
Posts Tagged ‘Jan 12 2020’

Pluto Capricorn Bootstraps 16 Years Gemini 2022 Nltr

We have worked hard and come a long way in these 14 years, sometimes one step at a time!

6.21.23 Note: Good to do a quick re read now because after only 2.5 months in Aquarius, a mini preview, June 11 Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn, to 27 Cap 53He will return to Aquarius Jan 20, 2024 for seven plus months then again retrograde back into Capricorn for a final checkup and review before reentering Aquarius to stay! 2023-24  Initial Aquarius/Capricorn Retrogrades

Pluto started in Capricorn Nov 26, 2008, and due to two retrogrades back into Capricorn, continues in Capricorn through 2024. It forays into Aquarius the first time March 23, 2023 through June 11. The second time is Jan 20, 2024 through Nov 19. From then on Pluto remains in Aquarius through 2044.

Pluto in Capricorn has served us well and powerfully and also brought some downfalls. Pluto brings extremes, obsessions, being overwhelmed, and Capricorn is a dry cold earth sign. Pluto is also the spiritual Shaman, psychotherapist healing heaven and hell. He teaches us how to love deeply, and, in Capricorn, respectfully. Capricorn is the Builder, rules Time, Father, works hard and long to protect us. We are empowered and stripped, humbled. Release of the Past, putting our burden aside, and encouragement are frequently called for.

The Internet has brought awareness and subsequent Fund Me types of programs, both for individuals and causes. We have had huge financial changes – the American recession of 2008 -2009 to banking on our cell phones, online bill paying, using cryptocurrency. Unimaginable worldwide monumental feats of Capricorn building have occurred! Politically we saw Sonia Sotomayor becomes First Hispanic Supreme Court Justice, our first black President, and the Jan 6 2021 White House debacle. Keep watch on voting laws.

Environmentally we are in progress coping with remediation and preventive measures regarding fires, floods, unseasonal freezes and heat and famine. Our food and water are threatened and we see the need to change our methods. Part of Pluto’s domain are wastes, toxicity and pollution and oil. Capricorn sets boundaries and Pluto is the enforcer – more and more we are realizing the need to protect bees, butterflies, endangered species and plants. Many old laws are changing, some for the worse, others for better. Stand up and let your voice be heard.

The most memorable astrological aspect was Saturn’s on average 34 year conjunction with Pluto Jan 12, 2020! The last one was Nov 7, 1982; the next will be three times: June 15, 2053, July 10, 53, Feb 1, 2054.  This one likely brought Covid. A UC San Diego Health research team believes the ‘…upper limit of mid-October 2019 [was] when SARS-CoV-2 started circulating in Hubei province.’ At that time, Saturn was 6 degrees of Pluto, with other astrological factors indicating its likely spread. It was initially reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) on December 31, 2019. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. TimeNomad says this ‘…conjunction can be seen as a “global Saturn return” or karmic nature that applies to the whole world.’ At that time many astrologers were predicting the ‘end of the world’ as we know it. How true that has become.

Recovery has brought us to discover essentials. Our use of time, what we want to work for in our lives – elementally why we are here. Who we want to spend our precious time with, why and how. What we can each do for our planet. We are discovering an efficiency that makes a difference. It’s a steep learning curve as we reassess our lives. Some have lost their jobs, friends, homes, family. And we see others suffering as they leave the Ukraine with only what they can carry, leading children, leaving their men behind. We all have deeper empathy as Pluto shows us true pain.

We have only a year, now as I write this 3.21.22, before Pluto goes into Aquarius March 23, 2023. Structures of social strength – networking, friendship, how to help each other with our frailties, eldering, learning skills on how to build and maintain safe and sustainable havens, getting very clear about our personal responsibilities among our human family and of our habitat and creatures we share our planet with are necessities. Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044!

It’s not done yet!

Pluto retrogrades back to Capricorn two times: June 11 2023 to Jan 20 2024 and Sep 1 2024 to Nov 19 2424. The first period is a substantial 7 months of revisions, adjusting architectural plans that need updating to new specs. Times have changed and the genius of Aquarius is upon us! The second period is a farewell. Tag ends are polished and perfected, anchored in the new times in view of now having experienced Pluto’s new business and relationships in Aquarius, having been given inklings of the intentions, expectations, of times to come. Capricorn shall well deserve honoring for its accomplishments, what it has preserved, and built, its legacy that endures. See also Pluto’s first seven years in Aquarius, the 2023-24  Initial Aquarius/Capricorn Retrogrades

In Pluto’s 16 years in Capricorn, it has ended businesses and relationships that floundered; it has restored a few that were thought irreparable, lost. Against the odds, it inaugurated more useful business practices. The retrogrades back into Capricorn will pick up the threads of old techniques that were temporarily buried, delayed by the pandemic. Some were depleted, yet are being reborn in better-than-before new clothes. They were rooted in deeply seated ways that have always worked! Some renovations, remediation, are astonishingly clever, worthy, and productive!

There is a glory in creating a fully living life, with achievement and satisfaction. Pluto is the planet of the Kundalini, the energy center at the base of our spine, the Phoenix that rises from its own ashes. Capricorn is known for rising from his own bootstraps against the odds for righteous purpose, but these days he shares power with Pluto, the one who secures and manages the funds! Together they invest in life, trial and erroring, finding their way, pulling each other up as they go!

Work together, get more done!! Make the changes!

Updated 9.18.2023

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♦♦ Here are your 2022 and 2023 AstroLogical Annual Planning Special Edition Newsletters! These infos will contribute to making all your plans potent, well timed, successful! With your calendar in hand…. See your astrologer for how they do or don’t connect with your personal chart! May it go very well with you….


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Scorpio 2019-20 Celestial HighLights

Santa Barbara Super Scorpio Katy Perry!

Santa Barbara Scorpio Katy Perry 2017 Witness Tour 2019

Katy Perry, WITNESS: The Tour – Photo: Universal

AKA Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson. Singer, songwriter. I have been telling you about bowl and bundle charts and how Mar 27 to April 3, 2022 ALL the planets are in a tight span of only 104 degrees! Well, I did a double take when I saw Katy’s chart! It is only in a span of 72° except for Chiron out there all alone opposite her Venus! 34 now, she was born Oct 25, 1984 with a classic stellium common to tightly grouped charts, FIVE planets in Scorpio, and she’s a triple Scorpio to boot – Moon, Sun and Ascendant! Pluto, the planet of Scorpio is conjunct her Sun!!!

Can you even begin to imagine what it is like to be in her skin?! Be her parent?! Her Pluto/Sun are in her 12th house, concerned about everything and anything, especially if it pertains to her and her relationships, but spirituality too. Compassionate Katy supports many charities and foundations – for youth, LBGT, animals and the arts. In March of 2014, she joined an A-list group of celebrities in raising $2.4 million for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles!

Mercury, Saturn and Moon are in her 1st house, an Aries place, and she’s unabashedly out in front; one post says ‘straightforward!’ She can be intently interested in you then be in another world altogether. She’s always moving, a leader! Contrarily, Scorpio likes alone and private time to recalibrate because symbolically they put their life on the line most every day. They live intense lives and need rest.

She’s up there in the worth dept with her do business Capricorn Jupiter (abundance) sextile her Pluto (wealth)/Sun. Per Forbes Nov 2018, Katy’s the highest-paid woman in music, pulling in $83 million pretax during their scoring period. One of the hardest-working names on the list, Perry played 80 dates of her Witness: The Tour in Forbes‘ June-to-June timeframe, grossing over $1 million per night. She also managed to find time to serve as a judge on ABC’s American Idol reboot, reportedly earning north of $20 million for her troubles. With Katy’s Jupiter in Capricorn she will be up for her Jupiter Return January 5! More success quite likely!!! See Jupiter in Capricorn!

It’s one thing to be famous and wealthy, but Scorpios learn that doesn’t mean everyone likes you. You have to be strong underneath your public persona. And Scorpios can be more tender than you realize. Give them quality time and love from your heart. They can tell when it’s not true though they might never let you know they know… Over time, good intentions may just not be enough. If they quit your relationship, it’s over. Katy’s Moon conjunct Saturn can at times bring depression, but can also be a way out. When times are tough, just keep working. It’s an honorable escape mechanism for some though, hard to face what troubles you. One day though, you find you just have to stand still and face your grief, fear, whatever it is. But she also was just born to work! It feels good to be working.

She has a ton of charisma! One reason people love her, she is so enchanting, is she is a natural born healer who speaks a common language. You don’t even have to know her. She has young and sweet undefended moments. She is ok with being different, or isn’t but does it anyway! She really does have special talent. Part of her is wise woman, and she cares. Bless you strange and wonderful Ms Perry.

Here’s Katy’s amazing Astrology Chart!

Scorpio Katy Perry Santa Barbara CA Astrology Chart!

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Scorpio 2019 Celestial Highlights!  

Constellation Orion the Hunter Mid November

Watch for Orion the Hunter mid-November! It is perhaps the easiest to identify of all constellations – rising at mid-evening. It’s around late November and early December that people begin to notice Orion in the evening sky, and to comment on it. Orion will climb over your eastern horizon by around 9 p.m. You can find this constellation and watch it for months to come.

Thank you always to Doug McClure at EarthSky!  As fellow astronomer AstroBob says We live here – can you believe it?’ 

Scorpio 2019 Timeline! 

23  Happy Scorpio!
27  New Moon
31  Happy Halloween! Mercury Retrograde

8    Saturn sextile Neptune
11 Transit of Mercury retrograde eclipse
12  Full Beaver Moon
19  Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center
20  Mercury Direct

Scorpio Overview of Year to Come!

René Higuita's famed Scorpion Kick!

All muscle Colombian goalkeeper José René Higuita Zapata performing his famed Scorpion Kick! Martial artists do this kick too, a little differently, but the same idea. In the arts, the foot you aren’t standing on is arched over your head pointing forward! See Chloe Bruce deliver – watch to the end! 

Many Scorpios are not afraid of extreme sports! No Sir, not at all. Scuba diving, spelunking, riding the rapids, motorcycling, law enforcement, going to remote areas in all kinds of weather, sometimes doing something a little illegalish. If you have kids, some serious decisions may need to be made. If your life has been downright boring, get it up!

The three Jupiter square Neptune aspects are over, but the accompanying aspect Saturn sextile Neptune is yet to come Nov 8. That sextile, the Transit of Mercury and Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center will all be during Mercury in Scorpio Retrograde. Retrogrades call for reviewing, updating, turning old soil that what’s buried may come to light in current time for an updated remix! in Scorpio that can be particularly intense involving relationships with self and others, monies, clearing our body and lives, a rebirth of sorts! Jupiter at the Galactic Center will be during the 8 day Mercury station as Mercury goes Direct, forward. Stations are important because they ‘fix’ the instilment of the meaning and current needs of the sign Mercury is in, how to communicate them more successfully.

This Retrograde Mercury is particularly important because it holds the Transit of Mercury! Mercury transits the Sun exactly, forms an Eclipse of the Sun! Scorpio seeks the deepest meanings and is a powerful sign able to receive the Sun’s transmission. The Light is powerful and Scorpio is a sign of righteous darkness. So some of what Sun sends will be transformed to internal use, the organic reasons for our choices for survival. The Light also shows what is hidden, maybe a seed, a need, maybe a flaw that needs healing. This is no small feat. The Light isn’t always easy to process nor comfortable, but we will be better for it. As the old masters say, ‘Steady in the Light.’

The first Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune set was at 14 degrees. In June they were at 18 degrees. Jupiter has been challenging us to expand our vision in the square, to seek a greater truth. Saturn says ‘I see the part of this that has value, how can we make that happen?’ Jupiter and Saturn have continued closely in degrees, though after the Jupiter Sep  21 aspect they part company, but both the Sep and the Saturn Nov aspects are at 16 degrees! So it goes 14, 18, 16 degrees. If you have chart factors at 15,16, 17 degrees you will be connected to all three sets!

Nov 8 concludes the six aspects with Neptune, all happening while Jupiter is in its own sign Sagittarius! At that time it will be exactly a year ago, Nov 8, 2018, that Jupiter went into his own sign Sagittarius. These aspects with Neptune, the Dreamer, have cleared our awareness, opened and strengthened our senses, made us aware of new dreams and beliefs and how to make them come true! Times have changed!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects! 

They started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn conjunct Pluto prepped with demolition, Jupiter with Pluto will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Mercury acted as witness to the Ecliptic event as well as observer, documentarian of what he saw at that time and has been noting the results in the year following. Conjunct the Sun, the retrograde Transit of Mercury Eclipse, Mercury will be empowered by solar light, to express himself in the most radiant manner possible! People will listen. Mercury is the information gatherer, messenger. Mercury is strengthened to receive then report on Jupiter at the GALACTIC CENTER! He puts it in perspective, knows the meaning, intention, long term purpose! Mercury is the neighbor you know; Jupiter is, in this case, the galactic traveler, a fascinating impressive stranger!

Pluto was at the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn 58 Rx. The Transit of Mercury Eclipse will be sextile (opportunity) at 18 Scorpio 55 Rx. Mercury will move back to 11 SC 43 Rx when at the Galactic Center. Notice these are all retrograde. Retrograde means you have been there before and you will be again afterwards. It’s a 3 part cycle. Three chances. It’s good to get it right!

By November 8, 2019, all SIX of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s 2019’s outer planet aspects shall have been formed with Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. At times we are discouraged, overwhelmed, or Pandora’s Box opens and we are over the top with wishes, crazy for believing in such miracles! Yet there it is, we want to try! Be inspired, break free from old fears! Saturn sextile Neptune is a peerless appraiser, even ‘sees’ what is not visible! If he’s behind you, he is determined to get the job done. Inimitable! Forget sleeping in, get up and get going, one step at a time if necessary, but do it! Those SIX aspects finish just before the Nov 11, eleven, eleven, Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter at the Galactic Center. Our Neptune imagination is being primed, tested, found strong and receptive!

These profound events will be during Sun in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The transmissions will be taken in deeply – blended, separated, assimilated, hybridized, united, mingled and mongrel. Yet, the original elements of the receiver, yourself, and the message are forever as they were when the infusion occurred. You are eternal as is the message. Because of that, we each will express our understanding from our own primal energy at this time of our Soul’s journey. Since Mercury is mind, Jupiter meaning, we may not witness physical change, especially with such an aspect as exotic and from so far away as the Galactic Center, but our Soul doesn’t miss a trick! Changes will seem to unfold for no reason and one day we realize there has become a difference.

Dec 2 Jupiter enters Earth sign Capricorn. Scorpio does good business with Capricorn, and Pluto, Scorpio’s planet is already there making way, securing funds. Jupiter will make their work more fun, faster and the results bigger and better! Capricorn is the law and fearless Scorpios can enforce it. Capricorn can be strict in its interpretations, tends to be old fashioned. Scorpio will either be staunch and protect them, or clean up any abuses of the privileges and see that others are elected. Some things just have to end. Times have changed.

With Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn there will be 3 outer planets in Capricorn until Saturn enters Aquarius March 31, 2020! Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn July 1, 2020, and again, there will be 3 in Capricorn until Saturn makes his final shift into Aquarius Dec 16, 2020. Saturn will be in his own, more conservative sign Capricorn for the presidential elections. Jupiter and Saturn are both high mountain lovers, so looks like it’s going to be fun for some! Jupiter will make the travel plans; Cap will build the lodge! Jupiter quickly sees potential, offers encouragement, gathers the backers. Capricorn is ace at putting the right pieces together with terrific timing. Successful champions! The job comes in early, and the results are impressive! See more about Jupiter in Capricorn!

And that brings us to Jan 12, 2020, Saturn conjunct Pluto and Mar 21, The Crown! 

We are building to the 2020 Super Stellium! 3 outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn! New Year Day opens with 5 planets in Capricorn! Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Sun plus Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn! Jan 12 Saturn makes the on average 34 year exact conjunction with Pluto.

The CROWN! March 21 2020 When Saturn is about to leave Capricorn, the three outer planets, along with activator Mars, are in culmination, as close as they will get, all four in a 7 degree Stellium! Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! Peter Novak has studied outer planet stelliums and found that in the last 2000 years, allowing a 5 degree range, there were only 23 three outer planet stelliums! Yes, if he had allowed 7 degrees, there would be more, but still, they are uncommon. See all about it

There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean.

