
Posts Tagged ‘Midsummer’

Cancer 2022-23 Celestial HighLights, Timeline, Overview!.
Special Treat! Sweet Summer Magic: Solstice Honey Cookies!

Cancer! Mama Mia, Fun in the Kitchen!

2022 Cancer Kitchen Fun Mom Daughter!

Ok, this has potential, LOL! Who knows what that will become? Omelet, with some later for Pizza, part of a salad, a veggie dish?! The best ingredient is the fun and love, time together!

From Moms and kids in the kitchen, sumptuous delivered freezer meals for the professional’s convenience, to incredibly catered celebrations, to the most sophisticated cuisine at the finest places presented by chefs with talents of the Gods, Cancer loves food!

Humble mashed potatoes take skill to make. Tasty playful pizza is always a creative venture. Sauces to die for make a meal come alive! An unusual ingredient keeps ’em guessing! Super special treats and desserts top off a fine meal, followed by a cheap or classy alcoholic drink, LOL! Cancers have their way with us!

And it’s not just the food. Ambiance counts! It can be a cozy kitchen on a cold day, watermelon on a hot summer evening! It can be chandeliers at the golf club or being at the famous hotel rooftop bar and restaurant or a comfortable beach side surfer cafe at sunset. Cancers know some of the best places and the best kept secrets and remember the recipes, and directions too!

Food is divine! Worldwide, from rice, to ceremonial specialties, Texas steaks to Asian delicacies, spicy Latin to unique African dishes, coastal fish and chips to mountain game, speckled bird eggs, Cancers are superlative collectors, having stunning traditional and awesome cultural recipes in addition to their fabulous cookbooks! An average citizen can make iconic meals. Cancer’s taste-buds have built in radar and they land right on the doorstep of the best foodies around, end up sitting with the right people on the plane!

Don’t be surprised to find your Cancer growing their own vegetables, raising their own chickens. Many top chefs today specialize in organic food, the freshest that can be, grown and gathered right by the kitchen! Cancers are motherly, and care so much about quality food for their children, family, all of us! They make special safe and nutritious food for their pets too! They go the extra mile! They are frugal about it too. They know where the best buys are, frequent farmer markets picking the most choice specials. Certain wines are inexpensive and taste great. They know it isn’t always the price but the touch of sharing together that counts.

Cancers are remarkable at food storage! They are the Summer Solstice sign, so camping, RV camping are right up their alley – they take their home with them! They do canning, probiotics, drying delicious veggies and fruits, make sun dried tomatoes, powdered herbs and spices, even make their own noodles and tasty desserts! Definitely budget winners and are super healthy snacks and meal treats for fellow campers!

As a water sign, Cancers pay special attention to drinks. Clean water always. Hot apple cider, cocoa in winter. Hot or cold teas for soothing, pick-me-ups, healing all year long. Smoothies are meals in their own right. Fruit for sweet, comfort. They use high quality ingredients, ie fresh blueberries for antioxidants, other add-ins, supplements that make for great nutrition and superlative health. Veggie and green smoothies have their own awesome benefits! 

Pregnancy calls for its own special foods, often breaking the rules! It is a special affair, often not the same each time. Your Sweetie may be called to do your bidding, doing some midnight fetching. See your midwife for some traditional understanding! See your Doctor to be sensible! Always remember, you are eating for two, or more. What you eat makes a difference and too much fooling around can have consequences. 

A common matter for Cancers is weight gain. They aren’t neurotic, they just like food, LOL! Well, maybe sometimes they are a little neurotic, like all of us. Yes, they can be, are, should be, emotional. They feel, are specially aware beings. As psychics, they know the nuances and it isn’t always pleasant. They worry about the kids, their mate, the family, their home, their work, money and security. They aren’t usually extreme athletes. They love to cook and eat. They taste as they go and lick the bowl. It’s a tough dilemma. Do sports feel good to you. You may like it more if it involves water, maybe swimming. You can vary the intensity depending on how you feel that day. If there are options and you can do more as you please, that helps because your feelings are always changing. Some like yoga because it is soothing yet requires strength. It also gives you time to reflect. Workouts at home may get you started. When you feel more comfortable, get on out there! You may end up out in front leading the class!

Cancers are terrific at business! Why not have a bed and breakfast?! A breakfast cafe? Bread shop. A classy restaurant?! A snack truck! Farmer Market booth. Be a meal planner and nutrition coach. Write a foodie column, about the best places to eat, a travel guide on cuisine in different cultures, write a cookbook or two or three! Have your own You Tube channel! Slant your writings to nutrition, per age groups! Be a voice for sustainable food! Check out these 84 Food Biz Ideas! If you don’t want to run a business, work for someone who is doing what you love!  

Cancers are funny and dedicated, and, yes, sometimes crabby. Or maybe they just love crab cakes!  

Let’s break bread together! 



Cancer Annual Celestial Highlights! 

Cancer 2022 Timeline!


21 Happy Cancer, Summer Solstice – Lithia!
28 New Moon


04 Independence Day
13 Full Buck Micro Moon
22 Happy Leo!

Cancer Overview 2022 to June 21, 2023!

Click here or on the image, then click on the image again at the site to read the text!

2022 Cancer Home Sweet Home homes worldwide Moira Butterfield Clair Rossiter 

Home Sweet Home is a wonderful little book with fascinating examples of homes worldwide by Moira Butterfield  (Author), Clair Rossiter  (Illustrator).   

Maybe this year you will find your special place, buy or build your own dear home and make it yours! 
See your AstroLocality astrologer!

The sign lucky Jupiter is in, is the sign that succeeds and prospers. He is there for about a year each – pay attention to retrogrades that change signs! As Jupiter in Aquarius was super lucky for Aquarians, it is out of this world for Pisceans! Jupiter cheers them up, expands their already magical dimensions, gives them further faith and awareness, heals their spirits from addictions and fears. Major tours are possible and successful impossible dreams come true! It’s time to push the river a bit while the Gateway is open! Cancer is not always so happy with big bold Jupiter, but is fine with fellow water sign Pisces. Both are sensitive signs that help others. Cancer wants a home; Pisces lives in the Universe at large, assists Cancer finding the most suitable place. Jupiter’s travel experiences comes in handy too!

Adventurous Jupiter loves unstable ground, relishes making all the quick clever adjustments! Aquarius, the Awakener, gave him a lot to think about! Now Pisces has introduced further dimensions, ones where logic and rules are not always the norm. The dreamtime is another vast universe, truly unfathomable, the Great Mystery. In our daily affairs, Jupiter may exaggerate with no hope for reason, LOL! Pisces is perfectly happy with this, his magical side is cheering Jupiter on, it’s an exciting yarn! Pisces has dreams and Jupiter sees no reason why they can’t come true! The two of them can be utterly mischievous together! Jupiter can sometimes get all ethical and abhors addictions that disable. At first he may make things worse with his hard judgments, or he looks for ways to help his mates stand clean again, to be strong for their futures, to make the world a better place. Your intuition may surge to overwhelming dimensions! 

Jupiter is the only planet that changes signs in 2022. He previewed Pisces briefly from May 13 to July 28 2021. He returned to Pisces December 28, 2021. In 2022 Jupiter sped completely through Pisces into Aries in only 5 months, on May 10, after his sextile with Pluto, the last 2022 outer planet to planet aspect! Cancer starts 2022 with Jupiter in feisty Aries, standing for personal rights and independence! Cancer has chosen certain causes and Jupiter and Aries both want rights for women and children, home ownership, the right to do independent family owned ma and pa businesses. They want the right to have cultural and religious freedom. Cancer may shy away from high volume Jupiter Aries or sing their songs with them at top level! If Jupiter Aries go against Cancer’s position, no amount of noise will keep Cancers from defending their own. Cancers are the moms that lift cars off their kids They are moms and deserve respect.. And they generally have a lot of allies. Think twice before rushing in. A little thoughtful collaboration would be much more fruitful.

The May 10 shift was emphasized by the two sign, Taurus/Gemini Mercury retrograde 8 day station, 4 days before and after! Mercury was at 4 Gemini 51, thinking intensely about what this Pisces to Aries transition was all about. How is Pisces providing the foundation for that change?! What is the purpose for Jupiter’s new work in Aries? What can be said to facilitate this 12 year turning point? Some will feel left behind while others can’t wait to get going on new ground! Stations focus, contemplate, anchor the keeper thoughts. Don’t worry if your thoughts change a 1000 times! That’s a healthy perusal of the possibilities! Stay with it! Sift through them for the gems.

A 12 year change that isn’t done yet! Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces Oct 27 to Dec 20, 2022The next day is Winter Solstice, the belly of winter, Jupiter is back in Aries. From there are the seeds of new beginnings, the ‘return of the Light!’ Aries is self motivated, always in motion, looking for action, taking the cause to the forefront! It’s rolling onward in Aries, gaining momentum, no going back! From then on until May 16, 2023 he finishes Aries, enters Taurus. What a shift that will be, a damper for some, a rest for others! It will heat up education and advocacy for Earth, our environment we call home. Some have been waiting so long for the coming significant changes.

It’s one thing to make your vows in Pisces, another to take action in Aries! Pisces is what you believe in. Some say ‘Do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet (Pisces).’ The last sign, Pisces carries the Dreams of all the signs. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the first responders. Initiation means more than taking a title. It means doing your vows. Aries are brave leaders, risk takers, rights fighters. They often have to make instant decisions to save lives. They are fiery Spirits that operate on instant instinct, thank goodness! Consulting is one of their best talents. Listen keenly. Ask your questions right now while they are there with you. They will be gone to the next fire quickly. Staying physically fit is essential and can be totally enjoyable. Prowess feels super! Independence is strong. Ride your bike! See more Jupiter in Pisces  See more Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter is looking for purpose with integrity! It takes a core truth and educates as many as will listen to why it is meaningful and worthy. Jupiter has a bold and confident way, expands, embellishes, emphasizes, gives extra! It’s edifying, LOL! Jupiter likes to play and tell whopper stories, laughs big laughs with gusto, has a great big dog and rides the winning horse! In Aries a lot of ground will be traveled, and quickly too! Sparks will fly off his horse’s hooves! Speed is a delight. Records will be broken! Skating, surfing, skiing, biking! Wow! 

As Jupiter connects with our personal chart factors during its time in Aries, we will feel like time has sped up, cant’ do things quickly enough! Aries intends to lead us to greener pastures or new and different places, even just to see what we can see! Jupiter teaches new techniques, tells stories of wonder, goes on adventurous travels! In Aries he tells of heroes, survival, self sufficiency, independence! There is a buoyant physicality – walking, skating, bike riding, a cross country trip for a cause! Though Cancer can be a stay-at-home type, a camper with the comforts of home can entice them on adventures in new places. Cancer is an action type, but prefers some think-it-over time too. Jupiter may think Cancer is not listening so speaks louder, but that is not the case. A big smile and gallant opinions aren’t enough. Cancer goes by gut instinct and her own comfort zone, the simplicity of gingham. As a protector of her people things may just have to go a little slower and prove out as they go. Then, Cancer will take the photos and go public. 

If Cancer is of the mind that it’s been the old ways long enough, she may be happily jolted by Jupiter’s sophisticated travels’ ideas that bring new perspectives. He can be a little self righteous at times, but generally his intent is good. Depending on who the story is for, friends or the press, Cancer may have to do a little fact checking at times and she’s good at it. It is easy for Jupiter to get a little carried away. 

Pisces’s seeing who and what needs help, inspires natural born hero Aries to jump in head first! People are snatched out of harm’s way, saved quickly when possible. With good physical therapy and an inspired happy to be alive client, people’s spirits are reawakened and they are back on their feet in no time. In turn, they become inspirational converts and cohorts to do it now and do your best! We are born again, Initiations to new levels happen. Gratitude is a top word in our story!  

As Aquarian and Piscean talents were commingled, the Path between them becoming a usable channel, so will Jupiter in Pisces and Aries develop their own smooth channel. In their case it will be super aware, sensitive, instantly reactive! Hopefully groups of crusaders will attract and further develop adept leaders, rich with innovative foresight! When Pluto enters Aquarius Jupiter will be at 17° Aries in a FIVE planet Aries stellium! Aries is THE Action sign! That’s what I call a NEW beginning! 

2022 is a very different year. 

All three of 2022’s aspects happen only once each, are done at May 3, in just over 5 months! All will be formed while Jupiter is in Pisces. From then on it will be putting our discoveries into practice. It will be time to anchor, maintain good ground gained, finesse our current gains, strengthen our Aquarian skills and Aquarian people in view of the March 23, 2023 Pluto into Aquarius for 21 years. Jupiter in Pisces will show us the glorious maturity, endings and dreams of Pisces as the last sign of the Zodiac, and what the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, will work for. It will be good to rest and relax, then stretch our physical and spiritual muscles and take action!

May 3 Jupiter in Pisces sextiled Pluto in Capricorn Once. It was the third and last 2022 planets aspect and Jupiter’s last aspect in Pisces! 

The one with the answers walks among us. Some are invisible, some seem ordinary, others really are simply easily sneaky. This could have been a super wealth aspect to check back on, see how investments of that time are doing. In Pisces, wealth can just come upon us, Pisces not always caring about money at all, but if it pays for working your dream, cause, you are ecstatically happy! It may fund your retirement. It can be a cure for old age ailments. Just do what you love and profound healings occur or you simply self equalize your system by forgetting you were ill! Time for dreams to become true through laws à la the Right of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. An obscure place or peoples (Ukraine?), maybe an indigenous group, become especially important. An extinct animal may reappear or come from frozen wastelands. Maybe you will find the work of your soul! There are many extreme, extremely valuable possibilities that could come with this combination. Pay attention; look below the surface… Be careful not to put your hands or feet where you can’t see… Being lost may be the invitation to a new life. Get the keys to the locks and cross the threshold…or just bully through! They really won’t be surprised to receive you, LOL! The Threshold, Portal, is a sacred place. Hope you didn’t miss it. It activated those of you with chart factors close to 28 Pisces/Capricorn 35. See more!

The earth and water factors of this sextile were good with Cancer. Jupiter in Pisces could have brought blessings from a distance. Water systems generally worked well and clean water was available. Water collection, diversion to farmland and yard trees were slated to be wisely put in use. Stones, soil and bioswales brought water to dry places. We are paying attention to aging, any addictions we hold, clear our negative feelings, do more yoga to flow and relax, swim to clear our lungs, strengthen our bodies. We are busy perusing dreams that show us the way. Noting how we feel, subtle sensitivities we have, may guide us to more comfortable decisions. Wishing to do better financially may be the blessing that helps us choose work that speaks to our spirit. Relationships formed may become long and true! More about Jupiter in Pisces.    

If your changes include moving, take a look at maps that show areas of conflict, drought. Conflicts take years of recovery; droughts take years of remediation. See your AstroLocality astrologer for advices on personal locations best for what! Depending on your finances, be cautious about moves during retrograde periods. If it is a necessity at a retrograde time, know that there will be further changes and the costs that go with it. Factor that in. If you are buying a home as well, top priority may be that it is a good investment per resale value since you may change your mind about keeping it. Renting is recommended until times are more stable. 

All of 2022 Saturn is in Aquarius. Saturn, Capricorn’s builder planet, brings oddly variable Aquarian talents together, builds extraordinary resource consulting networks. He is able to tap the connections, make astute changes quickly, grab them while they are available. The changes have enhanced Saturn business immeasurably! Saturn is generally a more serious end game planet. Necessity and timeliness are important. It may feel heavy to Cancer, but as Saturn/Capricorn’s opposite, Cancer understands. Cancer is grateful for Saturn seriously committed to providing food and shelter, holding an honored place in the community, working hard professionally. Saturn is grateful for Cancer’s recognition and admiration. The networks he is building are crucial to keep his family and friends on the cutting edge as the planet changes. The sciences and research he follows help them all go forward more comfortably. 

Planetary Aspect Portals Crater Lake Circular Rainbow

Portals are all around us. Some are temporary, some are always there. Some are annual like the August 8 Lion’s Gate. No two are alike, take us different places. Some are one way, others are two way but perhaps only at certain intervals – you have to be there or… Some lifetimes there are none, others have several passages. And there are the portals into and out of life.

