
Posts Tagged ‘8’

Aquarius/Leo Full Buck Moon July 23!

Leo New Moon August 8!

Aquarius/Leo Full Sturgeon BLUE Moon August 22! 

About Leo’s Three 2021 Moons!

Chart Pattern

1st Full Moon is a Locomotive pattern
New Moon is a Seesaw with more than a 90 degree square between Uranus and the Sun, emphasis with the New Moon
2nd Full Moon is a Seesaw, Moon and Sun on opposite sides!

Jupiter’s sign

The Buck Moon’s Jupiter is retrograde at 0 Pisces. Jupiter pops back into Aquarius 5 days later on the 28th.
The New Moon’s Jupiter is retrograde at 28 Aquarius, and the Blue Moon Jupiter is Rx at 26 AQ 54.

All the rest of the 2021 New and Full Moons through Dec 28 will be during Jupiter in Aquarius. Sunday Jan 2, 2022 the New and Full Moons will be during Jupiter in Pisces through April.

Fixed Stars
Buck Moon  Moon conjunct Altair
New Moon   Sextile Rigel (Orion)!

Blue Full Moon’s Sun is conjunct Regulus, trine Alrisha; Moon trines Betelgeuse (Orion)

Aquarius/Leo Full Buck Moon!

Friday July 23, 1 Aquarius/Leo 26, Full Buck Moon at 7:37 PM Pacific!

Jupiter 0 Pisces Locomotive chart! Lead with your Heart, Work together!

Aquarius-Leo 2021 Full Buck Moon!
Leo’s first Full Moon is the second day of Leo! The second Full Moon is the last day of Leo at 5:02 AM Pacific, first day of Virgo, Sun into Virgo at 2:35 PM Pacific! This second Full Moon is called a Blue Moon, being the third of four Full Moons in the summer season!

Leo, the sign of the SUN, will be especially golden this year! Just two days before the second Full Moon, Jupiter retrogrades sextile the Galactic Center again! This Full Moon occurs in the glow of this super event! The HUGE GC is the Center of the magnificent Milky Way Starlight! The Full Moon opposition with Moon in Aquarius is especially brilliant and tuned in! Aquarius is the sign of electrical charge, Lightning, and STARS! Leo starts with bright light and ends with super light that surges forward lighting Virgo’s way with volumes of inspired projects!

This Buck Chart is a Locomotive type chart! Locomotives are known for keeping up the steam, pedaling right on down the road, gets things done! You can either jump aboard or be left behind to cheer them on their way. You can wish them well, cheer them again on their accomplishments upon their return! They aren’t afraid to try new ventures.

It’s own momentum carries it forward, but Venus in Virgo at the lead position, is working forward, keeps it going! Every detail is taken care of, your health improves, making it easy to to get there. Having passed in inconjunct, 150° relationship with Mother Moon In Aquarius, Venus is aware of how important the work is to us all. Aquarius may live in its head, but Virgo crafts the ideas into a fine tuned application for day to day practice. Venus loves what she does and she smooths the way for Virgo teams to collaborate and shows them how to put an attractive finishing touch on the package. Beauty and functionality at the right price!

Mars in Leo is right behind her putting his whole heart into cheering her on, keeping her moving yet relying on her medicinal prowess and dietary expertise for both of them! Mars keep the doors open behind her so others can follow too. He’s bright and quick, strong and inspiring. Once they follow him, he shows them Venus. She loves them right along, and they feel better than they ever have before!

Sure, Mars can be grumpy, demanding and uppity in Leo, but why not? He wants the best for you and he wants it now, LOL! He is super flirty at times, but appreciates what he sees! Good to be admired. Venus can seem selfish at times, but she’s an example. If she can do it and gets what she wants, even if it is silly and frivolous, so can we! All of us are on our way to something better.

Pluto is the power at the back door, the Ninja at the gateway! He guards the group from negative infiltration, filters forward letting the good stuff and people catching up to join the entourage. Pluto pushes from behind, healing the laggards, clearing their ability to take responsible action. Mars has just passed him, and is still looking over his shoulder (inconjunct), to see what the old Master thinks now… He has suggested Mars harness some of that wild energy, keep rested, avoid burnout. He knows if Mars disciplines his actions and keeps practicing, he will succeed, be a winner!

Mars is opposition with Jupiter at 0 PiscesThe prelude: Jupiter is retrograde, learning more about Pisces, finding himself in unusual depths. Mars in Leo is fiery. Jupiter is all wet in Pisces. Whoa! Mars will be looking from shore in earth sign Virgo! Should he leap in and rescue Jupiter, or is Jupiter just traveling yet another dimension, enjoying every possibility?! They converse across the waves, Jupiter revealing fantastic perceptions. Mars may shockingly find himself changing velocity abruptly, listening, then going away thoughtfully. Virgo is smart and efficient, the super organizer. The coming work may be extensive, but Jupiter is a good planner and Virgo easily figures what’s first and what follows! Astonishing results faster than anyone expected!

But due to Jupiter being so close to his return to Aquarius July 28, this experience of Mars with Jupiter in Pisces ends that day! Hope you make lots of notes. The opposition actually occurs with Jupiter in Aquarius on the 29th!!! Now it’s time to make those changes! Virgo will have her work cut out for her! The whole case has turned to a more humanitarian venue, planetary. Jupiter will bring in organizations he discovered when he was in AQ before. Climate matters will be near the top of the list. How to organize is a question we all need answered. A broader scope will be called for. Funding is needed ASAP. Electronics of all kinds will allow more to be accomplished, help to be sought from around the world, experiences shared for the best results.

Moon in Aquarius will see this coming and wants it! Right now she is conjunct fixed star Altair in the Aquila Constellation, keeping her sights high! Elsbeth Ebertin says ‘Altair, in the Eagle, also called the Flying Eagle, has a Mars character with a blend of Mercury and Jupiter. Tied with benefic stellar bodies, Altair is credited with bestowing hardiness, courage and generosity, especially if on the Ascendant. Altair is good for advancement of lawyers and military men.’ With the Moon, old doomsday astrologer Robson says ‘Interest in a strange or ancient discovery, disappointment and loss over property and gain, some profit and preferment, friends become enemies, trouble through companies or public affairs, difficulties through or misfortune to children.’ Sometimes there is a grain of truth in what the old timers said, so take note, be prepared, just in case. See more

At the New Moon August 8 Mother Moon will struggle to keep the work going. Too much unexpected intervention. She will have her second chance at the Blue Moon August 22.

Sun has just passed Jupiter from an inconjunct 150° position. He is making adjustments in his presentations, very impressed with the scope of Jupiter in Pisces care, from ocean athletes, seaside businesses, shipping and cruises, to matters of the Soul, the art of the world. It can be care for an addict, homeless, disabled, the abused, lack of civil rights of all kinds. Pisces is superlative at music, films, life changing entertainment. Sun  in his own bright Sign, is impressive at acting, brilliant shows, stunning as an educator! With an important purpose as his motivator, he is guided by spiritual intensity, has a purity that is palpable. He is touching and can bring tears to your eyes when you get it. Nothing like a little Light to wake you up good and proper.

Mercury in Cancer, sign of the Moon, with both intelligence and feelings working together, emphasizes the perception of what needs to be done. He trines Neptune the Pisces visionary planet. Jupiter can be all big and impressive, but for the more thoughtful and those less impressed by big, this Mercury has awareness of daily needs of the people involved, realistic finances, the time it really takes, sharing comfort. There may be hidden or subtle meanings, a further assortment of ideas that Jupiter may gloss over but Mercury puts his fingers on and puts into words. They can open more doors, and as Mercury speaks, others hear more of the inside gist of what Pisces is after. There are people and things to be saved, suffering reduced, better safe places to stay are needed. Comfort, nurturing and counseling, better health may be the underpinnings that turn the tables.

The threesome that have been working with us since the end of 2020 are still at it. They are separated a bit now, but still in awareness of each other. Saturn is 10 AQ, Chiron is 12 Aries, Uranus is at 14 Taurus. They will connect again in Nov/Dec 2021. Until then, they are simmering on the back burner.

Have a brilliant first Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo! Make changes you have long wanted to!

Aquarius/Leo Full Buck Moon Astrology Chart!

Aquarius-Leo 2021 Full Buck Moon Astrology Chart!

Leo New Moon

Sunday August 8, 16 Leo 14,6:50 AM Pacific! 

Frisky Leo New Moon sextile Rigel, Jupiter back in Aquarius! Soulmate Love is on the Table!

Milky Way and Perseids 2021 Leo New Moon

Milky Way and Perseids! Alamy Stock Photo at New York Post

Good viewing for 2021 Perseids Meteor Shower! It will probably produce the greatest number of meteors on the mornings of August 11, 12 and 13. Perseid meteors usually start streaking the sky around July 17. We’ll see Perseids for 10 days or so after the peak mornings, so keep watch before and after! If fortune smiles upon you, the evening hours might offer you an earthgrazer – a looooong, slow, colorful meteor traveling horizontally across the evening sky. More at Earth Sky

Moon and Sun in Leo are double frisky with fixed star Rigel at 16 Gemini 50! We know Rigel, one of the bright stars in the Orion constellation! With Sun, according to Robson, who is usually pretty glum, ‘It gives benevolence, honor, riches, happiness, glory, renown and inventive or mechanical ability.’ In another excerpt, author uncited, ‘…a quick rise in life is promised on account of a strong, inherent will power, love of action, and a lucky hand in enterprise. A continuous battle to retain an acquired position has to be waged. This fight at the same time stimulates an increase in vigor. Even in spite of unhelpful aspects, success and reaching the set aim can be secured by this powerful concentration. If however the native is not cautious or has an attack of weakness, failure and disappointments, a fall from success will follow. Tradition regarding the influence of Rigel is quite contradictory, implying again that the cosmogram must be fully analyzed. After the first world war, at the time of the first transatlantic flights, Elsbeth Ebertin noted a connection of Rigel to the Sun and Moon, in charts of several world record pilots, leading to sudden difficulties in the carrying out of planned enterprises resulting in failures to reach the set target.’  See more

August 8, 8-8, is an intriguing number set, double 8s, the infinity symbol on its side. Leo has an infinite quality, in that the Sun is always shining, even during an eclipse, a temporary affair after all. Clouds or night, the Sun shines above the clouds, and always somewhere on Earth. Sunlight takes 8 minutes to get here. Light is infinite. The starlight of billions of Suns light our nights and shine in our days though we can’t see them.

Couple’s hearts and parent to child are bound in infinite love and caring as the two loops of the 8 hold them, each separate and respectfully individual, equal. The Teacher cares for the student as the Healer cares for the patient. The Guardian cares for the protégé as a business person cares for his client. And all the students, patients, protégés and clients equally help the helpers! Even negative karmic bonds are formed and worked through – attacker/thief to victim, dealer to addict, jailer to inmate, kidnapper to captive. All the bonds we have are the work of our Soul.

In astrology, Scorpio is the 8th Sign. As Leo is romance, Scorpio is until Death do us part. Both demand faith and dedication. Leo gives the rings and celebration; Scorpio gives the deepest in most intimate bonding. Feng Shui uses the 8 sided Bagua. 8 is the atomic number for oxygen, the breath of life required for survival. Eight has had magical meaning in many religions throughout history. See more

The Cancer and Leo New Moons are special because the Cancer one is Mother Moon in her own sign emphasizing Cancerian unconditional LOVE. August 8th’s New Moon the Sun is in his own sign LEO, emphasizing appropriate Self Love, Heart LOVE. In general, Cancer absorbs and expresses feelings according to her family traditions while Leo expresses his own independent feelings, creates.

On a fine New Moon night, things are blended, no Moonlight or shadows. There is a certain equality as the playing field is equalized. It seems more quiet, even subdued, without the contrasts and sharp edges. Sleep can be deeper. Even if there is a breeze, there are no moving shadows…

The Sun squared wild card factor Uranus Friday the 6th; Moon makes the same square at 4:04 AM Pacific just before the New Moon. They could have brought an ‘accidental’ component or a possibly shocking sudden discovery. Friendships or an important affiliation may have ended, that you may feel more at the New Moon. Yet the primary edge is off and you may also be relieved. Time to break free and do it more clearly on your own terms. Sometimes that quiet New Moon blending smooths the way.

Mercury in Leo is Yod Neptune and Pluto, making a Y with them. He has just passed Neptune in Pisces, got the lowdown about who’s suffering and why, what can be done and when. Leo is gallant and plays the gallant knight in shining armor role very well. His bright style gets the word out. Inspiring, soon many want to help.

Mercury in Leo adds a little pepper to the mix. He has opinions and may make a performance of speaking them, LOL, after all, they are important, of course! And good chance they are this time. Mercury is maybe a little hypnotized by Pluto in Capricorn, of strong reputation and community standing. Leo likes being on the winning side. Or, Mercury, thinking for himself stands up to him! It could be embarrassing, fools do rush in, or he may be the hero of the day. About time someone did that! Anyway, Pluto puts some important things on the table that may have been long overlooked.

Next up, Mercury will be across the table from Jupiter in Aquarius! Jupiter has volume that Leo likes! They could be a speaking duo telling stories of phenomenal deeds, changes that were made against the odds! They might vie for prominence, but if they collaborate we all will benefit! Aquarius wants the best for the whole planet. There are amazing numbers of ways to do it! Bring out the computers for a mighty round table meeting! The Venus in Virgo faction will want video documentation and Mars in Virgo will give useful introductions of the leaders.

A lot will be stirred up since this is a Seesaw Chart, planets on both sides of the chart. The New Moon and Mercury also in Leo, along with our Mars and Venus in Virgo, stand powerfully to one side. The other planets are spread out on the other side. Oppositions are common energy to Seesaws. Mercury opposite Jupiter, rulers of the 3rd and 9th houses, mind and purpose, are well synchronized! Venus in Virgo is opposite Neptune, love and Soul, Soulmate! Virgo is particular, and it’s important this time because Neptune can be a chameleon, good guy/bad guy, and possibly not knowing which himself, likely humanly both, as many of us are… No running away elopement style this time. Give it the allotted time recommended to test the relationship.

As business goes, Virgo can be of great help to sometimes fuzzy minded Neptune. Neptune could be sweet on Venus and really listen. At last there is order and some good priorities set. Venus could be too stuffy for words in Virgo, thinking in all those little square accounting style boxes. Neptune may charm her right onto his yacht, or make music and love like she has never experienced. She may break all the rules, her own included. She may find she was bored or boring, but that sure is changing. The Soul calls like the Preacher in the Wilderness! She didn’t know what she had been missing… Hmm…rather than feeling entitled, she may come to appreciate what true hard work is as she sees real suffering through Neptune’s eyes.

At the same time, the sweet earthy herbal scent of this New Moon is Venus in Virgo, a young lovely lass, trine Pluto in the sign of old man Capricorn. Virgo knows how to do the books and knows whether the investment is proven. If Pluto is being stodgy, Venus shows him the up-to-date figures. There may be a hidden, but successful, May to December romance in the offing. Venus in Virgo is is a powerful healer at work, streamlining affairs for long term production, whether your health or business, both. It’s a clever combination to get retirement information, make some realistic plans, consider wise percentages, make decisions.

Mars in Virgo wants to take action, yet is coming upon an inconjunct with Saturn in Aquarius. There may be some further considerations about to be revealed, that will make a more broad choice available, bring a delay for good reason, starts a new relationship with an experienced expert that saves a ton of money. Scout around to see what other options have come along. By the time Mars comes to trine Uranus the 21st, the day before the Full Blue Moon, you will likely be glad you waited. You will have a good new friend or a solid friend from the past reappears.

Many 2021 factors have an Aquarian component. We are preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2023. We are more aware now that some connections need reworking, fixing. Some ideas have long term implications worth working for and are financially productive! Make notes then network like crazy to get more ideas to complete the package, select who will work together, and get it rolling! See Saturn in Aquarius Saturn is open to new areas of responsibility. Chiron is livening him with the latest healing and teaching ideas! Jupiter is back in Aquarius jazzing up Saturn’s prospects!

Pluto Trine Fixed Star Algol 26 Taurus 27 in 2020 – 2024

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, but Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto Capricorn trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely.

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan wisely astrologically. Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 25° Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Allowing a 3 degree range, anytime Pluto is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol at 26 Taurus 27. That period started Feb 2020 – virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Exact trines are formed 5 times: on Spring Equinox Mar 20, & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, a good aspect, bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Recent violence, covid deaths, may leave raw feelings of grief, bitterness, betrayal. Freedom is still at issue. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen, turn a page, try out some new possibilities. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

Pluto understands much of this. Capricorn often has working answers to bring us back together in common cause. Be safe and be well. Tread gently. Get all the facts before you pass judgment. Steady in the Light.

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center!

Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They see peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you, or be a link to that sector when you need it. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

New Moon 8.8.2021 happens to be the LUCKY Lion’s Gate Portal! Leo Sun and the bright star Sirius are in an annual cosmic alignment. In 2020 my spiritual artist friend Danielle Winter wrote:

i awoke on guru day (thursday) from a very beautiful amma related dream 💗 and then this morning on the 8*8 lions gate i awoke from a dream featuring my indian cow images along with the number 17 – which is so cool as 1 + 7 = 8 🌿 and in the tarot 17 is the Star card which talks about dreams and wishes coming true…just as the holy cow in mother india represents all that is auspicious and giving…🌿💗 thank you, 8*8 lions gate for gifting me with a dream…..🌿💗 and for giving me time with Amma today!

Good luck with LOVE! Tremendous opportunities are afoot!

Leo New Moon Astrology Chart!

Leo 2021 New Moon Astrology Chart!

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Aquarius/Leo Full Sturgeon BLUE Moon!

Sunday August 22, 29 Aquarius/Leo 37, Full
Moon 5:02 AM Pacific!

Galactic Full Moon with Jupiter and Moon in Aquarius tuned to the Galaxy! Seesaw chart balances the light! FOUR planets in their own signs!  

Aquarius-Leo 2021 Full Sturgeon BLUE Moon!

