
Posts Tagged ‘alignment’

You can bet Jan 17, 1964 Capricorn First Lady Michelle Obama is a strong part of Obama’s successful presidency and reelection! She’s an inspiration to all women, children, her People. Uh, it’s said, if you want something done, write to her, not the President!

Capricorn, First Lady Michelle Obama

Michelle is strong, artistic, intelligent, a lawyer by trade! She has a warm Spirit, loves kids and gardens. Her 2012 book American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America is based on her experiences with the garden and promotes healthy eating. Her call for action on healthy eating has been echoed by the United States Department of Defense, which has been facing an ever expanding problem of recruit obesity. She’s an advocate for poverty awareness, strongly supports women’s rights, and military families, helping working women balance career and family, encouraging national service, and promoting the arts and arts education. Fabulous that she gave a keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National Convention and also spoke at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Did I mention she has great courage?

Capricorn, First Sign into the Next 26,000 Years!

I have great respect for that Capricorns are leading our way, the first sign, into the next 26,000 years! They are third of the three earth signs, a culminating sign of honor, at the top of the natural zodiacal wheel, with ability to achieve maximum potential! As Builders, they work hard with the law and order of science, to make a safe place for us. The recent Newtown CT massacre puts Gun Control right in their sights. As adepts, Magicians, it will take all their skills to bring a working consensus. Emotionalism is not one of their trademarks, yet they will have to deal with frightened people on both sides of the issue.

Facing reality squarely is one of Capricorn’s fortes. From that acknowledgment, the foundation of change is established, further time wasting floundering is over. You can move on exactly from your center. You know your challenge. Information and education is natural next. Informed choices, some trial and error, get it into practice. Setting reasonable boundaries will guard progress until sufficiently established to stand on our own, adjust to changes without falling, or losses due to negative seduction and side trips. Straight ahead.

Timing is one of Capricorn’s great tools. They know how to wait if they have to. Having priorities right between your eyes, however, making potent choices every step of the way, compounds your speed in a good way, gets you there at prime velocity! You just have to get used to all the success! Success is another talent of Capricorn. It’s a new way to live. Doing it well takes some adjusting. Most of us are used to living in the barrel. How to come out into the Light really does take effort and hanging onto yourself so you don’t self-sabotage and go running back. Breathe. Stand still. Absorb it, learn how it feels. Your new friends will be happy for you, glad to help. You can do it. You already got this far.

Your part in the Uranus Aries/Pluto Capricorn Square through Mar 2015: Pluto is in your sign. It’s on a 248 year cycle, so very few people have Pluto in their sign in a lifetime. Pluto can take all your money, your life, your mate, or it can empower you to wealth, clean healthy living, with a super partner! It is the Planet of cleaning and clearing. Let go of the Past, learn from it, move on, one step at a time if necessary. If there are obstructions, help them come down, see the way to wiggle through, get the key to the door. Pluto rules sex in marriage, intimacy, deep bonding. If your Capricorn planet or area of your chart is a little rigid and cold, relax, let Pluto’s molten lava warm you from your core. Pluto rules sharing, but Capricorn can be money poor, frightened, grinchy, hanging on to every dime, denying, joyless, contracting to loneliness and, eventually, poor health. Bust it loose, corporate mergers do hugely better. Do a franchise! Invest a bit at a time. Learn from others, your mistakes, but do it!

Uranus in Aries will not be standing quietly aside taking it all in. Nope. It’s the tree shaker, pants on fire! Surprising options can surface. Tweaks and zaps change parameters instantly. It’s more impatient than you have ever known, but, let’s not be staid and compound the old errors! Make some new ones and clean up the mess! At least it’s enlivening and maybe even a little entertaining! Change and awakening gets your blood going! Uranus rules groups or loners, and Aries is independent. There’s also a slight war going on – who’s it gonna be? Me, you, or them, or all of us together?! Shall I do it myself, or get the computer warmed up for some of that social networking? Prolly gonna be some new ways to use that computer too.

Mayan Calendar Alignment Portal! Log your intentions, long term plans. Focus on your potent choices of action. Schedule check ins to see how you are doing. Revise, renew, stay true! Think big, we got a long way to go!

Happy Birthdays, Capricorns!

Winter Magic by Per Breiehagen

With Love, Innocence, Beauty….

Still only $147 for your Annual Read, 1 ½ hours, a life changing value! Comparison Readings $176 for 1 ½ hours Appointments as possible at your convenience, Call 805-898-7888, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com  For Birthdays, or anytime needed!  Gift Certificates always.

Need to find your BIRTH TIME?!  Vital Records US & International

See the entire Capricorn 2012 Newsletter!  See the 2013 Special Edition!

