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Pisces Lucky New Moon March 2!

Virgo/Pisces Full Worm Moon March 18!

Lucky Pisces New Moon!

Ash Wednesday 12 Pisces 04 March 2 New Moon at 9:35 AM Pacific

Potent 104° Bundle Chart strongly focused on Career, LOVE, and has extraordinary LUCK!

Pisces 2022 New Moon 'Bioluminescence' - Josh Beames Victoria Australia

‘Bioluminescence’ – Josh Beames, taken in Victoria, Australia. Picture 7 of 25 most beautiful Milky Way photos in 2020 ‘Early Summer Night’s Dream’  Life came from the sea…

Thi is the last New Moon that has potently linked at 12 degrees through 2021-22! 2021 Nov, Dec and 2022 Jan 2 and 31/Feb 1, and Mar there are five New Moons that have linked in Scorpio, Sag, Cap, AQ and Pisces. Those of you with chart factors close to 12 degrees will be activated by 7 New Moons from Oct 2021 to March 2022. Jan and March 2022 will have two New Black Moons in HI, AK and Pacific time zones. There is NO New Moon in February 2022. Finish up your goal you set related to the factors at or very near 12 degrees in your chart! This one is the Pisces plum, conjunct Lucky Jupiter!

We have a tight 5 signs 104° New Moon Bundle chart with two stelliums again!!!! There are 3 planets, Venus, Mars and Pluto, all at 27 Capricorn!  FOUR planets, the New Moon conjunct Jupiter, then Neptune, all in PISCES!

Rarely is the base ‘planet’ actually three planets in one degree, a united triple force acting as one! Three principles are acting at once. Those of you with factors in your charts at or a couple of degrees from 27 will definitely feel this! In Capricorn, Father, career, age, retirement, building, structures, laws, will be considered. Cap is the boss and things will get done, celebrate maturity, end and renew with a flourish!  

  • Venus technically is the first. Grace and desire, beauty and gratitude, blessings encourage our action. She’s gifted in Capricorn. Things long sought will be in the works. She is classy and respected for her talent. She has appeal and is good negotiating various diverse factions to working agreements. She enjoys ancient artifacts, adores elders, seeks their comfort. She has a way with enticing those who would give up to rest but not give up, assures funding.
  • Mars is her feisty cohort, partner in crime! He is an up front leader, rights fighter, rescuer! If part of the team is distracted or waylaid, he is there to bring them home. Problem solving for mechanical items, bicycles are his forte. Independence is encouraged no matter the odds. If there is a task requiring quick action, he is fearless and capable. He can work within guidelines and out of the box as needed. Powerful intuition! A fresh start, new beginnings with even historic old tools still doing quite well.
  • Pluto is the fixer. Where Mars is up front, Pluto is the silent partner. He can wheel and deal, make huge sums. He is an adept healer of the deepest wounds. You have to have a deep power of your own to be his mate. Part of his talent is shamanic clearing. In everyday language that translates to removing trash, recycling, remediation. And no job is too small or too big. He works from microscopic research to massive world projects. Extremes and obsessions are natural.Putting it mildly, Venus conjunct Pluto is intense! Venus is attractive whatever sign she is in. Pluto is charismatic no matter what sign or how he looks. There is an inner animal that is simply irresistible, LOL! Pluto may be surprised to find himself enamored with Venus. She touches a chord in him that few do! Imagine the God of Death kneeling at her feet! Venus may long for him, sometimes for years, and he may not give her the time of day. She’s not used to that. They may still have a platonic relationship. Scorpio and Capricorn can honor boundaries, do what’s proper, wait, or never consummate the relationship. So close but so far. They can cheat. Been known to happen. Or they can have an arrangement.What an intense grouping! Sweetie lovey Venus, hot and sexy Mars, charismatic hypnotic tantric Pluto! And Capricorn is at times considered to be the rutty goat, oh my! Keep yourself in a safe place. If you are with a good person, good people, let this inspiring combo carry you with it! Good chance these people will get their way! After all, much has been planned and worked for well before now. They may partner to do powerful knock ’em dead business together! Pluto has the ideas, powerful connections, Mars has the moxie and get it done action, Venus attracts clients and buyers, gathers funds! You may want to sign agreements this New Moon day!

The North Node in Taurus is going to sextile Neptune, the old man of the sea. Neptune has been in his own sign Pisces, so is extra aware, perceptive, insightful. The North Node will be filled with dreams and beauty, longings for more than ever was. Moon’s node is leaning to the Taurus sustainable earthy side of things, and the Capricorn planets want to build with strength, by natural means that will be enduring, simple and cost effective. There’s harmony all around.

The LUCKY FOUR planets Pisces New Moon Stellium! 

Pisces will never be entirely definable. That’s part of what it’s all about. Things you can’t see that change you. Knowing without knowing why. Psychic perception. Discovery because all you really had to do was go there. You were drawn because you sensed someone needed help. The dreamtime is mostly ungovernable. Imagination is a huge option. When you are at sea, with no land in sight, that requires a trust you will get somewhere…There is a letting go and an infinite merging.

Mother Moon and Father Sun are bonded in this spiritual union. She knows his Soul, his whims and fantasies. His loving heart, personal addictions, how much he has given. She admires his remarkable poise when people are frightened. His stupendous drama when making a film or music. It can be touching or resounds loudly cross planet, waking the sleeping from their isolation!

Father Sun knows her, the phenomenal depth of her sensitivity. She sees the Souls of the children, their mothers, the thread of their ancestry, their spiritual path. She can be tender or tough if she sees us ignoring our responsibilities. Small things often make a life and death difference. A glance, a smile, a touch, the gift of a single street side wild flower. Where we live has so much more importance than many realize. We can take on the nature of our surroundings, so choose carefully. That goes for choosing the people in our lives as well. Choose people who are able to support you as a person. She listens to our dreams, gives insights to help us get to our next step, or when to take a leap of Faith!

These two in turn are conjunct LUCKY Jupiter! In old astrology, Jupiter stood for fame and fortune! He is still considered to be happy go lucky, the traveler teacher, delights in storytelling and gambling, especially the horses – he was a Centaur, half man, half horse! Jupiter expands our business, land, plans, length of journey! Sports are natural and keep him healthy! In Pisces, just add the ocean component! Your sailboat wins the race, you get the shipping contract, take the magnificent enchanting cruise, scuba the coral reefs! You may teach marine biology, especially of the big denizens of the seas, the whales. And your career may turn toward protecting the plants of the sea as well. Why not have a splendid oceanside restaurant, sports shop, museum?! Buy a kayak, a sailboat! Jupiter is like an oracle and Pisces is psychic! Foretelling the successes of maritime investments could bring your portfolio to new highs!

And this may be the time to do it! April 12, Jupiter will conjunct Neptune, he in his own sign Pisces! It’s a 166 year event! Once in a lifetime! Outer planet events like this have a 3-day hot period. This one occurs 7:42 AM Pacific, so in this zone count back 11, 10, 9. Those three days and the early am of the 12th are the most powerful. Do something each day. Do some enquiring, go by your intuition. Enquire well in advance and be ready for it! See more!

The lead chart planet is Uranus, the Aquarian planet!

It is in an advantageous Sextile the New Moon and Jupiter! As Jupiter is fame and fortune, Uranus also shows up in charts of famous people with followings and fan clubs! Uranus is the planet of Aquarius the Networker! Fame depends on numbers and if it’s good, it’s good and the word spreads! Uranus in Taurus, Venus’s sign, gains fame for beauty, unique style, the most valuable things, like Earth herself. There is a simplicity and appealing common sense, a grassroots quality everyone innately understands. Change is steadily paced, with a few dramatic boosts that keep it interesting!

Mother Moon in Pisces can see it unfolding. She is comforted by the progress and is steadied herself. She lends her visions, helps when leaders falter, the fallen to remember their cause. She knows the specialness of children and Mothers, the Matriarchy in the network of time. Housing is crucial and Uranus aims to help entire groups at a time. City infrastructures are changing. Moon is wanting food and shelter, for people unable to provide for themselves. Uranus is reaching out with community wide services to keep them off the streets, to be free again, to become their better selves.     

Father Sun lends his Light to show us the spiritual component in every being, each offered in his different way. Uranus recognizes this unique organic gift, draws them like a magnet to a perfect space where that talent is needed. Uranus is the planet of diversity, no judgements! Some say we all have arrived at this point in time by divine agreement to fulfill dreams when their time has come. The Father in Pisces is relieved and delighted to see his inspirations leading the way! 

Chiron in Aries is awesome. As a healer, he is picking up the fallen on life’s marathon, the leaders with burnout, those with accidents, emergencies along the way, interferes with obsessive behaviors. Many of his clients are having unique issues in these new times. His immediate responses are filled with intuitive insights. It’s time for healers to heal just not themselves and their clients, but each other. Learning of one person’s experiences can help many others. Gather up and share even if you are, or maybe because, you are so independent.
Chiron in Aries is midpoint SemiSextile New Moon and Uranus! He has always fought for what is better, but now has fiery Aries to back him. If they slow down he lights up and shows them what to remember of the past that got them here, the Path in front of them. If he can make leaps, so can they! Pisces is happy with Chiron’s leadership, taking his vision to heart! Uranus is glad to see the leaders Chiron inspires coming his way! Uranus sweeps them under his great wings, talks them up with his futuristic humanitarian, planetary plans, then swoops them all forward around the world! It’s magic, moving and marvelous!

Uranus is related with Saturn and Mercury because they are in his sign, Aquarius! Mercury is WITH Saturn at the SAME degree, within 3 minutes of space! That’s TIGHT! They are ONE, MERGED! You can be super depressed, boo hoo, I have no friends and nothing to love for, OR working you butt off saving the world! That, of course, is a formidable task, and you are allowed a few dark moments, but Saturn is demanding, Aquarius changes in a flash; Mercury gets bored and is inquisitive, so I don’t think your case will last long. Lift your face, splash water on your face, stand up and breathe. You got this. Now, it you are nervous and frightened, get help. That’s what friends are for. If you really don’t have friends, get some other help and see about making some friends. Uranus, that friend planet, is over there in Taurus. Taurus can be gentle, supportive, just sit with you. But don’t abuse the privilege either. Ask for simple comfortable ways to get moving again without ignoring your inner needs.

Mercury in Aquarius is greased lightning intelligence. With Saturn it may seem stunted, or exceptionally research oriented, fast to find profound solutions. It may be resonant with building sustainable collaborative communities with extraordinary efficiency. Elders with experience may find super niches well suited to their talents. Leadership may take surprising turns in favor of humanitarian projects, take on genius consultants, implement methods ahead of their time, take the lead, be the first!

Uranus IS the lead planet! He is a wild card planet in generally steady Taurus! With Uranus backed by strong-as-a-bull Taurus valuable changes, both simple and complex, will be inevitable. Lead planet Uranus in Taurus has a genius simplicity to it and things go much faster than expected with Uranus finessing it. Uranus, the prime networker, is getting the word out to people worldwide. It’s not just the functionality of networking, but the meaningful content, essential human rights, the ecological humanitarian efforts. The territory being covered has great range and lasting alliances are being formed, loopholes being closed to prevent future losses.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, evolution, the futurist. It works as an ultimate loner or in behalf of humanity, networking across continents. Genius, research, invention are it’s talents. Awakening and Enlightenment are its invitations. We see the Uranus in Taurus Earth all around us, feel the connection with the totality of the whole climate. We stop to chat along the way, agree about what differences may be required to heal, maintain and secure what is so precious. Friendships may come and go, but we hope Earth as we know it now is with us lifelong and for our children’s children too.

Many 2021 factors had an Aquarian component, as does also this 2022 New Moon closely connected with the Aquarian planet Uranus and Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius! We are preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing, updating. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for, are financially productive, spiritually satisfying! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, make it whole. Select who will work together, and get it rolling!

New Moon’s by nature start new cycles. Pisces is the last sign, but inspires the first sign, Aries, with his visions. As the last sign, Pisces is a sign of maturity, a collection of the wisdom of all the signs before him. He is well steeped in and well founded by his deeper kind of intelligence. He has the capacity to see, even be, the helpless sufferers, how they actually can change. He sees the fortitude to sustain in hard times. He notes the celebrations of success as countless falls were overcome against the odds. The old hymn says ‘Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen…’ Do be kind. The ‘visions’ Pisces often sees are his compassionate wishes, the collective dream for many Souls. Some dreams may be but a whisper in the night, or a glimmer upon awakening, but they are the seeds of new beginnings.

We don’t always think of Pisces, sign of the seas, as a sign of Light. But, do notice the beauty of the bioluminescence in the image above. Think of the amazing brilliant colors of fishes, animals, shells, seaweeds and plants, coral reefs. The powerful black and white of the orcas! There are soft subtle quiet gray days, huge clouds, stunning sky spanning sunrises and sunsets, the beauty of the fathomless blue sky to the deep green seas. With no city lights, millions of shockingly bright night stars show the way on moonless nights! Starlight shimmers across the sea to forever. Pisces is so magnificently alive!

We thank you for your beauty and our deeper connections with each other. Blessed be.


4 Behenian FIXED STARS! 

Wiki says: The Behenian fixed stars, used by alchemists, are a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Their name derives from Arabic bahman, “root,” as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant that would be used in rituals meant to draw the star’s influence (e.g., into a talisman). When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong.

Erik Roth reminds us: The Behenian stars are stars that have been shared as magical but it is really all stars and planets have their own magic and can be utilized through symbolic, psychic, spiritual and otherwise magical purposes in our lives.  The near-infinite sky dome is a part of our lives and has been since our very distant ancestors hundreds of thousands of years looked upon them and not only wondered what they were but also from a place of seeking, of finding meaning and seeing something beyond themselves.

Alphecca, one of the 15 Behenian Stars! This star is sometimes called Gemma, the jewel of the crown. A brilliant white star, it is also called the Pearl of the Crown. It is the Alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, at 12 Scorpio 35 (2021) is trine the New Moon! The Pisces Sun and Moon are making magic with fellow water sign deep Scorpio, sign of the Underworld. Healing secrets are revealed, shared, likely long lasting special partnerships formed. Scorpio’s treasures may fund Pisces causes. What may have seemed futile, finds a supportive response and Pisces carries it on into the world beyond expectations. Rising from our own ashes, Pisces washes us clean. We our liberated to make our wishes known.

Alphecca marks the loop, or knot, of the ribbon along which are fastened the buds, flowers, or leaves of the wreath shown in early drawings with two long out-streaming ends. Corona Borealis represents the garland given by Venus to Ariadne on the occasion of her marriage to Bacchus after she had been forsaken by Theseus. Manilius said it ‘sparkles in the mid forehead. He was quite taken with the Crown. See his eloquent thoughts about its relationship with Virgo! Jamie at Astrology King says: it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, intelligent). It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability.

With Moon: Public honor and dignity, suffers through law, partners and neighbors, trouble through underhanded dealings of enemies but eventual triumph over them, bad for love affairs, some faithful friends, greatly esteemed by Venus and Mercury people. (Robson) Honors and preferment.

With Sun: Active and brilliant mind, self-seeking, subject to scandal that does not affect the position. Honors and preferment.

Alphecca is opposite Uranus, who is in further good aspect, sextile the New Moon, rich with opportunities! With Uranus Robson says: Selfish, mental affliction and violence at end of life, psychic power, suffering through occultism, deceptive, many false friends, small inheritance obtained with difficulty, losses by law, enemies and mercurial affairs, sorrow through children or an adopted child, domestic trouble through own acts, danger of a violent death.

We have come a long way in our thinking about Uranus than when it was first discovered. Think in modern terms of the benefits of this planet and combine that with the issues Robson perceived. Uranus rules electronics and computers, networking of all kinds, humanitarian efforts, freedom, awakening, change, evolution. Alphecca’s charm and intelligence work well with so many opportunities!

Aquarian Abraham Lincoln 0°03′, and J. Paul Getty 1°36′, had Alphecca with Uranus. See more at Astrology King!

Fixed Stars Algorab 13 Libra – is YOD, inconjunct the New Moon and Jupiter in Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus. Adjustments will be made between these three signs and three planets! Beliefs, the manner of serving people are assessed. Should they be mothered, counseled to help each other, stand up on their own? Education can help, perhaps, and choosing supportive friendships an connections can make a marked difference. Planning and pre prepping helps sort out the kinks.

There may be delays of delivery, a loss of value or someone important missing. I imagine few of you have done much work with or even heard of Algorab! It is on the right wing of the Raven, in the constellation Corvus, the Crow. If you love the intelligent Corvids this may bode well for you, if not, all the nasties you hear of them may be part of the Truth.

Fixed star Sirius at 14 Cancer, and Algorab, travel together, challengingly always square! Sirius is the brightest star, so has mojo just for being! Family and relationships may be at odds.

  • In the US Algorab’s rep is not so good. Astrologer Jamie Partridge summarizes: Algorab is one of the 15 magic related Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the malice of men and devils. – Whew! That’s impressive! If you sense those things in advance it can be a blessed forewarning.
  • Quite differently he also states the 28th Chinese Xiù – 軫 (Zhěn) Chariot thinks:  This is the celestial Carriage and it represents the transport of tributes from foreign lands to the Emperor, thus the accumulation of wealth. It also presides over travel of all kinds and vehicles. It also presaged favorable winds and an end to storms. Events in business bring great profit and everything done heralds fortunate returns. Paying homage to ancestors will honor one with a “Dragon Child”. It is also a great day for marriages and births.
  • But some modern astrologers concur that it shows up in terrorism events! See the details at Astrology King, Jamie’s site! Don’t ‘terrorize’ yourself or provoke others; help others and yourself to be safe. Be aware of triggers and danger signals and leave; talk later if possible. Use your intelligence in a good way.
  • Jupiter exactly trines Sirius, the New Moon is very close! By the old star lovers, this would be considered a major plus! Besides being the night sky’s brightest star, Sirius enjoys a terrific reputation for the most part, but also called the Dog Star, watch out for dog bites, LOL! It is another of the 15 Behenian stars. Sirius is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view.) It gives honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. And to tease you, it rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake! See a lot more at Astrology King!, including ties with famous people!Jupiter with Sirius: Business success, journeys, help from relatives, ecclesiastical preferment. [1]This point develops large family ties for these individuals. It keeps them tied to the family circle, including all the relatives. They are generally born into a large family, and all those in the family circle are also interested in the large families themselves. Great emotional ties are developed so that whatever happens to one affects them all, and all respond with exaggerated emotions.Sun with Sirius: Success in business, occupation connected with metals or other martial affairs, domestic harmony.Moon with Sirius: Success in business, influential friends of opposite sex, favorable for the father, good health, beneficial changes in home or business.

Venus, Mars and Pluto all Trine Fixed Star Algol. Pluto trines her at 26 Taurus 27  2020-24!

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto in Capricorn trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely.

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 27° Capricorn 49 and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Freedom is still at issue. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place. Pluto understands much of this.

Venus and Mars will currently, briefly activate and bless Algol. She may not be used to this and ignore or rebuff these minor planets with a swift cuff. But if it works, the old one may show them a thing or two. Don’t crowd her or be put off by her manner. Listen cleanly even if you are scared. Take it easy and don’t escalate or think she loves you. Go by your instinct, not wishful thinking.

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center!

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of formidable Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Algol is in Taurus, the first Venus sign, has a sensual touch, loves earthy beauty, sculpts her own existence! The profound Galactic Center is in fiery Sagittarius, the sign between Scorpio and Capricorn. The GC is enjoying lots of laughs and adventure stories, sends rays and bolts of information we are barely capable of downloading let alone understand, and it’s not on anyone’s schedule! Capricorn is hosting Pluto, is trine Algol in Taurus and semi sextile The Galactic Center, piloting the whole scenario of these three powerful factors. By nature he is a no nonsense old Master and gives orders, expecting things to get done. All these three have street creds and are impressive, but Capricorn has hung out with the best and functions well at this level. He treats them more equally both to himself and each other. It’s his job.

Ordinarily, astrologers pay little attention to semisextiles, but 3 planets semisextile the Galactic center at the same degree is worth noting! The GC in Sagittarius is in the sign behind the Capricorn Venus, Mars, Pluto stellium. The semisextile can bring health challenges, but also favorable finances!

On a fine New Moon night, things are blended, no Moonlight or shadows. There is a certain equality as the playing field is equalized. It seems more quiet, even subdued. Without the daylight contrasts and sharp edges we are more receptive… Even if there is a breeze, there are no moving shadows… Sleep can be deeper.
Our dreams are more real and we merge with them more completely… Sometimes we feel different when we wake up and don’t always know why. New Moons in Pisces are mystical. The magic happens.

So many magical connections with stars and planets! Much Love and Be well.

Pisces Lucky New Moon Astrology Chart!

Pisces 2022 New Moon Astrology Chart!


Virgo/Pisces Full Worm Moon March 18!

Thursday March 18, 12:18 AM Pacific, 27 Virgo/Pisces 40

Spiritual healing, organizing and good business!

Virgo-Pisces 2022 Full Worm Moon Cosmos
Full Moon and Waterside Cosmos Flowers Light the Night!

Playful spring celebration Saint Patrick’s Day March 17, Virgo/Pisces Full Moon March 18! Up early Virgo plants the earliest veggie plants, while Pisces may be sleeping in after last night’s frolicking!

