
Posts Tagged ‘SuperMoon’

Aries New Moon March 24!

Last of Six months 4 degree sequence, Saturn IN AQUARIUS square Uranus, Venus trine Jupiter Bundle Chart!

Libra – Aries Full Pink SUPERMoon, April 7,8, Largest of the year!

Moon Libra Handle Bucket Chart! Jupiter still close to Pluto. Fixed Star Castor TSquare Full Moon.


Aries 2020 New Moon!

Tuesday March 24 New Moon at 2:28 AM, 4 Aries 12! 

Last of Six months 4 degree sequence, Saturn IN AQUARIUS square Uranus, Venus trine Jupiter Bundle Chart!

Aries New Moon 2020 Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night L’Atelier Des Lumières Paris

In honor of Aries artist Vincent van Gogh, his work Starry Night. See his Chart  Vincent Van Gogh’s Paintings Come Alive In Paris’ L’Atelier Des Lumières

Our New Moon at 4 degrees Aries is the sixth of a SIX months sequence of New Moons all at 4 degrees! 2019 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2020 Jan, Feb, Mar New Moons are all at 4 degrees! The signs are Scorpio, Sag, Cap, AQ, Pisces and Aries. All these Moons are sequentially resonant to each other! If you have factors at 4 degrees or very close to that, let’s say up to 2 to 3 degrees, in your astrology chart, they will be activated over and over. Each Moon being in a different Sign, your chart will be activated from different angles each time, some more favorably than others. Assess your status, how well you have achieved your goals, what’s next! This last one is in the first sign of the zodiac! Time for putting your accomplishment into the mainstream!  

Saturn is newly in Aquarius for the first time since 29 years ago! This is the first lunar event in his new sign! It is a New Moon of the first sign of the Zodiac in an early degree along with 5 other early degree factors! This New Moon chart happens to be the 3rd of three New Moons in a row having those rare potent Bundle charts. It’s bunched together tightly in only 117 degrees, concentrated like a potent little seed! Blessed with sweet Venus trine lucky Jupiter defining its boundaries, these new beginnings will spring forth with legs! Venus is in Taurus the Bull, having superior strength to carry on, and Jupiter, the Horse, is in Capricorn, sign of clever sure footed goats to take us to the heights! 

The New Moon has just sextiled Saturn, encouraging, showing the way to make a good start! The Lights are with Saturn and so are many people looking for new ways to fix old problems. Saturn in Aquarius is square the Aquarian planet Uranus in Taurus. This combination may need to crack down first, to slow down things that have been out of control. There may be a lot of meetings before a working consensus is reached. Things may need to be dealt with one at a time. Hopefully, gradually a strong and informed coalition will be formed, or it may never quite gel, each distrusting the other. However, Saturn retrogrades May 10/11 at only 1° AQ 57, not making the exact square to Uranus until Feb 18. 2021! This is a prelude of things to come so we can prepare well to work it then. Nor will Saturn make connections with any other of the early degree factors. It won’t sextile Chiron until Feb 9, 2021, just nine days before the square to Uranus. Please see more about the square. The sextile will help with the challenges of the square. The sextile with Chiron in Aries, will give more courage to heal, expeditiously speed things up. It will trial new possibilities carefully!   

Moon and Sun though are sitting midpoint between Mercury and Uranus! Mercury is Direct, moving forward now, finishing up the very last of the Mercury retrograde cycle March 30! Last touches and tweaks are being finessed, new options are being integrated. Mercury is considered to be ‘exalted’ in AQ, Uranus’ sign. They can be intellectual, but with Sun joined with Moon in Aries, sign of the first Light, literally the new Dawn, they can see there is much to be done and are rarin’ to go, even Mercury in Pisces, not usually a go getter! Aries dashes forward and the spark of the day is ignited! Aries is crazy brave fearless and fine! If he can do it they can do it! Besides, Chiron is right there too! The Dr is in the house! If anything happens instant super care is on board! Uranus is ever excited when an awakening occurs, and Taurus farmers roll early! Who knows where they will end up today! It’s a free for all of ideas, each inspiring the next! Chiron is among friends and understanding sympatico thinkers! Time to start a school! Instinct and genius abounds, a few bullets are dodged! They arrive flushed, breathless, laughing with glee! They dared and they did it! Venus trine Jupiter caps their day with blessings and plans!

Jupiter is with Pluto just about exact! Will be April 4, coming right up! This New Moon supports and prepares the way for that exceptional conjunction! Jupiter makes things best, bigger or exaggerated, the worst. Pluto can be save your life, make money or take your life and all your money, bankruptcy. It can bond your relationship for a lifetime, or there you are over filing divorce papers against that cheater! Jupiter can be schooling, trips, publishing, truth and the consequences if you have been a liar no longer getting away with it. Pluto can be the scandal, fighting over inheritances, or fund the most amazing healing research and a center with exceptional care for victims. You see this aspect has a great range, extremes. And both can happen at once. Keep your life clean or Jupiter in Capricorn the law, Pluto the Police will be knocking on your door. If you have the means, do what you can to help survivors, heal the environment long term, provide significant education. Apply for help if you need it. Sometimes we just can’t do it all alone. One day you will be the one that’s doing the giving. Bless you and keep you. When you can, pay it forward.

Mars, our Aries planet, has been lighting up these two! Mars was with Jupiter Mar 20 and Pluto Mar 22/23! They haven’t forgotten its fiery effect! Some got up courage they haven’t shown for years. Principles or finances may be thwarted. Some of us will make fools of ourselves, and that’s ok. We tried. Try not to burn bridges unless your life is in danger. Some rules will be broken out of necessity. New rules may be inaugurated! Jupiter is usually quite outspoken and fearless, but that can be damped down in Capricorn, but when Mars swept by, he got more back into his naturally confident style! 

Mars with Pluto can be a throw down, drop of the hat fight! Could be money or love, an issue from long ago, anything, but holy wow, please be careful. Maybe sensible Jupiter in Capricorn will save the day and both of you from mortal injuries, becoming enemies with no forgiveness in sight. Later you may even laugh. You could be leery of each other for a while. Goes with the territory as you rebuild trust. If you are on the same page working on a project together it could be fast and furious, obsessive and amazing. Obsolete debris and techniques are unceremoniously tossed, which clears the way for a clean efficient finish! Congrats! Sex could be HOT and hypnotic, tantric! Or it could be the worst you ever had, even rape, with the very wrong person! Avoid doing something that has deep consequences. Keep your ethics, stay safe.

Here is another look at Mars with Jupiter and Pluto. They are in Capricorn still anchoring and building a solid foundation! They are the mountaineers of Spirit! Jupiter is Sagittarius’s planet, big hearted teacher and traveler. Jupiter has a great window to the Universe, broadens our senses, lights the possibilities along the way that flourish with potential! Expansion exceeds expectations! Ideas are gathered worldwide, coordinated in a timely fashion with excellent results! Pluto releases debris and toxins, for deeper connections, intimacy and healing to be possible. Pluto handles financial support to protect and promote the greater good. Mars just over them, has been adding spitfire energy, making quick fixes that work and make the outcome even better, even while everyone is holding their breath at the last minute! 
Neptune? He stands alone. Resting, watching the show. Venus phoned Mar 22. She in Taurus now has a melodious voice, so Neptune made music and she sang to the Angels of the Sea, the Mermaids. Venus blessed his Spirit, comforted his Soul, reassured him how important his place is to us. Compassion and empathy, being able to sense what is coming means a lot to our connections with others, the success of our lives, ability to give well. He is the Great Guardian of Spirituality. She heard and felt his dreams and will speak sweetly that others may share them too. 

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus  

Aries, we are delighted with you out in front! You are our heroes and heroines!

Aries New Moon Astrology Chart!

Aries 2020 New Moon Astrology Chart

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Libra – Aries Full Pink SUPERMoon, April 7, 8, Largest of the Year!

Tuesday April 7/8 at 7:35 PM Pacific 18 Libra – Aries 44

Moon Libra Handle Bucket Chart! Jupiter still close to Pluto. Fixed Star Castor T Square Full Moon.

Aries Full Moon 2020 Saguaro Guardians Arizona Spring Beauty

Saguaro, the standing desert people, the night guardians, noble spirits of Beauty in Arizona spring time, celebrating the Full Moon!

FYI: The Buddha’s Birthday, Wesak, celebration date is different in different countries. The US will celebrate it Wednesday April 8 in 2020, the day after the Aries/Libra Full Moon in Pacific zone.  

This is the second and BIGGEST Full Supermoon of 2020! Depending on who is deciding, we are enjoying a “season” of 3 full SUPERmoons March 9, April 8, and May 7, 2020, and then have a “season” of 3 new moon supermoons on September 17, October 16, and November 15, 2020. See EarthSky for viewing details! 

supermoon is a full moon or a new moon that nearly coincides with perigee—the closest that the Moon comes to the Earth in its elliptic orbit—resulting in a slightly larger-than-usual apparent size of the lunar disk as viewed from Earth. The technical name is a perigee syzygy (of the Earth–Moon–Sun system) or a full (or new) Moon around perigee.

Often when there are Bundle and Bowl charts, a 1/3 or 1/2 of a chart having all the planets in a group or on one side of the chart, when Moon (or another planet) strikes out on her own, being the fastest planet, she is what we call the ‘handle of the Bucket chart!‘ The rest of the planets are still clustered behind her. The Full Moon is a classic time, when she is 180 away from the rest. She is the Seeker. She scans for whatever concerns them. She receives information that she filters back to the main body of planets. She carries/sends their messages, information, from them to others as she connects by degrees at any given time. Others outside the chart are alerted to Moon and her entourage. Pretty cool that our second SuperMoon, in Libra, is such an excellent natural ambassador, and holds such an important position! It’s important she represent the group accurately with grace and charm as well.

This is the 4th of 5 Full Moons that are Bucket charts. Each chart’s Moon is the Handle planet, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, now Libra, finishing with Scorpio! We start and end with a Water sign. Very briefly, Cancer is home, family, women and children. Leo is Heart and Light, teacher. Virgo, the only Earth sign, is caretaker in every way possible, healer, spiritual midwife and organizer. Libra makes social connections, negotiates, collaborates and partners. Scorpio tends the finances, saves lives, shares deep intimacy. This is a special sequence about relationships, deep caring for each other from birthing to dying. 

In that planet cluster behind Mother Moon, Pluto with Jupiter are the base planets, Venus still leads. Pluto and Jupiter are wanting power and ethics, expansion, to learn as much as possible in the shortest time ever! There are deals to be made and Souls to be healed, and don’t forget, places to go!!! Venus in Gemini looks for kind words of grace, a brotherly connection. She has attractive valuable ideas! Saturn, now in Aquarius, is working hard for humanity! 

Pretty Moon in Libra, in her pink flower gown, sweeps through the atmosphere, leaving rose petals behind. She at the helm of the Bucket Chart seeks equilibrium with external forces, negotiates opportunities, collaborates with foreign entities. She brings brilliant people to the group for their perusal and if possible to expedite their work together. The group tells her their wishes and she is off on the next sweep to let people out there know what is happening! She is not shy and people are happy to meet her! She is attractive, so comes back quickly with more treasures. Sun in Aries is delighted at the speed they are going!

Moon and Sun are T Square Pluto/Jupiter in Capricorn! That’s not considered an easy square, but Moon has her social connections and partners in crime, LOL, and Sun in Aries has a glorious light of independence that is hard to stop! But then Capricorn is the elder, and can show them a thing or two. Life is not just social roses, there is work to be done. Aries can go zipping around, but maybe needs to be reminded why and that there are priorities and deadlines after all. If they all get on board and give up a little for a lot, there can be great accomplishment and satisfaction. Aries, the leader, inspires others to come along and help. Mama Moon parlays like a princess and they are happy they volunteered! She smiles; they cheer! Pluto and Jupiter are quite relieved. The whole IS greater than the sum of its parts!

April 4, the first Jupiter Conjunct Pluto happened, and they are and will be in close connection through their second conjunction June 29 and on through July 30! The third and final aspect is Nov 12, the aspect of the Nov 3 Presidential Election. You can see how crucial this aspect is. In Capricorn there is much long term work of necessity. Set your goals and stick with them, revising and updating as you go. Do what makes a difference. 

Those of you with chart factors 21 through 26 will be strongly activated. Earth and water signs, except Cancer, will find yourselves accomplishing more than you expected. Fire and Air signs will be somewhat challenged. Jupiter with Pluto in Capricorn can be a demanding combination. Big plans, needs, and little time to do it! Jupiter at times may run away. It’s just too much, yet there is the call back obligation, a promise made, and uncharacteristically, he comes back. His oversight keeps much needed perspective. His optimism on a dark day keeps everyone going. Plus he has never traveled so deeply as with Pluto and is curious just how far things will go. As an educator and publisher, he observes Pluto’s healing methods, from money to love, and brings back life saving information to share. Rebuilding, renovation, renewal, the Phoenix rises from its own ashes against long odds. 

Mercury has just sextiled Pluto and Jupiter! Mercury in Pisces is both logical and psychic, has sensitive awareness and makes sense of the unseen! Pluto has his secrets, but this Mercury scans the Spirit and sees the inner intent, beyond the blocks of pain, anger and fear, to the primordial intention of the pure Soul one is born with. Mercury in Pisces whispers back and reminds us how we can give, pay it forward. This all takes a fraction of a second, rather miraculous. Jupiter in Capricorn can have fears he isn’t quite the guy he pretends to be. Mercury sees there have been disappointments, and through feelings of inadequacy, some guilts at having run away. Mercury assures him he is gifted and human. Sure, there are injuries and mistakes by all of us, but learning is Jupiter’s forté! Stay in integrity and use the ‘grit’ part to succeed. Have happiness in every step you take.

This is a terrific business aspect! Mercury advertises, spreads the word of events, writes script, takes the tickets! New job opportunities in our changing world are made known. Important educational programs are posted. Real Estate offerings at lower prices are listed. Personally, important health information, like about Cov-19, is disseminated. Computer life will save money, no big halls or venues needed. Your presentation, blog, newsletter, announcements, backdrops and staging will be super important. 

Mercury has also recently joined with Neptune, the Pisces planet! You don’t get much more psychic than that if you are Mercury! Neptune is deep compassion, empathy, knows both suffering and ecstasy, union with God! There is addiction that takes us, we lose faith, yet there is resurrection that saves us. We steal from others yet we heal the Soul itself. Mercury is ‘the Word of God,’ always near the Sun, the Light. His job is to tell the story, share the discovery, the word of Light, be a sunbeam. Mercury in Pisces absorbs to the fullest, every micro flash to the encompassing entirety of all Being. Nothing superficial about that! He feels every word he says. Those words are the melody of the Soul.

Venus in Gemini starts her Retrograde CYCLE April 9 and doesn’t complete the entire cycle until July 28, so most of her process will be during the Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. She will be finding grace in communications. Jupiter wants Truth while Pluto opts for privacy. There will be some challenging delicate moments. Venus loving kindness will make all the difference.

This is our first Full Moon with Saturn in Aquarius! He retrogrades back into Capricorn July 1, so this is a preview. The 2+ years in Capricorn were crucial. For now, Saturn’s work in Cap is at maturity and has prepared him for solidarity entering a sign that is not the easiest for him to be in. Aquarius is a bit shocking to conservative Saturn at first. He’s getting used to his new shoes and it’s gonna take a bit of time to get steady again. Saturn’s new work will be in behalf of humanity! That’s a BIG job. If anyone can do it, he can! List out the priorities, group related matters, get some leaders on board and get crackin’! Capricorn is expert at being the boss! 

Mars jumped into Aquarius with Saturn March 30, conjuncted the 31st! Mars said C’mon, Baby, and Saturn said Slow down! Mars might slow up a bit with Saturn right smack in his way, but it took only a moment to hurdle right on by! How to get past obstacles is an inborn rebellious Aries talent! Yet he did hear the words. Aries has enough experience and 6th sense to take heed. From time to time the Angels intervene and it saves his life! Saturn felt a little singed, but also a bit excited. He shakes the dust off, stands up a little taller, and by gosh, things are strange in this new crazy sign, but what the heck?! Lets get on with it!

Venus in Gemini has hailed Saturn from a trine away, and he is even happier! She liked his debonair demeanor, Silk and Suit! They agreed to lunch, she interviewed him, and the word is out that he has arrived. He has talent and connections; she has glamour and can skillfully turn a phrase. Blessings for both

The Moon’s North Node in Cancer is inconjunct Saturn in that alien sign Aquarius, of genius and invention. She hopes his new position in such a ‘great’ sign will not make him forget about his roots, the common people, women and children. She wonders how he will govern from his new domain, that he will not be overwhelmed by the expectations of so many. Perhaps she should volunteer and be present to remind him, so she can link with others who have similar needs as hers.   

At the same time, Saturn is square Uranus, the very planet whose sign he is now in! Woops! In some ways there is a kinship. Though different in styles, there is a common goal to help a lot of people. Uranus is in Taurus, a fast planet in a slow sign. Saturn is the planet of earth sign Capricorn, so he likes Taurus common sense, calmness. He might wish Taurus was a little faster, but tortoise and hare, Taurus is steady, dependable and no quitter. Taurus wants Earth things to happen, food, climate, shelter. Aquarius wants friendship, community work, planetary networking – computers and air travel, research and inventions. They can help each other. Aquarius needs on-the-ground human input to be pertinent to current common needs. Taurus needs the inventions that can make real change in a human usable form, not costly or take too long. Aquarius genius will be well used, pressed to perfection! Saturn puts them together, notes priorities and timeliness, checks in on them as they go along. Good job! Well done on all parts.  

Saturn also sextiles Chiron in Aries. As at the New Moon, the square and sextiles are close, Saturn retrogrades, the actual aspects aren’t exact until Feb 2021. They will get the ideas of their connections, but won’t come to definite events. Now through May is a trial period, preparatory. As said with the New Moon, the sextile will help with the challenges of the square. The sextile with Chiron in Aries, will give more courage to heal, expeditiously speed things up. It will trial new possibilities carefully! 

Mars in Aquarius also squares Uranus, Aquarius’s planet, at 11:58 AM Pacific just before the Full Moon at 7:35 PM! Please do be careful from March 30 to now, especially April 5, 6 and 7! Since linked by sign and planet, they could get in even more trouble even though Uranus is in calm Taurus. Mars is pretty wild in Aquarius! If they get momentum together, it could be curtains. There could be news about the virus, possibly a breakthrough, a successful vaccine. Uranus may need a little sparking up in Taurus and Mars reminds him what fun he used to have! Mars may need a resting place and the land, the farm, ranch, may be just the place to go. 

Again, carrying the Starlight is Fixed Star Castor of Castor & Pollux. Castor is at 20 Cancer 14. Moon and Sun are T Square at 18 Aries/Libra 43. Aries is Self; Cancer is family/women & children; Libra is relationships, marriage, partners. The commonality is exploring where you fit in the world with your fellows.

The mythology is Castor is one of the two rival brothers of the constellation (not sign) Gemini, Castor mortal, Pollux immortal. Robson says ‘Castor, the mortal one of the twins, is famous for his skill in taming and managing horses. Sometimes called Apollo [Sun god], and symbolically named A Ruler yet to Come. Has an interest in the occult. Dr Eric Morse: Castor is also noted in natal astrology for proneness to mental breakdowns and neurotic distress. People with this star prominent and well aspected are exceptionally gifted intellectually. Where these geniuses often need help is in not letting their concern for others go ‘over the top’. And modern researcher Elsbeth Ebertin…Linked with the Moon or Mercury, it has the effect of such people being blessed with a good nature and fine morals. It is also supposed to convey refined manners. See more by UK astrologer Deborah Houlding. She says it’s all about the ‘quest for divine immortality!’

Though the Full Moon is in challenge with Castor, Castor also seems quite fitting to this Full Moon chart. It is trine, in the best aspect possible, with Pisces and its planet Neptune. They are concerned with matters of the immortal Soul. Moon is obliquely, inconjunct, related with Neptune while Sun semi-sextiles Neptune. At moments they can be unsure what to do, yet that double checking moment may be just what it takes to fine tune the venture, to keep it truly on course. 

Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are at 6 and 5 degrees. Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries in the same sign as the Sun with Mars, the Aries planet, happily sextile Chiron! HOT! Finally someone who understands him! Both are feeling speedy and rambunctious! Opportunities abound! Chiron is a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! A promotional organization would suit them to a T! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures!

Chiron is midpoint sextile Mars and Venus! Much as Chiron and Mar are exciting, Venus lends her beauty and bloom from Gemini! She not only leads the cluster of planets behind the Moon chart handle, but blows kisses back to Chiron and Mars! Venus trines Mars, making his hero’s journey into unknown territory with her ribbon on his sleeve. She sends him news, puts him in the papers, celebrates him on her blog day by day, cheers him to victory! His leadership excites so many others they start taking their own journeys! Valiant Mars brightens her day. Venus sextiles Chiron, who can be an old geezer, a dazzling young shaman, a handsome businessman or instructor, a precocious child ahead of her time. There are opportunities from many directions, fascinating varieties! She gives her appreciation, makes images of their stories. Her affection affirms their choices and being exactly who they are. They give thanks and blessings for her art, her kindness for including them.

That lucky Chiron may have suffered wounds, but in this round, between Mars and Venus, he is treated by spiritual first responder Mars and blessed by that Venus sweetie! He stands up taller, lets loose a smile, thanks his stars and continues his work with an extra liveliness in his heart. They in turn treasure his advice and spunky spirit!  

Chiron & Uranus continue humming along in their own semisextile. They will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Seek out some great new partners, friends, connections! The seeds of change are in your pocket!

Libra – Aries Full Pink SUPERMoon Astrology Chart!

Libra - Aries 2020 Full Pink SUPERMoon Astrology Chart!

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Next is the EARTH DAY Wednesday April 22 New Moon at 7:26 PM, 3 Taurus 24!

See the entire Aries Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the the 2020 Annual Special Edition! Make your plans and make your changes count!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Pisces New Moon February 23!

Six months 4 degree sequence, Two Four Planets Stelliums, Rare Bundle Chart, Mars Key Planet! Fixed Star Fomalhaut!

Virgo – Pisces Full Worm SuperMoon, Mercury Direct March 9!

Bucket Chart with Moon Virgo Handle, 4 Planets Capricorn Stellium! Jupiter/Neptune lives on! Fixed Star Castor is well positioned.


Pisces 2020 New Moon!

Sunday February 23 New Moon at 7:32 AM, 4 Pisces 29!

Six months 4 degree sequence, Two Four Planets Stelliums, Rare Bundle Chart, Mars Key Planet! Fixed Star Fomalhaut!

Pisces 2020 New Moon Mirrored Night Sky by Zhao

An enthralled stargazer is immersed in the stars as the luminous purple sky is mirrored in the thin sheet of water across the world’s largest salt flat, Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. Image by Xiaohua Zhao / Royal Museums Greenwich.

Our New Moon in Pisces is in the last sign of the Zodiac. What it sees and believes is what guides us into the Zodiacal New Year March 19, Spring Equinox. Pisces calls us to follow the dreams, make music to share the feeling of wonder, inspire the greatest outcome. We ponder the failures, the losses, that leave us with what’s better. We leave certain addictions behind, embrace what has been held in denial. It’s like being born again in the best ways possible, a promise to hold close to our hearts. At maturity, we place the treasures of our perception in Aries’ hands, the first sign of the Zodiac, to take action, introduce them, potently get them started! 

This New Moon chart happens to be the 2nd of three New Moons having those rare concentrated Bundle charts, this one having all the planets in only 119 degrees, a third of the Zodiac! The Aquarian New Moon had one, also with Mars/Uranus as defining planets! The Aries New Moon Bundle will be completely different, defined by Jupiter/Venus and have 6 planets between 0 and 6 degrees, very early degrees – very appropriate for the first sign of the Zodiac!   

