
Posts Tagged ‘semi’

New Moon of Dreams!   – Trine Neptune, Jupiter Square Pluto!

Super SuperMoon! Full Frosty, Beaver Moon!  – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Sign Changes, Jupiter Square Pluto!

New Moon of Dreams!  – Trine Neptune, Jupiter Square Pluto!

Sunday Oct 30, 10:38 AM Pacific at 7 SC 44 

New Moon Grand Canyon Milky Way

Remote and sacred places on a dark night are perfect choices for your Scorpio… Grand Canyon is one of the best places in the world to witness celestial wonders. Don’t think for a second that outdoor adventures end when the sun goes down!

No Full Moon over the ominous castle on Halloween this year! Instead, it will be fittingly dark! But it does precede the Presidential Election. It will hold some of the deeper secrets – some yet to be played, some never to be known.

New Moons of the longer nights time of year have an even deeper feel. Leaves are blanketing earth, protecting the soil from drying winds, storm runoff, mouldering and feeding our soils for spring growth to come. New Moons complete cycles and we feel the endings, the accomplishments, what lingers to be carried on into the new cycle.

Maybe we sleep a little more deeply and the dreams are more vivid as we come closer to our Soul’s longings. This is especially true this time because the New Moon and Mercury trine, flow well, with Neptune in Pisces, the planet and sign of dreams and magic! Intuition abides, Mercury the translator is at hand. Scorpio questions the dream’s meaning. Moon remembers long ago times, and how the Mother’s Mother taught her children. Sun shines, even in the dark, giving a glow to special moments that they may be shared. Mercury, keenly records the whispers and nuances to give them full expression, context, a perspective of the times.

New Moon and Mercury are semi sextile Jupiter in Libra, giving a living breath, further intensifying Jupiter’s relationships. Passions for learning are focusing as new steps are revealed, the core energy must be answered, the Kundalini can’t be ignored! It’s what we live for!

Jupiter in turn closely exchanges principles with hardworking Saturn, now in Jupiter’s sign Sagittarius, that feels the responsibility to do the mission one is meant to do! Education, the kind that suits your learning style, is imperative! Venus is right at Saturn’s shoulder showing us how wonderful a choice it is! It’s lovely, an enjoyable journey, charmed, worthy, and makes hella good sense! There is great mentorship, and the fees may be at a discount!

Saturn and Venus are semi sextile Pluto! There is a rapport because Saturn is the planet of Pluto’s current sign Capricorn. Saturn is ever so sensible, though in Sagittarius he is more inquisitive than usual. There are many paths to the mountain top, and he chooses well. Venus adds grace and charisma, a sweet smile, and off they go arm in arm. Pluto sees they have got something, and puts his money there! Pluto adds a couple footnotes that make the journey and the story even better. There’s an old Master up the road they must see.

The big aspect is Jupiter upcoming square Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn’s sign, exact Nov 24. This New Moon and the Nov 14 Full Moon, both include this aspect and provide a foreground of thoughtful matters leading to Nov 24, as well as being the pre and post election charts.

No, it isn’t all going to be easy. Whatever the obstacles, they need to be addressed sooner than later. It could be there is a start, but the finish is delayed. Money runs out. Someone close may require a lot care time and that sets you back. Keep your balance as possible; focus on priorities. Watch your own health, no burnout. You may be hard pressed to make deadlines. Important to set boundaries to protect what time you do have. See More

Mars is also in Capricorn, but mostly working on his own now. He sextiled Chiron, squared Uranus Friday the 28th. He and Chiron may have found a better way to do the job. Square Uranus, he likely left a friend or two behind. There could have been challenges over who was in charge, an accidental mess, too much weight. Perhaps he thought Uranus in Aries was irresponsible and Uranus, loving his freedom, simply let Mars go without much ado.

Preceding the Presidential Election, some will do last days of Soul searching to decide how to vote or whether to vote. Scorpio is able to make sacrifices, surrender and hold peace in difficult or imperfect circumstances while biding their time. Things change. With Jupiter in Libra there are powerful dichotomies, extreme polarities. Most of us agree we want the world to be a better place. Be thinking what you can do, personally, to make that happen. Working together is sometimes easier said than done. If your candidate wins, stay kind. If you candidate loses, stay kind. Middle ground may not be an option you choose, but be respectful as you fulfill your choice. Some of us will be walking paths we have never done before. Take it easy on yourself and others.

