
Posts Tagged ‘Pejac’

Pisces 2023 to February ’24 Celestial HighLights, Timeline, Overview!.

Pisces! Compassionate Consciousness!

Pisces 2023 Art by Riva Lehrer - Art of Empathy by Liz Logan

When you look at this image, what do you think, feel? From the School of Art Institute of Chicago, Liz Logan’s fine article, The Art of Empathy about the unique artist Riva Lehrer. I believe you will be touched. Riva Lehrer and Chase Joynt, “Risk Picture: Chase Joynt.” Photo: Tom Van Eynde

Pisces compassionate consciousness is a 24/7 affair, from daytime through dreamtime. Imagination is part and parcel of being One with others on the planet. Empathy without losing yourself is essential to understand and also be able to help with clear vision. For some, self empathy is even more of a challenge. Take good care of yourself too. Empathy for people in trouble, when there are addictions, someone is at Death’s door, is ugly with illness, has committed a fatal crime, can take all the courage you have to not judge, and help without complaint. Having such an event touch your life may become the cause you fight for the rest of your life.  

Consciousness itself may be a lifelong cause. It may not be an attitude that is so important, but the ability to change with life’s transitions. For some, empathy to the future is nigh impossible. Many never had dolls, or the like, and never learned how to ‘pretend.’ It was safer not to. Teaching the ideas of consciousness and empathy to an adult after a lifetime of habit may need gentle examples and at times a rousing awakening. It may take a ‘miracle,’ the fulfillment of an unspoken wish, a kindness of unspeakable merit. It doesn’t have to be big, just meaningful, and likely loving. 

One of the most challenging conditions for healers and teachers is knowing when someone needs to be left alone to do it for themselves. It takes a strong mentor to let go and have that ultimate compassion. Your helping may imply they can’t do it on their own, and then you are just in the way, blocking or slowing their progress. 

Every ounce of our spiritual ability will be called on for Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and the 21 years following. Pluto in Capricorn has worked hard and some Capricorns won’t make the change easily. There will be new purposes on the planet and others will be working harder than ever. Pisceans will be working hard in their own way, talking of dreams and visions Capricorn will find useful. Empathy is a form of translating. Pisceans will help them see the ability to morph from one form to another, how changing with the times is so valuable and doable! Capricorns are superb builders. They can literally build the future!

Aquarius is the sign of the future! They zip or sit around and invent the most extraordinary things moment to moment. Pisces will be there translating to everyday people, lining up the collective consciousness, bringing things along on a grand scale! It can be from one person to documentaries, living examples, magnificent movies, heroes, soul bending music! Pisces will be translating right and left, a mother’s grief at her loss, cultural differences, helping people of older times catch up, calling for care for those who are helpless in some way. Pandemics and climate matters are leveling the playing field. Protesting and requesting change publicly are happening world wide. The people are caring and saying so for all to see and think about. 

Pisceans have many skills, often not even realized until they feel the call. If you are not yet sure of your place in life, work for companies that are doing good things that comfort your Soul and the Souls of others. Feel worthy and satisfied, sleep well and peacefully for doing your part. Be where you are needed in your off time. Volunteer. Keep upping your skills by taking training or classes, talking with mentors and coaches. You will be eager for those classes that are close to your heart. It all adds up, your talent grows, you attract your special work. Pisceans are quite able to have more than one job. But it has to be something meaningful. Dance your life with spiritual gladness, grace in your every mighty molecule! 

It’s time for us to be here for each other like never before. Blessed be.


Pisces Annual Celestial Highlights! 

Pisces 2023 Timeline!


18 Happy Pisces! Starts the 4 sign entry sequence of Pluto into Aquarius – Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus
19/20 Pisces New Super Moon
20 Presidents’ Day
21 Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday)


07 Virgo-Pisces Full Worm Moon, Saturn into PiscesStarts the Pluto into Aquarius entry sequence
11 Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries
12 Daylight Saving begins 2 AM
16 Mars finishes entire retrograde cycle
20 Happy Aries, Spring Equinox/Ostara, International Astrology Day!
21 Aries New Moon

23 Pluto’s 246 year shift into Aquarius!

Pisces Overview 2023 to February 2024!!

Pisces 2023 Rainbow fairy children by the amazing Mikey Bergman

Innocence… ‘Rainbow fairy children walking through the forest.’ Walk in wonder, let the magic happen…  Precious art by Mikey Bergman, FaiRYTaiLs – Fantasy ai Generated Art, Syracuse, United States 

What you see makes all the difference in the world. Pisceans are especially impressionable. From our world around us to the dreamtime, what we see in each others’ hearts and Souls, how we translate that to our everyday life, is part of our mission. It is all an embrace of our reason for being. From 170 pooches in northern Iowa being rescued, to humans in the Ukraine/Russia war, as of Feb 18 more than 46,000 people are dead due to the Turkey/Syria quake. Such sadnesses affect us all, and call us to do what we can to help. Pisces revelations lead us to speak in behalf of ones who can’t help themselves, to bring creative solutions to the surface to address core issues that run deeply, to assess tribal and regional change. It can be delicate, something that only a Pisces can handle. It may take time. But there IS a tipping point. When enough people understand, believe, it all starts to cascade, in a tsunami-like rush, change is astonishing in its shift! Like the 100th Monkey, in areas unknown to each other, the same change starts happening simultaneously! That’s our goal. Keep spreading the enLIGHTenment.  

In 2023 you may find yourself advocating one way or another for all kinds of beings, but as a Pisces, against cruelty and neglect, violence of all kinds – physical, mental and emotional. You know how important the health of our oceans is, so you participate in encouraging clean up that starts well inland, pollution, toxic chemicals. As the ultimate water sign you advocate for water distribution, reducing floods, raising water tables. There are many organizations that educate with projects, organize volunteer vacations, sue businesses and government to change the legalities and abide by the best that already exist. Do your own best part. Make and share videos. 

Let’s get laws to prevent building in repeated weather disaster areas whether fire or flood. Entire little towns are being moved from the Mississippi flood zones to higher areas. Some people are suggesting home owner taxes in disaster prone areas that are high enough to cover disaster services they may need. And just like driving cars, be required by law to have insurance that covers the possibilities. These are just a few ideas that can be worked out. I did volunteer work after the Montecito CA floods. Many of the homes involved where I worked housed elders who couldn’t care for their homes, didn’t have transportation, needed medical care, had little food. Many were trapped for several days. Let’s change this.