2023 features Jupiter and Saturn Sign Changes and Super Portal, Pluto’s entry into Aquarius! 

Jupiter makes three planetary aspects, conjunct Chiron in Aries, square Pluto and sextile Saturn. The first is Jupiter conjunct Chiron, a once only event. Jupiter and Aries can easily overdo things, may fall into injury, ills may be exacerbated, made much of, or remarkably quickly healed!!! If difficult, it may be important steps of your growth process. Major cures may be sought, finally! Lucky Jupiter gives public education, publicity and perspective, generally has excellent personal health – a perfect poster person! Chiron is the old shamanic healer tested by the Gods! In Aries he imposes his independence, uses cutting edge techniques and remedies, hopefully to your great advantage! Neither Jupiter nor Aries are the marrying kind unless there are other chart factors that change the balance, so don’t fall in love with the Dr., but they can have super adventures together, LOL!

Cancer will be in favor of some of the new healing discoveries and possibilities though she comes from a long line of midwives and doulas that used natural healing for centuries. There is a possibility cures or significant breakthroughs will be made in birthing matters, and with some long standing illnesses. Caregivers will need training in new techniques.    

Later in the year Jupiter enters Taurus and squares Pluto May 16/17 at 0 Taurus/Aquarius! That will be a tough transition for many, involving major financial matters, extreme weather. If Cancer stays tuned, she will be prepared, and have backup plans in order if needed. Time to regroup on location choices and building sustainably. Ultimately there is less cost. We will talk more about that in months to come and in the 2023 Annual Special Edition.

Saturn previewed Aquarius Mar 21 to July 1 2020, returned to Aquarius Dec 18 2020. He is still in AQ now, will enter Pisces March 7, 2023 before Jupiter conjuncts Chiron in Aries March 11, the entire Mars retrograde cycle ends March 16, and Pluto enters Aquarius March 23! That will be a challenging time of unknowns, demanding circumstances, a combination of soothing the wild, maintaining a stable foundation of many years in the making, and facing outright rebellion! For some it will be an explosion of consciousness! Some will be tightly perched on the abyss not ready to let go. If it doesn’t activate your chart in any way, you may wonder why all the fuss?

Saturn in Pisces Compared with Pisces’ sensitivity, Saturn can seem to be a brutally blunt instrument. Pisces is not used to being limited or channeled by someone else’s command. Saturn may bar or protect you from an experience, or demand you to take your responsibility in its behalf! Either can be a blessing or an ordeal, probably a little of both until they get used to each other. Pisces understands Saturn all too well. Sometimes he just loves giving orders. Pisces wants so much more. Orders without a spiritual cause, without Soul are short of the mark. Saturn may be a bit shy about that factor. He may be a little intimidated by this limitless wonder who often calls the shots better than any business man Saturn has ever encountered. Respect starts. Pisces realizes Saturn is more deep than anticipated and has good intent though Saturn’s demeanor may belie that at first. 

Saturn is generally in a sign about 2 1/2 years, so we aren’t talking about a minor experience. As it traverses ALL your chart factors, you will feel different facets of the experience. Some will be more difficult than others. You might see your astrologer to track its path while in the sign. If you are a Pisces, a super sensitive sign, you especially may find it helpful, collecting your powers and applying them with astute psychic accuracy. When Saturn believes you, he will do his best to see your dreams built and come true! You will be having your Saturn Return, a profound time of knowing the Dharma of your life, refreshing, updating your outlook on your purpose this life.

Cancer, Saturn’s sign Capricorn’s opposite, stands back, watching. She notes and remembers the processes. She sees Pisces working his magic, planting visions in Saturn’s attention. Some are reminders of Saturn’s old dreams of his own! Saturn recognizes them and finds a way to get to work. Perhaps they will work this time! Cancer sees how worthy they are and that they will stand the test of time. She rouses the community and it becomes like a barn raising that happens unbelievably quickly. She offers insights, encouragement, sings, brings some of her matriarchal tribal traditions into play. From time to time, Cancer alerts Saturn, that the schematics need some updating. The outcome may fulfill a prophecy. The structure itself will create more…almost like a living immortality, a temple of a kind. Pisces sees the sorrows and chronic sicknesses like addictions, while also seeing the visions and dreams of the Miracles yet to come! Our attention shifts percentage to making sufficient changes for a successful future.

With Saturn in Pisces, there will be less wandering aimlessly, confirmation of the realities of dreams, daily visible progress, oceanic environmental laws to be made. They will survey the seas and shores, the importance of millions of miles of shorelines, prevention of pollution – debris and chemicals, assurance of abundant long term ocean harvests. Saturn may find himself on an ocean safari while in Pisces, or gone on the wind taking the computers to the surf zone when the surf’s up, whichever continent that may be on! Working from ‘home’ takes on new meaning! Really! Can be done! Motherly Cancer may find herself proud to be involved with new enterprises along theses lines.

Pluto makes that stupendous 248 year sign change into Aquarius Mar 23, 2023! We need Aquarius to be strong, in working order, integrated and grounded among ourselves, in our communities, internationally. 

We need to strengthen our Aquarian young people, our future leaders, and all Aquarians! Pluto is tough on the sign it is in and at the same time empowers them! Pluto’s sign Scorpio squares, challenges Aquarius, so Pluto will be especially tense in Aquarius. Growing pains take strength. Take time to listen, cheer them on. Admire their broad scope, how they get teams going, their care for humanity and our planet, their inventions and science. Help them know how to carry on even when they are not appreciated or understood. They are so intelligent, ahead of their time, that not everyone will understand their work, yet the work needs doing.

Preparation for Pluto entering Aquarius will take steady and dedicated work, staying focused. Everything about how groups and friendships work, even now the Souls who can do this need to be gathered and trained and to practice. The importance and techniques of research, knowing how change is brought about successfully, are the goals. The foundation needs to be set. It has been and will continue to be explored, tested and trialed by Saturn and in the remaining 2022. 

Pluto in Aquarius will bring a new time. Pluto is Scorpio’s planet and Pluto/Aquarius are not exactly ‘compatible.’ Pluto has a ton of charisma, yet is as much private as Aquarius can’t help but bring attention by his simple presence. AQ is exotic, super intelligent, often revels in neon colors, odd/unique looks and attire, has electric static. He can get attention for being THE archetypal loner, or the brilliant head of a world humanitarian organization. Pluto is used to going it alone and having plenty of behind the scenes power, but Aquarius may be calling on the pantheon that collectively has more power than Pluto and his corporations! Transparency is called for. Pluto is going to have some adjusting to do. He may be concerned for loss of privacy, be a bit jealous too. At the very worst, there could be power struggles for world rule, including genocide. Or they will synthesize for mutual goals. They will do fundraising like never seen before! Pluto may gather the world’s top wealthy humanitarians and sustainable advocates and make governments of countries look small in comparison. Since these groups will have no governmental constraints, they may bring the world together when governments couldn’t. By comparison, the financially unsupported United Nations may become passé, or it’s possible, its structure already in place, it may be revitalized! Comprehensive large scale inventor/researcher work could do very well to sustain and amplify their efforts. 

Pluto will be in Aquarius 21 years, until January 2044! 

All the Aquarian flavored aspects we had in 2021, early 2022, have given us a head start. We’ll do Pluto in Aquarius better! Pluto was last in Aquarius 246 years ago, 1777 to 1799, a 22 year period of worldwide uproar and change – American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution in England. And it won’t be any different this time! Guarantee! So get your friends and alliances/networks in working order, stand up, get used to acting progressively, and be ready to roll! Some will mightily resist; others will persist with new ideas. Change will beget change. Take a peek at what Patrick Watson has to say on Pluto per sign historically. Check out what Lynn Hayes has to say about what Dylan Love has to say on transhumanism

Since that last 246 years ago we now have bombs, climate change, a pandemic, electronic communication, robotics, and a helluva a lot more people on the planet. In the 1700s there were an estimated 603M, at the end of 2021, 7.9B. Water and weather wars are possible. Actually, water wars are already starting – pollution prevention, Detroit, Standing Rock. We need to reassess our mandates for leadership – age and both physical and mental health. There are going to be some bumps. Some say, after the kinks are worked out, there will be a ‘Golden Age!’ Make it so. Or maybe that would be just toooo boring and other things will happen, LOL! Next! Evolution is no quitter!

Young people born around 2003 will be about 20 in March 2023 and from 20 until they are 41, they will live this period. Their lives will be about this world changing time. Help them now. Prepare them to be strong and steady leaders. Strengthen everything Aquarius in your life. Cancer may feel called on to specially prepare and assist these young people. She has plenty of grassroots experience working with her local community. She simply shifts the scale to the world community. Just like any Mom coordinating the family, she collaborates with other Moms of the World Family! 

Enjoy these powerful intense times! The possibilities are compelling!

The Galactic Center, Fixed Star Algol and Planet Pluto!

All three of these are dark characters! The GC is a gigantic black hole! Algol has a dark reputation, ie beheadings, when your lights go out. Pluto, ruler of the underworld, is the furthest planet from the Sun, the darkest and frozen to boot!

Fixed star ALGOL and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sagittarius. Whenever one is activated, so is the other. Algol and the GC have an oblique off center position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!  See more about the spiritual side…

Algol’s bad rep, strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the Galactic Center when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Their off center relationship may take you on the road less followed, so to speak. There is a draw to explore. Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most. 

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If in neighboring signs, only 3 or less degrees might be used. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 27 Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Anytime it is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol. That period started Feb 2020, virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022 on the Full Wolf Moon, Aug 29, Nov 16. 

Pluto has been having the Algol experience, and is one of the few who can stand up under this trial. Very luckily, the trine is the most favorable angle, so though not unscathed, he survives. Both Pluto and Algol are respected and incur life and death situations. One hopes the trine bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs, like Capricorn, especially being the last Earth sign, are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Stay calm in the face of violence, even your own anger. Shift your connections so better can happen. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

Cancer has always been a caring Mother type and been good in business. Behind the scenes, late 24 to 29  degree Cancers may be cutting a deal with Algol! They understand the pains they have shared at the hands of brutality, being misunderstood and demonized. A part of what they do may have an element of revenge, like diverting monies away from people who commit financial theft in their dealings with unknowing people. If Pluto is square with them, they will include him in a good way. The Galactic Center distributes knowledge equally. Together they all can make a significant difference. And that’s good business! 

Returns! Returns are a special time when the planet comes back to your original birth point. It reminds you of the purity of its purpose in your life. Saturn refreshes your outlook on your Dharma, the work of your Soul. Jupiter refreshes your gift of how you teach!

Those of you with your Saturn’s from 18 Aquarius to 7 Pisces will be having your 28/29 year Saturn Returns in Cancer’s year! 

11/12 year Jupiter Returns will be from 28 Pisces to 7 Taurus in this Cancer year.  

Lunar patterns!

Late 2022-23:

New Moons Sep and Oct 2022 are at 2 degrees. Nov to Feb 2023 are at 1 degree. March is at 0. Aquila’s Fixed Star Altair is at 1 Aquarius.
Full Moons Oct 2022 to April 2023 are at 16 degrees! 7 Months! Orion’s Fixed Star Rigel is at 16 Gemini!

Those of you with factors at or within 3 degrees of these will be activated! Set your goals for these periods and approach them progressively from every angle, every sign! Your project will gain volume and wholeness as you go ~ Lay out your plan per sign then expect to update as you grow with it and more possibilities become apparent, available! 

Bless your beautiful hearts, Cancers! There aren’t words enough to thank you for all we feel!

Updated for each sign

For more details see your
2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! See your astrologer for how they connect with your personal chart!



Special thanks to Danielle at Gather Victoria for the image and text! 

So inspired by these many summer solstice food traditions, I decided to a do a little baking ritual of my own – midsummer sun cookies! Infused with herby aromatic flavours and flowers of the sun (like rosemary, thyme, lavender, and sage) then coloured golden with a few drops of orangey St.John’s tincture and adorned with symbols of the sun – they would be food magic indeed.

Special Treat to celebrate Summer Solstice! Edible flower petals on Honey Cookies!

And I think they turned out beautifully.  So if you’re looking for a way to mark the turn of the seasons and connect with mother nature, celebrate Gathering Day. Summer solstice festivities traditionally occurred somewhere between June 20th to early July according to differing calendars. So you have plenty of time! They are almost too pretty to eat!

Happy Birthdays, Dear, Dear, Cancers!

Cancer 2022 Glacier Natl Park Two Medicine Campground Jennifer Nealy

Take some time out… Caravan someplace special this summer! Glacier National Park, which is over a million acres in size, is tucked in the far north of Montana, right on the Canadian border. In fact, the park is the first international peace park, together with Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada. Both parks are filled with mountains and valleys carved from glacial forces, and both have active glaciers, too. This is Two Medicine Campground by Jennifer Nealy

Have a Sweet Summer and a Fine Year!


See the entire Cancer Newsletter! Newsletter Topics:

 Saturn in Pisces, Work of the Soul, Dharma!
 Pluto in Capricorn 2008 to 2024, 16 Years! 
 Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044 – 248 Years! 

Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

♦♦ For more details see your 2022 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletter to make all your plans potent and well timed! These infos plus a personal reading will contribute to your success! With your calendar in hand….

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Any of these  planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both, maybe neither! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go very well with you….

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!



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Cancer 2020 Celestial HighLights

Cancer ~ a Sign of Advocacy!

Cancer 2020 Statue of Liberty Fireworks 4th July

The Statue of Liberty is modeled after the Roman goddess of freedom, Libertas. The seven spikes on the crown represent the seven oceans and seven continents to further indicate the universal concept of liberty. In 2019 it was reported: ‘The Statue of Liberty was originally intended to celebrate the end of slavery, according to the statue’s new museum, The Washington Post reported last year.’

In the US, Cancer is the 4th of July sign, the sign of Independence, standing up in behalf of freedom! In the world, it is the sign of mothering, advocating for our children, to make them strong on their own. To protect and serve, nurture is Cancer’s instinct.

Historically Advocacy has not always been considered “advocacy.” A long time ago, back when homo sapiens had barely begun to dominate planet earth, advocacy was considered common courtesy. People lived in large groups and helped each other out when they could. That changed as societies advanced and technology came into the picture. Now there are organizations you can donate to, or still do the one on one like helping a next door neighbor. Today, it is more organized to provide more aid to more people throughout the world that do not have anyone with enough power to provide and aid them nearby. Advocacy has become a global responsibility rather than a local one and needs more funding, more political support and more power to become something even greater. ~ Excerpts paraphrased from Cara Morgan at the Borgen Project.

Advocate for yourself! Who you are, just as you were born to be, is your one and only mission on the planet. You are the only person made to precisely do exactly what you do. You hold a unique position at the crossroads of humanity. Yes, given time, as the planets change, so will you. You may always hold one dream, or fulfill a cascade of surprising talents you readily find yourself doing! You may serve as a steadying anchor, while the world swirls around us, or as a shooting star lighting the path as you travel, gathering an array of fellow wanderers going where needed the most at the moment.

Advocate for women, women for women! Find your powerful place in the world that you may encourage others. We women have our vulnerabilities. Some of them are learned and can be unlearned with understanding, wise counseling, education. Spend time with role models who are making a difference in a good way. Look for integrity. Give praise frequently. We are not perfect, make mistakes, at times we need a helping hand. Pay it forward.

For Children and Parents! Children need special time together safely. They may need medical help, encouragement to learn. Their parents may need time for themselves. Some families need financial support. Intervention may at time be needed in cases of child abuse, domestic violence, addictions. Everyday families need to go more different places, meet people of different cultures ~ invite them along if possible. Even walking to the park may be more than a breath of fresh air. Be there.

NOW is a time to rethink your choices! As a young person, someone whose life has gone flat, an older adult, see what else there can be! Times change. What your parents think is not necessarily in accord with how old you have become in today’s different world. Reach higher! If you want but don’t know how, start asking around, find out what you need to know and how to do it. If the Virus took your ‘career,’ see how you can use your acquired talents on new work that betters the planet! Contribute! As an older adult, take on something you used to think about. You couldn’t/didn’t do it then, but maybe now IS the time! Like always, get the help YOU need! You can do it!

There are so many options! So many ways to protect, serve, nurture!

