
Posts Tagged ‘2016’

Transit of Mercury 2006

The 2006 ECLIPSE as seen from Earth! Credit: ESA/NASA/SOHO

Oct 23 Note: As of Nov 4 Jupiter will be within 3° of the Galactic Center! We are most assuredly within hailing distance.

Sep 23 Equinox Note! How did this happen?! All of a sudden we are really close to the Transit of Mercury retrograde eclipse and its sister aspect Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! These are both important events, transmissions from our own Star, the Sun, and our entire Galaxy of stars!

Nov 11, 2019 the Retrograde Eclipse crosses the SUN, 7:21 AM Pacific at 18 Scorpio 55! Where it can be seen completely, it will be visible for 5.5 hours! See the AstroLogical Chart below!

The first ten months of 2019 Neptune has been being prepared for the sister events, the Transit of Mercury and Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! He has been activated SIX times, three by Jupiter’s challenging viewpoints. Neptune is stirred, no longer laying still. He may be on his feet like a Thich Nhat Hanh walking meditation or sitting in a dynamic meditation. For now he needs to be in a healthy awake, alert on duty condition. And there are three activations by Saturn, doing on-the-ground testing the principles Jupiter and Neptune have pondered, getting the kinks out to let it all flow smoothly. Neptune is a planet of being infinitely, delicately, richly sensitive, a giant receptor. In some ways it is indiscriminate and that is good when a transmission of this solar magnitude comes through. Neptune doesn’t block any part of it; it comes through whole. Mercury rules Gemini, information, data, and Virgo analysis. Neptune rules the sign opposite Virgo, Pisces. It’s important not to judge, or try to make order of it, but just see it as it is, an order we aren’t yet used to. It must be untampered with so the original is protected intact. This Transit event will last hours, so Mercury and Neptune have to be strong. It will take months and years, maybe a lifetime, to understand in fullness.

The June 16, 17 and 18 events are particularly important since the 16 and 18 events are at the 18th degree, the one that links Pluto at the Ecliptic and the Transit of Mercury. The Full Moon on the 17th at 25 Sagittarius also acts as a receptor.

Mercury will cross the Eclipse degree 3 times. It’s first pass is Oct 17, preparation and tune-up. Second is the Eclipse Nov 11. Last is Nov 30, making the best place for it in our lives. Retrograde means another look, a review, a turn around and seeing from another direction. In Scorpio important matters of relationships, finances, and health will all be revisited. This encounter with the Sun will bring hidden things to Light, unexpected sharing, a magnitude of attention.

The day after Full Beaver Moon Nov 12! The information received in the Transit of mercury is now being grounded and anchored by the in Taurus and given full perusal in Scorpio. It will then be used now through when Mercury’s sister aspect happens Nov 19, Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! The event is already strong with Jupiter only one degree away! It happens every 12 years, but not at the same time as the Transit of Mercury like this one!!!

In Horary Astrology, a planet, but especially Mercury, conjunct Sun, within 17 minutes, is called Cazimi. This is an exact Cazimi, an Eclipse! It is considered fortunate. Mercury is at the heart of the Sun, strengthened by the Solar union, reforged! I find people with Mercury conjunct Sun to be mental giants, have an extraordinary brilliance! They are inspired communicators, amazing researchers, express themselves with intense vitality! The Solar battery is ON! Yes, they at times get to a point of a standstill, the machinery reaches max saturation, and down they go for that nap or the night, fall asleep at the desk. Done. But the switch flips and they are at it again. Their mind can work on long after the body quits. If you love someone like this, kindly put food and water in their way. They may take it in absentmindedly as their mind is so focused on the important matter at hand!

The last Transit of Mercury was May 9, 2016 in fixed sign TaurusSee about it! It was at 19 Taurus 25 retrograde. This one is just minutes opposite at 18 Scorpio 55, almost 19 degrees. Again, old Horary science comes into play. What about that 19 degrees?! 19 Scorpio was called the ‘dread degree’ of the entire zodiac! Many are born on 19 Scorpio and do fine. Clearly there are not terrible world traumatizing events that day every year. Yet, there are times, and for some people, it indicates severe challenge, possibly lifelong. One 19 Scorpio Moon woman never knew her mother, was in 13 foster homes and known for her volatile emotions. Events may be defined quite differently. Is it carnage or should we call it regeneration? Shall we hire the wrecking crew for things that completed their usefulness, clear the path for repurposing? Taurus is a sign of fertility and growth, and Scorpio is known for healing and regeneration! Both are known for strength – one for the power of life, the other for the power of rebirth. Taurus says mine; Scorpio says ours. They can strongly clash neither giving an inch, yet often, with help of a third party, make peace and work powerfully together for common cause.

In the Ecliptic chart, the Moon is in fixed sign Taurus this time, the sign the Transit was in last time. It just passed over Uranus, the electrical spark of Life! Uranus is the holder of the Akashic Records, the records of the soul. In Taurus it has the will to survive, to be centered, alive and in harmony with Mother Earth, anchored in Peace. There is a deep sense of calm, a kind of trust in what is most organic in us. Our values for preservation are foremost. Climate change is holding a strong place in us. Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s own sign, plus Mars in Libra sextiling Jupiter, suggest we have a lot to learn, a lot of connections to be made, a long journey ahead, many successes along the way. Many special cross cultural relationships will be formed, profound exchanges will be shared.

This conjunction, TRANSIT, is powerfully in fixed sign Scorpio of the dark, a keen observer who puts things together behind the scenes. Who honors you with complete confidentiality about personal matters – love life, finances, health. Who heals you at deeper levels, the levels of causality rather than a quick fix of symptoms…that will come back if the core isn’t healed.

Being an underworld sign, Scorpio is at odds with the Sun, the brightest Light there is. Better be clean, able to be illuminated and scanned by this bright Soul Scope. It’s like an x-ray by the Sun, your bones appear as shadows. Nothing escapes. If you pass the test, and it is only you that knows if you did, even if you are in denial, the Light of this magnitude shows truth that can’t be ignored. You get the glimpse and it haunts you until you fix it. It’s not just the client/patient that is getting the scan, but the healer and the link between you too! Honoring yourself and your various healers, and they you, is part of the scenario.

Since it is with Mercury, it is what we think (unspoken), what we say, how we say it, when, to whom, how we listen. Mercury is quick on its feet, able to make light of things, dodge bullets, but the Truth is still the Truth, real and part of us. It mulls it over, thinks and thinks about it until things settle down, and eventually, we relax, relent, accept. Good or bad, there’s a peace. At last we can get to work. Another level is now available.

The Sun sees what we thought were all our little secrets. And suddenly many of them don’t feel so important anymore. There comes a balance between our individual being and our purpose here in this Life, our place among our fellows. Personal wellbeing with our special idiosyncrasies makes us able to tackle some of the greater issues of Humanity. Scorpio can flick out intense ideas right between our eyes! In this case our mental Kundalini will be raised. Scorpio can take on some of the most uncomfortable things and people will listen. We all share basic fears, are grateful to be appreciated and heard kindly in our greatest sorrow, pains, and glory! The Sun Lights up these places we feared were too hidden, too awful or embarrassing to say out loud, yet here we are telling our story. Finally. It’s a great release. Healers are cured by the ones they help. They say we do what we need to learn.

Mercury in Scorpio is awesome! Here’s little Mercury out there talking to Sun! Well, he is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun anyway, used to being Sun’s companion and messenger. They know each other quite well. But we don’t really think of it as an exchange, yet it is. The Sun burns away the dross. Scorpio gets obsessed and a little dirt collects around him while he is focused elsewhere. Well that needs to be offloaded and the weary thoughts of over thinking let go. The channels get clogged and need to be cleared.

Then, Mercury makes more sense and responses are quicker, more clear to hear. Sun can’t help being his big Self, but we all gotta listen to our constituents. Mercury is the Scorpio rep this time! In exchange the Word of the Sun, the Heart of Light, goes out to all those people through his Mercury conduit. The conjunction is at 18 Scorpio 55, so those of us with factors in our charts at 15 to 21 will be activated. If you have factors in Scorpio at those degrees, it could be particularly intense. It won’t be just this Transit, but it will bring back memories of the May 9, 2016 Transit as well! Mercury is an air planet. You can bet it will be waffling about in your space. A feather touch here, a glimpse through the veils of time, minds touching, thinking together as One. Possibly there is a sense of urgency. Scorpio ever calls for amending, the longer vision, the seriousness of Life. It understands consequences as well as excellence.

Mercury is Retrograde again, as it was in 2016. There is unfinished business. People we need to reconnect with. Reevaluate, repair our status, have remorse and empathy for, forgive ourselves. There are reasons why they are no longer in our lives, but we may have forgotten and need to remember the lesson. We can be kinder but not need to be with them. Or we need to ‘pass them on,’ help them get to the next level with someone able to help them with their current needs that we can’t help with. Let go and go on.

Though the mythological Mercury is a man, Mercury is considered an asexual neutral planet, servant and messenger of the Gods, as such, simply a logical Vulcan-like channel. It is at times more interested in the function of gathering and transmitting information than the information itself. Each of us will put the spin of our own chart filter on the information we receive, yet try to keep your transmission of what you receive as neutral as possible. Go for the clean abiding principles rather than judgements of it. Since Mercury is of Gemini the Twins, think of it as our masculine Solar twin being seamlessly in Union with our Earthly feminine mind. When we are at One, there are no misunderstandings, no omits. We are complete, the merger Divine.

Children born on this day during the Eclipse will have magical Solar linkage called Cazimi. Their birthdays will hold a meaningful part of our lives. In old horary astrology, when Mercury conjuncts the Sun exactly like this, it was considered unfortunate, burned out, combust. But I am with David Coleman’s camp. For your perspective, he explains it this way:

  • Cazimi, [within 0° 17′ of the Sun] then, leads to the most enchanted state wherein the essential meaning of the planet becomes truly inseparable from our spirit. A Cazimi Venus, for example, could easily be a nymphomaniac or ‘sex addict’, for example. It could also be a person with near supernatural charm, grace or insight into the world of feelings.
  • Under the sunbeams a planet [8° to 17° of the Sun] is warmed and vitalised and somewhat or completely invisible, meaning it is commanding and infused with our inner light but somehow ‘on the fringes’, lacking in conventional status. It becomes ethereal, alluring, unusual and dreamy
  • Combust planets [8° of the Sun] are unorthodox and often willfully defy external direction because they are confident in their own inner unique grasp of the planets essential meaning. They are either aloof from or disinterested in the material agenda of the planet concerned but will still display its power radiantly and forcefully but somewhat enigmatically and individually.

Short answer from another point of view: when a planet becomes non-visible because of the Sun’s light it becomes less physical and more astral in focus.

Since Cazimi is within all three of these definitions, I say ALL apply! Look at your own chart to see if you are in any of these categories and if, how you think they apply.

Expect these Cazimi children to have extraordinary things to say, an exceptionally clever mind in some way, some form of remarkable dexterity, an unusual voice, a way of speaking about a special talent that holds our attention even when it’s not our subject! In certain topics they will be intelligent ahead of their age expectancy, and will surpass common thinking.

Maybe you can tell by the chart below there is about to be a Full Moon, in fact, the very next day! It’s the Frosty Full Moon spanning Taurus/Scorpio. Our arms are open wide, fully extended, receiving and sending. Moon is Mother guardian, in Taurus is for grounding. Scorpio stores the winter foods. Scorpio intuitively knows things of importance, protects them until Taurus can secure the gold bricks in the stout counting house.Chart We may not understand it fully yet, but instinct draws us to hold safe space for it.

2019 Transit of Mercury Astrology Chart

2019 Transit of Mercury Astrology Chart

Pluto at the Ecliptic and the Transit are linked by degrees, the Sun, and both happen in Scorpio, Pluto’s sign!

Not only is this Transit of Mercury important for its own sake, but it is the MESSENGER FOR WHEN PLUTO WAS CONJUNCT THE ECLIPTIC!!! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path. That event was Oct 30, 2018 at 18 Capricorn 58. This one at 18 Scorpio 56 is only 2″ (minutes) from an exact sextile!!! The main commonality is both are related to the Sun and the Sun is in SCORPIO for both! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s Path through the heavens. The Transit of Mercury is when Mercury crosses the Sun! Mercury observed that 2018 event and in 2019 is at a maximum position to express Sun’s intention as purely as possible.

Sextiles have special energy as communicators! Exactly what it takes to do this job. The planets are linked in mixed compatible elements, in this case Pluto in Capricorn Earth then Mercury in Scorpio Water. Pluto in Capricorn is a powerful position. It has to do with money, funding, and people in charge of operations. It is healing and elders. It is cleansing and right timing. Relationships that have eternal meaning. It’s the Phoenix that rises from its own ashes in league with the Great Builder.

Truly, Mercury has important things to think about, communicate about, to translate and transfer point to point. Mercury is in Scorpio, PLUTO’S sign, keenly alert to what this all deeply means, and will carefully place the insights with people most capable of carrying the best forward! He will be quite discreet as revelations happen. Having just been with the Sun, the Light of all our Lights, his potency will be recognized and he will be listened to. Scorpios don’t waste time with idle chatter.

If your chart is activated by Pluto at the Ecliptic, it will also be activated by the Transit of Mercury! Imagine the power of children born during these events! They, we, are Messengers of the Light.

The exact conjunction is Nov 11, eleven eleven! That is a numerological pair of double numbers, considered master numbers. The number One represents leadership, inspiration, new beginnings, Initiation. In Scorpio that would mean starting over, revision or renewing a connection or contract of partnership. There is a knowing that two can do what one alone can’t do by themselves. Two Ones, standing together add to Two, a solidarity, like the second sign Taurus.