April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. Whatever demons or glory, tragedies or triumphs formidable Saturn with Pluto shall have faced, Jupiter will optimistically pick up the pieces, repurpose, or create worse! Jupiter can make bad bigger too. If it isn’t worse, Pluto will see the promise of profit financially and spiritually. It will be an explosion of clearing for future works, secrets discovered, major funding attained, ‘keepsakes’ will be in the plans to be built ~ like a mini renaissance, yet more secrets will be made too. Bad will be healed, the rest is hallelujah! LOTS of big news! Super power plays will abound as the Nov 3 Presidential Election approaches.

April 4 and June 29 Jupiter conjuncts Pluto the first and second times. From the second week in March through July, most potently April 4 through June 29, Jupiter closely conjuncts Pluto the entire time! The opposite prediction polarity, compared to the paragraph above, is it can be mass tragedy, even evil personified. More powerful secrets made, concealment and lies to cover. Be ready to help, protect yourself and others until this period passes. Seriously start making alliances with capable and trusted family, friends and associates now. Keep your emergency kit and supplies up to date for on-the-ground environmental conditions likely in your area, have a plan in mind. The aspects will hold, be potent at 21 to 26 Capricorn. If you have factors at or very close to those degrees you may be called into action. Challenges for Aries, Libra and Cancer, Gemini and Leo. More easy for Taurus and Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The third and final Jupiter conjunct Pluto is Nov 12, at 22 Capricorn, the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto! This aspect is the last major aspect link of the whole set that started Oct 30, 2018! It carries the experience of the previous two Jupiter/Pluto aspects, is the upcoming aspect when the Scorpio Presidential Elections are held Nov 3 2020. Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in their own signs up to Dec 2, 2019! See Jupiter in Sagittarius That’s a lot of pure strong energy. Jupiter and Neptune are in malleable signs, in astrological terms, mutable. They are flexible, adaptable. Jupiter goes into Capricorn Dec 2. Instead of 3 planets in their own signs, we now have 3 outer planets in ONE sign, Capricorn – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto! Jupiter in Sagittarius traveled, played, had us consider our principles, educational choices. Saturn in Capricorn stomps his foot and calls for responsibility and to abide by the rules and laws, honor each other, your parents, the boss, elders and ancestors! You have to show him how and why that change you request makes sense. Neptune in Pisces senses our weak spots, and with compassion, converts them to strengths. We become aware of our Soul’s purpose. Saturn is a good balance to those other two wayward wanderers Jupiter and Neptune, enamored in a moment, sometimes for no good reason. They are enjoying the show while he wants to know what’s real, what is doable.

1940/41, 1983, and very briefly in 1998, 3 outer planets were potently together in the same sign but in different signs each time. This time it will be 50 years before three outer planets will be in a same sign again, and it will be potent right from the start! Jupiter conjuncts Pluto and Chiron at 2 and 3 degrees ARIES, March 13, 2070! With stelliums, like these, the planets bring their different talents together, have like mind, and are in Unity of Purpose per the sign they are in!

Two outer planets change sign during Scorpio’s coming year. Jupiter in Sagittarius enters Capricorn Dec 2. Saturn in Capricorn enters Aquarius Mar 21, 2020, retrogrades back into Capricorn for a review July 1. Jupiter’s sign is where the good fortune is! Be ready to shift certain investments, adjust projects to include new, additional goals. Saturn, quite at home in his own sign, suddenly finds himself on unstable footage in a sign quite unlike himself. Yet, Aquarius carries on the good work for all the world and a wise Saturn has more business than ever! Saturn guiding will make it all the more potent. While Capricorn loves the status and money, be guided by keeping your work true to your heart and in service to all. With earth changes, we will find ourselves working with many others in diverse environments under unusual conditions. Aquarius will expand your business, mission, if you let the changes work for you. Blessed be.

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. In Scorpio’s coming year they are exact twice in their signs Aries/Taurus at Valentine’s time, Feb 15, and June 10, 2020! See more about Chiron/Uranus

See the last of the 2019 UPDATED Special Annual Edition Newsletter for making the last of this year’s plans! Soon the 2020 Edition will be out! Make your changes count.

May your Mysteries never end! 

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Outer Planet Transits with Scorpio 2019 – Oct 2020!

Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter

Scorpio 2019 Q’ero's indigenous Incan Shaman Danilo at Full Moon!

This is Q’ero’s indigenous Shaman Danilo, of what is thought to be the last Inca town in Peru. It may be time to learn and be healed.

Outer planets are the long term movers. Pluto and Neptune move only 3 degrees a year. Uranus orbits at 84 years, and Chiron at 51 years. They are advancing about 4 degrees a year for now. Saturn takes 28/29 years to make its orbit, Jupiter only 12 years, a sign a year! Depending on astrological patterns, some ‘events’ in our lives take many years, where others may happen toot sweet, right on or very near the date the event is exact! Some ‘events’ are not physical, but in our minds or Spirits. No one might ‘see’ them but you. Complex planetary patterns may overlap each other or be singular and direct. Some repeat; others are once in a lifetime. Some people have aspects others never have. Others have had aspects you won’t have until much later. Your astrologer can help you with your personal timing, understanding and strategies.

  1. Pluto, and while in Capricorn, Saturn and Jupiter will present opportunities to Scorpio. Scorpio can see potentials they never thought of. Scorpio has insider info and an instinct for failure or value. There is further rapport because Pluto is Scorpio’s planet.
  2. Neptune in Pisces entices Scorpio to seek his dreams and beliefs always having been held in his deeper psyche. It may be a time of inner re/awakening, discovering special talent, remembering keys from long ago…
  3. Uranus in Taurus is fast and slow, more complex than meets the eye. Scorpio loves mysteries, yet may be a bit shocked, and that’s rare, by the odd accounting of events Uranus gives. Scorpio hates being thrown of center, but nevertheless is intrigued more than a minute. Enlightenment may have a chance in those unguarded moments no matter how brief!
  4. Saturn in Aquarius, Chiron in Aries and Jupiter in Sagittarius, planets in fire and air signs, will give Scorpio little fits. they can seem like gnats, or bats careening about! Saturn does have some decorum, but has moments of complete crazy time never expected. He squares Scorpio and Scorpio finds himself steeling against change he may not at first understand. It will take some time to defuse the situation. Chiron, like Scorpio, wants healing. It’s just that he, in Aries a first responder type, wants it NOW, while Scorpio is quite willing to take the time it takes. At first he may want to brush the gnat aside, but it is too quick to avoid when it picks its destination! Combining forces may have unexpected results. Jupiter is bigger than a gnat, but can be more pesky. Just when Scorpio has settled in, here comes that booming voice as Jupiter blows into the room oblivious to what anyone else is doing. Scorpio is happy to be in the background and Jupiter at the podium, in an array of bright lights, is sure you want to know everything he has to say. If he’s a friend, that’s one thing. If you didn’t buy a ticket and didn’t want to, that is something else, thanks.

PLUTO is still in Capricorn but is changed. Oct 30, 2018 it made the rare 248 year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic and is now below the Ecliptic! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path around earth! Pluto’s debris was lighted, declared to be outmoded, cleared away. He was not only cleared, but became free to be charged with energy beyond imagination! His healing powers have increased exponentially! He gave that very energy to Sun and the Light itself is now more clear and radiant! So fresh, this is a powerful time for all of us, but especially Capricorns because this HAPPENED IN THEIR SIGN! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio or Capricorn, have also been cleared and infused! Some will go to the Light, others might need some time out to be able to stand up again. None of these factors, Capricorn, Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested even them.

Pluto is moving from 20 to 25 Capricorn during Scorpio’s year to come. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn is in itself a harmonious sextile aspect, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 23 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in these degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, mighty healing and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Scorpio knows where the bodies are. Pluto either helps go dig them up and as a journalist get the story, or he in Capricorn may cloak them and they will never be found in this or the next millennia! There may be good reasons for that. Scorpio and Capricorn can work superlatively together. Capricorn uses the laws of physics while Scorpio and Pluto use the talents of psychics. Capricorn also is a realist, so no fancy wishes or ideas will pass his test. He sees things exactly the way they are, no more, no less. Pluto secures materials for the right price; Capricorn builds efficiently for lasting results. Scorpio is easily drawn in. They are on the same page. They are good partners, both personal and in business. They are all looking for the cure, with access to shamanic perception right along with research and science. Capricorn insists on reliable credentials with the integrity to match. He is the law and Pluto/Scorpio are the enforcers.

As Pluto has passed through Capricorn since January 2008, one by one it has activated Scorpio degrees. Many have already had their successes. Now the 20 to 25 degree Scorpios are having their chance! They have watched the others best moves and mistakes, and will do better than all before them! If you have chart factors at or very near the 20 to 25 degrees, Pluto in Cap will make you or break you depending on the type of connection made. If you have several connections, some easy, others challenging, in some areas you will do well, others not. Pay attention and prepare either way for the best results! See your astrologer.

NEPTUNE is in his own sign Pisces. He is a water planet in the last water sign, the last sign of the zodiac, seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors 15 to 20 degrees will be activated with this pure energy!

Neptune is just as mysterious as Scorpio! He’s so subtle Scorpio is forced to ‘listen,’ observe with all his being. Neptune can entirely envelop Scorpio with or without Scorpio’s knowing. Neptune’s hold is so precisely intuitively matched with Scorpio’s every nuance, Scorpio can learn without realizing, an immersion experience. Now, is that psychically legal without permission? If you are doing healing, maybe yes. When you know it is the only possible way to make that in depth a connection that may save a life or a lifetime. In a rare circumstance, Scorpio may sense this alliance, feel his own molecules shift within Neptune’s mighty Spirit. Scorpio may marvel that such an encounter is possible. Their merger can be fruitful beyond known consciousness. If Scorpio can allow it, even DNA can change, stem cells renew you – your body, your Soul. This is in the Great Mystery category.

URANUS, Aquarius’s planet, covers 2 to 10 Taurus! In Taurus it will anchor and build on change worthy ideas that need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network. They need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on. A lot of earth changes we are witnessing are massive, coming suddenly, hot and heavy. The very land is changing, affecting food supplies, water sources, air quality and location choices about where to live. There is a lot of instability financially. We need to have backup funds, supplies, stay flexible. See more about the Aries to Taurus sign change.

Taurus invents simple. To freedom lover Uranus, being in Taurus may feel too slow, too close for comfort, so unexciting. Taurus may freak out, and they rarely do, at the sudden upsets to his routines. Or Uranus being in his sign may be the most fun he’s had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Uranus computer types are shocked to find walking barefoot tickles your feet! You become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! It’s a whole new dimension compared to that desk chair in the still dead-air recycled plastics scented office! Taurus may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Supercharged divine body electric!

Scorpio is a water sign. Uranus is an air planet, in Taurus earth – all different elements. Taurus is opposite Scorpio, calming, steadying against extremes that could be harmful. Unpredictable Uranus is associated with Aquarius, the sign of change, is square to Scorpio, rendering some of Scorpio’s tightly made plans moot. There are times the molecules just must be loosened to get a new grip. It may help coming up for air sometimes. Other times air is just too much space and light. Scorpio prefers dark and dense, maroons and blacks are beautiful. Scorpio has a few strong friends. Uranus can be a loner or have hundreds of ‘close friends.’ Scorpio may be hard pressed to make friends with such an unpredictable person, yet this is the first person in years that gets his attention, is smart enough to outsmart Scorpio! All those people around could impinge on Scorpio’s privacy and needed rest time, yet collectively the same point of view may be spoken of so many different ways that Scorpio sees it in 3D! It comes alive for him too! It may take a year or two, but there will be significant changes and adjustments to them. Financial matters will most assuredly shift, relationships reassessed.

CHIRON will be in Aries through 2027. In Scorpio’s year, he will cover 1 to 9 Aries, activating any factors you have at or very close in those degrees. Chiron has been and will be traveling very closely to the same degrees as Uranus, the Aquarian planet, but in different signs! This has been going on since 2008 and continues through 2021, 13 years. Chiron has become more future minded and Uranus has taken on some shamanistic qualities. There is a subtle camaraderie with Aquarius. See more. In Aries, the first of the zodiacal signs, Chiron is becoming a more fiery shaman, takes unprecedented healing action! Uranus’s sign change into Taurus is, grounding the thunder maker. There is a shift in the foundation, now starting to hold steady. When one level stabilizes we are ready for the next shift…

If you have Chiron in these degrees, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about the head, brain and eyes. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too! In Aries, loving independence, he may start his own business and may be reluctant to marry…

There is a certain kinship between these rascals, Chiron and Scorpio’s planet Pluto, and Aries and Scorpio. Aries is a frontline fighter, Scorpio is the ninja midnight marauder! Chiron and Scorpio are both healers. Aries is more the first responder, while Scorpio looks for the root cause, the psyche behind the obvious. Chiron in Aries urges care that will get a new beginning rolling right now, no more hiding in that long drawn out private therapy. Root cause or not, just get going, stop dwelling in the mess. Do something more important now, bigger and much better than your past! Scorpio knows there may be a consequence down the road for being unmindful there is a sleeping wolf untamed… Both are good techniques, but right now the emphasis is on getting moving. Taking a new chance may make all the difference, and the past is passed by very naturally. Make a clean break. Find out what you can do even when you are uncomfortable!

SATURN builds from 13 Capricorn to 1 Aquarius!

Saturn is working the mid to last half of his own sign Capricorn! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. Many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better, or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! The experience you have depends on how Saturn is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Check with your astrologer. Those of you with Saturn 13 – 29 Capricorn have your Saturn Returns now through Mar 21, 2020! There will be more traditional endeavors. 

  1. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!
  3. Around age 87, many are now experiencing their 3rd Saturn Return! Things don’t bother them as much. They enjoy what they want to, sometimes something they always wanted to do! They say what they think. There are losses of friends and loved ones. Health matters more – they are often quite brave. Family can mean a lot or if alone, friends do. or just being quietly alone is peaceful. Age can mean honors, even just for making it that long! Capricorn is the sign of time, elder hood. This is generally a strong time for them.

Saturn in his own sign, Earth sign Capricorn, is a force! Young people conduct themselves seriously and old people are more healthy, younger than others their age, strong and cheerful! Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the time, being on time, are all assets. They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand science and structures – concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation – more done with less effort, use less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost, build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves. As seniors they don’t quit. They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are truly golden – art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids! See more!

Saturn in Capricorn Earth and Scorpio Water get along quite well. Each may want the upper hand, but they quickly sort out what the other’s expertise is and get to work. Capricorn wants to do meaningful work, do it with integrity. Scorpio manages funds, makes behind the scenes financial alliances. They make things happen. If they go to the dark side they can be formidable adversaries here too. Cap can go for status, not caring about others in the process. Scorpio gets greedy, abuses his privileges. They can be clean or corrupt in politics, government, big business, medical industries, research. If you are tempted, think of how it could affect your loved ones. If you are up against corruption you may have to think of safety first, be very careful how you proceed. Otherwise, awards are in order!

In your personal life this may be a very good time to take special care of your health by taking up some healing work! Saturn likes to get to the point, do what’s real and works. Scorpio wants strength, to be clean in body, mind and Spirit! Saturn may assist with the discipline to help Scorpio resist obsessions. It’s a real chance this time. The quality of your relationships can help immensely. It’s tough to do some things alone, and that can be devilishly hard to admit until you are fallen to the ground. At that point it may be a strong Saturn Soul who appears and helps you redeem yourself. They may require that your loved ones get into the program too, so they can work with you productively and not undermine your efforts. Saturn is good at making appraisals. Really listen to them. Saturn may help you find a suitable mate. Seduction can be fun, but life partners working together for a greater cause is a longer story with a lot of gratitude and satisfaction!

Aquarian Saturn Returns start March 20 to July 1, 2020 at 0 and 1 Aquarius! Later, the rest of Aquarian Saturn Returns will continue through March 7, 2023. Saturn/Capricorn are of the sign just before Aquarius. Saturn can set the mark. If the goal is amazing enough, all-encompassing enough to challenge Aquarius’s talents, AQ will be on board! He will make computer diagrams, research materials, legends, why it can work now, for years, even centuries. It has not been possible before. Aquarians are delighted to learn new techniques and learn so quickly, you lose little time while they do. In fact, your results may become 10-fold in a lot less time than usual! If you are working on challenging new sustainable options, Aquarius will love this new humanitarian effort. Being on the same page, whatever it is for the two of you, makes for a healthy Spirit and union. Many amazing like minded friendships may come, or if you are overwhelmed or need time to recenter, you may take time away and enjoy being on your own. If you are in business or want to spread the word about a project, your networking can go worldwide through social media! Concentrate on humanitarian and sustainability facets of your ventures and investments.