Women as scientists, researchers, teachers
Farmers, food sustainability, ecology, animal rights
Business, equal wages, upward mobility, business and home ownership
Leadership positions, political power
Racial equality, sexual respect, religious respect, cultural honoring
Nutritious organic food, health and medical services of all kinds
Arts, Music, Sports

Men and Women for Humanity We are in a powerful time to make a difference. Whether you are quietly in the background or blazing out front, let your Spirit, the Voice of your Soul, be heard. If you don’t know how to do that, look it up online, see how others are doing it. Some will not be your way, others will surprise you with sensible answers you never thought of yet can seem so obvious when you are ready. If you are the Tiger Spirit, with the Heart of the Horse, see how other leaders are progressing successfully. Find organizations that are making a steady impact. Join them or stand on your own, or start your own organization. You will learn quickly, make some mistakes, recover quickly and invent some new ways of your own! Go for it! Thank you all!

Men and Women in behalf of our Planet The planet, like animals, trees, water, doesn’t have a voice of its own as we do. Same as with children and with many suffering peoples. And we are all bonded; we are all One. We all need water, breathe the same air. Act, speak for the ones who can’t speak. Be a representative with skills. Have supportive family and friends. Get comfort along the way. This is usually a long battle, but see how mistakes or failures were made, do better. Maybe the right time is now. Even a few years can make a huge difference. Recovery is no longer enough. Make it better!

Honorably Protect, Serve and Nurture! Make us proud.

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Cancer 2020 Celestial Highlights!  

July 13-14 2020 Jupiter at Opposition, Antares!

Night of July 13~14 – Jupiter at Opposition! The giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. It will be brighter than any other time of the year and will be visible all night long. This is the best time to view and photograph Jupiter and its moons. A medium-sized telescope should be able to show you some of the details in Jupiter’s cloud bands. A good pair of binoculars should allow you to see Jupiter’s four largest moons, appearing as bright dots on either side of the planet.

Thanks always to Bruce McClure & Deborah Byrd for our heavenly treats at EarthSky!

As fellow astronomer AstroBob says, We live here – can you believe it?’ 

Cancer 2020-21 Timeline!


17 Mercury RX to June 24 DOUBLE RETROGRADE
20/21 Summer Solstice, New Moon Solar Eclipse
21 Happy Father’s Day
24 Venus Direct!
29 Retrograde Jupiter conjunct Pluto


 Saturn returns to Capricorn
4/5  Happy 4th!  Full Buck Moon Lunar Eclipse
20   SECOND New Moon
27   Retrograde Jupiter sextile Neptune

Cancer Overview of  the Year to Come!

Cancer 2020 Bridging Past to Future City

We are walking the bridge of time from Past to Future. Cancer is a Portal and it happens every day, minute by minute!

In 2020 we are finishing the sequence of aspects that will strongly affect the Nov 3 Presidential Elections. It started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic, a once every a 248 year event that was at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The eleven months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects finished Nov 8, led up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 was Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius.

In 2020, Jupiter exactly conjuncted the Pluto/Ecliptic position 18 Capricorn 58 on Feb 26! In addition, Oct 12, 2020, Jupiter sextiles Neptune at 18 Capricorn 45! Notice how that 18th degree comes up so many times! We are meant to remember, be reminded not to forget, to work it steadily.

The aspects before Jan 12 2020 prepared us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the March 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changed signs into Aquarius! The last Jupiter Sextile Neptune Oct 12 will carry the energy on late into 2020 just before the Nov 3 Elections. The question will be, just what exactly do we mean to do with Pluto now below the Ecliptic?

The CROWN! March 21 2020 When Saturn was about to leave Capricorn, the three outer planets, along with activator Mars, were in culmination, as close as they could get, all four in a 7 degree Stellium! Pluto was at 23°. Peter Novak has studied outer planet stelliums and found that in the last 2000 years, allowing a 5 degree range, there were only 23 three outer planet stelliums! Yes, if he had allowed 7 degrees, there would be more, but still, they are uncommon. See all about The Crown!

There were extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other was resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean.

I first posted about what I dubbed The Crown in December 2018. Little did I know that by now, we would be dealing with the CoronaVirus/COVID-19 pandemic. In Latin, Corona(virus) is Crown. The four planets in the Crown stellium are 1) Mars (infections) is the activator planet of the Crown. 2) Jupiter expands (travels, spreads) 3) Pluto both kills and heals (financial-market). 4) Saturn (quarantines, closings, canceling major events, no work) is the scientist trying to stop it. This is the impending matter Saturn will continue to face while in Aquarius, the sign of humanity. 

The invisible aspect running in the background was a preview of Saturn square Uranus! The minute Saturn entered Aquarius March 21, they were square in less than 5 degrees! They hovered just about 5 degrees apart until May 10/11 when Saturn retrograded, will return to Capricorn July 1. Saturn makes his final entry into AQ Dec 16, 2020. By Jan 2 2021, they are back in 5 degrees range again, getting closer until their first exact square Jan 17, 2021 at 7 AQ! They square their 2nd time June 14 at 13 AQ, and their last time Dec 23 at 11 AQ. For now they are experiencing the energy. Difficulties are hinted at, dancing around each other. They are getting used to the friction, differences of style, working at solutions, thinking on things. See more…

April 4, 2020 started the three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter cleans out the remaining nest then regroups and prospers. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happened on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Whatever demons or glory, tragedies or triumphs formidable Saturn with Pluto shall have faced, Jupiter will optimistically pick up the pieces, repurpose, or create worse! Jupiter can make bad bigger before it gets better. If it isn’t worse, Pluto will see the promise of mega profit financially and spiritually. It will be an explosion of clearing for future works, secrets discovered, major funding attained, ‘keepsakes’ will be in the plans to be built ~ like a mini renaissance! Bad will be healed, the rest is hallelujah! LOTS of big news! Super power plays will abound as the Nov 3 Presidential Election approaches.

Heads up! April 4 and June 29 Jupiter conjuncts Pluto the first and second times. From the second week in March through July, most potently April 4 through June 29, Jupiter closely conjuncts Pluto the entire time! Along with the excellent possibilities, sadly, it can be mass tragedy, even evil personified. More powerful secrets made, concealment and lies to cover. Be ready to help, protect yourself and others until this period passes. Seriously start making alliances with capable and trusted family, friends and associates now. Keep your emergency kit and supplies up to date for on-the-ground environmental conditions possible in your area, have a plan in place. The aspects will be potent at 21 to 26 Capricorn. If you have factors at or very close to those degrees you may be called into action. Challenges for Aries, Libra and Cancer, Gemini, Aquarius and Leo. More easy for Taurus and Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The third and final Jupiter conjunct Pluto is Nov 12, at 22 Capricorn, the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto! This aspect is the last major aspect link of the whole set that started Oct 30, 2018! It carries the experience of the previous two Jupiter/Pluto aspects, Truth and justice may come. Jupiter empowerment may make it that bad prevails. It may be time to stabilize your wealth for future progress! It is the upcoming aspect when the Scorpio Presidential Elections are held Nov 3 2020. Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time. All told, this election will have far reaching effects.

 Two outer planets, Saturn and Jupiter, change signs during Cancer’s coming year. Dec 2, 2019 when Jupiter skipped into Capricorn, instead of 3 planets in their own signs, we then had 3 outer planets in ONE sign, Capricorn – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto! The 3 outer planets were in Capricorn until Saturn entered Aquarius March 21, 2020! Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn July 1, 2020, and again, there will be 3 in Capricorn until Saturn makes his final shift into Aquarius Dec 16, 2020. Saturn will again be in his own, a more conservative sign, Capricorn, along with Jupiter and Pluto, for the presidential elections. See more about Saturn in Capricorn 

1940/41, 1983, and very briefly in 1998, 3 outer planets were potently together in the same sign but in different signs each time. If you include Chiron, it will be 50 years before three outer planets, will be in a same sign again, and it will be potent right from the start! Jupiter conjuncts Pluto and Chiron at 2 and 3 degrees ARIES, March 13, 2070! With stelliums, like these, the planets bring their different talents together, have like mind, and are in Unity of Purpose per the sign they are in!

Saturn in Capricorn prefers steady progress. When in Aquarius Saturn keeps a keen watch on whatever surprising opportunities become available and looks to broad future potential. He leaves old withering ways behind. Wisely done, he will prosper in coming times.

Jupiter is in Capricorn all of 2020 until its late in the year, Dec 19 entry into Aquarius just three days after Saturn’s final entry into Aquarius! It gets things done in Capricorn, though finds certain constraints to its natural do-anything-anytime nature. Education and travel are proving to be limited, as expected. But Jupiter sees further than limitations and converts them to assets! New business plans are already in the offing. New opportunities abound! Jupiter in Capricorn!

Jupiter in Aquarius will bring a year of exceptional opportunities. Saturn’s entry into Aquarius virtually shut down the airlines; Jupiter will revive them given certain conditions! Airlines, electronics, communications, organizations for sustainable change will flourish at new levels. Many patents will be filed, robotics included. Jupiter in Aquarius!

Jupiter loves unstable ground, relishes making all the quick clever adjustments! Saturn is experienced in Aquarius now and can handle the boisterous Jupiter Aquarius frolicking. He already knows there are genius ideas afoot sometimes disguised as if there are no cares in the world! He sees it is just that freedom that makes them possible! He is able to tap the connections, make astute changes quickly, grab them while they are available ~ any moment Jupiter could run off to anywhere! The changes can enhance his business immeasurably! Jupiter’s current sign is where the good fortune is! Be ready to shift certain investments, adjust projects to include new, additional goals, especially those oriented to humanistic and planetary wellbeing. Aquarius will be delighted because as a researcher/thinker he doesn’t always get out to play, and Jupiter plays big. Jupiter even ups the amps on Aquarius’s own far thinking, and that is a rare thing to happen! Isn’t life grand?! Saturn may find himself on safari with Jupiter, or gone on the wind taking the computers to the surf zone when the surf’s up, whichever continent that may be on! Working from ‘home’ takes on new meaning! Really! Can be done!

Jupiter in Aquarius is like lightning! Things will happen quickly. This will be one of those periods when time itself seems speeded up! Jupiter in AQ knows the importance of immediate networking planet wide and how short a year’s window can be. Saturn has already been laying the groundwork. The possible collaboration of this team can have outstanding results much sooner than expected.

May 13 2021, Jupiter enters PISCES! It gives us a brief preview, retrogrades at 2 Pisces June 20! Magic happens! Jupiter travels the world, while Pisces travels the Spirit! Jupiter is a fiery planet so it may take a little getting used to Neptune’s Pisces waters. Yet, Jupiter loves speed sports, surfing, sailing, anywhere, the bigger the waves the better! Jupiter philosophizes, tries to be just, to plan the best big future. Pisces talks with God, is psychic to the furthest realms, compassion his ruler. Jupiter may be harshly opinionated and Pisces can be an unable lost addict. Jupiter can be unkind; Pisces can be in denial, beyond caring. The other side of Jupiter is generous, can give hope, teach others to have faith beyond measure. He can help Pisces face the truth, Pisces knows he is lovingly regarded no matter what. Against the odds, recovery can happen. This can be one person in his own struggle or you working your piece for the world.

 With The Crown and Saturn’s sign change into Aquarius, a new powerhouse set of aspects began. Saturn’s sign change has more significance than at first glance. It started a long chain of Aquarian/Uranian aspects through Feb 2022. Saturn remains in Aquarius until March 7 2023, when it slips into Pisces only 16 days before Pluto’s sign change into Aquarius March 23, 2023! All the coming Aquarian/Uranian aspects prepare us for Pluto’s sign change! When Pluto comes, Aquarius will be as able and ready as possible. We need to strengthen Aquarius because Pluto rules Scorpio, a sign that can be ruthless, not usually friendly with Aquarius. Groups, both good and bad will be powerful. Coalitions could form or could be murdered. Even being healed can be uncomfortable. Sometimes it’s tough to get genius Aquarian’s attention. Looks like it is going to take Pluto to get Aquarius to focus to use all his extraordinary mental molecules. Pluto’s role as the Phoenix that rises from its own ashes, mixed with the valence of Aquarius the Awakener’s powers, one way or another, will have unprecedented results. There will be a learning curve, some bad, some great. Things will dramatically never be the same as we have known it again.

Pluto will be in Aquarius for 21 years, until January 2044! All those Aquarian flavored aspects will give us a head start. We’ll do Pluto in Aquarius better! Pluto was last in Aquarius 248 years ago, 1777 to 1799, a 22 year period of uproar and change all over the world. And it won’t be any different this time! Guarantee! So get your friends and alliances/networks in order, stand up, get used to acting progressively, and be ready to roll!

Dec 21, Winter Solstice, Jupiter and Saturn merge their efforts in what is called the Great Conjunction! This is Jupiter’s first aspect in Aquarius and is the first aspect of the Aquarian sequence! The conjunction occurs every 18 – 20 years – not so rare. However, this time it is in Aquarius! The last time it was in Aquarius was 1405! The next will be in 2080. So when you see people saying it’s rare, it is and it isn’t! Jupiter will cheer Saturn up, get away with laughing with him and at him! They will have fun and Saturn’s business with thrive. When it is serious it will be VERY serious. Then they will laugh again and carry on like that never happened!

2021 starts with four more Aquarian aspects. Jupiter initiates connections with Chiron and Uranus. They are just once each, Jan 11 Jupiter in AQ sextile Chiron, Jan 17 square AQ’s planet Uranus. Jupiter is first considering purpose, plans, perspective. Saturn carries these planetary connections to Chiron and Uranus throughout 2021. Feb 9 Saturn in AQ steps in sextile Chiron, then Feb 17 squares AQ’s planet Uranus! Saturn will make these aspects three time each. If Jupiter hits the nail on the head, Saturn will anchor it to build on further. Chiron the healer/teacher in Aries, the Leader, is called on first to guide the way. Then Uranus is challenged. Friendships and alliances will shift due to new needs. At first there may be a seeming standstill as decisions are made, but the situation is brewing just the same. Initially there can be some false starts, mistakes, trial and error needed in this new territory, but things will get sorted out. We’re working with new materials and everyone is adjusting.

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus will make the last semisextiles of their 13 yearlong sets of aspects Mar 31 and May 3 2021! For now they remain closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Those of you with your Saturn’s from 25 Capricorn to 13 Aquarius will be having your 28/9 year Saturn Returns!
See your 2020 Annual Special Edition to take stock of your midyear position, adjust your plans to make the rest of your changes really count.

Thank you, Cancers, for keeping the wheels of awareness turning every 27/28 days! Few realize how much changes so quickly and the strength it takes to stay with it. Right now we are bridging some mighty gaps and need you so much.

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Outer Planet Transits with Cancer 2020 – June 2021!

Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter

Cancer 2020 Bread Baking

It’s in your hands… Sprinkle the stardust to perfection, make a perfectly tasty year!

Outer planets are the long term movers. Pluto and Neptune move only 3 degrees a year. Uranus orbits at 84 years, and Chiron at 51 years. They are advancing about 4 degrees a year for now. Saturn takes 28/29 years to make its orbit, Jupiter only 12 years, a sign a year! Depending on astrological patterns, some ‘events’ in our lives take many years, where others may happen toot sweet, right on or very near the date the event is exact! Some ‘events’ are not physical, but in our minds or Spirits. No one might ‘see’ them but you. Complex planetary patterns may overlap each other or be singular and direct. Some repeat; others are once in a lifetime. Some people have aspects others never have. Others have had aspects you won’t have until much later or you experienced as a child. Your astrologer can help you with your personal timing, understanding and strategies.

