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Star Watcher’s Alert!  March 13, Beautiful annual Venus conjunct Jupiter in the evening sky!

Trines are fine, sextiles some think are better, Grand Sextiles are vundebar!  Trines have all the same elements, unless they are at the cusps and slip across the margin.  Then they get a tad more interesting, a little spice with the dumplings!  Sextiles are mixed but harmonious elements, some thinking that adds more opportunity to the mix, more active.  Grand Sextiles complete the whole circuit.  And they aren’t so common, often occurring only briefly when the Moon, or Ascendant, slips into position making the circuit complete.  They have a Gemini flavor since sextiles are 60 degrees apart, starting with Gemini, 60 degrees from the first sign, Aries.  They can be only two kinds, fire and air, or earth and water.  This one is earth and water – common sense flowing, mud squishing between your toes, watering your garden, sewers and drainage, a working intuition, keeping our ocean clean, resting at the spa.  Lots of choices.

• March 6  5 Planet Earth Grand Trine, Moon Virgo! As the Moon enters Virgo 7:27 PM Pacific, it trines Venus and Jupiter in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn! Jupiter and Pluto are in turn trine Mars! By connections, we have a 5 planet trine! Love and beauty, play, and perfection all rolled into one! Mars says let’s do it!

• March 7 About 4 AM the Moon comes into close range of Mars, gives the Earth Trine some spike! The Moon activates Mars all day, making the conjunction in the afternoon at 3:28 PM. Definitely time for new projects, especially ones that involve physical action or courage and leadership.

• March 11 12:45 AM to 1:02 PM Pacific, we have a brief potent rare window formed by the Cancer Ascendant, that makes an amazing 4 Planet Earth Grand Trine/GRAND SEXTILE! Opportunities abound for Earth and Water people, with planets or factors from 0 to 10 degrees, involving Earth and Water ventures! The Moon is in Scorpio sextiling its ruler Pluto in Capricorn, an opportunity of emotion and power, intuitive healing. The Cancer Ascendant sextiles the Venus/Jupiter conjunction. It senses financial possibilities, loves people from afar, is willing to learn, a lot!

We are only one day off from the 3rd and final Jupiter trine Pluto, exact the 12th 9:31 PM Pacific! (Please see above.) Yes, Mercury is impatient at Station in Aries, retrograde the 12th/next day also, so be sure you want what you want, what’s up, because it may stay that way for some time. Because Mercury is camping next to unstable Uranus, what may stay is instability, but I can guarantee you won’t be bored and there could be incomparable returns!

• Mar 13   4 Planet Earth Grand Trine ALL PLANETS at 9 degrees! Chiron makes it a Kite! The 13th and 14th are a summary couple of days of an awesome set! This is the fat max of the Trines! That’s the day Venus exactly trines Pluto, and conjuncts Jupiter, trining Mars early AM the 14th! The 14th, Mars exactly trines Jupiter, then Pluto! If you love it, go for it, but, remember, Mercury is retrograde, so no surprise if you don’t land where you expect!

• Mar 15   5 Planet Earth Grand Trine, Moon Scorpio! Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto are still at 9 degrees, but the trine is fading as Venus leaves the nines. Missy Moon joins in, so if you forgot anything, take care of it now! She means business joining Pluto in Capricorn, and probably throws Pluto off his stride for a bit, though it will likely be interesting to see what comes to (moon)light! The 9th degree is still key. 12:40 to 12:55 PM is the potent window.

NOTE: Chart times and dates given above are calculated for Santa Barbara CA, so if you are in a different location, we need to make adjustments to fit your zone and latitude. Also, it’s important to see how this all fits with your chart. I have reported the trines and sextiles to you, but the charts also include difficult aspects. The red lines in the chart below indicate challenges. If you don’t do astrology yourself, get some professional help to select your personal timing choices! I’ll be glad to help! 805-898-7888  Cerena@ItsAstroLogical.com

Here is the March 11 EARTH/WATER GRAND SEXTILE CHART! See all those green lines connecting? It’s also called a Grand Hexagon, or Star of David! It only happens that time of day in this time zone/Santa Barbara latitude. It will be a different time in your zone/latitude.