We are at the last Full Moon in a SIX months 27 Degree Sequence! They started in 2021. Oct, Nov, Dec, continued in 2022 Jan, Feb, and March, now concludes a ‘season’ of six Full Moons at 27 degrees Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. The Full Moons at 24 to 29 degrees, continue to activate fixed star Algol and the Galactic Center at 26 and 27 and their Pluto connections strongly 8 times Sep 2021 to April 2022. Fixed stars Polaris – the North StarBetelgeuse in Orion are at 28 Gemini, and Procyon 25 Cn 47, will give varying additional effects per their type of connections with those signs. Note where these factors fall in your chart, which house(s). That is the section of your life that they activate. Check with your astrologer for further personal details.

The Full Moon at 27 Virgo is engaged with them all! She is the potent handle of a 104 degree bucket chart that has two stelliums, 3 planets in Aquarius and 4 in Pisces! She makes a grand earth trine with powerful Pluto, in maturity at 28 Capricorn, and Algol in Taurus!

As with the Jan and Feb Full Moons, Mama Moon is the Handle of another Bucket chart, all the other planets on the other side of the chart! April will be the last one of this consecutive four. Buckets can scoop or pour, receive or send forth. Planets that stand alone, called Singletons, like this are emphasized.

Full Moons reach as far across the table as possible, reaching out, spreading the news, collaborating with the other side, letting them know our thoughts in person. Yes, there are separations for a while, but separately, uninfluenced, we gain perspective of other points of view, the best of which we can take home to our tribe. It’s only 2 weeks or so until we are back together at the New Moon. As the handle to a bucket chart, we are the honorable seeker, representative, negotiator, share the goods. We funnel valuable information home, strengthen our people. Virgo is discriminatory, so we get only the best, what’s clean and true, what’s ready to use.

Sun in Pisces is precisely opposite, the primary receiver. He filters even more specifically with his super senses, not only the data but its intentional implications. What will it do for the group, what will be needed to incorporate it. Will the group remain in balance. Is it too early, need to be held for later integration. Does it have more value than at first perceived?! The group is watching keenly to see if it meets his specs and what their part is if approved.

In this case, Pluto in Capricorn is standing capably at the sidelines between them smoothing the hand off, subsequent transitions. He has financial prowess, looks for what undermines success or brings it to flourish. Some things can be remediated beyond belief! Fix it/don’t waste Virgo may have stumbled on just such an opportunity! The accountant probably also paid a low price for it and the venture is well worth following up on. Documents are secured, Pisces imagines the process and possible images and it gets done. Pluto may secure long term contacts and relationships, both business and personal. Virgo carries the medicine basket. Pluto is the shaman of internal and psychological healings. Pisces’s meaningful dreams take the people past their troubles to inspiration that fills their Souls!

Pluto is doubly important because he is the Bucket’s base planet. He cleans up messes, keeps people moving forward, focused and working at things that please their spirits. He knows their secrets and gets them through their fears and resistance. His financial instincts are a blessing. Messy relationships can be cleared, death and endings are normalized so we remain functional. Letting go lightens our path.

On the other side, Moon is trine the great fierce feminine force Algol. Moon, Pluto and Algol are all feminine, and respected powers. Moon in Virgo loves it when her bookkeeping tallies up on the plus side. Moon in Virgo believes in herself. Investors like Pluto come to her for the truth and financial parameters for their most important investments. She is careful with Algol but admires her as well for her no nonsense ways. She’s careful because she senses the danger like that of a wounded animal. She knows some of the old hurts can be healed, but the pain has been long endured and can be triggered to cause lashing out. Go gently; be ready to move far enough away quickly. If you can’t do that, don’t approach.

Sun in adaptable Pisces is midpoint sextile between Pluto and Algol! He senses how the tides are flowing, advises Pluto regarding current trends, future likelihoods. He may surprise Algol and help her see herself in his reflection as he merges with her. He is aware of her story without her telling him and she is disarmed by his sense of genuine caring. Algol

Sextiles are aspects of opportunity. There may be a letting down of the guard among them all, Moon, Sun, Pluto, Algol. She, the unseeable one, may have their back. She may ‘push’ them to more powerful places than they had thought of, even Pluto, the old Power Master in Father Capricorn!

Moon and Sun are T Square the Galactic Center. Moon in Virgo may be having none of that Galactic glitz. She’s practical and likes her routine she has worked hard to have. The GC has no conception of her doings. The Sun, a star himself, in Pisces is the more likely recipient. He dances to enchantment! He is 100% curious though caring causes do call him and he may dedicate his life to them. He in turn will pass helpful bits on to Mother Moon at moments he thinks she will listen. The Galactic Center is the center of our galaxy. It is a monumental power center encompassing huge knowledge. More on the Galactic Center! (Note, Jupiter is now in Pisces.)

The Stelliums are like little engines that keep the interior of the Bucket moving. They define our purposes. The Aquarian one starts with Mars and Venus. Mars in Aquarius is about as fast as it gets. His intelligence is lightning quick and seems to surpass intuition! Maybe it does! He is eager beyond words to get into action, change things, try new things. He leads no matter where he is! Venus was just with him and still feels his hot glance! Inspired by his courage and zest, she doesn’t slow down one bit! She tells people of his talents and calls back to him for advice when the people need to hear more details about how it all works. He is quite an unusual type, and she is an exotic beauty! It’s easy for her to get in and out of trouble, LOL! We forgive her because she is smart and knows why those things have infinite value.

Mars and Venus at 9 and 11 Aquarius are sextile Chiron in speedy Aries! Mars is the planet of Aries, and both Mars and Venus are in light speed Aquarius! No problem keeping up! They bring their friends and Chiron is delightedly healing and teaching them right and left! Chiron’s ideas give inspiration. He laughs and shouts at them,  laughed t wake them up further, and right sharp sends them on their ways! He wants them to know more about how to help themselves and carry on without him! Burnout is a symptom of these times needing so much dedication. Mars and Venus in Aquarius intrigue Chiron to think about a master application where many can be helped at once. A zoom of zoom groups around the world with many leaders and topics sounds good!

Mars and Venus also square Uranus the Aquarian planet. Friendships are more likely than relationships, though relationships are likely to cross their minds. But there is so much happening so quickly! That square is a classic divorce aspect, fascinating but no binding ties. Love ’em and leave ’em, forgotten. In the name of freedom, they move on. As friends they can discuss things more easily, but still, even the friendships may not be long lasting. Just too different.

Their rebellious little wildcard Aquarian square may interfere with Uranus’s position as the Bucket’s lead planet. Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so they might delight in giving him a hard time. They ‘know’ him. In Taurus he has patience, but if you push the Bull too far, you may regret it and be sat on. He’s ‘knows’ them too. If they decide to be helpful, they may bring him the latest alerts of protection needed, opportunities. They push him to act in a timely fashion.

Generally, Uranus in Taurus doesn’t miss a moment. He’s quick as lightning, takes in the entire landscape of earth in juxtaposition with the magnificent oceans Jupiter is currently sailing! Earth and Ocean are so intricately related. Earth changes 100% impinge on the Ocean, the receptor of rich organic materials as well as trash and poisons. Fish and humans are so dependent on each other. Harm to one harms all. Jupiter is educating about and defending the ocean and great bodies of water. Uranus is working to implement justifiable, doable, financially feasible programs to keep us all safe from toxins, degradation of soil, to establish clean water flow everywhere. See more!

Saturn in Aquarius is a 29 year affair. He is now the purveyor of Aquarian genius, harnessing its power, anchoring many futuristic ideas for long term growth. He is learning more about how to get a team working well. He has become more of a philosopher, humanitarian, sees the climate changes and factors them in. Friends mean ever so much more to him these days. Collaboration, not just skills, or being on time, gets a lot more done. Parenting is changing, methods of learning are changing. Aging is changing. Careers are changing. It’s like a whole new world, and it is! In some ways we are vitally more responsible. In other ways we are more free than ever before through electronics, the internet, drones and self driving vehicles.

The Second Stellium, in Pisces, has changed since the New Moon! Mercury is now with Jupiter; the Sun has moved on to the end of Pisces. Mercury has a lot to say generally, but with Jupiter it will bring many things to light because Jupiter has even more to say!!! Jupiter has big ideas, is translating Pisces music and visions into words a mile a minute literally as he travels the seas and sands, the spirits of time! Logical Mercury in intuitive Pisces is doing some translating himself. Jupiter and Pisces are both storytellers, so Mercury best quickly record those yarns and stories of glorious exploits, bets and shameless lies! Jupiter, an adept educator, may know history through myths that haven’t yet been written down, that are important to be passed on.

Mercury has also just been sextile with Uranus in Taurus. While Mars and Venus may have caused trouble, Mercury can have cleared the air. In Pisces he may have watched that little scenario. He may have distracted them and shown them some images to clarify what Uranus is up against and caused them to decide to help. Mercury likely understood more about Uranus than Uranus thought, so can reword some of his vague futuristic ideas into daily palaver and make it sound sensibly idealistic, doable after all! Mercury was likely inspired by the remarkable insights and scope of the Uranian mantle, from environmental to organic human rights. Uranus might do well to put Mercury on his payroll!

On a daily basis, Jupiter is having the time of his life! He thinks of the old schooners, undersea reefs, taking a cruise, visiting the peoples of the world, starting a maritime museum of natural history, teaching about seaweeds and marine animals! Uranus in Taurus has his toes in the sand at the beach, feeling the rush of the waves, appreciating the vast sunrises and sunsets. He loves how the land animals come to the inlets, river banks, the edges of the bays for water at night and dawn, how birds nest at water’s edge, migrators seasonally come and go. He considers himself to be their friend and vows for them to be safe and free. He sees the land changes and more coming. Preserves will be set up, and as we plant milkweed for Monarchs and see their population recovery, so can we do more for others as we learn more about creatures we share our planet with. We are engaging in modern Noah’s Ark work. Supporting the land, establishing naturally fruitful habitat, including for ourselves, is essential.

2022’s Promise, the astonishing 166 year Jupiter conjunct Neptune April 12! Jupiter is now only 5 degrees of Neptune definitely in active connection! Stories started now will max out around April 12! Jupiter amps up the magic, the mystic, mythical! Jupiter is with the compassionate saviors, traveling with sufferers and saints! His Luck will help dreams come true around the world. Intuition will be rampant with many insightful epiphanies. Big news will bring awareness of plights, successes, important Truths, discoveries. The waters of the world will take on further importance, whether temperatures, pollution affecting food chains, natural disasters. How we travel the seas, oceanic shipping factors will be addressed. Ocean sports, seaside businesses, spas and retreats will bring unprecedented numbers.

Jupiter can be broad minded; Neptune is infinite, a rainbow of inspiration! There are plenty of wandering, sometimes lost, Souls in the galaxy. Jupiter is funny, lucky, optimistic, sees the Great Plan for the future! He can cheer Neptune up when needed. Neptune entices Jupiter, so easy to do, to sweep into the world of spiritualism, psychic perception. This dimension is bigger than anything Jupiter ever imagined! Jupiter may go to church, but Neptune is the Universe! Jupiter is filled with ideas. Jupiter, the horse lover, wants to harness that Neptune energy, make it more accessible, incorporate it into our world plans. The implication of the insights are enormous. It’s a dream and a vision. The insights include ways to do it well and in a timely fashion, so it may be much closer to happening than we think! There will be a boost with their 166 year conjunction April 12! Set some special time aside to be with it and pick a special location too! See your AstroLocality astrologer!

Neptune is sextile/trine the Taurus/Scorpio Moon’s Nodes. The Nodes move in a retrograde direction so will cross Neptune’s degrees imminently. The North represents our ascension. In Taurus, there is a personal condition of value to be fulfilled. The past is when we shared love and monies with others. This time we need to take some in a good way for ourselves. We were in the dark, a good place – the Great Mystery, but now it’s time for the light of day, the sunlight that grows crops, makes beauty we can see and touch. This combination of nodes are working with money and values. Scorpio South Nodes was the sign before this life, worked powerfully for better or worse with others in financial situations. There could have been thievery, greed, or poverty and death. This time Taurus is the goal. Time to value your body, your personal assets, make money, stand up for yourself, not necessarily for others. Just be sure to get your basic fair share in pocket. Take care of yourself, your own family. Make sure you own your possessions, that they don’t own you. Neptune makes us know what we have missed, senses an omit we can remedy. Helps us see our fears, address them. If you can see them, you can heal them.

Pluto, Algol, Galactic Center! Pluto is now at 28° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

March 23, 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius, a 248 year event! Then through 2044 there will be significant world changes. Right now is the time to be strengthening our Aquarian and Uranian people, factors in our own charts! Pay attention to charts like this Full Moon’s Aquarian planets, and aspects to the Aquarian planet Uranus, our current lead planet!

Get your tickets! It’s time to kick up the Galactic dust!

Virgo/Pisces Full Worm Moon Astrology Chart!

Virgo-Pisces 2022 Full Worm Moon Astrology Chart!


Next up is the Thursday 11 Aries 31 March 31/April 1 New Moon at 11:24 PM Pacific. In HI, AK and Pacific zone it is a Black Moon, the second New Moon in a month. East of Pacific, it is NOT a Black Moon. INSTEAD, they have their second New Moon of the month, Black Moon, on April 30!

Vibrational Astrology Conference 2022 March 4 – 6, 2022, Gainesville, FL Sponsored by AstroSoftware, David Cochrane one of the speakers! Register! If you can’t go in person, recordings will be available!

See the entire Pisces Newsletter! Newsletter Topics:

Feb 17 Jupiter in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus!
Holiday Venus Retrograde + Jan Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RX finishes!
Jupiter in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces 166 Years
Jupiter in ARIES 2022-23!
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044 – 248 Years! Revision, Addition & UPdates 12.14.21!

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! These infos plus a personal reading will contribute to your success! With your calendar in hand….

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!


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Mercury 2021 Libra Retrograde Violin Art Culture City Romance NightSky

Music, Art, Life and Retrogrades have plenty of curves in any direction! Some are on flat land horizontal, some are high and low altitude, some are cross dimensional, span time, are the weave of the fabric of culture and connections we make with one another! Most are variable to a high degree and importantly unpredictable! 

All three of the 2021 Mercury Retrogrades are in Air signs, Aquarius, Gemini, now, last, Libra! Libra Mercury wants to know you, your family’s culture, political interests, your marital status, what your favorite arts and music, cuisine are, what countries you have been to and what you do for whom! They are terrifically social and will introduce you to the ‘right’ people, and can’t help being matchmakers. They will mediate for you and help with legal work, teach you manners. Do the calligraphy on your invitations. Oh, and set up your social calendar, plan and graciously manage your events, replete with lovely flowers in all the right colors. You will often see them at art museums and symphonies. Libra is vibrant with love and intelligence. They see both sides, give great therapy. We are different yet we are One and Equal.

Mercury is the planet of the Mind, thinking, our attention, our breath and lungs, how we learn to learn, communication skills, gathering data, paperwork, signing contracts, a hand shake, the laying on of hands. All of these are essential.

Mercury is heady, there is little that isn’t interesting and little escapes its attention. Gemini is Mercury’s first sign, and Earthy Virgo is Mercury’s other sign that focuses on details, looks for perfection, expertly organizes and applies the data Gemini secures, is semi grounded! Both are known to be ultra busy! Gemini listens fast, often replies while you are still speaking! Virgo writes the book, organizes the finances, won’t go home, just has one more detail to finesse, worries about her and your health. They are quite different, you see.

Mercury Rx is don’t sign those papers about issues of the sign(s) Mercury is retrograde in! Or, do everything to make it possible so it doesn’t fall through. Escrows can fall through. Use experienced brokers who can get it done no matter what. People don’t return your calls. The dog ate it. Your computer has a snit. Or you do, LOL! You lose your cell. You get lost, turned around. Rule is be sure purchases are from reputable firms that have reliable returns/guarantees/warranties. Be sure the company is legitimate before you deal. Date and sign any contract changes and make sure they do too. Get/make copies, save and backup. Generally, you avoid making significant purchases/decisions especially of matters specific to the sign/s involved. If possible, don’t move or change or start jobs until you wait 4 days after Mercury turns Direct/forward.

The house/s where Mercury falls in your chart while it is retrograde is the area of your life that will be specially affected. Briefly: If it is in your 4th, it is home and family matters. If in your 2nd or 8th, financial adjustments will be made. 6th can be work environment, skills, coworkers, your health regime. 5/7/8 houses can be important relationships. 3/9 is educational, class requirements may shift. 9 is long term plans, travels. 10 may be career, 11 career associations/associates, friendships. 12 may be your spiritual beliefs, perceptions. So for example, if in your 10th, be cautious about signing professional documents. If in your 4th, you may opt to wait to buy the new refrigerator – a better deal or fridge may come along. In the 1st or 3rd you might wait to purchase a new vehicle. In 2 or 7, wait for the facelift. If you need help with this, see your astrologer!

About Retrogrades!

Inner planet retrogrades have three phase cycles. Sometimes outer planets have five and take 3 years! Sun and Moon have none. The 3 parts are:

  1. Covering the initial ground, degrees that the retrograde will go back over when the planet ‘turns’ retrograde.
  2. Retrograde covers the same degrees as Phase 1, only in the reverse direction, so your perspective takes a 180 shift while other planets continue in their own patterns, many of them moving forward. While retrograde it checks on previous actions, improving on choices made as it goes back.
  3. The planet turns ‘forward,’ and goes over the same degrees a third time, adds finishing touches, makes experienced final adjustments before it moves on.

Stations bring special emphasis! A Station is when a planet literally appears to stand still in the sky at the retrograde and direct turning points. Stations help us slow down. They are a pause when we are able to be still to receive, focus, take time to think. We make things the best we can, anchor important ideas we want to keep. The longer the station the more its strength. Mercury sometimes likes to think things over, draw as much from a valuable experience as possible, or get to know a special person more deeply. More often, it is likely to go crazy waiting for more things to happen and wants to be the first to deliver the news! They may need to rest at the station because a lot has been changing. It can be a relief to take a breather from the rigors of speeding here and there so they don’t miss a morsel!

Planets at different speeds hold station different lengths of time. Mercury stations are about 8 days – four days before and four days after the turns. This retrograde Mercury covers 10 Libra 07 to 25 Libra 28. Prepare for retrogrades as best you can before the Retrograde Station starts! When Mercury turns forward, wait for the Direct Station to finish before turning yourself loose to go ahead.


The 10 degree Libra Direct Station is conjunct the fixed star Vindemiatrix in constellation Virgo. Per Robson it is of the ‘nature of Saturn and Mercury (profound liar, thief, blackguard, scandal and slander.) It gives falsity, disgrace, stealing, wanton folly and often causes its natives to become widows.’ Not so fun. Mercury conjunct Vindemiatrix is considered impulsive, too hasty, loss through writings and business. Nervous irritability if badly aspected. It’s true Mercury can be loose lipped, a gossip, so be extra careful with your words. What seems nothing to you may mean everything to someone else. If in doubt, don’t. Jamie Partridge says ‘it figures strongly and regularly in deaths which are in some way dramatic, newsworthy or are resented in much more than the usual degree by those left behind (assassinations, common criminal murders, executions, airline disasters etc.).’ Also it rules the right kidney – drink lots of water. Turn the tables on it!

Mercury’s 25 degree Retrograde Station is square Behenian Fixed Star Procyon. This star is of the Little Dog, arrives in the night sky before Sirius in Canis Major. Procyon gives activity, violence, sudden and violent malevolence, sudden preferment by exertion, elevation ending in disaster, danger of dog bites and hydrophobia, and makes its natives petulant, saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, unfortunate, proud, easily angered, careless and violent. Challenges there too. Considered to have the nature of Mercury and Mars it is exaggerative, argumentative, unreliable, unscrupulous, given to invective, mechanical ability, very quick mind, a great talker. It does have some talents! Here we go: As a Behenian star, it gives the favor of the gods, spirits and men, power against witchcraft, and preserves the health. Yes, a square requires some work to make it good for you. Jamie has a lot more fascinating things to say about it! Worth the read.

Mercury’s Rx in Libra, changes our relationships with ourselves and partners of marriage standing and in business. Our social standing shifts as we rethink our alliances. We may come to understand our place in the culture we were born in differently than as told to us by our parents. Our parents’ relationship may have influenced us more than we realized. More beauty, dance, music and art may open our spirits. Get out your art gear, sign up for the dance class! Meet some new people from different areas and countries. Talk about the important things our planet needs today. Take more of a shared leadership position. See what others have to offer and you can give. Rebalance your age associations. Hear what young people have to say; listen to the elders who have expertise. Visit some sacred places.

Jupiter in Pisces was in a brief sneak preview from May 13 to July 28, then Jupiter returned to Aquarius to finish up! Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the arrow arcing over the rainbow, and Pisces is the huge Ocean of civilization! They both can have a broad range of attention. Sagittarius travels and teaches at Universities. Pisces borders the shores, has major international ports of exchange, ships sail the seas linking huge distances. They both have to do with ‘God,’ Sag at church, Pisces in the direct link of meditation. Jupiter is fiery, bold, at times brazen and opinionated, while Pisces will set up a rousing concert, from rock star to symphony making music that moves your Soul! Pisces can be a resounding believer, willing to sacrifice everything including life itself. Jupiter and Pisces are a bit at odds at times, could be as simple as Jupiter talking too loudly when Pisces is wanting quiet time to meditate. But Jupiter has an uncanny knack to tell a joke that makes Pisces laugh after all when Pisces goes too somber for too long. Jupiter sees and wants the best! He will support Pisces to the pinnacles of spiritual power, teach religious studies, improve the Pisces seaside sports business! Whatever it takes. They can go surfing, maybe at Nosara in Costa Rica, famous for yoga and year-round surf! This Piscean adventure with larger than life characters will give Mercury plenty to think about! Take lots of images, plenty of video – make sure the camera is in order and you have spare parts, get the blog going, inspiration abounds! Mercury is ace at sales and advertising. Plus, Mercury in Libra is a terrific companion – intelligent, sophisticated, usually quite educated! See more

So that was the Pisces preview. Jupiter is now back in humanitarian Aquarius through Dec 28, aiming us toward world work. Jupiter is now using these Piscean perceptions and techniques to inspire the people to make new friends and together change the most important things that will free us to make more change in a good way. Grassroots action and long time professionals are working together like never before with all our technology to connect worldwide. Experienced workers are guiding and supporting. Hot spots are reported and promptly attended to. Further technological connections and research are showing us new ways to make working change.