  1. Pluto, and while in Capricorn with Saturn, in his own sign, and Jupiter, has focused Capricorn powerfully!  Capricorn is of the high peaks rocks, the most dense form of earth. He works hard for success, a name. Pluto is a force to be reckoned with, life and death, while Jupiter has his opinions and judges what is right and wrong.  When they all collaborate, their work is current and well organized.
  2. Neptune in water sign Pisces brings seemingly impossible dreams, insights and visions! It may take some extra time to decipher, get it all as clear as Neptune intends it to be, but is so inspiring it is worth the work. Sometimes Neptune, as a dreamer, is not entirely clear himself, needs help to find the words.
  3. Uranus in Taurus is a contrary combination, both fast and slow, more complex than meets the eye. Uranus is Aquarius’s planet, indicating sudden changes, punctuated by lightning strikes. Taurus is Earth herself. There is nothing bigger. Taurus is Turtle Earth, while Uranus is the heavens above keeping watch!
  4. Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries are planets in fire and air signs. Saturn is the only one keeping any order! If Saturn offers a project with teeth, they may all bite! Jupiter ups the amps, widens the horizon. Aquarius’ unique futuristic ideas are delightful. AQ is a bit breezy, sometimes stormy, with plenty of views. In Aries, Chiron wants to heal the whole crew quickly! He may be a bit uppity in Aries, but is also a good business person, a leader into new investments!
  5. Jupiter previews Pisces starting May 13 2021. It could be lost in a major fog or a mystical walk on water! A remarkable winner swimmer is likely, and encounters with huge marine creatures! Cruise lines will soon be flourishing again, hopefully cleaner now. Photography, arts, concerts will make big news! There can be major suffering for those we refer to as less fortunate, that’s the poor, imprisoned, institutionalized, the lost immigrant children, addicts those with infirmities. We hope for justice and significant reform. Education may become more available and student scholarships forgiven. Scams, and Truth will out all. Meditation and Miracles.

PLUTO is still in Capricorn but is changed and still changing since Oct 30, 2018 when it made the rare 248 year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic and is now below the Ecliptic, in its own underworld! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path around earth! Pluto’s debris was lighted, declared to be outmoded, cleared away. He was not only cleared, but became free to be charged with energy beyond imagination! His healing powers have increased exponentially! He gave that very energy to Sun and the Light itself is now more clear and radiant! So fresh, this is a powerful time for all of us, but especially Capricorns because this HAPPENED IN THEIR SIGN! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio or Capricorn, have also been cleared and infused! Some will go to the Light, others might need some time out to be able to stand up again. None of these factors, Capricorn, Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested and is still testing even them.

Pluto is moving from 22 to 26 Capricorn during Cancer’s year to come. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, acts according to its being of the sign before Sag. In Capricorn it acts as if it is in the sign after Sagittarius. Their combination represents the sequence of these three signs, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn. Scorpio seeks what’s within, then Sagittarius travels beyond the within, learning, teaching, meeting the citizens of the world. Capricorn takes that knowledge and puts it to work using Sag’s good looks and spectacular foresight to choose the most favorable pathways. Pluto is water, but also Kundalini fire at the base of your spine! Cap is earth. Water and Earth can be a dam, the pottery on the wheel, or make adobe bricks for building homes, cement to hold the stones in place. Both water and earth can put out dangerous fire or make a moat to hold a fire safely.

Pluto’s job is to cleanse, detox and heal. It’s a water planet. It often lives behind the scenes, can be a ninja fighter and make tons of money. As a fighter, Pluto can defend the Cancer hearth or take it for his own. He can scan for toxic chemicals, pollution, the Virus, and long held dying thinking that needs a new base in current times. He keeps a keen eye on Cancer because he recognizes Cancer’s intuition at work. Pluto’s financial connections and shaman healing powers can help Cancer through some really tough times. A new foundation is being built for sustainable support planet wide. Pluto knows quite well where the money is, whether and for what purposes it is available. Some may be funneled to research, some donated for saving worthy causes, building for the long term future. Cancer may join forces, do business for and with these ventures. At the personal level, Pluto is known for his sexual capacity and tantric techniques, mates for life. Cancer may be asked to be his loyal partner. Pluto in Capricorn needs to ask, not demand, let go of any jealousies or sense of ownership, let his partner breathe, not control or crowd. Cancer may love the security, but not for heavy prices. Cancers can easily do business on their own and find another more mature Pluto.

NEPTUNE is in his own sign Pisces. He is a water planet in the last water sign, the last sign of the zodiac, seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Neptune is dreamer, music lover and maker, the compassionate empath, spiritualist. In fearful times, denial happens and in sorrowful situations can be the addict. Those of you with chart factors 18 to 23 degrees will be activated with this pure energy!

Water sign Cancer views that great sea of life, ocean with pleasure, knows how different it is from little rivulets and streams she may be used to. Neptune would give Cancer a complete cleansing bath, rolling her around in the waves or carry her little craft far to sea, on his soothing waves where she can let go… She can be taken in. She understands his feelings though they are immense and timeless compared to her daily feedings, answering the needs of others. She may enjoy time out from their constant need of her, and at the same time see the great needs of whole groups of beings. Neptune can inspire her art, giving it a greater depth and perspective. She can come to see what she thought was surreal is a kind of reality, even a heightened form of spiritual ecstasy. These days many are immersed in grief. Cancer may find herself meditating and it helps. Things she feared may not seem so much so anymore, she is loosened from her restraints. Things she thought she would never do might become a central part of her life. She is more inquisitive than ever!

URANUS, Aquarius’s planet, covers 6 to 13 Taurus! In Taurus it will anchor and build on change worthy ideas that need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network. Those ideas need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us to be effortlessly carried on. A lot of earth changes we are witnessing are massive, coming suddenly, including pandemic COVID-19 and worldwide protests! The very land is changing, affecting food supplies, water sources, air quality and location choices about where to live. Most currently there is a lot of financial instability. We need to have backup funds, supplies, to stay flexible. See more about the Aries to Taurus sign change.

Taurus invents simple. To freedom lover Uranus, being in Taurus may feel too slow, too close for comfort, so unexciting. Taurus may freak out, and they rarely do, at the sudden upsets to his routines. Or Uranus being in his sign may be the most fun he’s had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Uranus computer types are shocked to find walking barefoot tickles your feet! You become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! It’s a whole new dimension compared to that desk chair in the still dead-air recycled plastics scented office! Taurus may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Supercharged divine body electric!

Uranus, being Aquarius’s planet, has flight feathers, surveys the terrain. Uranus the futurist in Taurus is bringing elemental ancient ways back into practice but in new ways! Earth changes are happening, new seeds being planted. Uranian teams are already working the shift all over the world! The word ‘recovery’ is no longer enough. We don’t want it like it was before! What an astonishing attunement for the better of all! Support like this has never happened so profoundly before! We are at a crossroads. Colossal shifts can take place very quickly.

Cancer is fine with strong Taurus steadying things, feels safe. Aquarius would never say there is ‘no place like home.’ She knows the wind is up! Yet she sees all the new kinds of nurturing and community work going on. That’s perfect. She is excited to be a part of the new growth, especially when it involves children and schooling, the arts and music. She finds her niche and offers what she can. She may never have had a garden before and loves babying the little plants. She’s a fast learner and remembers what she learns. She’s a great teacher, a leader of her tribe. Soon her whole family is involved! Might even have to remodel the kitchen or open her own restaurant when the time is right! There might be some strange new friends, but she’s in favor. She has learned so much. Get them registered to vote!

CHIRON will be in Aries through 2027. In Cancer’s year, he will cover 4 to 12 Aries, activating any factors you have at or very close in those degrees. Chiron has been and will be traveling very closely to the same degrees as Uranus, the Aquarian planet, but in different signs! This has been going on since 2008 and continues through 2021, 13 years. See more. Chiron has become more future and humanitarian minded and Uranus has taken on some shamanistic qualities. There is a subtle camaraderie with Aquarius, the sign Saturn is in now until July 1, and Jupiter will be in Dec 19, 2020. In Aries, the first of the zodiacal signs, Chiron is becoming a more fiery shaman, takes unprecedented healing action, bold leadership! Aries is new, and we have needed its courage to deal with the new Virus. Uranus’s sign change into Taurus is grounding the thunder maker. There has been a shift in the foundation that is starting to hold steady. When one level stabilizes we are ready for the next shift…

If you have Chiron in these degrees, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about the head, brain and eyes. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too! In Aries, loving independence, he may start his own business and but be reluctant to marry…

Chiron was mythologically a renowned teacher of healing due to personal experience attempting to heal his own wounds. Cancer may find Chiron to be a bit bossy in Aries, but the info is good and comes at a time it is so needed! We are so hoping for a vaccine for the virus ASAP, and the protests are needing us to heal racial schisms, ways of treating each other. Aries prods, inspires, leads us to the latest options, ones that have come along without our realizing it. Once we are improved, healed, we can take up being a healer ourselves, in our own way, and teach others about our discoveries. Chiron in Aries is an innovative business leader. The whole world is excited to see what will spring out of the dark days of the Virus and protests. No one can go back to the way it was. Many things will be better than before, keepers that are more satisfying and productive. Chiron is healing the quality of leadership itself!

With the Virus and protests, we see how quickly and irrevocably a wound can happen, even inadvertently, that others can be more vulnerable than we. We vow to be just a little less quick or sharp, give others the benefit of the doubt. At the same time Chiron shows us how strong we are and to be glad and proud of that. Maybe we screwed up, but living in infinite guilt is no service to ourselves or others. Chiron is truly a healer. He knows all healers make mistakes. It goes with the territory, being human. We are humbled and we learn. We work harder to be steady and well as an example that it can be done. Many overcome against great odds, may still be damaged, but become great leaders able to make tremendous contributions at the same time! Give it a chance, please.

Cancer is always putting that band aid on the knee. She is on board with Chiron upping the amps on healing, in fact has been learning so much as all the information has unfolded. The Aries protests have worried her. So many scary injuries, death from violence that one person can’t begin to fix. She finds herself knowing it is time to activate her entire family, community. It is calling for adjustments in education curriculums and she’s right there advocating. Aries might not be her cup of tea, but she sees what he has stirred up and is thankful it is so that we will make overdue changes. Huh. She thought she was busy before. New set of priorities now.

SATURN covers 25 Capricorn to 13 Aquarius! Sign Change!

Saturn is currently previewing Aquarius until he retrogrades back into Capricorn with Jupiter and Pluto July 1. Saturn is going back to strengthen the last part of his own sign Capricorn, careers, financial capacity, building, rightful commitments! Due to the Virus and protests, many are and will be making career adjustments. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work, or working new ways, suits you far better, or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! The experience you have depends on how Saturn is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Check with your astrologer.

Those of you with Saturn 25-29° Capricorn have your Saturn Returns now through Mar 21, 2020 and July 1 to Dec 16! Those with Saturn 25-29° will have a set of three aspects this Solar Return – one forward, one retrograde, another forward. Traditional styles will be applied to endeavors for a better future.

  1. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!
  3. Around age 87, many are now experiencing their 3rd Saturn Return! Things don’t bother them as much. They enjoy what they want to, sometimes something they always wanted to do! They say what they think. There are losses of friends and loved ones. Health matters more – they are often quite brave. Family can mean a lot or if alone, friends do. Or just being quietly alone is peaceful. Age can mean honors, even just for making it that long! Capricorn is the sign of time, elder hood. This is generally a strong time for them.

Saturn in his own sign, Earth sign Capricorn, is a force! Young people conduct themselves seriously and old people are more healthy, younger than others their age, strong and cheerful! Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the right time, being on time, are all assets. They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand science and structures – concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation – more done with less effort, uses less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost and storage space needed. They can build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves. As seniors they don’t quit. They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are truly golden – art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids! See more!

Saturn and Capricorn are planet and sign of Karma and Dharma. Karma we think of a payback. You did it good, comes back good. You did a bad and sooner or later there is a consequence. We know you can pay it forward with good payback. Clean up your life, do good with others. Dharma is thought of as doing your life work, your spiritual mission. Many a time the happiest people I have met are ones who dedicate their lives to living what their Saturn is all about! There may have been start up challenges, but they overcome those and they don’t quit. They intuitively know the spiritual laws of that business and it comes to them naturally guided in spite of whatever adversity there is.

Saturn in his own sign Capricorn is double earthy, planet and sign. Cancer is a water sign, ungovernable, yet can go with the flow, sometimes, LOL! Saturn may try to impose human power or law over the natural law of Earth, or a Cancer, but good luck with that part! Cancer is as intuitive as Capricorn is literally rock steady, lays concrete! She loves his dedication and the security he provides. In times like these he may call on her to be more dependable. We are all finding ourselves being called on this way now, depending on where Saturn is activating our astrology.

Usually that is needed to protect her. Other times it is unnatural and exploitive and sooner or later will fizzle. Death by extinction or using resources to exhaustion may have sad consequences. Saturn, by nature a Guardian, may use resources judiciously, in true harmony with the Great Spirit. If you use trees, with respect and reverence, plant more than you took in a timely fashion. As a Cancer, you will need to use supplies more judiciously, be conscious about sources that use integrity, boycott if necessary. Saturn may lend his professional connections, that can help Cancer improve her business or get one started, put medical and retirement procedures in place! Their realistic guidance, taking care of life’s important business in a timely fashion makes for peaceful sleep.

Aquarian Saturn Returns start March 21 to July 1, 2020 at 0 – 1° Aquarius! Dec 16 2020 to May 20, 2021 Returns will be from 0 – 13 Aquarius. Later, the rest of Aquarian Saturn Returns will continue May 20, 2021 through March 7, 2023. Saturn is of Capricorn, the sign before Aquarius. Saturn can set the mark. If the goal is amazing enough, all-encompassing enough to challenge Aquarian talents, AQ will be on board and continue the work! He will make a computer, computer diagrams, research materials, legends, why it can work now, for years, even centuries. It has not been possible before. Aquarians are delighted to learn new techniques and learn so quickly, you lose little time while they do. In fact, your results may become 10-fold in a lot less time than usual! If you are working on challenging new sustainable options, Aquarius will love this new humanitarian effort. Being on the same page, whatever it is for the two of you, makes for a healthy Spirit and union. Many amazing like minded friendships may come, or if you are overwhelmed or need time to recenter, you may take time away and enjoy being on your own. Aquarians love their freedom! If you are in business or want to spread the word about a project, your networking can go worldwide through well chosen social media! Concentrate on humanitarian and sustainability facets of your ventures and investments and you will thrive! Saturn in Aquarius carries on the good work for all the world and a wise Saturn has more business than ever!

At first Saturn in Aquarius may put on the brakes to stabilize and get a breath! Saturn is out of his element, things seem chaotic. Saturn can lack confidence anytime, but this is over his head. Aquarius is not surprised. All his life people have had to get to know him a bit before they relax and get with it. They have to learn the essence of freedom can’t be conquered or legislated into line. When Capricorn gets used to this new dimension, however, bam! Aquarius has a great network at his fingertips and Capricorn wastes no time making use of it. There is a learning curve, but that’s fine! It’s definitely going somewhere very soon! Aquarius’s pure genius is 100% intriguing, on the leading edge. Capricorn can go either way, hole up and go traditional. Period. Or, he can step up the research, move right into the new zone, try out the new structure, be the first and foremost! Aquarius may have to adjust to the issue of profits, but is otherwise well pleased with Saturn’s keen backing and their accomplishments together. See more about Saturn in Aquarius

Cancer knows all about Saturn, the planet of her opposite, Capricorn. Saturn can be a bit bossy at times, probably controls the purse strings, but they don’t mind as long as the projects produce working results! Saturn research protocols establish useful guidelines and there are great outcomes in short order! Quite satisfying all around.

Compared to herself, an ungovernable water sign, Aquarius is the most wild, unpredictable and freedom loving of ALL the signs! That is a challenge to Mrs Home & Family! But she is ever the scholar, curious at any change, is a keen observer. She is intuitive and sees they have community in common, each wanting a better way, things for the people. She might go to a meeting and be inspired by the comprehensiveness of their ideas. Her lifestyle may change as she adds more work. Has to let some things, that have not been as effective, go. She will make some fine unexpected new friends, good chance start a new business together. At the same time some friends won’t be seen as often, some will be left behind, or they leave you, or they may step up and join you! Some long standing relationships may dissolve abruptly, and occasionally there may be a shock. Can be bad, but more likely just what you needed let go and get going! Learning new networking skills may be challenging at first, but are so helpful it’s worth the time.

JUPITER moves from 17 Capricorn to 2 Pisces! THREE SIGNS!

Unusual and potent combination! As of July 1, when Saturn goes back into his sign Capricorn, there will again be three outer planets in one sign. They continue in Capricorn until Saturn leaves Dec 16 and then Jupiter Dec 19 2020, when both go into Aquarius! Jupiter in Cap makes work the most fun it ever was, and it is satisfyingly progressive! Jupiter could be the visitor who is remembered for all the amazing work he did! He could be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. Jupiter will help you jazz up your home, give you such good advice you can’t help doing it! They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference.

