
Posts Tagged ‘Thich Nhat Hanh’

Pisces 2022-23 Celestial HighLights, Timeline, Overview!

Pisces, the Song of Spirit!

Pisces 2022 Kokopelli Song of Spirit

Anasazi to Hopi, Kokopelli played his flute all night long and the people would dance and sing. Making Music. Source: (istock.com)

As Aquarius called the collective Spirit, in the unity of diversity, we have merged as we have worked together. Dreams have literally been built, merging into much more as we see what we have already done without always even intending to have done it! We are the dream that was always there, waiting.

Pisces is the Soul, the ultimate mystical Union with all, wordless sound, felt sense. As we have become closer in these pandemic times, we see each other’s needs, the needs of ones we don’t know, we become compassionate, a healer even if it is only offering a cup of tea, a hug. The divine trickster shows us the way and he, nor we, didn’t go to school! Sorrow and laughter at the same time give us a profound perspective. We lose all only to be happy when it becomes so better than it ever was before. We didn’t know that could happen. Not knowing what could be, we didn’t even try. The tiniest particle to the mightiest tsunami. You are buried in debris or your Spirit is washed clean and you never go back.

Dimensions are changing all around us. Drought, fire, famine, pandemic. Fearful cold, sweeping floods. Ingenious recovery, inventions of necessity. Complexity, yet simple remedies. Pisces brings us to mortal suffering and redemption. We learn to pray all over again, for helping and healing for all, not just ourselves.

In the southern US, February, March are our first planting times. One of Kokopelli’s domains is fertility. Per Karen Harris: ‘…legends say that Kokopelli would travel from village to village, bringing spring with him. His flute music would melt the snow and turn the breezes warmer. The music he made, it was said, was like seeds spreading in the wind. By the time Kokopelli left the village, spring flowers were in bloom and crops were growing. This springtime fertility wasn’t limited to plant life. Kokopelli was said to oversee human fertility, too. When Kokopelli left the villages he visited, every young woman in the village would be pregnant.’ Some said he carried a bag of seeds on his back, hence the ‘hunchback’ effect, a Johnny Appleseed? And some said he tricked women into his bed! What musician isn’t a Pied Piper?

We don’t often think of Pisces as a springtime sign, yet, the Irish celebrate the Green, St Patrick’s Day, and true to the addictions matters, green beer flows generously! The trickster makes you laugh, the Irish are fabled funny and you are charmed without mercy, LOL! Pisces, the Master Morph, can be anything to anyone. He can be the helpless, in ultimate surrender. He can be the outraged leader, a martyr to progress and freedom, and everything in between!

These difficult times have brought us closer to Spirit. We have a need to meditate, walk mindfully, create and share beauty. We are grateful for spiritual leadership, what Thich Nhat Hahn calls ‘engaged Buddhism,’ taking action, letting our voices be heard.

Pisces is a mutable water Sign. Water flows downhill, underground, to the great seas. All the waters of the world blend there. It mutates as fresh water becomes salt water. It moves, it has seasons and cycles, flow patterns, high and low tides, tsunami to utter glassy calm. The great seas carry goods and people from one continent to another. We love the challenges of the weather, waves. We enjoy floating, surfing with the dolphins, laying on, melting into the beach. The sea feeds us fishes and plants. We are gradually learning to be kind to the creatures and plants, balancing our needs with theirs. With the numbers of people now, we now know it is not an endless resource and needs respect, protection. We people are learning the same respect for each other. We ‘mutate’ in each other’s company for a greater outcome.

Pisces is in a grand square with the other mutable signs Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius. Gemini, the Voice, is a constant chatterer at times when Pisces would enjoy rest and silence. Yet Pisces sees the charming and often innocent good will and finds the news and data helpful. Vigilant Virgo wants organization, but Pisces is in a constant flow of discovery. To limit this flow is like death. Yet, some check-in and download points can be super useful to Virgo’s process. Keep the priorities in mind and don’t overwhelm your Virgo! Storyteller Sagittarius is wandering too. Their paths may cross and interlace. Sag may have a booming voice heard from sea to sea, be so into the sports, his stories, he barely hears anything else. Yet, Pisces’ seas of life have some fiercely interesting tales and Sag is ever curious, enjoys learning! Pisces is affected by things continents away. Word goes right through water practically instantly, so Pisces ‘hears’ the big news Sag brings and the word, indeed, goes ’round the world.

2022 is an especially big year for Pisces! Jupiter is in Pisces makes a conjunction with the Pisces planet Neptune on April 12! It takes Neptune 168 years through all the signs, and for Jupiter and Neptune to conjunct in Pisces this time, it takes 166 years! Jupiter is the Sagittarian planet, considered lucky, bringing fame and fortune! It makes the magic bigger, grand!!! It plays with all its heart, teaches with all its Soul! The Silence may be bigger, but the unforgettable stories will enhance our Spirits! We will have dreams beyond our ken of spiritual journeys that will take decades to grow into! See more!

To this day we hear Kokopelli’s flute between the lines of our lives, it floats down the canyons, is heard in the shore winds, is the siren of our dreams at sea… For many the saxophone player has melted their hearts, never to be the same again. The violinist calls us to weep or dance. The whales sing in the deep. The coral beds regale us with their otherworldly colors. We are intrinsically woven spirit to spirit.

Pisces, play us your song; we will listen with our whole being!



Pisces Annual Celestial Highlights! 

Pisces 2021-22 Timeline!


16  Full Snow Moon
17 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus!

18  Happy Pisces!
21  President’s Day


01  Mardi Gras
02  Pisces New Moon
13  Daylight Saving Time begins 2 AM
17  Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
18  Virgo/Pisces Full Worm Moon
20  Happy Aries! Spring Equinox/Ostara, International Astrology Day! May the Stars go with you!

April 12 is the unique Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces! This is followed by the April 25 to 27 Pisces grouping of Moon, Mars, Venus, Neptune, Jupiter! Jupiter and Neptune are reconsidered.

Pisces Overview 2021, 22, 23!

Fire Tiger Libra Thich Nhat Hanh Zen Master Engaged Buddhism

In honor of the late Oct 11, 1926 Fire Tiger Libra Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Master, Engaged Buddhism. Peace is every step.

2022 is a very different year. Only 3 planetary aspects, and they happen only once each, done by May 3! From then on it will be time to anchor, maintain and finesse our current gains, strengthen our Aquarian skills and Aquarian people. Jupiter will make 2 sign changes. It entered Pisces, Dec 28, 2021, will advance into Aries May 10, 2022, and later retrograde back into Pisces. Jupiter’s April 12 166 year conjunction with Neptune is in Neptune’s own sign Pisces, is 2022’s magical gift to us!

Maybe you intend to rebalance yourself this year, to have greater peace. These times have been humbling for many. Many are now profoundly in touch with mortality, kindness, what’s truly important. If your changes include moving, countries that ruled by Pisces are Normandy, North Africa, Portugal, Samoa, Egypt, Scandinavia, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, and Tunisia. Cities that are ruled by Pisces include Warsaw, Alexandria, Grimsby, Jerusalem, Bournemouth, Seville, and Cowes. In the US, Austin TX on the Colorado River is one, Music City Nashville on the Cumberland River is another! Carmel-by-the-Sea, California is perfectly Pisces by the ocean! Pisces States: Florida, Maine, Nebraska, Ohio and Vermont.

See your astrolocality astrologer for advices on personal locations best for what! Depending on your finances, be cautious about moves during retrograde periods. If it is a necessity at a retrograde time, know that there will be further changes and the costs that go with it. Factor that in. If you are buying a home as well, top priority may be that it is a good investment per resale value since you may change your mind. Renting is recommended until times are more stable.

In these pandemic years, serious matters have befallen us in so many ways – political, human and animal rights, health, climate. Every sign leads to the next, making a foundation for it. Aquarius is thunder and lightning, earth shaking – awakening! Aquarius is known for the waves of its symbol – seismic shakes, sound causing inundation by avalanches, aging of sunlight and freeze sequences, ocean tsunamis, electrical strikes, the continuous vibration of howling wind that loosens bolts and joists. As humans it is our heart waves and lie detectors. We instinctively help each other through these events. We learn how to work in groups, develop respect for each other’s talents, are grateful for diversity. Shaken loose, all this interaction prepares us for a more open mind, enriched with new ideas and friendships. Freedom’s seed is planted.

These sometimes shocking and compelling adventures, ready or not, are the foundation for Pisces! Our imagination is stirred. As we help each other during difficulties we learn intimate things. We learn our own needs more clearly. There is a growing empathy. As we see pain relieved through change, dreams and hopes are born. We have a new sense of freedom that suffering can be released and replaced with dreams come true! We see how deeply elegant the human spirit can be both in sharing and repairing our struggles. Even the most subtle and heart rending addictions of all kinds can be overcome.

In turn, Pisces’s seeing who and what needs help, inspires natural born hero Aries to jump in head first! People are grabbed out of harm’s way, saved quickly when possible. With good physical therapy and an inspired happy to be alive client, people’s spirits are reawakened and they are back on their feet in no time. In turn, they become inspirational converts and cohorts to do it now and do your best! We are born again, Initiations to new levels happen. Gratitude is a top word in our story!

Many 2020 – 2022 charts are Bowls, rare Bundles, and Buckets and seesaws! They are a concentrated force! The Feb 11 2021 SIX planet air sign Aquarius New Moon stellium Bundle Chart was a super example! All the planets were in a potent 113 degrees, less than a third of the wheel! See more about Bowls and Bundles If a singular planet or a pair or cluster of very close planets venture beyond these formations, a Bucket Chart is formed, emphasis on these ‘handle’ planets. If several planets loosely spaced move opposite the base group, a Seesaw Chart is formed, planetary oppositions common, balance sought. Cross comingulation integrates, opposites bond in unity. In these times when the slow moving outer planets are closely together, the base group is steady. The Bundles and Bowls alternate with the Buckets and Seesaws as ‘inner’ planets, Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus, sometimes Mars, proceed on their own out of the base group during the year. In her 27 day cycle, Moon jumps out ahead every month. Sun is on the other side 5 to 6 months of the year.