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The sad news came in this evening, Feb 11, 2012, Whitney Houston, extraordinary woman, singer, has passed at 48. My heart is sad at her difficult times and now her passing.

Whitney Houston, August 9, 1963 Leo

For those of you interested in the Astro*Logical charts, we do have her birth time, so her birth chart is accurate. She was an Aug 9 Sun/Venus Leo with Moon/Jupiter in Aries, Pisces Ascendant. Sun/Venus is beauty and blessings, self esteem issues, indulgences. Moon/Jupiter Aries can go a long way from home, have fame for being the first, #1, a leader. Pisces is an artist, a musician.

Written in Wikipedia, one of her accomplishments was ‘In October 1994, Houston attended and performed at a state dinner in the White House honoring newly elected South African president Nelson Mandela. At the end of her world tour, Houston performed three concerts in South Africa to honor President Mandela, playing to over 200,000 people. This would make the singer the first major musician to visit the newly unified and apartheid free nation following Mandela’s winning election. The concert was broadcast live on HBO with funds of the concerts being donated to various charities in South Africa. The event was considered the nation’s “biggest media event since the inauguration of Nelson Mandela.” Please see her natal chart below.’

Whitney Houston, August 9, 1963, Newark NJ, 8:55 PM

Technical note: Whitney’s death was recorded as at 4 PM after 20 minutes of CPR. She was found unresponsive at 3:30 PM, having been in the bathroom for over an hour. Her death occurred sometime in that previous hour. In the chart below, I used the mid of that hour, 3 PM, for her death chart, to see the possibilities. No matter what time you use, from 2:30 to 3:30, the death chart is Cancer/Capricorn Ascendant/Descendant, with Sun in its’ 8th house. Sun 8 is commonly death at one’s own doing.

Whitney Houston's AstroLogical Birth and Death Charts

At this time of her passing, there are two exact to-the-degree major difficult aspects formed by outer Planets. Outer planet events have long-term meaning and effect. 1) Pluto, planet of Death, is squaring her natal Mars, life force, in Libra, in her Libra house. Choices could have been out of balance, an impetuous slip made, perhaps a loss of attention mattered. It was speculated she ODed after several days of intense partying. More will come to light in the following days.

2) In the second outer planet hard aspect, Chiron in Pisces is within 6 minutes, just a fraction of a degree from opposition her Uranus, and very close to her Ascendant from the 12th house of passing of the Spirit. In old mythology, Chiron is the wounded healer/teacher. Uranus is sudden change, in this case, in her health house, in the health sign Virgo. She may have been feeling a loss of friendships as well. And transiting Uranus was inconjunct her natal Uranus, the planet of friendships and community, but also supreme lonliness at times. In so many ways, Whitney was like rarified air – her race, her voice, her fame. There’s just not that many people to talk with at that level, and the ones you know, know you too well.

Dramatically, the Moon is 16 Libra, opposite Whitney’s natal Moon at 17 Aries, Jupiter 19 Aries. It was kind of like a ‘Full Moon’ of Moons. She could have felt her luck had run out, that the Self she most wanted to be was lost, unconnected. Sometimes Lunar disturbances make us lose our memory. Perhaps she didn’t think of her child or she thought her child would never love her the way she wanted to be loved by her child, or her child didn’t need her anymore and would be ok. And, there are times when chemical collisions and certain feelings are more than the rational mind can contain. We don’t think at all.

There are some very beautiful aspects.  Pluto in Capricorn, and Jupiter in Taurus, are making a Grand Earth Trine with her Uranus/Mercury/Pluto stellium in Virgo! Uranus, apparently is the key, being in both the difficult aspect, and tying to the favorable Grand Trine as well. Uranus/Mercury indicate her unique voice, exquisite singing. Pluto adds a control and perfection to the point of enchantment. Simply, she was extraordinary. These current aspects will probably make her more famous, her legacy strengthened, her estate will make money.

