
Posts Tagged ‘Crested Butte’

Full Pink Moon!
Yod Saturn/Venus + Moon’s Nodes Square Full Moon! Jupiter Trine Neptune! 

New Moon!
URANUS Sign Change, Double Earth Stelliums! Jupiter trine Neptune!


Full Pink Moon!

Yod Saturn/Venus + Moon’s Nodes Square Full Moon! Jupiter trine Neptune!

Sunday April 29 at 5:58 PM Pacific, 9 Scorpio/Taurus 39

Stunning Full Pink Moon Crested Butte CO by Stan Rose

Full Moon rising over East Fork, Crested Butte, San Juan Mountains, Colorado by Stan Rose

This is the last Moon before Uranus changes signs, from Aries into its first taste of Taurus in 84 years! The sign change first happens just after the New Moon May 15!

This Full Moon has the Moon in Scorpio. Some say the Moon in Scorpio delves deep into past lives, the meaning of life and death, obsessing and purging, mortification and soul retrieval, subsequent healing. It looks into the crevices, or is that crevasses, of the convolutions of our relationships, financial innuendos, secrets. The fire at the base of the spine, the Kundalini, may be ignited! The Phoenix rises. If you weren’t powerful before, you will be now! Not for the faint of heart!

The Sun in Taurus leads out of darkness into the Light, steady and trustworthy, a safe way and place to go. The wings of the newborn butterfly emerge, are spread wide to dry, gather strength after the transition. They are folded and unfolded, flexing for their ascension. This seems especially true with Uranus, the planet of flight, at the super potent last degree of Aries, the sign of ignition! We need that grounding and centering Taurus gives us. We will need to be strong and dependable to stabilize the coming changes.

Saturn, in its own sign Capricorn, is at the same degree as the Full Moon! Saturn wants a reliable structure, a strong boundary, to keep safe within, to protect from without. It sextiles the Moon, lending business opportunities. It trines the Sun, building a timely reputation of personal achievement. Things get done and on time. This combination is not impetuous, can bring about long thought out mergers and marriages, successful parenting.

Saturn is also Yod, at an ‘opposite’ point between Venus and the North Node. Both Venus and the Node are moving toward Saturn’s degree. Venus is in Gemini being glib or glissando! She shares the gossip and valuable data, introduces you to people who have just the information you need, and spreads the word about what an asset you are! The blog needs updating and some attention. The North Node can be a shy point in Leo, but rather than being so concerned what others think, it’s time to express your unique gift, what’s always been in your heart to do! Step into the light! Shake hands, let that Venus breath of beauty, those sweet words, give you the courage. Shake loose, stand tall!

The Full Moon crosses the Moon’s Node axis at right angles, making a fixed Grand Square! Fixed squares are known to have long standing issues hard to change. Taurus is mine; Scorpio is ours, but I will have some on the side, a personal account as well. Aquarius is the ‘past’ South Node. I had many friends and associates and depend on them, perhaps too much. The Leo North Node calls us to ‘be’ ourselves, in full radiant primal glory, to take our personal place in the Sun. This can be the leader of the tribe! The angle signs have their challenges. Taurus likes peace and quiet while Leo has the rock band rattling the windows! Leo wants you to adore them and show you off; Scorpio admires his investment, but prefers his secrets. Scorpio often works privately behind the scenes, while Aquarius is either the free loner never captured, or stirs up the masses into waves of collective change, no holds barred! Aquarius is electrification, the Awakener personified, genius ahead of its time; Taurus likes the comfort and beauty of our Earth, contemplation through saturation. From the Buddha at the roadside shrine to the Captain of the Rocket! Having mutual purpose is the key to putting all these talents together.

Mars conjuncted, was with Pluto in Capricorn the 26th. He quickly poked around in Pluto’s stockpile and dump, looked at his reserves, assessed the assets, offered some suggestions. Pluto warned him when he got too close to the boundaries, but listened to this upstart intruder who dared. Mars knew he could get away, but knew he would chance it. Pluto has traps set, security, but some traps are more of the psyche. That’s a whole nother story. Mars learned some tricks and even more clever ways to use resources, how to build from decay and destruction, release what has been bound. He carries this all forward. Much needed.

Jupiter in Scorpio was sextile Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, mid April, and that episode is still with us. There are clever uses of funds and the power to rebuild. Capricorn is a renowned renovator, and Pluto reuses materials, knows how to expedite and find the best deals to cut costs yet do a right job. Negotiations were thoroughly considered. Matters of great wealth may be at stake. Some relationships were or will be, as fall out, abruptly ended. Other long term relationships will be forged and be lucrative financially, rewarding personally. Jupiter will sextile Pluto the third and last time Sep 12.

