan   27  NEW MOON 4:07 PM Pacific, Mercury completes Retrograde cycle
xxxx28  Chinese NEW YEAR of the Rooster!
xxxx30  Venus Retrograde Cycle starts
Feb    2  Candlemas, Groundhog Day
xxxx10  FULL SNOW MOON, Total Penumbral Lunar ECLIPSE 4:33 PM Pacific
xxxx14  Valentine’s Day, Jupiter inconjunct Chiron

Continuing abiding Aspects

  • The long time Uranus square Pluto is finally finishing! It started its first of seven exact aspects in 2010! It is in the final 5 degree close range 11.29.16 to 4.13.17 and doesn’t go back! See more.
  • Chiron & Uranus continue in their many years long journey closely together in the background…. More

2017 Outer Planet Transit Aspects with Aquarius!

Aquarius Big Skies Space Freedom Beauvert Lake, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada by traveler, self described scrambler ChrisW

Big skies, great space gives an Aquarian room to move around! On a clear day you can see forever. Beauvert Lake, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada by traveler self described scrambler ChrisW

Pluto is just past mid Capricorn through Jan 2018. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Aquarius has no such attachments as Pluto does, not known for obsessions, compulsions. Aquarius is Capricorn’s neighboring sign ahead. Capricorn built the structure so Aquarius can be free to meet there, contemplate and organize community groups, world networks to update old ways, invent new channels! Aquarius is the last Air signs. Gemini is our personal breath of Life. Libra is the breath and air among us, living relationships. Aquarius is the planetary air above us that we fly in, that unites us all. Resources are intentionally directed to make the world a better place.

Neptune is in its own sign, at the first third of Pisces. It is a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Aquarius is the sign before Pisces, that transmits the Word on the winds across the world, through the internet. It breathes the beliefs of Pisces through us so all may know what needs saving. Timeless visions are to be awakened with magical words. Right at home, friend to friend, profound matters are discussed looking for unusual approaches that will shake us from our sleep! Neptunians understand our oddities and the language of the future, have an uncanny knack for seeing where to go and why! They are happy to be our Guides, sensitive to every nuance.

Uranus covers 21 to 28 Aries through January 2018. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is a given. ChangeMaker Aquarius feels right at home with this visitor of his own kind, ever moving, inspired and inspiring! Aries is First, is kin to Aquarius the Awakener! Not only do they have the ideas, but they get put into action! Aquarius is way ahead of its time; Aries just might keep up! Aquarius likes speedy sports, air inclined, but their weakness is the think tank blues, sitting entranced at that keyboard, inventing or sneaking in a computer game here and there! Aries gets them outside, demanding better food to support the mountain hike in fresh clean air!

Chiron, like Neptune is also in Pisces, like Uranus, also covers 21 to 28 degrees, but in Pisces through January 2018. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business. Aquarius incorporates all kinds of electronics into our modern medicine, from digital thermometers to taking a ride in the body scanning machine at the hospital! Research is one of their businesses, innovative solutions can succeed where old remedies didn’t work well enough. Neptune might recommend meditation, relaxation, transformation through doing work you love, something meaningful. Aquarius couldn’t agree more! They know that freedom is Being, true to your core. Though Pisces the Magician might wish for fairytale romance, Aquarius may wish for freedom more. Chiron can help them see how a partnership with someone who is comfortable to let them come and go on whim or airline schedule, is bright like they are, or simply gentle, kind, patient, grounding and admiring, could work quite well!

Saturn travels from 21 degrees Sagittarius to 3 degrees Capricorn in the year ahead. Aquarius enjoys a good trip with business compadres! They can go to meetings to promote special projects for sustainability, improve laws for more people, build universities, contribute computer gear for students or seniors! People of different cultures will add their values, innovations, manners and customs that improve well being. Bonds may be formed over distances, territories realistically expanded. Aquarians may find themselves quite comfortable in a business that intrigues them. They are more willing to take care of themselves because they have good reason!

When Saturn goes into his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017, there will be more traditional endeavors. There will be preservation, building for long term results. Rules, responsibility, respect for elders called for. Aquarius can see how this is favorable. Long term means choosing what makes sense for our environment, to protect the future for our children, build and select systems that favor seniors. Aquarius will be hard pressed to keep up with inventions for the needs of the people! Research may bring some medical breakthroughs.

Those of you with Saturn 21 Sag to 3 Cap will be having your Saturn Returns, a 29 year event! Saturn can make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements in that 29 years! If you are on your first Return, you may be having substantial career success, marry, have your first child, buy a home! If you are on your second Return, you may be thinking of retirement plans, be called to take care of aging parents. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from experienced experts may be just what you need. Sagittarius Saturn may find their travel budget lacking for the time being, or they may find perfect low budget opportunities! Education may need to wait, but is still a good investment as soon as possible. Capricorn Saturn might have more work than anybody should, or they are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing when they get replacement work that suits them better or start their own business! Take good care of yourself, keep your networks alive. Housing, parenting may be challenged. Age may become a factor. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have!