Steady in the Light and good luck on your journey.

SCORPIO New Moon of Dreams Astrology Chart

Scorpio 2016 New Moon Astrology Chart

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Super SuperMoon! Full Frosty, Beaver Moon! – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Sign Changes, Jupiter Square Pluto!

Monday November 14, 5:52 AM Pacific at 22 Taurus 37

Exquisite Full Moon Frosty by David Cartier Sr Phoenix Rising Meditation

David Cartier, Sr. says ‘I was attracted to the way the slight bit of ice fog in the subzero air seemed to be sucking the moonbeam straight downwards.’ Exquisite image he calls Frosty Moon. I think it is a perfect Phoenix rising meditation.

11.10.2016 Note: Donald J Trump is President-elect. There were many successes for women! 52-year-old Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto became the nation’s first Latina Senator, replaces Democratic minority leader Senator Harry Reid. In California, State Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris was elected as the state’s first freshman Senator in 24 years. Harris is the first black politician to represent California, the second black woman ever to join the Senate, and the first woman ever elected as California attorney general. 48 year-old Tammy Duckworth, a congresswoman from Illinois and the first disabled woman to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, won the race for US Senate. Ilhan Omar became the nation’s first Somali-American legislator after she won a House seat in Minnesota. The 34-year-old succeeded with 80% of the vote! Kate Brown was elected as the nation’s first openly LGBT governor in Oregon. (GoodNewsNetwork.org)

Now we know who our next President will be. Only a week after the election, we will be comparing how it is with how we speculated it might be. A Taurus Moon is organic and practical, will help us make the most of what we can. We have a need to stay calm, keep basic resources intact. Scorpio Sun seeks alliances that will withstand any storms. It ferrets monies away in secure untouchable places. It strikes and takes advantage of any opportunities that may occur unexpectedly. Scorpio, a water sign, flows along mighty channels, sweeping debris out of the way, leaving silt for more fertile ground. Full circle, the floodplains become rich Taurus soil for new growth. From rampage to rampant abundance!

The nature of Full Moon oppositions is to divide and conquer, have awareness of a primordial axiom. It bridges the difference by making us lift our heads to be aware of the other. We finds ways to work in concert, each contributing their remarkable specialty. Or, we acknowledge that real differences exist to the natural exclusion of each other at this time, and let each other go on our own good way. Many options, often several together in overlapping layers.

Elementally, Taurus is mine, Scorpio is ours. Taurus acquires and owns; Scorpio shares and possesses! Taurus stills and absorbs like the Buddha; Scorpio, though outwardly doesn’t show it, hosts the human eternal flame, the Kundalini, the power at the base of the spine. Taurus solidly fortifies while Scorpio scathes and scorches! When friendly, it checks the perimeter so no one even gets to the fort! Both are fixed signs, so battles may continue over aeons of lifetimes, but, when they say it is done, it’s over. Some battles are within ourselves, others are with loved ones, or people around us. Oppositions cause us to study our so called opponent. Even if we ignore them, we are forced to see what to ignore! Paradoxically, as we come to understand, we make peace.

Our Full Moon axis leaves two planets behind. There was a Chiron bow, trine the Sun, sextile the Moon. Chiron is in Pisces, the possibility of Soul and Spirit healing, dreams of saving cherished remnants, piecing things to a renewed wholeness. There is consideration of immortality, things more important than simple mortal existence, living for body and money. Some teachings come subtly, like bubbles rising slow motion in the water, like visions in the fog, in and out of focus, a sound in the distance you aren’t sure of…yet it calls to you. You can feel it.

Sun is leaving the inconjunct with Uranus, Moon is leaving the semisextile. This set is nagging and disturbing. Good. There are new things to incorporate into our plans, but fixed signs prefer what’s already established. They, however, are the perfect signs to carry a new order forward. They don’t make change lightly, so what they accept, usually has merit if they are to bother with it at all. Taurus is sensible, and Scorpio is astute at seeing what’s behind the excitement. There may be a shift in alliances, or who does what, to get it all done.