Mercury in Libra’s relationship and partnering skills are perfect for the needs to join forces in unity. Libra can mediate on their feet, talk us through for the best collaborative results! Libra brings out the best on both sides and the middle, LOL! Mercury in Libra models how to successfully speak with one another, respect, mutual listening, valuing differences. As a result, surprising discoveries are common! People change right in front of your eyes! Libra tends to be one to one, whereas Aquarius is groups and networks, communities, class action suits, but Libras are renowned for their lawyering skills in behalf of individuals and organizations! Then there is sharing sweet social time, beauty, all the more precious when our lives are full of making the world a better place for each other.

There are four outer planet events repeated three times during Mercury retrograde! 

The planetary connections made during a retrograde cycle, especially the ones that repeat, indicate part of its purpose, how the retrograde can help. Those combinations, along with the retrograde, help prepare us for planetary aspects that follow, whether the aspects are in the sky or in your personal chart. And, of course, the connections they make, or don’t, with your chart, factor in personally! See your astrologer if you need help with this!

Mercury in Libra inconjuncts Uranus in Taurus. Both Libra and Taurus are Venus signs. Taurus rules the Earth and her Beauty, the blessings of trees that breathe, water, foods, the condition of our climate. Libra rules the people that stand up for her, the relationships we have with one another, the ability to share problem solving. Together, with Uranus humanitarian expertise, we can make broad change. Mercury can quickly spread the word to let people know what they can do, even everyday things that make a difference. Libra can make illustrations, connect top experts. Mercury brings the data, suggests amazing options that are doable. Taurus is sensible and knows about excellent applications that have already been tested in other areas. They all work beautifully together. There’s that phrase, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Uranus in Taurus

Mercury in Libra is inconjunct Neptune in Pisces also, forming a YOD! Mercury links Uranus and Neptune at the point of the Y among the three of them! To activate one activates the others! Neptune has the 6th sense of the most important needs. Neptune rules the oceans, the great Mystical Drift of Souls. Significant change will lift Spirits. Fears, Depression and Grief will lift as we each do our part to balance our systems. Mercury is quite intellectually gifted in Libra to find connections that are life changing, both in our environment and among the People. Differences become assets, and Neptune psychically sees how mergers and unity of cause will give blessing beyond what was thought possible. Neptune in Pisces

Mercury in Libra trines LUCKY Jupiter in Aquarius! Finally we can expand the Network with dedicated and skilled craftspeople who are artisans in their own right! The promises of the future are so exciting it may take a bit of time to settle down, delegate the right work to the right people. There may be too many people in the beginning and two groups may need to be formed to work different legs of the project toward the common goal! Travelers, teachers, guides, legalities, publications will all figure in. Research specialists will be working the hours to find the best new options for these times. Keep your meetings on track, and be sure to have some special social time too! Jupiter in Aquarius

Mercury in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn! Now this can be a toughie. Pluto is the one to convince. He can be back in the old ‘that’s what my father did’ ways. Or, he has been waiting so long to get free! Mercury can open that gateway to some fancy dancing thinking that is refreshingly up to date, an adventure you can’t resist! All the most marvelous citizens will be along. There will be the needed funding. The project looks sophisticated, elegant, an honor to be on board! Capricorn likes intelligence and no wasting time. No time like the present. They can remove old blocks, solve what comes along. It’s all new to us, heroes in the making! [Pluto has been in Capricorn since January 2008. The most powerful aspect perhaps has been Saturn, Capricorn’s planet, Conjunct Pluto!]

Libra Mercury Retrograde Timeline – Pacific Zone 


06 Mercury starts Phase 1, Labor Day Virgo New Moon
10 Inconjunct Uranus -1
17 Inconjunct Neptune -1
20 Trine Jupiter -1, Pisces/Virgo Full Corn Moon
22 Square Pluto -1, Sun into Libra, Fall Equinox!
23 Mercury Retrograde Station Sep 23 to 30
26 Mercury RETROGRADE 25 Libra 28, 10:10 PM Pacific


01 Square Pluto -2
03 Trine Jupiter -2
05 inconjunct Neptune -2
06 Libra New Moon
11 Inconjunct Uranus -2
14 Mercury Direct Station Oct 14 to 21
18 Mercury DIRECT 10 Libra 07, 8:17 AM Pacific
20 Aries/Libra Full Harvest/Hunter’s Moon
22 Sun into Scorpio (Mercury is in Direct Station)
24 Inconjunct Uranus -3
30 Inconjunct Neptune -3
31 Trine Jupiter -3 (Halloween fun!)


02 Square Pluto – 3, Mercury finishes Phase 3
04 Scorpio New Moon

More About Retrogrades!

Retrogrades are fascinatingly complex! The wild dynamics of retrograde cycles are, as viewed from Earth, that a planet appears to go forward, backward, then forward over the same ground three times, and if outer planets sometime five, times! Of course that doesn’t happen in reality. It is visual because of the perspective from Earth. During that time, all the other planets are moving too, so even when a retrograde planet is going ‘backward’ over the same area, they are ALL going forward, even the retrograde planet! It’s ‘illogical,’ but that’s what happens. Venus retrogrades about every 19 months for only about 40 days. Only 7–8% of the population has it in their natal chart. Mercury retrogrades 3 times a year, once every 6 years it’s 4 times that year. Mercury actually spends little time retrograde. In fact, only 18% of the population is born during Mercury retrograde! Mars retrogrades every 25/26 months for 60-80 days.

The good part is that where people or businesses have retrograde planets, in their birth charts, they often have special skills. The most successful Corporations often have a lot of retrograde planets – they keep working it until they are best, and they keep working it as time goes on, so they stay the best! They go back, keep up, update! The type of special communication skills of Mercury retrograde depend on which sign, house and planets Mercury connects with in your chart and what type of connections are made. Check out the planets of your own chart and charts of babies born during retrogrades!

Every Retrograde is unique by sign, aspects, and where it happens in your chart! As time goes on the planetary backdrop changes. Context shifts. Retrogrades, like any other astro phenomena, evolve. Each planet has its own matters. The sign(s) it is in while in retrograde, are how those matters are applied, what matters are processed.

Sometimes retrogrades cross Portals, where sign changes happen! As they go forward, retrograde, then recross forward, we learn how to make that particular crossing. Gradually we see how those two signs are linked, work together, support each other. We see the contribution of each sign, how they each are part of the Zodiacal Great Circle. Be mindful of your own talent, offer it. Be mindful of what others have to offer, be grateful. You may not like them, but we can’t do without their part of the divine tapestry, the Light they hold at that crossroads.

What a journey! When you are traveling, what amazing beauty lies around each new bend. Different directions, different views. Maybe what’s behind is out of sight, a memory; what’s ahead is a mystery! Inward turns, like retrograde, give us time to pause, hold steady, slow down. Outward bends like turning forward/Direct, extend our vision of potentials. Mercury in air sign Libra lets us think about alliances, working together. It shows us natural flow, keeps our Spirit fluid, makes us aware of deeper channels within us. Each turn, that Station, gives us time to think, recalibrate, prepare for the next stretch. It’s important that there are changes, reversals, old ideas that clogged things up are left behind, revelations have room to occur, new ideas are teased into action! Potential is remembered and we are rededicated.

Clearly life doesn’t stop during retrogrades, and not all people’s charts are connected to all retrogrades. If your chart is connected to any given one, you will need to do your best and what you can. You can’t explain this astrological stuff to all people, maybe not your boss or even a good friend. Astrology? You’re nuts! Ok, so there are times to find ways to stall or not connect, delay. You can estimate the possibilities of others not bringing certain papers to the meeting and bring them yourself, save the day! You can ask for a review of the current decisions 4 days or more after Mercury goes Direct/forward. If there are important must do meetings, Dr and Veterinarian appts, call in advance to verify that the date and right time are on their calendars AND yours! Verify that part you ordered IS ordered, being sent to the correct address, the expected arrival date! Know that it might be late. Keep track of keys, wallets/purses.

Document your work and events daily, save ALL emails and backup safely off the premises. No giving your passwords or copies of keys to anyone. If all goes well, fine. If not, all the pertinent information you need is available.

If you have other favorable prevailing aspects, especially with outer planets, it is likely changes will ultimately be to your benefit. Do check with your astrologer for your good dates and times of day to make the best of it! And pray their chart isn’t affected by the retrograde, LOL!

With a transiting Retrograde, if you have factors in your chart at or very close to those degrees, especially at the station degrees, you will be activated. Check in with your astrologer if you have significant plans at those times. Plan ahead for what you want to get done, as much as possible, well before those times, and line up what you can do during those times!

Engage Honorably in your Relationships. Cherish our differences. Give Gratitude for sharing.

Updated 9.22.21

For more details see your 2021 and 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they connect with your personal chart!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Virgo/Pisces Snow Moon Feb 27!

Pisces New Moon March 13!

Virgo/Pisces Full Snow Moon!

Saturday Feb 27 Full Snow Moon 12:17 AM Pacific at 8 Virgo-Pisces 56. West of Pacific Zone the Full Moon is on Feb 26.

SIX months Eight Degree activation. Aquarius & Pisces Stelliums, Bucket Chart, Fixed Stars, Galactic Center!

No snow in coastal SoCal or most southern states, but plenty of Pisces ocean beauty. Peace, stillness connection. Orbitz says: Nama-stay all night for moonlit meditation at the Resort at Longboat Key Club, Florida | Photo courtesy of Diamond Public Relations

This New Moon chart is a Bucket! Sounds like water, and it spans Virgo and the granddaddy water sign, oceanic Pisces, with Neptune, the Pisces planet IN Pisces! Add a bit of Venus pretty fish, and we have an essence of divine beauty beyond mere words.

There are basically two kinds of buckets, both have one planet out there by itself, in this case, Mama Moon in Virgo. The planets grouped separately from the ‘lonely’ planet by itself, can be a Bowl 180 degrees, like a Bucket! But if the other planets are in the tighter formation, the Bundle in a third of a chart, 120 degrees, it is quite different. It is more streamlined, not a gatherer! This one happens to be an intense Bundle, no level top, collecting like a Bowl! With a Bundle it’s more like water running off the duck!

Buckets with Bundles can act two ways! The lone planet may act like a direction finder, cutting through the waves, inspiring the others to follow! Or, it is at the rear, a rudder influencing the whole, by changing the group’s direction. That lone planet has a lot of power. Mother Moon in Virgo makes sure that the direction is the quality choice for excellence in the making. And, it could be said, that the group, if in the lead, is clearing the way for it’s most precious gem, the one that follows, that lone planet.

Another thought is about the handle’s relativity to the Bundle. In this group it is closest to the lead planet of the Bundle. Mama Moon may need encouragement, may be somewhat reluctant. In some buckets the lone planet is closer to the base planet, hell bent for breakfast, wanting to spur the group on, take them further than they bargained for. Joyously, they may win the prize! 

Another way of thinking of the ‘handle’ is that it is the focal point of whatever the bundle is releasing, sending. Filter Virgo is giving it a final inspection, organization and cleaning and polishing before it goes mainstream. Virgo also acts as a scanner filter, seeking only the best, to bring into the Bundle to invigorate the gene pool. It is both inlet and outlet. It seeks connection with other systems in behalf of greater purpose. 

This Bundle is voracious! Three planets in Aquarius, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter, are fast as lightening, easily bored. They are hungry for new things to learn and do, places to go, people to meet! Mercury and Jupiter in Aquarius are practically plugged into the light socket! Aquarius is electric and Mercury can dance! They may be a bit strange, but certainly entertaining, brilliant, and most likely almost annoyingly cheerful. But we need that crazy cheer to burn the old bridges! Mercury went out of retrograde Feb 20 and we’re busting loose, making up for lost time!

Mercury with Jupiter in Aquarius find this bigger world we are moving in a consummate learning place! Change is moving at an exhilarating pace. Opportunities are opening, new perspectives abound! We have learned so much politically, economically, on the health front, and planetarily. It is time to share magnanimously, coach like crazy! Write and publish. Teach and learn! Keep the faith, make new supportive friendships deliberately! They conjunct March 4, the day after Venus Sextiles Uranus, the Aquarian planet! Make notes!

Moon’s North Node in Gemini and Mercury/Jupiter are trine. They have so much to exchange! Mercury is Gemini’s planet, so they are both talking at once! Jupiter is laughing with delight, taking in their likenesses and differences, the common purposes they are speaking for. He gets inspired and plans to gather the group – friends, neighbors, sibs – and get a program going! Yes! 

Venus and Sun in Pisces and Neptune in his own Sign Pisces, swallow life whole like a whale in a school of fish! This mighty feed takes in a lot of our environment all at once, seeing a bigger picture than most. Their psychic perception takes it in at all levels, in all forms to infinity. What is seen, dreamed, envisioned, is digested, becomes absorbed, a part of us. We really do become ONE.

Venus and Sun are together but don’t connect until they have gone into Aries! They are blessed together in Pisces, loving the baptism of the Pisces world, making beauty, swimming, dancing, making music. They love the solitudes and the miraculous immersions in meditation, spiritual understanding each other’s Souls. There are times of disappointment, loss and indulgence, but there is redemption as well. Save and surrender. Call on your higher power.

Saturn is still considering the Feb 17 square with Uranus in Taurus. We are aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing. See more Sun has already sextiled Uranus strongly from Feb 21-25 and Venus will on March 3, the day before Mercury conjuncts Jupiter! Ideas will be flying high. Some will be crazy for fun, some will be exceptionally beautiful, even haunting. Others will have long term implications worth working for and financially productive! Like I said, make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, select who will work together, and get it rolling!  

Mighty Virgo Moon has no problem working out the mandate that is growing in us. The Feb 17 Saturn square Uranus was the first of three in 2021. Virgo, the Nurse, is healing any wounds, reorganizing for further work to be done. She is helpfully trine Uranus, the Aquarian planet of networking, humanity, awakening! Her dedication to interface with others is inspiring. She keeps the program uptodate and collaborates with outside experts. Her new friends have been encouraging. They, Taurus flavored, have offered comfort and a peaceful place to take time to rest, slough mental debris, reground.

In addition, she seeks advice from within her bundle. She is yod, ‘Y,’ Saturn and Chiron, is sometimes curious about them! She has their eyes, they keep tabs on her. Saturn in Aquarius shakes like a dog loosening bits that stick. Sometimes it is like sharing a shower of magical stardust! Mother Moon gathers the treasures and makes a finely woven gossamer garment of protection from them. Chiron is fast on his feet in Aries guarding and guiding her way, offering healing as needed. Both open peripheral channels, Saturn to new areas of responsibility, Chiron inviting her along a candlelit path to the latest healing and teaching ideas! Saturn and Chiron are still in the glow of their Feb 9 sextile. It was the first of their three 2021 aspects. Saturn sextile Chiron

She feeds informations to each appropriately as she comes upon it. She offers technical data to Saturn for his research for business, cures for the people. She has what could be key details. Virgo and Chiron are both healers. She offers good living and self care information, earthly herbal medicines. In Aries, Chiron is working with spirit and knows both body and mind need tending for the Spirit to be well housed. At times they surprise each other with their expertise.

In the background is a small but potent aspect! Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs! They have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021, Mar 31 – coming right up, and May 3! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! 

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort, takes extra effort to initiate. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

7/8 and 23 Degrees!

Perhaps you have noticed Saturn, Chiron and Uranus are all at 7 degrees backing the Full Moon play at 8 degrees! They are working tightly together. Moon will be the first to leave, carrying the details of their discoveries with her. Moon has a super memory and will spread the information to potent places that will use it well. Sun will mosey on, a degree a day. He will keep with it for 3 to 5 days or so, then, Piscean style, will be lured by other things… 

2020 Oct 31, Nov, Dec and 2021 [Jan very close – just barely 9 degrees], Feb, and March FULL Moons are all at 8 degrees, the number symbol of Infinity! The Moon signs are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. Those of you with factors in your charts at or within 2 to 3 degrees of 9, especially in those signs, will be the messengers. You have this and 1 more month available to deliver!

All these Moons are sequentially resonant to each other! Clearly, some of us are significantly more connected to the New and Full Moons of a particular year and time of that year. If these degrees activate factors in your chart closely, let’s say 2 to 3 degrees, you will be activated sequentially by the signs of those months, some more favorably than others. The New Moon sequence in the same months is at 23 degrees, involved with 3 Fixed Stars! See the New Moon! If you have factors at both 23 and 8, ALL the Moons of late 2020 and early 2021 will affect you! Plan out those 6 months with a goal in mind. Be prepared, do things favorable per each Moon Sign per your personal chart! 

Galactic Center, ALGOL, Pluto!

Bundles start and end with planets, the base, defining purpose, and the leader in front. This one is in Earth signs, both planets fighters! Pluto the Ninja in Capricorn is at the base and Mars, the rights fighter, is in Taurus in the lead. Mars is separating from the Feb 24 trine with Pluto. They have bonded and have worked successfully together. Mars has visited Pluto’s well, seen his depths, been infused with some secret powers. He is protected and armored, steadfastly carrying Pluto’s messages forward. Pluto has guarded some serious wisdom brought forward from some 248 years ago. Integrity and healing, kindly relationships, are at the top of the list. He may shield Mars from behind. Mars has his own mission, to invoke ecological sense, sustainability. March 3 Mars will be in Gemini, possessed to spread the word, techniques, inspiring others to tell the story as well.

Mars‘ powerful connection with Pluto has prepared him for his inconjunct the Galactic Center, 27 Sagittarius 09 and conjunction with fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus 27. Being inconjunct the GC can throw you entirely off center, excite you to the max, enthrall you to take that brilliant Path to the side. You may go over a Threshold and never be the same again, not even come back! Sometimes it is better to approach from the side. You can get a look before committing or backing away. It may take an infusion like this for Mars to survive his conjunction with Algol, thought to be the baddest star in the Heavens!

Pluto has and will be trine Algol through 2022. He has been having the Algol experience, and is one of the few who can stand up under this trial. Very luckily, the trine is the most favorable angle, so though not unscathed, he survives. Both Pluto and Algol are respected and incur life and death situations. So, Pluto has probably helped Mars more than Mars realizes. Mars though a tough David/Goliath type, may be tested to his limits. Facing Death is no easy feat. He may be a bit more serious for a while. The Mars orbit is every two years so this is no new test, but, this is the year. For those of you who are activated by the 26-27th degrees, you may find yourself appreciating this heavenly battle, experiencing it some yourself. See more New Moon

Pluto is now at 25° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Since Pluto is an outer planet, some might only allow a 3° range for it to be in connection with Algol. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Anytime it is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol. That period started Feb 2020 and will go through Jan 2024. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

Two Behenian Fixed Stars, both Royal Stars, are activating the Full Moon Axis! 

  1. Fixed Star Aldebaran at 9 Gemini 47 squares Mother Moon in Virgo and trines Father Sun in Pisces. Challenges to Moon, successes to Sun. Robson gives a mixed review of Aldebaran. ‘It gives honor, intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity, courage, ferocity, a tendency to sedition, a responsible position, public honors and gain of power and wealth through others, but its benefits seldom prove lasting and there is also danger of violence and sickness. Since the Full Moon axis is in adaptable ‘mutable’ signs, their combination has effect from a month to a year or so.  

    Aldebaran is one of the four key stars in the heavens, also called Archangel stars, Michael in this case – military commander of the Heavenly Host. It was also called “Watcher of the East.” Please see much more at Astrology King
  2. Fixed Star Antares at 9 Sagittarius 46 is always opposite Aldebaran, making a challenging GRAND Square with Sun and Mother Moon! Every time one of these two stars shows up, the opposite star is also engaged. They are read together. Again, since the Full Moon axis is in adaptable ‘mutable’ signs, their combination has effect from a month to a year or so. Take care of potential matters soonest. Prepare in advance for unavoidable areas you may have to dig in and work about. Take care of your health.

    At the heart of the Scorpion constellation, Antares is a big bad wolf in traditional astrology! Per Elsbeth Ebertin: ‘A Mars nature, in which the powers of Mercury and Jupiter and Saturn are also added. Antares makes people tough, belligerent and pugnacious. This is an important star for military personnel and is said to convey mental alertness, strategic ability and courage and to make dare-devils, especially if tied up with the MC, Ascendant, Sun or Jupiter. According to tradition, Antares is of violent character and is credited with being significant for a violent death, either in battle or by process of law. On the other hand, danger may come about by fire, weapons or machinery. Antares is also said to be unfortunate for the eyes, if in conjunction with the Ascendant, Moon or Sun and this has proven to be the case by later researchers.’ Rob Tillet of New South Wales writes: Spirit of adventure, obstinacy, injuries to eyes, honours, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages. See more at Astrology King! 

    Antares is also a Royal Star, the Archangel Star of Oriel, the Watcher of the West. 

We thank you, you Virgo/Pisces Souls, for your ever compassionate service!

