
Posts Tagged ‘Santa Barbara CA’

New Faery SuperMoon!  4 Planets in Cancer; Mars, Jupiter & Neptune Set! 

Full Buck – Hay Moon!  4 Planet Full Moon Axis: Moon/Pluto & Sun/Mars!


New Faery SuperMoon!  – 4 Planets Cancer; Mars, Jupiter, Neptune Set! 

Friday June 23, at 7:31 PM Pacific, 2 Cancer 47! 

Crescent Moon Fairy Day June 24, Star!

June 23 to 25, NEW MOON, Midsummer & Fairy Day Weekend! Friday June 23 our Cancer New Moon is the day before Fairy Day June 24, Fairy Day Weekend! Just after Summer Solstice, many celebrate MidSummer, also known as Lithia, from dusk June 23 to and on June 24! In some countries June 24 is a public holiday. Since 1974, Santa Barbara CA has hosted an annual Summer Solstice celebration, typically on the weekend of or the weekend after the actual solstice. It includes a festival and parade. There will be beach bonfires and revelry!

This is the third New SuperMoon in a row, the last New SuperMoon of 2017! December’s Full Moon will be the last SuperMoon of 2017. This time, being in Cancer, the sign of emotions, the tides of our feelings may be heightened, our caring quotient raised. Children, especially some Cancer children, may need extra care, stick to the routine and feed the favorites! Adults may appreciate a tad more TLC as well!

Mama Moon is in her own sign, giving maximum support to Father Sun. She makes him feel the tides, cycles. He in her sign, she has the greatest opportunity to wash him clean, sweep through his Light, clear the cobwebs in the corners. Her divine feminine presence calls him to extend his radiance to all women and children, the feminine in all beings. They feel the traditions of all Time, in all places. There is a special consideration of cultures of the world, the knitting of communities, heart to heart.

New Moon, new beginnings, surrender to the wellspring within. There is unity in the merger of Moon and Sun. The bond is core deep in Cancer. She more than thinks it, she feels it completely. Inspiration is the conduit from things of our culture and time, the matriarchal lineage that precedes us, to our current knowing. Like a Kundalini of feeling, or a starburst of enlightening, a door opens for a few magical moments! Once seen/felt, there is a call to step forward. Cancer is a strong sign. Homes are made, children are born and raised by Her. When she takes on a mission, go with Her!

There are FOUR planets in Cancer, the Moon in her own sign, the New Moon conjunct Mercury, Mars not much further on, leading the way! Mother Moon is as intuitive as Mercury is logical. Moon will ‘feel’ Mercury’s words, see what’s helpful about them, and add her nurturing quality to them. Instead of it’s cold outside today, she says oh, grab your jacket, you might need it! Moon puts all the words together and kneads them into the Lunar cycle, incorporates them fully, lets them rise together. It’s an intuitively intelligent blend. Mercury has the ideas; Moon puts them into business! Commodities, you know. Super aware of public reaction, especially of women.

Sun, Moon and Mercury only aspect each other. This combination acts on its own, not closely connected with any other aspects, though all three of them will soon connect with Mars! Moon does with Mars midday Pacific time the next day! She feels how eager he is to press ahead. There is literally fire in the belly and since they both are in Cancer Moon truly understands that he must! She’s willing to help. Mercury conjuncts Mars midday the 28th. He and Mars are quick on their feet. Cancer is what we call a Cardinal sign. They get things started, initiate action, are the first to do it. Tradition may take a front seat, or be the backdrop that makes it all possible!

Please be cautious of hasty hurtful angry words. There could be more crabbiness than usual and it could mount up. It may clear the deck or end a friendship instantly. Talk sooner. Take time out. Leave before it gets bad. Don’t do those late at night tired talks. Agree to sleep on it knowing much will be resolved by your inner self in the dream time. Come at it fresh in the morning. It will be much quicker then, in fact you both may realize it was not such a big thing after all. If it is something, the resolution may be super simple.

Sun is another story! Mars is moving fast, Sun doesn’t catch up until after both have changed signs, July 26 at 4 LEO! Sun will be in his own sign; fiery Mars in the fiery sign of kings! Having both been together in Cancer, they saw what needs doing in behalf of families, housing, hame community. It is their hearts to use colorful creative solutions, make a place, maybe a school, for others to lend their brilliance and inspiration as well!

For his part, Mars squares Jupiter late the next day and trines Neptune through late the 25th Pacific times. Mars is so quick to see, especially in intuitive Cancer. Jupiter in Libra is busy seeing both sides, trying to negotiate. He gets lots of admiration for his broad vision, being a world traveler, working with the arts. Mars says, get to the point, make up your mind, take care of your loved ones at home and do it NOW! Children are hurting while you are exercising your arrogance and intelligence. Ok, says Jupiter, we need to get some laws on the books and find supportive alliances. Mars pricks Jupiter’s conscience about priorities. Jupiter can do a great job, just need a little motivation. He can take those kids on trips and get scholarships for them to the art school too!