I never thought I would say a Sturgeon was beautiful, but I’m changing my mind. It’s a pretty cool fish! The Native Americans chose well. Some Sturgeon are endangered and need stronger protection. Lake Sturgeon image by the Tennessee Aquarium

Leo’s first Full Moon was the second day of Leo! This second Full Moon is the last day of Leo at 5:02 AM Pacific, first day of Virgo, Sun into Virgo at 2:35 PM Pacific! This second Full Moon is called a Blue Moon, being the third of four Full Moons in the summer season!

Leo, the sign of the SUN, will be especially golden this year! Just two days before the second Full Moon, Jupiter retrogrades sextile the Galactic Center again! The GC is the Center of the magnificent Milky Way Starlight! This Full Moon occurs in the glow of this super event! Fire sign Leo, the Heart of Light, trines, most favorably aspects the GC. Leo puts a personal stamp on the situation and brightens the odds! This second Moon is steeped in messages more powerful than shooting stars! The GC is HUGE, and Jupiter is a natural born amplifier! The Full Moon opposition with Moon in Aquarius is especially brilliant and tuned in! Aquarius is the sign of electrical charge, Lightning, and STARS! Aquarius is the sign of the Galaxies, so is a natural receiver of these energies! We’ve got it covered! Leo starts with bright light and ends with super light that surges forward lighting Virgo’s way with volumes of inspired projects!

The Sun, 29 Leo 37, is also conjunct fixed star Regulus, the King of the Heavens, Heart of the Lion, leader of the Four Royal Stars of the ancient Persian monarchy, the Four Guardians of Heaven! Quite a pedigree. Yes, Regulus is now at 0 Virgo, but let’s not forget where he came from, Leo, LOL! Regulus is one of the 15 Behenian stars, considered especially useful for magical applications. When Regulus is good, it is very, very good! Regulus is one of the most fortunate stars in the heavens. It portends glory, riches, and power to all who are born under its influence. See more at Astrology King, including people born with connections to it! What a grand finale to Leo 2021!

As with the New Moon, this chart pattern is a Seesaw as well, with Sun and Moon on opposite sides. Sun is still glorious, at his peak at his last degree of Leo, fully mature, powerful! He is with Mars and Mercury in Virgo, and Venus in Libra! Sun, Mercury and Venus are all potently in their own signs! Moon is 29 Aquarius just past magnificent Jupiter, but in a spread of planets from Capricorn to Taurus. Neptune is in his own sign too, so this chart has FOUR planets in their own signs!

The honorable 29th degree is called an anaretic degree. It is a degree of completion and endings. It is exultant and sad too, to be leaving, perhaps leaving friends behind. It is skilled and a little scared perhaps to go into a place of new beginnings, unknowns. It may be you are glad it’s done, you so done, bored, can’t wait to get on with things! There is a sense of finality, perhaps futility, even fatefulness. There’s no going back at this point, what’s done is done. The heavens move on with us or without us! Head up, be ready to apply your talents to new options! Good chance you will be delighted and proud of yourself!

Jupiter is back in Aquarius, so there are multitudes of ways to make new connections with all kinds of special friends to share talents with! Virgo is next, so there will be critiques and demands for excellence. Virgo is skilled at on-the-job type of showing the way. They will help you with the details that make your work shine! Budgeting may make the difference in your finances. You will be encouraged to take the best care of your health. After your Leo escapades a little rest might be perfect. Breathe deep, be steady, take it as it comes. Jupiter will propose many projects. Choose priorities that make your heart sing.

Sun in Leo‘s job is to be self aware, shine his Light. He sees the incredible advantage of individuality, how each person’s contribution is a special offering. He learns to love with all his heart, to praise himself and others too. Leo shares, both generous gifts and when to let others have the spotlight! It’s their turn.

Moon in Aquarius nurtures the networks! She intuitively guides the right people to work together for mutual cause. She helps with community awareness, finances. Remarkably talented women are brought to public awareness, lead the initiative. Aquarius is inventive, researches future well being, methods and devices that make significant changes for our children’s lives to come. Freedom of spirit allows creativity to flourish. Moon looks for the best of the best, and Leo is often drafted!They have both been charged up by Jupiter in electric Aquarius! Jupiter has opened the boundaries, multiplied by some large number! Jupiter wants to take their ideas traveling with him, and they are glad for his lucky perspectives and plans! There was an overwhelming enjoyment in the wildness of it all, and now the top priorities are being carried along on their paths as well!

Mercury in Virgo wants the whole show to be organized and funded. The books have to balance. Jupiter’s ideas may have inspired new connections that will get it done. Mercury is opposite Neptune. They rule opposite signs, Virgo and Pisces. Virgo is so aware of precision, quality. Neptune can be too. Some of the most remarkable music of all time touches our Soul exactly because of a nuance that sets it apart from the average or mediocre. Neptune can be careless – not in a bad way, but in a free way, exploring the outer fringes of consciousness, not ruled by money… Virgo can slide along with him, somehow knowing it will be ok. It’s clear Neptune has been there before… Insights, visions of how to save ourselves, can become apparent. Things Pisces can ‘see,’ Virgo can make happen. Blessed be.

Pluto at 24 Capricorn, has recently been traveling more closely along in sextile with Neptune again. Depending on the orb, range, you use, they do so for 76 years from 1948 to 2029! You could say ok, so? In this chart Mercury is connected with Neptune, then trine Pluto, so it matters. Neptune is spirituality, our second out most planet, 168 yr orbit. Pluto is the outlier, 248 yr orbit. Orbits being elliptical, they are traveling at about the same speed now, they are in sync, a long term exchange happening. Mercury may have particular understanding. Neptune has compassion; Pluto will clear you, removes poisons. Pluto is everything from birth, to death, rebirth. It’s healing as psychic surgeon to therapist to financial counselor saves us. Mercury’s connection may bring poignant awareness that makes us see the deep importance of our choices.

Mercury was just over Mars, the action leader! In an earth sign, they part out the projects, get skilled people to work the different aspects. Training is sought and, doing what they love and have passion for, they learn quickly. Mars favorably trines Uranus, the Aquarian planet, and is in sync with earth projects, climate needs, basic assets, steady changes. Mars cracks the whip and no one minds! Their team will be one of the first to get there!

Social Diva Venus in Libra, draws in blessed people to exquisitely adorn the accomplishments. Sales are inevitable. She treats all as equally as possible, sees the best they have to offer and when, what they need and want. Her timing is often impeccable! More people with purpose join. Mars and Mercury are right there backing her up, feeding her the latest information, specs. Everyone is collaborating, new projects now becoming possible due to their initial efforts.

Venus is inspired by Chiron in Aries across the chart from her! Chiron is ever impressive as a teacher/healer, but in Aries he leads the pack! The learning pace has picked up, new methods are tried quickly, discarded immediately if they fail. Things are moving right along in the health world. Venus sometimes gets trapped in not wanting to hurt people’s feelings, being nice. Kindness is one thing, but getting things done without ceremony has its place! Aries is a leader and it’s important not to fetter his creative work. First responders are in this category. Let them BE in front, clear the way for you!

Grand Air Trine! Venus is favorably trine Saturn in Aquarius! She is determined and he inspires her to be realistic. The profits are put back into the business, buy new tools, the latest computers and aps. Venus is also trine the Gemini North Node of the Moon! She is already graciously introducing people to each other, and also giving them the information they need to help them think things through. Saturn applies some filters and keeps things on point. No time waster him.

A little more about the magnificent Sturgeon! The Native Americans in their area named this time of year for them because the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this part of summer. The word “sturgeon” means “the stirrer,” which is what this giant prehistoric looking fish does with its ‘whiskers’ when it is looking for food; it stirs up the mud and silt on river and lake bottoms.

Females require around 20 years to start reproducing, and they can only reproduce every 4 years. However, they can live up to 150 years! In times past their common size was like the recent 6-foot-10-inch, 240-pound female that was found, quickly studied and released. These days that’s a rare find and they are endangered due to intense overfishing in the 19th century, pollution, and damage to their habitat.. See more

See more at The Old Farmers Almanac  See about Recovery in 2019

I hope you rally for this beautiful creature on this special Full Moon.

Make some special time to enjoy this amazing Full Blue Moon! It’s Pure Gold!

Aquarius/Leo Full Sturgeon BLUE Moon Astrology Chart!

Aquarius-Leo 2021 Full Sturgeon BLUE Moon Astrology Chart!

Next up is the Labor Day Monday September 6 Virgo New Moon at 5:52 PM Pacific!

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See the 2021 Annual Planning Special Edition! to take stock of your ending the year position, adjust your plans to make the rest of your changes really count. Soon the 2022 Annual Special Edition will be out for your new year planning.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Cancer/Capricorn Full Cold Moon, Dec 29 2020!

Capricorn’s Magical New Moon, Jan 12/13 2021!


Cancer/Capricorn Full Cold Moon!

Tuesday Dec 29 2020 at 7:28 PM Pacific, 8 Cancer/Capricorn 53.

SIX months Eight Degree activation. Jupiter/Saturn Aquarius, 2021 Aspects already here!

Capricorn 2020 Full Moon SF Bay Bridge Pinnacle Ronaldo Farelli

Capricorn can do ultimate isolation survival, high altitude to sparse deserts, but also the intricacy of big business in the largest cities of the world. Full Moon from Nob Hill across the Bay Bridge, San Francisco by Mongolian photographer Ronaldo Farelli.

This is the last lunar event of 2020! It rides the fulcrum between the Winter Solstice Saturn/Jupiter Aquarian sign change/Great Conjunction and the calendar New Year. It is a go between, seeing the results of the recent events, as a Full Moon is arms wide open across the Cancer/Capricorn axis, gathering all it can to gift in fullness to 2021! Cancer is loving and nurturing, memory; Capricorn is the Guardian, provides shelter, builds. The Full Moon assures the work will be carried on.

This is the first lunar event of Saturn and Jupiter now in Aquarius and the Great Conjunction having been made! The Conjunction was important for two major reasons. 1) It was in Aquarius, the first time since 1405, over 600 years ago! 2) The conjunction was super potent at only 6 arcminutes apart, the closest since 1623, nearly 400 years ago, and the closest observable since 1226, almost 800 years ago! It looked like a double star – slightly elongated, called the Christmas Star! Anything that close between big outer planets, to me qualifies as an eclipse! The channel is powerfully focused, both of their planetary energy and the sign Aquarius! This new time is charged, electric! 

2020 Oct 31, Nov, Dec and 2021 [Jan very close], Feb, and March FULL Moons are all at 8 degrees, the number symbol of Infinity! The Moon signs are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. Those of you with factors in your charts at or within 2 to 3 degrees of 8, especially in those signs, will be the messengers. You have been preparing, now it is time to deliver! You have this and 2 more months available.

Dec 31, the last day of 2020, Mars, 26 Aries makes his last trine to the Galactic Center 27 Sagittarius and is trine the GC in this Full Moon Chart! It’s not just the Great Conjunction in Aquarius, but Mars is poised to take action, plant the seeds, get things started! Aquarius is the sign of the heavens, stars, and you can’t get much more potent than the Galactic Center! AQ is midsign between the Sagittarius GC and Mars in Aries, the Initiator, leader, first responder! Mars squared Pluto the 23rd, not an easy combination. He remembers the possible pain, difficulties, may have lost a battle. He sees how precious certain things are, that they are worth fighting for even if you lose. He’s more aware of life and death now, consequences. So he calculates just a little more cautiously now and chooses his battles more carefully, places the seeds more safely.

The Full Moon axis also has just made a Moon sextile and Sun trine with Uranus, the Aquarian Planet in Taurus. Sextiles represent opportunities. Mother Moon is in her own sign Cancer. Taurus, Moon and Cancer all lend a feminine touch, a nurturing quality to guide us through some of these changes that can seem abrupt at times. Uranus is a wild card, but in Taurus is more stabilized, somewhat patient. Once he gets rolling though, give him a clear path, remind/update him what our priority is so course corrections can be made appropriately. Cancer is excellent with business, so her practical advice may have already primed him of current needs. 

Sun in Capricorn is a super worker when motivated, and Uranus in Taurus has planetary goals that could mean work in a professional capacity that just keeps getting better and more expansive. It might require continual upgrading, but one good thing begets another. Evolution is forever! Uranus is quickly savvy to link up with such a dedicated and capable person. Mercury is in Capricorn too, getting the specs, drawing the plans, getting materials. Pluto is just down the line in Capricorn and he’s waiting for the building to get to the point where investments can be made! Stay with it.

Mercury is assisted by his immanent semisextile with Venus in Sagittarius. There are some things to learn that will be worth the money, beautify their work – make it desirable. There are gracious connections and alliances made with people at universities, possibly churches, travel oriented organizations, involved with justice. Mercury sextiles Neptune. It’s more than money or reputation. Neptune is another form of art, is music, the Soul, compassion for those in need, humans or otherwise, the rights of all beings. Mercury can see that is part of things. There is a giving back, paying it forward component as well. Plus, LOL, Neptune is psychic and saves you a lot of time.

Venus is at Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius, square that Neptune! The South Node either blesses us with super skills from our past, or we are used to those and try to use them just because they used to be that good! But now, they could get in our way at times. One of the typical Sag ways of dealing with things when the going gets tough is to leave! Or they can try to dazzle us with their great array of knowledge or stories that distract. Venus in Sag loves both, and they might just be the rescue skill this time. Get people laughing, sharing, becoming comrades! You might decide to go to school, become an apprentice, to add a new chapter to your life.

The square with Neptune can be a disaster, sugar and drugs, self indulgence, sure you can get away with it, again! Maybe so. Maybe it will save your life if you run away this time! Maybe there are some old weaknesses in your closet and you can look them right in the eye this time and leave them behind. These new planets in Aquarius are going to give us more detachment, wanting freedom, and seeking friends going our direction. That old stuff is not going to hold our attention as it did. We are going to be less bored, and into new things to do that we will like more than the fears of our own weaknesses. We will be surprised and relieved with what we find ourselves doing. Yes!

The Full Moon spans Cancer to Capricorn. This is the traditional Mother/Father sign axis. Mother Moon is in her own sign, aware of cycles, changes in the valence, the Feminine, cultural nuances, our feelings. Moon remembers the past, collects antiques. Father Sun is in patriarchal Capricorn, scanning historical records, sometimes following in the family footsteps, particularly his Father. Inheritances often shape his destiny. Capricorns are builders. As Fathers they instinctively make shelter for their family. They are more realists having to get along with others out in the world. Working with earth, they come to know there are real laws, and human law too that by necessity regulates our safety.  

The Sun and Moon recent squares with Chiron in Aries brought us to realize how we need to get moving. We were left with questions about what to do, how to do it, but knowing that we mustn’t neglect our intention. Chiron has to do with health matters, learning, partnering and business. They are all interdependent. There are some terrific ideas for new businesses because of the virus. Business will be conducted in money saving new ways. Our relationship with land and water will be mitigated, remediated to better conditions than we had before. Renovation, going back to the status quo, is no longer enough. Rights of all kinds are being revised. Time to make new bigger plans!

The 2021 aspects are already showing! Jupiter and Saturn will be squaring Uranus and sextiling Chiron. Their squares with Uranus will be sorting out friends, groups, networking, humanitarian ventures or not. Jupiter will tend to educate and instigate change while Saturn will quash it if it gets out of control. His regulation of it may be perfect as a program is set to unfold with checkpoints and at times will be faster, other times held at bay temporarily or even scrapped if it fails. We are in new times. There will be trial and error. 

Sextiling Chiron, more dedicated relationships will be started. Healing will be part of the aim. Jupiter will push for more education/teaching. Saturn will want cures for him and his family, employees. Relationships will take on a deeper tone. Travelers will want more meaning; professionals will want more dedication. Jupiter sextiles Chiron Jan 11, the day before the Jan 12/13 NEW MOON! See Jupiter in Aquarius Sextile Chiron in Aries!  Jupiter squares Uranus Jan 17 only a few days later!

Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs! They have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…in a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort, takes extra effort to initiate. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Capricorn is the sign of Pinnacles! Let’s do it!

Cancer/Capricorn Full Cold Moon Astrology Chart!

Cancer-Capricorn 2020 Full Cold Moon Astrology Chart!

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Capricorn’s Magical New Moon!

Monday Jan 12 at 9 PM Pacific, Tuesday 13 AM Eastern, 23 Capricorn 13.

SIX months of New Moons at 23 degrees activate Three Fixed Stars: Arcturus and Spica, Algol! Happy New Year New Moon!

Capricorn 2021 New Moon Snow Princess Polar Bear Ruth Sanderson

May you walk into this New Year, and new times, in all your glory! It’s a new time. Snow Princess and Polar Bear by famed fantasy illustrator and author Ruth Sanderson.

Jan 12/13 is 2021’s first Lunar event, and the first New Moon with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius! It is also the day after the Jan 11 Jupiter in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, the first aspect of 2021! You can see in the chart just how very close we are to it’s companion aspect Jupiter square Uranus.

Jupiter in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries is one frisky aspect! Jupiter will tend to educate and instigate! New plans, crazy plans, extraordinary plans are coming alive as we breathe! Chiron in Aries is here to give instant healing as we go. Jupiter, Aquarius and Aries can all be quite independent! Our new life can be on our own, unfettered by others’ needs, clean spirited. Jupiter is usually instantly friendly and amazingly converts difficulty to advantage! Aquarius gathers the tribe and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts! Collective collaborative action often has a potent tipping point factor. Aries is up ahead paving the way, Chiron removing obstacles that block our confidence. New leaders will emerge in this time of opening! See Jupiter in Aquarius Sextile Chiron in Aries!

This aspect is quickly followed by Jupiter in Aquarius square Uranus (the AQ planet) in Taurus Jan 17! Uranus has already been uprooting old ideas that were thought to be basic. Environmental matters have been top concerns. Jupiter will amplify electronics of all kinds. Friendships that no longer serve will be left behind; breakthroughs to new more potent connections, networks, groups will happen. Humanity and human rights, the connectedness of all beings, will be attended to. Some people won’t be going anywhere, some will disembark the planet, others will see the Light and new arrangements will be made, supported powerfully by unity of purpose. 