At first Saturn in Aquarius may put on the brakes. He’s out of his element, things are chaotic. Saturn can lack confidence anytime, but this is over his head. When he gets used to it, however, bam! He is likely to crowd Scorpio with a multitude of unusual demands that he wants done yesterday. And Saturn may request Scorpio to let go of certain friends and alliances. What?! At that point, Scorpio may want a little more respect. Saturn in AQ thinks he’s pretty smart and wants everyone to keep up, it’s the right thing to do! He may look the fool, but he figures if anyone can do it, Scorpio, who has always been his right hand man, can do the job. It will take a bit of work and a little time though because Aquarius isn’t the same nature as Scorpio at all. AQ is air, Scorpio is deep dark waters. They don’t think or operate at all alike. AQ is fast as lightning; Scorpio is slow like a big river that air just blows over. He’s not used to paying attention to air that rarely affects him. But this time it will because Saturn harnesses the energy and focuses it like a laser. Once they agree on the project, best to let each other use their own talents separately to get their part of it done, with a few meetings along the way to see if there are any adjustments needed.

JUPITER moves from 21 Sagittarius to 27 Capricorn

Jupiter stays big in Sag, his own sign, until moving into Capricorn Dec 2. Jupiter/Sagittarius never fail to impress. He can be a hero, and there are plenty of those at this time. It can be a knowledge or wisdom of an exalted teacher and that might be your local high school teacher. It can be a journey of great beauty or a maximum athletic achievement. A boundless love, a loving kindness, a gift, sharing. All these touch our hearts and make a story to remember. Fortunes gained and lost, wagers won and lost, starting from nothing to making it to the top of the mountain! And if it’s bad, it can be really bad. No thieving or robbing. While traveling and your money is low, no taking something because you ‘need it more than they do.’ Big stories yes, cons no. No ‘accidental’ slander, bearing false witness, prejudice. Stay with respectful truth and honesty. Keep the long term in mind. Keep your higher ethics in place, morality intact; visit the sacred place when you need to. Keep learning in every direction.

Jupiter in Sagittarius has given Scorpio a big grin and said, ‘Well?! Wanna go?’ Scorpio is made of strong stuff, but God knows they can be tempted. If that motorcycle hasn’t been out for some fresh air in a long time, this might be just what he was waiting for! They may not stay mates forever because Jupiter has no sense of secrets, confidentiality, and Scorpio does. Yet, there are surely times Scorpio takes himself entirely too seriously. Even he will admit that. Blowing your cover, swapping adventure stories, can be such freedom. Wind in your hair and between your teeth is sweet. Jupiter challenges Scorpio’s opinions, and even that is refreshing. Life opens up. You may find yourself going back to school, going to a seminar, finding a spiritual teacher. Business my use some new principles from other cultures, imports/exports or travel services, transportation improvements. You may start scheduling play time away. Jupiter makes no apologies for fun, time out. Be your own advocate! Scorpio gathers power to him. Jupiter may have power, but it is incidental to his traveling, teaching or having fun. Be prepared to say Aloha with all your heart as he leaves…

Unusual and potent combination, three outer planets in one sign when Jupiter joins Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn Dec 2 2019. Jupiter fairly streaks through Capricorn, getting to the 27th degree, almost completely through Cap, by May 20, 2020! At that point it retrogrades and continues in Capricorn until Dec 2020. It makes work the most fun it ever was! You could be the visitor who is remembered for all the work you did! You might be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. Jupiter will help you jazz up your home, give you such good advice you can’t help doing it! They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference. Don’t keep your lucky Jupiter charm. They need to travel, check out the territories spread the news. If you hire them, send them to the training seminars furthest away or send them to teach it! If they have too much routine, they will run away. Poof. Gone. Import/exports they are involved with might work well for you too. Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits and carefully make small trial investments in great sounding whims. Check things out. If you have doldrums or dours, Jupiter can exaggerate your condition. Yet, Jupiter is a mover, a fire planet that won’t stand still, so in no time at all, Jupiter is likely to cheer you up like a champ. You are encouraged because they act like you can do it, and it’s truth! See more 

Jupiter in Capricorn can exaggerate the rules, and they are righteous about it, no mincing words or wants! Scorpio is mixed about this, prefers his own private blend. Jupiter can be a braggart Scorpio instantly sees through, or be a being of uncommon wisdom to be honorably respected. Scorpio, a sports extremist himself, may admire Jupiter’s prowess in winter sports, often traveling off alone into any circumstances that happen! Each of them may have a motorcycle and go off on a journey. They may stop along the way to make money to pay for entertainment and expenses or simply be invited in just about anywhere. Jupiter has that big smile, is a comedian in Capricorn, and Scorpio lives on his charisma! Jupiter in Capricorn is skilled and clever, so Scorpio is impressed by his useful inventions, how he saves time. When the smile doesn’t work, he uses shear bluff and wins the hand! They might have to leave town quickly, laughing all the way. Scorpio has had lots of fun, but maybe not in a long time, and definitely not like this! Jupiter may or may not want to settle down, but is more likely happier roving the outreaches. Scorpio either has to go with or wish him well. This combo is like three signs in a row. Scorpio, then Jupiter that rules Sagittarius, and then Capricorn. Cap being the last sign of the three, is symbolically the goal. Jupiter gives him the luck to make it so. The plan will come true. Scorpio is down with that.

If you have factors in Sagittarius and/or Capricorn in your chart at these degrees, this could be prime time to visit the associated positive areas on your AstroLocality map. See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length, some are positive appearing but have other hidden factors.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. The experience you have depends on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Check with your astrologer. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible.

Happy Birthdays, Scorpios! BE the Shaman/ess! 


Any of these outer planet factors may be activating your Sun and/or other factors in your chart. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….   

See the entire Scorpio 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making the last of this year’s plans! Soon the 2020 Edition will be out! Make your changes count.


Happy Birthdays, Dear Scorpios!

Scorpio Sacred Art Ellen Vaman

Thank you so much to Ellen Vaman, Sacred Geometry Digital Artist from Sydney, Australia.

May you find the sweetness of your deepest longings!

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!

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Libra 2019-20 Celestial HighLights

Libras ~ Brains, Beauty and Balance! Justice for All!

Libra 2019 The Justice League

The Justice League

We’re all doing what we can. It may seem small, a daily affair, but may be pivotal and crucial just the same. You may have great expectations then be surprised when in retrospect you find what you have done was heroic in it’s own way. Be true to your Self; strive to be that better person you hope to be. Share your story as you go; others need that inspiration. It isn’t always easy though it can be plenty honorable.

Brains are certainly a curious variable. Libras are noted for the kind that is quick on its feet, whether dancing at the ball, in the courtroom on a case, in a dangerous situation in the street. They can be impeccable in their morals and strength in behalf of fair treatment for a defendant, justice as appropriate. Great battles for Spirit are waged, won and lost, for individuals and groups of people. Some attorneys are striving to update laws that are past their time.

Beauty is a powerful force, an irresistible introduction that can start a lifelong connection, cross all barriers. There is charisma that has no facial recognition. There is cultural beauty. There is timeless beauty and popular beauty symbolic of certain times. There are kind hearted people, people who have instinctual Grace. There is childlike sweet beauty of innocence and the beauty of elders strengthened with age, maybe softened with age. There is the beauty of human creation in photography, dance, art. There is intrinsic beauty that crosses all ages and cultures. There is the beauty of our natural world.

Balance is a tricky condition that can change in a moment. Tightrope walkers across an abyss, an abyss of life as we walk it. Kokopelli would laugh gleefully! Your local Counselor sweats it out with us as we try to sort ourselves out. Mediators walk a fine line between their clients who are full of passionate feelings and needs. Hearing both sides changes not just the clients but the mediator too. Ambassadors are both emissary and negotiator of private holdings or international connections. Respectful communication is often a delicate situation. Anthropologists link us through the times of our culture and cultures of many world beings. We expand our understanding, get a hugely greater perspective, often becoming more of a world citizen. Shamans hold a sacred place balancing our past lives, physical presence, fleeting feelings that change a mile a minute, our attention and perceptions as we progress and awaken from step to step, our Spiritual Self, Soul Purpose that keeps it all under one roof! Quite a feat!

Justice for All! Sounds good. It too is a living evolving entity. Justice 2000 years ago was different than it is today. Justice changes wherever you go and with every person you speak with. It applies differently to people of different ages, your race, sexuality. It applies differently per economic status, and to earth’s lands and locations. Water quality has been an organic issue. Air quality is next. Libra, an Air sign, will be called on. What basic rights do we have? Do we have the right to grow our own food? For people to have shelter? Is climate change fiction or a factor to pay attention to?

Libras are humans too. We expect them to make our personal lives better, to save us from bad circumstances, to tackle the most crucial matters of the world today. They can be dedicated, work day by day relatively flawlessly. If you are partner with a Libra, do a few things for them. Check for burnout signs from time to time. Take them to restful places. Art museums can fill their souls. That symphony, a play. If your Libra is a public figure, take them out of town, even out of the country. Though they are super sociable, sometimes it’s just good to get away, to do some uninterrupted thinking, to maybe think about entirely different cultures, refresh their perspective.

Libra was never born to be a drudge or field worker, a dirty sweaty hiker, or to work in the ER with blood. They need pastels – pretty pinks and perfect ivory tones, maybe slight breezes, clean space in a lovely home. They love flowers – blue, bluebells, orchids, gardenia, and their favorite, symbol of peace and love, large roses. Graceful classy clothes. Museum quality art, sublime music like the exquisite blend of a sophisticated orchestra. Food by the master chef, and superlatively nuanced wine. They are like ornaments in our life except when they are in that courtroom. Then they mean business!

Famous Librans: Four planets in Libra Serena Williams, three planets in Libra Neve Campbell, Matt Damon and Will Smith, and Susan Sarandon, Francis of Assisi, Chuck Berry to name only a few. April 5, 2019 Forbes said Libras are the number one sign of their billionaires! ‘With notable billionaires including Ralph Lauren, Stefan Persson, Liliane Bettencourt, Alice Walton, Libra is the star sign of 27 famous-wealthy faces. Following closely behind is Pisces, with 22 billionaires, including Bernard Arnault, Rupert Murdoch, and Michael Dell.’

We most kindly thank you, Librans, for your many fine contributions!

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Libra 2019 Celestial Highlights!  

Astronomy Libra Oct 3 2019 Jupiter Moon Antares

As darkness falls, you might spot a twinkly ruddy star popping out in the vicinity of the moon and Jupiter. That’s Antares, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion. Although a 1st-magnitude star, Antares pales next to Jupiter, which outshines Antares by some 16 times.

Thank you always to Doug McClure at EarthSky! As Bob says We live here – can you believe it?’ 

Libra 2019 Timeline! 


21  Jupiter square Neptune
23  Happy Fall Equinox, Libra!
28  New SuperMoon


11  Scorpio Mercury Retrograde cycle starts
13  Full Hunter’s Moon
31  Mercury Retrograde

8  Saturn sextile Neptune
11 Transit of Mercury retrograde eclipse
19  Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center
20  Mercury Direct

Libra Overview of Year to Come!

Libra 2019 Abbey Clancy waltzing Des’ree hit Kissing You with Aljaz Skornajec.

Winning performance debut by Abbey Clancy waltzing to the Des’ree hit Kissing You with Aljaž Škorjanec. Abbey has a rare bundle chart. They both have 5 planets, including Venus, in Capricorn. Abbey has Venus conjunct her New Moon!

We are still integrating the findings of the Sep 21 Jupiter square Neptune. This was the third and last, but the accompanying aspect Saturn sextile Neptune is yet to come Nov 8. That sextile, the Transit of Mercury and Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center will all be during Mercury in Scorpio Retrograde. Retrogrades call for reviewing, updating, turning old soil that what’s buried may come to light in current time for an updated remix! in Scorpio that can be particularly intense involving relationships with self and others, monies, clearing our body and lives, a rebirth of sorts! Jupiter at the Galactic Center will be during the 8 day Mercury station as Mercury goes Direct, forward. Stations are important because they ‘fix’ the instillment of the meaning and current needs of the sign Mercury is in, how to communicate them more successfully.

This Retrograde is particularly important because it holds the Transit of Mercury! Mercury transits the Sun exactly, forms an Eclipse of the Sun! Scorpio seeks the deepest meanings and is a powerful sign to receive the Sun’s transmission. The Light is powerful and Scorpio is a sign of righteous darkness. So some of what Sun sends will be transformed to internal use, the organic reasons for our choices for survival. The Light also shows what is hidden, maybe a seed, maybe a flaw that needs healing. This is no small feat. The Light isn’t always easy to process nor comfortable, but we will be better for it. As the old masters say, ‘Steady in the Light.’

The first Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune set was at 14 degrees. In June they were at 18 degrees. Jupiter has been challenging us to expand our vision in the square, to seek a greater truth. Saturn says ‘I see the part of this that has value, how can we make that happen?’ Jupiter and Saturn have continued closely in degrees, though after the Sep  21 aspect they part company, but both the Sep and Nov aspects are at 16 degrees! So it goes 14, 18, 16 degrees. If you have chart factors at 15,16, 17 degrees you will be connected to all three sets!

Nov 8 concludes the six aspects with Neptune, all happening while Jupiter is in its own sign Sagittarius! At that time it will be exactly a year ago, Nov 8, 2018, that Jupiter went into his own sign Sagittarius. These aspects with Neptune, the Dreamer, have opened our senses, making us aware of new dreams and beliefs, how to make them come true! Times have changed!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn conjunct Pluto prepped with demolition, Jupiter with Pluto will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Mercury acted as witness to the Ecliptic event as well as observer, documentarian of what he saw at that time and the results in the year following. Conjunct the Sun, the retrograde Transit of Mercury Eclipse, Mercury will be empowered by solar light, to express himself in the most radiant manner possible! People will listen. Mercury is the information gatherer, messenger. Mercury is strengthened to receive then report on Jupiter at the GALACTIC CENTER! He puts it in perspective, knows the meaning, intention, long term purpose! Mercury is the neighbor you know; Jupiter is, in this case, the galactic traveler, a fascinating impressive stranger!

Pluto was at the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn 58 Rx. The Transit of Mercury Eclipse will be sextile (opportunity) at 18 Scorpio 55 Rx. Mercury will move back to 11 SC 43 Rx when at the Galactic Center. Notice these are all retrograde. Retrograde means you have been there before and you will be again afterwards. It’s a 3 part cycle. Three chances. It’s good to get it right!

By November 8, 2019, all SIX of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s 2019’s outer planet aspects shall have been formed with Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. At times we are discouraged, overwhelmed, or Pandora’s Box opens and we are over the top with wishes, crazy for believing in such miracles! Yet there it is, we want to try! Be inspired, break free from old fears! Saturn sextile Neptune is a peerless appraiser, even ‘sees’ what is not visible! If he’s behind you, he is determined to get the job done. Inimitable! Forget sleeping in, get up and get going, one step at a time if necessary, but do it! Those SIX aspects finish just before the Nov 11, eleven, eleven, Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter at the Galactic Center. Our Neptune imagination is being primed, tested, found strong and receptive!

These profound events will be during Sun in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The transmissions will be taken in deeply – blended, separated, assimilated, hybridized, united, mingled and mongrel. Yet, the original elements of the receiver, yourself, and the message are forever as they were when the infusion occurred. You are eternal as is the message. Because of that, we each will express our understanding from our own primal energy at this time of our Soul’s journey. Since Mercury is mind, Jupiter meaning, we may not witness physical change, especially with such an aspect as exotic and from so far away as the Galactic Center, but our Soul doesn’t miss a trick! Changes will seem to unfold for no reason and one day we realize there has become a difference.

Libra may be challenged by the Dec 2 entry of Jupiter into Earth sign Capricorn. But they are both related to law. Libra is lawyers; Capricorn IS the law! Capricorn can be strict in its interpretations, tends to be old fashioned. Libra can go either way, but at times puts up a fuss to update the old ways with a model of new fairness and justice. Times have changed. With Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn there will be 3 outer planets in Capricorn until Saturn enters Aquarius March 31, 2020! Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn July 1, 2020, and again, there will be 3 in Capricorn until Saturn makes his final shift into Aquarius Dec 16, 2020. Saturn will be in his own, more conservative sign Capricorn for the presidential elections. Jupiter and Saturn are both high mountain lovers, so looks like it’s going to be fun for some! Jupiter will make the travel plans; Cap will build the lodge! Jupiter quickly sees potential, offers encouragement, gathers the backers. Capricorn is ace at putting the right pieces together with terrific timing. Successful champions! The job comes in early, and the results are impressive! See more about Jupiter in Capricorn!