Dec 2020 through now has been a super special AQUARIAN TIME! Yesterday’s Feb 17 2022 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus, and the 12 degree New Moons with Aquarius and the Aquarian planet Uranus activated repeatedly through March, are finishing up. The February 11 SIX planets stellium Aquarian New Moon may have inaugurated a 2nd wave of the ‘Dawning of the Age of Aquarius!’ 59 Years ago in Feb 1962, the New Moon Eclipse chart had seven Aquarian planets and lasted longer. Saturn and Jupiter are in Aquarius, made the Great Conjunction Solstice Dec 21 2020! 2015 to 2024 Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, has been and is the lead outer planet. 2021 had numerous outer planet aspects in Aquarius and ones formed to Aquarius’s planet Uranus, plus, Jupiter sextiled the Galactic Center three times, last on Dec 12! These most recent aspects are preparing us for the immanent Pluto entering Aquarius March 23 2023!

Mind you, the Ages are long, roughly every 2,150 years. Even 100 years would be a reasonable time frame for a transition from one to another. I think we could easily include 1962 and 2020/21 events and Pluto’s sign change into Aquarius in 2023 as part of the process. Pluto takes 248 years to circuit the zodiac. FYI the ages are reversed through the signs due to the Precession of Equinoxes. The previous age was Pisces, so we are now backing into the last degrees of Aquarius.

Since Saturn previewed Aquarius Mar 21 to July 1 2020, he is experienced and can handle the boisterous Jupiter Aquarius frolicking. He already knows there are lucky genius ideas afoot sometimes disguised as if there are no cares in the world! He sees it is that very freedom that makes them possible! He keeps a loose rein and harnesses what he can without hurting the spirit. Saturn, Capricorn’s builder planet, brings oddly variable Aquarian talents together, builds extraordinary resource consulting networks. He is able to tap the connections, make astute changes quickly, grab them while they are available ~ any moment Jupiter could run off to anywhere! The changes can enhance Saturn business immeasurably! Saturn may find himself on safari with Jupiter, or gone on the wind taking the computers to the surf zone when the surf’s up, whichever continent that may be on! Working from ‘home’ takes on new meaning! Really! Can be done!

The sign lucky Jupiter is in, is the sign that succeeds and prospers. He is there for about a year each – pay attention to retrogrades that change signs! As Jupiter in Aquarius was super lucky for Aquarians, it is out of this world for Pisceans! Jupiter cheers them up, expands their already magical dimensions, gives them further faith and awareness, heals their spirits from addictions and fears. Major tours are possible and successful dreams come true! It’s time to push the river a bit while the Gateway is open!

Adventurous Jupiter loves unstable ground, relishes making all the quick clever adjustments! Aquarius, the awakener, gave him a lot to think about! Now Pisces is introducing further dimensions, ones where logic and rules are not always the norm. The dreamtime is another vast universe, truly unfathomable, the Great Mystery. The Ocean herself is ungovernable. If there is an underwater earthquake, a tsunami, a storm, we run for the hills. Pisces can be cool as meditation calm, but even meditation, linking with our super minds, is ungovernable. Only when we think of it do we return to the base mantra. Our wandering mind is the real part of us in charge, that takes us beyond mere thinking. Unfettered in emergencies and during meditation, our animal self, the brain of the ancient times, takes us where we didn’t know we needed to go. Along the spine, at the base of our brain, it communicates instinctually for our safety, communicates with our higher brain! Aquarius is one kind of freedom; Pisces is another.

Jupiter in Pisces is pure Magic! Jupiter travels the world, while Pisces travels the Spirit! Jupiter is a fiery planet so it may take a little getting used to Neptune’s Pisces damp waters. Yet, Jupiter loves speed sports, surfing, sailing, jet skiing, anywhere, the bigger the waves the better! Just be careful of tsunamis and floods! Jupiter philosophizes, tries to be just, to plan the best big future. Pisces talks with God, is psychic to the furthest realms, compassion his ruler. Jupiter may be harshly opinionated and Pisces can be an unable lost addict. Jupiter can be unkind; Pisces can be in denial, beyond caring. The other side of Jupiter is generous, can give hope, teach others to have faith beyond measure. He can help Pisces face the truth. Pisces knows he is lovingly regarded no matter what. Against the odds, recovery can happen. This can be one person in his own struggle or you working your piece for the world. Pisces gives Jupiter a dream, a vision of what can be, how miraculous recovery can be, what enormous strength and courage it takes. Even Jupiter is humbled…and grateful.

Pluto makes that stupendous 248 year sign change into Aquarius Mar 23, 2023! We need Aquarius to be strong, in working order, integrated and grounded among ourselves, in our communities, internationally.

We need to strengthen our Aquarian young people, our future leaders, and all Aquarians! Pluto is tough on the sign it is in and at the same time empowers them! Pluto’s sign Scorpio squares, challenges Aquarius, so will be especially tense with Aquarius. Growing pains take strength. Take time to listen, cheer them on. Admire their broad scope, how they get teams going, their care for humanity and our planet, their inventions and science. Help them know how to carry on even when they are not appreciated or understood. They are so intelligent, ahead of their time, that not everyone will understand their work, yet the work needs doing.

Preparation for Pluto entering Aquarius will take steady and dedicated work, staying focused. Everything about how groups and friendships work, the importance and techniques of research, knowing how change is brought about successfully, are the goals. The foundation needs to be set. It has been and will continue to be explored, tested and trialed by Saturn and the remaining Aquarian 2022 factors.

Pluto in Aquarius will bring a new time. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and Pluto/Aquarius are not exactly ‘compatible.’ Pluto has a ton of charisma, yet is as much private as Aquarius can’t help but bring attention by his simple presence. AQ is exotic, super intelligent, often revels in neon colors, odd/unique looks and attire, has electric static. He can get attention for being THE archetypal loner, or the brilliant head of a world humanitarian organization. Pluto is used to going it alone, but Aquarius may be calling on the pantheon that collectively has more power than Pluto and his corporations! Pluto is going to have some adjusting to do. He may be concerned for loss of privacy, be a bit jealous too. At the very worst, there could be power struggles for world rule, including genocide. Or they will synthesize for mutual goals. They will do fundraising like never seen before! Pluto may gather the world’s top wealthy humanitarians and make governments of countries look small in comparison. Since these groups will have no governmental constraints, they may bring the world together when governments couldn’t. By comparison, the financially unsupported United Nations may become passé, or it’s possible, its structure already in place, it may be revitalized! Comprehensive large scale inventor/researcher work could do very well to sustain and amplify their efforts. See more

Pluto will be in Aquarius 21 years, until January 2044!

All the Aquarian flavored aspects will give us a head start. We’ll do Pluto in Aquarius better! Pluto was last in Aquarius 248 years ago, 1777 to 1799, a 22 year period of worldwide uproar and change – American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution in England. And it won’t be any different this time! Guarantee! So get your friends and alliances/networks in working order, stand up, get used to acting progressively, and be ready to roll! Some will mightily resist; others will persist with new ideas. Change will beget change. Take a peek at what Patrick Watson has to say on Pluto per sign historically. Check out what Lynn Hayes has to say about what Dylan Love has to say on transhumanism.

Since that last 248 years ago we now have bombs, climate change, a pandemic, electronic communication, robotics, and a helluva a lot more people on the planet. In the 1700s there were an estimated 603M, at the end of 2021, 7.9B. Water and weather wars are possible. Actually, water wars are already starting – pollution prevention, Detroit, Standing Rock. We need to reassess our mandates for leadership – age and both physical and mental health. There are going to be some bumps. Some say, after the kinks are worked out, there will be a ‘Golden Age!’ Make it so. Or maybe that would be just toooo boring and other things will happen, LOL! Next! Evolution is no quitter!

Young people born around 2003 will be about 20 in March 2023 and from 20 until they are 41, will live this period. Their lives will be about this world changing time. Help them now. Prepare them to be strong and steady leaders. Strengthen everything Aquarius in your life.

Planetary Aspect Portals Crater Lake Circular Rainbow

Portals are all around us. Some are temporary, some are always there. Some are annual like the August 8 Lion’s Gate. No two are alike, take us different places. Some are one way, others are two way but perhaps only at certain intervals – you have to be there or… Some lifetimes there are none, others have several passages. And there are the portals into and out of life.

2022’s Three Aspects, planetary portals, the only 2022 Aspects, happen only once each!

All three of 2022’s aspects are done by May 3, in just over 4 months! All will be formed while Jupiter is in Pisces. The rest of the year will be putting our discoveries into practice, improving, holding and maintaining good ground gained. Jupiter in Pisces will show us the glorious maturity, endings and dreams of Pisces as the last sign of the Zodiac, and what the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, will work for. It will be good to rest and relax, then stretch our physical and spiritual muscles and take action!

The Feb 16 Full Moon, Leo/Aquarius, opened gateways to yesterday’s Feb 17 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus Once

This is the last of the Aquarius/Uranus aspects that prevailed from Dec 2020, throughout 2021! Time for celebration and pledges to the future!

Two fast planets in differently tempoed signs Pisces and Taurus. Jupiter loves races and often has the long legs to win! Uranus is the genius with the greased lightning mind! Pisces has an adjustable speed potential, like a fast swimmer, the speedboat or yacht race, but is also the meditator like the Buddha that sat by the road for years…enjoys the silence at the ashram, or the roar of a rock concert! Lots of dimensional ability. Taurus has no intention of rushing about. He has his own steady pace, enjoys sitting peaceably. He’s not lured into undignified behavior.

Jupiter and Uranus’s works are cut out for them. They will speed up the others. They also learn that sitters and plodders are getting quite a bit done with a lot less external energy being shown. They just do it. Pisces finds the shortest route and uses psychic ability to do it. Smooth. Taurus is sensible and doesn’t worry. He sits with it and the plan forms with his patience. It’s uncanny. They both come up with solutions that are off the books. They think for themselves. At times the fast planets lose themselves in the fray, burnout, and have to stop, come to their senses, recenter, restart where it all went awry. Sometimes needs require a faster tempo. At those times let the speedy planets guide you. They do have our well being in mind and often make ‘accidental’ discoveries! Pass the baton back and forth!

 April 12 166 Year Event! Jupiter conjunct Neptune in his own sign, at 23 Pisces just Once! The Promise of 2022! 

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune reads the same as Jupiter in Pisces only more so! Pisces is Neptune’s sign and Neptune is currently IN Pisces, his own sign! See Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter right there with Neptune most certainly ups the amps very specifically! Jupiter with Neptune comes by only every 13 years, but when Neptune is potently in Pisces, Neptune’s own sign, only every 166 years! The last time Jupiter was with Neptune in Pisces was May 17 1856! Freud, George Bernard Shaw, Tesla and Woodrow Wilson, all Chinese year of the Dragon, were born in 1856.