It will be the spiritual honor of this New Moon to turn the tide to awareness of the blessed possibilities coming! FOUR planet stellium, Venus, Sun/Moon, and Pluto, are in Capricorn anchoring systems that will be handling the changes in safe and efficient ways. They will remind us to put our Guardians in place, to reinforce any weak structures that will carry this load. Stabilize and be substantial. Capricorn is long term aware. As a wise one, he let’s go of what no longer serves, makes room for excellence and progress, is often the leader of his field through working hard in a timely manner. 

Venus stands alone in Capricorn, but has the significant position of being the base planet pushing the whole chart along! This is a tightly focused Bundle chart, all the planets within 121 degrees, a third of the zodiac! Intense! She trines by 1 degree, Uranus, the leading planet that Jupiter is squaring. Uranus, the Networker, will add his magnetic and electric genius, dispersing their gifts as far and wide as possible. He makes us feel alive, reminds us we can do this together, in unity! She is helping Uranus with Grace and style. She may be a bit conservative, but that helps when transitions are afoot. When a lot of change happens at once, sufficient investigation may not be done, mistakes that slow us down in the long run may happen that could have been avoided. Mars in Taurus is with Uranus and he can push for a little more speed, keep us going. Some things just have to happen right now so they will happen at all! Even if mistakes are made, at least we are rolling!!!

The New Moon is next in Capricorn! Moon has the feels. She is aware of any classic Capricorn doubts – not good enough, costs too much, takes too much time, depressed, afraid, what will others think, and on and on. Moon knows about those things and knows they will pass, changes will happen, yes, we will make mistakes – some too funny for words, who cares what some of those fools think, we’ll prove ourselves or start again or won’t. Life is. Just do it. Sun is delighted for her support even if he doesn’t always say so. If she is stuck in the kitchen, life, needs a break from the kids, he gathers her up for a little jaunt that brings the light back into her eyes! He treasures how smart she is, her life saving advice and excellent business sense. She brings him art and beauty, a wonderful home to be safe in. He in turn, works hard to bring her the best he can. Thanks be to both.

They are ONE degree of Pluto! Pluto has been in Capricorn for some years now. He has a certain accrued wisdom. There have been uproars, death and healing, business extremes, failures and remarkable recoveries and successes! Pluto has to do with monies, intimate relationships, cleansing and detoxing, the Kundalini life force. Moon and Sun will give strong support, delve into hidden faults and nurture the demons away. Moon will bring winter foods and a hug; Sun will light us internally while spiritual ‘surgery’ is processed. Relax and release. Refrain and reframe. Remediate and resume. 

Saturn and Jupiter are at their beginning degrees in Aquarius getting used to their new shoes that now have wings on them! Jupiter is at home in this new wildcard sign. Saturn is the planet of Capricorn so he doesn’t feel so all alone with those four back in Cap smoothing the big sign transition. Plus, he previewed AQ from Mar 21 to July 1! He’s sort of getting his second wind now, not finding the Aquarian changes so abrupt as he did now that he expects and somewhat understands them. Saturn is also aspecting Chiron and Uranus.

Feb 9 Saturn sextiles Chiron – good for business beginnings, healing from pandemic miseries and costs. Saturn will want cures for him and his family, employees. More dedicated relationships will be started. Relationships will take on a deeper tone.

Feb 17 Saturn squares Uranus – revamps his connections and associates as well as friendships. Everyone is revising their life settings these days, so this is excellent for us all to clear the way for our new purposes. We need to lighten up and be more free to make these changes. In these new times, there will be old fashioned trial and error in the beginning. Mars in Taurus, delighted to be with fellow rebel Uranus, squares Saturn exactly Jan 20! Saturn has a lot on his plate and Mars is steadfastly pushing him to keep the future Uranian options in mind and take seed action in their behalf. Mars can get a bit grouchy when he thinks Saturn is deliberately slowing things down, but that might be a wise choice. Slow down and see before leaping? Yet Mars is in the slowest of all the signs and more patient than he ever is. Environmental matters have been delayed, so Mars is also right to get that back on track soonest. Taurus rules Mother Earth.

Neptune in his own sign Pisces stands alone among the planets at 18 degrees, but squares the Moon’s North Node in Gemini! Neptune is observer this time. He takes in, synthesizes, modifies and shares with ones whose charts connect. He cues them with dreams and images, insights, of things to come and what they can do with their specific talents. The North node is a place we long to do better. Gemini is one of Mercury’s signs. It practices thinking, communications, the breath, touch/laying on of hands, another form of communications. In this chart we look to Mercury in it’s other sign, Aquarius.

Mercury in Aquarius has been tagging planets right and left! He has squared Mars, conjuncted Saturn, sextiled Chiron, semisextiled Venus, and squared Uranus! Now he is taking the messages wherever he can, preferably to groups – saves time! Mars urges us to get going and take leadership, start fresh and stay with it. With Saturn, Mercury was impressed how serious things can be, to be dedicated, keep your commitments on track and on time. Chiron shared healing news, how to speak more effectively, that we must spread the word. Mercury and Uranus both have to do with communications. Mercury gathers data, Uranus disburses it to gather like minded people together in unity to succeed where one alone couldn’t. Uranus can weave all the intelligence together and electrify us with the amazing inventions and solutions to things we didn’t even know were problems! Additionally, Mercury is of  Virgo, the sign opposite Pisces. What Pisces dreams, Mercury can put to words and the Miracle is inaugurated! 

23 Degrees, Fixed Stars ~ Spica and Arcturus, Algol

2020 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2021 Jan, Feb, Mar NEW Moons are all at 23 degrees, a SIX months sequence! April 2021 is at 22 degrees. The signs are Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Then Aries at 22 in April. All of these will aspect Fixed Stars Arcturus and Spica at 23 Libra! Also, this is important because all these charts connect with the Galactic Center! Since the charts are sequential by sign, refresh and update at each one.
All of these New Moons will aspect TWO lucky fixed stars! This New Moon is square (challenges) Arcturus, now at 24 Libra 30, and Spica at 24 Libra 06! These two stars must be read together. Spica is Virgo maiden girly and prim compared with Arcturus in the constellation Boötes, the herdsman. She is in the palace; he is not, yet both are workers! They do not sit together in the sky. Spica is -11 below the Ecliptic (the Sun’s path) while Arcturus is +19 high above the Ecliptic! With the New Moon at a challenge point, we will have to work things out to get the blessings…

Spica is considered especially lucky and blessed. She lives in a difficult place that is called the Via Combusta, a ‘dry’ path from 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio, but Spica is the oasis. She is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars, a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Spica is noted for spiritual and religious qualities, honors and fame, artistic skill, drawing ability, musical talent and a good sense for literature and the sciences. There can be refinement, a noble bearing, sublimation of sexual tensions. See more at Astrology King

Arcturus, another Behenian Star, moves things along and keeps order! He’s really a go-ahead enterprising spirit. Humble he is not! He has great pride, is grandly liberal, commanding, has cosmopolitan views. Arcturus gives riches, honors, high renown, self-determination and prosperity by navigation and voyages. You can see how Spica and Arcturus can complement each other and learn both finesse and boldness from each other!

If these stars are not well connected with your planets or others in the sky with them, yes, there can be troubles. In this case, Pluto, now at 24°, currently squares them along with the New Moon! Better watch your rearview mirror. In Capricorn there can be dishonor, discovery of past transgressions. Pluto can hold extraordinary self discipline and can go to certain extremes in some matters at the same time. There may be financial ripples… You may have paid a significant debt or incurred one. Some relationships may be on the block needing a decision. Your career may be at a critical point. What about retirement? Health is needing attention. If they are lucky and dodge the bullets, they can break old rigid patterns and succeed against the odds. The situation may call for a lot of discretion, playing your cards close to the chest. Use Spica’s finesse and Arcturus’s bluff!

Fixed Star Algol 26 Taurus 27 in 2020

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, yet Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto is now in a sign that trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely. 

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan wisely astrologically. Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If in neighboring signs, only 3 or less degrees might be used. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 24° Cap 35′ and moves only 3° a year. Since Pluto is an outer planet, some might only allow a 3° range for it to be in connection with Algol. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Anytime it is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol. That period started Feb 2020 and will go through Jan 2024. Exact trines are formed 5 times: Mar 20 & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, good aspect, has bent the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place.

This in turn may have paved the way for our New Moon trine Algol. It is often found that ‘good’ aspects like trines may suffer with difficult factors like Algol. They may come to a crisis yet weather it. Capricorn is the third of the earth signs, has experience and solidarity, so is likely to come through – not entirely unscathed, but, against the odds, still kicking and better for the test. Could have a grin on their face, LOL! 

Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius 08!

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center! Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol and the GC have an oblique position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They see peripheral factors that influence the outcome. They sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. But you do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Oh, yes, Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC!Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs! They have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…in a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort, takes extra effort to initiate. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Happy New Year New Moon! Stand tall, Live deep, Love well!

Capricorn New Moon Astrology Chart!

Capricorn 2021 New Moon Astrology Chart!

Next is the Full Wolf Moon 11:16 AM Jan 28 at 9 Leo/Aquarius 06. Oct 2020 through Mar 2021 [Jan very close], FULL Moons are all at 8 (Infinity) degrees! The signs are TAURUS, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra.   

See the entire Capricorn Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2020 Annual Special Edition! to take stock of your ending the year position, adjust your plans to make the rest of your changes really count. Soon the 2021 Annual Special Edition will be out for your new year planning.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Gemini/Sagittarius Full Beaver Moon, in the US a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, Nov 30!

Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon, Dec 14!


Gemini/Sagittarius Full Beaver Moon, in the US a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse!

Monday Nov 30 Full Moon at 1:30 AM Pacific at 8 Gemini/Sagittarius 38.

SIX months Eight Degree activation. Jupiter conjunct Saturn – Great Conjunction coming! Galactic Changes continue unfolding.

Nov 2020 Gemini Full Beaver Moon Lunar Eclipse!

A Penumbral Eclipse is a subtle matter…only the more diffuse outer shadow of Earth – the penumbra – falls on the moon’s face. This kind of lunar eclipse is much more difficult to observe, than either a total or partial eclipse of the moon. There is never a dark bite taken out of the moon, as in a partial eclipse. The eclipse never progresses to reach the dramatic orange/blood moon minutes of totality. At best, at mid-eclipse, very observant people will notice a dark shading on the moon’s face. Others will look and notice nothing at all.

Invite others to your circle; step outside together for those darkened moments. If you are the shadow type, know that you have been touched…be still, receive the message. If your chart doesn’t connect, you may not ‘see’ it. Thank you for your grace being a support person… Blessed be.

2020 Oct 31, Nov, Dec and 2021 [Jan very close], Feb, and March FULL Moons are all at 8 degrees, the number of Infinity! The Moon signs are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. 

All these Moons are sequentially resonant to each other! The election mood of the people will be carried along strongly these next months as new beginnings are made. Clearly, some of us are significantly more connected to the New and Full Moons of a particular year and time of that year. If these degrees activate factors in your chart closely, let’s say 2 to 3 degrees, you will be activated sequentially by the signs of those months, some more favorably than others. Plan out those 6 steps with a goal in mind. Be prepared, do things favorable per each Moon Sign per your personal chart! 

Capricorn Stellium Jupiter and Pluto with Saturn make a three planet Earth Stellium, a conglomeration of power well managed. We will have these outer planets in Capricorn until Jupiter and Saturn change sign into Aquarius Dec 16 and 19! Capricorn/Saturn is more conservative, the patriarch, professional, fatherhood, the law, research, building. It is personally wanting to make steadfast commitments, take responsibility, be reliable. Jupiter expands our goals and teaches us how to plan well for the long term, to live for our beliefs. Pluto clears our Path for corporate investment and investing in each other. Pluto empowers us to let go in certain areas, to heal ourselves and others, renew, remediate, renovate. It can be intense and involve extremes. In this case, just like with floods, we particularly need social remediation as we step back into a more centered stance. That will be in step with environmental remediation.

The Full Moon spans Gemini to Sagittarius, Air and Fire! Gemini is our thinking mechanism, style of receptive attention, expression of The Word of Spirit. Mindfulness is an important component. We can mimic others, try on different ways of being, peruse the offerings, the talents of many fascinating beliefs. Talent to spread the word can be extraordinary. There is a certain grassroots effect in that it rules siblings and our own neighborhood as a microcosm model in the macrocosm. If we have a certain sincerity due to our caringness for our own people, people that we know, that can be carried into our work for all people. Yes, we become to need to know our own ‘hood varies from others, but basic elements exist among us all over the world. We want the best for each other and need to be heard. We learn how to speak respectfully, to listen to them too.

Sun in Sagittarius is a spitfire, carries the Olympic Torch to enlighten all who want it! Sagittarius takes the data Gemini gleans, shapes it into meaningful purpose, a magnificent plan! They laugh, runaway, travel the highlands, come back with new perspective and reshape our purposes, update with innovative concepts! They tell stories that make you rethink your life. They invite you to journey with them or to journey on your own in your special way we need you to do! They go to schools of higher learning, university, the Temples of great teachers, sometimes teach the teachers! They become inspirational athletes, establish good will among champions! Great hearted confidence fills us. If they can do it, so can we! It is more than good luck. They are true to themselves, learn how to see on their feet and trust their own ability, and smile!

Moon and Sun have just passed Uranus, the planet of awakening, change, freedom! That suits Gemini and Sagittarius just fine. They don’t mind change at all! Gemini is the wind blowing in our mind, Sagittarius needs spacious skies! Uranus is in Taurus, so they can anchor with him from time to time, hear his remarkable wishes for the world, especially climate change, then go off and amaze people with these brilliant possibilities! Plans for a lifetime can be made in moments with such a friend.

They are about to get connected with Venus, Taurus’s ruler. She was just opposite Uranus, so they will all talk about what they think they might do. Venus is in Scorpio, so she will want to know more about the relationships involved, the financial backing that can be arranged, how to present their project in an irresistible manner! She may lend her Grace, captivating ideas, offer attractive promotional skills, speak of possible yields, and the satisfaction of making a difference – making the world a better place for our kids. Venus in Scorpio can bring hidden blessings, but do respect her. You don’t want to be on her dark side.

Moon’s North Node in Gemini, Mars in his own sign Aries, and Neptune in his own sign Pisces are traveling closely. Mars is the rights fighter, first responder. He is exciting and the Node in Gemini is willing to take some chances to follow him on scene to see what’s what for himself! Neptune is the Watcher that guides by Spirit. If the other two forget their higher purpose in the excitement, Neptune may send a little psychic message that they think they thought of themselves! Neptune doesn’t mind about credits as long as they get the job done and are safe. Neptune ultimately wants compassion and is the inspiration behind Mars passion! They are both powerful leaders that lead in totally different styles! Gemini tells of Mars exploits, his strong character, instant assessments, and courage in challenging situations.

You have heard me talking about the Galactic Center connection to recent lunar charts!
It is true for this one and the Dec 14 and 29, 2020 lunar charts as well. Dec 31, the last day of 2020, Mars, of the Mars/Mercury double retrograde, makes his last trine to the GC and is trine at the last lunar chart of 2020 Dec 29! Mars is spurred to divine action! This is 2020’s special gift to 2021!

The Galactic Center is now at 27° Sagittarius 08. A lot of astrologers allow a 2 degree range because the GC is huge! Factors in your chart 25 to 28 will be activated by this profound point your whole life. Relative to Earth it moves a degree every 72 years. Here are some excerpts about the GC:

  • Kim at Galactic Center Astrology: Some say it’s an opportunity to ‘download’ new information, divinely inspired insights from higher guidance. Others say it opens the subconscious mind and lets us release blocks and limiting beliefs.
  • Phil Sedgwick is less poetic: [The GC] blasts open the root chakra in the energy system. This chakra releases the old, regenerates our energy, and lifts us off our duffs with renewed inspiration and a sense of real progress.” And: “The Galactic Center acts like a satellite dish, directing divinely inspired information straight to the potentially receptive gray matter of our brains. If you believe in God, this might be the voice you hear. Regardless, within this connection you have the ability to pull down wild information which you would otherwise have no way of knowing.”
  • Paul O. Hewit writes: “it is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.” [Some say the GC IS the strongest factor in our charts!]

Mercury at 27 Scorpio is sextile Jupiter at 26 and Saturn at 28 Capricorn. Not only are they aspecting each other, but the Galactic Center is midpoint between them!

Mercury with Jupiter is downright sassy, when it speaks. It can be cutting with the truth, cynical, so don’t get in the way or provoke them. Mercury, Scorpio and Capricorn are all scientific and Jupiter is the Truth seeker. They can be invincible business professionals/partners, make astounding deals, gather funding for non profits like never seen before. Solid relationships can be made, but do put ALL your cards on the table. If found out later, you may be unceremoniously dropped. Mercury is astute in this combination, and can smell trouble. Jupiter can jump in quickly and not only right things, but make them better than before. 

Mercury with Saturn knows the law, works hard behind the scenes, consults with experts. There is strong commitment both in professional and personal relationships – marital and in behalf of children. This is a super time keeping combination. Work is well done and on time. Set some fabulous goals and stick to it. Jupiter lends his luck and you may find yourself in a booming business. Keep abreast of current times and you will continue to prosper, be known for your success. This is the kind of threesome that can start in that garage on a shoestring and rise rapidly to an IPO! 

It’s a hard combination to beat with the Galactic Center right between them! The GC, as you read above, is astonishing. It is radiating energy though channels connected with it. Remember, it isn’t going more than a degree forward every 72 years, so if you start a business at this time, it will be with you for a LONG time! You will be on the Path of the Universe. The latest will always be channeled to you. You can always ask for help of the Great Beings. Your part will be to do your job, go with the flow. If you ask for help, listen, figure out how to apply it, give gratitude and stay tuned! You may not understand at first or every time, but you will. You are kind of not any longer in it just for yourself. You are part of a much greater picture now. 

Mercury sextile Pluto happens first, so Nov 24, 3 days before that, through the day after Mercury sextiles Saturn, Dec 1, is the time to tune in for your first ‘news.’ It can be about anything you want information about. Some may come that doesn’t seem to apply, but jot it down anyway and keep it. From time to time reread these notes. One day it may seem to have been prophetic. The GC ‘thinks’ in a much longer time frame that we do. 