2023 features Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto Sign Changes, Super Portal Pluto’s 246 year entry into Aquarius, retrograde back into Capricorn. And, like 2022, makes only 3 outer Planet aspects, only once each, in the first part of the year, all by Jupiter. All the sign changes and the last aspect are made by June 19, and then there is NO other action! Probably the intensity of Pluto’s sign change is enough!

That doesn’t mean YOU won’t have any aspects the rest of the year because the planets are still moving; it’s just that they are not connecting with each other!    

SATURN All of 2022 Saturn was in Aquarius and will be until March 7 2023. Saturn, Capricorn’s builder planet, brings oddly variable Aquarian talents together, builds extraordinary resource consulting networks. He is able to tap the connections, make astute changes quickly, grab them while they are available. Keeping up with the times, the changes have enhanced Saturn business immeasurably! Saturn is generally a more serious end game planet. Necessity and timeliness are important.

Saturn in Aquarius is semi sextile, neighboring, his own sign Capricorn! He is bringing the Capricorn building skills to bear on Aquarian research and the long term plans of futurist Aquarius. In Pisces March 7, 2023 to May 24, 2025, and again later while retrograde, Saturn sextiles Capricorn. He will be adeptly building the dreams many of us have long been anticipating! 

Capricorn is the high mountain sign. Saturn is Capricorn’s planet, a natural connection with Saturn in Aquarius! It is cold air, brisk and refreshing. They both like the challenge of discovery, icy winter sports – skating and skiing, freedom! Some neighboring signs, like Cap and AQ get along more easily than others. At times both are accused of being aloof, Capricorn because he is often the ‘cold hearted’ boss, and AQ because he is genius smart – bored and not always understood, thrives on being alone, uninterrupted in the work of the Universe, or game playing on his computer, LOL! They may more seek each other’s company because they are in similar, sometimes related work, building the bones of society in a new world order. They may be coworkers, could become friends. Aquarius tolerates odd differences, and Capricorn may feel more comfortable with this non judgmental person that has a few quirks of his own. Aquarius is useful to Capricorn, inventing what is needed on the spot! Capricorn keeps AQ in line and together they make fine networks. Sciences and research may bring wonderful offerings, especially regarding elder health and longevity, cryogenics. Aquarius is happy to see his work being put into good use. Saturn in Aquarius  

Saturn’s entry into Pisces March 7, 2023 is significantly before Jupiter conjuncts Chiron in Aries March 11, the entire Gemini Mars retrograde cycle ends March 16, and Pluto enters Aquarius March 23! That will be a challenging time of unknowns, demanding circumstances, a combination of soothing the wild, maintaining a stable foundation of many years in the making, and facing outright rebellion! For some it will be an explosion of consciousness! Some will be tightly perched on the abyss vowing to never let go. If it doesn’t activate your chart in any way at that time, you may wonder why all the fuss? Your turn will come.

Saturn in Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, will be a time of reckoning as well as maturity and completion. The dreams of all the signs will merge and become collective desire, an ultimate responsibility. 

Compared with Pisces’ sensitivity, Saturn can seem to be a brutally blunt instrument. Pisces is not used to being limited or channeled or pummeled into submission by someone else’s command. Saturn may bar or protect you from an experience, or demand you to take your responsibility in its behalf or to let go because it’s done now! Either can be a blessing or an ordeal to each other, probably a little of both until they get used to each other. Pisces understands Saturn all too well. Sometimes Saturn simply just loves giving orders; it’s what he does. Pisces wants so much more. Orders without a spiritual cause, without Soul or empathy are short of the mark. Saturn may be a bit shy about that factor. He may be a little intimidated by this limitless wonder who often calls the shots better than any business man Saturn has ever encountered. Respect starts. Pisces realizes Saturn is more deep than anticipated and has good intent though Saturn’s demeanor may belie that at first. 

Saturn is generally in a sign about 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 years, so we aren’t talking about a minor experience. As it traverses ALL your chart factors, you will feel different facets of the experience. Some will be more difficult than others. You might see your astrologer to track its path while in the sign. If you are a Pisces, a super sensitive sign, you especially may find it helpful, collecting your powers and applying them with astute psychic accuracy. When Saturn believes you, he will do his best to see your dreams built and come true! If your Saturn is in Pisces, at some point during Saturn in Pisces, you will be having your 28/29 year Saturn Return! It may be a profound time of knowing the Dharma of your life, refreshing, updating your outlook on your purpose this life.

Saturn in Pisces is importantly about building empathy. Empathy will be much needed as Pluto goes into Aquarius. Saturn will guard us from having too much empathy too long, being naive and misplacing our empathy. Saturn humbles us to let go of our arrogance, develop a deep caring. With Pluto in Aquarius there will be intense awareness of great differences among the peoples, from hatred to fear, cults to family feuds, simple misunderstanding. We will need to get to know each other and it won’t be overnight. Saturn will be new in his sign for only 17 days before Pluto becomes new in Aquarius! Each will make newbie mistakes, be alternately excited or OMG, what have we gotten into, what have I done?! In the beginning trial and error will slow us down, making for tiring long days for many. Saturn in Pisces holds the visions and though sometimes down, will usually come through steady and doing his best even with tough odds. Some will try to take advantage of vulnerabilities; others will stumble along, while still others will stand back and look for new ways to heal the planet! There will become amazing love of people and things we never expected.

With Saturn in Pisces, there will be reality checks on that wandering Pisces imagination. Saturn figures out how to put it to work! There will be less wandering aimlessly, confirmation of the realities of dreams, daily visible progress, oceanic trade and environmental laws to be made. They will survey the seas and shores, the importance of millions of miles of shorelines, prevention of pollution – debris and chemicals, assurance of abundant long term ocean harvests. Saturn may find himself on an ocean safari while in Pisces, or gone on the wind taking the computers to the surf zone when the surf’s up, whichever continent that may be on! Working from ‘home’ takes on new meaning! Really! Can be done!