Aries’ planet Mars, the planet of new beginnings, is the engine at the beginning of the Bundle, keeping it moving, pushing it along. Since Bundle charts are so concentrated and focused, we become immersed in our projects and need someone to keep us aware of our surroundings, to push into new territory. Now in Capricorn, Mars leads from behind, working quickly to put things in place, recover from errors, is highly efficient! It takes that intensity to get a solid start with a strong foundation.

Uranus in Taurus is leading the way scanning ahead for safe and sensible openings to use going into new lands. He’s using a solidarity probe to find stable ground to support collective efforts that Moon & Sun and Mercury are dreaming of! They just passed a sextile, an opportunity aspect to him, bringing him up to date with the lastest news and visions of what prevails in the eyes of the collective Spirit.

They also just checked in with Chiron in Aries, and are inspired by new healing techniques, teaching new things in new ways, being out in front with clever business consulting that is impressively fast and easy to implement! Chiron in Aries expects us to heal ourselves, be able to be strong in our work and keep up with local happenings! 

Stelliums are typical of Bundle Charts. Our New Moon has TWO 4 planet stelliums! 

Mars is in Capricorn along with the THREE outer planets still in Capricorn anchoring and building a solid foundation! They are the mountaineers of Spirit! Jupiter is Sagittarius’s planet, big hearted teacher and traveler. Jupiter has a great window to the Universe, broadens our senses, lights the possibilities along the way that flourish with potential! Expansion exceeds expectations! Ideas are gathered worldwide, coordinated in a timely fashion with excellent results! Jupiter is now at the very degree and sign when Pluto conjuncted the Ecliptic Oct 30 2018! It will be exact Feb 26! There may be reminders of that time! Pluto releases debris and toxins, for deeper connections, intimacy and healing to be possible. Pluto handles financial support to protect and promote the greater good. Saturn, Capricorn’s own planet, is the professional builder, provides shelter and the qualities of dedication, determination. It achieves award winning inspiration. Mars will soon be upon them, adding spitfire energy, making quick fixes that work and make the outcome even better, even while everyone is holding their breath at the last minute! 

The two 2020 4 planet stelliums not in Capricorn are 1) Feb 23 in Pisces, New Moon with Mercury and Neptune. 2) May 23 in Gemini with New Moon, Venus retrograde and Mercury.

This time, we have 4 in Pisces, Moon, Sun, they close with Mercury Retrograde. Moon and Sun are moving forward while Mercury Rx is returning to share his findings with them, a mutual conjunction. Neptune, Pisces’ own planet is a bit further on, midway through Pisces now. Moon, Sun and Mercury Rx are in relationships with Mars, the planet of Aries, the next sign after Pisces. Aries is Initiation, first responders, leaders. He is passionate, crazy fearless, a rights fighters in behalf of the underdog. They are heroes against the odds! Mars in Capricorn, Moon‘s opposite sign, can be a little scary for her. But she feels he has good intent, would be a protector, fight for women and children, homelands. She has double quick intuition and can dodge his demands and queries if she needs to. She may see precisely how he does things and may mimic his courage. Mars and Sun are both fire planets, and even in when in the Pisces soft mode, Sun is tempted to give it a try! Mars in Capricorn is an astute guide, nimble and can get you there even when you feel blind or distracted. Mars with Mercury Rx is looking for the spark of attention Mercury is redirecting, making things better. Mercury may speak in his behalf, admiring his fortitude in times of distress when he keeps right on working, pressing for improvements. He may seem abrupt at times, but Mercury can understand that may be what’s needed to wake people up and get going.

Our New Moon at 4 degrees Pisces is the fifth of a SIX months sequence of New Moons all at 4 degrees! 2019 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2020 Jan, Feb, Mar New Moons are all at 4 degrees! The signs are Scorpio, Sag, Cap, AQ, Pisces and Aries. All these Moons are sequentially resonant to each other! If you have factors at 4 degrees or very close to that, let’s say up to 2 to 3 degrees, in your astrology chart, they will be activated over and over. Each Moon being in a different Sign, your chart will be activated from different angles each time, some more favorably than others. Assess your progress, plan out the last of these months with your goal strongly in mind. 

Archangel Gabriel’s star Fomalhaut, watcher of the South, is less than a degree of the New Moon. This fixed star has been present in connection with all the 4° New Moons, but this time the same sign! The four Persian Royal stars, Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, Fomalhaut, are the brightest stars in their constellations and among the 25–brightest stars in the night sky. The Persians considered these stars to be the four guardians of the heavens. In 3000 B.C., when as the Watcher of the South, Fomalhaut marked Winter Solstice. Fomalhaut is in constellation Piscis Austrinus (not Pisces) at the foot of Aquarius, at 3 Pisces 52. It is in service to Humanity. Dark Star Astrology says ‘Rather like Neptune, it can be magical and highly spiritual or just a no good, unscrupulous drunk. All the royal stars have the capability for glory, honor, riches, and fame, but they also have the greatest height to fall from. Their incredible power must be used wisely and with integrity.’

Back to Mars… Mars also squared Chiron and trined Uranus! With Chiron in Aries, Mars’ sign, the square is amplified and there is ambiguous harmony! If they disagree, if Mars is too pushy, there could be some hot moments. The healer/teacher may have you back off or banish you, oops. If Mars approaches with Capricorn respect, it is a whole nother story. They can work together. If Chiron admits there are some flaws in part of the new things he’s trying they can collaborate and, ok, let’s fix it. Uranus in Taurus is in harmony with companion earth sign Capricorn, and with fire fixer Mars! Uranus loves sudden flourishes that wake people up! Uranus wants change, and Mars loves new beginnings! Do it! Uranus holds Mars’ attention more than 5 minutes and Mars is thrilled to take several of his new friend’s ideas with him to the next foray!

So Mars is the key planet at 4 Capricorn. 1) It is the base of the Bundle chart and the Capricorn stellium. 2) It sextiles the New Moon and Sun. 3) It has squared Chiron in Aries, Mars’ sign and trined Uranus, the planet of Humanity. 4) It also sits at the Moon’s South Node, making sure we don’t forget how to lead the fray like we used to in past lives! Moon and Sun are sextle/trine the Moon’s nodal points, lending love, forgiveness, understanding and vision to the Mother/Father, home/career axis. Capricorn generally challenges Fire and Air signs, goes well with Earth and Water but not always Cancer, its opposite. 

To add a little more taste of Mars, Venus is in Aries, Mars’ sign! She, at 18°, is connected with Neptune at 17°  and Jupiter at 18° Capricorn! Venus in Aries loves a good fair fight, a polite challenge. She cheers her champions, ties her ribbon on their arm. She commends them to others who would engage their services. She brings the best out of her Neptune savior sweetie. Neptune in Pisces spreads that kindness to the others in Pisces our New Moon sign. Neptune and Pisces take a bit more of a chance seeing that lil Venus do it! Old and powerful as Jupiter in Capricorn might be, Venus is usually prettier and in this rare instance Jupiter gets less press! Imagine that! Jupiter is 99% at the top, yet Venus has gotten away with some new thing, a stunt, he huffily says, and she’s doing super well with it. He could try to crush her, but he can see there may be repercussions. No matter, she will be gone soon. Maybe he just needs to take his turn being the student. In Aries she will be little inclined to cater to his feelings. She has things to do, take it or leave it. If he wants to get on with it, in on the good stuff, he may need to go to her, and quickly, before the window closes. If he’s smart, he will give her all the information he gained in his sextile with Neptune on the 20th, and let her run with it! Though her style is not their style, she has the get up and go that they don’t! Her beauty will capture the hearts of people and the message of Jupiter/Neptune will be glorified like they couldn’t do! 

Jupiter and Neptune made their first sextile of three Feb 20! In general this New Moon carries their message forward! On a simple human basis I think of this aspect as ‘dreams come true!’ Jupiter is a super workhorse in Capricorn and Neptune in his own sign Pisces it the Dreamer of all Dreamers! The Capricorn stellium will put its efforts into building the bones and strengthening the dream. The Pisces stellium will feel the dream to the core so we don’t forget the wonderful promises we made. Jupiter Sextile Neptune 

Pluto and Saturn are still tightly meshed, though their exact conjunction was Jan 12. They are still working as one and both are also moving on, Saturn faster… Pluto has done his best to remove obstacles, cleanse debris that collected, renovate what can be saved, resurrect to new promise. Saturn, powerfully in his own sign, has seen what can be done and is a dedicated assistant. He will carry his toolbox of wisdom forward, working skillfully toward sustainability, an exponential example for all to see. He will take charge and be a model of our times. He has a lot to do between now and his sign change into Aquarius March 21!

Some things are still in recovery from Saturn and Pluto’s grip. It has been and is an honorable time even when painful. We are humbled, learn to maintain our lives in better ways. We get good at it and in the long term it may literally save our lives…or someone else’s. Some of us have helped ourselves by asking for help. Others can have sensible tips for us. Knowing that support is out there makes us know we are not the only one or all alone. Someone cares for us, even if it is a stranger. Hat’s off to you! One day at a time and be proud of it. Pay it forward when you can. 

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus  

Pisces, thank you for holding Spirit for us. Sometimes we forget just how important that is.

Pisces New Moon Astrology Chart!

Pisces 2020 New Moon Astrology Chart

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Virgo – Pisces Full Worm SuperMoon, Mercury Direct!

Monday March 9 at 10:48 AM Pacific 19 Virgo – Pisces 37

Bucket Chart with Moon Virgo Handle, 4 Planets Capricorn Stellium! Jupiter/Neptune lives on! Fixed Star Castor is well positioned.

Pisces Eldar Dragon Scholar Randal Spangler

Bookworm Virgo adores reading and writing; Pisces fantasy IS Magic! What better than a Full Moon and candlelight to contemplate the possibilities?! Eldar, Scholar of Ohm by the magical Randal Spangler

This is the first Full Supermoon of 2020! Depending on who is looking, we’ll enjoy a “season” of 3 full moon supermoons March 9, April 8, and May 7, 2020, and then have a “season” of 3 new moon supermoons on September 17, October 16, and November 15, 2020.

supermoon is a full moon or a new moon that nearly coincides with perigee—the closest that the Moon comes to the Earth in its elliptic orbit—resulting in a slightly larger-than-usual apparent size of the lunar disk as viewed from Earth. The technical name is a perigee syzygy (of the Earth–Moon–Sun system) or a full (or new) Moon around perigee.

Often when there are Bundle and Bowl charts, a 1/3 or 1/2 of a chart having all the planets, when Moon (or another planet) strikes out on her own, being the fastest planet, she is what we call the ‘handle of the Bucket chart!‘ The rest of the planets are still clustered behind her. The Full Moon is a classic time, when she is 180 away from the rest. She is the Seeker. She scans for whatever concerns them. She receives information that she filters back to the main body of planets. She carries/sends their messages, information, from the ones she connects with by degrees at any given time, out to their surroundings. Others outside the chart are alerted to Moon and her entourage. Pretty cool that our first SuperMoon is so knowledgeable, and holds such an important position!

This is the 3rd of 5, mid chart of 5 Full Moons that are Bucket charts. Each chart’s Moon is the Handle planet, Cancer, Leo, now Virgo, finishing with Libra and Scorpio! We start and end with a Water sign. Virgo is the only Earth sign. Very briefly, Cancer is home, family, women and children. Leo is Heart and Light, teacher. Virgo is caretaker in every way possible, healer, spiritual midwife and organizer. Libra makes social connections, negotiates, collaborates and partners. Scorpio tends the finances, saves lives, shares deep intimacy. This is a special sequence about relationships, deep caring for each other from birthing to dying. 

In that planet cluster behind Mother Moon, there still the same four planets stellium in Capricorn as were at the New Moon! Mars has closed up the gap and so close to Jupiter that big old Jupiter can feel the burn! It’s getting exciting and Jupiter feels a bit rushed at this point! Capricorn has deadlines and duties, commitments to keep. Jupiter is super close to Pluto now and we’re feeling a bit obsessed, even compulsive. How to learn as much as possible in the shortest time ever?!?! There are deals to be made and Souls to be healed! And don’t forget, places to go!!!

Jupiter sextiled Neptune Feb 20 and they are still less than 3 degrees apart. Special dreams are alive and well! Jupiter is approaching Pluto and The Sun is just past Neptune by a day. Mother Moon trines Jupiter and has just left opposition with Neptune. Sun and Moon have left sextile and trine with hardworking Mars, but Mars will maintain the action when it sextiles Neptune March 14th, then conjuncts Jupiter March 20th, a month later! So the Jupiter/Neptune connection powerfully lives on in and through the energy of our Full Moon! See more about Jupiter/Neptune!

This strong connection between these 5 planets empowers the long Jupiter conjunct Pluto March 12 to July 30. That can be a make you or break you kind of an aspect. We will need all the strength we have to do it well. It starts right after Mercury retrograde turns forward out of retrograde March 9. The Mercury Rx will stir the brew in Aquarius/Pisces. We will be ready for change and living in behalf of our brethren. Venus starts her Retrograde CYCLE April 9 and doesn’t complete the entire cycle until July 28, so most of her process will be during the Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Her retrograde will be in Gemini, finding grace in communications. Jupiter wants Truth while Pluto opts for privacy. There will be some challenging delicate moments. Venus love will make all the difference.

Jupiter sextile Neptune, with us for the first of three times in 2020, wants the best possible for every Soul. Planning must include integrity, trust, beliefs to live by. The Sun, with Neptune and sextile Jupiter, identifies with this purpose, awareness of the needs of all Beings, giving his heart to this purpose to bring Light. Jupiter is dedicated in Capricorn, feels Mars coming up behind him, soon to stand at his side, then take that knowledge Jupiter offers on to Pluto, a tough customer! It will take a strong Mars to stand up to Pluto, pierce his armor. Mars in Capricorn is smart and practical, no time waster, and realistic. Pluto may not agree at first, but Mars has his respect. Pluto will mull it over. Saturn already went by Jan 12, so has already instilled a sense of urgency. Mars has upped the amps by saying NOW! 

Mother Moon in Virgo, the organizer, is on spot with Mars, will trine Jupiter and Pluto, then Saturn in less than 14 hours! She will offer her services, healing support, emphasize how to get started. She has been sweetened by Neptune’s compassion, gifted by his insights. Sun brightened her Spirit, so she still has a bit of a glow! They know she is sensible, knows her stuff. She is the perfect addition to the project. Moon will back up Jupiter’s plans with fascinating details that make the process smooth! Moon will sense Pluto’s deepest desires, offer her sorts of healing that he may feel safe to pull from his most powerful core knowledge, his Kundalini Fire within! Moon is Saturn’s natural opposite planet, his ‘reflection.’ She is Mother to his Father. He takes on mega commitments and needs sustaining care and feeding that only she can provide. Mercury, Virgo’s planet, is retrograde in Aquarius, a brilliant sign, at the same degree as Saturn! Saturn is earned Wisdom, is an exemplary Chief. Mercury offers him his best.

Saturn is on the brink of entering Aquarius March 21! Saturn senses the importance of Mercury’s Aquarian information. He is finishing up his 2+ years in Capricorn, as best he can, work he feels is crucial. This set of connections brings Saturn’s work to maturity and prepares him for solidarity entering a sign that is not the easiest for him to be in. It will be a bit shocking to conservative Saturn at first. Gonna take a bit of time to steady. 

Carrying the Starlight is Fixed Star Castor of Castor & Pollux. Castor is at 20 Cancer. Moon is Sextile; Sun is Trine! Excellent aspects. Jupiter is just past opposition at 21 Capricorn.                             

The mythology is Castor is one of the two rival brothers of the constellation (not sign) Gemini, Castor mortal, Pollux immortal. Robson says ‘Castor, the mortal one of the twins, is famous for his skill in taming and managing horses. Sometimes called Apollo [Sun god], and symbolically named A Ruler yet to Come. Has an interest in the occult. Dr Eric Morse: Castor is also noted in natal astrology for proneness to mental breakdowns and neurotic distress. People with this star prominent and well aspected are exceptionally gifted intellectually. Where these geniuses often need help is in not letting their concern for others go ‘over the top’. And modern researcher Elsbeth Ebertin…Linked with the Moon or Mercury, it has the effect of such people being blessed with a good nature and fine morals. It is also supposed to convey refined manners. See more by UK astrologer Deborah Houlding. She says it’s all about the ‘quest for divine immortality!’

Castor seems quite fitting to this Full Moon chart. Pisces and its planet Neptune are concerned with matters of the immortal Soul. The Moon, the Bucket handle, is considered to hold memories of past lifetimes. Jupiter has to do with longevity, akin to immortality! 

Chiron and Uranus are still at 4 degrees, echoing our New Moon. Venus has just stayed at the Farm with Uranus in Taurus. He reminds her how good it is to be alive, walk barefooted, wear comfy clothes. He might surprise her with a hang glider ride or take her on a glider plane to survey the world. His incredible ideas refresh her body and Spirit! She remembers precious values, things she had always wanted. They chatted and he showed her how they are possible now, perhaps in even better ways than what used to be. Chiron is sizzling in Aries in the background daring her to go for it. Chiron is a good business person as well as a healer/teacher. They in turn are in league with Moon’s North Node in Cancer! See what the family can do, put their name on! Women and children may become an important part of the enterprise. She is intrigued and feels that little chill go up her spine when something special has happened!

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus  

► After the 10:48 AM Pacific Full SuperMoon, Mercury Retrograde turns Direct, forward at 8:49 PM! Mercury holds Station at each turn, the retrogrades and the directs. At this one he stands still from March 6 until Friday the 13th, 8 days at 28 Aquarius. Mercury is back at the deepest degree of its retrograde cycle, the position it started at. It reminds us of the reason for our intelligence, our Soul’s purpose, our own unique way of applying our consciousness. We have several days to consider what matters right now. Focus, be steady, take it in. Aquarius is the great sign of friendship, the connectedness of Humanity, what we can do together. SuperMoon and Sun have reached their widest capacity. Mercury has been collecting energy, is about to release it. If you have chart factors at or very close to 28 degrees, make this time count. It’s a sacred passage.

It can’t be all work! Sun/Neptune might as well head to the spa, rent the vacation condo at the resort, getaway. Start the day with a seaside sunrise breakfast…the rest will happen! 

Virgo – Pisces Full Worm SuperMoon Astrology Chart!

Pisces 2020 Full Worm Moon Astrology Chart

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Next is the Tuesday March 24 New Moon at 2:28 AM, 4 Aries 12! This will be the last of the 4° Moons!

See the entire Pisces Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the the 2020 Annual Special Edition! Make your plans and make your changes count!

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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New SuperMoon!
4 Personal Planets Libra Stellium! 4 Planets in their own signs!

Aries – Libra Full Hunter’s Moon!

Grand Water Trine/Saturn Kite, Pluto Exact Midpoint Full Moon TSquare, Fixed Stars Castor & Capella!


Libra New SuperMoon! 

Saturday September 28 at 11:26 AM Pacific, 5 Libra 20!

4 Personal Planets Libra Stellium! 4 Planets in their own signs! 

Libra New Moon 2019 Pol Sena Wedding Night

Pol Sena, wedding photographer says ‘Our work can be described as a tickle in your brain. …visual perfume.’ Sweet Paper Media

The New Moon is a darker time, sometimes to be consulted in solitude, other times to be shared sweetly. It is a time of Magical revelations, merging with unseeable beings, on clear nights the Stars show us their secrets. It can be a divine balance with bright and busy social daytime, maybe the most restful of all the nights, the deepest slumbers. Libra equinoxial nights are getting longer giving the sense of a prevailing peace.

This New Moon is the third in a ‘season’ of three Super New Moons, July 31/August 1, August 30 – the closest, and September 28. They will be brighter and may appear bigger! More about Super Moons! 

With four planets, all personal, in Libra, there is thoughtfulness about our relationship with our self and others. Being a New Moon, shifts will be felt as our sense of personal identity changes. We may be more prone to nurturing each other, a willingness to take turns as we have highs and lows. Venus is innate and unique beauty we each have. It is our own personal blessing way. How we value ourselves is crucial to our lives. How we respect each other and are able to put ourselves in their place makes a difference. Mercury communications are vital to sharing, negotiating our relationships with all others. The Sun is our heart of Light, how we radiate our personal creation to inspire others. The personal planets are our daily means of being part of our immediate family and community.

The New Moon has just passed opposition to Chiron in Aries. Chiron shows that healing exists and we can have it now! Aries is the spark that lights the candle! Leadership is called for, someone to take a chance, even if it feels awkward or foolish in the beginning. We will learn as we go. Innovative ideas may change how we make relationships, communicate within them, listen to ourselves. 

The New Moon in Libra, a Venus sign, connects directly, the same degree, with Uranus in Taurus, the other Venus sign. Taurus wants to own precious things, to be able to touch them. Libra wants the preciousness of connection with our peers, and clarity within our own being about who we are, not what others expect of us. Uranus is elder and in Taurus earthy. Long standing. The New Moon in Libra is looking at the world today, how we got here, the new beginning to be made. Taurus can sit quite still a long time, but Uranus is always getting into trouble no matter how old he is! He’s curious, part of the universal, planetary flow. He may appear to only blink from time to time, but he’s a smart devil, a genius in disguise. Libra need only to bring the pearls of change for his perusal. One sniff of them and he will come forth with simple yet complex wisdom from future time! Surprisingly, Libra may pull him off course, much to his delight! (He was waiting to be asked!)

Venus sits pretty in her second own sign midway through Libra. She is in one lucky connection, sextile Jupiter in his own sign Sagittarius! Venus loves culture; Jupiter is a travel slut and will fearlessly go just about anywhere with anyone! Venus is more polished and aware of social skills. Jupiter is the bold protector and is not so concerned about how or when something is said. Though Libra will negotiate, and Jupiter is mostly flexible, adaptable, they both have a certain purity of position in their own signs and are not always so willing to compromise. They feel justified in who they are. Venus can be a bit prim at times, even sulky when she doesn’t get her way. Jupiter can be self righteously opinionated, practically religious! Libra prefers to abide by the rules while Jupiter may just bully his way through and sometimes we are so glad he did! Either can get the other in or out of trouble! They could have a bustling business together! 

Jupiter squared Neptune in Pisces the last time in 2019 on Sep 21, just days ago. Some questions were answered, some have been opened for consideration and are still floating about, may never be answered. Jupiter can seek the truth, avoid the truth due to prejudice. Jupiter can expand our resources and sometimes exaggerate for better or worse. Neptune is dreams, beliefs, denial, our spiritual condition – devotion, addictions, a martyr or savior. It is arts and business, meditation, insurance benefits, the great escape – to be safely away or avoid responsibility! Jupiter is curious about all, loves learning, and doesn’t mind traveling. Who knows where you will end up?! Don’t be surprised if there are lingering doubts, wondering if you should have, what to do.

In a bigger sense, Virgo just hosted the biggest aspect of this current time! Jupiter has remained closely in square with Neptune since Dec 28, 2018 and just made the third and last square during Virgo on Sep 21. The first square was the first aspect of 2019 on Jan 13! In companion aspects, retrograde, Jupiter squared and Saturn sextiled Neptune June 16 and 18. Jupiter made this last square well before Saturn makes its last sextile Nov 8. Jupiter has brought some colossal misunderstandings and has questioned and revealed the truth of some of our beliefs and plans. Saturn makes the final decisions in view of possible consequences. For almost a year there have been reconsiderations and trials. Their 11 month cycle finishes within days of the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse and sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center, an uncommon pairing.  See more about Jupiter Square Neptune!   Saturn sextile Neptune!   