Sun and Moon at 8 degrees were both recently tied with Chiron at 5 Aries! Mother Moon has just sextiled Chiron. Inspired by Chiron’s demand for new healing techniques, she’s wanting to talk about it! Sun in Sagittarius trined Chiron and reaches out to others who need this special information, to adjust their finances, business, personal relationships, health services. There are some terrific ideas for new businesses after the virus, the many protests, fires and floods. Business will be conducted in money saving new ways. Our relationship with land and water will be mitigated, remediated to better conditions than we had before. Renovation, going back to the status quo, is no longer enough. Rights of all kinds are being revised. Time to make new bigger plans!

Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs! They have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…in a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort, takes extra effort to initiate. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Thank you, Dear Geminis and Sagittarians for sharing so powerfully, keeping our world moving!

Gemini/Sagittarius Full Beaver Moon, Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Astrology Chart!

Gemini-Sagittarius 2020 Full Beaver Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Astrology Chart!

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Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon!

Monday Dec 14 at 8:17 AM Pacific, 23 Sagittarius 08.

SIX months of New Moons at 23 degrees activate Three Fixed Stars: Arcturus and Spica, Algol & this one CONJUNCTS the Galactic Center! We are headed to the Great Conjunction on Winter Solstice.

Solar Eclipse in Venice, 6 July 1842. Ippolito Caffi was an Italian painter of architectural subjects and seascapes or urban vedute. October 16, 1809, Belluno, Italy  See this discussion of the ‘inaccuracies.’

December 14 2020  This TOTAL solar eclipse, the last eclipse of 2020, is visible from Chile and some parts of Argentina in the afternoon. A partial eclipse will be visible in most parts of southern South America, the southeastern Pacific Ocean and the southern Atlantic Ocean. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon completely blocks the Sun, revealing the Sun’s beautiful outer atmosphere known as the corona. (NASA Map and Eclipse Information

Dec 13-14 the Geminids meteors celebrate the Solar Eclipse New Moon, spreading the good word in every direction! This New Moon heralds the Saturn and Jupiter sign changes! We need to know more about them in their new work in Aquarius. The 16th Saturn changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius, a 29 year change! Three days later Jupiter follows suit!

Not only is there a finality of signs, but this is the last Eclipse of 2020, the last lunar event while Saturn and Jupiter are still in Capricorn, Saturn’s sign, and the last 4 planet Capricorn stellium of 2020! For many, Solstice is the end/beginning of the New Year! Do plan to be finishing priorities in a timely fashion. It is not just finishing, but setting the foundation that supports potent new beginnings. Allow extra time for rest, good time with others, peace of mind and do allow for delays. 

Here’s the list:

1) December 13, 14 – Geminids Meteor Shower! The Geminids is the king of the meteor showers. It is considered by many to be the best shower in the heavens, producing up to 120 multicolored meteors per hour at its peak. The shower runs annually from December 7-17. It peaks this year on the night of the 13th and morning of the 14th. The morning of the 15th could also be nearly as active this year. The nearly new moon will ensure dark skies for what should be an excellent show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Gemini, but can appear anywhere in the sky. 
2) Dec 14 Solar Eclipse New Moon, last eclipse of 2020! It is the last lunar event while Saturn is in his own sign Capricorn, and the last for Jupiter in Capricorn.
3) Dec 15-16 Last 2020 four planet Capricorn Stellium. 
4) December 16 – Saturn enters Aquarius! In the sky, conjunction Jupiter, Saturn and Crescent Moon! Major Visual Treat!!!
5) Dec 19 – Jupiter enters Aquarius!
6) December 21 – Happy Sun into Capricorn – Winter Solstice, Yule, and the ‘rare’ 20 Year Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. In the sky they are .01° apart!

At the Dec 14 Solar Eclipse New Moon, Venus in Scorpio sextiles Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn two days before Saturn enters Aquarius the final time, Jupiter to follow 3 days later. This is a Venus super sweet blessing and Jupiter lucky send off. There can be appreciation, affection, and serious admiration. It might be a fine retirement date, blessed for the work you had, will have, new moon new beginnings! Or it could be celebration of a well earned award, the annual office party, an end of year gathering of friends. Make it count. It’s a splendid time to inaugurate new beginnings. Get ideas from your compadres.

Venus is the base planet in this Bowl chart. She graces the entire chart with her passions to clean up, clear and heal that we may clearly seek the long term goals of Sagittarius. Bowl charts are when the planets are in half of the chart. The chart gathers information, sorts and digests, processes, anchors deeply in our consciousness. When the chart finishes, gets full, it spills any debris, what it doesn’t need, shares the gems it has created with others for them to add their own expertise to as well. Uranus, the Networker, is the leading planet of the Bowl. He will add his magnetic and electric genius, dispersing their gifts as far and wide as possible. He makes us feel alive, reminds us we can do this together, in unity! 

The last 2020 Cap 4 planet Capricorn stellium is Dec 15-16 2020. On the 16th Mother Moon will be with Pluto at 23 Cap, and Jupiter and Saturn at 29 Capricorn. 29 is the last degree of a sign, powerful, called an anaretic degree. It is final. Mature as it will get. Matters can feel critical, at the last chance, desperate since the end is sensed, at the end of your rope! What’s unfinished goes with you as is. There can be very satisfying accomplishments and honors, job well done. Maybe there will be a little of both. Allow as much time as you can to get it all done. Plan the steps and note your progress. Get some knowledgeable help if you need it. Do your best. Saturn is all done that day and moves into Aquarius, free, at last!

2020 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2021 Jan, Feb, Mar NEW Moons are all at 23 degrees, a SIX months sequence! April 2021 is at 22 degrees. The signs are Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Then Aries at 22 in April. All of these will aspect Fixed Stars Arcturus and Spica at 23 Libra! Also, this is important because all these charts connect with the Galactic Center! Since the charts are sequential by sign, refresh and update at each one.

Fixed Stars ~ Spica and Arcturus, Algol

All of these New Moons will aspect TWO lucky fixed stars! This New Moon is sextile (opportunities) Arcturus, now at 24 Libra 30, and Spica at 24 Libra 06! These two stars must be read together. Spica is Virgo maiden girly and prim compared with Arcturus in the constellation Boötes, the herdsman. She is in the palace; he is not, yet both are workers! They do not sit together in the sky. Spica is -11 below the Ecliptic (the Sun’s path) while Arcturus is +19 high above the Ecliptic! 

Spica is considered especially lucky and blessed. She lives in a difficult place that is called the Via Combusta, a ‘dry’ path from 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio, but Spica is the oasis. She is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars, a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Spica is noted for spiritual and religious qualities, honors and fame, artistic skill, drawing ability, musical talent and a good sense for literature and the sciences. There can be refinement, a noble bearing, sublimation of sexual tensions. See more at Astrology King

Arcturus, another Behenian Star, moves things along and keeps order! He’s really a go-ahead enterprising spirit. Humble he is not! He has great pride, is grandly liberal, commanding, has cosmopolitan views. Arcturus gives riches, honors, high renown, self-determination and prosperity by navigation and voyages. You can see how Spica and Arcturus can complement each other and learn both finesse and boldness from each other!

If these stars are not well connected with your planets or others in the sky with them, yes, there can be troubles. In this case, Pluto, also at 23°, currently squares them but powerfully semi-sextiles the New Moon!. In Capricorn there can be dishonor, discovery of past transgressions. Pluto can hold extraordinary self discipline and can go to certain extremes in some matters at the same time. There may be financial ripples… You may have paid a significant debt or incurred one. Some relationships may be on the block needing a decision. Your career may be at a critical point. What about retirement? Health is needing attention. If they are lucky and dodged the bullets, they can break old rigid patterns and succeed against the odds. The situation may call for a lot of discretion, playing your cards close to the chest. Use Spica’s finesse and Arcturus’s bluff!

Fixed Star Algol 26 Taurus 27 in 2020

Pluto is of Scorpio, the sign opposite Algol’s sign Taurus, yet Pluto now in Capricorn gentles that opposition because Pluto is now in a sign that trines, favors Algol. Pluto rules death and rebirth while Algol is considered to bear misfortune, often death. They understand each other. Neither is to be messed with. Capricorn is noted for facing reality squarely. 

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan wisely astrologically. Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If in neighboring signs, only 3 or less degrees might be used. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 23° Cap 39′ and moves only 3° a year. Since Pluto is an outer planet, some might only allow a 3° range for it to be in connection with Algol. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Anytime it is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol. That period started Feb 2020 and will go through Jan 2024. Exact trines are formed 5 times: Mar 20 & June 5, 2021, and in 2022 Jan 17, 2022, Aug 29, Nov 16.

One hopes the trine, good aspect, has bent the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place. 

Jupiter and Saturn, also slow moving outer planets, have gone beyond that 26 Taurus 27. Jupiter is still within 3°, Saturn has gone beyond and about to change signs. Jupiter will quickly follow. Saturn, so long with Pluto, knows a demon when he sees one and has the power and instinct to fight back and remove it! Scorpio is Pluto’s sign, so instinctively aligned precisely to assist. Jupiter is often lucky in the most dangerous situations and here he is with all the ‘baddies,’ a little shivery, but reveling in the excitement! He loves to tease the tiger, and sometimes wins its affection, becomes the Darling of them all. Jupiter can tell the Truth and get away with it, partly because his clever ideas make all their lives bigger and better. Things that scared them prove to be baseless, so they rally around to get more! When you can perform well in spite of dire, stressful times, you have definitely passed the test.   

Sun and Moon are askew Algol, opposite, but off center. It’s an oblique position, aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They see peripheral factors that influence the outcome. They sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. But you do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, Sagittarius eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius 08!

Algol’s connection with the Galactic Center! Algol and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sag. Whenever one is activated, they both are. Algol strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the GC when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC!They too have that askew relationship that the New Moon has with Algol this time. Only theirs isn’t temporary. Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most.

The NEW MOON is CONJUNCT the GC! This is the apex of the 6 months of New Moon connections with the Galactic Center! Be prepared for the ride through the stars! Sagittarius loves long trips and this is the big one in this Galaxy! Good thing Sag likes BIG! Get all your molecules 100% clean to absorb every amazing bit! Allow the infinite synapses to coalesce as you go! Be prepared to witness things you didn’t know existed. Try not to make judgments, just witness. Your heart will feel so free and generous. Your Moon in Sag will feel such a plenitude of caring, having a capacity you didn’t know could happen. Women and children will be especially of concern. Sharing and teaching will take on new meaning. Tune in at the time of the New Moon that Moonday morning at 8:17 AM Pacific. If you can organize a spiritual Circle, all the better. Blessed be.

Mercury in Sagittarius is with our New Moon, ready to spread the good word! Mercury can be neighborly no matter how different we are – we think more like brothers and sisters on the Path together. There is a generosity of sharing and Mercury delightedly spreads it in every direction adding his own myriad of ideas to enhance it! Follow his lead! Mercury’s little ideas can team up in true Sagittarian style to make something out of nothing! Do it! Brainstorm, keep talking, keep it alive – it will get better and better as you go. Keep checking in.

Mars has just sextiled the North Node in Gemini, Mercury’s sign. The North Node is a place of learning/balancing for us. The South node, a place of talents, is opposite in Sagittarius trine Mars. Sag gives perspective, hope, good will. Gemini is chatter that keeps us thinking and alert even if we don’t tune in consciously.

Mars in Aries will use the information he gains now in his Dec 23 square with Pluto. Sometimes Pluto is pretty serious, especially in Capricorn and dose of Gemini/Sag can get you out of tight spots. Just start telling your story, why you are here, what your intentions are, your hopes. Air out the closet! Provocative Mars will be facing the other warrior of the Zodiac. If Pluto decides to fight, you better run for it or have some quick tricks up your sleeve! Do be cautious. There is no dishonor in a wise retreat. Pluto is used to having his own way and privacy, so at first sees Mars as a flea with a bite that’s a bother. But Mars, pure in his own sign, can see the weak spots and Pluto may be surprised, realizes there are worthy new possibilities. They each may gain more respect for the other. 

Three Outer Planets Stellium

We continue on with our three outer planets stellium in Capricorn – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter turned forward, strongly activated Pluto and Saturn during the Mars/Mercury Retrograde Presidential Elections Nov 3. The final Jupiter conjunct Pluto was just after the Elections Nov 12. Jupiter conjunct Pluto brought up hidden truths, made extreme exaggerations, is still teaching, harming and healing. As a result, there will be bankruptcies and billions made! 

2020 has been quite a year! Pluto brought the Virus and Jupiter is prejudice, but also outing the truth of the violence of racial injustice. Pluto in Capricorn is the Police, both good and bad, and hired killers. Jupiter often exaggerates conditions in initial situations not much is known about. We keep learning as different perspectives are considered. In Capricorn historical situations and what other governments have done can be profitably compared. Tradition is being reassessed. Old icons are literally tumbled. Jupiter in Capricorn looks for what works better at less cost. Sustainability is a strong factor now due to environmental concerns. Time to make a clean sweep and build much, much better. If you have the means, do what you can to help survivors, heal the environment long term, provide significant education. Keep your life clean or Jupiter in Capricorn the law, Pluto the Police, will be knocking on your door. There will be more change when Saturn, then Jupiter, go into Aquarius in just a few days!

We have been seeing amazing caring and people stepping up to the plate. You see this aspect, Jupiter conjunct Pluto, has a great range, extremes. And both can happen at once. Apply for help if you need it. Sometimes we just can’t do it all alone. One day you will be the one that’s doing the giving. Bless you and keep you. When you can, pay it forward.

Pay special attention to this New Moon Solar Eclipse!Know that it is only 2 days before Saturn leaves Capricorn, enters Aquarius. Finish what you can in this last minute short window, prepare for the new time. Go deeper than usual. Tug at the roots. Clear and cleanse to receive new inspiration clearly. Are you ready? Give gratitude as you leave your hard won achievements, the foundation of your new efforts. Stand tall at the gateway to our future!

The opening aspect after Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius is their conjunction with each other! There is a special name for this conjunction, it is called the Great Conjunction! It happens on Winter Solstice, Dec 21st! Jupiter Saturn meet up about every 20 years, so that isn’t uncommon. BUT! This one in Aquarius hasn’t happened in this sign since 1405! We are on our way to another amazing adventure!

Still, Chiron in Aries semisextile Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs!

Chiron and Uranus have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Have a glorious New Moon! We are so blessed by your showing us the Way.

Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart!

Sagittarius 2020 Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology Chart!

Next is the last lunar event of 2020. Full Moon 7:28 PM Dec 29 at 8 Cancer/Capricorn 53. Oct 2020 through Mar 2021 [Jan very close],  FULL Moons are all at 8 (Infinity) degrees! The signs are TAURUS, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra.   

See the entire Sagittarius Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2020 Annual Special Edition! to take stock of your ending the year position, adjust your plans to make the rest of your changes really count. Nov the 2021 Annual Special Edition will be out for your new year planning.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Taurus/Scorpio Full Halloween BLUE MicroMoon Oct 31!

3 Days before ELECTION!

Scorpio New SuperMoon Nov 14/15!


Taurus/Scorpio Full Halloween BLUE MicroMoon Oct 31!

Saturday Oct 31, Halloween/Samhain, we have a 2nd Full Moon in October called a Blue Moon, a Hunter’s and it is a MicroMoon! It is at 7:49 AM Pacific at 8 Taurus/Scorpio 38.

3 days before ELECTION! SIX months Eight Degree activation, Uranian Wildcard with Moon, Mercury Retrograde! Jupiter conjunct Pluto. Galactic Changes continue unfolding.

Scorpio 2020 Oct 31 Full Hunter's Blue MicroMoon In My Defense TShirt Witch!

Yes! What a perfect day for a Full Moon! Happy Halloween, Samhain, everyone! On a 19 year cycle, it will be the last full moon to fall on Halloween until October 31, 2039! This little Full Moon is the most distant and smallest full moon of the year, called a MicroMoon by some. See EarthSky for viewing details!

2020 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2021 Jan, Feb, Mar NEW Moons are all at 23 degrees, a SIX months sequence! April 2021 is at 22 degrees. The signs are Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Then Aries at 22 in April. All of these will aspect Fixed Stars Arcturus and Spica at 23 Libra!

2020 Oct 31, the 2nd FULL Moon in October is a Blue Moon! It and the Nov, Dec and 2021 [Jan very close], Feb, Mar FULL Moons are all at 8 degrees! The Moon signs are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. 

All these Moons are sequentially resonant to each other! The pre-election mood of the people will be carried along strongly for these next SIX months. Clearly, some of us are significantly more connected to the New and Full Moons of a particular year and time of that year. If these degrees activate factors in your chart closely, let’s say 2 to 3 degrees, you will be activated sequentially by the signs of those months, some more favorably than others. If you have factors at both 23 and 8, ALL the Moons of late 2020 and early 2021 will affect you! Plan out those 6 months with a goal in mind. Be prepared, do things favorable per each Moon Sign per your personal chart! 

The last Jupiter sextile Neptune was Oct 12, and they are still close… Jupiter is now closing on its conjunction with Pluto Nov 12 after the Elections. It is already less than 2°, definitely in full effect!  Jupiter thinks with a big smile, inspires well being and confidence. He can be mightily focused and/or extraordinarily broad minded, checking out all the options! Pluto, Scorpio’s planet is getting a mighty boost. A conjunction is a merger of power. On the negative side, Jupiter can lie, slander, judge harshly and Pluto can cheat and steal with ease. They are smart midnight skulkers is they choose to be. If you spent too much, or circumstances are not to your benefit, kerflop, bankrupt it is. On the good side, Jupiter gives a quick broad overview, easily sees the best Path, has a sense of confidence, guides the way. Pluto can be a LOT of power, love and/or money! Your portfolio may be the best it has ever been.   Capricorn, Jupiter’s current sign, is the builder, carries commitments of tremendous hope, has faith in long term worthy goals. Pay attention to making dreams come true. Work it. Jupiter conjunct Pluto

Capricorn Stellium Jupiter and Pluto with Saturn make a three planet Earth Stellium, a conglomeration of power well managed. We will have these outer planets in Capricorn until Jupiter and Saturn change into Aquarius Dec 16 and 19! Capricorn/Saturn is more conservative, the patriarch, professional, fatherhood, the law, research, building. It is personally wanting to make steadfast commitments, take responsibility, be reliable. Jupiter expands our goals and teaches us how to plan well for the long term, to live for our beliefs. Pluto clears our Path for corporate investment and investing in each other. Pluto empowers us to let go in certain areas, to heal ourselves and others, renew, remediate, renovate. It can be intense and involve extremes.