Mercury, Venus and Mars have all changed signs since our New Moon only two weeks ago, and they are in close degrees! Mercury is now in Sagittarius sextile Mars in Aquarius! There are things to be said, and now! Independence, right action, freedom, need to be spoken as teachings community wide. New friends can be made, a new computer or programs very helpful. Venus, now in Capricorn, sits at the Mercury/Mars midpoint making sure they don’t exaggerate, are polite, have backup for what they claim. Venus wants respect for the message, and things to get done in a timely fashion to have maximum impact.

Jupiter is closer to sextile Saturn. They get very close, but not exact until Aug 27. Jupiter retrogrades to make more social and professional relationships that will support their work later on. Jupiter cheers Saturn. They both want education presented in ways that are meaningful, have credibility, and easy to uptake. Jupiter in Libra goes for more youth, while Saturn in Sagittarius draws the elders. Saturn holds Jupiter to task, keeping their purpose a priority. Expanding the range of their work, or the breadth of their territory may cause more work but a greater payoff in time. Saturn should keep things from getting too thin and overextending themselves, missing the mark. See more

If they don’t stay the course with right action, the Nov 24 Jupiter square Pluto may bring them down. Or, if there are things that need recovery work that need addressing before Jupiter and Saturn can get on with their work, the cleanup and renovation needs be done first. Jupiter in Libra may be over trusting, afraid to call out problems because of not wanting to hurt feelings. Or they may jump to conclusions, exaggerate, make enemies. Pluto in Capricorn may be old school and end negotiations. Pluto may try to force issues, but Jupiter knows how to sidestep and run, call the attorney. Pluto may look like he is in total control yet be more vulnerable than you think. And there are times when you must tell it like it is and let the chips fall. If that is your choice, be ready for consequences and have a backup plan in order for possible contingencies.

If Jupiter uses discretion and finesse – not manipulation, Pluto may be happy to receive him. Jupiter is often genuine and straightforward, honest with no tricks, means well. Pluto is not threatened, and in fact impressed with these sophisticated Libra ideas. They may both come out with some grand agreements, a plan that may be tinkered with, but develops well over time! See more

This is the last Moon before the Jupiter square Pluto is exact the first time. A Full Moon, an opposition, examines the range of values between the signs. Both have true principles and standards at different sides of the table. Use both, to judge the matters appropriate to one side or the other.

Jupiter square Pluto is the second aspect of the 2016 Oct to Dec 31 set of six that repeat two more times throughout 2017, the final aspect Nov 11, 2017.  Choices now will change as things develop. Look to your long term future to make best picks and get off to a good start.

Saturn in Sagittarius is still in close semisextile with Pluto. Saturn, ruling the sign Capricorn that Pluto is now in, will have an honorable say with Pluto, asking for leniency, to hold back for a while, to consider a more generous solution. However, kindly Venus is no longer with Saturn, and if things have just gone too far, his ethics offended, he may call for an example to be made, complete culpability.

Neptune in Pisces is at Moon’s South Node. Some of the ideas of the time may come from past lives, dreams of a long time ago, longings of many Souls. There may be a revival, a welling up, waves of tears ~ of happiness for a recognition from within, or of the Universe! Compassion replaces arrogance. There may be wrongs to be righted, healing to be done, shyness to overcome, to free your Spirit to step into this new frame.

Technicalities per Space.com  The “supermoon.” The full moon that occurs on this day will also very nearly coincide with perigee, the object’s closest approach to Earth for the year, in an event popularly known as a supermoon. The moon will turn full at 8:52 a.m. EST (1352 GMT), just 2.4 hours after it comes within just 221,541 miles (356,536 km) of the planet. (The moon’s average distance from Earth in its elliptical orbit is 238,900 miles, or 384,470 km.) The last time the moon came this close was on Jan. 26, 1948! Expect a large range in ocean tides (exceptionally low to exceptionally high) for the next few days.

We may feel a bit tidal ourselves! Even great Scorpio rivers have tides where they meet the ocean! Those of you who are coastal, take your camera with you for some super low and high tide shots!

Enjoy the Super SuperMoon! May your Circle Ceremonies be Healing.

SCORPIO Super SuperMoon! Full Frosty, Beaver Moon Astrology Chart

xScorpio 2016 Super SuperMoon Full Frosty, Beaver Moon Astrology Chart


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The next New Moon is Tuesday Nov 29, 4:18 AM Pacific at 7 Sagittarius 43  

See the entire SCORPIO 2016 Newsletter!
See the 2016 Special Edition Newsletter for upcoming Planetary Patterns!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go well with you….