Since Venus’s square with Saturn, low funds, is past, finances could open up for her. She also was in a confusion aspect with Neptune that required some adjustments in the spiritual purpose of the business. You can’t give everything away, but there has to be a serve and save component as well for full satisfaction. Sometimes love is lost. Could be abrupt, temporary, or it’s better to let go, make space for new doors to open, do better later on.

Mercury is at 23 Libra squared Pluto in Capricorn just two days ago. Funding was a serious matter. Resolving the beauty versus the return on investment factors made a difference. Timing, a clean product, clear relationships needed to be sorted. No going ahead until it’s down on paper and signed. If a significant amount, good business requires specialist attorneys to make it good for both parties. It could have been anything from divorce/custody, inventor’s/artist’s rights, how profits will be divided or used, and times to renegotiate/update in the near future until the business is well established, very carefully revise your will. 

Mars in Virgo stands alone. He likes running the scene without interference. Gives a clean start. Managing the Virgo bookkeeping numbers is less his choice, but he can be darn quick about it when he does! He may take some shortcuts that make Virgo shudder, but, heck, the job gets done, repairs can be made later? She hopes. There are new jobs that need to get going and Mars is great at that! Ideas just jump from his brain, intuition is afire, spontaneous combustion! He can be called on for some excellent to the point consulting. Reorg is swift. He’s gone, onto the next exploit! Challenge is to stop for food, water, get some rest. An outdoor hike or bike ride in some cool crisp early morning air may be just the ticket. Vigorous gardening may do it. There may be some new ideas for various forms of craftsmanship – quilts, textiles, wood carving, cabinetry, jewelry. Health, diet, meds, nursing and caregiving, animal care may be improved quickly. Service businesses like landscaping and house cleaning may find themselves in reform and more efficient, sustainable. 

Saturn in Capricorn has turned Direct, forward and will be closing the gap to its conjunction with Pluto Jan 12, 2020. Saturn traveling with Pluto in Capricorn has been and continues to carry some serious weight this year. Saturn is still traveling closely at the Moon’s South Node. There is a karmic condition that needs righting, forgiving. Old fears need to be released, power used correctly. Dharma, the work of the Soul, is the replacement. Take responsibility, stay steadfastly on mission, rebuild, upgrade. Meet your tests, give gratitude, have a workable humility. Be clean and kind in your authority. Stay aware of the time frame, priorities. Neptune sextile/trine the Nodes and the final November Saturn sextile Neptune will help make Neptune’s dreams come true. Trust your intuition, remember the long range needs of our Mother Earth – all her peoples, plants and creatures. Collaborate. Keep your dreams in mind.

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Neptune is now at 16 degrees, tuned to the Ecliptic and the June events, will be connected with Transit of Mercury! Pluto is now at 20 Capricorn close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective, grow. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Libras, we are needing you to help us keep connected in a good way to get this work done! 

Libra New SuperMoon Astrology Chart!
Libra 2019 New SuperMoon Astrology Chartx

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Aries – Libra Full Hunter’s Moon! 

October Sunday the 13th at 2:08 PM Pacific, 20 Aries 14

Grand Water Trine/Saturn Kite, Pluto Exact Midpoint Full Moon TSquare, Fixed Stars Castor & Capella!

Libra Full Hunter's Moon 2019 by Robin Samiljan

October Full Hunter’s Moon is a painting by impressionistic encaustic artist Robin Samiljan

For humans, the Harvest Moon stores grains and food for winter. The Hunter’s Moon that follows, brings in the meat at a colder time, for drying and storing for winter protein. Each brings us balance during the darker times in the Northern Hemisphere. 

Our 2019 Hunters Moon spans Aries to Libra. A hunter of any kind must be independent enough to be true to himself and his prey. He must equally have a relationship with it. In Shaman style, the hunter and hunted are one. In Native American tradition there must be a true respect, an honoring of the giving and the taking. They are on each other’s land. Either could die in the wilderness. There was no excessiveness or hunting for sport or to extinction. That style of hunting has merit. It has balance, sustainability. 

Aries Moon is more independent than most Moons. S/he stands with Chiron the Healer also in Aries. They both want to take care and make a quick difference, bring down the fever, stitch up that cut, keep children safe from guns. Chiron is the first to find new methods; Moon is off to try them out. Chiron leads with his sword, cuts ties to the past with his invisible knife. He freed Mama Moon from her familial cultural ties and the ways of her Mother before her. Moon is starting a new life. 

Libra gets trapped sometimes when not wanting people to be upset. In her quest for peace, she may lose her own. Moon, not commonly an upstart, gets Libra’s notice of this unexpected behavior and Libra is inspired. Libra may more clearly state his position and stick to it. If Libra likes Moon’s other ideas, he may tell his contacts of this new venture and they join, support and fund this amazing new possibility. They want to get into it right from the beginning while it is fresh and exciting. 

Libra is right there, ready, if things get out of hand, ahead of themselves and need some social guidance along the way. They can have a quick meeting and rebalance in view of the latest developments. It there are some legal matters, they are great to have on your team. 

20°! Moon and Sun are in a same degree TSquare with Pluto in Capricorn at the midpoint! That’s a tough square, folks! Moon in Aries is fearless, but sure soon enough finds out Pluto is not usually a cheerleader. He may support in the background, but being quick and clever is not enough to balance his books. He wants to know you are reliable and see some success first. So he may not be an initial investor, but come in later once steady production has been achieved. Where Aries is eager, Capricorn’s tests must be passed. He is skeptical and reluctant. Even when Pluto is convinced he may choose to be a silent partner. 

Sun has personal fortitude no matter that Libra is called a people pleaser. Libra knows well how to dodge, delay and nicely learn all the background. Pluto may underestimate and actually find himself joining after all. Libra knows how to take resistance into consideration, to encourage with acceptance of opposite or different points of view, to show the value of both sides working together for greater gain! If there is psychic or slick underhandedness, Pluto can smell that. If there is smiling shady dealing, you may find yourself in jail. Be accountable, transparent. Be able to back up what you have to say. Be careful. Pluto isn’t always on the up and up either… Sun can light things up and Pluto’s heart may be opened and warmed after a long time alone, but it may take some time and doing to get there.

Jupiter in Sagittarius is also at 20°! Sun Sextiles, an aspect of opportunity. Lucky Jupiter has far reaching connections, education, ethics, enjoys life, has a charming and cheerful outlook! He broadens the range, adjusts the perspective, keeps the faith and laughs at challenges! We can do it! That sure helps when old Pluto is bringing down the hammer! If the prospects look good it will be much easier to bring Pluto aboard or keep him interested until he feels comfortable. 

Moon trines Jupiter. In Aries, it’s all they can do not to run off together, LOL! But then again, Moon is Moon, and she doesn’t usually stray for long. That’s ok. She takes a look and brings the ideas home with her. Jupiter may inspire her to build an addition, knock out a wall to make a bigger studio, expand the veggie garden, remodel the kitchen! Jupiter sees how fast she catches on and gives her as much as she can take. They make plans bigger than most and can instantly see the route! Could go into a majorly successful business together. Pluto may not trust this at first, but he may soon realize he’s being left behind and may miss the chance! Better give them the funding!

Mercury and Saturn are making very sensible aspects with Neptune and each other! Mercury first sextiles Saturn. Logical Mercury and scientific Saturn work well together. Mercury gathers the facts. Saturn puts them to use. Mercury lets people know what Saturn is doing and business thrives. Saturn easily sifts through all of Mercury’s ideas, tips and techniques, sorts them. All those angles, approaches make his work more complete and valuable.

Mercury then makes a lucky trine, a flowing water sign connection with Neptune. Mercury is logical and aims to understand that Neptune dreamer. This is a chance that can’t be lost. Neptune is entire minute by moment whimsical though beyond profound. Mercury is in Scorpio, knows the deeper values and information of life. Scorpio is an adept sign at probing and sorting hidden layers. This means that and that connects over here, and ah, there it is! So Mercury can document the possibilities. It won’t be a onetime affair, because Neptune changes with the tides. Check in from time to time to keep up.

Mercury, Saturn and Neptune were just in a Grand Water Trine/Kite with the North Node in Cancer! Karma/Dharma with the nodes and Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn is still traveling closely at the Moon’s South Node. There is a karmic condition that needs righting, forgiving. Old fears need to be released, power used correctly. Dharma, the work of the Soul, is the replacement. Take responsibility, stay steadfastly on mission, rebuild, upgrade. Meet your tests, give gratitude, have a workable humility. Be clean and kind in your authority. Stay aware of the time frame, priorities. Neptune sextile/trine the Nodes and the final November Saturn sextile Neptune will help make Neptune’s dreams come true. Trust your intuition, remember the long range needs of our Mother Earth – all her peoples, plants and creatures. Collaborate. Keep your dreams in mind.

Saturn knows his materials, sees Neptune for his style and innate accuracy of vision. When Saturn is sitting well with himself, he knows how to take his time, match his approach to the sensitivity of Neptune, let him know why what they are doing is important. Neptune wants to save people, do the most intricate right thing with perfect timing. Saturn is the planet of time, so they have a rapport that way. Once Saturn gets what the need is, he wants to build it. He chats up Neptune for further details, and listens to how Neptune tweaks it to do it the most effective ways for the most successful results. They are terrific collaborators. See more about Saturn sextile Neptune

Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio have just checked in with Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is an inter-planetary entity bringing exotic information from remarkable sources both from this planet and beyond. Mars can go with that, in fact, is inspired. He knows genius when he sees it. He’s quick to assess and keep balance in Libra. Cross cultural is fine with him. He will frame the ideas in locally acceptable terms, stir up interest with his contacts likely to accept the challenge. Venus in Scorpio ever has her own agenda in terms of relationships and monies. She has just been opposite this strange one, but isn’t afraid either. She can tell he’s here to stay, but it may take some finessing to work out any funding. The ideas are uncommon, perhaps ahead of their time, and big. It’s going to have to be comprehensive and workable in banking terms or there will need to be private financing. To keep her standing, she may need to let it go for now, but she is intrigued and will hold it in the back of her mind.

Otherwise, Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus are moseying along in the background in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Two Fixed Stars! Castor 20 Cancer 14 EXACT and Capella 21 Gemini 51!

The Full Moon is exactly, by degree and minute, square Castor! Castor is one of the two rival brothers of the constellation (not sign) Gemini, Castor mortal, Pollux immortal. Robson says ‘Castor, the mortal one of the twins, is famous for his skill in taming and managing horses. Sometimes called Apollo [Sun god], and symbolically named A Ruler yet to Come. Has an interest in the occult. Dr Eric Morse: Castor is also noted in natal astrology for proneness to mental breakdowns and neurotic distress. People with this star prominent and well aspected are exceptionally gifted intellectually. Where these geniuses often need help is in not letting their concern for others go ‘over the top’. And modern researcher Elsbeth Ebertin…Linked with the Moon or Mercury, it has the effect of such people being blessed with a good nature and fine morals. It is also supposed to convey refined manners. See more by UK astrologer Deborah Houlding. She says it’s all about the ‘quest for divine immortality!’

Capella, in the constellation Auriga, is less than two degrees in connection with our Full Moon. As Castor is related to horses, Capella is related to goats, by some called the Little She-goat. She is sextile the Moon and trine the Sun, a fire and air combination. These aspects are classically favorable giving opportunity and ease. Ptolemy had a high opinion of her, ‘It gives honor, wealth, eminence, renown, a public position of trust and eminent friends, and makes its natives careful, timorous, inquisitive, very fond of knowledge and particularly of novelties.’ Robson, ever dour, says that with the Moon ‘Inquisitive, loquacious, indiscreet speech, sarcastic, quarrelsome, many journeys and voyages, domestic disharmony, danger to sight, liable to accidents.’ Modern researcher Elsbeth Ebertin says ‘Connected to beneficial stellar bodies [includes Sun & Moon], natives will become popular, receive honors and have success in material enterprises.’ According to tradition, this star also makes people somewhat odd, a tendency for such natives to cut capers. Do your best, be a bit careful, and have fun!

Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Pluto is now at 20 Capricorn close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Libras, we are needing you to help us keep connected in a good way to get this work done!

Aries-Libra Full Hunter’s Moon Astrology Chart! 

Libra 2019 Full Hunter's Moon Astrology Chart

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Next is the Sunday October 27 New Moon at 8:38 PM Pacific, 4 Scorpio 25!x 

See the entire Libra 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making the last of this year’s plans! Soon the 2020 Edition will be out! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Uranus Rings Rolls on Side Color Filters 2019

Uranus rolls on its rings and, like Venus, turns retrograde! This 2019 image uses color filters.

For you Astrology Lovers, this Uranian sequence is irresistible to write about! Uranus is THE planet of astrology, rules electronics of all kinds, networking, humanity, evolution, genius and insanity, sudden changes. But this time, with trines, things will come a bit easier. Organize for positive change! Take advantage of this time, and have fun!

August 26 to September 1, a seven day sequence of trines are formed to Uranus in Taurus by all five of the inner planets in Virgo! See more about Uranus in Taurus!

♦   26 at 8:37 AM Pacific Venus trine Uranus  Love of Stars, computers, the Future of the world(s), sweetest friends, making money, blessed change, evolutionary Grace. Great new associates! Get an astrology reading!

♦   28 at 3:51 AM Pacific Mars trine Uranus  Greased lightning! Starting something REALLY New! Innovative group leader takes the risk! New friend, new love!

♦   29 at 8:13 PM Pacific Sun trine Uranus  The Lights are ON! Sun is Solar; Uranus is Lightning! Now I see… Humanity is tingling, personal awakening is happening! Most unusual, personally intriguing, intriguing person. Get an astrology reading!

♦   30 Moon trine Uranus, 3:09 AM Pacific, only 28 minutes before the New SuperMoon! Strange, but I like it. Online buy newfangled kitchen electronics. A rare recipe; cooking class. Family, culture is changing. An odd investment works. A friend comes home.

Moon conjunctions the 30th!
Moon to Sun – Virgo New SuperMoon 3:37 AM Pacific!  Feeling the Light of your Well Being
Moon to Mars – Feeling your passion, itching to get moving!
Moon to Venus – Feeling your Beauty, making your home sweet and pretty! Uh, self indulgence…nutritious breakfast treats!

The August 30 New SuperMoon, the closest of our three SuperMoons in a row, will have all five inner planets in Virgo, a five planet last of summer, back to school, stellium! The Stellium starts late afternoon the 29th Pacific time. Soon as Moon leaves Virgo, the 31st at 4:08 PM Pacific, to enter Libra, it becomes a four planet stellium! That will hold until Mercury and Venus enter Libra early the 14th, then, poof, it’s over! That’s a lot of Virgo for 16 days! At the SuperMoon it will be a tight line up at 2, 6, 6, 7 and 11 degrees!

♦   Sep 1 at 7:10 AM Pacific Mercury trine Uranus  Genius communications! Electric attention! Hearing in a totally new way. Laying on of hands. Enlightenment! Talk with your bestie! Get an astrology reading!

Somewhere along the line you might opt to buy some significant new electronics, an electric car, an airplane or join a community or professional association, an international organization, or an advocacy group. Support an invention or research project.

PLAN AHEAD! See your astrologer to see if the timing is right for you or not. If it is, choose your special date and time that day to take action!

If you decide to make a purchase, get a good return/refund receipt – Jupiter is squaring Neptune again!


August 30 FIVE Planet Virgo Stellium New SuperMoon Astrology Chart!

Virgo 2019 New SuperMoon Stellium Astrology Chart!

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….    

See the entire Virgo 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

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New SuperMoon! Black Moon?! Summer Stelliums!

SuperMoon, Virgo 5 then 4 Planet Personal Stelliums activating 4 Planets 21 Days!    

Pisces – Virgo Full Harvest Micro Moon!

7 Factors Mystic Rectangle, 5 Factors TSquare – Jupiter at Midpoint! 


Virgo New SuperMoon! Black Moon?! Summer Stelliums!

Friday August 30 at 3:37 AM Pacific, 6 Virgo 47!

SuperMoon, Virgo Frisky 5 then 4 Planet Personal Stelliums activating 4 Planets 21 Days! 

Virgo New Moon 2019 Smart as a Fox Art Quilt Kathy McNeil

Virgos are marvelously crafty, and sometime veterinarians! A charmingly beautiful Celtic art quilt showing extraordinary craftsmanship, inspiring composition of design and color by artist Kathy McNeil, international awards winner! Asking price $8000.

If you live East of the US, this is the second of two New Moons in August, the second one called a Black Moon! 

This New Moon is the second in a ‘season’ of three Super New Moons, July 31/August 1, August 30 – the closest, and September 28. They will be brighter and may appear bigger! More about Super Moons! Per NOAA, Santa Barbara CA tides will have a high Aug 29 of 6.83′ tide and Aug 30 a low of -0.91′ straddling the New Moon! The high is not very high, but the low is quite low for summer tides here. Time to walk the tide pools! 

This Moon is also part of a Uranian sequence of trine aspects that starts Aug 26 and proceeds until Sep 1! See more!

Mercury is completely done with its retrograde cycle in Cancer/Leo. He is now finely and comfortably ensconced in one of his own signs, Virgo! This is a mighty Moon sporting a frisky FIVE planet VIRGO stellium of ALL the inner planets, personal! It includes that Mercury, packed in a tight line up 2 to 11 degrees – 2, 6, 6, 7 and 11 degrees!! Mercury rules siblings and neighbors! Moon is your family and Mom/children. Sun is you and your heart of Light! Mars is the personal action you take, and Venus is what you want for your own! All personal. It started late afternoon the 29th. Soon as Moon leaves Virgo, the 31st at 4:08 PM Pacific, to enter Libra, it becomes a four planet stellium! That will hold until Mercury and Venus enter Libra early the 14th, then, poof, it’s over! That’s a lot of Virgo for 16 days! 

Moon makes 3 juicy conjunctions on the 30th! Potent for better or worse! Since the planets are so close together, each one touches off the whole kit and caboodle!  
  • Moon to Sun – Virgo New SuperMoon 3:37 AM Pacific!  Feeling the Light of your Well Being or the things that are out of order, work or health matters.
  • Moon to Mars  Feeling your passion, itching to get moving! Sometimes grumpy, pushy, overdoing it.
  • Moon to Venus  Feeling your Beauty, making your home sweet and pretty! Uh, self indulgence…nutritious breakfast treats!
The first outer planet to get the full Virgo treatment is Saturn, 14 Capricorn, in its own sign, along with Pluto at 20 Capricorn. Trines. 
  • Moon trines Saturn the same day, 3:14 PM. They can get a LOT done!
  • Venus trines Saturn Sep 1st. The details are finessed, quality and beauty bring additional value. Sales are up. 
  • Mercury trines Saturn the 5th. Thoughts and discussion on how to build the project. Precise planning and excellent production.
  • Sun trines Saturn the 6th. Sun gives a personal touch, the achievement is glorious and everyone is so proud!
  • Mars trines Saturn the 8th.  Super leadership! It’s astonishing how quickly the innovative ideas are put in place! More sales!
The trines to Pluto form after the ones with Saturn. With Saturn the template has been established. Now it’s time to broker a deal.
  • Moon – Pluto Aug 31 seeks family and community support or support of women maybe in behalf of children. A safe house where gentle healing can happen. Property having hidden values is discovered.  
  • Venus – Pluto Sep 6 can seek a powerful mate, give a fundraiser ball, establish an art gallery with more charisma than the Goddess!
  • Mercury – Pluto the 8th finds records of the past that make or break the future. Research provides potent answers to possibilities long forgotten. Renovation is key. How the story is told makes a huge difference.
  • Sun – Pluto the 13th puts light in dark corners. Reappraisal opens us up to better choices. Rebirth may not be easy, but in the long term proves worth it.
  • Mars – Pluto brews until the 19th. Mars prods and adds his fire to the cauldron, now burning brightly! Once the dross is burned away, the revision is complete, it’s time for a new vision to be put in place! Pluto’s Kundalini is reawakened!
Saturn is followed by Jupiter, 15 Sagittarius, in his own sign. Timewise, Saturn is first, then Pluto, with Jupiter and Neptune mingling between/among them! Virgo makes squares with Jupiter, challenges. Caution. Give time to let these play out, see the big picture..
  • Moon – Jupiter same day as the SuperMoon. Moon doesn’t feel comfortable with those plans yet may be inspired anyway. Jupiter generally has good intentions, but don’t run away with my daughter!
  • Venus – Jupiter Sep 2 likely changes the plans. There are disagreements on where to go and why. Venus wants to see the fine art textiles but Jupiter is into looking at campers and outdoor gear, maybe a high bred dog or a horse. Venus wants health food; Jupiter wants international cuisine healthy or not. 
  • Mercury – Jupiter the 6th wants the information, facts; Jupiter wants to know the perspective behind them, the story, what they mean and what the plan is. Mercury likes myriads while Jupiter may want to get to the point. Mercury wants to know if it is the Truth or is gossip, slander, exaggeration.
  • Sun – Jupiter the 8th. Sun wants to know how the plan affects him personally. For him it’s not just fancy ethics or impressive sweeping plans that may or may not work out. He may be intrigued with several ideas but now may not be the time, or there is a breakthrough and a thought-to-be long lost plan comes through after all. If Jupiter runs off, Sun may be heartbroken…
  • Mars – Jupiter the 12th, may be mad as hornets at time lost having been misled by wished for promises! Not funny at all. If he ever catches that thief of time… If Jupiter is cavalier, Mars in Virgo is not. If Jupiter is lazy and procrastinating, Mars will get him moving. There are no idle threats about consequences. Mars in Virgo is always on the lookout for new medicines, and if Jupiter has come across cultural herbal remedies in his travels, Mars may be quite pleased when he discovers they really work.    
Next to last is outer planet magical Neptune, 17 Pisces, in its own sign. Virgo is opposite Pisces, so there may be a challenge making the connection, a handshake across the table, or no connection is possible at this time.
  • Moon – Neptune same day as the SuperMoon. Moon and Neptune can be tender together. Virgo wants to organize Neptune in Pisces, but that will never happen to dreams, visions, psychic perception that has no schedule or need for accomplishment. Perception occurs naturally as it will in Spirit. If Virgo can let that be, there can be an exchange. Virgo can somewhat extract the information and place it well. Virgo can be guided by Neptune’s non logical insights. There are no documents, or research to be had or made. The way to get the most return is to leave it alone. It will come at the ‘right’ time.
  • Venus – Neptune the 4th sees the magical value of Neptune’s visionary artistic qualities the minute she lays eyes on him. In Virgo she wants to learn how to make those lovely things, and may wish to spend time, even a lifetime at his feet. Venus will likely give Neptune appreciation of minute flawless talents few have ever seen in him. Neptune may see her hard Virgo edges, but he understands the fine edge of her exquisite perception. For her sake he wishes he could be more clear.
  • Mercury – Neptune the 7th soon learns words are not the only medium of perception. Neptune doesn’t necessarily have the training, or knowledge, but can understand anyway. Mercury in Virgo can have tad of a bite, criticism. It may be accurate, but may not be helpful. Mercury still seeks the wisdom of the old Soul Pisces, so immerses himself in Pisces’ mystical surroundings. They dream together; their dreams mingle. One feels as if the other is speaking his own words. Mercury may find he has words in him he has never known before. Mercury can tell Neptune’s dream story that all may be inspired.
  • Sun – Neptune the 10th. Things have progressed. By now there have been many connections formed among these planets. Sun is himself all right, but when he looks into the Dreamer’s eyes, he is lost in a different realm. The blazing Virgo organizer, so full of pride, feeling safe in his self-made wraps, is melted, blended, muted, yet empowered! How can that be?! It’s a different kind of order, an order of immense limitless possibilities! Losing yourself only to find another dimension of your capacity is scary, breathtaking, takes some getting used to!
  • Mars – Neptune is on the Harvest Moon, the 13th/14th! Mars in Virgo loves walking on solid ground. With Neptune he could be flooded, doing creek crossings, feel legless. Definitely a different medium. It’s hard to pick a fight or criticize, challenge, want to win, when the other entity doesn’t care. Pisces prefers peace and solitude if at all possible. It can wait centuries, where Mars wants what he wants right now! But Mars is a quick learner and adapts to using less energy to get further ahead! Yep. He lets the waves wash over him and goes with the flow, surfs the vastitudes! No ticket, no $ needed. And Spirit is a big place! The wonder of it all…   
So, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, then Pluto, all get the Virgo treatment from all FIVE of the Virgo planets – that’s 20 aspects en total! That includes the 16 days of 5, then 4 plants in Virgo through early the 14th! You see the complexity. Virgo loves cleaning up messes. We will all be getting more clear and functional in this short but potent period from Aug 30th to Sep 19th, only 21 days! Clearly, it will be complex. I’ve written out the aspects separately, briefly, but they are overlapping and several happening concurrently! They span the New SuperMoon to past the Harvest Moon! If you figure you already lead a pretty clear life, you are now ready for the next level, and, believe me, it will come. It will be a blessing you didn’t know you could have. Revelation and Evolution are the names of the game!