On land, Saturn in Pisces may bring a deluge of cold water and ice, more snow. Or there may be no water at all. Water conservation and collection may be undertaken due to new insights as to the severity of conditions. Saturn will then be sextile Capricorn, his own sign. Capricorn may give successful fundamental oversight in guiding these important projects, reviewing and updating, keeping them on track. He tracks to be sure Pisces’ good intentions are carried out! Cold OR hot, building secure shelters will be a necessity. In hot times cooling the land, building cool sustainable homes, and air conditioners, may be vital. There is satisfaction at holding an important piece of life in your hands and doing good by it! Any congratulations are well earned. Saturn in Pisces 

JUPITER, the planet of travel and education, changes signs in the 12 months to come. He’s in Aries NOW! He speeds through all of Aries and May 16 goes into Taurus for the rest of 2023, on into Gemini May 2024! 

The Pisces/Aries shift, last to first zodiacal signs, was a 12 year shift! Jupiter retrograded briefly back into Pisces Oct 27 to Dec 20, 2022. Winter Solstice, the belly of winter, was warmed by Jupiter back in Aries keeping the coals hot. From there we have had numerous seeds of new beginnings, the ‘return of the Light!’ Aries is self motivated, always in motion, looking for action, taking the cause to the forefront! It’s rolling onward in Aries, gaining momentum, no going back! From then on until May 16, 2023 he speeds through the entirety of Aries in less than 5 months, enters Taurus. What a shift that will be, a damper for some, a rest for others, an organic sense of well being! It will heat up education and advocacy for Earth, our home. Some have been waiting so long for the coming significant changes. Once in Taurus, he does retrograde, but stays in Taurus until moving into Gemini May 25, 2024.

Jupiter, Sagittarius’s planet, is looking for purpose with integrity! It takes a core truth and educates as many as will listen to why it is meaningful and worthy. Jupiter has a bold and confident way, expands, embellishes, emphasizes, gives extra! It’s edifying, LOL! Jupiter likes to play and tell whopper stories, laughs big laughs with gusto, has a great big dog and rides the winning horse! In Aries a lot of ground will be traveled, and quickly too! Sparks will fly off his horse’s hooves! Speed is a delight. Records will be made! Skating, surfing, skiing, biking! Wow! The sign lucky Jupiter is in, is the sign that succeeds and prospers, the sign that trainings occur in. Major tours are possible and successful impossible dreams come true! It’s time to push the river a bit while the Gateway is open! Aries is a first responder type healer. 

Jupiter in Aries may at times seem to be a flash in the pan, but you ARE impressed by his speed! Aries always has news, is never boring, willing to take a chance and fight tigers! What learning curve? Things come almost automatically. Show me once and it’s done! It seems as if time itself is speeded up! Racing here and there is exhilarating! Spreading the news keeps everyone ready for the next step! Independence prevails, no sappy romance for them unless you can keep up! First and New are happy words. Get started and go for everything you wanted. Negotiate big! Be careful to not bang your head, get cut, shot, or burned. Allow extra time to avoid accidents, no burnout! Stop to breathe now and then, and eat quality food! You are the good person you are; you don’t have to prove it by being an animal, unless you want to, LOL! 

As Jupiter connects with our personal chart factors during its time in Aries, we will feel like time has sped up, can’t do things quickly enough! Impatience! Aries intends to lead us to greener pastures or new and different places, even just to see what we can see! Jupiter teaches new techniques, tells stories of wonder, goes on adventurous travels! In Aries he tells of heroes, survival, self sufficiency, independence! There is a buoyant physicality – dancing while ‘sitting’ in your chair at the office, walking, skating, bike riding, a cross country trip for a cause! Excellent health!

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the first responders. Initiation means more than taking a title. It means doing your vows. Aries are brave leaders, risk takers, rights fighters. They often have to make instant decisions to save lives. They are fiery Spirits that operate on instant instinct, thank goodness! Consulting is one of their best talents. Listen keenly. Ask your questions right now while they are there with you. They will be gone to the next fire quickly. Staying physically fit is essential and can be totally enjoyable. Prowess feels super! Independence is strong. Ride your bike long distances and fix it yourself! Jupiter in Aries makes and guides the travel machines to even speedier outcomes, winners, is first at the new destination!

Jupiter in Taurus may be slower, but none the less powerful. In a ‘fixed’ sign, he likely holds strong opinions and possibly a wrestling trophy! His bench presses are phenomenal. He has staying power like long distance truckers. Marathons are no problem. He likes money whether on the hoof, cash in pocket or reliably invested, especially in land and minerals. Taurus loves touch, sex, massage, natural beauty, fine scents, good food and common sense. Calm restfulness, centered peace, being grounded and patient are treasured traits. Jupiter in Taurus simplifies, installs and grounds the successful new projects, makes them sustainable, maintains and upgrades them for posterity. In Taurus he organizes vast estates, recovers the lands’ fertility, stockpiles the finest materials for future use. He has one of the strongest, most healthy beautiful bodies around!

See more Jupiter in Pisces    Jupiter in Aries    Jupiter in Taurus

As signs change, talents are commingled, the Path between them becoming a usable channel. Jupiter in Pisces, Aries and Taurus will develop their own smooth channels. In Pisces-Aries, it is super aware, sensitive, instantly reactive! Groups of crusaders are attracting and further developing adept leaders, rich with innovative foresight! The beauty of the Aries to Taurus transition is that Aries passes the baton to Taurus for safekeeping! Taurus holds the precious ideas of Aries until they can take root, maintain their own life. When Pluto enters Aquarius, Jupiter will be at 17° Aries in a FIVE planet Aries stellium including Sun and Moon, a double Aries Chart! Aries is THE Action sign! That’s what I call a NEW beginning! Jupiter in Taurus  

Planetary Aspect Portals Crater Lake Circular Rainbow

Portals are all around us.

Some are temporary, some are always there. Some are annual like the August 8 Lion’s Gate. No two are alike, take us different places. Some are one way, others are two way but perhaps only at certain intervals – you have to be there or… Some lifetimes there are none, others have several passages. And there are the portals into and out of life. In astrology these are sign changes and aspects formed between planets. 2023’s big one is Pluto’s 246 year sign change into Aquarius!