Jupiter in Libra is a volatile Fire and Air combination, loves to carry on getting to know you. Aquarius thrives in all that travel to far away places, meeting people who think out of the box we are used to! A travel or import business could be lucrative! Relationships may work better than usual. Libra has a certain amount of flexibility, is intelligent, and has a broader range of give and take than many other signs. Jupiter can be opinionated, but learns from inventive Aquarius and it suits them because Jupiter always has an eye to future and greater possibilities. Jupiter’s optimism is contagious and Aquarius is surprised and pleased to find a thoughtful and willing colleague!

Happy Birthdays, Aquarians! Quite an exciting and productive year coming for you!

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Aquarius 2017 Newsletter!

See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns! Make your changes count.

Make your changes count.

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Aquarius, the Flight of a Lifetime!

Aquarius, the Flight of a Lifetime! Earth Girl

Angels for Earth, my title, by Roberto Campus. Roberto lives in rural Vermont, and his client list is long and famous!

Not your average citizen! Aquarians are seekers beyond small thoughts. Magical flying dragons to Angels of Magnitude, they take us there.

Above and beyond! Aquarius is an Air sign, rises above all other signs! It is the high wind that speeds along the mountain tops. It is the air that planes fly in and spaceships travel beyond!

The Aquarius double zig zag symbol is where the mountain tops meet the sky, the Aquarius Zone, where the crisp air goes straight to your brain! Freedom of the Ethers! Elevation, tall vision, in the invisible element! The Internet is a form of modern day ether, and many an Aquarian is accused of being legless in their computer chair, no exercise, no sun, not even much air! Either way, fly your hang glider or zot around the internet world whenever you are intrigued to do so! Awareness expands, awakening begins!

Electronic music is the sound of the Universe thinking ~ airy melodies that float, or ones with a fast beat that tickle your neurons. Exotic unruly out of the box jazz is inspiring and contemporary music that defies definition pleases your Soul! Music from every dimension, different cultures, with strange instruments and tonal qualities are quite comfortable. Singing, making your own music, is entirely free, and your voice may be incredibly unique.

Aquarians excel in all uncommon activities, which seem to have a magnetising effect on you! Aviation, parachuting, ballooning, hang gliding, rock climbing, pole vault or high jump, skating, skiing, and free form dance, etc. Sports with friends, or Solo hiking, especially at the alpine high-in-the-sky level refreshes your spirit. On earth, birding with friends or on your own can take you to unique places.

Inventions, innovative businesses, detached bankers and bartenders, writing, astronomy and space odyssey fantasies open gateways. Humanitarian projects to help people and/or the world are a scale you can appreciate and thrive in. That’s where you might meet your match! Someone with a consciousness that is quick with creative solutions, not afraid of your ideas and intelligence, broad in scope, life changing, keeps you connecting. It’s electric!

Because Aquarians themselves can be eccentric, odd, loners and lonely, people of all kinds, who aren’t mainstream, feel comfortable to tell them the unusual things about themselves. Aquarians are more fascinated than fearful. They often simply accept what is rather than judge it. Their friends certainly aren’t boring. Aquarians will have an eclectic group of friends who don’t necessarily enjoy each other! A research team, computer project, a mutual cause will more likely bring them together productively for a time. Then they will migrate in different directions to higher ground in a good way.

Healthwise, your body really does need food. Just as the planet needs sustainability, so do you! Go for quality food, explore what exercise you actually would like to do. Sleep as you can. Aquarians always have that hum, buzz, are plugged in to the greater world intelligence. There are places and people different beyond the average person’s wildest imagination! Stay well so you can go there! Things need doing. Be well so you can do them. Find mind changing ways to communicate your special gifts, insights. Keep your brain well fueled so it is present for the crucial moments of exchange, when the next level can be attained!

There are many Angels in disguise. Some laugh and tease us. Some are not pretty. We are enchanted by others. We know there is something right around the corner and we catch a glimpse. They hold our hands to cross the inter dimensional bridge. Some are lovers, others are the stranger you will never see again. There are everyday teachers that take us with them. Some walk, some fly, but every Aquarian is on the flight of a lifetime!

We are on the threshold of a vastly changing reality. You have a special part in its unfoldment.

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Happy Birthdays, Aquarians!

Aquarius Valentine's Day Heart Love Pink

Know how very precious you are to us! 

Happy Valentine’s Day, to All!