Virgo/Pisces Full Snow Moon Astrology Chart!

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Pisces New Moon!

Saturday March 13 at 2:21 AM Pacific, 23 Pisces 04

Last of SIX 23 degree New Moons, Aquarius & Pisces Stelliums, Bundle Chart, 3 Fixed Stars, Galactic Center!

Let there be Light! Milky Way view over Stage Harbor Light in Chatham, Cape Cod MA by Abdul Dremali, see the enhanced version! He says ‘I couldn’t believe I took this photo when I first processed it. It was the moment I knew I wanted to do astrophotography forever. This picture changed my life to be honest.’ 

After our Full Moon Bucket Chart, Mama Moon has swept across the ethers to join Father Sun in Pisces. They are together in a Bundle chart very similar to the Full Moon chart! Planets have moved forward, having carried the Full Moon messages onward. New Moons have that conjoined effect, in this case most potent! 

We have the same two stelliums, 3 in Aquarius, now with Moon too, 4 in Pisces! Mercury is well past Jupiter, the Sagittarian planet, strongly semisextile Pluto. Pluto is semisextile the Galactic Center and Mercury in Aquarius is sextile! Mercury in Aquarius is brilliant, and linked with the GC, has phenomenal perception beyond average human understanding! A sextile indicates opportunities, blends of energies, in this case, fire and air! The Flame of Knowledge burns intensely, high, night and day! The Galactic Center is at 27 Sagittarius 09, the sign of teaching, looking into the future, making plans, traveling to spread the good word. Mercury carries the messages close to home, to every local Soul possible. Genius Aquarius networks planetarily! Mercury can step down the Aquarian message so the average citizen can use it, keep spreading the word.  

The Pisces stellium has four planets, including the New Moon, potently in 5 degrees! Venus is now snuggled right close to her old friend Neptune on her annual visit. She is again sweetening his life, swimming with him in the deep, floating on the waves together on windless days. Not everybody loves Neptune. At times he’s a ruffian, monster wave maker, murky, with dangerous creatures and plants. Other times he sources healthy foods, carries us to faraway places, has challenging exhilarating sports, restaurants and chip shops, and untold beauty – sky, huge birds, dolphins, coral reefs. He gives us perspective and shows us our immortal Soul. Neptune is the Master Empath, seeing the best and the worst. As with any caregiver, psychic, there can be burnout, and Venus blesses him for his kind efforts.

Venus affirms his dreams and visions. She can tease him, laugh silly with him, worry about trifles. She helps him past his own fears, helps him let go of disappointments, get back on track. He sees where she sometimes sells herself short, admonishes her to live her own precious life, be the artist of Spirit he knows her to be. She may be a ‘victim’ of circumstance and needs to let go of self indulgence, selfishness. He also sees her special kind of personal beauty and gifts and is grateful. They may combine their artistic talents, making beauty so touching it is like instant transcendence to view it or hear the music. Exceptional films…  

Venus and Neptune hold a special position, a semisextile with Jupiter, linking the two stelliums. Venus is calling Jupiter to keep telling his stories, sometimes of extreme adventures, with aplomb! He finds himself speaking with more love in his voice, a greater gratitude for life. – the meaning the stories have for him, his important part, contribution, in them. She wants him to add a spiritual component, for us to be connected with our pure Soul purpose when we choose what to do with our lives. The unique content of Aquarius points to our own finest contribution among, by, and for our fellow humans, in fact, for the harmony of all beings!

Jupiter may wonder about these two, yet he’s now in Aquarius and is intrigued. They are so different, yet oddly, get along. Venus at moments surprises them both with insights about timeless values, the beauty that we all live for. Jupiter may be impressed since his nature encompasses wide swaths of consciousness, especially now that he is in Aquarius, the sign of the heavens! He has just embarked on a year of epiphanies! He never gave much thought about Neptune’s huge range from the invisible infinitely spiritual, from the smallest snail in a shell to the tsunami of a lifetime. Neptune can be music, films, dreams, seeking the Angels, to the most astute cross ocean shipper minding huge barges or the complex cruise ships like Royal Caribbean’s Symphony of the Seas having capacity for 6,680 passengers – more than a small village, has robotic bartenders. Jupiter probably senses it is important since Pisces is soon to be his next sign! He will be going into Pisces May 13!

Jupiter impresses them with his bright smile, charm and good looks. Sometimes Pisces forgets about that part of life. They have been comfy lazing and lingering. But, you know, there is lots to see and people to meet to spice your consciousness and get a new thread going. Lots needs doing and Pisces, when not the victim, is a profound helper, even savior! Being athletic wakes him up from his dreams, and keeps the molecules humming… OM…. OMG!

Mother Moon and Father Sun have just been with Neptune. Father Sun whapped the waters with his whale tail and Neptune stood up to attention! Hark! Mother Moon, the Pisces Mermaid, has swept in with her nurturing Mom kind of healing making sure Neptune is balanced between his care for himself and is care for all beings. She talks kindly with him and reminds him not to take on the suffering of others, but to help them stand up on their own. Father Sun shines his Light into the fathoms, showing Neptune how much he has contributed and that we need so much for him to continue. Together, the New Moon is calling him forward. What an astonishing Being.

Pluto, a superb Master in Capricorn, is still the Bundle’s base planet. He has earned respect by operating successfully during troubled times. Sometimes he has been instigator, propelling us to and through even dangerous situations. Other times he has held wise council and solved monumental matters, or at least started the process. At the rear, he safeguards the group, keeps healing the laggards, keeps pushing, holds the integrity of the purpose of the outer planets. His position is vital to preserve certain laws and decencies, reveal what needs fixing, maintain a standard, before going into Aquarius March 23, 2023. 

Pluto started being the base planet of the outer planets when Jupiter passed him in 2020. Jupiter will become the base planet in 2029. So, Pluto holds the base position 8+ years, including during its own sign change from Capricorn to Aquarius.

The New Moon, at 23 Pisces, is sextile Shamanic Pluto, Scorpio’s planet! Pisces is the Magician and Pluto rarely shows his hand. Both are plenty psychic, often solitary and invisible, but they most surely see each other. Even if they don’t see all, they know where the obscuring veils are. The position of the veils, that there are veils, often indicates a lot more than the person having the veil realizes. Pluto shields for privacy, fear, to protect unhealed pain, or a lack of skills. Pisces has veils that are the pain of confusion, misunderstandings, being a victim. Pluto wants to clean and clear the system. Pisces knows the problems at the Soul level, past life issues.

Each knows a lot about the Soul purpose of the other. Pluto may be obsessed, cares too much. Pisces may be loosely put together, at times cares too little ie lives penniless in poor health, or is possessed by addiction. Or he may care at the self sacrifice level. They can really help each other. Pluto is famous for resurrecting the dead and financial wizardry. Pisces pitches compassion rather than greed and theft. Mother Moon in Pisces will have her way with you as most Moms do. She talks to Scorpio skillfully between his covers. Father Sun in Pisces dares to come into Pluto’s hideaway, but so quietly Pluto forgets to be surprised. Sun flows; Pluto admires and is charmed his grace. Pluto decides to grab those Pisceans and talk with them about how financial care is as important as any other kind of caring. Pisces has no corner on the market just because he’s spiritual. In fact, Pluto may cue them how to get onboard with fundraising for causes, and funding their retirement.

Here’s another look: Powerfully, the Pisces New Moon is sextile Pluto in Capricorn! Pluto is the Guardian ninja, the Phoenix who raises from the Dead, the Kundalini live energy at the base of our spine! Pluto is frequently wealthy, especially in corporate Capricorn. Capricorn conserves/preserves, is a remarkable professional, scientific, understands necessities, knows the law. Pisces would rather meditate. However, that is only one side of Pisces. Pisces is a believer and is willing to sacrifice. He is intuitive and Capricorns listen to those Pisces advisers. Pisces will do huge business if it is a cause of his spirit. Concerts, exponential fundraisers/non-profits, churches. Any kinds of ocean businesses – cruises, shipping, fishing fleets, sports, seaside restaurant and hotel chains. Pluto in Capricorn helps Pisces keep focus and hire financial consultants, money managers, to keep their work going. At a very personal level, they may chat privately about the core of life itself. Pluto may be recentered, have a reset of his life style. He’s been working for others, making money for them, maybe sold his Soul, but what about his deepest desires? Start working for businesses you love. Maybe Pisces will invite you.

Mars is still the Bundle’s leading planet, but now in Gemini! The word is out and people know he is on his way. He’s quick and feisty, he misses no one with that alert scanner of his! He catches up if you try to avoid him, and he calls you to task, tags you for the use of your skills, which he is quick to assess. He may be quick to anger, but it is, perhaps, more bluff than actual harm though still could be loud and scary if you are targeted. Gemini is more bark than bite. Assure him that you will get back to him, and mean it. He will know if you don’t. 

Mars favorably trines Saturn and sextiles Chiron! Saturn himself doesn’t much like being pushed by young upstarts, but grudgingly really knows fresh blood is good, LOL! Saturn is practical, and in Aquarius the most willing he may ever be to try unique ideas. He’s a good appraiser, so listen to him. If the Saturn you meet is still obsessively dwelling in old ways, find one who is looking for the lightbulbs of the future and the smarts to go with it, may even be a world leader in the making! It is true that Saturn is just coming off his square with Uranus, so he may have fired his own team, rustled his associates list, and is flying lighter these days. He may be a bit cautious, and that’s smart. But he’s cleared his own path and looking for better options. A lot of people are surprising us lately as we see them shaking loose. This may be the perfect time for Mars to make his alliance! And this time, Saturn being in Aquarius, Gemini can’t talk circles around him! Mars in Gemini, granted is quick on his feet, but will never beat Aquarius. Saturn has the reins and wants facts not fluff, no matter how funny or foolish, yet secretly Saturn may have a smile in his Spirit! Oh, to be young again…

Chiron in Aries, Mars’ sign, sextiles Mars, is thrilled to entertain him! Ah…someone to talk his ideas over with. When he sees Gemini might make off with those ideas, he keeps firing off the possibilities of his ideas so word will go out! Hit that refresh button and keep right on going! Chiron feels invigorated, healed himself, and ready to teach from his new point of view! He has added to and resorted his thoughts, has new strategies. Can’t wait. Under new leadership, business is off to success! Mars is glad to talk with an old master who is fast and experienced. He keenly watches Chiron and sees the value of how Chiron conducts himself. Chiron is experienced, picks up on what’s said instantly, and doesn’t waste time moving it forward. Train the leaders and let them loose! Saturn sextile Chiron

Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs! They have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021, Mar 31 – coming right up, and May 3! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…in a small but potent aspect strengthening the Aquarian planet Uranus.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort, takes extra effort to initiate. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

23 Degrees, Fixed Stars ~ Spica and Arcturus, Algol

2020 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2021 Jan, Feb, and, now in March, the LAST ONE! The NEW Moons are all at 23 degrees, a SIX months sequence! April 2021 is at 22 degrees. The signs are Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Then Aries at 22 in April. All of these will aspect Fixed Stars Arcturus and Spica at 23 Libra! Also, this is important because all these charts connect with the Galactic Center! Since the charts are sequential by sign, refresh and update at each one. Review and update your intentions over these six months. We are now at their culmination! I hope your consecutive efforts have paid off!

All of these New Moons aspect TWO lucky fixed stars! This Pisces New Moon is inconjunct Arcturus, now at 24 Libra 30, and Spica at 24 Libra 06! These two stars must be read together. Spica is Virgo maiden girly and prim compared with Arcturus in the constellation Boötes, the herdsman/plowman on the land. She is in the palace; he is not, yet both are workers! They do not sit together in the sky. Spica is -11 below the Ecliptic (the Sun’s path) while Arcturus is +19 high above the Ecliptic! With the Pisces New Moon inconjunct Libra, we will make final sensitive adjustments to work together at establishing better relationships and networks, equality, justice, beauty.  

Spica is considered especially lucky and blessed. She lives in a difficult place that is called the Via Combusta, a ‘dry’ path from 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio, but Spica is the oasis. She is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars, a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Spica is noted for spiritual and religious qualities, honors and fame, artistic skill, drawing ability, musical talent and a good sense for literature and the sciences. There can be refinement, a noble bearing, sublimation of sexual tensions. See more at Astrology King

Arcturus, another Behenian Star, moves things along and keeps order! He’s really a go-ahead enterprising spirit. Humble he is not! He has great pride, is grandly liberal, commanding, has cosmopolitan views. Arcturus gives riches, honors, high renown, self-determination and prosperity by navigation and voyages. You can see how Spica and Arcturus can complement each other and learn both finesse and boldness from each other! See more at Astrology King

If these stars are not well connected with your planets or others in the sky with them, yes, there can be troubles. Better watch your rearview mirror. 

Fixed Star Algol 26 Taurus 27 in 2020

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, yet Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto is now in a sign that trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely. 

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan wisely astrologically. Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If in neighboring signs, only 3 or less degrees might be used. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 25° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Since Pluto is an outer planet, some might only allow a 3° range for it to be in connection with Algol. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Anytime it is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol. That period started Feb 2020 and will go through Jan 2024. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

Our Pisces New Moon sextiles Algol. Sextiles are also positive aspects and may help with Algol. Sun and Moon are strong together. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Pisces is known for forgiveness, but Algol isn’t. Freedom is still at issue. Pluto understands much of this. Capricorn often has working answers to bring us back together in common cause. It may be time to let go of old alliances, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Be safe and be well. Tread gently. Get all the facts before you pass judgment. Steady in the Light.  

Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius 08!

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center! Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They see peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC!Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Pisces can be lured by the Pied Piper or be the Piper! Our New Moon squares, is in challenge with the Galactic Center. Moon and Sun may be taken in by the ‘bright lights,’ need to learn more first before taking the journey, or wonder why they haven’t before?! If there are blinding lights, a super block that distorts their vision, they may need to adjust their dial so the connection can be made clearly, intelligence exchanged cleanly. Pisces may be leading a group on a celestial quest that needs a certain enlightenment, the breakthrough only the Galactic Center can provide. Jupiter sextiles the GC the first time in 2021 on April 22. Plan ahead to meet then too!

We are in the Pisces Threshold of the last sign! Let’s take the Journey!

Pisces New Moon Astrology Chart!

Next up is the Sunday Mar 28 Full Worm Moon 11:48 AM Pacific at 8 Aries/Libra 18.  

See the entire Pisces Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2021 Annual Planning Special Edition! to take stock of your ending the year position, adjust your plans to make the rest of your changes really count. Soon the 2021 Annual Special Edition will be out for your new year planning.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Mercury Mars Retrograde 2018 Drone Landscape Panoramic

New point of view! Drones give a greater elevation, a wider vision, the angle you choose! Your screen of the image is in your hands wherever you are. Mars is in both Capricorn and Aquarius, new scientific machines; Mercury retrograde in Leo shows us dramatic new ways of seeing, communicating!

We think of retrogrades as forward, back, forward. That might be hiking or driving up or down mountain switchbacks, or boating the curves of a river as it meanders to a lower elevation. Now we have drones that have a higher vantage point like flying with the birds, or a lower vantage point exactly level with the top of the mist to see a sunrise that is clouded in below. It can see in front of us to see where we are going, and in an instant turn the drone to see behind us, see what the way home looks like. We can take our picture as we, our child or dog, race into a scene, amazing action shots, or a close up while we are far, far away! Our perspectives are expanding, enhanced, just like what happens with retrogrades, even more sophisticated!

Mars only retrogrades every other year, so this double Retrograde can only occur then and only if Mercury happens to retrograde at the same time!

This intricate double Retrograde process hosts two outer planet sign changes, two major outer planets aspects and precedes Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic Oct 30! Plus, Oct 30 to November 8 is an exciting TEN days in its own right! Oct 30 Pluto conjuncts the Golden Ecliptic, is at its South Node – a rare event! See more!!! Nov 1 Jupiter 28 Scorpio trines Chiron just that once. Nov 6 Uranus retrogrades back into Aries to review and update! Nov 7 is the Scorpio New Moon, and Jupiter 29 Scorpio, last degree, inconjuncts Uranus just once! Some people you travel with, some no longer, new ones pop in! This is it! Choose who you go on with now! Nov 8 Jupiter hop scotches over the line into his own sign Sagittarius! Where are my walking boots, my horse, my travel tickets?

Here’s the Mars & Mercury timetable:

The Mars Cycle Started May 12 in Capricorn!
May 15 New Moon, Uranus into Taurus, Mars into Aquarius
May 25 through Aug 19 Jupiter trines Neptune

June 26 Mars Retrogrades
June 28 Mercury into Leo

July 7    Mercury starts Rx cycle
July 25  Mercury Rxs

Aug 11 New SuperMoon Solar Eclipse same degree as Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic!
Aug 12 Mars back into Capricorn
Aug 18 Mercury turns forward/Direct
Aug 19 Jupiter’s last trine Neptune!
Aug 27 Mars turns forward, Direct

Sep 5   Mercury into Virgo
Sep 10 Mars forward into Aquarius!
Sep 12 Jupiter’s last sextile Pluto
Sep 25 Chiron returns to Pisces

Oct 8   Mars finishes his entire 3 part cycle
Oct 30 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic!

Mercury will do his 3 part cycle July 7 to Sep 1. Both Mars and Mercury will be retrograde at the same time July 25 to Aug 18! Watch your step! Mercury’s entire Rx cycle is within the Mars Rx! Though in different signs, they are inextricably linked by time.

Whether ascending or descending, what a journey! What amazing beauty lies around each new bend. Different directions, different views. What’s behind is out of sight, a memory, what’s ahead is a mystery! Bends give us time to pause, hold steady, slow down. They give us time to think, recalibrate, prepare for the next stretch. In this case, having two planets dancing, you may be a bit dizzy and overwhelmed! At times one is going forward while the other is going backward, and vice versa!

Every Retrograde is unique, per the signs, the planet, the connections made with other planets during their retrograde cycle. Mars will be doing business 28 Capricorn to 9 Aquarius, establishing innovative community liaisons and Internet presence. He opposes Sun at 4 Leo from 4 Aquarius. Activation, independence, Fatherhood, leadership and freedom will be important. Mercury will cover 11 to 23 degrees in fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun! He lights the arena, speaks from the heart. Teaching and sharing mean a lot. In Leo puts his personal stamp on the way things are said, is specially himself and like no other.

The last Mercury Rx was in fire sign Aries, Mar’s sign. These fire signs can be untouchable, scare you witless, be devastating, purifying, or warm your very Soul. They raise you up when you are down. Starshine lights your nights and the Sun shines on your day.

Mars started his cycle May 12 in Capricorn. Three days later, on the May 15 New Moon, Uranus moved into Taurus for the first time in 84 years! The same day, Mars moved into Aquarius, Uranus’s sign. What a bold are rare start! Uranus will change the Earth herself, Mars will be the champion in her behalf! In Taurus, Uranus’s pace will be slowed somewhat, but not in Earth matters! Mars will stand near, making sure Uranus doesn’t forget to use the electric jazz that is his natural talent!

May 25 through Aug 19 Jupiter makes his last two trines to Neptune, the entire period during the Mars cycle. It isn’t just that this lovely dreams-come-true trine happens, Scorpio to Pisces, but Mars indicates how we activate and do it! While in Capricorn he puts his shoulder to the wheel, builds, pushes, works overtime to set a strong foundation to make a place that properly supports the project. In Aquarius he looks for the most avant-garde possibilities to make it awesome. Electronics are the finest, community backing assures continued progress. Efficient sustainable results save money in the long term.

Mars Rx in Capricorn checks project status frequently, catching snafus or being sure changes are implemented promptly. Better techniques are incorporated as they are discovered. Short term nuisance, long term blessing. Bosses may change mid-course causing some more adjustments needing to be made. Some may lose their jobs yet, in time, find themselves in a better place. Fathers may fret over the right course to take with a child who seems to be in trouble. Get unbiased help from an experienced professional. Aging may require some changes. Allow for a slower recovery, possibly from a recurrence of an old health matter. Ask around to see how others have dealt with it. Do some good things for yourself and take some time out if possible.

Mars Rx in Aquarius may find themselves needing to be more free from all that work, even if it was your choice to do it! Time to be the consultant! Could be some new friends have caused a course change with their offerings, new ideas that have a broader reach are electrifying! Aquarius can be so fast that even Mars is having to hustle to keep up, and that’s rare! It’s gratifying to be first, on the cutting edge again, exultant to be the leader and wake people up right and left! Dashing to and fro, meeting people that support your ideas makes you come back to life. Some of it you may not understand yet, but you sense an outrageous potential! The old gray mare ain’t what she used to be!

During the time when Mars and Mercury are retrograde together, we have the Pluto-on-the-Ecliptic connected Aug 11 New Moon SuperMoon Solar Eclipse. They are turning the soil so to speak! Mars is at 0 AQ leaving square Uranus, about to return to Capricorn. The amazing inspiration of Uranus, AQ’s planet, and being in genius AQ, is right between our eyes, and Capricorn will build it! Mercury is at 14 Leo leaving square Jupiter in Scorpio. Mercury is bold and bright and big minded with a huge smile! He sniffed out some terrific ideas and is taking them home. Seeds in the planter!

How we think about it all is in Mercury’s mind. In Leo there is a wanting to outdo all others, to make it grand and mighty! Mental prowess is formidable, creative and inspirational! We are each called to contribute our best, to make it glow! Our hearts are strong and true. People see our story and want to join in. Changes will be needed to accommodate the new fit. Colors and lighting will change, our presentation, how we dress, our hair, nails even! Some will be a little bossy, and that may be a relief that someone took charges, or we may find ourselves being bullied, or not credited with our contribution. Keep it square. Leos aren’t always quick on their feet adaptable, but they mean well. Come at it a little more gently ~ see how that works. Everybody stay with your exercise programs.