Jupiter in Aries makes three planetary aspects. All three once only, no retrograde second and third chances. The first aspect is significantly just days before Pluto into Aquarius. This last period of time before the great shift is vitally important to prepare and strengthen our Aquarians and Aquarian principles. Jupiter in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, will work implanting seeds and ideas in key places, pivot points. There will be some play time, good to rest and relax, then we’ll stretch our physical and spiritual muscles and take action!

First, the Pluto countdown dates: 

 Virgo-Pisces Full Worm MoonSaturn into Pisces
11 Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries
16 Mars finishes entire retrograde cycle
20 Happy Aries, Spring Equinox/Ostara, International Astrology Day!
21 Aries New Moon

23 Pluto’s 246 year shift into Aquarius!

March 7, four days before Jupiter conjuncts Chiron, Saturn enters Pisces. Pisces is the sign of the dreamer that inspires Aries! Saturn is still stumbling in watery fluid Pisces, getting his sea legs. Pisces is known for whimsy and being nonlinear, very different than by-the-book straight arrow Saturn of Capricorn. Once used to this new medium he will be able to disappear, float, navigate silently. He will look for the meaning as well as how the puzzle pieces fit. If Jupiter in Aries forgets the principles, the why, runs away, Saturn will haunt him, just kidding, call him back to the Soul’s purpose, refresh the visionary dream!

Jupiter’s three 2023 Aspects – March 11, May 16/17, June 19:

1) Powerful leadership! Jupiter in Aries conjuncts Chiron, March 11, thirteen days before Pluto goes into Aquarius! Jupiter and Aries can easily overdo things, may fall into injury, ills may be exacerbated, made much of, or remarkably quickly heal!!! If difficult, it may be important steps of your growth process. Major cures may be sought, finally! Long standing illnesses may fall away all by themselves as other fun things in life become your focus! Lucky Jupiter gives public education, publicity and perspective, generally has excellent personal health, longevity – a perfect poster person at any age! Chiron is the old shamanic healer tested by the Gods! In Aries he imposes his independence, uses and promotes cutting edge techniques and remedies, hopefully to your great advantage! Neither Jupiter nor Aries are the marrying kind unless there are other chart factors that change the balance, so don’t fall in love with the Dr. or teacher, but you can have super adventures together, LOL!  See More   Chiron in Aries

PLUTO makes that stupendous 246 year sign change into Aquarius Mar 23, 2023! We need Aquarius to be strong, in working order, integrated and grounded among ourselves, in our communities, internationally. Pluto will be in Aquarius 21 years, until January 2044! See more!

  • Pluto in Aquarius will bring a new time. Pluto is water sign Scorpio’s planet and Pluto and air sign Aquarius are not exactly ‘compatible.’ Pluto has a ton of charisma, yet is as much private as Aquarius can’t help but bring attention by his simple presence. AQ is exotic, super intelligent, often revels in neon colors, odd/unique looks and attire, has electric static. He can get attention for being THE archetypal loner, or the brilliant head of a world humanitarian organization. Pluto is used to going it alone and having plenty of behind the scenes power, but Aquarius may be calling on the pantheon that collectively has more power than Pluto and his corporations! Transparency is called for. Pluto is going to have some adjusting to do. He may be concerned for loss of privacy, be a bit jealous too. At the very worst, there could be power struggles for world rule, including genocide. Or they will synthesize for mutual goals. They will do fundraising like never seen before! Pluto may gather the world’s top wealthy humanitarians and sustainable advocates and make governments of countries look small by comparison. Since these groups will have no governmental constraints, they may bring the world together when governments couldn’t. By comparison, the financially unsupported United Nations may become passé, or it’s possible, its structure already in place, may be revitalized! Comprehensive large scale inventor/researcher work could do very well to sustain and amplify their efforts.
  • All the Aquarian flavored aspects we had in 2021, early 2022, have given us a head start. We’ll do Pluto in Aquarius better! Pluto was last in Aquarius 246 years ago, 1777 to 1799, a 22 year period of worldwide uproar and change – American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution in England. And it won’t be any different this time! Guarantee! So get your friends and alliances/networks in working order, stand up, get used to acting progressively, and be ready to roll! Some will mightily resist; others will persist with new ideas. Change will beget change. Take a peek at what Patrick Watson has to say on Pluto per sign historically. Check out what Lynn Hayes has to say about what Dylan Love has to say on transhumanism.
  • Since that last 246 years ago we now have bombs, climate change, an ongoing pandemic, electronic communication, robotics, and a helluva a lot more people on the planet. In the 1700s there were an estimated 603M, at the end of 2021, 7.9B. Water and weather wars are possible. Actually, water wars are already starting – pollution prevention, Detroit, Standing Rock. We need to reassess our mandates for leadership – age and both physical and mental health. There are going to be some bumps. Some say, after the kinks are worked out, there will be a ‘Golden Age!’ Make it so. Or maybe that would be just toooo boring and other things will happen, LOL! Next! Evolution is no quitter!
  • Young people born around 2003 will be about 20 in March 2023 and from 20 until they are 41, they will live this period. Their lives will be about this world changing time. Help them now. Prepare them to be strong and steady leaders. Strengthen everything Aquarius in your life. Capricorn will care for them, raise them, teach them life skills, put them to work. Show them the ways of the world. They will be able to maintain, live sustainably even in hard times and will teach their own children the important principles and skills of their time.
  • We need to strengthen our Aquarian young people, our future leaders, and all Aquarians! Pluto is tough on the sign it is in and at the same time empowers them! Pluto’s sign Scorpio squares, challenges Aquarius, so Pluto will be especially tense in Aquarius in the beginning. Growing pains take strength. Take time to listen, cheer them on. Admire their broad scope, how they get teams going, their care for humanity and our planet, their inventions and science. Help them know how to carry on even when they are not appreciated or understood. They are so intelligent, ahead of their time. They know that not everyone will understand their work, yet the work needs doing. Reassure them they will get better at it.
  • Preparation for Pluto entering Aquarius will take steady and dedicated work, staying focused. Everything about how groups and friendships work, even now the Souls who can do this need to be gathered and trained and to practice, establish seed networks. The importance and techniques of research, knowing how change is brought about successfully, are the goals. The foundation needs to be set. It has been and will continue to be explored, tested and trialed by Saturn in the remaining time, early 2023. 