At home there could be exaggerated discord, fires of sorts. No fighting in the kitchen. In town, stay out of dark allies, and don’t break the law. In the world there could be attacks, or maybe a felt need to defend one’s homeland and preserve our principles. Religion may factor in, and most assuredly, politics. Keep your first aid kit and insurance up to date.

Mars trine Neptune will help you dance through this. When the bullet comes, don’t be there. Do your Tai Chi. Mars in Cancer is adept at turning sideways and making a much smaller target, able to slither through the smallest spaces and magically dis/appear somewhere else! Neptune in his own sign Pisces has similar virtues. Both have spiritual intention. Mars is the initiation leader, moving us forward from old ways, literally changing our identity as we arrive in the new destination! Neptune is the shapeshifter of consciousness, freeing us from confusion and illusion. Mars in Cancer is active and stirs the waves of oceanic Pisces. He steps into the Pisces dreamtime without ceremony, and the Pisces magician is glad to be awakened! Dreams come true!

Jupiter connects the loop by inconjuncting Neptune! The New Moon is connected through the links Moon, Mercury and Sun will make with Mars, that in turn aspects both Jupiter and Neptune! Jupiter Inconjunct Neptune is the underlying important long term outer planet aspect that this New Moon is all about. They first conjuncted Oct 23, 2016. Currently they have been in station, holding the connection from their 2nd to 3rd aspect, within 1 degree since before May 17th! They are closing to make their final inconjunct July 4, just before the July 8 Full Buck/Hay Moon! This New Moon is the one offering core support, unconditional nurturing, key intuition for clear seeing through these final days.

As Mars stirs Neptune in harmony from the sign Cancer of Lunar cycles, Jupiter is seeking oblique openings into the far reaches of the greatest understanding of all. It’s not just profound words, righteous ethics, holy principles, but more, matters of the Soul. The unique lifetimes of Being. How that all fits in planetary progress as a growing conscious Entity in the Universe. Due to massive political changes at this time, huge adjustments are being made, solutions sought. It is becoming clear what is most important and what part each of us needs to do personally.

Jupiter is ever optimistic, and with Libra partnerships and alliances world wide, much can be done. It’s not just for fun and games, lightweight pretty social events all the time anymore. Our connections are more meaningful than ever, and can be powerful. Neptune could have been meditating, but now, perhaps, it needs more to be a wakeful observant walking meditation of action. The Savior needs to do some saving! The old non-violent martial forms were always about self preservation, inner strength. The Silent Warriors taught resistance and success by the example of living an exemplary life, living true. Jupiter in Libra has the scanner. It seeks that balance between principle and action, deeper insights through connections. It seeks those who have the inner fibre, that can be called on to stand strong.

Last month’s note: Jupiter in Libra inconjuncts that Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter shifts gears, directions and alliances. Good thing Neptune is quick on the uptake and understands most of the time. Jupiter likes social chatting and international conditions. There are times Pisces prefers solitude, to gently contemplate freely, making associations of mind and Spirit. He seeks intuition rather than advice from well dressed experts. Yet both have their truths and offerings. Important not to judge or to slur each other’s style. Sometimes legal matters take precedence, other times it’s the Court of Heaven that offers insight to the right thing to do. Rather than living in self chosen poverty, as Pisces can sometimes do, Jupiter in Libra leads us to the right school that brings you to the door of happiness doing what you always wanted to do! Could be art, music, design, being with people who celebrate exactly who you are!

Additional aspects, not in this Mars/Jupiter/Neptune set. Venus trines Pluto in earth signs Taurus and Capricorn. Venus in Taurus wants every comfort possible, sweetly. Pluto in Capricorn can easily do without, even prides itself on how less is more. In conservation that is admirable. And you can do without this to have that! Venus may pamper the old gent like never before, spoiling his integrity or helping him know he deserves more, the best! She may show him some values he just never thought about before. He may curb her self indulgence. A nice partnership may be formed. He may fund her campaign, or surprisingly, she may have the funds to start the foundation herself, and he may donate further endowments for expansion. Healing on many levels are likely – body, skin and bones.

The North Node is retrograding back to trine Saturn in Sagittarius. Karmic solutions are loved to growing beyond old fears of new territory. Teaching and pathfinding, intentions are realistically expanded, worked at daily with pleasure. The North Node recently also trined Uranus in Aries. Changes and new ventures were led out into the open, action taken to assure their continued success since Saturn has been on board as well. New friends and business alliances have been made. A union has been called into being, many Souls seeking the same goals.

