
Posts Tagged ‘Milky Way’

2021 Jupiter Aquarius Sextile the Mighty Galactic Center GCI Set the Sky on Fire by Czech fractal artist Eli Vokounová / Eliška Voko
Nov 21, 2021 Note! 12:12, Dec 12, is the big day, the last of the sextiles!

In the late 1960’s, astronomers finally honed in on the GC (Galactic Center) with radio and infrared instruments. They were astounded by the immense energies to be found there. We now know there is a huge Black Hole called Sagittarius A-star at the center, about the size of a large star, containing the mass of four million suns. The staggering amount of material being drawn into the black hole radiates energy at many frequencies.

According to “Astrophysical Directions” by Michael and Margaret Erlewine, energy emerges from the GC over 2 entire degrees of longitude near the last degrees of Sagittarius. Perhaps it is even more than that.

Some interesting observations have come to light about the late degrees of Sagittarius. Famed Horary astrologer William Lilly, 1602-1681, is the source of our observations on the Void-of-Course Moon. He observed that the Moon is not really Void-of-Course in late Sagittarius. Prior to the discovery of the Galactic Center, 27 Sagittarius 08, no astrologer would have known why.

THE special event of 2021! Interspersed with the Jupiter and Saturn sextiles with Chiron, squares to Uranus, Jupiter in Aquarius stunningly makes three sextiles with the GALACTIC CENTER in fiery Sagittarius! Including these three galactic aspects, there will be ELEVEN major outer planet Aquarian, the stars, aspects in 2021 alone! And there will be 4 aspects to the Aquarian planet! All these are acting sequentially teaching us about Aquarius. This is essential to strengthen Aquarius and Aquarians before Pluto enters Aquarius March 23, 2023! See Pluto into Aquarius   The most exciting aspect of 2021 happens three times: Earth Day, April 22, retrograde Aug 20 and Dec 12, Twelve Twelve. Jupiter will consult with the gods and goddesses of the heavens! The GC is the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. Jupiter, the far traveler, has no problem with such a journey, especially while in Aquarius, the very sign of the heavens, stars and flight! Lucky Jupiter is the planet of Sagittarius, the home of the GC! Perfect combination, and how apropos to the Aquarian emphasis at this time! Jupiter will be our emissary, a generally broadminded sign with a huge perspective, has a gift to discover possibilities of the future! The GC will not fail to transmit, infuse, present magnificent infinite consciousness stirring insights and instruction. We have three chances to take it in, grow with it.The Galactic Center is at 27 Sagittarius 09. If you have factors in your chart that match up to within 5 degrees of that 27th degree, you will be called. Unlike with fixed stars, only 1 degree allowed, the Galactic Center is HUGE! If you are involved with meditation, circles, consciousness raising groups, if ever there was a time to tune in, it is NOW! Factors in your Birth chart within 5 degrees of your natal Galactic Center position will be activated by this profound point your whole life. You may be a sci fi fan, love fantasy! Relative to Earth the GC moves a degree every 72 years, just like the stars. Here are some excerpts about the GC:

  • Kim at Galactic Center Astrology: Some say it’s an opportunity to ‘download’ new information, divinely inspired insights from higher guidance. Others say it opens the subconscious mind and lets us release blocks and limiting beliefs.
  • Phil Sedgwick is less poetic: [The GC] blasts open the root chakra in the energy system. This chakra releases the old, regenerates our energy, and lifts us off our duffs with renewed inspiration and a sense of real progress.” And: “The Galactic Center acts like a satellite dish, directing divinely inspired information straight to the potentially receptive gray matter of our brains. If you believe in God, this might be the voice you hear. Regardless, within this connection you have the ability to pull down wild information which you would otherwise have no way of knowing.”
  • Paul O. Hewit writes: “it is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.” [Some say the GC IS the strongest factor in our charts!]

The GC, Algol and Pluto!

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center! Fixed star ALGOL and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. From the point of view of Earth, Fixed star Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, so is the other. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They see peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Algol’s bad rep, strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! They have an askew, inconjunct relationship, on opposite sides of the chart but off center. It’s the road less followed, so to speak. There is a draw to explore. Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most. 

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan wisely astrologically. Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If in neighboring signs, only 3 or less degrees might be used. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Dec 12, Pluto is at 25° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Since Pluto is an outer planet, some might only allow a 3° range for it to be in connection with Algol. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Anytime it is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol. That period started Feb 2020 and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16. 

Pluto has been having the Algol experience, and is one of the few who can stand up under this trial. Very luckily, the trine is the most favorable angle, so though not unscathed, he survives. Both Pluto and Algol are respected and incur life and death situations. One hopes the trine bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

The Three Special days…Heaven and Earth! April 19 the Sun enters Taurus, Earth’s sign. Earth Day, April 22, Jupiter AQ sextiles GC 27 Sagittarius 09 the first time. Venus conjuncts Uranus in Taurus that same day. There is a profound love of Earth. While you are traveling high in the sky, take a look and see how Mama Earth is doing, what she needs. Take a few moments to absorb free floating thoughts from the GC! Travel to a high mountain with a 360° mega view. Do a complete panoramic. Take a virtual tour later! Have patience and peace, like the Buddhists, do no harm.August 20 is the second sextile, second chance, a review and adjust. Uranus, planet of the stars, is in retrograde station, standstill, the 19th and Sun is in his own sign Leo opposite Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius. The Aquarius – Leo seasonal Full BLUE Moon is the 22nd – the second Full Moon in Aquarius this year, the first one occurs July 23, 2021! Leo is the sign of our Sun, our own star. Lot of galactic energy. The retrograde sextile is a second chance at the same item from a different angle. Fire sign Leo, the Heart of Light, trines, most favorably aspects the GC. He puts a personal stamp on the situation and brightens the odds! Dec 12, Twelve Twelve, is the last chance, the opportunity to polish it up, secure the gains. It establishes a platform for the work to come. The Sun is in Sagittarius, the GC’s sign, Mercury our planet of communications is conjunct the GC, and Venus blesses Pluto, who is currently connected with the GC, and there’s more! Sag is the sign of learning our trade, University, perspective and long term planning. Ethics are important, being true to your Spirit, sharing opportunities. Have faith and trust. Sun makes his Annual GC Conjunction the 18th, carrying enormous Light to Winter Solstice, Dec 21 and the New Year. Both are times of special new beginnings. Carry them forward!These three aspects will continue to root around in our consciousness. Once we have been open to seeing, there is no going back. The channel happened once; it can be done again! There is no unseeing it, and we will probably soon want more! Sometimes we will remember a particular moment, refocus, regather our friends, update our process. Feels good. 

Going to be different for each person, but here it is like a Wave of new Consciousness shifting us to a greater vantage point! Some will not ‘feel’ it at all, it is a lot etheric, and it may not activate their personal chart. Others may be a bit dizzy with almost overwhelming awareness, bedazzled by the brilliance, breathless with excitement, not enough time to put it all into play! When Jupiter conjuncted the Galactic Center 12.19.19, I wrote: ‘It feels like you have the whole Galaxy at your fingertips! You reach out so far you can forget where you came from! And it doesn’t matter. You just be the best you can be everywhere you are. The Galactic Center, GC, is a monumental point of infusion of collected Light of all the stars, not just our Galaxy but other star systems as well [it is a gigantic black hole!]. Open your mind and Spirit as much as you possibly can. Don’t bother about articulating or judging it; absorb it. You can sort it out later. If you, as one person, want to be heard, when there are events at this point in the zodiac, be sure to vote, speak for what you want! We are heard collectively. Humanity progresses as it can; joining up with the Galactic Beings can boost the process.’ Now it is time to vote again – three times!Be prepared for the ride through the stars! Pack your jammies and your best dress, tux! Jupiter loves long trips and this is the big one in this Galaxy! Jupiter is very good at BIG! Get all your molecules 100% clean to absorb every amazing bit! Allow the infinite synapses to coalesce as you go! Be prepared to witness things you didn’t know existed. Try not to make judgments, just witness. Your heart will feel so free and generous. Just let go and move on. You will feel such a plenitude of being, having a capacity you didn’t know could happen. Sharing and teaching will take on new meaning. Tune in at all three events. If you can organize a spiritual Circle, all the better. Blessed be.

‘Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder.’ ~ E.B. White
Known for children’s book Charlotte’s Web (1952, film 1973 and 2006). He was awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom (1963) and a Pulitzer Prize special citation (1978).HAVE A FABULOUS JOURNEY!

Updated 12.6.21

For more details see your 2021 and 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans and changes potent and well timed!  

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. See your astrologer for how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Aquarius/Leo Full Sturgeon Moon Aug 3!

Innovation, Magnificent Leadership, Hard Work Fulfillment! Galactic Center!

LEO Galactic Black New Moon Aug 18!

The Galactic Center Future, Intricately tied with Fixed Star Algol! The Past figures prominently.x

Aquarius/Leo Full Sturgeon Moon!

Monday August 3 Full Sturgeon Moon at 8:59 AM Pacific, 11 Aquarius/Leo 46!

Innovation, Magnificent Leadership, Hard Work Fulfillment! Galactic Center!

2020 Leo Aquarius Full Sturgeon Moon CA Surfing Colors

The primary aspect is Jupiter retrograde sextile Neptune, exact only days before, July 27! It remains close through Oct 12 and a little beyond. Jupiter thinks big; Neptune in its own sign Pisces has dreams beyond ordinary perception. Sextiles indicate opportunities, potential. Capricorn, Jupiter’s current sign, is the builder, carries commitments of tremendous hope, has faith in long term worthy goals.

Our Sun now in his own sign of the King/Queen, Leo, offers Light to show the way. He leads the Bowl chart planets! Moon in Aquarius offers her hand that you may join the entire troop of humanity. No one is left behind, everyone is fed. Leo puts on a magnificent performance whether podium, stage or sports. He gives it everything he’s got. Mother Moon brings all her friends, cosmic family, children, elders, brethren, strangers, allies, contributors. Education is a common cause. Evolution is sped up as all share information, experience, insights that have reached their right time.

So much is personal for Sun, yet he knows how important it is he gives himself to the greater cause. He is but one in the many stars of the pantheon. Moon with all her feelings finds herself oddly detached in Aquarius, yet she must at times be free of overwhelming feelings so she can do the work. There is an extraordinary genius in the air. She snags what seem to be disparate pieces and they become a perverse mix that works astonishingly well together! Collaboration is not just across the table but an enriched blend! Exotic thoughts become triggers to gems that are changing our ways of living. Moon in Aquarius can be literally out of this world, and at the same time sitting at the kitchen table with dear friends. There is a temptation to buy the latest electronic goodies for the household or the vehicle that is like a ‘second home.’

As with all oppositions, the Full Moon, especially in these two signs, represents a form of social distancing. Leo can only be himself. It’s what he does best and his best offering to all. It can at times seem selfish, particularly when the other person wants something else, is perhaps threatened by what we want. Moon in Aquarius needs alternate closeness and freedom to be as different as she needs to be. Being 180° apart helps give a natural distance. We get to observe without being so closely entwined. Our judgment is more clear. We see the other person more the way others see our ‘other’ person, and ourselves too!

Aquarius is further emphasized since its planet Uranus is TPoint midpoint between Moon and Sun! Uranus is in Taurus, trying to stabilize changes made, secure environmental freedom, establish humanitarian guardian organizations to spearhead fundamental human rights and justice. We are discovering how valuable all our connections are, how importantly connections function for the betterment of all. We are seeing how each has unique talents that make a difference.

Chiron stands strongly in Aries in harmony with the Full Moon axis. As a spitfire shamanic healer, he leads us to new healing methods, shows us how to take better care of ourselves on our own. What was unknown six months ago, is now being understood. Communities are working more together as Moon in Aquarius computers are sifting data we are learning from. Leo and Aquarius are ‘fixed’ stabilizing signs, but Aries doesn’t stand still, prods us to get up on our feet, give what we’ve got, try new things too!

Mars is with Chiron in Mars’ own sign Aries! Pure fire energy of the first sign of the zodiac! #1! Fresh, untried, out in front, fast and unfettered! This is a special time for Mars because July 25 he just started a long retrograde cycle that goes through Jan 2, 2021! In that cycle, when he is retrograde, Mercury in Libra/Scorpio also retrogrades at the same time, a DOUBLE RETROGRADE! Retrogrades represent turning the soil. What was going along nicely, shifts directions, upsets routines, reveals what lies underneath, needs changing. Aries is quick to resolve matters, but they keep changing too! One can get tired. Mercury in Libra/Scorpio finds relationships changing, whether the art project, finances or your love life. Things will definitely be different. Again.

At this point in time, Mars squares Jupiter. People are going to feel like fighting for their opinion. Hear them out, but if you find yourself being triggered past the point of poise, leave immediately. Say, ‘I need to think this over. I’ll get back to you.’ Get out and come back another time. Better not to lose a friend perhaps. Take it easy. If there is danger, leave or get help. Be careful with sports, challenges, not paying attention, riding your bike or driving your car. Don’t go places where you might be in danger. Sometimes being a little volatile wakes people up, wakes you up! It makes us think, revalue our goals, the meaning of life now, not how it used to be. You may be sorely tempted to run away and not give it a whole lot of thought! Could be the best thing you have ever done, or, oops, come home asking to be forgiven. It can be just plain awful or pretty funny and everyone has a good laugh at your adventure. Hmm…maybe you will do it again sometime? Every once in a while it doesn’t hurt to schedule a good runaway, escape!

Mars is in neighborly alliance with Neptune, what we call a semi-sextile. Neptune is right behind him at 20 Pisces. Mars is at 19, coming right up on that mark! There is a brief remembrance, a quick soul search, and on both their parts, surprise inspiration. Neptune, in his own sign Pisces, represents a psychic/spiritual dimension beyond average, is the Great Guardian of Spirituality. He is of a very different element, water with no definite form, just like fire has no definite form – fire and flood. Mars has to be careful since water can put fire out, but fire can warm water reasonably too. Both are in their own signs, linking the powerful ending/maturity of the zodiac, Pisces, and the beginning/initiation with Aries, the first sign, leader of the zodiac! At worst Neptune in Pisces is the suffering out of control addict. At best Neptune the Dreamer Magician has empathy, extraordinary visions, does magic and Soul Saving miracles! Aries can be a provoking obnoxious pushy pest, LOL, or thank goodness, the first responder! Neptune can be pushed right out of his shy shell and show his glory! Aries sees how incredibly sensitive beings can be and learns to adjust his approach accordingly, even gently.

This Bowl chart is more than 180°, planets spread across 8 signs! The Full Moon axis defines the 180 axis, with Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn seriously in Capricorn outside that axis! They are emphasized for that, that they are a three outer planet stellium, and that they are the base planets of the Bowl. Capricorn is an Earth sign. Earth can seem slow, but Cap is not! He has frisk and vigor, works like a dog, and though a staunch supporter of tradition, our roots, is powerfully proactive when he wants something! He previewed Aquarius. It was like a step forward in time, seeing through new lenses, what a different world could look like. Saturn saw potential that will cost a lot less. July 1 he returned to revamp and solidify Capricorn’s techniques, implement meaningful significant changes, before Saturn’s final entry into Aquarius Dec 16 and prepare for Pluto into Aquarius March 2023! The transition from traditional building to evolutionary humanitarian planetary work is so apparent with pandemic COVID-19 changes and worldwide protests for freedom.

One of Capricorn’s jobs is to slow things down if they are getting ahead of themselves and taking possibly dangerous risks. As a realist he also sees when we have been tardy and need to take care of messes asap! It is blessed and perfect that Capricorn the Builder is at the root of this chart! Cap is a genius renovator, builds for quality and long lasting results.

Mercury is in Cancer directly opposite Saturn. Work is on her mind. More work is likely required. Family and career need a little balancing. Teaching the kids and learning at home is valuable. Paying the rent is necessary. Saturn is retrograde so he hopes to go back to work or revise his quest and do something more meaningful with his life. Mercury tries to be logical, but Cancer is definitely intuitive. Use both options. Reframe some of your thinkings. Venus, with the North Node in Gemini, are checking in with Saturn obliquely inconjunct. Venus is out there on the edge, intermingling daily, stumbling upon ideas that may be helpful. Saturn is sometimes cynical, often skeptical, but Venus has a sweet unthreatening innocent way about her that makes him listen. At first he thinks he’s being kind, but is surprised to find relevance that makes sense! She’s pretty smart, and shows him the value of her gleanings. New business?

Venus happens to be directly opposite the Galactic Center! Her ideas may reflect much greater and long lasting options than first thought! She doesn’t necessarily even know where the perceptions are coming from; she just knows. She is being directly infused with GALACTIC LIGHT – 200+ billions of Suns! Aug 1 through 6 are a good time to record your insights and ideas. DO art, work with your hands, your breath! Take it in, let it out to mingle with the Spirits of others…

When Jupiter conjuncted the Galactic Center 12.19.19, I wrote: It feels like you have the whole Galaxy at your fingertips! You reach out so far you can forget where you came from! And it doesn’t matter. You just be the best you can be everywhere you are. The Galactic Center, GC, is a monumental point of infusion of collected Light of all the stars, not just our Galaxy but other star systems as well [it is a gigantic black hole!]. Open your mind and Spirit as much as you possibly can. Don’t bother about articulating or judging it; absorb it. You can sort it out later. If you, as one person, want to be heard, when there are events at this point in the zodiac, be sure to vote! We are heard collectively. Humanity progresses as it can; joining up with the Galactic Beings can boost the process.

This chart is sprinkled with star energy, transmitters/receivers! Moon is in the sign of stars, Aquarius! She is a scanner receiver that tunes the dial, helps you feel the maximum connection possible. She seeks the knowledge of our galactic lineage, how the stars collectively nurture us. We are in the cradle of Heaven. Uranus, the Planet of the stars, evolution/revolution, is at the point of the Full Moon T Square, sending, seeking, receiving! Who better to do that?! We are needing new times, the right to seek it. Venus is certainly receiving, filtering for the blessings! She, and Moon, the Public, are both artistic. They will render their messages in many mediums, to be spread planetarily. Keep your eyes on what goes viral at this time. It may happen to your message! It may not be ‘logical,’ but it might be more message than you understand. Just do it; give it a chance! You can always delete it later, LOL!

Jupiter and Pluto are fading from each other, but still within hailing distance through July 30. They will make their third conjunction Nov 12, are THE powerful aspect of the Nov 3 Presidential Elections. Jupiter wants to right the injustices of dark power, seeks power of the Underworld, to teach Shamanic healing. Jupiter is travel and spread of knowledge. Pluto is death, healing and saving lives. He is of renovation, curses and cleanup. Pluto works with the microscope looking for vaccines, cures. Jupiter can make bad bigger or make good better than it ever was! Jupiter with Pluto can do bankruptcy or make billions, fights over inheritances, give extraordinary funding! Jupiter can be schooling, trips, publishing, truth and the consequences if you have been a liar no longer getting away with it. Unjustified or not, scandal and slander could be your undoing, at the very least make you thoughtful for some time to come. Jupiter can make fun loving smiles and Pluto has charisma like you wouldn’t believe. There can be lifetime relationships or you are down at divorce court. Keep your priorities clear. You soul can’t be bought. Seduction can be fun, but be sure it’s right for you…no karmic consequences or payback for misbehaving. Jupiter doesn’t always stick around for long, even in Capricorn. It’s got things to do, somewhere else.