Pluto is a water planet whose sign Scorpio sextiles Capricorn and Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, will be off and on through 2024, 16 years! Pluto and Capricorn are very business minded, Capricorn at the counter, Pluto behind the scenes. They know how to work together. There have been losses and gains, dark sadness and amazing successes celebrated! See Pluto in Capricorn There will be a substantial foundation in place when Pluto goes into Aquarius. Since Saturn, Capricorn’s planet, has been in Aquarius since 2020, new techniques and networks are already in place for Pluto in Aquarius to step into. See Saturn in Aquarius Pluto will take over, and like a new president, will select his own cabinet team. Changes will be made. Pluto will make Aquarius more powerful. Some irreparable mistakes will be made, but learning in genius Aquarius will go quicker than lightning! Pluto is intense and extreme at times, gets to the bottom of things, so reboots will be quick too! Unlike his usual self, his new obsession will be deeper friendships than ever before and more of them, powerful networking! New expectations will be beyond remarkable.  

Pluto guards many secrets, financial status, the privacy of patients’ well being often depends on it. Capricorn understands business confidentiality and research protection. He is all for Pluto wanting you to be stabilized within yourself, heal the cause of troubles, be able to protect yourself and maintain your gains. Your new life will be so busy. Pluto/Scorpio is the Kundalini fire within, ignited at the threshold. It represents transformation and it’s release! Many will be coming out of the darkness, happy to be here! Newborn babes. Capricorn will be called on to organize the recruits! He will be his best self, full of vim and vigor! He puts it all to work with a delighted saucy grin on his face! The best is yet to come, of course!

Aquarius and Capricorn are both flying high! Aquarius does the research; Capricorn manages the backup team and inaugurates some of his own! Aquarius is in the plane; Capricorn is likely on the ground, in the control tower, assuring all the materials are ordered, gathered and arrive when and where needed. The cause is righteous and the more people the merrier! Pluto has seen this happen before, loves the intensity, lets them go on intuition. They are on their way on the rails, their own momentum carrying them forward! Invention after invention will inspire them onward, each begetting the next! Pluto will step in if needed.

Evolution continues. Some go kicking and screaming. Others are happily screaming on that roller coaster on their way to glory!

2) Jupiter in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius, sextiles Saturn in Pisces. 

Taurus is our body, our basic ‘possession,’ the body of Earth herself. 

May 16/17 Jupiter enters Taurus and immediately makes its first aspect, square Pluto at 0 Taurus/Aquarius! Both on new ground, that will be a tough transition for many, involving major financial matters, extreme weather. Taurus is a powerful sign, both ‘stubborn’ and steadfast. Jupiter is a giant force looking for the power of peace, connection with Earth, the land and soil, its animals, the trees, food for our bodies, Heart and Soul, clean water. Environmental situations are being reviewed, how we travel our sphere. Our land is so important because it leads to the ocean. Values are changing as we have environmental extremes, questions about where to live safely. Jupiter, that has always ruled longevity, is being challenged by a pandemic, by stressful perspectives politically, environmental conditions including water pollution and scarcity. One can no longer be so blithe about the many issues at hand. These powerful real concerns, stress, can indicate more poor health, including mental health, at pandemic levels. The old solution, to move somewhere else, is a lot less viable now that we have, at the end of 2021, 7.9B population. There are no new easy living frontiers, and Jupiter’s adventure travel map to unknowns is dwindling as drought and dangerous areas are increasing. 

Taurus challenges Pluto, the planet of Scorpio, Taurus’s opposite! Taurus likes being rooted and stable, with a secure income. He likes personal ownership, land under his feet he can depend on to be there. Scorpio has powerful connections and deals with money in any form he can! He likes interest, making loans, insurance, mortgages, inheritances, the bigger the amount the better. He can lose everything and make it all back again plus more! Taurus prefers a strong and steadily growing relationship. Scorpio is more willing to take on a mate with special needs, financial, emotional, health related. But if they can merge fortunes that’s terrific! Prenups are more common for them. 

Taurus squares Aquarius. He is Earthy; Aquarius is boundless air! Jupiter thinks everyone needs an education, some perspective, and faith no matter what! Taurus likes well grounded hands on experience. Pluto doesn’t usually like tell-all-Jupiter, but sometimes will plant a leak so what he wants to get out, gets out. Though he appears not to listen, believe me, he wants to know what he’s up against, and now, May 2023, in Aquarius almost 2 months, he’s been waiting for Jupiter’s 2¢ because Jupiter always brings expansive ideas! Newly in AQ, he needs all the help he can get! The potency of squares is sometimes what we need to make us aware of what’s up. If there are losses, scandals, slander, they will be big, in time the Truth will out with shame and blame, possibly financial loss. Yet even if in a challenge or catastrophe, Jupiter usually wants the best for everyone though it may take some doing. In Taurus he doesn’t give up. So, clear the debris, mend the fallout. Off to the races we go! Aquarius stands by, to quickly assess possibilities. There will be some remarkable breakthroughs and revelations due to the shifts! This aspect happens only once. Don’t miss the opportunity for a tune up! Listening to each other will free us to open doors! Ask questions. Check with your astrologer(s) to see if your chart is involved.

Jupiter of Sagittarius and Pluto of Scorpio are pseudo neighbor signs. There is a natural camaraderie. Though neighbor signs are so different, they do know each other. Taurus is Scorpio’s opposite, both are possession and financially oriented, enjoy sex. Scorpio and Taurus both square Aquarius. Though they are all fixed signs, AQ surprises, upsets the status quo, at times to their favor. Hmm… Jupiter and Aquarius love the whole idea of growth and changes, traveling anywhere! If Taurus and Pluto get their finances in order and make even bigger deals, they can do splendidly together if they agree on how, where and what to invest in! Jupiter in Taurus is improving Taurus’s standing already. Pluto in Aquarius will be the 21 year long aspect, so this is just the beginning and needs that reliable seed income to grow. If Pluto can convince them of the long term benefits AQ will bring, differences will be readily overcome. See more Jupiter square Pluto