In a tally of the number of aspects Aug 30 through Sep 19, Aug 30, Sept 6 and 8 have three aspects each. Almost all the other dates have one, Sep 13 has two. In respect of these stellium activation aspects, the 4th through the 8th/9th will be a tad intense. If you have upcoming events or want to plan events at these times, you may want to check with your astrologer to see how these combine or not with your chart and your events.

Virgo hosts the biggest aspect of this current time! Jupiter has remained closely in square with Neptune since Dec 28, 2018 and is about to make the third and last square during Virgo on Sep 21. The first square was the first aspect of 2019 on Jan 13! Jupiter squared and Saturn sextiled Neptune June 16 and 18. Jupiter makes this last square well before Saturn makes its last sextile Nov 8. Jupiter has brought some colossal misunderstandings and has questioned and revealed the truth of some of our beliefs and plans. Saturn makes the final decisions in view of possible consequences. For almost a year there have been reconsiderations and trials. Their 11 month cycle finishes within days of the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Eclipse and sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center, an uncommon pairing.  See more about Jupiter Square Neptune!   Saturn sextile Neptune!   

Saturn traveling with Pluto in Capricorn has been and continues to carry some serious weight. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn, still traveling closely at the Moon’s South Node. There is a karmic condition that needs righting, forgiving. Old fears need to be released, power used correctly. Dharma, the work of the Soul, is the replacement. Take responsibility, stay steadfastly on mission, rebuild, upgrade. Meet your tests, give gratitude, have a workable humility. Be clean and kind in your authority. Stay aware of the time frame, priorities. Neptune sextile/trine the Nodes and the final November Saturn sextile Neptune will help. Trust your intuition, remember the long range needs of the planet and all her peoples, plants and creatures. Collaborate. Keep your dreams in mind.

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Neptune is now at 17 degrees, tuned to the Ecliptic and connected with the Transit of Mercury! Pluto is now at 20 Capricorn close to the 22/23 degree events!

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Virgos, we are counting on you to help us to keep important priorities!

It’s a calendar function! East of the US this is the Second New SuperMoon in August! A second one in a month is called a BLACK MOON! 

Virgo FIVE Planet Stellium, New SuperMoon! Black Moon?! Astrology Chart!
Virgo 2019 New SuperMoon Stellium Astrology Chart!x

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Pisces-Virgo Full Harvest Micro Moon! 

September Friday the13th at 9:33 PM Pacific, 21 Pisces 05 

7 Factors Mystic Rectangle, 5 Factors TSquare – Jupiter at Midpoint!

Virgo Harvest Moon Alan Dyer 2019

The Full Moon of August 18, 2016 rises amid cloud over a wheat field. AstroPhotographer Alan Dyer

Our Harvest Moon is the year’s farthest and smallest full moon, a micro-moon!  It is exactly one fortnight after the Aug 30 New SuperMoon and one fortnight before the third and last 2019 New SuperMoon September 28, 2019. Thanks, EarthSky!

Harvest time is good old fashioned hard work time getting the crops in. Virgos love plants, healthy home grown crops, organizing for winter storage. Just barely, there are still 4 planets in Virgo to do the work, but that’s over after 6:43 AM Pacific on the 14th! At the Full Moon, Venus and Mercury are at the last degree of their sign, putting on the final touches – the last words and the grace and beauty that makes them sweet. They have acquired the skills they need that make the difference. At 6:48 AM Pacific, Mercury and Venus shall both have gone into Libra, not a sign of field labor! Mars and Sun, two fire planets, will be left to push the work to the finish. And they don’t mind. They like a challenge to use their prowess! Though Virgos are more often found in the office, they still like hiking, getting outdoors, tending their garden. Strenuous physical work and using their minds is a good balance for them.

Moon in Pisces holds the other side of our Harvest Moon scenario. Moon has just crossed the Pisces planet Neptune, so is reminded how much she values peace, quiet, beauty, sacred music, time to dream and wonder. No words are needed, Spirit is her Guide. She lingers like dew drops on a petal. Her imagination goes deep within and travels the heavens. It is a timeless journey offering many insights, compassion. She sees us all on the Human Journey, sometimes alone, sometimes together as One. How to express this comprehension can be done well by her Virgo counterpart. Virgo is the number one sign of authors. Virgos go for technique, sensible step by step progress. They are both apprentice and Master of the details of exquisite artistic skills.  

Moon/Neptune and Mars/Sun, plus Saturn at 13 Capricorn and the North Node at 15 Cancer, form what’ called a Mystic Rectangle – see how the blue and green lines are linked? Moon/Neptune are trine, in harmony with the Moon’s North Node in Cancer! They can use the South Node Capricorn skills of past lives, by understanding the fears of past hardships, and blend those talents with building community in today’s world. Both sides will be better for it. They are sextile Saturn and Pluto. Business can flourish with the guidance of these old masters. They are both in Capricorn with that South Node, stabilizing and empowering as they can. If they are rigid or controlling, a tad too conservative, Moon and Pisces can succinctly show them how changes will be of benefit and how the changes can be made smoothly with little expense or loss of time. There are opportunities awaiting. 

Sun/Mars are trine those two old hooligans, and are offering real immediate help getting off to a good start. Virgo tends the books, buys the needed goods at the best price for the best quality materials. And the project is worthy, even virtuous! It will be admired and the community will feel blessed for it. If you slip up, you may feel their eyes of criticism on you and no words may be needed for you to realize you need to stop whining and get back on track. But if you really want to learn more about it, they will be at your side, working shoulder to shoulder with you. They are quick on the uptake and prevent mistakes or quickly recover the losses. It’s a new time we are blessed to be in!

Jupiter in Sagittarius is 90° midpoint Neptune/Moon and Mars/Sun! That’s called a T Square. It happens that our Full Moon has passed the formation’s peak point, but is still close. Matters of plans to be made, where to travel to school or for business, what you believe in, are mostly settled, but still you wonder. Maybe a little more proof will be required. Credentials will matter. There is a combination of demand versus does it really matter, or should I go surfing in Hawaii?! Jupiter would rather play; Pisces will go either way; Virgo wants the job done and done well. Hmm… The other two may have already run away leaving Virgo to regroup, get help. Can’t do it all alone. However, if the cause is in the heart and Soul, Jupiter will spin out the inspiring plans, Pisces will intuitively guide the way and get the volunteers because it matters. Virgo will be thrilled because they want a more healthy and productive life for all! Virgo, Sag and Pisces are all what we call Mutable signs. They are experts at adapting, modifying and moving on! If the goal is bigger than any picky squabbles, and there may be some sand papery moments, but they will succeed! It’s worth it to give it a try!

The big stand alone aspect, as the months have gone by, is Jupiter square Neptune! Virgo hosts the biggest aspect of this current time! Jupiter has remained closely in square with Neptune since Dec 28, 2018 and is about to make the third and last square during Virgo on Sep 21. The first square was Jan 13, 2019. Jupiter squared and Saturn sextiled Neptune June 16 and 18. Jupiter makes this last square well before Saturn makes its last sextile Nov 8. Jupiter has brought some colossal misunderstandings and has questioned and revealed the truth of some of our beliefs and plans. Saturn makes the final decisions in view of possible consequences. For almost a year there have been reconsiderations and trials. Their 11 month cycle finishes within days of the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Eclipse and sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center, an uncommon pairing.  See more about Jupiter Square Neptune!   Saturn sextile Neptune!   

Saturn traveling with Pluto in Capricorn has been and continues to carry some serious weight. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn, still traveling closely at the Moon’s South Node. There is a karmic condition that needs righting, forgiving. Old fears need to be released, power used correctly. Dharma, the work of the Soul, is the replacement. Take responsibility, stay steadfastly on mission, rebuild, upgrade. Meet your tests, give gratitude, have a workable humility. Be clean and kind in your authority. Stay aware of the time frame, priorities. Neptune sextile/trine the Nodes and the final November Saturn sextile Neptune will help. Trust your intuition, remember the long range needs of the planet and all her peoples, plants and creatures. Collaborate. Keep your dreams in mind.

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Virgo Full Moon Pisces 2019 Forest Bathing

The flip side of hardworking Virgo and this hardworking Full Harvest Moon is taking it easy, like going Forest Bathing. Doctors all over the world are recommending getting with Mother Nature, one of Virgo’s places for healing. In Scotland the Docs are issuing prescriptions for it! Virgo likes these totally free organic meds. Virgos used to be the Medicine men and women who knew the herbs, saved countless lives. Virgo is a prime sign of health, observant and caring. One day at a time they bring us back from disabling disharmony. Pisces needs time alone, quietness along with their natural musical rhythm, a place to dream, a place of surpassing peace. Restoring the Soul has always been a basic human requirement.

Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!  

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its Sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Neptune is now at 17 degrees, tuned to the Ecliptic and connected with the Transit of Mercury! Pluto is now at 20 Capricorn close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Virgos, we are counting on you to help us to keep important priorities!

Pisces-Virgo Full Harvest Micro Moon Astrology Chart!  

Pisces - Virgo 2019 Full Harvest Moon Astrology Chart

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Next is the Saturday September 28 New Moon at 11:26 AM Pacific, 5 Libra 20!x 

See the entire Virgo 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count. 

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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LEO 2019-20 Celestial HighLights

Golden LEO, the Sign of Hearts! 

Leo Royalty Beyonce aka Queen B; Kirsten Dunst Queen Antoinette

At left, Beyonce, affectionately called Queen B ~ Mars at 1° Leo. Photo by Annie Leibovitz
At right, Double Leo, ASC & Moon,
 Kirsten Dunst in Sophia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette 2006

Aquarius is considered the sign of being electrified, but it is its opposite Leo that has the electric hair – some blowout style or an outrageous color! Just as big as the ruff on a Lion, king of the savanna! Often Leos are dignified royalty wearing the crowns! Gold is their color, whether it is that fine ring or the color of the summer savanna. In the northern hemisphere it is the time of Lammas, first harvests, the golden grains for breads. Lammas is usually between 1 August and 1 September.

Leo, the Sign of Hearts, have big warm loving hearts! They fill the space when they walk in a room and take over. They light up our lives and are the life of the party, the Sunflowers of the garden!

High Fashion and elegance goes with the territory. And only the best will do. Luxury suites, the big flashy rings. They can appear to be snooty, with their nose up in the air (literally). They are surveying the possibilities, carrying themselves proudly, yet they can be the most entertaining instructors! They read their audience well, know when they have struck a chord and capitalize on it! They can lead a merry band right on through that math class or out of the disaster area to safety! Heroes!

If Leos seem full of themselves, a bit pompous, they are! They are supposed to BE themselves, come out into the world, be away from their parents and find their own place in the Sun, make their own special contribution. It’s a teenage time in Spirit when young people have their first love. Hopelessly romantic they are dramatically heartbroken when they love and lose. When they Love, they Love! If your friend is a Leo, out to dinner and chocolates will help.

Laying on the savanna is one thing, but Leo Lions are fearless, protect their cubs, and hunt prey twice their size and more! Leos can party down, but know if things get serious you better hope they are on your side! They are super graceful natural athletes, are determined, have prowess you can bet on!

Bring my luggage, get my shades, guard my jewels, make an appt with the hair stylist! Order my new lipstick, bring all my makeup. Send the invitations, I’ll meet you at the Palace. Get tickets for the concert, the races, the awards banquet, the Olympics! No matter where a Leo is, they are the King or Queen of something! They are admired leaders, creative beyond words, delighted to love and be loved. They are enthusiastic, give encouragement just by being! They stand tall in Spirit.

Ruled by our fiery Sun, a Star, our strongest ‘planet,’ who would expect anything less of them?!

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LEO 2019 Celestial Highlights!  

Astronomy Perseids 2019 August 11-13

The composite image above is by John Ashley at Glacier National Park in Montana, in 2016. It perfectly captures the feeling of standing outside as dawn is approaching, after a peak night of Perseid meteor-watching. As viewed from anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, the Perseids’ radiant point is highest at dawn, and so the meteors rain down from overhead. View the full image here.

Get UP Early to See the Perseids!

The mornings leading up to August 13, 2019 should be decent for meteor-watching, providing you can find a way to work around the pesky moon. The moon is brighter in the sky on each of those mornings, and the dark window between moonset and dawn steadily shrinks as the peak morning – August 13 – approaches. We recommend watching across several mornings, before the peak, this year. Find moonset times for your location here.

Thank you always to Doug McClure at EarthSky!

LEO 2019 Timeline! 


19  Mercury Retrograde back in Cancer
22  Happy Leo!
31/Aug 1  New (Black?) SuperMoon, Mercury DIRECT!


11  Mercury back into LEO
13  Perseids Meteor Shower
15  Full Grain Moon, Mercury Retrograde Cycle finishes
23  Happy Virgo!

LEO Overview of Year to Come!

Leo Romantic Sunrise Wedding Noosa Beach Australia

Leo sunrise glory, romantic wedding at Noosa Beach, Australia. ‘The sea was calm and beautiful, the breaking light was just awe-inspiring.’
Congratulations to the happy couple!

June 16 and 18 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune were together again, closely and retrograde this time. The first set was at 14 degrees. They were at 18 degrees. First Jupiter, immediately followed, by, with, Saturn. Jupiter challenging us to expand our vision in the square – yes and no. Saturn said I see the part of this that has value, how can we make that happen? Now they are laying back until fall, but are continuously close in degrees. Jupiter finishes Sep 21, Saturn Nov 8. After the Sep aspect they part company, but both the Sep and Nov aspects are at 16 degrees!  So it goes 14, 18, 16 degrees. If you have chart factors at 16 degrees you will be connected to all three sets!

Nov 8 concludes the six aspects with Neptune, all happening while Jupiter is in its own sign Sagittarius! At that time it will be exactly a year ago, Nov 8, 2018, that Jupiter went into his own sign Sagittarius. These aspects with Neptune, the Dreamer, have opened our senses, making us aware of new dreams and beliefs. Times have changed!
We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn conjunct Pluto prepped with demolition, Jupiter with Pluto will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Mercury acted as witness to the Ecliptic event and observer, documentarian of what he saw at that time and the results in the year following. Conjunct the Sun, the retrograde Transit of Mercury Eclipse, Mercury will be empowered by solar light, to express himself in the most radiant manner possible! People will listen. Mercury is the information gatherer, messenger. Mercury is strengthened to receive then report on Jupiter at the GALACTIC CENTER! He puts it in perspective, knows the meaning, intention, long term purpose! Mercury is the neighbor you know; Jupiter is, in this case, the galactic traveler, a fascinating impressive stranger!

Pluto was at the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn 58 Rx. The Transit Mercury Eclipse will be sextile (opportunity) at 18 Scorpio 55 Rx. Mercury will move back to 11 SC 43 Rx when at the Galactic Center. Notice these are all retrograde. Retrograde means you have been there before and you will be again afterwards. It’s a 3 part cycle. Three chances. It’s good to get it right!

By November 8, 2019, all SIX of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s 2019’s outer planet aspects shall have been formed with Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. At times we are discouraged, overwhelmed, or Pandora’s box opens and we are over the top with wishes, crazy for believing in such miracles! Yet there it is, we want to try! Be inspired, break free from old fears! Saturn sextile Neptune is a peerless appraiser, even ‘sees’ what is not visible! If he’s behind you, he is determined to get the job done. Inimitable! Forget sleeping in, get up and get going, one step at a time if necessary, but do it! Those SIX aspects finish just before the Nov 11, eleven, eleven, Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter at the Galactic Center. Our Neptune imagination is being primed, tested, found strong and receptive!

These profound events will be during Sun in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The transmissions are taken in deeply, churned like good butter. Since Mercury is mind, Jupiter meaning, we may not witness physical change, especially with such an aspect as exotic and from so far away as the Galactic Center, but our Soul doesn’t miss a trick! Changes will seem to unfold for no reason and one day we realize there has become a difference.

Leo will be rather happy with the Dec 2 entry of Jupiter into Earth sign Capricorn. Jupiter is a fire planet and both Leo and Jupiter like to play, sport & gamble! Leo likes a good taut Capricorn, is proud of his superlative accomplishments! With Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn there will be 3 outer planets in Capricorn until Saturn enters Aquarius March 31, 2020! Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn July 1, 2020, and again, there will be 3 in Capricorn until Saturn makes his final shift into Aquarius Dec 16, 2020. Saturn will be in his own, more conservative sign Capricorn for the presidential elections. Jupiter and Saturn are both high mountain lovers, so looks like it’s going to be fun for some! Jupiter will make the travel plans; Cap will build the lodge! Jupiter quickly sees potential, offers encouragement, gathers the backers. Capricorn is ace at putting the right pieces together with terrific timing. Successful champions! The job comes in early, and the results are impressive! See more about Jupiter in Capricorn!

And that brings us to Jan 12, 2020, Saturn conjunct Pluto and Mar 21, The Crown! 

We are building to the 2020 Super Stellium! 3 outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn! New Year Day opens with 5 planets in Capricorn! Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Sun plus Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn! Jan 12 Saturn makes the on average 34 year exact conjunction with Pluto.

The CROWN! March 21 2020 When Saturn is about to leave Capricorn, the three outer planets, along with activator Mars, are in culmination, as close as they will get, all four in a 7 degree Stellium! Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! Peter Novak has studied outer planet stelliums and found that in the last 2000 years, allowing a 5 degree range, there were only 23 three outer planet stelliums! Yes, if he had allowed 7 degrees, there would be more, but still, they are uncommon. See all about it

There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean.

April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. Whatever demons or glory, tragedies or triumphs formidable Saturn with Pluto shall have faced, Jupiter will optimistically pick up the pieces, repurpose. Pluto will see the promise of profit financially and spiritually. It will be an explosion of clearing for future works, secrets discovered, major funding attained, ‘keepsakes’ will be in the plans to be built ~ like a mini renaissance, yet more secrets will be made too. Bad will be healed, the rest is hallelujah! LOTS of big news! Super power plays will abound as the Nov 3 Presidential Election approaches.

April 4 and June 29 Jupiter conjuncts Pluto the first and second times. From the second week in March through July, most potently April 4 through June 29, Jupiter closely conjuncts Pluto the entire time! The opposite prediction polarity, compared to the paragraph above, is it can be mass tragedy, even evil personified. More powerful secrets made, concealment and lies to cover. Be ready to help, protect yourself and others until this period passes. Seriously start making alliances with capable and trusted family, friends and associates now. Keep your emergency kit and supplies up to date for on-the-ground environmental conditions likely in your area, have a plan in mind. The aspects will hold be potent at 21 to 26 Capricorn. If you have factors at or very close to those degrees you may be called into action. Challenges for Aries, Libra and Cancer, Gemini and Leo. More easy for Taurus and Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The third and final Jupiter conjunct Pluto is Nov 12, at 22 Capricorn, the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto! This aspect is the last major aspect link of the whole set that started Oct 30, 2018! It carries the experience of the previous two Jupiter/Pluto aspects, is the upcoming aspect when the Presidential Elections are held Nov 3 2020. Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in their own signs up to Dec 2, 2019! See Jupiter in Sagittarius That’s a lot of pure strong energy. Jupiter and Neptune are in malleable signs, in astrological terms, mutable. They are flexible, adaptable. Jupiter goes into Capricorn Dec 2. Saturn in Capricorn stomps his foot and calls for responsibility and to abide by the rules and laws, honor each other, your parents, the boss, elders and ancestors! You have to show him how and why that change you request makes sense. Neptune in Pisces senses our weak spots, and with compassion, converts them to strengths. We become aware of our Soul’s purpose. Saturn is a good balance to those other two wayward wanderers enamored in a moment, sometimes for no good reason. They are enjoying the show while he wants to know what’s real, what is doable.

Two outer planets change sign during LEO’s coming year. Jupiter in Sagittarius enters Capricorn Dec 2. Saturn in Capricorn enters Aquarius Mar 21, 2020, retrogrades back into Capricorn for a review July 1. Jupiter’s sign is where the good fortune is! Be ready to shift certain investments, adjust projects to new, additional goals. Saturn, quite at home in his own sign, suddenly finds himself in a sign quite unlike himself. Yet, Aquarius carries on the good work for all the world! Capricorn guiding will make it all the more potent. While Capricorn loves the status and money, be guided by keeping your work in service to all. With earth changes, we will find ourselves working with many others in diverse environments under unusual conditions. Aquarius will expand your business, mission, if you let the change work for you. Blessed be.

Continuing abiding Aspect: Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background until 2021… In LEO’s coming year they are exact only once in their new signs Aries/Taurus at Valentine’s time, Feb 15! See more about Chiron/Uranus

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Annual Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

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Outer Planet Transits with LEO 2019 – July 2020!

Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter

Leo Life is full of new beginnings!

Outer planets are the long term movers. Pluto and Neptune move only 3 degrees a year. Uranus orbits at 84 years, and Chiron at 51 years. They are advancing about 4 degrees a year for now. Saturn takes 28/29 years to make its orbit, Jupiter only 12 years, a sign a year! Depending on astrological patterns, some ‘events’ in our lives take many years, where others may happen toot sweet, right on or very near the date the event is exact! Some ‘events’ are not physical, but in our minds or Spirits. No one might ‘see’ them but you. Complex planetary patterns may overlap each other or be singular and direct. Some repeat; others are once in a lifetime. Some people have aspects others never have. Others have had aspects you won’t have until much later. Your astrologer can help you with your personal timing, understanding and strategies.

PLUTO is still in Capricorn but is changed. Oct 30, 2018 it made the rare 248 year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic and is now below the Ecliptic! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path around earth! Pluto’s debris was lighted, declared to be outmoded, cleared away. He was not only cleared, but became free to be charged with energy beyond imagination! His healing powers have increased exponentially! He gave that very energy to Sun and the Light itself is now more clear and radiant! So fresh, this is a powerful time for all of us, but especially Capricorns because this HAPPENED IN THEIR SIGN! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio or Capricorn, have also been cleared and infused! Some will go to the Light, others might need some time out to be able to stand up again. None of these factors, Capricorn, Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested even them.