Jupiter’s June 29 retrograde conjunction with Pluto brought more deaths from both COVID and residual protests. At the same time people are stepping up to heal each other. As with environmental disasters, the playing field is leveled. We come to stand up to a common threat, and when you are drowning, you are glad for help from anyone no matter their skin color. We make new unlikely friendships and allies. These matters open us to interact more widely, get to know each other in different ways. There have been shifting perceptions back and forth, tweaking Capricorn structures, laws, responsibilities, extreme economic twists, environmental and human rights. There are secrets, revelations, lies and truths, bald faced power jockeying, greed, fear, deaths and saves.

Our new goal is not to restore, but to excel to new levels long overdue. Many are seeing the potentials of incredible new options. If you have the means, do what you can to help survivors, heal the environment long term, provide significant education. Apply for help if you need it. Sometimes we just can’t do it all alone. One day you will be the one that’s doing the giving. Bless you and keep you. When you can, pay it forward. You can see how crucial this aspect is. In Capricorn there is much long term work of necessity. Set your goals and stick with them, revising and updating as you go. DO what makes a difference. Jupiter Conjunct Pluto
Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs! They have been semi-sextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Thank you, Dear Leos, for channeling this powerful energy!

Aquarius/Leo Full Sturgeon Moon Astrology Chart!

Leo 2020 Full Sturgeon Moon Astrology Chart

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LEO Galactic Black New Moon!

Tuesday Aug 18 at 7:42 PM Pacific 26 LEO 35

The Galactic Center Future, Intricately tied with Fixed Star Algol! The Past figures prominently.

LEO New Moon 2020 Milky Way over Leo State HI Volcano Jason Weingart Photography Workshop

Milky Way over Kilauea in fiery 8.21.59 Leo state Hawaii! Jason Weingart Photography Workshops!

The third New Moon in a season with four New Moons is called a Black Moon!

This is a Galactic Black New Moon! It trines, the best aspect, the Galactic Center now at 27° Sagittarius 08. A lot of astrologers allow a 2 degree range because the GC is huge! Factors in your chart 25 to 28 will be activated by this profound point many years. Relative to Earth it moves a degree every 72 years. Here are some excerpts about the GC:

  • Kim at Galactic Center Astrology: Some say it’s an opportunity to ‘download’ new information, divinely inspired insights from higher guidance. Others say it opens the subconscious mind and lets us release blocks and limiting beliefs.
  • Phil Sedgwick is less poetic: [The GC] blasts open the root chakra in the energy system. This chakra releases the old, regenerates our energy, and lifts us off our duffs with renewed inspiration and a sense of real progress.” And: “The Galactic Center acts like a satellite dish, directing divinely inspired information straight to the potentially receptive gray matter of our brains. If you believe in God, this might be the voice you hear. Regardless, within this connection you have the ability to pull down wild information which you would otherwise have no way of knowing.”
  • Paul O. Hewit writes: “it is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.” [Some say the GC IS the strongest factor in our charts!]

Now put this in resonance with a New Moon in our SUN’s own sign Leo! For some this will be a royal show! More heart radiance than usual! Time to step forward with your Gift, your Talent!

However, also know that the New Moon squares fixed star Algol, the baddest Star according to some! Algol was at 26 Taurus 10 in 2000. It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Saturn is part of this party! Moon & Sun are inconjunct him at his same degree! As a planet that can be pessimistic, sad or broken spirited, you all watch over him, ok? He’s in Capricorn his own sign. That can make things better or worse. He trines Algol!!! Even if there is ‘bad,’ he handles it well even if he isn’t up to par himself! He knows about struggles and hard work. If he is standing well, he can be of great help. He is realistic, gathers the 4X4s, builds the shelter you need, takes responsibility with you to face any and all demons. He is clever, resourceful and sticks to his business when the going gets tough. With Pluto, he knows a demon when he sees one and has the power and instinct to fight back and remove it!

Mars is coming along to square Saturn. Mars could be temporarily mistaken for the demon. He is an upstart and Saturn has enough to do already without having to do right by Mars too. Mars wants what he wants and wants it now. Or who knows, maybe he is bringing his sword to the battle, Saturn’s champion, his offer bringing out the best in Saturn. Maybe he is the one needing help to have an independant life! Keep your wits about you. Keep things clear. Mars has been in harmony with Moon and Sun the last week or so. Thinks have been encouraging. But now that he is coming up to Saturn, Mars may be a little intimidated or determined to push old Saturn off that pedestal. They could become enemies, or become fast friends against the odds. Seek common grounds and help each other.

Algol is semi-sextile midpoint Mars and the North Node! Mars is less likely to be amazed by Algol, could see her higher side right away. He is keen to fight for rights, and sees how we each need to fight ourselves for our own rights, one of those peculiar twists of what it is to be a human. He may stand as guardian to give others that chance. Aries is thought of as a leader into new beginnings, and the North Node is one of the things we work toward. The South Node in Sagittarius may run away, the grass is greener. The North Node in Gemini is seeking brethren right where he lives. He learns to think and not panic. He takes the great wisdom of Sagittarius and translates it down to us at a level we can understand. Mars in Aries is right there planting seeds. Gemini talks them into growing.

The South Node conjuncts the GC July 31, 2020. The Moon’s Nodes take 19 years to make their circuit. The Sun makes an annual swing. Matters from long ago may come up for review. For now, the North Node in Gemini is sextile the New Moon and Mercury with them! Gemini is one of Mercury’s signs, Gemini the data gatherer and disperser! Gemini is twins and siblings, neighbors. Gemini has particular skill connecting information to the right people. Mercury in Leo has a dashing way with words, makes it bigger and brighter, gives it importance that helps it be learned and known, yet is personal too. Excellent for teachers! It’s inspiring and makes you want to dance!

At any rate, some give Algol a wide berth, plan wisely astrologically. Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for it’s effective range while most stars get a 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

There’s more. In the remaining 2020 lunar charts, the Galactic Center is aspected every time! Since the charts are sequential by sign, refresh and update at each one. In the upcoming Mars/Mercury double retrograde, they both aspect the GC three times! Mars in Aries trines Aug 28 and Sep 21, the first and last days of the Mars retrograde station! Dec 31, the last day of 2020, Mars makes the last trine and is trine at the last lunar chart of 2020 Dec 29! This is 2020’s special gift to 2021! Mercury sextiles the GC Sep 24, Oct 30 and Nov 7. The Mercury in Libra 30th and 7th define Mercury’s direct station dates! The Galactic connections while the planets are in stations are significant because the stations are ‘stand still’ times that allow the information to be absorbed, focused on, anchored in our consciousness. This specific timing is extraordinary! Mars is spurred to divine action; Mercury thinks about it and gives him the best ideas how and what to do! In Libra, Mercury sets Mars up with a fresh set of liaisons. The ideas may be rather new ideas too, but Mars loves new, so off he goes, learning along the way! Exciting and satisfying!

Venus in Cancer, home sweet home, has just sextiled Uranus the planet of the stars, heaven itself! He is in Taurus, so that star energy is channeled right to Earth! Venus is bringing blessings to women and children, the Matriarchy, our homes. There is some extraordinary art that is helping people see the grace of what’s needed, how we can all live together without greed and plundering our environment and its beings. Venus is the ruler of Taurus and she has dominion here. Uranus has options to link us planetarily. We are finding how we can all work together for raising consciousness, doing business in environmentally sustainable ways. As our ways of living shift we more comfortable.

She also squared Chiron. In Aries Chiron is a practiced fighter for health and wellbeing, has discovered new cures. Venus in Cancer is more of a traditionalist yet her Mothers before her gathered herbs as natural remedies for centuries. Now we are learning more about our bodies so we can apply those remedies in more specific ways than ever before. That Cancer instinct fine tunes it per person and at the appropriate healing sequence times. Chiron encourages her to try her own remedies, maybe go into business for herself, make beautiful labels for her products!

We continue on with our three outer planets stellium in Capricorn – Saturn in his own sign, Pluto, Jupiter at 18°! That 18° Capricorn has particular significance because the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic, a once every a 248 year event, was at 18° Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18° Pisces. The eleven months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects finished Nov 8, led up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18° Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 was Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. In 2020, Jupiter exactly conjuncted the Pluto/Ecliptic position 18° Capricorn 58 on Feb 26! In addition, Oct 12, 2020, Jupiter sextiles Neptune from 18° Capricorn 45! Notice how that 18th degree comes up so many times! We are meant to remember, be reminded not to forget, to work it steadily. Time to review, revise and update our intentions. A LOT has happened since Oct 2018!

Jupiter and Pluto have a little distance between them now since their long conjunction from March through early July. That Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn is the most powerful aspect of 2020 after the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Saturn and Capricorn brought the wrecking ball. Pluto brought the Virus and Jupiter is prejudice, but also outing the truth of the violence of racial injustice. Pluto in Capricorn is the Police, both good and bad, and hired killers. Jupiter often exaggerates conditions in initial situations not much is known about. We keep learning as different perspectives are considered. In Capricorn historical situations and what other governments have done can be profitably compared. Tradition is being reassessed. Old icons are tumbled. Jupiter looks for what works better at less cost. Sustainability is a strong factor now due to environmental concerns. Time to make a clean sweep and build much, much better. If you have the means, do what you can to help survivors, heal the environment long term, provide significant education. Keep your life clean or Jupiter in Capricorn the law, Pluto the Police, will be knocking on your door.

We have been seeing amazing caring and people stepping up to the plate. You see this aspect has a great range, extremes. And both can happen at once. Apply for help if you need it. Sometimes we just can’t do it all alone. One day you will be the one that’s doing the giving. Bless you and keep you. When you can, pay it forward.

Saturn is going back to 25 Capricorn and will be only 3 degrees of Pluto! We are reminded of their January 12 conjunction followed by the Crown March 21! We are still strongly in Capricorn time. Saturn calls Pluto to do the necessary work, the vaccine, make it top priority. Saturn is a scientist and Pluto is the researcher with his microscope. This is his work. All of this is affecting the economy and the Presidency. Saturn is the one in charge, Pluto is funding. Some more secrets will be revealed, repealed, while others are made in the shade of other of life’s needs like staying well. We will be finding more about what people really want. Some of us will be making new allies strong in planetary protection for human and environmental rights.

Jupiter RX sextile Neptune July 27 Jupiter/Neptune was exact the 2nd time. From then until their third and final aspect Oct 12, they remain continuously close in 2° or less of each other. They play a significant role in the upcoming Mars/Mercury Double Retrograde! Dreams are living universal entities that thrive and grow among us, wafting through our collective consciousness. Their aspiration blends among us, creative insights occur simultaneously springing up in different places around the world.

Jupiter with Neptune, Jupiter’s companion aspect to its conjunction with Pluto soothes the waters, keeps the dream alive! Jupiter is publishing and that’s the video, Neptune, of George Floyd, a clearly suffering (Neptune) human at the unkindness of bullies. Jupiter can be bullies – opinionated, condescending and prejudiced. A sextile represents an opportunity. Jupiter also wants the truth and Neptune is what’s hidden. Though a very sad circumstance, Mr Floyd becoming a martyr at the cost of his life, good will come from this man giving his life. Neptune is Spirit. Jupiter is Justice. It’s about time for some Spiritual Justice. Worldwide people are rising. Policing and social services are being revised. This isn’t over yet. And it all will affect the elections. Do your part. Be kind. Above all, help your mates to register and VOTE.

Still, Chiron in Aries semisextile Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs! They have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Seek visionary thinkers with sensible long term plans! We can do this!

LEO Galactic Black New Moon Astrology Chart!

Leo 2020 New Black Moon Astrology Chart


Next is the Sep 1 Full Corn Moon 8:59 AM Pacific at 11 Aquarius/Leo 46! Venus/Saturn, Nodes, Mars & Galactic Center!

September’s full corn moon is so called because this is when crops are gathered at the end of the summer season. At this time, the Moon appears particularly bright and rises early, letting farmers continue harvesting into the night. This moon is also sometimes named the Barley Moon. The Oct 1 Full Moon will be 2020’s Harvest Moon because it is nearest to the autumnal equinox.

See the entire Leo Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2020 Annual Special Edition! Make your plans and make your changes count!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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New Moon!
Six months 4 degree sequence! Tightly networked chart is going places!

Gemini – Sagittarius Full Cold Moon!

Caution and Optimism! Four planet Capricorn Stellium – Saturn, Venus, Pluto Sequence! 


Sagittarius New Moon! 

Tuesday November 26 New Moon at 7:06 AM Pacific, 4 Sagittarius 03 

Six months 4 degree sequence! Tightly networked chart is going places! 

Sagittarius 2019 New Moon Milky Way Geminids Chale UK Jamie Russell

Traveling has its advantages! Milky Way, Geminid Meteors & Andromeda Galaxy by Jamie Russell This pic was taken from Chale on the Isle of Wight in the UK. I saw hardly any meteors through the evening but as I drove along this road I saw one come down in front of me, so I pulled over in the car and set up my camera.

2019 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2020 Jan, Feb, Mar New Moons are all at 4 degrees, a SIX months sequence! The signs are Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap, AQ and Pisces. All these Moons are sequentially resonant to each other! If you have factors at 4 degrees or very close to that, let’s say up to 2 to 3 degrees, in your astrology chart, they will be activated over and over. Each Moon being in a different Sign, your chart will be activated from different angles each time, some more favorably than others. Plan out those 6 months with a goal in mind. Be prepared, do things favorable at each Moon Sign! Check out my write-ups, and those particular Moon write-ups online to get perspective. 

This is the first lunar event following Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center Nov 19, the last of the profound set of aspects in Scorpio! The Galactic Center conjunction was in in Sagittarius and so is this New Moon. The frequency is the same. Things that didn’t seem to happen, or were not understood due to Mercury Retrograde in Station, may come to be known now. New Moons go deep in the dark, and revelation is common. Surrender to quiet, perhaps solitude, open your Spirit. See if there is a follow-up transmission. If you are doing a Sagly trek or exploration, you may intuit a new Path that couldn’t be seen for the distracting clamoring of daylight’s bright Sun. The New Moon will occur at different times of day worldwide. In Pacific time it will start our day at 7:06 AM. Let the Moon/Sun merger give you a potent hint and a great send off!

Though Jupiter isn’t in Capricorn yet, will be Dec 2, it is already square Chiron in Aries. It will be exact Dec 8. While in Sagittarius it will be scouting, confirming, finishing its programs, roving widely as possible to get the last bits of learning that will make a difference, especially in healing! It is excited about the new potentials. When it gets into Capricorn there will be an adjustment period first, then into a leaning forward mode to get things done! And Sagittarius can lean into things, LOL. In Capricorn, the horse will be focused and powerful. Capricorn will be slightly taken aback by the whirlwind of activity, but Cappie is the grand master of organization and getting to the heart of matters! Now, Aries isn’t so happy if they try to push him around. Chiron is the old shamanic master, and in Aries can let go the arsenal if he feels it’s necessary. You can threaten him with the law, but he was the one that saved you and you owe him a debt, so have a little respect, ha, ha! Things will even out given a little time. Chiron is always looking for what’s new and he’s faster than slick in Aries. Give him some parameters then let him go for it! Do the research using his ancient healing techniques but in a new way!

Moon and Sun are at the same degree as Mars in Scorpio now behind them. Some secrets may come to Light due to the telling actions Mars takes. He doesn’t tell, but he acts as if…leading you to further action in behalf of Justice. Mars may inspire a story to be told, a teaching to be addressed. This one is more fact, Mars having lived it or known the one who did, than fiction. He may know where the funding came from, the motives that hadn’t previously been known. He may hold the key to the source of healing, the cause behind the symptoms. He might create the link required to make a great network in behalf of a super cause. And he’s super sexy charismatic, so don’t be surprised if there are a few groupies who tag along!

Venus in Capricorn is sextile Mars. Mars may be headstrong, but she holds the reigns gently and he responds so not to harm her. She seems wise before her time, so he listens to her too. She puts attainable beauty before him and he is touched to be included. What could have seemed like being alone, the guardian at the gates as always, Mars is invited in, treated honorably, with appreciation and affection. She might be his boss, but she knows how to use him in a good way, keeping in mind what he can do and wants, so he doesn’t mind and they are joyfully productive. Their product is a success!

Moon and Sun have just left an oblique connection with Uranus the planet of networking. They saw that part of the network has been stabilized; part of it is still loose and unpredictable. Uranus in Taurus is trying to simplify and develop the gaps with sincere advocates. Uranus, the futurist, is aware of what can be crisis circumstances that we will have to act on immediately to avoid consequences of magnitude for our Earth and her people. Sagittarius has been prompted to get the word out with illustrations, comparisons. They are the very ones that can give the perspective needed, the wakeup call to action.

Mars just felt the Uranus electric sizzle across the land and found himself a little more lively, willing to take a bigger chance. Mars in Scorpio has intense knowledge, strength and courage, so may be pleased for the update, secretly happily scared and shocked! It’s thrilling to find a new challenge that simply can’t be dismissed out of hand! Since Uranus is in self preservationist Taurus, Mars feels it is a safe bet, so proceeds. Mars likes working alone though may have a silent partner. Uranus can do alone or large networks. With this encounter, Mars knows there is help if he needs it. There are plenty of options to consult about if he needs to sort out what his next step will be. This in turn is all being translated to Moon and Sun. Sagittarius loves new adventures and will be faithful carrying out Mars’ suggestions!

Mercury, still in Scorpio, is now well beyond the retrograde, but is still finishing the third, the finishing phase of it’s cycle until Dec 7. There is a continuing contemplation of what is a keeper from the Scorpio events, and what needs to be cleared from our consciousness. When things are cleared, is the space cleansed and maintained for the next arrival in our awareness? Keep it clear. It’s ok to have vacancy waiting for tenancy. Mercury is curious and feels a little odd in this condition, but it is one of the talents of the business of doing thinking.

Mercury is trine Neptune in Pisces, his own sign. Mercury in Scorpio is both logical and intuitive about financial affairs, behind the scenes liaisons, relationships. Mercury has discretion, knows when someone is in need, maybe dire need but the person doesn’t know it himself, or he masks it and others aren’t concerned yet. Mercury has a potent capacity to help this situation. Many times there are things we can’t do only by ourselves and if Mercury calls it, you all get going right now. This is a season when help is often needed. Be kind to each other, even if you are hurting yourself, even if you don’t like that person. There can be a lot going on that you don’t know about. With Neptune that ability for Mercury to ‘see,’ is ever so more potent. It can be used to make a spiritual choice, to make art that touches your Soul, make music that is so charismatic in the spiritual sense you find yourself with tears running down your cheeks and you didn’t know you were crying. It may be time to realize after all these years to forgive, to release, give profound gratitude. There but for the Grace of God go I….