And that brings us to Jan 12, 2020, Saturn conjunct Pluto and Mar 21, The Crown! 

We are building to the 2020 Super Stellium! 3 outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn! New Year Day opens with 5 planets in Capricorn! Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Sun plus Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn! Jan 12 Saturn makes the on average 34 year exact conjunction with Pluto.

The CROWN! March 21 2020 When Saturn is about to leave Capricorn, the three outer planets, along with activator Mars, are in culmination, as close as they will get, all four in a 7 degree Stellium! Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! Peter Novak has studied outer planet stelliums and found that in the last 2000 years, allowing a 5 degree range, there were only 23 three outer planet stelliums! Yes, if he had allowed 7 degrees, there would be more, but still, they are uncommon. See all about it

There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean.

April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. Whatever demons or glory, tragedies or triumphs formidable Saturn with Pluto shall have faced, Jupiter will optimistically pick up the pieces, repurpose, or create worse! Jupiter can make bad bigger too. If it isn’t worse, Pluto will see the promise of profit financially and spiritually. It will be an explosion of clearing for future works, secrets discovered, major funding attained, ‘keepsakes’ will be in the plans to be built ~ like a mini renaissance, yet more secrets will be made too. Bad will be healed, the rest is hallelujah! LOTS of big news! Super power plays will abound as the Nov 3 Presidential Election approaches.

April 4 and June 29 Jupiter conjuncts Pluto the first and second times. From the second week in March through July, most potently April 4 through June 29, Jupiter closely conjuncts Pluto the entire time! The opposite prediction polarity, compared to the paragraph above, is it can be mass tragedy, even evil personified. More powerful secrets made, concealment and lies to cover. Be ready to help, protect yourself and others until this period passes. Seriously start making alliances with capable and trusted family, friends and associates now. Keep your emergency kit and supplies up to date for on-the-ground environmental conditions likely in your area, have a plan in mind. The aspects will hold, be potent at 21 to 26 Capricorn. If you have factors at or very close to those degrees you may be called into action. Challenges for Aries, Libra and Cancer, Gemini and Leo. More easy for Taurus and Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The third and final Jupiter conjunct Pluto is Nov 12, at 22 Capricorn, the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto! This aspect is the last major aspect link of the whole set that started Oct 30, 2018! It carries the experience of the previous two Jupiter/Pluto aspects, is the upcoming aspect when the Presidential Elections are held Nov 3 2020. Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in their own signs up to Dec 2, 2019! See Jupiter in Sagittarius That’s a lot of pure strong energy. Jupiter and Neptune are in malleable signs, in astrological terms, mutable. They are flexible, adaptable. Jupiter goes into Capricorn Dec 2. Instead of 3 planets in their own signs, we now have 3 outer planets in ONE sign, Capricorn – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto! Jupiter in Sagittarius traveled, played, had us consider our principles, educational choices. Saturn in Capricorn stomps his foot and calls for responsibility and to abide by the rules and laws, honor each other, your parents, the boss, elders and ancestors! You have to show him how and why that change you request makes sense. Neptune in Pisces senses our weak spots, and with compassion, converts them to strengths. We become aware of our Soul’s purpose. Saturn is a good balance to those other two wayward wanderers Jupiter and Neptune, enamored in a moment, sometimes for no good reason. They are enjoying the show while he wants to know what’s real, what is doable.

1940/41, 1983, and very briefly in 1998, 3 outer planets were potently together in the same sign but in different signs each time. This time it will be 50 years before three outer planets will be in a same sign again, and it will be potent right from the start! Jupiter conjuncts Pluto and Chiron at 2 and 3 degrees ARIES, March 13, 2070! With stelliums, like these, the planets bring their different talents together, have like mind, and are in Unity of Purpose per the sign they are in!

Two outer planets change sign during Libra’s coming year. Jupiter in Sagittarius enters Capricorn Dec 2. Saturn in Capricorn enters Aquarius Mar 21, 2020, retrogrades back into Capricorn for a review July 1. Jupiter’s sign is where the good fortune is! Be ready to shift certain investments, adjust projects to new, additional goals. Saturn, quite at home in his own sign, suddenly finds himself on unstable footage in a sign quite unlike himself. Yet, Aquarius carries on the good work for all the world and a wise Saturn has more business than ever! Saturn guiding will make it all the more potent. While Capricorn loves the status and money, be guided by keeping your work in service to all. With earth changes, we will find ourselves working with many others in diverse environments under unusual conditions. Aquarius will expand your business, mission, if you let the changes work for you. Blessed be.

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. In Libra’s coming year they are exact twice in their signs Aries/Taurus at Valentine’s time, Feb 15, and June 10, 2020! See more about Chiron/Uranus

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Annual Edition Newsletter for making the last of this year’s plans! Soon the 2020 Edition will be out! Make your changes count.

May you dance to your happiness in your New Year! 

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Outer Planet Transits with Libra 2019 – Sep 2020!

Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter

Outer planets are the long term movers. Pluto and Neptune move only 3 degrees a year. Uranus orbits at 84 years, and Chiron at 51 years. They are advancing about 4 degrees a year for now. Saturn takes 28/29 years to make its orbit, Jupiter only 12 years, a sign a year! Depending on astrological patterns, some ‘events’ in our lives take many years, where others may happen toot sweet, right on or very near the date the event is exact! Some ‘events’ are not physical, but in our minds or Spirits. No one might ‘see’ them but you. Complex planetary patterns may overlap each other or be singular and direct. Some repeat; others are once in a lifetime. Some people have aspects others never have. Others have had aspects you won’t have until much later. Your astrologer can help you with your personal timing, understanding and strategies.

  1. Pluto, and while in Capricorn, Saturn and Jupiter will be challenging to Libra. Libra sees both sides, likes to smooth the edges. Capricorn says the law is the law.
  2. Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus are double inconjunct Libra, forming a Yod. They will instigate adjustments of vision, compassion, a revolution of political and economic changes of values, the greater considerations of humanity and cultural differences.
  3. Saturn in Aquarius, Chiron in Aries and Jupiter in Sagittarius will favorably lend a hand to Libra. Saturn knows the power of group action and has connections. Chiron inspires Libra to stand true to himself. Jupiter makes far reaching plans with Libra, keeping a long term perspective, encouraging faith.

PLUTO is still in Capricorn but is changed. Oct 30, 2018 it made the rare 248 year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic and is now below the Ecliptic! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path around earth! Pluto’s debris was lighted, declared to be outmoded, cleared away. He was not only cleared, but became free to be charged with energy beyond imagination! His healing powers have increased exponentially! He gave that very energy to Sun and the Light itself is now more clear and radiant! So fresh, this is a powerful time for all of us, but especially Capricorns because this HAPPENED IN THEIR SIGN! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio or Capricorn, have also been cleared and infused! Some will go to the Light, others might need some time out to be able to stand up again. None of these factors, Capricorn, Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested even them.

Pluto is moving from 20 to 25 Capricorn during Libra’s year to come. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn is in itself a harmonious sextile aspect, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 23 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in these degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, mighty healing and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Libra negotiates relationship, loves big roses. Pluto, the planet of the next sign Scorpio, wants seriously deep relationships, with incredible and life changing intimacy! Pluto loves the beauty Libra shows both physically and in considerate interactions, but Libra may not be as passionate as Pluto can be. A prim Libra may find Capricorn cold, but he can be an excellent provider and he is so proud and grateful for her on his arm. However, if the rutty goat lets loose, she may become a bit slutty herself, and be astonished at the passion of their union. Whew! Libra is a lot artistic, and Capricorn may think that’s a waste of time, has other expectations of her. Well maybe he gets her into business to sell that art! She wants to go to the symphony; he falls asleep. She loves being with people; he may be ‘old’ and tired after a long day’s work. But if she’s a lawyer, they may do some kick a__ business! Pluto and she can do some steep political wrangling, negotiate terms, work for human rights, set up frameworks for others to follow. Libra can be the lovely amenable front person, then be tough as nails in the clinch. Lord help the boss when she’s up for a raise!

NEPTUNE is in his own sign Pisces. He is a water planet in the last water sign, the last sign of the zodiac, seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors 15 to 20 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Neptune may be oblique to Libra, but is one of the few planets that can understand Libra’s delicacy, refinement. He may call her to the waterfront to see the grace of the dolphins, the mists of the sea, a slight wind in the sails, the charm    of the antics of shorebirds. He shows her the solitude of forever so she forgets that what people think of her matters. He shows her storms where your only thought is survival. She comes to know the Soul is a big place and balancing life is now more inclusive, different. Sitting at the shore they can cross oceans together. On the cruise, she sees new art and ways, hears the music, touches the people and smells the foods of different cultures, what they love, how they relate. All those things become another part of her. Some things become a lot less important and others so much more. Neptune opens her Spirit.

URANUS, Aquarius’s planet, covers 2 to 10 Taurus! In Taurus it will anchor and build on change worthy ideas that need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network. They need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on. A lot of earth changes we are witnessing are massive, coming suddenly, hot and heavy. The very land is changing, affecting food supplies, water sources and location choices about where to live. There is a lot of instability financially. We need to have backup funds, supplies, stay flexible. See more about the Aries to Taurus sign change.

Taurus invents simple. To freedom lover Uranus, being in Taurus may feel too slow, too close for comfort, so unexciting. Taurus may freak out, and they rarely do, at the sudden upsets to his routines. Or Uranus being in his sign may be the most fun he’s had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Uranus himself is shocked to find walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! It’s a whole new dimension compared to that desk chair in the still dead-air plastics scented office! Taurus may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Supercharged divine body electric!

Libra is an air sign as Uranus is an air planet. They are both thinkers and communicators. Libra brings people together. Uranus invites Libra to up the ante and bring groups of people together! Why do a single suit when you can file a class action suit and change the world?! Uranus uses social media, whereas much Libra legal work has to be done off media. Libra so respects person to person differences, and that is grassroots technique that further brings leaders of different groups together. Taurus is another Venus sign. In Libra Venus looks for beautiful people, art that shows potential ways of life. Taurus looks to the earth it stands on with bare feet, nature’s way of being. It’s organic. As Mercury in Libra Mary Oliver’s poem ends, “…the flowers were dressed in nothing but light.” She has combined both Taurus and Libra! Libra has a fine sense of scent and may just kick off her shoes and go with Taurus. Uranus may be different, but smart Libra has no trouble with this forward thinking new friend. They each have a certain class all their own. Libra, sometimes bored with the same old, same old, loves that Uranian genius and he’s delighted to be heard and admired!

CHIRON will be in Aries through 2027. In Libra’s year, he will cover 1 to 9 Aries, activating any factors you have in those degrees. Chiron has been and will be traveling very closely to the same degrees as Uranus, the Aquarian planet, but in different signs! This has been going on since 2008 and continues through 2021, 13 years. Chiron has become more future minded and Uranus has taken on some shamanistic qualities. There is a subtle camaraderie with Aquarius. See more In Aries, the first of the zodiacal signs, Chiron is becoming a more fiery shaman, takes unprecedented healing action! Uranus’s sign change into Taurus is, grounding the thunder maker. There is a shift in the foundation, now starting to hold steady.

If you have Chiron in these degrees, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about the head, brain and eyes. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too! In Aries, loving independence, he may start his own business and may be reluctant to marry…

Libra is fairly amenable to befriending most anyone, but this one comes in wolf’s clothing and might bite! Libra doesn’t always easily stand up to assertive people and Aries is max! If Libra has chosen a Chiron healer while Chiron is in Aries, that may be just what Libra needs to build confidence, be inspired to take a stand even if it is uncomfortable. They are tired of not feeling well and are relieved to try something new. Libra works for peace and harmony, balance. Aries is delighted to knock you off center just to get you going! Do something even if it’s wrong! You can fix it later, ha, ha! Libra may feel annoyed, aggravated, huffy, how dare them, yet there is a wee twinkle in their eye as they somehow know they can and are going to do it! Just pretend it’s ballet and act gracefully as you fall forward, LOL! Chiron is happy you are on new ground and your eyes are open again! Aries is a leader and Libra actually just doesn’t follow anybody! They are more than just pretty, and this time their true talent is going to show! Like me or not, I’m changing and will find my way. They are quick to adapt and all of a sudden you don’t recognize them anymore!

SATURN builds from 13 Capricorn to 1 Aquarius!

Saturn is working the mid to last half of his own sign Capricorn! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. Many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better, or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! The experience you have depends on how Saturn is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Check with your astrologer. Those of you with Saturn 13 – 29 Capricorn have your Saturn Returns now through Mar 21, 2020! There will be more traditional endeavors.
  1. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!
  3. Around age 87, many are now experiencing their 3rd Saturn Return! Things don’t bother them as much. They enjoy what they want to, sometimes something they always wanted to do! They say what they think. There are losses of friends and loved ones. Health matters more – they are often quite brave. Family can mean a lot or if alone, friends do. or just being quietly alone is peaceful. Age can mean honors, even just for making it that long! Capricorn is the sign of time, elder hood. This is generally a strong time for them.

Saturn in his own sign, Earth sign Capricorn,is a force! Young people conduct themselves seriously and old people are more healthy, younger than others their age, strong and cheerful! Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the time, being on time, are all assets. They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand science and structures – concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation – more done with less effort, use less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost, build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves. As seniors they don’t quit. They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are truly golden – art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids! See more!

Libra needs to be careful around Saturn in his own sign Capricorn. It’s like a double dose. Libra is sensitive to dreary darkness, being trapped, too much continuous down feelings. Maybe your partner isn’t able to work right now. Libra is a sensitive air sign highly aware of others. Air is so permeable. Just a presence or frequency can disturb their equanimity. They air flows freely above the earth. If in a windowless room with close neighbors, freedom is lost and it’s a prison. Overbearing continuous noise, arguments, take over. Extended depression, sadness, loneliness are not good. Saturn can try to control, block, have expectations that have nothing to do with what Libra is about. If your partner or you are having trouble, you might consider counseling together and separately, or leaving that relationship is there is no change in a given time. It may not be good for your health. See about changing homes to a place with more light and air flow. Give encouragement. Get your Libra partner up on their feet, get them out and doing something that makes them feel they are contributing something valuable. A small beginning can make a big difference.

Now, clearly, we are in the world! Sometimes that person is your boss, a coworker. Some Saturnians are hard working exciting people to be around! They are inspiring. If you are being a lazy Libra, scared of failure, Saturnians can be most understanding. They have made their share of faux pas, and know how it feels to be scared you will embarrass yourself. They also know that getting to work is good therapy – and you get paid for it! Certain rules of being got that way for good reason! Since Saturn is the Law and Libras make good lawyers, they have common ground there. Saturn says take time, make time, one step at a time. No matter how pretty Libra is, unless you are in the modeling business, it is often, by itself not enough. Saturn works to do good, to do the work of the Soul, Dharma. That is a greater quotient than worrying only about ourselves. It is bigger than we are as a single human. Do something that makes you feel gratitude to do it and satisfaction when you are dead tired and wish you could do more! Do that artwork; run the gallery. Do and teach dance; have a studio. Be the curator at the museum. Negotiate in behalf of people who can’t yet do it for themselves. Please.

Aquarian Saturn Returns start March 20 to July 1, 2020 at 0 and 1 Aquarius!Later, the rest of Aquarian Saturn Returns will continue through March 7, 2023. Saturn/Capricorn are of the sign just before Aquarius. Saturn can set the mark. If the goal is amazing enough, all-encompassing enough to challenge Aquarius’s talents, AQ will be on board! He will make computer diagrams, research materials, legends, why it can work now, for years, even centuries, it has not been possible before. Aquarians are delighted to learn new techniques and learn so quickly, you lose little time while they do. In fact, your results may become 10-fold in a lot less time than usual! If you are working on challenging new sustainable options, Aquarius will love this new humanitarian effort. Being on the same page, whatever it is for the two of you, makes for a healthy Spirit and union. Many amazing like minded friendships may come, or if you are overwhelmed or need time to recenter, you may take time away and enjoy being on your own. If you are in business or want to spread the word about a project, your networking can go worldwide through social media! Concentrate on humanitarian and sustainability facets of your ventures and investments.