Not all has been easy with Saturn having been square Chiron April 30. Saturn and Chiron are separating their square by 5 degrees now. They will be back but not until Nov 2. Though there were no major world events close to April 30, the threats of heartbreaking news was with us, and some suffered personal defeats in love, health or business. The aspect is fading now, but do continue to repair, make amends, heal what can be healed. Learn what you can, be kind to yourself and others. Less of being the martyr, more of standing good heartedly for potential and possibilities. Be real and work for it. Be counted. See more, #3 at this link

Saturn in Sagittarius is still in close trine, but retrograding away from Uranus. Work and education, friendships and networking are expanding the opportunities! Cross cultural expeditions bring new products. Uranus in Aries researches, has breakthroughs, uncanny knowledge that spikes more trials. Innovative solutions occur step after step. It just keeps going! Real estate demographics change. Professional goals broaden. Aging brings more satisfaction than ever. See more, #1 at this link

This is the very special time of year that Moon and Sun are in Moon’s own sign! Tune in. Sync up with the cycles. Blessed be…. 


Cancer New Faery SuperMoon Astrology Chart x

Cancer 2017 New Faery SuperMoon Astrology Chart

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Full Buck – Hay Moon! 4 Planet Full Moon Axis: Moon/Pluto & Sun/Mars!

Saturday July 8, 9:07 PM Pacific at 17 Capricorn 09

Cancer 2017 Full Moon Apartments Rand Elliott Oklahoma City

…to live in a piece of art, it’s an experience. Definitely non traditional, but intriguing. Rand Elliot designed this building for midtown Oklahoma City. It is a 10-unit apartment building with an oculus in the middle that will be called The Full Moon. You can see why Rand is called the Space Whisperer!

The building is on a North/South axis! Here’s what it will look like at night – imagine the Full Moon views!

Cancer 2017 Full Moon Apartments Rand Elliott Oklahoma City Night!

Though Cancer is a water sign, moist and fertile, and veggies are growing prolifically in the summer Sun, the Full Hay Moon is also the time grasses are drying and first hay being baled! The Capricorn Moon is aware of the timing, willing to work hard to get winter stores in for the stock. Bales are a good sturdy and useful shape that fit so snugly together on trucks and in barns. Pleases a Capricorn’s heart! Perfect time for summer party hayrides!

Full Moons are expansive, broadening. Cancer is Mom at home, lots of maternal feelings, protective; Capricorn is Dad the realist at work supporting home and family, concise and getting the job done on time. Cancer is nurturer, babies at breasts; Cap is the shelter builder. They are traditional signs, and often have a successful family business that may have been passed down through a parent. Moon is into commodities, knows what the public is up for, super aware of cycles! Capricorn is professional, the CEO, who is in strong connection with the accountant, the current ROI dept by dept. Together, Cancer/Capricorn have a lot to be proud of.

This Full Moon is powerfully tied with Pluto in Capricorn, 1 degree conjunct the Moon, 17/18 Capricorn! She may be caught in a web of the past, limited by imposed rules. Hard to get traction, missed opportunities. There may be secret alliances, the need to ‘pass the test,’ to join up. There are also possible other mergers, the company to be incorporated. Insurance and security are important. There can be death and inheritances. Healthwise, clean organic safe foods, detoxing takes precedence. Not overeating is best, but this can be a bingeing aspect too. Pay attention to skin, bone, knees. Love life needs to be well cared for – at worst it is a painful obsessive affair. At best it is a deepening of a true solid relationship. Pluto is the Ninja planet, the behind the scenes protector/warrior. Don’t pester him/her too much…

Mars is across the table with Sun! It will take some time before the potentials hinted at may come to light and a bond made. They don’t make their connection until Sun catches up after both have changed signs, July 26 at 4 LEO! Both fire planets, they are swimming along together in water sign Cancer, aware of the new cycle unfolding before them. They are feeling their way, intuiting and anticipating each other. By the time they get into Leo, they know each other pretty well and the starburst is made at the end of July! Some embellishment, a personal touch, lighting or color makes it super exciting for the launch! Have a terrific grand Grand Opening!

When there are disagreements, take it easy. Moon in Cap is subject to depression, discouragement, intimidation. They can seem tough, but it’s not always so. Mars is the upfront warrior. Sun and Mars are feisty and can be a tad unthinking, enjoying their independence, not wanting to be told what to do by any man, woman, child, parent or teacher! They can resist when it was their own idea! Stay aware. Check in time to time. Update and get updates, and if necessary, clean up the mess.