The exact time is 7:21 AM Pacific, just after Sunrise! We on the US west coast will be able to see it happening. The Sun is a big place, so it starts at Sunrise in Santa Barbara CA, 7:20 AM! For others it could be seen as long as 5 1/2 hours! It’s recommended to go to a high place, and TAKE YOUR ECLIPSE GLASSES!!!! The full transit period ends at 10:03 AM Pacific. Watch for the black drop effect, an optical illusion seemingly connecting Mercury’s disc to the Sun’s edge! It’s 100% done at 10:04 AM. Check out Dominic Ford’s simulation of how Mercury crosses the Sun at your location!

VISIBILITY! It is visible—weather permitting—for at least several hours in most of the world – US, South America, Africa, and Europe. You can see it as a tiny black dot silhouetted against the Sun’s disk. Find out if an astronomy group is setting up near you. Get tickets to the observatory! Find your favorite live stream channel! Find or get your viewing glasses now and put them in a place where you can easily find them! Clean up your old telescope. For viewing times at your location, click here at Time & Date! Enter your location.

On the average, there are only 13 Transits of Mercury each century. The next will be 2032.

Be present as you can. It’s a Monday. Take the day off? Give gratitude, pray for guidance, healing for all, that you may be a clear transmitter. Be still and receive. Give thanks. If you can, write down or record your thoughts, request they be anchored in your Spirit. Share any message you feel you can. Remember, we are in this together, many Souls receiving. You may have a piece that needs to be coordinated with one or more others to gain full understanding and expression of the message to others. Thank you. Blessed be.

This is a profound exchange of information between us and the Heart of Light! Each person is linked to this chart in their own way, or not at all, though that isn’t likely since the many factors involved are across so many degrees. Each of us has a part in some way. Thank you for you and your part.

And this isn’t all. Nov 19 Jupiter, in his own sign Sagittarius, is conjunct the GALACTIC CENTER! For such long term events, these sister aspects, Transit and Jupiter at the Galactic Center, so few days apart, are virtually happening together! Please see about Jupiter at the Galactic Center!

Famous People Born On November 11th
  • Environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio, 44. (Actor, Film Producer)
  • Demi Moore, 56. (American actress)

Famous People Born On November 19th

  • Jodie Foster, 56. (Actress & Director)
  • Meg Ryan, 57.

Steady in the Light Forever!

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See the 
2019 Annual Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Jupiter Square Pluto - Boston Marathon Veteran Earl Granville

The human spirit is alive and well! At the 2017 Boston Marathon Earl Granville, a veteran who participated on his running blade, was actually in fine shape and when his running partner couldn’t finish, he picked her up and carried her over his shoulders to the end.

This combination is now the second of a string of 6 aspects that started back in Oct 2016. They will all be going forward/direct, and finish, one by one, now through Nov 11. After this one, Aug 4, there are only four more to go. These last four are what I called the Holiday Four that all happened within 8 days, Christmas Eve to New Year’s Eve 2016!

The first Jupiter square Pluto was Nov 24, 2016 in a challenging FIVE Planet T Square. It was the first exact aspect after the Nov 8 Presidential Election!  Read about the beginning of the new presidency: Link Not only did this aspect occur at a highly charged political time, but it is an intense political aspect!

The second square was exact March 30, 2017. Here are potent events that happened in the seven days preceding the square:

Mar 22 brought the Terrorist attack on London’s Westminster Bridge and Houses of Parliament.
Mar 24 US President Donald Trump and Republican party forced to pull their attempt to repeal Obamacare.
Mar 28 Trump signs Energy Independence executive order undoing Obama climate-control measures.
Mar 29 UK Prime Minister Teresa May signs article 50 letter, sends to to the EU, formally triggering Brexit.

My retrograde post then was more about Rebuilding our foundations, forging a more beautiful future. 

The third Jupiter square Pluto is soon now, Aug 4, 2017, preceding the Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse.  As of June 20, Summer Solstice, Jupiter was at 13 Libra, Pluto at I8 Capricorn, already within 5 degrees of each other. They complete the square at 19 Libra/Capricorn. If this closely aspects your personal chart, especially you Capricorns, pay attention now so you can do your part in how it plays out.

Jupiter is on a 11/12 year cycle, so every 3 years it will complete a conjunction, opening square, opposition, closing square, and return to conjunct again.

  • Jupiter last conjuncted Pluto, 12 years ago, once, Dec 11, 2007 at 28 Sagittarius.
  • The opening square was  from Jupiter in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn, 3 times through 2010/11.
  • There were 3 oppositions while Jupiter was in Cancer 2013/14.
  • Now we are having the third of 3 squares while Jupiter is in Libra 2016/17.
  • Next will be the 2020 conjunctions starting another 12 year cycle. Jupiter will be in Capricorn again, Pluto, the slowest moving planet, still in Capricorn.

You see, Jupiter/Pluto connections are not so rare. but Pluto goes into Aquarius in 2023. It won’t be back in Capricorn for another 248 years! That means this square is the last of its kind for a long, long time. The 2020 Capricorn conjunction then takes on special meaning. Before the Jupiter/Pluto exact conjunction, March 18, 19 and 20, 2020 there is a strong 3 outer planet conjunction as Saturn, Capricorn’s own planet leaves Capricorn! Mars the Activator is there, and on the 18th, Moon is too, making a 5 planet stellium in Capricorn! Jupiter will be at 22 degrees, Pluto at 24, Saturn at 29. This Aug 4 square is the formation leading up to it, breaking the old house down, opening gateways to the future of Capricorn!

Serious other events have occurred since that first aspect in Nov 2016. One of the results has been how much people are seeing it depends on each one of us to live what we want to see happen regardless of governmental dictates. We must truly live our ethics. Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is stepping up to the plate regarding the Paris Agreements. States are signing on for the Paris Agreements. Cities are choosing 100% Renewable Energy policies. Worldwide we are seeing events that will continue to DO what it takes to make things better for the planet and ourselves and our children!

Jupiter in Libra wants growthful open relationships, to expand their network of alliances, to point to the future. As US government is pulling back from world relationships – with our neighbors in Mexico and Canada, stopping immigration, leaving the Paris Agreements, in fact not even wanting a relationship with our planet/climate control, abandoning protecting our cherished lands – it is causing other alliances to be born to take up the slack and not let progress die in its tracks. There is unity like never before.

Pluto in Capricorn symbolizes the backlash of the old guard (Capricorn), it’s not going down without a fight (Libra). The fact that it has to fight shows it is on its last legs. Some old ways are good and always will be. Some were instigated out of not realizing, not having foresight (Jupiter) of the expenditures of natural resources, extinction. Some came from pure greed (Pluto). It calls for massive education (Jupiter), person by person. Every relationship needs to be respectfully questioned. Both sides need to be considered. Good things will come from both. Pluto in Capricorn has powerful practical good sense, some very timely, some pure necessity. It knows what measures can be taken while the long term goal is in progress. It knows what to do so windows aren’t missed while Jupiter in Libra is out traveling, playing or socializing at art class. Yet we all know a lot of deals are made while playing golf! Sometimes relaxation helps the brain see the whole picture and find remarkable solutions! Both Jupiter and Pluto have a lot to offer.

We need to be steady in the Light while Pluto is in Capricorn until 2023. Six more years. Pluto 20 years in Aquarius, 2023-2043, will be exceedingly different! It could be extreme chaos, tremendous freedom, technology and innovation beyond belief, insanity or enlightenment! Stunning collaborative consciousness, the time when artificial intelligence becomes greater than human intelligence – singularity! The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, 1777 to 1799, individual rights and freedom were challenged by the French and American Revolutions. There may be a different kind of Revolution coming, but it will happen! We shall pray.

Right here at home, personally, healthwise, Jupiter is weight gain, hips/thighs. Libra rules the kidneys, lower back and ovaries, balance. Lower back pain, and problems caused by too much sugar or rich food are common complaints. Pluto is the detoxing planet, colon and eliminatory organs, sexual organs. It also has to do with seeing your therapist. Capricorn is bones, knees especially, and skin, being cold and tired, depression. Grief and loneliness can figure in. All of this together is a complicated venue. Take care of yourself, get expert care if you need it. Keep your balance, let go of real or imagined hurts. Eat well, find peace. Peace can be in meditation or taking a meaningful active stance. Ballet, Tai Chi.

It’s easy to see that relationships, for those of you having factors in your charts close to these degrees, may have some challenges. Jupiter in Libra can be forthright and not so clear about personal boundaries. They are curious, want an explanation, the whole story. That’s not Pluto’s nature. Pluto in Capricorn is conservative, cautiously naturally protects its own for many reasons, some of which will never be anyone else’s business. It’s not just their secret but the secret of another as well.

Matters of truth may come up. There could be sneakiness or flirting that misleads others to think there is deception. Innocently it may be getting that surprise birthday present, or it could be you have been in denial and there really is a problem – personal, financial, illegal. If time doesn’t tell the story in a good way, then you may need to part. Future wishes may be quite different and that’s exciting, or there really is no pleasure together because they are that different. Maybe you are no longer willing to live a half life, hoping, compromising, held back. Jupiter in Libra doesn’t want for anyone to hurt, but sometimes all that’s left is letting go. Pluto in Capricorn loves deeply and is no quitter, but natural endings do come along.

If things have been neglected, it may be time for that rebuilding your future! Your relationship may have a solid foundation and you all make a timely rescue and recovery! There may be more juice than there has been in a long time. Make time for each other, take a little trip somewhere special, give each other gifts. Maybe even renew your vows!

Careers may crumble and you may be glad. Finally that’s over! See about a restoration business or recycling. Check out financial businesses, medical, research, sciences, technical work. Look into building materials. Or look to the arts and social people businesses, travel, resorts, sports, imports, anthropology, universities! Combine these marvelous opportunities! You could go back to school. If finances are slim, do a little at a time. Take a good sharp look while this aspect is afoot. Breakthroughs are quite possible!

Challenges can be sorted out. Set your goals for Aug 4 and then for 2020. Together we can do it! Steady on. 

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See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Jupiter Opposition Uranus, Inconjunct Chiron! Exotic Art Journal by Roxanne Coble!

Exotic Art Journal by the mixed media artist, illustrator, & maker of things, Roxanne Coble!

The Book of Life may take you off in strange and wonderful directions, revealing beauty in hidden secrets!

With Jupiter now retrograde, these aspects are happening in reverse order, the inconjunct first on Valentine’s Day, the opposition March 2. This pair is important because 2015, 16, 17 are uniquely linked by reverse aspects from different signs to Chiron and Uranus. When Jupiter was in Virgo, it was opposite Chiron, inconjunct Uranus! See more! 

Jupiter opposite Uranus started within 5 degrees Nov 26, 2016. It started within 3 degrees of Chiron Dec 5. The first exact pairing, Dec 26, day after Christmas and Dec 31, New Year night! They were the last 2016 outer planets aspects, part of what I’m dubbing the Holiday Four! Since Jupiter is moving slowly, retrogrades Jan 7, the aspects hold within less than 3 degrees continuously until the pair is exact the second times, Chiron Feb 14 and Uranus Mar 2, three months! This is important because as 2016 ended, 2017 begins with 2016’s unfinished business, this time retrograde! Sep 27. 2017 the three year set is completed.
Oppositions and inconjuncts are from here to there! Oppositions are straight across the table. You know your enemy, or potential friend, face to face. There’s no doubt who you each are. Inconjuncts are from one sign to the sign across but to the left or right. They are usually harder to read, easy to ignore and pass by, but their presence can also be nagging or irritating, make you twitch or catch your attention and be inviting!! Like an interesting detour or side trip, you might be glad you took the time to introduce yourself and see why they are there! You might even continue on this new Path, never going back!

Valentine’s Day, Feb 14, Jupiter inconjunct Chiron

Chiron in Pisces is possibly a quieter combination than either Jupiter or Uranus in their air and fire signs. Chiron in water sign Pisces is artistic, a sensitive sign of Spirit and compassion. While the other two are back and forth, Chiron is the observer, both finding flaws and seeing the finer good points. It can bring a deep meaning to the venture, making the difference between mere glory and the Magic of Divine Purpose. It can applaud Jupiter’s good will for all; it can support Uranus’s intent for world community, Unity through new beginnings.

On a daily basis, it can keep the team moving. It sees when people are dispirited, tired, afraid, and brings the remedies. Maybe it’s time for a good swim – cooling down, cleaning up, a rest. So many don’t think of Pisceans as good business people, but Chiron is considered a great business planet, and ocean (Pisces) industries are huge! Shipping, ocean cruises, ocean sports, harbor industries, fishing, on and on, additionally including concerts and all the associated facets. Time out to play and relax – seaside retreats, spas, resorts. Chiron dreams make it whole.

Pisces may have its troubles. We know about addictions. But the new ideas of this threesome may bring new healing and teaching. Pisces can be the Saviour, and Chiron, though never fully recovered, did share his wisdom that still lives in the world today. As we bridge gaps, extend the hand of friendship, sharing opens new doors.

March 2 Jupiter opposite Uranus!

Jupiter is relatively a regular fellow, and more so in polite Libra! See more Sporty and debonair! Uranus in Aries would never be ordinary! Thunder and Fire, follow no ascribed authority or ordinary rules, rather makes their own then changes them because they can! Freedom reigns. Yet each is interested. Jupiter in Libra has exceptional intelligence, dances quickly, intervenes ingenuously! Even Uranus can’t help but be intrigued. Sharing ideas across the table is inspiring, playful, and Jupiter in Libra has connections to put wild Uranian concepts right on the drawing board, with backers, strategies and planning making it all possible!

Jupiter, though somewhat by the book, gets easily bored and is ready to travel, try out new relationships one after the other! This Uranian fellow keeps his interest more than a minute, flashing no creds, but delightfully fast and intelligent with amazing inventions and insights to keep one thinking. It’s a glorious challenge to see how to bring it into current use before the inventor moves on to the next project. Jupiter is ever optimistic, and Uranus finally meets someone who gives hope for the project!