Mars’ second station, standing ‘still’ at the retrograde/direct turning point, focuses intently in Capricorn, steeping in wisdom, the experiences of the ancestors, gathering strength. It starts being within one degree of this turning point on Aug 16th and continues there until Sep 8. Stay in your integrity, respect all beings.

While Mars is finishing the third part of his cycle, Aug 27 to Oct 8, he returns to Aquarius Sep 10. Sep 12, Jupiter makes his last sextile with Pluto. Jupiter is in Scorpio, a mixed combination of a fiery impetuous planet in a you better do it right sign. Jupiter wants to tell all and Scorpio gives a look of warning that you believe. Ok, we’re looking for middle ground here? A sextile is a good aspect of opportunity, but probably not about telling secrets, or you get the scoop and the Pulitzer. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn, holds the power of the law though, so you better be sure before you tell that story – scandal, libel. Even though Mars is not at close degree of the sextile, in Aquarius he is definitely a rabble rouser and may throw both Jupiter and Pluto off balance. They can see the wild card coming. So find a way to get the information out that will prosper for all in a good way. Don’t wait to be caught; turn it to your favor.

Sep 25 Chiron returns to Pisces. He sees the exquisite compassion or the devastating downfall, sometimes of drugs and disability. He returns to a remarkable insight, revelation of Spirit that was clouded before. He has been ahead in Aries and now carries the great sword of fire to cut away the pain of having been harmed, cauterize old psychically bleeding wounds, to release misunderstandings we carried that weighed us down. The healer/teacher has stepped up to the plate, no longer so easy going, letting us be in our stew, but insisting we make changes. Period. Time to get up. He has seen more about how it has been done, is here to take us the next step. On your feet, we can do this.

Much shall have happened as we approach Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic Oct 30!

Astrology chart of Mercury starting Retrograde July 25, 2018 during Mars Retrograde.

Mars Mercury Double Retrograde 2018 Astrology Chart

Note the T Square – red triangle: Mars, Uranus at point, Sun/North Node. There will be some challenging surprises! See that pretty little bow? It is continuously linked by the green lines across the top of the chart! It is crosslinked by Moon trine Venus/Venus trine Pluto, and Jupiter trine Neptune! Two trines for money and wellbeing, two feminine planets – Moon and Venus, plus learning, dreaming and spirituality and happy magical traveling! Wow!

Aspects during the retrogrades

Mars makes most powerful aspects while he is in Aquarius! May 15, 16 Mars sextiles Chiron, squares Uranus. During his Retrograde, Aug 1 and 12 he squares Uranus then sextiles Chiron. The third set is Sep 10 and 18, sextile Chiron, square Uranus. Mars activates Chiron’s awareness of what needs healing, opens gates to the future and starts further healing with unusual techniques either new to you or new to the planet! On the daily earthly plane, Mars square Uranus in Taurus can be accidents – knives, autos, electronics. Taurus can be trucks, ground to air transportation, earth pockets/volcanic, quakes. Maybe not the time to go spelunking, hang gliding or skydiving. If your 6th sense says don’t, then don’t.

If you are not one to take chances, maybe this will be just the aspect to make you give it a try, but choose leaders with experience and integrity. Sun trine Mars gives prowess and a lucky winner May 25; Jupiter trine Neptune gives protection. The Aug 1 and 12 square Uranus sextile Chiron have more protection because they are followed by Jupiter trine Neptune Aug 19, but still chancy. Mercury trines Mars June 1 and Sep 23. Good use of gear, quick responses.

Three times aspects Mercury makes are square Jupiter in Scorpio, and a yod to Neptune and Pluto. Square Jupiter may disagree on which way to go, which school to select, has the best teachers. Ethics may be important to your life, who to hang out with. Perspective can be crucially important. Exaggeration or lies, misrepresenting, could be costly. We can be expecting too much, be overwhelmed. Privacy and trust or too much truth and way too chatty? Or you win the lottery, and, oh, dear, what shall I do?! LOL Some problems diminish in importance as you get used to the idea and find excellent solutions.

Mercury yod, at the point of a ‘Y’ with Neptune and Pluto is a tough place for playful Mercury in Leo to sit. Leo loves a great performance blazing with remarkable colors and making sounds that heaven can hear! Neptune in Pisces can go with the flow but will eventually retreat to the ashram and meditation, solitude. Woops, did I hurt their feelings? Pluto in Capricorn may join you if he likes your style, but more likely he will be far more proper, conservatively snatching glances at your debauchery, interesting but certainly not really professional. Hmm…yet the employees seem to like it. Well, ok, maybe again next year. In Leo, Mercury can seem like a me, me, me, person and that can be good. Personal experiences can come from the heart and make us all human together, warts and all. If anyone can give a radiant talk on the amazing upcoming project, they can, and have you eating out of their hand! Rewards welcome! The more quiet watchers marvel and are glad to have them. They couldn’t have said it better, at all! Hat’s off!

If either Retrograde connects with your chart, consider these options!

Prepare well. Mars in Capricorn it is tool safety, architectural instruments, maintenance, repairs freezers, earth movers, forklifts. Get mechanical items serviced. Mars in Aquarius especially involves vehicles, bicycles, drones, mechanical and electrical items. In general it means phones, new apps installations and learn to use them with ease, computers, internet.

During the retrograde, unplanned work is likely, project course corrections, rehires and job shifts. Change your appt book right away when there are adjustments, call in advance to make sure they made the change at their end too. Make follow up appts because we know automatically things will require further adjustments. It isn’t done for Mercury until the 3rd phase is done Sep 1, Mars Oct 8!

Take big promises with a grain of salt. Mars in AQ can be super spontaneous and sweep off on an extraordinary new project in seconds! One great link leads to another! If it’s better for all, go for it. In Capricorn, don’t fall for too much pessimism. Keep working but keep watch. During Mercury Rx, give the benefit of the doubt to those Leo wishes. They can pull off amazing things, and with Jupiter trine Neptune the odds are in their favor!

Never be afraid of a retrograde! It stirs the pot. Even as cherished ideas, go up in flames, another door opens. Again, something better has the space to happen. Gather yourself. Grab it with your teeth and shake it for the best to fall out! Don’t let go until it does! Plan to use every precious bit of information that comes your way. The computer goes down? Get a better one, upgrade, get one better suited to your needs. A vacation falls through? Choose a better time and something more potent than your previous choice. Really look at it. You and circumstances have changed since you made that first plan. The dog eats your script? What you write next is surprisingly so much better! You were devastated at first, but now actually glad that happened! Your life will get better. Give it reasonable time and be proactive. The outcome depends partly on YOU! Be there!

After the Retrograde! In the third phase, the direct part when the retrograde is finishing, tidy up. Take a look at the devastation and debris. You did it! How much of that did you need anyway? Reorganize. Keep it light. Cherish what you are left with, polish it up, integrate it well. Make further plans with what goes well with you. Follow up on the best ideas. Get connected with some good people going your way, ones who can keep pace with you! Grab one or two or three experienced consultants in your field and hear them all out. Merge some of your and their ideas and plans. Not all of their particular options may be ones you use now, maybe later, but they get you thinking and started! Yes! It’s likely to turn out much better than you expected! Collaboration makes things multiply! Each of you can promote the main project from your special vantage points!

Keep your chin up, eyes open, listening ears on and get to it!

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See the 2018 Special Edition Newsletter for all the upcoming Planetary Patterns of the year!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Full Strawberry Moon!
Building a Better World! 

New SuperMoon Solar Eclipse opposite Pluto!
Venus Grand Earth Trine, Transformation & Immortality!


Full Strawberry Moon! Building a Better World! 

Wednesday June 27 at 9:53 PM Pacific 6 Capricorn/Cancer 28

Cancer 2018 Full Strawberry Moon

Barefoot early in the dewy garden plucking ripe juicy strawberries…. This is Loupii’s beautiful summery version. Sometimes the moon is tinged red. That occurs in the summer because the moon appears lower on the horizon.

Moon in Capricorn has just passed Capricorn’s planet Saturn, he in his own sign! Out the gate and along the path to the next item/person that needs caring for. Saturn retrograde has revised some of the building plans and Moon is off to find materials and others to complete that additional work. Much better than it was before. Mama has told Father Time her feelings and he has steadied her, assured her she can take it efficiently step by step, that this too will pass. Good lessons will be learned and all in good time applied in a good way. He will be sure she has shelter; she will feed him each day when he is tired and done with his work. They both have concerns for children, family matters, securing their professions, having solid community connections. They will stand together in behalf of elders and women’s and children’s rights.

Opposite Sun! Expand your dimensions! Reach out and shake hands. Sun is in Mama Moon’s sign! He lights her domain, shines long in the summer evenings. Much gets done and the family has comfortable social time at dinner. Sun gives his heart, shares generously, enjoys entertaining, family events are planned, schools and courses are chosen. Moon may be quite tired, even sad or depressed at times, but Sun lifts her up, finds help, lightens her schedule and whisks her away to the family retreat cabin for some well-earned time out! A new cookbook and she’s happily fixing those tasty homemade meals she is famous for! Moon and Sun listen to each other, suggest, discuss, collaborate!

Inconjunct/semi-sextile the Moon’s nodes spanning Aquarius/Leo. Mars in Aquarius is leading the old South Node to a higher expression, possibly out of stagnation or habit though that would be rare for the electrical sign Aquarius! Perhaps Mars is reigniting some old ways to a more pointed focus, implementing old thoughts that had been given up, us thinking they were impossible! Maybe their time has come! The Sun in Cancer the sign before the North Node in Leo, has resonance because the Sun is Leo’s planet! Cancer is careful to encourage without over mothering; the Sun adds light the North Node understands. Warming helps us to relax even when we are a bit scared. Cancer knows about that. Taking chances isn’t always easy, but sometimes the world is a better place for it when we do. Hold my hand. I’ll walk with you.

Sun squared Chiron 4 days ago, the Moon only a few hours ago. They have been considering how to implement new healing techniques. Chiron is fresh in his new sign, and Aries is fresh all by itself! He has a mind to get people excited, try some new remedies, new biz techniques, how to get food on the table soonest! Sun in Cancer, a tad more conservative and protective of the past, might have said ‘I’ll think about it.’ And does, not wanting to miss a possible opportunity, especially if it is a learning program for kids, about homes, kitchen devices, foods, food preparation and nutrition.

Venus in Leo has some other things on her mind. Neptune has whispered to her, something about Spirit being just as important as pride of ownership and beauty. Hmm…ok. Venus in Leo loves her exercise, dances, sweeps the world off its feet! She is dramatic, attractive, a gifted teacher, is super romantic, and blessed with a lot of heart and courage. Neptune gives her insights as she goes. She is more tuned to not just prowess, but that she is a role model that inspires others to try too. Dreams can come true. Ask for more, do more. Give it your best.

Uranus, the planet of higher mind, has recently come into Taurus. It is calmer, more gentle, yet the Earth is changing beneath our feet! Mercury in Cancer more easily relates to this wildcard planet now that it is steadyish in Taurus. Cancer likes its security, but Mercury, another mind planet, is intrigued! Uranus is the planet of change, evolution, and Cancer is the Moon’s sign, always changing through the signs, and forever the scholar of the generations! They have several harmonies though they are technically square, in challenge, with each other. There will be several surprise benefits as any challenges that arise are considered and resolved.

The glorious Jupiter trine Neptune continues…. They are staying in close aspect now through the 3rd and last trine Aug 19, the day after Mercury in Leo turns forward out of Retrograde. Jupiter is thought to be fame and fortune, expansion and growth. It’s good faith, optimism and often great luck! Travel, education, teaching and speaking are Jupiter super talents. Imports/exports. Fun and funny, great stories, publishing. Big dogs and horses, gambling on anything! Robust health, vigorous sports, resorts businesses! Put that all with Neptune in its own sign Pisces and you may have the longest ocean cruise, a huge fan following at your concert, an epic movie! Your life may take a spiritual turn into exotic places, both on earth and in your mind. Love may be lighter and deeper at the same time. See more. Plan ahead, take the chance!

IN THE BACKGROUND! Oct 30 Pluto conjuncts the Ecliptic! That will be at approximately 5:13 PM Pacific at 18 Capricorn 58! Yes, that is months away, but Pluto is on a 248 year orbit, slow moving, so very in effect right now! Pluto rules extremes. The words Life & Death say it all. Bankrupt or wealthy. Alone or solidly together. Sexual or never been kissed, ever. We’ve had huge political, economic, civil rights and environmental changes, with more to come.

Honor yourself, honor your parents! Give love with all your heart! We are building a better world together.


Full Strawberry Moon Capricorn/Cancer Astrology Chart! 

Capricorn/Cancer 2018 Full Strawberry Moon Astrology Chart

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New SuperMoon Solar Eclipse Opposite Pluto!
Venus Grand Earth Trine, Transformation & Immortality!

Thursday July 12 at 7:48 PM Pacific and US, 20 Cancer 41

Cancer New Moon 2018 Sunset Crater Volcano

A homespun calico blue gingham New Moon sky studded with Milky Way stars! Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument​, Flagstaff AZ ~ image by Christian Heeb via Getty Images

If you are in Europe​, east of the US, this will be your first Friday the 13th solar eclipse since December 13, 1974! The next Friday the 13th solar eclipse won’t be forthcoming until September 13, 2080. This partial ECLIPSE won’t be visible in the US, but very south in Tasmania, Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica, South Pacific and Indian Oceans. But we are in for a treat July 27! It will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century (2001 to 2100)!

We are starting the summer eclipse cycle. Some years we have two, others we have three, and this is a three banger!  July 12 is a partial eclipse of the sun. July 27 is a TOTAL eclipse of the Moon. Lucky August 11 is a partial eclipse of the Sun! Plan your nighttime  celebrations!

July 12’s New SuperMoon
 is in her own sign Cancer, with the Sun in Cancer! That’s potent! FEEL IT! If you are coastal, go surfing! If you are Pagan, hold a Women’s Circle! Expect your daily affairs to be a little heightened, and you, your family, people to possibly be more emotional. That will be more true for people who have factors in their astrological charts at 18 to 22 degrees or especially so for Cancers born July 12.

The ECLIPSE is outrageously opposite Pluto at the same degree!
 It’s an old fashioned event. Cancer is her traditional self, home culture, take care of the women and kids, the family. Pluto is in Capricorn, the elder, running conservative businesses, the Past, Guardians, the Law, mentoring. Cancer is the nurturing mother; Capricorn the strict master, ruler of time, age, wisdom. Pluto rules the underworld, big money that changes hands, the secrets we keep, intimacy in the dark, death is the final threshold. We shall be reminded of our mortality. And, Pluto is the detoxer, purger, healer that clears us, does remarkable healings, the Phoenix in us that rises from our own ashes. Yes, we face our demons and rise from our own ashes. Those ashes are the fertilizer of our Souls.

Mercury is YOD! He must keep his head, stay logical and vocal. He must clearly and cleanly name what he sees, no denial, and tell others so they may stay clear minded too. He must mindfully be on the Path, be aware of presences along the way, adjust accordingly. He just left inconjunct Neptune, is coming into inconjunct Pluto. Neptune gives illusion, confuses us with martyrdom or addictions, false saviors. Or Neptune gives 100% clarity of psychic perception and we safely navigate the mire. Pluto is seductive and obsessive – money, sex, power. This enchantment may be what we need to ‘see’ deeper, and, as possible, we need to be able to disengage without harm to anyone.

Mars Retrograde at the Moon’s South Node. Though separating now, Mars is still reminding us to use our Aquarian connections wisely, in the Spirit of times to come. The gift is to use them for evolution, the greatest good with the furthest evolved purpose of mind. That will support the one on one, heart to heart efforts of the North Node in Leo, the sign of Light. If Leo choses to speak or perform, the entire group, 100s, 1000s of people will be awakened at once!

The North Node, always generally retrograde, is moving faster than Saturn. Though Saturn is retrograding away, the NN overtakes him! They will be inconjunct. The NN in Leo has high spirits and cheers Saturn in his own sign Capricorn. Sat/Cap are sometimes gloomy, but other times they are champion workers, determined and dedicated to achieve superb success. Leo can film their epic efforts to show others how divinely Sat/Cap builds our home, renovates historic properties, builds luxury sustainable subdivisions, the Temple, skyscrapers, even a veggie garden! Leo wants elegance as well as functionality and the property is HOT!

Venus will bless Mars
 with her inconjunct and he will stir her Virgo patterns. Since he is retrograding to meet her, they are approaching each other! She has systems he can immediately step into, test and use. He is super intelligent in Aquarius and offers instant ideas to improve the process. He sees the value of her sensible applications and let’s others in the network know about them. She estimates the financial impact of his choices and saves him time by helping him choose the most efficient and productive. Yes.

Saturn will come very close, but, won’t make that trine with Uranus. You will feel it, can sniff it. It will make you think. You will see what needs fixing or doing, the organization or friend you would like. But what you hope for may be simply a blush and a brush with someone fateful. They will go on without you. The organization may be too much for you, you aren’t ready for it yet. It could suddenly splinter apart and dissolve. You will be changed and inspired, see how it could have been done better, and will accomplish more for the encounter.

Saturn also won’t make the square with Chiron. They are both retrograde, but Saturn is slowing to turn forward, and doesn’t catch up. Again, they come quite close, just over a degree apart, but the connection that consummates doesn’t happen. In this case that might be a relief. We might be fearing a business deal won’t come through, it has difficulties being negotiated. Timing and materials, the right person to put in charge aren’t available; the person is not as qualified as needed to be. Things could be too old or take too long, delays. Keep the main idea and people in mind and come back to it later, though it may not ever gel. As we think on it later, we are glad because something better, entirely different, happens.

Venus Grand Earth Trine! Venus has just left a sweet trine with genius Uranus, the planet of the Futurist! Now in Taurus, he wants steady evolution for Earth herself. The planet is changing and we need to stay with it. He has infused Venus with immense ideas. She in Virgo has a gift, the grace to organize and expedite these ideas so they may be applied efficiently. She knows there is an elemental need for freedom to research what can be the best applications for the results needed. She’s a fine analyst, works the percentages, gives advice that has been tested.

Venus acts as go between from Uranus to Saturn the Builder! How perfect he is for the work! They make the exact trine late evening the 13th. She has been watching Saturn’s progress, seeing what works, what doesn’t, so take note of what she likes about what he is doing. He is powerfully in his own sign Capricorn. What he hopes to build has merit. He just won’t do it with Uranus or Chiron for the time being. Sometimes quitting a situation saves time, energy can be put where, for the time being, it is better used. But Venus is bringing the best of the Uranian ideas to him, cloaked with her blessing. She’s a sharp cookie, so he trusts her choices. He has good insight about who the right people are, the materials to use. Using his excellent sense of timing will pay off. Venus admires his style, so he feels the better for his choice. She and he may make a solid bond both personally and in business. He admires her Virgo common sense and intelligence. She understands numbers and percentages. She does the books, guides him succinctly financially. He pays her well and sees that as an investment. If he doesn’t, Venus, tell him to go or you quit him. You are worth it! Time for respect.

The ECLIPSE is exactly at the Fixed Star Castor! Castor is one of the two rival brothers of the constellation Gemini, Castor mortal, Pollux immortal. Robson says ‘Castor, the mortal one of the twins, is famous for his skill in taming and managing horses. Sometimes called Apollo [Sun god], and symbolically named A Ruler yet to Come. Has an interest in the occult. Dr Eric Morse: Castor is also noted in natal astrology for proneness to mental breakdowns and neurotic distress. People with this star prominent and well aspected are exceptionally gifted intellectually. Where these geniuses often need help is in not letting their concern for others go ‘over the top’. And Elsbeth Ebertin…Linked with the Moon or Mercury, it has the effect of such people being blessed with a good nature and fine morals. It is also supposed to convey refined manners. See more by UK astrologer Deborah Houlding. She says it’s all about the ‘quest for divine immortality!’

The juicy Jupiter trine Neptune continues…. Jupiter has turned forward! They are 3 degrees apart and closing, less than a month away from their 3rd and last trine Aug 19, the day after Mercury in Leo turns forward out of Retrograde.

Jupiter is thought to be fame and fortune, expansion and growth. It’s good faith, optimism and often great luck! Travel, education, teaching and speaking are Jupiter super talents. Imports/exports. Fun and funny, great stories, publishing. Big dogs and horses, gambling on anything! Robust health, vigorous sports, resorts businesses! Put that all with Neptune in its own sign Pisces and you may have the longest ocean cruise, a huge fan following at your concert, an epic movie! Your life may take a spiritual turn into exotic places, both on earth and in your mind. Love may be lighter and deeper at the same time. See more. Make this final window of time count! Plan ahead, big! Take the chance!

IN THE BACKGROUND! Oct 30 Pluto conjuncts the Ecliptic! That will be at approximately 5:13 PM Pacific at 18 Capricorn 58! Yes, that is months away, but Pluto is on a 248 year orbit, slow moving, so very in effect right now! Pluto rules extremes. The words Life & Death say it all. Bankrupt or wealthy. Alone or solidly together. Sexual or never been kissed, ever. We’ve had huge political, economic, civil rights and environmental changes, with more to come.

Dark skies open us to unhindered gateways. Eclipses are exact lineups that let us channel directly! Let your dreams ripple, pull up your socks, get to work ~ be there when the miracles happen!