Pluto is moving from 20 to 25 Capricorn during LEO’s year to come. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile aspect, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 23 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in these degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, mighty healing and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

LEO may blush, marry or do business with Pluto in Cap. Leo may be hypnotized, honored, like to spend Pluto’s money, enjoy valuable gifts, or join corporate forces! Leo might be the front man to Pluto who wields the finances behind the scenes and Capricorn building whatever it takes to get the job done. Leo may lend his creative brilliance and name, while Pluto in Capricorn harnesses that power. Leo could feel curbed and lose his spirit, or be held in high esteem, in great appreciation for his contribution, handsomely paid. Choose wisely and give things an appropriate trial period. See a lawyer specific to that business, get it in writing – especially if you lack experience in that field. Get second and third opinions from people who won’t prosper from what you ask about. Check out pros and cons. Pluto may give some assessments that hurt LEO’s feelings and/or make him rethink some important premises of his life. Number 1 as therapists, Pluto’s highest intention is to heal what we hide from ourselves, clean out the old debris that blocks our Path. Medicine can taste pretty bad but be the perfect antidote.

NEPTUNE is in his own sign Pisces. He is a water planet in the last water sign, the last sign of the zodiac, seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors 15 to 20 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Neptune and Leo are both performers, actors. Leo understands personas and can step into one with uncanny accuracy. Neptune can immerse in the feelings, flow with the story line. Neptune brings Leo more of a vision than Leo has for himself, even when Leo’s own vision is grand. Neptune adds a subtlety that makes a difference, is more in alignment with true Spirit, even Leo’s own personal Spirit. Leo is so self aware he can feel that even more. Neptune uses rhythm, music that calls us; Leo uses music that moves not just Spirit, but our bodies. Neptune has made a good investment, someone to carry on the work! Neptune drifts in muted magical forms that inspire Leo to use the bright lights to help us see and magnify that alchemy! Leo may be confused at times, not ‘reading’ the script, but one thing leads to another and he spontaneously takes up the thread and creates his own! Fire signs rarely have trouble quickly ad libbing to meet the occasion!

URANUS, Aquarius’s planet, covers 2 to 10 Taurus! In Taurus it will anchor and build on change worthy ideas that need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network. They need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on. A lot of earth changes we are witnessing are massive, coming suddenly, hot and heavy. The very land is changing, affecting food supplies, water sources and location choices about where to live. There is a lot of instability financially. We need to have backup funds, supplies, stay flexible. See more about the Aries to Taurus sign change.

Taurus invents simple. To freedom lover Uranus, being in Taurus may feel too slow, too close for comfort, so unexciting. Taurus may freak out, and they rarely do, at the sudden upsets to his routines. Or Uranus being in his sign may be the most fun he’s had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Uranus himself is shocked to find walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! It’s a whole new dimension compared to that desk chair in the still dead-air plastics scented office! Taurus may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Supercharged divine body electric!

Leo is intrigued beyond words! It’s kinda funny seeing Taurus, THE Earth sign, dealing with that crazy unpredictable Aquarian type. Both have their own particular type of savvy, but one is faster than the speed o Light, the other is so slow you may miss the event! So Leo takes in the genius of both. Leo is inspired by the lightning encounter with Uranus, yet wonders if he will withstand or measure up to the Uranian storm. It’s a humbling experience, and he’s not in charge like he’s used to! If he can’t keep up, ye Gods how embarrassing, Taurus will be catching up from behind, offering a steady shoulder and they will walk together. Now that’s different. Taurus is so patient, kindly, and Leo has so often only thought of himself. Puts a new dimension on things. If Leo was stuck somewhere, between the thunder maker and the earth mover, it won’t be for long. Astrologically speaking, Leo and Uranus’ sign Aquarius are opposite. Taurus sits between them. So though a Taurus/Leo square, it is also symbolically like a fixed sign T Square with Taurus as the gateway. Leo lying on the savanna can understand Taurus standing for hours in the fields, observing, digesting. Rather than being the Hunter with the pride, always needing to look good, Leo can take on more qualities of being in one’s own skin, taking the time it takes.

CHIRON will be in Aries through 2027. In Leo’s year, he will cover 1 to 9 Aries, activating any factors you have in those degrees. Chiron has been and will be traveling very closely to the same degrees as Uranus, the Aquarian planet, but in different signs! This has been going on since 2008 and continues through 2021, 13 years. Chiron has become more future minded and Uranus has taken on some shamanistic qualities. There is a subtle camaraderie with Aquarius. See more In Aries, is the first of the zodiacal signs, Chiron is becoming a more fiery shaman, takes unprecedented healing action! Uranus’s sign change into Taurus is, grounding the thunder maker. There is a shift in the foundation, now starting to hold steady.

If you have Chiron in these degrees, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about the head, brain and eyes. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too! In Aries, may start his own business and, loving independence, may be reluctant to marry…

Chiron in Aries may come in good will; Leo is excited to collaborate with this newcomer! Chiron is feeling his oats. Due to his mythical unhealable injuries, he has often held the back seat, and it’s his turn now to stand up! Chiron is trying on some new healing ingredients and techniques. Leo is always looking to be a better person, have more strength, enjoy is prowess, so hopes they work well. Leo doesn’t always make business changes so fast, but pay attention to the new business skills offered. Chiron has more than one skill! Your income could improve. Chiron is quick in Aries, a great consultant, but he’s on his schedule, not ours, so get the info right away. He will soon be gone, but try things out for yourself. The best he offered does work. While he’s here, Chiron can do a successful startup so quickly you can hardly believe it! If he remains in leadership, it may be just challenging enough for him to opt to stay, opening branches, a franchise – always something new! Don’t be surprised if he opens further and different types of businesses as time goes on! You may miss him not being about. Be cautious of marriage offers. Leo loves romance, but if you are looking for long term, Chiron may not be the one while in Aries. Aries may promise, but not be able to do it.

SATURN builds from 13 Capricorn to 1 Aquarius!

Saturn is working the last half of his own sign Capricorn! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. Many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better, or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! The experience you have depends on how Saturn is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Check with your astrologer. Those of you with Saturn 13 – 29 Capricorn have your Saturn Returns now through Mar 21, 2020! There will be more traditional endeavors.

  1. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!
  3. Around age 87, many are now experiencing their 3rd Saturn Return! Things don’t bother them as much. They enjoy what they want to, sometimes something they always wanted to do! They say what they think. There are losses of friends and loved ones. Health matters more – they are often quite brave. Family can mean a lot or if alone, friends do. or just being quietly alone is peaceful. Age can mean honors, even just for making it that long! Capricorn is the sign of time, elder hood. This is generally a strong time for them.

Saturn in his own sign, Earth sign Capricorn, is a force! Young people conduct themselves seriously and old people are more healthy, younger than others their age, strong and cheerful! Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the time, being on time, are all assets. They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand science and structures – concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation – more done with less effort, use less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost, build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves. As seniors they don’t quit. They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are truly golden – art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids!

Leo wants to measure up to Capricorn expectations. They see the value and respect of being on time. Capricorn helps them face their demons, develop more realistic skill, think more long term, be aware of consequences of omissions or missing the boat. Caps help Leos, who think they can do anything, realize there really are 24 hours in a day and there are certain others who are better than they are at certain things. Leos don’t have to work so hard after all, LOL! Delegate is a lovely word. Capricorns may be surprised how much a Leo can adore them, be proud of them. They both have a tad of arrogance at times. Cap expects obedience; Leos are certain they should be waited on. Cap gets busted once in a while and Leo has a tantrum from time to time. Leo learns he has to be himself no matter what the authority wants. Sometimes authority is just wrong. Other times Leo needs to be doing good things with people who want the same things. Fire signs don’t adapt so easily. Yet Saturn’s Capricorn and Leo are a common combination! They are so proud of each other. Capricorn admires Leos verve and commanding presence, being the star of the show! Leos admire their Capricorn’s outstanding achievements, being the boss! They can get a lot done together.

Returns March 20 to July 1, 2020 are at 0 and 1 Aquarius! Saturn/Capricorn are of the sign just before Aquarius. Saturn can set the mark. If the goal is amazing enough, all-encompassing enough to challenge Aquarius’s talents, AQ will be on board! He will make computer diagrams, research materials, legends, why it can work now, for years, even centuries, it has not been possible before. Aquarians are delighted to learn new techniques and learn so quickly, you lose little time while they do. In fact, your results may become 10-fold in a lot less time than usual! If you are working on challenging new sustainable options, Aquarius will love this new humanitarian effort. Being on the same page, whatever it is for the two of you, makes for a healthy Spirit and union. Many amazing like minded friendships may come, or if you are overwhelmed or need time to recenter, you may take time away and enjoy being on your own. If you are in business or want to spread the word about a project, your networking can go worldwide through social media! Concentrate on humanitarian and sustainability facets of your ventures and investments.

Leo is delighted with the unfolding drama! He can be one of the many, or THE one of many, a leader. His teachings will carry the news and many will be onboard! His heart is in this goodness to come for all Beings. He is literally a Light for his team. Aquarius, having the great overview, will waste no time getting the word out, cleverly incorporating Leo’s work in the most right places. Leo may be hard pressed to keep up once started! There is so much more than he anticipated and he is being called to the highest levels. Friendships will take on a new tone, the frequency unfamiliar, but instinct knows it is the way to go. Aquarius is the Awakener, and Leo will be surprised to find he, the sign of Light, is awakening too! Aquarius is Evolution and Leo is on the surf, astounded by new visions and the speed at which they are happening! Take good care of yourself. If you are going to be a good spiritual soldier, act like you are preparing for a winning race! Relationships will surely shift as context changes around us. We will no longer accept lacks we tolerated for so long. We are out growing our old ways. We will more gladly wait for a more fulfilling combination at our new vantage point. Aquarius is wild genius, but Saturn is a born manager and will manage it well. Once you have experienced this level of consciousness there is no going back.

JUPITER moves from 14 Sagittarius to 27 Capricorn

Jupiter stays in Sag, his own sign, until moving into Capricorn Dec 2. Jupiter/Sagittarius never fail to impress. It can be a hero, and there are plenty of those at this time. It can be a knowledge or wisdom of an exalted teacher and that might be your local high school teacher. It can be a journey of great beauty or a maximum athletic achievement. A boundless love, a loving kindness, a gift, sharing. All these touch our hearts and make a story to remember. Fortunes gained and lost, wagers won and lost, starting from nothing to making it to the top of the mountain! And if it’s bad, it can be really bad. No thieving or robbing. While traveling and your money is low, no taking something because you need it ‘more than they do.’ Big stories yes, cons no. No ‘accidental’ slander, bearing false witness, prejudice. Stay with respectful truth and honesty. Keep the long term in mind. Keep your higher ethics in place, morality intact; visit the sacred place when you need to. Keep learning in every direction.

Jupiter in Sag and Leo have a ball! That could be the biggest soirée you ever saw with a King and Queen, or a party in the woods with the High Priest and Priestess! You could have a concert with more sound and impressive lighting than ever before. That could be a splentacular fundraiser. Jupiter may carry you off on the trip of your lifetime, far and wide, up and under, to the Oracle, the fountain of youth! Leo learns how to make life bigger, and that’s fine with him! Jupiter invites Leo to think about the meaning of life rather than dwell in himself as much. The perspective shifts. He reminds Leo how important Leo’s part is in the big score of Life’s movie. Even when to his favor, Leo is sensitive to what could seem like criticism, so when Jupiter, not famous for discretion, may bluntly dump the ideas at Leo’s doorstep for Leo to stumble and rumble over, Leo may smoke a bit. Ultimately though, Leo is no quitter, and is a smart cookie, wants to be best. There may be a bit of harrumphs, snorting and carrying on, but Leo will think on it, take it in, and do what he can do! Jupiter in Sagittarius is a rambler and likely to move on. He may take Leo with him, or Leo, a fixed sign, may remain in his own kingdom waiting for the next visitor.

Jupiter in Capricorn  Jupiter fairly streaks through Capricorn, getting to the 27th degree, almost completely through Cap, by May 20, 2020! At that point it retrogrades and continues in Capricorn until Dec 2020. It makes work the most fun it ever was! You could be the visitor who is remembered for all the work you did! You might be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. Jupiter will help you jazz up your home, give you such good advice you can’t help doing it! They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference. Don’t keep your lucky Jupiter charm. They need to travel, check out the territories spread the news. If you hire them, send them to the training seminars furthest away or send them to teach it! If they have too much routine, they will run away. Poof. Gone. Import/exports they are involved with might work well for you too. Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits and carefully make small trial investments in great sounding whims. Check things out. If you have had doldrums, Jupiter can cheer you up like a champ. You are encouraged because they act like you can do it, and it’s truth! See more 

Jupiter in Capricorn can exaggerate the rules, which Leo may find entertaining until they apply to him! Leo is used to being King and Queen. Jupiter can be self righteous, but that is mere foolery to Leo. Leo rules! I don’t care how big your cloak is! However, Leo doesn’t get away with all. The law is the law, and Jupiter is often the Judge. Woops. If they are all on the same side it could be good. If not, Leo may get his wings clipped, be put in his place. If the Judge is good looking, and smart and funny, is known for his fair perspective, Leo may not mind at all, and to everyone’s surprise, it could be the start of a fine relationship! Jupiter in Capricorn can be doggone successful in business, be a consummate professional and show Leo how to rise up in the world at large! So what if you are the King/Queen! Get up and get a bigger territory. If you do it right, your constituents will be well pleased too! The business could be major events – promotions, universities, competitions, non profits for betterment, involve seniors and health and well being. Leos may be quite proud of their association and hold the Light quite steady! Congratulations!

If you have factors in Sagittarius and/or Capricorn in your chart at these degrees, this could be prime time to visit the positive areas on your AstroLocality map. See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length, some are positive appearing but have other hidden factors.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. The experience you have depends on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Check with your astrologer. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible.

Happy Birthdays, LEOS! Blessed be on your glorious Journey!

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….   

See the entire LEO 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.


Happy Birthdays, LEOs!

Leo Dog Days of Summer Hat & Shades at the Beach!

Enjoy your Dog Days of Summer in style!

About those Dog Days….

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Spring Equinox Full Worm SuperMoon!  
1st of 2, Blue Moon to come! 0°, Mercury still Retrograde conjunct Neptune!

New Moon!  
7th Mid Sign New Moon, Bowl Chart, My Stars! Pisces Mercury Direct!

AstroLogical Blue Moon! 2nd in Libra/Aries! Full Pink Moon! 
Beauty in Blue ~ Sweet in Pink, Fixed Royal Star Regulus!


Spring Equinox Full Worm SuperMoon!

Wednesday March 20 at 6:43 PM Pacific, 0 Libra/Aries 09

1st of 2, Blue Moon to come! 0°, Mercury still Retrograde conjunct Neptune!

Aries 2019 First Full Moon Spring Equinox Ukraine

Beautiful Spring in the Ukraine Mountain ranges

Per Earthsky, this year, the March 2019, full SuperMoon, last of the three 2019 SuperMoons, comes less than 4 hours after the arrival of the March 20th equinox, making this the closest coincidence of the March equinox and full moon since March 20, 2000! Next time will be 11 years from now, in 2030. 

This will be the first of two Full Moons spanning Libra/Aries! This one is at the first degree, 0 Libra/Aries 09. The second is an AstroLogical ‘Blue Moon,’ the only 2019 Blue Moon! The April 20 Full Moon will be at the last degree, 29 Libra/Aries 07! This March Moon is a true Alpha time! We are at the first day of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the first day of Spring! Since it spans Aries/Libra, we might say it is Alpha-Omega, the beginning and ‘end,’ since Aries is sunrise and Libra is sunset! Each of these Full Moons greets one of the two outer planets that have just changed signs! The first charges Chiron, the second charges Uranus!

This is the 5th and last Full Moon at 0 degrees! They were in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, now Aries! Each has been a full arms open embrace to their sign! Sag started the Journey, Capricorn made it so, Aquarius shook the basket, Pisces sweetened the Dream! The last of the five is in Aries at Spring Equinox, new beginnings par excellence!

The Full Moon at Zero degree emphasizes the two recent sign changes! Sun is conjunct Chiron, now at 1° and semisextile Uranus at 0°! This is Sun’s first conjunction with Chiron in his new permanent sign! Sun is welcoming him into Aries and giving him a first day of Spring super solar charge! Sun is a fiery ‘planet,’ so with Chiron now in fiery Aries, they are more easy with each other. This charge will be transferred to Uranus as well because Chiron and Uranus have been traveling side by side the last 10 years and have formed a bond. It’s as if they are traveling as one. Uranus has been in Aries the last 7 years, so receives Sun’s energy quite comfortably. In fact, can’t hurt a bit, he’s quite calmer in Taurus, not used to it, so probably needs a little familiar boost. Sun also picks up some quickie healing tips from Chiron. Chiron’s info is hot off the griddle, fresh, untainted, innovative, yet to be tested. It’s true it’s been 51 years since he was in Aries before and times have changed, but he has been watching from the signs he’s been in along the way and things have developed apace. See more about Chiron into Aries! See more about Uranus into Taurus 

Moon is all by herself all the way on the other side of the chart in Libra! This chart pattern is called a Bucket. She is the ‘handle’ of the Bucket. You could say she’s out scouting for the best relationship connections, alliances, possible, paving the way, assessing cultural formalities to be respected. Or she’s the receiver, radar for what’s coming from that direction, canary in the goldmine. You could say she’s the lead of the whole group, or the tail of the dragon cleaning up any messes that need neutralizing, making deals to secure their gains, making the space behind safe. One way or the other, or all of the above, she’s vital to the operation. Balance is key. Aries is less concerned, if at all, but Libra’s talent is to sense the nuances and keep us all quickly informed. She’s scanning the furthest reaches currently possible. 

Moon is off center from Uranus, but in Libra she always knows when there is a change in the valence. She tends to be culturally correct, prefers calm mediation. Uranus is always a changemaker, and she can tell. He has a certain charge that never sleeps. In Taurus he can make change so gently and calmly you don’t even know it happened. She knows that too. If it isn’t for the greater good, she may warn about it, but it may be hard to make anyone believe her. Naw, that can’t be true, never. Yet he’s in progress. If it’s a change she likes, a good glass of wine from the cellar will be in order. 

Mars is off center from Jupiter. They can get in a lot of trouble! Mars in Taurus can prod Jupiter who lives for dares and loves to play. Mars in Taurus can lag and drag and drive Sag crazy! Sag wants to play and who ever heard of Mars wanting to just lay about?! But in Taurus he can. No matter how cunning and persuasive Sag can be with is big stories and splendid opinions, it has little effect. Mars will leave Jupiter behind in two or three days and the cat and mouse play is over. Oh well. There are few times Jupiter fails to impress so he may be disappointed. Mars didn’t get his way either. He may have seemed too common, or unwilling to take a chance. C’est la vie. Maybe in a couple years….

What Mars did get done was trine Saturn then Pluto. Some great work was done. The price was right and it was timely. Could have involved construction or real estate, stone work, restoration. Some of the people in charge were quite impressed and more connections made. Follow up from time to time. Hire that person for more work!

Venus however, squares him and is probably a little grumpy with him or ignores him. He’s not her type. She’s exotic in Aquarius; he’s common in Taurus. They have way different kinds of intelligence. She won’t pay him what he’s worth, or can’t, at least not now. Wait for a bit, maybe sometime after Mercury goes direct/forward. She in Aquarius may simply be gone to other realms. But if she’s working on a community project and it’s one Mars favors, they could work together after all. She’s likely to get a publishing or travel grant soon. Could be a scholarship and she leaves the area. Stay in touch, but don’t expect miracles. Be ready to let go gracefully if need. 

Mercury in Pisces is stilllllll Retrograde until March 28. The day before the Feb 19 Full Snow SuperMoon, was Mercury’s first conjunction with Neptune. Now he is slowly moving to make his Rx conjunction with Neptune March 24, just before Mercury goes into his 8 day station (stand still). Neptune is the old man of the Sea, the Pisces planet, also IN Pisces! That’s a whole lot of intuition, dreamtime insights. Words may seem almost ridiculous at times and can mean so less than the feelings. But to put the mysteries of the Universe into words is a sweet feat! There are times the masters of words can make you feel you are right there, present in what they are writing about and you forget you are listening or reading. You ‘wake’ up and to your surprise you are right where you are! 

Mercury goes direct (forward) on March 28. He makes the third/final conjunction with Neptune April 2 Pacific time, just before the April 5 New Moon! Mercury is so curious about the ‘unseen.’ Mercury himself is quite logical, visual, so Pisces and Neptune are like an immersion experience for him. He uses his senses more. He wants to put it into words in some way so others can see it too! He talks with Neptune and watches for reactions, nuances. Neptune’s visions are important, should not to be lost in the dream. Mercury is the documentarian of precious perception. See more about the Retrograde!

Mercury is retrograding away from his second sextile with Saturn, and Saturn has moved past his sextile with Neptune for now, to return mid-June. Saturn is presently holding close to Pluto, but retrogrades himself and doesn’t make the conjunction with Pluto until Jan 12, 2020. That and Mercury 
now at 18 Pisces, and Venus, Mars and Jupiter all at 23 degrees, brings us to discuss the important set of upcoming aspects. Mercury ties in with the Pluto chain of events. Our thinking now has relevance. Pay attention to shifts in your awareness. It’s not even so important what you think, but how you think. Venus, Mars and Jupiter are tied to the early 2020 Saturn/Pluto chain of events. Record and work your goals. Find out how to get where you want to go. There are tremendous possibilities!

An impressive sequence of unusual aspects started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter/Saturn with Neptune are at 18 Pisces. The coming nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs!

Pluto is now at 22 Capricorn, the degree where Saturn, potently in his own sign, will catch up with Pluto Jan 12, 2020! Pluto will be at 23 when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential election because they are precisely astrologically linked! Some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.  

Be strong and steady as she goes!

Spring Equinox Full Worm SuperMoon Libra/Aries Astrology Chart

Aries 2019 Spring Equinox Full Worm SuperMoon Astrology Chartx

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Aries New Moon!

Friday April 5 at 1:50 AM Pacific, 15 Aries 17  

7th Mid Sign New Moon, Bowl Chart, My Stars! Pisces Mercury Direct! 

Aries New Moon 2019 Milky Way Bluebonnets Jason Weingart

Magical Milky Way over Bluebonnets! Photographer Jason Weingart calls this magnificent image ‘Deep in the Heart of Texas!’ Order at his site! 

Just a little fire in the belly! No matter that you can’t see them or they are barely a crescent peeping into or out of the New Moon spot, Sun and Moon are having a sweet rendezvous out there in the heavens! Sun is supercharging, and Aries, a hot fire sign, is all in favor! Moon is sizzling all that great Spirit food on the front burner and is raring to go! The babies are rocking in the cradle, the little kids are wild and the teens are more independent than usual! Lovers are happy dancing. Lambs are springtime frolicing!  

Mercury is no longer retrograde nor in station (standing still), and is finishing his three part cycle April 16, only a few days now to put the final touches in place. He made the last magical conjunction with Neptune in Pisces on the 2nd, just before this Aries New Moon. Endings, completions and dreams are on our minds, New Moon making glorious new flowers! Mercury’s three last aspects show in this chart. On the 7th Mercury sextiles Saturn, finishing up some key tasks, your work is paying off, sign the contracts. The 10th Mercury sextiles Pluto, the finances and certain relationships have worthy potentials. Mercury is closing in on his square to Jupiter the 11th. It may not all be true or possible right now. Could be exaggerated gossip or slander, but still, we are called to seek the next adventure! See more about the Pisces Mercury Retrograde!