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Sai(nts) Baba Gone and Sinners, Osama bin Laden Death Chart

Sathya Sai Baba is gone, tornadoes came to Alabama, William & Kate had their Royal Wedding, and the beatification of John Paul II happened! 

Bin Laden’s assassination has brought extremes of thinking and further stirred an already boiling world-wide pot!  Pluto in Capricorn has brought changes in long time regimes, and isn’t quitting.  Though  bin Laden didn’t ‘rule’ for a long time, he made world-wide impact as being thought to be the power behind the 911 attack, being so immune to capture, and simply being tall among men, confirmed 6′ 4″ tall.  Uranus, planet of surprises, in fiery Aries, is coming closer and closer into its square (challenge) with Pluto, of death and healing, and will continue to be in this square until Mar 16, 2015, making 7 exact aspects!  This aspect will continue to topple governments and powerful leaders.  And, the Phoenix will rise from its own ashes.

Deciphering the moment of death is a challenge in this kind of situation.  LivingMoonAstrology.com says ‘The American commando stormed the suburban home where Bin Laden was living on May 2, 2011, at around 1 am local time, according to a witness [Sohaib Athar] twitting the events in real time.’  Wikipedia says ‘ At approximately 1:00 a.m. local time (20:00, May 1 UTC), the SEALs breached the compound’s walls using explosives and attacked the compound’s structures and the compound’s guards opened fire.’  Also, ‘”The encounter with bin Laden lasted only seconds,” according to Politico, and took place during “the last five or 10 minutes” of the raid.’  CNN reported ‘A firefight was under way for most of the 40 [38] minutes that U.S. Special Operations forces were in the compound, as the team encountered resistance from bin Laden and three other men, a senior defense official said.  The official said the forces had to fight their way through the first floor of the three-story building, where two adult males lived.  Bin Laden and his family lived on the second and third floors, and they were cleared last, with bin Laden killed in the last five or 10 minutes of the siege, the official said.’  But, the  HeraldNews.SunTime.com says ‘But bin Laden refused to give himself up. That’s when he was shot in a bedroom — only minutes into the raid — ending a 10-year manhunt.’   Wiki further says ‘The raid was intended to take 30 minutes. All told, the time between the team’s entry in and exit from the compound was 38 minutes.  Time in the compound was split into exchanging gunfire with the defenders and searching the compound for information.’

Maybe it took them 10 minutes to have his wife ID him, do the photo ID comparisons, body bag him and transport him to the helicopter and leave?  That puts us back to 1:28 AM.  I put up a chart for May 2, 2011, at 1:28 AM in Abbottabud, Pakistan.

Death of Osama bin Laden Astrology Chart

Bin Laden’s death chart Moon is at 25 Aries.  It connects with 4 factors in bin Laden’s Mar 10, 1957 sunrise birth chart [birth time unknown].  1) It same degree semi sextiles his sunrise Mars (with South Node) at 25 Taurus – didn’t surrender.  Mars is the planet of Aries, so this is a stronger semi sextile than usual.  2) The Moon trines his Pluto at 28 Leo, forming a Grand Trine – smooth flowing, with the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius!  He was a man connected with the destinies of nations, even when he was in a cave!  Perhaps it was good it went quickly.  I think there will be more to the story in time.  Perhaps good will come of it in as yet unforeseeable ways.  3) It inconjuncts his Jupiter 27 Virgo that squares the Galactic Center, schisms between religions, family and funerals – he was hated by many, ‘buried’ at sea, and his son was killed.  4) It sextiles his sunrise Moon 27 Gemini, which was opposite the Galactic Center.  It was through his courier, Gemini, to his home, Moon, that revealed his location.  In some charts the Moon rules the People, in others it is the women and children, your family and home.  Certainly, we are hearing amazing points of view about the event.  The Moon is a fast moving factor, so it wouldn’t be expected, but in both charts, the Royal Wedding and this one, the Moons are connected with the Galactic Center, making international news.  Both of these events then, are connected with the Mayan Sacred Tree/Crossroads of Dec 21, 2012 calendar end/turnover, since the Sacred Tree center occurs only 6 degrees of the Galactic Center!