Saturn in Aquarius Is easier with Libra, another air sign. The Saturn matters are as with Saturn in Capricorn. Aquarius adds an element that frees and changes things no matter how hard Saturn tries to hang on to the status quo. Yet Saturn senses the inevitable and tries to make the changes in a more balanced manner. It steadies the wheel, integrates the old with the new, like rebuilding an old car or renovating an old home and it becomes more valuable. Libra can wonder why to go which way. Saturn can talk it through and help. Libra’s sense of balance helps him to see both sides and they both are glad to have considered the events. Saturn wants Libra to make it look much better than it did before, to consider the happiness of the people involved and get them to be co contributors. The project might be for their benefit, so their input and taking part is essential. Saturn sees the place of it all in the world today. That inspiration brings Libra in as negotiator, to work with the science and the inventor who may be ahead of his time, and the community at large. Unlikely relationships may be established. Progress and sustainability keep us healthy spirited.

JUPITER moves from 17 Sagittarius to 27 Capricorn

Jupiter stays big in Sag, his own sign, until moving into Capricorn Dec 2. Jupiter/Sagittarius never fail to impress. He can be a hero, and there are plenty of those at this time. It can be a knowledge or wisdom of an exalted teacher and that might be your local high school teacher. It can be a journey of great beauty or a maximum athletic achievement. A boundless love, a loving kindness, a gift, sharing. All these touch our hearts and make a story to remember. Fortunes gained and lost, wagers won and lost, starting from nothing to making it to the top of the mountain! And if it’s bad, it can be really bad. No thieving or robbing. While traveling and your money is low, no taking something because you ‘need it more than they do.’ Big stories yes, cons no. No ‘accidental’ slander, bearing false witness, prejudice. Stay with respectful truth and honesty. Keep the long term in mind. Keep your higher ethics in place, morality intact; visit the sacred place when you need to. Keep learning in every direction.

Jupiter in Sagittarius with Libra wants true justice. Jupiter rules judges; Librans argue the case. Jupiter has a broader perspective due to his extensive traveling. He calls to Libra to consider the wide elements in a situation. What is true for one may not be for the other. Sag is quite aware of cultural differences that may impinge on solutions. Jupiter may not be as ‘nice’ as Libra and sometimes Libra sees the blunt truth may cut to the chase, save time, wake people up to the reality at hand. Jupiter may want to sweep Libra off someplace for himself. Libra may be intrigued, overwhelmed, not so happy to rough it with this sometimes unrefined person. Yet fire and air are compatible and at worst they part well, each satisfied with the adventure. Jupiter loves to teach, share stories, and Libra is a quick on the uptake. If they build a school together, it will serve many people, include a generous art/music curriculum, superb anthropology offerings, extensive courses on law/ethics/politics, with perhaps many scholarships available! Libra may want to marry; traveler Jupiter in Sag is hard to nail down. Libra loves being together; Jupiter has to breathe long distance. Travel industries, imports/exports may be the sharing point. If Libra is feeling poorly, Jupiter may scoop you up, jam out of town and take your mind right off those things. You forget your troubles and Jupiter’s big cheerful smile assures you all will be well!

Jupiter in Capricorn  Jupiter fairly streaks through Capricorn, getting to the 27th degree, almost completely through Cap, by May 20, 2020! At that point it retrogrades and continues in Capricorn until Dec 2020. It makes work the most fun it ever was! You could be the visitor who is remembered for all the work you did! You might be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. Jupiter will help you jazz up your home, give you such good advice you can’t help doing it! They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference. Don’t keep your lucky Jupiter charm. They need to travel, check out the territories spread the news. If you hire them, send them to the training seminars furthest away or send them to teach it! If they have too much routine, they will run away. Poof. Gone. Import/exports they are involved with might work well for you too. Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits and carefully make small trial investments in great sounding whims. Check things out. If you have doldrums or dours, Jupiter can exaggerate your condition. Yet, Jupiter is a mover, a fire planet that won’t stand still, so in no time at all, Jupiter is likely to cheer you up like a champ. You are encouraged because they act like you can do it, and it’s truth! See more

Jupiter in Capricorn can exaggerate the rules, and they are righteous about it, no mincing words or wants! Libra is impressed with the strength of their opinions and will hear them out. Libra will try to make adjustments and accommodations that are fair and balanced for all. Capricorn tends to be conservative, even a bit old fashioned, a protector from radical change. Jupiter is almost religious! But Jupiter has also traveled and often has a broad education, perspective. Libra enjoys that mix, dependable law and order and insights to the ways of other peoples. Changes will be recommended with the will to expand business, to keep up with the greater happenings of the times. Careers that are inclusive and grow with the times will succeed. Libra likes social work and Jupiter will make sure there is education and the client will be helped to be responsible too. Jupiter may encourage Libra to illustrate the progress of the project. Capricorn likes historical records across the chasm of time and change. There may be a serious offer made, whether business or marriage. Be a little on the cautious side. If there are huge demands, promises are too good to be true, remember hearts are not to be bought or sold. If in doubt, wait. Time will tell. See your astrologer.

If you have factors in Sagittarius and/or Capricorn in your chart at these degrees, this could be prime time to visit the positive areas on your AstroLocality map. See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length, some are positive appearing but have other hidden factors.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. The experience you have depends on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Check with your astrologer. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible.

Happy Birthdays, Librans! We are so very blessed you are with us!

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….   

See the entire Libra 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making the last of this year’s plans! Soon the 2020 Edition will be out! Make your changes count.


Happy Birthdays, Dear Librans!

Libra Fall Equinox Balance and Harmony Woman Fox

Wendy Andrew is a Goddess and Nature Pagan Artist. See her Video  Cards

May you always be Blessed with Infinite Grace!

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $250 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

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New SuperMoon!
4 Personal Planets Libra Stellium! 4 Planets in their own signs!

Aries – Libra Full Hunter’s Moon!

Grand Water Trine/Saturn Kite, Pluto Exact Midpoint Full Moon TSquare, Fixed Stars Castor & Capella!


Libra New SuperMoon! 

Saturday September 28 at 11:26 AM Pacific, 5 Libra 20!

4 Personal Planets Libra Stellium! 4 Planets in their own signs! 

Libra New Moon 2019 Pol Sena Wedding Night

Pol Sena, wedding photographer says ‘Our work can be described as a tickle in your brain. …visual perfume.’ Sweet Paper Media

The New Moon is a darker time, sometimes to be consulted in solitude, other times to be shared sweetly. It is a time of Magical revelations, merging with unseeable beings, on clear nights the Stars show us their secrets. It can be a divine balance with bright and busy social daytime, maybe the most restful of all the nights, the deepest slumbers. Libra equinoxial nights are getting longer giving the sense of a prevailing peace.

This New Moon is the third in a ‘season’ of three Super New Moons, July 31/August 1, August 30 – the closest, and September 28. They will be brighter and may appear bigger! More about Super Moons! 

With four planets, all personal, in Libra, there is thoughtfulness about our relationship with our self and others. Being a New Moon, shifts will be felt as our sense of personal identity changes. We may be more prone to nurturing each other, a willingness to take turns as we have highs and lows. Venus is innate and unique beauty we each have. It is our own personal blessing way. How we value ourselves is crucial to our lives. How we respect each other and are able to put ourselves in their place makes a difference. Mercury communications are vital to sharing, negotiating our relationships with all others. The Sun is our heart of Light, how we radiate our personal creation to inspire others. The personal planets are our daily means of being part of our immediate family and community.

The New Moon has just passed opposition to Chiron in Aries. Chiron shows that healing exists and we can have it now! Aries is the spark that lights the candle! Leadership is called for, someone to take a chance, even if it feels awkward or foolish in the beginning. We will learn as we go. Innovative ideas may change how we make relationships, communicate within them, listen to ourselves. 

The New Moon in Libra, a Venus sign, connects directly, the same degree, with Uranus in Taurus, the other Venus sign. Taurus wants to own precious things, to be able to touch them. Libra wants the preciousness of connection with our peers, and clarity within our own being about who we are, not what others expect of us. Uranus is elder and in Taurus earthy. Long standing. The New Moon in Libra is looking at the world today, how we got here, the new beginning to be made. Taurus can sit quite still a long time, but Uranus is always getting into trouble no matter how old he is! He’s curious, part of the universal, planetary flow. He may appear to only blink from time to time, but he’s a smart devil, a genius in disguise. Libra need only to bring the pearls of change for his perusal. One sniff of them and he will come forth with simple yet complex wisdom from future time! Surprisingly, Libra may pull him off course, much to his delight! (He was waiting to be asked!)

Venus sits pretty in her second own sign midway through Libra. She is in one lucky connection, sextile Jupiter in his own sign Sagittarius! Venus loves culture; Jupiter is a travel slut and will fearlessly go just about anywhere with anyone! Venus is more polished and aware of social skills. Jupiter is the bold protector and is not so concerned about how or when something is said. Though Libra will negotiate, and Jupiter is mostly flexible, adaptable, they both have a certain purity of position in their own signs and are not always so willing to compromise. They feel justified in who they are. Venus can be a bit prim at times, even sulky when she doesn’t get her way. Jupiter can be self righteously opinionated, practically religious! Libra prefers to abide by the rules while Jupiter may just bully his way through and sometimes we are so glad he did! Either can get the other in or out of trouble! They could have a bustling business together! 

Jupiter squared Neptune in Pisces the last time in 2019 on Sep 21, just days ago. Some questions were answered, some have been opened for consideration and are still floating about, may never be answered. Jupiter can seek the truth, avoid the truth due to prejudice. Jupiter can expand our resources and sometimes exaggerate for better or worse. Neptune is dreams, beliefs, denial, our spiritual condition – devotion, addictions, a martyr or savior. It is arts and business, meditation, insurance benefits, the great escape – to be safely away or avoid responsibility! Jupiter is curious about all, loves learning, and doesn’t mind traveling. Who knows where you will end up?! Don’t be surprised if there are lingering doubts, wondering if you should have, what to do.

In a bigger sense, Virgo just hosted the biggest aspect of this current time! Jupiter has remained closely in square with Neptune since Dec 28, 2018 and just made the third and last square during Virgo on Sep 21. The first square was the first aspect of 2019 on Jan 13! In companion aspects, retrograde, Jupiter squared and Saturn sextiled Neptune June 16 and 18. Jupiter made this last square well before Saturn makes its last sextile Nov 8. Jupiter has brought some colossal misunderstandings and has questioned and revealed the truth of some of our beliefs and plans. Saturn makes the final decisions in view of possible consequences. For almost a year there have been reconsiderations and trials. Their 11 month cycle finishes within days of the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse and sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center, an uncommon pairing.  See more about Jupiter Square Neptune!   Saturn sextile Neptune!   

Since Venus’s square with Saturn, low funds, is past, finances could open up for her. She also was in a confusion aspect with Neptune that required some adjustments in the spiritual purpose of the business. You can’t give everything away, but there has to be a serve and save component as well for full satisfaction. Sometimes love is lost. Could be abrupt, temporary, or it’s better to let go, make space for new doors to open, do better later on.

Mercury is at 23 Libra squared Pluto in Capricorn just two days ago. Funding was a serious matter. Resolving the beauty versus the return on investment factors made a difference. Timing, a clean product, clear relationships needed to be sorted. No going ahead until it’s down on paper and signed. If a significant amount, good business requires specialist attorneys to make it good for both parties. It could have been anything from divorce/custody, inventor’s/artist’s rights, how profits will be divided or used, and times to renegotiate/update in the near future until the business is well established, very carefully revise your will. 

Mars in Virgo stands alone. He likes running the scene without interference. Gives a clean start. Managing the Virgo bookkeeping numbers is less his choice, but he can be darn quick about it when he does! He may take some shortcuts that make Virgo shudder, but, heck, the job gets done, repairs can be made later? She hopes. There are new jobs that need to get going and Mars is great at that! Ideas just jump from his brain, intuition is afire, spontaneous combustion! He can be called on for some excellent to the point consulting. Reorg is swift. He’s gone, onto the next exploit! Challenge is to stop for food, water, get some rest. An outdoor hike or bike ride in some cool crisp early morning air may be just the ticket. Vigorous gardening may do it. There may be some new ideas for various forms of craftsmanship – quilts, textiles, wood carving, cabinetry, jewelry. Health, diet, meds, nursing and caregiving, animal care may be improved quickly. Service businesses like landscaping and house cleaning may find themselves in reform and more efficient, sustainable. 

Saturn in Capricorn has turned Direct, forward and will be closing the gap to its conjunction with Pluto Jan 12, 2020. Saturn traveling with Pluto in Capricorn has been and continues to carry some serious weight this year. Saturn is still traveling closely at the Moon’s South Node. There is a karmic condition that needs righting, forgiving. Old fears need to be released, power used correctly. Dharma, the work of the Soul, is the replacement. Take responsibility, stay steadfastly on mission, rebuild, upgrade. Meet your tests, give gratitude, have a workable humility. Be clean and kind in your authority. Stay aware of the time frame, priorities. Neptune sextile/trine the Nodes and the final November Saturn sextile Neptune will help make Neptune’s dreams come true. Trust your intuition, remember the long range needs of our Mother Earth – all her peoples, plants and creatures. Collaborate. Keep your dreams in mind.

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Neptune is now at 16 degrees, tuned to the Ecliptic and the June events, will be connected with Transit of Mercury! Pluto is now at 20 Capricorn close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective, grow. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Libras, we are needing you to help us keep connected in a good way to get this work done! 

Libra New SuperMoon Astrology Chart!
Libra 2019 New SuperMoon Astrology Chartx

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Aries – Libra Full Hunter’s Moon! 

October Sunday the 13th at 2:08 PM Pacific, 20 Aries 14

Grand Water Trine/Saturn Kite, Pluto Exact Midpoint Full Moon TSquare, Fixed Stars Castor & Capella!

Libra Full Hunter's Moon 2019 by Robin Samiljan

October Full Hunter’s Moon is a painting by impressionistic encaustic artist Robin Samiljan

For humans, the Harvest Moon stores grains and food for winter. The Hunter’s Moon that follows, brings in the meat at a colder time, for drying and storing for winter protein. Each brings us balance during the darker times in the Northern Hemisphere. 

Our 2019 Hunters Moon spans Aries to Libra. A hunter of any kind must be independent enough to be true to himself and his prey. He must equally have a relationship with it. In Shaman style, the hunter and hunted are one. In Native American tradition there must be a true respect, an honoring of the giving and the taking. They are on each other’s land. Either could die in the wilderness. There was no excessiveness or hunting for sport or to extinction. That style of hunting has merit. It has balance, sustainability. 

Aries Moon is more independent than most Moons. S/he stands with Chiron the Healer also in Aries. They both want to take care and make a quick difference, bring down the fever, stitch up that cut, keep children safe from guns. Chiron is the first to find new methods; Moon is off to try them out. Chiron leads with his sword, cuts ties to the past with his invisible knife. He freed Mama Moon from her familial cultural ties and the ways of her Mother before her. Moon is starting a new life. 

Libra gets trapped sometimes when not wanting people to be upset. In her quest for peace, she may lose her own. Moon, not commonly an upstart, gets Libra’s notice of this unexpected behavior and Libra is inspired. Libra may more clearly state his position and stick to it. If Libra likes Moon’s other ideas, he may tell his contacts of this new venture and they join, support and fund this amazing new possibility. They want to get into it right from the beginning while it is fresh and exciting. 

Libra is right there, ready, if things get out of hand, ahead of themselves and need some social guidance along the way. They can have a quick meeting and rebalance in view of the latest developments. It there are some legal matters, they are great to have on your team. 

20°! Moon and Sun are in a same degree TSquare with Pluto in Capricorn at the midpoint! That’s a tough square, folks! Moon in Aries is fearless, but sure soon enough finds out Pluto is not usually a cheerleader. He may support in the background, but being quick and clever is not enough to balance his books. He wants to know you are reliable and see some success first. So he may not be an initial investor, but come in later once steady production has been achieved. Where Aries is eager, Capricorn’s tests must be passed. He is skeptical and reluctant. Even when Pluto is convinced he may choose to be a silent partner. 

Sun has personal fortitude no matter that Libra is called a people pleaser. Libra knows well how to dodge, delay and nicely learn all the background. Pluto may underestimate and actually find himself joining after all. Libra knows how to take resistance into consideration, to encourage with acceptance of opposite or different points of view, to show the value of both sides working together for greater gain! If there is psychic or slick underhandedness, Pluto can smell that. If there is smiling shady dealing, you may find yourself in jail. Be accountable, transparent. Be able to back up what you have to say. Be careful. Pluto isn’t always on the up and up either… Sun can light things up and Pluto’s heart may be opened and warmed after a long time alone, but it may take some time and doing to get there.