Mercury in Scorpio will then sextile Saturn is his own sign Capricorn. And Saturn is next to Pluto, Scorpio’s planet. Saturn/Capricorn are both a planet and sign of submission and achievement. When we accept the terms of our Soul’s purpose, our dedication becomes 100% without really even thinking about it. Yet it may be time for Mercury to sound the call. We try to keep secrets from ourselves, but that creates a divine itch, LOL! Once Saturn gets to work, things fly! Saturn is precise, doesn’t waste time or materials. Mercury in Scorpio thrives in this intense, busy atmosphere, scurrying around carrying messages, making orders, gets great deals, even funding if needed! Remarkable! Believe me, they will be ready for the Jan 12 2020 Saturn conjunct Pluto!

Jupiter and Venus have what we call an ‘out of sign’ conjunction in neighboring signs. They are lucky and sweet together. Jupiter is still in his own sign Sagittarius, but Dec 2 goes into Capricorn. This is his last lunar event in Sagittarius for 12 years to come! Venus is just into Capricorn, sweetening the way. In these final days, Jupiter is putting finishing touches on his travel reminiscences, the project currently afoot, any last minute publishing, teaching students what he feels what is most important before going into their new year and Jupiter’s new sign. Venus is helping him make sufficient plans to make the transition, sign up for what will help him be in the right place at the right time, make connections with experienced colleagues and people in charge who will make it a smooth transition. They will cheer him, welcome him and be glad for his arrival! With Jupiter’s arrival there will no longer be three outer planets in their own signs. Instead, there will then be three outer planets in Capricorn, and with Venus there too, four in Capricorn!

Venus is also trine Uranus in those strong Earth signs! Things will fairly glide into place, make the winning gravelly skid to home plate! Jupiter can either arrive on his own, a loner genius, or he will arrive into a group of co-workers united in purpose to make change. There can be a cooperative collective ready to do business. Could be humanitarian work, environmental purpose, research for all manner of matters including heavenly scents! Venus is looking for the Blessing Way. She gives her gifts of beauty, graces the order, heightens awareness of the value of their projects, calls for timeliness all can accept.

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

More about the Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16  & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The eleven months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects finished Nov 8, led up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 was Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs into Aquarius! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Pluto is now at 21 Capricorn, very close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet Capricorn stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees have been and/or will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective, grow. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Thank you, Sagittarians, for keeping our perspective during the years long chain of events we are having. It is being quite a Journey! 

Sagittarius New Moon Astrology Chart!
Sagittarius 2019 New Moon Astrology Chartx

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Gemini – Sagittarius Full Cold Moon! 

December 11 at 9:12 PM Pacific, eastern zone on the 12th, Wednesday/Thursday, 19 Gemini/Sagittarius 52

Caution and Optimism! Four planet Capricorn Stellium – Saturn, Venus, Pluto Sequence!

Sagittarius 2019 Full Moon 'Rainbow' Arc

It’s just like Sagittarius to have a ‘rainbow,’ the spiritual arrow’s arc, over his Full Moon mate in Gemini!

Scorpio held powerful events during Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio! The Transit of Mercury was during the stand-still station of Mercury. The Full Moon was the next day, spreading its wings wide open, Taurus grounding, Scorpio taking it all in deeply. Nov 19 brought Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center. They were/are part of an amazing sequence that started Oct 2018 and continues through the 2020 Presidential Election. This Full Moon will carry the information, teachings to siblings, neighbors, the ‘hood – Gemini. In Sagittarius it spreads the seeds while traveling to the ends of the earth! 

Jupiter is in Capricorn now! Jupiter is the Sagittarian planet. Jupiter is no longer in his own sign, but now, in his neighboring sign. They will combine their talents. There will be formidable propositions and plans to carry through. Jupiter widens Capricorn eyes and Capricorn gets the team working full steam! There will be grand accomplishments! Jupiter makes it a four planet stellium in Capricorn!

This is the last Full Moon of the DECADE, and this year before Winter Solstice, for some the true New Year. Due to astronomical phenomena, this will be a dusk till dawn Full Moon! In a manner of speaking, Mother Moon takes on the position of Father Sun on a long winter night. The emphasis of Gemini/Sagittarius is thoughtfulness, how you communicate. The holidays usually bring family stresses. More than ever it’s not what you say but when and how you say it. Gemini and Sag love to share, but please be considerate. Is this a good time to chat? Their main purpose is to spread the good word. Go gently when you know there are differences. No marathons so we get tired. Do stop to listen and receive your own share too! Listening is the other half of communication. Thank the other person and tell them you will be thinking about what they said. Honor them as you would like to be honored.

Gemini Moon gathers data, learns the languages; Sun in Sagittarius distributes it in full meaning with ideas for the best direction to take! What was thought to be a bunch of facts and figures becomes a purpose! There are big results the dreamers have been waiting for! 

The Full Moon has a lot of connections! The 19 degree Full Moon is exactly connected with a Saturn sequence in Capricorn! Saturn is at 19, Venus at 20, Pluto at 21! It is separating from a Neptune T Square. Mars is now exactly trine Neptune and sextiles the Capricorn sequence!

  • The Full Moon axis has left Neptune by four degrees, but they are still entranced by his ideas, insights, observations, dreams and visions. Some were personal, some were planetary. Consciousness is changing at a rapid rate now with climate shifts, political, economic, human rights matters including mass shootings done by children. Empathy, compassion and mercy or what? How do we find the words, tell the story, make changes that work? Gemini and Sagittarius are at a crossroads of humanity trying to find the way. People are facing their very Souls with environmental dangers and safety for their children and loved ones.

  • Mars is mid Scorpio on his feet. He feels Neptune’s urgency to clear a path through fears, desperation, hate, grief, confusion. Scorpio is a sign of purification, the Phoenix rising from his own ashes that we may die to life. Mars is fearless and in Scorpio either a menace or a shamanic first responder! If you need help, go see this healer to cauterize your wounds of the past and move on. We need your skills now. Mars in Scorpio may work silently, from behind, within, but has a potency of leadership nonetheless. Coupled with Neptune’s psychic guidance, they don’t miss the mark.

  • Adding to this is Mars sextile Saturn, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn! Mars sometimes butts heads with Capricorn orders and rules, but they are in compatible signs, and Mars’ sign Scorpio’s planet Pluto is there too. They can do this. There is nothing silly about Mars in Scorpio, and Saturn/Capricorn want precision and results. They all agree. Venus adds her sense of attraction to Scorpio/Pluto’s charisma. They do things nobody else could ever do! She glides right through the center and others go right after her, trusting her innate ability to assess value. She’s quite the appraiser! Time is of the essence to save things that cannot be replaced or to restore before forgotten. This is an extremely intense combination. Just what we need!

  • Moon is inconjunct, oblique with Saturn. She is a nurturer and sees when he is beyond tired. Venus has been leading Saturn on over the last thresholds, grooming him for the work still needing to be done before the Jan 12, 2020 conjunction with Pluto. Success, achievements hard won, are exhilarating! Along the way it is important to take time out so there is no burnout. Mind yourself – get reasonable exercise, rest. Let Mother Moon bring good quality food and water. Take care of each other when you notice one of the team is lagging. Get away for a bit, talk with some people not in the fray!  

  • Sun was semisextile Saturn, but is now closer to Venus. Sun adds his light and warmth while the others work on tough projects, at times seeming like there is little gratitude. So many don’t want, or don’t know about what they are doing and it seems like they are working out in the cold. Sun’s recognition of the great effort they are making is very welcome. Sagittarius, and Jupiter, Sag’s planet now in Capricorn are cheering them on at the crescendo of the preparatory work they are steadfastly attending. It’s short time now to Jan 12.

  • Venus with Pluto! It’s a work party or a lovers tryst at work. Be careful to do the right thing, LOL! If you both are innocent, just don’t get caught. Venus and Pluto both love lots of money. Venus might buy, buy, buy, or invest every cent and do very well, especially with Pluto as her guide to the inside news! Pluto may be delighted by connecting with her or see that she is out for herself. She can be greedy or have the Grace of love, beauty, kindness. Get to know her first. And same words for her about Pluto – get to know him first. Try not to elope. Her recent visit with Saturn may keep her honorable and there may be some karmic affinity. Also she may be inspired to fund the project when she sees Saturn’s sincerity and dedication. Saturn with Pluto can be remarkably successful financially or make a worst mistake and drain the coffers to bankruptcy. This might be one of those times ‘When in doubt, don’t’ or invest only a little to test the waters over some time to let it prove itself. Venus may somehow save the day with an offhand remark.

Mercury in Sagittarius is now at the exact degree the New Moon was at on Nov 25! If you have New Moon memories, this reminder may be perfectly timed. Renew your connections, get more information to do your plans. Mercury has been obliquely connected with Uranus in Taurus. Mercury becomes aware of some pertinent changes that will make a long term difference. they could be exotic, unheard of, yet make admirable good sense! Let some friends go; move along and make some new connections. Surprises are in the offing.

Jupiter, the Sagittarius planet, made that square with Chiron in Aries Dec 8! This being only 3 days later, Moon and Sun are still mulling things over, scrambling to get things back in working order, incorporating the new plans. The potential has expanded, again! Going to be better than before. It’s possible new discoveries have been made or being on the leading edge, we are on the brink! Suspense is lovely! See more with the New Moon! See about the Square!

More about the Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16  & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The eleven months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects finished Nov 8, led up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 was Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs into Aquarius! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time. 

Pluto is now at 21 Capricorn, very close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet Capricorn stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees have been and/or will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective, grow. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Thank you, Sagittarians, for keeping our perspective during the years long chain of events we are having. It is being quite a Journey! 

Gemini – Sagittarius Full Cold Moon Astrology Chart! 

Scorpio 2019 Full Beaver Moon Astrology Chart!

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Next is the Wednesday December 25, Christmas Solar ECLIPSE New Moon at 9:13 PM, 4 Capricorn 07 

See the entire Sagittarius Newsletter! Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE!  

See the 2019 UPDATED Annual Special Edition Newsletter for making the last of this year’s plans! And for next year, see the 2020 Edition! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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New Moon!
Six months 4 degree sequence! Strongly feminine with fiery accents! Fixed Star Fomalhaut!

Taurus – Scorpio Full Beaver Moon!

Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse! SIX Planet Earth and Water, Sextiles and Trines Bow Pattern! Fixed Star Castor.


Scorpio New Moon! 

Sunday October 27 New Moon at 8:38 PM Pacific, 4 Scorpio 25

Six months 4 degree sequence! Strongly feminine with fiery accents! Fixed Star Fomalhaut!

2019 Scorpio New Moon Mike Taylor Branch Pond, Maine

Mike Taylor captured this stunning image of the Milky Way, green airglow, aurora borealis and the blazing tail of a meteor over Branch Pond, Maine on June 10, 2013.  Taylor Photography

2019 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2020 Jan, Feb, Mar New Moons are all at 4 degrees, a SIX months sequence! The signs are Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap, AQ and Pisces. All these Moons are sequentially resonant to each other! If you have factors at 4 degrees or very close to that, let’s say up to 2 to 3 degrees, in your astrology chart, they will be activated over and over. Each Moon being in a different Sign, your chart will be activated from different angles each time, some more favorably than others. Plan out those 6 months with a goal in mind. Be prepared, do things favorable to each Moon Sign! Check out my write-ups, and those particular Moon write-ups online to get perspective. 

The New Moon is a darker time, sometimes to be consulted in solitude, other times to be shared sweetly. It is a time of Magical revelations, merging with unseeable beings, on clear nights the Stars show us their secrets. It can be a divine balance with bright and busy social daytime, maybe the most restful of all the nights, the deepest slumbers.

Scorpio brings us into cold nights, maybe indoor Circle gatherings, sharing a warm fire, pumpkin pie and cider. This New Moon in particular prepares us for Halloween and Day of the Dead. Samhain is a sacred time of considering our mortality and celebrating those we have loved that are no longer with us in body. It is a special time of gratitude. In the US, Halloween is wild and fun, alter-ego costumes right and left! Pagan Samhain is often private and serious. In Mexico Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertos, is publicly brilliantly celebrated with candles and giant Marigolds, entire cemeteries ablaze with light and color, celebrants hanging out there all night long!  

This Moon is sweet, quite feminine! Mama Moon and Father Sun are together deeply entwined; dear Venus and Mercury are together, all in feminine water sign Scorpio! Moon and Sun are sharing, are in fusion, become One. Scorpio is deep and dark, yet carries the Kundalini internal and eternal flame at all times. They flourish in the underworlds of caves, tunnels, channels of underwater tides. They are not afraid of death, or living, healing quickly and miraculously. Psychological depths intrigue them. What does it all mean and how does it work? The morgue is an intriguing place.

The New Moon has just passed an oblique aspect with Chiron who is with Lilith in rebellious Aries! That pair is wild and fierce, fearless leaders full of new ideas! They will quickly talk with anyone who will listen. They shoot straight from the hip and want healing now, not just talking about it! They are social first responders, instantly adapting to the circumstances at hand. If the meeting is not on fertile ground, they move right on! Moon and Sun got some hot quick ideas and marvel that they didn’t get burned in the process! WOW! The local frequency was just raised!

So now, Moon and Sun are not even surprised by being exactly opposite Uranus, the planet of awakening, evolution, change, revolution, the unexpected. Uranus is in the firmly patient persistent sign Taurus. They are noted for being calm, yet there can still be surprises. Scorpio may feel quite safe to extend a handshake and ask questions. Uranus is brilliant, so Scorpio may find themselves impressed by the range of thoughtfulness and commonsense ideas proposed. It is a time of new beginnings, so why not now?! Sustainability comes up, environmental matters and patterns – food production, clean water, extinctions. Humanitarian matters like human rights are on the table, each coming up with possibilities, potential funding, how to get people involved at every level, social media magnets and magnates!

Mercury has just spent time with Venus. Venus puts the beauty in Scorpio, a profound attractiveness, charisma that seduces, enchants, blesses. Mercury has been gifted with insights about true love, speaking kindly, sharing, giving gratitude. Of course, there are always times when Venus is greedy, selfish and obsessed with the reputation of her loved one. Mercury may have to do some very pointed fast talking to open her mind to alternative possibilities. It kinda takes one to know one, so he has a better chance than most would. Scorpio is a strong sign, so Venus, who has gotten away with things for a long time, may have behavioral habits and thinks she’s right because she is pretty. Both ways may be needed, the gentle feminine approach, or the in-your-face-omg, approach. There may be little time. 

Jupiter is rather on his own in Sagittarius, free to ramble. He sits loosely in a midpoint that has passed, between Venus and Pluto. Venus just passed by. Jupiter has encouraged her to think bigger, adjust her wants to a bigger range. She has been inspired to learn some more about her next steps. Jupiter assured her she will have success because, really, she is worth more than she realizes. She has worked alone a lot, but now it’s time to partner up. Jupiter has passed Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter has a broad range of perspective that takes Pluto’s powerful knowledge to a more modern potential! Pluto is no fool! He is glad to step things up.

Mars is a bit dismayed, tired, with having been blocked, delayed, the additional requirements Saturn in Capricorn has put in his way. If Mars wasn’t in Libra adjusting and balancing, finessing, an unusual skill for Mars, the whole shebang may have ended right there! But sometimes Saturn, though himself the obstacle, uses his wisdom. He was once there too. He encourages impatient Mars, offers helpful suggestions. Saturn knows when it’s a good project, just needs a little tweaking or some different timing. Mars has another outlet that is a side shot! He’s inconjunct Neptune. Neptune is in his own sign Pisces and if Mars will sit for a moment old magical Neptune will send some intuitive insights. They could be minor differences that change everything, or frame the project from a whole nother point of view and it suddenly all makes sense! 

This all makes even more sense when we see Saturn is about to sextile Neptune Nov 8! Saturn and Neptune are working right along, so Mars has just stepped in at the best time! In Libra Mars wants beauty, harmony, good connections with people in all walks of life. Saturn wants to build lasting dreams with Pisces who wants the best for all beings! Mars wants people to feel safe and comfortable, have energy to live a potent life! Saturn and Neptune want that too! So Mars’ struggle only inspires them all! They want the best for him. They will come through like shining stars! 

Saturn in Capricorn has recently turned Direct, forward and is closing the gap to its conjunction with Pluto Jan 12, 2020 – only 5 degrees to go! Saturn traveling with Pluto in Capricorn has been and continues to carry some serious weight this year. There are karmic conditions that need righting, forgiving. Old fears need to be released, power used correctly. Dharma, the work of the Soul, is the replacement. Take responsibility, stay steadfastly on mission, rebuild, upgrade. Meet your tests, give gratitude, have a workable humility. Be clean and kind in your authority. Stay aware of the time frame, priorities. The final November 8 Saturn sextile Neptune will help make Neptune’s dreams come true. Trust your intuition, remember the long range needs of our Mother Earth – all her peoples, plants and creatures. Collaborate. Keep your dreams in mind.

Fixed Star Fomalhaut! The four stars, Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, Fomalhaut, are the brightest stars in their constellations and among the 25–brightest stars in the night sky. The Persians considered these stars to be the four guardians of the heavens. In 3000 B.C., when as the Watcher of the South, Fomalhaut marked Winter Solstice. Fomalhaut is Archangel Gabriel, the human. Fomalhaut is in constellation Piscis Austrinus (not Pisces) at the foot of Aquarius, at 3 Pisces 52. It is in service to Humanity. And in this case, is most favorably in trine with our New Moon! Dark Star Astrology says ‘Rather like Neptune, it can be magical and highly spiritual or just a no good, unscrupulous drunk. All the royal stars have the capability for glory, honor, riches, and fame, but they also have the greatest height to fall from. Their incredible power must be used wisely and with integrity.’ With Scorpio it creates a longing for clean choices, dreams to come true.

In a bigger sense, Scorpio is hosting the biggest aspect of this current time! Jupiter has remained closely in square with Neptune since Dec 28, 2018 and just made the third and last square during Virgo on Sep 21. The first square was the first aspect of 2019 on Jan 13! In companion aspects, retrograde, Jupiter squared and Saturn sextiled Neptune June 16 and 18. Jupiter made this last square well before Saturn makes its last sextile Nov 8. Jupiter has brought some colossal misunderstandings and has questioned and revealed the truth of some of our beliefs and plans. Saturn makes the final decisions in view of possible consequences. For almost a year there have been reconsiderations and trials. Their 11 month cycle finishes within days of the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Eclipse and sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center, an uncommon pairing.  See more about Jupiter Square Neptune!   Saturn sextile Neptune!   

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

More about the Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The eleven months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects finish Nov 8, lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Neptune is now at 16 degrees, tuned to the Ecliptic and the June events, will be connected with Transit of Mercury! Pluto is now at 20 Capricorn close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet Capricorn stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective, grow. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Thank you, Scorpios, for holding us strong during these two super events, the Transit of Mercury and Jupiter at the Galactic Center during your Scorpio Mercury Retrograde!

Scorpio New Moon Astrology Chart!
Scorpio 2019 New Moon Astrology Chartx

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Taurus – Scorpio Full Beaver Moon! 

November Tuesday the 12th at 5:34 AM Pacific, 19 Taurus/Scorpio 52

Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse! SIX Planet Earth and Water, Sextiles and Trines Bow Pattern! Fixed Star Castor.

2019 Scorpio Full Beaver Moon As Above So Below Transit of Mercury

With firm stance, be a channel for this Full Moon and the Transit of Mercury Eclipse! The Etheric Energy of yesterday’s Transit of Mercury is still very present. Moon in Taurus is holding the thread. This is doable for many of us per the exact time of day because the Full Moon is early morning, 5:34 AM Pacific. For some that will be Moonset! What a greeting for the day!