Yes, they may clash. Jupiter gets opinionated, on his high horse, and Libra simply won’t make a decision, give the go ahead. Uranus gets disappointed, impatient, heard all that before, the put off, maybe this, maybe that. They can leave the table or address the issues. It might work, might not, but they tried. And each will be changed. Perhaps the next time….

Wishing you freedom and very sweet & spicey new beginnings!

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See the entire Pisces 2017 Newsletter!
See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….


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Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries - World Friendships!

Unique friendships across the world…

6.20.17 Note: As of Summer Solstice we are still in progress with Jupiter inconjunct Neptune. The last aspect is July 4! This aspect is the prominent outer planet connection in the Cancer New Faery SuperMoon June 23 and Full Moon July 8. The July 4 aspect is the first of the last of six aspects that started late 2016, retrograded and repeated 2017. They will all be going forward/direct, and finish, one by one, now through Nov 11.

4.19.17 Notes: These four aspects closed 2016, repeat two more times, are now the main aspects of 2017. They finish Nov 11, 2017. Eleven, eleven! Currently the closest aspect in progress is the April 30 Saturn square Chiron. See #3 below. Next is Saturn trine Uranus May 18, at 26 Sagittarius, the very degree of the GALACTIC CENTER! See #1 below please. For its May 17 companion aspect see Jupiter inconjunct Neptune. These aspects are all strongly tied with the Taurus time New & Full Moons.

2016 opened with a second time of three Jupiter VIRGO opposite Chiron, inconjunct Uranus. Jupiter inconjuncted Uranus two times. Jupiter in LIBRA reverses the aspects, opposite Uranus, inconjunct Chiron! It started opposite the first of 3 times the day after Christmas. Holiday differences of opinions, broad exchanges of information were very likely. 2015, 16, 17 have been and will be linked by these reverse aspects from different signs to Chiron and Uranus. See more! In addition, SATURN starts aspecting these two planets as well, Christmas Eve and on the Dec 28 NEW MOON.

These aspects are part of what I’m calling the Holiday Four at the end of 2016! Saturn and Jupiter are alternating. The first two aspects are to Uranus, the second two are to Chiron. All four aspects are different, strongly activating factors in our charts from 18 to 23 degrees.

  1. Christmas Eve, Dec 24 Saturn trine Uranus, 20 degrees. May 18, 2017 retrograde at 26 Sagittarius. Third and last Nov 11 at 25 Sag! Saturn goes into Capricorn Sep 2017. Uranus goes into Taurus May 2018. Saturn retrogrades back to an almost exact trine Uranus. Uranus goes into Gemini eight years later, April 2026. Saturn catches up to make the conjunction June of 2032! It will be 16 years before we have another exact aspect of these two.
  2. Dec 26 Jupiter opposition Uranus, 20 degrees. Mar 2, 2017 at 22 Libra. Last Sep 27 at 27 Libra.
  3. Dec 28 Saturn square Chiron, 21 degrees. NEW MOON 10:53 PM Pacific. Jupiter sextile Saturn closest Dec 28/29. April 30, 2017 second Saturn square Chiron 27 Sag. Third and last Nov 2 at 24 Sag.
  4. Dec 31, last day of the year, Jupiter inconjunct Chiron, 21 degrees. The year finishes with aspects to Chiron. Second inconjunct was Feb 14, 2017 at 23 Libra.. Last is Sep 23 at 26 Libra.

1. Saturn and Uranus rule neighboring signs earthy conservative Capricorn, and far, far out electric air sign Aquarius! Short and tall! Saturn is the lawmaker, Aquarius the lawbreaker! Saturn says if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Aquarius takes the clock apart and puts it back together, figuring out a new way to make it better. Saturn, the builder scientist, is so steady, determined. Uranus is infinitely unpredictable, thinks out of the box, researches and invents! Saturn puts up the framing, Uranus installs the electrical system. A trine is usually a harmonious link, so businessman Saturn and banker/bartender Uranus do find common ground – buy the bar or bank, right?! And they can be surprisingly great friends! Off to the patent office, then into production! Futurist Uranus, ahead of his times, chats it up with Saturn in farseeing Sagittarius. Together they get insight how to make things work for current everyday use. Saturn happily follows right along.

Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries brings a calming, a reasonable sense of responsibility, yet is still spunky in fire signs! Sag and Aries love their independence, so Saturn ordains and protects the function of much needed fast getaways to restore the spirit. There is more leeway with working hours, less hovering to see things get done ‘properly,’ more creativity encouraged! Working with friends is super, same general goals, things get done quickly. Uranus in Aries does split second mid air research that saves time, points amazing directions, is invaluable in making this project stand out above others of the past! Flying consultants in, brainstorming, making new working friendships and alliances is just fun! Have your gifts ready! The company party will be in good taste and spectacular with the computerized light show! Don’t forget to invite your Father’s friend and take lots of px for Facebook!

The May 18 second/retrograde trine Saturn is at 26 Sagittarius, the very degree of the GALACTIC CENTER, the center of our great Milky Way Galaxy, the Sun of our Sun! It is considered to be a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration, a point of exchange and huge infusion! Uranus was the God of the Heavens, rules the stars, in other words, is our galactic planet! Saturn, the planet of reality, simply makes the channel clear for clean transmission and reception!

The last trine with Uranus, Nov 11, eleven eleven seventeen, is the first of the amazing continuous positive string of aspects late 2017 through Nov 1 2018! Do it well; get a good start!

2. Jupiter in social Libra livens up in opposition with Uranus in Aries in the dark of winter. There are choices to be made, who to hang with, go together or stay out of it, independent. There may be separations from friends, and I don’t just mean holiday travels. Letting go has its merits. Meeting new potential partners, business and pleasure, is likely. Negotiating across the table can be done with regard, giving equality, accepting the ways of others, integrating the gifts all bring.

Jupiter opposite Uranus can bring a shocking or super exciting event. Be cautious about flights. Get the insurance, choose an airline with high safety standards and a good track record. Be careful in general. Don’t stray from your group. World events often happen a week or so preceding the date, Dec 26, up to 2 or 3 days following. As much as New Moons are thought to be quiet, they can be a time of intense focus. even loneliness. If leaving your holiday family gathering, you may not be as alert as you think things over, miss them. Keep tabs on your surroundings and the people with you.

This is a significant aspect because it emphasizes matters of the challenging Uranus square Pluto. It is a reminder of happenings since 2010 that remain with us, many taking years to work through. That square returns to a 5 degree or less closeness 11.29.16 to 4.13.17, Uranus then leaving Pluto behind. During that time Jupiter also squares Pluto. That configuration will bring actively challenging Cardinal T Squares and a Grand Cross – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. March 7, 22-23 and 28 (NEW MOON Mar 27) will be particularly potent as Jupiter closes on its second square with Pluto exact March 30 at 19 Libra. See more

3. WARNING. Saturn square Chiron blocks or breaks away. The Magi astrologers consider this a sad aspect of loss in relationships, wounding, depression. I have a realistic regard for this one and won’t recommend holiday marriages this year unless you have way above average compatibility, both of you have super progressions and otherwise fabulous transits, and your astrologer arranges the very best possible date and time for you. But good compatibility can be brought down by a wedding chart fraught with long term difficult aspects. Why pick aspects like this when you can do so much better? Classically three of the Holiday Four aspects are difficult and none are traditional marriage aspects. Though the Holiday Four are activating 18 to 22 degrees, and that may not activate any factor in your charts, they are still part of the wedding chartIt will have problems, and that chart is the one for the purpose of your union. If Karma comes calling, and you must do it, then study up on these aspects well. In some ways the tables can be turned; in others, you will do the dance as spelled out.

That said, here are some ideas how to use this square to full advantage. Buckle up. Saturn knows how to prioritize, condense its energy, waste no time, has super focus, puts the right people in the right places to get the job done! Yes! Just like a Surveyor, in Sagittarius, they can locate to the right place within a hairsbreadth, build with confidence! They have the wisdom to pick projects that make sense over time, adding up over the years, future benefits multiplied! Hard work pays off.

Chiron was immortal and suffered a wound that wouldn’t heal. Through that experience he became an adept healer and teacher. In Pisces, there is a wordless compassion, often giving lifelong service to causes to benefit humanity. Chiron is also considered to be an astute business planet. Health spas, hospitals, senior facilities, schools and all their associated functions, working in these ways, as healers and teachers, express this energy well. Building facilities and housing, working in human resources, providing services to your community, are some of the ways Saturn and Chiron can combine their skills and intentions, work together for the greater good.

At the personal level, Saturn may need to learn when to get down on his knees, take a holiday break, leave the work at the office. In Sagittarius the wild card is wanting to run away, procrastinate some. Maybe that’s good, maybe not. But take a look at it. Take care of things that make you want to run away. Either it’s part of life and you need to man up, or it’s time for a change. If you need it, get some support. If you need support in your relationship, get it sooner than later. Save time down the road and don’t let things get beyond fixing. Be proud of your accomplishments and use that as a springboard to mentoring and teaching. Chiron in Pisces may be challenged by the ‘wounds’ of confusion or addictions, fear and escape. Holidays are often a tough time. Do your best to keep stress lower, avoid trigger situations, be with knowing and supportive people, go to extra meetings if you need to. Have your responses ready. Leave if you need to. Eat well, get a little exercise, and plenty of rest. Healer heal thyself. It’s ok to be exactly who you are, exactly where you are at. Blessed be.

If you are well and safe, do some special volunteer work. Get on the road and give some tenderness to others in need. Share your expertise. Serve dinners, scope out the soup line for a mentoree! See how your company can serve the community with its profits. Make those tax donations! What goes around comes around. Plant your seeds well.

4. Jupiter inconjunct Chiron spreads the healing. 

Those of you trained that inconjuncts are bad, have only half the info! For many years I just about shivered when I saw them coming. Divorce was likely because partners were distracted, sidetracked – read stepped out. Uncomfortable things were avoided/ignored, daily things untended added up, causing more stress. Debt was often as finances were neglected, divorce caused extra expenses to both parties. Death was even part of the scenario. People just up and left the planet, lost contact, often unexpectedly estranged, though if you looked way back, you could have seen the signs. In many ways, it all seemed out of our control. Astrologers didn’t use the 150 degree aspect very much when I first started astrology, thinking it was hard to see in a chart, and to this day, it isn’t listed in many astrological calendars, even the Jim Maynard calendars! The other word for it was even weird, quincunx. Time to turn the tables.

Here’s the other half. Rather than bungling through or not at all, be proactive. It’s there, an open link, use it! Jupiter is adept at sizing up potential, eager to check out the sidelines. Detours are often more interesting than the daily ride. With Jupiter in Libra there surely needs to be some reassessments over there! Proactively offer your peacekeeping legal services, coaching expertise, the grace of your ideas and insights. Talk about what you see – both sides, leave no stone, weak spot, unturned. Chiron was a wise Centaur, so ask your questions, commiserate and consolidate! Put ignorance behind you. Whether you go back to the main road, or keep on going on this one, your knowledge is enhanced, good to spread it out as far and wide as possible! Your network expands into a whole new quadrant! You are not alone on this quest. Others will be traveling it as well and you can share what you reap at the crossroads.

[5.] In addition to the above four aspects, there is an almost, very, very close Jupiter sextile Saturn riding along with them. Jupiter and Saturn come closest Dec 28 (Capricorn New MOON) and 29! This, a positive aspect, may also bring up sadness, but deals well with it. See more

These Holiday Four are the first of three aspects each. They end 2016, and are active two more times each in 2017 also. Do your best to do them well. Get them off to a good start; the best results are yet to come!

May your New Year be well blessed.

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See the entire Capricorn 2016/17 Newsletter!
See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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Capricorn HighLights 2016/17
Capricorn, the Winter Magician!


Happy Birthdays, Capricorns!


Though many of you have never heard of Jan 8, 1968 Capricorn Bruce Kirkby, he is well known and accomplished in his field!

Per TravelChannel.com, in the world of travel, Canadian Bruce Kirkby is a jack-of-all-trades: adventurer, guide, writer and photographer. His journeys have taken him to more than 80 countries, including the wildest and most remote corners of the planet. He has crossed Iceland by foot, traveled through Mongolia by horse, been shot at in Borneo, and been taken hostage in Ethiopia.

Bruce is a weekly travel columnist for The Globe and Mail. He is the author of 2 best-selling books, Sand Dance: By Camel Across Arabia’s Great Southern Desert (2001) and The Dolphin’s Tooth: A Decade in Search of Adventure (2007).

Bruce’s work also appears regularly in publications including The New York Times, EnRoute and Time magazine, and National Geographic selected his images to be among the best adventure photography of the decade. Previously, Bruce hosted CBC’s prime-time reality show No Opportunity Wasted, for which his mission was to help regular people overcome personal fears and accomplish the seemingly impossible.

Quite a resume!

You may have seen him and his family on the Travel Channel’s series Big Crazy Family Adventure. It follows the family as they travel from British Columbia to Ladakh, India (more than 13,000 miles), by every mode of transportation except planes.

Bruce is a dedicated family man, and backpacks with GOATS – the Capricorn animal! Amid the clatter of hooves and tiny bleats, we were under way. In the 100 mile pack trip with his 4 year old son Bodi, one of the goats he selected for the trip, the snowy white one, was named Capricorn! Each carried about 30 pounds of gear. Their lightweight fabric saddles were held in place by plastic buckles, the panniers slung using Velcro and hooks. Son’s questions? Will the goats miss home? Where will they sleep? Where will we sleep? When is snack time? Read more about this precious adventure!

Yep, their families worry, but Bruce says:  Heck, I’m trying to get the grandmothers to come on more adventures with us!

Capricorn Bruce Kirkby Adventurer Goats Backpack

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Celestial Highlights!

Jan 1 to 3 2017 Moon Venus Mars Astronomy

New Year 2017 special! Jan 1 through 3, our waxing crescent Moon, Venus and Mars, will be lined up in our early evening sky! Look above the Moon and Venus for the red planet Mars. Although Venus is some one hundred times brighter than Mars, you should be able to view Mars with the eye alone in a dark sky. Thank you, Bruce McClure at EarthSky!