Jupiter enters Aquarius Dec 19 2020, then, drum roll, Jupiter enters PISCES May 13 2021! It will retrograde back into AQ July 28, then reenters into Pisces to stay Dec 28.

March 21 2020 Saturn went into Aquarius for a preview until July 1 when he retrogrades back into Capricorn. Again there will be three planets in Capricorn. The mission has been shifting as first the Virus, now the protests, have brought new perspectives. Jupiter has been adjusting daily. This time traveling is not an escape to anywhere since the Virus is pandemic. That really gives you things to think about!

When we get back into business as usual, don’t keep your lucky Jupiter charm. Jupiter needs to travel, check out the territories, spread the news. If you hire him, send him to the training seminars furthest away or send him to teach it! If Jupiter has too much routine, he will run away. Poof. Gone. Import/exports they are involved with might work well for you too. Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits and carefully make small trial investments on great sounding whims. Check things out. If you have doldrums or dours, Jupiter can exaggerate your condition. Yet, Jupiter is a mover, a fire planet that won’t stand still, so in no time at all, Jupiter is likely to cheer you up like a champ after all. You are encouraged because they act like you can do it, and it’s truth!  

In the meantime, get on the computer, the phone, check on various projects with people all over the world. You can still expand and extend your perimeters! Update your plans of all kinds! Do research to find the best ways. See what the outcomes of other pandemics, epidemics, have been! What were the common threads? What businesses have always survived, thrived afterwards, why, and which failed and why? What are the world’s needs today and what groups are working successfully along those lines? We’re looking for what is better than it used to be! There are so many possibilities!

Jupiter in Capricorn can exaggerate the rules, and they are righteous about it, no mincing words or wants! Jupiter can be the rule breaker because he feels justified. He can be prejudiced, narrow minded. Capricorn may be more than flustered at Jupiter interfering with Cap’s own game of rules, the outspokenness of it all. He could be a little embarrassed, or a lot delighted that Jupiter is speaking what Cap has always wanted to say! Jupiter can be a tad self-righteous or religious and Capricorn could have the same feelings about that. But too much of it doesn’t always give room to get along with the public and you could lose business. But there is also a time to do what’s right and take a stand. It will be up to you. Jupiter can also be magnanimous, openhearted to many, embracing collaboration. If Cap has erred on the exclusionary side, he may find himself expanding to further markets, extending to many cultures and styles of operation, possibly worldwide! It could be a complete revitalization!

Be a little cautious to give over your power or the keys to your kingdom to that big Jupiter habitual smile. They don’t always have your welfare in their hearts, but they look good to the rest of the world, for now. If you have been slandered, you may have to bide your time to let the truth be revealed. Or you may decide not to take it lying down. Put security in place until you get to know them well. Be alert to fraud; random check the bookkeeping. If Jupiter in Capricorn is on your side in a good way, and you have clean intent, they can help you get over hurdles, escape being imprisoned by your own doing, help you build your future! You could work together in behalf of others who are not able. Keep your chin up, look for what’s best, put it into action. See more

Cancer may be in a fluster fit. Capricorn may oppress while Jupiter cheers her on. Though more ‘dependable’ in Capricorn, Jupiter is still a love and leaver as Cancer soon finds out. Capricorn ultimately intends to be responsible and secure Cancer’s future. He’s a gem at realistic insights. Jupiter looks ahead and tries to put the plans in place, bigger plans! Cancer can get really busy and it’s good to take a few moments to update plans. Jupiter, worldwide traveler, may get Cancer a little excited and get her out and about! He has ideas about education, can recommend schools, teachers, online sites. He may have some philosophies she could be interested in that steer her life off in a new direction, could even be a business of your own!

Jupiter in Aquarius may try to stay in the computer room, but just hearing Jupiter’s voice makes Aquarian wander genes perk up! Aquarius loves change and new perspectives, a look through time. If there were spaceships available today, they would be on them! Jupiter brings a palatable education, fun, wide, full of adventurous tales of rogues and heroines! Aquarius may decide to take a motorcycle road trip in 2021, travel to some off grid shrines or oracles in foreign countries. Jupiter talks of earthly religions and etheric perceptions, aboriginal experiences, timelines of major beliefs of today. Meanings and mercy, monsters and saviors. Never a dull moment. A greater feel, bond than ever with humanity is kindled. One night, sitting in starlight by the campfire, their long term plan unfolds. Jupiter makes AQ feel great and health is better than ever, so together the launch is made. That doesn’t mean Jupiter sticks around. He could, might, but there is a good chance he will visit from time to time while others run home base.

Jupiter in AQ may run away with anyone! With Cancer they trundle off in a camper, stopping at roadside memorial sites, major national parks, places of significant history and meaning! Aquarius might take them off the beaten path. He may introduce her to all kinds of people and cultures. Aquarius might want to stay to teach and help the locals working side by side with Cancer working with the children, mothers and women. They may help with food crops, permaculture. AQ might also get bored and leave Cancer there. They could meet at some place further along or never see one another again. Jupiter is searching for meaning, perspective, in AQ needs freedom, while Cancer looks for security, a dependable mate. They each tell stories. Jupiter’s may be tall adventure tales, where Cancer’s are more personal, little incidents that touch your heart. Either one could be overwhelmed by the other. Aquarius may be scientific, Jupiter combining that with parables of right and wrong. Cancer loves, sometimes smother love, unconditionally, and it’s way too much for Jupiter in AQ! She, in her style of love, is uncomfortable with what she sees may be judgments or laughing at others. Her manner is quieter, yet she sees she is more comfortable now with more exotic conditions, the possibility of being on her own, and there are times now that she steps up!

Saturn, Capricorn’s planet, makes his final entry from Capricorn into Aquarius Dec 16, three days before Jupiter enters Aquarius Dec 19! We already will have some idea what it will be like in Aquarius because Saturn has already been in Aquarius three months of 2020. Saturn, Capricorn’s planet, shall have had some practice already knowing what freedom lover Aquarius wants! Saturn tried to tame things down at first. Jupiter was in Capricorn too, so Saturn knows about Jupiter too. In Aquarius he will undoubtedly be more UNRULY and enjoy every minute of it! Best to get them working on a cause, all their friends included, then they will all be busy doing good things, LOL! In fact, Saturn has already found out about many of their good points, like great luck and pure genius! Aha! It’s doable. If Saturn steers his business and attitudes to the planetary changes afoot, he will find his business will already be operating in place to accommodate and expedite these new boom times! People will want in on his IPO! Electronic businesses of all sorts will surge. Micro will be the word. Communications industry, online sales will do even better. Air travel and travel sports, travel in behalf of sports, will all do well. Cater to clients with fame. Emphasize education. Evolution and humanity are keywords! Jupiter will be right there shoulder to shoulder, advising Saturn every step of the way, glorying in the zest of these extraordinary new beginnings!

So what we are saying is we will have Jupiter, Saturn, and Aquarius working together! Jupiter laughs and speeds things up, Saturn holds and guides the horses, Aquarius leads them at the cutting edge!

This is not a usual time for family businesses, marriage, children. Jupiter in Aquarius is not the marrying kind. But friends will bring major contributions to your life. You might meet a swell person, but between Jupiter in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries, you need to check with your astrologer, especially while Jupiter is in Aquarius. It will likely be worth it to wait for a more auspicious time to marry unless you have several other super marriage aspects to your chart at that time and exceptional comparison aspects to your potential partner. If so, elope, don’t wait and miss the excitement! If you are buying property, select it more as an investment with a good resale value since you might move sooner than you expected.

If you have factors in Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces in your chart at these degrees, this could be prime time to visit the associated positive areas on your AstroLocality map. See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length or at certain times, some are positive appearing but have other hidden factors. Some are too good to miss!

Jupiter’s sign change into Pisces comes at the last of Cancer’s 12 months before the next Cancer year begins. That change will be a lot like Neptune in Pisces trine Cancer. Please see that above. Since Jupiter will be there too, what was already an amazing magical vision or dream in Pisces, Jupiter may expand or exaggerate it! It could become like a caricature, or be truly magnificent, involve astral travel! Cancer will be impressed or doubtful, maybe both, and maybe none of that really matters ~ a story is a story. Jupiter may call on Cancer to make music or illustrate the story and Cancer will need to decide how that will be done, whether the event has credence, the story has integrity. Jupiter could want Truth, but the truth might be his truth. That would need to be specified, perhaps. Cancer will likely give a deep rendition, a response to the spiritual core of what Jupiter in Pisces is sharing. Or Cancer could write of a nonfiction fantasy family preciously placed in a historical time! I could be a children’s series from her past life memories… Could be the start of a whole new career! Jupiter will encourage her to respond as she perceives. He knows she will develop an expanded awareness. He will publish it and it will sell. Get a good attorney and sign your contracts.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. The experience you have depends on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply or don’t to your chart . Check with your astrologer. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible for some of you. See your astrologer!

Happy Birthdays, Dear Cancers! We are making history!


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Any of these outer planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….    

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Happy Birthdays, Dear Cancers!

Cancer 2020 Celebrate MidSummer!

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Cancer 2019-20 Celestial HighLights

Cancer! Timeless Love… 

Cancer Divine Feminine Masque Four Seasons Walter Crane

Universal recognition of Divine Feminine ~ Maiden, Mother, Crone. A Masque for the Four Seasons, by Walter Crane, 1905-1909, oil on canvas

Love that crosses the generations is a precious chain of connection. Mother to daughter; daughter to child, child to their child. Though Cancer is the sign of Women, feminine, there are dear Cancer Men who are sensitive, highly educated, want to provide well, love their families above all else. Father to son, son to child, child to child. That love is cultural, develops genetically. It gets deeper and richer as time goes on. We become experts of our heritage, are proud to pass it on, hope it survives changing times. When we leave the fold, we take it with us and share it, expanding it into other’s hearts, integrating it with their cultural heritage and they share their heritage with us! We prosper together so many ways.

Love that develops as we age crosses our entire lifetime…

The Miracle, the Babe in arms…  There is nothing so deeply precious as birth, and the purity of an innocent newborn. We are touched beyond words. We see the vulnerability and feel our responsibility like never before. One tiny smile and we are melted for life. We take that tiny hand in ours and a profound lifetime bond is formed.

Maidens are full of life’s zest! They have a radiance that shines, are inspiring with their charm. Even the old men are enchanted! They remember when… Maidens have a purity of Spirit, are a bit naive, and that calls us to protect them. They bring new ideas to living and loving, making homes that their mothers didn’t, and mothers may envy. Maidens look for companions of heroic standing. Could be the Hunter, could be the office computer guy, or a leader of our times. These days many a Maiden has her own business and ups the ante. She wants an equal. A strong Father for her children who can secure the finances, get shelter for her family, who loves her Mother and will take her Mother in when Mom becomes a Crone.

Mother! Down deep, few have more power in our lives than our Mother, even if we didn’t get along. We long for a better connection. If she was lost in childbirth, we miss her. If our parents separate, we miss their connection. We unconsciously take on ways, mannerisms we think would be hers/theirs together. This amazing woman carried us in her womb, held our life in her hands. She feeds us, holds us when we have a bad dream, comforts our hurts, shows us how to potty and put on our clothes. We see her give our Pa astute advice as she comforts him too. She teaches us compassion, how to be a good person. If she’s not good at it herself, we somehow know that and if we aren’t too broken, vow to learn on our own. One way or another, she teaches us.

Wise Woman Crone, Council of Elders, Spiritual Caregivers  While strong and experienced, the body is giving way to transition. Some live fragilely, needing help; others rule with an iron fist, as if they will live forever, their own person to the end! They must be right, yes? After all, they lived that long. Yet there are those many roads to the mountain top, the edge of the world. Some are traditional, a 100% authentic basic element. Others are leaders of the new times, still carrying the village torches through the night, leading us through the darkest times! A balance is in progress between the old and new ideas that pass us by. Cancers absorb their lifetimes and have learned so much that at times they are adept at giving council. As elders, they also naturally share the Council of others in their age zone. They see perspectives others will never have, being born long ago in the times they lived. They see the consequences of certain ways and neglected matters. Cancer is the sign of intuitive cycles. They have developed a fine instinct about change and how to do it well. Listen with respect then do what is right for you.

Matriarch.  A Crone may become the Matriarch. The Family looks up to her as the eldest. She prays to do well for them. ‘Tis a great honor to be so blessed. Stand tall. Keep learning. You may roar your message or be exceedingly kind and gentle. It may take many times or be an instant hit. Choose best times to connect. Don’t neglect. We need your voice soonest. Always pray ‘Let the highest be done.’ That’s divine protection that they will take it as is best for them. Your message may simply be for getting them to think, kindling for the fire, a stepping stone to their true need. The higher Spirits, Angels, will guide you always. Thank you.

Cancer Moon Goddess - Artist Josephine WallThese precious cycles happen for men too, though commonly they are not named as such. We call them young men, Fathers, old men – without particular reverence. The Mankind Project helps men celebrate coming of age, provides initiations to the honorable stages of men’s lives, helps them attain self respect, develop givingness to others, and much more. Baby boys are adorable too. They become spirited young men, eager to find their own way, to love, to become good shareholders, contributors to the enterprise, to be active in planetary action. They can become dear husbands, dedicated Fathers to our children, guardians of our society. As wise elder men, mentors, they guide younger men coming along, the next generation. They teach life skills, save us time, get us to think more efficiently. Bless and be grateful to our champions.

Daily Companions  Cancers are treasured companions. They laugh and mourn with us. They tell us when we are really being ridiculous and we listen because we know they care ~ and likely there is a grain of truth in what they are saying. We cook, break bread and give each other recipe books, remodel the kitchen together! It’s really the recipe of Life we are learning. Shopping is terrific, comparing prices, getting important things we will use daily, baby clothes to antique furniture. Buying a home together is ultimate. No nook or cranny is overlooked when a Cancer is around. Art, music and family photos fill our homes and hearts. It’s great to share Meaningful Milestones! First date, prom. Off to college, first job. Marriages, first home, first baby, first teeth, all the graduations! Pictures and albums, mementos are sweet documents. One day you might find yourself mining the genealogy of your ancestors!

Sacred Goddess Gaia, Earth Mother  In the highest sense of the Divine Feminine, we look to taking care of our planet and humanity. Our Planet is our home. She needs care ~ clean air and water, safe living conditions, protected creatures, plants. Motherhood takes on new dimensions as the whole planet gets connected through the internet. We are becoming a world village and realize what affects one, affects us all as it ripples through and around us. We learn from each other. We act collectively as climate changes happen. We realize the talents, values each has to share. Some things will be technological while others will take us back to the simplest basics, like being able to grow our own food.

Blessed be every day of your sweet life…

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Cancer 2019 Celestial Highlights!  

Astronomy 7.12.19 Sun Cancer - Moon Jupiter with Antares

This is going to be pretty! July 12,13,14 Moon with Jupiter and Antares! 

On the evenings of July 12, 13 and 14, 2019, watch for the bright waxing gibbous moon to swing by the giant planet Jupiter. Fortunately, the king planet is so bright that this world can easily withstand the lunar glare. After all, Jupiter is the 4th-brightest light in the heavens, after the sun, moon and planet Venus. Venus is a morning object, virtually lost in the sun’s glare now, so there’s no way to mistake Venus for Jupiter in the July evening sky.

Solstice Facts!

Solstice brings extremes of daylight and darkness
In N. Hemisphere, noontime shadows are shortest at this solstice
Longest day for N. Hemisphere, but not the latest sunset
Shortest day for S. Hemisphere, but not the latest sunrise
The slowest sunsets come around the solstices

Thank you always to Doug McClure at EarthSky!

Cancer 2019-20 Timeline! Summer Eclipses!


20  Mercury Retrograde starts into the three part cycle in Cancer
21  Happy Cancer, Summer Solstice!
26  Mercury into Leo


2    Solar Eclipse New Moon
7    Mercury Retrogrades in Leo
16  Capricorn-Cancer Lunar Eclipse Full Buck Moon
Moon Occults Saturn and Pluto
19  Mercury Retrograde back in Cancer
22  Happy Leo!