Jupiter in Sagittarius is also at 20°! Sun Sextiles, an aspect of opportunity. Lucky Jupiter has far reaching connections, education, ethics, enjoys life, has a charming and cheerful outlook! He broadens the range, adjusts the perspective, keeps the faith and laughs at challenges! We can do it! That sure helps when old Pluto is bringing down the hammer! If the prospects look good it will be much easier to bring Pluto aboard or keep him interested until he feels comfortable. 

Moon trines Jupiter. In Aries, it’s all they can do not to run off together, LOL! But then again, Moon is Moon, and she doesn’t usually stray for long. That’s ok. She takes a look and brings the ideas home with her. Jupiter may inspire her to build an addition, knock out a wall to make a bigger studio, expand the veggie garden, remodel the kitchen! Jupiter sees how fast she catches on and gives her as much as she can take. They make plans bigger than most and can instantly see the route! Could go into a majorly successful business together. Pluto may not trust this at first, but he may soon realize he’s being left behind and may miss the chance! Better give them the funding!

Mercury and Saturn are making very sensible aspects with Neptune and each other! Mercury first sextiles Saturn. Logical Mercury and scientific Saturn work well together. Mercury gathers the facts. Saturn puts them to use. Mercury lets people know what Saturn is doing and business thrives. Saturn easily sifts through all of Mercury’s ideas, tips and techniques, sorts them. All those angles, approaches make his work more complete and valuable.

Mercury then makes a lucky trine, a flowing water sign connection with Neptune. Mercury is logical and aims to understand that Neptune dreamer. This is a chance that can’t be lost. Neptune is entire minute by moment whimsical though beyond profound. Mercury is in Scorpio, knows the deeper values and information of life. Scorpio is an adept sign at probing and sorting hidden layers. This means that and that connects over here, and ah, there it is! So Mercury can document the possibilities. It won’t be a onetime affair, because Neptune changes with the tides. Check in from time to time to keep up.

Mercury, Saturn and Neptune were just in a Grand Water Trine/Kite with the North Node in Cancer! Karma/Dharma with the nodes and Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn is still traveling closely at the Moon’s South Node. There is a karmic condition that needs righting, forgiving. Old fears need to be released, power used correctly. Dharma, the work of the Soul, is the replacement. Take responsibility, stay steadfastly on mission, rebuild, upgrade. Meet your tests, give gratitude, have a workable humility. Be clean and kind in your authority. Stay aware of the time frame, priorities. Neptune sextile/trine the Nodes and the final November Saturn sextile Neptune will help make Neptune’s dreams come true. Trust your intuition, remember the long range needs of our Mother Earth – all her peoples, plants and creatures. Collaborate. Keep your dreams in mind.

Saturn knows his materials, sees Neptune for his style and innate accuracy of vision. When Saturn is sitting well with himself, he knows how to take his time, match his approach to the sensitivity of Neptune, let him know why what they are doing is important. Neptune wants to save people, do the most intricate right thing with perfect timing. Saturn is the planet of time, so they have a rapport that way. Once Saturn gets what the need is, he wants to build it. He chats up Neptune for further details, and listens to how Neptune tweaks it to do it the most effective ways for the most successful results. They are terrific collaborators. See more about Saturn sextile Neptune

Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio have just checked in with Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is an inter-planetary entity bringing exotic information from remarkable sources both from this planet and beyond. Mars can go with that, in fact, is inspired. He knows genius when he sees it. He’s quick to assess and keep balance in Libra. Cross cultural is fine with him. He will frame the ideas in locally acceptable terms, stir up interest with his contacts likely to accept the challenge. Venus in Scorpio ever has her own agenda in terms of relationships and monies. She has just been opposite this strange one, but isn’t afraid either. She can tell he’s here to stay, but it may take some finessing to work out any funding. The ideas are uncommon, perhaps ahead of their time, and big. It’s going to have to be comprehensive and workable in banking terms or there will need to be private financing. To keep her standing, she may need to let it go for now, but she is intrigued and will hold it in the back of her mind.

Otherwise, Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus are moseying along in the background in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Two Fixed Stars! Castor 20 Cancer 14 EXACT and Capella 21 Gemini 51!

The Full Moon is exactly, by degree and minute, square Castor! Castor is one of the two rival brothers of the constellation (not sign) Gemini, Castor mortal, Pollux immortal. Robson says ‘Castor, the mortal one of the twins, is famous for his skill in taming and managing horses. Sometimes called Apollo [Sun god], and symbolically named A Ruler yet to Come. Has an interest in the occult. Dr Eric Morse: Castor is also noted in natal astrology for proneness to mental breakdowns and neurotic distress. People with this star prominent and well aspected are exceptionally gifted intellectually. Where these geniuses often need help is in not letting their concern for others go ‘over the top’. And modern researcher Elsbeth Ebertin…Linked with the Moon or Mercury, it has the effect of such people being blessed with a good nature and fine morals. It is also supposed to convey refined manners. See more by UK astrologer Deborah Houlding. She says it’s all about the ‘quest for divine immortality!’

Capella, in the constellation Auriga, is less than two degrees in connection with our Full Moon. As Castor is related to horses, Capella is related to goats, by some called the Little She-goat. She is sextile the Moon and trine the Sun, a fire and air combination. These aspects are classically favorable giving opportunity and ease. Ptolemy had a high opinion of her, ‘It gives honor, wealth, eminence, renown, a public position of trust and eminent friends, and makes its natives careful, timorous, inquisitive, very fond of knowledge and particularly of novelties.’ Robson, ever dour, says that with the Moon ‘Inquisitive, loquacious, indiscreet speech, sarcastic, quarrelsome, many journeys and voyages, domestic disharmony, danger to sight, liable to accidents.’ Modern researcher Elsbeth Ebertin says ‘Connected to beneficial stellar bodies [includes Sun & Moon], natives will become popular, receive honors and have success in material enterprises.’ According to tradition, this star also makes people somewhat odd, a tendency for such natives to cut capers. Do your best, be a bit careful, and have fun!

Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are currently part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Pluto is now at 20 Capricorn close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Libras, we are needing you to help us keep connected in a good way to get this work done!

Aries-Libra Full Hunter’s Moon Astrology Chart! 

Libra 2019 Full Hunter's Moon Astrology Chart

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Next is the Sunday October 27 New Moon at 8:38 PM Pacific, 4 Scorpio 25!x 

See the entire Libra 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making the last of this year’s plans! Soon the 2020 Edition will be out! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Mercury Retrograde 2019 Scorpio Snake River Tetons

An S curve (‘retrograde’) along the mighty Snake River! Exceptional image of the Snake River and the Grand Tetons by Vern Clevenger!

The Snake River is a major river of the greater Pacific Northwest region in the United States. At 1,078 miles long, it is the largest tributary of the Columbia River, in turn the largest North American river that empties into the Pacific Ocean. There are three water signs, Cancer – creeks, Scorpio – mighty rivers, Pisces – oceans of the world. Scorpio also rules reptiles and the hisssss factor, Snakes! And as the 8th sign, figure 8s, the Mobius loop!

Scorpio is big rivers that require a bridge to cross. I usually think of them as the freight and passenger carrying commercial rivers, like the Mississippi in the US, the Nile and Congo, the Amazon, China’s Yangtze, the largest river in Asia. In July 2019, Bangladesh’s top court granted all the country’s rivers the same legal rights as humans, same as New Zealand’s Whanganui River. Rivers are vital to life.

Some rivers are more gentle than others; there are dangerous rapids and magnificent views as we paddle slowly, maybe silently. Some have dramatic seasonal changes, dry or floods. There are areas of little or huge population concentrations at certain locations. Mercury in Scorpio enjoys solitude and intensity. Turnings will keep them engaged in maneuvering and wondering what’s next. They are scuba diving or paddleboarding for all they’re worth down the rapids!

The Mercury retrograde cycle offers a taste of three phases in its retrograde direction shifts. Those shifts bring visual changes as the planets progress with it. First, we’re on fresh ground, curious, Mercury views the possibilities. Second is the Rx period when it goes ‘back’ over the part leading up to the Rx. We see things from an opposite point of view and the planets around us are moving to new positions, people are changing. Adjustments and revisions are made. Third and last is the part when Mercury turns Direct, ‘forward’ again, covering that same ground the third time! We work toward resolution, establishment of successful new ground. We tidy up, polish things up, complete and present it to the world! We get three chances, thank goodness!

This is the last of 2019’s three predominantly water sign Retrograde cycles.

Phase 1 starts Oct 11 2019. Mercury retrogrades Halloween, Oct 31! He turns direct, forward Nov 20 and finishes the three phases Dec 7. It starts at 11 Scorpio 35, retrogrades at 27 Scorpio 28. Goes back to 11/35, turns forward to the peak position 27/28.


11  Scorpio Mercury Retrograde cycle starts
13  Full Hunter’s Moon
31  Halloween, Mercury Retrograde

8    Saturn sextile Neptune
11 Transit of Mercury retrograde eclipse
12 Full Beaver Moon
19  Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center
20  Mercury Direct

Mercury is the planet of the Mind, thinking, our attention, our breath, how we learn to learn, communication skills, gathering data, a hand shake, the laying on of hands. All of these are essential. Scorpio concerns our deeper thoughts, the causes underlying our symptoms, our reasons for choosing to live. It too wants to communicate, like a therapist, healer shaman, to remove the pain under the crust of suffering. Sexuality, sexual organs and eliminatory matters may concern us. Obsessions and compulsions, extremes of behavior can be a challenge. Scorpio cares so deeply, till death do us part. Monies matter. Incorporating, merging funds can make so many more things possible. Scorpio is a super strong sign, can endure extremes, heals miraculously, practically comes back from death to renewed life!

Every Retrograde is unique! As time goes on, the planetary backdrop changes. Context shifts. This Retrograde is especially important because Saturn and Scorpio’s planet Pluto have been traveling along together and will conjunct not too long from now, Jan 12, 2020! What ‘soil’ we turn now will affect our thinking about how we want to manifest that conjunction in our own lives. See more

Most important are any major outer planetary combinations that happen just before, during or immediately after a retrograde cycle. The planetary connections Mercury makes during the retrograde cycle, especially the ones that repeat, flavor the cycle. And, of course, the connections Mercury makes, or doesn’t, with your chart factor in personally! See your astrologer!

This time is super unique! There are THREE planetary events, two of them major, during the retrograde!

  • Nov 8 Saturn sextiles Neptune. This is the last of a six aspect set that started Jan 2019! Saturn wants to make Neptune’s dream come true, to harness Neptune visions, convert them to reality! See more!
  • Nov 11, eleven, eleven, is the Transit of Mercury retrograde eclipse! Mercury crosses the face of Sun, receiving a huge infusion from Sun, our local Star! The infusion comes in the form of LIGHT, enlightenment, if you will. Mercury himself will be lighted up, his ideas become brighter, the dross will be burned away. It will be an ultimate mindfulness! See more  Nov 12 Full Beaver Moon! 
  • Nov 19 is the amazing sister aspect, Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center, the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, all the stars we know! Jupiter, our biggest planet, will do the job. In this case, the infusion is invisible to us, but is monumental nonetheless! It happens every 12 years, but coupled with the Transit of Mercury, this is a whole lot of STAR energy all at once! I think of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot as the third eye of our solar system, another Seer, perceiver, like Mercury. In fact they rule opposite signs, Gemini and Sagittarius. Jupiter is thought of as higher education, purpose and meaning, faith and trust in the future, our Path in life. An infusion here has great meaning. It happens when Mercury is in STATION – maximum absorption, and Jupiter is in his own sign Sagittarius, doubling the potency!! See more

    The Stations! A Station is the four days before and four days after Mercury turns directions, retrograde or forward/direct. It is a pause when Mercury literally appears to stand still in the sky for 8 days! Stations help us slow down, be still to receive, focus, take time to think, anchor important ideas we want to keep. Nov 19 is right in the eight day Mercury direct station, right before Mercury turns direct on the 20th!

Mercury makes three repeated aspects during its retrograde cycle.

  • Oct 13 it starts with sextile Saturn. Focused on sensible ideas, time well spent, consulting with professionals, the project is established. Rx Nov 13, last Nov 29.
  • Oct 15 Mercury trines Neptune! Believe it! Neptune has extraordinary insight and visions. Mercury puts the words to them and spreads the word. It’s logical and magical! Rx Nov 13, last Nov 28.
  • Oct 19 Mercury sextiles Pluto! Mercury takes a look into the power zone! It follows the money, finds out what’s deeply important – life or death, seeks crucial healing insights. Is it a mate or a merger? Rx Nov 9, last Dec 2.

In addition to the sky aspects, look in your own chart to see where 11 to 27 Scorpio fall, what house/s are involved. The matters of those houses are the place/s the Mercury in Scorpio retrograde will apply. Also check out how Scorpio sits in your chart – we all have Scorpio. When in the same or close degrees to that 11 – 27, it has challenge type connections with your factors in other fixed signs, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius, fire sign Aries, and air sign Gemini. Things go more smoothly with other water signs Cancer and Pisces, earth signs Virgo and Capricorn.

About Retrogrades!  

The wild dynamics of retrograde cycles are, as viewed from Earth, they go forward, backward, then forward over the same ground three, if outer planets sometime five, times! During that time, all the other planets are moving too, so even when a retrograde is going ‘backward,’ they are ALL going forward! It’s illogical, but it happens. Mercury retrogrades 3 to 4 times a year. Mercury actually spends little time retrograde. In fact, only 15% of the population is born during Mercury retrograde! The good part is where people have retrograde planets they often have a special skill. The most successful Corporations often have a lot of retrograde planets – they keep working it until they are best, and they keep working it as time goes on. They keep up! The special communication skills of Mercury retrograde depend on which sign, house and planets Mercury connects with in your chart. Check out your own chart and the charts of babies born during Mercury retrograde!

Whether doing Scorpio water sports or business, working with important water resources, restoring riparian habitat, what a journey! If you are traveling, what amazing beauty lies around each new bend. Different directions, different views. What’s behind is out of sight, a memory; what’s ahead is a mystery! Inward river bends give us time to pause, hold steady, slow down. Outward river bends extend our vision of potentials. Being with water shows us natural flow, keeps our Spirit fluid, makes us aware of deeper channels within us. Each turn gives us time to think, recalibrate, prepare for the next stretch. It’s important that there are changes, reversals, old ideas that clogged things up are left behind, revelations occur, new ideas are teased into action! Scorpio can feel clean again, refreshed. Potential is remembered and we are rededicated.

Classic Mercury Rx is don’t sign those papers, or do everything to make it possible for that to happen so it doesn’t fall through. Escrows can fall through. Use experienced brokers. People don’t return your calls. The dog ate it. Your computer has a snit. Or you do, LOL! You lose your cell. You get lost, turned around. Rule is be sure purchases are from reputable firms that have reliable returns/guarantees/warranties. Be sure the company is legitimate before you deal. Date and sign any contract changes and make sure they do too. Get/make copies, save and backup. Generally, you avoid making significant purchases/decisions especially of matters specific to the sign/s involved.

Scorpio rules homes medical matters, renovations, plumbing, marriage/divorces/custody, wills, mortgages, loans, grants, corporations. If you must make arrangements during the Rx, review it after the cycle is finished and see if you still feel the same way. Wait to purchase that motorcycle, scuba gear, dive equipment, a water related item or vehicle or a  boat, super expensive wine or sunglasses. Get the insurance. Scorpio is an intimate sign. Likely better to wait to share secrets, have first time sex until at least the retrograde is over. Projects, certain alliances, or therapies may depend on confidentiality. Oh, and things lost previously are sometimes are found, or if lost this retrograde, are found during the next retrograde!

Do check with your astrologer for your good dates and times of day to make the best of it!

Speak good words, think good thoughts, do good deeds. Pay it forward.

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See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making the last of this year’s plans! Soon the 2020 Edition will be out! Make your changes count.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….


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Virgo 2019-20 Celestial HighLights

Virgo, Smart with a Heart! 

Virgo HERO Philanthropist Hansjörg Wyss

October 2018, in an open letter published in the New York Times, 83-year-old Virgo Hansjörg Wyss said a BILLION dollars would be released over the next ten years to fund efforts aimed at creating protected areas for wildlife and improving management of existing ones. The goal of the foundation is to keep about 30% of the earth in its natural state until 2030!