Capricorn 2016/17 TimeLine!

October 23 started a whole new round of SIX aspects through Dec 31 that will be the primary aspects of 2017! We have had Jupiter inconjunct Neptune, Jupiter square Pluto ThanksGiving Day, Nov 24! Now for the ‘Holiday Four,’ four aspects in 8 days, plus the very close Jupiter sextile Saturn! The Christmas Eve aspect, Saturn trine Uranus, is nominally astrologically positive, calming, but has a serious tone nonetheless. The following three bring some challenges that finish 2016! It will be a complex and exciting holiday season!

Jupiter will be in Libra until Oct 10, 2017. We are now in a period of adjustments, rebalancing with our new President. It will be a challenging time for many of us through Nov 2, 2017. Do your best with these six aspects. 2017 depends on it. Choose your battles, stay long term intentional, stay focused and don’t forget who you are.

Oct 23 Started SIX NEW aspects through Dec 31 that will be the primary aspects of 2017!
Dec 19  Mercury Retrograde!
xxxx21  Happy Capricorn! Merry Yule, Winter Solstice!
xxxx24  Saturn trine Uranus 
xxxx25  Merry Chirstmas!
xxxx26  Jupiter opposite Uranus
xxxx28  Saturn square Chiron 3:06 PM, NEW MOON 10:53 PM Pacific
x28, 29  Jupiter 12.5 Minutes close Sextile Saturn
xxxx31  Jupiter inconjunct Chiron
Jan  x1  Happy New Year!
xxx x
8  Mercury Direct (forward)
xxxx12  FULL WOLF MOON 3:34 AM Pacific

Continuing abiding Aspects

  • The long time Uranus square Pluto is finally finishing! It started its first of seven exact aspects in 2010! It is in the final 5 degree close range 11.29.16 to 4.13.17 and doesn’t go back! See more.
  • Chiron & Uranus continue in their many years long journey closely together in the background…. More

2016/17 Outer Planet Transit Aspects with Capricorn!

Capricorn Builders Working Smart

Building a great New Year working smart and working together!

Pluto is in mid Capricorn through 2017. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Perfect! Time now to roll up our sleeves, join forces, build for a sustainable future! Mid degree Capricorns will find their old debris being hauled away. Overburdened, they became forgeries of their former selves. At core, they are molten steel, reformed in strength, meeting their destiny with an exceptional resolve. Some relationships will undoubtedly be fated, debts were and are made, some paid. Healing may be hard work but worth it. Some healing will be of past painful experiences, some of skin and bones. A therapist for mind and a physical therapist for body could be worth their salt. Step through the fear.

Neptune is in its own sign, at the first third of Pisces. It is a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! In their office Capricorn is looking over the time sheets, the return on investment. It knows how precious our efforts are, how our cumulative work adds up. Lost time affects us all as others wait for us. It learns values from those ROI sheets, what’s real. Neptune dreams a vision for Capricorn. Sensible or not, it’s a template. Capricorn builds Neptunes’ dream, magically joining studs and artfully building in stone, a gift, a diamond forever. Might be a temple, an archway through the garden, a divine wall to keep us safe, dividing local from wild, a set of keys for your new home!

Uranus is just past the mid of Aries, moving into the final half of the degrees. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is a given. Capricorn’s planet is Saturn, and they are so unlike Uranus, Aquarius. Saturn was Uranus’ son, and Saturn was the bad boy – killed his Father! Usually we think of Uranus as the heretic, perhaps unkempt, unruly unpredictable. The amazing part of the story is: The period in which Cronus [Saturn] ruled was called the Golden Age, as the people of the time had no need for laws or rules; everyone did the right thing, and immorality was absent. Capricorn in today’s astrology is still the one in charge. Uranus is the inventor, networker, internet, flight, electronics expert! Capricorn is earth; Uranus rules the heavens, and in Aries is fiery, challenging every moment! Uranus leads Capricorn the scientist into unexplored realms, in the company of super leaders. Capricorn keeps their feet on the ground, incorporating extraordinary concepts into daily life!

Chiron, like Neptune is also in Pisces, starting the last third of the sign. It goes into Aries 2018-19. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business. Traditional business and a good marriage are just right for most Capricorns. They are willing to work. Chiron in Pisces helps them see the inner workings of things, understand more subtle relationship structures, let go when necessary. Chiron calls on them to heal from deep past wounds, to teach what they learned. Chiron in Neptune principles may be idealized, but Capricorn expertly converts them to useful ways of living anyone can do while still keeping them magical!

Saturn travels from 16 to 27 degrees of Sagittarius now through Nov 2017. Capricorn is Saturn’s sign, but Sagittarius is one of those quite different neighboring signs. Saturn and Capricorn are Earth. Sagittarius is easily sidetracked fire. Sag is far vision personified while Saturn has a steady unblinking here and now focus! Of course, if Sagittarius shows Capricorn the easiest path, and promises a bonus, who wouldn’t keep that focus?! Saturn in Sagittarius shows that even having fun can BE the business! Two for the price of one! Paid to play! Sag is always looking out ahead. Early course corrections can really pay off. Capricorn holds Sagittarius accountable for his grand ideas, and asks him to stick around until the project is well established.

Jupiter in Libra is a volatile Fire and Air combination, loves to carry on getting to know you. Capricorn is not seduced by cute or merely pretty; intelligence makes a difference. They aren’t as social. Your words need to carry weight. They are not so impressed by who you know, as they are by who you introduce them too. If you represent them successfully in court they are happy to pay. Capricorns love classic art, historical documents, structures by adept artisans. Jupiter can artfully expand Capricorn’s business, and may have just the right ways of making suggestions. Capricorn needs to listen carefully and kindly because Jupiter in Libra can have good intentions and excellent advice. Jupiter in Libra has a finely tuned sense of balance, perspectives that incorporate the best of both sides. Jupiter may be a bit overblown at times in his enthusiasm, but look at the backbone of what they are saying! That’s your framework to start from!

Happy Birthdays, Capricorns! May your new year be productive and rewarding in every way!

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Capricorn 2016/17 Newsletter!

See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns! Make your changes count.

Make your changes count.

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Capricorn, the Winter Magicians!

Capricorn the Mountain Goat at home in the rocks!

Capricorns, Goats, are devilishly and delightfully capricious. As youngsters, tails up, they run and leap and play at full tilt along the rock tops! They are impulsive and make unpredictable zig zag turns and twists in mid air! If you aren’t watching, it could seem devious when they sneak up on you! They are not afraid of mingling, nor easily led. They have a keen sense for BS, and will go contrary if there is a problem with morality.

Though generally obedient children and law abiding adults, there is an inbred independence, a need to be free to lead! As leaders they are free! Walking sure footedly, wherever footing is available, takes them places others never go. No wonder at times they seem to be ‘above’ us, aloof, maybe even intimidating.

With their high intelligence, command and leadership are natural. And they can back it up! They can lower their goat horns and butt their way through difficult obstacles. They can push forward past or chase off competitors and predators, defend their own! They may be exhausted, get down on their knees from time to time, but hard work is something they can do. It carries them through.

Winter Magicians! They are keen survivors that can thrive in sparse conditions, hostile or negligent situations. They make do with what is there, get through hard times. They have courage born of necessity. Perseverance and stamina are incredible, bringing successes beyond their humble beginnings. Yet, at times, remembrances and fear of falling back may bring seeming greed. Really it is their reaction to fear of starvation.

Loyal. Parents and family are important, whether their parents, particularly their Father, was there for them or for some reason couldn’t be. Many vow to be the best parents they can be, knowing what loss feels like. Being overprotective or demanding with rigid rules, implies to the child that there is much to be feared or that your child is, will not be capable, so go a little easier. Let them make a few errors and learn how to recover – another good old fashioned life skill. No shame or embarrassment necessary for an honest effort. Your children will understand the goodness of discipline, how being given responsibilities is a trust.

Cappies are generally healthy, even more so as they get older! Skeleton and bones, the knees, joints, teeth, skin, nails and scalp are your points of concern. Arthritis, rheumatism, tooth decay, crooked teeth and skin problems may plague you. Talk with vibrant experts excited about their specialty, who keep up in their field and aren’t afraid to explore alternative possibilities! See a sports doctor who is interested in more than day to day surviving and maintenance at a tolerable level! See someone who wants your above average, even exceptional health no matter what age you are! Look for experts that want to heal the cause and never have to see you again! LOL!

Capricorn works can be earth sciences and discovery, is the revered CEO, are well known stone mason artisans and remarkable builders. Working with the aged, retirement services, senior communities. Law and law enforcement. Rock and ice climbers, winter sports champions! Historical preservation, environmentalists that use natural primitive ways, low cost utilities, sustainability.

Interesting that the neighboring signs, Sagittarius and Capricorn both have 1/2 and 1/2 symbols. Sagittarius is the Centaur, half human, half horse. Capricorn is the Seagoat, half goat, half fish. Since ancient times, Capricorn was also associated with Mephistopheles, a demon featured in German folklore. And at Christmas, Capricorn’s time, we have Krampus, who scares away evil winter ghosts. He is half goat (Capricorn), half demon. These signs belong to two or more dimensions, both often quite psychic. Capricorn is a most complex sign, perhaps even the most complicated sign. It takes a special person to befriend a Capricorn or be befriended by one.

Time comes when age is an honor with wisdom and a softening. We do what we can. We do our best at the time. Super professionalism, a career, mentoring, melts into time for ourselves perhaps. A staunch by the book religion may become more personally intuitive. Black and white patterns with squares are still there, but it becomes an inner expression, a merger of the art of an adept and motivation for the engine of life.

There are so many famous Capricorns in all walks of life! Here are just a very few: Michelle Obama, Justin Trudeau, Kate Middleton, Khalil Gibran, Elvis Presley, Kevin Costner, Stephen Hawking and Nostradamus!

Blessed be! See you on the mountain!

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Happy Birthdays, Capricorns!

Capricorn Anchorage Alaska Holiday Star Chugach Mountains

The Anchorage Star is 14 miles away, stretches 300 feet across the slopes of the Chugach Mountains. Alaska is a Capricorn state. Anchorage has Capricorn’s planet Saturn conjunct its Sun in Sagittarius.

Capricorn may be a dark time of year, but you are the Light in our Hearts.

Happy Winter Solstice, Yule, to All!


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New Moon!   Four Planets Capricorn, Three in Pisces! Midpoints, Two T Squares!

Full Wolf Moon!   Grand Cardinal Square, 4 Planets in Pisces 4 at 22°!

New Moon!  Four Planets Capricorn, Three in Pisces! Midpoints, Two T Squares!

Wednesday Dec 28, 10:53 PM Pacific at 7 Capricorn 59, the last one of 2016!

Capricorn 2016 New Moon Teton Milky Way Royce Bair

Grand Teton Range, Milky Way, Standing Tree People by amazing photographer Royce Bair

This is our last Moon of 2016, and potent it is! It ends one cycle, begins anew as our year ends and another is immanent. It has two planetary groupings – Capricorn and Pisces, and is nested in the four major aspects ending 2016 that are in only an eight day timeframe on the very day of Saturn square Chiron!

Four planets in Capricorn celebrate our achievements! The New Moon merger of Mother Moon with Father Sun are in the sign of Father Capricorn. This time of year we need Mother Moon’s nurturing at a time she’s really busy and maybe a bit tired. Know she loves you. Take some time out together. Our heavenly Feminine and Masculine forces are united. Practice that unity. Moon is there to nurture and comfort. Sun lights the way. Though days are short for the time being, he is a stalwart champion through many a dark hour.

Mercury at 6° is right with the New Moon at 7°! In Capricorn it calls for respect, long term commitment, a pledge to work honorably for meaningful goals, to hold honor. Paying attention is a prized skill, so potent moments are noted, synthesized, stabilized for continued use. Stillness, a pause, is like frozen magic! It lets us see, hear, in a profound way, to know the true abiding values that take us forward through time. Sign the papers.

Pluto, in Capricorn since 2008, now midway through Capricorn, has cleared many personal faults, changed our economic and political stances, opened doors to many new careers, taken a lot of new looks at parenting and aging. Planetary temperature shifts have brought new thought about agriculture, construction and sustainability. There is a mixture of fate and futility with gathering facts, doing research, and steadily working to turn things around, adopt new potentials!

Three planets in Pisces! From Capricorn Unicorns to SeaGoats to Mermaids this is a magical New Moon!! Mercury Moon and Sun sextile Mars and the Pisces planet Neptune! A five planet earth and water sextile! You can see the ocean from the mystical heights of Capricorn! The mountains guide Piscean sailors along the beautiful coast. Mars in Pisces can be still as a mirror at sea, swoons with waves, rocks in the cradle. Other times he roars, tsunamis to shore, pounding the rocks into grains of sand! He is enchanted by Neptune’s insights as he slithers like a seal through the seaweed, surfs like a dolphin, breaches like a whale! The ocean is like a giant prism, with glimpses of tiny creatures in dappled sunlight slanting down or gliding, guiding up like through a cathedral.

Ah, did I get carried away? Just wanted you to feel it as it lives. Mar in Pisces with Neptune. Pisces is so all seamlessly encompassing we really can feel that all are one. The ocean is a salty cleaning machine. It is mystical on a foggy night. We can sit in the temple so still we hear our breath and heartbeat, feel our life’s pulse. It is humbling to be a part of all Souls. We see what needs doing. Capricorn is the last of the Earth signs, the ultimate pragmatist. Mars will lean his shoulder to the timber of Capricorn’s project, guiding it with his very body to intuitively place it exactly as needed. Miracles really happen and dreams do come true. The high five is a salutation of gratitude.