Jupiter is retrograde, on it’s way back to trine Neptune in Pisces the second time May 25! They will be in close aspect until the third and last aspect Aug 19. Jupiter is thought to be fame and fortune, expansion and growth. It’s good faith, optimism and often great luck! Travel, education, teaching and speaking often go with the territory. Imports/exports. Fun and funny, great stories, publishing. Big dogs and horses, gambling on anything! Robust health, vigorous sports, resorts businesses! Put that all with Neptune in its own sign Pisces and you may have the longest ocean cruise, a huge fan following at your concert, an epic movie! Your life may take a spiritual turn into exotic places, both on earth and in your mind. Love may be lighter and deeper at the same time. See more, plan ahead, take the chance!

IN THE BACKGROUND! Oct 30 Pluto conjuncts the Ecliptic! Yes, that is months away, but Pluto is on a 248 year orbit, slow moving, so very in effect right now! Pluto rules extremes. The words Life & Death say it all. Bankrupt or Wealthy. Alone or solidly together. Sexual or never been kissed, ever. We’ve had huge political, economic, civil rights and environmental changes, with more to come.

Right now, strengthen, work together, build, be mindful.

Full Pink Moon Scorpio/Taurus Astrology Chart! 

Taurus 2018 Full Pink Moon Astrology Chart

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URANUS Sign Change, Double Earth Stelliums! Jupiter trine Neptune!

Tuesday May 15 at 4:48 AM Pacific, 24 Taurus 36

Taurus 2018 New Moon Uranus into Taurus

With 4 planets in Taurus, 3 in Capricorn, that’s 7 in EARTH signs, this is a super grounded practical New Moon. Sit with it. Even Uranus, the planet of space is coming in for a landing!

Notice that 00 Taurus 00 in the New Moon chart below! Today Uranus, the God of the Heavens, the planet of Aquarius, goes into Taurus, the sign of Earth herself, on our Taurus New Moon! It takes this planet 84 years to circle the zodiac, so this New Moon is most uniquely a time of special new beginnings. Yes, it was 1934 when Uranus last started in Taurus, but all the other planets have changed signs and positions since then! 84 years ago this moment was the same but very different.

Since then we have been through WWII – the bomb and the Holocaust, the United Nations. Vietnam, the Kennedy assassination. We put a man on the Moon and explore the stars. Socially we can now talk about sex, money, death, food and health awareness, women’s rights, child molestation and abuse, animal rights, civil rights, gay marriage and guns openly. We got television, computers, the Internet, cell phones, film to digital cameras! And now, planetary climate change. That’s a lot in 84 years. We are not the same.

Uranus, Mercury and the Moon and Sun are all in Taurus emphasizing Uranus’s new sign!! Mercury can feel Uranus right behind him, etheric and electric! These two powerhouses of intellect have a lot to think and talk about. Uranus is considered genius, way ahead of his time, sometimes a little incoherent. Mercury is famous for connecting the dots, can spin and spit out yarns and info as fast as he can make his lips move, even in Taurus! He just talks about Taurus subjects instead of other info! Mercury gets the honors, is the first to greet this great and wild one! What we thought is not and no longer, now off the charts of ordinary conception. Keep your Spirit open and upward seeking!

Mercury in Taurus, the thinker/communicator is key. He just semi sextiled Chiron, newly in Aries, is excited about new remedies, businesses, relationships. Mercury trined Lilith, a harmony of intention to build new long lasting vessels dedicated to uphold divine law, create a working world order. Elders will guide and protect. Next, Mercury will trine Saturn, the one in charge, Father Time. Surrender as well as profound integrity and knowing are intrinsic components to their success. Last in the sequence is the square, challenge to the Moon’s Nodes, spanning Aquarius to Leo. Taurus aims to settle them down. Leo’s finery and Aquarius’s exotic untouchability, can put them off the charts. Taurus waits for their attention, eases them to put those factors to good use, and simplifies the how tos. Quite a chain of events, a complicated network.

The New Moon is last in Taurus. Cows and bulls are meant to take their time pondering. They know how to conserve energy. Others are running around while they are watching, chewing their cuds, working through those 4 part stomachs! They are digesting what they see, casting it in the best situation possible. They see if it stands the test of time, measure its value, get the most gain for the least effort. They often see what others don’t and waste little time in the long run. Tauruses can be gentle, comforting and uplifting. They praise us in truth and it means a lot coming from them. They are remarkably strong in temperament and physically. Business may start small, but it grows and grows through the years. They are loyal mates.

The Moon in Taurus makes a lovely home. Natural surroundings, breezes through the windows, flowers wafting their scents, veggies in the garden. She hugs the children, is herbalist to bruises and illnesses. She’s aware of investment cycles, often doing well financially, gives insightful advice. She may have a cosmetics shop, boutique of comfortable clothes, or a specialty foods, bakery, cheeses, flowers or natural foods market.