Jupiter in Taurus and Capricorn will be empowered again when Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn June 11, 2023 through Jan 20, 2024. Taurus and Capricorn are both Earth signs looking for practical common-sense solutions and Pluto’s sign Scorpio sextiles Capricorn! There will be additional opportunities to be researched, put into operation. Not to be missed, that six month window will be short!  See more Jupiter in Taurus  See Pluto in Capricorn

Taurus is delighted with fellow earth sign Capricorn. Capricorn knows Taurus is trustworthy, has common sense, can procure substantial materials, isn’t going anywhere else. At times Taurus may be a little slow compared to brisk Capricorn, and Taurus won’t be rushed or pushed around. Cap frets because of deadlines, but slow sometimes pays off as weak spots are discovered and resolved. Hire some more help if possible. Taurus can calm Capricorn and they become strong friends. Taurus protects his money and at times may loan some to Capricorn when needed. Cap keeps his promises and pays back in a timely fashion. Taurus is strong, has endurance and Capricorn is wiry and nibble, can go forever! They may take to the mountains with grand views! Timbers, stones, mines and minerals and earth moving can be their mediums. Taurus walks the land in all seasons; Capricorn is the architect using Taurus insights for sheltering locations, natural water resources. 

3) June 19, Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces, is the last aspect of 2023! After that time there are no more sign changes or further aspects! That doesn’t mean YOU won’t have any aspects the rest of the year because the planets are still moving; it’s just that they are not connecting with each other!

Now that the initial challenging square with Pluto has passed, Jupiter will speed up Taurus. Taurus will likely absorb some of Jupiter’s action and translate it to more solid application, actually getting more done. There will be less time for running around, running away. Taurus will be intrigued with some of Jupiter’s thinking and broader perspectives. In Taurus, Jupiter may find a longing to return to the land of his forbears. It is a natural homing instinct for grounding and centering. Ley Lines may take on an unexpected significance. A journey may be made along a path that many have taken. As each Pilgrim travels over the ground, a fraction of their scent is left, an imprint added to all the others of before, compelling the Pilgrim to follow. The content of the scent shifts and the purpose of the destination changes with the times as the content is altered. The collective scent alters the collective consciousness of the most recent travelers. We all are walking through time together.

With Saturn, the Capricorn planet, opportunities will be put to good use and tempered through time. Saturn in Pisces will ‘read’ the Pisces dreamtime and Pisces will lead him through these remarkable channels. He will incorporate the wisdom of Saturn elders on the Path and the infinite Pisces insights to beyond the Jupiter destination! It will be more productive than ever expected!    

Definitely time for more options and opportunities. Jupiter’s manner may be a bit ‘big’ for Taurus’s peaceful style, but the ideas are intriguing. Whether stock or plants, the two can work out what breeds and varieties make sense. Taurus will need to hear and hands on test how the ideas can be implemented. Saturn and Taurus, both earthy, work well together. Taurus grows the food, landscapes. Saturn looks for workable shelter and building locations, builds the greenhouse, backs up with current research and in Pisces, secures the water situation. Business can improve steadily. With Pisces visions and sensitivity, they are guided gently to open up to working intricately together. Jupiter is good at teaching and the whole crew will be on board, especially when the results start coming in. 

Saturn likes Jupiter’s far sighted long term plans, expansive steady financial growth in Taurus. Saturn, like Taurus, is conservative and protective, provides a realistic framework for managing funds, secures or builds structures for homes and business that will last, ie those sustainable tiny homes or ADUs – Accessory Dwelling Units! Pisces and Capricorn’s planet Saturn, water and earth, dreamer and worker, will aspire to building a temple of life and spirit, and it will draw pilgrims from afar. Pisces looks at Soul matters. Jupiter will be the preacher! Saturn is quite happy that Jupiter is an action oriented fire planet, no supervision needed – just keep it interesting so Jupiter doesn’t wander off! Greater meaning makes the work they do important to many more people. It insures a deep connection of Spirit that is as well a blessing to their life work, careers and business, to say nothing of their health. There is great promise. See more

Enjoy these powerful intense times! The possibilities are compelling!

The Galactic Center, Fixed Star Algol and Planet Pluto!

All three of these are dark characters! The Galactic Center is a gigantic black hole! Algol has a dark reputation, ie beheadings, when your lights go out. Pluto, ruler of the underworld, is the furthest planet from the Sun, the darkest and frozen to boot!

Fixed star ALGOL and the GC are in lockstep! Each being star factors, they each take 72 years to move a degree. Currently Algol is at 26 Taurus and the GC is 27 Sagittarius. Whenever one is activated, so is the other. Algol and the GC have an oblique off center position (inconjunct), aware, but out of the corner of your eye. That position is common in the charts of psychics. They ‘see’ peripheral factors that influence the outcome. Inconjuncts sometimes lead you on a goose chase, but maybe to greener pastures. You do get a greater perspective. Even if you go back home, you are different. You have perhaps made new friends and associates that can carry that sector for you. Excellent adjustments are in the offing. Destination Algol would not usually be a conscious choice, but sometimes it is part of our Path and it just happens. Square your shoulders and do it, eyes wide open. Fascinating encounter.

Algol is the baddest Star according to some! It is a rare triple star, an eclipsing binary, which means it blinks, and changes brightness, even ‘disappears!’ It is the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus. On the dark side, ‘It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.’ Some say it’s not the ‘bad’ within us but pushing through blockages to the beauty beyond is what really matters. We can face our demons with sincere intent and life changes for the better! See more!  See more about the spiritual side…

Algol’s bad rep, strikes fear in a lot of hearts, but so does the Galactic Center when people find out it is one gigantic black hole!!! You could vanish in an instant! You astral travelers might should be careful? I like to think of Algol as the GC’s Guardian. Algol is considered to be a super powerful feminine force. It would take such an entity to protect the mighty GC! Their off center relationship may take you on the road less followed, so to speak. There is a draw to explore. Algol is ready to stomp her feet and ‘invite’ you to travel, or takes you another place once the GC’s info has been bestowed, a place that needs the information the most. More on the Galactic Center! 

Many give Algol a wide berth, plan carefully astrologically. To be on the safe side, Astrologers often allow 5 degrees for the effective range with Algol while most stars get only 1 degree range. If in neighboring signs, only 3 or less degrees might be used. If you have chart factors in that 5 degree range, one way or another you are connected with Algol. If you have questions, do see your astrologer.