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Mercury Retrograde Machu Picchu Terraces
Terracing at quintessential Machu Picchu ~

Like terracing on a steep hillside, our lives are favored by retrogrades. They help us gradually ascend the heights, levels of enlightenment. Some are narrow, some have broad flats. They hold the water of fertility as it descends, some sloped inward to hold more, others sloped outward to release to the shelf below. As in terrace farming, they gradually lower along their length, to shift the water from that terrace to the one below. Slow, spread, sink – receive. This Retrograde is in Capricorn, the high rocky mountains, and Aquarius, the stratospheric air above them. 

Sometimes our lives need this adjusting. We get ahead of ourselves, need to regulate the flow, take time to absorb the treasure that is right in front of us. We get a little heady at times, either scattered, or packed too tight, our thoughts blocked. Stand still along the way ascending the turns, get used to the new altitude. Take a far keen look. Breathe deep. Lean on the rocks, let the gravel slow the flow, catch what passes around us, filter debris coming our way.

Mostly the RX is in Capricorn. The three part cycle – direct, retrograde, direct – starts Dec 19 at 14 Capricorn 54. Mercury goes into Aquarius New Year’s Day, but only for a few days. It retrogrades Jan 5, barely getting in Aquarius, at 1 AQ 2, returns to Cap Jan 8. It shows us the goal in Aquarius then returns to rebuild the foundation in Cap. It remains there until it turns direct, 14 CP 54, Jan 25. It goes forward in Cap, reenters AQ Feb 13, the day before Valentine’s day! The cycle finishes on Valentine’s Day! 

Mercury Rx is famous for paperwork and communications snafus! In Capricorn that can be related to career, parenting – especially fathering and elder care, the consideration of long term commitments, housing. In our bodies, give good regard to your bones, skin, fingernails, knees and teeth. Just when you don’t have time over the holidays, you need a little extra rest. if possible, during the retrograde, wait to change jobs or schools, move or remodel, get extensive dental work. If you must, for now, do only what you need to get by, don’t choose permanent or long term options. Stay flexible. Rent, don’t buy yet. Get less expensive and less furniture. There may be another move in the near future.

In its brief foray into Aquarius, only you with very early factors in Aquarius will pay any attention. The state of the world, our local friends, personal and professional associations will matter. Freedom is at stake. Change is evolution. Even what seems bad, stirs the collective, heads are put together, new healing ways found. In moments of genius, profound need, we will find the words to say that people will hear. At the personal level, might wait on getting that computer, phone or car.

Aspects Mercury makes during the cycle:

Dec 19, Jan 22 & 29 Mercury conjunct Pluto! The cycle starts with a powerful connection with our primordial Other Self. Mercury chats, Pluto doesn’t show face. Good poker player. A contract can be made, but you better know what you are doing! No cheating or tricking, no force. Stay clean.

Dec 20, Jan 20 Square Uranus. Not all as expected, a friend goes the other way, a connection isn’t made. Your computer betrays you. The lights go out temporarily.

Dec 25, Christmas Day, Jan 14, Feb 6 trine Jupiter! Lucky conversation. Sign the paper. High praise. Share the big news! Take a little trip, go to the seminar, school, temple.

Dec 29 Square Mars. Be careful, watch tempers and overdoing it. You don’t have to tell all. If you have been a quitter, get it done! Shout it out, be inspiring, make the breakthrough!

Jan 5, the day of the Rx, it squares Mars again. The square is within 3 degrees from Dec 24, Christmas Eve, until Jan 9 as Mercury retreats, while Mercury and Mars are at their sign changes. Mars goes from Libra to Scorpio Jan 3.

Focus on the long term important things, be safe, celebrate your completion on Valentine’s Day! Stay sweet!

Check with your astrologer to see if any of these activate your chart and which house(s) Mercury activates ~

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Jupiter in Taurus sextiles Chiron in Pisces the third and last time Valentine’s Day Feb 14!  Taurus and Pisces can both be very sweet signs, though Taurus is sometimes thought to be selfish and unmovable, and Pisces simply oblivious.  Both have very strong associations with Venus, and so does Chiron!  Some think of Chiron as the ultimate relationship planet, THE marriage planet!  Venus associated with Taurus, can be a beautiful body, love, attracting money.  With Pisces, the love of Soul, soul mates, surrender to another or a cause one loves more than one loves oneself, the ability to live in sacrifice, poverty.  At times sacrifice, immersion to exclusion, can be a form of abdication, running away, non contribution, another form of selfishness.  Other times the Soul’s journey depends on letting go of materialism, solitude for healing.  Pisces and Taurus/Venus rule the Arts – Taurus is sculpting, Venus is beauty of all kinds, Pisces is film, theatre, music.  In simple earthly ways, Taurus is grains in the fields; Pisces provides the fishes – the loaves and the fishes – let no one go hungry, body or mind!  Jupiter wants generous well-being through knowledge.  Chiron is intentional healing, in Pisces, spiritual wisdom.  Learn and be healed, be wise and teach.  Education releases Magic!  More

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