The New Moon is the last of the 15° New Moons that started in October with Libra, seven in a row! 15° is the mid of any sign, the turning point! In the Hindi Dwadasama system, 15 to 17.5° are the degrees holding a sub influence of the opposite sign, in this case Libra! All three of this year’s Aries lunar events have this Aries/Libra crossover! Aries is independent; Libra is cooperative. Aries is self; Libra is others. They are both fighters. Aries is physical, will use fists if necessary; Libra is wits and courtrooms, negotiators and mediators, peacemakers if possible. Aries shows Libra that being nice doesn’t always get the job done. Stand up and be counted, for Pete’s sake! Libra shows that leaving, abandoning or offending with bristly shouted opinions doesn’t always work either. We seek to come to know each other. You don’t corner your Aries, or smother them with sweets. Yuk. Aries often only really needs to ask. A please doesn’t hurt. Nor do you yell at someone trying to help you. Put your listening ears on. Sharing can touch your heart.

But. A champion is a champion! Someone needs to stand up, even if it begins with only one person! It’s time to offend someone, to make them look, and listen even if they disagree or especially if they disagree! Just because the sleeping masses have a big opinion, the power of numbers doesn’t make them right. New beginnings must start from a seed and be tended to flourish. Show people that they can run, they can get up that hill. Sun figures that’s a no brainer. Moon might need a little convincing, she likes her apple pie, breads, cheesecake. But if it’s women or children’s rights, she’s on it! Together they will get people excited. Just a few words well placed can make a huge difference. Seeds need the right soil and she’s a clever nurturer.

Now, there’s going to be a little bridge to cross, wall to climb. Sun and Moon square Saturn then Pluto. They will be tested. Sun squares Saturn the 10th, Pluto on the 13th. What is too heavy to carry will be left behind. Get your support team experts in place as you address formidable blockages. Could be rocks, could be toxic. There could be injustice, abuse of power, deep grief. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Protect your property from damage or theft. Don’t be in denial about your career, others on the job. Keep reasonable records of events and achievements in case you need them later. In this period, work with emails, signed papers, rather than handshakes. In spite of what difficulties there may be, remember that Saturn wants to make things right in the long term; Pluto wants to heal. Certain things may just take time. Don’t confront in such a way that they react by digging in their heels just to protect themselves and don’t even hear you. Keep it on an even keel so everyone continues to listen. It will be easier on our nerves and take a lot less time. Change consequences to successes.

As I have said before, New Moons are a regenerative time. Moon is at the end of her 27/28 day cycle. She has been through all the signs, gathering information, giving as she can as she has gone along. She makes lots of adjustments, each sign so different and specialized. She takes the pulse of the people from all walks of life. When she meets Sun, he sees what she has accumulated – awareness of accomplishments, shortcomings, needs that need meeting. Sun floods her with Light energy and she is restored. He appreciates her perceptiveness and caring and is himself restored by her faith in him.

This is a good time to make assessments, put things into perspective. Keep these things in mind as you face challenges. The outcome  may surprise everyone!

Mars, the Aries planet, has just further activated Chiron and Uranus in their new signs! Mars is the planet of new! Being in Gemini now, it’s time to tell the stories, make connections! Chiron is excited to be the new champion of healing and teaching the ways to do it! Uranus will be making a difference in Earth affairs. There will be more awareness of climate changes, environmental remedies. Individuals will take on a one world approach. Some governments may cause delays, but others and many powerful private parties will opt for more long term footage. Mars gets the Word out, is the herald of a new dawn of creation! 

The 3 STARS dance continues! Each time since the October New Moon, all the New Moons since being at 15°, the same stars have been activated but by different types of links! This feisty Aries New Moon makes a challenging square with the renowned Fixed Star Sirius at 14 Cancer! Next month’s Taurus New Moon will be at 14 Taurus making a sextile, so it won’t be entirely over yet. Sirius is the Dogstar in Canis Major, the brightest star in the heavens. It is said to give honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It also gives danger of dog bites! Woof! Aries doesn’t let sleeping dogs lie. If there are any misuses of power Aries will be around to call Goliath out. If they have gotten complacent, he’ll give the bed a good kick as he walks by. Wake up! Rise and shine!

Moon and Sun are square Sirius’s opposite star Vega at 15 Capricorn. Next month’s New Moon at 14 Taurus will trine Vega. Much smoother. Vega is Lyra’s bright star. She puts beauty, music and arts in our lives. Aries has no time for standing still for harp players. To them music is the sound of a well tuned engine, or a rousing concert! Remember that when you are sending invitations or making the wedding plans, LOL! This is so brief about the stars. Look up more online about their histories, lore, data! Go to spiritual sites for deeper discussions.   

Again, not only is the Dogstar involved, but so is the hunter himself! The New Moon is more happily sextile Orion’s star Rigel at 16 Gemini. Aries likes weapons and Orion is the hunter. Works for him. You might guess Rigel has mixed reviews. Mythologically it was thought to be where the scorpion stung Orion causing Orion’s death. Oops. About Rigel and the Sun, Robson says: Bold, courageous, insolent, unruly temper, hasty actions, bloodshed, many enemies, great good fortune, military success. Shall we run or stay? Elsbeth Ebertin noted a connection of Rigel to the Sun and Moon, in charts of several world record pilots, leading to sudden difficulties in the carrying out of planned enterprises resulting in failures to reach the set target. Sextiles offer opportunities. Aries is adept at quickly picking up the pieces in an emergency. He can astonishingly turn the tables between life and death. Maybe he’ll save the King!

Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of:

As I said in the Full Moon section above, an impressive sequence of unusual aspects started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter/Saturn with Neptune are at 18 Pisces. The coming nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! Saturn conjunct Pluto is precisely linked to the powerful aspect, same degree and sign, most close to the 2020 Presidential Elections. Some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

At this New Moon Mercury, no longer retrograde, again stands at 18 degrees Pisces! It is sextile the Ecliptic point, conjunct the mid-June Neptune point, trine the Transit of Mercury point! All these are excellent connections! Mercury is spreading the word. If you made Oct 2018 notes, review them, or check your appt book to see what was important then. Compare that with what you have gotten done since then and revise your goals accordingly. Expand your plans as you anticipate the possibilities!

Pluto is now at 23 Capricorn, just a degree from where Saturn, potently in his own sign, will catch up with Pluto Jan 12, 2020! Pluto will be at 23 when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential election because they are precisely astrologically linked! Some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

All the planets in this chart are in less than half the chart! This is called a Bowl chart ~ it collects, ponders and pours. Jupiter, the first planet, has had us in training, learning more about learning. Mars, our Aries planet, leads the way, spreading the good word in Gemini. This Bowl has especially strong focus in two of its signs, three planets in Pisces and three in Aries, the last and first signs of the zodiac! Collect your dreams, hold them consciously. Release what no longer serves. Prioritize keepers into place for easy access for Aries that they may be acted on right now! Let Aries ram them forward in divine perfection! 

Gather your threads, be clear in our greater purpose, use your instinct.

Aries New Moon Astrology Chart!

Aries 2019 New Moon Astrology Chart

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AstroLogical Blue Moon! 2nd in Libra/Aries! Full Pink Moon! 

Friday April 19 Full Pink Moon at 4:12 AM Pacific, 29 Libra/Aries 07! 

Beauty in Blue ~ Sweet in Pink, Fixed Royal Star Regulus the King!

Aries 2019 2nd Full Moon Rose French artist Cebarre

Sweet ‘Rose’ by prolific French artist Cebarre 

BLUE MOONS! A seasonal blue moon is when there are 4 Full Moons in a season. The third of those is called a Blue Moon. There can be two Full or New Moons in a month and the second is called a Blue Moon. This is the second one of two Full Moons in the same SIGN, an AstroLogical ‘Blue Moon,’ the only 2019 Blue Moon! This is the second of two Full Moons spanning Libra/Aries! The first one was March 20, at the first degree, 0 Libra/Aries 09. The April 20 Full Moon will be at the last degree, 29 Libra/Aries 07! Last chance, make it good!

These emphasize the beginning and ending of their Signs. Take notes at the beginning, layout your goals, a few days before the 19th schedule to see how you have done, take care of anything that still needs doing! These Moons in the same signs emphasize their principles – Libra/Aries. Aries is independent, calls his own shots. Libra reminds we aren’t here alone, but are impinged on by others and we upon them. Sometimes we are not helpful to each other, and that’s ok. We seek harmony if agreement isn’t possible. Other times collaboration enhances our quality of life and we are grateful. Many times the whole is greater than the sum of its parts! 

Sun and Moon have just a little more emphasis this time because they are trine and sextile the fixed star Regulus the King! Regulus was considered to be the leader of the Four Royal Stars of the ancient Persian monarchy, the Four Guardians of Heaven. It is associated with Raphael, the Healing Archangel, Watcher of the North. As of 2012 it changed signs from fiery Leo to earthy Virgo. We have shifted from Father Sun’s sign to the healing Mother Goddess. Regulus still stands at the Lion’s Heart, but in Virgo (sign of nurses, midwifery) it is now more tending as a peer than dominating. Leo the Lion’s story though, has always included magnificent Light Giving and a generous Heart. Even in Virgo, it is still at the Lion’s Heart. Egyptians knew Virgo as Isis, the Goddess of Fertility. Pagans called her the Virgin – Ceres, Demeter, Persephone, that Catholicism translated to the Virgin Mary. Aries fire and Libra air are geometrically in harmony with this now Earth Star. She has respectable skills that keep them well and smooth their daily affairs. She is the technician to their interactions.

Sun and Moon have just passed Venus at 28 Pisces. They are reminded to let Soul quality Love be their guide. She’s the one that makes the difference with her understanding, compassion. She adds grace and flow. The charge in a courtroom case is a little less intense; there is a little less to prove, it’s easier to listen without feeling you have lost power. She’s more gentile and even a small smile changes the tone. Aries’ colors are red and white, pink. Libra is pastels art and lovely florals. Venus is Libra’s planet. The powerful independent Aries leader and the gentile mediators, Libra/Venus, master the forces to bring Peace. The ultimate Peace Rose. 

Sun and Moon have also recently come from a trine and sextile with Jupiter. Jupiter laughed with them, brought them big news from far places, brought them hope and perspective, taught them a lot to be proud of. Sun in Aries felt like he could win the race and Mama Moon was delighted to make a new friend, try out some foreign recipes, to learn and live big!  This time they left him before he moved on. They are willing to gamble on the new plans. They are both clever, even more so at the last degree of their signs, so undoubtedly will successfully enhance what Jupiter had to offer and inspired them to do. Tomorrow they will be leading the way in new signs! The big wheel keeps on turnin’!

At the 0° Libra/Aries Full Moon, Sun greeted and charged up Chiron newly in Aries. This mature 29° Full Moon, Sun is on the brink of joining Uranus newly in Taurus! If Jupiter’s ideas were big, they were but a small preparation to the planetary wide ideas Uranus will enlighten Sun with! And brilliant Sun will be like the fuel in the Rocket! Uranus makes things come alive, electrifies the synapses! The ideas in Aries will be anchored and maintained, amplified and further enhanced in their new setting. They will be simplified and put to good use community wide. Further research and inventions will spring from their baseline! Mercury, no longer in his retrograde cycle, freshly in the Full Moon sign Aries, will spread the word quickly and feedback will supply more fresh ideas. One to the next it will keep going! Great timing!

Neptune can hear Mars in Gemini chattering and nattering from a long ways off,  coming to make the square. Mars can be pesky or wake up old Neptune, probably both. Neptune is used to being bigger than most anything that comes his way, takes it in stride. But Mars is silly fearless, does a spontaneous third eye zap, and whadda you know, Neptune is all ears! Mars better be quick and alert though, or an inadvertent tsunami may sweep him away! If the day is calm and Neptune is bored, up to hearing the latest, they may have a long exchange. Clever Gemini has a lot to say and Neptune is millennia wise. Mars can quickly piece the meaning of the parts together beyond his wildest imagination only to bring a further rhapsody of exchange. Neptune finds a shift in his essence with this new fuel. Mars Initiations quickly trigger releases that allow surprising advances into the future! This could just go on forever…. Just be a little careful or your fire may get unceremoniously put out.

Again and still, Saturn is with Pluto, only 3 degrees apart now. Saturn will retrograde April 29 and they will gradually fade apart. They are close but don’t make their connection until Jan 12, 2020! That conjunction is part of a long cycle…

An impressive sequence of unusual aspects started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter/Saturn with Neptune are at 18 Pisces. The coming nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs!

Neptune is now almost 18° Pisces, will retrograde on Summer Solstice June 21 at 18°! It is precisely tuned in to the Jupiter/Saturn aspects to it at that time, the Ecliptic event of Oct 2018 and Transit of Mercury retrograde Eclipse Nov 11! Neptune brings sensitivity to and understanding of these major events. It sees the links between them, passing the thread through the eye of the needle of one to the next and beyond. We are magically connected to higher realms.

Pluto is now at 23 Capricorn, within a degree of where Saturn, potently in his own sign, will catch up with Pluto Jan 12, 2020! Pluto will be at 23 when the 4 planet Capricorn stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential election because they are precisely astrologically linked! Some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us. 

Secure the ground gained through these important 2018 to 2020 events!

AstroLogical Blue, Full Pink Moon Astrology Chart!

Aries 2019 AstroLogical Blue Full Pink Moon Astrology Chart

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Next is the Saturday May 4 New Moon at 3:46 PM Pacific, 14 Taurus 11!  

See the entire Aries 2019 Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Full Snow SuperMoon! 

Chiron into Aries! Potent 18 & 22/23 Degrees! Starts Pisces Mercury Retrograde Cycle!

New Moon!

Uranus into Taurus! Neptune Soul Searching, Pisces Mercury Retrograde Queries & Quandaries. My stars! 


Full Snow SuperMoon!

Tuesday February 19 at 7:54 AM Pacific, 0 Virgo/Pisces 42 

Chiron into Aries! Potent 18 & 22/23 Degrees! Starts Pisces Mercury Retrograde Cycle!

Pisces Full Snow Moon 2019 Old Flying Ship

The dreamer is in full multi dimensional reality!

This is the largest of 2019s three SuperMoons! It is Bigger and Brighter! Hoping for clear viewing skies! 

This is the 4th Full Moon at 0 degrees – Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, now Pisces! Each has been a full arms open embrace to their sign! Sag started the Journey, Capricorn made it so, Aquarius shook the basket, now Pisces sweetens the Dream! The last of the five is in Aries at Spring Equinox, new beginnings par excellence!

Not only will the Full Moon be at zero, but so is Chiron the Shaman, newly in the springtime sign Aries the day before! As Pisces believes the visions, Aries births them out into the world! We champion the cause. In this case it is a cause that has been waiting 51 years for it to be its right time! Chiron will be trying new healing techniques to heal old wounds! He will be teaching new ideas that will spur his students to find methods that will change first responder treatments! Uranus is still in Aries for 16 more days! He has been blasting the doors open for Chiron, the healer with the wound. While he and Chiron are both in Aries, he will be sharing information, wisdom, setting new goals, then go on into Taurus. See more about Chiron into Aries! 

Pisces Sun’s big heart has causes of its own, but there is vast inclusive empathy for all. Many sacrifices have been made to get to this point. The Virgo Moon walking by always wants to serve, bring the best of all kinds of health at all levels. She tends in every way she can, daily. She cleans, organizes, feeds. She frets and cajoles. Works hard long hours. She’s good at paperwork, is a consummate woodworker/craftsperson, trains the new people well in every detail to run a smooth ship. 

Virgo is sensible and earthy. Pisces isn’t supposed to be. But they both want wellbeing, body and Soul. They are givers and helpers. Cosmic slaves to a healthy mind and spirit. Virgo can be a total skeptic, but she’s a keen observer and is fascinated at Pisces’ ability to foresee and suggest subtle corrections that work. She comes to respect his own form of art. Where she makes quilts and puzzles, he is making the beauty of swirls of music. She fills the accountant’s squares on the paper while he is seeking ecstasy in riding the waves of water and dreams. She can call him to task when a service is required that only he can do. She doesn’t often delegate, but there are times she properly knows it’s not her department.

Sun and Moon are both well linked with Uranus and Mars. Each have just aspected Uranus, the humanitarian planet of evolution. They are freshly infused with new ideas. Uranus is in Aries, about to leave this sign March 6, so this is their last connection of this type in these signs for 84 years! It’s important they finish up work that remains, secure it to stay strong in times to come. Their next stop is sextile/trine Mars, the planet of Aries, now in Taurus, the sign Uranus will go into! Mars is clearing the path for Uranus’s arrival. Mars is more steady in Taurus, and Uranus will be too. Both are freedom loving, independent, shakers and movers! Uranus is electric, sizzles. Mars is fiery spirited, a leader of note! There will be many coming land and property changes that need tending to. This is a beginning of more awareness, asking questions, problem solving in behalf of earth changes preparedness. Take notes. See more about Uranus into Taurus

An impressive sequence of unusual aspects started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter/Saturn with Neptune are at 18 Pisces. The coming nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs!

The rest of the Full Moon planets are linked from 15° to 22°. Venus is at 18 Capricorn between Saturn and 22 Capricorn Pluto. She and Pluto are at important degrees. Venus is AT the Ecliptic degree Pluto was at back in October. She softens the connection between them now that will be their conjunction Jan 12, 2020. She gives value to the connections with June this year and the Nov 11 (eleven, eleven) Transit of Mercury! Venus shows us purpose that is worth working for, that needs guarding. In Capricorn it is anywhere from rings with diamonds to properties to spiritual law. It is our loving responsibilities we dedicate our lives to and doing work that suits our Soul. She gives Saturn cause to reaffirm meaningful commitments. She inspires Pluto to apply resources to long term sustainable efforts for our futures and the futures of our children. She wants him to see true, let go of fear and greed. It’s a high form of making love. They are conjunct Feb 22. Venus came up close to Saturn Feb 15, conjuncted him the 18th in Pacific time, and will connect him with Pluto through the 23rd/24th, 9 days. Pay attention, think it over, say Yes to a trial period. For some there will be practical financial blessings and worthy life work decisions.

Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, the degree where Saturn, potently in his own sign, will catch up with Pluto Jan 12, 2020! Pluto will be at 23 when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential election because they are precisely astrologically linked! Some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Saturn, Venus and Pluto now are in harmony with Neptune and Mercury at 15/16 Pisces! Capricorn and Pisces are both dedicated signs but in entirely different ways. Capricorn wants to build good old fashioned linear results. Pisces has psychic insights, dreams and visions. No straight lines or squares for them! But Capricorn loves their timesaving ideas. Who cares if they come from nowhere, out of the blue?! Pisces loves ideas being put to use, especially when they help others. Neptune is right there in his own sign, the old Spirit Master. Mercury puts it all into words, puts a little logic with the magic! There are some terrific opportunities that may be just what we have been waiting for.

Mercury just conjuncted Neptune the 18th, the day before the Full Moon! It’s an important conjunction because it is the lead aspect of the Pisces Mercury Retrograde cycle and Neptune is the Pisces planet! It is the first of 3 in the retrograde cycle that starts that day! While retrograde, Mercury will conjunct Neptune March 24, just before Mercury goes into his 8 day station (stand still). Mercury goes direct (forward) on March 28, then makes the third/final conjunction with Neptune April 2 Pacific time. Mercury is so curious about the ‘unseen.’ Mercury himself is quite visual, so Pisces and Neptune are like an immersion experience for him. He uses his senses more. He wants to put it into words in some way so others can see it too! He talks with Neptune and watches for reactions, nuances. Neptune’s visions are important, not to be lost in dream. Mercury is the documentarian of precious perception. See more about the Retrograde!

Jupiter squared Neptune Jan 13, opened a few channels and increased the opening to the mystical world. Some truths were absorbed never to be seen again, others were brought forward under scrutiny. Others yet were scandal, gossip, lies, libel, perjury – some exposed, possibly remedied, some obscured and not fixable. There was confusion, yet veils were parted that some larger truths could be revealed. Now, Mercury squares Jupiter and is puttering around surreptitiously, perhaps quite silently, somewhat invisibly, trying to sort some of that out. Is it logic or wishful thinking? A little bit of both? We’ll know a bit more after the 22nd.

Mercury is also sextiling Saturn, Venus and Pluto! That’s more realistic, doable. Saturn has a lot of historical facts in the archives. If you are allowed access… With Venus it depends on who she knows and what she wants. Be careful not to jeopardize her. She will be as helpful as she can. Pluto has the dirt and the big money. There are hidden motives, so though it looks juicy, don’t step into a pit you can’t get out of. Have some backup and a backup plan. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes. Could be some interesting news Friday the 22nd, maybe the 23rd.  

Secure the ground gained through these important 2018 to 2020 events!   
Be strong and steady as she goes! 

Full Snow SuperMoon Virgo/Pisces Astrology Chart
Pisces 2019 Full Snow SuperMoon Astrology Chartx

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Pisces New Moon! 

Wednesday March 6 at 8:04 AM Pacific, 15 Pisces 47 

Uranus into Taurus! Neptune Soul Searching, Pisces Mercury Retrograde Queries & Quandaries. My stars!

Pisces New Moon 2019 Black Sea Milky Way

We’re close to beginning of the Milky Way season, when the thick strip of stars is most visible across the night sky. The season runs from April through September. Photo: Jasmine_K/Shutterstock 

2 New beginnings! Today Uranus changes signs into Taurus! It’s an 84 year Cycle! And the New Moon in Pisces is in the last sign of the zodiac holding new visions for our futures! Yesterday Mercury turned Retrograde (Rx) at the most mature degree, the last degree of the entire zodiac, 29 Pisces! It is steady in station for another 3 to 4 days. When Mercury changes direction, it appears to be exactly in the same degree for 8 days! As Uranus, the planet of change – evolution, changes signs, Mercury pays vigilant attention to the nuances of what it all means. It sanctifies the past, glides along the gateway, watches and is immersed in the passage of time, captures a vision in motion, puts it in the indelible notebook of time. For eight days it focuses on the change from Aries to Taurus. 

Taurus has been waiting for the new guest. Uranus is the planet of Humanity, Freedom, Friends. It is the electric grid of our connections. It rules thunder, lightning and earthquakes! Taurus is Earth herself, the fertile fields, our very own bodies. Ruled by Venus she holds our Grace, loving kindness to plants, animals and each other. Taurus takes her time, ruminates on life, seeks peace among the brethren. Taurus is known for patience. What Taurus sees as valuable, she tries to anchor and stabilize. Taurus is magnetic and attractive, so as things happen fast she turns on the charm. With little effort, things swing her way. 

Moon and Sun are sharing Light with Neptune, Pisces’s planet! New Moons are a regenerative time. Moon is at the end of her 27 day cycle. She has been through all the signs, gathering information, giving as she can as she has gone along. She makes lots of adjustments, each sign so different and specialized. She takes the pulse of the people from all walks of life. When she meets Sun, he sees what she has accumulated – awareness of accomplishments, shortcomings, needs that need meeting. Sun floods her with Light energy and she is restored. He appreciates her perceptiveness and caring and is himself restored by her faith in him. In Pisces she might bring him a mild fish like sake steamed halibut, steamed veggies topped with a light lemon butter sauce, juicy fruits like peaches and plums, or a drippy melon. She knows when his Light looks a little dull and listens gently to his secrets.

As they all move forward, March 28 Mercury Retrograde will be back at 16 Pisces, where Neptune is now at the New Moon, and Mercury was at the Feb 19 Full Moon! 1) Mercury first conjuncted Neptune Feb 18, the day the Sun went into Pisces, the day before the Full Snow Supermoon! That conjunction is important because it was the lead aspect to the Pisces Mercury Retrograde cycle and Neptune is the Pisces planet! 2) While Retrograde, Mercury will conjunct Neptune March 24, just before Mercury goes into his 8 day station (stand still). 3) He goes direct (forward) on March 28, then makes the third/final conjunction with Neptune April 2 Pacific time. Mercury and Neptune are related to very different signs. Mercury’s 2 signs are Gemini and Virgo, both logical. Gemini is interested in anything that moves. Virgo wants to put it to work in the right place! Neptune in Pisces is ungovernable, exists in consciousness, the dream time. Mercury would love to extract the amazing insights from that dimension and tell their story. Mercury in Pisces is a bit psychic himself, so is the perfect instrument to comprehend the magic being spoken! See more about the Pisces Mercury Retrograde!