Some of our most brilliant humans are Virgos. Virgo, being a health oriented sign, it’s no surprise that in 1977, Wyss founded and became president of Synthes USA, the U.S. division of Switzerland-based Synthes medical device manufacturer making internal screws and plates for broken bones. We see from his chart that he loves that work, Venus in Virgo is retrograding back to opposite Saturn, bones and metal, the mechanics of building. That Saturn is in Pisces, the sign of compassion for things broken. In addition, Hansjörg has Neptune, the Pisces planet, in Virgo, wanting to give compassionate care.

Hansjörg did that work for 30 years. He made a lot of money. Jupiter in Scorpio is lucky with big money and so is Sun sextile Pluto! As of August 2019, net worth 6.2B. In his NY Times letter he said “This money will support locally led conservation efforts around the world, push for increased global targets for land and ocean protection, seek to raise public awareness about the importance of this effort, and fund scientific studies to identify the best strategies to reach our target.” He’s still working. Virgos are top organizers, researchers, and are not quitters.

Hansjörg’s Venus is also trining Uranus, the inventor, evolutionist, philanthropist. According to Forbes, Wyss is “among the most philanthropic people in the world”. Between 2004 and 2008, Businessweek estimated that Wyss personally donated nearly $277 million. His giving has increased since the sale of Synthes in 2012 and in 2013 he signed The Giving Pledge, agreeing to give away the majority of his fortune. The assets of his charitable foundations equal nearly $2 billion. As of 2017, Wyss and the Wyss Foundation have donated more than $350 million to environmental protection, including conservation of national forests and other public lands in the Western United States. He lives in Wilson, Wyoming, a modern cowboy!

Hansjörg’s Jupiter in Scorpio is relentless for education in behalf of ‘saving lives,’ the life of the planet. He has Mars in Sagittarius, a visionary fighter for long term success! He fights for our future! Sagittarius is Jupiter’s sign, so these two are always working together. They are his raison d’etre.

No matter what time of day he was born, his Moon is in Gemini – another Mercury sign, the sign opposite Sagittarius. Gemini will spread the word to anyone who will listen, right at hand, while that Mars is far reaching and wants to get to the point. Hansjörg has a way of delivering his message with care, his feelings and message are seen as genuine. Mother Moon is his ally. She in turn trines, the most successful combination, Mercury, Virgo’s planet! His Mercury is in Libra, the ambassador seeking collaboration and justice.

See more about this man. With his Sun sextile Pluto in Cancer, he’s got our Mother, Mother Earth, in his heart.

The AstroLogical Chart of Virgo HERO philanthropist Hansjörg Wyss!
Birth time Unknown, calculated for Noon, 0 Aries Ascendant selected

Happy Birthday, Hansjörg!

Virgo Hansjörg Wyss Astrology Chart

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Virgo 2019 Celestial Highlights!  

Virgo 2019 Sagittarius Teapot Saturn Jupiter Galactic Center!

Chart via AstroBob. As Bob says We live here – can you believe it?’

You can look toward the center of our Milky Way galaxy, aka the Galactic Center! It’s located in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius the Archer, which happens to contain a famous asterism – or noticeable pattern of stars – called the Teapot. In 2019, the Teapot is found in between two bright planets, Saturn to the east and Jupiter to the west, and it is to the left/west of Scorpio if you know your constellations.

We can’t really see the galactic center. It’s heavily veiled by intervening stars, star clusters and nebulae (vast clouds of gas and dust). The center of our Milky Way looms some 26,000 light-years away. But we can gaze toward this direction in space, and – if your sky is dark enough – it’s a sight to behold! The current astrological position is 27° Sagittarius.

Thank you always to Doug McClure at EarthSky!

Virgo 2019 Timeline! 


23  Happy Virgo!
30  New SuperMoon, Black Moon for some!


2    Labor Day
8    Moon occults Saturn and Pluto
13  Full Harvest Micro Moon
21  Jupiter square Neptune
23  Fall Equinox, Happy Libra!

Virgo Overview of Year to Come!

Virgo Amazing Quilts of Velda Newman Colossal Beauty

May colossal creation and beauty reign! The amazing quilts of Velda Newman! Stand in awe. 2010 Zinnia: Two years to complete, measures more than 17 1/2 feet wide, over 7 feet tall! Extraordinarily it is hand stitched and hand quilted! Worth every penny of the $70,000 asking price!

Mercury, Virgo’s planet, has completely finished the recent retrograde cycle and starts Virgo’s new year on new ground!

June 16 and 18 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune were together again, closely and retrograde this time. The first set was at 14 degrees. In June they were at 18 degrees. Jupiter is challenging us to expand our vision in the square, to seek a greater truth. Saturn said I see the part of this that has value, how can we make that happen? They have continued closely in degrees. Jupiter makes his final aspect Sep 21, Saturn Nov 8. After the Sep aspect they part company, but both the Sep and Nov aspects are at 16 degrees!  So it goes 14, 18, 16 degrees. If you have chart factors at 15,16, 17 degrees you will be connected to all three sets!

Nov 8 concludes the six aspects with Neptune, all happening while Jupiter is in its own sign Sagittarius! At that time it will be exactly a year ago, Nov 8, 2018, that Jupiter went into his own sign Sagittarius. These aspects with Neptune, the Dreamer, have opened our senses, making us aware of new dreams and beliefs, how to make them come true! Times have changed!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic! at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center! at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn conjunct Pluto prepped with demolition, Jupiter with Pluto will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Mercury acted as witness to the Ecliptic event and observer, documentarian of what he saw at that time and the results in the year following. Conjunct the Sun, the retrograde Transit of Mercury Eclipse, Mercury will be empowered by solar light, to express himself in the most radiant manner possible! People will listen. Mercury is the information gatherer, messenger. Mercury is strengthened to receive then report on Jupiter at the GALACTIC CENTER! He puts it in perspective, knows the meaning, intention, long term purpose! Mercury is the neighbor you know; Jupiter is, in this case, the galactic traveler, a fascinating impressive stranger!

Pluto was at the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn 58 Rx. The Transit Mercury Eclipse will be sextile (opportunity) at 18 Scorpio 55 Rx. Mercury will move back to 11 SC 43 Rx when at the Galactic Center. Notice these are all retrograde. Retrograde means you have been there before and you will be again afterwards. It’s a 3 part cycle. Three chances. It’s good to get it right!

By November 8, 2019, all SIX of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s 2019’s outer planet aspects shall have been formed with Neptune in Pisces! Jupiter square Neptune, challenges, stirs up our dreams, makes us face misfortunes. At times we are discouraged, overwhelmed, or Pandora’s box opens and we are over the top with wishes, crazy for believing in such miracles! Yet there it is, we want to try! Be inspired, break free from old fears! Saturn sextile Neptune is a peerless appraiser, even ‘sees’ what is not visible! If he’s behind you, he is determined to get the job done. Inimitable! Forget sleeping in, get up and get going, one step at a time if necessary, but do it! Those SIX aspects finish just before the Nov 11, eleven, eleven, Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse and its sister aspect Nov 19 Jupiter at the Galactic Center. Our Neptune imagination is being primed, tested, found strong and receptive!

These profound events will be during Sun in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The transmissions are taken in deeply, churned like good butter. Since Mercury is mind, Jupiter meaning, we may not witness physical change, especially with such an aspect as exotic and from so far away as the Galactic Center, but our Soul doesn’t miss a trick! Changes will seem to unfold for no reason and one day we realize there has become a difference.

Virgo will be delighted with the Dec 2 entry of Jupiter into Earth sign Capricorn. Mercury, Virgo’s planet, likes facts and figures and a cool logical research backed Capricorn scenario! Virgo likes excellence of production, no wasted time, that Capricorn is good at. Sharing awards is an honor and pleasure! With Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn there will be 3 outer planets in Capricorn until Saturn enters Aquarius March 31, 2020! Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn July 1, 2020, and again, there will be 3 in Capricorn until Saturn makes his final shift into Aquarius Dec 16, 2020. Saturn will be in his own, more conservative sign Capricorn for the presidential elections. Jupiter and Saturn are both high mountain lovers, so looks like it’s going to be fun for some! Jupiter will make the travel plans; Cap will build the lodge! Jupiter quickly sees potential, offers encouragement, gathers the backers. Capricorn is ace at putting the right pieces together with terrific timing. Successful champions! The job comes in early, and the results are impressive! See more about Jupiter in Capricorn!

And that brings us to Jan 12, 2020, Saturn conjunct Pluto and Mar 21, The Crown! 

We are building to the 2020 Super Stellium! 3 outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn! New Year Day opens with 5 planets in Capricorn! Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Sun plus Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn! Jan 12 Saturn makes the on average 34 year exact conjunction with Pluto.

The CROWN! March 21 2020 When Saturn is about to leave Capricorn, the three outer planets, along with activator Mars, are in culmination, as close as they will get, all four in a 7 degree Stellium! Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! Peter Novak has studied outer planet stelliums and found that in the last 2000 years, allowing a 5 degree range, there were only 23 three outer planet stelliums! Yes, if he had allowed 7 degrees, there would be more, but still, they are uncommon. See all about it

There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean.

April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. Whatever demons or glory, tragedies or triumphs formidable Saturn with Pluto shall have faced, Jupiter will optimistically pick up the pieces, repurpose, or create worse! Jupiter can make bigger bad. If it isn’t worse, Pluto will see the promise of profit financially and spiritually. It will be an explosion of clearing for future works, secrets discovered, major funding attained, ‘keepsakes’ will be in the plans to be built ~ like a mini renaissance, yet more secrets will be made too. Bad will be healed, the rest is hallelujah! LOTS of big news! Super power plays will abound as the Nov 3 Presidential Election approaches.

April 4 and June 29 Jupiter conjuncts Pluto the first and second times. From the second week in March through July, most potently April 4 through June 29, Jupiter closely conjuncts Pluto the entire time! The opposite prediction polarity, compared to the paragraph above, is it can be mass tragedy, even evil personified. More powerful secrets made, concealment and lies to cover. Be ready to help, protect yourself and others until this period passes. Seriously start making alliances with capable and trusted family, friends and associates now. Keep your emergency kit and supplies up to date for on-the-ground environmental conditions likely in your area, have a plan in mind. The aspects will hold be potent at 21 to 26 Capricorn. If you have factors at or very close to those degrees you may be called into action. Challenges for Aries, Libra and Cancer, Gemini and Leo. More easy for Taurus and Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The third and final Jupiter conjunct Pluto is Nov 12, at 22 Capricorn, the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto! This aspect is the last major aspect link of the whole set that started Oct 30, 2018! It carries the experience of the previous two Jupiter/Pluto aspects, is the upcoming aspect when the Presidential Elections are held Nov 3 2020. Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in their own signs up to Dec 2, 2019! See Jupiter in Sagittarius That’s a lot of pure strong energy. Jupiter and Neptune are in malleable signs, in astrological terms, mutable. They are flexible, adaptable. Jupiter goes into Capricorn Dec 2. Instead of 3 planets in their own signs, we now have 3 outer planets in ONE sign, Capricorn – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto! Jupiter in Sagittarius traveled, played, had us consider our principles, educational choices. Saturn in Capricorn stomps his foot and calls for responsibility and to abide by the rules and laws, honor each other, your parents, the boss, elders and ancestors! You have to show him how and why that change you request makes sense. Neptune in Pisces senses our weak spots, and with compassion, converts them to strengths. We become aware of our Soul’s purpose. Saturn is a good balance to those other two wayward wanderers Jupiter and Neptune, enamored in a moment, sometimes for no good reason. They are enjoying the show while he wants to know what’s real, what is doable.

1940/41, 1983, and very briefly in 1998, 3 outer planets were potently together in different signs. But this time it will be 50 years before three outer planets will be in a same sign again, and it will be potent right from the start! Jupiter conjuncts Pluto and Chiron at 2 and 3 degrees ARIES, March 13, 2070! With stelliums, like these, the planets bring their different talents together, have like mind, and are in Unity of Purpose per the sign they are in!

Two outer planets change sign during Virgo’s coming year. Jupiter in Sagittarius enters Capricorn Dec 2. Saturn in Capricorn enters Aquarius Mar 21, 2020, retrogrades back into Capricorn for a review July 1. Jupiter’s sign is where the good fortune is! Be ready to shift certain investments, adjust projects to new, additional goals. Saturn, quite at home in his own sign, suddenly finds himself on unstable footage in a sign quite unlike himself. Yet, Aquarius carries on the good work for all the world and Saturn has more business than ever! Saturn guiding will make it all the more potent. While Capricorn loves the status and money, be guided by keeping your work in service to all. With earth changes, we will find ourselves working with many others in diverse environments under unusual conditions. Aquarius will expand your business, mission, if you let the change work for you. Blessed be.

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along in their semisextile. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey together in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. In Virgo’s coming year they are exact twice in their signs Aries/Taurus at Valentine’s time, Feb 15, and June 10, 2020! See more about Chiron/Uranus

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Annual Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count.

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Outer Planet Transits with Virgo 2019 – August 2020!

Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter

Virgo Chinese Dongyang Wood Carving

Chinese Dongyang wood carving, sculpting, the epitome of elegance and handmade beauty. Contemporary Virgo lives may be full of creative fascinations! Consummate artists of Intricacy – wood cabinets, intricate boxes, hobby horses, shelving, carving. Stunning art weaving, quilts, puzzles and pieces and tiles. Renowned jewelries. Designer clothing! Their gifts to us are beyond measure! May your everyday life be filled with incredible 3 Dimensional beauty… Be the curator?

Outer planets are the long term movers. Pluto and Neptune move only 3 degrees a year. Uranus orbits at 84 years, and Chiron at 51 years. They are advancing about 4 degrees a year for now. Saturn takes 28/29 years to make its orbit, Jupiter only 12 years, a sign a year! Depending on astrological patterns, some ‘events’ in our lives take many years, where others may happen toot sweet, right on or very near the date the event is exact! Some ‘events’ are not physical, but in our minds or Spirits. No one might ‘see’ them but you. Complex planetary patterns may overlap each other or be singular and direct. Some repeat; others are once in a lifetime. Some people have aspects others never have. Others have had aspects you won’t have until much later. Your astrologer can help you with your personal timing, understanding and strategies.

  1. Uranus, Pluto, and while in Capricorn, Saturn and Jupiter will be favorable to Virgo.
  2. Neptune is opposite, either exclusive or inclusive. Differences may be too much or there is natural collaboration and sharing.
  3. Saturn in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries will Yod Virgo, requiring adjustments. Jupiter in Sagittarius squares Virgo making a T point with Virgo and Neptune in Virgo’s opposite, Pisces. There will be adjustments in beliefs, dissolutions, breakthroughs and possible up leveling to higher ground.

PLUTO is still in Capricorn but is changed. Oct 30, 2018 it made the rare 248 year aspect, Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic and is now below the Ecliptic! The Ecliptic is the Sun’s path around earth! Pluto’s debris was lighted, declared to be outmoded, cleared away. He was not only cleared, but became free to be charged with energy beyond imagination! His healing powers have increased exponentially! He gave that very energy to Sun and the Light itself is now more clear and radiant! So fresh, this is a powerful time for all of us, but especially Capricorns because this HAPPENED IN THEIR SIGN! Those of you with chart factors at or very close to 18 degrees, especially in Scorpio or Capricorn, have also been cleared and infused! Some will go to the Light, others might need some time out to be able to stand up again. None of these factors, Capricorn, Scorpio nor Pluto are light weights. It takes a lot to impress them, and they can withstand high intensity, but this tested even them.

Pluto is moving from 20 to 25 Capricorn during Virgo’s year to come. Pluto, Scorpio’s planet, in Capricorn is in itself a harmonious sextile aspect, an earth and water mix. A darn good business person estimating time and money to the inch! Those of you with chart factors from 0 to 23 degrees, especially in Capricorn, already know Pluto quite personally. Pluto moves about 3 degrees/year, so some of this has been years ago, for others quite fresh. For some it has been a sequence if you have several factors in these degrees in a row. Pluto plunders, saves, cures, goes to extremes. Pluto ends relationships abruptly forever or loves and endures great trials and stands by you until the end. Money is made and lost, made again. Powerful charismatic careers have been possible. There have been threats, some deaths, mighty healing and miraculous survival. Pluto raises the Kundalini, our life force! Powerful!

Virgo the Virgin and Pluto the Tantric Master may share extraordinary experiences of the ecstatic kind! At the workplace they are likely to be all business, and in time discover they like each other more than coworkers! Virgo and Pluto are definitely concerned with monies. Virgo wants value, efficient organization and regulation. Pluto opts for seeking further funding. Capricorn wants the job to come in on time. Virgo can be excellent with human resources, putting the right people at the right jobs. Virgo and Pluto both want clean working conditions and are both healers. Virgo goes for remedies, while Pluto is the shamanic therapist. They both clean up messes, physical, emotional and mental and spiritual. Capricorn knows healthy people are more productive. Well working long term professional alliances are possible. Virgos will be more potent this year. If you are blessed by their advice about your health, listen!