Pluto is now at 29 Capricorn and moves only 3° a year. Pluto retrogrades back and forth through the degrees as it travels Capricorn. Anytime it is between 23 Cap 27 to 29 Cap 27, it will trine Algol. That period started Feb 2020, virus time, and will go through Jan 2024. It is now continuously trine Algol. Pluto has been having the Algol experience, and is one of the few who can stand up under this trial. Very luckily, the trine is the most favorable angle, so though not unscathed, he survives. Both Pluto and Algol are respected and incur life and death situations. One hopes the trine bends the relationship with Algol to a more satisfactory outcome. Earth signs, like Capricorn, especially being the last Earth sign, are a bit ‘indelible.’ Their effects are more long lasting. Keep turning the tables on Algol’s bad rep. Stay calm in the face of violence, even your own anger. Shift your connections so better can happen. Know your rights and choose safety unless/even if you are trying to save someone’s life. If you are the offender, get all the help you can to change. Many a fine leader has come from a dark place. See more!

As to that great fierce feminine troublemaker Algol in Taurus, Capricorn is in a favorable working trine. Capricorn is rather invincible himself, gets stronger as he gets older! He too is protective, so has empathy and a very respectful rapport. Capricorn knows power when he sees it, and knows to engage carefully. Algol may find it intriguing that Capricorn may want to renovate some long standing troubles into viable situations. She doesn’t have to scare this one. He has had troubles of his own, and pulled himself up. He is a natural hard worker. Their mutual satisfaction may bring amazing laughter, loosening some of her age old pain and some of his, more recent. There is hope against the odds!

Capricorn is the neighboring sign just beyond Sagittarius, the Galactic Center’s own sign! He has watched the GC’s mighty strides all his life. In fact, some of that huge well of information has always been a part of him. Without much ado, many Capricorns have phenomenal insights and successes. They work and work and work, inspired by what they know can happen. Cap learns early what his boundaries are, and generally doesn’t overstep his position. They really are not to be underestimated. They are masters of their trades, fine mentors. They take strong parental, family and community responsibility. 

When Pluto is in Aquarius, some think Pluto will be getting a bit beyond the range considered to have effect for these types of aspects. But. The GC has an enormous range, Aquarius, the sign of the heavens, is by nature resonant to the Galaxy. I would still allow for their connection. Sagittarius is a mighty traveler, no distance too far, and Aquarius is the sign of flight. Easy travels for them and a huge range of knowledge passes between them. That gets shared by Sagittarius stories and teaching, and through the Aquarian electric computer humanitarian networking! There will be fewer strangers on the planet. We will ‘know’ each other, be fellow travelers – Sagittarius and friends – Aquarius. Our hearts and minds will be expanded. Pluto keeps thing clean and clear, heals the deeper schisms that occur in our fears, the deepest dark roots corners that have been in our memories for centuries. A true freedom and unity become possible.  

So, when Pluto is in Aquarius, some will still consider PL to still be trine Algol, called an out-of-sign trine. Aquarius and Taurus are not famously easy together. They are fixed signs, in spite of AQ being the sign of r/evolutionary change! Each has strong opinions, Taurus usually quieter about it; Aquarius making headlines! When they get along, Taurus rules grounding, while AQ rules the heavens, in their own ways each stable, but they sure have different vantage points! Taurus is growing veggies while AQ is out gallivanting in behalf of the planet. Taurus calms Aquarius and supports his sorties. AQ knows there is someone to come home to that accepts him, is dependable, and AQ trusts. Aquarius keeps Taurus up on the latest and fully spices his life. Geometrically, they are trine, a favorable aspect, so there are differences, but their ‘heavenly’ relationship is to their favor.

Pisces love, the flow of the Universe!

They thrive on the dark of the deep ocean to the light of the heavens that light the surface where you can see forever, past the horizon, or to the stars of the night sky. They love the calm and peace and with under water volcanoes and earth shifts, they form the tsunamis that have no regard! The waves at the shore endlessly reduce rocks and shells to sand and storms constantly change coastal shorelines. The shoreline is host to all kinds of cultures, shore businesses and entertainment, travelers, seaweeds and creatures. In addition to supporting all kinds of cross over ocean transport, the wondrous waters host whales, sharks, dolphins, sail fish, octopus, micro organisms, organisms that the light the surf with bioluminescence, light the beaches with beautiful by-the-wind-sailors! Can you even begin to understand the immense capacity of the Piscean experience? 

By nature, Pisceans can accommodate tremendous variance. There comes an understanding and a knowing. There is a spiritual wandering as they seek to know more. Solutions come spontaneously from their collective awareness, waking or dreaming. There is so much in their consciousness they don’t even know precisely where some things come from. They connect with all humans, all kinds of beingness, absorbing a totality from each. Their perception is born of the vast reservoir of all consciousness, past and future.

Jupiter having been in Pisces, Pisces knows just how to be the Dream Dynamo to inspire Jupiter in Aries! The Pisces visionary gifts are a delight to Aries who is ready to charge on in behalf of rescuing and moving us along! He trusts Pisces. They are both lightning intuitive. Aries can hear the truth in Pisces’ voice and see it in his eyes. He is ready to take the leap and Jupiter loves swift jumps! Jupiter brings a confident sense of well being and goodwill. Aries is quick with fresh perspectives! They will carry Pisces’ ideas across the lands to be celebrated! Jupiter in Taurus will prove their value in practice and anchor them at key locations.

Pisces welcomes Saturn. He is able to carry the weight of the ocean cargo haulers, the vast cruise ships. Connect cultures of all kinds. He knows laws will be made and strengthened to protect his waters and denizens. His dreams will be articulated and shelters and shore businesses be strengthened. Deeper spiritual resonance will bring more respect and reverence for all beings. There will be profound proceedings. 