The Holiday Four

  1. This New Moon follows the Christmas Eve Saturn trine Uranus. They are still quite close by numbers and actively integrating new alignments! Saturn is Capricorn’s planet and Uranus is the planet of the next sign Aquarius. Trines are considered to be the best linkage between planets. Saturn and Uranus are so opposite they often aren’t friends. Saturn is perhaps the most conservative of all the signs. Uranus has no such constraints, cares for no party in particular and doesn’t care what YOU think. Yet scientific Capricorn is likely to be one of the first who supports Aquarian inventions, and sees the value of Aquarian community goals, the internet, and certain philanthropies. Change can become fact.
  2. Jupiter was opposite Uranus only two days before on the 26th! Another major aspect still active! Jupiter in Libra is quite lively lining up the Souls either to oppose you or shake hands across the table! Uranus in Aries couldn’t be more independent spirited, but also is the leader of reform groups or instigators of united efforts of several groups together! Jupiter in Libra pulls in law and justice, speaks widely socially, compares peoples and times anthropologically. The gap may be huge, but so is the reach across the chasm! Mergers for solidarity make sense.
  3. On this very day of our New Moon, Saturn Squares Chiron at 3:06 PM Pacific. There may be, or have been, losses or perceived potential losses of love, life, money, career, health. This aspect has been close for some time, so we already have inklings what needs attention, propping up, to be let go of, worked for. Each thing you take care of is a step, something you won’t need to deal with later. Keep focus on your priorities. Maybe get  plans on your calendar. Saturn in Sagittarius can see a worthy future worth the work. Do it!
  4. The last aspect of 2016! The remaining aspect the what I’m calling the Holiday Four is Jupiter inconjunct Chiron the 31st!  An inconjunct is often a stretch, an off balance reach to the side. It is seductive to those who are curious. It may take you off track, yet give you vital information. You may decide to keep on going on that new road! Jupiter in Libra has met many on their travels, some even intriguing to Chiron, an old Master, in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, not impressed by much. Jupiter, however, ups the ante, smart in Libra, thinks of combinations that change the pace! And likely the place too! Social venues are adjusted, financial options are altered, health is adapted to new circumstances. Stay calm, eyes open, flexible. Check with experts, take your time when you can.

See more about the Holiday Four! Are all big aspects, outer planet to outer planet. It is unusual to have 4 of them happen so closely in time, the 24th, 26, 28 & 31st!

Give yourself credit for all you have achieved in 2016! Thank you for every step you have taken.

Capricorn New Moon Astrology Chart

Capricorn 2016 New Moon Astrology Chart! Last Moon of 2016!

x x

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Full Wolf Moon! – Grand Cardinal Square, 4 Planets in Pisces 4 at 22°!

Thursday January 12, 3:34 AM Pacific, at 22 Cancer 27 

Capricorn, First Full Moon of 2017, Wolf

And we’re off! The first Moon of 2017! Another Capricorn – Pisces time of miracles and magic!

Moon is in her own sign Cancer, tender but strong. She births. She tenderly cares for loved ones and finds ways to feed the multitudes. It is an honor to be her mate. Father Sun is ultimate Father in Capricorn, Father Time. He builds the shelter, protects, works, teaches responsibilities and a moral code.

Full Moons are of opposite signs, major differences, yet as dynamic contributors to a mutual cause, they can work together. Cancer is known for its sensitive emotionalism. It is a bell bellwether to the possibility of upcoming trouble. Capricorn has less sympathy, is more a get it done type, especially in challenging times. Each helps the other. Cancer helps guide through what can be illogical. Capricorn takes charge and gives great hope through its efforts, the smallest steps meaningful. Five days previously, Sun made his annual conjunction with Pluto. The five days previous to that conjunction, Sun intensely considered financial matters, the state of relationships, matters of life, death and healing.

Grand Cardinal Square! Our Full Moon is crossed by Jupiter opposite Uranus spanning Aries to Libra! Aries is fiery Spirit leader; Uranus is an air planet, the Awakener and ChangeMaker! This combination can be sudden, a bit shocking, intriguing, here and gone in a flash, to pop up unexpectedly quickly somewhere else! Jupiter in Libra is fascinated, doesn’t mind the trip, meets these extraordinary Beings along life’s Path. Aries is willing to fight for it, while Libra can be the lawyer, seeking peaceful resolution, but will do what it takes if their back is against the wall. Be cautious of exaggerations, but step up to the plate if it appears to be well founded and you are needed.

Our Cancer Moon might rather stay at home, but if home, or women and children are the issue, it will stand up too. They will take food to the marchers, blankets to the homeless. Capricorn prefers law and order, so has pals at the courthouse and in the police force, but here again, if people are in dire need, they will build those emergency shelters. Having had their own hard times, they have empathy, will teach others how to care for themselves. It’s good for our staunch Cancers and Cappies to meet new people, make extended liaisons community wide, be more informed. It can be a little scary when the new ones are dressed differently, their demeanors are fierce or they appear quickly. It may take awhile to adjust. At times Cancers or Caps may appear slow, but not so, they are taking it in, thoughtfully processing. It’s safer at times to slow things down. All four signs have special things to offer and to integrate can mean a more comprehensive solution!

Three of the Grand Square planets are at 22°, plus Saturn! Chiron is at 21 Pisces, and Uranus is at 20 Aries. That’s a tight pack of six planets! Jupiter inconjuncts Chiron Dec 31, 2016, the last aspect of 2016. Jupiter upps the amps on Chiron’s attention, bringing new insights on how to balance all types of systems in our bodies, minds and Spirit. New types of relationships are offered extending our network beyond what we thought possible! This aspect stays alive while Mars conjuncts Chiron Jan 16, then inconjuncts Jupiter Jan 17.Saturn trines Uranus Christmas Eve, Dec 24th. Working friendships have been a blessing. Support has come from surprising places. Keep these connections alive and well. Saturn is same degree sextile Jupiter, very, very close Dec 28 and 29, yet doesn’t make the exact aspect until Aug 27! This is a great planning aspect, and it’s a pleasure to get things done! Saturn in Sagittarius squares Chiron Dec 28, has been taking its toll – many Souls taking the Long Journey. Grieving is still fresh for many. See the Holiday Four.

FOUR planets in Pisces, two pairings! Moon is leaving a trine with Mars and Chiron. Moon has leant her nurturing to further rouse Mars’ compassion in Pisces, Chiron’s dedication to teaching and healing. Mars left sextile Pluto on the 10th, steadied and productive by Pluto in Capricorn’s strength and focus. Mars conjuncts Chiron Jan 16. This will perhaps cause wounds to our feet or our Soul. But Mars also may also give new insights that quicken healing! Fevers or fighting, cuts or rashes, punctures, stings. If you are seaside or on a boat, in the spa or bathtub, be a tad cautious. You may be inspired to take up art, magic, a special new line of work may come involving teaching. A soulful relationship may come your way, especially with Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces!

Venus and Neptune in Pisces make love and beauty. They can be comforting when your Soul is in danger. Self indulgence, addiction, is a danger if extreme, and holidays can bring up deep rooted family issues that need soothing. Be wise with your time. Know your limits, others’ limits. Be safe emotionally, stay away from hot topics, leave before regretful escalation, make visits brief. Eat right, be well rested. Take good care of yourself, be wise to getting support for yourself, make that call. Love may win, but sometimes it takes time, and you may not even be the one to bring changes to fruition. Teachers and healers know you can’t heal everyone every time. Often there is no failure at all. Turn your Spirit to creating music, going to sea, swimming, serving in kindness, spirituality. When you are up, support others in their time of need.

Venus conjuncts Neptune at 1:54 PM Pacific. That would be a gentile time to have a warmer daytime gathering, a Circle, to celebrate the Full Moon.

Mental transition! Mercury leaves Sagittarius, enters Capricorn at 6:04 AM Pacific, 2.5 hours after the Full Moon! While in Sagittarius, raise your eyes to see as far as you can see. Lift up your plans, expand your ideas. For some of us that will be pre Sunrise, for others of you it will be later on in the morning. You can be present for this shift. In Capricorn, our minds will twitch into gear and choices will be made how to expeditiously make those plans come true! Make notes, get goals down on your calendar!

Let your Wolf come out to play! Take a good bite of life in your New Year!


Capricorn Full Wolf Moon Astrology Chart!

xCapricorn 2017 First Moon of the New Year, Full Wolf Moon Astrology Chart!


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The first New Moon of 2017 is Friday January 27, 4:07 PM Pacific at 8 Aquarius 15

See the entire Capricorn 2016/17 Newsletter!
See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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Mercury Retrograde 2016 Sagittarius Capricorn Astrology Switzerland Switchbacks Furza

Furka Pass, Switzerland, was used as a location in the James Bond film Goldfinger. From Twisted Sifter, LOL!

In some areas switchbacks are a necessity. Retrogrades as we know them astrologically are forward, back, forward. The same degrees are covered three times. They may be in one sign or lap over two signs, the end of one, beginning of the other. This time we have the last two degrees of Fire sign Sagittarius and the first 15, half, of Earth sign Capricorn. Sagittarius is the last fire sign, important for inspiration, purpose. It has the rainbow arc far seeing vision, can be wise; Capricorn is the mountain goat, and together they go!

Gaining ground or getting down! Sagittarius and Capricorn will usually choose up and down switchbacks as they cross country, no fear of heights. Sagittarian long striding legs just want to see what’s up there, see the views! Capricorn shorter legs have the surefooted goatly stamina, love the terrain, the crisp feel of the cool air, a keen sense of achievement, like maybe Everest! Both love a good scramble! Winter sports are grand, and climbing, cycling, skiing!

Each direction and level gives a different view, vantage point. But these are to be observed, incorporated, as we go along. We do get stalled at the 8 day direction change points (retrograde and direct stations), giving us a breather, a time to contemplate, assimilate, gather resolve, refocus. But is isn’t for long. Mercury Retrograde is only one of the simultaneous planetary happenings, and it is swept along, tussled and tumbled, a rolling stone, bumping into others, impelled to share what it has seen and learned. And, of course, it never stopped going forward in the sky anyway! It is a viewpoint that occurs because of the Earth, Mercury, Sun relationship as a faster planet moves past a slower planet. Nor is it unusual, happens 3 to 4 times every year, giving 18% of us Mercury Retrograde in our birth charts – thinkers, fact checkers, sometimes learning difficulties.

Mercury is information matters. What you learn, how you learn, how you communicate. There comes the paperwork and contracts, keypads, computers, cells. Mercury Rx does 180s on you, mixes up appointments, the electronics go fritz, there are often misunderstandings as things change quickly.  Confirm appointments.

The Mercury Retrograde Cycle starts Dec 1. The Retrograde dates are Dec 19 to Jan 8, Christmas and New Year! It finishes the whole cycle Jan 27, 2017. Prepare in advance!

Sagittarius is pretty much a forward moving fire sign, but Capricorn minds the time and makes sensible precautions, does due diligence. Gear and autos are given their maintenance in advance, batteries purchased. They line up experts that may possibly be needed. Timing may be critical before winter storms, so they are mindful of weather reports, choose their itinerary carefully. Consultations are recorded, any changes are dated and initialed. If purchases are made during the Rx cycle Cap gets the warrantee.

Sagittarius is generally pretty confident of choices, but we all know about procrastination when something just doesn’t sit right. Time will tell, and at times, no choice being the choice. Sag matters may be where to move, if to move over the holidays. Those of you with chart factors in the last three degrees of mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, or especially Sagittarius, this year, if you can wait, move after Mercury goes forward Jan 8. Have your astrologer do your AstroLocality as soon as you can, and select the best timing for your move. If you must move, get something temporary, wait to get furnishings until it is a more permanent situation. There may also be concerns about where and if to go to school. Stories may change as information is gathered, opinions may morph as we come across better ways. Let it flow.

Capricorn deals with reality. While Mercury is Rx this time you with factors from 0 to 18  in the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and especially Capricorn, will likely have the most changes. Capricorn careers may shift – more holiday work, get laid off, or a new job that doesn’t turn out as expected. Stay well rested. Real estate may figure in. If you can’t wait to sell, be sure to use an experienced realtor. You may find yourself given notice to move. Papers about sciences could change, facts repudiated, segments lost. Backup everything as you go! Parental responsibilities, especially of Fathers, may be challenged or mended. Youth or being a senior could be a benefit or cause for concern. People from your past may swing by again. Remember why it didn’t work before, but check in to see if they have new valuable information. Knees, skin and bones need protection, be careful. Breakdowns may happen, the holiday mentals or while traveling. Keep, extra food, water, thermal gear, a space blanket on board.

This rephrasing Mercury brings, keeps our mind working, our attention shifting. Excellent changes and opportunities are possible. Stay alert. It is concurrent with the four outer planet aspects that are happening intensely over only seven days at Christmas time, Dec 24, 26, 28/29, and 31! I’m calling these the Holiday Four, and there is a fifth aspect that is quite close at that same time! See more

Whatever happens, keep the long term in mind, keep an open mind. What may at first appear to be a problem may resolve in an unexpected way that you are grateful for later. Deliberately put Retrograde techniques into your life! Turn around and look back from time to time. Change the level of your vantage point. Look out further than your usual perimeter. Stand still until you really see.

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Please, always remember these planetary combinations, transits, are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns so you can plan wisely!

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Sagittarius HighLights 2016
Sagittarius, PathFinder!


Happy Birthdays, Sagittarians!

Sagittarius Britney Spears - 4 Planets in Sag: Sun, Uranus, Mercury, Neptune

FOUR planets in Sagittarius – Uranus, Mercury, Sun, Neptune! December 2, 1981 Britney Spears has got that friendly Sagittarian smile! She cares about the world. She sings little girl to vixen. Music is her game. See her chart!

She started as a childstar, with continued successes until 2007/8. Drugs, discordancy, divorce, had their toll and she come under the conservatorship of her father (Saturn conjunct Pluto in Libra), lost custody of her sons, and shaved her hair off! Hard times. Forbes June 2010: ‘Not long ago, most of the entertainment world had written Britney Spears off as a celebrity flameout. But over the last year Spears logged the fifth highest-grossing tour in the world, bringing in $130 million in gross box office receipts by playing 98 dates. High-profile endorsement deals with Elizabeth Arden and Candies’ prove that the public expects Spears to stay in the spotlight for good.’