The six planet Aries stellium is formidable.  This is not a peacemaking combination, but a charging war!  Osama was shot twice, and it was done.  The whole operation took only 38 minutes.  The Aries Moon is Void of Course like in William & Kate’s Royal Wedding chart!  Astrologers would rarely choose a VOC Moon for an event, yet here again, we have a successful enterprise.  None of the horary astrology ‘exception’ rules apply to this chart as they did in William & Kate’s, but six planets in Aries?!  That could ram through just about anything!  And once a Taurus gets moving….  True, there is the other Void of Course caveat.  Compared to ‘nothing will come of it’ – that would be good if there are no further attacks/retaliations on America, ‘there’s nothing to stop it’ was exactly what happened!  Perhaps it’s a bit like the retrograde rule – if you are experienced with a matter, you will usually succeed during a retrograde.

Specifically, Mars doubly powerful in its own sign, conjunct lucky Jupiter, is like a powerhouse!  Mars is fast, fervent, focused, loves machines and weapons and fights, is especially courageous if the underdog.  They did lose that helicopter though.  Uranus of flight in a breaking square with Pluto endings.  Then they killed the helicopter with an explosion, Uranus, to obliterate it for security reasons, Pluto and Pluto.  That Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Aries has only happened two times before since 1900, Jan 6, 1940, and June 16, 1975.  This one was the day after the Royal Wedding, and the day of bin Laden’s assassination!

The Sun is at 11 degrees Taurus, in a life force breaking square with the Ascendant 15 degrees Aquarius.  In a manner, the bird is set free.  Taurus may be too slow and low in the chart to recover from this rift in the organization.  The Royal Wedding chart Sun also squares the Ascendant but in different signs!  The Ascendant/Descendants are reversed!  Theirs is 5 Leo Ascending while bin Laden’s death chart is 15 Aquarius Ascending.  I said, ‘With the Sun square the Ascendant, how you appear to others, they may not always look good.’   The Sun is leaving the sextile with Chiron, marriage, and the trine with Pluto, wealth.  No more.  And the Sun has moved up to inconjunct Saturn, another kind of life force weakening/breaking aspect, often not good for your health.  I said, ‘Sun inconjunct Saturn, can be sad news at times.’

Venus and Mercury have moved just beyond the opposition with Saturn in Libra that was in the Royal Wedding chart making communications an issue, or perhaps creating and keeping a bridge of connection.  In this case it is good there was no connection; he never saw them coming!  Mercury has moved into conjunction with Jupiter, so the news is BIG!

Why the burial at sea?  Neptune the planet of the sea is in its own sign Pisces now, the sign of the sea.  29 Pisces is on the 2nd cusp, the part of the chart that has to do with one’s body.  29 Pisces is the last degree of the last sign of the Zodiac, conjunct the 7 Weeping Sisters, the Pleiades.  The End.  Osama, himself a Pisces, has gone ‘home.’  Saturn is in the 8th of death, and rules the 12th of end of Spirit.  The usual options were blocked.  The ritual performed was probably the best they could do to show respect to a formidable warrior, stop further damage.  Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn’s sign, suggests a death of necessity, to end the past with a significant message.  Perhaps enough time has passed that he won’t be made a martyr.

Wishing you peace and healing no matter what your circumstances are. I had a friend who was in the towers, survived 911, but her Spirit was struck. I pray, in time, losses and revenge will dissolve to forgiveness. Blessed be.

April 1998 in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden, Pisces born March 10, 1957

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Uranus Square Pluto, Royal Wedding Chart, William & Kate!

Uranus square Pluto is starting, now 5 degrees in orb.  That will keep things shaking!  Oops, maybe I shouldn’t say that.  Uranus in Aries is the rebellious young upstart compared to the wizened Pluto burrowing the depths of corporate Capricorn.  Yet Pluto is associated with journalism, follows the money, a trouble maker of a different ilk.  Power will be questioned.  Put them together and things that were thought to be impermeable may be disturbed at the deepest foundations, shaken to thunder!  Long standing old schools will have cracks in their armor, new conduits able to be begun.  Some will fall of their own finished weight, to be replaced for better benefit, or simply let go – no need to go further, job done.  Strange and wonderful new alliances will be tried and some will work and break through to whole new types of community models, building codes, laws.  Businesses once thought to be ridiculous will begin to prove themselves as the needs of the times and hidden technology comes to light to make them feasible.  Those who ride the snorty horse will fly!  Let those pawing hooves make fiery sparks! 