This is the big event while Jupiter is in Pisces and the biggest of 2022! In fact, this is a rather special conjunction. Robert P. Blaschke says ‘2009 has also brought the alignment of Jupiter and Neptune in the sign of Aquarius. [2022 it’s in Pisces, the next sign.] Conjunctions of these two planets take place at 13-year intervals and every thirteenth conjunction recurs at nearly the same Zodiacal position. Neptune’s sidereal cycle averages 165 years and the Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions divide the Neptune cycle into 13 sub-periods (13 x 13 = 169).’

Blaschke further writes, ‘As Neptune moves from one sign to the next, eleven out of twelve times it meets Jupiter only once while transiting a sign. Dane Rudhyar and Alexander Ruperti both wrote that the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is the high-point of Neptune’s stay in any given sign.‘ See more

Neptune, Pisces, work with spiritual matters, soul saving, dire conditions of suffering. It might be symbolically saving children in sweatshops, cruel conditions for inmates or mental patients, needed health reforms. Jupiter is the ethical planet that wants justice and has no fear of legal necessities, may be the Judge. Knowing this in advance gives us all a heads up that we are coming to a prime time to work in behalf of merciful repairs. Take courage. If you can’t do it yourself, find and fund a proven champion to work in your behalf. Please.

Alexander Ruperti says ‘The number 13 refers to the Christ principle and as such is the symbol of the power to overcome death and limitations on all planes … Therefore, in essence, the Jupiter-Neptune cycle gives mankind a basic rhythm of and describes its urge toward transcendence.’ 13 is considered by some to represent a Gateway of the Soul.

All this will be particularly exciting for those of you with Jupiter Returns close in degrees to the 23 degree conjunction!

In our daily affairs, Jupiter may exaggerate with no hope for reason, LOL! Pisces is perfectly happy with this, his magical side is cheering him on, it’s an exciting yarn! Pisces has dreams and Jupiter sees no reason why they can’t come true! The two of them can be utterly mischievous together! Jupiter can sometimes get all ethical and abhors addictions that disable. At first he may make things worse with his judgments, or he looks for ways to help his mates stand clean again, to be strong for their futures, to make the world a better place. Your intuition may surge to overwhelming dimensions, you have never had visions like this before! Thank goodness the conjunction is between the Sun and Saturn in good aspect. Sun Lights the way and Saturn will help anchor the events, protect and build what’s needed.

See more about, and the Astrology Chart of, the 166 year Conjunction!

See what factors in your personal chart are activated. Check with your Astro*Locality astrologer to make special plans to be somewhere significant to you at that time of the Promise of 2022!

May 3 Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn Once

The one with the answers walks among us. Some are invisible, some seem ordinary, others really are simply easily sneaky. This can be a super wealth aspect, it just comes upon us though Pisces doesn’t always care about money at all. It may fund our retirement. It can be a cure for old age ailments. Just do what you love and profound healings occur or you simply self equalize your system by forgetting you were ill! Time for dreams to become true through laws ala the Right of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. An obscure place or peoples, maybe an indigenous group, become especially important. An extinct animal may reappear or come from frozen wastelands. Maybe you will find the work of your soul! There are many extreme, extremely valuable possibilities that could come with this combination. Pay attention; look below the surface… Be careful not to put your hands or feet where you can’t see… Being lost may be the invitation to a new life. Get the keys to the locks and cross the threshold…or just bully through! They really won’t be surprised to receive you, LOL! The Threshold, Portal, is a sacred place. Don’t miss it. See more!

2022 Sign Changes, Jupiter in Pisces the last Sign to ARIES the First Sign!

The only planet changing signs is Jupiter. He previewed Pisces briefly from May 13 to July 28 2021. He returns to Pisces December 28, 2021. In 2022 Jupiter speeds completely through Pisces into Aries in only 5 months, on May 10, after his sextile with Pluto, the last 2022 outer planet to planet aspect! Late 2022 Jupiter retrogrades briefly back into Pisces Oct 27 to Dec 20, a last chance affair, repairs and updates, then it’s onward in Aries, the sign of new beginnings, no going back! The next day is Winter Solstice, the belly of winter. From there are the seeds of new beginnings, the ‘return of the Light!’

It’s one thing to make your vows in Pisces, another to take action in Aries! Pisces is what you believe in. Some say ‘Do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet.’ The last sign, Pisces carries the Dreams of all the signs. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the first responders. Initiation means more than taking a title. It means doing your vows. Aries are brave leaders, risk takers, rights fighters. They often have to make instant decisions to save lives. They are fiery Spirits that operate on instant instinct. Consulting is one of their best talents. Listen keenly. Ask your questions right now while they are there with you. They will be gone to the next fire quickly. Staying physically fit is essential and can be totally enjoyable. Prowess feels super! Independence is strong. Ride your bike! See more Jupiter in Pisces  See more Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter is looking for purpose with integrity! It takes a core truth and educates as many as will listen to why it is meaningful and worthy. Jupiter has a bold and confident way, expands, embellishes, emphasizes, gives extra! It’s edifying, LOL! Jupiter likes to play and tell whopper stories, have a great big dog and ride the winning horse! The planet of centaurs, he was half horse, half human, having both strength and intelligence! In Aries a lot of ground will be traveled, and quickly too! Speed is a delight. Records will be broken! Skating, surfing, skiing, biking! Wow!

As Aquarian and Piscean talents were commingled, the Path between them becoming a usable channel, so will Jupiter in Pisces and Aries develop their smooth channel. In their case it will be super aware, sensitive, instantly reactive! Hopefully groups of crusaders will attract and further develop adept leaders, rich with innovative foresight! When Pluto enters Aquarius Jupiter will be at 17° Aries in a FIVE planet Aries stellium! Aries is THE Action sign! That’s what I call a NEW beginning!

The Galactic Center, Algol and Pluto!

All three of these are dark characters! The GC is a gigantic black hole! Algol has a dark reputation, ie beheadings, when your lights go out. Pluto, ruler of the underworld, is the furthest planet from the Sun, the darkest and frozen to boot!

Fixed star ALGOL and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sagittarius. Whenever one is activated, so is the other. Algol and the GC have an oblique off center position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!  See more about the spiritual side…

Algol’s bad rep, strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the Galactic Center when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Their off center relationship may take you on the road less followed, so to speak. There is a draw to explore. Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If in neighboring signs, only 3 or less degrees might be used. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 27 Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Anytime it is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol. That period started Feb 2020, virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022 on the Full Wolf Moon, Aug 29, Nov 16.

Pluto has been having the Algol experience, and is one of the few who can stand up under this trial. Very luckily, the trine is the most favorable angle, so though not unscathed, he survives. Both Pluto and Algol are respected and incur life and death situations. One hopes the trine bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs, like Capricorn, especially being the last Earth sign, are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Stay calm in the face of violence, even your own anger. Shift your connections so better can happen. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.


Those of you with your Saturn’s from 10 to 25 Aquarius will be having your 28/9 year Saturn Returns in Aquarius’s year! 

11 to 12 year Jupiter Returns will be from 10 Pisces to 9 Aries in this Pisces year.

Lunar patterns!

Early 2022:
For Full Moons the 27th degree (degree of Algol/GC/Pluto) will be activated 8 times Sep 2021 to April 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47 will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with factors in your chart in close degrees.

Those of you with factors close to 12 degrees in your charts will be activated by 7 New Moons from Oct 2021 to March 2022. Jan and March 2022 will have two New Moons in Pacific time zone. There is NO New Moon in February 2022. If you have factors at or within 3 degrees of both 12 and 27, all those New and Full Moons will activate you in sequence through the signs!

Late 2022-23:
New Moons Sep and Oct 2022 are at 2 degrees. Nov to Feb 2023 are at 1 degree. March is at 0. Aquila’s Fixed Star Altair is at 1 Aquarius.
Full Moons Oct 2022 to April 2023 are at 16 degrees! 7 Months! Orion’s Fixed Star Rigel is at 16 Gemini!

Those of you with factors at or within 3 degrees of these will be activated! Set your goals for these periods and approach them progressively from every angle, every sign! Your project will gain volume and wholeness as you go ~ Lay out your plan per sign then expect to update as you grow with it and more possibilities become apparent, available!

Walk in Peace and Beauty…make your presence felt.

Enjoy these powerful intense times! The possibilities are compelling! 


Happy Birthdays, Dear Pisceans!

Pisces 2022 Magical Lotus image by Sarayut Thaneerat

Magical Lotus image by Sarayut Thaneerat of Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand

Relax. Nothing is under control! Let the Magic Happen…


Vibrational Astrology Conference 2022 March 4 – 6, 2022, Gainesville, FL Sponsored by AstroSoftware, David Cochrane one of the speakers! Register! If you can’t go in person, recordings will be available!

See the entire Pisces Newsletter! Newsletter Topics:

Feb 17 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus!
Holiday Venus Retrograde + Jan Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RX!
Jupiter in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces 166 Years
Jupiter in ARIES 2022-23!
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044 – 248 Years! Revision, Addition & UPdates 12.14.21!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! These infos plus a personal reading will contribute to your success! With your calendar in hand….

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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Galactic Center 2009 NASA

NASA image of the Galactic Center

Sep 23 Equinox Note! How did this happen?! All of a sudden we are really close to the Transit of Mercury retrograde eclipse and its sister aspect Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! These are both important events, transmissions from our own Star, the Sun, and our entire Galaxy of stars!

The first ten months of 2019 Neptune has been being prepared for the sister events, the Transit of Mercury Eclipse and Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! He has been activated SIX times, three by Jupiter’s challenging viewpoints. Neptune is stirred, no longer laying still. He may be on his feet like a Thich Nhat Hanh walking meditation or sitting in a dynamic meditation. For now he needs to be in a healthy awake, alert on duty condition. And there are three activations by Saturn, doing on-the-ground testing the principles Jupiter and Neptune have pondered getting the kinks out to let it all flow smoothly. Neptune is a planet of being infinitely, delicately, richly  sensitive, a giant receptor. In some ways it is indiscriminate and that is good when a transmission of this solar magnitude comes through. Neptune doesn’t block any part of it; it comes through whole. Mercury rules Gemini, information, data, and Virgo analysis. Neptune rules the sign opposite Virgo, Pisces. It’s important not to judge, or try to make order of it, but just see it as it is, an order we aren’t yet used to. It must be untampered with so the original is protected intact. This Transit event will last hours, so Mercury and Neptune have to be strong. It will take months and years, maybe a lifetime, to understand in fullness.