The Moon and Sun are sextile Saturn in hardcore realistic Capricorn. He in turn is conjunct Pluto, and neither wants any nonsense. If you can’t see it and feel it, and it doesn’t make money, harrumph! Yet, they have both seen things that don’t make sense but work anyway. They do listen, even if from the sidelines checking things out. Sun brightens the passage, is creative from heart and Soul. There is a quality of confidence and sincerity. Moon can be so emotional, but then why?! Is it that important, so all encompassing? We know she cares. What’s her thread back to where it all began? As they say, ‘Smart like a fox.’ Pluto gets interested in possible potential. He loves a good mystery, and dagnabit, he likes to heal the causal elements. Neptune is unpinnable and Capricorn just can’t stand that. Stand still, dammit! I want to see and understand. So the opportunities can happen. Earthy Cap will grab those misty Neptune hints, and find a way to bring a remarkable vision into existence, possibly saving many lives!

And if that isn’t enough, Mars is the engine right behind them in strong-as-a-bull Taurus pushing the project forward, not taking no for an answer, he’ll find a way! He trines Saturn the dedicated Builder. Both are in earth signs following the laws of nature. Mars is advocating for an organic fresh food supply that you might grow yourself! Taurus wants good and green, no toxic water or chemical pesticides. Saturn wants sustainable shelter, work that brings satisfaction, excellence and honor. Taurus might like the sprawling range or farmland while Saturn might build elder communities of tiny homes or homelike travel vehicles. One way or the other, Mars is itchy to get things moving by March 14 and Saturn sees there is no time to lose. 

There’s a little hitch coming up with Sun and Moon square Jupiter. Jupiter usually is the one wanting the most, and this time he’s even in his own sign! And he thinks he’s right. But Pisces sees even a greater need and Jupiter may feel a little push to up the ante on his planning. It might be a subtle confrontation, but there will be some rumblings. Sun makes the square the 13th. Certain issues may disappear from the table, others may come to light. Mercury is retrograde. Expect a few odd twists. 

Degree wise, for now, Venus is standing on her own in Aquarius. She holds a unique position however, because she is what is called Mutual Reception with Uranus in Taurus. They are in each other’s signs! Old time astrologers thought part of what that meant was they functioned in each other’s places as well as their own! So that means Uranus could be read at 5 Aquarius in his own sign! And Venus could be read at 0 Taurus newly in her own sign! His new beginning is her new beginning. She adds beauty to this grand fresh start! As she stands, she has many friends, a couple of geniuses, some ‘crazy’ people, and all of humanity on her mind at various times. Some of the things she wants are way before their time. Soon she will square Mars and may make some outrageous requests. He in Taurus may lift his eyebrows. No matter how she pouts, she may not be able to move him. He may be a little more conservative in Taurus and she’s a little far out for his taste. She will have to talk to his own natural desires to get him to help. Otherwise, best to let go and move on. To complicate it, each is good looking in their own way, and could be attracted, but a connection is probably a flash in the pan.

3 STARS! The same stars as last month’s New Moon, but making different links! The New Moon is trine the renowned Fixed Star Sirius at 14 Cancer! Mars is about to sextile Sirius. Both of these are classically favorable connections. Sirius is the Dogstar in Canis Major, the brightest star in the heavens. It is said to give honor, renown, wealth, ardor, faithfulness, devotion, passion and resentment, and makes its natives custodians, curators and guardians. It also gives danger of dog bites! Woof! 

Moon, Sun and Neptune are sextile Sirius’s opposite star Vega at 15 Capricorn. Vega is Lyra’s bright star. She puts beauty, music and arts in our lives. Pisces is all about art and music! This is so brief about the stars. Look up more online about their histories, lore, data! Go to spiritual sites for deeper discussions.  

Again, not only is the dog involved, but so is the hunter himself! The New Moon and Neptune are square Orion’s star Rigel at 16 Gemini. Rigel has mixed reviews. Mythologically it was thought to be where the scorpion stung Orion causing Orion’s death. Oops. Squares bring challenges, so I’m thinking have a little caution. About Rigel and the Sun, Robson says: Bold, courageous, insolent, unruly temper, hasty actions, bloodshed, many enemies, great good fortune, military success. Shall we run or stay? Elsbeth Ebertin noted a connection of Rigel to the Sun and Moon, in charts of several world record pilots, leading to sudden difficulties in the carrying out of planned enterprises resulting in failures to reach the set target. Neptune/Pisces can be vagaries…

As I said in the Full Moon section above, an impressive sequence of unusual aspects started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter/Saturn with Neptune are at 18 Pisces. The coming nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! Saturn conjunct Pluto is precisely linked to the powerful aspect, same degree and sign, most close to the 2020 Presidential Elections. Some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time. 

At this New Moon Saturn now stands at 18 degrees Capricorn conjunct the Ecliptic point! If you made notes back then, review them, or check your appt book to see what was important then. Compare that with what you have gotten done since then and revise your goals accordingly. 18 Cap is midpoint sextile between the June Neptune and Nov Transit of Mercury positions. These connections are noted as harmonious with potential opportunities! Expand your plans.

I repeat: Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, the degree where Saturn, potently in his own sign, will catch up with Pluto Jan 12, 2020! Pluto will be at 23 when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential election because they are precisely astrologically linked! Some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Gather your threads, be clear in our greater purpose, use your instinct.

Pisces New Moon Astrology Chart!

Pisces 2019 New Moon Astrology Chart

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Next is the Wednesday March 20 Spring Equinox Full Worm SuperMoon at 6:43 PM, 0 Libra/Aries 09!  

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter
 for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Aquarius 2019 Celestial HighLights

Aquarius ~ Heavenly!

Aquarius Heavenly 2019 And a softness came from the starlight ~ Yeats

And a softness came from the starlight and filled me to the bone.
~ W.B. Yeats ~

What a wonderful way of speaking of the joy of the Night. Yeats had a Grand Air Trine: Moon in Aquarius trine Sun & Uranus (the planet of Aquarius) in Gemini, trine Saturn (bone) in Libra. Aquarius, and it’s planet Uranus rule the heavens in astrological parlance. Yeats makes this combination into divine poetry. He was an Irish poet awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature 1923. See his chart.

From argonaut to astronaut, space sailors have watched and been guided by the stars. Farmers in fields still use them to calculate the seasons, the equinoxes and solstices. In summer we camp under the stars, bathed in StarLight. So many stories are written about the adventures of star travelers, what we think it might be like…and wonder about possible inhabitants far, far away.

Ouranos, Uranus is Aquarius’s planet, the planet of the Heavens, the etheric realm. Aquarians are often thought of as absent minded, being someplace else, their attention being miles away. They are renowned for their intelligence; they think at the speed of Light. As their opposite sign is Leo, the sign of the Sun, our Star; Aquarians are the sign of the entire collective of stars! They are tapped into the galaxies. Is their intelligence of this world, in their own mind and making, or do they literally channel cosmic energy? They are considered to be ahead of their time, so intelligent few understand them. Some Aquarians are able to cross the divide, explain enough so we get it. Others are not and live alone.

You can see how a smart Aquarian can get bored and in trouble. Even trouble is easy for an Aquarian, fascinating to reverse the principles most people live by, entertaining for sure. LOVE comes when they find a cause that requires all their abilities to work it. When they are with like worldly minds, they can function at the level they are equipped for! They can do technical to the micro detail. They favor electrical, but invention of any kind tests their vast mental prowess. They enjoy problems that are on the cutting edge, unique, previously unsolved, that involve change, sometimes danger, and amazing new materials and principles. The stranger, the better!

Some are uncanny with people, great at selecting tribe members for the fantastic new voyage. The humanitarian intention is greater than the difference factor, and with many contributing, results are astonishing whether it is restoring remote desert or in the computer laboratory researching medical cures. The more people that need the changes, the more challenging the matter. That is the natural size territory for an Aquarian.

By nature, birds and their flight have intrigued Aquarians forever. We have now learned how to fly, even beyond our planet! We see hang gliders, with that panoramic view of Earth, soaring in peace. Photography drones are taking exceptional high-caliber footage, searching for people and pets who are lost in rough terrain, tracking wildfires. It’s not just stars anymore. We are becoming uplifted, living symbolically at more elevated levels. Our minds and attention are expanding. Yes, there are failures and foolishness. As we live in new ways, we have things to work out, and that will be done. We’ve got electric cars – robotic cars are already here, and sure, flying cars are next!

Take good care of your dear Aquarians. They can get so in their minds they forget they have a body. They forget to eat, don’t sleep, no Sun or fresh air. If they are bigger than you are, that’s a problem – you can’t make them, LOL! And they are probably smarter than you are. Do what you can.

The body is one thing, their mind is another! If they are kids, they are going to shred through toys within hours, a few days. What to do? Go places where there are lots of choices? Used toys could help you keep up with expenses. Go to space and Sci-Fi cons, air shows, visit airports. Make friends with air traffic controllers. Check out bird rescue groups. Get a good computer with games, rent a drone. Photography, video classes. Join the local Astronomy Club! Meet their heroes! If you are an adult, take yourself! Get out and blow the dust off! If ever they/you are going to meet a mate, these might be the best kinds of places. It takes one to know one!

You are in good company ~ Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Rosa Parks, Yoko Ono, and Toni Morrison.  Paul Newman, Marley & Mozart, Galileo & Edison, Darwin, Christian Bale! They have all made a difference to our futures.

With our modern space programs, we see through the astronauts’ eyes, even in daytime! That’s different! With modern telescopes we can go on our own to silent places, become immersed in the night. To this day we feel so close with the stars, we profoundly become one with them…as we have always been.

You’re not a creature in body. You exist as the stars exist, participating in their stillness, their immensity. – Louise Glück, excerpt from her poem Telescope, commentary by James Longenbach

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Aquarius 2019 Celestial Highlights!  

Jan 29 to Feb 1 2019 Moon Venus

Kelly Beatty says: Stay up long enough (or get up early enough), and you’ll see Jupiter and Venus dance with a thin crescent Moon in the predawn sky. The Moon makes a return visit at month’s end, pairing closely with Venus on January 31st. Thanks for the image at Sky & Telescope

Aquarius 2019 Timeline!


20   Happy Aquarius!  Lunar Eclipse Full Wolf SuperMoon
31   Saturn Sextile Neptune


4    New Moon
18   Happy Pisces!  Chiron into Aries
19   Full Snow SuperMoon

Aquarius Overview of Year to Come!

An impressive sequence of unusual aspects started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! 2019’s first 10 months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19, Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! Those in turn prepare us for the Jan 12 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and Mar 21 The Crown! All of these will have strong effect on the Nov 3 2020 presidential elections.

Mercury acted as witness to the Ecliptic event and observer, documentarian of what he saw at that time and the results in the year following. Conjunct the Sun, the Transit of Mercury Eclipse, Mercury will be empowered by solar light, to express himself in the most radiant manner possible! People will listen. Mercury is the information gatherer, messenger. Mercury is strengthened to receive then report on Jupiter at the GALACTIC CENTER! He puts it in perspective, knows the meaning, intention, long term purpose! Mercury is the neighbor you know; Jupiter is, in this case, the galactic traveler, a fascinating impressive stranger!

Pluto was at the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn 58 Rx. The Transit Mercury Eclipse will be sextile (opportunity) at 18 Scorpio 55 Rx. Mercury will move back to 11 SC 43 Rx when at the Galactic Center. Notice these are all Rx, retrograde. Retrograde means you have been there before and you will be again afterwards. It’s a 3 part cycle. Three chances. It’s good to get it right!

Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in their own signs during Aquarius! See Jupiter in Sagittarius That’s a lot of pure strong energy. Jupiter and Neptune are malleable signs, in astrological terms, mutable. They are flexible, adaptable. Saturn stomps his foot and calls for responsibility and to abide by the rules and laws, honor your parents, the boss, elders and ancestors! You have to show him how and why that change makes sense. He’s a good balance to those other two wayward wanderers enamored in a moment, sometimes for no good reason. They are enjoying the show and he wants to know what’s real, what is doable. Neptune senses our weak spots, and with compassion, converts them to strengths. We become aware of our Soul’s purpose.

During Aquarius’s year, Uranus and Chiron are making their final sign changes. Feb 18 Chiron returns to Aries. While he is still in Pisces, we will review our choices and remember why some things are so important to our Spirits, how healing of subtle factors can be as crucial as getting your bricks in row. Mar 6 Uranus makes his final shift into Taurus. Uranus in Aries brought plenty of drought and fires in the western US, with floods in the East. Hopefully, in Taurus fertility will be naturalized and balance restored. Chiron takes 51 years per sign and Uranus 84 years. It will be that long before they will be in Pisces and Aries again!

By November 8, 2019, all SIX of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s 2019’s outer planet aspects shall have been formed with Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. At times we are discouraged, overwhelmed, or Pandora’s box opens and we are over the top with wishes, crazy for believing in such miracles! Yet there it is, we want to try! Be inspired, break free from old fears! Saturn sextile Neptune is a peerless appraiser, even ‘sees’ what is not visible! If he’s behind you, he is determined to get the job done. Inimitable! Forget sleeping in, get up and get going, one step at a time if necessary, but do it! Those SIX aspects finish just before the Nov 11, eleven, eleven Transit of Mercury Eclipse and Nov 19 Jupiter at the Galactic Center. Our Neptune imagination is being primed, tested, found strong and receptive!

These profound events will be during Sun in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The transmissions are taken in deeply, churned like good butter. Since Mercury is mind, Jupiter meaning, we may not witness physical change, especially with such an aspect as exotic and from so far away as the Galactic Center, but our Soul doesn’t miss a trick! Changes will seem to unfold for no reason and one day we realize there has become a difference.

Sun in Aquarius, ever aware of change, notices the Dec 2 entry of Jupiter into Capricorn is different this time. There is a more serious note, even an urgency. Education becomes a prime agenda. With Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn there will be 3 outer planets in Capricorn until Saturn enters Aquarius March 31, 2020! Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn July 1, 2020, and again, there will be 3 in Capricorn until Saturn makes his final shift into Aquarius Dec 16, 2020. Saturn will be in is own, more conservative sign Capricorn for the presidential elections. Jupiter and Saturn are both high mountain lovers, so looks like it’s going to be fun! Jupiter will make the travel plans; Cap will build the lodge! Jupiter quickly sees potential, offers encouragement, gathers the backers. Capricorn is ace at putting the right pieces together with terrific timing. Successful champions! The job comes in early, and the results are impressive! See more about Jupiter in Capricorn!

And that brings us to Jan 12, 2020, Saturn conjunct Pluto and Mar 21, The Crown!

We are building to the 2020 Super Stellium! 3 outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn! New Year Day opens with 5 planets in Capricorn! Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Sun plus Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn! Jan 12 Saturn makes the exact 34 year conjunction with Pluto.

The CROWN! March 21 2020 When Saturn is about to leave Capricorn, the three outer planets, along with Mars, are in culmination, as close as they will get, all four in a 7 degree Stellium! Peter Novak has studied outer planet stelliums and found that in the last 2000 years, allowing a 5 degree range, there were only 23 three outer planet stelliums! Yes, if he had allowed 7 degrees, there would be more, but still, they are uncommon. See all about it!

Continuing abiding Aspect: Chiron & Uranus continue in their 13 years long journey closely together in the background… In Aquarius’s coming year they are exact twice – Jan 19 Pisces/Aries and June 30 Aries/Taurus! The Jan 19 aspect is the day before the Lunar Eclipse Full Wolf SuperMoon!  See more about Chiron/Uranus

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Annual Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

Outer Planet Transits with Aquarius 2019 – Jan 2020!

Aquarius! Astronaut Anne C McClain Space Station Dec 2018 6 months mission!

NASA Astronaut Anne C. McClain was selected by NASA in 2013. The Spokane, Washington native earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical/Aeronautical Engineering from West Point. A 2002 Marshall Scholar, McClain earned a Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Bath in Bath, England and a Master of Science in International Relations from the University of Bristol in Bristol, England. Lieutenant Colonel McClain McClain, a Senior Army Aviator, has more than 2,000 flight hours in 20 different aircraft. She is a rated pilot for the C-12 Huron (King Air), UH-60 Blackhawk, and UH-72 Lakota and instructor pilot for the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior. She is currently a part of the Expedition 58/59 crew that launched to the International Space Station in December 2018. 

OUTER PLANETS WITH AQUARIUS – Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter

For Aquarians there is no place but out and up!

Outer planets are the long term movers. Pluto and Neptune move only 3 degrees a year. Uranus at 84 years, and Chiron at 51 years, are advancing about 4 degrees a year for now. Saturn takes 28/29 years to make its orbit, Jupiter only 12 years, a sign a year! Depending on astrological patterns, some ‘events’ in our lives take many years, where others may happen toot sweet, right on or very near the date the event is exact! Some ‘events’ are not physical, but in our minds or Spirits. No one might ‘see’ them but you. Complex planetary patterns may overlap each other or be singular and direct. Some repeat; others are once in a lifetime. Some people have aspects others never have. Others have had aspects you won’t have until much later. Your astrologer can help you with your personal timing, understanding and strategies.

PLUTO is still in Capricorn but is changed. Oct 30, 2018 it made the rare 248 year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic and is now below the Ecliptic! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path around earth! Pluto’s debris was lighted, declared to be outmoded, cleared away. He was not only cleared, but became free to be charged with energy beyond imagination! His healing powers have increased exponentially! He gave that very energy to Sun and the Light itself is now more clear and radiant! So fresh, this is a powerful time for all of us, but especially Capricorns because this HAPPENED IN THEIR SIGN! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio or Capricorn, have also been cleared and infused! Some will go to the Light, others might need some time out to be able to stand up again. None of these factors, Capricorn, Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested even them.

Pluto reached the beginning of the last third of Capricorn Feb 2018, now moving from 20 to 23 degrees. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn is in a harmonious sextile aspect, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 21 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in these degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, mighty healing and miraculous survival.  Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Pluto is deep and internal, protective, compared with Aquarius floating, soaring high in the sky. Reminds me of a bird of prey combination. Pluto is America’s Eagle, Aquarius is birds and flight, seeking the highest purpose possible. Pluto in Capricorn defends the patriarchy, it’s monies. Aquarius sees the need for sustainability, benefits for humanity, and may campaign for them. If Pluto sees it that way too, Capricorn wisely recognizes inevitable change, he may fund Aquarius’s organizations. Aquarius may shock him into realization by looking him in the eye with his electric voltage full on. Or he may present the data. If they are friends, they may be at such odds they part company for a while, or Pluto listens because he trusts his friend. Be easy, take it a little at a time, non threatening. Pluto in Capricorn wants respect and wants to see how it can all work, what good will come of it. Have your projections clear and realistic. Be ready to answer more questions quickly and succinctly. It may be your only chance.

NEPTUNE is in his own sign Pisces. He is a water planet in the last water sign, seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors 14 to 18° will be activated with this pure energy! Neptune/Pisces is of the sign after Aquarius. Aquarius can see many things, but Neptune’s realm is somewhat unfathomable to AQ. AQ is logical and in some ways untouchable, but Neptune envelops him like a foggy night. You know he’s there, you are within him, but you can only see the part nearest you. You can study him, but there is a mystical dimension that is as unpredictable as Aquarius is. Neptune knows you without studying you. Aquarius, though, as an air sign, also has an invisible quality. AQ is intrigued by this other dimension, and though often atheists, it makes him wonder if there is a divine existence… The AQ words are ‘I know,’ but this one isn’t even a puzzle. The pieces keep changing shape.

URANUS, Aquarius’s planet, now covers 28 Aries to 6 Taurus! Uranus entered Taurus May 15, 2018! Those of you with factors in the last two degrees of Aries will be accomplishing the maturity of Uranus in Aries, strengthening the final touches to secure the foundation of the future ideas that Taurus will anchor and build on. Change worthy ideas need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network. They need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on. See more about the sign change.

Uranus is the planet of Aquarius, so unique that utter freedom is automatic. In fiery Aries, it’s the First of everything, truly awakening! Aries is pretty unflappable, but this really shakes your space! Aries loves a challenge and new things. Rarely are they outdone in that dept, but Uranus has a bigger platform. It rules humanity, and although Aries is only one person, they step up because they know the value of key positions that make the difference! Uranus replaces some Aries circuits and the game is bigger yet! Can’t get enough! Young people have been fired up. The Awakener has opened their eyes! What powerful times we are in!

Uranus in Aries, and Aquarius are ChangeMakers! Aries wants it now! Aquarius couldn’t agree more. Some things have been going on far too long. Aries spikes the punch! Fresh ideas, new approaches, new people, are just what’s needed. Times have changed and even though AQ is evolutionary, sometimes we get used to the same old ways, get bored, jaded. We need changing too. Inspiration and upliftment. He wants less thinking, more action! Aries comes in for quick connections, then leaves us to adapt it to the local community or the type of organization we have. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!

March 6, 2019 Uranus enters Taurus the final time. Taurus invents simple. It either feels too close for comfort, or it’s the most fun you’ve had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! You may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Divine body electric!

Taurus’s tempo is about as slower than AQ as you can possibly get. Both are fixed signs, so an AQ sitting at the computer hours and days at a time looks pretty slow too. But that brain is sometimes faster than the computer! Taurus may stand in that meadow, letting the 4 stomachs do that digesting, but they are steadfastly taking in what’s around them, symbolically contemplating values step by step. There’s that phrase, ‘Stand still until you can really see.’ They teach AQ how to be able to be still, to let go of thoughts that keep you unmindful of the very body you inhabit. Could save your life. Scent and touch are needed to make connections with others and your and their surroundings. If you can’t connect with sacred Mother Earth, you may still make money, but lose your Soul. Taurus has another kind of intelligence, very organic, animal-like, sensual, peaceful, patient and kind. If feels the wind on its skin.

CHIRON, like Neptune has also been in Pisces, entered Aries April 17 2018! After taking a foray into Aries, he is now back in Pisces until Feb 18, 2019. He will cover 28 Pisces to almost 6 Aries, activating any factors you have in those degrees. See more Chiron has been and will be traveling very closely to the same degrees as Uranus, the Aquarian planet, but in different signs! This has been going on since 2008 and continues through 2021. Chiron has become more Aquarian-like and Uranus has taken on some shamanistic qualities. There is a subtle camaraderie with Aquarius. See more Pisces and Aries are the last and first of the zodiacal signs! Pisces believes; Aries takes action! There will be added flavor as Uranus enters Taurus, first a shift in the foundation, then a holding steady.

If you have Chiron in those degrees of Pisces/Aries, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about vision and feet while in Pisces, and the head, brain and eyes when in Aries. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too!

Chiron is just about to finish Pisces. He is the Shaman Healer, fluid in Pisces, takes only a moment to assess a situation. Pisces is the Dreamer visionary spiritualist musician, while Chiron is seeking healing, teaching, right relationships and good business. Chiron may approach it from Neptune’s point of view, however because they are both in Pisces, Neptune’s sign! Chiron, the Shaman, shakes his rattle at Aquarius, dispersing old pet ideas to the four directions. He tends Aquarian wounds of the mind, wounds that are hard to detect by Drs or therapists, ones that came with us from long ago in different times, ages. Even genius has its own kinds of weaknesses, failings, glitches. It has its own prejudices, habitual misinterpretations. Chiron calls AQ to teach its amazing discoveries, to seek relationships that support his greatest purposes, to do business for humanity, have a greater reach.