NEPTUNE is in his own sign Pisces. He is a water planet in the last water sign, the last sign of the zodiac, seeking a deeper side of life. Neptune is oceanic – is still like glass becalmed, has forever tidal sand polishing cycles, titanic storms, tsunamis! Those of you with chart factors 15 to 20 degrees will be activated with this pure energy! Neptune and Virgo are of opposite deportment. Pisces has no particular boundaries, no wave in the ocean the same, mists and molecules in random unpredictable inexplicable distribution. Virgo works the accountant’s books, every number in its own right square box per the formula. Yet, Neptune can intuit Virgo’s next move, and Virgo can assess Neptune’s impact. Each is uncanny in its awareness and accuracy but for completely different reasons and means. Neptune is so haunting or connected that Virgo writes the music, note by precious note, so to share this beauty with others. Virgo is the epitome of documentaries and arranging the order of documents! Neptune in Pisces lends the magic, otherwise it might be a bit dry. But if you put a Virgin to work, how juicy can it be, LOL?!

URANUS, Aquarius’s planet, covers 2 to 10 Taurus! In Taurus it will anchor and build on change worthy ideas that need to be instilled, spread far and wide to create a support network. They need to be cleverly woven into our daily fabric so they become a part of us, so they can effortlessly be carried on. A lot of earth changes we are witnessing are massive, coming suddenly, hot and heavy. The very land is changing, affecting food supplies, water sources and location choices about where to live. There is a lot of instability financially. We need to have backup funds, supplies, stay flexible. See more about the Aries to Taurus sign change.

Taurus invents simple. To freedom lover Uranus, being in Taurus may feel too slow, too close for comfort, so unexciting. Taurus may freak out, and they rarely do, at the sudden upsets to his routines. Or Uranus being in his sign may be the most fun he’s had in a long time! What was ordinary life suddenly isn’t! There are exotic options free for the taking! Uranus himself is shocked to find walking barefoot tickles your feet, you become so aware of the charge of earth and life, that Earth herself is so very alive! It’s a whole new dimension compared to that desk chair in the still dead-air plastics scented office! Taurus may never have been bored before and now you are?! What is this feeling?! It could be pretty darn heady at first. Maybe the leap is best now, otherwise you never will! Or maybe you need to stay steady and not get carried away at all. But somehow it seems a time of wild chance that needs to be taken advantage of. Put some fallback funds in a safe place, get yourself a headband and go for it! Yoga was never so good! Supercharged divine body electric!

Virgo has thought many of these changes have long been needed, likes a great reorg! The latest technology, faster more accurate results. New friends with more expertise that go for the most exciting results ever! These are challenges that Virgo can get behind! That doesn’t mean it will all be easy. At first everything is an annoying mess and things take longer. A tight reign must be held, priorities managed, people checked on and kept in check! Days could be long and tiring. Must watch your health. Get rest, eat well and keep some regular basics in place. There will be some losses as old friends fade away, but relief as tedious connections are released as well. Not a lot of time for romance, and it may not stick anyway though it could be great with a sensible friend! Great goals, working together, but those Uranian characters often move on to the next place that needs some adjustments. You might go with them and you might not. Virgo is an adaptable sign, but not like Uranus. Taurus may do a little grounding, but the itch to be on the cutting edge for humanity is always there and that often means not staying home. Virgo might end up arranging the itinerary, and that may be just fine for both.

CHIRON will be in Aries through 2027. In Virgo’s year, he will cover 1 to 9 Aries, activating any factors you have in those degrees. Chiron has been and will be traveling very closely to the same degrees as Uranus, the Aquarian planet, but in different signs! This has been going on since 2008 and continues through 2021, 13 years. Chiron has become more future minded and Uranus has taken on some shamanistic qualities. There is a subtle camaraderie with Aquarius. See more In Aries, is the first of the zodiacal signs, Chiron is becoming a more fiery shaman, takes unprecedented healing action! Uranus’s sign change into Taurus is, grounding the thunder maker. There is a shift in the foundation, now starting to hold steady.

If you have Chiron in these degrees, you will be having your 51+/- year Chiron Return! Wounds and vulnerabilities will be assessed, your teaching skills improved. Updated healing systems will be applied with unbelievable results! Medical teaching will be inspiring, especially about the head, brain and eyes. The Magi Society thinks Chiron is the #1 marriage factor and good in business too! In Aries, may start his own business and, loving independence, may be reluctant to marry…

Chiron in Aries may come in good will; Virgo has mixed feelings. Like with Uranus there is the upgrade factor, new systems that work better.  Chiron is feeling his oats. Due to his mythical unhealable injuries, he has often held the back seat, and now, in Aries, it’s his turn to stand up! Chiron is trying on some new healing ingredients and techniques. Virgo is forever the caregiver, nurse, dietitian, looking for the best cures, techniques, foods for improved health. Virgo cares for all, from babes to elders. Aries loves the babies, so things might get tilted that way for a while. Virgo is ever careful and wants to see it work before making new recommendations. Chiron is hot and ready, maybe a little too fast for Virgo’s favor, but she does pay attention to the new ideas and business skills offered, especially if they are more efficient. Your income could improve. Chiron is quick in Aries, a great consultant, but he’s on his own timetable, not ours, so document the info he gives right away. He will soon be gone. Virgo will be glad for the more relaxed pace and miss him too. The best he offered does work. While he’s here, Chiron can do a successful startup so quickly you can hardly believe it! If he remains in leadership, it may be just challenging enough for him to opt to stay, opening branches, a franchise – always something new! Don’t be surprised if he opens further and different types of businesses as time goes on! Be cautious of marriage offers. Aries loves a romantic challenge, but may suddenly lose interest when he thinks you have been conquered and he might lose his independence. Oops. If you are looking for long term, Chiron may not be the one while in Aries. Aries may promise, but not be able to do it.

SATURN builds from 13 Capricorn to 1 Aquarius!

Saturn is working the mid to last half of his own sign Capricorn! Saturn will be in Capricorn along with Pluto, conjuncts Pluto once, Jan 12, 2020. Many will have more work than anybody should, or you are let go. In the long term that may be a blessing because new work you get suits you far better, or you start your own business!

Saturn Returns happen every 28 to 29 years. They can bring you to your knees, or make you bring yourself up to your full height, proud of your achievements! The experience you have depends on how Saturn is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Check with your astrologer. Those of you with Saturn 13 – 29 Capricorn have your Saturn Returns now through Mar 21, 2020! There will be more traditional endeavors.

  1. On your first Return – ages 28, 29, you may find yourself having a lot of responsibility at work, getting married, owning your first home, having a baby! Take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are older, on your second Return -58, 59, keep your networks alive. Right housing, parenting, care of precious grandchildren and elders may be challenging new responsibilities. Age and health may become factors, your retirement. Sometimes Saturn brings losses, sadness, delays. Advice from seasoned experts may be just what you need. Training and studies are helpful and the knowledge you carry backs up your reputation. Alliances may be strong and mutually supportive. Give yourself credit for what you have done, the talents you have acquired! It’s a time to honor, be honored!
  3. Around age 87, many are now experiencing their 3rd Saturn Return! Things don’t bother them as much. They enjoy what they want to, sometimes something they always wanted to do! They say what they think. There are losses of friends and loved ones. Health matters more – they are often quite brave. Family can mean a lot or if alone, friends do. or just being quietly alone is peaceful. Age can mean honors, even just for making it that long! Capricorn is the sign of time, elder hood. This is generally a strong time for them.

Saturn in his own sign, Earth sign Capricorn, is a force! Young people conduct themselves seriously and old people are more healthy, younger than others their age, strong and cheerful! Saturn adds to the desire to do good work. Saturn recognizes natural law, so its works stand the test of time. Timing is one of its fortes. Steady production, the right people in the right places at the time, being on time, are all assets. They are not only architects, builders and realtors, but understand science and structures – concrete, stones, glass. They can build roads and railways, bridges, homes, skyscrapers! They can do demolition as well as renovation! Saturn is expert at sustainability and conservation – more done with less effort, use less materials, smaller and stronger, for less cost, build tiny homes communities for homeless and seniors, contribute huge land grants to establish legendary preserves. As seniors they don’t quit. They become mentors, and with experience on their side, use new ideas of the times to start the latest businesses! They may be late starters sometimes, but often their later years are truly golden – art awards, health successes, the happiness of long marriages and plenty of grandkids! See more!

Virgo is quite in favor of Capricorn expectations. They are glad for Capricorn’s appreciation of their hard work, and respect the function of being on time, working overtime when needed. Capricorn helps them develop more streamlined skills, be more aware of priorities, be able to compromise some details for the deadline and still have a great product. Delegating is not an easy job for Virgo, yet Capricorn shows them how it is a skill to let another learn, how to choose what things others can do for them when time is short. Capricorn rules elders that can be very productive due to the accume of their life experience. Cap will want Virgo to help them have better health and stay strong in these later years, feel worthy and appreciated. Cap expects obedience at times. But if things are not ‘proper,’ a seemingly meek Virgo can dig those heels in and give you the reasons why. And they are usually right. Both these signs like order, and can work seamlessly shoulder to shoulder. Great partners, both for business and marriage! As Earth signs, neither minds getting a little dirty if need be.

Aquarian Saturn Returns start March 20 to July 1, 2020 at 0 and 1 Aquarius! Later, the rest of Aquarian Saturn Returns will continue through March 7, 2023. Saturn/Capricorn are of the sign just before Aquarius. Saturn can set the mark. If the goal is amazing enough, all-encompassing enough to challenge Aquarius’s talents, AQ will be on board! He will make computer diagrams, research materials, legends, why it can work now, for years, even centuries, it has not been possible before. Aquarians are delighted to learn new techniques and learn so quickly, you lose little time while they do. In fact, your results may become 10-fold in a lot less time than usual! If you are working on challenging new sustainable options, Aquarius will love this new humanitarian effort. Being on the same page, whatever it is for the two of you, makes for a healthy Spirit and union. Many amazing like minded friendships may come, or if you are overwhelmed or need time to recenter, you may take time away and enjoy being on your own. If you are in business or want to spread the word about a project, your networking can go worldwide through social media! Concentrate on humanitarian and sustainability facets of your ventures and investments.

The Aquarian part of Saturn in Aquarius is much like the Uranus/Virgo combination. Virgos are always looking for a better more productive way. We are blessed by their keen alertness in this regard. Though Virgos are generally quite organized, they don’t mind a temporary shakeup for technology that will do a good job, keep quality, increase returns. Saturn may at first find it a bit of a challenge to manage the first months in Aquarius because they are so unlike. Saturn wants structure and Aquarius is the rampant researcher, freedom lover evolutionist! Virgo may argue to let him explore for a time, and may be a bit frustrated when Saturn argues with himself about how useful those explorations could be. He could be on top of a gold mine, or left hanging in the breeze. Saturn himself might not seem as trustworthy in Aquarius. Aquarius has always been the unpredictable Spirit and Saturn is usually like clockwork. Virgo certainly cannot count on him now like when he was in his own sign Capricorn. What routine?! Regardless, stones will be turned, some with startling results. Virgo could write some fascinating documentaries about these new developments! Romance will likely wait.

JUPITER moves from 14 Sagittarius to 27 Capricorn

Jupiter stays in Sag, his own sign, until moving into Capricorn Dec 2. Jupiter/Sagittarius never fail to impress. He can be a hero, and there are plenty of those at this time. It can be a knowledge or wisdom of an exalted teacher and that might be your local high school teacher. It can be a journey of great beauty or a maximum athletic achievement. A boundless love, a loving kindness, a gift, sharing. All these touch our hearts and make a story to remember. Fortunes gained and lost, wagers won and lost, starting from nothing to making it to the top of the mountain! And if it’s bad, it can be really bad. No thieving or robbing. While traveling and your money is low, no taking something because you need it ‘more than they do.’ Big stories yes, cons no. No ‘accidental’ slander, bearing false witness, prejudice. Stay with respectful truth and honesty. Keep the long term in mind. Keep your higher ethics in place, morality intact; visit the sacred place when you need to. Keep learning in every direction.

Jupiter in Sag with Virgo is a wee challenge, or should I say a big challenge?! Jupiter is big and fiery, takes over when he rolls through. He’s not in the least concerned about the small daily matters and is looking for faith, not numbers! Of themselves, the Virgo numbers might be true enough, but Jupiter is looking at what they mean in the big scheme of things. How important are they really? And, of course, to some, at certain times, those numbers are everything. Virgo is pushed to look at when to apply them and when not to. Oh, heck, or maybe Virgo would just like to run away with this stranger for a while. Sometimes you just need to let the work go and get some really fresh aire! Will anyone miss you? Yes, sometimes. Other times they just hire another human who may do the job better than you did. And that’s ok; it can be a relief to know that. You may have a greater purpose than you realized. Jupiter may have some plans that he desperately needs your expertise for, something so important it changes your life. You may find yourself organizing a school that teaches people about health and well being of Spirit. You may look further ahead than you ever realized was possible, and all your life before you were just cautious and careful, being tidy. Now you may not even know where you will wake up the next day if you take on Jupiter’s work. You will not be bored. See more!

Jupiter in Capricorn  Jupiter fairly streaks through Capricorn, getting to the 27th degree, almost completely through Cap, by May 20, 2020! At that point it retrogrades and continues in Capricorn until Dec 2020. It makes work the most fun it ever was! You could be the visitor who is remembered for all the work you did! You might be a random traveler, a business consultant, the foreigner who was on a mission to help the people. Jupiter will help you jazz up your home, give you such good advice you can’t help doing it! They might volunteer and you join them to make some kind of profound difference. Don’t keep your lucky Jupiter charm. They need to travel, check out the territories spread the news. If you hire them, send them to the training seminars furthest away or send them to teach it! If they have too much routine, they will run away. Poof. Gone. Import/exports they are involved with might work well for you too. Their writings may inspire you to start an outstanding business newsletter or monthly report people count on. Jupiter can overdo, so Cappies beware. Know your personal limits and carefully make small trial investments in great sounding whims. Check things out. If you have had doldrums, Jupiter can cheer you up like a champ. You are encouraged because they act like you can do it, and it’s truth! See more 

Jupiter in Capricorn can exaggerate the rules, which Virgo is mostly ok with. Jupiter may also expand the rules – give more leeway, make more rules, be practically religious about enforcing the rules. Virgo definitely has their very own ideas about how the details of new laws should be, who they should be applied to, how they are applied and when. Jupiter is often sure he’s right, and Virgo thinks she’s right. Jupiter may have some ideas that are more all encompassing, and Virgo needs to think that over. She’s been used to things the way they have always been. If workers are treated more justly, paid more fairly, it’s a go. If there is gender, sexual, racial or religious interference, she may be concerned about equal rights – a worker is a worker, has the skills they have. Educational requirements may change. That could mean more skilled workers, or eliminate jobs for people that have done well with no credentials. Perhaps that would spur them on to open their own businesses? Pros and cons of relationships formed at this time will require some thought. Give it plenty of time to prove itself. The tendency will be to overwork during Jupiter in Capricorn. Hopefully it will be something that pleases you and there are very happy rewards!

If you have factors in Sagittarius and/or Capricorn in your chart at these degrees, this could be prime time to visit the positive areas on your AstroLocality map. See your AstroLocality specialist! Not all map lines are positive; some are positive only at certain portions along their length, some are positive appearing but have other hidden factors.

If your Jupiter is in these degrees in these signs, you will be having your Jupiter Return! They happen every 11/12 years. The experience you have depends on how Jupiter is situated in your chart and how other current planetary positions apply to your chart or don’t. Check with your astrologer. Jupiter will bring you big truths or reveal lies. Sometimes it exaggerates your condition, could make it worse, could make it wildly abundantly better! Plans for the future may be magnified, your course changed significantly. Profound circumstances are likely to impinge on special relationships. Long lasting mergers and good marriages are possible.

Happy Birthdays, Virgos! May your every step be Blessed with Pure Beauty!

Any of these outer planet factors may be activating other factors in your chart as well as your Sun. They may be difficult, may be rosy, maybe both! Check with your favorite astrologers for the whole picture! May it go well with you….   

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Happy Birthdays, Virgos!

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