This Full Moon is important because it is the day after the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse! Information received yesterday is now being grounded and anchored in Taurus and given full perusal in Scorpio.

2019 Transit of Mercury Astrology Chart!It will then be used now through when Mercury’s sister aspect happens Nov 19, Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! The event is already strong with Jupiter only one degree away! It happens every 12 years, but not at the same time as the Transit of Mercury like this one!!!

The Jupiter/GC event is during Mercury in Scorpio Retrograde STATION! Mercury ‘turns’ forward the NEXT DAY, Nov 20 at 11:12 AM Pacific! Mercury Stations are an 8 day period ‘standing’ still, attuned, fully absorbing. It focuses, lets no motion distract it. There is a potent stillness, especially in ‘fixed’ sign Scorpio. Scorpio is perhaps the most deeply rooted and still of all the zodiac signs. They can be so still as to be not only invisible, but not to be ‘felt’ when in that condition! They are 100% receptive. They don’t miss a thing and have tremendous capacity. Scorpio is a keen deep seeker, so every particle will be noticed and plumbed, anchored in their being. It’s purpose is to heal so we may have union. The Phoenix rises from the Kundalini of its own ashes, the fertilizer of the past. It rises, unfettered, to the occasion. That is intense to experience or witness. As this release is slowly happening while in station, Mercury will soon again be going forward, gathering momentum, releasing the secrets of its findings!

At 19 Taurus/Scorpio 52, this Full Moon is part of the amazing sequence of world events we have been having, particularly the late 18 degree events. Not only is it the day after the Transit of Mercury, but it is less than a degree from where it happened! Those of you who can read charts can see how close they are by comparing these two charts.   

Mercury is known as the Messenger of God. He is always within 28 degrees of Sun. He carries the word of ‘God’, Sun, Sol, Soul, the word of the Light of Life. It is a profound association, often not realized that communication is a divine privilege. We think of chit chat, gossip, people who talk nonstop, not realizing that listening is the other half of communication, or maybe they are too scared to listen. Think first. Communicate with yourself. Uplevel your message, know why you are speaking and why to that person. Stay with your priority, what you hope to accomplish. Time may be short and our needs vital.

Scorpio 2019 Full Beaver Moon Astrology Chart!SIX Planet Earth and Water, Sextiles and Trines Bow Pattern! See the red lines across the chart from 1 to 7 linked by all those green lines?! Mercury, Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus are successfully strongly tied with Saturn and Pluto and Neptune. Now Saturn and Pluto are only 5 degrees apart waiting to make their Jan 12 conjunction
  • Mercury retrograde will make his sextile with Father Time, Saturn, in just over 24 hours at 6:35 AM Pacific on the 13th. They are documenting this historic event. Mercury communicates Saturn’s wanting integrity of staying true to the goal, building a better world.
  • Sun sextiles Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Saturn’s sign Capricorn, 9:56 AM Pacific on the 13th. There should be some results by then. Looking Life straight in the eye will do best. Funding may be given, fortunes may be made, particularly in businesses involving aging, conservation of fuels, plumbing, medical research/cures, renovations, clean up of pollution, micro features.
  • Moon has just trined Saturn, of her opposite sign, and is in imminent trine with Pluto. She resonates with patterns and divine order. Moon in Taurus has environmental concerns, wants a clean organic life – soil, water and air. She asks expert Pluto what would do that job well with the least harm and the best healing to Nature. Since we are right after the Transit of Mercury there may be some amazing information that simply ‘appears’ in our minds. Our frame of mind may shift. New ideas forming will suddenly seem like possibilities to put in progress! 
  • Moon and Sun have just gone by a sextile and trine with Neptune in Pisces, the Master of the Sea in his own sign! All three of them are psychic, Neptune the dreamer, visionary. Neptune reveals flaws, fears, addictions that cover conditions we can’t cope with at a given time. With the help of Father Sun in detox Scorpio and Mother Moon in Taurus of endless patience and persistence, changing our patterns of consumption, we may be able to stay strong and steady. Neptune helps us with getting clarity about our gifts. Neptune makes music, renders art to touch your Soul, shows us the Angels. Human help and spiritual help together often make the difference. Our beliefs shift; we come to understand we are not alone. A ‘mission’ may come to light, a mission that is bigger than our personal troubles and we have reason to live and live well. Saltwater is a definite cure.  

Venus is not in that Bow Pattern. She is in Sagittarius, square Neptune. She may be a little pushy for his taste, questioning his beliefs in the guise of looking for the Truth. He may accommodate her for a while, but come to be tired and lapse into an altered state, LOL, kinda rains on her parade! She is sad not be able to query him further and takes off to further uncharted territory. He may remain in thoughtful awareness, stirred by her inquiry. She had a quaint little way about her, those flowers in her hair, that adorable little smile, a lilt that captured his attention. 

As if in sympathy with all those sextiles, Mars is sextile Jupiter! Scorpio, Capricorn and Neptune aren’t always so cheerful even when in positive aspects like sextiles and trines. They simply have their own natures. Scorpio was built to be suspicious, good detectives. Capricorn is skeptical and untrusting until you prove yourself. Pisces can imagine the worst – great for writing suspense stories, making movies! Mars has no such troubles! He is ahead of the game, leading the fray, enjoying the battle! Why worry, life is gonna happen anyway?! In Libra he knows he can dance right through. He’s quick and has some agile allies! Jupiter knows the escape route, can ‘see’ ahead and it’s fun! It’s a race, so place your bets! Mars in Libra loves making new connections, especially in the world of beauty. At your side, he will fight for your rights. Jupiter is the professor and makes sure you have the full perspective. He’s the planner and lives for new territory! Mars may not sit still long, but he’s a quick learner on his feet! Nothing like a Full Moon to spread your wings! Next!

As with the Oct 13 Aries/Libra Full Moon, the Fixed Star Castor plays a part. Moon and Sun are favorably sextile/trine Castor at 20 Cancer 14 – that’s only 23″ apart! Castor is one of the two rival brothers of the constellation (not sign) Gemini, Castor mortal, Pollux immortal. Robson says ‘Castor, the mortal one of the twins, is famous for his skill in taming and managing horses. Sometimes called Apollo [Sun god], and symbolically named A Ruler yet to Come. Has an interest in the occult. Dr Eric Morse: Castor is also noted in natal astrology for proneness to mental breakdowns and neurotic distress. People with this star prominent and well aspected (as these are) are exceptionally gifted intellectually. Where these geniuses often need help is in not letting their concern for others go ‘over the top’. And modern researcher Elsbeth Ebertin…Linked with the Moon or Mercury, it has the effect of such people being blessed with a good nature and fine morals. It is also supposed to convey refined manners. See more by UK astrologer Deborah Houlding. She says it’s all about the ‘quest for divine immortality!’

More about the Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The eleven months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects finish Nov 8, lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Neptune is now at 16 degrees, tuned to the Ecliptic and the June events, will be connected with Transit of Mercury! Pluto is now at 20 Capricorn close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet Capricorn stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective, grow. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Let’s channel the Transit of Mercury and use that Bow Pattern to catapult into our next steps!

Taurus – Scorpio Full Beaver Moon Astrology Chart! 

Scorpio 2019 Full Beaver Moon Astrology Chart!

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Next is the Tuesday November 26 New Moon at 7:06 AM Pacific, 4 Sagittarius 03!x 

See the entire Scorpio 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making the last of this year’s plans! Soon the 2020 Edition will be out! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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New Moon! 

Gemini speaks the Word, Neptune Dreams are Key! 

Sagittarius-Gemini Full Strawberry Moon!

Three outer planets at 18° now! Mercury & Mars engaged with Saturn and Pluto!


Gemini New Moon!

Monday June 3  at 3:02 AM Pacific 12 Gemini 34  

Gemini speaks the Word, Neptune Dreams are Key!

Gemini 2019 New Moon Milky Way White Desert Egypt Nader El Assy

The magnificent Milky Way springing out of the Sahara White Desert in Gemini country Egypt by Nader El Assy

One of Gemini’s talents is shifting, making waves in the windy-day grass, wavelets in the sands of time. They are all different, many, and all connected, all one. Our New Moon has three planets in Gemini including Mercury, the planet of Gemini! Sun puts his heart Light into the transcendence from one level to the next. Moon stands by always ready for changes. She guides us through each sign into the next encounter. Mercury spins the web so all are held safely. He calls, waits, we catch up and the multitude moves forward again. Each idea is considered. Though it seems random, no one is here by chance. All are contributors. Though Mercury is in Gemini, he stands alone by degrees, free to spread the Word as he wishes. It may be a precursor, not have particular immediate results. It will float until the time is right. 

The New Moon squares Neptune! This is important because they and this entire New Moon system are bringing us up to and supporting the coming Jupiter square Neptune and Saturn sextile Neptune June 16 and 18. These aspects straddle the Full Strawberry Moon! Moon has the authority of the Mother. In Gemini she nurtures with the mind, words, giving information to make us whole. Her touch calms the emotions. She brings us back to present though there are memories of a sometimes lost child. Neptune is anything but logical, but just the same, being psychic, he ‘understands’ anyway. Even more, he understands the intent, need, behind the words or information delivered. Neptune carries so much content it makes a Gemini look pale! His information is not mere data, but how it is seated within the collective Consciousness. Sometimes he is overwhelmed, muddled, worried for all, becomes a victim of his own vast knowing. Mercury comes in, peppy and innocent, and Neptune is swept clean in a quick swish! Not that anything really ever went away, it’s just that Mercury comes in with such a different way, Neptune is broadsided, reawakened, brought up to date, and set to simmer! Mercury, smart as he is, is clueless, bids Neptune adieu and off he goes! Next!

So Neptune has been gifted with a mental smorgasbord, is intrigued, and re-sorts the parameters, discovers delightful new avenues of seeing. It’s all just in time for Jupiter’s greater Truth seeking push. Jupiter has the big ideas, the plans for Neptune’s dreams! Neptune is entranced, becomes a bit unsure of himself in this new territory. All the better for creatively opening new doors! Jupiter has confidence and is right there when Neptune wavers. Together they get to the next portion of the journey.

Saturn gives Neptune a stamp of approval, offers to build now, extend beyond any time lapse. Saturn consults with Jupiter and Neptune, sees Jupiter’s brilliant ideas, Neptune’s visions, helps them come to terms with what’s really possible right now. He betters some of what they hoped for because he is so good at seeing the shortcuts that work. More is done with less in less time. Saturn knows there are some rules and protection needed and negotiates terms the people will need so the project is sustained. 

The New Moon semi sextiled Mars! He’s in Cancer, either grumpy with women and children, who has time for their sniveling, or he is their #1 Champion, faithfully defending them against all odds! What a hero! He is also wanting especially to do Moon’s wishes since he is in her sign. Cancer is not just Mother and women, but the public at large, business, cycles, commodities. He’s pushing to get these projects done so all can benefit. We’ve waited too long already.

Venus, lingering in her sign Taurus, trined Saturn and Pluto. She has shown them the value of Earth, nature, sustainability and made a good case. She is holding stability while Gemini is off sniffing all the flowers!

Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter/Saturn are with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. All these aspects precede the Nov 3 Presidential Elections, but the Saturn conjunct Pluto is precisely linked to the powerful Jupiter/Pluto aspect, same degree and sign, that is most close to the 2020 Presidential Elections. Some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Saturn is retrograde about to be at 18 Capricorn again, the very degree of the Pluto/Ecliptic event! Neptune is now at 18 Pisces sextile that degree. Jupiter is retrograde and by the Full Moon June 17, will be back at that degree, 18 Sagittarius! We will be reviewing, strengthening our techniques, be reminded of the potency of Earth’s situation. Business, beliefs, posterity will all be on our minds. Jupiter is readying our plans and preparations. Jupiter keeps the perspective of the big picture in mind and our intentions for the future guide our every choice. Any learning and teaching are needed now to be in place for when we or others are ready for the next step. Be flexible and keep the faith! 

Pluto is now at 22 Capricorn, THE degree Saturn, potently in his own sign, will catch up with Pluto at on Jan 12, 2020! Pluto will be at 23 when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential election because they are precisely astrologically linked! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

As I have said before, New Moons are a regenerative time. Moon is at the end of her 27 day cycle. She has been through all the signs, gathering information, giving as she can as she has gone along. She makes lots of adjustments, each sign so different and specialized. She takes the pulse of the people from all walks of life. When she meets Sun, he sees what she has accumulated – awareness of accomplishments, shortcomings, needs that need meeting. Sun floods her with Light energy and she is recharged for her next cycle. He appreciates her perceptiveness and caring and is himself restored by her faith in him. 

In Gemini, they assess our state of mind, the state of the planet. They look at communication mediums, people who have the ear of the public, which are priority realms needing uplifting the most, those that have been neglected, abandoned. As with them, take a look at your skills, where to put your sacred intention next, what you can do that will make a big enough difference. It you can’t do it right now, prepare, have a timeline that you check on frequently to remind you why you are doing this. If you are alone, sign up with skilled leaders so you can learn from them. Take some class action into your own hands!  

New Moons are a good time to make assessments, put things into perspective. Keep these things in mind as you face challenges. The outcome may surprise everyone! In Gemini, we are aware of so many links in our own minds and those between us. Communications are vital to life. As we speak, our breath of life carries the Word. As we do our life work we become models for others to follow.

Sharing is caring. Keep it rolling!
Gemini New Moon Astrology Chart

Gemini 2019 New Moon Astrology Chartx

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Sagittarius-Gemini Full Strawberry Moon! 

Monday June 17 at 1:31 AM Pacific 25 Sagittarius/Gemini 53 

Three outer planets at 18° now! Mercury & Mars engaged with Saturn and Pluto!

Gemini 2019 Full Strawberry Moon Parthenon Acropolis, Athens Greece

Gemini is multiplicity, pillars and posts, duality, doubles, siblings, especially twins! The Parthenon at the Acropolis, Athens Greece.

The Gemini Sun and Sagittarius Moon span the plane of consciousness that considers what’s on your mind – words to ethics. Gemini has gathered data fresh at its fingertips; Sagittarius sorts out what it means and where its going. It ranges from siblings and neighbors to the philosophers of the world. Every bit is part of the collective and plays a part of the whole. It is all in motion, breathing, shifting, in discovery at all times. Learning and teaching are the living tools of its expression. Learning how to learn, how to teach become prime importance. Those techniques are equally in evolution. It’s all a verb, not a destination!

Those words, it’s not what you say but how you say it. Gemini Sun needs to be mindful of how much to deliver at a time, and to be  potently to the point. Scatter shots do work at the right times. They cover the territory and maybe who we are talking to needs the whole story, didn’t realize the breadth of the subject! Sometimes as we let the conversation take its natural course, we relax and take it in at a more subconscious level, realize the true deeper intent of the exchange. At times a summary helps put it all in perspective. Other times a summary may minimize the breadth, scope of wholeness. We realize there is no summary, instead a broad blanket of standalone matters whose only commonality is each are happening at the same time. The summary becomes ‘there are several important matters right now.’ 

Moon in Sagittarius is concerned with housing locations, education for the kids, how to plan for the future in the current world of earth changes. For many there is a dismaying realization just how conservative, even rigid, definitely resistant, sometimes violent, powerful, some of us are. When the children of the world have to take point, that speaks. They have been shot at, abused, money put above their healthy futures. Sagittarius is optimistic, has abiding faith, is the TruthSeeker. We need them now. They need to drop any vestiges of arrogance, judgement, contempt. Everyone has come from somewhere. They need to show us differences, possibilities, give us their incredible perspective. Stand true with a lot of heart. Moon intends to nurture, and we need it. 

THREE OUTER PLANETS ARE AT 18° NOW! They are all at the degree of the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto/Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! Jupiter starts at 18 Sag. Saturn is next at 18 Cap. Neptune finishes in the last sign, Pisces. ALL ARE IN THEIR OWN SIGNS! Jupiter is the traveler, teacher. How we travel these times is crucial. It’s not just where we go, but how we be with the people as we go. Saturn takes a practical look at reality. Some laws need to be broken, updated, made to protect vital progress. Responsibility is key for each citizen, even the children today. Neptune is the visionary, plays to our Spirits and Soul. Neptune is psychic, feels the immensity we are facing, senses how each one of us can stand for what we believe in, in a good way. Jupiter and Neptune are in a challenge aspect. Jupiter’s temptation is self righteousness; Neptune reminds him we are all different in so many ways, yet want many of the basic same things. Balance is key. Sometimes an outraged shouter gets people to finally listen. Neptune comes in to soothe and commune with the ones with busted beliefs! He assures them they can continue, they will make it through the rubble and create new times together.

Jupiter and Saturn are both retrograde. Jupiter just squared Neptune YESTERDAY June 16! Saturn sextiles Neptune TOMORROW June 18. They are intensified by this Gemini/Sagittarius Full Strawberry Moon right between them June 17! These aspects are especially important because they happen while Neptune is at 18 Pisces, sextile the Pluto/Ecliptic point of Oct 30 2018 at 18 Capricorn! The whole sequence started Oct 30, 2018 with Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! The Jupiter/Saturn pair are preparing us for the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse at 18 Scorpio and its sister aspect Nov 19, Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! Those in turn prepare us for the Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and Mar 21 The Crown! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence bringing healing and planning. Saturn conjunct Pluto is precisely linked to the powerful Jupiter/Pluto aspect, same degree and sign, that is most close to the 2020 Presidential Elections. All of these are linked to and will have strong effect on the Nov 3 2020 presidential elections.

Jupiter square Neptune is currently seeking greater meaning now that we have had some months of experience. Jupiter and Neptune have to do with Faith and Spirituality. Faith often has a name, a congregation. Spirituality is more your personal relationship with your beliefs, being a Savior of Humanity. It might be sitting in meditation, doing good works for suffering Souls, no recognition needed. Many are thinking of the huge donations that were given to restore money maker Notre Dame while cities don’t have drinking water, animals are going extinct, children are suffering. One woman wrote ‘What would Jesus do?’ Jupiter’s Truth is challenging Neptune’s blind side.

Saturn’s job is to take the best most workable ideas of the Jupiter square Neptune and parlay them into use. These three will aspect each other the third and last times – Jupiter Sep 21 and Saturn Nov 8. Saturn is practical and offers Neptune a reasonable rebuild. Saturn cuts the time, builds strong and doesn’t waste time. Old things, stones and glass are his medium. He may take a more middle of the road stance due to public opinion. The ones donating may come to question why they haven’t given before to matters of living beings. We have these magnificent heritage buildings and the Turtle going extinct on the same day. One is reparable, the other is not. Please give the majority of your energy to the long term.

Moon’s Nodes recently spanned across Saturn, the South Node at Saturn! They have to do with the Past. We have been considering how things used to be, how they have been, what’s to come and what to do. Saturn wants to rebuild, make a difference, have rules that are doable. The North Node, the direction we are heading, wants food to be better quality, to eat the right kinds and amounts. Saturn can help regulate and build a better system. In addition, the Nodes have just been favorable with Neptune! Neptune is addictions of any kind, and food doesn’t cost much, is right there in your fridge. A favorable aspect can make us think we can get away with it, or Neptune can help us imagine consequences and make us realize the need to take care of ourselves better. If we aren’t talking about addictions, we can see how women, families are so important in our world today when there is so much change at hand. We all need the nurturing. We are inspired to make a safe and better world for our loved ones. We need to treat ourselves better that we may be able to help them well. Young heroines like 15 year old activist Greta Thunberg speaks truth to power at the UN COP24 climate talks. She speaks of her needs as a planetary citizen who lives on after us…

Mars and Mercury were and are activating Saturn and Pluto!