As Uranus leaves Aries, Chiron goes into Aries Feb 18 for 9 years, through 2027. Time to get more used to Aries. Chiron is well intended, wants you to have a better life right now! He commiserates all too well since he also carries a wound that won’t heal. Considering conditions in the world today, we will likely be grateful for some push from Aries. Aries inspires, leads us into immediate action! Aquarius is delighted – finally! Though he never would have thought to ask for it, help has come! Chiron looks for ways to help make the new ways acceptable. Aquarius disperses the information to the masses – through the Internet, worldwide organizations. Chiron finds new ways to inspire, encourage young leaders. Aquarius lends his research findings to back up their presentations. From time to time there are meetings of key people, who then share and bring more people to the community. It’s a spiritual tide.

SATURN builds from 13 to 23 Capricorn.

Saturn entered his own sign Capricorn Dec 19, 2017! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. In his own sign! Many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better, or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! Now, in its own sign, it is truly full height! Those of you with Saturn 13 to 23 Capricorn will be having your Capricorn Saturn Returns now through January 20, 2020! There will be more traditional endeavors.

  1. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!
  3. Around age 87, many are now experiencing their 3rd Saturn Return! Things don’t bother them as much. They enjoy what they want to, sometimes something they always wanted to do! There are losses of friends and loved ones. Health matters more – they are often quite brave. Family can mean a lot or if alone, friends do. Age can mean honors, even just for making it that long! Capricorn is the sign of time, elderhood. This is generally a strong time for them.

Saturn in it’s own sign, Earth sign Capricorn, is a force! Young people conduct themselves seriously and old people are more healthy, younger than others their age, strong and cheerful! Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the time, being on time, are all assets. They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand science and structures – concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation – more done with less effort, use less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost, build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves. As seniors they don’t quit. They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are truly golden – art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids!

Saturn/Capricorn are of the sign just before Aquarius. Saturn can set the mark. If the goal is amazing enough, all encompassing enough to challenge Aquarius’s talents, AQ will be on board! He will make computer diagrams, research materials, legends, why it can work now when for years, even centuries, it has not been possible before. Capricorn can ask for time, but if it’s too much and drudge work, your AQ will vanish, physically or mentally. Supply the latest equipment, and the best. Aquarians are delighted to learn new techniques and learn so quickly, you lose little time. In fact, your results may become 10-fold in a lot less time than usual! If you are working on challenging new sustainable options, Aquarius will love this new humanitarian effort. Being on the same page, whatever it is for the two of you, makes for a healthy Spirit.

JUPITER moves from 14 Sagittarius to 11 Capricorn

Jupiter is a big fire planet, entered his own fire sign Sagittarius as of Nov 8 2018! Jupiter went into Sag at 4:38 AM Pacific. The huge Camp Fire in Paradise, California started that morning, first calls at 6:33 AM. Jupiter changing signs was preceded by an eventful NINE days started by the important 248 year aspect Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! I had written ‘Pay special attention to Nov 6, 7, 8!’ The Camp Fire took the lives of 85 people. Nov 15 nearby Chico CA had an AQI, Air Quality Index, of 350 at one point.

Jupiter stays in Sag the majority of 2019, until moving into Capricorn Dec 2. Jupiter/Sagittarius never fails to impress. It can be a hero, and there are plenty of those at this time. It can be a knowledge or wisdom of an exalted teacher and that might be your local high school teacher. It can be a journey of great beauty or a maximum athletic achievement. A boundless love, a loving kindness, a gift, sharing. All these touch our hearts and make a story to remember. Fortunes gained and lost, wagers won and lost, starting from nothing to making it to the top of the mountain! And if it’s bad, it can be really bad. No thieving or robbing. While traveling and your money is low, no taking something because you need it ‘more than they do.’ Big stories yes, cons no. No ‘accidental’ slander, bearing false witness, prejudice. Stay with respectful truth and honesty. Keep the long term in mind. Keep your higher ethics in place, morality intact; visit the sacred place when you need to. Keep learning in every direction.

Jupiter in Sag is a great friend to Aquarius! They are both big thinkers. Jupiter is delighted by Aquarius’s amazing concepts. He does remind Aquarius that ethics and long term are important. He encourages AQ to teach wherever he goes and the both of them love all the traveler Sci-Fi, Star Trek and Space cons! Jupiter may leave the Astronomy Club to Aquarius, but anything air travel related works for him too. Some Jupitarians take phenomenal images and videos. They love perspective, both in image composition and the purpose of it. AQ has a rare style all his own and comparing their results is inspiring to each of them. Both of them love images as teaching tools, illustration of the fantastic that is often a possibility if you only think how to do it! If it’s all too much, they can just run away together, or apart, LOL!

Jupiter in Capricorn makes work the most fun it ever was! You could be the visitor who is remembered for all the work you did! You might be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. Jupiter will help you jazz up your home, give you such good advice you can’t help doing it! They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference. Don’t keep your lucky Jupiter charm. They need to travel, check out the territories. If you hire them, send them to the training seminars furthest away or send them to teach it! If they have too much routine, they will run away. Poof. Gone. Import/exports they are involved with might work well for you too. Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits. If you have had doldrums, Jupiter can cheer you up like a champ. You are encouraged because they act like you can do it, and it’s truth! See more 

Jupiter in Capricorn can exaggerate the rules, and AQ was born to ignore or break them. Maybe Jupiter will succeed in making the rules fun, or at least funny, and Aquarius will comply to a point. Jupiter may call Aquarius to task. After all, why waste such a great mind?! Capricorn can only take things so far; Jupiter knows there is more. Aquarius sees what is ordinary, by the book stuff, that with additional exceptional twists will turn it into magic! Sometimes someone has to tell you what’s needed and ask you to do it. Jupiter sees the potential even if he doesn’t understand it entirely. They know it can work better, but how? That’s where Aquarians come in! They invent those surprising next steps that make it come to life! It’s a super infusion that exceeds expectations and wonderfully so!

If you have factors in Sagittarius and/or Capricorn in your chart at these degrees, this could be prime time to visit the positive areas where they are on your AstroLocality map. See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length, some are positive appearing but have other hidden factors.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. The experience you have will depend on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible.

Happy Birthdays, Aquarians! Thank you for every breath you take!       


Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….  

See the entire Aquarius 2019 Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.


Happy Birthdays, Aquarians!

Aquarius 2019! Galactic Woman Star Being by visionary artist Ellen Vaman!

Aquarians are fine unpredictable creatures, Celestial Beings of the Great Collective!  By visionary artist Ellen Vaman

Thank you for making our lives better than we ever thought possible!



2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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Lunar Eclipse Full Wolf SuperMoon! 

5 in Fire, 3 in Capricorn, Saturn sextile Neptune

New Moon!

First Bundle Chart! 15° Tipping Points, Potent New Moon Midpoint, 3 STARS! 


Lunar Eclipse Full Wolf SuperMoon!

Sunday January 20 at 9:16 PM Pacific, 0 Leo/Aquarius 52 

5 in Fire, 3 in Capricorn, Saturn sextile Neptune!

Aquarius 2019 Lunar Eclipse, Full Wolf SuperMoon!

The Leo/Aquarius Lunar Eclipse starts Aquarius in bodacious style! It is a glorious SuperMoon befitting Leo’s big heart and has a wolfy bite to it you won’t forget! Apropos to fiery Leo, during the eclipse the Moon will glow orange like a giant ember burning bright! 

At 0°, the Eclipse is fresh and frisky! Leo is athletic and Aquarius can invent things to do spontaneously that will make your spirit sizzle! It’s bright, and it’s electric, neon! Leo brings their love and Aquarius scatters it like a lightning rainbow! Though very different, Leo and AQ are both show stoppers. Leos toss their manes, dance dramatically, romance you until there is no resistance! Aquarius can make you want him to care because he doesn’t pay you any mind at all. He’s seen it all. He doesn’t necessarily try to get attention, but is so unique people simply stop and stare. Or he’s so intelligent with such amazing ideas, that people are astounded. From Harley to inventor! He can be bad, bad, bad, or so ahead of his time people don’t have a clue and write him off after a brief initial encounter. When they understand, they know he’s a treasure beyond words!

What Leo and AQ do have in common is an uncommon sense of Self. At first, for Leo, it may be awkward teenage discovery. But Leo on his own, is an individual in full bloom, very self aware, has a mighty presence and plenty of prowess! AQ is exotically himself with a lot of detachment, often not caring what others think, living in his own world. If he has found a niche with others of his kind, community is formed, with passion for the cause. If the desire for freedom overrides all else, he may always be ok alone. Leo is leaders on stage. Aquarius is getting it all on the computer, the Internet. Aquarians can always use a good Leo front person in the mix. A good Leo is proud to have such a saucy and high ranking Aquarian to showcase, a glorious cause to speak for!

We have a pretty little configuration with Saturn sextile Neptune at 13 and 14°. They are sweetly snuggled within the Mars trine Venus/Jupiter! This Full Moon Eclipse follows the Jan 13 Jupiter square Neptune, and precedes Saturn sextile Neptune, the first two aspects of 2019. The dreams we opened to when Jupiter was with Neptune, we are now weighing in the Full Moon scales, in preparation for making them come true as Saturn is with Neptune. An impressive sequence of unusual aspects started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the ecliptic. The coming 10 months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19, Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! Those in turn prepare us for the Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and Mar 21 The Crown! 

Saturn Sextile Neptune is the Master of Dreams combination! Saturn is scientist and Neptune is the shaman Dreamer. Both are in their own signs, practical Earth and sensitive psychic Water. Saturn builds the dreams; the Dreamer guides the Builder, the master of time and wisdom. The sextile will be exact January 31!

Mars in Aries is the 4th planet in this chart that is in his own sign! Jupiter in Sag, Saturn in Cap, and Neptune in Pisces! All four are pure and in essence, have greater potency than usual. Add the bigger and brighter SuperMoon Eclipse to this and it’s almost surreal! 

Mars in Aries is in the same sign with Uranus, adding sparkle to Uranus’s last fire light before Uranus goes into earthy Taurus March 6! Mars is clearing the path, lighting the way, for Chiron who will go into Aries Feb 18. Chiron and Uranus will then both be in Aries for 16 days!

Mars trines Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius. With the Moon in Leo, all 3 fire signs will be tenanted. Venus trined Mars the 17th and 18th. She soothed him to consider sweetening his approach, have more finesse, more fun. He inspired her to be forthright, more independent and not delay. He encouraged her to teach, make the story of her adventures tempting, that others would have courage to do theirs! She will conjunct Jupiter, the Oracle, the 21st/22nd, appreciating his style and fearless perspective. He may publish her work. She may decide to go in with him on his next venture. Mars trines Jupiter the 25th, and Jupiter, already in motion 98% of the time, rarely feels a nudge from behind or gets circled, but Mars in Aries has plenty of punch and lots of zoomies! Even the big lucky guys can get a bit complacent or burned out at times. A newcomer upstart, younger, can be so enthusiastic we remember that used to be us. We stand up and straighten our spines! Their new ideas are perfectly spot on and inspiring! Jupiter is famous for leaving, but Mars is even quicker – only a few days – but wow! A lot can happen in a short time!       
Mars squares Saturn Jan 20/21 at 13° within that trine too! It can be like running into a Saturn brick wall! But Mars is in Aries, it’s own sign, and rams know how to butt heads with the Capricorn goat! Cap will feel it and have to check out the disturbance in the valence, LOL! Sometimes Mars gets away with a bit too much just because he’s fast. But Cap is the law and he’s aware of trouble makers and generally knows what to do with them. Mars has options. Slow down, approach in a crafty off side manner. Give it up. Bring your credentials and impress him. Call him out and ask for a sit down. Cap may be annoyed, afraid, surprised, pleased at Mars’s courage. Saturn, please, at least give a quick listen. Don’t miss the boat for the possibly rough manner of presentation. Could be someone you think is too young or just rebels for their own sake. But there may be more to it than that. Why did they work so hard to get your attention? The interruption, delay, may be well worth it.

Couple the Saturn/Neptune at 13/14°, the Mars-Venus/Jupiter at 13, 14, 15, and we’re talking getting some things done! Mars square Saturn calls for a more careful presentation, emphasizing the value of new ideas. Those of you with factors in your charts from 11 to 16 will find yourselves to be a part of this scenario. Jupiter squared Neptune January 13th, and there is still some confusion, things being sorted through the 31st. The brew will then be on simmer until June 16/18. 

Chiron and Uranus have been carrying on in a semisextile since November 2008 and will through September 2021, 13 years! Though it is a minor aspect per most astrologers, it becomes important through its enduring connection and repetition. One of its two 2019 exact aspects will be/was Jan 19, the day before the Eclipse! Chiron is considered by many to be a shamanic healer, and Uranus is the humanitarian well ahead of his time. With the Internet these days, that healing is going through the ethers to every Soul. Chiron heals what’s strange in us, more a matter of kinks in our etheric web. Uranus gives old Chiron a little more juice to motate, to see more dimensions of the world web!  See more

Pluto and Mercury are in Capricorn along with Saturn, a powerful Stellium. Mercury conjuncted Pluto the 18th, so ideas Mercury got are still feeling important, maybe a little dangerous, but vital. Our thoughts with one another need to be clean and healing. We need to be careful with what we share, when, and with whom. Pluto carries a lot of deep information that is likely key to our life force. We need to tap that wellspring then learn what it means, how it works, before we put it out mainstream.

Mercury in Capricorn is a little conservative, so it is with skepticism, even a little cynicism that he squares revolutionary Uranus in Aries the 22nd/23rd. Mercury is forever curious. Being logical, in straight thinking Capricorn, to see a wild card up front in person is an intriguing, if a tad scary, experience! It is the last days of it’s being in Capricorn, so is feeling strong in his own thinking, wants to preserve and uphold principles hard won. Yet, sensibly Mercury here knows it is also proven that keeping up with the times and being innovative has rewards too. A keen eye and a realistic open mind can make judgments, selections, that initiate progress that serves well.     

Be strong in your lead, true to your heart, take the high road!
Leo/Aquarius Full Wolf SuperMoon Leo/Aquarius Astrology Chart
Lunar Eclipse Full Wolf SuperMoon Leo/Aquarius Astrology Chart!x

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Aquarius New Moon! 

Monday February 4 at 1:04 PM Pacific, 15 AQ 45

First Lunar Bundle Chart! 15° Tipping Points, Potent New Moon Midpoint, 3 STARS!

2019 Aquarius New Moon Chile's Atacama Desert Astro-Tourists Telescopes Observatories!

Nowhere on Earth is better for stargazing than Chile’s Atacama Desert, where super-observatories have opened up to a wave of astro-tourists seeking unpolluted skies.

It’s the first Lunar Bundle chart! All the planets are in just over a 1/3 of the chart! It’s the first in a long time. It spans from Jupiter to Uranus. [In this chart you can see it – Jupiter is the planet furthest right at the horizontal line across the chart. Go up to the left to red Mars/purple Uranus concludes the group. The three not in the group are items of interest but are not planets.] Truthseeker Jupiter is potently in his own sign Sagittarius! He is the Traveler/Teacher sees the Path, makes plans for the future, holds the principles of integrity, the caliber of the endeavor. He tells grand stories that have led many to greener pastures! It’s playful, loves sports, is optimistic, loves a good gamble! What a wellspring to push the whole program forward! See more about Bundle charts!

Uranus, at the bundle’s leading edge, is the electric sizzle of humanity! Fiery inspirational Mars is right behind him, keeping that cosmic computer crazy intelligence going at top speed! It’s so easy to get distracted by brilliant ideas along the way. Jot those down and get them in divine order so they can help each other as they go – one leading to the next! This Jupiter/Uranian combination is quite a gift. Uranus is always remarkable, well ahead of our times. Jupiter can make the extraordinary seem like everyday fun, cloaking the changes to good avail. We see the benefits and we are making excellent progress! 

Jupiter won’t make the exact trine to Uranus until they have both moved into Earth signs. This prelude in Fire signs, Sagittarius and Aries is inspiring and will keep ideas flowing and wheels turning! Uranus goes into Taurus March 6. Jupiter goes into Capricorn Dec 2. They will make the exact trine late this year, Dec 15! Get long term projects started now. Know that they will change complexion when the sign changes happen. Taurus’s job is to simplify, center, ground and stabilize, maintain, be steady in the Light. Get things working now, make the process workable, before those sign changes happen. Then we maintain and wait. Jupiter will still be working his magic, new learnings shared, some of it from ‘foreign’ places. When Jupiter goes into Capricorn, at first there may be a lull as things are reprocessed. But soon as that happens, things will happen fast. Cappies mean business! They do more than simplify; they condense and their process is potent! The most happens for the least effort.  

Look at all those 15°! The 15th degree is the mid degree of a sign, the tipping point, halfway there! Perhaps what has been in discovery, is put into practice.

STARS! Besides engaging each other in the New Moon chart, all those 15s are also aligned with three prominent fixed stars! Saturn opposes the Star Sirius at 14 Cancer! The New Moon inconjuncts it, and Neptune trines it! It is the Dogstar in Canis Major, the brightest star in the heavens. Saturn is currently at the same degree as Vega, Lyra’s bright star, and Neptune sextiles it! Saturn in Capricorn with Vega, opposite Sirius in Cancer highlights the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the Mother and Father, our commitments to kin, basic functions in life, food and shelter. Vega puts music and arts in our life and Sirius is Orion’s loyal hunt dog. This is so brief. Look more online at their histories, lore, data! Go to spiritual sites for deeper discussions.  

Not only is the dog involved, but so is the hunter himself! The New Moon is trine Orion’s star Rigel at 16 Gemini, while Neptune squares it. Rigel has mixed reviews. Mythologically it was thought to be where the scorpion stung Orion causing Orion’s death. Oops. A trine is a favorable aspect in astrology, so I’m leaning toward more favorable thinkings. About Rigel and the Sun, Robson says: Bold, courageous, insolent, unruly temper, hasty actions, bloodshed, many enemies, great good fortune, military success. Elsbeth Ebertin noted a connection of Rigel to the Sun and Moon, in charts of several world record pilots, leading to sudden difficulties in the carrying out of planned enterprises resulting in failures to reach the set target. The Neptune square could add to that…

Within the bundle, from Jupiter to Neptune, the planets are closely knit by degrees. With the four at 15°, including the New Moon, plus Jupiter at 18°, Mercury at 19° – that’s six planets all aspecting each other closely and they all in less than 90°, a square! Jupiter leaving his square with Neptune defines the square, they now being only 87 degrees apart! That Jupiter aspect has recently opened a lot of channels to mystical places, given purpose to ideas we didn’t understand before. 

Fittingly the New Moon sextiles the bundle starting planet, Jupiter! Sextiles offer a blend of harmonious signs, prosperous affiliations. They are good for informations exchange, in this case fire and air ideas. The New Moon in Aquarius is a merger of the Lights, a communion of Father Sun, Mother Moon – men and women, self within family. In Aquarius it is fulfilled by the union of Humanity. Jupiter offers expansion and growth, success, thinks big, bigger! Cultivate limitless thinking!

Mercury, Mind, with the New Moon, is considered exalted in airy Aquarius, the sign of the highest intelligence. It is electronic, fast as lightning. Internet networking. Mercury listens, spreads the Word among brethren, both at the local level and internationally! It awakens our mental function, opens our awareness. Words are quickly succinctly placed where they will have the most potency! Mercury conjuncted the Aquarius Sun Jan 29, infused with the Light of Change! His communications are brighter, stronger, galactically intelligent. Mercury was sextile Jupiter the day before, so all those plans for spreading the good word planetarily are fresh in mind. There is a lot to be said to many people. There is a sense of how we are all connected in myriads of ways. Ideas that seemed odd are now finding their niche. Things we thought we couldn’t do before are happening now! We are no longer ordinary mortals! 

Saturn sextiled Neptune Jan 31, just days before our New Moon! His job is to take the best most workable ideas of the Jupiter square Neptune and parlay them into use. These three will aspect each other, two more exact times each, through Nov 8. They are preparing us for the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19, Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! Those in turn prepare us for the Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and Mar 21 The Crown! 

Potently, all at the SAME DEGREE, the New Moon is semisextile Midpoint, equidistantly, between Saturn in his sign Capricorn and Neptune in his sign Pisces! The Aquarian New Moon is radiating energy of evolutionairy (no typo) change equally to Saturn, the planet of holding time, archaeology, and Neptune the planet of compassion and mergence. Air sign Aquarius literally lightens, uplifts, their perceptions. Saturn’s construction becomes in behalf of a saving grace, starting with planetary sustainability. 

Saturn and Neptune equally impinge on the New Moon! Saturn requests a spiritual architect’s rendering so not to miss any crucial part of this new kind of structure. Aquarius must use his genius and foresight to anticipate not only what is needed now but what in turn will be needed as a result of the changes made now. Aquarius is lightning fast, from one idea to another, crossing miles and millennia faster than you can blink! Saturn has to stop that for a few moments so they can make a connection here and now for the purpose at hand. AQ understands that, but it’s hard to ‘slow’ down when you are at warp speed. Not his nature. Neptune is the guardian of non logic, psychic perception. He keeps us aware that clever minds are only valuable in behalf of the feeling, at times illogical, humans they serve. Aquarians have a built in air/don’t care function that saves them from feelings that don’t make sense. Yet, we must do our best to balance both needs. Sometimes we have to sacrifice some of what would be the ultimate best. Sometimes we must bully our way through and pray for acceptance later. It may be a critical turning point that must be put in place.

Three outer planets are potently in their own signs! Purity prevails. Jupiter is frolicking in Sagittarius. Saturn is steadfast in Capricorn. Neptune is apperceptive in Pisces. Mars was in Aries at the Full Moon and is still in Aries, his own sign, offering spirited leadership, Initiation. 

Mars is now only 5° from Uranus, will conjunct him Feb 12! Mars is having a great time propagating excitement in his own sign Aries! No stopping! He squared Pluto on the first, looked danger right in the eye! That glimpse, was a combination of mortification, purification, and staying alive to tell the story! His dedicated leadership is more fearless than ever, and he, as one individual, takes on the Goliath of humanity’s foibles! Uranus often has vast connections, so Mars, bringing the fire to the feet, can have more effect than anyone ever expected. Uranus admires a tough advocate who has something of potency to share! He admires rebels who shake things up! Uranus gets bored with the everyday drivel, is used to going for huge gateways, but there has to be something fresh now and again to wake up the customers! This will be their last meeting in Aries for 84 years!  

Venus stands on her own at 1° Capricorn, just starting her work. She just recently squared Chiron, he at the last degree of the entire zodiac, 29° Pisces! He is finishing a 51 year stint around the entire zodiac and is about to start another! His sign change into Aries is only days away, making the shift Feb 18! His accumulation of healing and spiritual wisdom is enormous. He has an understanding of wounds, both receiving and inflicting. He has become a shaman teacher. Some say he is the planet of marriage, business partnerships. Venus in Capricorn has respect for such accomplishment, appreciates what he stands for. She may have been uncomfortably challenged by him to put Soul before earthly goods and good looks, that she is wonderful just the way she is, God made. That can be hard to accept at times. She may not at this time agree with all he said, but she feels encouraged anyway. What she does approve of, she will work for, lending it her particular touch of beauty and timelessness.  

Gather your energy, go for the tipping point! Use your limitless thinking!

Aquarius New Moon Astrology Chart!

2019 Aquarius New Moon Astrology Chart

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Next is the Tuesday February 19 Full Snow SuperMoon at 7:54 AM, 0 Virgo/Pisces 42. 

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter
 for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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