New SuperMoon Solar Eclipse Astrology Chart

Cancer 2018 Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart

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The next Full Moon is a Lunar ECLIPSE July 27 at 1:20 PM Pacific, 4 Aquarius/Leo 45. It will be seen in a vast area, but, sorry, not in the US. However! It will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century (2001 to 2100), a whopping 1 hour and 43 minutes! Happy viewing to those of you who get to see it!


See the entire Cancer 2018 Newsletter!

See the 2018 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns of the year!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Full Pink Moon!
Yod Saturn/Venus + Moon’s Nodes Square Full Moon! Jupiter Trine Neptune! 

New Moon!
URANUS Sign Change, Double Earth Stelliums! Jupiter trine Neptune!


Full Pink Moon!

Yod Saturn/Venus + Moon’s Nodes Square Full Moon! Jupiter trine Neptune!

Sunday April 29 at 5:58 PM Pacific, 9 Scorpio/Taurus 39

Stunning Full Pink Moon Crested Butte CO by Stan Rose

Full Moon rising over East Fork, Crested Butte, San Juan Mountains, Colorado by Stan Rose

This is the last Moon before Uranus changes signs, from Aries into its first taste of Taurus in 84 years! The sign change first happens just after the New Moon May 15!

This Full Moon has the Moon in Scorpio. Some say the Moon in Scorpio delves deep into past lives, the meaning of life and death, obsessing and purging, mortification and soul retrieval, subsequent healing. It looks into the crevices, or is that crevasses, of the convolutions of our relationships, financial innuendos, secrets. The fire at the base of the spine, the Kundalini, may be ignited! The Phoenix rises. If you weren’t powerful before, you will be now! Not for the faint of heart!

The Sun in Taurus leads out of darkness into the Light, steady and trustworthy, a safe way and place to go. The wings of the newborn butterfly emerge, are spread wide to dry, gather strength after the transition. They are folded and unfolded, flexing for their ascension. This seems especially true with Uranus, the planet of flight, at the super potent last degree of Aries, the sign of ignition! We need that grounding and centering Taurus gives us. We will need to be strong and dependable to stabilize the coming changes.

Saturn, in its own sign Capricorn, is at the same degree as the Full Moon! Saturn wants a reliable structure, a strong boundary, to keep safe within, to protect from without. It sextiles the Moon, lending business opportunities. It trines the Sun, building a timely reputation of personal achievement. Things get done and on time. This combination is not impetuous, can bring about long thought out mergers and marriages, successful parenting.

Saturn is also Yod, at an ‘opposite’ point between Venus and the North Node. Both Venus and the Node are moving toward Saturn’s degree. Venus is in Gemini being glib or glissando! She shares the gossip and valuable data, introduces you to people who have just the information you need, and spreads the word about what an asset you are! The blog needs updating and some attention. The North Node can be a shy point in Leo, but rather than being so concerned what others think, it’s time to express your unique gift, what’s always been in your heart to do! Step into the light! Shake hands, let that Venus breath of beauty, those sweet words, give you the courage. Shake loose, stand tall!

The Full Moon crosses the Moon’s Node axis at right angles, making a fixed Grand Square! Fixed squares are known to have long standing issues hard to change. Taurus is mine; Scorpio is ours, but I will have some on the side, a personal account as well. Aquarius is the ‘past’ South Node. I had many friends and associates and depend on them, perhaps too much. The Leo North Node calls us to ‘be’ ourselves, in full radiant primal glory, to take our personal place in the Sun. This can be the leader of the tribe! The angle signs have their challenges. Taurus likes peace and quiet while Leo has the rock band rattling the windows! Leo wants you to adore them and show you off; Scorpio admires his investment, but prefers his secrets. Scorpio often works privately behind the scenes, while Aquarius is either the free loner never captured, or stirs up the masses into waves of collective change, no holds barred! Aquarius is electrification, the Awakener personified, genius ahead of its time; Taurus likes the comfort and beauty of our Earth, contemplation through saturation. From the Buddha at the roadside shrine to the Captain of the Rocket! Having mutual purpose is the key to putting all these talents together.

Mars conjuncted, was with Pluto in Capricorn the 26th. He quickly poked around in Pluto’s stockpile and dump, looked at his reserves, assessed the assets, offered some suggestions. Pluto warned him when he got too close to the boundaries, but listened to this upstart intruder who dared. Mars knew he could get away, but knew he would chance it. Pluto has traps set, security, but some traps are more of the psyche. That’s a whole nother story. Mars learned some tricks and even more clever ways to use resources, how to build from decay and destruction, release what has been bound. He carries this all forward. Much needed.

Jupiter in Scorpio was sextile Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, mid April, and that episode is still with us. There are clever uses of funds and the power to rebuild. Capricorn is a renowned renovator, and Pluto reuses materials, knows how to expedite and find the best deals to cut costs yet do a right job. Negotiations were thoroughly considered. Matters of great wealth may be at stake. Some relationships were or will be, as fall out, abruptly ended. Other long term relationships will be forged and be lucrative financially, rewarding personally. Jupiter will sextile Pluto the third and last time Sep 12.

Jupiter is retrograde, on it’s way back to trine Neptune in Pisces the second time May 25! They will be in close aspect until the third and last aspect Aug 19. Jupiter is thought to be fame and fortune, expansion and growth. It’s good faith, optimism and often great luck! Travel, education, teaching and speaking often go with the territory. Imports/exports. Fun and funny, great stories, publishing. Big dogs and horses, gambling on anything! Robust health, vigorous sports, resorts businesses! Put that all with Neptune in its own sign Pisces and you may have the longest ocean cruise, a huge fan following at your concert, an epic movie! Your life may take a spiritual turn into exotic places, both on earth and in your mind. Love may be lighter and deeper at the same time. See more, plan ahead, take the chance!

IN THE BACKGROUND! Oct 30 Pluto conjuncts the Ecliptic! Yes, that is months away, but Pluto is on a 248 year orbit, slow moving, so very in effect right now! Pluto rules extremes. The words Life & Death say it all. Bankrupt or Wealthy. Alone or solidly together. Sexual or never been kissed, ever. We’ve had huge political, economic, civil rights and environmental changes, with more to come.

Right now, strengthen, work together, build, be mindful.

Full Pink Moon Scorpio/Taurus Astrology Chart! 

Taurus 2018 Full Pink Moon Astrology Chart

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URANUS Sign Change, Double Earth Stelliums! Jupiter trine Neptune!

Tuesday May 15 at 4:48 AM Pacific, 24 Taurus 36

Taurus 2018 New Moon Uranus into Taurus

With 4 planets in Taurus, 3 in Capricorn, that’s 7 in EARTH signs, this is a super grounded practical New Moon. Sit with it. Even Uranus, the planet of space is coming in for a landing!

Notice that 00 Taurus 00 in the New Moon chart below! Today Uranus, the God of the Heavens, the planet of Aquarius, goes into Taurus, the sign of Earth herself, on our Taurus New Moon! It takes this planet 84 years to circle the zodiac, so this New Moon is most uniquely a time of special new beginnings. Yes, it was 1934 when Uranus last started in Taurus, but all the other planets have changed signs and positions since then! 84 years ago this moment was the same but very different.

Since then we have been through WWII – the bomb and the Holocaust, the United Nations. Vietnam, the Kennedy assassination. We put a man on the Moon and explore the stars. Socially we can now talk about sex, money, death, food and health awareness, women’s rights, child molestation and abuse, animal rights, civil rights, gay marriage and guns openly. We got television, computers, the Internet, cell phones, film to digital cameras! And now, planetary climate change. That’s a lot in 84 years. We are not the same.

Uranus, Mercury and the Moon and Sun are all in Taurus emphasizing Uranus’s new sign!! Mercury can feel Uranus right behind him, etheric and electric! These two powerhouses of intellect have a lot to think and talk about. Uranus is considered genius, way ahead of his time, sometimes a little incoherent. Mercury is famous for connecting the dots, can spin and spit out yarns and info as fast as he can make his lips move, even in Taurus! He just talks about Taurus subjects instead of other info! Mercury gets the honors, is the first to greet this great and wild one! What we thought is not and no longer, now off the charts of ordinary conception. Keep your Spirit open and upward seeking!

Mercury in Taurus, the thinker/communicator is key. He just semi sextiled Chiron, newly in Aries, is excited about new remedies, businesses, relationships. Mercury trined Lilith, a harmony of intention to build new long lasting vessels dedicated to uphold divine law, create a working world order. Elders will guide and protect. Next, Mercury will trine Saturn, the one in charge, Father Time. Surrender as well as profound integrity and knowing are intrinsic components to their success. Last in the sequence is the square, challenge to the Moon’s Nodes, spanning Aquarius to Leo. Taurus aims to settle them down. Leo’s finery and Aquarius’s exotic untouchability, can put them off the charts. Taurus waits for their attention, eases them to put those factors to good use, and simplifies the how tos. Quite a chain of events, a complicated network.

The New Moon is last in Taurus. Cows and bulls are meant to take their time pondering. They know how to conserve energy. Others are running around while they are watching, chewing their cuds, working through those 4 part stomachs! They are digesting what they see, casting it in the best situation possible. They see if it stands the test of time, measure its value, get the most gain for the least effort. They often see what others don’t and waste little time in the long run. Tauruses can be gentle, comforting and uplifting. They praise us in truth and it means a lot coming from them. They are remarkably strong in temperament and physically. Business may start small, but it grows and grows through the years. They are loyal mates.

The Moon in Taurus makes a lovely home. Natural surroundings, breezes through the windows, flowers wafting their scents, veggies in the garden. She hugs the children, is herbalist to bruises and illnesses. She’s aware of investment cycles, often doing well financially, gives insightful advice. She may have a cosmetics shop, boutique of comfortable clothes, or a specialty foods, bakery, cheeses, flowers or natural foods market.

Sun in Taurus is a champion! He may be the one behind these businesses! He might specialize in native landscapes, run the nursery, drive the tractor at the farm or do urban digging for power and underground lines. He may have a knack for placing homes in harmony with the land, designing with a sustainable flair. Taurus has a 6th sense for textures, matching people with their best place. He has the strength to be a superb caterer using healthy foods. Or what about that restaurant?! Natural cosmetics. Strength to be a bodybuilder! Or to hold peace at the ashram or sanctuary?

Moon offers Sun her support. She makes him know how much she values him. He is her Light, and makes her know how much he appreciates her. She is the Emerald. The bond is beyond words. Affection. Venus, Taurus’s planet, is one sign away. As we talked about Mercury in Taurus, Venus, Taurus’s planet, is in Gemini, Mercury’s sign. When planets are in each other’s signs this way, it is called Mutual Reception. Each is blessed with a commonality of understanding, strengthened, and can be read in each other’s places in the chart. This New Moon linked with Venus, specifically picks up the entire Mercury network as well even though the degrees don’t connect!

Venus, though in Gemini, being Taurus’s planet, has a natural link to the New Moon. She blesses them with her words. She spreads the good word, supplies valuable feedback from the ‘hood, heals rifts. The Mercury links take that word to other collaborative businesses, women of power, opens gates to new options.

Taurus is the first of the Earth signs, feeds and shelters the tribe. Capricorn is the last Earth sign, attaining the heights! Saturn, Capricorn’s own planet is in Capricorn making his mark, collecting the land use fees and profits turning them back into building for the future – he’s already feeling the plans Jupiter has for the dreams and visions of Neptune! He wants to make them happen. Pluto is now in the last third of Capricorn, researching methods for healing problems of aging, cementing special behind the scenes alliances, securing funding. No sense rebuilding the old. He too is on board with creating what’s new and better, insightful and valuable. Capricorn is the master of long term goals and works hard to get there.

Mars sits at 29 Capricorn, the last degree, feeling the urgency to complete the necessities! At base is organizing so the project can continue effectively. He is a tad reluctant, after all he has worked for, since he senses all hell is going to break loose when he goes into Aquarius, Uranus’s unpredictable sign! Granted, it will not be so careful as Capricorn, but will be crazy creative! Ok, just be as ready as you can be. New techniques will turn the tables and the project will morph into something more advanced. The speed will be exhilarating!

As with the April 29 Full Moon above, Jupiter in Scorpio was sextile Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, mid April, and that episode is still with us. There are clever uses of funds and the power to rebuild. Capricorn is a renowned renovator, and Pluto reuses materials, knows how to expedite and find the best deals to cut costs yet do a right job. Negotiations were thoroughly considered. Matters of great wealth may be at stake. Some relationships were or will be, as fall out, abruptly ended. Other long term relationships will be forged and be lucrative financially, rewarding personally. Jupiter will sextile Pluto the third and last time Sep 12.

Jupiter is retrograde, now on it’s way back to trine Neptune in Pisces the second time May 25! They will be in close aspect until the third and last aspect Aug 19. Jupiter is thought to be fame and fortune, expansion and growth. It’s good faith, optimism and often great luck! Travel, education, teaching and speaking often go with the territory. Imports/exports. Fun and funny, great stories, publishing. Big dogs and horses, gambling on anything! Robust health, vigorous sports, resorts businesses! Put that all with Neptune in its own sign Pisces and you may have the longest ocean cruise, a huge fan following at your concert, an epic movie! Your life may take a spiritual turn into exotic places, both on earth and in your mind. Love may be lighter and deeper at the same time. See more, plan ahead, take the chance!

IN THE BACKGROUND! Oct 30 Pluto conjuncts the Ecliptic! Yes, that is months away, but Pluto is on a 248 year orbit, slow moving, so very in effect right now! Pluto rules extremes. The words Life & Death say it all. Bankrupt or Wealthy. Alone or solidly together. Sexual or never been kissed, ever. We’ve had huge political, economic, civil rights and environmental changes, with more to come.

Taurus makes us so aware of our bodies. Take good care of yours, use it with infinite respect.

New Moon – 4 in Taurus, Uranus Sign Change Astrology Chart

Taurus 2018 New Moon Astrology Chart

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The next Full Moon celebrates  t
he Buddha’s Birthday, called Wesak! The date is different in different countries. The United Nations will celebrate it May 29 in 2018 It is Tuesday May 29, 7:19 AM at 8 Sagittarius/Gemini 10!


See the entire Taurus 2018 Newsletter!

See the 2018 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns of the year!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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New Moon!   Four Planets in Pisces, Mercury Cardinal T Square, Venus!

Full Snow Moon, LUNAR ECLIPSE!  LUCKY Grand Fire Trine Sun KITE, Mystic Rectangle, Chiron Yod, Two Midpoints!


New Moon!  Four Planets in Pisces, Mercury Cardinal T Square, Venus!

First New Moon of 2017 is Friday January 27, 4:07 PM Pacific at 8 Aquarius 15!


View larger  Milky Way over Arecibo, Puerto Rico by Ferdinand Arroyo. From its completion in 1963 until July 2016 Arecibo Observatory’s 1,000-foot (305-meter) radio telescope was the world’s largest single-aperture telescope.

Aquarius is a fantastic sign! Aquarians have amazing minds, from scrambled to genius, bodies unlike no other, have been to the wildest places, have friends beyond your ken. With both the Moon and Sun in the same place at the same moment it’s like high wires sizzling! Don’t expect the usual blather or time to stand still. It’s like twins with their own language, only these Beings are tuned in to the Galactic Center, the hub of our galaxy that connects with other galaxies! If your chart has factors at or very close to 8 degrees, you will be on the Grid with them and catch some of the Universal News! New Moons end one cycle, begin another. Aquarius makes it snappy!

The semi sextile with Neptune, in its own sign Pisces, will catch rare bits of script that will cast a spell over passages, some becoming illuminated like a lightning bolt, alive to the point of making you think you will leave your body! Other parts will be placed in the denial category to be sifted later by the subconscious into tolerable proportions. Insights and visions of the semi sextile, and the three other planets in Pisces, will be as vivid dreams that seem so real you don’t believe they didn’t happen, and when they do, you WILL remember!

Venus in Pisces

The preceding Jupiter inconjunct Chiron in Pisces of Dec 31 feathers out its new ideas about healing, spreads the word among colleagues and contacts, polishes the local artifacts, draws out beauty and charity. They are steadily in their inconjunct until they do it again exact on Valentine’s Day! Venus just went by Chiron in her gypsy veils, gave Chiron a sweet kiss. Been awhile since someone noticed him that way. So he is warmed and charmed, gave her a gift. She told Jupiter about it and he, in her sign Libra, thinks the information can be taught, maybe published!

As she squares Saturn, she makes him remember his square with Chiron Dec 28, what sorrows that may have brought, perhaps bittersweet breakthroughs too that still may need some repairs and integration. Venus may have doubts, moments of hesitation, need to comfort or lend a hand. She assures him there are dear Soulmates out there and his time will come. He assesses how well she is doing, reminds her of the long term goals and how important they are. She straightens, yet we know she will do it her way in Pisces, as she must. She is even more a believer in Pisces, but good old Saturn is the task master and he knows being on time can make or break our progress. We know he is right, so we get back on course with renewed focus.

Venus is then on her way to bless Mars in Pisces, but he quickly changes into his own sign Aries! He changes the same day as the New Moon, at 9:39 PM Pacific! The next day is Chinese New Year, the year of the Red Fire Rooster! How apropo that Mars, the red fire planet, is in Aries, the red sign, right on time for that day! He leaves Venus behind while she begins to slow to retrograde, so the connection isn’t made. They may converse about Piscean matters, but he has to carry her wishes on without her. Likely he will because she asked him so kindly and in Aries he takes action! He is, after all, the Champion, the Hero!

Jupiter sextile Saturn in Sagittarius has been and is still quite close, but Jupiter is backing away, stilling to retrograde Feb 5. So they discuss the projects, but for the time being Saturn will need to carry the building forward while Jupiter thinks things over in Libra. Jupiter will think on who does which work best, proportions – how much of this and that, beauty versus necessity. They will come back together, make their exact connection, complete their project Aug 27.

Cardinal T Square! Mercury potently conjunct Pluto, Square Uranus and Jupiter! Cardinal signs gets things started! Mercury is very earthly logical, practical in Capricorn, and looks at the extremes with Pluto. From birth to death, poverty to billionaires, cheating to ’til death do us part, impotent to charismatic! Uranus in Aries lights the Spirit afire, may have burnout, leave outgrown friends behind only to find ones with ideas far ahead of their times. It may be alone or working on an international project that uses every minute fraction of their mental physics, consumed with creation! All this calls Jupiter in Libra to record the story, recode it for the lay person. Jupiter is not afraid of far reaching effects, expands the territory with alacrity! It requires Jupiter’s ability to grasp the magnitude of the perceptions then balance them cleverly in Libra so there is a stunning play of wholeness achieved! The Aquarian overtone adds the innate need for it to work as above, so below, as in nature, air over Earth.

Amongst all the unpredictable Aquarius New Moon, Jupiter loving switching sides in Libra, Venus sashaying about, all that mutable morphing Pisces, and Mercury stirring the Pluto point of the cardinal get-things-started brew, know that you don’t know! It may take months to decipher what happened! It will be computers and beyond computers. It will be the most pristine data but put together in a way that defies what most people think and will even make Aquarians wonder!

It is a perfect first New Moon for 2017! Earth, Science, and Heavenly Magic!

 Aquarius New Moon Astrology Chart

Aquarius 2017 New Moon Astrology Chart

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Full Snow Moon! LUNAR ECLIPSE!

LUCKY Grand Fire Trine Sun KITE, Mystic Rectangle, Chiron Yod, Two Midpoints!

Friday February 10, 4:33 PM Pacific at 22 Leo 28

Moon Setting Eclipse Patrick Cullis Indian Peaks Boulder Colorado

A big eclipsed Moon setting in the early morning hours of December 10, 2011. The Indian Peaks are a series of peaks on the continental divide near Boulder, Colorado. By amazing photographer Patrick Cullis

The First Eclipse of 2017 has a complex bouquet, is laden with opportunities!

This is a rare total Penumbral Eclipse! The Moon moves through the faint, outer part of the Earth’s shadow. It is often hard to differentiate between a normal full Moon and a penumbral eclipse of the Moon, but watch closely, at the time, for deep penumbral shading on the north half of the lunar disk! The apparent diameter of this Moon is larger than average since the eclipse occurs 4.4 days after perigee (nearest Earth).

It is still a line up, Sun, Earth, Moon. Aquarius Sun will shine on the part of Earth facing the Sun, infusing his Light. In light wave fashion, Sun moves the molecules, Earth transmits and filters this energy to Mother Moon waiting in the Shadow. Moon in Leo is receptive, absorbent, generously cradling, nurturing. She returns her own Light of the heart, delicately mingling, intertwining like DNA flowing both directions, with the incoming Light, through Earth, back to Sun, giving her support, showing how much we care. She has a lot of Love to give.

Full Moon at 22 degrees is most closely tied with Chiron at 22 Pisces. Sun semi sextiles its neighbor. Moon is inconjunct, an aspect of peripheral awareness and adjustment. What might have started as a nuisance, a sense of being misaligned, becomes an adjunct factor that invites and enriches. It is less directly involved, so has less bias. It could even become the next branch, or the new main direction! Moon is a nurturer and senses Chiron’s needs though in Pisces they can seem more whimsical than real. If there are debilitating addictions, it is more serious. Moon is experienced and sees the nuances of value, and in Leo is uplifting. Moon in Leo may always be concerned to do its best, be on. Chiron sees any weaknesses and subtly advises reasonable moderation and self care. Chiron may be able to do some oblique healing from that off center angle.