Mercury retrograde in Libra squares Saturn Sunday Nov 1, showing where the weaknesses are. Some will be depressed while others work hard to make projects succeed after all! This is not the time to give up. Do your best. Succeeding under pressure is a good life skill. Mercury’s Libra skill is to talk with loved ones,coworkers, the public, to help them reconsider their point of view. Libra is a terrific mediator, counselor, helping people see possibilities. They put themselves in the other person’s place, listen, ask thoughtful questions. Surprising change is possible. Confidence is born when fear is dispelled. Fear is a normal part of growing.

The Full Moon itself is enhanced toward change and freedom because it includes Uranus! Scorpio Sun and Taurus Moon are fixed, can be solid in their points of view. However, Scorpio is rarely afraid of taking a peek. Sun lights the way so they can see in the dark and the light! They love solving an intricate mystery or an unsolved problem. Riding strong currents are natural for them. Moon is always on the move through the signs. Though currently landed in Taurus, she actually has a stable spot to do her busybody looking about. She finds beauty and value right at her very feet. The land itself has a primal value. She may be slower here, but once she’s in motion, she is just about unstoppable. You could say Scorpio/Taurus are ‘fixed in their motion! Uranus is the Aquarian planet, also of a fixed sign, but is the ultimate shocking changemaker! Uranus is lightning, earthquakes, evolution, the whole unstoppable humanity! It rules electricity, electronics, computers, cell phones, the Internet, group advocacy, genius! It keeps us informed, we change collectively with the times. Again, a major factor of our continually changing awareness, consciousness is ‘fixed’ in motion! We want change without chaos. OK. 

Moon is whimsical, feminine, psychic, guardian of children, sometimes silly, loves ice cream and cheese and bread – food. Uranus loves what’s strange, ahead of its times, is a splendid and rampant inventor, loves friends. Have a home meeting in the kitchen, invite the Sun! Scorpio enjoys seeing extremes and oddities. While Moon listens to wild card Uranus, Scorpio catches glimpses of how their brainstorming is incredibly productive, and casts about in the corners of his mind for supporters and how much funding is needed. Some of their material, though symbolic at first, will stand the test of time, points to the future. Scorpio can see it now!

Another opposition is Venus opposite Chiron. Venus is in one of her signs Libra. S he ties to Taurus, her other sign. She is feminine, like Mother Moon. In Libra she navigates socially, connecting one to the other. She listens and shares the best each has to offer. Opposite Chiron in Aries, her opposite sign, she is aware of his leadership, how he isn’t so concerned with how everyone feels about him. Chiron knows some are wounded, are in the healing process. He lets them follow when they are ready or they can, only if they want to. She knows some need a nudge, are on the brink, and can follow up with words that help them see they can do it! Quite a team she and Chiron can make.

The Moon’s North Node in Gemini is just about to square Neptune in his own sign Pisces. Gemini has a lot or nothing to say…yet. The North Node is overcoming the past, South Node in Sagittarius. Sag is a teacher anywhere anytime. Gemini is closer, a neighbor, a sibling. The circumstances are entirely different. You live with these people, so what you say and how you say it matters. Even though Gemini is an air sign, accused of being flighty, an airhead, they often love teaching children how to think. Geminis listen then tell your story for you, sometimes an embellished version. You think differently about yourself, encouraged to try for more! Neptune and Pisces work less with the mind, but even in a different dimension. Sound, silence, dreams, instinct, a sense of presence. It calls for an encompassing awareness, compassion, helpfulness, a sense of what is needed most. Gemini is clever, but is being clever what is needed? Is it the right time and place to say those things? Is it apropos to that person? Is it kind? Just because you are not thinking, are you ‘stupid?’ And how about Pisces…is it too limiting not to be able to tell others what you dream of? How will they know you? It may be awkward to speak at first. You may need a little guidance from a chatterbox! It’s a quick way to learn, no? You can learn together.  

You will hear me talking about the Galactic Center!
In the remaining 2020 lunar charts, the Galactic Center is aspected every time! Since the charts are sequential by sign, refresh and update at each one. In the Mars/Mercury double retrograde, they both aspect the GC three times! Mars in Aries as already trined Aug 28 and Sep 21, the first and last days of the Mars retrograde station! Dec 31, the last day of 2020, Mars makes the last trine and is trine at the last lunar chart of 2020 Dec 29! This is 2020’s special gift to 2021! Mercury sextiles the GC Sep 24, Oct 30 and Nov 7. The Mercury in Libra 30th and 7th define Mercury’s direct station dates! The Galactic connections while the planets are in stations are significant because the stations are ‘stand still’ times that allow the information to be absorbed, sorted, focused on, anchored in our consciousness. This specific timing is extraordinary! Mars is spurred to divine action; Mercury thinks about it and gives him the best ideas how and what to do! While in Libra, Mercury sets Mars up with a fresh set of liaisons. The ideas may be rather new ideas too, but Mars loves new, so off he goes, learning along the way! Exciting and satisfying!

The Galactic Center is now at 27° Sagittarius 08. A lot of astrologers allow a 2 degree range because the GC is huge! Factors in your chart 25 to 28 will be activated by this profound point your whole life. Relative to Earth it moves a degree every 72 years. Here are some excerpts about the GC:

  • Kim at Galactic Center Astrology: Some say it’s an opportunity to ‘download’ new information, divinely inspired insights from higher guidance. Others say it opens the subconscious mind and lets us release blocks and limiting beliefs.
  • Phil Sedgwick is less poetic: [The GC] blasts open the root chakra in the energy system. This chakra releases the old, regenerates our energy, and lifts us off our duffs with renewed inspiration and a sense of real progress.” And: “The Galactic Center acts like a satellite dish, directing divinely inspired information straight to the potentially receptive gray matter of our brains. If you believe in God, this might be the voice you hear. Regardless, within this connection you have the ability to pull down wild information which you would otherwise have no way of knowing.”
  • Paul O. Hewit writes: “it is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.” [Some say the GC IS the strongest factor in our charts!]

The Mercury square Saturn is tied with the Galactic Center!

Mercury retrograde in Libra has just sextiled the GC. His tank has been filled. The GC in Sagittarius has purposes, long term plans that he expects Mercury to spread out in every direction among the people. Mercury in Libra has instinct about which people will keep spreading that good news. He can soothe the edges, talk them through to an understanding that will help them represent the plans accurately. Saturn is in Capricorn, the sign after Sagittarius, wanting to put some of these new larger visions to work, determining the right timing. Saturn is ambitious and can build magnificently, stabilizing profound options for a long time to come.

Chiron and Uranus

Sun and Moon at 8 degrees are both tied with Chiron at 5 Aries and Uranus at 8 Taurus! Mother Moon has just semi-sextiled Chiron, inspired by Chiron’s demand for new healing techniques! In Taurus, Moon is helping Uranus make Earth changes, change many old standards of humanity, work for freedom at the most organic levels in new ways. Sun in Scorpio reaches out to others who need this special information, to adjust their finances, insurances, wills, health services. There are some terrific ideas for new businesses after the virus, the many protests, fires and floods. Business will be conducted in money saving new ways. Our relationship with land and water will be mitigated, remediated to better conditions than we had before. Renovation, going back to the status quo, is no longer enough. Rights of all kinds are being revised.

These are times to make connections with people who can help us. Moon is opting for reliable partners that can change with the times. Sun would like deeply dedicated new friends. Uranus is Spock brilliant across the table. He is triggering Scorpio’s curiosity about life itself, especially matters of clean waters! Uranian visionary ideas are shared as whole bodies of knowledge. Uranus is a profound contributor. Chiron is quick to dart in to unkink the works when there is a block! It’s an uncanny experience for them all!

Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs! They have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…in a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort, takes extra effort to initiate. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Thank you, Dear Scorpios, for giving so deeply; to you Tauruses for keeping us steady.

Taurus/Scorpio Full Hunter’s BLUE MicroMoon Astrology Chart!

Taurus-Scorpio 2020 Full Hunter's BLUE MicroMoon Astrology Chart!

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Scorpio New SuperMoon!

Saturday Nov 14 at 9:07 PM Pacific, 23 Scorpio 18. It is on Nov 15 in Eastern time US at 12:07 AM.

PRESIDENT chosen! SIX months of New Moons at 23 degrees activate Three Fixed Stars: Arcturus and Spica, Algol! Mercury and Mars are DIRECT. Saturn in a 1 MINUTE aspect with the Galactic Center! We are headed to the Great Conjunction on Winter Solstice.

Scorpio New Moon 2020 Nasa image of Milky Way-Volcano, Guatemala Acatenango

The Milky Way and Volcán de Fuego, an active stratovolcano in Guatemala near Antigua. Fabulous image by Diego Rizzo. Sometimes it’s hard to decide which is more impressive — the land or the sky. 

This New Moon concludes a ‘season’ of three new SuperMoons – September 17, October 16, and November 14/15, 2020! See EarthSky for viewing details! 

2020 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2021 Jan, Feb, Mar NEW Moons are all at 23 degrees, a SIX months sequence! April 2021 is at 22 degrees. The signs are Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Then Aries at 22 in April. All of these will aspect Fixed Stars Arcturus and Spica at 23 Libra!

Fixed Stars ~ Spica and Arcturus, Algol

All of these New Moons will aspect TWO lucky fixed stars! This New Moon is semi-sextile Arcturus, now at 24 Libra 30, and Spica at 24 Libra 06! The stars must be read together. Spica is Virgo maiden girly and prim compared with Arcturus in the constellation Boötes, the herdsman. She is in the palace; he is not, yet both are workers! They do not sit together in the sky. Spica is -11 while Arcturus is +19 high above the ecliptic! 

Spica is considered especially lucky and blessed. She lives in a difficult place that is called the Via Combusta, a ‘dry’ path from 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio, but Spica is the oasis. She is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars, a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Spica is noted for spiritual and religious qualities, honors and fame, artistic skill, drawing ability, musical talent and a good sense for literature and the sciences. There can be refinement, a noble bearing, sublimation of sexual tensions. See more at Astrology King

Arcturus, another Behenian Star, moves things along and keeps order! He’s really a go-ahead enterprising spirit. Humble he is not! He has great pride, is grandly liberal, commanding, has cosmopolitan views. Arcturus gives riches, honors, high renown, self-determination and prosperity by navigation and voyages. You can see how Spica and Arcturus can complement each other and learn both finesse and boldness from each other!

If these stars are not well connected with your planets or others in the sky with them, yes, there can be troubles. In this case, Pluto and Jupiter are currently square them. In Capricorn there can be dishonor, discover of past transgressions. Pluto goes to extremes and Jupiter goes for the maximum. There may be financial ripples… You may have paid a significant debt or incurred one. Some relationships may be on the block needing a decision. Your career may be at a critical point. What about retirement? Health is needing attention. If they are lucky and dodged the bullets Jupiter predicted, they can break old rigid patterns and succeed against the odds. The situation may call for a lot of discretion, playing your cards close to the chest. Use Spica’s finesse and Arcturus’s bluff!

Saturn is still closely trine fixed star Algol, the baddest Star according to some! Algol is at 26 Taurus 26 in 2020. It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

One hopes the trine, good aspect, has bent the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen. Know your rights and choose safety unless you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place. 

Even if there is ‘bad,’ Saturn, the one in charge, can handle it well even when he isn’t up to par himself! He knows about struggles and hard work. If he is standing well, he can be of great help. He is realistic, gathers the 4X4s, builds the shelter you need, takes responsibility with you to face any and all demons. He is clever, resourceful and sticks to his business when the going gets tough. With Pluto, he knows a demon when he sees one and has the power and instinct to fight back and remove it! Scorpio is Pluto’s sign, so instinctively aligns precisely to assist. 

Sun and Moon are both coming to opposition with Algol. They will have a personal encounter. Moon, of past lives, has been here before and it still gives her pause. She feels the danger. In Scorpio she wonders if they are like they used to be. She knows the faces of demons and knows they generally wither away when you show your face of strength. Sun, at her side, is a bright light in a dark sign, as smart as any demon and with the light to rout them, and Taurus demons think they were meant to stay! They can stay, but now you know where they live. You can move on! If bad bites you, bite back. It’s a language they understand. And keep on doing your own business. Knowing where the pitfalls are is a definite advantage.

No matter what, many give Algol a wide berth, plan wisely astrologically. Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for it’s effective range while most stars get only 1 degree range. If in neighboring signs, only 3 or less degrees would be used. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Three Outer Planets Stellium

We continue on with our three outer planets stellium in Capricorn – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter has turned forward and is again strongly activating Pluto and Saturn during the Mars/Mercury Retrograde Presidential Elections Nov 3. The final Jupiter conjunct Pluto was just after the Elections Nov 12, Mars going direct, forward the Nov 13, Scorpio New Moon the 14/15th now! Jupiter conjunct Pluto will brought up hidden truths, made extreme exaggerations, is still teaching, harming and healing. There will be bankruptcies and billions made! 

2020 has been quite a year! Pluto brought the Virus and Jupiter is prejudice, but also outing the truth of the violence of racial injustice. Pluto in Capricorn is the Police, both good and bad, and hired killers. Jupiter often exaggerates conditions in initial situations not much is known about. We keep learning as different perspectives are considered. In Capricorn historical situations and what other governments have done can be profitably compared. Tradition is being reassessed. Old icons are tumbled. Jupiter in Capricorn looks for what works better at less cost. Sustainability is a strong factor now due to environmental concerns. Time to make a clean sweep and build much, much better. If you have the means, do what you can to help survivors, heal the environment long term, provide significant education. Keep your life clean or Jupiter in Capricorn the law, Pluto the Police, will be knocking on your door. There will be more change when Saturn then Jupiter go into Aquarius in December.

We have been seeing amazing caring and people stepping up to the plate. You see this aspect, Jupiter conjunct Pluto, has a great range, extremes. And both can happen at once. Apply for help if you need it. Sometimes we just can’t do it all alone. One day you will be the one that’s doing the giving. Bless you and keep you. When you can, pay it forward.

We are on our way to Jupiter conjunct Saturn Dec 21! There is a special name for that, it is called the Great Conjunction! Jupiter Saturn meet up about every 20 years, so that isn’t uncommon. BUT! This one in Aquarius hasn’t happened in this sign since 1405! We are on our way to another amazing adventure!

Mars DIRECT in his own sign Aries Nov 13, Scorpio New Moon Nov 14/15

It may be good to collaborate with Mars. It happens that Mars, the planet of new beginnings is in his own sign Aries! Retrograde or not, he is always on his game, seeing the possibilities, leading the pack! Mars in his own sign has twice the punch, is quick on his feet, adapts instantly. He likes new but is a little tempery with delay. Yet he intuitively senses it’s a necessary part of the dance and gets on with his part. He is reminded about the great need for independence yet also how we are all a part of the great evolution together. Careful about clonking your head on something or it on you, cuts, stings, pushing too hard and being injured. Be careful on your bike when you take that detour or a new route. No matter what, you are always a winner! Spirit is with you!

So Mars has been in his Direct Station since Nov 1, will be until Nov 26, ThanksGiving! He is in a super focused period, absorbing, anchoring, strengthening. With his turn forward, his very nature to move forward, it will be a tough wait for him, yet ironically he sees progress even when he is standing still! Every two years we get to experience how waiting can save us from ourselves and the craziness of others, how the right timing makes a difference. Hone your skills, get your support team ready, have things strongly in place for your launch. Do weights. Run in place.

The final stretch starts with the 13th and importantly with the New Moon! Aries and Scorpio are both fighters. Aries is an up front, literally front runner, leader, leader of leaders! Scorpio does the infighting, like martial arts and money – boycotting, burgling, banning! Both can be personal – Aries in your face, Scorpio hand to hand, sometimes life and death.

Mars looks like he will square Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn, but he’s moving slowly coming out of retrograde, Saturn and Jupiter go into Aquarius before he can square them. He does square slower moving Pluto the third time Dec 23, at Christmas time. That can be quite a challenge. Mars may be tempting the gods by barking at Pluto when Pluto doesn’t want his position known. I would advise caution and choose your enemies carefully. If you want to play with old Pluto, he may favor you for your bravery and sheer audacity, but if he doesn’t… There can be a beef about money, rightful relationships, malpractice, wrongful death/injury. Be transparent, well documented, do your best. Don’t let the holidays lull you into indiscreet disclosure. Even Pluto can get scared, hide in ways that don’t look like hiding, even forgets he’s hiding. Mars invites change, we gain confidence,  get excited to move on. It may take Mars, in the potency of his own sign Aries, with his sword, the Sword of Attila, also called the Sword of Mars or Sword of God, to cut him loose. Free. Finally. Mars must dance very carefully or the scorpion, snake or Eagle could grab him. Good luck to you both.

Mars will sextile the North Node in Gemini that is retrograding back to him. The North Node is a place of learning/balancing for us. The South node, a place of talents, is opposite in Sagittarius trine Mars. Sag gives perspective, hope, good will. Gemini is  chatter that keeps us thinking and alert. Mars will use the information he gains now in his later encounter with Pluto. Sometimes Pluto is pretty serious, especially in Capricorn and dose of Gemini/Sag can get you out of tight spots. Just start telling your story, why you are here, what your intentions are, your hopes. Air out the closet! 