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Mayan Alignment Portal 2012, 26,000 Years Calendar!
Whether or not the calendar readers or historians have picked the right date, we do live in magical times! I am very happy to celebrate this special time at Winter Solstice! Out of 26,000 years, I think of our turning time to be a period of time, rather than a single day. At minimum, it would be a hundred years! 50 years on either side would be quite reasonable in this time frame. The 60s in the US were certainly a time of Revolution and awakening. We could even go back not too long ago, 1920, to the first US election Women had the right to Vote! That’s only 92 years ago! Wright Brothers first flight 1903. Again, not so long ago. We have been fighting for sexual understanding, racial freedom and rights, pro-choice, against child abuse, dignified dying, same sex marriage. All of these are huge shifts in social consciousness. Computers have changed our lives exponentially; the Internet is changing planetary awareness. We are truly becoming a global community. And that’s just recently. Consider what the NEXT 50 to 100 years will bring! There will be further important changes as our Planet Herself changes and we cope with global warming.

Here is the DAWN Winter Solstice chart of the Mayan Alignment Portal!
Santa Barbara CA 7:01 AM!

Mayan Alignment Astrology Chart at DAWN Dec 21, 2012

In recent times we have talked about most of the important elements of this chart:

In the Sagittarius newsletter we wrote up two more elements of the chart, Jupiter/Venus Yod Kite with Pluto and Saturn, and Saturn sextile Pluto.

What we haven’t talked about recently is the Jupiter sextile Uranus that happened exact only once July 21, 2012. Jupiter is now retrograde, and will come back to almost make an exact sextile again. Dec 15 it comes within 5 degrees, Jan 1, 2013, it is within 3 degrees! It will be quite close, just over a degree, Jan 30, 2013, the day it turns Direct! It stays in close sync within 2 degrees until it finally gets 3 degrees and passes out of the aspect March 30, 2013. This is a wild and playful aspect plump with possibilities, an adjunct to the Yod Kite! Spice in the making; uncanny good luck for those of you whose charts this aspects well – fire and air signs in 2 to 8 degrees! Reconnect with friends over the holidays, especially those you saw in July, and refresh projects you started then! Jupiter is travel, Uranus air flight. Go somewhere! Take up with a new group, community organization that does what you aspire to. Do some online publishing, start a commercial blog! Games, big animals like horses, a wee bit of gambling! Sign up for some classes that will restore your faith and boost you to a new level!

Moon is in Aries, Spirit and spunk! The very sign of Initiation, new beginnings!

This is a complicated profound time of Fusion and Initiation. Don’t miss a rich vigorous moment of it. I repeat:  ‘With profound intention, we willingly embrace the Threshold of this Divine and Magical Passage. Since Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn are in each other’s signs, Mutual Reception, the blend is finely done, the Passage powerful. Pluto in Capricorn deeply heals the lame and sometimes spiritually depleted. All people can make this Transition.’

I’ll be seeing you December 22, the first day of the next 26,000 years!

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Throughout the period of the Mayan Alignment Portal, Saturn in Scorpio lends his planetary rings at the Gateway.  With profound intention, we willingly embrace the Threshold of this Divine and Magical Passage.  Since Saturn and Pluto are in each other’s signs, Mutual Reception, the blend is finely done, the Passage powerful.  Pluto in Capricorn deeply heals the lame and sometimes spiritually depleted.  All people can make this Transition.

Using a 5 degree orb, this aspect started during Scorpio and continues throughout the Holiday season until the day after Christmas. It is the first of 3, this one exact at 9 Scorpio.  Besides happening at the amazing time of the Mayan Calendar turnover, on a daily basis, it is a practical, sober type aspect, with the planets in each other’s signs, each offering the other its wisdom. If you’re in, you’re in; time to be realistic. If you are the working type, and this is activating your chart, you will get tons done! Very professional, no wasted time or materials, precise. A bare bones operation could succeed. Don’t be surprised if there is more work, keep a record of your production for later reviews and raises, to determine return on investment. Holidays or no, there will be needs to be on the job. Though some situations may be intense, career, relationships, health, they may also be blessed by profound touches, assuring a foundation for a new life. Make sure your efforts count, make your Will.

Expect progress to be slow in some cases, but the work of a deeper origin, making it’s way to surface, darker meaning getting used to the Light, transforming before your very eyes! Not a time to abandon what’s started; the creature needs love and protection. Once released, it may spring like from a catapult! Give it all a chance, keep a keen watch, and stay Steady, steady in the Light, for there is much to be done.  Together.

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Dec 1 to 22, 2012, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto build to their closest Yod configuration, all at the 8th degree at the Dec 21 Winter Solstice and the Mayan Alignment!!!!

This Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto Yod is the core aspect of the December 2012 Yods! It is so rare for 3 outer planets to make a Yod, more rare to be part of a Yod Kite, this one adorned by Ms Venus!
  • Dec 20:  Jupiter Rx inconjunct Pluto  1st of only 2   8 Gemini 56
  • Dec 22:  Jupiter Rx inconjunct Saturn  1st of only 2   8 Gemini 46

You see how close these degrees are – the three outer planets all at the 8th degree!  The next and only other set will be made late March 2013, at 10 & 11 degrees Gemini with Jupiter also squaring Chiron for the 3rd, last time.

Jupiter and Pluto rule neighboring signs.  Pluto rules Scorpio, the M symbol with an upturned arrow-point tail.   Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the next sign, whose symbol IS the Arrow, springing from the depths of Scorpio’s concentrated power!  Though naturally related, they are very different.  Jupiter/Sag loves story telling, the Truth will out!  Pluto/Scorpio usually prefers privacy until it’s very ready for revelation, to reveal its secrets.  Pluto researches, guides its financial and therapy clients, helps with Hospice, loves intimate sex and deep relationships.   Pluto can be expert at corporate collaboration, deal making.  Once Scorpio is healed and ready to go, Jupiter is happy to spread the good Word by publishing, touring, teaching at conferences or University!  It’s all about concealing and revealing with due respect as to when.  It takes the Sacred to the Temple to share with All.  However, Sag may want to wander and explore, free itself from heavy encumberments.  So don’t be surprised if they just want to play, and they simply disappear…not wanting commitment at all.  With inconjuncts, the challenge is to pay attention, be aware.  With Pluto going inward, and Jupiter shying off like a spooked horse, it may be a little trick to accomplish.

Jupiter and Saturn rule neighboring signs as well, so three signs in a row are activated, Scorpio, Sag, Cap!  Jupiter rules Sagittarius; Saturn rules Capricorn.  Same story – though naturally related, they are very different.  Jupiter celebrates life, is joyous, enjoys its travels and the interesting people it meets on the Path!  It makes connections world wide.  It shares anything from chatting around the campfire, to international conferences inspiring leaders to take the information home with them.  It publishes books and blogs, enjoys the perspectives that help people plan and evolve.  They are known for health and optimism, being lucky!  Saturn is the Builder, hunkers down to hard work.  Though not known necessarily for their cheerfulness, they can be very funny while getting the job done, and are timely about it!  No gambling, but law and order, by the book.  They want to be sure good things last a long time, are secure.  They prefer long term commitments.  Fathers, mentors, the boss, can be allies.  Setting boundaries is important, and certainly no running off!  Might be time to get a good buy on a retirement home in a foreign country, to build a mountain lodge with a fine view over the valley.  Saturn helps bring us back to focus, which is exactly what an inconjunct needs as our attention is distracted.  Priorities keep us steady to achieve our goals.  Jupiter may grumble at restraint, but will love the results!

This yod is sweetened Dec 20 – 22 with Venus at the Saturn/Pluto midpoint forming the Yod Kite!  Venus adds Grace, gratitude, affection, and appreciation.  Celebrating the good works keeps it all humming.  Venus is terrific at assessments of intrinsic value, whether your program, product, or relationship is attractive enough to merit its continuance.  The right beautiful images can make the difference in a grant proposal.  A smile and a handshake, a hug, changes the depth of your connections.  Pay attention to your body; it’s your prime possession!  You might enjoy that book The Five Love Languages for Singles by Chapman.  It’s good for both married and singles!  It’s a quick read, terrific ideas for the Holidays!

This is all so special since it takes place over Winter Solstice/Yule, the time of the Magical Mayan Alignment!  It IS VENUS again, the planet that made the Transit of the Sun on June 5. Also on Winter Solstice day, Dec 21, Mercury happens to be at 15 Sagittarius, opposite the 15 Gemini point where the Venus Transit occurred!!!!  It has special function here because Mercury and Jupiter are in each other’s signs, as are Saturn and Pluto – called Mutual Reception.  Planets in this arrangement have an intricate synchrony, and function as if they are in two places at once!   In Mercury and Jupiter’s case, communication will be enhanced 10 fold, meaning both in sheer volume of the Word that goes out, but also in the understanding of the diversity of the purpose of the Portal!

Here’s how the VENUS Yod Kite looks in the DAWN Mayan Alignment Portal chart!

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Our 2012 Sagittarian heroine,  in this case Jupiterian heroine, Latina Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer!

Justice Sotomayer, though a strong Cancerian, has Jupiter of Judges and Justice conjunct her Sun!