Cancer Overview of Year to Come!

Cancer Women of 116th Congress 2018 Midterm Elections

The 116th Congress is the most diverse in history: 126 women take office, including 43 women of color. Yet this new diversity is confined to one party. Let’s build, further diversify. Support your women, ALL women! Here’s why!

June 16 and 18 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune were together again, closely and retrograde this time. The first set was at 14 degrees. They were at 18 degrees. First Jupiter, immediately followed, by, with, Saturn. Jupiter off in the square – yes and no. Saturn said I see the part of this that has value, how can we make that happen? Now they are laying back until fall, but are continuously close in degrees. They finish Sep 21 Jupiter, Nov 8 Saturn. After the Sep aspect they part company, but both the Sep and Nov aspects are at 16 degrees!  So it goes 14, 18, 16 degrees. If you have chart factors at 16 degrees you will be connected to all three sets!

Nov 8 concludes the six aspects with Neptune, all happening while Jupiter is in its own sign Sagittarius! At that time it will be exactly a year ago, Nov 8, 2018, that Jupiter went into his own sign Sagittarius. These aspects with Neptune, the Dreamer, have opened our senses, making us aware of new dreams and beliefs. Times have changed!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter/Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Mercury acted as witness to the Ecliptic event and observer, documentarian of what he saw at that time and the results in the year following. Conjunct the Sun, the Transit of Mercury Eclipse, Mercury will be empowered by solar light, to express himself in the most radiant manner possible! People will listen. Mercury is the information gatherer, messenger. Mercury is strengthened to receive then report on Jupiter at the GALACTIC CENTER! He puts it in perspective, knows the meaning, intention, long term purpose! Mercury is the neighbor you know; Jupiter is, in this case, the galactic traveler, a fascinating impressive stranger!

Pluto was at the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn 58 Rx. The Transit Mercury Eclipse will be sextile (opportunity) at 18 Scorpio 55 Rx. Mercury will move back to 11 SC 43 Rx when at the Galactic Center. Notice these are all retrograde. Retrograde means you have been there before and you will be again afterwards. It’s a 3 part cycle. Three chances. It’s good to get it right!

By November 8, 2019, all SIX of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s 2019’s outer planet aspects shall have been formed with Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. At times we are discouraged, overwhelmed, or Pandora’s box opens and we are over the top with wishes, crazy for believing in such miracles! Yet there it is, we want to try! Be inspired, break free from old fears! Saturn sextile Neptune is a peerless appraiser, even ‘sees’ what is not visible! If he’s behind you, he is determined to get the job done. Inimitable! Forget sleeping in, get up and get going, one step at a time if necessary, but do it! Those SIX aspects finish just before the Nov 11, eleven, eleven, Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter at the Galactic Center. Our Neptune imagination is being primed, tested, found strong and receptive!

These profound events will be during Sun in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The transmissions are taken in deeply, churned like good butter. Since Mercury is mind, Jupiter meaning, we may not witness physical change, especially with such an aspect as exotic and from so far away as the Galactic Center, but our Soul doesn’t miss a trick! Changes will seem to unfold for no reason and one day we realize there has become a difference.

Cancer may be hard pressed to stand strong to lay a balance to the Dec 2 entry of Jupiter into Earth sign Capricorn, it’s opposite sign. With Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn there will be 3 outer planets in Capricorn until Saturn enters Aquarius March 31, 2020! Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn July 1, 2020, and again, there will be 3 in Capricorn until Saturn makes his final shift into Aquarius Dec 16, 2020. Saturn will be in his own, more conservative sign Capricorn for the presidential elections. Jupiter and Saturn are both high mountain lovers, so looks like it’s going to be fun for some! Jupiter will make the travel plans; Cap will build the lodge! Jupiter quickly sees potential, offers encouragement, gathers the backers. Capricorn is ace at putting the right pieces together with terrific timing. Successful champions! The job comes in early, and the results are impressive! See more about Jupiter in Capricorn!

And that brings us to Jan 12, 2020, Saturn conjunct Pluto and Mar 21, The Crown! 

We are building to the 2020 Super Stellium! 3 outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn! New Year Day opens with 5 planets in Capricorn! Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Sun plus Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn! Jan 12 Saturn makes the on average 34 year exact conjunction with Pluto.

The CROWN! March 21 2020 When Saturn is about to leave Capricorn, the three outer planets, along with Mars, are in culmination, as close as they will get, all four in a 7 degree Stellium! Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! Peter Novak has studied outer planet stelliums and found that in the last 2000 years, allowing a 5 degree range, there were only 23 three outer planet stelliums! Yes, if he had allowed 7 degrees, there would be more, but still, they are uncommon. See all about it

There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean.

April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. Whatever demons or glory, tragedies or triumphs formidable Saturn shall have faced, Jupiter will optimistically pick up the pieces, repurpose. Pluto will see the promise of profit financially and spiritually. It will be an explosion of clearing for future works, secrets discovered, major funding attained, ‘keepsakes’ will be in the plans to be built ~ like a mini renaissance, yet more secrets will be made too. Bad will be healed, the rest is hallelujah! LOTS of big news! Super power plays will abound as the Nov 3 Presidential Election approaches.

The opposite pole April 4 through June 29 is it will be mass tragedy. More powerful secrets made, concealment and lies to cover. Be ready to help, protect yourself and others until this period passes after another 5 years. Seriously start making alliances with capable and trusted family, friends and associates now. Keep your emergency kit and supplies up to date for on-the-ground environmental conditions likely in your area, have a plan in mind. The aspects will hold at 24 to 26 Capricorn. If you have factors at or very close to those degrees you may be called into action. Challenges for Aries, Libra and Cancer, Gemini and Leo. More easy for Taurus and Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The third and final Jupiter conjunct Pluto is Nov 12, at 22 Capricorn, the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto! This is the aspect is the last major aspect link of the whole set that started Oct 30, 2018! It carries the experience of the previous two Jupiter/Pluto aspects, is the upcoming aspect when the Presidential Elections are held Nov 3 2020. Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in their own signs up to Dec 2, 2019! See Jupiter in Sagittarius That’s a lot of pure strong energy. Jupiter and Neptune are in malleable signs, in astrological terms, mutable. They are flexible, adaptable. Jupiter goes into Capricorn Dec 2. Saturn in Capricorn stomps his foot and calls for responsibility and to abide by the rules and laws, honor each other, your parents, the boss, elders and ancestors! You have to show him how and why that change you request makes sense. He’s a good balance to those other two wayward wanderers enamored in a moment, sometimes for no good reason. They are enjoying the show while he wants to know what’s real, what is doable. Neptune in Pisces senses our weak spots, and with compassion, converts them to strengths. We become aware of our Soul’s purpose.

Two outer planets change sign during Cancer’s coming year. Jupiter in Sagittarius enters Capricorn Dec 2. Saturn in Capricorn enters Aquarius Mar 21, 2020. Jupiter’s sign is where the good fortune is! Be ready to shift certain investments, adjust projects to new, additional goals. Saturn, quite at home in its own sign, suddenly finds himself in a sign quite unlike himself. Yet, Aquarius carries on the good work for all the world! While Capricorn loves the status and money, be guided by keeping your work in service to all. With earth changes, we will find ourselves working with many others in diverse environments under unusual conditions. Aquarius will expand your business, mission, if you let the change work for you. Blessed be.

Continuing abiding Aspect: Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background until 2021… In Cancer’s coming year they are exact only once in their new signs Aries/Taurus at Valentine’s time, Feb 15! See more about Chiron/Uranus 

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Annual Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

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Outer Planet Transits with Cancer 2019 – June 2020!

Cancer 2019 Oakland CA Painted Ladies Victorian Remodel

Oakland CA’s Painted Ladies! Victorian homes can be transformed inside and out! Maybe you will buy your first home this year or remodel the one you have. Remodeling is quite an adventure that ups that resale value and can make your home a great pleasure to live in!


Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter

Outer planets are the long term movers. Pluto and Neptune move only 3 degrees a year. Uranus orbits at 84 years, and Chiron at 51 years. They are advancing about 4 degrees a year for now. Saturn takes 28/29 years to make its orbit, Jupiter only 12 years, a sign a year! Depending on astrological patterns, some ‘events’ in our lives take many years, where others may happen toot sweet, right on or very near the date the event is exact! Some ‘events’ are not physical, but in our minds or Spirits. No one might ‘see’ them but you. Complex planetary patterns may overlap each other or be singular and direct. Some repeat; others are once in a lifetime. Some people have aspects others never have. Others have had aspects you won’t have until much later. Your astrologer can help you with your personal timing, understanding and strategies.

PLUTO is still in Capricorn but is changed. Oct 30, 2018 it made the rare 248 year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic and is now below the Ecliptic! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path around earth! Pluto’s debris was lighted, declared to be outmoded, cleared away. He was not only cleared, but became free to be charged with energy beyond imagination! His healing powers have increased exponentially! He gave that very energy to Sun and the Light itself is now more clear and radiant! So fresh, this is a powerful time for all of us, but especially Capricorns because this HAPPENED IN THEIR SIGN! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio or Capricorn, have also been cleared and infused! Some will go to the Light, others might need some time out to be able to stand up again. None of these factors, Capricorn, Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested even them.

Pluto is moving from 20 to 25 Capricorn during Cancer’s year to come. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile aspect, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 23 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in these degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, mighty healing and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Pluto in Cap can seem like regular business to Cancers. Pluto is the water planet of Scorpio; Cancer too is a water sign. Cancer and Capricorn rule the home/career signs, the axis of Mother/Father. They coexist, always aware of each other, separate but interdependent. Mom needs Cap’s shelter; Papa needs Cancer’s nurturing. Cap helps keep Cancer from going too emotional. Cancer reminds Cap to be aware of human feelings. Pluto clears, heals, restores the balance. He scans for discrepancies, weak spots, adds love and power at times it is most needed. Pluto’s alliances can be gathered to help Cancer’s community efforts to protect women and children, fund educational projects, preserve basic family mores, raise our standards. Pluto can partner with us, teach us investment techniques until we can fund ourselves!

NEPTUNE is in his own sign Pisces. He is a water planet in the last water sign, the last sign, seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors 15 to 20 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Neptune and Cancer are both artists, music lovers, ones who help others. Neptune adds to Cancer’s already strong ‘psychic’ ability, showing us the greater dreams of all humanity. Cancers can be very focused on their own culture and family, yet find a lot can be shared with people of other cultures. Cultural difference may present no danger at all! That difference can be a blessed asset each gives. Neptune shows Cancers how amazing and wonderful the nutrition Cancers can teach is. It can heal people with various disorders, drug problems, how prevention is so valuable. Neptune knows how valuable safe comfortable shelter is that Cancer can help provide. So many are suffering without basic clean water… And Neptune’s dreams and visions are so very personal we are inspired beyond what we ever thought could be. How could we have forgotten what we once longed for so dearly?

URANUS, Aquarius’s planet, covers 2 to 9 Taurus! In Taurus it will anchor and build on change worthy ideas that need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network. They need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on. A lot of earth changes we are witnessing are massive, coming suddenly, hot and heavy. The very land is changing, affecting food supplies and location choices about where to live. There is a lot of instability financially. We need to have backup funds, supplies, stay flexible. See more about the Aries to Taurus sign change.

Taurus invents simple. To freedom lover Uranus, being in Taurus may feel too slow, too close for comfort, so unexciting. Yet to Taurus, Uranus being in his sign may be the most fun he’s had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Uranus himself is shocked to find walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! It’s a whole new dimension compared to that desk chair in the still dead-air plastics scented office! Taurus may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Supercharged divine body electric!

Cancer is hawk-eye watching things unfold in every direction. Change isn’t always welcome at first. Traditions we relied on as givens are fading quickly. In many situations there will be little time to think it over, fewer choices. Good thing Cancers are intuitive and fast on their feet. Cancer is quick to see an opportunity, be first to sign up for the new class, get the new instructor! Foods are taking on new meaning, whether you grow it yourself, learn how it affects your body, is a natural remedy. Fresh and organic are worth it. Farsighted choices of land areas, could mean buying before prices rise. What you choose as an investment now may become quite valuable later on for personal use. Water will be a #1 factor. Children will ever be important. Uranus may make remarkable electronics available. Uranian genius may find new ways to live basic skills. Being well connected with Earth may save our lives.

CHIRON will be in Aries through 2027. In Cancer’s year, he will cover 1 to 9 Aries, activating any factors you have in those degrees. Chiron has been and will be traveling very closely to the same degrees as Uranus, the Aquarian planet, but in different signs! This has been going on since 2008 and continues through 2021, 13 years. Chiron has become more future minded and Uranus has taken on some shamanistic qualities. There is a subtle camaraderie with Aquarius. See more Aries is the first of the zodiacal signs, takes action! Uranus’s sign change into Taurus is making a shift in the foundation, now starting to hold steady.

If you have Chiron in these degrees, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about the head, brain and eyes. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too! In Aries, may start his own business and, loving independence, may be reluctant to marry…

Chiron in Aries may come in good will, but be a little too pushy for Mom sign Cancer! Harrumph. Chiron is feeling his oats. He has often held the back seat, and it’s his turn now to stand up! Chiron is trying on some new healing ingredients and techniques. Cancer’s Mom told her the healing practices her mother’s mother’s mother told her. So listen, maybe give the new stuff a try, you can always go back, or, hey, maybe show Chiron how they might be integrated. Some of those old remedies have worked for centuries, you know. Don’t let yourself be rushed. Pay attention to the new business skills offered. Chiron, quick in Aries, may be long gone, but you find the best of what he had to offer does work. Be cautious of marriage offers. Cancer wants security. Aries may promise, but not be able to do it. In Aries, Chiron can do a successful startup so quickly you can hardly believe it! If he remains in leadership, it can be challenging enough for him to hold and stay, opening branches, a franchise. That could work for Cancer. But don’t be surprised if he opens further and different types of businesses!

SATURN builds from 13 Capricorn to 1 Aquarius!

Saturn is working the last half of his own sign Capricorn! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. Many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better, or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! Now, in its own sign, it is truly full height! Those of you with Saturn 13 to 29 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns now through March 21, 2020! There will be more traditional endeavors.

  1. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!
  3. Around age 87, many are now experiencing their 3rd Saturn Return! Things don’t bother them as much. They enjoy what they want to, sometimes something they always wanted to do! They say what they think. There are losses of friends and loved ones. Health matters more – they are often quite brave. Family can mean a lot or if alone, friends do. Age can mean honors, even just for making it that long! Capricorn is the sign of time, elder hood. This is generally a strong time for them.

Saturn in its own sign, Earth sign Capricorn, is a force! Young people conduct themselves seriously and old people are more healthy, younger than others their age, strong and cheerful! Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the time, being on time, are all assets. They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand science and structures – concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation – more done with less effort, use less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost, build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves. As seniors they don’t quit. They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are truly golden – art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids!

Cancer has always been Capricorn’s equal no matter how women’s voting and property rights have been legally. Capricorn can’t do without the woman in their lives to care for them and their children. Capricorn essentially works for Cancer. And she needs his provision of shelter, earnings for upkeep, especially while she is having the babies. Though they have different demeanors, Cancer soft, Capricorn no nonsense, they have the same goals. It’s hard to preach to a Cancer about being frugal when they are already secretly putting grocery $ aside for the kids, a new coat, college education. Capricorn really already knows he depends on Cancer’s intuitive feelings, so he says one thing to her while wanting her to help him anyway. Raising kids can be a challenge between them. Capricorn wants his boys to be strong, a credit to the community and Father’s standing. Too much ‘coddling’ makes him afraid, at heart, that his boy will be bullied, not able to stand up for himself, do life’s business, and that’s generally not a good thing. And for girls to be be Daddy’s girl is not always a good thing either. Cancers, do your best. Learn more about these matters. Otherwise, if you are out in the business world yourself, a good mentor is always a blessing. Watch how the successful ones do things. Be sure they are good people, not in it for greed and lost their Souls. Stay in your heart. It matters to your children.