Chiron YOD! With Chiron’s inconjunct Moon, it is also inconjunct Jupiter, a more long term aspect, forming a ‘Y’! The inconjunct with Jupiter is strong, because as Chiron moves forward into it, Jupiter is retrograding back to meet it! Their first exact aspect was Dec 31, 2016, the last aspect of 2016. It is holding now closely until it makes the second exact aspect on Valentine’s Day! The adjustment this inconjunct requires is a fine tuning of our beliefs, acknowledging healing needed, updating how we teach and speak, our life work and relationship choices. Those are big topics. One alone would be big, but now they are unifying as a whole! Jupiter wants you to look further ahead, to add good will, trust you will do ok, to connect you higher up the food chain in a good way. Allow that!

Chiron is at the semi sextile MIDPOINT between Sun and Uranus. The amazing astronomical geometry about the Chiron/Uranus combination is that it started Nov 2008 and continues through Sep 2021, a total of THIRTEEN years!  See more The Sun of this Eclipse lights it right up! Sun semisextiles Chiron, sextiles Uranus, the Aquarian planet! Chiron watches, perhaps silently, in Pisces, noticing the beauty of their bringing the masses to a new level of awakening, how our differences are our contributions. New songs are written in a flash, an acceptable unique style arises! A penumbral Eclipse is a subtle wellspring. Sun/Uranus will use blatant excitement and wild word cues that spark curiosity that had lain dormant but is now eager! Chiron may whisper a caution here or there, or lean forward when the cues are perfectly unzipped!

LUCKY Grand Fire Trine Sun KITE, Mystic Rectangle!

Only one point is missing, the Gemini position, to make a Grand Sextile! See all those connected green lines in the chart?! Moon bases a Grand FIRE Trine KITE pattern!

The Mystic Rectangle is composed of two parallel trines, Moon trine Uranus and Sun trine Jupiter! The Rectangle is completed by sextiles, Moon sextile Jupiter, and Sun sextile Uranus! SO many lucky aspects! Read on….

The Grand trine Kite is the Moon, Saturn, Uranus Grand trine with the Sun midpoint between Saturn and Uranus is the KITE!

  • Moon trines Saturn in Sagittarius, a Mother to Father Time arrangement. There is harmony with the softness of women and the sweetness of children. Saturn is the Father, securing shelter, working for a long good life. Leo and Sagittarius are both teachers, so educational choices are blessed. Leo is a creator sign, of expression like performance, and through color and lighting. Saturn in Sagittarius so wants their project to excel, have a long life, contribute meaningfully. Their collaboration potential is exceptional.
  • Moon trines Uranus in Aries, the planet of friendship, awareness, awakening, international community! Moon is your neighborhood, local community. Uranus is friends and world community! Moon is commodities of daily living, Uranus is the inventor that makes daily life more comfortable and fun. Moon has the memory banks of the matriarchy, history, an intuition that can’t be beat! Uranus is the holder of a hub of insights of future possibilities. Together there is a blessed alliance, rich progress!
  • Saturn trine Uranus is a long term aspect, first happened Christmas Eve, Dec 24. It will retrograde soon and return to the trine, but not until May 18. It is within 4 degrees now, still mulling over how it will fold good changes into working living, how to repair any damages or difficulties that change has brought. Saturn is persistent, wants to put things to good use. Though it is moving away for the time being, that doesn’t mean it is giving up, not coming back. In Sagittarius it will have a good look about and discover more successful ways of making changes that bring better living, to broaden our range of possibilities.
  • Sun in Aquarius is sextile MIDPOINT right between Saturn and Uranus making the KITE pattern! Saturn was the old ruler of Aquarius, Uranus is the current ruler of Aquarius! Earthy Saturn rules ancient things, archaeology, while airy Uranus rules inventions, planes, computers, the Internet! Times are bound by Saturnian Earth laws that will always be, by Karma and Dharma, what we have done and our mission each life. Uranus explores the outer reaches, keeps calling us forward in evolution, offers new ways to align disparate beliefs, awakens whole groups of people to their potentials! The Sun, Leo’s planet, puts warmth in this process, lights the way with love and heart that gives us the courage to step up! Strong friendships and community and world networks will figure in prominently.

Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries knits this lucky pattern even further! Jupiter offers the blessings of connections both local and foreign, education, abundance possibly through grants and scholarships. Jupiter trine Sun, is a hella lucky, fame & fortune aspect! It gives an exemplary sense of personal confidence and trustworthiness, far reaching vision, enjoyable potential. Jupiter sextile Moon is another lucky prosperous aspect! Moon intuitively knows cycles, excellent for stock trades and investments. Moon gives Mother love, is strong and protective, while Jupiter supports relationships with peoples of different cultures, economic standing, faiths, ages.

Saturn sextiles Sun and trines Moon! Saturn is a grounding planet though now in Sagittarius is its more flexible in its demands. It may be more opinionated, but if a better way is demonstrated, it will make the change. Sun in Aquarius wants to be free and is easily bored, but Saturn in Sag can be wise enough to favorably gain their attention and contribute to the Sun’s research and international work. Saturn is at times a little old fashioned and stuffy and that is something Aquarius will never be! Saturn has to come up to speed in modern terms sometimes so things can progress in context of our current times. Yep, ok, understand, will do. See Moon trines Saturn above.

Another long term aspect is Saturn square Chiron. This one was exact the first time Dec 28. For some it brought sorrows and losses of all kinds depending on how it was with their personal charts. We lost Zsa Zsa Gabor, George Michael, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds and William Christopher in that period. The next exact aspect is April 30, and the last Nov 2. Saturn are things we are held responsible for, in Sagittarius it has to do with faith, learning, promoting, being ethical, truth without exaggeration or omits. Chiron in Pisces can be fragile or a powerful believer with profound visions. Saturn is a hard worker and will expect them to measure up, find ways to get the job done. Chiron invites Saturn to let go of chronic matters, rigid boundaries, harsh expectations. Some things are just bigger than we are and we must let go and grow with them, time changes the parameters. Sometimes a gentle approach with encouragement tips the scales.

Jupiter sextiles Saturn in Jupiter’s sign Sagittarius! Jupiter is still close though retrograding away. They have been together for months, so the considerations their combination brings is gradually seeping into our consciousness. It’s a working arrangement fueled by legal and amazing design advice, plus Saturn’s expertise at building structures that suit the environment. Work is a pleasure, education pays off, travel is a welcome component!

Apart from all the aspect network above, Mercury, also in Aquarius, is sextile Venus in Aries at the same degree, and Mars in its own sign Aries! This is a combination of brilliant intelligence! Mercury with Venus is the blessing of kind words, words that show love, are spoken like poetry, give appreciation! Aquarius and Mars and Aries are looking for freedom and independence. They can act potently alone, but paradoxically once they are free enough, mature in their Spirits, they are are free to choose to work together and in groups when it makes sense. There is that phrase, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Venus is slowing to retrograde March 4, so it doesn’t make the conjunction with Mars. She’s close enough to give Mars the current information, the inspiration of her gratitude! He will fight in her behalf, loves being the instigator, first one there, the fearless chief! He rises to challenge with super vitality!

Though Full Moons are oppositions, Moon opposite Sun, this one is laced with favorable connections. And if we think of planets opposite each other that doesn’t have to mean they are against each other. Think incorporation, collaboration! Each has their gift to give. In this case, Leo is the sign of the heart of Light, lovers! Valentine’s Day is the Aquarius holiday! Aquarius is the philanthropist, distributes wealth, has planet wide connections and projects for people, initiates environmental healing and maintenance. It is brotherly love, just a different dimension of the possibility of love in its wholeness!

With all my praises of these aspects, all those positive blue and green lines in the chart, they won’t be good for everyone, or will have no effect at all. They will only be good for those whose charts they activate in a good way. Please see your astrologer to find how they are situated per your personal chart. Also, the time of day events are initiated makes a huge difference and those times of day are not the same for every person. Please. See your astrologer.

That said, I wish you great success!


Aquarius Full Snow Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE Astrology Chart

xAquarius Full Snow Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE Astrology Chart!


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The next New Moon is the Sunday February 26 ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE! 6:58 AM Pacific at 8 Pisces 12!

See the entire Aquarius 2017 Newsletter!
See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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New Moon   – Venus/Uranus Grand Fire Trine Galactic Center! Jupiter/Chiron/Uranus!

Full Grain Moon  – Sun-Moon/Uranus Grand Fire Trine/Kite Galactic Center! Jupiter/Chiron/Uranus!

New Moon   – Venus/Uranus Trine Galactic Center! Jupiter/Chiron/Uranus!

Tuesday Aug 2, 1:44 PM Pacific at 10 Leo 58

Crescent Moon Woman Feet Up Olbiński
Sweet surrealism by Rafał Olbiński, Polish illustrator, painter, and educator, living in the United States.

Hot pants Mars leaves Scorpio, enters Sagittarius Aug 2 at 10:49 AM Pacific. We’ve got places to go! It finishes the last lap of its retrograde pattern Aug 22, the day the Sun enters Virgo! Much of what has been waded through the past few months, since it started in February, has reached conclusions, some better than hoped for. People will be generous these last 20 days in Sagittarius. Mars is innovative and it is inspiring to see how much you can do yourself! Keep telling the story of your hopes and that moment when the scales tip! Listen for that inevitable support for things you need help with. It may not come in the package you expected, and there may be a go between here and there! With Mars in Sagittarius it may conclude swiftly, so hang onto your hat!

The New Moon is generally thought to be a quietening time, but in fire sign Leo and with Mars, a fire planet, swinging the bat in fire sign Sagittarius?! And just because it is a moonless night doesn’t mean there isn’t a mighty dance going on! This New Moon is in LEO, Father Sun’s sign! He infuses Mother Moon with all the Love he can give! HE IS THE LIGHT! She is so profoundly ‘enlightened!’ She loves him back, and in turn will be distributing that Light to all, especially the children! Leo is one of the teaching signs, a sign of role models. Remember your important impact wherever you are – at the bus stop, the clinic, in front of the City Council! Your bright smile and a hello may save a life. You saw them and respected them with your love. It makes a difference. It’s time to celebrate!

The New Moon makes two close aspects. 1) It has just trined Saturn. Moon and Saturn both have to do with the past, some think Karmic, old matters of Mother/Father. Saturn in Sagittarius reminds us of our intrinsic ethics and responsibilities, our commitments of good faith. Saturn requires our travels to be for more profound reasons, our learning to have purpose and to work hard for our certificates, permits, accomplishments. Leo can be more dramatic than Saturn approves of, but may be the key to getting donations for the cause! A gala! Leo may be late, may be the lazy lion, but when personally motivated, they are unstoppable, sweeping others right along with them, bright inspiration, and it’s fun!

2) Moon and Sun are oblique with Neptune, what we call an inconjunct aspect. Neptune may wither in the glare, and that is noticed. It may not come up in conversation, but a question is posed, what about that? It may be a haunting matter, am I ok, what can I, if I should, do any differently…. Or, Neptune may be immediately on spot, sensing subtle adjustments that make more magic, a support figure you didn’t expect! There may be the reminder not to sell your Soul or disillusioned by too much admiration or drugs that could mar your truest presentation. Some distractions widen our Spirit others are just a bad dream.

The South Node, on a 19 year cycle, is just about to kiss Neptune! Neptune will be a portal to what was a spiritual condition of the past. We may have been a savior or a victim, we may need forgiveness. Current addictions will need addressing. The dragon scales of myths and misconceived judgements will fall away leaving a bare spot, maybe a bit raw at first, a vulnerable feeling. Maybe you need to grab the dragon or maybe you need to be very silent, very still, and just listen.

Jupiter is coming up on the August 12 last opposition Chiron and August 13 last inconjunct Uranus! This is an important set because it will happen in reverse after Jupiter goes into Libra Sep 9. In December, Jupiter will oppose Uranus and inconjunct Chiron the last day of the year! That will be their first encounter in that combination, two more to follow during 2017. What we do now stirs that energy, explores what is needed to make adjustments. Recent events, Orlando, Dallas, bring up the need for a lot more change. The aspect combinations to come starting in December may have more shocking fallout than what has already happened. See more

Mercury in Virgo is making its way to square, challenge Saturn in Sagittarius. Mercury is clever and quick, and Virgo considers how to organize every detail. It can create a smooth working system or something that drudges and falls boringly from its own weight. Let it breathe. Step back, cock your head for a look from a different angle. Saturn in Sag wants to get to the point, and get there on time. Once assessed, the job may be entirely dropped, and rightfully so. Saturn may tell a truth you can’t deny. Or, it may surprise you, corral the pieces and shape things up into a divine working order for very little cost! Might take some contributions of your time, but the project may be most happily salvaged!

Put your feet up. Take a little time to watch the stars, contemplate your place in our mighty Universe. Venus is at 26 Leo, Love & Light! It is making a trine, harmony connection with the Galactic Center at 26 Sagittarius! Venus radiates, sending Bright Blessings! As a receiver, she filters out the shades of gray, anoints with sugar and gold, lets only Love through the Portal. Doesn’t mean Love is always easy, but she does her best to help.x

About the GALACTIC CENTER! It is the center of our great Milky Way Galaxy. Per Paul O Hewit, it is ‘probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun.’ And, he says ‘Some clients with aspects [planetary connections] to the GC speak of not feeling 100 percent human, or not feeling they have had human ancestry. Their inner dynamic is centered around feeling as if they have come to this planet from some other place.’ Investigative mythologist, William Henry talks about ‘…a race of Stargate time-traveling ascended human beings dwelling at the center of our galaxy, and how each of us can utilize the Stargate through self-improvement. He suggests we are the necessary technology and describes a Stargate technology “kit” that includes a star-crown, mysterious anointing oil and a light-robe called the ‘beaming garment.’ To some of us that sounds like fun! The ultimate trip, time travel and more!

The Galactic Center is considered a point of exchange and huge infusion! The Full Moon August 18 will be at 25 Aquarius 52, almost 26 degrees. The Sun will then be where Venus is now, carrying the Light to that position again! Venus is Love, and Leo, the Sun’s sign, is the sign of the Heart of Light! Take it in, carry it forward.

Walk in Love and Beauty.  

LEO New Moon Astrology Chart

Leo 2016 New Moon Astrology Chart

x x

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Full Grain Moon! Sun-Moon/Uranus Grand Fire Trine/Kite Galactic Center!  Jupiter/Chiron/Uranus!

Thursday August 18, 2:26 AM Pacific at 25 Aquarius 52

Selena Mistress of the night sky, Goddess of the Moon lacquer miniature by superb Russian artist Svetlana Belovodova!
Selena – Mistress of the night sky, the Goddess of the Moon. Sweet miniature lacquer by superb Russian artist Svetlana Belovodova.

Special note: This one is a little confusing. If you are using the Maynard calendars it is listed as a penumbral Lunar Eclipse. But definitions have changed, and per NASA it no longer qualifies. It only grazes the earth’s penumbral shadow and is not visually perceptible.

Celebrating Jupiter Opposite Chiron, Inconjunct Uranus!These Jupiter aspects we just had Aug 12 & 13 are so important because we will be having these planets in reverse aspects starting Dec 2016. Jupiter will be opposite Uranus, freedom matters, and inconjunct Chiron, healing and teaching. Immense changes in store! 2015/16 they were from 18 to 24 degrees but of Virgo, Pisces and Aries. Starting December and during 2017, the aspects will be at 20, 22 and 27 degrees of Libra, Aries and Pisces. Very different tone, some overlapping degrees, some later. See more

Moon and Sun are at 25, just past the Jupiter set that was at 24 degrees, and where Jupiter is now at 25. Mercury is at 23, coming in to reactivate our thinking about recent experiences, reassess, not forget, uplevel another notch. That’s SIX planets in three degrees! Full Moons, Moon opposite Sun, widen our Spirit to maximum capacity! Sun in his own sign LEO is as brilliant as it gets, Light everywhere! Moon in Aquarius is the invitation to expand into extraordinary realms! We can work with others that have great differences and approaches for the same causes! Moon and Sun are in a harmony pattern, called a Bow by some, with Uranus, the planet of Aquarius. Uranus is currently in Aries, the sign of rights fighters, champions, leaders, initiators — new beginnings! May the leaders of leaders join and the battle be well fought and won!

The Full Moon opposition is just leaving, one degree off, from the Jupiter opposition with Chiron. The Full Moon signs precede the Jupiter/Chiron signs. They are considered to give inspiration for the following signs, Virgo/Pisces, to provide a foundation for the work to come. Leo raises the Spirit of the Heart, Jupiter in Virgo seeks the ways to deliver that on a daily basis, to be productive with giving and serving. Moon in Aquarius nurtures bands of friends together in community that those who need it, Chiron in Pisces, will be healed and freed to be blessed by dreams coming true!

Sun/Uranus Grand Fire Trine/Kite pattern with the Galactic Center!
Moon is Midpoint Sextile Uranus and the Galactic Center!

Venus was there first! At the New Moon she trined the Galactic Center! See above Now the Full Moon has moved into position! The Sun is where Venus was, trining the Galactic Center and the Moon is at the Midpoint between The GC and Uranus! She was wearing her tiara, he is wearing his golden crown! Now all those 24/25 degree planets are making a Grand Fire Trine/Kite pattern! That is considered to be lucky and remarkable! Fire can be jubilant; Grand Trines have been know to be lazy, and Leo can be the lazy Lion on the savannah…. When not lazy, Leo can be athletic. How about some summer camping and hiking with friends, somewhere inspiring?! Take your video camera! Try skydiving or hang gliding! Do some creative graphics, write the script yourself! Take on a summer play that shows a better way!

Parallel inconjuncts! [The two purple lines] Parallel and equidistant patterns have their own peculiar potency. Mercury/Jupiter inconjunct Moon and Sun inconjunct Chiron. They truly are parallel because there are factors at each point at 24 and 25 degrees! In this case the parallel is the same aspect, they have the same dynamic. A chance encounter in a glance. An adjustment, course correction likely. Moon is leaving; Mercury makes his connection with Jupiter exactly Aug 22 2:05 AM Pacific. There are lots of details to be considered, decision immanent. In Sun’s inconjunct, he too is leaving. There was an oblique exchange, Sun a little mystified perhaps. Chiron warmed by the visit, but unsure what Sun wanted. Maybe just an observer on the sea…. Now it’s quieter again, but there are things to mull over due to the revelations when Sun put light in the dark.

The two parallel inconjuncts are linked by semi-sextiles. Though a minor aspect I have seen semisextiles be strong! A common one is Sun semisextile Venus bestowing wealth in corporations. Here, Sun is semisextile lucky Jupiter! Both are good natured, athletic, teachers! Jupiter in Virgo takes a health spa vacation, hikes cross country, or takes a leadership seminar or enjoys a writers’ conference! Plays and publishing! Join the Guild! Moon is semisextile Chiron. Moon in Aquarius and Chiron in Pisces both can enjoy alone time whether flying or fishing! If a cause is involved they may find themselves with masses of people, maybe at a concert to raise money. Sometimes it takes a village, an awakening, to do a healing of long held sorrows. Deeper change may require a personal immersion in suffering to open a heart to compassion.

Arrowhead aka Focused Yod! Mercury/Jupiter are the point of the 5 planet configuration. Moon and Uranus are the frame for the standard Yod form, but in addition, Chiron is midpoint between them! Energy is usually thought of its being brought into play by the planet that moves into position, called approaching. In this case that would be Mercury. Though Moon moves faster, it has already contacted and woken all the players, including Mercury, with the feeling of change. Mercury wants to name the change, and in earthy Virgo, to ground it in our thinking, to find practical ways to inaugurate it.

Generally energy goes every direction. All planets are alive always. As another planet has awakened them, they have also given their energy to the passerby. Yod planets ‘behind’ the point planet(s), track the background. Those prongs, the scanner planets, have gathered intelligence, perhaps for aeons, and when triggered by close encounters like this, send it to the planet(s) at the Yod point, which in turn synthesizes it with its own and sends it out potently, three for one style! Mercury and Jupiter at the point, are rulers of opposite signs Gemini and Sagittarius, information, what it means and its purpose. Being together they are working in unity, coordinating the best factors of both. They like a bit of fun on the job, and may juggle things about for a good spitball fight!

That also works in reverse! Mercury and Jupiter are also always scanning, seeking. They snoop out the details in Virgo, organize it to potency better than a vitamin pill or a clean white shirt, and disperse that to the traveling companions trailing behind! Everyone is on the same page! Any one of the points in the triangle may take precedence when needed or if potently connected with your chart!

Aug 19 is Mercury’s first pass of the Jupiter Opposition/Inconjunct point, 24 Virgo, before Mercury retrogrades Aug 30. The Mercury Retrograde Cycle in Virgo started Aug 10. Mercury will cross 24 Virgo again Sep 9, the day Jupiter enters Libra, and October 3. See more These three crossings will keep the Jupiter set’s ideas in mind. The things we planned to do will be reviewed, updated. These are the preparations for the reverse aspects that start in Dec and go through 2017.

Venus, in Virgo now, was just trine Pluto. That can be a wealth aspect or the fears of not having enough. Virgo wants a plan based in actual skills. Pluto in Capricorn may mean hard work to get the training needed. Money to go to school may be in question, but with steady effort, likely doable. Get some help from advisors, seniors, pros in the field you want to get into. You will do better if you do things you love. Virgo and Pluto are up for better health and with right guidance, healing is a good bet!