Her Sun is conjunct Jupiter, the planet of Sagittarius, justice and judges! Sotomayor became the youngest judge in the Southern District of New York City and the first Hispanic federal judge in New York State. She became the first Puerto Rican woman to serve as a judge in a U.S. federal court, and now is the first Hispanic Justice! Biography.com says: Sotomayor’s first leanings toward the justice system began after watching an episode of the television show Perry Mason. After a prosecutor on the program said he did not mind losing when a defendant turned out to be innocent, Sotomayor said she “made the quantum leap: If that was the prosecutor’s job, then the guy who made the decision to dismiss the case was the judge. That was what I was going to be.” She attended both Princeton and Yale, and three presidents have helped her on her way – George H.W. Bush, Clinton, and Obama! Sotomayer is long on education, community and social contribution, and as an undaunted rights fighter for her people.

Sagittarius – Propositions Further than Beyond!

Voting is done, now what did it all mean and where is it going?!  Sagittarius compares in its own way, data relative to other times, countries, schools, schools of thought.  Previously projected outcomes take on important meaning – how were the accurate ones made and by whom?  When do we know when predictions are true?  Who to trust or to stick with our own ideas?  This is important everyday of our lives.  Losing propositions, candidates, have potency, need to be factored in, regarded honorably as indicators of ending cycles, others as upcoming newcomers, building trends.  With Jupiter, Sagittarius’s planet, in Gemini now, there is a dispersal of information, tracking of clumps of information, that point future directions.  Options are more wide spread in their intentions, more connections are available.  Sag isn’t afraid to reach to far places, test the limits of faith, shamelessly hope, plan for magnanimous results!  If the President is expected to do it in 4 years, let us do what we can do in 4 years too!  If you were on the block in 4 years, would you reelect yourself?!  Make your long term plans and make your choices with them in mind!

Relationships with restless Sagittarians often require a broad tolerance, an ability to pick up and go, many big smiles!  Generosity, big stories, visiting the Oracle, conferences with diversity keep them humming!  Truth makes a difference.  There often seems to be a wide-eyed innocence, but they have definite principles.  Justice may mean allowing everyone to have their own opinion, or, it may be Court time, let the Judge decide.  If you are planning on having children, be sure to talk over issues of Faiths if you have different spiritual ways of life.  Outdoor sex is great sport, or have a home that’s got a lot of room and second story with a great views!  If you are a Senior, Sagittarians are usually vibrant and amazingly healthy for their age – a cheerfully good investment!

Sports, games, gambling, taking a chance, going for it, can take us really fun places!  Long distance running, hiking, skating, skiing, racing horses, are ways to get there!  More vacations are needed for the average Sag.  And sometimes they just keep going, round the world, putting up that blog site, leading tours, writing travel guides, inspirational adventure stories, imports/exports.  Stretch your Soul!  Playing and getting paid for it works just fine!

Uranus Aries/Pluto Capricorn Square  Sagittarius gets along wildly with Uranus in Aries.  This combo in a birth chart makes for an independent person who loves being on their own and may never marry!  It’s playful, curious, innovative, ahead of its time, leading the way!  It may not always seem so grown up, but they sure get things rolling!  Sagittarius with Pluto in Capricorn can be tears and tantrums!  You just can’t keep a good Sag down, and Pluto in Cap tries everything, from sneaking in the paragraph in the contract, everyday trickery, to guilt and cajoling for being irresponsible.  Sag wants to run away now!  But, if Cap lets that smile come through, Sag can be really funny, they might just get a lot done together, Sag encouraging and optimistic, confident, opening bigger doors for superior results.  Together they win the award!

Dec 21, 2012 Winter Solstice Mayan Calendar Alignment Portal!  ONLY 31 DAYS!  We are so close now!  This is the last sign, Sagittarius, before Dec 21.  So time to review your intentions, long term plans.  Ask yourself the big ‘WHYS’ and focus on a potent course of action.  If you need help with that, it might be time for a personal coach, or become one!  They say it’s best to do what you want to learn!  It’s not that Dec 21 is going to make things happen for you, it’s YOU who is going to make things happen for you!  You are the Seed that life will go magically on from after Dec 21, starting the NEXT 26,000 years!  What will be your magical contribution, opportunities?!  Live it uP!

Happy Birthdays, Sagittarians! 

Sagittarians have keen far vision, stay true to their Path!

Make your point, and make your mark!


Still only $147 for your Annual Read, 1 ½ hours, a life changing value! Comparison Readings $176 for 1 ½ hours Appointments as possible at your convenience, Call 805-898-7888, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com  For Birthdays, or anytime needed!  Gift Certificates always.

Need to find your BIRTH TIME?!  Vital Records US & International

See the entire Sagittarius 2012 Newsletter!

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