Mars in Cancer isn’t fooling around. He just faced across to Saturn. Cancer is always a ‘presence’ with Saturn, in Capricorn, because Cancer is Capricorn’s opposite sign. Opposition is awareness, but is also the safest long distance apart in a chart. If Saturn gets annoyed he can be heavy handed. Mars can feel safer to call him out, but in Cancer Mars is more likely to offer support, even though a challenge is made. Cancer is generally conservative too, so Saturn feels safer to consider the matter. In this case, housing and children are at the top of the list. 

Now and next, Mars opposes Pluto, also in Capricorn. Formidable and not so easy as Saturn/Cap. Pluto can be tough to read, so thank goodness for Cancer’s perception and the skills of dealing with children who think they can’t be seen, LOL! Mars better be somewhat careful though. Not good to provoke the Ninja Master. Then, Mars loves a challenge and rarely bypasses such a chance. If he succeeds, he could have the Master’s approval, even if it is begrudging. They will know of each others’ presence, parry, whether emotionally or actual contact. It could be athletic or financial competition. The aspect is exact June 19, 8:21 PM Pacific, the day after Saturn sextiles Neptune. If Mars and Pluto work in tandem on opposite sides, contributing their efforts for a greater cause, the results could be outstanding. Mars spearheads a business that funds the finances needed to seek a cure for a longstanding disease. It could be mental, an addiction, infectious, a tumor. Mars could do some special awareness events that go viral that Pluto decides to contribute major funds to. Those models of super efforts, breaking taboos, relinquishing old dead ends, could be used by many groups to make profound changes.  

Mercury moves faster than Mars and has just jumped into position, first with Jupiter, then with Neptune & Saturn just 3 hours before the Jupiter square Neptune the day before the Full Moon! The Full Moon is all about decoding the findings and immediately applying them to the next day’s June 18 Saturn sextile Neptune! Saturn’s sextile will bring about Neptune’s dream with aplomb!

Mercury and Mars in Cancer are both askew Jupiter, formed an inconjunct. That’s an aspect like peripheral vision. But as planets, Mercury and Jupiter rule opposite signs Gemini/Sagittarius. Odd as Cancer and Sagittarius are with each other, Cancer ruling homeland and Sag anywhere else you go, they still share the function of communications. Mercury has the words; Sagittarius has the meanings and purpose. Mercury conduits the data, perceptions; Sagittarius makes the plan that connects them to their greater perspective. Mars and Jupiter are both risk taker fire planets. Mars gets you started; Jupiter is so much fun, carries you along and all of a sudden you are someplace else, again! Mercury is happily learning as he goes, enjoys every fresh minute! In fact, he’s busy comparing eateries near the library, while Mars and Jupiter are looking for the sports arena.  

Mercury trined Neptune. If Mercury were not in psychic water sign Cancer, he might find little possibility of connecting with Neptune the Magician of Formlessness. In comparison to seemingly meaningless dreams of immense imagination, Mercury’s mere words seem confining and limiting, even angular. Neptune works more from tonal qualities that morph and blend with no reasons we understand yet. But as they relate now, Mercury senses the unfoldment, a cycle of the Soul, hears the music. Mercury gives a surprisingly accurate story of what Neptune relates, something much more than our average perception. Now it’s time to get people to listen and believe.

Mercury, as Mars, opposed Saturn, and will oppose Pluto. Mercury in Cancer tunes in to Saturn and sees what he frets about, gives him ideas, notices what Saturn does very well, so better than the average person. Mercury is logical and Saturn is scientific. Saturn sees Cancer’s insights as reliable and worthy. Though opposite, Mercury standing back, can see things Saturn got too busy to notice, forgot or left out. They can work well together. Mercury opposite Pluto is a little tense since Pluto likes his privacy. Mercury has curiosity and the urge to bounce information discovered off anyone who will listen, to see what it’s all about. Pluto holds his cards close, so Mercury may be held off. Yet, Mercury in psychic Cancer notices when the eyes go blank, and that’s Pluto’s tell. So Mercury knows where to look further and circles the field looking for more clues and an entry. If Pluto decides to take Mercury into his confidence, and he may do so since Cancer is a protective water sign too, they can cover a lot of forbidden territory that may need an airing. Clearing, renovation, getting funding for building is in the wind. Maybe a safe haven for women, a special school for disadvantaged or special needs children. Clever shortcuts and establishing new connections, renewing old proven connections will smooth the way.

Mercury is shoulder to shoulder, conjunct Mars, bearing witness to tell the story! He not only observes the events, but feels the sequence through his entire being. Mercury takes notes; Cancer has a photographic memory. It becomes part of him. They are exactly together the morning of the 18th, just after Saturn sextiles Neptune! Mercury, having been present the entire sequence, in the most potent moments, gets the scoop! He can tell the whole story! He will continue on, faster than Mars, to observe the final event when Mars opposes Pluto the 19th. Mercury is paving the way, opening people’s minds to receive Mars’ new ideas and embrace his actions!

Venus stands alone in Gemini, sweet with her words and attention.

Continuing abiding Aspect: Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue their 13 years long journey closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. One of their exact aspects is coming June 30. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Get the word going! Connect and tell the story.  

Sagittarius – Gemini Full Strawberry Moon Astrology Chart! 

Gemini Full Strawberry Moon Astrology Chart

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Next is the Tuesday July 2 first Summer Eclipse, Solar, Cancer New Moon at 12:16 PM, 10 Cancer 38!

See the entire Gemini 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count. 

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Galactic Center 2009 NASA

NASA image of the Galactic Center

Sep 23 Equinox Note! How did this happen?! All of a sudden we are really close to the Transit of Mercury retrograde eclipse and its sister aspect Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! These are both important events, transmissions from our own Star, the Sun, and our entire Galaxy of stars!

The first ten months of 2019 Neptune has been being prepared for the sister events, the Transit of Mercury Eclipse and Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! He has been activated SIX times, three by Jupiter’s challenging viewpoints. Neptune is stirred, no longer laying still. He may be on his feet like a Thich Nhat Hanh walking meditation or sitting in a dynamic meditation. For now he needs to be in a healthy awake, alert on duty condition. And there are three activations by Saturn, doing on-the-ground testing the principles Jupiter and Neptune have pondered getting the kinks out to let it all flow smoothly. Neptune is a planet of being infinitely, delicately, richly  sensitive, a giant receptor. In some ways it is indiscriminate and that is good when a transmission of this solar magnitude comes through. Neptune doesn’t block any part of it; it comes through whole. Mercury rules Gemini, information, data, and Virgo analysis. Neptune rules the sign opposite Virgo, Pisces. It’s important not to judge, or try to make order of it, but just see it as it is, an order we aren’t yet used to. It must be untampered with so the original is protected intact. This Transit event will last hours, so Mercury and Neptune have to be strong. It will take months and years, maybe a lifetime, to understand in fullness.

The June 16, 17 and 18 events are particularly important since the 16 and 18 events are at the 18th degree, the one that links Pluto at the Ecliptic and the Transit of Mercury. The Full Moon on the 17th at 25 Sagittarius also acts as a receptor.

The Oct 30, 2018 248 year Pluto at the Ecliptic is linked to the Transit of Mercury Eclipse by degree. The Transit of Mercury and Jupiter at the Galactic Center are only 8 days apart, Nov 11 and 19, 2019! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path and Mercury crosses the face of the Sun, both infused with the major Light, SOLAR light of our Solar system! Jupiter, Mercury’s ‘opposite’ planet (Mercury of Gemini opposite Jupiter of Sagittarius, now IN Sagittarius), is a BIG planet being infused with GALACTIC LIGHT – 200+ billions of Suns! Jupiter is a lucky charm that enhances where it is. We will feel fortunate and optimistic about what we receive. Jupiter will be wearing his regal cloak while we all make plans what to do!

Nov 11 Mercury is charged up, radiant with super information! It’s communication fibers have been seared clean, and are eminently more capable of pure transmission. Mercury speaks with power of the most important matters, is brilliant with more channels! It must be so, because it will also be the neighborhood channel of Jupiter’s galactic encounter! Jupiter will teach life changing insights of planetary importance far and wide. Perspectives will shift immensely. Mercury will step down some of the information to the average citizen. Did you hear about…..?! Data will be gathered to see how the citizens are taking it all, and that will be taken back to ‘Central’ to see what needs to be released next, to whom, and how. Ok, back to the beginning…

The Moon crosses the Galactic Center 12 to 13 times a year, the Sun once a year. Jupiter crosses it every 12 years while in its own sign Sagittarius, the host sign of the Galactic Center! Jupiter will get very close to it April 2019 when it goes stationary retrograde at 25 Sag, and then the doors are wide open at the exact conjunction about 7 AM Pacific November 19 2019 at 27 Sag 07!

Per the Cosmic Intelligence Agency (chuckle): The Galactic Center is the point around which our whole galaxy, The Milky Way turns. It was discovered in Feb 1974, fittingly with the [Moon’s] North Node at 27° Sagittarius and Saturn at the South Node. The Galactic Center moves like a fixed star at the rate of precession through the zodiac at 1° every 72 years, forward in the tropical zodiac (as the Aries point moves backward) and is currently [was] at 26°59′ Sagittarius. At this Center is a super massive black hole [4 light years wide], a galactic gravitational Center, a huge cosmic womb of sorts. What we know of black holes is that they are massive forces of energy sucking in everything around them, yet full of power, potential and creation. The core and key of the birth of the galaxy itself. It is as big as 4 million suns. It is 25,000 light years away. To give you an idea of how far away that is, Alpha Centauri our closest star is 4.3 light years away, with mega giant star Betelgeuse 642 light years away.

The 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic, and 2019’s Mercury across the face of the Sun – Transit of Mercury, are strictly local by comparison! Both are related to our one Sun, whereas the GC is the center of 200+ billions of star systems! Yet, by closeness of dates and degrees, the Transit of Mercury Nov 11, eleven, eleven, and Jupiter at the GC Nov 19 are very much related, virtually happening together! At the Transit, Jupiter is at 25 degrees Sag, less than two degrees of the GC conjunction. The Transit of Mercury Eclipse is closely linked with the Ecliptic event and the GC event! It is perhaps pivotal between them. It is the observer of the year following the Ecliptic event, transmits to the Sun and the Sun to him, then Jupiter is the go between of Earth and the Galaxy! Mercury is considered the neighborhood planet, where Jupiter, his ‘opposite’ planet, is the traveler spreading the good word far and wide, giving meaning to Mercury’s data and incorporating it in his big plans! This is a BIG party!

It feels like you have the whole Galaxy at your fingertips! You reach out so far you can forget where you came from! And it doesn’t matter. You just be the best you can be everywhere you are. The Galactic Center, GC, is a monumental point of infusion of collected Light of all the stars, not just our Galaxy but other star systems as well. Open your mind and Spirit as much as you possibly can. Don’t bother about articulating or judging it; absorb it. You can sort it out later. If you, as one person, want to be heard, when there are events at this point in the zodiac, be sure to vote! We are heard collectively. Humanity progresses as it can; joining up with the Galactic Beings can boost the process.

Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center Astrology Chart!
(The GC is right where Jupiter, the planet that looks like an open orange 4 is.)

2019 Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius 07 Astrology Chart!

The Jupiter/GC event is during Mercury in Scorpio Retrograde STATION! It ‘turns’ forward the NEXT DAY, Nov 20 at 11:12 AM Pacific! Retrograde Stations are an 8 day period ‘standing’ still, attuned, fully absorbing. It focuses, lets no motion distract it. There is a potent stillness, especially in ‘fixed’ sign Scorpio. Scorpio is perhaps the most deeply rooted and still of all the zodiac signs. They can be so still as to be not only invisible, but not be ‘felt’ when in that condition! They are 100% receptive. They don’t miss a thing and have tremendous capacity. Scorpio is a keen deep seeker, so every particle will be noticed and plumbed, anchored in their being. It’s purpose is to heal so we may have union. The Phoenix rises from the Kundalini of its own ashes, the fertilizer of the past. It rises, unfettered, to the occasion. That is intense to experience or witness. As this release is slowly happening while in station, Mercury will soon again be going forward, gathering momentum, releasing the secrets of its findings!

Trines can be like greased lightning! There won’t be any trouble with these transmissions! See all those blue lines?! There is a Grand Water Trine –  grand because a complete triangle is formed! We also have a super fire trine! Mercury in Scorpio is in the intuitive Grand Water Trine with Neptune in its own sign Pisces, the psychic of the Soul, the Sensitive, Dreamer. Mercury may try to analyze, can’t help it, but Neptune will keep the priority on the highest spiritual matters. They are accompanied by the Moon’s North Node seeking the best of the future in Moon’s own sign Cancer.

And who is in the fabulous Fire Trine?! JUPITER, a fire planet, the very planet of the Galactic Center! Venus is right near him, coming to give her blessing! And bountiful it is because she is in Sagittarius too! They are gold medal splendid together! Moon and Part of Fortune in Leo, sign of Love, Heart and solar Light, are trining them! Moon is happily center stage and applauding as well! She makes us feel how connected we all are, how generous we can be. We can get tears in our eyes. In her nurturing spirit she helps present the benefit event of all benefit events! There are none to compare! It may be melodramatic, but it only makes the point. Fire signs represent Spirit, inspiration, initiation, exuberance, leadership! Sag and Leo are both teaching signs. Perfect for the job ahead.

Yes, there are some challenges. The most organic is the classic male/female at odds Moon square Sun. Moon wants her way in Leo. Scorpio Sun says none of your business, and may be pressed to give Leo the support for the luxuries she knows she deserves. In the kindliest sense she may warm his heart, dote on him and he is secretly pleased, and melts a little bit. She needs to know not everything is about her. He cares so much. She sees him anonymously help others and respects him, is proud of him. In this case, they need to surrender selfishness and unspoken fears, to the greater Galactic business of Souls and the Planet. The Venus/Jupiter Moon/Part of Fortune fire trine will likely save the day!

Mars opposite Uranus could be a little kinky and hazardous. Mars in Scorp always thinks he has 9 lives, but why waste time in repeated recoveries of rocking the boat just a little too far? Enjoy the wild but stay steady with some down to earth friends. Listen to them.

The big challenge may involve Jupiter himself! He is out of sign square Chiron! They are coming to meet each other since Chiron is retrograde. Since Jupiter is at the end of Sag, and Chiron is at the beginning of Aries, they are both in fire signs at the time of the Galactic infusion. Later, Dec 8, when Jupiter is in Capricorn, it will square Chiron by signs that aren’t compatible. For now, Jupiter is maturing, enjoying his culmination in Sag. He’s happy to frolic with Chiron and is especially interested in new healing methods! Chiron is on hand for any help Jupiter may need. It’s not every day you have a Galactic encounter for real! Anything could happen! See more about the Dec 8 square.

So how long is Jupiter at the Galactic Center? Astrologers vary a lot in their rules about things like this. For such an exotic event they might allow a 1 degree before and after range. Since Jupiter is a slow moving outer planet, that would give it from Nov 14 to the 24th, 10 days. If a 5 degree range were allowed, the astrologer might allow 5 degrees ahead of the exact date and only, say, 3 degrees following, saying the energy would be dissipating after the exact event. That would then be Oct 25 to Dec 3, 39 days. Another astrologer might say that as soon as Jupiter changes signs Dec 2, that’s the end of it. But, as Mercury takes hours to cross the face of the Sun, how long might it take Jupiter to cross the Galactic Center so far, far away?! Is distance important to factor in? No. Pluto, our furthest most small planet, has tremendous potency many of us have lived! The Galactic Center itself moves only a degree every 72 years… I’m inclined to give it the 10 day timing that correlates with the Mercury 8 day station discussed above. But we are each so different in our ‘radar.’ When you feel it, is when it is true for you for sure, but we all know certain things come upon us so slowly we don’t realize it at first…give it some room, be open and alert.

The 2018 Pluto Ecliptic, the 2019 10 months of Jupiter/Saturn to Neptune combination, November’s Transit of Mercury and Jupiter at the Galactic Center are all bringing us up to speed for Saturn conjunct Pluto Jan 12, 2020 and The Crown Mar 21, 2020! It is a long and powerful sequence! Stay steady in the Light.

Those of you born Nov 17, 18, 19, 20 are potently connected with the Galactic Center by birthright, always tuned to its frequency. You are lifelong channels for the rest of us. Some of you are conscious of this connection, for others it is yet to be discovered. The rest of us, with chart factors at 26, 27 and 28 degrees of any sign, don’t forget your midpoints, are connected as well. We each receive, translate and disseminate information from the skills our own signs – all of us components of the whole cosmic web.

2019 Scorpio Full Beaver Moon As Above So Below Transit of Mercury

Around 7 AM Pacific the 19th, with firm stance, be a channel for these profound energies! Without judgement I ask you to engage, receive, anchor these energies in their purity. Blessed be.

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See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for the Planetary Patterns finishing the year! Check out the 2020 Special Edition!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Full Grain Moon!
Jupiter sextile Pluto! Sun, Saturn, Uranus Grand Earth Trine/Kite! 

New Moon!
Sign Changes, Grand Fixed Square, Fixed Star Rigel! 


Full Grain Moon!

Jupiter sextile Pluto! Sun, Saturn, Uranus Grand Earth Trine/Kite!

Sunday Aug 26 at 4:56 AM Pacific, 3 Pisces/Virgo 12

Virgo Full Moon Woodcut Art Nick Wroblewsky

Woodcuts artist Nick Wroblewski works in Duluth, MN where it snows during winter. He has time to do this amazing art! Many Virgos are superb craftspeople, and wood is often their medium. Facebook  Website

No eclipses, no SuperMoon, no more Mercury retrograde, Mars finishing his tomorrow! Since Mars doesn’t complete his entire Retrograde pattern until Oct 8, our experiences are leading us to the very threshold, the gateway of the Pluto on the Ecliptic Oct 30, a once every 248 years affair!

What IS big about this Full Moon is that it is leading up to the financially tasty Jupiter sextile Pluto Sep 12! They are less than 3 degrees apart NOW! This aspect is also good for healing and powerful learning. Luck and expertise will go hand in hand. Don’t be surprised if big dogs/horses and a we bit of gambling get in the mix. It is excellent for installing reliable business programs and placing people in very fitting positions. Things WILL get done and live long, and it will be fun! A special kind of fame and some honor may come with it. Consider imports/exports. Combine business travel with visits to sacred site. Keep your Spirit clean. Everything we are doing now, is leading to these possibilities! Make this final window of time count! Plan ahead, big! Be ready to take the chance!