Sun in Taurus is a champion! He may be the one behind these businesses! He might specialize in native landscapes, run the nursery, drive the tractor at the farm or do urban digging for power and underground lines. He may have a knack for placing homes in harmony with the land, designing with a sustainable flair. Taurus has a 6th sense for textures, matching people with their best place. He has the strength to be a superb caterer using healthy foods. Or what about that restaurant?! Natural cosmetics. Strength to be a bodybuilder! Or to hold peace at the ashram or sanctuary?

Moon offers Sun her support. She makes him know how much she values him. He is her Light, and makes her know how much he appreciates her. She is the Emerald. The bond is beyond words. Affection. Venus, Taurus’s planet, is one sign away. As we talked about Mercury in Taurus, Venus, Taurus’s planet, is in Gemini, Mercury’s sign. When planets are in each other’s signs this way, it is called Mutual Reception. Each is blessed with a commonality of understanding, strengthened, and can be read in each other’s places in the chart. This New Moon linked with Venus, specifically picks up the entire Mercury network as well even though the degrees don’t connect!

Venus, though in Gemini, being Taurus’s planet, has a natural link to the New Moon. She blesses them with her words. She spreads the good word, supplies valuable feedback from the ‘hood, heals rifts. The Mercury links take that word to other collaborative businesses, women of power, opens gates to new options.

Taurus is the first of the Earth signs, feeds and shelters the tribe. Capricorn is the last Earth sign, attaining the heights! Saturn, Capricorn’s own planet is in Capricorn making his mark, collecting the land use fees and profits turning them back into building for the future – he’s already feeling the plans Jupiter has for the dreams and visions of Neptune! He wants to make them happen. Pluto is now in the last third of Capricorn, researching methods for healing problems of aging, cementing special behind the scenes alliances, securing funding. No sense rebuilding the old. He too is on board with creating what’s new and better, insightful and valuable. Capricorn is the master of long term goals and works hard to get there.

Mars sits at 29 Capricorn, the last degree, feeling the urgency to complete the necessities! At base is organizing so the project can continue effectively. He is a tad reluctant, after all he has worked for, since he senses all hell is going to break loose when he goes into Aquarius, Uranus’s unpredictable sign! Granted, it will not be so careful as Capricorn, but will be crazy creative! Ok, just be as ready as you can be. New techniques will turn the tables and the project will morph into something more advanced. The speed will be exhilarating!

As with the April 29 Full Moon above, Jupiter in Scorpio was sextile Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, mid April, and that episode is still with us. There are clever uses of funds and the power to rebuild. Capricorn is a renowned renovator, and Pluto reuses materials, knows how to expedite and find the best deals to cut costs yet do a right job. Negotiations were thoroughly considered. Matters of great wealth may be at stake. Some relationships were or will be, as fall out, abruptly ended. Other long term relationships will be forged and be lucrative financially, rewarding personally. Jupiter will sextile Pluto the third and last time Sep 12.

Jupiter is retrograde, now on it’s way back to trine Neptune in Pisces the second time May 25! They will be in close aspect until the third and last aspect Aug 19. Jupiter is thought to be fame and fortune, expansion and growth. It’s good faith, optimism and often great luck! Travel, education, teaching and speaking often go with the territory. Imports/exports. Fun and funny, great stories, publishing. Big dogs and horses, gambling on anything! Robust health, vigorous sports, resorts businesses! Put that all with Neptune in its own sign Pisces and you may have the longest ocean cruise, a huge fan following at your concert, an epic movie! Your life may take a spiritual turn into exotic places, both on earth and in your mind. Love may be lighter and deeper at the same time. See more, plan ahead, take the chance!

IN THE BACKGROUND! Oct 30 Pluto conjuncts the Ecliptic! Yes, that is months away, but Pluto is on a 248 year orbit, slow moving, so very in effect right now! Pluto rules extremes. The words Life & Death say it all. Bankrupt or Wealthy. Alone or solidly together. Sexual or never been kissed, ever. We’ve had huge political, economic, civil rights and environmental changes, with more to come.

Taurus makes us so aware of our bodies. Take good care of yours, use it with infinite respect.

New Moon – 4 in Taurus, Uranus Sign Change Astrology Chart

Taurus 2018 New Moon Astrology Chart

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The next Full Moon celebrates  t
he Buddha’s Birthday, called Wesak! The date is different in different countries. The United Nations will celebrate it May 29 in 2018 It is Tuesday May 29, 7:19 AM at 8 Sagittarius/Gemini 10!


See the entire Taurus 2018 Newsletter!

See the 2018 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns of the year!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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