The June 16, 17 and 18 events are particularly important since the 16 and 18 events are at the 18th degree, the one that links Pluto at the Ecliptic and the Transit of Mercury. The Full Moon on the 17th at 25 Sagittarius also acts as a receptor.

The Oct 30, 2018 248 year Pluto at the Ecliptic is linked to the Transit of Mercury Eclipse by degree. The Transit of Mercury and Jupiter at the Galactic Center are only 8 days apart, Nov 11 and 19, 2019! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path and Mercury crosses the face of the Sun, both infused with the major Light, SOLAR light of our Solar system! Jupiter, Mercury’s ‘opposite’ planet (Mercury of Gemini opposite Jupiter of Sagittarius, now IN Sagittarius), is a BIG planet being infused with GALACTIC LIGHT – 200+ billions of Suns! Jupiter is a lucky charm that enhances where it is. We will feel fortunate and optimistic about what we receive. Jupiter will be wearing his regal cloak while we all make plans what to do!

Nov 11 Mercury is charged up, radiant with super information! It’s communication fibers have been seared clean, and are eminently more capable of pure transmission. Mercury speaks with power of the most important matters, is brilliant with more channels! It must be so, because it will also be the neighborhood channel of Jupiter’s galactic encounter! Jupiter will teach life changing insights of planetary importance far and wide. Perspectives will shift immensely. Mercury will step down some of the information to the average citizen. Did you hear about…..?! Data will be gathered to see how the citizens are taking it all, and that will be taken back to ‘Central’ to see what needs to be released next, to whom, and how. Ok, back to the beginning…

The Moon crosses the Galactic Center 12 to 13 times a year, the Sun once a year. Jupiter crosses it every 12 years while in its own sign Sagittarius, the host sign of the Galactic Center! Jupiter will get very close to it April 2019 when it goes stationary retrograde at 25 Sag, and then the doors are wide open at the exact conjunction about 7 AM Pacific November 19 2019 at 27 Sag 07!

Per the Cosmic Intelligence Agency (chuckle): The Galactic Center is the point around which our whole galaxy, The Milky Way turns. It was discovered in Feb 1974, fittingly with the [Moon’s] North Node at 27° Sagittarius and Saturn at the South Node. The Galactic Center moves like a fixed star at the rate of precession through the zodiac at 1° every 72 years, forward in the tropical zodiac (as the Aries point moves backward) and is currently [was] at 26°59′ Sagittarius. At this Center is a super massive black hole [4 light years wide], a galactic gravitational Center, a huge cosmic womb of sorts. What we know of black holes is that they are massive forces of energy sucking in everything around them, yet full of power, potential and creation. The core and key of the birth of the galaxy itself. It is as big as 4 million suns. It is 25,000 light years away. To give you an idea of how far away that is, Alpha Centauri our closest star is 4.3 light years away, with mega giant star Betelgeuse 642 light years away.

The 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic, and 2019’s Mercury across the face of the Sun – Transit of Mercury, are strictly local by comparison! Both are related to our one Sun, whereas the GC is the center of 200+ billions of star systems! Yet, by closeness of dates and degrees, the Transit of Mercury Nov 11, eleven, eleven, and Jupiter at the GC Nov 19 are very much related, virtually happening together! At the Transit, Jupiter is at 25 degrees Sag, less than two degrees of the GC conjunction. The Transit of Mercury Eclipse is closely linked with the Ecliptic event and the GC event! It is perhaps pivotal between them. It is the observer of the year following the Ecliptic event, transmits to the Sun and the Sun to him, then Jupiter is the go between of Earth and the Galaxy! Mercury is considered the neighborhood planet, where Jupiter, his ‘opposite’ planet, is the traveler spreading the good word far and wide, giving meaning to Mercury’s data and incorporating it in his big plans! This is a BIG party!

It feels like you have the whole Galaxy at your fingertips! You reach out so far you can forget where you came from! And it doesn’t matter. You just be the best you can be everywhere you are. The Galactic Center, GC, is a monumental point of infusion of collected Light of all the stars, not just our Galaxy but other star systems as well. Open your mind and Spirit as much as you possibly can. Don’t bother about articulating or judging it; absorb it. You can sort it out later. If you, as one person, want to be heard, when there are events at this point in the zodiac, be sure to vote! We are heard collectively. Humanity progresses as it can; joining up with the Galactic Beings can boost the process.

Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center Astrology Chart!
(The GC is right where Jupiter, the planet that looks like an open orange 4 is.)

2019 Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius 07 Astrology Chart!

The Jupiter/GC event is during Mercury in Scorpio Retrograde STATION! It ‘turns’ forward the NEXT DAY, Nov 20 at 11:12 AM Pacific! Retrograde Stations are an 8 day period ‘standing’ still, attuned, fully absorbing. It focuses, lets no motion distract it. There is a potent stillness, especially in ‘fixed’ sign Scorpio. Scorpio is perhaps the most deeply rooted and still of all the zodiac signs. They can be so still as to be not only invisible, but not be ‘felt’ when in that condition! They are 100% receptive. They don’t miss a thing and have tremendous capacity. Scorpio is a keen deep seeker, so every particle will be noticed and plumbed, anchored in their being. It’s purpose is to heal so we may have union. The Phoenix rises from the Kundalini of its own ashes, the fertilizer of the past. It rises, unfettered, to the occasion. That is intense to experience or witness. As this release is slowly happening while in station, Mercury will soon again be going forward, gathering momentum, releasing the secrets of its findings!

Trines can be like greased lightning! There won’t be any trouble with these transmissions! See all those blue lines?! There is a Grand Water Trine –  grand because a complete triangle is formed! We also have a super fire trine! Mercury in Scorpio is in the intuitive Grand Water Trine with Neptune in its own sign Pisces, the psychic of the Soul, the Sensitive, Dreamer. Mercury may try to analyze, can’t help it, but Neptune will keep the priority on the highest spiritual matters. They are accompanied by the Moon’s North Node seeking the best of the future in Moon’s own sign Cancer.

And who is in the fabulous Fire Trine?! JUPITER, a fire planet, the very planet of the Galactic Center! Venus is right near him, coming to give her blessing! And bountiful it is because she is in Sagittarius too! They are gold medal splendid together! Moon and Part of Fortune in Leo, sign of Love, Heart and solar Light, are trining them! Moon is happily center stage and applauding as well! She makes us feel how connected we all are, how generous we can be. We can get tears in our eyes. In her nurturing spirit she helps present the benefit event of all benefit events! There are none to compare! It may be melodramatic, but it only makes the point. Fire signs represent Spirit, inspiration, initiation, exuberance, leadership! Sag and Leo are both teaching signs. Perfect for the job ahead.

Yes, there are some challenges. The most organic is the classic male/female at odds Moon square Sun. Moon wants her way in Leo. Scorpio Sun says none of your business, and may be pressed to give Leo the support for the luxuries she knows she deserves. In the kindliest sense she may warm his heart, dote on him and he is secretly pleased, and melts a little bit. She needs to know not everything is about her. He cares so much. She sees him anonymously help others and respects him, is proud of him. In this case, they need to surrender selfishness and unspoken fears, to the greater Galactic business of Souls and the Planet. The Venus/Jupiter Moon/Part of Fortune fire trine will likely save the day!

Mars opposite Uranus could be a little kinky and hazardous. Mars in Scorp always thinks he has 9 lives, but why waste time in repeated recoveries of rocking the boat just a little too far? Enjoy the wild but stay steady with some down to earth friends. Listen to them.

The big challenge may involve Jupiter himself! He is out of sign square Chiron! They are coming to meet each other since Chiron is retrograde. Since Jupiter is at the end of Sag, and Chiron is at the beginning of Aries, they are both in fire signs at the time of the Galactic infusion. Later, Dec 8, when Jupiter is in Capricorn, it will square Chiron by signs that aren’t compatible. For now, Jupiter is maturing, enjoying his culmination in Sag. He’s happy to frolic with Chiron and is especially interested in new healing methods! Chiron is on hand for any help Jupiter may need. It’s not every day you have a Galactic encounter for real! Anything could happen! See more about the Dec 8 square.

So how long is Jupiter at the Galactic Center? Astrologers vary a lot in their rules about things like this. For such an exotic event they might allow a 1 degree before and after range. Since Jupiter is a slow moving outer planet, that would give it from Nov 14 to the 24th, 10 days. If a 5 degree range were allowed, the astrologer might allow 5 degrees ahead of the exact date and only, say, 3 degrees following, saying the energy would be dissipating after the exact event. That would then be Oct 25 to Dec 3, 39 days. Another astrologer might say that as soon as Jupiter changes signs Dec 2, that’s the end of it. But, as Mercury takes hours to cross the face of the Sun, how long might it take Jupiter to cross the Galactic Center so far, far away?! Is distance important to factor in? No. Pluto, our furthest most small planet, has tremendous potency many of us have lived! The Galactic Center itself moves only a degree every 72 years… I’m inclined to give it the 10 day timing that correlates with the Mercury 8 day station discussed above. But we are each so different in our ‘radar.’ When you feel it, is when it is true for you for sure, but we all know certain things come upon us so slowly we don’t realize it at first…give it some room, be open and alert.

The 2018 Pluto Ecliptic, the 2019 10 months of Jupiter/Saturn to Neptune combination, November’s Transit of Mercury and Jupiter at the Galactic Center are all bringing us up to speed for Saturn conjunct Pluto Jan 12, 2020 and The Crown Mar 21, 2020! It is a long and powerful sequence! Stay steady in the Light.

Those of you born Nov 17, 18, 19, 20 are potently connected with the Galactic Center by birthright, always tuned to its frequency. You are lifelong channels for the rest of us. Some of you are conscious of this connection, for others it is yet to be discovered. The rest of us, with chart factors at 26, 27 and 28 degrees of any sign, don’t forget your midpoints, are connected as well. We each receive, translate and disseminate information from the skills our own signs – all of us components of the whole cosmic web.