Since then, a true Sagittarian, she has come back! Sagittarians are noted for their resiliency, optimism, faith, hope, getting beyond limitations, being clean. She’s been down, she’s been up. As Victoria Pavlova says, ‘no matter how bad the breakdown, there’s always a way up.’ Plus, besides being a wealth factor, Jupiter in Scorpio specializes in resurrection, is charismatic, great for comebacks!

Britney has won award after award, made glamorous record breaking stats, stunning financial successes, has one of those Hollywood stars in the sidewalk. In 2013 she began the four-year residency show, Britney: Piece of Me, at The AXIS at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. In 2016, Spears released her ninth studio album, Glory.

She was inspired by many, her top three being Madonna, Janet Jackson, and Whitney Houston. Huge stars. She in turn has inspired artists worldwide, with songs now written about her! She has inspired Gwyneth Paltrow’s acting, Trinidadian singer Nicki Minaj, singer, songwriter Lana Del Rey, triple Scorpio Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus, and on and on! At current time, she’s only 34/turning 35 shortly!

Alongside all that Sagittarian, Britney is strongly Aquarian! Controversial. Her Sun sextiles her Aquarian Moon. Her Mercury is conjunct the Aquarian planet Uranus! She’s brilliant, vivid, shocking, and definitely not the girl nextdoor! The world wasn’t quite ready for the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards aired live on August 28. That ceremony is best remembered for ‘Madonna’ kissing ‘Britney Spears’ and Christina Aguilera during the show’s opening performance! The cameras did a quick cut to Britney’s then boyfriend Justin Timberlake. You can imagine….

That same strong Aquarian nature also gives her a strongly philanthropic bent. Britney founded The Britney Spears Foundation to help children in need. The Foundation also supported the annual Britney Spears Camp for the Performing Arts. In April 2002, they made a grant of $1 million to the Twin Towers Fund to support the children of uniformed service heroes affected by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. She has done numerous benefit concerts and donations – for AIDS, Katrina, Music Rising, the St. Bernard Project, Madonna’s Kabbalah-based Spirituality for Kids, cancer charity Gilda’s Club Worldwide, Promises Foundation, United Way and more. She has contributed a good share.

Britney was raised a church going Southern Baptist. Well that all changed when her mentor Madonna came along. They studied the Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism. Hinduism has been part of her path too. It’s possible that Spears took Hinduism quite seriously at one stage, reportedly attending “reincarnation sessions” with a Hindu psychic. And she has had between times, no particular faith at all. Sagittarians are always explorers, seekers.

Here’s the latest! Britney debuted the new music video for her sexy single, “Slumber Party” at midnight on Friday, Nov 18 and it didn’t disappoint.

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2016-17 Celestial Highlights!

Orion Constellation Hunter Belt Celestial Bridge Mintaka

Orion is now our evening constellation rising in the East November & December. Its bright stars are Betelgeuse, and Rigel. The Aymara of Bolivia call the belt the Celestial Bridge. The top star is Mintaka, special because it sits almost directly astride the celestial equator – the projection of Earth’s equator onto the stellar sphere. From all over the world, Mintaka rises due east and sets due west, and remains in the sky for almost exactly 12 hours. When it shines at zenith (straight overhead), then you’re at the equator, the meeting place of the northern and southern skies. Thank you, Bruce McClure at EarthSky!

Sagittarius 2016/17 TimeLine!

October 23 started a whole new round of SIX aspects through Dec 31 that will be the primary aspects of 2017! We have had Jupiter inconjunct Neptune, Jupiter square Pluto is ThanksGiving Day, Nov 24! Next in line is Saturn trine Uranus Dec 24, Christmas Eve! The Christmas Eve aspect, Saturn trine Uranus, is nominally astrologically positive, calming, but has a serious tone nonetheless. That aspect leads a set of four aspects in a week that finishes up 2016! It will be a complex and exciting holiday season!

Jupiter will be in Libra until Oct 10, 2017. We are now in a period of adjustments, rebalancing with our new President. It will be a challenging time for many of us through Nov 2, 2017. Do your best with these six aspects. 2017 depends on it. Choose your battles, stay long term intentional, stay focused and don’t forget who you are.

Oct 23 Started SIX NEW aspects through Dec 31 that will be the primary aspects of 2017!

Nov  21  Happy Sagittarius!
xxxx24  Happy ThanksGiving! Jupiter square Pluto
xxxx29  New Moon

Dec  13  Full Long Night Moon
xxxx21  Merry Yule, Winter Soltice!
xxxx24  Merry Christmas Eve! Saturn trine Uranus     

Continuing abiding Aspects

  • The long time Uranus square Pluto is finally finishing! It started its first of seven exact aspects in 2010! It is in the final 5 degree close range 11.29.16 to 4.13.17 and doesn’t go back! See more.
  • Chiron & Uranus continue in their many years long journey closely together in the background…. More

2016/17 Outer Planet Transit Aspects with Sagittarius!

Rainbows while camping at Lake Kol Ukok 9843' in Kyrgyzstan (in Russia) Tian Shan. By Zahariz Khuzaimah, Malaysian adventurer, photographer, film-maker.

Rainbows while camping at Lake Kol Ukok 9843′ in Kyrgyzstan (in Russia) Tian Shan. By Zahariz Khuzaimah, Malaysian adventurer, photographer, film-maker.

Pluto is in mid Capricorn through 2017. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Perfect! Mid degree Sagittarians will be Pluto’s semisextile next door neighbor. Sagittarius precedes Capricorn, establishing the reason for all of Capricorn’s hard work. Current new perspectives, a new president, will change investment strategies, where you decide to live, how the world sits with the land Sagittarius hikes, rides or travels too. It’s time to come out of Scorpio/Pluto shadow land. Sagittarius will keep us looking up, out and beyond. There are benefits and consequences to be considered. Sagittarius is experienced in choosing wisely at the fork in the road. They have a great time and against odds, live to tell the story!

Neptune is in its own sign, at the first third of Pisces. It is a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Sagittarius is the rainbow arc, arrow in the air, sign. It rises above, and can often choose where it lands. Focus is key. Neptune has seen many rainbows at sea, in the foam on a wave. They have a dream, and Sagittarius can carry it forward, spread the message. There are confused moments when Pisces isn’t sure, lost even, when Sagittarius is scattered, but Neptune is super sensitive, and Sag stands tall to see further ahead. Even if they choose the ‘wrong’ Path, somehow it works out anyway to everyone’s surprise and happiness with unexpected benefits to boot! If Sag has become opinionated, judgemental, Neptune can show a more gentle compassionate side to things.

Uranus is just past the mid of Aries, moving into the final half of the degrees. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is a given. Sagittarius the roamer falls into step easily having met many unusual Beings. And no one is unhappy when either of them leaves. It’s a given. Uranus in Aries is a bit devil may care, even cavalier at times. If Sagittarius is bold and blunt, offends, it may be a bit crazy for awhile. If Sagittarius puts a positive spin on the over the top strange Uranian ideas or manner, we may have inventions sooner than later. Sag is a natural born educator. People trust them, and Sag has faith in that invention when no one else does. Can be a great team!

Chiron, like Neptune is also in Pisces, starting the last third of the sign. It goes into Aries 2018-19. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business. It’s not always easy for a Sagittarian to do traditional business or marriage. But they do understand ethics of committing to a marriage. The right nomadic compatriot, or a partner who is happy to be home base, works. If Chiron invites Sag to a cruise business coupled with imports/exports, super! You can travel the world at home by owning the local beachside bed & breakfast or professoring at a coastal university with students from all over the world! Religious studies, anthropology, anything international has the scope that keeps you humming. It may be time for you to let go of confusion and step up to the plate!

Saturn travels from 16 to 27 degrees of Sagittarius now through Nov 2017. Those of you with your natal Saturn in those degrees of Sagittarius will be having your SATURN RETURNS! Saturn retrogrades over 21 to 27 degrees, so you with Saturn in those degrees will have a three time pass over your Saturn. Some people skip right through their Saturn Returns, others moan and groan, working hard to sort out their lives, it crimping their style for awhile. In Sagittarius it will concern professional matters, life Path choices, education, where to live, travel, religious and spiritual matters, securing your Faith, judgements of all kinds – for and against. Truth and trust will figure in keenly, ethics of blogs and storytelling, publishing. Who you will go with can seem a fateful decision. Take good care of yourself. Own the confidence you have earned, you have already come a long way.

Saturn is Capricorn’s planet, expecting seeable results on time. It can have a harsh manner, be cool and aloof – their praise is well earned and means a lot. Saturn in Sagittarius is more flexible, but still wants a good job done. Let that Sagittarian smile come through to ease the way! Knees may suffer from hard long Sag treks, but if you are lucky you may lose some weight around your hips! Be kind to your liver – eat healthy, get regular exercise, drink little alcohol. 

Jupiter in Libra is a volatile Fire in Air combination, loves to carry on getting to know you. Sagittarius wouldn’t have it any other way! Next! Libra loves cross cultural and Jupiter is Sag’s own planet. They have both traveled and could exchange notes, like this could just go on forever. They could travel together; both may support foreign exchange students. They may even have mutual friends and business connections at great distances! Libra is often beautiful, graceful, has superb balance, and Sag has an open friendly style, great at sports! Libra isn’t usually a gamer or better, but with Jupiter in its sign, and a Sagittarian hanging about, a few chances may be taken and some lotto tickets bought and the race won! Oh, and good luck at the dog show!

Happy Birthdays, Sagittarians! May your new year be blessed in every way!


Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Sagittarius 2016 Newsletter!

See the 2016 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Make your changes count.

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Sagittarius, PathFinder!

Young Maasai giraffes at play, learning to use their long legs. Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. By Travel Photographer Matt Wicks!

Young Maasai giraffes at play, learning to use their long legs. Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. By Travel Photographer Matt Wicks!

Sagittarius – Big dogs, spirited horses, magnificent elephants, mighty moose, far traveling camels, far seeing giraffes!

Sagittarians sport infectious smiles and laughter, a twinkle in their eyes! The verve of one like December 10, 1830 Emily Dickinson: “To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.” Sagittarians have a indomitable vivacious Spirit! When the peddler comes to town, the children merrily follow, skipping and playing! Games will be played. Parents will buy them toys! The entertainment begins and goes long into the night time around the fire, wonderful stories to be told, news to be shared! Some may even follow the peddler out of town, off on an adventure that lasts a lifetime!

Chiron the healing and teaching centaur – half human, half horse, tutored the great heroes of Greece. Among his charges were non less than Achilles, Acteon, Jason and Hercules. Due to Chiron’s accidental wound, and immortality, he suffered greatly, learned about healing in great depth. Story has it as a baby, Aesculapius was given to centaur Chiron, a strange yet wise creature, half-human half-horse, who was famous for his skills in medicine. Chiron brought up Aesculapius and became his mentor. Aesculapius became the god of medicine, the one with the serpent on his Staff.

Whether it is a walking staff or a physician’s staff, it signifies being able to find your way, to live. It points direction, is a Pathfinder, a Seer. It looks far and wide ahead with uncanny vision, makes wise choices. Optimism is natural, a calculated gamble is engaged, and lucky, often wins. A human perspective per Mark Twain 11.30.1835: Nothing that grieves us can be called little: by the eternal laws of proportion a child’s loss of a doll and a king’s loss of a crown are events of the same size. The height and width of Sag vision gives them a greater range of comparison, seeing things side by side that others don’t see at all. Philosophers and Oracles.

The centaurian horse, gives a robust strength, and the ability to travel far and more safely. Having horses was considered a turning point in ancient civilizations. In Africa or India that may be a powerful elephant that can build villages. If you are a hiker it may be your big smart dog protector, its loyalty a special factor! Sagittarians have such a broad experience from their travels, they have a meaningful wisdom.

When Sagittarians choose their work, they focus like a laser! Laziness, procrastination fall away as they become one pointed and don’t falter. They are an inspiration to others who then follow them! When they choose a moral path, a spiritual point of view, they need to be kind. The weakness can be to judge, be self righteous, narrow minded. As judges in courts, they are often famed for their fairness and inclusive solutions.

Sagittarians are not always the marrying type. They need to be able to move around. A travel business, import/export, ministering over a territory, overseas missions, teaching internationally, maybe the Peace Corps, are potentials. They are always hungry to learn more, from everyday basics to spiritual linguistics! Their partner needs to be flexible, and to keep up. Traveling Sagittarians can often live with little to no finances. You need to be comfortable with that, and be able to be uncomfortable at times. Most Sagittarians are fabulously healthy. If there is trouble, hips/sciatica, liver & weight are likely involved. But if you aren’t a Sag, it’s another story. If you have the travelers’ bed and breakfast, a chain of hotels, and travelers come to you, you may be wealthy! Then you can travel in style wherever and whenever you want!

When they do choose a home, it may have a grand view, large, very large windows. A high ceiling is likely, skylights. A broad deck, balcony would do. Casual comfort and nature tones. A meeting space and guest rooms for visiting friends. ThanksGiving is their convivial time of year, and their constellation is also called the Teacup! Don’t be surprised to see trunks and magical covered baskets, art and art pieces collected from all over the world. A library covering the entire wall. Landscaping that takes care of itself, or a ranch with the finest race horses and great dogs!

It’s exhilarating to learn, to travel the world, survive, be inspired! Eyeglasses, binoculars, zoom lenses, telescopes all extend our vision! Take pictures, record videos, write books and blogs, publish the novel you wrote while you journeyed! BE the Guide! Share your savoir faire.

I feel that something’s coming, and it’s not just in the wind.
It’s more than just tomorrow, it’s more than where we’ve been,
It offers me a promise, it’s telling me “Begin”,
I know we’re needing something worth believing in.