A caveat. At the time of the Full Moon, Venus is square Pluto. The square presents difficulties that need solving to clear the way. Venus might not get her way, and you might not entirely either. Why? Likely there are hidden costs and someone has to pay. It may be tempting to cheat or steal, but this is NOT the time, and watch your back, stay out of harm’s way. Any new relationship in these few days aren’t exactly likely keepers – the potential partner may have serious health or financial issues, or someone that requires them to take care of that for them. Admit your issues that keep you from a greater success. Be a tad more kind, but not a pushover either. Perfection would be lovely, but when do you think that’s going to happen, right? If your sale price is more wishful thinking than reality, get opinions from some other  experienced sellers and make the needed adjustments. If your prices on your art have been too low, raise ’em.

Uranus is the key planet with a strong Earth Grand Trine/Kite formed to it! Sun has given Light in the past 2 days. In Virgo s/he is keenly seeing the great changes coming. She has also consulted with Saturn about when the best times are to do what! Uranus has lots of friends and Virgo will organize the crew, tend to their needs. Saturn divvys up the work so the most will get done in the least time. Uranus offers extraordinary insights to earth changes, the flow of goods and food, basic financial matters of our time, how to stay stable while change, sometimes chaos, are about us. Though grand tines can sometimes slack off, thinking all will be ok, Virgo and Capricorn are both work signs – Virgo with the infinite daily matters and fragments, Capricorn with the timeframe in mind, constantly adjusting the flow as needed.

Moon, in her Piscean empathy, sits midpoint (making the KITE), equidistant between sometimes tough old Saturn, and the wildcard Uranus, though Uranus in Taurus may be more steady. Either can be a challenge to Moon though the sextile aspects are good. Saturn claims experience and isn’t moved by ‘over’ emotional or unsafe conditions when saving the down and out. Uranus is faster than the speed of light, even in Taurus and it’s hard to get his attention. But if any sign can, it would be Pisces, and Moon is so sensitive she senses his slightest shift even before he does it! Pisces softens with Uranus with truer than true insights, senses when Saturn shifts a particle and goes for the opening. Pisces has its own way of permeating and following, can be enchanting. Uranus is so surprised when he finds Pisces tagging along that he listens!

Sun, Moon, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, and the Moon’s Nodes are from 1 to 5 degrees! It’s a tight bunch, all influencing the others! Sun opposite Moon in PIsces is the life of it, having the feeling of what’s up. Pisces is super sensitive and Father Sun want’s to know all the details in Virgo. Pisces sees the dream, and Virgo wants to take it on, even if it is, maybe especially if it is, detail by detail. That is their expertise. They want to serve, whatever it takes that they can do or learn to do. And they will do it well. Trust me. Pisces loves music, and most musicians I know have Virgo strong in their charts. Great music requires fine tuned adjustments and Virgo can do it!

Sun and Moon both activated Chiron, now previewing in Aries. There are new ways to live a quality life, to heal from old wounds. New relationships are forming, whether it is ourself to ourself, or to others with information we didn’t know existed! The business world is changing as we do or don’t connect with other countries. Business rules and methods are changing profoundly with computers and the internet. Jobs and careers come and go. Mutable signs like Pisces and Virgo are good at adjusting, being flexible. Both want the best and are alert to shifts in the valence. And it is so important who we work with.

Saturn is retrograding back to almost square Chiron. We are feeling it. The brush comes so close we are sure we are doomed, but it doesn’t happen. The fears we have are the hints there are things that need to be taken care of anyway. So do it. Be mindful to deal with health matters that nag you. Keep watch over certain friends that may need some assistance. Be gentle with your expectations. Get help if you need it. New ventures in business may be challenging. Do your best and know you did what you could.

Mars retrograde in Capricorn is being sure the latest tools and skills are being introduced and shown how to be used, where they fit in our lives. Mars goes back into Aquarius Sep 10, the day after the New Moon. Mars quickly scouts the area for new friends, inventors, group action leaders, people with their pulse on immediate events. Mars made connections while in Capricorn and will be sure these Aquarian type people have channels to the tools and supplies they need to continue their work effectively.


We all are collectively journeying with Pluto, and keep getting closer to his date with the Ecliptic, at Pluto’s South Node, Oct 30! Per NASA that will be at approximately 5:13 PM Pacific at 18 Capricorn 58! Yes, that is months away, but Pluto is on a 248 year orbit, slow moving, so very in effect right now! Pluto rules extremes. The words Life & Death say it all. Bankrupt or wealthy. Alone or solidly together. Sexual or never been kissed, ever. We’ve had huge political, economic, civil rights and environmental changes, with more to come. Already we are seeing the underbelly of the world, the ever evolving unfinished that lies in darkness.  Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic!The Moon in Pisces lends magic and miracles! Sun in Virgo will work day by day, side by side with you to make them come true! Blessed be. 

Full Grain Moon Astrology Chart! 

Pisces - Virgo 2018 Full Grain Moon Astrology Chart!

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New Moon!

Sign Changes, Grand Fixed Square, Fixed Star Rigel!

Sunday September 9 at 11:01 AM Pacific, 17 Virgo 00

Virgo New Moon 2018 Sawtooths Milky Way Dark Sky Reserve

Milky Way at the US’s first Dark Sky Reserve, now one of 37 in the world! Ed Cannady Photo in the rugged lands of the Sawtooth [Mountains] National Forest, central Idaho. The International Dark Sky Association will have their annual meet Nov 9-11 at Snowbird UT!

No eclipses, no SuperMoon, no more Mercury or Mars retrograde! Since Mars doesn’t complete his entire Retrograde pattern until Oct 8, our experiences from before now, until then, are leading us to the very threshold, the gateway of the Pluto on the Ecliptic Oct 30, a once every 248 years affair!

3 New Moon Aspects

The New Moon stands just past opposition Neptune in his own sign Pisces! There may have been confusion at the same time as insights. You may not have felt like working or ended up doing something you didn’t expect but was just right. Fears and doubts are behind us. Knowing what they were keeps us on our toes. Spirit is our guide across the river.

Next, Moon and Sun sextile Jupiter in Scorpio! Virgo and Scorpio are both signs of perfection. Virgo keeps the budget, tracks the return on the investment. Scorpio uses the data to invest. Great returns are possible! Oh, yes, works for me! Virgo, the herbalist and practical technician, works hand in hand with the Scorpio midwife and saves people from dying or helps them kindly with the process. Send in your application and ask for the money you want. You may get the job and/or the funding you need. I can feel your tears of gratitude. If you are approached to be a backer, give it a chance.

To add strength to the Jupiter combination, the New Moon is also trine Pluto in Capricorn! Pluto is Scorpio’s planet, so it powerfully assesses what Jupiter is raving about. Capricorn realistically points out any possible flaws that might occur over time, so a less emotional decision can be well made. If you all decide to go ahead, reassess at an interval that would likely work well. Have a back up plan ready to step into in case it is needed. But chances are it will be a success that may need a few fixes along the way. Sun, Jupiter, Pluto alliances are just about invincible! Get out your calculators! Get your team lined up and start working toward your goal! Launch a business, website, important blog!

SUPER DAY! Try to have it wrapped up by the Sep 12 Jupiter Sextile Pluto at 0:56 AM Pacific! That mid of night time means it is most strongly in effect on Sep 11, when Sun sextiles Jupiter and trines Pluto! If the Sep 11 & 12 aspects, on an increasing Moon, connect well with your chart, they could bring you amazing results! (SEE your astrologer for you personal timing!)

3 Sign Changes

Venus just changed signs from Libra, her second sign, to Scorpio! Libra relationships are social and public; Scorpio relationships are personal and private. Libra makes cross cultural partners; Scorpio is part of the corporation, financial dealings. Libra is fine arts; Scorpio is psychological, skillful intricate healing in the deepest layers of our psyche. Venus now puts her blessing on delicate matters, places we might not be so proud of, yet are part of us. Sharing our story, so others know they are not the only one, may save lives. There are survivors holding their heads up. If we can know how they did it, we can do that our own way and stand on our own again. Virgo takes notes and especially pays attention to the process.

Mars is at the last degree of Capricorn. The New Moon emphasizes how Capricorn’s work is the wellspring poised at the brink of change! Mars goes into Aquarius the next day, Sep 10 at 5:56 PM Pacific! While Mars previously, in its retrograde cycle, went ahead in to AQ then retrograded back into Capricorn, we had a preview of why we should tend Capricorn’s mission with such dedication. AQ will need every bit of that foundation to carry on the massive changes needed across the board – political, economic, environmental, humanitarian.

Sep 25 Chiron in Aries retrogrades back to Pisces to strengthen our dreams, beliefs, intuitive understandings. We see more of the value in all beings, want to save Souls. Right now we are taking a good look at how to do get those dreams rolling, make potent new beginnings, how to lead efficiently and right to the pivotal point!

Grand Fixed Signs Square – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

We have Mars at 29, Venus and Chiron at 0 degrees, and Saturn and Uranus at 2 degrees in a network, each affecting the other! Throw in the Moon’s Nodes at 5 Leo/Aquarius and we have a grand fixed Square! Mars will square Venus. He wants it now; she may have previous plans, but he is persistent. They meet, but hoped for results may not be possible, too late. Or they quibble through it and hope it works anyway. Best is to revisit when Mars gets into AQ. He will want some new different things then. He squares Uranus, the planet of AQ. Uranus is more wild than Mars, but in Taurus may be perversely stubborn, not as quick to respond, or possibly doesn’t want to make as much change as Mars is advocating. Mars can’t count on his friend Uranus this time. Venus might be shy and a little put off by what may seem to be demanding rough or strange ways. The Moon’s North Node, the nodes alway retrograde, is making the squares with Uranus then Venus, last, the opposition/conjunction with Mars. The South Node in AQ is the past, so those old shift-under-your-feet AQ shocker styles won’t work as well this time. Surprise, unnerving strategies won’t be received so kindly. Shift over to the Leo North Node. Be more transparent, put a light on things, put your heart in it and see what happens. It still might not work. Fixed squares often stay just as they are until things move out of the pattern. It’s ok. You all got to take a look.

Also in the degree pattern are Mars sextile Chiron and Saturn trine Uranus. Chiron in Aries offers new ways to do business, relationships. Back in Pisces he offers more understanding to what is going on in our Spirits and the delicacy that may be needed to convince Venus. Saturn trine Uranus is one of those close-but-doesn’t-become-exact aspects. You hope, it gets mighty close, but that’s it. You end up letting go of that chapter. What does help is Venus sextiles Saturn! She can call on her father, her mentor, and elder she respects, an experienced expert. She wants to do what will work in the long term. Mars may be right but his timing may be off. People aren’t quite ready yet. In Scorpio she may not like that Leo Node bright light, but if she and Mars meet later on to review, there may be some surprising results as things are transforming quickly in spite of the fixed signs.

Fixed Star Rigel The new Moon at 17 Virgo squares Rigel at 16 Gemini 50 in the constellation Orion that so gloriously adorns the northern hemisphere winter heaven! Bluish white Rigel, is a double star, the 7th brightest star in the sky. Tradition regarding the influence of Rigel is quite contradictory. Ptolemy read it as Jupiter-Mars, showing a character that will take on anything before it, but such a person does have to be careful that their courage is used with wisdom and sincere purpose if they are not to be painfully stung for flaunting bravado for the sake of vanity. It is found in charts of government officials, military people, politicians, leaders of political parties, barristers and priests. Rigel may stir up Virgo, or Virgo is not impressed by Rigel’s boasting. He is formidable and no pushover no matter how intelligent Virgo is, but she may come to realize she needs a champion!


We all are collectively journeying with Pluto, and keep getting closer to his date with the Ecliptic, at Pluto’s South Node, Oct 30! Per NASA that will be at approximately 5:13 PM Pacific at 18 Capricorn 58! Yes, that is months away, but Pluto is on a 248 year orbit, slow moving, so very in effect right now! Pluto rules extremes. The words Life & Death say it all. Bankrupt or wealthy. Alone or solidly together. Sexual or never been kissed, ever. We’ve had huge political, economic, civil rights and environmental changes, with more to come. Already we are seeing the underbelly of the world, the ever evolving unfinished that lies in darkness.  Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic!

We are living in powerful times of trial and change! Every New Moon is a precious restart from sign to sign. Each New Moon is a purity of that sign’s energy incubated by and integrated in the very latest transits of the times, what has come to be. Virgo welcomes planetary clean up, polishing our systems, living more purely each day. May we meet all our challenges in a good way. And so it is.

Virgo New Moon Astrology Chart!

Leo 2018 New Moon Solar Eclipse Pluto Ecliptic Astrology Chart

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Magical Harvest Moon Sep 24 at 7:52 PM Pacific, 2 Aries-Libra 0!
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See the entire Virgo 2018 Newsletter!

See the remaining 2018 Special Edition Newsletter for finishing Planetary Patterns of the year!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….


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New SuperMoon!   Mars TSquare! Saturn at GALACTIC CENTER!

Full Strawberry – Rose Moon!
Jupiter inconjunct Neptune Station, Jupiter Direct!
Galactic Center, Fixed Star Rigel!


New SuperMoon! Mars TSquare! Saturn at GALACTIC CENTER!

Thursday May 25, 12.44 PM Pacific at 4 Gemini 47!  

The Milky Way arches over Capitol Reef National Park’s iconic Chimney Rock. Photo by Jacob W. Frank. Communication between Heaven and Earth....

The Milky Way arches over Capitol Reef National Park’s iconic Chimney Rock. Photo by Jacob W. Frank. Communication between Heaven and Earth….

Our May new SuperMoon is the second of three in a row 2017 New SuperMoons, the closest supermoon of the year! We may experience higher tides in our thinking, excited about new ideas that merge and spread. Grads will find themselves thinking about whether to go on with school, where to go, what to do! It may be a little overwhelming for everyone.

Only a week ago we finished the exact Jupiter inconjunct Neptune and Saturn trine Uranus May 17 and 18. Jupiter inconjunct Neptune will stay with us until July 4, 48 days! It is what we call being in Station, at the turn of Jupiter’s retrograde to direct/forward. It turns forward on the June 9 Full Strawberry – Rose Moon! Every New and Full Moon through the July 8 Full Buck Moon will have this aspect strongly.

The New Moon is not in close degrees with the Jupiter inconjunct, nor is it making any close aspects to any other planets. It stands on its own. Moon is Mother nurturer and at New Moons feeds Father Sun. In Gemini you can bet it is alphabet soup! She whispers tiny thoughts to take his mind off things, sings faery songs, dances in the light, does the crossword puzzle with him at the breakfast table. She makes a quick run, checks the neighbors cat on her way home. Then they are off for the day, gathering choice bits of information here and there. A few errands, home for dinner and a quick exchange of hugs and updates. A settle in or friends over. Sweet dreams, talking in your sleep.

There are lots of connections at 19 and among the 20s degree planets.

Venus Squares Pluto. Love is being tested. Pluto in Capricorn claims experience and age on his side. Venus in Aries stamps her foot, wants what she wants right now and is willing to fight about it. Pulling rank doesn’t fly with her. She’s wanting what’s new, to take a risk. He’s wanting the way it has been or the most practical at the least cost. It will take some give and take plus a little time to work it out.

Jupiter in Libra inconjuncts that Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter shifts gears, directions and alliances. Good thing Neptune is quick on the uptake and understands most of the time. Jupiter likes social chatting and international conditions. There are times Pisces prefers solitude, to gently contemplate freely, making associations of mind and Spirit. He seeks intuition rather than advice from well dressed experts. Yet both have their truths and offerings. Important not to judge or to slur each other’s style. Sometimes legal matters take precedence, other times it’s the Court of Heaven that offers insight to the right thing to do. Rather than living in self chosen poverty, as Pisces can sometimes do, Jupiter in Libra leads us to the right school that brings you to the door of happiness doing what you always wanted to do! Could be art, music, design, being with people who celebrate exactly who you are!

Mercury in Taurus sextiles Neptune! Time to get the word out. Go to the specialty school. Let the dream come true, find it a safe place, a home to grow in. Along with your fine intuition, get steady in the work. A bit at a time will do nicely. Be patient, speak kindly, but say it. Be there.

Mars in Gemini sextiles Uranus in Aries! Now that’s Spark! Mars is the planet of Aries! It loves to be first, an innovator, the consultant. In Gemini it loves variety, to move and mutate, adapt and deliver! Uranus is the ultimate lead, a planet of friendship, community purpose, internet, worldwide flight and organizations for the best and betterment for all! Mars will never be bored and never be done with all that potential! Uranus will be thrilled with the new kid on the block, how quickly ideas are put together. Occasionally things may be a bit premature, but you gotta laugh at the delight as new things are tested, corrected, attempted again until they get it right! Time to celebrate!

Mars Mutables TSquare with Chiron and Saturn

Mars squares Chiron in Pisces. Mars may be stunned by how Chiron’s feelings might have been hurt, and back away. Chiron may be thinking how Mars didn’t realize there could be a lack of health or physical ability, a thoughtless statement made. Whoa! Let’s all backup a bit. Slow it down. Mars in Gemini isn’t known for patience, so keep to short sentences, statements and requests. Agree to meet again very soon. Due to the differences in tempos, it may end with an agreement to let go of your connection for now. But if possible, let’s not let this fester and lose each other entirely. Be friends but not work together? Aside from this, there could be injuries to hands or feet. Burns, rashes. Or Mars jumps in with new remedies that are remarkable!

Saturn and Chiron are separating their square by 2 degrees now. They will be back but not until Nov 2. There is going to be plenty of time to think things over after the April 30 square. This is not considered an easy aspect, some even call it a ‘heartbreak’ aspect, tough on relationships if the degrees activate your chart in the romance dept. Losses can be formidable seeming whether in love, health or business. Maybe you got in over your head, need to back up, slow down. Saturn in Sagittarius can be opinionated, a demanding instructor, intimidating. Or he can make you work extra hard to get things done and you’re glad that he did, couldn’t have done it by yourself. Back to school and on your feet. Chiron can be a weak spot, and you may be embarrassed for it, even in denial. But if you are facing up to it, Saturn can help you get over that threshold too! Might not be fun, but a huge relief. Did it once, can do it again. See more, #3 at this link

Mars is opposite Saturn in Sagittarius! If Saturn isn’t fast enough, Mars has got his boots on to give a forward kick to speed things up! Saturn is faster in Sagittarius, but Mars is in Gemini, the combination that is if you think it, you do it, now! Mars may have terrific ideas, but Saturn, the wise TaskMaster, knows the order of things, how to conserve energy and place it accurately both in time and space. To Mars it may feel like running into a brick wall, and it may be a lifesaving event! On the other hand, what brick wall wasn’t meant to be scaled with one flying leap?! If that Mars spunk is right, Saturn may wish he went too!

Saturn in Sagittarius is still in close trine, but retrograding away from Uranus. Work and education, friendships and networking expanding the opportunities! Cross cultural expeditions bring new products. Uranus in Aries researches, has breakthroughs, uncanny knowledge that spikes more trials. Innovative solutions occur step after step. It just keeps going! Real estate demographics change. Professional goals broaden. Aging brings more satisfaction than ever. See more, #1 at this link

Uranus is strong at 26 Aries, trining the GALACTIC CENTER, GC, at 26 Sagittarius, where Saturn is now sitting! Saturn is holding the fort, protecting the treasures of our Universe, metering the exchange. Uranus is the planet of the heavens, the electric and eclectic keeper of the Sacred Akashic Records of our Souls! Saturn is the planet of archaeology, ruler of Time, ageless Wisdom. Uranus, ruler of airplanes and the Internet wants to uplift the nature of the lineage of the records, include more of our connections with the fringes, explore possible galactic alliances, changes that are currently beyond our wildest thoughts. Saturn steadies the ship while Uranus amps up the sizzle, electricity, shimmer and valences. Some of that will attract travelers from beyond!