Venus in Libra will soften the Capricorn planets. Venus is in a dangerous but probably delightful dance with Pluto on the 15th, both at 22°! She is a beauty and he doesn’t know whether to succumb or run for his life. Few can catch him, but she could. But he is dark; she is light. He knows to catch her in his web might not be kind in the long run. She, rarely refused, may be a bit dashed. Or, if they are meant to play it out, he can teach her about subtle causes and differences, financial realities. She may be a jewel in his crown, the light in his day, soften his judgments regardless the ‘offense.’ She may bring him insight of potential balances. She squares Jupiter the 15th too. She is social and Jupiter loves a good frolic, when he’s not working. He can be exceptionally hardworking in Capricorn, and may need some time out. She is a tempting companion. She may cause him to question why he has chosen that work and whether it pleases his spirit or have things changed with him. Her square with Saturn, the planet of Capricorn comes the 19th. Again, the question about choice of work, it is is valuable to all or is his dedication wavering? All three of these squares have to do with relationships. With Jupiter it is matters of truth and plans for the future, is your partner like a teacher, helping you to become bolder? With Saturn it is whether the relationship is timely, if age difference matters, is your potential partner like your Father and is that ok? Venus has a quick time span, about three days, but to three planets in a row in the same sign it is a more enduring encounter, from Friday the 13th to Friday the 20th.

Mercury is Direct now making 2 final aspects of his Retrograde cycle in Libra and Scorpio!

Nov 15 Mercury in Scorpio inconjunct Chiron in Aries is considering a new route. Mercury is logical and Scorpio can be a shamanic healer. Mercury can explain the depth and source of the troubles to the patient, client, friend, and ask more questions, until there is resolution and resolve. Chiron in Aries suggests new ventures to take the place of illness or misadventure. Mercury is logical and Scorpio knows where the direct spot is that makes the difference. Scorpio knows about death and the trail of tears a person’s actions can lead to. Chiron at times is rather merciless and knows when it’s time for immediate change or else. Besides, why wait when you can have a better life right now?!    

Nov 17 Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus is adding a little spice! Uranus is a smart guy, but Scorpio wants to see what he is really made of! So he says a few provocative things. Uranus is not always socially adept and may at first take the words at face value. And Taurus is patient, even kind. But I wouldn’t push too far. Uranus, computer expert, in Taurus can lull you to think you are safe, then you get the shock of your life. He just moved your accounts to his Cayman account. Not funny. You may have to change your name. Choose your financial advisors carefully.    

Uranus, though now settled in Taurus, seems slow, is still the planet of electricity and Scorpio is water. Tampering with the sleeping giant can have consequences. If Mercury is the journalist the risk may be worth it if Uranus has been misbehaving. Mercury may make a fundraising request. He may broach some new ideas for remediation that would appeal to the solid land man. Some unique research may be discussed. Give it at try. If it hasn’t worked before, try again now. Mercury may have made an adjustment to your presentation and the new information you have may make the perfect difference. Collaboration could be remarkable!

Still, Chiron in Aries semisextile Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs!

Chiron and Uranus have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius 08!

ONE MINUTE of space! Saturn, at 27 Cap 07, is the only planet connected with the GC this New Moon, in a 1 minute semi-sextile!. Like with the Full Moon, Saturn is neighborly in Capricorn, the next sign, wanting to put some of these new larger visions to work, determining the right timing. Saturn is ambitious and can build magnificently, stabilizing profound options for a long time to come. Saturn moves slowly, will be in its humble connection with the GC through Nov 27.

Even this small link is important because in the remaining 2020 lunar charts, the Galactic Center is aspected every time! Since the charts are sequential by sign, refresh and update at each one. In the Mars/Mercury double retrograde, they both aspect the GC three times! Mars in Aries trines Aug 28 and Sep 21, the first and last days of the Mars retrograde station! Dec 31, the last day of 2020, Mars makes the last trine and is trine at the last lunar chart of 2020 Dec 29! This is 2020’s special gift to 2021! Mercury sextiled the GC Sep 24, Oct 30 and Nov 7. The Mercury in Libra Oct 30th and Nov 7th define Mercury’s direct station dates! The Galactic connections while the planets are in stations are significant because the stations are ‘stand still’ times that allow the information to be absorbed, focused on, sorted, anchored deeply in our consciousness. This specific timing is extraordinary! Mars is spurred to divine action; Mercury thinks about it and gives him the best ideas how and what to do! In Scorpio, Mercury sets Mars up with deep insights that get him to the heart of the matter. The ideas may be rather challenging, but Mars loves new challenges, so off he goes, learning along the way! Exciting and satisfying!

Scorpio Moon meets Sun, turns out the light to see the magical dark, the stars and space. She folds him into her arms, the sky blanket over them. They breathe together, heal deeply, share stories, laugh, have sadness, love each other, make plans.  

Have a deep dark and glorious New SuperMoon! We are so blessed by your sharing.

Scorpio New Super Moon Astrology Chart!

Saturday Nov 14 at 9:07 PM Pacific, 23 Scorpio 18. It is on Nov 15 in Eastern time US at 12:07 AM.

Scorpio 2020 New SuperMoon Astrology Chart!

Next is Monday Nov 30 Full Moon at 1:30 AM Pacific at 8 Gemini/Sagittarius 38. Oct 2020 through Mar 2021 [Jan very close],  FULL Moons are all at 8 degrees! The signs are TAURUS, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra.  

See the entire Scorpio Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2020 Annual Special Edition! to take stock of your ending the year position, adjust your plans to make the rest of your changes really count. Nov the 2021 Annual Special Edition will be out for your new year planning.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Aries/Libra Full Harvest Moon Oct 1!

Capricorn & Aries Stelliums! Sun and Moon with Chiron and Uranus! Galactic Changes unfolding. Intensity!

Libra New SuperMoon Oct 16!

Three Fixed Stars: Arcturus and Spica, Algol! SIX Planet Cardinal T Square to Capricorn! Closing in on the Nov 3 Election. So much to do!

Aries/Libra Full Harvest Moon!

Thursday Oct 1 Full Harvest Moon at 2:05 PM Pacific, 9 Aries/Libra 08

Capricorn & Aries Stelliums! Sun and Moon with Chiron and Uranus! Galactic Changes unfolding.

Sunset Full Moon! Indigenous Teepees by Canadian photographer wwing

2020 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2021 Jan, Feb, Mar NEW Moons are all at 23 degrees, a SIX months sequence! April 2021 is at 22 degrees. The signs are Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Then Aries at 22 in April. All of these will aspect Fixed Stars Arcturus and Spica at 23 Libra!

2020 Oct 31, the 2ndFULL Moon in October is a Blue Moon! This Full Moon is at 9 degrees. The Oct 31 Full Moon and the Nov, Dec and 2021 [Jan very close], Feb, Mar FULL Moons are all at 8 degrees! The signs are Aries Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. 

All these Moons are sequentially resonant to each other! Clearly, some of us are significantly more connected to the New and Full Moons of a particular year and time of that year. If these degrees activate factors in your chart closely, let’s say 2 to 3 degrees, you will be activated sequentially by the signs of those months, some more favorably than others. If you have factors at both 23 and 8, ALL the Moons of late 2020 and early 2021 will affect you! Plan out those 6 months with a goal in mind. Be prepared, do things favorable per each Moon Sign per your personal chart! 

Aries is the sign of rights fighters and Libra tries to establish justice, make peace. This is a Harvest Moon. We are trying not only to harvests crops, but to right wrongs that have left a bitter taste. Libra has a gifted way with establishing a more fair and equal balance.

The primary aspect now is Jupiter sextile Neptune. It will remain close through Oct 12 and a little beyond. Jupiter thinks with a big smile, inspires well being and confidence. He can be mightily focused and/or extraordinarily broad minded, checking out all the options! Neptune in its own magical sign Pisces, has dreams beyond ordinary perception. Sextiles indicate opportunities, potential. Capricorn, Jupiter’s current sign, is the builder, carries commitments of tremendous hope, has faith in long term worthy goals. Pay attention to making dreams come true. 

Capricorn and Aries Stelliums

There are the three outer planets Capricorn Stellium and a four planets Aries Stellium! We will have the outer planets in Capricorn until Jupiter and Saturn change into Aquarius Dec 16 and 19! Capricorn/Saturn is more conservative, the patriarch, professional, fatherhood, the law, research, building. It is personally wanting to make steadfast commitments, take responsibility, be reliable. Jupiter expands our goals and teaches us how to plan well for the long term, to live for our beliefs. Pluto clears our Path for corporate investment and investing in each other. Pluto empowers us to let go in certain areas, to heal ourselves and others, renew, remediate, renovate. It can be intense and involve extremes.

Aries challenges Capricorn. It is true that Capricorn rules experienced elders, but they can get rigidly stuck in old ways. Aries are leaders, seeking new ways, inspire us to update. Chiron is the healer, teacher, sharing us to physical action, to integrate current and new business techniques, add more leaders in our relationships and seek more equitable life partners. Mother Moon is more like Father Moon in Fire Sign Aries! She is impatient and heads up new ventures, teaches her children to assess for themselves, to try new ideas, learn from experience! Her children can be heroes with instant life saving intuition. Mars is in his very own sign, the spark of Life, the daily New Dawn! He is athletic, not a stay at home person. He has an undaunted Spirit, no fear to take on the powers that be. Lord knows they need to wake up! It takes courage to be the underdog, to be threatened by them, even when he acts for their own good! For now, while he is retrograde, he is more tenacious than usual! If his work isn’t enough, throw in Black Moon Lilith! She will happily add her fierce feminine powers to the fray! Some battles are so worthy. 

THE challenge aspects that are the classic core of these two stelliums, are the 22-25° Mars retrograde/Lilith square Saturn/Pluto! Capricorn is an old sign, the 10th of the Zodiac, aged, established and respectable. But Aries is the First Zodiac sign of leadership and initiation. He is not always respectful, sometimes abrupt, but always wanting what’s best and better now! Just because they may be rude doesn’t mean they aren’t right. Take it easy and take a listen! Tell them you are thinking on it and you will get back to them. Have a second chat. Thank them and see if they have any more advice. They aren’t likely to stick around, so be ready to implement what you learn on your own. Consult with them time to time if they are around or can be reached.

We are so fortunate to have Sun in Libra to help with negotiations, see the other person’s point of view. Libra widens our zone, range of perception, gives a percentage improvement of opportunities! Sun brings the Light to possible collaboration, partnerships, both business and pleasure! Differences can turn to blessings. Put your heart into social ventures that help you make new types of connections, even with seeming opposition. It is often surprising how just a few words sort things out and we find ourselves working together. Libra has a certain grace of blending our lives with a touch of beauty. Aries contributes champion athletic prowess, a powerful beautiful body, designs amazing bicycles and transportation. Libra is the fine arts – ballet, orchestras, paintings, poetry, photography, floral beauty! But most of all, is the art of relationships. Cross cultural integration, equality of rights – human, animal and environmental. These talents will be especially important to Chiron and the Moon opposite the Sun! In Aries, they will be fiery, fanning each other’s flames, while the Sun has a cool fall breeze that can listen, negotiate what is to be done, and restore peace. 

The Moon’s North Node in Gemini is just about to inconjunct Pluto, both at 22 degrees. Gemini can help with  communications. Pluto has secrets yet may want some information to become public. It may be ‘leaked’ or given to Gemini with the caveat of anonymity. If Gemini doesn’t comply with the request for privacy, there could be hell to pay. Or GE may discover information dangerous to know, yet imperative to share. It could be that Gemini sorts out a lighter way to share it, suggests resolutions that makes it become a turning point for change and the source could be exonerated.  

Mercury is the earliest degree planet at 4, in Scorpio, Pluto’s sign. There is an adjustment between Mercury and Chiron in Aries. Both are fighters – Aries is up front trying to save your life right now. Mercury in Scorpio is concerned about your attitude. Need to let go of deep fears, hate, theft, manipulation, thinking ‘bad’ thoughts. Scorpio tries to clear your health from the roots of long term disease, remove toxins. It is not an easy task, sometimes scary facing up. But it can be done. Scorpio is the Phoenix rising from its own ashes. Clearing ourselves becomes a life technique. We can use it to heal others, physically, emotionally and psychically as we ourselves have done. Chiron is inspiring us to breakthrough and use new ideas to advantage. 

Mercury will be opposite Uranus in Taurus exact on Oct 7, 1:55 PM Pacific. There will be a week of contemplation. In these fixed signs, we are somewhat loathe to give up what we have always thought, yet Uranus is the planet of surprises, evolution, awakening, change, freedom. Taurus can be patient and steady, calm and natural while the changes are swirling in the cauldron of progress. Mercury in Scorpio is ever alert, mindful and ultra aware of subtle signals and meaning. We will be taking on what’s different and none too soon! We can be quite opposed to some opinions or happenings we see going on. We might separate from friends we no longer trust. We can hope for changes we hoped for long ago. Both are likely. We may be surprised how some join forces, collaborate against the odds. Options may arise that we never expected that change the whole journey!  

You will hear me talking about the Galactic Center!

In the remaining 2020 lunar charts, the Galactic Center is aspected every time! Since the charts are sequential by sign, refresh and update at each one. In the Mars/Mercury double retrograde, they both aspect the GC three times! Mars in Aries as already trined Aug 28 and Sep 21, the first and last days of the Mars retrograde station! Dec 31, the last day of 2020, Mars makes the last trine and is trine at the last lunar chart of 2020 Dec 29! This is 2020’s special gift to 2021! Mercury sextiles the GC Sep 24, Oct 30 and Nov 7. The Mercury in Libra 30th and 7th define Mercury’s direct station dates! The Galactic connections while the planets are in stations are significant because the stations are ‘stand still’ times that allow the information to be absorbed, sorted, focused on, anchored in our consciousness. This specific timing is extraordinary! Mars is spurred to divine action; Mercury thinks about it and gives him the best ideas how and what to do! While in Libra, Mercury sets Mars up with a fresh set of liaisons. The ideas may be rather new ideas too, but Mars loves new, so off he goes, learning along the way! Exciting and satisfying!

The Galactic Center is now at 27° Sagittarius 08. A lot of astrologers allow a 2 degree range because the GC is huge! Factors in your chart 25 to 28 will be activated by this profound point your whole life. Relative to Earth it moves a degree every 72 years. Here are some excerpts about the GC:

  • Kim at Galactic Center Astrology: Some say it’s an opportunity to ‘download’ new information, divinely inspired insights from higher guidance. Others say it opens the subconscious mind and lets us release blocks and limiting beliefs.
  • Phil Sedgwick is less poetic: [The GC] blasts open the root chakra in the energy system. This chakra releases the old, regenerates our energy, and lifts us off our duffs with renewed inspiration and a sense of real progress.” And: “The Galactic Center acts like a satellite dish, directing divinely inspired information straight to the potentially receptive gray matter of our brains. If you believe in God, this might be the voice you hear. Regardless, within this connection you have the ability to pull down wild information which you would otherwise have no way of knowing.”
  • Paul O. Hewit writes: “it is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.” [Some say the GC IS the strongest factor in our charts!]

Venus and Saturn are tied with the Galactic Center!

  • Venus in Leo has just trined the GC. She is now expressing the Light of the messages. Usually we think of Venus in Leo as thinking pretty much of herself, just being pretty, but in this case she has a bigger message, universal! She is with the blessingway of working with values of the Heart, her specialty. It is time to appreciate each other’s special contributions, no matter how humble or grand.  
  • Saturn is in Capricorn, the sign after Sagittarius, wanting to put some of these new larger visions to work, determining the right timing. Saturn is ambitious and can build magnificently, stabilizing profound options for a long time to come.

Chiron and Uranus

Sun and Moon at 9 degrees are both tied with Chiron at 7 Aries and Uranus at 10 Taurus! Mother Moon has just passed Chiron, inspired by Chiron’s demand for new healing techniques! In Taurus, Uranus is making lots of Earth changes, changing many old standards of humanity, working for freedom at the most organic levels in new ways. Sun in Libra reaches out to others who need this special information. There are some terrific ideas for new businesses after the virus, the many protests, fires and floods. Business will be conducted in money saving new ways. Our relationship with land and water will be mitigated, remediated to better conditions than we had before. Renovation, going back to the status quo, is no longer enough. Rights of all kinds are being revised.

These are times to do projects, make connections with people who can help us. Sun would like to be new friends. Uranus is Spock brilliant, off to the side, triggering Libra’s astute curiosity! Visionary ideas are shared as whole bodies of knowledge. Uranus is a profound contributor. Chiron is quick to dart in to unkink the works when there is a block! It’s an uncanny experience for them all!

Chiron in Aries and Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs! They have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…in a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort, takes extra effort to initiate. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Thank you, Dear Libras, for giving lifelong inspirational connections!

Aries/Libra Full Harvest Moon Astrology Chart!

Aries-Libra 2020 Full Harvest Moon Astrology Chart!

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Libra New SuperMoon!

Friday Oct 16 at 12:31 PM Pacific, 23 Libra 53

Three Fixed Stars: Arcturus and Spica, Algol! Three Outer Planets Stellium, SIX Planet Cardinal T Square to Capricorn! Closing in on the Nov 3 Election. So much to do!

Libra 2020 New Supernoon Stars & Star Watchers Mr Jake

Fine Star Watching on a dark New SuperMoon night! Splendid hand drawing by Mr Jake!

2020 Oct, Nov, Dec and 2021 Jan, Feb, Mar New Moons are all at 23 degrees, a SIX months sequence! April 2021 is at 22 degrees. The signs are Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap AQ and Pisces. Then Aries at 22 in April.

Fixed Stars ~ Spica and Arcturus, Algol

All of these New Moons will aspect TWO lucky fixed stars! This New Moon is blessed to be AT, conjunct, Arcturus, now at 24 Libra 30, and Spica at 24 Libra 06! The stars must be read together. Spica is Virgo maiden girly and prim compared with Arcturus in the constellation Boötes herdsman. She is in the palace; he is not, yet both are workers! They do not sit together in the sky. Spica is -11 while Arcturus is +19 high above! 