— Sagittarian singer Harry Chapin  (Born December 7, 1942)

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Happy Birthdays, Sagittarians!

Sagittarius horse lovers, son and mother, the Armstrongs, rescue foal named Texas at Shingletown CA.

A lot of Sagittarians love horses. Travis Armstrong works with Texas, a rescued foal, in Shingletown, California. His mother, Palomino Armstrong, rescues orphaned foals and raises them in her house. Due to the need for regular feedings, Palomino hardly sleeps—and if she does, she has a bed set up in the horse nursery.

Thank you for all your teachings. Stand tall! 


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New Moon!   Four Planets Sagittarius, Midpoints, Two T Squares!

Full Long Night Moon!   Two T Squares, Mercury with Pluto, Sun sextile Mars!

New Moon!  Four Planets Sagittarius, Midpoints, Two T Squares!

Tuesday November 29, 4:18 AM Pacific, at 7 Sag 43

Sagittarius New Moon Milky Way Road

The road less traveled. American astrophotographer Aaron J. Groen is the author of a fantastic series of photographs that were made at night amid the vast territories of his native state of South Dakota. See his Setting Supermoon on November 15th, 2016! 

Four planets in Sagittarius! A new moon has a coming together feeling. In Sagittarius Mama Moon completes the 27 day marathon to arrive breathlessly beside Father Sun! Together they survey the vastitudes, sometimes remembering, often grateful and celebrating, sometimes longing, seeing a better way and often how to get there too! Moon rules the feminine, cycles, the mood of the people. In Sagittarius her home might be a camper, the tent she carries, a teepee or yurt. She gives Sun a sweet kiss, he glows and she is filled with Light, ready to go on. Before she goes she tells him how the past is changing, the current news, how the future is becoming. The State of the Union. He has her perspective and is guided to a more on point focus.

  • Saturn in Sagittarius harnesses the forward energy, guiding, holding for best timing, keeping track. No not showing up or running away. Saturn holds you responsible. He is so dedicated he needs to guard against burnout and take time off and away. Where Sag would spend quickly, Saturn sets allotments. Best to keep a party fund too! 
  • Mercury in Sagittarius thinks out of small boxes and past the large ones too! He is so optimistic it’s contagious. Everyone hopes for a better way, a better time. We need that hope and instinctively gravitate to a generous possibility. Surely there is a way! Sagittarians are often taller, so they literally see more of what can be, choose the best Path!

7 Degree Sagittarius New Moon at T Square point with the Moon’s nodes axis, and Neptune in it’s own sign Pisces. The Moon’s nodes span from Pisces in the South, to Virgo in the North. The South is thought to be the old ways, a reservoir of knowledge. Maybe it got a little out of hand and we need to balance with the other sign. A planet at the South helps round out unfinished matters. Neptune in its own sign doubles that potency. There is still a need to let go of fears, addictions, for compassion, a deeper understanding, to put art and music in one’s life, pay attention to visions, live our dream, be who we are as a Spirited Soul. The North Node is so different in Virgo that wants all the beans counted as you go. Sigh. But it’s just another kind of flow. Virgo is extraordinarily present in our daily life. Everything matters. All those dreams can be applied in service to our fellow travelers. Health care, clean daily living, saving time and resources, keeping the focus of why we have that budget. Pisces is water, Virgo is right here on Earth. Both are essential and valuable.

Sagittarius squares Neptune/Pisces. Pisces can be mournful at times, but Sag wants to play and ride those waves, it’s no time to drop anchor! Sag wants to know why that spiritual tenet is true – is it dogma or delusion? Pisces can be illusive and Sag finds it hard to make a connection at times. Sag, who tends to be always on, can learn to sit and be quiet. Pisces is stirred, maybe been sitting too long and it’s time to reconsider. Sag has physical long vision; Pisces has Soul vision. They may agree on the goal but have very different ways of getting there.

Sagittarius squares Virgo. Sag plays, the Virgo North Node works. Sagittarius may help Virgo lift up their head and refocus with the new information received. They are flexible when shown why it’s better. Sagittarius may gloss over necessary details that Virgo points out, and together they sort it out. Immediate necessities in order for long term growth to go smoothly and sooner!

Three Midpoints, two with Mars!

  1. Pluto at semisextile midpoint between Saturn and Mars in Aquarius. Semisextiles are sign to sign, potent, no step missing. They are neighbors, so they know each other well. This set is Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius. Sag has the fiery spirited traveler, Capricorn is the professional, a clever careful mountain goat, Aquarius is the heavens above, a stellar community of Lights! Pluto with Saturn is a cleansing of the stones in our mind, kinda like the ‘between a rock and a hard place.’ Some of what we believe needs restoration, some needs blasting away. Pluto with Mars in Aquarius directs the blasting, reunites fragments to a new structure that works so much better. Pluto in Capricorn gathers the elders; Mars in Aquarius gathers the ChangeMaker evolutionists and leads the charge!
  2. Saturn is sextile midpoint between Jupiter and Mars, both planets approaching Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn are traveling closely, but don’t make their exact aspect until Aug 27, 2017! Jupiter in Libra keeps introducing new people to Saturn, rebalancing long held opinions, encouraging sharing and reforming. See more Mars in Aquarius with Saturn brings new tools to the front. Instead of one working, a whole crew of people bring brilliant expertise, put up new structures quickly, move on to the next! The beauty is you can SEE the change and know it can be done. There may need be some tweaking, but, hey, done! Experiment working!
  3. Pluto and Venus are at the T Square point between Jupiter in its opposition with Uranus! Jupiter made its first square to Pluto only 5 days ago on ThanksGiving Day, Nov 24th! This was the first aspect following the Presidential elections and people have been adjusting to our new President-elect Donald J Trump. Human rights – Jupiter in Libra, financial and health concerns – Pluto in Capricorn top the list. Jupiter will oppose Uranus exactly the first time Dec 26 just after Christmas. Oppositions often separate. Many friends have become estranged after this complex election, with such extremes of vehement opinions. Yet others are staying steady to see how things can be worked out, to find ways to make alliances so differences become assets, to preserve previous gains. There will be some ground sadly lost. Much will be learned about how to explain why something is true, what can be done to negotiate, how to show the value of a different way.

Uranus is key! It’s the outer planet getting the most action.

  1. Saturn squares Chiron, trines Uranus. Dec 24 the trine comes first. Dec 28 is the Chiron square. The square disrupts relationships, businesses, healing processes. There are blocks and breakthroughs. Some will dig in, fearfully holding on. Some systems will crumble from the weight of age and time, allowing us to see new light. The Uranian trine will bring new friends and greater community – seek it, don’t wait. Having this support will help us get through some of the uncomfortable things we must surrender to and work at to have the changes we want for long term. See more
  2. Venus in Capricorn sextiles Chiron, squares Uranus! 20-20-20 Degrees! Sextile Chiron can mean a marriage, successful business, a healing! If a marriage is in the offing, please see your astrologer to see if your chart has good timing. Venus in Cap is realistic, but wants beauty also. Could be the grace of age, lovely stone or glass work, a business that does kind works for our community or guards our Earth. Square Uranus in Aries is a challenge to say the least! Capricorn can be conservative, and Venus there would pride herself in honoring her elders. Uranus is the inventor, disrupts the status quo and can prove the new thing works. Aries is impatient with people who marry jobs or lovers for money or are slow old fogeys that have forgotten they were young once too! If they trample, they may miss the possible support they could gain from staunch citizens that could back their every step. This is a time not to judge a book by its cover! Take a deep breath, calm down, and thank them for the invitation! If the wrong people are forever holding you back, time for a change. Surprising new friendships can be formed if you look about. They have been waiting for you.
  3. Jupiter in Libra is opposite Uranus Dec 26, day after Christmas! Jupiter is reactivating the Uranus square Pluto that has been with us since 2010. See more In Aries, the stellar dust is in a hot Uranian whirlwind! Libra is interested in polar differences. Jupiter asks questions, sometimes blunt and embarrassing. Libra loves politics and competition, Jupiter loves races! Uranus loves in-your-face differences, shocking wakeups, and Aries gets up early, ready to fight for the underdog and freedom! Spread your wings wide, soar high to see the lay of the land, where to best put your energy. There will be lots of change, some surprising outcomes!

You see, it’s a complicated multilayered New Moon! Totally enriching!

Sagittarius New Moon Astrology Chart

Sagittarius 2016 New Moon Astrology Chart!

x x

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Full Long Night Moon! Two T Squares, Mercury with Pluto, Sun sextile Mars!

Tuesday December 13, 4:05 PM Pacific, at 22 Gemini 26

Sagittarius Full Long Night Moon Giraffe Tasting the Moon by Nirvana.K

What the moon tastes like? Sweet Giraffe Art Print by Nirvana.K

Full Moon Gemini – Sagittarius. Good thing it is a Long Night Moon, ’cause these two will chat all night! Gemini has gathered so many tidbits of information, and shares in volumes. Sagittarius has so many stories of its travels it would take a lifetime to tell them all. Anyone listening would be dizzy with the range of exchange, impossible to repeat it all! The Word is out, and the Path becomes more focused as the meaning of the collection starts to shape itself. There is recognition of an underlying trend of the times, the purpose is shifting and the focal point being adapted. It may seem slippery with so many layers, no solid ground, but getting down may be where it’s at! Sometimes it’s just downright fun to not know a thing, let it rip with no end in sight!

Full Moon air and fire oppositions can scatter the leaves to the Four Directions, diffusion is glorious and far reaching. There is expansion, a wider range of contemplation of possibilities and growth. New people pull us into a bigger space, markets expand. It’s all the amazing words on the breezes tickling your Soul, and what they mean and where you want to go with them – importantly, your life work.

Sun leaving Saturn trine Uranus/square Chiron, to sextile Mars! That’s a hefty mix! A brief T Square was made to Chiron. Sun leaving Saturn was a serious affair for about a week and a half. It’s a once a year aspect. Sun adds Light to Saturn. Saturn may be warmed or discouraged, feel praised or all its weakness shown. There can be a lot done proudly, or sadness/depression. One way or the other, there is a reality assessment. Part of the question is what can I do, personally?

  • Saturn trines Uranus exactly the first time in only nine days, Christmas Eve, Dec 24. Saturn squares Chiron the first time exactly four days later Dec 28. Sun just did those aspects, so will carry the energy forward into the sextile with Mars! The Sun trine Uranus is Light on Light, Star to Star! Sun is our Star Light Being; Uranus is ALL the stars, the Lights of Heaven! Sagittarius is the Light of the coals the nomad traveler carried from camp to camp, symbolizing knowledge shared, enLightenment. Uranus is in Aries, in this case, the heavenly candle flame, the Light of each one of our Spirits awakened.
  • Saturn’s square to Chiron is a type of challenge we have about every 7+ years. The old wounds are never left to lie. We get 7 years worth of healing at a time. Though often uncomfortable, it’s important not to miss taking a look. At this time, Sun has leant his Light to see the opening of the door to the next level of healing. Chiron is now in Pisces, matters of the Soul, a psychic hurt, being abandoned or denied, a misunderstanding, an illusion, an unfulfilled dream we carry deep within us – a seeming shameful failure. Sun has made us feel a bit naked in recent days with his light just where we can be the most afraid to look. With Saturn in Sagittarius there is a call to hope, to stop abandoning ourselves! Saturn says you can do it, a step at a time. Be real. You did the best you could at the time. Sun is leading now. He/we saw and we actually can feel better, more of our cards on the table.
  • Sun sextile Mars can be that first step we take! Mars in Aquarius gives an air sign lift, a literal step up! Sagittarius is all for that, they love to jump on things, get a leg up! With Aquarius it may all be a bit crazy! Relief! Sun has got a great big grin on and laughs heartily so everyone can hear and they smile or laugh too! Sports are going to be fun, and some wagers made. See about a new gym membership. Food will be saucy and spicy!
  • Moon backs up Sun, trines Mars. She has the words, the local connections, the feminine side of things to be shared. Her instincts back up the Aquarian intelligence, the quick spirited Mars. In logical air sign, multi visual Gemini, she is less fearful, more quick to respond herself! Oddly she may Mother Mars. In Aquarius he often goes it alone, way out ahead, so may need a little respite. Though they get along, Gemini is forever in motion, and Mars in Aquarius soon sees another challenging front to lead. Moon won’t forget him though, and may continue to support him in her blogs. It’s a new time. He is offering new solutions.
  • Jupiter is less than 1 degree of the sextile with Saturn, but retrogrades just before the exact contact! The influence is there, keep expanding, new relationship are put into play, but the consummation isn’t complete until Aug 27. See more
Venus was with Pluto at the New Moon. Now it is Mercury at the Full Moon! Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn instigates a T Square with Jupiter opposition Uranus! Mercury relinks the Jupiter square Pluto making us remember, putting more words to what happened after the elections, and ThanksGiving Day, Nov 24. It keeps important considerations, resolutions, in mind. The second Jupiter/Pluto is March 30, the third is Aug 4. Mercury with Pluto we are likely to be a tad obsessively thoughtful. Can’t put the good book down. Deeply curious, to discovery or detriment! Words are whispered, backdoor deals made, not everything confirmed. Be cautious of gossip. Be clear but not hurtful if possible. Think of what the consequences of a mislaid sentence might be. Be healing and helpful. Don’t deny what’s real before or behind you. Biding your time might be the wise choice. There can be news of a loss of someone special to us. We might get news of a new cure, or an investment tip. It can be a simple piece of information that makes a huge difference in our life.
  • Mercury square Jupiter echos the Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon signs. Mercury is Gemini’s planet; Jupiter is Sagittarius’ planet! Where the Full Moon opposition separates, widens the territory, Mercury in Capricorn square, Jupiter challenges the efficacy of the proposal. With Jupiter in Libra, Mercury challenges the people authorized to make decisions. There may be conservative and cultural differences at stake. Mercury in Cap brings facts to the table, but if people just like the good looks, the smile, of the Jupiter Libra reps, a decision may unreasonably swing to their side. Jupiter may exaggerate, and Mercury could bring them down due to lack of credibility. Go easy. In personal or family matters, remember this is NOT a court of law. If you are going to court be careful how you present.
  • Mercury and Pluto square Uranus. Mercury is still 8 degrees away, but Pluto carries the energy forward and is only 4 degrees of Uranus. The main factor is the unpredictability of Uranus in Aries. But always know it is looking for what’s new, especially in Aries, and what is better for the greater good. You may be right, but times are changing as we get more globally educated and connected. In the future, more decisions will be made with the greater good in mind. For example, the Standing Rock situation is not just about tribal territory land rights, but about protecting our water. That affects a lot more land than the reservation.