Though a lot feels uncertain these days, know that we are cosmically right on course!


Gemini New SuperMoon Astrology Chart x

Gemini New SuperMoon Astrology Chart

x x

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Full Strawberry – Rose Moon!
Jupiter Inconjunct Neptune Station, Jupiter Direct!
Galactic Center, Fixed Star Rigel!

Friday June 9, 6:10 AM Pacific at 18 Sagittarius 53

Gemini Strawberry Full Moon NYC Boni de Oliveira

42nd Street. New York City’s version of Gemini, glowing with the ultimate urban twins, framing a delicious “strawberry moon” on ‪Summer Solstice‬ 2016, the longest and brightest day of the year! Magnificent photo by Bruno Boni de Oliveira. 

Gemini-Sagittarius is according to some spiritual systems the axis of Humanity, the Moon of Metropolis! The Good Word is spread near and far, no Soul neglected!

Orion’s Fixed Star Rigel was at 17 Gemini 02 in 2014, less than two degrees of the Sun/Full Moon axis and inconjunct Pluto. With the Sun, it is potent, noted for being lucky in enterprise, has technical and artistic ability, loves to gain wisdom and knowledge and to spread it to others as well. It has strong will power, love of action! Other factors being well, it can bring fame. If not well, it may be reckless and foolhardy. The Moon may feel deluged with words, though the Moon in Sagittarius may be hugely curious and ready to tag along just to see what will happen! Askew with Pluto may dredge up old obsessions that need clearing, free powers that have been abandoned, forgotten. Now they may be tempted to come back into the Light! Things might be more safe than they used to be.

This 18 degree Sun/Moon axis was with Jupiter, trine and sextile. Sun was lighting the way, charging the valence with Jupiter in Libra May 29 to June 3! Invitations were extended, meetings held, liaisons made, balance sought, honors awarded! Moon in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s sign, sextiled Jupiter June 8 at 6:45 PM Pacific, remembering, confidence and optimism reestablished, hope restored! Jupiter being in Station, standing still, has kept that focus. TODAY, at 7:04 AM, less than an hour after the Full Moon, Jupiter turns Direct/forward! Gradually energy of the previous days will be released!

Sun and Moon are in the SAME degree with Pluto in Capricorn. There is a test. Sun in Gemini is aware that certain things are not to be said, others to be revealed in a good way. Some things are universal property, others are personal, not to be stolen or copied. No pickpockets while traveling, take precautions. No uninvited picking people’s minds, or uninvited psychic mind reading. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t make it right. Moon in Sagittarius is a Seeker, comforting people with perspective, enjoying diversity wherever it goes. It shares what it has learned, dispersing knowledge and insights. Pluto in Capricorn may not trust such generosity. Time is their test; do you prove true. And so with your ideas. Cap wonders if it is too good to be true, too lightweight to endure in service. Jot down the ideas, test a little at a time. The Moon in Sag may be long gone, but unbeknownst to them the ideas may live on with you quite well.

Mama Moon and Father Time Saturn are having a meeting! Moon is moving forward, Saturn is retrograding back to her! They make their conjunction 6:19 PM Pacific after the Full Moon. They represent home and family, unconditional love and support and our professional standing, the breadwinner, builder. Each cares deeply, lives in the responsibilities of life. In Sagittarius that may center around education, important tenets of our ethics, justice, our ability to broaden our territory or keep an open mind. Sometimes when Moon is with Saturn she is sad, afraid he won’t be able to live up to his goals. In generally cheerful Sagittarius, temporarily her spirits may be a bit down. Yet though she may seem a bit emotional, exuberant over the top to him, he is cheered by her presence, in fact, a godsend!

Venus, Mercury and Mars are having a threesome! Venus is happy in her own sign Taurus, glad for a hug! Mercury is in one of his own signs also, Gemini! So MUCH to think about, speak of, listen to! Mars is the rights fighter in Cancer, the champion standing up for women and children. He finds you a new home immediately! They are at 3 and 4 degrees, Mercury right in the middle, semi sextile midpoint both Venus and Mars, the lovers! Uh, phone sex could be the best! :) Meet you later! Venus is scanning for values, beauty, a strong foundation, solid business. Sextile Mars in Cancer there is potential as a provider, possibly they can make a home together, definitely he may be the leader for her cause! Gemini wants to talk it over. Consult neighbors and siblings. Get data to backup ideas. If it proves feasible, it’s contract time!

The Galactic Center is still involved with our lunar events! See more This time it is in a Grand Fire Trine! Uranus is at 27 Aries, the Galactic Center is at 26 Sagittarius – Saturn still very close! The grand fire trine is completed by the North Node right on the money at 26 Leo! The North Node in Leo takes us to the Heart of creative expression, each giving their special gift. Uranus in Aries, the first sign, is the spark that ignites the web, the Internet of Consciousness! The Galactic Center in Sagittarius raises our perception! We ascend to a greater vision, see what is coming, and it doesn’t seem so far away after all!

Jupiter inconjunct Neptune is still the outer planet aspect that is the backdrop for our lunar charts. It started May 10, and will continue through the July 8 Full Buck Moon. Jupiter in Libra is like tilting the tides of humanity back and forth until the remaining ones stand at the center, able to be stable as the world shifts around them. Jupiter always looks for the best, finely tuned in Libra! Neptune in Pisces runs the tides and shifts the sand we stand on. We need to be able to not just stand, but to flow, to compensate, at times swim and merge with higher powers. Adjustments can be made fluidly. Dreams can come true as we learn divine navigation.

Gemini/Sagittarius! Gemini is the Word! In this case it is carried by the Full Moon Sun, the Heart. Core communications carry an essence of truth, a deeper meaningfulness that attracts fellow beings that are on the same Path. Sagittarius observes from the vantage point of the Moon, intuitive cycles, natural rhythms. Our purpose becomes more clear as we let some ventures fade, while others fill us with joy. The journey is embraced. We may start with babble and gossip, but we grow. We sort out or try out many possibilities, coming to learn which have potential. Our choices start to seem to have a luck about them. Sagittarius naturally senses what to follow, where to go, which will get us to the future that fits. Sharing our stories keeps us on the road, our own personal planetary grid. Gemini is the expert of linkage. If there is a breakdown in the system, they just know. Off they go to make the repair. Sagittarius might do an on-the-spot reroute as conditions change. They work together quite well.

May your journeys be entirely inspiring!


Gemini/Sagittarius Full Strawberry/Rose Moon Astrology Chart


xGemini 2017 Full Strawberry - Rose Moon Astrology Chart


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The next New SuperMoon is Friday June 23 at 7:31 PM Pacific, 2 Cancer 47!


See the entire Gemini 2017 Newsletter!

See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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New SuperMoon!   Saturn square Chiron, Mercury, GALACTIC CENTER!

Full Flower Moon!  Wesak, Buddha’s Birthday!
Jupiter inconjunct Neptune, Saturn trine Uranus!
Galactic Center, Scorpio – Pluto & Mars trine Jupiter!


New SuperMoon!  Saturn square Chiron, Mercury, GALACTIC CENTER!

Wednesday April 26, 5:16 AM Pacific at 6 Taurus 27! 

Galactic Center 2009 NASA

Hang onto your socks, Earthlings! In celebration of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, NASA’s Great Observatories — the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, and the Chandra X-ray Observatory — collaborated to produce an unprecedented image of the central region of our Milky Way galaxy! This image takes up about 1 degree across the sky. The Galactic Center is the white area to the right just below center.

First of four 2017 supermoons, a new supermoon! The new moons on April 26, May 25 and June 24 all qualify as supermoons. Tides are higher. Spirits have more volume! In Taurus that can mean more need for closeness, candles and romance, good food and lots of it, or an urge to secure our resources! We might exercise more or start a New Moon plan to do so!

This Taurus New Moon opens gentle doors to breaking down the barriers of the April 30 Saturn square Chiron healing. Chiron doesn’t always want healing, or give up secrets of the healing arts easily. Not all healing is comfortable as we let go, shift our lives, make adjustments. Sometimes we lose close relationships. Careers and businesses ventures may be challenged, breakthroughs possible. Recovery can be hard work, but we step out of the crucible over the threshold, a new person, no longer vulnerable to that old condition. Taurus can be the calming balm, soothing. It gives us fortitude, patience, determination to best the odds, endure until we are able to stand up again, to live in better ways.

Saturn in Sagittarius is retrograde, going back to make his second trine with Uranus May 18! An old Master, he is experienced, he knows that Uranian change is smart evolution, inevitable. It is a relief to old stunted stilted tired thinking. It frees us to a greater range of ideas, opportunities made more whole by a multitude of community contribution! The gains are so more worth it than the cost of the change to make them! Long term payoffs. Productive friends and associates. Sciences flourish.

Mercury is retrograding as well, going back to conjunct Uranus! In Aries it is fireworks and inspiration like never before! Every person is spontaneously independently giving their part! This is an outspoken crowd! Saturn in Sagittarius, trining them both, has important serious opinions. Uranus is the rebel ahead of his time, Aries is the volatile Leader of Light, Mercury is the Word – in this case shouted! I suspect the April 29 Climate March will have super impact!

The GALACTIC CENTER figures strongly in our New Moon chart! Saturn is at 27 Sagittarius, one degree of the GC! Yes, he squares Chiron, but also trines Uranus at 25 Aries, and Mercury at 26 Aries, they in lucky trine with the GC! Uranus, ruling the heavens, IS our galactic planet, and Mercury of mind is considered exalted in Uranus’s sign Aquarius. Mercury with Uranus is positively brilliant! Ideas ahead of their time, research that amazes the world. Mercury wants to talk, download! Probably intergalactic at this point! Just tune the dial! Speech, communications are emphasized! It can be gibberish to genius, higher learning in progress. Breathless with keen excitement, electrified fingers reach out to touch! We are alive and transforming ourselves and others at once!

Mercury is retrograde in Aries. Though fast in Aries, Mercury retrograde is also reviewing, turning it’s thoughts, going over what was done, might have been missed, what to do, how to do it better and be more to the point until May 3! He turns forward then and definitely puts things into action, trials and finishing details until he enters Taurus again May 15. From then on there needs to be visible progress. Aries is mind; Taurus is matter. Make time to think and be ready to use the ideas you have now for good results to come.

Mercury and Mars, the planet of Aries, are in mutual reception, in each other’s signs. With one eye over the shoulder, the other looking straight ahead, right between your eyes, sequences are instantly understood. With Mars in Gemini, the vision is all encompassing, scans are comprehensive and as fast as a blink! Trust your flash of insight; it is gifted. Quickly document all aspects with as many outlets as possible so there will be as much distribution and continuance as possible. Breathe out the Word!

In the beginning it will take many Souls to carry all the parts of this great body of knowledge. Each one will need to be free and independent enough to do their part. Each part needs to be protected until it is anchored while still pure. It is important that these Light Workers remain unclouded by popular thought.

These aspects lend an empowering background and meaning to the New Moon. At 6 Taurus, the New Moon makes no major aspects yet is vitally important to being a part of the fabric of the greater scenario. She acts as an unobstructed channel. Taurus stands in strength, able to support and sustain the platform for the massive amount of information that is coming through. Impeccable.

There are three planets in spiritual PiscesNeptune, Pisces’ planet, Chiron the Healer/Teacher, and Venus, herself at 29 Pisces, the last degree of the zodiac! At this time, these three hold the shimmering living vision that permeates our Being. Art and beauty, music, attract us, keep us tuned to deeper knowing. Neptune calls for compassion. Chiron repairs our sorrows and Soul, boosts us to the next level with its teaching.

Venus holds a special point not only because she is at the last degree of the zodiac, but she is at the degree of the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters! The Zuni of New Mexico call the Pleiades the Seed Stars; the Japanese call them Subaru, meaning ‘unite.’ They are in the shoulder of the bull, the TAURUS constellation, and Taurus is one of Venus’ signs! Alcyone is their main star. You can imagine what kind of troubles could ensue due to 7 sisters! Venus is susceptible to greed, envy, possessiveness, selfishness and self indulgence. On the other hand, 7 feminine forces to your favor wouldn’t be all bad, LOL! Can you imagine the strength in the shoulder of the Bull?!! Venus is a proponent of the arts, love and kindness, self esteem, clear values, and attracts money!

In a few days Venus concludes her mission here, goes into Aries, the first degree of the entire zodiac, Friday the 28th, 6:18 AM Pacific. Minutes later, Mercury then conjuncts Uranus in Aries at 7:50 AM! A feisty and zesty morning! Go to breakfast with your confidants and colleagues! Ask for their support with your causes; give yours to theirs as you can.

The Second Labor of Hercules

Alone and still filled with deep distress, Hercules must rescue a sacred bull [Taurus] from its intended sacrifice to Minos, King of Crete and deliver it to the mainland. On the island, where the bull is captive, is a vast maze, which can lure the adventurous to their bewilderment. Here, following the gleaming star shining from its forehead, Hercules pursues the bull from place to place. Single-handed, he captures it and rides it like a horse through the waters to the mainland, surrounded by the seven Sisters [Pleiades constellation]. He leads it to the Holy Place and delivers it safely to its guardians.

Today, the goal is attained through group effort. This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurian energy brings ‘illumination and the attainment of the vision’. This group is, figuratively speaking, the ‘bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon the goal and beaming light’. That goal is not the goal of Self-illumination, for that lies far behind; it is the goal of providing a centre of light within the world and of holding up the vision to the sons of wo/men.  …excerpted and paraphrased from Lucis Trust

This is the annual merger of Moon and Sun in Taurus. Let it be your abiding guide. Center, focus, stay strong in your core. You may not be Hercules, but each of us is a point of Light. Keep it burning exactly your special way.

Taurus New Moon Astrology Chart

Taurus 2017 New Moon Astrology Chart

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Full Flower Moon!
Wesak, Buddha’s Birthday!
Jupiter inconjunct Neptune, Saturn trine Uranus!
Galactic Center, Scorpio – Pluto & Mars trine Jupiter!

Wednesday May 10, 2:42 PM Pacific at 20 Scorpio 24

Taurus - Woman Buddha Full Moon

Be your own Buddha!

The Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon opens our wings to the May 17/18 companion aspects, Jupiter inconjunct Neptune and Saturn trine Uranus!

Optimistic Jupiter in Libra visions as far off in time and space as it can! Neptune IS time and space, boundless. An inconjunct aspect invites exploration, peripheral vision, a detour to another dimension! Diversions, distractions and divisions. It can seem things are out of control, but comparisons are made, sensitivity is registered. Jupiter instinctively looks for the best. At any given time things only go so far as new cloaks are able to be tried on. Go lightly as options are considered. Rather than immediate stern defenses, ask questions and invite answers. There may be confusion that seems like mindlessness, but things get sorted out in time. If it is an emergency, stamp your foot and get everyone back to center focus ASAP!

Saturn makes the trine with Uranus May 18. He is the planet of time, age, wisdom earned by experience. Saturn employs boundaries for prevention and protection, regulates flow and distribution. Uranus is the planet of freedom, inevitable evolution, sweeping change, the heavens, sudden shifts of consciousness! There are no boundaries! Saturn linked with Uranus by a trine of success, can ride the plane, shift to different levels of awareness, bring the information home and put the amazing inventions to work for all! Universal blessings. Saturn sees the reality of change and picks what will work most usefully in current times. Those who are innovative for the greater good, and work in harmony with friends and community, will prosper. The whole system is advanced fortuitously. Remarkable!

Neither of these aspects may happen with flashing lights, but soon enough, here and there, results will become evident and the tide will change. What once were isolated outposts become networked teams. A less volatile resistance, more practical posture will be taken as new ideas, cultural integration, proves to work.

What does POP is that Saturn is at 26 Sagittarius May 8 to June 1, the very degree of the GALACTIC CENTER, the center of our Milky Way Galaxy! If you are so lucky to have factors within a degree or two of that number, what a mighty potential there can be if you are ready for it! Sagittarius usually does well with Aries and Leo, Libra and Aquarius, sometimes Gemini.

Moon Scorpio, Sun Taurus! What a mighty combo, fixed signs. Taurus, of Earth herself, immovable, organic, substantial. Scorpio is the sign of the Underworld with all his secrets. How can you change what you can’t see? Both are senses oriented, Taurus sensuality, Scorpio sexuality! Taurus holds position, anchors, while Scorpio ignites the Kundalini fire at the base of your spine! If you can’t see it, maybe you can feel it!

It may be a delicate situation. The huge red giant star Aldebaran holds the fire in the right eye of the Bull! If Taurus pushes, Scorpio retreats. Scorpio tries to circle around behind, but Taurus has always lived in the pasture and senses predator presence. And with their Taurus outwaiting solidarity, hooves and horns, they don’t be pushed much either. Scorpio’s star is Antares, also reddish, and has the cat eyes, Shaula and Lesath, in its tail! A scorpion may be small, but can be deadly and accurate. Powerful guardians. As a therapist they can change your life with few to no words at all! Symbolically Scorpio sees over, within, behind and beyond – the Past, current status, consequences of your actions. If your Taurus-Scorpio union has a mutual purpose, use each other’s powers wisely toward your goal. Let the rest be.

Moon in Scorpio is sextile Scorpio’s planet Pluto in Capricorn! It’s the power to use the old black magic! It can be charismatic, sneaky in the kitchen, love bites in the bedroom, killer with real estate, a high end thief, a healer of extreme suffering. Emotions run the gamut, from none and numb to inundation. Children and family, both Mom and Dad, weigh in strongly. Career may be easily achieved, or obsessive and wickedly never ending, never enough, or simply a lifelong dedication!

Sun trine Pluto, is a powerful wealth aspect. So many famous people have this aspect – not in these signs necessarily. Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Tina Turner, Eric Clapton, and slinky Shakira. Also tragic Princess Grace Kelly, scary Bruce Lee, Christina RicciColin FarrellCharles BronsonSteven Seagal, Cate Blanchette, Francois Mitterand, Rupert Murdoch, Buster Keaton and George Sand. It’s kind of an odd combination in that the Sun is the Light, and Pluto was the God of the underworld, of death. But it also brings personal wealth because the Sun is the planet of Self, and puts its whole heart in it! To be charismatic, along with other factors in your chart, attracts recognition. Pluto can be perfectionist, obsessed, and what it decides to do, it does well, fearlessly. In Capricorn these days, it is working with sciences, time, elders, takes super responsibility (or none at all). It is political, tending to the conservative side. Works with laws, rekindles research to heal long standing diseases. It’s a shamanic powerhouse. 

As Saturn backs away from his April 30 square with Chiron, Moon is coming in to trine Chiron. Chiron may have felt a little chapped by Saturn’s demands, square realities to be faced, and bruised a bit by his judgments. Moon in Scorpio is here to soothe Chiron’s wounds. Moon loves you no matter what, Scorpio is not afraid you might bite. Scorpio wants to know where it hurts so it can know what to do. And Sun lightens things up, sextiles Chiron with a calming peace in Taurus, brings the flowers and herbal lotions. As they give you things to do that you do well, you perk up, get your strength and honor back.