Another take on Uranus into Aries, square Pluto.  This aspect is unique because it happens 7 times!  It will be exact for the first time June 23, 2012, finishing Mar 17, 2015, in effect for five years!

I wrote the above with no thought of the Royal Wedding, William & Kate, in mind.  Yet this is the most powerful aspect of the out most planets, longest in duration, in their wedding chart.  It will always be in their wedding chart, but the actual aspect in the sky will culminate Mar 17, 2015.  At that point it shall have made 7 exact connections at varying but close degrees.  If their marriage is surviving at that time, they will probably make it.  So much is being said about how their marriage is giving hope in hard economic times and following the years of sadnesses around Charles, Diana, and Camilla.  Perhaps this symbolizes breaking through old patterns of the monarchy, British financial reform.

Some are using the 11 AM start of the wedding for the wedding chart;  I am using the 11:20 AM pronouncement moment – the intent of the event before your peers.  If you really want to get technical about it, use the chart when the last person signed the papers for official records after the ceremony.  The 11 AM chart has Venus of love and beauty at the top of the chart, and the wedding did start on time, and was a lovely ceremony that went off without a hitch though William did have a hard time getting the ring on Kate’s finger (Saturn opposite Mercury). 

Royal Wedding Chart, Prince William & Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge

The most unique feature of the wedding chart is that simplistically, the Moon is Void of Course in Pisces square the Galactic Center.  Void of Course, VOC, is the time period from when the Moon makes its last connection with any planet and the time it enters a new sign.  There are extreme opposing points of view of what this period brings.  The traditional view is nothing will come of it, it won’t come out as expected, somewhat unpredictable.  This is great if your question is ‘Will I go to jail?’!  Rarely would a VOC Moon be chosen for a wedding chart.  Since the Moon has directly to do with fertility and a royal heir is usually wanted, this would be doubly so in this case.  It is said, ‘…the moon relating to the mother, will give a mother who was ‘not there’ so to speak. she may not have been there physically, emotionally, or she may have been even neglectful.’  Will’s mother Diana, ‘not there,’ is an important facet of their lives together.  The other view is there is nothing to stop it, nothing to stand in its way.  Hilary Clinton’s Moon (women) is VOC in Pisces in her 10th house of career and authority!  First Lady.   There are exceptions to the VOC rule, and this chart has them.  The Moon is said to ‘perform’ in Pisces – Pisces lives to osmose!  When it changes signs it will conjunct Uranus at 2 degrees Aries – free to act! Mercury and Jupiter are in an angular house, the 10th – a place determined to accomplish.  Jupiter with Mars is lucky to act!  How to resist?!!!

Still, as compelling as those aspects are, organically, the Moon, back at 26 degrees, four to go to change Signs, I would give the VOC read precedence, attending to reading the Moon for herself.  Pisces does move, but it can be ever so cleverly quietly, miniscule motion, practically invisible.  The VOC Moon is like a pause.  Preceding matters have been concluded, we’re in the done-deal zone, with perhaps a sense that it was all fated.  This is like a thoughtful, perhaps resting, reset period, in internal adjustment readying for the next Sign, the Gateway.  It is a step in a process.  A chart with lots of upcoming Lunar aspects in a Sign has many unfolding options, a rich future if favorable, is busy.  In traditional successful wedding charts, the Moon is chosen to be in trine or sextile with the Sun, Mother and Father, the Lights in harmony for fertility, full of life!  This chart has no upcoming Lunar aspects, no classic Sun/Moon, male/female connection. 

Pisces, the Moon’s Sign, is also an ending symbol, finishing symbol of maturity, being the last Sign of the Zodiac.  It too has to do with rest, contemplation, the unknown, unknowable, visioning.  To the negative side, it can be addictions, the victim/martyr, hidden agendas, fantasy versus reality.  For Kate going from commoner to Queen, it can be the dream come true, fairy tales.  Moon nurtures unconditionally; Pisces is the ultimate compassion.  It gives a dramatic counterpoint to the 5 planet Aries stellium (cluster – see below)!  Aries is noted for action, can be courageous first responders, but is not noted for ongoing care with deep sensitivity.  The Moon rules mothers, children, women in general, and Diana, the Goddess of the Hunt, in particular.  And Mother Diana was missing.  Pisces also rules being in Spirit form.  In the Abbey, closest to where William and Kate stood to take their vows, there were five chairs. Four of them were taken, by the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Camilla … and then there was an empty chair. Was that chair for Diana?