Spica is considered especially lucky and blessed. She lives in a difficult place that is called the Via Combusta, a ‘dry’ path from 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio, but Spica is the oasis. – where the New Moon is at! She is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars, a selection of fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology of Europe and the Arab world. Spica is noted for spiritual and religious qualities, honors and fame, artistic skill, drawing ability, musical talent and a good sense for literature and the sciences. There can be refinement, a noble bearing, sublimation of sexual tensions. See more at Astrology King

Arcturus, another Behenian Star, moves things along and keeps order! He’s really go-ahead and enterprising spirit. Humble he is not! He has great pride, is grandly liberal, commanding, has cosmopolitan views. Arcturus gives riches, honors, high renown, self-determination and prosperity by navigation and voyages. You can see how Spica and Arcturus can complement each other and learn both finesse and boldness from each other!

If these stars are not well connected with your planets or others in the sky with them, yes, there can be troubles. In this case, though the stars are boosting the qualities of the New Moon, they are also, along with the New Moon, in squares with Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. Pluto has already taken some money. You may have paid a significant debt or incurred one. Some relationships may be on the block needing a decision. Your career may be at a critical point. What about retirement? Health is needing attention, at least this last week. Might be one of those times to check in with your astrologer if your chart is connected. 

Saturn continues trine fixed star Algol, the baddest Star according to some! Algol is at 26 Taurus 26 in 2020. It is a rare triple star and eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!

One hopes the trine, good aspect, will bend the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Turn the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Stay calm in the face of violence, shift your connections so better can happen. Know your rights and choose safety unless you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place. Libra and Saturn/Capricorn are pros at knowledgeable  advice. 

Even if there is ‘bad,’ Saturn, the one in charge, can handle it well even when he isn’t up to par himself! He knows about struggles and hard work. If he is standing well, he can be of great help. He is realistic, gathers the 4X4s, builds the shelter you need, takes responsibility with you to face any and all demons. He is clever, resourceful and sticks to his business when the going gets tough. With Pluto, he knows a demon when he sees one and has the power and instinct to fight back and remove it! Libra can be a crack fighter with super moves right at your side if you need help.

No matter what, many give Algol a wide berth, plan wisely astrologically. Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for it’s effective range while most stars get only 1 degree range. If in neighboring signs, only 3 or less degrees would be used. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

SuperMoons Sequence

To make it all a bit more intense, we have a “season” of 3 NEW SuperMoons September 17, October 16, and November 15, 2020. See EarthSky for viewing details! A supermoon is a full moon or a new moon that nearly coincides with perigee—the closest that the Moon comes to the Earth in its elliptic orbit—resulting in a slightly larger-than-usual apparent size of the lunar disk as viewed from Earth. The technical name is a perigee syzygy (of the Earth–Moon–Sun system) or a full (or new) Moon around perigee.

The second of these new moon supermoons, on October 16, 2020, will present the closest new supermoon of 2020. It will be more closely aligned with lunar perigee – the moon’s closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit – than any other new moon in 2020.The closest new moon of the year (like the year’s closest full moon) will cause larger-than-usual perigean spring tides. They typically follow the supermoon by a day or two.


Mars is Retrograde Sep 9 to Nov 13.
 As some planets are moving forward, the retrograde planets are collectively reviewing their previous works. The beauty of Rx patterns is they are S shaped, forward, back, forward, but it happens while time moves forward, the other planets have moved. Each direction change we see from a new vantage point. We go deeper. Nothing is really ever the same again even though planets cover the same degrees three times! We get three chances! Clever that. Saturated, empowered, we change, gain confidence, get excited to move on, especially Mars!

The New Moon just passed opposition Mars having gotten a super charge from the dynamo himself! Sun was opposite the 13th, the day Mercury went retrograde. Sun was either intrigued or felt blasted. Libra can hold his own in a courtroom, so Mars may have seemed just another opposite. Moon opposed Mars only hours before at 6:49 AM Pacific. There may have been some temper flares, but it showed action needing to be taken too. Less, or get a new, social life. Start that new project! Exercise! Today, the New Moon, there may be some indications of results. 

It may be good to collaborate with Mars. It happens that Mars, the planet of new beginnings is in his own sign Aries! Retrograde or not, he is always on his game, seeing the possibilities, leading the pack! Mars in his own sign has twice the punch, is quick on his feet, adapts instantly. He likes new but is a little tempery with delay. Yet he intuitively senses it’s a necessary part of the dance and gets on with his part. He is reminded about the great need for independence yet also how we are all a part of the great evolution together. Careful about clonking your head on something or it on you, cuts, stings, pushing too hard and being injured. Be careful on your bike when you take that detour or a new route. No matter what, you are always a winner! Spirit is with you!

Three Outer Planets Stellium, SIX Planet Cardinal T Square to Capricorn! 

We continue on with our three outer planets stellium in Capricorn – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter is spurred on by Venus, has finished his sextile with Neptune Oct 12, so is dispersing what he learned along magical Neptunian venues. Jupiter has turned forward and is again strongly activating Pluto and Saturn during the Mercury Retrograde Presidential Elections Nov 3. The final Jupiter conjunct Pluto just after the Elections Nov 12, Mars going direct, forward the Nov 13, Scorpio New Moon the 14th! Jupiter conjunct Pluto will bring up hidden truths, make extreme exaggerations, there will be teaching, harming and healing, be bankruptcies and billions made! 

2020 has been quite a year! Pluto brought the Virus and Jupiter is prejudice, but also outing the truth of the violence of racial injustice. Pluto in Capricorn is the Police, both good and bad, and hired killers. Jupiter often exaggerates conditions in initial situations not much is known about. We keep learning as different perspectives are considered. In Capricorn historical situations and what other governments have done can be profitably compared. Tradition is being reassessed. Old icons are tumbled. Jupiter looks for what works better at less cost. Sustainability is a strong factor now due to environmental concerns. Time to make a clean sweep and build much, much better. If you have the means, do what you can to help survivors, heal the environment long term, provide significant education. Keep your life clean or Jupiter in Capricorn the law, Pluto the Police, will be knocking on your door.

We have been seeing amazing caring and people stepping up to the plate. You see this aspect has a great range, extremes. And both can happen at once. Apply for help if you need it. Sometimes we just can’t do it all alone. One day you will be the one that’s doing the giving. Bless you and keep you. When you can, pay it forward.

We are on our way to Jupiter conjunct Saturn Dec 21! There is a special name for that, it is called the Great Conjunction! Jupiter Saturn meet up about every 20 years, so that isn’t uncommon. BUT! This one in Aquarius hasn’t happened in this sign since 1405! We are on our way to another amazing adventure!

New Moon SIX Planet T Square

This huge T Square culminates with the New Moon. A lot can happen and it won’t be snap of the fingers when the New Moon is over because the slow moving outer planets carry the information on to make better as they go along. Libra will bring relationship matters, business and legal  concerns, choices that need to be made to rebalance your life. Mars on the other side is wanting fresh starts, initiative, exercising your rights! Mars is retrograde going back while Jupiter is now coming forward to meet him! They are both feisty fire planets. Jupiter is bigger and has the law on his side; Mars is nervier and rarely backs down! David and Goliath. But Mars is on the leading edge, and Jupiter is always intrigued by new and different! They could work it out just fine and put it in the plans. Jupiter is coming up to kiss Pluto, another fighter! Only Pluto has the money aka funding. Pluto’s well is deep and his roots of power are deep. If anyone can change him, though, it’s likely to be Jupiter, who somehow often holds lucky cards, and has money making ideas just about everyone wishes for! Jupiter can make you laugh while spending all your money! Saturn is a lot less likely to be changed by a smile. You have to prove yourself. But if you pass Pluto’s gate you will likely be accepted. 

Helping this SIX planet T Square

Venus in Virgo is really enjoying getting up close to his trine with Jupiter! Jupiter is a gallant lad, debonair in his Capricorn suit! She admires his award winning work; he inspires her to redouble her efforts and expand her range of talents, maybe go to a specialty school, travel when she can – seminars, conferences. Maybe you will have met at a conference! She may arrange Jupiter’s itinerary for him and do some bookkeeping and organizing while she goes by. Venus brings the flowers and quality food. If you need some temp help for the next few days, do it! 

Venus is also super caringly tuned in opposite Neptune. She may get more of a feeling than a precise assessment, or so precise everyone is amazed! Neptune is at times in addictions status, other times on the caregiving side, sometimes confused, usually empathetic, always magical! Venus goes for the Grace and kindness when possible. Helping someone look better, making sure you get that shower. They help you care for your house, mediating a difficult situation, finding peace and balance. Virgo is a god gifted helper. Venus in Virgo is blessed with knowing what herbs and foods are natural helpers and that help you sleep well  too. 

Still, Chiron in Aries semisextile Uranus in Taurus are in neighboring signs!

Right now, Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus is adding a little spice! Mercury has come back for another look now through the 19th. He was here on Oct 7 and will be again Nov 17. Got to admit, Mercury in Scorpio has seen a lot, some of it dangerous. Uranus, though now settled in Taurus, seems slow, is still the planet of electricity and Scorpio is water. Tampering with the sleeping giant could have consequences. They sense when someone comes near their counting house. If Mercury is the journalist the risk may be worth it. Mercury may make a fundraising request. He may broach some new ideas for remediation that would appeal to the solid land man. Some unique research may be discussed. Give it at try. If it doesn’t work now, try again around Mid November. Mercury being retrograde this time may require an adjustment to your presentation and a wait for new information.

Chiron and Uranus have been semisextile 13 years, their last aspects in 2021! Chiron is sizzling in fiery Aries, a good business person as well as a healer/teacher, terrific consultant! In this combination a promotional organization would suit his Spirit! Supporting new students, think tanks, getting groups started! Avant-garde ideas, exotic explorations on land or in the lab, unique sports, research for new cures, looking for leaders! All would be exciting ventures! They have been closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect.

Sweeping change is often started with chaos and discomfort. This is our chance to step up for things that will introduce new possibilities. Uranus in Taurus is working for stable global union. Taurus is Earth herself, her lands, indigenous peoples that inhabit them, the Standing Tree People, Stone People, the Four Leggeds, all. Uranus is working for planetary freedom for all beings. Networking is key and Uranus rules electronics, computers, cells, social media as well as planes. All are important means to connect valuably with each other. Friendships open gateways. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus

Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius 08!

Saturn is the only planet connected with the GC this New Moon. Like with the Full Moon, Saturn is neighborly in Capricorn, the next sign, wanting to put some of these new larger visions to work, determining the right timing. Saturn is ambitious and can build magnificently, stabilizing profound options for a long time to come. Saturn moves slowly, will be in its humble connection with the GC through Nov 27.

Even this small link is important because in the remaining 2020 lunar charts, the Galactic Center is aspected every time! Since the charts are sequential by sign, refresh and update at each one. In the Mars/Mercury double retrograde, they both aspect the GC three times! Mars in Aries trines Aug 28 and Sep 21, the first and last days of the Mars retrograde station! Dec 31, the last day of 2020, Mars makes the last trine and is trine at the last lunar chart of 2020 Dec 29! This is 2020’s special gift to 2021! Mercury sextiles the GC Sep 24, Oct 30 and Nov 7. The Mercury in Libra Oct 30th and Nov 7th define Mercury’s direct station dates! The Galactic connections while the planets are in stations are significant because the stations are ‘stand still’ times that allow the information to be absorbed, focused on, sorted, anchored deeply in our consciousness. This specific timing is extraordinary! Mars is spurred to divine action; Mercury thinks about it and gives him the best ideas how and what to do! In Libra, Mercury sets Mars up with a fresh set of liaisons. The ideas may be rather new ideas too, but Mars loves new, so off he goes, learning along the way! Exciting and satisfying!

Libra Moon meets Sun, turns out the light to see the magical dark, the stars and space. She folds him into her arms, the sky blanket over them. They breathe together, share stories, laugh, have sadness, love each other, make plans.

Have a very dear New SuperMoon! We are so blessed by your sharing.

Libra New SuperMoon Astrology Chart!

Libra 2020 New SuperMoon Astrology Chart!

Saturday Oct 31, Halloween, we have the 2nd Full Moon in October called a Blue Moon, the Hunter’s and MicroMoon! It is at 7:49 AM Pacific at 8 Taurus/Scorpio 38. That and Nov, Dec and 2021 [Jan very close], Feb, Mar FULL Moons are all at 8 degrees! The signs are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. 

See the entire Libra Newsletter! Be up on the latest! SUBSCRIBE to the Newsletter!

See the 2020 Annual Special Edition! to take stock of your ending the year position, adjust your plans to make the rest of your changes really count. Oct, Nov the 2021 Annual Special Edition will be out for your new year planning.

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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New SuperMoon! Black Moon?! 

4 Planet Leo Stellium, SuperMoon, Mercury turns Direct at 8:58 PM Pacific! All those trines, Venus, Mars, Lucky Jupiter! 

Aquarius – LEO Full Grain Moon!

22° Sun, Venus & Moon with Pluto & more! Mercury – Chiron & Uranus!


LEO New SuperMoon! Black Moon?!

Wednesday July 31 New Moon at 8:12 PM Pacific, 8 Leo 37

It’s a calendar function! In the US it is our second July New Moon. A second one in a month is called a BLACK MOON! East of us it will occur August 1, the first of two in August for them! Their Black Moon will be the second New Moon in August, Friday Aug 30. 

4 Planet Leo Stellium, SuperMoon, Mercury turns Direct at 8:58 PM Pacific! All those trines, Venus, Mars, Lucky Jupiter! 

Leo 2019 New Moon New Beginnings

This New Moon will start a ‘season’ of three Super New Moons, July 31/August 1, August 30 – the closest, and September 28. They will be brighter and may appear bigger! More about Super Moons! Per NOAA, Santa Barbara CA will have a high 6.98 tide and a low -1.26!
A HOT 4 Planet fiery LEO stellium! Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars! Sweetie Venus, the New SuperMoon combo, and Mars clearing the way! Sun and Moon recently got their loving as they joined Venus. They are now on their way toward sassy Mars! Moon will get there on the next day, Aug 1 – see more below. Sun is a different story. Mars jumps into Virgo before Sun catches up. They won’t connect exactly until Labor Day, Sep 2 at 10 Virgo. Things they have been thinking about will get done then!
Mercury turns Direct at 8:58 PM Pacific! New Moons are new beginnings, and this one especially so with Mercury poised to get moving forward! New Moons can be a seeming point of stillness as Moon & Sun join in the dark night, and Mercury in Cancer has been steeping his thoughts while in the time of turning, called a Station. Stations hold our thoughts – focus, refine, anchor. It’s a doubly potent combination! See more about Mercury Retrograde!

Though we can’t see it, it is a spectacular New SuperMoon! King SUN in his own sign LEO, with Queen Mother Moon joining him, ever willing to celebrate the Sun God’s glory! They embrace, he is delighted with her company. He seats her at his side, warming her very Soul. She brought him luscious breads made of the grains of summer’s wealth. Who knows? They might be having some fresh strawberry jam too! She has been watchful of people’s needs in her pilgrimage around the signs, let’s him know so he can shine radiance to fall upon them and brighten their ways, to help them see what’s best to do next. He wants them to know what is in their own hearts, to BE true, to let their talents rise! It’s a special time of learning. The Great Spirit is afoot! 

Our New SuperMoon is at 8 LEO! Eight is the symbol of Infinity! Leo is the Light sign, infinite Light. Dark Scorpio is the 8th sign. We seek a balance, both being part of truth, a wholeness. Be courteous to each other. Dark allows us to see within, what motivates us. Light shows the way so we can take action, not stumble. 

Venus is bringing her Grace and Blessings to Moon & Sun! She brings love, appreciation, kindness, and, LOL, sometimes money, generous funding. In Leo she loves to love, is romantic and loves being waited on. Chocolates, please. She deserves all since she adorns the gathering, is the Princess to the Leo King and Queen! She teaches us to love ourselves and make beauty in all we do. She brings the flowers, sparkling stones, the stunning lighting at concerts! She recognizes intrinsic value and makes even the most simple things powerfully attractive for what they are. She sponsors young artists who don’t yet know the amazing capacity they have. 

Venus is trine, the most favorable connection, Chiron! He too in a fire sign, Aries, the instigator! She sees what a superb first responder he is, instinct on the ready at a moment’s notice. She values his shamanic wisdom, sends healing when he falters, as the best of us can do. They may decide to invest in some medical research or businesses that provide educations of different types. He can be gruff and rough at times, just needing to get things done soonest. Venus may be the buffer, go between, and smooth the way. He may move on, Aries always has new things to do, but sharing the ideas was Ace! She will remain and put them on the map to stay.

Venus will also face the Stranger, Uranus. He is odd, surprising, a genius. He may act alone or bring her to the humanitarian gathering working in behalf of planetary need. She may feel ready to rock or be a little intimidated and overwhelmed at first. Or she may see how the group works and start her own! They may stay friends, see each other once in a while, or never see each other again, but she will remember that wild encounter!

Moon, Sun, and Venus will all trine lucky Jupiter in the third fire sign Sagittarius! Moon to Jupiter Aug 1, Sun Aug 7, Venus Aug 8. Jupiter is often famous, a well-known traveler or publisher, a teacher forever. He expands everything. Kinda a Midas touch! He races, gambles, loves and leaves – but it was so much fun while it lasted! He is in his own sign these days. As a truth seeker, he really speaks forthrightly, has integrity and often strong opinions. Moon may be a bit leery of him, maybe a little too slick for her conservative instincts. He may have to prove himself to her over a period of time. Sun will call him Bro. Venus holds her own, knowing she has her own following, and can make his even better. She’s no fool. She may be romanced, but she knows when that is happening. She’s been romanced by the best. They could run away together…

Aug 1 Moon catches up with Mars! He is impatiently waiting since he recently trined Jupiter July 25 and is full of ideas of great potential! Jupiter gave him some super perspectives and he wants to get going, knows just what to do next. In Leo he certainly has the prowess to do it! Some will think he’s too pushy or discount him as a ladies man, but just the same, he has things to do and someone’s got to do it! Mars leaves Leo before Sun and Venus catch up. They do lend a sympathetic encouragement, but perhaps not closely enough to do much good. Moon will be the key, taking info from them to Mars, quickly so, and that’s it. It will be up to Mars to follow through on his own.  