Mars conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces is no easy combo! It may be slow and cold then hot and dry, over the desert into the sea! Mars hates going slow, being blocked, and Saturn can be like a brick wall, even in Sagittarius! Sag does have its opinions. Sag likes getting to the point and moving forward, but the Neptune fog is too thick to see through to take aim. Who knows where that trail is, dagnabit! Don’t be surprised if you get lost. If you are a hiker or at sea, be sure all your emergency devices are working and check in daily. Be a little careful about falls, weather conditions. Stay hydrated. Be patient with others and their difficulties. Be helpful as you can but take good care of yourself first.

The other notes. Saturn teaches us to conserve and in Sagittarius to focus. Scattered energy delays and confuses. Mars can help when Saturn loses confidence or old age is troubling. Mars says pick up your feet, let’s get a fresh start! Look, I’ll show you! Sagittarius can help us laugh even when we are down, and we all do have our foibles. Neptune helps us soften when Saturn can be rigid from habit. Saturn is the doubter but Neptune in Pisces is the dreamer and dissolves all the old boxes. There are no limits. Saturn does remind us the rent needs to be paid, so no running away or slipping into denial no matter how much fun it is! LOL So let them work for you too. Some old stuff needs to be busted, let to fall, less weight to carry. That new building is better!

It may be challenging, but we are so blessed to live in these healing times. Stay steady in the Light.

Aquarius/Leo Full Moon Astrology Chart

Leo 2016 Full Moon Astrology Chart - NOT an Eclipse!x


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The next New Moon, Solar Eclipse is Thursday September 1, 2:03 AM Pacific at 9 Virgo 21


See the entire Leo Newsletter!
See the 2016 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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Orlando Shooting 2016 Astrology Chart Shots Fired

We have been having alot of outer planet connections! Astrology is complex, so how do we predict events? Especially if we don’t know the charts of persons whose charts connect with those events. And there are so many humans.

This chart of June 12, 2016 at the time of first shots fired, 2:02 AM Eastern, gives many indications. Some charts give little indication, being more in connection with the person’s chart. Most events are a combination of both.

I had been expecting something sad in this time frame because the Saturn square Neptune was the primary aspect at the time of the Nov 13, 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris 17 days before the Paris climate talks. 130 people were killed in Paris. There was so much grief around the world. Many people felt devastated, hopeless. The outdoor Climate Rally was cancelled after the bombings, so people put their shoes there, including Pope Francis, UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon and Marion Cotillard. Saturn squares Neptune the second time June 17, only 5 days after the Orlando shooting. It is the primary aspect of this event as well. The planets will square the third and last time Sept 10, the day after Jupiter enters Libra Sept 9.

To me, this Orlando gay nightclub attack was so very sad because it was on vulnerable people who already have difficult lives struggling for safety, the love of their families, dignity, equality. Saturn wants to bring respect and order out of Neptune chaos and obscurity, get over denial. And there are times when after working hard, it’s good to just let your hair down, or just have fun on the weekend! This is so sad after last year’s right to marriage was won after so many long years.

Moon and Sun are always elemental key factors and they were square, at 90 degree odds from Moon in Virgo to Sun in Gemini. Though ordinarily a challenging square between them would be super emotional, Virgo and Gemini, both Mercury signs, are more logical. Omar Mateen, the gunman, was said to be utterly “cool and calm” expressing his sentiments while he talked by phone to law enforcement officials.

Mercury itself is at 29 Taurus, within a degree of the current position of the Pleiades, its central star, fixed star Alcyone at 0 Gemini. The Pleiades are the 7 sisters. In some traditional horary astrology they were called the weeping sisters and 29 Taurus indicated something to weep about, at worst, mass suicide. 29 is the last degree of any sign, a maturity, an ending, a finality. It can also be at the end of one’s rope. Something had to give. The 7 Sisters were also thought to have to do with homosexuality.

The Sun was with Venus, one who values himself, sometimes above others. Venus at 23 degrees Gemini was exact sextile, a harmonious aspect, with Uranus at 23 Aries. Uranus ranges from genius to insanity, and in Aries is proactive and generally unpredictable and fast at it. Mars has been coming retrograde, reawakening past passions, closer and closer to the opposite midpoint between them in Scorpio. Scorpio loves the night and stealth, is a planet of death as well as healing. The three form a Yod, a Y, with Mars of war at its point, the emphasis.

Since Mars is retrograde and close to its turning forward point, it is in station, holding this chafing inconjunct with Uranus for 37+ days. The very first inconjunct was way back on Feb 5. Now, allowing a 3 degree range, it started toward the second one on June 6, and will make the second exact aspect June 18, the day after the second Saturn square Neptune. The inconjunct is continuous within less than 1 degree through its third and final aspect July 13 at 10:16 PM Pacific. There’s no let up. A lot of awareness will be triggered. Stay alert to your surroundings. Make wise ongoing adjustments. Some will be slow and reluctant, others in the fraction of a moment!

Mars is bullets and triggers, a declaration of independence, fury. In Scorpio, what could be the compassionate therapist, can also be a dark killer with no mercy. Flavored by Uranus, an air planet, there can be a freedom from conscience, a loner, a radical and shocking situation. Uranus in Mars’s sign Aries can give a sense of being free to act as compelled. This Mars at 25 Scorpio was retrograding slowly, almost at its stand still station turning point it would form at 23 Scorpio. It was within one degree of Omar’s birth chart 24 Scorpio Sun and holding focus on the square to Omar’s Mars at 23 Aquarius. This echoes the Mars inconjunct Uranus, Uranus being the Aquarian planet. His intense violence is no surprise.

Scorpio Stellium Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen
[Mateen’s birthtime is unknown. This chart is calculated for midday (noon) and 0 Aries Ascendant used. Since we don’t have a time of birth, the Moon’s degree can be ± 6+ degrees of the position in this chart. That means it could be in Taurus or Gemini. I think it is in Taurus, possibly closer to the fixed star Alcyone degree in the Pleiades that Mercury was at in the sky June 12.]

He had a 4 planet stellium in Scorpio, one of those planets being Pluto, Scorpio’s own planet. Venus one degree of Pluto can have no fear of death, consider it a blessing, the right thing to happen, even a mercy killing. Venus and Mercury both retrograde considered what to do over and over again, a true obsessive/compulsive taking things to the extreme.

The June 12 Moon in Virgo was also coming to inconjunct Uranus. Virgo is more calculating than helpful sometimes. With Uranus in Aries it could be technical support. Uranus of fame to the masses is the point planet in this second Yod. In Aries, action and leadership, it is a force to be reckoned with. Mars at the other Yod point in Scorpio quietly but powerfully at the other side of the chart, confirms and it happens.

Saturn square Neptune was preceded by a 3 months long Jupiter square Saturn. To Mateen’s thinking, all that is holy in Saturn, the Law, spiritual law, was challenged by, perhaps even laughed or scoffed at, disappointed by Jupiter. Jupiter is confident and good natured while Saturn is official, serious, less fun or funny, susceptible to being made to look the fool. As any good Saturnian knows, sometimes you just have to wait it out to see who’s right, which has the staying power it takes. But if you feel violated and hopeless long enough…. Both squares have ethical issues from traditional law, to the opinionated newly converted true believer, to those who haven’t a clue and could care less. Saturn, the traditionalist, may see the world crumbling around them, be deeply angered by law breakers and besmirchers, wants to make its mark, so takes the law into his own hands – a rogue and vigilante defender. Omar Mateen was right in his Saturn Return at 29 years old. Saturn is in his chart at 10 degrees Sagittarius; Saturn June 12 was at 12 degrees retrograding back to 9 degrees, making a long station on his Saturn. He felt strong and pure in his convictions. Long term aspects like this build up, sometimes to a breaking point. Sometimes they are tired, other times they are tireless and determined.

Jupiter trine Pluto can be super healing, untold wealth, or mass murder. Jupiter in Virgo is careful and organized. Pluto in Capricorn is deadly clever, focused, may be a paid assassin. Jupiter is lucky, and in the hands of harm, succeeds at that too. It took officials 3 hours to stop Omar Mateen.

The moment the chart Ascendant hit 0 Aries, the Vertex, a point of Fate, came to 0 Libra, exactly opposite, the axes precisely overlaying each other. Libra is the sign of war and Peace, and this time, with the Aries war god sign at the Ascendant, it was war. As the time came to the first degree of the first sign, the warrior and guns, the first shots were fired. Fate struck. From one side, Justice was sought. From the other, relationships were non negotiably ended, rendered heartbroken through a sorrowful lack of equality. 50 dead, more than that injured, the worst mass shooting in American history.

Aries is also blood, and there was a lot lost. Aries is also the sign of heroes. Good people lined up for blocks to donate blood when the call went out. Blood banks received such an overwhelming response that they asked donors to come back over the next several days. So many are outpouring their loving support, in this case literally giving of themselves, restoring balance as they can. Zero degrees also indicates new beginnings, and through blood shared, a mingling, a fusion, bonding of a kind, perhaps a deeper understanding, is occurring. The healing has begun.

Orlando Blood Bank Donors Mass Shooting

This event has further serious implications. For the injured and the families of those lost, it will irrevocably change their lives. Though a majority may vote for legalized unions, there are still those who have fear and hate, extremism. Gun laws will be further questioned and fought about. Consensus is a long way off. There is no doubt it will affect the candidacies and elections.

May the Spirits of those lost rest in Peace. We shall overcome; your lives have not been in vain.

Please stay true, be safe, keep learning, keep teaching, keep your courage, be more gentle in our differences. Give your comfort and support as you can. The world needs us to stay strong and steady in the Light, especially at times like this.

be reassured that if you or a loved one or someone you know has any of the above aspects either in your or their birth charts or have transits like these happening to your birth charts, it does not mean you will do or have these things done to you. We are all complex and it takes a lot of factors to push us beyond social reason. In fact, the same aspects of pain for one person can call forth the healer in another. We are humans at different stages of growth, perhaps young Soul, old Soul. The pain in one is sorrow for us all.

In spite of suffering and difficulty, we learn from tragedy. Astrologically we learn to see warning points. We all become more alert and aware, more compassionate. We renew our efforts to help others, and be better people.

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FULL Strawberry Moon ~
Pluto YOD, Jupiter Bow, Grand Fire Trine!
New Moon ~
Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter Super Trine!

May 2015 Sky Map

Full Strawberry Moon ~
Pluto YOD, Jupiter Bow, Grand Fire Trine!
Tuesday June 2 at 9:19 AM Pacific – 11 Sagittarius 49
Full Strawberry Moon

During Mercury Retrograde, the Full Moon, Gemini/Sagittarius Strawberry Moon, is called the Festival of Humanity by some. It’s purpose is to share the Word and Teachings far and wide! Gemini gathers information and communication skills know how. Sagittarius seeks purpose, the far vision that makes it meaningful, gives focus.

♦ Mercury is Gemini’s planet! Retrograde reviews, upgrades, opens doors from opposite directions, making choices more whole and productive. On the immediate basis it can seem frustrating as things keep changing moment to moment, not settling. Fixed signs (Taurus/Scorpio, Leo/Aquarius) and orderly signs (Virgo/Capricorn) often don’t find this multitude of adjustments comfortable; they like their routines, but stay with it, the results will prove worthy though many people will opt not to sign important papers yet.

Some of those adjustments were front and center when Sun, moving forward, and Mercury in reverse, crossed on Saturday the 30th at 9:56 AM Pacific, or, they had a meeting of the minds. Though moving apart now, they have left an invisible trail of thoughts still influencing decisions.

Sun is getting excited as he approaches Mars, a super athlete combination! Running, tennis, biking may all be in the wind in short volleys. But, the Moon in Sagittarius would like to get some distance going! They want to SEE what’s out there! Mars is a Leader, first, takes the initiative! Mars is a rights fighter, in this case, the pen being mightier than the sword! Gemini/Sag is the great storyteller of a very entertaining chapter-by-chapter mythy moral tale embellished with believable facts that make it seem real. Personal new beginnings are near and dear to your heart!

The Moon is opposite Mars, so be careful of wounding words and conversations. Moon can be a tad self righteous in Sagittarius, and by nature, Mars only does what Mars thinks in a hot minute! Mars can be quick, and if the Sun is provoked in its ego, together they all may regret what can’t be taken back. Lucky for us, Moon in Sag is more forgiving. If you are hair trigger yourself, maybe lay a bit low, avoid giving or getting the bee sting. If it is needing saying, long overdue, maybe it will clear the air; change will be quick! The Sun/’Mars exact conjunction isn’t until June 14 at 8:56 AM Pacific, the day Saturn returns into Scorpio. The Full Moon may set off a situation that lasts until then and then some.

♦ The Full Moon axis is just leaving Neptune in its own sign Pisces as the point of the T Square to the axis. Neptune/Pisces is famous for sensitivity, Sun, Mars and Gemini/Sag not so much. The challenge has been to have compassion, empathy, yet with logic, not be swept into doing things that aren’t in your heart. It will still be tempting, perhaps, to run right over the shy person or push a confused person to agree with you, maybe in the interests of ‘saving time’ or getting another person on your side. But that kind of compliance usually unravels later, so take a deep breath, honor others best you can.

You yourself may have had a recent battle of confusion within you or with someone who has. You may still have doubts what to do. It goes from mystical pandemonium to whether to turn right or left! Surrender or jump on it. Get the exercise or meditate. Talk or be silent. Almost always, the answer is a bit of both. The whole function of a Full Moon is separation of opposites yet assimilation, in short, balance, equality. Having skills to do both gives you all your options!

♦ Because the Sun conjuncts Mars, the YOD with Pluto and Jupiter becomes important. Mars and Pluto are in a tight 1 minute of space inconjunct! They are close with Jupiter only a degree away, Mars quickly to sextile Jupiter exactly on the 5th at 4:38 PM Pacific. Mars and Pluto are warriors, but Mars in Gemini with words and a smile, and Pluto in Capricorn very differently with your paycheck and the law! Mars can speak fervently in Pluto’s behalf or devastate Pluto’s reputation. Pluto can fund Mars’ intentions or take it all away. Pluto in Cap has staying power, but Mars bounces back in air sign Gemini. Better to be respectful allies or just leave it alone if things aren’t working, put your energy elsewhere.

Mars sextile Jupiter in Leo is just plain fun and a wins the race! Both are leaders, Jupiter is confident. Mars in Gemini likes new and clever, while Jupiter in Leo goes for center stage and succeeds! You could be swept along with them, taken in or on a trip of a lifetime! Learning is fast and the risk quite tempting! Pluto in Cap may save you from yourself!

Jupiter inconjunct Pluto may light the fires of Hell as it recently has – Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano, Mexico’s Colima Volcano, plus Nepal’s quake! It can be the glamour story of the century, or fizzle so sadly. Jupiter may be crushed by Pluto in Cap’s skepticism, or vindicated by their recognition of the possibilities! Pluto may be annoyed by Jupiter’s endless stories, yet somehow fascinated at the insane potential and secretly astounded by the actual lucky results. Makes them a believer. Truth and consequences for better and worse.

In addition, Mars and Jupiter are both in exciting aspects to Uranus, the planet of universal change and genius! Uranus is in Mars’ sign Aries, split second fast! Jupiter enhances them both giving super lucky decisions! Mega communications, performances of magnitude. Publish, go public, have a grand opening even though Mercury is retrograde! Many successful world famous businesses have it Rx in their charts. Take the seminar; travel with friends. Get pregnant! Fame and Fortune! Mars will make the sextile with Uranus exactly on the 9th at 0:29 AM Pacific. That means the 8th is the action day unless you work at night. Puts a song in your heart! More on Jupiter super trine Uranus!

Jupiter is the lucky one! Here are the action aspects Pacific times and dates:
May 30   9:56 AM    Mercury conjunct Sun
June 2     6:31 PM    Moon trine Jupiter
June 5     4:38 PM    Mars sextile Jupiter
June 8     2:56 PM    Sun sextile Jupiter
June 9     0:29 AM    Mars Sextile Uranus (8th is the day)
June 14   8:56 AM    Sun conjunct Mars
June 14   5:38 PM    Saturn back in Scorpio
June 22   6:43 AM   Jupiter trine Uranus!x

♦ The Jupiter Bow pattern with the Full Moon axis is the whipped cream for the strawberries! The Gemini Sun, as well as Mars, is sextile Jupiter. Sun is the Light, Jupiter theWayshower. Both like to share and teach, strut and play. It’s lucky to be who you are! And Jupiter is Sag’s planet, the sign the Moon is in. It’s a traveling party – on the boat, by train, a caravan. Or it’s a race you will never forget! Moon in Sag is happy go lucky, knows where to go and when. Bring the whole family! Let go the doubts; go for the good.

♦ By a Horary astrology term, Translation of Light, there is a Grand FIRE Trine too! This combination is not nearly in as close in degrees as the Bow, but still a blessing, blessings to come as the planets unfurl like a flower into exact connection with each other! Fire is Spirit personified! Uranus is in first Sign, first Fire sign Aries of Initiation; Jupiter is in Leo, fire sign of the Heart and Love; the Full Moon in Sagittarius is in the sign of the Seer, the great Prophets, the Path. The delight of a new Path with new friends in a new community may fill your Soul.

Be tasty!

Gemini 2015 Full Strawberry Moon Astrology Chart

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New Moon ~
Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter Super Trine!
Tuesday June 16 at 7:05 AM Pacific – 25 Gemini 07

Gemini Depp Breathe Quote
Johnny is a June 9, 1963 Gemini and has Mercury conjunct Venus. No surprise he is often quoted and this is one of his quotes.  See his Chart!

Sun and Moon join, Sun infusing Moon with energy, Light, Moon relaying it on to Earth and us. At one degree opposite the Galactic Center, 26 Sagittarius, the messages will be profound! The Galactic Center is considered a Galaxy Gateway, a point of exchange and huge infusion! Gemini is considered the sign of the Word of Spirit, the Breath of Life. Sun is all powerful, Moon has her way, sometimes gentling Sun, giving a feminine blend. Things culminate and are celebrated as the cycle ends, a new one begins. At a tipping point, we are deep in shadow, but invested with potential, seeds of renewal, an innocent child quality. This late degree New Moon forms the last aspect while the Moon is in Gemini, leaving us in a Void of Course period, unfettered, clear, concentrated, centered. Take some moments to rest, steep in the brew. Be thankful for your breath. Prepare to speak from your Heart.

♦ Speedy Mars figures strongly in the Gemini NEW Moon as it did at the Full Moon! The Sun conjuncted Mars Sunday the 14th at 8:56 AM Pacific, and the Moon is exactly with Mars just an hour before the New Moon at 6:06 AM! Mars is an action planet where Gemini is more the thinker. Mars wants to do more than talk! Mars is a champion of the Word, and a superbly quick writer in Gemini. Talent is in the hands and eye! They are observant and the bringer of News and what’s new. They boldly poke about, leafing through anything and everything, discovery at their fingertips. They gather the data to back up what they say, and lead the way to new thinking, so right for a New Moon! Unasked, they are local adventurers, weaving their intelligence through neighborhoods and families. Independent thinking creates a wave of ideas for sweeping change, yet Mars is off on another tack as soon as a seed has taken hold!

♦ Mercury, Gemini’s planet, squares Neptune in it’s own sign Pisces the third and last time. Until it makes the exact aspect, June 23 at 11:09 AM Pacific, and maybe another three days or so, hold off on important irrevocable decisions or ones you can’t afford to have to change later. Mercury is logical, while Neptune goes by insight, spiritual guidance, empathy. Both are good, but they arrive at conclusions differently. Too compassionate and we may be taken advantage of, suffer sadness. Too logical and we may neglect kindness, cause delay as we think things through. Spiritually we may know what we want, and Mercury helps us get there in the real world by telling others about our dreams so others can know how to help us. Confusion and longing make us crazy, but they are natural stages that keep doors open while we are undecided and keep us going even when we don’t know how! See Mercury Retrograde!

♦ Mercury sextiles Venus in Leo. It will hold this aspect until exact for many days since Mercury is moving slowly after turning Direct June 11. The exact aspect won’t be made until July 5 at 1:19 AM Pacific. So research what you will do, but wait to make a decision until a few days after June 23, after the square with Neptune is over. Otherwise, the sweetest loving communications are intended. Appreciation, affection, gifts are given. Time to make pretty. Great design ideas, color choices, lovely remodeling, getting becoming hairstyles. You might pay a little more, but it’s worth it, makes you feel great! Let the breath flow….

Mercury is closely coming trine with the North Node in Libra! Libra is the next air sign, this one of relationships. How we say what’s up makes all the difference. The North Node is where we are a bit shy, still learning to balance with the opposite sign, in this case independent Aries. We need to know the good ways to be independent within relationships, to be ok with difference, be true to ourselves and let others be true to themselves. Trines usually are successful. At worst they are lazy and take things for granted and nothing happens at all. Sigh. Be conscious and take advantage of your opportunity to offer someone your regard.

♦ Jupiter and Uranus are now in the same degree! It is seven-days-close to the final exact super trine with Uranus June 22!!! We have been in it for months. The first was Sep 25, the second March 3. Jupiter enhances, is known for huge growth, expansion, wisdom, seeing the trends of time. Uranus is strange change, enlightened genius, explosions (like volcanoes and lightening), world community, computers and the internet, everything electric, wind turbine energy generators, flight! This is a classic fame & fortune combination. Publishing goes out to the multitudes. Grants and investors can be amazingly generous. Travel is easy and extraordinary at the same time. Research reveals some brilliant cures or incredible information long awaited. Make hay!

Gemini 2015 New Moon Astrology Chart

The next Full Moon, the Cancer/Capricorn Buck Moon, is July 1, 7:20 PM Pacific, at 9 Capricorn 55.

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