2019 Scorpio Full Beaver Moon As Above So Below Transit of Mercury

Around 7 AM Pacific the 19th, with firm stance, be a channel for these profound energies! Without judgement I ask you to engage, receive, anchor these energies in their purity. Blessed be.

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See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for the Planetary Patterns finishing the year! Check out the 2020 Special Edition!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Transit of Mercury 2006

The 2006 ECLIPSE as seen from Earth! Credit: ESA/NASA/SOHO

Oct 23 Note: As of Nov 4 Jupiter will be within 3° of the Galactic Center! We are most assuredly within hailing distance.

Sep 23 Equinox Note! How did this happen?! All of a sudden we are really close to the Transit of Mercury retrograde eclipse and its sister aspect Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! These are both important events, transmissions from our own Star, the Sun, and our entire Galaxy of stars!

Nov 11, 2019 the Retrograde Eclipse crosses the SUN, 7:21 AM Pacific at 18 Scorpio 55! Where it can be seen completely, it will be visible for 5.5 hours! See the AstroLogical Chart below!

The first ten months of 2019 Neptune has been being prepared for the sister events, the Transit of Mercury and Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! He has been activated SIX times, three by Jupiter’s challenging viewpoints. Neptune is stirred, no longer laying still. He may be on his feet like a Thich Nhat Hanh walking meditation or sitting in a dynamic meditation. For now he needs to be in a healthy awake, alert on duty condition. And there are three activations by Saturn, doing on-the-ground testing the principles Jupiter and Neptune have pondered, getting the kinks out to let it all flow smoothly. Neptune is a planet of being infinitely, delicately, richly sensitive, a giant receptor. In some ways it is indiscriminate and that is good when a transmission of this solar magnitude comes through. Neptune doesn’t block any part of it; it comes through whole. Mercury rules Gemini, information, data, and Virgo analysis. Neptune rules the sign opposite Virgo, Pisces. It’s important not to judge, or try to make order of it, but just see it as it is, an order we aren’t yet used to. It must be untampered with so the original is protected intact. This Transit event will last hours, so Mercury and Neptune have to be strong. It will take months and years, maybe a lifetime, to understand in fullness.

The June 16, 17 and 18 events are particularly important since the 16 and 18 events are at the 18th degree, the one that links Pluto at the Ecliptic and the Transit of Mercury. The Full Moon on the 17th at 25 Sagittarius also acts as a receptor.

Mercury will cross the Eclipse degree 3 times. It’s first pass is Oct 17, preparation and tune-up. Second is the Eclipse Nov 11. Last is Nov 30, making the best place for it in our lives. Retrograde means another look, a review, a turn around and seeing from another direction. In Scorpio important matters of relationships, finances, and health will all be revisited. This encounter with the Sun will bring hidden things to Light, unexpected sharing, a magnitude of attention.

The day after Full Beaver Moon Nov 12! The information received in the Transit of mercury is now being grounded and anchored by the in Taurus and given full perusal in Scorpio. It will then be used now through when Mercury’s sister aspect happens Nov 19, Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! The event is already strong with Jupiter only one degree away! It happens every 12 years, but not at the same time as the Transit of Mercury like this one!!!

In Horary Astrology, a planet, but especially Mercury, conjunct Sun, within 17 minutes, is called Cazimi. This is an exact Cazimi, an Eclipse! It is considered fortunate. Mercury is at the heart of the Sun, strengthened by the Solar union, reforged! I find people with Mercury conjunct Sun to be mental giants, have an extraordinary brilliance! They are inspired communicators, amazing researchers, express themselves with intense vitality! The Solar battery is ON! Yes, they at times get to a point of a standstill, the machinery reaches max saturation, and down they go for that nap or the night, fall asleep at the desk. Done. But the switch flips and they are at it again. Their mind can work on long after the body quits. If you love someone like this, kindly put food and water in their way. They may take it in absentmindedly as their mind is so focused on the important matter at hand!

The last Transit of Mercury was May 9, 2016 in fixed sign TaurusSee about it! It was at 19 Taurus 25 retrograde. This one is just minutes opposite at 18 Scorpio 55, almost 19 degrees. Again, old Horary science comes into play. What about that 19 degrees?! 19 Scorpio was called the ‘dread degree’ of the entire zodiac! Many are born on 19 Scorpio and do fine. Clearly there are not terrible world traumatizing events that day every year. Yet, there are times, and for some people, it indicates severe challenge, possibly lifelong. One 19 Scorpio Moon woman never knew her mother, was in 13 foster homes and known for her volatile emotions. Events may be defined quite differently. Is it carnage or should we call it regeneration? Shall we hire the wrecking crew for things that completed their usefulness, clear the path for repurposing? Taurus is a sign of fertility and growth, and Scorpio is known for healing and regeneration! Both are known for strength – one for the power of life, the other for the power of rebirth. Taurus says mine; Scorpio says ours. They can strongly clash neither giving an inch, yet often, with help of a third party, make peace and work powerfully together for common cause.

In the Ecliptic chart, the Moon is in fixed sign Taurus this time, the sign the Transit was in last time. It just passed over Uranus, the electrical spark of Life! Uranus is the holder of the Akashic Records, the records of the soul. In Taurus it has the will to survive, to be centered, alive and in harmony with Mother Earth, anchored in Peace. There is a deep sense of calm, a kind of trust in what is most organic in us. Our values for preservation are foremost. Climate change is holding a strong place in us. Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s own sign, plus Mars in Libra sextiling Jupiter, suggest we have a lot to learn, a lot of connections to be made, a long journey ahead, many successes along the way. Many special cross cultural relationships will be formed, profound exchanges will be shared.

This conjunction, TRANSIT, is powerfully in fixed sign Scorpio of the dark, a keen observer who puts things together behind the scenes. Who honors you with complete confidentiality about personal matters – love life, finances, health. Who heals you at deeper levels, the levels of causality rather than a quick fix of symptoms…that will come back if the core isn’t healed.

Being an underworld sign, Scorpio is at odds with the Sun, the brightest Light there is. Better be clean, able to be illuminated and scanned by this bright Soul Scope. It’s like an x-ray by the Sun, your bones appear as shadows. Nothing escapes. If you pass the test, and it is only you that knows if you did, even if you are in denial, the Light of this magnitude shows truth that can’t be ignored. You get the glimpse and it haunts you until you fix it. It’s not just the client/patient that is getting the scan, but the healer and the link between you too! Honoring yourself and your various healers, and they you, is part of the scenario.

Since it is with Mercury, it is what we think (unspoken), what we say, how we say it, when, to whom, how we listen. Mercury is quick on its feet, able to make light of things, dodge bullets, but the Truth is still the Truth, real and part of us. It mulls it over, thinks and thinks about it until things settle down, and eventually, we relax, relent, accept. Good or bad, there’s a peace. At last we can get to work. Another level is now available.

The Sun sees what we thought were all our little secrets. And suddenly many of them don’t feel so important anymore. There comes a balance between our individual being and our purpose here in this Life, our place among our fellows. Personal wellbeing with our special idiosyncrasies makes us able to tackle some of the greater issues of Humanity. Scorpio can flick out intense ideas right between our eyes! In this case our mental Kundalini will be raised. Scorpio can take on some of the most uncomfortable things and people will listen. We all share basic fears, are grateful to be appreciated and heard kindly in our greatest sorrow, pains, and glory! The Sun Lights up these places we feared were too hidden, too awful or embarrassing to say out loud, yet here we are telling our story. Finally. It’s a great release. Healers are cured by the ones they help. They say we do what we need to learn.

Mercury in Scorpio is awesome! Here’s little Mercury out there talking to Sun! Well, he is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun anyway, used to being Sun’s companion and messenger. They know each other quite well. But we don’t really think of it as an exchange, yet it is. The Sun burns away the dross. Scorpio gets obsessed and a little dirt collects around him while he is focused elsewhere. Well that needs to be offloaded and the weary thoughts of over thinking let go. The channels get clogged and need to be cleared.

Then, Mercury makes more sense and responses are quicker, more clear to hear. Sun can’t help being his big Self, but we all gotta listen to our constituents. Mercury is the Scorpio rep this time! In exchange the Word of the Sun, the Heart of Light, goes out to all those people through his Mercury conduit. The conjunction is at 18 Scorpio 55, so those of us with factors in our charts at 15 to 21 will be activated. If you have factors in Scorpio at those degrees, it could be particularly intense. It won’t be just this Transit, but it will bring back memories of the May 9, 2016 Transit as well! Mercury is an air planet. You can bet it will be waffling about in your space. A feather touch here, a glimpse through the veils of time, minds touching, thinking together as One. Possibly there is a sense of urgency. Scorpio ever calls for amending, the longer vision, the seriousness of Life. It understands consequences as well as excellence.

Mercury is Retrograde again, as it was in 2016. There is unfinished business. People we need to reconnect with. Reevaluate, repair our status, have remorse and empathy for, forgive ourselves. There are reasons why they are no longer in our lives, but we may have forgotten and need to remember the lesson. We can be kinder but not need to be with them. Or we need to ‘pass them on,’ help them get to the next level with someone able to help them with their current needs that we can’t help with. Let go and go on.

Though the mythological Mercury is a man, Mercury is considered an asexual neutral planet, servant and messenger of the Gods, as such, simply a logical Vulcan-like channel. It is at times more interested in the function of gathering and transmitting information than the information itself. Each of us will put the spin of our own chart filter on the information we receive, yet try to keep your transmission of what you receive as neutral as possible. Go for the clean abiding principles rather than judgements of it. Since Mercury is of Gemini the Twins, think of it as our masculine Solar twin being seamlessly in Union with our Earthly feminine mind. When we are at One, there are no misunderstandings, no omits. We are complete, the merger Divine.

Children born on this day during the Eclipse will have magical Solar linkage called Cazimi. Their birthdays will hold a meaningful part of our lives. In old horary astrology, when Mercury conjuncts the Sun exactly like this, it was considered unfortunate, burned out, combust. But I am with David Coleman’s camp. For your perspective, he explains it this way:

  • Cazimi, [within 0° 17′ of the Sun] then, leads to the most enchanted state wherein the essential meaning of the planet becomes truly inseparable from our spirit. A Cazimi Venus, for example, could easily be a nymphomaniac or ‘sex addict’, for example. It could also be a person with near supernatural charm, grace or insight into the world of feelings.
  • Under the sunbeams a planet [8° to 17° of the Sun] is warmed and vitalised and somewhat or completely invisible, meaning it is commanding and infused with our inner light but somehow ‘on the fringes’, lacking in conventional status. It becomes ethereal, alluring, unusual and dreamy
  • Combust planets [8° of the Sun] are unorthodox and often willfully defy external direction because they are confident in their own inner unique grasp of the planets essential meaning. They are either aloof from or disinterested in the material agenda of the planet concerned but will still display its power radiantly and forcefully but somewhat enigmatically and individually.