1) Jupiter with Chiron in Aries will improve health and a sense of well being. It will help heal any fears that may be roused, allowing the people to change to advocacy. New methods of teaching will speed the shifts. 2) Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius will be felt by all of us, but Pisceans will feel all our feelings. The deepest differences will be addressed and will likely be uncomfortable for many. It can be from long term relationships to financial matters. What is it that we are willing to live for? Pluto rules both death and resurrection. We will be called to make meaningful choices. Pisces will be right there representing the Soul’s purpose. 3) Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces may help ground a lot of ideas flying around after Pluto’s shift into AQ and Jupiter square Pluto. We will all be in the new times they will bring, and inexperience will bring some beginner mistakes. Saturn in Pisces may be difficult for Pisces at first. Jupiter in Taurus may have a calming effect, and Jupiter is always looking to make things better. Saturn wants to protect Pisces, but Pisces may feel a bit cornered until they have a better understanding of each other. 


If your changes during 2023, include moving, you are or will be truly on Jupiter in Aries time through May 16! Jupiter is location; Aries is new!

If you already moved, take a look at your AstroLocality map and Relocation Charts to see the meaning of your move and its potentials! If you haven’t picked your location yet, or have but not moved yet, you might change your mind. First, take a look at maps that show areas of conflict, drought, disasters. Conflicts take years of recovery; droughts and disasters take years of remediation. See your AstroLocality astrologer for advices on personal locations best for what and the best timing! Depending on your finances, be cautious about moves during 2023 Mercury and Venus retrograde periods, especially their double retrograde time. If it is a necessity at a retrograde time, know that there will be further changes and factor in the costs that go with that. If you are buying a home as well, top priority may be that it is a good investment per resale value since you may change your mind about keeping it. Renting is recommended until times are more stable. With the Jupiter sign change in May, and the Saturn and Pluto changes in March, a lot of mind changing will be happening. Also, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn June 11 through Jan 2024.

Particularly note that late summer we are looking at heartful and hardworking Leo/Virgo Venus/Mercury DOUBLE RETROGRADE! The Venus retrograde cycle 12 to 28 Leo starts first, June 19 (the day of the Jupiter sextile Saturn – the last 2023 aspect), finishes Oct 7. It is retrograde July 22 – Sep 3. Mercury starts his cycle Aug 3, finishes Sep 29, 8 to 21 Virgo 49. He is Rx Aug 23 to Sep 15. The DOUBLE RX is at back to school time, off to college, a common time to move, Aug 23 to Sep 3 (Labor Day weekend)! Don’t be surprised if there soon is another housing change… See more, Item 2) at this link!

Returns! Returns are a special time when a planet orbits back to your original birth point. It reminds you of the purity of its purpose in your life. Saturn’s refreshes your outlook on your Dharma, the work of your Soul. Jupiter’s refreshes your gift of how you learn/teach and travel life! If your return is in a degree that will be in retrograde, you will have it three times.

During Pisces’ year, Saturn covers 28 Aquarius to 8 Pisces. Those of you with your Saturns in those degrees will be having your 28/29 year Saturn Return(s)!

If your Jupiter is 9 Aries, to 15 Taurus, you will have your 11/12 year Jupiter Return(s) in Pisces’ year. 

Lunar patterns!

Late 2022-23:

Full Moons: Oct 2022 to April 2023 are at 16 degrees! 7 Months! Orion’s Fixed Star Rigel is at 16 Gemini!


New Moons: 21 and 20 degrees, Sep 14, 2023 to March 10, 2024. April 8, 2024 at 19 degrees.
Full Moons: 4 and 5 degrees, Oct 28, 2023 to April 23, 2024  

Those of you with factors at or within 3 degrees of these will be activated! Set your goals for these periods and approach them progressively from every angle, every sign! Your project will gain volume and wholeness as you go ~ Lay out your plan per sign then expect to update as you grow with it and more possibilities become apparent, available! 

Pisces has a major role to play in 2023. Being the sign ahead of Aquarius, Pisces will carry the Dreams and Ideals like a Spiritual Banner to keep us focused while Aquarius invents what we need and lines up humanitarians for an amazing combined creation and its distribution!

Updated for each sign annually


Happy Birthdays, Dear Pisceans!

Pisces 2023 Pejac's tribute to the STRENGTH of Health Workers and Patients

The Ministry might be from music to Moses, graffiti to magnificent mural art, to the Louvre. Pejac Paints Three Murals to Recognize the STRENGTH of Health Workers and Patients during the Global Pandemic, Spain 2020 See his story and the genius of his works at Graffiti Street  At Wiki

Inspiring Art is one of Pisces’ gifts – their visions, prayers, shared! Thank you so kindly.


Next up is March 20 Sun Aries, Spring Equinox, 21 New Aries Super Moon, 23 Pluto into Aquarius, 246 year event!  

Lunar events! A chart of an event in the sky may be good on its own merits to itself, but that doesn’t mean it is good for all people. It will be good, not so good, mixed for us depending on how it connects with our personal charts. If you have special plans, please check with your astrologer well in advance to see how it is for you. See the 2023 Eclipse dates! Blessed be…. 

Be prepared! See the entire Pisces Newsletter! Contents:

Pisces Full & New Moons!   
      February 19/20 New Super Moon!
      Sunday Pacific time Feb 19 at 1 Pisces 22, 11:06 PM Pacific! 
      Monday Eastern time Feb 20, Presidents’ Day, at 2:06 AM!

      March 7 Virgo-Pisces Full Worm Moon!
Saturn in Pisces, the Work of the Soul, Dharma! March 7!   
Jupiter in Aries Conjunct Chiron Once March 11!
Retrograde Cycles Finishing! Adjust the Final touches!
      Mercury retrograde CYCLE ended Feb 7, 2023
      Mars retrograde CYCLE ends March 16, 2023 
Pluto in AQUARIUS 2023 to 2044 starts March 23!
      SEE the FIVE planets in ARIES, Double Aries Sun and Moon Chart! 

Blessed be in ’23! Review the New Year Astrology Chart! 

2023 Vibrational Astrology ConferenceTreat yourself! Put this great event on your calendar now! 
All of you are invited to the 5th Vibrational Astrology Conference on March 3 to 5, 2023 in Gainesville, FL!!! This is an in-person event sponsored by Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Software.

2 Hour Annual Reading, $196, a life changing value!

Comparison Reading $296 for 2 hours. Appointments as possible at your convenience, email Cerena@AstroLogicalNow.com

For Birthdays, or anytime needed!



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