Mars in Gemini is about to square Neptune in Pisces, then pushes its trine with Jupiter in Libra! First there is some time in Neptune’s foggy dew, searching for your lost keys. Who knows what other marvels have presented themselves, mysteries have been solved?! Or maybe it is good exploring underwater and you are even a little overwhelmed by all there is to see. And what dreams! At 13, 13 and 14 degrees, these three planets are closely linked. Understanding and a burst into action and spreading the good word are almost simultaneous! There is sudden insight, a breakthrough to compassion, and seeing who to connect with to carry the messages, all at once. Suffering is a strong motivator. Time to let go of addictions, get some exercise, turn the tables. Get in some tennis time, step into some new dancing shoes! Hang out with healthy allies!

Mercury in Aries and Mars in Gemini are still in each other’s signs, a mutual reception! Mercury is direct, moving forward now, and has just electrically conjuncted Uranus the second and last time yesterday! We are reminded to put the brilliance of that connection we had at the New Moon into channels of fulfillment now at this Full Moon. In sympathy with Mars of leadership and action, we are inspired and it happens! Easier than expected!

Every single planet is engaged at this Buddha Birthday Full Flower Moon! It is pregnant in Spirit, linking between each of us, with our peers, partners and equals, to our community and the world at large!

May your life be filled with sweet connections!


Taurus Full Flower Moon Astrology Chart

xTaurus 2017 Wesak Full Flower Moon Astrology Chart


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The next New SuperMoon is Thursday May 25 at 12:44 PM Pacific, 4 Gemini 47!

See the entire Taurus 2017 Newsletter!
See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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New Moon!   Red HOT Five Planets in Aries! Jupiter Square Pluto!

Full Pink Moon!  Pluto T Square: Sun/Moon Straddles Jupiter Opposition Uranus!


New Moon! Red HOT Five Planets in Aries! Jupiter Square Pluto!

Monday March 27! 7:57 PM Pacific at 7 Aries 37!

Aries 2017 New Moon Milky Way Everglades Controlled Burn Mark Andrew Thomas

Milky Way Fire! A controlled burn in Everglades National Park made for a dramatic Milky Way landscape in this mighty panorama by Mark Andrew Thomas!

This is no average quiet New Moon! It has FIVE planets in fiery spicy Aries! Venus/Moon/Sun and Uranus/Mercury! Bob Marley sang it, Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!

Venus/Moon/Sun! Love your Mother/Father, the ultimate family union! Aries flavors that combination potently with independence! It is the sign of newborns and Sunrise! Every day truly IS a new day! Venus is the ingenue, toddler to teen to young person. Moon is child or mother, nurtured or nurturing matron. Sun is teen to adept adult. Aries is forever feisty, aiming for independence, rebellious if given a chance! Sweet faced Venus in Aries loves competition, a good fight, fitness excellence, the chance to be #1! Moon in Aries children are often expected to be independent, sometime fending for themselves at an early age, taking care of the other children. Moon is a courageous Mother, maybe a single Mom doing quite well. Papa Sun in Aries loves to adventure with them all, often has an irregular life style, calls his own shots, an inspiring mentor!

  • Venus and Mars are in each other’s signs! It’s called a mutual reception when that happens. Mars is a key planet because it rules all five planets in Aries! But when planets are in each other’s signs, each ‘rules’ the other. Mars is in Taurus, but Venus rules Taurus, so they are ‘more’ equal in this circumstance! Mars is calmed in Taurus; Venus is more frisky in Aries, not her usually sweet as honey self! Mars might take her chocolates and she says thanks, I don’t really want them, so he eats them himself, LOL!It is said the planets can be transposed to each others signs when in reception. You would read Venus in Taurus where Mars is, and Mars in Aries where Venus is! So it would be Mars by the Moon and Sun, and Venus sextile Neptune! Mars would then be in its own sign, pushing the pack! It would have stirred up Moon and Sun right properly as they passed – offering ideas a mile a minute, encouraging immediate action! Venus in Taurus would pledge funding, her loyalty and perseverance to pursue Neptune’s visions. She saw what was a deep value and knows how to show it beautifully to others. They want some too, right away!
  • Venus is retrograde, inconjunct Moon’s North Node in Virgo. Venus knows going back a bit to polish up some details will make a difference! Virgo sometimes doubts, but Venus in Aries has been there before, and confidently encourages a quick experimental shift in the order. It may not come out as either expected, but each step leads to the next, often with better results than thought possible! See more

Uranus/Mercury! Mercury crossed Uranus the day before, 8:05 AM Pacific on the 26th! This is like greased lightning! The lights flash, instinctual insights, awakening at your fingertips! Pure genius! The order may zig zag like a pinball machine, or go so fast straight ahead like a meteor you barely see it, but it’s there! Mercury always brings a hint of duality; there may be parallels! An astounding Name! Computers, conversations, the internet, communications. Astonishing writing for 3 days, 24th, 25, 26! New ideas. Independence and freedom may take the fore In the name of community, world unity! Remarkable new alliances are possible! Take that step forward!

Mercury trines Saturn the 29th the first time of three. Mercury is now in the first phase of it’s 3-part retrograde cycle, slowing to retrograde April 9. See Double Retrograde! Mercury in Aries is quick and logical, gets right to the point. Saturn in Sagittarius is happy, no wasted time, there’s lots to do! Sagittarius has its opinions and Saturn doesn’t always want the divine order disturbed, but darn if Mercury doesn’t have some clever ideas, including how to get them done and be more productive! There could be a whole new department or affiliate! Definitely worth a listen.

Mercury separating semi-sextile Chiron. Mercury is within minutes of this connection, still aware of the Chiron confidences, an exchange of healing and business nuances that make the drive more potent, the sale more satisfying. This subtlety makes us whole, some of it not able to be put into words. But people can feel it and there is an organic trust emerging.

Mars is separating sextile Neptune in Pisces. Mars, the Aries planet, more gentle in Taurus, has invited Neptune to play along! Neptune’s vision sees the whole Universe, makes love with music! Mars in Taurus acts for the Earth! There is a common sense component that Mars wants to fight for in Neptune’s behalf. Neptune intuitively guides, Mars pushes the plow! We all instinctively want to know why should we, and how does it work. Does it really work? These two can put the model together and demonstrate these important points.

On a daily basis, they can solve irrigation problems, set up fire safety. Sitting, meditating, may never be finer, and that massage was the best ever. You were transported. Your body takes on new meaning as the instrument of your beliefs. Walking the water’s edge shows you a special place within your Soul as you commune with yourself across the textures of time and place.

Saturn in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces is with us for awhile. They are less than 3 degrees apart now. Saturn will retrograde April 5 to make the second square April 30. If Chiron is marriage, as the Magi Society says, then this is clearly not a time to set your date unless you have overwhelmingly other favorable aspects and neither of these planets is in one of your love life placements! SEE your astrologer. Saturn can be hardship and sorrows and the old words for Chiron are wounded, healer, teacher. Doesn’t pay to take chances with these two in a challenging aspect with each other. Saturn is career, reputation, fatherhood, age, retirement, what you have earned, laws. Chiron is also thought to be business, health care. They are currently at odds with each other. You can easily see that with current politics.

Archangel Gabriel Sounds His Horn. Ft. Worth, Texas

All of us are making breakthroughs as we hit the wall, face our worst fears, surrender to what seems inevitable! We see what doesn’t work, so we let it go. We turn to find there ARE other ways, plenty of them in fact! And they are doable. We seek other options. There are certain responsibilities we must take; some are not ours to do. No guilt. Some matters need a ton of education. We need to place our seeds in fertile soil, nurture them, give them time to grow in dignity at their own pace. Sagittarius and Chiron the healer teachers are being called. Archangel Gabriel is blowing his horn! Saturn wants the facts that can make the possibilities happen! Sometimes the data counts, tells the real story. We want the Truth, nothing but the Truth….

The second Jupiter square Pluto is exact in three days, March 30! At worst this combo can be mean and bullying, goes to extremes and exaggerates. It can also be our wake up call. The wounds or ignorance behind this behavior need healing desperately. Change conniving and manipulation to dialogue and listening when possible. Otherwise, take real appropriate measures to secure your safety. Jupiter is in Libra, sign of balance in relationships; Pluto is deep relationships. Relationships need reassessment since Venus, ruler of Libra, is also retrograde at this time, making 180 shifts. From one side to the other we find a rooted center ground, can manage the winds that blow by. Pluto in Capricorn, and Venus are strongly about financial matters, and Jupiter makes it a big matter. With Venus retrograde caution is advised. Some changes will need immediate attention, and others will be way better left alone until a more favorable time. An experienced, trusted confidant or advisor is needed perhaps. Health may be challenged, Jupiter at times exaggerating conditions, Pluto taking them to extremes. Deep in the fire then rising from the flames! Compulsive obsessive behaviors need to be held in abeyance. Think of long term consequences and goals to help yourself stay on a good course. We want a greater Truth to prevail. We are rebuilding our foundations, forging a more beautiful future. See more!

This ARIES New Moon is the power that helps us stand true to ourselves no matter the challenge!

Aries New Moon Astrology Chart

Aries 2017 New Moon Astrology Chart

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Full Pink Moon!

Pluto T Square: Sun/Moon Straddles Jupiter Opposition Uranus!

Monday April 10, 11:08 PM Pacific at 21 Libra 33

Full Moon Pink Lunar Eclipse Rassouli - Journey of Love

MERCURY in TAURUS RETROGRADE yesterday! That means Mercury has been in station, ‘standing still,’ the last 4 days and remains so the next 4 days! Mercury stations are a time of focus, absorbing, mulling things over, stabilizing our mind, paying a deeper attention. As we stand still, if we accept it, there is a calming. Any minute motion is registered. It’s like that time when someone has you be still and they ask you what do you hear? And it’s amazing what is there that you take for granted, or just never noticed before. The world is humming all around us all the time. In Taurus it’s an earthy awareness, organic. Our bodies, what our bare feet feel, the texture of the soil. Beauty at our fingertips, the sounds in our ears, the rustle of the leaves or a tiny insect landing. Take the time it takes to tune in to these special things, and the dear people around us. Really listen. It’s a gift.

This Full Moon is during the Double Retrograde! These first 6 days of Mercury Rx, April 9 – 15, are during the finishing Venus Rx, a DOUBLE RX! See more

This Full Moon embraces FOUR outer planet aspects! It has an intense 5 planet T Square in Cardinal signs, Pluto at the point! See the red triangle in the chart below please. Three of the planets, one at each point, are outer planets, indicating long term effects!

1. Last month’s March 12 Full Moon at 22 degrees activated the Jupiter/Uranus opposition that was then at 21/22 degrees. This April 10 Full Moon straddles the Jupiter opposition Uranus! Both of these Full Moons are keeping the March 2nd 22 degree Jupiter opposition Uranus alive, processing its messages! 

The TSquare set starts with the Sun opposite Jupiter on the 7th! If you count the 5 days before that as an active range, it starts the 2nd! Extraordinary proportions and options! The sequence is first Jupiter, then the squares with Pluto, followed by the aspects to Uranus! The set finishes with a bang, the Sun conjunct Uranus April 13! You can easily allow 3 days for it to settle and things move on to other matters, which takes us to the 16th. This important set takes from the 2nd to the 16th, two weeks. It’s not just a come-and-go Full Moon, it’s a process, an experience that reveals observations and learnings from different vantage points. It is important because it ties to the understanding of the many years long Uranus square Pluto and the current Jupiter square Pluto. Please continue reading….

1a Moon goes through the process more quickly. She starts the same afternoon and finishes the next day.

Moon crossed Jupiter before the Full Moon at 3:58 PM Pacific! There’s a great feeling of optimism about relationships, almost feels like new kin! There’s a camaraderie, willingness to journey, a seminar together. Dance, a symphony or play, a meal together would be lovely, thank you!

  • Concurrently, Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn 6:45 PM Pacific. Both water planets, there is a likeness, a knowing. But in square signs, Moon prefers being above board and sharing in Libra, while Pluto in Capricorn guards the well. There is a formality. It wants control, and confidentiality, may not trust or be trustworthy. Maybe it is time to face the consequences and fess up.
  • She Moon opposes Sun, makes the Full Pink Moon at 11:08 PM. It may be a meet and brief, an intriguing exchange. Aries moves on, leaving a legacy if you are quick enough to catch it. He’s excited, wants to go share with many more others! Libra is left lingering and longing, advocating for new possibilities, lining up the team.
  • After the Full Moon, Moon opposes Uranus in Aries at 4:31 AM Pacific on the next day. There is a break for freedom, a surprise potential! The local social troupe takes wings! Your new friend may already be gone, inviting you to visit or meet soon at a third place!

Though not one of the four outer planet aspects, Mars figures in the T Square too. Moon inconjuncts Mars, Mars is semi-sextile Sun/Uranus. Moon is in Libra the sign opposite Mars’ sign Aries. Moon knows what to do with unruly children and has a tenderness for their courage and that they are struggling to grow up. Doesn’t matter how old you are! She can be annoyed, but none the less tries to instill manners, help them see the effect they are having on others, how a different approach can work to their favor. Mars sometimes needs to grow into these ideas over most of their lifetime. First they must be independently themselves! And Moon in Libra may need to do some growing up in that regard – less people pleasing and more spine! Mars in Taurus has to learn peace and patiences while in the midst of action and conflicting needs! No easy task, but doable.

Mars in Taurus in a semi-sextile, a sign ahead of Sun/Uranus in Aries, can be steady and soothing or feel like a boulder in the road! Mars in this position can be the strength and shelter of an oak tree in the storm, watch for openings, lead and persevere when Sun/Uranus would be distracted, give up, not wait. Mars in Taurus can find Sun/Uranus quite unsettling. Or they may be exactly the provocative inspiration he was needing! Once ignited in forward motion he can be Thor through the massive gates!

1b The Sun moves slower than Moon and provides the two week backdrop for Moon’s blitz!

Sun opposed Jupiter 2:39 PM Pacific on the 7th, making it known there are important differences, some space is needed for both to be honored for their own sake. Jupiter, though flexible, still has its prerogatives and opinions, Libra its own sense of etiquette. Aries isn’t usually as concerned with such sensitivities and is annoyed by all that time such social negotiations can take. Jupiter can get carried away with ceremony, and Libra has to make up its mind, be polite to all parties. Sun in Aries, the great Light of Dawn, primordial, shines in a moment, potently lighting the day, asking no one when or what to do! It just does its business and the rest of the world gratefully complies! Jupiter in Libra can put up shapes and funnels to enhance or commandeer such light, but much of it simply blazes its Path! Light is Light!

  • Sun squared Pluto 5:45 PM Pacific April 8. Feelings, ego, heart and Soul could have been hurt. Sun in Aries, and cardinal get started signs, are generally quick to forgive; Pluto in Capricorn may not. Go gently with disagreements that could have irrevocable effects. Better not to have people feel threatened and dig in. Change may take a lot more work and time when that happens. Admit your own part in things, clean up old messes. Give credit for credit due. Open up your heart and break the chain.
  • The last aspect of the T Square is Sun conjunct Uranus 10:29 PM Pacific April 13! That is a golden wild card! Be different, take a chance, BE a new friend! ONE can be a fabulous number! Many #1s can be the tide of change! Network as far and wide as you can! Invent a unique solution! Be the leader! Extend the invitation! Astounding and glorious! Entirely ALIVE!

2.  This Moon witnesses the very last three days, of being within 5 degrees of closeness, of the long time Uranus square Pluto! It started its first of seven exact aspects in 2010! It has been in the final 5 degree close range 11.29.16 to 4.13.17! Uranus is then leaving Pluto behind, and doesn’t go back! The Kundalini has been released! It doesn’t mean these matters are over at the snap of your fingers, not by a long shot. They are being synthesized within our lives, profoundly embedded, wedged into the most private places. They are becoming a strong network of support we gradually don’t even think of consciously anymore. See more

How far, how wide, how high can you go?!?

3.  Though Jupiter is turning away from Pluto, he is still 2 degrees close, and this aspect is part ot the powerful Full Moon T Square! It is fading, but is keeping the March 30 second Jupiter square Pluto in our attention! There may be a calming, but powerful conditions continue to prevail. Still keep watch for secret agendas and alliances, rights forfeited for lack of resistance, lack of attention, apathy, disbelief that could happen. Jupiter in Libra offers a look at the other person’s side, education and negotiation when people are treated with respect, their differences valued. I repeat, we want a greater Truth to prevail. We are rebuilding our foundations, forging a more beautiful future. See the last paragraph of the New Moon above, and See more!

4.  The fourth outer planet aspect is the upcoming second Saturn retrograde square Chiron April 30! It is already less than 2 degrees.

Saturn square Chiron/Venus. Venus retrograde in Pisces squares Saturn twice, April 8, two days before the Full Moon, and when Venus is not retrograde April 21. There are costs and the budget may not be enough. Love is not what it used to be or expectations are too high. Reconsider values, high priced or a super bargain! Out of work partners may not be chosen. Self indulgence may be curbed. A vow to work more effectively could get the job done against the retrograde odds. Hold off on beauty choices – remodels, wardrobes, elective surgeries, entertainment ventures.

Venus ALMOST conjuncts Chiron! She gets into the 26th degree, makes her station there, but turns forward at 26 Pisce 54, while Chiron is at 26 Pisces 31! It’s very, very close, a whispered invitation, reminder, a presence for several days, can see her, but no consummation. It’s haunting and taunting because Venus is love, and the Magi society says Chiron is the marriage planet! But them squaring Saturn indicates it’s not the time yet, or if proceeded with, a  karmic union weighty with learning. A strong yearning at the time may surprisingly fade away and be forgotten sooner than expected.

Saturn and Chiron are both dedicated. Saturn in Sagittarius wants the knowledge, the faith in futures, commitment that has meaning more than money. It works hard, gets tired and down on its knees at times. It fathers a structure that withstands the storms. Saturn wants good standing as a parent, and among his peers. Chiron is a good business person, and in Pisces makes almost surreal intuitive choices. Saturn and Chiron could compromise. Saturn is practical, and could be more generous than usual in broad minded Sagittarius. Chiron in Pisces wants healing and can understand, though they may not sell out certain beliefs. Work with the things where give and take is possible. Let the rest go for another time. Let the Soul do its work. See more!

There have been tests of faith, need for keeping the long term in mind. Challenges take many forms, different for each of us. Determined mindfulness and steady action bring significant, even historic results. Minute by minute, stay focused on common sense solutions. Tipping points are achieved, thresholds crossed! There will be winning changes!

In gratitude for your profound work.


Aries Full Pink Moon Astrology Chart

xAries 2017 Full Pink Moon Astrology Chart


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The next New Moon is Wednesday April 26, 5:16 AM Pacific at 6 Taurus 27!

Buddha’s Birthday, Wesak, will be celebrated May 10 in 2017 at the Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon. It’s a Wednesday, at 2:42 PM Pacific! Ojai or Mt Shasta may be your location choice.

See the entire Aries 2017 Newsletter!
See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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