Some are saying this ‘lost’ Moon in ‘lost Pisces’ is symbolically a way of putting away Diana’s influence. Maybe so, but she was William’s mother. That concept doesn’t work for me. This Void of Course position is akin to an ‘escape’ planet, a planet that has no connections formed to it or by it. It is in a separate state, unhindered, but ineffective, sometimes a loose cannon since there is nothing to censor its choices, no outlets to siphon off energy. It’s behavior often seems inappropriate.  It’s one thing to ‘put away’ a matter, it’s quite another to not get any benefit from the Moon other than the Sign it is in. 

Being on the brink of the Mayan calendar ending 2012, that event quite close to being at the Galactic Center, the Moon being a degree of square the Galactic Center seems significant!  Perhaps they will never take their kingdom or their kingdom, the monarchy system, will be ended, or it will be fraught with difficulties throughout their time.

Their Sun is in Taurus, a sign of fertility and stability, loyalty forever!  And there were earthy Pagan elements to the wedding.  Trees brought into the Abbey.  It was near Beltane – May Day celebration of fertility.  They had a hand wrapping – called handfasting in Pagan circles.  The archbishop who married them is a Druid!  And William’s full name is William Arthur Philip Louis, Arthur being the King of old mythical legends.

Leo Rising, the Ascendant, is a romantic Sign of Kings & Queens, great powers!  As Taurus, it is another fixed sign, cherishes its mate and takes a long time before it gives up.  It is generous, loves to teach, is thought to be selfish at times, is great fun to be around, has boundless energy!  Trine Venus, is kind, loves glorious beauty and color.  Their wedding was bright – William’s red uniform (Aries’ color).   

FIVE planets in Aries!  Aries is not famous for finishing projects nor fertility, but is a splendid champion, passionate leader!  Both Leo and Aries are athletic.  The group of five starts with Uranus of community, international connections, freedom.  Then there is Venus, love of independence, heroes, celebrities, art by fire.  The MidHeaven in Aries decides to try new things in government, laws, status.  Mercury is next, with inspiring things to say, fresh insights.  Mars and Jupiter conclude together.  Mars here is in its own Sign, racy super action, with Jupiter is legendary!  Jupiter is what we think is righteous, good luck, horses and big dogs, expansion, future plans, travel, publishing, education!  Expect these two to broaden and brighten Britain!  Aries is less famous for stopping to make agreements, more famous for spontaneous action, sometimes fiery fights, but quickly over!  One way or another, this couple will make a lot of news! 

With the Sun square the Ascendant, how you appear to others, they may not always look good.  Sun inconjunct Saturn, can be sad news at times. 

Saturn at 12 Libra is at a midpoint opposition with Venus 10 Aries, MidHeaven 12 Aries and Mercury 14 Aries!  Sometimes duty will dominate, love and simply doing what you want to do will seem far, far away.  There may not always be time to talk, so many responsibilities.  And at times, it will just be good to be apart, a little room to navigate freely. 

The Sun sextile Chiron of Marriage, and semi sextile Venus of love and affection, will soften and protect them, give a sweetness.   

Sun trine Pluto is the number one US corporate wealth aspect!  If it works well in Britain too, their fortunes together are likely assured!  Saturn though square Pluto, and is going back, retrograde, to 10 degrees, never makes the exact square to Pluto at 7 degrees.  There will be financial scares, close calls, perhaps, but will never quite happen.  The issues of their country’s economics will always be of concern.

Spiritually speaking, whether by chance or chosen, a wedding chart is always perfect.  The couple has the ultimate final choice of date, time and place.  Whatever is the Soul’s agreement, agenda, the chart will show the way and be lived in all its intricacy. 

If you didn’t see it and would like to, here is a link to watch the ceremony.  At the very beginning, note the lovely greenery in the abbey!

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