She was both a strong woman, regally surpassing expectations, and had the exquisite touch of a feather. May she rest lightly.

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There is a powerful set of planetary aspects leading up to Neptune entering its OWN SIGN Pisces!

April 1, April Fool’s Day, Mars enters its own sign Aries, making that then FIVE planets in ARIES!  Since Mars is in his perihelion year (closest to the Sun and moving fastest), recently at maximum perihelion March 9, he is still moving fast, speeding up our responses. In his own sign, things will be even more to the point and ASAP.  An independent note is alive, and survival has great depth of meaning after the Japan quake & tsunami.  Mars’ perihelion was only two days before the quake, and in Pisces, the sign of the ocean, tsunamis.  In a manner of speaking, there has been a tidal clearing, and now it is time to pioneer what will be one of the most amazing creations of our modern times.  The Japanese rebuilding will be able to model fuel efficient cities, improvements in transportation systems, will have opportunity to create life supporting communities that are green beyond our wildest dreams!  Tradition will encounter youth and inspiration.  It will take courage and tremendous respect to introduce and strategize improvements that will still be comfortable for elders, keep them feeling close to their roots, yet be better for them as well.  The Japanese have always been famous for their warriors.  Now it will take all their poise, to live on the edge of the sword in a good way.

April 3 is a remarkable day with the Aries New Moon leading at 7:32 AM Pacific, Mars conjunct Uranus 1:52 PM, and Saturn at Opposition (Sun) 4:58 PM!

April 3 the new Moon will be 13 Aries 30, and the Moon’s presence then makes SIX planets in ARIES!  Often New Moons are quiet affairs, but this one may not be so.  Aries isn’t famous for quiet or staying in bed, so don’t be surprised if you feel yourself being prodded to action.  Since it is early Sunday morning, why not plan ahead for something new for breakfast, try out a new recipe, go out to a restaurant with a sunrise view!  Maybe there is a little project you would love to get out of the way and it goes quickly.  Go see some new property, an open house.  Meet some friends for a bike ride!  You may not feel like Church, or the speaker may be super inspirational.  If you know others are going to be moving faster, plan ahead so you can do your best to keep up in cheerful spirits.  Have your cuppa at easy access.

April 3 Mars conjunct Uranus!   Happens every two years, so many of us are born with it, and we know what it means!  We love our computers, when we aren’t frustrated with them.  We have independent friends, lots of them.  We know what brainstorming and barnraising can do – multiply power, do what one can’t do alone.  Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help simply because we are curious what will happen if we don’t.  Sometimes we are brought to our knees and we are so touched by help given even when we didn’t ask.  This conjunction is in ARIES, so independence is even more pronounced.  Add in the ability to be the fighter, for better or worse.  Exuberance and enthusiasm may be over the top, to you, but not to the person who has this in their chart!  They are just getting started!  Give them room, and let them run circles around you – they can work, you can watch!  That’s divine economy, right?  Give them an electric bicycle!  They will be thrilled.

Worldwide, the day of, or the day before or after, may bring surprising news, more crisis fighting, rebels may renew their fight, huge explosions, angry words, shocking votes, affairs or improprieties.  There is a lot of stress with a New Moon (Sun and Moon both pulling at the same side) and the Sun opposition Saturn pulling at each other.  

April 3 Annual Saturn at Opposition (the Sun). The ringed planet will be at its closest approach to Earth. This is the best time to view and photograph Saturn and its moons. For us in everyday life, Mar 30 to Apr 3 is during Mercury retrograde, and also, by its own nature, is not a time to start a new project. Yet, many will, and the challenges will be to overcome fears, depression, decipher what’s real, how much time it will take, how to access resources and tools, whether to give in or give up. If you overcome the difficulties, it will feel like such an achievement. You may not smile, or there may be a sober one, but there’s a good chance you will be glad you went ahead. Be ready for it to be a continual learning experience, and each step may go far more quickly than you ever thought possible. When you reach those breaking points, sleep on it, see how it goes the next day. Follow your heart.