Returns March 20 to July 1, 2020 are at 0 and 1 Aquarius! Saturn/Capricorn are of the sign just before Aquarius. Saturn can set the mark. If the goal is amazing enough, all-encompassing enough to challenge Aquarius’s talents, AQ will be on board! He will make computer diagrams, research materials, legends, why it can work now, for years, even centuries, it has not been possible before. Aquarians are delighted to learn new techniques and learn so quickly, you lose little time while they do. In fact, your results may become 10-fold in a lot less time than usual! If you are working on challenging new sustainable options, Aquarius will love this new humanitarian effort. Being on the same page, whatever it is for the two of you, makes for a healthy Spirit and union. Many amazing like minded friendships may come, or if you are overwhelmed or need time to recenter, you may take time away and enjoy being on your own. If you are in business or want to spread the word about a project, your networking can go worldwide through social media! Concentrate on humanitarian and sustainability facets of your ventures and investments.

Cancer still feels the Saturn hand in things, but in Aquarius it is more progressive, lighter and at times Saturn laughs and it’s a frolic! Who would have thought?! Saturn can be a real comedian! He’s been there and knows the problems. Aquarius is off in space or kinky crazy, usually a bit of both. If the humanitarian side comes through, it’s big potatoes time! Guided by Saturn’s business skills, it’s networking to the max. Cancer is totally onboard with this, an excellent business person themselves! Watching the big guys do their stuff is impressive and Cancer, quick on the uptake, uses their model quite well! Saturn in Aquarius works planetary media; Cancer get the story to the community, the women. Saturn takes charge of current evolution, the science of gathering Souls to make necessary change just as fast as possible. The climate isn’t waiting for anyone, and Cancer understands the gravity of sudden land changes. It isn’t a time to be too old fashioned. Data is checked and rechecked. Important connections are made at local levels, arranging exchanges and discussions of techniques. Aquarius introduces Cancer to history makers! Wanting to serve them well and personally make history, Cancer improves his skills, seeks the most potent media places to plant their stories that the information can spread quickly. It invites others to keep the stories and sharing going. It’s a great life recipe!

JUPITER moves from 14 Sagittarius to 27 Capricorn

Jupiter stays in Sag until moving into Capricorn Dec 2. Jupiter/Sagittarius never fail to impress. It can be a hero, and there are plenty of those at this time. It can be a knowledge or wisdom of an exalted teacher and that might be your local high school teacher. It can be a journey of great beauty or a maximum athletic achievement. A boundless love, a loving kindness, a gift, sharing. All these touch our hearts and make a story to remember. Fortunes gained and lost, wagers won and lost, starting from nothing to making it to the top of the mountain! And if it’s bad, it can be really bad. No thieving or robbing. While traveling and your money is low, no taking something because you need it ‘more than they do.’ Big stories yes, cons no. No ‘accidental’ slander, bearing false witness, prejudice. Stay with respectful truth and honesty. Keep the long term in mind. Keep your higher ethics in place, morality intact; visit the sacred place when you need to. Keep learning in every direction.

Jupiter in Sag and Cancer both highly value education. Jupiter is university level education; Cancer is a lifelong learner, course after course. Jupiter travels worldwide while Cancer is a homebody. Jupiter does imports/exports, publishes travel guides, while Cancer runs the restaurant, buys and sells real estate, runs community services businesses. Jupiter often doesn’t marry; Cancer has kids of their own and adoptees too! Jupiter seeks meaning while Cancer trusts tradition. So Jupiter may tease Cancer into thinking more about why what ‘truth’ is these days, who to get it from, check its integrity. The info might go public, into a textbook, guide life’s travelers. Is it for time out entertainment or timely to save the planet, our children and homes? Accuracy could be crucial. Does it have a spark of the exotic that catches our attention, is it funny even if serious? If Cancer thinks an update is important, they can draw siblings, neighbors, community into united action in as little as a few days! Cancer intuits the most effective links, introduces then around the table.

Jupiter in Capricorn fairly streaks through Capricorn, getting to the 27th degree, almost completely through Cap, by May 20, 2020! At that point it retrogrades and continues in Capricorn until Dec 2020. It makes work the most fun it ever was! You could be the visitor who is remembered for all the work you did! You might be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. Jupiter will help you jazz up your home, give you such good advice you can’t help doing it! They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference. Don’t keep your lucky Jupiter charm. They need to travel, check out the territories. If you hire them, send them to the training seminars furthest away or send them to teach it! If they have too much routine, they will run away. Poof. Gone. Import/exports they are involved with might work well for you too. Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits and don’t invest in great sounding whims. Check things out. If you have had doldrums, Jupiter can cheer you up like a champ. You are encouraged because they act like you can do it, and it’s truth! See more 

Jupiter in Capricorn can exaggerate the rules, but he and Cancer, who wants security, will likely work something out reasonably. Jupiter has big ideas, could be a bit demanding and feel it is his right to demand hard work for important purposes. Cancer knows her priorities. Children, home first, then we’ll talk. Jupiter has that great big smile, you know – happy to know you, and people can’t resist doing what they can for him. Jupiter often has great success, so it’s worth the effort, and Jupiter is working for more to come! This is just the foundation investment for the future. Cancer remains cautious, not generally taken in by merely a pretty face, especially a stranger’s. Cancer may at times have a ‘baby’ face, but she raises kids, you know! She’s rulemaker and taskmaster, so you better worth your salt! But if Cancer feels to go ahead, will give it his all. Cancer has community connections and an All American 4th of July appeal. Jupiter in Capricorn may bring that to a greater height yet! Cancer will stay loyal as long as everyone’s highest good is the order of the day. Jupiter does need to travel. He may be back or perhaps it may be wiser to hire him as a consultant…one who comes and goes. Jupiter needs to have plenty of air space or the butterfly will be gone and no matter how impressive, you will be forgotten. Cancer, ever the understanding Mother, is kind. Jupiter did get a lot done in a short time, Cancer treasures the new expertise, will long remember how that it was done, the exciting time together.

If you have factors in Sagittarius and/or Capricorn in your chart at these degrees, this could be prime time to visit the positive areas on your AstroLocality map. See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length, some are positive appearing but have other hidden factors.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. The experience you have depends on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible.

Happy Birthdays, Cancers! We are ever grateful for your care!

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Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….   

See the entire Cancer 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.


Happy Birthdays, Cancers!

Cancer 2019 Áine Irish Goddess of Summer

Áine (ON-ya) is an Irish Goddess of summer, love, protection, fertility, wealth and sovereignty. In her role as Sun Goddess, she could take the form of ‘Lair Derg’, a red mare that no one could outrun, in order to walk among her people. She was both a Goddess and a Faerie Queen. She has been known by other names, such as the Lady of the Lake, the Goddess of the Earth and Nature, and the Goddess of Luck and Magick. 

Wishing you a Sweet & Wonderful Magical Midsummer!

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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New Faery SuperMoon!  4 Planets in Cancer; Mars, Jupiter & Neptune Set! 

Full Buck – Hay Moon!  4 Planet Full Moon Axis: Moon/Pluto & Sun/Mars!


New Faery SuperMoon!  – 4 Planets Cancer; Mars, Jupiter, Neptune Set! 

Friday June 23, at 7:31 PM Pacific, 2 Cancer 47! 

Crescent Moon Fairy Day June 24, Star!

June 23 to 25, NEW MOON, Midsummer & Fairy Day Weekend! Friday June 23 our Cancer New Moon is the day before Fairy Day June 24, Fairy Day Weekend! Just after Summer Solstice, many celebrate MidSummer, also known as Lithia, from dusk June 23 to and on June 24! In some countries June 24 is a public holiday. Since 1974, Santa Barbara CA has hosted an annual Summer Solstice celebration, typically on the weekend of or the weekend after the actual solstice. It includes a festival and parade. There will be beach bonfires and revelry!

This is the third New SuperMoon in a row, the last New SuperMoon of 2017! December’s Full Moon will be the last SuperMoon of 2017. This time, being in Cancer, the sign of emotions, the tides of our feelings may be heightened, our caring quotient raised. Children, especially some Cancer children, may need extra care, stick to the routine and feed the favorites! Adults may appreciate a tad more TLC as well!

Mama Moon is in her own sign, giving maximum support to Father Sun. She makes him feel the tides, cycles. He in her sign, she has the greatest opportunity to wash him clean, sweep through his Light, clear the cobwebs in the corners. Her divine feminine presence calls him to extend his radiance to all women and children, the feminine in all beings. They feel the traditions of all Time, in all places. There is a special consideration of cultures of the world, the knitting of communities, heart to heart.

New Moon, new beginnings, surrender to the wellspring within. There is unity in the merger of Moon and Sun. The bond is core deep in Cancer. She more than thinks it, she feels it completely. Inspiration is the conduit from things of our culture and time, the matriarchal lineage that precedes us, to our current knowing. Like a Kundalini of feeling, or a starburst of enlightening, a door opens for a few magical moments! Once seen/felt, there is a call to step forward. Cancer is a strong sign. Homes are made, children are born and raised by Her. When she takes on a mission, go with Her!

There are FOUR planets in Cancer, the Moon in her own sign, the New Moon conjunct Mercury, Mars not much further on, leading the way! Mother Moon is as intuitive as Mercury is logical. Moon will ‘feel’ Mercury’s words, see what’s helpful about them, and add her nurturing quality to them. Instead of it’s cold outside today, she says oh, grab your jacket, you might need it! Moon puts all the words together and kneads them into the Lunar cycle, incorporates them fully, lets them rise together. It’s an intuitively intelligent blend. Mercury has the ideas; Moon puts them into business! Commodities, you know. Super aware of public reaction, especially of women.

Sun, Moon and Mercury only aspect each other. This combination acts on its own, not closely connected with any other aspects, though all three of them will soon connect with Mars! Moon does with Mars midday Pacific time the next day! She feels how eager he is to press ahead. There is literally fire in the belly and since they both are in Cancer Moon truly understands that he must! She’s willing to help. Mercury conjuncts Mars midday the 28th. He and Mars are quick on their feet. Cancer is what we call a Cardinal sign. They get things started, initiate action, are the first to do it. Tradition may take a front seat, or be the backdrop that makes it all possible!

Please be cautious of hasty hurtful angry words. There could be more crabbiness than usual and it could mount up. It may clear the deck or end a friendship instantly. Talk sooner. Take time out. Leave before it gets bad. Don’t do those late at night tired talks. Agree to sleep on it knowing much will be resolved by your inner self in the dream time. Come at it fresh in the morning. It will be much quicker then, in fact you both may realize it was not such a big thing after all. If it is something, the resolution may be super simple.

Sun is another story! Mars is moving fast, Sun doesn’t catch up until after both have changed signs, July 26 at 4 LEO! Sun will be in his own sign; fiery Mars in the fiery sign of kings! Having both been together in Cancer, they saw what needs doing in behalf of families, housing, hame community. It is their hearts to use colorful creative solutions, make a place, maybe a school, for others to lend their brilliance and inspiration as well!

For his part, Mars squares Jupiter late the next day and trines Neptune through late the 25th Pacific times. Mars is so quick to see, especially in intuitive Cancer. Jupiter in Libra is busy seeing both sides, trying to negotiate. He gets lots of admiration for his broad vision, being a world traveler, working with the arts. Mars says, get to the point, make up your mind, take care of your loved ones at home and do it NOW! Children are hurting while you are exercising your arrogance and intelligence. Ok, says Jupiter, we need to get some laws on the books and find supportive alliances. Mars pricks Jupiter’s conscience about priorities. Jupiter can do a great job, just need a little motivation. He can take those kids on trips and get scholarships for them to the art school too!

At home there could be exaggerated discord, fires of sorts. No fighting in the kitchen. In town, stay out of dark allies, and don’t break the law. In the world there could be attacks, or maybe a felt need to defend one’s homeland and preserve our principles. Religion may factor in, and most assuredly, politics. Keep your first aid kit and insurance up to date.

Mars trine Neptune will help you dance through this. When the bullet comes, don’t be there. Do your Tai Chi. Mars in Cancer is adept at turning sideways and making a much smaller target, able to slither through the smallest spaces and magically dis/appear somewhere else! Neptune in his own sign Pisces has similar virtues. Both have spiritual intention. Mars is the initiation leader, moving us forward from old ways, literally changing our identity as we arrive in the new destination! Neptune is the shapeshifter of consciousness, freeing us from confusion and illusion. Mars in Cancer is active and stirs the waves of oceanic Pisces. He steps into the Pisces dreamtime without ceremony, and the Pisces magician is glad to be awakened! Dreams come true!

Jupiter connects the loop by inconjuncting Neptune! The New Moon is connected through the links Moon, Mercury and Sun will make with Mars, that in turn aspects both Jupiter and Neptune! Jupiter Inconjunct Neptune is the underlying important long term outer planet aspect that this New Moon is all about. They first conjuncted Oct 23, 2016. Currently they have been in station, holding the connection from their 2nd to 3rd aspect, within 1 degree since before May 17th! They are closing to make their final inconjunct July 4, just before the July 8 Full Buck/Hay Moon! This New Moon is the one offering core support, unconditional nurturing, key intuition for clear seeing through these final days.

As Mars stirs Neptune in harmony from the sign Cancer of Lunar cycles, Jupiter is seeking oblique openings into the far reaches of the greatest understanding of all. It’s not just profound words, righteous ethics, holy principles, but more, matters of the Soul. The unique lifetimes of Being. How that all fits in planetary progress as a growing conscious Entity in the Universe. Due to massive political changes at this time, huge adjustments are being made, solutions sought. It is becoming clear what is most important and what part each of us needs to do personally.

Jupiter is ever optimistic, and with Libra partnerships and alliances world wide, much can be done. It’s not just for fun and games, lightweight pretty social events all the time anymore. Our connections are more meaningful than ever, and can be powerful. Neptune could have been meditating, but now, perhaps, it needs more to be a wakeful observant walking meditation of action. The Savior needs to do some saving! The old non-violent martial forms were always about self preservation, inner strength. The Silent Warriors taught resistance and success by the example of living an exemplary life, living true. Jupiter in Libra has the scanner. It seeks that balance between principle and action, deeper insights through connections. It seeks those who have the inner fibre, that can be called on to stand strong.

Last month’s note: Jupiter in Libra inconjuncts that Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter shifts gears, directions and alliances. Good thing Neptune is quick on the uptake and understands most of the time. Jupiter likes social chatting and international conditions. There are times Pisces prefers solitude, to gently contemplate freely, making associations of mind and Spirit. He seeks intuition rather than advice from well dressed experts. Yet both have their truths and offerings. Important not to judge or to slur each other’s style. Sometimes legal matters take precedence, other times it’s the Court of Heaven that offers insight to the right thing to do. Rather than living in self chosen poverty, as Pisces can sometimes do, Jupiter in Libra leads us to the right school that brings you to the door of happiness doing what you always wanted to do! Could be art, music, design, being with people who celebrate exactly who you are!

Additional aspects, not in this Mars/Jupiter/Neptune set. Venus trines Pluto in earth signs Taurus and Capricorn. Venus in Taurus wants every comfort possible, sweetly. Pluto in Capricorn can easily do without, even prides itself on how less is more. In conservation that is admirable. And you can do without this to have that! Venus may pamper the old gent like never before, spoiling his integrity or helping him know he deserves more, the best! She may show him some values he just never thought about before. He may curb her self indulgence. A nice partnership may be formed. He may fund her campaign, or surprisingly, she may have the funds to start the foundation herself, and he may donate further endowments for expansion. Healing on many levels are likely – body, skin and bones.

The North Node is retrograding back to trine Saturn in Sagittarius. Karmic solutions are loved to growing beyond old fears of new territory. Teaching and pathfinding, intentions are realistically expanded, worked at daily with pleasure. The North Node recently also trined Uranus in Aries. Changes and new ventures were led out into the open, action taken to assure their continued success since Saturn has been on board as well. New friends and business alliances have been made. A union has been called into being, many Souls seeking the same goals.