Thank goodness for the Mercury/Venus sextile! Mercury is just leaving, but the past few days there have been some amenable talks. Venus in Gemini has shared a ton of ideas, introduced neighbors, locals, twins and siblings! She’s been gracious and shared valuable information that has potential in several directions at once! Don’t underestimate her because she looks too young. Mercury has cruised into Leo, and is the planet of Gemini! Mercury has ideas that are big spirited, open hearted in Leo. Can be selfish, but are usually generous too! There are things to teach, ideas are bright! Love IS Light! Brainstorm and collect the outstanding thoughts! Let Gemini weave them along the Internet. Blog like crazy! Illustrate so artfully it can’t be resisted.

Mars is exact inconjunct Saturn in Sagittarius at 22 degrees! In Cancer, Mars is more likely not to be taken in by Saturn in Sag’s scholarly reputation though it is tempting. Mars in Cancer can tempt Saturn to quit wandering, there’s no place like home, to come back where the grass is greener. Mars reminds Saturn, the planet of the sign opposite Cancer, that there’s more than philosophy, there are passionate feelings too. That each culture is a ‘home’ to its people, not just something to be studied. Saturn invites Mars to travel with him for a time and see how faiths can be so different yet there is so much about people everywhere that is the same.

A lot hotter is Mars coming to square Uranus in Aries, Mars’ sign! They are in sniffing distance now, building to exact July 17! Each is independent and freedom loving! Quick, quick, quick! Sometimes accidental, they might fall into something so different and perfect! Not usually such a risk taker, Cancer may be shocked at events, certainly shaken loose from what used to be, and some of that her own doing! Sex may be bold, offensive or a surprise so electric you lost your socks! You don’t know whether to be sad or happy!

The Fixed Star Vega is at 15 Capricorn 19 within two degrees of our Moon in Capricorn! Vega is a pale sapphire star in the Constellation Lyra, the Harp of Orpheus. According to Elsbeth Ebertin: ‘In a good cosmic configuration, Vega is supposed to give artistic talents especially for music and acting, but also a liking for good living. With eccentric artists, this may lead to a debauched life. In connection with the Moon or Neptune a tendency for occult and mysticism may be given.’ Some say it covers everything it touches with enchanting charisma.

Vega is also close in square with Jupiter and sextile Neptune. In the square with Jupiter it may be entirely too much of a good thing, exaggerated principles, seductive teachings that are too good to be true by unqualified instructors. It could be pure grace sextile Neptune. It could put you in touch with dreams beyond your wildest beliefs, spellbinding artistic and musical performances that transport the audience.

The last Jupiter inconjunct Neptune is exact July 4, and is quite close still, but will be fading. Recently this has been a backdrop aspect since May 10, potently in a 1 degree aspect all this time! This aspect was the one immediately preceding the Nov 8 Presidential Elections, and initiated a set of SIX aspects late 2016 that were spread throughout 2016, finishing Nov 11, 2017.

Optimistic Jupiter in Libra visions as far off in time and space as it can! Neptune IS time and space, boundless. An inconjunct aspect invites exploration, peripheral vision, a detour to another dimension! It’s a bit off center, disturbing, but exactly as it should be to get our attention!

Jupiter in Libra is like tilting the tides of humanity back and forth until the remaining ones stand at the center, able to be stable as the world shifts around them. Jupiter always looks for the best, finely tuned in Libra! Neptune in Pisces runs the tides and shifts the sand we stand on. We need to be able to not just stand, but to flow, to compensate, at times swim and merge with higher powers, to make adjustments fluidly. Dreams can come true as we learn divine navigation.

Jupiter wants to know about Matters of the Soul, and they think Neptune/Pisces knows. They want to know if you are a True Believer and what that means. With Neptune in Pisces, the quest goes far and wide. There may be no single answer, but instead, a potpourri of Evolutions.

Whether you return to the trail you first started on, or take the new trail you find yourself, either way, you are not the person you used to be. You have seen some mysteries, there has been doubt, delving and wonderings, questions that will take lifetimes to answer. Sometimes it’s only the turn of your head, a moment’s glimpse, a singular flash of insight that leads you to a new vision. Right on spiritual compass, the transmutation happens.

Moon/Pluto and Sun/Mars is a Warrior’s axis. Live deep, Stand tall, Love well!


Cancer/Capricorn Full Buck – Hay Moon Astrology Chart

xCancer/Capricorn 2017 Full Buck Hay Moon Astrology Chart


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The next New Moon is Sunday July 23 at 2:46 AM Pacific, 0 LEO 44 – the first of two LEO New Moons! July 24 the Leo/Virgo Mercury Retrograde cycle starts!

The second LEO New Moon is the August 21 Black Moon at 28 LEO 53, 11:30 AM Pacific, the US TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE! 


See the entire Cancer 2017 Newsletter!

See the 2017 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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