Short answer from another point of view: when a planet becomes non-visible because of the Sun’s light it becomes less physical and more astral in focus.

Since Cazimi is within all three of these definitions, I say ALL apply! Look at your own chart to see if you are in any of these categories and if, how you think they apply.

Expect these Cazimi children to have extraordinary things to say, an exceptionally clever mind in some way, some form of remarkable dexterity, an unusual voice, a way of speaking about a special talent that holds our attention even when it’s not our subject! In certain topics they will be intelligent ahead of their age expectancy, and will surpass common thinking.

Maybe you can tell by the chart below there is about to be a Full Moon, in fact, the very next day! It’s the Frosty Full Moon spanning Taurus/Scorpio. Our arms are open wide, fully extended, receiving and sending. Moon is Mother guardian, in Taurus is for grounding. Scorpio stores the winter foods. Scorpio intuitively knows things of importance, protects them until Taurus can secure the gold bricks in the stout counting house.Chart We may not understand it fully yet, but instinct draws us to hold safe space for it.

2019 Transit of Mercury Astrology Chart

2019 Transit of Mercury Astrology Chart

Pluto at the Ecliptic and the Transit are linked by degrees, the Sun, and both happen in Scorpio, Pluto’s sign!

Not only is this Transit of Mercury important for its own sake, but it is the MESSENGER FOR WHEN PLUTO WAS CONJUNCT THE ECLIPTIC!!! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path. That event was Oct 30, 2018 at 18 Capricorn 58. This one at 18 Scorpio 56 is only 2″ (minutes) from an exact sextile!!! The main commonality is both are related to the Sun and the Sun is in SCORPIO for both! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s Path through the heavens. The Transit of Mercury is when Mercury crosses the Sun! Mercury observed that 2018 event and in 2019 is at a maximum position to express Sun’s intention as purely as possible.

Sextiles have special energy as communicators! Exactly what it takes to do this job. The planets are linked in mixed compatible elements, in this case Pluto in Capricorn Earth then Mercury in Scorpio Water. Pluto in Capricorn is a powerful position. It has to do with money, funding, and people in charge of operations. It is healing and elders. It is cleansing and right timing. Relationships that have eternal meaning. It’s the Phoenix that rises from its own ashes in league with the Great Builder.

Truly, Mercury has important things to think about, communicate about, to translate and transfer point to point. Mercury is in Scorpio, PLUTO’S sign, keenly alert to what this all deeply means, and will carefully place the insights with people most capable of carrying the best forward! He will be quite discreet as revelations happen. Having just been with the Sun, the Light of all our Lights, his potency will be recognized and he will be listened to. Scorpios don’t waste time with idle chatter.

If your chart is activated by Pluto at the Ecliptic, it will also be activated by the Transit of Mercury! Imagine the power of children born during these events! They, we, are Messengers of the Light.

The exact conjunction is Nov 11, eleven eleven! That is a numerological pair of double numbers, considered master numbers. The number One represents leadership, inspiration, new beginnings, Initiation. In Scorpio that would mean starting over, revision or renewing a connection or contract of partnership. There is a knowing that two can do what one alone can’t do by themselves. Two Ones, standing together add to Two, a solidarity, like the second sign Taurus.

The exact time is 7:21 AM Pacific, just after Sunrise! We on the US west coast will be able to see it happening. The Sun is a big place, so it starts at Sunrise in Santa Barbara CA, 7:20 AM! For others it could be seen as long as 5 1/2 hours! It’s recommended to go to a high place, and TAKE YOUR ECLIPSE GLASSES!!!! The full transit period ends at 10:03 AM Pacific. Watch for the black drop effect, an optical illusion seemingly connecting Mercury’s disc to the Sun’s edge! It’s 100% done at 10:04 AM. Check out Dominic Ford’s simulation of how Mercury crosses the Sun at your location!

VISIBILITY! It is visible—weather permitting—for at least several hours in most of the world – US, South America, Africa, and Europe. You can see it as a tiny black dot silhouetted against the Sun’s disk. Find out if an astronomy group is setting up near you. Get tickets to the observatory! Find your favorite live stream channel! Find or get your viewing glasses now and put them in a place where you can easily find them! Clean up your old telescope. For viewing times at your location, click here at Time & Date! Enter your location.

On the average, there are only 13 Transits of Mercury each century. The next will be 2032.

Be present as you can. It’s a Monday. Take the day off? Give gratitude, pray for guidance, healing for all, that you may be a clear transmitter. Be still and receive. Give thanks. If you can, write down or record your thoughts, request they be anchored in your Spirit. Share any message you feel you can. Remember, we are in this together, many Souls receiving. You may have a piece that needs to be coordinated with one or more others to gain full understanding and expression of the message to others. Thank you. Blessed be.

This is a profound exchange of information between us and the Heart of Light! Each person is linked to this chart in their own way, or not at all, though that isn’t likely since the many factors involved are across so many degrees. Each of us has a part in some way. Thank you for you and your part.

And this isn’t all. Nov 19 Jupiter, in his own sign Sagittarius, is conjunct the GALACTIC CENTER! For such long term events, these sister aspects, Transit and Jupiter at the Galactic Center, so few days apart, are virtually happening together! Please see about Jupiter at the Galactic Center!

Famous People Born On November 11th
  • Environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio, 44. (Actor, Film Producer)
  • Demi Moore, 56. (American actress)

Famous People Born On November 19th

  • Jodie Foster, 56. (Actress & Director)
  • Meg Ryan, 57.

Steady in the Light Forever!

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See the 
2019 Annual Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Gemini 2017 Celestial HighLights

Gemini Spreads the Light through the Word!


Happy Birthdays, Geminis!

Gemini rising Frenchman Marcel Marceau was perhaps the greatest mime, the Master of Face, performed professionally worldwide for over 60 years. He let his body talk, referring to mime as the "art of silence." 

Gemini rising Frenchman Marcel Marceau was perhaps the greatest mime, the Master of Face, performed professionally worldwide for over 60 years. He let his body talk, referring to mime as the “art of silence.”

An actor is a mime/mimic who talks! Silent film comedians like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, and Buster Keaton learned the craft of mime in the theatre, but through film, they have had a profound influence on mimes working in live theatre decades after their deaths. Indeed, Chaplin may be the best-documented mime in history. He had Neptune conjunct Pluto in Gemini.

Lucille Ball was 100% expression! If her words didn’t get you, her expressions did! As one person said ‘She was naturally gifted with comic timing and fearless self expression.’ She had no problem to mime Charlie Chaplin miming! Mercury, the Gemini planet, grand trined her Moon in Capricorn/Mars in Taurus. Mercury quintiled, 71 degrees – 1/5 of a circle, her Pluto in GEMINI! She was truly gifted in communications, charismatic!

Robin Williams mimed in New York City’s Central Park, and while studying at Juilliard. He worked outside The Museum of Modern Art for some extra cash! He could say so much without saying a word! What an expressive human being! His Mercury, the planet of Gemini was exactly at the apex of his chart.

Mimic, mime, is a form of twinism.

As I have scanned through some other famous mimes, Pisces and Scorpio and their planets Neptune and Pluto come up strongly. Pisces/Neptune is the ability to flow, become one with another. Just like the Pisces fishes are bound as one, reflecting each other, they are like the twins of Gemini bound in their genetics. They are the ultimate empath signs, the first and last mutable signs. Scorpio/Pluto have the utmost capacity for silence, ninjas. Their silence removes a distracting layer. Rather than hearing, we are reduced to and focused only on seeing. It intensifies that connection. They can instantly cut to the core, see us deep. Though they are not speaking, they have our full attention, magical hypnotism!

Blessings to all who show us your face that we may see ours!

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Gemini 2017 – 2018 Celestial Highlights!

The Moon conjuncts Jupiter exactly on June 3 at 6:44 PM Pacific! It will be beautiful that evening! See them and Corvus, the Crow, just below them.

The Moon conjuncts Jupiter exactly on June 3 at 6:44 PM Pacific! It will be beautiful that evening! See them and Corvus, the Crow, just below them.

Bruce McClure at EarthSky says ‘the waning gibbous moon passes 2o north of the planet Jupiter, the brightest starlike object in the evening sky. What a sight! The moon and Jupiter pop out first thing at dusk, and they’ll be fun to spot in the darkening sky. A bright star nearby, Spica in the constellation Virgo, will come into view to the east of the moon and Jupiter as night deepens.

There’s no way to mistake Spica for Jupiter – or vice versa. Jupiter is by far the brighter object. That’s not to say that Jupiter is the more luminous of these two celestial lights. It’s not. Jupiter, being a relatively close planet, shines because it reflects the light of the sun.

Spica is a distant star, or actually two stars in one. Spica, which shines by its own light, is vastly more intrinsically luminous than Jupiter. It’s just much, much farther away. If Spica were at the sun’s distance from Earth, it’d visually be 1,900 times brighter than our sun. Or, another way of putting it, the sun at Spica’s distance of 250 light-years would appear 1/1,900th as bright as Spica. You’d definitely need an optical aid to see our sun this far away.

By Sunday night, June 4, you’ll see the moon has moved closer to Spica on the sky’s dome.’

Thank you to Bruce McClure and EarthSky.org!

Don’t forget to make special arrangements for viewing the August 21 Eclipse!

Gemini 2017 TimeLine!

October 23 2016 started a whole new round of SIX aspects through Dec 31 that are the primary aspects of 2017! We have had Jupiter inconjunct Neptune, Jupiter square Pluto ThanksGiving Day, Nov 24! The ‘Holiday Four, plus the very close Jupiter sextile Saturn, happened the last 8 days of 2016.

The first outer planets aspect of 2017, the Valentine’s Day Jupiter inconjunct Chiron, started the 2017 retrograde set of the SIX aspects in reverse order through May 18. Taurus has the last three of this reverse set, the April 30 Saturn square Chiron, and the last two back to back, Jupiter inconjunct Neptune station May 17 to July 4, and Saturn trine Uranus! The final set of six starts July 4 in forward order, finishing 11/11!