This aspect involves creator Father Sun, and patriarchal guardian, Father Time Saturn, of age and mastership.  Fathers.  Sun is Self, your individual giving self.  Saturn, planet of achievement, says you must prove yourself, earn it.  At opposition suggests a standing apart, in full appraisal of the advantages of both positions.  Sometimes it calls for letting go, other times a shaking of hands across the table, mutual respect.  One is simply at large; the other demands you take full responsibility.  Does your career choice sit well with your Spirit?  Are you making the same choices as your Father did, your Mother wanted your Father to make?  Is that ok with you, or do you need to rebalance your choices?   

It’s like all the equipment is in order!  Mars is feisty in its own sign, getting things done.  Conjunct Uranus it is super charged, electrified!  The New Moon stamps the ticket for new beginnings, firey and forward!  Sun Saturn add a serious, collect yourself, let’s get the job done!  Now…. 

Here is the chart of Neptune into Pisces, Santa Barbara CA! 

Neptune into Pisces 2011, Santa Barbara CA

April 4 NEPTUNE enters its own sign PISCES, during a SIX planet Aries stellium, which happens to be in three pairings:  Mars conjunct Uranus – innovation & change, the Sun conjunct Jupiter – lucky & expansive, and Mercury conjunct Moon – puts words to the feelings & mindful of women! 

It’s nothing new that Neptune and Chiron have been traveling together.  Now they are both in Pisces.  Please see Chiron into Pisces.  Chiron is traveling about two times as fast as Neptune, so will be moving on, leaving Neptune behind, though both will be in Pisces for the next seven years.

Neptune enters its own sign Pisces only once every 168 years, and we get to experience it!  The day after Saturn at opposition and the Aries NEW MOON, in the middle of all the ARIES excitement, Neptune, planet of Pisces, quietly goes into Pisces!  Neptune/Pisces represent enchantment, addictions, art, music, Magic, starlit nights at sea, howling gales over the ocean, retreats, Spirit, dreams, visions, psychic awareness, the Unseen, the Great Mystery. In the mid of Aries’ fast amped pace, take time to check in with your Spirit Guides, pay attention to your intuition, get the rest you need. Walk on the wharf. Get some negative ions up your nose, clear your brain space with some peppery salt air! Feel the crash of the waves, take off your shoes. Take the cruise you’ve always wanted to, let the wind whistle between your teeth!  If you live inland, get to the sea when you can; do your equivalent. Meditate, imagine. Plant your seed dreams.  Rise and fall on the waters of life.  Rock in the cradle of the primordial ocean, where life crawled out of the sea…..

Trust is a primal matter.  After Japan, some will look askance at my talking of the sea the way I have.  Yet, those of us who live by the sea, feel her calling.  We live at her edge, see her seasons, her rhythm, astonishing sunrises and sunsets.  We develop respect because we see her take what she does.  It’s true.  Some drown, some are eaten.  Yet, she comforts us, shows us magnificence, gives us gratitude, perspective, humbles us with her sheer size and intricate tiny creatures.  Most of us won’t move away.

This is early days yet, only the first few degrees of Pisces will be really activated so far – those of you born the first few days of your signs. Your turn will come. It may be challenging for the other mutable signs, Gemini, Sagittarius are square, and Virgo opposite. Gemini wants to talk; Pisces loves solitude and silence. Sagittarius is puppy dog friendly, likes to tell stories; Pisces, loves solitude and silence. Virgo likes to dig in, figure things out; Pisces uses intuition. Cancer and Scorpio are the other Water Signs. All function at instinctual levels, Cancer in behalf of home and family, Scorpio for one’s mate and money, Pisces for God and Soul.

Aug 4 Neptune retrogrades back into Aquarius, reviews its network of spiritual friendships, weakspots in the web may be repaired.  Feb 3, 2012, Neptune reenters Pisces until Jan 2026, 14 years.

I wish you well on this Magical Visionary Voyage we are all about to encounter!


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