Not all has been easy with Saturn having been square Chiron April 30. Saturn and Chiron are separating their square by 5 degrees now. They will be back but not until Nov 2. Though there were no major world events close to April 30, the threats of heartbreaking news was with us, and some suffered personal defeats in love, health or business. The aspect is fading now, but do continue to repair, make amends, heal what can be healed. Learn what you can, be kind to yourself and others. Less of being the martyr, more of standing good heartedly for potential and possibilities. Be real and work for it. Be counted. See more, #3 at this link

Saturn in Sagittarius is still in close trine, but retrograding away from Uranus. Work and education, friendships and networking are expanding the opportunities! Cross cultural expeditions bring new products. Uranus in Aries researches, has breakthroughs, uncanny knowledge that spikes more trials. Innovative solutions occur step after step. It just keeps going! Real estate demographics change. Professional goals broaden. Aging brings more satisfaction than ever. See more, #1 at this link

This is the very special time of year that Moon and Sun are in Moon’s own sign! Tune in. Sync up with the cycles. Blessed be…. 


Cancer New Faery SuperMoon Astrology Chart x

Cancer 2017 New Faery SuperMoon Astrology Chart

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Full Buck – Hay Moon! 4 Planet Full Moon Axis: Moon/Pluto & Sun/Mars!

Saturday July 8, 9:07 PM Pacific at 17 Capricorn 09

Cancer 2017 Full Moon Apartments Rand Elliott Oklahoma City

…to live in a piece of art, it’s an experience. Definitely non traditional, but intriguing. Rand Elliot designed this building for midtown Oklahoma City. It is a 10-unit apartment building with an oculus in the middle that will be called The Full Moon. You can see why Rand is called the Space Whisperer!

The building is on a North/South axis! Here’s what it will look like at night – imagine the Full Moon views!

Cancer 2017 Full Moon Apartments Rand Elliott Oklahoma City Night!

Though Cancer is a water sign, moist and fertile, and veggies are growing prolifically in the summer Sun, the Full Hay Moon is also the time grasses are drying and first hay being baled! The Capricorn Moon is aware of the timing, willing to work hard to get winter stores in for the stock. Bales are a good sturdy and useful shape that fit so snugly together on trucks and in barns. Pleases a Capricorn’s heart! Perfect time for summer party hayrides!

Full Moons are expansive, broadening. Cancer is Mom at home, lots of maternal feelings, protective; Capricorn is Dad the realist at work supporting home and family, concise and getting the job done on time. Cancer is nurturer, babies at breasts; Cap is the shelter builder. They are traditional signs, and often have a successful family business that may have been passed down through a parent. Moon is into commodities, knows what the public is up for, super aware of cycles! Capricorn is professional, the CEO, who is in strong connection with the accountant, the current ROI dept by dept. Together, Cancer/Capricorn have a lot to be proud of.

This Full Moon is powerfully tied with Pluto in Capricorn, 1 degree conjunct the Moon, 17/18 Capricorn! She may be caught in a web of the past, limited by imposed rules. Hard to get traction, missed opportunities. There may be secret alliances, the need to ‘pass the test,’ to join up. There are also possible other mergers, the company to be incorporated. Insurance and security are important. There can be death and inheritances. Healthwise, clean organic safe foods, detoxing takes precedence. Not overeating is best, but this can be a bingeing aspect too. Pay attention to skin, bone, knees. Love life needs to be well cared for – at worst it is a painful obsessive affair. At best it is a deepening of a true solid relationship. Pluto is the Ninja planet, the behind the scenes protector/warrior. Don’t pester him/her too much…

Mars is across the table with Sun! It will take some time before the potentials hinted at may come to light and a bond made. They don’t make their connection until Sun catches up after both have changed signs, July 26 at 4 LEO! Both fire planets, they are swimming along together in water sign Cancer, aware of the new cycle unfolding before them. They are feeling their way, intuiting and anticipating each other. By the time they get into Leo, they know each other pretty well and the starburst is made at the end of July! Some embellishment, a personal touch, lighting or color makes it super exciting for the launch! Have a terrific grand Grand Opening!

When there are disagreements, take it easy. Moon in Cap is subject to depression, discouragement, intimidation. They can seem tough, but it’s not always so. Mars is the upfront warrior. Sun and Mars are feisty and can be a tad unthinking, enjoying their independence, not wanting to be told what to do by any man, woman, child, parent or teacher! They can resist when it was their own idea! Stay aware. Check in time to time. Update and get updates, and if necessary, clean up the mess.

Thank goodness for the Mercury/Venus sextile! Mercury is just leaving, but the past few days there have been some amenable talks. Venus in Gemini has shared a ton of ideas, introduced neighbors, locals, twins and siblings! She’s been gracious and shared valuable information that has potential in several directions at once! Don’t underestimate her because she looks too young. Mercury has cruised into Leo, and is the planet of Gemini! Mercury has ideas that are big spirited, open hearted in Leo. Can be selfish, but are usually generous too! There are things to teach, ideas are bright! Love IS Light! Brainstorm and collect the outstanding thoughts! Let Gemini weave them along the Internet. Blog like crazy! Illustrate so artfully it can’t be resisted.

Mars is exact inconjunct Saturn in Sagittarius at 22 degrees! In Cancer, Mars is more likely not to be taken in by Saturn in Sag’s scholarly reputation though it is tempting. Mars in Cancer can tempt Saturn to quit wandering, there’s no place like home, to come back where the grass is greener. Mars reminds Saturn, the planet of the sign opposite Cancer, that there’s more than philosophy, there are passionate feelings too. That each culture is a ‘home’ to its people, not just something to be studied. Saturn invites Mars to travel with him for a time and see how faiths can be so different yet there is so much about people everywhere that is the same.

A lot hotter is Mars coming to square Uranus in Aries, Mars’ sign! They are in sniffing distance now, building to exact July 17! Each is independent and freedom loving! Quick, quick, quick! Sometimes accidental, they might fall into something so different and perfect! Not usually such a risk taker, Cancer may be shocked at events, certainly shaken loose from what used to be, and some of that her own doing! Sex may be bold, offensive or a surprise so electric you lost your socks! You don’t know whether to be sad or happy!

The Fixed Star Vega is at 15 Capricorn 19 within two degrees of our Moon in Capricorn! Vega is a pale sapphire star in the Constellation Lyra, the Harp of Orpheus. According to Elsbeth Ebertin: ‘In a good cosmic configuration, Vega is supposed to give artistic talents especially for music and acting, but also a liking for good living. With eccentric artists, this may lead to a debauched life. In connection with the Moon or Neptune a tendency for occult and mysticism may be given.’ Some say it covers everything it touches with enchanting charisma.

Vega is also close in square with Jupiter and sextile Neptune. In the square with Jupiter it may be entirely too much of a good thing, exaggerated principles, seductive teachings that are too good to be true by unqualified instructors. It could be pure grace sextile Neptune. It could put you in touch with dreams beyond your wildest beliefs, spellbinding artistic and musical performances that transport the audience.

The last Jupiter inconjunct Neptune is exact July 4, and is quite close still, but will be fading. Recently this has been a backdrop aspect since May 10, potently in a 1 degree aspect all this time! This aspect was the one immediately preceding the Nov 8 Presidential Elections, and initiated a set of SIX aspects late 2016 that were spread throughout 2016, finishing Nov 11, 2017.

Optimistic Jupiter in Libra visions as far off in time and space as it can! Neptune IS time and space, boundless. An inconjunct aspect invites exploration, peripheral vision, a detour to another dimension! It’s a bit off center, disturbing, but exactly as it should be to get our attention!

Jupiter in Libra is like tilting the tides of humanity back and forth until the remaining ones stand at the center, able to be stable as the world shifts around them. Jupiter always looks for the best, finely tuned in Libra! Neptune in Pisces runs the tides and shifts the sand we stand on. We need to be able to not just stand, but to flow, to compensate, at times swim and merge with higher powers, to make adjustments fluidly. Dreams can come true as we learn divine navigation.

Jupiter wants to know about Matters of the Soul, and they think Neptune/Pisces knows. They want to know if you are a True Believer and what that means. With Neptune in Pisces, the quest goes far and wide. There may be no single answer, but instead, a potpourri of Evolutions.

Whether you return to the trail you first started on, or take the new trail you find yourself, either way, you are not the person you used to be. You have seen some mysteries, there has been doubt, delving and wonderings, questions that will take lifetimes to answer. Sometimes it’s only the turn of your head, a moment’s glimpse, a singular flash of insight that leads you to a new vision. Right on spiritual compass, the transmutation happens.

Moon/Pluto and Sun/Mars is a Warrior’s axis. Live deep, Stand tall, Love well!


Cancer/Capricorn Full Buck – Hay Moon Astrology Chart

xCancer/Capricorn 2017 Full Buck Hay Moon Astrology Chart


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The next New Moon is Sunday July 23 at 2:46 AM Pacific, 0 LEO 44 – the first of two LEO New Moons! July 24 the Leo/Virgo Mercury Retrograde cycle starts!

The second LEO New Moon is the August 21 Black Moon at 28 LEO 53, 11:30 AM Pacific, the US TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE! 


See the entire Cancer 2017 Newsletter!

See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Cancer HighLights 2015   Cancer, the Summer Goddess!

Happy Birthdays, Cancers!

Cancer Selena Gomez UNICEFCancer Selena Gomez
How precious you Cancers make our lives, from home and cuddling to the star on stage! Selena Gomez representing UNICEF in Chile and glamourous in a  field of flowers….

The meaning of the name Selena is Moon Goddess, of course. July 22, 1992 Cancer Selena Gomez was born right at the sign change into Leo at 29 Cancer 56 minutes! Yes, she is Leo rising and has Venus and Chiron at her Ascendant with Mercury right after them, all in Leo. She is a lovely Texas born woman with a lot of flair, and a warm and generous heart. Her Chart

She is pretty amazing at only 22 years old. Her Moon is in Aries in the 9th, and her Aries planet Mars is in her 10th house doing business. She is not afraid! Her career started when she was only 10 years old when she started as an actress in Barney and Friends. She has had various roles since, gone on to singing, and developed her young women’s clothing line “Dream Out Loud” that features being made from eco-friendly or recycled material, and has a perfume with her own name on it! Not all her ventures have succeeded, but Selena is no quitter. She is a good Cancer business woman whose net worth currently stands at $18M!

Selena is champion philanthropist (Uranus with Neptune, Sun 12th)! She has worked with numerous organizations for charitable causes, most notably UNICEF. In August 2009, at 17, Selena became the youngest UNICEF ambassador ever. She wants to ‘encourage other kids to make a difference in the world.’ Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, and the Jonas Brothers recorded “Send It On”, a charity single with all of its proceeds to the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund. Selena is the ambassador of DoSomething.org after being involved with the charity Island Dog, which helps dogs in Puerto Rico. She works to raise awareness about violence against Congolese women. She went to Ghana and Chile (Moon 9th) to see things there in person.

Romantically? Cancers like a family, Aries likes their independence. Justin Bieber couldn’t fool her. That Girl just isn’t for sale for fame or money. She’s had handsome boyfriends but with Jupiter in Virgo she is particular and holds an uncanny perspective for both long term purpose and the current details. It will take quite a person to be her match; and that, if ever, may come late in life.

Selena started with no training at all. Her first show was her first experience in acting. She says she didn’t know what ‘camera right’ was, what blocking was, learned everything on the set! You can start with nothing and become something, an inspiration!

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Cancer 2015 Highlights!

Summer Magic Fairy Day June 24June 21, Summer Solstice, the day the Sun enters Cancer, VENUS starts her 3 retrograde phases! 

Mercury finishes Phase 3 of the retrograde cycle the first few days of Cancer until June 27. Then it’s truly done.

Saturn has been back in Scorpio since June 14 after its Sagittarius preview. It will be in Scorpio for the summer until it goes back into Sag Sep 17 this fall. It’s back to undercover, loving, growing and healing from deep within.

♦ The very next day after Cancer starts, July 22, is the final JUPITER TRINE URANUS! See more! This is a superstar aspect, fame and fortune in the good old fashioned fortune telling kind of way! In Leo and Aries, it is a total cause to celebrate for fire and air signs!

June 30 brings the final Jupiter inconjunct Chiron in Pisces. Jupiter, big in Leo, will be touched by the subtle tips Chiron has to offer to polish their performance and teachings.

These are the final two exact aspects of the entire 4-planet set we have been having. However, though it is fading, we are continuously in the auspice of the glorious Jupiter trine Uranus until July 21!

June 30 also brings a tasty little Grand Fire Trine! Moon, Uranus, Venus/Jupiter! See more about that in the Full Moon, item #2, above!

Special HEADS UP for late summer planning! This year, July 25 to Sep 6, Taurus & Libra’s planet Venus retrogrades from 0 Virgo back to 14 Leo. Most wouldn’t choose this as falling-in-love-on-your-vacation time, nor a wedding date choice time. Retrogrades can be unstable with constant mind changes, or you have a sense of unfinished business, a constant reappraisal, values aren’t settled. But if you love that, the little challenges and the Leo dramas it brings, then things just get better and better if aspects are well for both of you at that time. Love always returns, better than ever! Leo loves big!

See the entire Cancer 2015 Newsletter!

See the 2015 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

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Cancer, the Summer Goddess!

Cancer the Summer Goddess ~ Midsummer Night Woman Moon Flowers

The Goddess is in everyone of us, both by day and by night. Let yourself foray under the summer MoonLight. Breathe in delicious summer scents. Treat yourself to the air on your skin. Crickets will sing you to sleep….

Cancer Women are possibly the most sensitive Lunar Creatures of all. How exquisite their perception, their knowing. A New Moon is a sweet surrender to the most docile and blessed within us. It is precious, sacred, at the core of femininity, a quiet blooming of beauty.

Sun in Cancer is a divine feminine fusion. Father Sun is robust and full of light for the dark corners of our Souls. Cancer men are great house husbands, loving parents, super caring nurses, blessed waiters, attentive dates, great business men with an eye to their community, excellent stock traders tuned in to the cycles of the Universe.

Yep, Cancers are moody, but isn’t that perfect?! They know when something isn’t quite right whether it is you, someone else, or them. They stew about a bit, sensing the parameters of the situation, try on different cloaks for different resolutions, perceptively watch your reactions. The Cancerian barometer is quite lovable…and accurate.

Cancer women are ultra feminine and powerful in all their Seasons. Maybe a bit shy as children, but oh, so, adorable. The Maiden, Persephone, blooms beautiful, often super healthy with sweeping shining hair! Epic long gowns are worn upon occasion. They have a way with making your household comfortable, the kitchen shines. They are often unusually excellent cooks, especially cuisines of special cultures, and preserve recipes passed down in the family. Mothers, Demeter, the house holder women, are thrifty managers, remember each person’s special dietary needs and remedies, at times hold down full time jobs and still give so much love. As Elder, Crone, Hecate, they are beloved teachers to their children, their grandchildren, and are often surrogate parents to ones who have no family. These Wise Women are slightly to quite snoopy, guide and comfort the Way.

Cancer Men often take on serious responsibilities quite young. They take care of their parents and siblings. By Fatherhood time they are already experienced. They want to provide a secure home, some of them even grow the family’s food! Bedtime hugs and stories are certain. Family occasions are honored and include people of all ages. Keepsake images are snapped for cherished memories. Friends and elders are often taken in when they can’t do for themselves. As Elders, if they can help it, no one is left wanting. Bless their hearts.

A lot of what Cancers do is the daily business of your life right down to the laundry. But every part is necessary, even to the point of being Sacred. How we live our lives is the outward appearance of how our inside is doing. Disarray may indicate a threshold has been reached or breached and there is a widespread scattering of adjustments being made. We can obsess on normal order when we are scared, or leap up on the highest nearby item and eagerly survey the new territory. One part of our life may be in perfect rolling harmony, while another part is such a mess it’s unrecognizable! And it’s ok.

How we deal with the cycles takes practice. When you need a change of pace, get your exercise, or to keep your weight down, swim, do water exercises, steamy yoga, tai chi, do a beach run or run along the creek. Less regimented, more flowing and responsive…..

So in your bubble bath tonight, light the lovely candles, add a favorite scent, maybe Jasmine or Lily of the Valley. Put on some pearls. Elegantly pin up your hair, or let it free to float out around you…. When you are done, step out into the deepest fluffy towels in colors you specially love. Colors are like food to the Cancer Soul. Wrap yourself and lay down to drift into a midsummer’s magical dream…….

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Happy Birthdays, Sweet Cancers!

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See the entire Cancer 2015 Newsletter!

See the 2015 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

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