Gemini 2017 has no new outer planet aspect combinations. Rather, in the Jupiter inconjunct Neptune station, for 48 days, we stay in contemplation, a continuous exploration of myths and miracles! We take steps off the main course, venturing into the relativity of causation – how we were created, how we ourselves are the cause of our future. Walking through the invisible veils that once held us, becomes a way of life. We are always fresh, know the perfect vantage point for clear vision.

Jupiter will be in Libra until Oct 10, 2017.
Saturn will be in Sagittarius until Dec 19, 2017.

May   20XHappy Gemini!
xx xx 
21XJupiter inconjunt Neptune continuously in 1 Degree station until it’s last exact aspect July 4, still quite close at the July 8 Full Buck Moon!
                Mercury finishes entire Retrograde cycle
xx xx 25  New SuperMoon
    9  Full Strawberry – Rose Moon
xx xx 18  Happy Father’s Day!
xxxxx20   Happy Cancer and Summer Solstice!

Aug21 Total Solar Eclipse in the US!

Continuing abiding Aspect: Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background…. More

Outer Planet Transit Aspects with Gemini 2017 –  June 2018!

Samsung Galaxy X will have a foldable technology as edge technology is finished now. It will be the most exciting smartphone for 2017.

Samsung Galaxy X will have foldable technology – The latest rumors suggest we might see a Galaxy X prototype this year, but may not see the final phone until 2019.

Four outer planets, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter, are changing signs in Gemini’s year to come. What we do now will be backdrop and foundation for our future moves. Stay tuned in! 

Pluto in Capricorn reaches the beginning of the last third of Capricorn May 2018 moving from 16 to 21 degrees. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile sign, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! They are intrigued by this Gemini with all their questions and ideas. Gemini can be impressively intelligent, quick, fearless and clever. In league with Pluto, they can spot flaws in the system. Gemini is ideal for darting in for investigative research or reporting. Give them a wide range or they will be off to more interesting projects.

Neptune is in its own sign, moves from 11 to 16 Pisces. It is a water Planet in the last water sign seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors between 11 and 16 degrees will be activated with this pure energy. Neptune blurs and blends while Gemini makes a clean sharp focus, brightens the colors! They both use images, Neptune adds the music. What Gemini might miss with his visual ability and fast thinking, Neptune will relax to a deeper keen listening, an empathic talent, that finds subsurface or more remote knowledge. Gemini might feel out to sea, but it’s only another facet of mind to experiment with.

Uranus covers 24 Aries to 0 Taurus! Uranus enters Taurus May 15, 2018! Those of you with factors in these last degrees will be accomplishing the last year of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future that Taurus will build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network, cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, effortlessly carried on.

Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is a automatic. In Aries, the First of everything, it is kin to Aquarius the Awakener! Aquarius is way ahead of its time; Aries is the first to DO it! Gemini is delighted by this impetuous wild card player! They have met their match and then some! No boredom with this combination! Fire and electricity make the world go around, and Gemini is collecting mega data to feed the Team! The Team helps them stand back to see the great panorama of humanity before them, to see collective shifts right before their eyes! Gemini’s work has taken on so much more meaning! Extraordinary friendships will kindle amazing new interests.

When Uranus gets into Taurus it’s going to be quite different for you Geminis. There will be a slowing, a stabilizing. Ideas will be more solid, strengthened. Weak spots will be more finely calibrated, balanced, recharged. Your life may seem less complicated and maybe that brings you relaxation, time to observe what has become and needs steady tending. Since you were part creator, you won’t mind. It’s a time to treasure what you have done. Tai Chi might become part of your life, or you find a superb acupuncturist! Mind and fingers and touch. A loyal unity. Uranus will be in Taurus through April 2026, activating your chart in various ways, bit by bit, as it goes through the degrees.

Chiron, like Neptune is also in Pisces, covers 24 Pisces to 2 Aries, entering Aries April 17 2018! Chiron will conjunct any factors you have in those degrees. If you have Chiron in those degrees, you will be having your Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces, and the head and eyes when in Aries. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business.

Chiron the Healer is fluid in Pisces, takes only a moment to assess a situation. Chiron sees Gemini is a quick learner, and in Pisces, Chiron knows what to offer when. Gemini has a voluble, versatile, distractible mind. You have to speak quickly and be in sync, and it’s good if it’s something your Gemini hasn’t heard before! Be ready to let then know succinctly why it is important, and have your next points ready to go in a sequence that makes sense. That can be a little difficult if Pisces is in the dreamy mode, or a piece of cake to Pisces the ultimate sign of making intuitive insightful adjustments, mind melding! Healing may occur for Geminis when Chiron sees errors in the way their mind works, patterns of thinking that don’t work, or their mind gets so busy they miss the big picture or have a hard time listening. That could be difficult for both of you at first, but you Geminis take it easy. It can be to your great advantage to develop more communications skills.

When Chiron goes into Aries for 9 years. through 2027, it will speed up healing at an enormous rate! We will process many challenges with unproven but successful results. Yes, there will be some rash attempts, but quickly remedied as the leaders push on. In some ways it will be like a renaissance! Aries will be more at Gemini’s pace and Gemini loves fresh and bright! Geminis may find themselves writing inspiring health articles, about new business ventures or successful athletes and heroes, riding their bike to work!

Saturn builds from 21 Sagittarius to 9 Capricorn now through June 2018. Saturn goes into his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017!

In Sagittarius Saturn is opposite Gemini. You may find your travel budget lacking for the time being, or may find perfect low budget opportunities! Travelers may try to take over, or you may sell your business for a profit. Education may need to wait, but is still a good investment as soon as possible. Saturn has some realistic proposals that may help you focus and save time. The plans look well founded. Time and costs need working out. Perhaps there’s a need to reign in diversifying for awhile. Instead, give the most attention to your best seller, concentrate on what gives the best return per expenses. Reach across the table for the excellent advice of mentors. Gather your data for publishing later. See an editor and line up an attorney who specializes in what you do!

Saturn Returns, every 28 to 29 years, can make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! If you are on your first Return, you may be having substantial career success, marry, have your first child, buy a home! If you are on your second Return, about age 58, you may be thinking of retirement plans, be called to take care of aging parents. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from experienced experts may be just what you need.

Those with Saturn 21 to 29 degree Sagittarius will be having their Sagittarian Saturn Returns. Sagittarians are seers, looking across the mountains, over the rainbow, keenly to the arrow’s target far, far away. Saturn knows so much is doable. One step, one board, a brick at a time, the framework will go up. Sagittarius will have their learning place, teaching hope itself. They are optimistic and faithful to the cause. When that one is built, on to the next!

When Saturn goes into his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017, many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing when you get work that suits you better or you start your own business! Gemini businesses may be any kinds of communications, consulting – think tanks, working with your hands, medical specialties involving the lungs/airways/nose – shoulders, looking younger! Saturn will want adjustments – more precision, science based techniques, attention to critical timing, sometimes working with elders, laws. Fathers and bosses likely will make more demands, you feel your age. Saturn offers tips for more efficiency, production increases! Saturn will be in Capricorn until Dec 2020.

Those of you with Saturn 0 to 9 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns! There will be more traditional endeavors. Take good care of yourself, keep your networks alive. Housing, parenting, care of elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age may become a factor, retirement. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have! It’s a time to honor, be honored!

Jupiter moves from 13 Libra to 23 Scorpio, entering Scorpio Oct 10.

Jupiter in Libra is a volatile Fire and Air combination, loves to carry on getting to know you. Gemini another air sign, loves greeting all the people, is excited about all kinds of art, wants to make a portfolio! Poetry, news blogs, marketing advertising are encouraged by Jupiter who wants to get the word out as far as possible, recruit new links, have many stations! Gemini, a diversity specialist, is quite willing to be a go between between go betweens! Jupiter sees a greater picture, and Libra is quite worldly compared to Gemini of siblings and neighbors, so the new dimension is to see the brothers and sisters of the world! As twins, they are psychic, quick to pick up on how we are more alike than different! There will be lots of questions with new answers!

Jupiter in Scorpio tweaks Gemini from off center opposite. Jupiter still wants all those communications, education/teaching type things to come true. In Scorpio the emphasis becomes funding, healing, deeper relationships. Gemini may be thrown off stride as requests are make to back up what they say, record their source, meet deadlines. Jupiter may ask for more material, and Scorpio can be extreme, intense, even asking for a journalistic approach that could have dangerous consequences. Gemini is the sign of breathing, and may not take that job! Jupiter wants total well being, and Scorpio is ever the healer. If you have been neglecting your state of mind, now might be the perfect time to see the therapist. Clean up is good. Someone may come along who loves you more than you ever knew was possible. If Gemini feels loved too much, they feel the loss of a substantial amount of their freedom, they may be blessed to see how love can be, but pass on this particular style.

If your Jupiter is in these Libra or Scorpio degrees, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 12 years. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it wildly abundant! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and marriages are quite possible.

Here’s the coming Outer Planet Sign Changes Timetable:


Oct 10  Jupiter from Libra to Scorpio
Dec 19 Saturn from Sagittarius to Capricorn!


Apr 17 Chiron from Pisces to Aries
May 15 Uranus from Aries to Taurus

Happy Birthdays, Geminis!


Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you…. 

See the entire Gemini 2017 Newsletter!

See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns! Make your changes count.

Make your changes count.   

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Gemini Spreads the Light through the Word!

Gemini Planets Hawaiian Tapestry Jay Wilson

Hawaiian Tapestry by artist and architectural designer, Jay Wilson – Mercury, Moon & Uranus in Gemini. Take some time out to reflect on the rich and royal tapestry of your life. Photo credit: Daniel Ramirez

Gemini is an intricate sign of many dimensions, natural geometry, a galaxy of colors, the ultimate mindfulness, magical intelligence! Gemini’s are not just twins, they are the Magicians of Diversity! Mimic and mime, the multiplicity of becoming one with another, and another and another. Shifting quicksilver sands, breezes wafting an effervescent mind. They are not just male or female, but androgynous. They are often ambidextrous. Because their approach to life is so unusual, they make surprising connections in fractions of a second! They ride the kaleidoscope of life!