Mars has just inconjuncted Neptune. They consulted. Mars came with all his heart. Neptune probably felt a bit invaded, but was intrigued and offered some ideas of a greater purport than of one individual’s needs. Mars offered to make Neptune’s dreams come true, and Neptune believed him, seeing Mars’ vigor and earnestness. He spoke to Mars that Mars’ intentions are symbolic of the needs of many people’s. Mars can’t always be totally solo and independent, but he can be a very clever advisor, instigate and lead potent actions, show others how to do it themselves!

Mars’ closest upcoming aspect is his inconjunct with Pluto in Capricorn. They are kin – both fighters. Mars is a frontline in-their-face crazy fearless leader. Pluto leads from behind, around, at night, a ninja no one sees. He’s doing financial dealing, wielding political connections, changing the flow of directions. Mars may be seeking a potent ally to take a public stand, to place money where it will count in the fight for the cause. A frontal approach may not work this time – Mercury is still retrograde, all is not apparent yet. Give it some time; come back later. If you make a proposal, don’t expect it to come out as intended. It may be outstandingly better!

Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn, still near Pluto though fading back for a while. He is still traveling closely at the Moon’s South Node. There is a karmic condition that needs righting, forgiving. Old fears need to be released, power used correctly. Dharma is the replacement. Take responsibility, stay steadfastly on mission, rebuild, upgrade. Meet your tests, give gratitude, have a workable humility. Be clean and kind in your authority. Stay aware of the time frame, priorities. Neptune sextile/trine the Nodes will help. Trust your intuition, remember the long range needs of the planet and all her peoples. Collaborate. Keep your dreams in mind.

Fixed Star Antares, 9 Sagittarius 46, is the big bad wolf in traditional astrology! Per Elsbeth Ebertin: ‘A Mars nature, in which the powers of Mercury and Jupiter and Saturn are also added. Antares makes people tough, belligerent and pugnacious. This is an important star for military personnel and is said to convey mental alertness, strategic ability and courage and to make dare-devils, especially if tied up with the MC, Ascendant, Sun or Jupiter. According to tradition, Antares is of violent character and is credited with being significant for a violent death, either in battle or by process of law. On the other hand, danger may come about by fire, weapons or machinery. Antares is also said to be unfortunate for the eyes, if in conjunction with the Ascendant, Moon or Sun and this has proven to be the case by later researchers.’ In this case the New Moon TRINES Antares, a favorable connection. Hopefully this will tip things to the positive side. See more!

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

ALL this is happening while Mercury is still Retrograde. BUT, Mercury is in station. That means Mercury is ‘standing still’ contemplating, focusing, absorbing, anchoring. Mercury goes Direct, turns forward, only 46 minutes after the New Moon! The New Moon is right in the core of Mercury’s eight days of steeping in Cancer! Mercury stations are 4 days before and after Mercury turns direct. At this point, Mercury is in Moon’s sign, attention on family matters, business, culture, what it means to be a child – growing up, how we feel, natural cycles and rhythms, on being a woman or Mother. These are elemental functions. Mercury thinks, makes connections, sibling to sibling, neighbor to neighbor. There is exchange, collaboration, shifting awareness. With this change of direction, we are moving forward, looking to apply our gains.

Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are part of!

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects
 that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Neptune is now at 18 degrees, tuned to the Ecliptic, and June events, will be connected with Transit of Mercury! Pluto is now at 21 Capricorn close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential Election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Leos, we are counting on you to keep that Light steady! 

It’s a calendar function! In the US it is our second July New Moon. A second one in a month is called a BLACK MOON! East of us it will occur August 1, the first of two in August for them! Their Black Moon will be the second New Moon in August, Friday Aug 30.
LEO New Moon! Black Moon?! Astrology Chart

Leo 2019 New Moon! Black Moon?! Astrology Chartx

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Aquarius – LEO Full Grain Moon! 

Tuesday August 15 at 2:38 PM Pacific 24 Capricorn/Cancer 04 

22° Sun, Venus & Moon with Pluto & more! Mercury – Chiron & Uranus!

LEO Full Moon Paddling Windsurf Station Premantura Croatia!

Summer paddling, swimming naked, kayaking are all fun under a Full Moon! Stop at Windsurf Station on your trip this summer! Skoljic beach, Premantura, Croatia
22 is the number for our Full Moon! 2 is a stable number, a number of solidarity, of Taurus our #2 Sign, all four feet on the ground! Double #s are considered to have more power, called master numbers by numerologists. Two is so solid it has ownership. There is agreement to hold the ground, possibly having mineral wealth or have land value that has steadily risen over the years. 

Leo and Aquarius, along with Taurus and Scorpio, are called Fixed Signs. Taurus is easy to understand, rules Earth herself. Scorpio is ‘captured,’ what is underground, the spiritual underworld. Leo is the Sun Star that always shines. Aquarius is the fixed Air mass that surrounds Earth! The Sun is up in that arena as well. We look up to it, in many cultures, as the Creator. Without it the crops die.

Leo is the sign of the Heart, the Heart of Light, Life. As the dross is burned away, we become more and more ourselves. We started out as our parent’s child. Some don’t become themselves until they become much older and so many things don’t mean so much anymore. We be ourselves with no apology. 

Venus, right with Sun, shows us how to love ourselves just the way we are. She blesses, makes beauty, shows kindness. She creates the most fantastic colors and lights of great magnitude that shower us just as surely as Sun Himself, she but reflecting him! Sweet radiance comes from her heart. Her glance, her smile our way, her touch, mean so much. It’s like fine wine to our Spirits and we can carry on. She glows and shimmers like a sweet sunset slipping into a silky sea. 

Moon is opposite, feeling remarkable in the midst of the Aquarian network! She visits every month, so is used to it sort of, but air is not her natural element. She is basically a stay-at-home water planet, but she is always curious what’s going on, what’s new. She is very conscious of community, and this one, Aquarius, is super bigger, the community of humanity! What an array! She watches with her photographic memory, gathers insights into her bowl of wisdom, takes the best home with her. Things can be a little crazy in Aquarius, but she has a way about her to comfort all ‘children’ of the Light, no matter what. She is instinctively recognized as such, someone to be trusted when people need calming.

Sun and Venus in romantic Leo are ready to meet the unique Moon Aquarius character! They will select unusual entertainment, exotic restaurants. Aquarius will be impressed by the Leo entourage, brilliance, while Leo will be impressed by Moon’s friend’s amazing intelligence and memory for facts past, present & future, far and wide! They all have much to share! On the other hand, Leo may feel a bit upstaged, and Moon, in one of her rare moments, is not impressed at all by Leo. In Aquarius she may be more interested in the world at large than in Leo’s exploits, seemingly self-centeredness. If they can discover mutual causes, Moon can invite Sun/Venus Leo to dedicate part of the take, publicize the cause as a fundraiser, and Moon in Aquarius can get up on stage and tell some of the story behind it, bring them to tears. There can be comfortable and profitable collaboration. Each helps the other, the world is a better place. 

5 Planet Virgo Stellium to come! Though Sun and Venus are close enough to Mars, also in Leo, and are inspired by his leadership, they don’t catch up with him in Leo. Moving quickly, he goes into Virgo first. Venus, then Sun and Mercury follow him to make four planets in Virgo! The August 30 New SuperMoon, the closest of our three SuperMoons in a row, will have all five inner planets in Virgo, a five planet last of summer, back to school, stellium! It starts late afternoon the 29th Pacific time until late afternoon the 31st! At the SuperMoon it will be a tight line up at 2, 6, 6, 7 and 11 degrees! See the Timetable and Chart!

Sun, Venus and our SuperMoon can give so much! Sun is generous, a big Soul. Venus can’t help but love it UP! Moon in Aquarius nurtures the planetary family. Spread those arms wide open. Be like the Statue of Liberty at the gateway. Let that Light shine! 

2019 Leo Aquarius Full Moon Statue of Liberty

All these pups are connected with Pluto at 21 Capricorn. In the background illegal immigrants are under fire, or should I say ICE? In the days before our Full Moon, Sun/Venus inconjuncted Pluto. Perhaps some were fortunate to have adjustments made about their cases. Leo and the Moon both rule children. The imprisoned children separated from their families have been suffering. There may be radical news on both sides of this matter. Full Moons, by their very nature of opposing signs, symbolized by Libra, the sign of Balance, may be able to negotiate effectively, or with Pluto in the mix, which can be hate, conditions could worsen. If that happens, it will be done quietly while the prison owners make more money. It’s big business.

Mercury in Leo trining Chiron in Aries may be of some help. Mercury may have gathered information that makes news. At the private level, Mercury no longer Retrograde, may be ready to set up a new business, get some quick healing from a master, be back at school studying brilliant inspiring new things with amazing instructors! Mercury will be curious about spiritual developments, symbolism.

Mercury is now squaring Uranus! Each can be stubborn in those fixed signs Leo/Taurus. Leo is looking at personal effects while Uranus, the planet of Aquarius, wants to know how you personally affect our planet! He puts the responsibility squarely at your feet, on y/our mental doorstep. Leo strives to be a good person. Mercury asks for ideas how to do it. Mercury can get bored, so even if Uranus seems a bit odd at first, Mercury will still listen. Mercury in a fire sign is pretty fast, whereas Uranus in Taurus could go into slo mo tempo and Mercury has already skipped off. Keep watch on the conversation. Speed up or slow down. Talk a shorter time, agree to meet again later or quite soon. Don’t let it lapse and miss the window. It could be wonderfully provocative!

Jupiter in Sagittarius is no longer retrograde, has turned forward. He will be squaring Neptune retrograde in Pisces the third time, but not until Sep 21. They are approaching to meet each other – Jupiter going forward; Neptune retrograding. Preview

Chiron in Aries & Uranus in Taurus continue humming along. They are will be completing their 13 years long journey in 2021. For now they are closely together in the background…a small but potent aspect. Uranus is becoming more Shamanic. Chiron is acquiring a more humanistic range of healing and teaching. See more about Chiron/Uranus 

Amazing Sequence of World Aspects we are part of!

The Full Grain Moon Sun, Venus, Moon and Pluto at 21 and 22 degrees are all precisely engaged with the Jan 12, 2020 Saturn conjunct Pluto, the Crown, and Jupiter conjunct Pluto at the 2020 elections! ♦ Read on…

We are in an impressive sequence of unusual aspects
 that started with the Oct 30, 2018 Pluto conjunct the Ecliptic at 18 Capricorn! June 16 & 18 2019 Jupiter then Saturn were with Neptune at 18 Pisces. The nine months of Jupiter/Saturn Neptune aspects lead up to the Nov 11 Transit of Mercury Retrograde Eclipse of the Sun at 18 Scorpio! And its sister aspect Nov 19 is Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. Those in turn prepare us for the 22 Capricorn Jan 12, 2020 Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Mar 21 4 Planet Capricorn Stellium, The Crown! at 23-29 Capricorn as Saturn changes signs! April 4, 2020 starts a three time Jupiter conjunct Pluto sequence. As Saturn prepped with demolition, Jupiter will clean out the remaining nest then regroup and prosper. The Nov 12, 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, exactly the same degree and sign as the Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Pluto follows and is the closest aspect to the 2020 Presidential Elections Nov 3! Important things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Neptune is now at 17 degrees, tuned to the Ecliptic, and June events, will be connected with Transit of Mercury! Pluto is now at 21 Capricorn close to the 22/23 degree events

Pluto will be at 23° when the 4 planet CP stellium forms Mar 21, 2020! There are extremes of prediction for the January, March 2020 events. End of the world, economic collapse, bankruptcy, death, on one side. On the other is resurrection, astounding long awaited revelations through science, wealth beyond measure, serious gains made with climate control! Two sides of the same coin. They will both be happening at once symbolically. There will be making messes and cleaning up messes. There can be bitter hate to profound regard. You can see there will be dramatic opposites, prolonged controversy. Many will be airing their dirty linen, like it or not, so keep yours clean. These aspects will have prime significance to the Nov 3 2020 Presidential election because they are precisely astrologically linked to it! Again, some things that happen on or about Jan 12, 2020 will be on the table at election time.

Those of you with factors in your charts close to 18 and 22/23 and 27 degrees will be connected to these world events. You can help or hinder or be hindered and helped! We’re counting on you to be keepers of the important informations, sacred wisdom, that are transmitted at these times – even if those are difficult times for you. You are the Guardians and will distribute valuable portions of information in potent places where it will do the most good, be effective. We honor your place, for being here this way for us.

Leos, we are counting on you to keep that Light steady! 

Aquarius – LEO Full Grain Moon Astrology Chart! 

Leo 2019 Full Grain Moon Astrology Chart!

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It’s a calendar function! BLACK MOON?! Next is the August New SUPERMoon Friday Aug 30 at 3:37 AM Pacific, 6 Virgo 47! For people East of the US, it will be the second of two August New Moons, a BLACK Moon!

See the entire LEO 2019 Newsletter!  Be up on the latest!  SUBSCRIBE!

See the 2019 UPDATED Special Edition Newsletter for making next year’s plans! Make your changes count. 

Please, always remember these planetary combinations are what’s happening in the world. Check with your astrologer to see how they do, or don’t, activate your personal chart! May it go very well with you….

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Sendai, Japan Quake – Tsunami March 11, 2011

Today, March 11, Uranus (quakes) gave it a last kick at the 29th, last degree and last day of Pisces (ocean), before going into Aries, by shaking us with the Sendai, Japan Quake!  9.0 made it the largest earthquake to hit Japan and the fifth largest in the world since records began in 1900.  Google Person Finder for Sendai Quake, click here

Uranus is the planet of quakes, electricity.  It and Neptune, planet of the ocean, tsunamis, have been traveling closely together in late degrees since April 2009.  Neptune just entered its last degree, the 29th degree, March 5.  The 29th degree classically is thought of as at the end of your rope, sometimes the last chance, endings, fatalities, completions, maturity, a done deal, little can be done about what was, and you are on the brink of imminent irrevocable change. 

This quake chart, just off coast of Sendai, Japan, has Uranus and Neptune both at 29 degrees, in each other’s signs!   Neptune is in the 7th house of relationships;  Uranus is in the 8th house, the house of death and transformation.  Aquarius is the 7th house cusp sign, and the sign Uranus rules.  Aquarius has to do with awakening, sometimes shocks, always change, making friends with people often very unlike us.  It also has to do with worldwide networking, the internet.  Early warnings were rapidly sent to the Pacific rim coastal areas. 

Uranus is still T square, the Moon’s Nodes!  This is significant because the Moon is Queen of the tides!  Ocillations, waves, undulations, are both Lunar and Uranian!  Uranus is the planet of Aquarius.  Think of the Aquarian symbol.  Electrical, sound, light, waves.  T squares are challenges, breakages in patterns, impediments, pressures.  The nodes are now at 28 degrees.  Uranus at 29, just nudged them over the line.

Charts of major events are always a conglomerate of aspects that have reached a threshold.  Some of the aspects are background, have stirred the pot before the event occurs.  Long term, slower aspects show potential.  Others, often fast moving aspects, are triggers and the event at core, very close to exact.  Then there are the aspects still building, indicating the aftermath, how the matter is handled. 

Recently we have had Jupiter square Pluto, Feb 25, and we are building to giant Jupiter’s Mar 17 perihelion (closest to Sun in 12 years and moving twice as fast as usual!) AND Mar 28, Jupiter opposite Rock of Gibraltar, hold-on-forever, concentrated, containing, Saturn!  In this chart they are in a wide T square, the Jupiter Pluto combo still smoldering, Jupiter already encountering the Saturn wall, making pressure.  This is all kinds of push/pull!  Jupiter simply has mass, can be a righteous bully, wants to move and does.  Pluto has power, and plenty of it, often unseen, a force to be reckoned with.  Saturn is stone cold, not giving in, will outwait you.  I’m dramatizing here to give you a sense of the symbolic stresses in play.   Jupiter at its time closest the sun, as it does once every 12 years, is more empowered than usual!

Just 2 days ago, March 9 Mars just had its 2 year perihelion!  It is at 12 degrees Pisces, midpoint (equidistantly between) Venus 10 Aquarius and Jupiter 10 Aries!  Mars rules Aries, so adds to Jupiter’s already amped energy!  Venus in Aquarius, sextile Jupiter, considered a protective aspect, perhaps mitigated circumstances, less were killed.  Some quakes and tsunamis have taken many more people.

The Moon, 0 degrees Gemini, square Chiron, 2 degrees Pisces, was the closest difficult aspect in time, with Moon sextile Mercury also at 2 degrees, in Aries.  The Moon can apply to the masses, the people, homes and businesses.  Chiron can be a wound, often rather fateful, unavoidable, even unfixable.  Pisces is the ocean, so a tidal sweeping, some never to return or be found, unknowns.   

Our hearts go to those who have lost so much, many not even having a place to sleep, no possessions left.  Economic recovery is one thing, loss of loved ones goes deeper.  Wounds can be life changing, and the Chironic symbolism is played out to entirety.  Wounded, healer, teacher.

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Pisces - Mardi Gras!

Mardi Gras!  It’s got everything Pisces – religion, art, music, magic! Romance, mystery, indulgence in the finest, confidants of like Spirit!

Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday, is the last day of feasting before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. This year it is March 8! Lent is a time of giving up something, a symbolic surrender of your ego that tells you that you have the right to have anything anytime. Oh, really. Ok. So it’s a good exercise for your Soul. It will continue for 46 days until Saturday, the 23rd of April.  Can you do it? I’m going to give it a try, again. I’m not Catholic, so this isn’t natural behavior in my genes. Give it a little thought, make it meaningful to how you are living your life, your intentions.  How will this clear your path, make you happier, more able?!

Lent is very Pisces also. The idea of surrender, giving up, is Pisces through and through. Only this time, you choose it, it is not put upon you, you are NOT the victim! It’s not due to poverty or old time chastity vows, not even something someone told you to do, unless you are Catholic. If no one is telling you to do it, it is a genuine gesture, a truth for yourself.

Repent and do penance.  Admit, make amends, might be another way to phrase this. Let this be a true celebration of your good place among us. You as your pure Self, dedicated to giving the best within you! Take us back into your heart, let us take you into ours.

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