Venus in Aquarius shimmers in her starry sparkly gown, smiling semisextile to Neptune of the magical night. He is enchanting, she is beguiling, the sweetest thing he’s seen in a long time. She is off to another party; he sailing on the tide. She is a breath of fresh air, the wind fills his sails as he hums in the moonlight. She brings friends to visit, each one unique, stirring his rustling Spirit. He feels wealthy in his Soul for meeting them all. None of them might ever see each other again.

This is the Long Night Moon. Reach for it. Stand tall. Stretch and grow. Taste the Moon.

May your Circle be Unbroken.

Sagittarius Full Long Night Moon Astrology Chart!

xSagittarius 2016 Full Long Night Moon Astrology Chart!


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The next New Moon is Wednesday Dec 28, 10:53 PM Pacific at 7 Capricorn 59, the last one of 2016! 

See the entire SAGITTARIUS 2016 Newsletter!
See the 2016 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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Scorpio HighLights 2016
Scorpio, Passion for Life!


Happy Birthdays, Scorpios!

Double Scorpio Neil Young Musician

Neil Young is no longer young, he is a cat with 9 lives! He’s an epic double Sun/Ascendant Scorpio born Nov 12, 1945, now 70 years old and still going strong! Though he has had a hard life, Neil has suffered from polio, epilepsy and back pain throughout his life, and, of course, he is also a famed singer/musician! Like a true life and death Scorpio, in 2000, he almost died from a procedure that ironically was intended to save him from a brain aneurysm! Near death misses are a Scorpio specialty, and they have extraordinary recuperative powers!

Challenge aspects for him are his Mars square Venus, a rare blood disease as a child, and muscular atrophy, polio. His Moon in Aquarius, cycles and brainwaves, epilepsy, squares his Sun in Scorpio, fixed, signs that indicate long term matters. They both at 0 degrees may be just beginning their journey, or could indicate a fresh start in this lifetime, recovering from old affairs of long ago. Mercury, the mind, is also opposite the Aquarius planet Uranus, stretching things to the limit. Lucky to have caught that aneurysm in time, and again when he fell on the street afterwards!!!

Other sets of aspects are exceptionally successful! He has two Kite patterns, in his case based by a Grand Trine in Air signs, that same Moon in Aquarius, its ruling planet Uranus in Gemini, and lucky Jupiter exponentially in Libra! Communications and connections worldwide! Add to that Mercury in Sagittarius, a thoughtful message with meaning, and Pluto in Leo, massive charisma, making two Kites! Further, Uranus and Pluto are connecting with Mercury and the Moon in a Mystic Rectangle! See his Chart!

As with all healers, having been there and back, saving is at the top of his list! Neil is a super environmentalist, advocate! Per Wiki, he is an ‘outspoken advocate for the welfare of small farmers, having co-founded in 1985 the benefit concert Farm Aid. He is currently working on a documentary about electric car technology, tentatively titled LincVolt. The project involves his 1959 Lincoln Continental converted to hybrid technology as an environmentalist statement. In 1986, Young helped found The Bridge School, an educational organization for children with severe verbal and physical disabilities, and its annual supporting Bridge School Benefit concerts, together with his ex-wife Pegi Young (née Morton). Young has three children: sons Zeke (born during his relationship with actress Carrie Snodgress) and Ben, who were diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and daughter Amber Jean who, like Young, has epilepsy.’

Young lives on his ranch near La Honda, California. Although he has lived in northern California since the 1970s and sings as frequently about U.S. themes and subjects as he does about his native country, he has retained his Canadian citizenship.

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Scorpio 2016/17 Celestial Highlights!

Winter Sky Constellations Northern Hemisphere

Winter Sky Constellations Northern Hemisphere

Predawn morning brings the magnificent Orion constellation overhead. The Summer Triangle, Vega, Deneb, Altair, is dropping into the west, the Great Square, Pegasus/Andromeda, is following, and in November Orion will be the evening constellation rising in the East. Its bright stars are Betelgeuse, and Rigel. When it arrives, follow an imaginary line down through Orion’s Belt. It will take you to the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius! Follow the line up in the southern hemisphere.

Scorpio 2016/17 TimeLine!

October 23 started a whole new round of SIX aspects through Dec 31 that will be the primary aspects of 2017! Jupiter will be in Libra until Oct 10, 2017. This year’s emphasis will be on choosing our next President, and making adjustments per who is elected.

Oct 22 Happy Scorpio!
Oct 23 Starts SIX NEW aspects through Dec 31 that will be the primary xxxxxxxxaspects of 2017!
xxxxxxxxJupiter inconjunct Neptune is first, 17 days before our Presidential xxxxxxxxElection
xxxxxxxxJupiter square Pluto is 16 days after our Presidential Election   
XXx30 New Moon pre Election
XXx31 Happy Halloween!
Nov  6
 Daylight Saving ends
Nov  8 Presidential Election
XXx14 Post Election Super SuperMoon! Full Beaver/Frosty Moon
XXx24 Jupiter Square Pluto post Election

Five of these six new aspects are challenging. Gird your loins. The Christmas Eve aspect, Saturn trine Uranus, is nominally astrologically positive, calming, but has a serious tone nonetheless. Do your best with these six aspects. 2017 depends on it. Choose your battles, stay long term intentional, stay focused and don’t forget who you are.

Continuing abiding Aspects

  • Uranus and Pluto continue in a close range square. Though no exact aspect will be formed again, the reminder of happenings since 2010 remain with us, many taking years to work through.
  • Chiron & Uranus continue in their many years long journey closely together in the background…. More

2016/17 Outer Planet Transit Aspects with Scorpio!

Scorpio Kundalini Heart Anonymity Rose

Pluto is in mid Capricorn through 2017. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Perfect! Mid degree Scorpios will be in sync, Scorpio being Pluto’s planet and both of them determined to build a strong future. Scorpio minds the money, Capricorn minds the time. Materials are recycled, found at the best prices. Scorpio wants a clean machine – bodily, mentally, spiritually. They try on the cloak of power to find power is good when used for caring cause, healing and transformation. Capricorn minds the divine dharma, the work of the Soul and sacred places. Brick by brick they build for solidarity of the ages, for our children’s’ futures.

Neptune is in its own sign, at the first third of Pisces. It is a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Scorpio, the second water sign, is both enticed and fearful of being caught in the web, does it anyway just to see what will happen. Scorpio is fascinated by life and death and has an uncanny ability to survive. Neptune can create and be abraded by minute particles, fine grains of sand that may eventually dull its sparkle. Scorpio is the cleaner, detoxer, whispering to Neptune to shake it loose! Neptune reads Scorpio’s intentions, even the ones Scorpio has hidden from himself. Revelation is certain. Whether gentle or ripped, perspective shifts amorphously, a new Being emerges.

Uranus is just past the mid of Aries, moving into the final half of the degrees. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is a given. Scorpio does and doesn’t like change and isn’t usually BFFs with Uranian Aquarians or Aries. Uranus won’t be ruled, as an intelligent observant air flavor, not likely to be intimidated, manipulated or tricked. Aries prods and won’t leave you alone once they get a bee in their bonnet. But Scorpio knows how deep his well is, and has some values that are important to be reserved, preserved. However, changes will seep down to the lower levels. Aries opens a psychic crown portal, Uranus distracts with shocks, Scorpio always curious, inadvertently allows entry. In time he sees some change empowers, and there is a surprising boost of energy! Hang on and let go!

Chiron, like Neptune is also in Pisces, starting the last third of the sign. It goes into Aries 2018-19. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business. Scorpio is good with Pisces waters, loves a deep swim, snorkeling, diving, the challenge of dark and the rush of immensity! Strong trusting bonds of marriage and business partners are deep in their Spirit. Mergers give more options. What was lost may heal incredibly and transform. Mutual surrender has merit. A new life is in the offing.

Saturn is a third to half way through Sagittarius in 2016. It retrogrades from 16 degrees back to 9 degrees. Factors in your chart from 9 to 16 degrees will be activated one after the other, the 2nd and 3rd times! Saturn is Capricorn’s planet, expecting seeable results on time. It can have a harsh manner, be cool and aloof – their praise is well earned and means a lot. Saturn in Sagittarius is more flexible, but still wants a good job done. Scorpio is uncomfortable with Sagittarius truth seeking. Scorpio lets information out when it is timely to do so, or not at all. It’s private. Yet at times, playing it so close to the chest, we miss opportunities because no one knew we wanted them! Saturn will help keep Sag in check, be respectful. If Scorpio is laughed at, sadly, there may be payback later. Sag does have things to teach though, so don’t miss the open door.

Scorpio is good with Saturn, both determined Light workers in their own ways. Scorpio clears, removes, renovates; Saturn is the builder. Scorpio is the power behind, the money that makes it happen, while Capricorn bosses the crew, is constantly alert, keeps time on the project. Saturn is going for honor and the long term good. He’s the front man, and credits Scorpio. Scorpio needs recognition in a good way. Scorpio offers strength when times are tough, reminding us how we have survived before, are creatively resourceful. If there is an end-of-life circumstance, they will be there for you. They are excellent counselors.

Jupiter in Libra is a volatile Fire in Air combination, loves to carry on getting to know you. Scorpio is famous for listening without blinking! You tell them all about yourself and realize you know little about them. Jupiter in Libra is entertaining, to say the least. They have amazing stories of their travels and the people they have met. Scorpio loves hearing of cultures and customs, different ways of thinking and living life. They are charged and won’t mind hearing more. In time they may come to share about themselves. That’s when you know you have gained their trust, it’s special and means a lot to them. Scorpio learns it is ok to open up more. On the business front, Jupiter in Libra is the liaison, representative, the legal team. Scorpio holds them close. Jupiter learns to respect what’s confidential and why.

Happy Birthdays, Scorpios, and may your new year be blessed in every way!

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Scorpio 2016 Newsletter!

See the 2016 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Make your changes count.

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Scorpio, Passion for Life!

Scorpio Yoga Cobra Pose Kundalini Awakening Woman

Yoga ~ Cobra Pose, Kundalini Awakening

Libra is sunset, Scorpio is dark! But the Kundalini of Scorpio is the Fire at the base of your spine, the Light within!

Cooling time of year, time to make ourselves strong, gather wood for winter fires, prepare shelter, share and trade stores. There is an intensity due to necessity to survive. And in those dark snuggly nights under the hides, we are passionate and summer children are born later.

Scorpio is the sign of the deepest love, until death do us part. Some are masters of Sex, from courtship to consummation. Tantric sex is a super special practice that can take intimacy to the Soul level. It’s not just pleasing your partner, but making love with the Universe.

Love makes us feel safe to be vulnerable to heal our roots – past lives, childhood, relationship hurts, bodily pains. Cleaning your fibers, clearing your way. Healing makes us feel safe to take care of ourselves, to be vulnerable to love. Protection of the scorpion comes first, being able to say ‘Don’t tread on me.’ Rising up like the serpent on the physician’s/healer’s/magician’s staff brings us into the Light.

There are two serpents. They don’t touch yet they are entwined. They are equal. We do better together, more whole and complimentary, collaborative. Teachers and healers must not unduly make demands of their students, interfere with their student’s right to make their own choices. A healer must always know they the healer don’t know everything, in fact it is often important for them not to!!! Students must respect their teachers, yet know as the student they have their own Dharma to live regardless how much their teacher wants what the teacher wants. Delicate balances of caring.

Washing away the dross, diluting and removing soiling poisons, frees us to see without revenge, to speak in clean tongue, to renew lost relationships. A new potency emerges and we step beyond past failings. We are able to connect at higher levels.

The heights are symbolized by raptors, birds of prey with keen eyesight and the elevation to see from! They are powerful, fly long distances. Scorpio Hunters seek a higher point of view, note our weaknesses, see where support is needed. The Eagle is the USA’s bird, and many think the USA astrology chart has a Scorpio Ascendant. Our country has had great wealth, as fierce mergers have been made, multiplying profits. Greed has been a struggle for many, while others have  turned their profits under, further enriching our soil. Some has been given for great causes, world healing, to relieve suffering, empower transformation.

We are fascinated, sometimes infatuated, by each other. That splendid attraction opens our Spirit to ask questions, to extend ourselves, be charmed by layer after layer of divine experience. We get to know one another deeply, be more genuine, seek what is important. Scorpios live like this. They are our guides through the tunnel, the therapist taking us deep within. The midwives that birth us anew.

Scorpios are noted for their strength. They often have explored the most dangerous and come out unscathed. They take on demons and are redeemed. They want to see it all, be it all, and can reform against great odds. They know what being saved means. At times they are revered, not straying an iota, staunchly moral. Temptations yes, but not falling. Whatever place you may be at in this continuum, it is honorable. You are doing the work. Slow progress is perfect. No progress is a vantage point of deepening and observation, becoming one with what troubles you, understanding. If you are peeking out, have a good look. Make your plans. If you have stepped into the Light, know it may not be comfortable at first. Go back and forth for a bit. You will get used to making the transition. Knowing where you came from makes for a kinder person with a passion of caring. Then the story becomes not just about you, but others as well.

Use your power and passion in a good way, to heal, not harm.

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