Their treasure of communication lights our hearts! It can be through speaking and listening. It can be a kind touch of healing – hugs or holding hands a transference of pure energy. It can be a shared breath. A common thought when we each say the same thing at the same time. Can you imagine being a twin? What it would be like seeing your own face looking back at you? What if you were suddenly a twin, right now?! Would it be mimic and mime, or a automatically genuine rapport beyond words? How would it feel to see things mirrored about yourself that you might not like? What if you both fall in love with the same person?

Supreme communication can be a blessing, a communion. Admiration, appreciation. Reverence. A swearing in, a diploma on parchment. A book that expresses feelings so real we forget we are reading because we become one with it, sharing another Soul’s gift of perception. Awe at the recognition of beauty – art treasures, the unbearable beauty of a baby, another person, a pet, their givingness. Amazement that takes our breath away! A proposal, commitment of marriage or devotion.

Gemini uses the daily breath to wish each other well, sharing getting off to work and school. Don’t forget your lunch, Honey, see you later. With couples it is the ‘I love you’ that makes a difference in our hearts.

Gemini holds the voice of the sacred prayer for safety, good health and healing. It is the words through the Dream Catcher that carry our hopes on the breezes of Spirit. It’s the call to attention to the important things in life, always and everywhere. Gemini gathers the voices and gains a higher perspective. Many voices in consensus have greater power through unity.

Gemini spreads the Light through the word. It goes out across the world and back again enriched and transformed. It shares the goodness we find. Chapter by chapter it tells our story. Information is the sacred tapestry, woven by the village, all connected. It represents and links the cultures of all beings, Humanity.

Gemini spreads the Light through the word. It’s not what you say, but how and when you say it. It’s a Gift we give each other. Whether you need to tell someone something good about them, or stand kindly for the Truth, never neglect to speak your heart in a good way. Make that phone call.

Deep breath. Be still. Listen with your heart….

The lyrics of the opening verse of ‘Tapestry’ by Carole King. Ms King has Jupiter in Gemini and Gemini’s planet Mercury in the same degree as her Sun!

My life has been a tapestry
Of rich and royal hue;
An everlasting vision
Of the ever-changing view;
A wond’rous woven magic
In bits of blue and gold;
A tapestry to feel and see;
Impossible to hold.

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Happy Birthdays, Geminis!


Bhastrika Pranayama, Bellows breath increases prana or life force in your being. It helps energise the body, clarify the mind and can fire your metabolism.

Bhastrika Pranayama, Bellows breath increases prana or life force in your being. It helps energize the body, clarify the mind and can fire your metabolism.

Gemini Breath is the sacred Bridge that connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts!

~  paraphrased from Thich Nhat Hanh’s quote



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In view of the current Uranus, planet of Freedom, in Aries, square with Pluto in Capricorn, I choose this talk if you would like to hear him.

Thich Nhat Hanh is now in hospital. The Sisters ask that you sit, peacefully for Thay, as they are doing, and send him your love. Also, that you might like to chant for him (you could do it along with the monks and nuns) this Avalokiteshvara Chant: The clip is 3 minutes long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNfaXNGJiUc. He was said to be in a coma/unconscious state, but a later post says he is responsive! Please see more details and future announcements at www.plumvillage.org

He was born October 11, 1926 in Tha Tien, Quang Ngai province, Vietnam. Now 88 years, he became a Buddhist monk at 16. Saturn in Scorpio, a planet and sign of endings and healings combination, is just past its third return in his chart. 8 is the number of Scorpio, 88 is a Master number. He has served an honorable lifetime, healing, changing, teaching, guiding, mastering how to be a Master.

Thay, as he is affectionately called, has his Moon in Sagittarius I believe. It could be in Scorpio, but Sag fits him. He is a teacher, a traveler, spiritualist. We think of the Moon as a place we have come from in past lives, an accumulation of talent per the sign it is in. He is an adept. The moon shows what our home is like and where it is. His is far from where he was born, now at Plum Village in France, a teaching community he founded.

His Sun is Libra, seeking a balance of cultures, beings, within oneself. His Venus is there too, looking for grace in all places, beauty in all souls, sweetness, kindness.

We don’t know his Ascendant or which houses his planets are in because his birth time is unknown.

Jupiter in Aquarius indicates his world travel, the sharing of wisdom planet wide. It points to the wide range of his thinking. Personally I enjoy his walking meditation concept since in time it became difficult for me to sit. Jupiter in Aquarius trine (the most favorable aspect) his Sun also shows his fame.

Mercury in Scorpio shows a depth of thought beyond average, acute perception. His Mercury is opposite Chiron in Taurus, wounded healer teacher. He requests mindfulness, unstinting awareness that results in seeing one’s own and the needs of others in context of each other.

Mars is in Taurus, a combination of being Steady in the Light, continued good works, divine patience, a strength beyond what is expected, peace in motion. It is square Jupiter, simplicity taking on Goliath, the glorified perversities of a commercial world. Maybe he doesn’t enjoy flying. Powerfully, it sextiles Pluto in Cancer, the planet of finances, the deepest relationships of all, in the sign of nurturing unconditionally. Plum Village has been internationally funded, giving shelter, safety, solitude, to people from all over the world.

Saturn trines Uranus in Pisces and squares the ruler of Pisces, Neptune. He has the support of so many people and challenges the world’s spiritualism. A small nonthreatening man, but powerful nonetheless. It is not always easy for him seeing the blind cruelties that exist. He takes on mere mortal complacency.

1.22.2022 Note: In these years since I wrote this, I have come to use the Fixed Stars more. Thích Nhất Hạnh has many connections with them, including Grand Trine of his natal Sun in Libra, Jupiter in Aquarius with Rigel, of constellation Orion, in Gemini! Three planets connect with Algol and Procyon. His Pluto conjuncts, Sirius the brightest star, and Canopus and is opposite Vega! Saturn, the work of the Soul, connects with five! Pollux, Spica, Arcturus, Procyon and Algol! That is a lot, many in powerful aspects, and there are more! If you are a Fixed Star follower, I highly recommend Jamie’s interpretation, information, connections of the stars in famous people’s and in event charts. Astrology King Just click on the star that is of interest to you.

With love, we always learn from the charts of others, especially those whose lives are documented. May you be inspired.

Sagittarius Oct 11, 1926 Thich Nhat Hahn, Spiritual Master

We salute you, bow in Spirit, thank you for your service on this planet, Thich Nhat Hanh. Please hold him peacefully in your good thoughts.

1.22.22 Thay waited until now. Take a few moments…
1.22.2022 Thích Nhất Hạnh has passed
The International Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism announces that our beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh has passed away peacefully at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế, Vietnam, at 00:00 hrs on 22nd January, 2022, at the age of 95. We invite our global spiritual family to take a few moments to be still, to come back to our mindful breathing, as we together hold Thay in our hearts in peace and loving gratitude for all he has offered the world.
More official news will be coming shortly.
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So many touching and admiring words about him across the web. Well loved. Engaged Buddhism. Softly spoken wisdom. Peace activist against Vietnam war.  He worked with Martin Luther King, who nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. So many life changing experiences shared due to Thay’s insights.

Thay: A Vietnamese term (thầy) for “teacher” often applied to Thích Nhất Hạnh (born 1926), Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist.

Here are his Birth chart (time unknown, so 0 Aries Ascendant selected) and the astrology chart of his passing…  For your convenience I lay these charts above and below each other.


Sagittarius Oct 11, 1926 Thich Nhat Hahn, Spiritual Master

Astrology Chart Aquarius 1.22.2022 Thich Nhat Hanh Passing
Commenter LJ below put Thay’s quote in his Father’s obituary in 2014:

This body is not me. I am not limited by this body. I am life without boundaries. I have never been born, and I have never died. Look at the ocean and the sky filled with stars, manifestations from my wondrous true mind. Since before time, I have been free. Birth and death are only doors through which we pass, sacred thresholds on our journey. Birth and death are a game of hide- and seek. So laugh with me, hold my hand, let us say good-bye, say good-bye, to meet again soon. We meet today. We will meet again tomorrow. We will meet at the source every moment. We meet each other in all forms of life.

With deep Gratitude, Bless his holy Soul…

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This is the Full Moon of the Buddha celebrated worldwide.  The Buddha is thought to actually come to Earth in a Himalayan valley. Sitting as the Buddha, being grounded and centered, feeling completely aware of everything/nothing, having gentle compassionate wisdom, total peace, are what we seek. With two outer planets, Jupiter and Uranus, still in Aries, it might be more like Thich Nhat Hanh’s walking meditation, riding your bike long distance in the Zen of the flow.  But at the time of the Full Moon, there are FOUR planets in early Taurus, a stellium, starting with Venus, Taurus’s own planet, Mercury, then Mars, all three closely together in conjunction.  The Sun is last, at the end of Taurus.  Mars, Venus and Mercury are the planets associated with the first three signs of the zodiac, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, as if in summary of the three sacred festivals of the first three Full Moons of the year, Aries The Christ – Love, Taurus The Buddha – Wisdom, Gemini Humanity – The Word! 

Taurus sits on the rock, walks in focused prayer and silence stopping to listen, touch the trees, tip and sniff the flower now and then.  It is one with Nature, loves the touch of all its textures.  Barefoot on soil presses minute particle to particle, draining away hysterical fear, replacing it with a neutrality from the soil that allows you to be free to see simplicity.  A Tao Te Ching phrase that has been with me a long time is ‘Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Till right action arises by itself?’ 

Scorpio Moon?  Taurus is mine.  Scorpio is ours.  Sharing.  Mutual funds.  A gathering of resources from the deepest realms.  The Native American Underworld where power is sought, faced alone, Spirit your only Ally, imbued with a Sacred Trust.  The Greco/Roman mythological underworld of Hades.  Christian celibacy; tantric sexual intimacy, a merging beyond words.  The Pagan life sustaining storing of goods for winter sharing, a living reservoir of human connection.   

Goddess Mother Moon, GrandMother Moon, lights these ‘dark’ places as fully as She can, with her Night Light, a gentle, more bearable Light, than the Light of Day.  This is a time to look upon the silver strands that connect us, absorb their meaning.  What binds us?  Money, Love, genetics, nothing we can explain?  Is it time to step across the barriers, cross the threshold to the next level?  To return to our prime mission?  To let go and keep walking?

Walk it, share as you can.  I will be being mindful the evening previous the Full Moon, and the 17th, in planetary prayer.  The Sun and Jupiter will be in the degree of the Galactic Center.  Join me in Spirit if you wish.  By your grace.

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