
Posts Tagged ‘earth magicians’

You can bet Jan 17, 1964 Capricorn First Lady Michelle Obama is a strong part of Obama’s successful presidency and reelection! She’s an inspiration to all women, children, her People. Uh, it’s said, if you want something done, write to her, not the President!

Capricorn, First Lady Michelle Obama

Michelle is strong, artistic, intelligent, a lawyer by trade! She has a warm Spirit, loves kids and gardens. Her 2012 book American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America is based on her experiences with the garden and promotes healthy eating. Her call for action on healthy eating has been echoed by the United States Department of Defense, which has been facing an ever expanding problem of recruit obesity. She’s an advocate for poverty awareness, strongly supports women’s rights, and military families, helping working women balance career and family, encouraging national service, and promoting the arts and arts education. Fabulous that she gave a keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National Convention and also spoke at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Did I mention she has great courage?

Capricorn, First Sign into the Next 26,000 Years!

I have great respect for that Capricorns are leading our way, the first sign, into the next 26,000 years! They are third of the three earth signs, a culminating sign of honor, at the top of the natural zodiacal wheel, with ability to achieve maximum potential! As Builders, they work hard with the law and order of science, to make a safe place for us. The recent Newtown CT massacre puts Gun Control right in their sights. As adepts, Magicians, it will take all their skills to bring a working consensus. Emotionalism is not one of their trademarks, yet they will have to deal with frightened people on both sides of the issue.

Facing reality squarely is one of Capricorn’s fortes. From that acknowledgment, the foundation of change is established, further time wasting floundering is over. You can move on exactly from your center. You know your challenge. Information and education is natural next. Informed choices, some trial and error, get it into practice. Setting reasonable boundaries will guard progress until sufficiently established to stand on our own, adjust to changes without falling, or losses due to negative seduction and side trips. Straight ahead.

Timing is one of Capricorn’s great tools. They know how to wait if they have to. Having priorities right between your eyes, however, making potent choices every step of the way, compounds your speed in a good way, gets you there at prime velocity! You just have to get used to all the success! Success is another talent of Capricorn. It’s a new way to live. Doing it well takes some adjusting. Most of us are used to living in the barrel. How to come out into the Light really does take effort and hanging onto yourself so you don’t self-sabotage and go running back. Breathe. Stand still. Absorb it, learn how it feels. Your new friends will be happy for you, glad to help. You can do it. You already got this far.

Your part in the Uranus Aries/Pluto Capricorn Square through Mar 2015: Pluto is in your sign. It’s on a 248 year cycle, so very few people have Pluto in their sign in a lifetime. Pluto can take all your money, your life, your mate, or it can empower you to wealth, clean healthy living, with a super partner! It is the Planet of cleaning and clearing. Let go of the Past, learn from it, move on, one step at a time if necessary. If there are obstructions, help them come down, see the way to wiggle through, get the key to the door. Pluto rules sex in marriage, intimacy, deep bonding. If your Capricorn planet or area of your chart is a little rigid and cold, relax, let Pluto’s molten lava warm you from your core. Pluto rules sharing, but Capricorn can be money poor, frightened, grinchy, hanging on to every dime, denying, joyless, contracting to loneliness and, eventually, poor health. Bust it loose, corporate mergers do hugely better. Do a franchise! Invest a bit at a time. Learn from others, your mistakes, but do it!

Uranus in Aries will not be standing quietly aside taking it all in. Nope. It’s the tree shaker, pants on fire! Surprising options can surface. Tweaks and zaps change parameters instantly. It’s more impatient than you have ever known, but, let’s not be staid and compound the old errors! Make some new ones and clean up the mess! At least it’s enlivening and maybe even a little entertaining! Change and awakening gets your blood going! Uranus rules groups or loners, and Aries is independent. There’s also a slight war going on – who’s it gonna be? Me, you, or them, or all of us together?! Shall I do it myself, or get the computer warmed up for some of that social networking? Prolly gonna be some new ways to use that computer too.

Mayan Calendar Alignment Portal! Log your intentions, long term plans. Focus on your potent choices of action. Schedule check ins to see how you are doing. Revise, renew, stay true! Think big, we got a long way to go!

Happy Birthdays, Capricorns!

Winter Magic by Per Breiehagen

With Love, Innocence, Beauty….

Still only $147 for your Annual Read, 1 ½ hours, a life changing value! Comparison Readings $176 for 1 ½ hours Appointments as possible at your convenience, Call 805-898-7888, email Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com  For Birthdays, or anytime needed!  Gift Certificates always.

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See the entire Capricorn 2012 Newsletter!  See the 2013 Special Edition!

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